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Hartford herald (Hartford, Ky.). (Hartford, KY) 1904-06...

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In p r HARTFORD HERALD PRANK IFKLlXrro rlelnr tlKIIEK MATTIIEWS Kdltor WEDNESDAY JUNK l u DKMWRATIC enmity convention at Hartford next Saturday Dont I fall to attend TiE numerous tights of I tin college boys at Lexington have glvin Ken ¬ tucky a very bad name r A FELLOW docs not know how ninny people are onto him until he begins to Inquire around and about TnE Republican policy for the com Ing campaign Is said to be stand pat and fry the fat More truth than poetry In that SEVERAL of THK HERALDS sub scribers have tried the new game which we mentioned In these column a few weeks ago Sot enough of them however to create a constant grin STRYCHNINE Is said to be a certain cure for hydrophobia We guess so It Is likely that it would be a certain cure for any disease which allllcts the human family Ifadministered In suf ficlcnt quantity WE never bet on another mans propositionespecially as regards electionsbut from recent talk we actually believe that a fellow named Roosevelt will be the nominee of the Republicans for President MESSRS Bryan and Parker seem to he at present the spokesmen of the Democratic party They say that one talks too much and the other doesnt talk enough Between the two well talk It over among ourselves UPON the first pageof Tilt HERALD today will he found an article on the graduation girl The editor of THE HERALD didnt write it It was found lloatlng about among our ex ¬ changes without an author Rut It contains so much of beautiful diction and Truth th twe wish we could claim It as our own It deserves a place In your scrap book for it Is worth reading and preserving FHOM reading his decisions handed down In the Supreme Court In New York It Is plainly evident that Judge marker Is In favor of organized labor Ills views give working men the right to organize for the purpose of securing higher wages or shorter hours of labor This should be re ¬ membered In his favor by those who may think Judge Parker the friend only of the alllncnt and the aristo ¬ critic d WE wish to impress upon the Dem- ocrats of Ohio county the importance of attending the convention which will be held at Hartford next Satur ¬ day This Is for the purpose of select Ing delegates to attend the Democrat ¬ ic State Convention at Louisville next Thursday Every Democrat who can possibly do so should attend Titus being Presidential year the work of these conventions will be to assist In naming Democracy candidate for President The Democrats have not In late years had so good a change to elect a President and the opportunity should not be lost Remember the occasion and be on hand THE presence of the negro In the Grand Army Post is creating consid ¬ erable bitterness and dissatisfaction In Kentucky The fact I Is the He publicans of Kentucky who coast tute the major portion of all Grand Army Posts have little use for the negro socially or any other way ex ¬ cept they love to see him vote their ticket on election day It seems to take the negro a long while to find It out but he will perhaps some day come to that point of political inde ¬ pendence and thoughtful discernment which will endow him with a full knowledge of his true standing upon all lines which pertain to his race and personality IT seems that W S laylor Mils lli Connie odious to even some of the mni partisan Republicans of Indiana A committee of time Ii A I It Post at Kokomo invited him to be present as- a speaker on Memorial Day but a knowledge of his coming created much discord and criticism of the Committees action The Kentucky fugitive heard of this illssatisfaction among his political brethren and wisely declined the invitation It is becoming the general opinion that the only way Taylor can make him self right before the people of Indiana is to subunit hlll elf to time juris diction of the 1 Kentucky courts and stand trial on the charge made against him In connection with the murder of Governor Goebol1 fartIoumncratsduring cal campaign than the tariff A pro tective tarilt Is the biggest Irafl that the American people ever Imd foisted upon them It is the mother oft trusts and the twin child of corrup tilt and extravagance The fact that people living In foreign countries can have American manufactured goods laid down at their doors cheap er than an American can buy them In this country is a strung illus tratlon of the inequalities produced by a protective tarllt The Republic ans are afraid to discuss this question The Democrats are always In the lead with the tariff as in issue It should be brought forward this year for the time Is opportune Im limit of lliinkeylsm is almost reached when the average American woman gets real good and started in a mad effort to toady to that element of society whom she esteems royal blood When Miss Alice Roosevelt arrived at the Ililon Station In St Louis Thursday a mob of 100 women broke through the gates in their eagerness to see the Presl ktitS daughter awl almost fined her 1 under the wheels before she could en ¬ ter her carriage Almost every ac ¬ count of a big wedding In high social circles In a large city describes the senseless fight of some women to see- the bride or obtain other coveted priv ileges Such demonstrations are not only disgraceful but evince a strong tendency toward decay at the root of national mentality That respect which stoops to toadyism Is unworthy the good name of our American wouln YOINO man lima you want to get rich quick Well It seems compara tively easy these days provided you have a little start and some tact Hut youll have to give up something Youll have to give upyourconsclcnce for you wont need It at all And It you have a kind heart youll have to give up that Youll have to drop your charitable regard for your fellow man Just size him up from a strict financial standpoint If you have a streak of benevolence running through you It will soon leave of Itself like wise your kindhearted nature You must discard your Interest In any all peals of the poor and needy Remem ber that there Is no financial value In then for you If you have ever thought about heaven and a here after better cease your meditations along that line for there is no place there to Invest your cash After you have dropped these and a few other kindly human Instincts you will be In a fair way to get rich Will you be happy Were not talking about happiness Tints another question entirely from the one under discussion What the Tariff Does Savoyard In IouUvllle PoMJ There I is the tariff on hltlealtJmt is I to swell the profits of the fleet Trust t that and nothing else Take a steer in Kentucky Iowa Tennessee or Kansas that a farmer has grazed and fattened The tariff on hides lees not add one cent to the value of that steer but when the animal becomes the property of Armour or Swift or Morris or Cuduhy and the hide is peeled off that moment the tariff operates and the tariff is added to the price of the hide for hides from South America are not allowed to compete with it without pay lug the tax The tanner pays the tariff to the Beef Trust the shoe manufac ¬ turer pays it to the tanner the shoe merchant pays it to the shoe manufac ¬ turer and the wan who buys and wears the shoes pays It to the shoe merchant Thus It Is possible that the very farmer who grazed ami fattened that steer may In the end pay a tariff tax on his own product When a Republican orator first told the farmer that the tariff on hides was to protect him the devil was struck with such wonder and admiration that be was speechless and actually powerless to chuckle Agreement Between Operators and Miners At a meeting held at Central City last week by the officials of the Operators association and the United Mine Work ers for district Ko 2I I an agreement was reached aud a contract for one year from the first of April 11101 was signed The conditions of this years agreement are similar to those of last year with the