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Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1904-09-23 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 15. · c THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS KY...

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c THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS KY SEPTEMBER 23 1904 t n tT r J 0 VEX BOURBOH JIIWVS- LBKHOX IM fttMJIKIB IVEIY TVIIMY AKI WHAT mrrrr CHAMP BMTO AV owm Y AB 9 I Bex HOMTXS FATABLM ADVAKOT JhitereA At tto Pull Ky JOlt M eooHdolaw mail natter blislied 188 18 Yewr Continuous Publication adT rtiseme t 100 Inefc r first time 60 oenti per Mcb teeqnient innrtion notices 10 oeatf each reading notices im type 90 line each inne of thanks calls OK candidates A similar matter 10 oents per lime feoial rates for lOt f JIf I pet diug per tI per bl IS tOO Th I line e SB Bl M VJ RMDnyEa Fast Scheduled Trains TO ST LOUIS 3 OF THEM AND ALL DAILY No Additional Charge FOi 3BPERB SERVICE AND QUICK TIME RLSOANT COACHBS Pullman Room Observation Per TfaM of Trtia er vtj IstenaitteB CfB o eatrest ticket tgeot or MCCARTY General Ptuunger A putt CINCINNATI O WILLIAMS BROS BROADWAY AND VINE STREST 1 Square from L N Depot LEXINGTON KY ZInc Old Harlem Club Whisky Wines Cigars and Tobaccos OSTEOPATH Oic AND RKSIDKKCS 177 N BWA Lexington Kentucky PnnkfortfiCiQcinnatiKiiliaj TIMB CARD Df EFFECT JANUARY U MOi iO 8 60 LT FfMkfort A 0i 68 Summit 11704 Elkhorn Switzer M723 iU SUNDAY Aril 7 U 17 T 1 11 11 7 C 11 01 8 Duy ll John n 1 10 lOtOS Connects at Qorg towm Unlom Depot Witk- 4Etonneete at Paris U tom Depet with K tucky Central at Frankfort Unlom wltk U VIA rtEOBQKTOWK MAM AM p 00 iSOLr Frankfort Aril 25 7 21 85 7 47 LT Georgetown Ar 1080 I 9 10 15 LT 880 4 M WEEN FRANKFORT OINOINNA VIA PARIS OOjIiY Lr 00 Ar Frankfort Gorj tmrm Cincinnati Ar 7 2i- Ar 8 28 KEKTUCKY CENTSAL K X POINTS rasefort I7p 7 45 A j 880aA Paris L0 S42j 2aA L 708 lip A L SiSaJm A Oynthiana L 5 90pl25ipA L 720el B HAJUWX s B HUTTOK Priw and Gcul SupL G 3P A CHESAPEAKE OHIO BY m IFFXCT JULY 2T haL terlU I 11 learn 4tpm S 12am JOopa 7 OamI m Say other braint nut ialbf ati w call o 81u Can lat p Coax Fine 311 t r UJB LOCAl tQ il 8 U u u 111 12 u It 10 68 8q 728 U 10 f1 5 1 U 10 47 Geo etown u 8 6 31 7 55 II trio t 8i rt lUll U 8 17 Ie 8 Zl Par1a II 313 SI V tV9M64 nn oa Depot 4kN TAB I t ape br aU1Mm 1157am9 lspm tU Iiterl 1225pm I pm t- MkID I lpna CIOa1n 7 York n lhIa 9 ouxn t i d W1IteklTa 4 2Jaa D It IOh1l1 A rime II t rma sally gla 1Hpen otIN rrat Car LlL 0 W J1W r T Parlor oa mck MIDLAND OEU ii zirx z S3 4 7 4d 745 Liaw fi b416 1 I e 9 4J 1 ir 1 I I I t tip i I I Lvl I- t J i bOa Ia A U 2a 7 201 eoretou L OOa I I I I TIME zAara I p S 8 12am I 68a4ao 9 a t S l5m- w I 41I ni Thins iitrked titme csp4 I I bMwa ayjfl i Yck with rrMZi I L ci4- gqt L4IrK7i I r = > > = Capt English of Indianapolis Elected CojnmaiiderinCliief Milwaukee Wis Was Selected as thf Next Meeting Place the Pate to Be Set Later The La dies Auxiliary St Louis Sept the national convention of United Spanish War Veterans Monday night the following officers were elected Commanderinchief CaptW lish Indianapolis senior vice com mander Gen G M Moulton Chicago junior vice commander H L Warreii Bay City Mich judge advocate gen eral Capt W J Schroeder Cincin nati surgeon general J D Howell Buffalo chaplaihinchief Rev W H I Ramey New York The following telegram was sent to President Roosevelt Hon Theodore Roosevelt rresi dent of the United States Oyster Bay N Y Your comrades of the United Spanish War Veterans in national assembled have just received the reading of your highly appreciated letter with enthusiastic of approval and have directed me to extend to you their most frater nal sincere and affectionate greetings Signed William E English Before concluding the session short ly after midnight Milwaukee was lected as the next meeting place The date will be set later Adjournment was taken to the Indiana state build ing where some unfinished business was taken care of The Ladies Auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans Monday held a meetingin the Hall of Congresses Na tional President Miss Alexander of Cleveland delivered the address of welcome which was responded to by Mrs Brazier of Boston afte which the routine business was transacted i THE POST SCHOOLS No Great Public Advantage ls Derived From Them Washington Sept Gen John C Bates U S A commanding the northern division in his annual to the war department says that The experience 01 many years is that no great public advantage is derived from the post schools for enlisted men and that they should be conducted as night schools with permission for any soldier to attend who so desires Gen Bates urges serious consideration of the question of desertions vhich con tinue to be quite numerous The general says that inspection of different colleges universities and oth er institutions of learning within the limits of the division where an officer of the army has been detailed by the war department for duty shows that the amount of military instructions given in the various institutions greatly as does the military disci pline imposed on the student Gen Bates says that the officials at each of these schools should be given to un derstand that the detail of an officer for duty there will be continued where inspections show that time and attention are given to mili tary instruction to insure substantial results VETERANS FATAL FIGHT v Frederick J Kingly Fatally Stabbed Capt A C Pau Newport News Va Sept lowing a difficulty over the refusal of the captain to issue af pass giving him leave to absent himself from the grounds Frederick J Kingly 72 an inmate of the national soldiers home at Hampton fatally stabbed Capt Au gustus C Paul 66 the commander of his company in the latters office night Capt Paul was the son of Gen Paul who was killed at the battle of Gettysburg Kingly was a minstrel performer of some note before and after the civil war He Is a prisoner In the guard house at Fortress Monroe CLAIMS SELFDEFENSE A Student Killed By a Judge St Louis St Louis Sept standing in front of the St Louts university law school building where he was o student Fred T Scheet of Belleviift Ill was shot and mortally wounded Monday He died in an ambulance on the way to the city dispensary The shooting was the result of a quarrel in front of a registration booth C J Beck one of the registration