single exception of the wage scale which is on the basis of au all round re ¬ duction of four and onehalf per cent from that of last year This is an ac ¬ ceptance by the miners of the first one of three propositions offered the miners by the operators at n meeting held on the id of April 1004I The new contract is signed by I P Barnard President F P Wright Vice President and D Stewart Miller com missioner and secretary for the opera ¬ tors association and C W Wells President W E Hicks VicePresident J D Wood Secretary mind Treasurer and W J Campbell National Board Member of e M W of A District Xo 28- There yet remain three differences to be settled These however will have no effect on the contract The first Is how a union man who has been Ills ¬ charged shall be paid and the time Second the percentage that shall be paid for pick miued coal Third the time the miners shall go to work The miner are supposed to go to work now two hours after the cars arrive Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury m mercury will urolly destroy the > tn < e of smell and completely iltranKe the whole Kvtlcm when entering It through the raucoun nufict Such nrllclrx Miould never be I u <tol except on prtfcrli lions from reputable t hy ician ac the damage they will do Is I ten fold to the good you can pot eibly derive from then llalln Catarrh Cure matiufacluieil by F J Cheney I Co Toledo O contain no mercury and I le taken Internally nclltiK directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system In buying Halla Catarrh Cute be tureyuu get the genuine It l 10 taken Internally end male In Toledo Ohio by I P J Cheney h Co Testimonials free Sold by lJrulllolo l rice 750 per bottle Take Half family Pills fur constipation Fierce Fight of Japs and Russians The latest reports from the Far East indicate that the Russian forces are reo treating toward Port Arthur The bat tie of Ximshiin hill is said to have been one of the bloodiest in the history of modern warfare and the Japanese paid leavlly for their brilliant victory Their official reports say that Io of their men were killed or wounded anti they estimate the Russian loss at 2000 The Japanese captured seventy guns which Is considered St Petersburg as- a t serious blow to Gen Kuropatkln The Japanese have captured the town of Jf nil Quail Ling It Is believed they will continue their movement toward Purl Arthur with 11 view of attacking thllt place Xo official information has been given out at St Petersburg For a Hundred Years For a hundred years or more Witch Hazel huts been recognized as a superior tiiiedy but it remained for E C De rtitt Co of Chicago to discover how to combine the virtues of Witch Hazel with other antiseptics in the form of n salve DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve Is time best salve in the world for sores cuts burns bruises and plies Time high standing of tills salve has given rise to counterfeits und the public is ad ised to look for the name DeWitt on the package und accept no other Soldby111Illiums m- 1rwe v BIG SCANDAL In Postoffice and Other Departments How tbe Klamath Indians Were Cruelly Swindled Special to Tun HERALD WASHINGTON D C May 30 Several Congressmen of both parties have lingered behind their colleagues for the purpose of reviewing the scan dal in the Post Office Department and other irregularities which were develop ed daring the session It is now under stood that the next executive officer to be hauled over tbe coals by a Commit tee of Congress is Secretary Hitchcock of the Interior Department Loud com plaints are made of corruption in the Indian Bureau and peculiar methods In the Geological Survey Hitchcock Is not believed to be personally dishonest but it is alleged that he has permitted his agents especially those who are his personal favorites to violate the law to their own emolument If the Anadarki Indian Agency in Oklahoma were tnves tigoted it is believed that it would show how certain pets of the Department thrive with the acquiescence of its head One of these men is known to have drawn three salaries simultaneous I ly In investigating the Anadarki agency the public would like to know how much laud was turned into town lots and sold as such which hall been taken from the Indians under pretense that it was needed for agency purposes- A case of peculiar cruelty and hard ship is that of the Klamnth Indians In Oregon The administration wanted n large part of the Klamath reservation for its favorites a million and a half of acres constituting the most valuable pine forest in America This wOOl and these acres were inaccessible to avarice but the covetous white man knew that with the opening of roads would come vast wealth to the owner So the craf ty speculator got some drunk and wheedled and coerced them into agree ing to sell land for what a committee should appraise it at In the contract was the provision that the value of burned tracts or injured trees houM be deducted Then tbe fiendish villains who sought to obtain the land sent men in tilerewith uie aud toichuriJ maimed and burned individual trees here and there enough to justify a scoundrelly committee in appraising the land at M tJ cents an acre TbeJIndiaus were help less and had to submit though the pur chasers could have sold the whole tract the next day for JOOOOOO Very well n sum was put In an appropriation bill in Congress to pay the Indians sil I cents an acre for the reservation Now the sequel the money was not paid When their patience was exhausted by wait ¬ ing the Klamath Indians sent a delega tion to Washington consisting of their best men who were confounded on arriving at being told that they had al- ready ¬ been paid for the land in certain roundabout ways and that nothing more was tine them This Delegation of Indians has now gone home after having made their plaintive appeals to the Secretary of the Interior during the winter For sick headache take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets tail a quick cure Is certain For sale by Z Wayne Griffin Bro a- m Foil SALE A farm containing 100 acres n miles northeast of Hartford A fine residence with ten rooms a good tenant house good stables barns anti all outbuildings a fine three acre or ¬ chard church and school house within a half mile This farm is well watered and is specially adapted to stock raising This farm can be had at a most reason ¬ able price on easy terms if sold in nest t thirty days as the owner wants to quit farming and go into other business For further particulars call on or ad ¬ dress F L FELIX Hartford Ky Wild Parsnips Cause Death The Oweusboro JAwmcr says Mr William Corltey died suddenly Frldyy afternoon at the home of White Fitzpatrick near Rome as the result of eating wild parsnips He ate the wild vegetable late in the afternoon He soon went to supper and while at the table took deathly sick He got up and went out into the yard where he stretched himself out on the grass Mr Fitzpatrick sent for Dr Barr of Rome but the man was dead before the doctor could reach him The physicians exI amination showed that death bad re ¬ suited as was supposed from eating the poisonous root The Coroner was not WANTED SO O MEN AND WOMEN To Take Advantage of Special Offer Made by Z Wayne Griffin Brother These enterprising druggists arc ad- vertising today for lifty men and wo ¬ men to take advantage of the special halfprice offer they arc making on Dr Howards celebrated sued tic for time cure of constipation und dyspepsia and Jet a liftycent package at half price 2t t cents So positive are they of the remark ¬ able power of this specllli to cure these diseases as well as sick head aches and liver troubles that they agree to refund the money to any customer whom this medicine docs not quickly relieve and cure With Dr Hnwardsspoclfieat hand you can eat what you want mil have no fear of 111 consequences It perfect ¬ creates an appetite and makes life worth the living This Is an unusual opportunity to obtain 00 doses of the best medicine over made for half Its regular price with a personal guarantee of a well known business firm to refund the the money If It does not give satis ¬ faction If you cannot call at Jrllllns store today send then l5c by mall and I promptI ¬ Z Wayne Orillln Ilro have been able to secure only a limited supply of the sped lie so great is the demand alld you should riot delay taking advantage of the liberal offer they ire making this week I I thisI ago I ofI age I Mr Fitzpatrick and two of his chll drew had also partaken of the deadly I root but they were only slightly at fected I INew Game Worked to Perfection RicmAND SiniNus TEXAs May 10 HARTFORD HEIULD Hartford Ky Gentlemen Enclosed find moneyorder for tl 1 to pay my subscription to Till IIERALI to January met 1005 I saw your new game in the last Issue of TICK HKIIAID and find it works to perfection with those who will try it I can not do without THK HKRALD as I am from Ohio County Ky Yours respy- JJ CARTER CENTERTOWN Special to Tilt HERALD May aOIIr Eden Bishop and children Beaver Dam were the guests of Mr S R Aehby and family Satur day and Sunday Misses Mary and Tryphona Lindley Point Pleasant are at the bedside of their father Mr Warren Liudley who IB still seriously ill Mr and Mrs John Bell Point Pleas ant were the guests of W H Kuykeu doll and family Sunday Several of our citizens are suffering from an attack of Arkansas fever Dr G T Chapman has returned from the Worlds Fair Mr John Bell and Miss Erma Tiche nor attended the ice cream supper at Point Pleasant Saturday night Rev R D Bennett Hartford was the guest Dr B F TIchenor and family last Wednesday- Mr Helfrich Bishop and Miss near ¬ gin Carson were married Sunday even ¬ ing at 7 oclock at the residence of the brides father 5Ir George Carson This is quite a youthful couple the groom being eighteen and the bride fourteen years of age Their many friends wish them much happiness Mr and Mrs Dav Taylor Beaver Dam were the guests of Mr anti Mrs Alvin Rowe Sunday Mrs L C Morton is visiting her uls ter Mrs T M Morton at Livermore Mr and Mrs James Nail Point lleuvarit were the guests of Dr IJ F Tichenor and family Sunday Mrs Charlie Brown is quite ill Messrs Clandns Render Everett Tichenor S M Dexter Edgar Calvert Dr Smith M M Dexter Orville Ross and Jim Cooper and Misses Emma Morton Bessie Hocker Erma Tichenor Madie Park and Ada Park foruied a gay party that went to Airdrie Sunday They were joined by several young people from Beaver Dam and spent most delightful day aI I Mr T II Denton Louisville visiting his family here I Clinmherlalna Stonmch unit Liver Taliltln letter Than H Doctor JrrOlrllllonI I Mr J W Turner of says that Chamberlains Stomach and l Liver Tablets have done him more good J than anything he could get from the doctor If any physician in this conn I try was able to compound a medicine that would produce such gratifying re ¬ suits in cases of stomach troubles bib iousness or constipation his whole time would be used in preparing this one medicine For sale by A Wayne Grif fin if Bro m Entire Town May be Sold at Auction A special from Carlisle Ark says Unless the courts intervene the entire town of Carlisle and about ii400 acres of land surrounding the town will be sold at a public sale June II on an order granted by the Prabate Court of La I noke county to the heir of the original i owner of the land The order was secured by tbe guardian of three minor I heirs of a Frenchman named Combo t who years ago owned all the land onI I which the town now stands OLATONis- peclaltoTmmaIIERALD1 I May 80We had good rains l3unllaI and Sunday night which were badly neededJohn T Allen and wife went to wensboro yesterday Rev James Hull who has typhoid fever is reported much better The Sheriff of Duviesa county anti two gentlemen whose names I failed to get spent a few days last week at this place fishing with but little luck There was quite a crowd of ladies and gentlemen from Deanefield np Saturday on a fishing tour Uncle Will Lyons is on the sick list Mrs John Martin Is expected to live but a short time She has that dread ¬ ful disease consumption Christine Canan daughter of R I L Canan is i quite sick but better this morningMr Johnson visited his moth er Saturday Mr Ion Duke timid family visited the family of J A Daniel Saturday antI SundayDr W Felix and family visited the Doctors parents Saturday and Sunday Aunt Mary Hoover Is but little better She has cancer Samuel Young will ship a ram load of stock tonight We are still for Parker for President Driven to Desperation Living at an ont of theway place re- mote ¬ from civilization a family is often driven to desperation in case of acci ¬ I dent resulting In Burns Cuts Wounds Ulcers etc Lay in a supply of I luck I onI I DrugI Store m Changes in Postmasters Salaries Under the annual readjustment of salaries of Presidential postmasters these changes have been announced Kentucky Increase Berea Central City Leitchlield 1800 to IK Clo I verport Jackson Falmouth 1200 to 1400 Fulton IMO to tJOOIl Hick man 1800 to 1000 Louisa 1200 to i 11300 Augusta 1400 to lfiOO De ¬ crease Barbonrvllle 1400 to 1300 Bardstown 1000 to 1000 Catletta burg 91000 to91700- TennesseeIncrease Memphis 1700 toWSOO THE NEWS IN BRIEF Whisky was voted out of the last precinct In Graysou county Saturday The Picket n Louisville colt owned by Middleton Jnngblnth won the Brooklyn Handicap worth 20000 Albert Burton was given a life sen- tence by a jury at Columbia 1 Ky for killing Deputy Jailer Mnrtin Conover last March Sir Hearst has canceled his contract for three floors in the Planters Hotel at St Louie during the Democratic Na tional Convention The Rev Dr John O Unst n noted Baptist divine died at Seattle Wash last week Ills remains were taken to Hopklnsvllle Ky for burial Inn decision rendered at Versailles Judge Cantrill held that time testimony of a motherinlaw in a divorce case must be corroborated by other wit nessesSenator Matthew Stanley Quay of Pennsylvania tiled Saturday at his home at Beaver after a long lliu > s of chronic gastritis Ho was in his tieth year IIcen1 Arrangements are being made 10 run a business mens excursion carrying 2GOI I men from Louisville mind other tucky points to St LouU oujKentncky e DayJune1rI The transport Kilpatrick landed iu New York lost week with nearly UK bodies of United States regulars from the Philippines Three of the number were tent to relatives in Kentucky I William Xewcouib was given nifty three years in the penitentiary tllrI horse stealing at Mt Veruon Ky had violated his parole having hero sent to the penitentiary for twenty one years for murder nod U IHI till long sentenceI I cOlllrntrlcial ganize an excursion of two train loads for St Louis on Kentucky Day when the homeward bound colors of the battleship Kentucky will be presented to Gov J C W Beckham The President i is said to 1 ln worrying considerably over the KejiublKau situ ation In New York Illinois and Wis i consin In Wisconsin the Follette lenders are said to i have threatened to turn the Legislature and Congressional j representation over to the Democrats If the ticket on which the Governor has been nominated Is not recognized by the party I Typewriters for Sale or Rent I Blickensderfer Typewriter is the only typewriter made that Is thoroughly adapted l for the home teacher minister doctor dentist merchant banker nUll factory use It Is light simple tend easy to operate and very durable With this machine any work can l be i done that can possibly be done on ai i typewriter Various styles of type and different colors of ink are clanged 11111111 instant amid can be used at will thus enabling the operator to do any kind of work with ease and much better than can be done on any other machine Work done on time Blickensderfer Typewriter is distinctively marked for its neatness accuracy and uniformity If you are wanting the best and at the same time a machine at about onehalf the cost of any high grade typewriter write us Terms easy Machines fully guaranteed UUCKKXSDKRFKK TVPKWKJTKIl CO JIMFifth Street Dept Lcnliville