judges who arrested by the police firing his revolver but claim selfdefense Valuable Show Horse Dead Scituate Mass Sept 20 Glorious Flying Cloud Lawsons show horse is deadVTli end came very suddenly and the veterinary are to state the cause Lawsonvpald 12000 horse In the Hands of a Receiver Chicago Sept 20 The Western Supply Co 18 West Randolph street of the largest farm implement firms in the middle west was placed in the hands of a receiver Mon day by Judge Kohlsaat in the United States court Will Camp On Exposition Grounds Detroit Mich Sept 20 in their red coats and white helmets the 21st Fusiliers left this city for Chicago where they will take the Illi nois Central for StLbuis nrlll camD on the zDOsitibn CTOucdfe WAR VETS 20At EEng demonstra- tions Com- mander inChief set 20Maj va- ries sufficIent 20Fol Mon- day Registration 20While ad- mits Thomas sur- geons forthe one job- bing Gay J31ss 0 PANISH con- vention re- port r was W ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BATTLE WITH HOLDUP MEN Two Itaiiarls Killed and One Wounded Near Chicago Chicago Sept men wero tilled and another shot and Seriously Injured in a battle with holdup men at Riverdale a small town on the Illinois Central railroad 15 miles south of Chicago Monday night Lath Monday night two robbers broke Into the section house which was occupied by several Italian laborers and the railroad men who hud retired for the night when ordered to produce what money they had in their possession instead of complying with the demand the Italians rushed on the robbers and tried to overpower them In the fight that followed revolvers and knives were used with the result that two of the Italians were killed and another severely injured Seeing that they were getting the worst of the fight the occupants of the section house fled from the place and left the rob bers in full possession The robbers then searched the place and secured 485 set fire to the shanty and in the darkness When other employes of the railroad reached the place the building was in flames The three men who had been shot were lying on the floor but the fire had not reached them The police so fax have been unable to learn the names of the two men who were murdered Vincenzos Bruno the man who was injured was unconscious when found and could not be revived sufficietly to give the names of his dead compan ions ANNUAL CONVENTION International Union of Carriage and X Wagon Workers Meet Cincinnati Sept seventh annual convention of the Carriage and Wagon Workers International union opened with a large attendance After Secretary P J Mulligan called the delegates to order addresses of welcome were made by the mayor and representatives of local unions with responses Hubert S Marshall and Frank L lUst representing the Central Council and the American Federation of Labor respectively ad dressed the convention The conven tion continues all week The sessions Monday were devoted to reports from the committees mostly that of J WOMAN SHOT TO DEATH One of Her Two Sons Is Alleged to Be Guilty of the Crime Bristol Va Sept 20 Mrs Minerva Greear a widow 50 years of age been shot to death by one of her sons at her home near Fort Blackman in Scott county Va Of her two sons Robert and Grover it is not known which fired the shot which ended the womans life as each declare the other guilty of the murder It is said Che boys were drinking and in a room that occupied by their mother firing their pistols when she entered and asked them to stop One turned his pistol on his mother and sent a ball into her heart causing her death in stantly An investigation is being held THE SEIZURE OF FLOUR Russian Government Will Pay the Claims of Portland Shippers Ore Sept 20 Advices have been received from a San firm of underwriters that the Russian government will pay all claims of Portland shippers arising from the seizure of flour on the Ger man steamer Arabia by the squadron Local shippers are preparing statements of their losses together with complete data relative to the shipments Bagged By Millionaires Butte Mont Sept 20 Albert and Richard Loeber Indianapolis million aires have just returned from a ven turesome automobile trip through a wild section of the Clearwater coun try They bagged six elks and one of the largest beers on record Calf Bite Fatal Garrni Ill Sept S died as a result of a calf bite He was milking a cow a few days ago when the calf bit one of his fingers Blood poison set in and despite the efforts of the best physicians the jnan died Thomas E Waggaman Resigns Washington Sept E Waggaman has resigned his as treasurer and a member of the board of trustees of the Catholic uni versity The resignation was in response to a request from Car dinal Gibbons War Ships at San Francisco jSan Francisco Sept 20 Unit ed States war ships New York flag ship of the Pacific squadron the pro cruiser Boston gunboat Bennington and the collier Nero are outside the harbor kv Sell Surplus Land sj Washington Sept 20 The commis sioner of the general land office Mon day announced that beginning Ooto bfer 3 at Crookston Minn a public sale will be conducted of 160000 acres of surplus lands of the Red Lake reservation Iroquois Theater Reopens Chicago Sept Iroquois the iter where nearly 600 persons 4were Burned to death last December was eopened Monday night as a vaudeville The theater has been r at a cost of yearly 100000 r r n 20Two other es aped 20The Mon- day has o Portland Fran- c co Vladivo- stok 20T Ander- s n 20Thomas position tender- ed The cted th To In- dian 20The plaYhouse fitted I creden- tials t ad- joining ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ Society of Army of the Cumber laud Met at Indianapolis Chattanooga was Chosen As the Meeting Place of the and Changed to Middle of October Indianapolis Ind Sept 21 To the shrill bugle notes of Assembly which 40 years ago was stirring music upon the battlefield the gray haired of the civil war on whose mem ory are graven awful pictures of battle and carnage and in whose linger the roll of musketry and the roar of cannon assembled in the Claypool au ditorium Tuesday night for the public exercises which marked the closing of the first days session of the 35th an nual reunion of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland Deafening cheers greeted Gen Wil mon W Blackmar commanderinchief of the G A R as he entered the hall at the head of a column of old in their uniforms of blue Judge Daniel