Ky A Strong Heart- Is assured by perfect digestion mull gestion swells the stomach and pulls it up against the heart This causes short ¬ ness of breath palpitation of the heart and general weakness Kodols Dyspep- sia ¬ Cure cures indigestion relieves the stomach takes the strain off the heart and restores It to a full performance of its function naturally Kodol increas ¬ es the strength by enabling the stomach and digestive organs to digest assimi ¬ late and appropriate to the blood and tissues all the food nutriment It tones the stomach anti digestive organs Sold by 1 H Williams m I Worlds Fair RatesI I Commencing April 83th tOO round- trip tickets wilt be sold to St Lou181 account Worlds Fair nt the following rates and limits I Season excursion tickets sold daily April 85 to November I 15 limited to December 1 Li for returningli0i I For sale dallyApril 25 to November HO limit GO days but not later than December 15 1001 t IO7nI I For sale dallyApril 2i to November DO limit 10 days SJOOO r I S D VAN MKTKH Agt t i i Notice to Creditors All persons having claims against the estate of G C Shultz deceased mire I hereby notified to present same to the undersigned executors at their rCIIii dence properly proven on or before the 24th day of August 1004 or they will be forever barrel All persons owing said estate by note or account will please call and settle and save costs G W KlILlrZ I pn1ltnr821t4 I Wysox Ky i Confederate Veterans ReunionI I Nashville Tenn June 1410 loot On account above occasion round trip tick ¬ eta will be sold from Beaver Dam to Nashville Tenn for X275 Tickets on1 sale June 10 to 15 limited June 18 1001 for return An extension may be ob ¬ tainted until July 10 1001 by depositing I ticket at Nashville and payment of fee of h 50 cents S B VAN MKTKK Agt j I Jack Cbinn a Candidate I 28CollJack i the guest of Lie eon Mr Morgan Chinn I He announces that he will be a candi ¬ date for the State Senate from the Franklin Anderson and Mercerdistrict j I I aUIIIEll time to select a Senator A primary election will probably be held Cheated the Gallows Verona Fleenor who was under son once of death committed suicide In the AjjersWhy Vigor does so many remark ¬ able things Because it is a hair food It feeds the hair puts new life into it The hair Hair Vigor cannot keep from I growing And gradually all the dark rich color of early life comes back to gray hair tarhit rich I Jiltrk mud a irk m lt I round I I Mn SISAW KlorriiiomM TuirutuMa Ala LCATrnrnAll for rmearr Gray Hair u jail at Morgantowu last Thnrwlay morning by bunging He made a rope by tearing up his bedclothes which he fastened to the top of the cell IIIA fret IloorI court mid gentemed to be hanged In July but Ills ease wits appealed lIe killed his wife last October by stabbing her with a knife Cant do Without the Herald CKXTKUTOWN KY I Mny in ItaI i HMtTioiti HKUALD Hartford Ky Gentlemen Enclosed timid my cheek for a years tmbctiptlon to your paper I cant do without Tin HIUAII It i is a great benefactor to former I Ohio County citizens wherever they go < IIg HelllrI Dynamiting Fish Brings on Fatal Encounter WiiiTKsnriiii Kv Mny all Deputy Sheriff JauienH tny was stunt rind mor tally wounded Saturday night while trying to amt t Wjlit Caudill W 1 ll- IIttynes anti John Ftiuiiti who were dy namiting tMi in the Kentucky river trim mtre beLow tttts plyd After having been given a fatal wound Day shut Hiiynw thr mih time thigh and John Fngutx through tin right leg The stricken offioir lingered until list night He will be buried thi + aftenu in with Masonic rite There I is great esiiteiiifiit ever tin tragedy The dynamiting of l fish bud given great trouble mid threatened rid the xtreaniH of this fcctfuu Time ulliivrit lad threatened toput an < nd to it and Sheriff Diy lust his life in tine of tin first attempts to check itr Attendance at Worlds Fair Growing- ST Lnns Mo May Mi WorM Fair ollldal tonight gavt nut this statement of ndmi ioiiH by days fr time week ending May 2 Monday May i 1 1410 Tuesday May SI 1 47ii I1 WI ntdny l1ny2S llsr Thursday 1111I W W Friday May 2 7 i x252 Sill urday Mny 2 + Sti Dim For three weeks ending May 21 20 Second week- ending May 21 I Iihu First IkI ending Mil 7 i tfTIim Saturday April HO owning day ls77Ui DENS MIL a KING t Osteopaths All diseases both acute and ch ron it > treated Examina- tion ¬ without f liarjjo at ollice < Ollice Hocolid 11001 rear rooms Thomas BuildingI wIlwr w I E P Barnes Bro1 BARNES SHOES For men are everything that style quality and price I Ican make thorn They arc hero in all the now spring lasts in tho lace blucher and low cuts made of I Kangaroo Call Box Calf Volour Calf Vici 1 Kanga ¬ i roo and Patent Leather I I OUR 150 LINE This lino consists of Shoes made up with J toes and all the now narrow toes and show as style in shape as other lines at more money uluellI I j of l Kangaroo Calf Caseo Calf und Vic Kid I I i LINEI I At t these two 1 prices wo can givo you the 1 laco I or 4- I blucher shape plain or any shape in tho narrow I toes made in all tho leathers except tho patent also ill lowcuts OUR 3 350 4 LINES All tho beauty of style and finish that the mostt t experienced designer can conceive is embodied in i these shoes They aro made from tho very best I10athlI tho in manufacturers lowcuts chit procure You cnn nowI l ent Leather and Box Call BOYS WEr Remembering that all men wore once boys and that men must still come from tho same source wo hoy10m 1 I a clI Calf Vici multi Patent Leather and aro priced at 1 1 l2ri 1 > l 200 and 1 22r > Iii Summer Coats Vesis and Pants Mens Straw Hats and Summer Millinery 4 Ladies Mens and Boys Underwear Fans Belts Collars and Umbrellas Hose Halfhose Handkerchiefs and Neckwear Gloves Hairpins Puff Combs Hair Ornaments i Beaver Dam Ky e i w SMALLHOUSE- SMxil MtKtrn John Vlck and Roy LnnKley In Tits nut email Pity and Mr Pink Sharp Nl May sMrs Dr I > I L Miller Sillon Station were the Ktltfll of Miss phur Spring win has IKHI till giitt of Alice FtilktTHon Sunday Mr Slurp rtlfttlvt inert hits returned hniin suns HivonipMnlrd homo by Muss Fnllcvr i Mr Clinton Igleluiirt and wife went son who will speed a few days vlilting lIttlIi 1 1 his daughter Nisi Ktlicl returned IIIT home near Matanzas TnoMlny from a visit to hN daughter j Headacbei A usedvisited French I Pleawtit Ridge mid 1 Mr So TDr King it New Life Pill Thousands Hawklu II rtfardof I sufferers have proved their uiatohlrM Mrs T II linrmird mind diiMrrn have merit for Sick and Nervous headaches returnedl to 1lnrmllrtuur lake pure blood und build up i OIonui l Ulanth Mnir Hewitt Howard nUll iams Druggistin J WNNrW Wi I N VNi VWiNNNmrWfW Just From the Eastern Markets Where we purchased big lot of new goods such as Clothing Hats Dress Goods Shoes and in fad everything needed to dress you up in the latest styl- er Our Clothing The famous STKIMIXU brand cannot bo excelled for neatness beauty or durability Remember we guarantee every Sterling Suit wo sell I Prices of these goods range from S500 to 22110Our Line of Shoes The celebrated Hamilton Brown will give you better satisfaction in point of neatness and comfort than any Shoe on the market Every pair guaranteed Prices from 126 to 500 Wo will quote you tho following unequalled low prices which will give you an idea of tho great bargains youJA can secure from us Good Heavy Domestic Go Calico He good heavy Hickory Shirting Tic extra heavy Bed ticking inc per yard Ladies Hose lie a pair Childrens Hose 5c a pair liens Socks 5c a pair Three pair Suspen ¬ ders 2fC Ton Mens Black Clay Worsted Suits going at 215 better tirade S300 size 35 to 42 Youths Suits at 235 Childrens at 55c Our limited space will not per ¬ mit us to quote additional prices but como to see us and wo will show you the othorOrhouseinOhiocount
Page 1: Hartford herald (Hartford, Ky.). (Hartford, KY) 1904-06 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84037890/1904-06-01/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · and Truth th twe wish we could claim It as our own

In p r




uDKMWRATIC enmity convention at

Hartford next Saturday DontI fallto attend

TiE numerous tights of Itin college

boys at Lexington have glvin Ken ¬

tucky a very bad namer

A FELLOW docs not know howninny people are onto him until hebegins to Inquire around and about

TnE Republican policy for the comIng campaign Is said to be stand patand fry the fat More truth thanpoetry In that


scribers have tried the new gamewhich we mentioned In these columna few weeks ago Sot enough of

them however to create a constantgrin

STRYCHNINE Is said to be a certaincure for hydrophobia We guess so

It Is likely that it would be a certaincure for any disease which allllcts thehuman family Ifadministered In sufficlcnt quantity

WE never bet on another manspropositionespecially as regardselectionsbut from recent talk weactually believe that a fellow namedRoosevelt will be the nominee of theRepublicans for President

MESSRS Bryan and Parker seem tohe at present the spokesmen of theDemocratic party They say that one

talks too much and the other doesnttalk enough Between the twowell talk It over among ourselves

UPON the first pageof Tilt HERALDtoday will he found an article on the

graduation girl The editor of THEHERALD didnt write it It was

found lloatlng about among our ex ¬

changes without an author Rut Itcontains so much of beautiful dictionand Truth th twe wish we could

claim It as our own It deserves a

place In your scrap book for it Is

worth reading and preserving

FHOM reading his decisions handeddown In the Supreme Court In NewYork It Is plainly evident that Judgemarker Is In favor of organized laborIlls views give working men theright to organize for the purpose ofsecuring higher wages or shorterhours of labor This should be re ¬

membered In his favor by those whomay think Judge Parker the friendonly of the alllncnt and the aristo ¬


WE wish to impress upon the Dem-

ocrats of Ohio county the importanceof attending the convention whichwill be held at Hartford next Satur ¬

day This Is for the purpose of selectIng delegates to attend the Democrat ¬

ic State Convention at Louisville nextThursday Every Democrat who canpossibly do so should attend Titus

being Presidential year the work of

these conventions will be to assist Innaming Democracy candidate forPresident The Democrats have notIn late years had so good a change toelect a President and the opportunityshould not be lost Remember theoccasion and be on hand

THE presence of the negro In theGrand Army Post is creating consid ¬

erable bitterness and dissatisfactionIn Kentucky The fact IIs the Hepublicans of Kentucky who coasttute the major portion of all GrandArmy Posts have little use for thenegro socially or any other way ex ¬

cept they love to see him vote theirticket on election day It seems totake the negro a long while to find Itout but he will perhaps some daycome to that point of political inde ¬

pendence and thoughtful discernmentwhich will endow him with a fullknowledge of his true standing uponall lines which pertain to his race andpersonality

IT seems that W S laylor Mils lliConnie odious to even some of the mnipartisan Republicans of Indiana A

committee of time Ii A IIt Post atKokomo invited him to be present as-

a speaker on Memorial Day but aknowledge of his coming createdmuch discord and criticism of theCommittees action The Kentuckyfugitive heard of this illssatisfactionamong his political brethren andwisely declined the invitation It isbecoming the general opinion thatthe only way Taylor can make himself right before the people of Indianais to subunit hlll elf to time jurisdiction of the 1Kentucky courts andstand trial on the charge made againsthim In connection with the murder ofGovernor Goebol1

fartIoumncratsduringcal campaign than the tariff A pro

tective tarilt Is the biggest Irafl thatthe American people ever Imd foistedupon them It is the mother ofttrusts and the twin child of corruptilt and extravagance The factthat people living In foreign countriescan have American manufacturedgoods laid down at their doors cheaper than an American can buy themIn this country is a strung illustratlon of the inequalities producedby a protective tarllt The Republicans are afraid to discuss this questionThe Democrats are always In the leadwith the tariff as in issue It shouldbe brought forward this year for thetime Is opportune

Im limit of lliinkeylsm is almostreached when the average Americanwoman gets real good and started ina mad effort to toady to that elementof society whom she esteems royalblood When Miss Alice Rooseveltarrived at the Ililon StationIn St Louis Thursday a mobof 100 women broke through the gatesin their eagerness to see the PreslktitS daughter awl almost fined her


under the wheels before she could en ¬

ter her carriage Almost every ac ¬

count of a big wedding In high socialcircles In a large city describes thesenseless fight of some women to see-

the bride or obtain other coveted privileges Such demonstrations are notonly disgraceful but evince a strongtendency toward decay at the root ofnational mentality That respectwhich stoops to toadyism Is unworthythe good name of our Americanwouln

YOINO man lima you want to getrich quick Well It seems comparatively easy these days provided you

have a little start and some tact Hutyoull have to give up somethingYoull have to give upyourconsclcncefor you wont need It at all And Ityou have a kind heart youll have togive up that Youll have to dropyour charitable regard for your fellowman Just size him up from a strictfinancial standpoint If you have a

streak of benevolence running throughyou It will soon leave of Itself likewise your kindhearted nature Youmust discard your Interest In any allpeals of the poor and needy Remember that there Is no financial value In

then for you If you have everthought about heaven and a hereafter better cease your meditationsalong that line for there is no placethere to Invest your cash Afteryou have dropped these and a few

other kindly human Instincts you

will be In a fair way to get rich Willyou be happy Were not talkingabout happiness Tints anotherquestion entirely from the one underdiscussion

What the Tariff DoesSavoyard In IouUvllle PoMJ

There Iis the tariff on hltlealtJmt isI toswell the profits of the fleet Trusttthat and nothing else Take a steer inKentucky Iowa Tennessee or Kansasthat a farmer has grazed and fattenedThe tariff on hides lees not add onecent to the value of that steer butwhen the animal becomes the propertyof Armour or Swift or Morris orCuduhy and the hide is peeled off thatmoment the tariff operates and thetariff is added to the price of the hide

for hides from South America are notallowed to compete with it without paylug the tax The tanner pays the tariffto the Beef Trust the shoe manufac ¬

turer pays it to the tanner the shoemerchant pays it to the shoe manufac ¬

turer and the wan who buys and wearsthe shoes pays It to the shoe merchantThus It Is possible that the very farmerwho grazed ami fattened that steermay In the end pay a tariff tax on hisown productWhen a Republican orator first told the

farmer that the tariff on hides was toprotect him the devil was struck withsuch wonder and admiration that bewas speechless and actually powerlessto chuckle

Agreement Between Operators andMiners

At a meeting held at Central City lastweek by the officials of the Operatorsassociation and the United Mine Workers for district Ko 2II an agreementwas reached aud a contract for one yearfrom the first of April 11101 was signed

The conditions of this years agreementare similar to those of last year withthe single exception of the wage scalewhich is on the basis of au all round re ¬

duction of four and onehalf per cent

from that of last year This is an ac ¬

ceptance by the miners of the first oneof three propositions offered the minersby the operators at n meeting held on

the id of April 1004I

The new contract is signed by I PBarnard President F P Wright VicePresident and D Stewart Miller commissioner and secretary for the opera ¬

tors association and C W WellsPresident W E Hicks VicePresidentJ D Wood Secretary mind Treasurerand W J Campbell National BoardMember of e M W of A DistrictXo 28-

There yet remain three differences tobe settled These however will haveno effect on the contract The firstIs how a union man who has been Ills ¬

charged shall be paid and the timeSecond the percentage that shall bepaid for pick miued coal Third thetime the miners shall go to work Theminer are supposed to go to work nowtwo hours after the cars arrive