W Howe welcomed the visitors Gen John T Wilder of Knoxville Tenn who during the bloody campaigns of the Cumberland army commanded the famous Wilder brigade responded Following the response Gen Boyn ton read letters from President Whitelaw Reid and Judge Alton B Parker For the first time in the history of the society a private Orlando A Som ers of Kokomo Ind delivered the annual oration The Grand Army of the Republic the subject of an address by Gen Blackmar elicited great applause The exercises closed with the of the Star Spangled Banner and as the trumpeter blew the solemn Taps the members collected in little groups to renew old friendships and recount tales The committee on selection for time and place for annual meetings report ed unanimously the selection of Chat tanooga as the permanent meeting place of the society The time of an nual meetings was changed to the middla of October The nominating committee made its report during the afternoon session The following were chosen President Gen Henry Boynton of Washington D C corresponding sec retary Maj John Tweedale U S A Washington D C recording Col John W Steele Oberlin 0 treasurer Gen Frank G Smith U S A historian Col G C Kniffin committee Gen James Barnett Cleveland chairman Gen C H Gros venor Gen J G Parkhurst Capt H P Chamberlain Capt J W Folwy Private Orlando A Somers Gen Smith D T Atkins Maj J M Far Advice president for each state was selected among them being Gen Jas Barnett of Ohio Col C E Briant of Indiana and Capt John Speed of Ken tucky THE PHILIPPINES FORESTS Americans Are Making Arrangements to Utilize Them Washington Sept insular bureau is infomed that as a result of the personal inspection by American business men of the resources of the Philippines in forestry and agricult ure as displayed in the exhibit at St Louis several large promotion schemes are on hand touching both railway and agricultural interests One large firm in Toledo 0 which for years has been a heavy importer of Philippine copra has already made to transfer its entire plant to the Philippines making up its gocQs from the raw materials collected in the islands STRANGE GAME OF CARDS Chas E Staked His Life Against the Lost Sedalia Mo Sept E Bliss alias Barlowe 26 a painter from Peru Ind where his father is a Day Adventist committed sui cide by swallowing carbolic acid At the coroners inquest Tuesday a testified that an hour before the suicide she and Bliss played a game of cards the stake being his life against hers and Bliss lost Big Liabilities and Small Assets Boston Sept 21 Owing over a dollars and with assets of 1200 William B Smith Whaley the supporter of Several cotton man enterprises in the south filed a voluntary petition in bank ruptcy The BollWeevil Eating Ants Washington Sept secnv tary of Agriculture has approved the plan for further studies of the kelep the bollweevil eating ant Preparations are being made for the colonies in Texas Nominated For Governor Trenton N J Sept 21 rln a state convention that was both enthusiastic and harmonious the republicans of New Jersey Tuesday nominated for mer State Senator E C Stokes of Cumberland county for the governor ship Found Dead at His Desk Albany N Y Sept 21 Former Su Justice William L Learned for years the presiding justice of the term for the Third judicial trjct was found dead Tuesday at desk in his law office 11N Per- manent So- ciety Date veter- ans com- rades sing- ing off- icers secre- tary execu- tive q1 r I j i 21The ar- rangements Bliss 21Charles Sev- enth wom- an mil- lion finan- cial ufa turing 21The estab- lishing II rem t ANNUALREUNION1 ears Roose- velt gen- eral 11s his q ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GEN CORBINS REPORT He Recommends theReE tabIlshment of the Canteen Washington Sept annual report of Maj Gen Henry C Corbin to the secretary of war was made Tuesday In his report he favors the reestablishment of the canteen and recommends the enlistment of col ored men in the artillery or their transfer to that corps from the colored cavalry and inafntry and strongly ad vacates the increase of the coast artil lery by at least onhalf and the of the pay of tile noncommission ed officers and of such privates In the corps as have shown themselves fled as expert artillerists He favors the encouragement in every possible way of small arms both in the regular establishment and the national guard and favors the detail of the best army experts in rifle practice for instruction of target asso ciations outside the service Gen Oorbin calls attention to the very unsatisfactory condition of the accessories and surroundings of the Statue of Liberty in New York bar bor and strongly urges an for Fort Hamilton N Y and Fort Warren Mass citing particularly the wretched condition at the former It is recommended that the offices in the military secretarys de partment of the army be transferred to the general staff A NEW ANAESTHETIC It Promises to Revolutionize the Prac tice of Dentistry V Washington Sept three years of patient research two profes sors of Geneva have dis covered a new anaesthetic which promises to revolutionize the practice of dentistry In reporting this to the state department Consul Liefeld at Freiberg Germany states that finding that the nervous system was influenc ed by colored light the professors soon perceived after experimenting with each hua that blue bad an extra ordinary soothing effect on the nerves The that a tooth may be painlessly extracted with none of the after effects on the system by shut ting up the patient in a dark room and exposing his eyes to a blue light of 16 candle power for three minutes causing him to all sense of pain although at the same time retaining his senses 21The pub- lic rais- Ing qua prac- tice approprIa- tion re- maining t 21After Switzerland c nsu says los j ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE ODD FELLOWS The Sovereign Grand Lodge Elects Of ficers For Ensuing Terni i San Francisco Sept 21 The fol lowing officers t were elected by the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Grand sire Robert E Wright of Allentown Pa promoted from the office of deputy grand sire by unani deputy grand sire E S Con way of Chicago chosen on the second ballot by a vote of 108 to 89 for John T Nolan of Nashville Tenn grand scribe J Frank Grant of Baltimore reflected without opposi tion grand treasurer M Richard Muckle of Philadelphia reelected no oppositionAfter election of officers it was decided by unanimous vote that Grand Sireelect Wright who is in feeble health might be Installed in office at his home in Allentown Pa OLYMPIC ARCHERY Archers From All Parts of the Country Are at St Louis St Louis Sept Olympic archery championship opened at the Worlds fair stadium Tuesday Arch ers from all parts of the country are present The results of Tuesdays shooting for the first three men fol lows Phil Bryant hits 176 score 1048 Robert Williams hits 169 score 991 W A Thompson Washington hits 167 score 921 In the ladies Am erican doubles Mrs M C Howell Cin cinnati won by a score of 867 Mrs H C Pollock Cincinnati 630 second Mrs C S Woodruff Cincin nati 547 points third THE POSTAL SERVICE Innovation Made In Mail Matter of the Third and Fourth Class Washington Sept an or der signed by the postmaster general Tuesday an innovation was made in postal service by which identical pieces of mail matter of the third and fourth class may be mailed without postage stamps affixed thereto Con gress during the last session made pro vision for the transmission in the mails of quantities of not less than 2000 identical pieces of this character of mail and the present order is in pursuance of that act Oldest Confederate Veteran Dead St Louis Sept 21 George Wash ington Bradley 97 years old said to have been the oldest confederate died here Tuesday while on visit the Worlds fair Mr Bradley lived in Houston Tex The Time Extended Washington Sept 21 The of war has authorized the exten sion from 18 months to two years of the period of time for the presentation of claims for drawback on export on hemp paid by American manu facturers and importers American Evangelists In England Bolton Eng Sept 21 The attend ance mission here of the Amer lean evangelists Reuben A Tprrey C M Alexander has been unpre cedented On Saturday and Sunday 27000 attended the mietihl Fel- lows 21The 21Under lh f q vet- eran a to 3the tnd perioD mdus vote poInts secre- tary du- ties ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < > rpapineat Tpka Writes to amcy Mrs 0 B Bumgardner a local officer Q1RJY A 1h Doa Pilisfor It A QUICKE ibj of the Rebeccas of Topeka Kans Boom 10 812 Kansas Ave writes I used Doan s Kidney Pills during the past year for kidney trouble and kindred was suffering from pains in the back and headaches but found after the use of one box of the remedy that the troubles that before I had finished a second package I was well I therefore heartily en dorse your remedy J U ailments- I grad allydisappeared- so ¬ Signed Mrs C E Bumgardner A FREE Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents TRIALAddress BEST BY TEST I have tried all kinds of waterproof clothing and have never found anything at any price te with your Fish Brand for protection from all kinds of The name and address of the writer of this unsolicited letter may tie had upon Application A J TOWER CO The Sign of the Fish I cOmpare Weather > Boston TOWER CANADIAN CO LIMITED Toronto Canada USA Makers of Warranted Wet Weather Clothing 361 Oil to Lay Dust a mixture of the heavy oils of tar emulsified by isj added to ten or 20 times its volume and applied to roads by an ordi nary watering cart three or four con secutive applications giving a permaj nent laying of the dust It seems less slippery than tar or tar oil and may be applied without waiting for the road to become perfectly dry Itisgaitf ing in favor in France and to test it thoroughly half of one Paris avenue is treated with it aifd the other half with tar Had Limitations On ascertain building job some years ago the contractor who was politician in a hodcarrying machine and dis charged themeri who had peen doing that work A hod carrier who had been thrown out of employment by the change came around a couple of days after to see how the new apparatus worked He watched it for awhile in silence and finally exclaimed Yere all roight Yere aa1 roight but ye cant vote Philadelphia Public Ledger Graduated and Wed in Six Hours The transformation from a sweet girl graduate to a blushing bride was a mat ter of only six hours for Miss Mary Grass of Trinidad Col She received her diploma from St Marys school in Knoxville at noon June 8 and at of the school Her classmates were her bridesmaids Omaha Bee Black Sea Wrecks There is no part of the world wbJcH has such a sinister record for wrecks as the Black sea A number in some years has averaged more than a day the greatest number of wrecks re corded In one year being 425 and the smallest 134 About 50 per cent of these vessels became total wrecks all the crews being lost CHANGE FOOD Some Very Pine Results Follow The wrong kind of food will put the body in such a diseased condition that no medicines will cure it There is no way but to change food A man in Mo says For 2 years I was troubled so with my nerves that sometimes I was pros trated and could hardly ever get in a month at my work except by fits and starts and always had distressing pains I was quite certain the trouble came from my stomach but two physicians could not help me and all the tonics foodWhen learned what might be expected from leaving off meat and food t had been living on I that a change to GrapeNuts be Just what was required so I went to eat ing it From the start I got stronger and better until T was well again and from I havent used a bit of for I havent needed any 1 am so much better in every way sleep soundly nowadays and am free from the bad dreams Indeed this food has made such a great change In me that my wife and daughter have taken it up and we are never without frequently have nothing else at all but a saucer of GrapeNuts and cream for breakfast or supper Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Good food and good rest These the tonics that succeed where all the bottled tonics and drugs fail Ten days trial of GrapeNuts will show one the road to health andi vigor Theres Look In each pkg for the faraoiw lit tit hook to Wellfill W strumite ammonia of Water IlL BertramRhodes bne wouldthrob L theregular f lt would thattime medi- cine nowadaysIt a reason The Road 5 lull are stiength J > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬
Page 1: Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1904-09-23 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 15. · c THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS KY SEPTEMBER 23 1904 t n tT r J 0 VEX BOURBOH JIIWVS- LBKHOX IM fttMJIKIB IVEIY TVIIMY AKI