Beware of Ointments for CatarrhThat Contain Mercury

m mercury will urolly destroy the >tn < e of smelland completely iltranKe the whole Kvtlcm whenentering It through the raucoun nufict Suchnrllclrx Miould never beI u <toll except on prtfcrlilions from reputable t hy ician ac the damagethey will do IsI ten fold to the good you can poteibly derive from then llalln Catarrh Curematiufacluieil by F J Cheney I Co Toledo Ocontain no mercury and Ile taken InternallynclltiK directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Halla CatarrhCute be tureyuu get the genuine It l10 takenInternally end male In Toledo Ohio by IP JCheney h Co Testimonials free

Sold by lJrulllolol rice 750 per bottleTake Half family Pills fur constipation

Fierce Fight of Japs and RussiansThe latest reports from the Far East

indicate that the Russian forces are reotreating toward Port Arthur The battie of Ximshiin hill is said to have beenone of the bloodiest in the history ofmodern warfare and the Japanese paidleavlly for their brilliant victoryTheir official reports say that Io oftheir men were killed or wounded antithey estimate the Russian loss at 2000The Japanese captured seventy gunswhich Is considered St Petersburg as-

at serious blow to Gen KuropatklnThe Japanese have captured the townof Jf nil Quail Ling It Is believed theywill continue their movement towardPurl Arthur with 11 view of attackingthllt place Xo official information hasbeen given out at St Petersburg

For a Hundred YearsFor a hundred years or more Witch

Hazel huts been recognized as a superiortiiiedy but it remained for E C Dertitt Co of Chicago to discover howto combine the virtues of Witch Hazelwith other antiseptics in the form of nsalve DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve Istime best salve in the world for sorescuts burns bruises and plies Time

high standing of tills salve has givenrise to counterfeits und the public is ad

ised to look for the name DeWitton the package und accept no otherSoldby111Illiums m-

1rwe v


In Postoffice and Other Departments

How tbe Klamath Indians

Were Cruelly Swindled

Special to Tun HERALD


Several Congressmen of both partieshave lingered behind their colleaguesfor the purpose of reviewing the scandal in the Post Office Department andother irregularities which were developed daring the session It is now understood that the next executive officer tobe hauled over tbe coals by a Committee of Congress is Secretary Hitchcockof the Interior Department Loud complaints are made of corruption in theIndian Bureau and peculiar methods Inthe Geological Survey Hitchcock Is

not believed to be personally dishonestbut it is alleged that he has permittedhis agents especially those who are hispersonal favorites to violate the law totheir own emolument If the AnadarkiIndian Agency in Oklahoma were tnvestigoted it is believed that it would show

how certain pets of the Departmentthrive with the acquiescence of itshead One of these men is known tohave drawn three salaries simultaneousIly In investigating the Anadarkiagency the public would like to knowhow much laud was turned into townlots and sold as such which hall beentaken from the Indians under pretensethat it was needed for agency purposes-

A case of peculiar cruelty and hardship is that of the Klamnth Indians InOregon The administration wanted nlarge part of the Klamath reservationfor its favorites a million and a half ofacres constituting the most valuablepine forest in America This wOOl andthese acres were inaccessible to avaricebut the covetous white man knew thatwith the opening of roads would come

vast wealth to the owner So the crafty speculator got some drunk andwheedled and coerced them into agreeing to sell land for what a committeeshould appraise it at In the contractwas the provision that the value ofburned tracts or injured trees houMbe deducted Then tbe fiendish villainswho sought to obtain the land sent menin tilerewith uie aud toichuriJ maimedand burned individual trees here andthere enough to justify a scoundrellycommittee in appraising the land at MtJ

cents an acre TbeJIndiaus were helpless and had to submit though the purchasers could have sold the whole tractthe next day for JOOOOOO Very welln sum was put In an appropriation billin Congress to pay the Indians silI centsan acre for the reservation Now thesequel the money was not paid Whentheir patience was exhausted by wait ¬

ing the Klamath Indians sent a delegation to Washington consisting of their

best men who were confounded onarriving at being told that they had al-


been paid for the land in certainroundabout ways and that nothingmore was tine them This Delegationof Indians has now gone home afterhaving made their plaintive appeals tothe Secretary of the Interior during thewinter

For sick headache take ChamberlainsStomach and Liver Tablets tail a quickcure Is certain For sale by Z WayneGriffin Bro



Foil SALE A farm containing 100

acres n miles northeast of HartfordA fine residence with ten rooms a goodtenant house good stables barns antiall outbuildings a fine three acre or ¬

chard church and school house withina half mile This farm is well wateredand is specially adapted to stock raisingThis farm can be had at a most reason ¬

able price on easy terms if sold in nesttthirty days as the owner wants to quitfarming and go into other businessFor further particulars call on or ad ¬

dress F L FELIX Hartford Ky

Wild Parsnips Cause DeathThe Oweusboro JAwmcr saysMr William Corltey died suddenly

Frldyy afternoon at the home of WhiteFitzpatrick near Rome as the result ofeating wild parsnips He ate the wildvegetable late in the afternoon Hesoon went to supper and while at thetable took deathly sick He got up andwent out into the yard where hestretched himself out on the grass MrFitzpatrick sent for Dr Barr of Romebut the man was dead before the doctorcould reach him The physicians exIamination showed that death bad re ¬

suited as was supposed from eating thepoisonous root The Coroner was not


To Take Advantage of Special Offer

Made by Z Wayne Griffin


These enterprising druggists arc ad-vertising today for lifty men and wo ¬

men to take advantage of the specialhalfprice offer they arc making onDr Howards celebrated sued tic fortime cure of constipation und dyspepsiaand Jet a liftycent package at halfprice 2tt cents

So positive are they of the remark ¬

able power of this specllli to curethese diseases as well as sick headaches and liver troubles that theyagree to refund the money to anycustomer whom this medicine docsnot quickly relieve and cure

With Dr Hnwardsspoclfieat handyou can eat what you want mil haveno fear of 111 consequences Itperfect ¬

creates an appetite and makes lifeworth the living

This Is an unusual opportunity toobtain 00 doses of the best medicineover made for half Its regular pricewith a personal guarantee of a wellknown business firm to refund thethe money If It does not give satis ¬

factionIf you cannot call at Jrllllns store

today send then l5c by mall and

IpromptI ¬

Z Wayne Orillln Ilro have beenable to secure only a limited supply ofthe sped lie so great is the demandalld you should riot delay takingadvantage of the liberal offer theyire making this week



IofIageI Mr Fitzpatrick and two of his chlldrew had also partaken of the deadly


root but they were only slightly atfected

IINew Game Worked to PerfectionRicmAND SiniNus TEXAs May 10

HARTFORD HEIULD Hartford KyGentlemen Enclosed find moneyorderfor tl1 to pay my subscription to TillIIERALI to January met 1005 I sawyour new game in the last Issue of TICK

HKIIAID and find it works to perfectionwith those who will try it I can notdo without THK HKRALD as I am fromOhio County Ky Yours respy-



May aOIIr Eden Bishop andchildren Beaver Dam were the guestsof Mr S R Aehby and family Saturday and Sunday

Misses Mary and Tryphona LindleyPoint Pleasant are at the bedside oftheir father Mr Warren Liudley whoIB still seriously ill

Mr and Mrs John Bell Point Pleasant were the guests of W H Kuykeudoll and family Sunday

Several of our citizens are sufferingfrom an attack of Arkansas fever

Dr G T Chapman has returnedfrom the Worlds Fair

Mr John Bell and Miss Erma Tichenor attended the ice cream supper atPoint Pleasant Saturday night