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Capt English of IndianapolisElected CojnmaiiderinCliief

Milwaukee Wis Was Selected as thfNext Meeting Place the Pate to

Be Set Later The Ladies Auxiliary

St Louis Sept the nationalconvention of United Spanish WarVeterans Monday night the followingofficers were elected

Commanderinchief CaptWlish Indianapolis senior vice commander Gen G M Moulton Chicagojunior vice commander H L WarreiiBay City Mich judge advocate general Capt W J Schroeder Cincinnati surgeon general J D HowellBuffalo chaplaihinchief Rev W HI Ramey New York

The following telegram was sent toPresident Roosevelt

Hon Theodore Roosevelt rresident of the United States Oyster BayN Y Your comrades of the UnitedSpanish War Veterans in national

assembled have just receivedthe reading of your highly appreciatedletter with enthusiastic

of approval and have directedme to extend to you their most fraternal sincere and affectionate greetingsSigned William E English

Before concluding the session shortly after midnight Milwaukee waslected as the next meeting place Thedate will be set later Adjournmentwas taken to the Indiana state building where some unfinished businesswas taken care of

The Ladies Auxiliary of the UnitedSpanish War Veterans Monday held ameetingin the Hall of Congresses National President Miss Alexander ofCleveland delivered the address ofwelcome which was responded to byMrs Brazier of Boston afte whichthe routine business was transacted


No Great Public Advantage ls DerivedFrom Them

Washington Sept GenJohn C Bates U S A commandingthe northern division in his annual

to the war department says thatThe experience 01 many years is thatno great public advantage is derivedfrom the post schools for enlisted menand that they should be conducted asnight schools with permission for anysoldier to attend who so desires GenBates urges serious consideration ofthe question of desertions vhich continue to be quite numerous

The general says that inspection ofdifferent colleges universities and other institutions of learning within thelimits of the division where an officerof the army has been detailed by thewar department for duty shows thatthe amount of military instructionsgiven in the various institutions

greatly as does the military discipline imposed on the student GenBates says that the officials at each ofthese schools should be given to understand that the detail of an officerfor duty there will be continuedwhere inspections show thattime and attention are given to military instruction to insure substantialresults


Frederick J Kingly Fatally StabbedCapt A C Pau

Newport News Va Septlowing a difficulty over the refusal ofthe captain to issue af pass giving himleave to absent himself from thegrounds Frederick J Kingly 72 aninmate of the national soldiers homeat Hampton fatally stabbed Capt Augustus C Paul 66 the commander ofhis company in the latters office

night Capt Paul was the son ofGen Paul who was killed at the battleof Gettysburg Kingly was a minstrelperformer of some note before andafter the civil war He Is a prisonerIn the guard house at Fortress Monroe


A Student Killed By aJudge St Louis

St Louis Sept standingin front of the St Louts universitylaw school building where he was ostudent Fred T Scheet of BelleviiftIll was shot and mortally woundedMonday He died in an ambulance onthe way to the city dispensary Theshooting was the result of a quarrel infront of a registration booth C JBeck one of the registration judgeswho arrested by the police

firing his revolver but claimselfdefense

Valuable Show Horse DeadScituate Mass Sept 20 Glorious

Flying Cloud Lawsonsshow horse is deadVTli end camevery suddenly and the veterinary

are to state the causeLawsonvpald 12000 horse

In the Hands of a ReceiverChicago Sept 20 The Western

Supply Co 18 West Randolph streetof the largest farm implement

firms in the middle west wasplaced in the hands of a receiver Monday by Judge Kohlsaat in the UnitedStates court

Will Camp On Exposition GroundsDetroit Mich Sept 20 in

their red coats and white helmets the21st Fusiliers left this city forChicago where they will take the Illinois Central for StLbuis nrlllcamD on the zDOsitibn CTOucdfe





Com-mander inChief













one job-bing




















Two Itaiiarls Killed and One WoundedNear Chicago

Chicago Sept men werotilled and another shot and SeriouslyInjured in a battle with holdup menat Riverdale a small town on theIllinois Central railroad 15 milessouth of Chicago Monday night LathMonday night two robbers broke Intothe section house which was occupiedby several Italian laborers and therailroad men who hud retired for thenight when ordered to produce whatmoney they had in their possessioninstead of complying with the demandthe Italians rushed on the robbers andtried to overpower them In the fightthat followed revolvers and kniveswere used with the result that two ofthe Italians were killed and anotherseverely injured Seeing that theywere getting the worst of the fight the

occupants of the section housefled from the place and left the robbers in full possession

The robbers then searched the placeand secured 485 set fire to the shantyand in the darkness Whenother employes of the railroad reachedthe place the building was in flamesThe three men who had been shotwere lying on the floor but the fire hadnot reached them The police so faxhave been unable to learn the namesof the two men who were murderedVincenzos Bruno the man who wasinjured was unconscious when foundand could not be revived sufficietly togive the names of his dead companions


International Union of Carriage andX Wagon Workers Meet

Cincinnati Sept seventhannual convention of the Carriage andWagon Workers International unionopened with a large attendance

After Secretary P J Mulligancalled the delegates to order addressesof welcome were made by the mayorand representatives of local unionswith responses Hubert S Marshalland Frank L lUst representing theCentral Council and the AmericanFederation of Labor respectively addressed the convention The convention continues all week The sessionsMonday were devoted to reports fromthe committees mostly that of


One of Her Two Sons Is Alleged to BeGuilty of the Crime

Bristol Va Sept 20 Mrs MinervaGreear a widow 50 years of agebeen shot to death by one of her sonsat her home near Fort Blackman inScott county Va Of her two sonsRobert and Grover it is not knownwhich fired the shot which ended thewomans life as each declare the otherguilty of the murder It is said Cheboys were drinking and in a room

that occupied by their motherfiring their pistols when she enteredand asked them to stop One turnedhis pistol on his mother and sent a ballinto her heart causing her death instantly An investigation is beingheld


Russian Government Will Pay theClaims of Portland Shippers

Ore Sept 20 Adviceshave been received from a San

firm of underwriters that theRussian government will pay allclaims of Portland shippers arisingfrom the seizure of flour on the German steamer Arabia by the

squadron Local shippers arepreparing statements of their lossestogether with complete data relativeto the shipments

Bagged By MillionairesButte Mont Sept 20 Albert and

Richard Loeber Indianapolis millionaires have just returned from a venturesome automobile trip through awild section of the Clearwater country They bagged six elks and one ofthe largest beers on record

Calf Bite FatalGarrni Ill Sept S

died as a result of a calf bite Hewas milking a cow a few days agowhen the calf bit one of his fingersBlood poison set in and despite theefforts of the best physicians the jnandied

Thomas E Waggaman ResignsWashington Sept E

Waggaman has resigned hisas treasurer and a member of theboard of trustees of the Catholic university The resignation was

in response to a request from Cardinal Gibbons

War Ships at San FranciscojSan Francisco Sept 20 United States war ships New York flagship of the Pacific squadron the pro

cruiser Boston gunboatBennington and the collier Nero areoutside the harbor

kv Sell Surplus Landsj Washington Sept 20 The commissioner of the general land office Monday announced that beginning Ootobfer 3 at Crookston Minn a publicsale will be conducted of 160000 acresof surplus lands of the Red Lake


Iroquois Theater ReopensChicago Sept Iroquois the

iter where nearly 600 persons 4wereBurned to death last December was

eopened Monday night as a vaudevilleThe theater has been r

at a cost of yearly 100000





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Society of Army of the Cumberlaud Met at Indianapolis

Chattanooga was Chosen As theMeeting Place of theand Changed to

Middle of October

Indianapolis Ind Sept 21 To theshrill bugle notes of Assembly which40 years ago was stirring music uponthe battlefield the gray haired

of the civil war on whose memory are graven awful pictures of battleand carnage and in whose lingerthe roll of musketry and the roar ofcannon assembled in the Claypool auditorium Tuesday night for the publicexercises which marked the closing ofthe first days session of the 35th annual reunion of the Society of theArmy of the Cumberland