Rev R D Bennett Hartford was theguest Dr B F TIchenor and familylast Wednesday-

Mr Helfrich Bishop and Miss near ¬

gin Carson were married Sunday even ¬

ing at 7 oclock at the residence of thebrides father 5Ir George CarsonThis is quite a youthful couple thegroom being eighteen and the bridefourteen years of age Their manyfriends wish them much happiness

Mr and Mrs Dav Taylor BeaverDam were the guests of Mr anti MrsAlvin Rowe Sunday

Mrs L C Morton is visiting her uls

ter Mrs T M Morton at LivermoreMr and Mrs James Nail Point

lleuvarit were the guests of Dr IJ FTichenor and family Sunday

Mrs Charlie Brown is quite illMessrs Clandns Render Everett

Tichenor S M Dexter Edgar CalvertDr Smith M M Dexter Orville Rossand Jim Cooper and Misses EmmaMorton Bessie Hocker Erma TichenorMadie Park and Ada Park foruied agay party that went to Airdrie SundayThey were joined by several youngpeople from Beaver Dam and spentmost delightful day aII

Mr T II Denton Louisvillevisiting his family here I

Clinmherlalna Stonmch unit Liver Taliltlnletter Than H Doctor JrrOlrllllonII

Mr J W Turner ofsays that Chamberlains Stomach and l

Liver Tablets have done him more good J

than anything he could get from thedoctor If any physician in this conn


try was able to compound a medicinethat would produce such gratifying re ¬

suits in cases of stomach troubles bibiousness or constipation his whole timewould be used in preparing this onemedicine For sale by A Wayne Griffin if Bro m

Entire Town May be Sold atAuction

A special from Carlisle Ark saysUnless the courts intervene the entiretown of Carlisle and about ii400 acresof land surrounding the town will besold at a public sale June II on an ordergranted by the Prabate Court of La I

noke county to the heir of the originali

owner of the land The order wassecured by tbe guardian of three minor I

heirs of a Frenchman named Combo t

who years ago owned all the land onII

which the town now stands


peclaltoTmmaIIERALD1 I

May 80We had good rains l3unllaIand Sunday night which were badly

neededJohnT Allen and wife went to

wensboro yesterdayRev James Hull who has typhoid

fever is reported much betterThe Sheriff of Duviesa county anti

two gentlemen whose names I failed toget spent a few days last week at thisplace fishing with but little luck

There was quite a crowd of ladies andgentlemen from Deanefield np Saturdayon a fishing tour

Uncle Will Lyons is on the sick listMrs John Martin Is expected to live

but a short time She has that dread ¬

ful disease consumptionChristine Canan daughter of R IL

Canan isi quite sick but better this

morningMrJohnson visited his moth

er SaturdayMr Ion Duke timid family visited the

family of J A Daniel Saturday antI

SundayDrW Felix and family visited the

Doctors parents Saturday and SundayAunt Mary Hoover Is but little better

She has cancerSamuel Young will ship a ram load of

stock tonightWe are still for Parker for President

Driven to DesperationLiving at an ont of theway place re-


from civilization a family is oftendriven to desperation in case of acci ¬

I dent resulting In Burns Cuts WoundsUlcers etc Lay in a supply of I luck

IonIIDrugIStore m

Changes in Postmasters SalariesUnder the annual readjustment of

salaries of Presidential postmastersthese changes have been announced

Kentucky Increase Berea CentralCity Leitchlield 1800 to IK Clo

I verport Jackson Falmouth 1200 to1400 Fulton IMO to tJOOIl Hick

man 1800 to 1000 Louisa 1200 toi11300 Augusta 1400 to lfiOO De ¬

crease Barbonrvllle 1400 to 1300Bardstown 1000 to 1000 Catlettaburg 91000 to91700-

TennesseeIncrease Memphis 1700toWSOO


Whisky was voted out of the lastprecinct In Graysou county Saturday

The Picket n Louisville colt ownedby Middleton Jnngblnth won theBrooklyn Handicap worth 20000

Albert Burton was given a life sen-

tence by a jury at Columbia 1Ky forkilling Deputy Jailer Mnrtin Conoverlast March

Sir Hearst has canceled his contractfor three floors in the Planters Hotel atSt Louie during the Democratic National Convention

The Rev Dr John O Unst n notedBaptist divine died at Seattle Washlast week Ills remains were taken toHopklnsvllle Ky for burial

Inn decision rendered at VersaillesJudge Cantrill held that time testimonyof a motherinlaw in a divorce casemust be corroborated by other wit

nessesSenatorMatthew Stanley Quay of

Pennsylvania tiled Saturday at hishome at Beaver after a long lliu > s ofchronic gastritis Ho was in histieth year IIcen1

Arrangements are being made 10 runa business mens excursion carrying 2GOII

men from Louisville mind othertucky points to St LouU oujKentncky e

DayJune1rIThe transport Kilpatrick landed iuNew York lost week with nearly UK

bodies of United States regulars fromthe Philippines Three of the numberwere tent to relatives in Kentucky I

William Xewcouib was given nifty

three years in the penitentiary tllrIhorse stealing at Mt Veruon Kyhad violated his parole having herosent to the penitentiary for twenty oneyears for murder nod U IHI till long


cOlllrntrlcialganize an excursion of two train loadsfor St Louis on Kentucky Day whenthe homeward bound colors of thebattleship Kentucky will be presentedto Gov J C W Beckham

The President iis said to 1ln worryingconsiderably over the KejiublKau situation In New York Illinois and Wis i

consin In Wisconsin the Follettelenders are said to ihave threatened toturn the Legislature and Congressional j

representation over to the Democrats If

the ticket on which the Governor hasbeen nominated Is not recognized bythe party I

Typewriters for Sale or Rent I

Blickensderfer Typewriter is the onlytypewriter made that Is thoroughlyadaptedl for the home teacher ministerdoctor dentist merchant banker nUll

factory use It Is light simple tend

easy to operate and very durableWith this machine any work can lbe


done that can possibly be done on aii

typewriter Various styles of type anddifferent colors of ink are clanged 11111111

instant amid can be used at will thusenabling the operator to do any kind ofwork with ease and much better thancan be done on any other machineWork done on time BlickensderferTypewriter is distinctively marked forits neatness accuracy and uniformityIf you are wanting the best and at thesame time a machine at about onehalfthe cost of any high grade typewriterwrite us Terms easy Machinesfully guaranteedUUCKKXSDKRFKK TVPKWKJTKIl CO

JIMFifth StreetDept Lcnliville Ky

A Strong Heart-Is assured by perfect digestion mull

gestion swells the stomach and pulls itup against the heart This causes short ¬

ness of breath palpitation of the heartand general weakness Kodols Dyspep-


Cure cures indigestion relieves thestomach takes the strain off the heartand restores It to a full performance ofits function naturally Kodol increas ¬

es the strength by enabling the stomachand digestive organs to digest assimi ¬

late and appropriate to the blood andtissues all the food nutriment It tonesthe stomach anti digestive organs Soldby 1 H Williams m I

Worlds Fair RatesII

Commencing April 83th tOO round-

trip tickets wilt be sold to St Lou181account Worlds Fair nt the following

rates and limits I

Season excursion tickets sold dailyApril 85 to November I15 limited toDecember 1Li for returningli0i I

For sale dallyApril 25 to NovemberHO limit GO days but not later thanDecember 15 1001 t IO7nII