Deafening cheers greeted Gen Wilmon W Blackmar commanderinchiefof the G A R as he entered the hallat the head of a column of old

in their uniforms of blueJudge Daniel W Howe welcomed

the visitors Gen John T Wilder ofKnoxville Tenn who during thebloody campaigns of the Cumberlandarmy commanded the famous Wilderbrigade responded

Following the response Gen Boynton read letters from President

Whitelaw Reid and Judge AltonB Parker

For the first time in the history ofthe society a private Orlando A Somers of Kokomo Ind delivered theannual oration

The Grand Army of the Republicthe subject of an address by GenBlackmar elicited great applause

The exercises closed with theof the Star Spangled Banner

and as the trumpeter blew the solemnTaps the members collected in little

groups to renew old friendships andrecount tales

The committee on selection for timeand place for annual meetings reported unanimously the selection of Chattanooga as the permanent meetingplace of the society The time of annual meetings was changed to themiddla of October The nominatingcommittee made its report during theafternoon session The following

were chosenPresident Gen Henry Boynton of

Washington D C corresponding secretary Maj John Tweedale U S AWashington D C recording

Col John W Steele Oberlin 0treasurer Gen Frank G Smith U SA historian Col G C Kniffin

committee Gen James BarnettCleveland chairman Gen C H Grosvenor Gen J G Parkhurst Capt HP Chamberlain Capt J W FolwyPrivate Orlando A Somers GenSmith D T Atkins Maj J M Far

Advice president for each state wasselected among them being Gen JasBarnett of Ohio Col C E Briant ofIndiana and Capt John Speed of Kentucky


Americans Are Making Arrangementsto Utilize Them

Washington Sept insularbureau is infomed that as a result ofthe personal inspection by Americanbusiness men of the resources of thePhilippines in forestry and agriculture as displayed in the exhibit at StLouis several large promotionschemes are on hand touching bothrailway and agricultural interestsOne large firm in Toledo 0 which foryears has been a heavy importer ofPhilippine copra has already made

to transfer its entire plantto the Philippines making up itsgocQs from the raw materials collectedin the islands


Chas E Staked His Life Againstthe Lost

Sedalia Mo Sept EBliss alias Barlowe 26 a painter fromPeru Ind where his father is a

Day Adventist committed suicide by swallowing carbolic acid Atthe coroners inquest Tuesday a

testified that an hour before thesuicide she and Bliss played a gameof cards the stake being his lifeagainst hers and Bliss lost

Big Liabilities and Small AssetsBoston Sept 21 Owing over a

dollars and with assets of 1200William B Smith Whaley the

supporter of Several cotton manenterprises in the south

filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy

The BollWeevil Eating AntsWashington Sept secnv

tary of Agriculture has approved theplan for further studies of thekelep the bollweevil eating antPreparations are being made for

the colonies in TexasNominated For Governor

Trenton N J Sept 21 rln a stateconvention that was both enthusiasticand harmonious the republicans ofNew Jersey Tuesday nominated former State Senator E C Stokes ofCumberland county for the governorship

Found Dead at His DeskAlbany N Y Sept 21 Former Su

Justice William L Learned foryears the presiding justice of the

term for the Third judicialtrjct was found dead Tuesday atdesk in his law office


Per-manent So-

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He Recommends theReE tabIlshmentof the Canteen

Washington Sept annualreport of Maj Gen Henry C Corbinto the secretary of war was made

Tuesday In his report he favorsthe reestablishment of the canteenand recommends the enlistment of colored men in the artillery or theirtransfer to that corps from the coloredcavalry and inafntry and strongly advacates the increase of the coast artillery by at least onhalf and the

of the pay of tile noncommissioned officers and of such privates In thecorps as have shown themselvesfled as expert artillerists

He favors the encouragement inevery possible way of small arms

both in the regular establishmentand the national guard and favors thedetail of the best army experts in riflepractice for instruction of target associations outside the service

Gen Oorbin calls attention to thevery unsatisfactory condition of the

accessories and surroundings of theStatue of Liberty in New York barbor and strongly urges an

for Fort Hamilton N Y andFort Warren Mass citing particularlythe wretched condition at the formerIt is recommended that the offices

in the military secretarys department of the army be transferred tothe general staff


It Promises to Revolutionize the Practice of Dentistry

VWashington Sept three

years of patient research two professors of Geneva have discovered a new anaesthetic whichpromises to revolutionize the practiceof dentistry In reporting this to thestate department Consul Liefeld atFreiberg Germany states that findingthat the nervous system was influenced by colored light the professorssoon perceived after experimentingwith each hua that blue bad an extraordinary soothing effect on the nervesThe that a tooth may bepainlessly extracted with none of theafter effects on the system by shutting up the patient in a dark roomand exposing his eyes to a blue lightof 16 candle power for three minutescausing him to all sense of painalthough at the same time retaininghis senses











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The Sovereign Grand Lodge Elects Officers For Ensuing Terni i

San Francisco Sept 21 The following officers

twere elected by the

Sovereign Grand Lodge of OddGrand sire Robert E Wright

of Allentown Pa promoted from theoffice of deputy grand sire by unani

deputy grand sire E SConway of Chicago chosen on thesecond ballot by a vote of 108 to 89for John T Nolan of Nashville Tenngrand scribe J Frank Grant ofBaltimore reflected without opposition grand treasurer M RichardMuckle of Philadelphia reelected nooppositionAfter

election of officers it wasdecided by unanimous vote that GrandSireelect Wright who is in feeblehealth might be Installed in office athis home in Allentown Pa