For sale dallyApril 2i to NovemberDO limit 10 days SJOOO rI



Notice to CreditorsAll persons having claims against the

estate of G C Shultz deceased mireI

hereby notified to present same to theundersigned executors at their rCIIii

dence properly proven on or before the24th day of August 1004 or they willbe forever barrel All persons owingsaid estate by note or account will pleasecall and settle and save costs

G W KlILlrZ Ipn1ltnr821t4I

Wysox Kyi

Confederate Veterans ReunionII

Nashville Tenn June 1410 loot Onaccount above occasion round trip tick ¬

eta will be sold from Beaver Dam toNashville Tenn for X275 Tickets on1

sale June 10 to 15 limited June 18 1001

for return An extension may be ob ¬

tainted until July 10 1001 by depositing I

ticket at Nashville and payment of fee ofh50 cents S B VAN MKTKK Agt jI

Jack Cbinn a Candidate I

28CollJack i

the guest of Lie eon Mr Morgan ChinnI

He announces that he will be a candi ¬

date for the State Senate from theFranklin Anderson and Mercerdistrict j


IaUIIIElltime to select a Senator A primaryelection will probably be held

Cheated the GallowsVerona Fleenor who was under son

once of death committed suicide In the

AjjersWhyVigor does so many remark ¬

able things Because it is ahair food It feeds the hairputs new life into it The hair

Hair Vigorcannot keep from IgrowingAnd gradually all the darkrich color of early life comesback to gray hairtarhitrich


Jiltrk mud a irk m ltI roundII

Mn SISAW KlorriiiomM TuirutuMaAla

LCATrnrnAllfor rmearrGray Hair


jail at Morgantowu last Thnrwlaymorning by bunging He made a ropeby tearing up his bedclothes which hefastened to the top of the cell IIIA fretIloorIcourt mid gentemed to be hanged InJuly but Ills ease wits appealed lIekilled his wife last October by stabbingher with a knife

Cant do Without the HeraldCKXTKUTOWN KYI Mny in ItaIi

HMtTioiti HKUALD Hartford KyGentlemen Enclosed timid my cheekfor a years tmbctiptlon to your paperI cant do without Tin HIUAII It iis agreat benefactor to former IOhio Countycitizens wherever they go

<IIg HelllrIDynamiting Fish Brings on Fatal

EncounterWiiiTKsnriiii Kv Mny all Deputy

Sheriff JauienH tny was stunt rind mortally wounded Saturday night whiletrying to amtt Wjlit Caudill W 1ll-

IIttynes anti John Ftiuiiti who were dynamiting tMi in the Kentucky river trim

mtre beLow tttts plyd

After having been given a fatalwound Day shut Hiiynw thr mih time

thigh and John Fngutx through tinright leg

The stricken offioir lingered until listnight He will be buried thi + aftenu inwith Masonic rite

There Iis great esiiteiiifiit ever tintragedy The dynamiting of lfish budgiven great trouble mid threatened ridthe xtreaniH of this fcctfuu Time ulliivritlad threatened toput an < nd to it andSheriff Diy lust his life in tine of tinfirst attempts to check itr

Attendance at Worlds FairGrowing-

ST Lnns Mo May Mi WorMFair ollldal tonight gavt nut thisstatement of ndmi ioiiH by days fr time

week ending May 2 Monday May i

1 1410 Tuesday May SI1 47iiI1 WIntdny l1ny2S llsr Thursday 1111I

W W Friday May 2 7 ix252 Sillurday Mny 2 + Sti Dim For three weeksending May 21 20 Second week-ending May 21I Iihu First IkIending Mil 7 itfTIim Saturday AprilHO owning day ls77Ui



All diseases both acute andch ron it> treated Examina-tion


without f liarjjo at ollice< Ollice Hocolid 11001 rear

rooms Thomas BuildingI

wIlwr wI E P Barnes Bro1

BARNES SHOESFor men are everything that style quality and price

IIcan make thorn They arc hero in all the now springlasts in tho lace blucher and low cuts made of

I Kangaroo Call Box Calf Volour Calf Vici 1Kanga ¬

i roo and Patent LeatherI

I OUR 150 LINEThis lino consists of Shoes made up with J

toes and all the now narrow toes and show asstyle in shape as other lines at more money uluellII

jj of lKangaroo Calf Caseo Calf und Vic KidI



Att these two 1prices wo can givo you the 1lacoI or 4-


blucher shape plain or any shape in tho narrowI

toes made in all tho leathers except tho patent alsoill lowcuts

OUR 3 350 4 LINESAll tho beauty of style and finish that the mosttt

experienced designer can conceive is embodied ini these shoes They aro made from tho very best

I10athlI thoin


chit procure You cnnnowIl

ent Leather and Box Call

BOYS WErRemembering that all men wore once boys andthat men must still come from tho same source wohoy10m1 I

a clI Calf Vicimulti Patent Leather and aro priced at 1 1l2ri

1 > l 200 and1 22r> IiiSummer Coats Vesis and Pants

Mens Straw Hats and Summer Millinery

4Ladies Mens and Boys Underwear

Fans Belts Collars and Umbrellas

Hose Halfhose Handkerchiefs and Neckwear

Gloves Hairpins Puff Combs Hair Ornaments

i Beaver Dam Ky e iw


MtKtrn John Vlck and Roy LnnKleyIn Tits nut email Pity and Mr Pink Sharp Nl

May sMrs Dr I> IL Miller Sillon Station were the Ktltfll of Missphur Spring win has IKHI till giitt of Alice FtilktTHon Sunday Mr Slurprtlfttlvt inert hits returned hniin suns HivonipMnlrd homo by Muss Fnllcvr


Mr Clinton Igleluiirt and wife went son who will speed a few days vliltinglIttlIi1 1

his daughter Nisi Ktlicl returned IIIT home near MatanzasTnoMlny from a visit to hN daughter

jHeadacbei AusedvisitedFrench IPleawtit Ridge mid1 Mr So TDr King it New Life Pill ThousandsHawklu II rtfardofI sufferers have proved their uiatohlrM

Mrs T II linrmird mind diiMrrn have merit for Sick and Nervous headachesreturnedl to 1lnrmllrtuur lake pure blood und build up


Ulanth Mnir Hewitt Howard nUll iams DruggistinJ


Just From the Eastern MarketsWhere we purchased big lot of new goods such as Clothing Hats DressGoods Shoes and in fad everything needed to dress you up in the latest styl-


Our ClothingThe famous STKIMIXU brand cannot bo excelled for

neatness beauty or durability Remember we guaranteeevery Sterling Suit wo sellI Prices of these goods rangefrom S500 to


Line of ShoesThe celebrated Hamilton Brown will give you better

satisfaction in point of neatness and comfort than anyShoe on the market Every pair guaranteed Pricesfrom 126 to 500

Wo will quote you tho following unequalled low priceswhich will give you an idea of tho great bargains youJAcan secure from us Good Heavy Domestic Go CalicoHe good heavy Hickory Shirting Tic extra heavy Bedticking inc per yardLadies Hose lie a pairChildrens Hose 5c a

pair liens Socks 5c a

pair Three pair Suspen ¬

ders 2fC Ton MensBlack Clay Worsted Suits

going at 215 bettertirade S300 size 35 to

42 Youths Suits at 235 Childrens at 55c Our limited space will not per¬

mit us to quote additional prices but como to see us and wo will show you the