Archers From All Parts of the CountryAre at St Louis

St Louis Sept Olympicarchery championship opened at theWorlds fair stadium Tuesday Archers from all parts of the country arepresent The results of Tuesdaysshooting for the first three men follows Phil Bryant hits 176 score1048 Robert Williams hits 169 score991 W A Thompson Washingtonhits 167 score 921 In the ladies American doubles Mrs M C Howell Cincinnati won by a score of 867 MrsH C Pollock Cincinnati 630second Mrs C S Woodruff Cincinnati 547 points third


Innovation Made In Mail Matter of theThird and Fourth Class

Washington Sept an order signed by the postmaster generalTuesday an innovation was made in

postal service by which identicalpieces of mail matter of the third andfourth class may be mailed withoutpostage stamps affixed thereto Congress during the last session made provision for the transmission in themails of quantities of not less than2000 identical pieces of this characterof mail and the present order is inpursuance of that act

Oldest Confederate Veteran DeadSt Louis Sept 21 George Wash

ington Bradley 97 years old said tohave been the oldest confederate

died here Tuesday while onvisit the Worlds fair Mr Bradleylived in Houston Tex

The Time ExtendedWashington Sept 21 The

of war has authorized the extension from 18 months to two years ofthe period of time for the presentationof claims for drawback on export

on hemp paid by American manufacturers and importers

American Evangelists In EnglandBolton Eng Sept 21 The attend

ance mission here of the Amerlean evangelists Reuben A Tprrey

C M Alexander has been unprecedented On Saturday and Sunday27000 attended the mietihl





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rpapineat TpkaWrites to amcy

Mrs 0 B Bumgardner a local officer



1h DoaPilisfor It



of the Rebeccas ofTopeka Kans Boom10 812 Kansas Avewrites I usedDoan s Kidney Pillsduring the past yearfor kidney troubleand kindred

was suffering frompains in the back andheadaches but foundafter the use of onebox of the remedythat the troubles

that before I hadfinished a secondpackage I was well Itherefore heartily endorse your remedy




grad allydisappeared-so


Signed Mrs C E BumgardnerA FREE Foster

Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For saleby all dealers Price 50 cents


BEST BY TESTI have tried all kinds of waterproof

clothing and have never found anythingat any price te with your FishBrand for protection from all kinds of

The name and address of thewriter of this unsolicited lettermay tie had upon Application

A J TOWER CO The Sign of the Fish








Makers of Warranted Wet Weather Clothing361

Oil to Lay Dusta mixture of the heavy

oils of tar emulsified by isjadded to ten or 20 times its volume

and applied to roads by an ordinary watering cart three or four consecutive applications giving a permajnent laying of the dust It seemsless slippery than tar or tar oil andmay be applied without waiting for theroad to become perfectly dry Itisgaitfing in favor in France and to test itthoroughly half of one Paris avenueis treated with it aifd the other half withtar

Had LimitationsOn ascertain building job some years

ago the contractor who was politicianin a hodcarrying machine and dis

charged themeri who had peen doing thatwork A hod carrier who had beenthrown out of employment by thechange came around a couple of daysafter to see how the new apparatusworked He watched it for awhile insilence and finally exclaimed Yereall roight Yere aa1 roight but yecant vote Philadelphia PublicLedger

Graduated and Wed in Six HoursThe transformation from a sweet girl

graduate to a blushing bride was a matter of only six hours for Miss MaryGrass of Trinidad Col She receivedher diploma from St Marys school inKnoxville at noon June 8 and at

of the school Her classmates were herbridesmaids Omaha Bee

Black Sea WrecksThere is no part of the world wbJcHhas such a sinister record for wrecksas the Black sea A number in someyears has averaged more than a

day the greatest number of wrecks recorded In one year being 425 and thesmallest 134 About 50 per cent of thesevessels became total wrecks all thecrews being lost


Some Very Pine Results Follow

The wrong kind of food will put thebody in such a diseased condition thatno medicines will cure it There is noway but to change food A man in Mosays

For 2 years I was troubled so withmy nerves that sometimes I was prostrated and could hardly ever get in a

month at my work

except by fits and starts and alwayshad distressing pains

I was quite certain the trouble camefrom my stomach but two physicianscould not help me and all the tonics

foodWhenlearned what might be expected fromleaving off meat and foodt had been living on I that achange to GrapeNuts be Justwhat was required so I went to eating it

From the start I got stronger andbetter until T was well again and from

I havent used a bit offor I havent needed any

1 am so much better in every waysleep soundly nowadays and am freefrom the bad dreams Indeed thisfood has made such a great changeIn me that my wife and daughter havetaken it up and we are never without

frequently have nothing else at allbut a saucer of GrapeNuts and creamfor breakfast or supper Name givenby Postum Co Battle Creek Mich

Good food and good rest Thesethe tonics that succeed where all thebottled tonics and drugs fail Tendays trial of GrapeNuts will showone the road to health andivigor Theres

Look In each pkg for the faraoiw littit hook to Wellfill

W strumiteammonia






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