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Bring The Town of Essex lute Saturdaye . tion coupons are ... · Grinders and Ont Rollers now in:...

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24 || VOL. 60 NO. WHOLE NUMBER 2967.- MR, FARMER: _ effacts of tao much RAIN course on the menu, that of HAIL LADIES: Do not forget about ing like hot cakes. COME ‘A ef can insure anybody or anyt THE INSURANCE MAN. It Ia too bad that | have been unable to insure you against the RAIN 1 lo have the very best facilities and rates obtainable to protect your crops, if you have any, agalnat the disastrous. effecta of the next HAIL market for you at the small coat of only $10.00 anntatly. L. W. ALLISON RAIN BUT _ HAIL the only ACCIDENT POLICY on the It Is set). NO SEE ME. hing aeeRDE dead folka and ashes.” ESSEX, ONTARIO. Buy a Greek War Relief Tag on Saturday. Give Generously ESSEX: DAIRIES : CREAM WANTED. We pay cash for Cream... Cal) 143, Easex, and our truck will call, Phono 143. DAIRY AND POULTRY FEEDS. Purina and Blatchford’s Famous Feeds Starting Mashes, Growing Mashes, Laying. Mashes, Sreeder. Mashes, Poultry Concentrates, Calf Meals, Dairy Concentrates, and Dry - and Frashening Mashea, | . NEUHAUSER ESSEX HATCH- ERY. NOTICE! Anyone haviag hogs’ to sell kindly call line 8 ring 13, Maidstone Cross central, or bring in your own hogs.to Essex, We ship-every Thursday. On ecount of gas and rubber shortage | we cannot call at your place. ALBERT FANOUGH. ' RR. 1, Maidstone. . ESSEX HATCHERIES, A.A,A. Chicka. Big selected, fast growing Chicks with a guarantees behind them, Top quality .from blood tested stock. Real moneymakers, Hatches twice weekly. NEUHAUSER ESSEX HATCH: ERY. .Essex, Ontario. Sut LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repalred. Work promptly’ done. Apply U, PERRY, Wilson avenue, HSOx. 17-tf 00M. TO RENT Ladies anly, Ap ply BOX 100-J, Essex, 28-3 rO RENT 3 rooms and hath, up- stirs, Apply CHARLES JEFFERY, SOX, , OR SALE—2 six-room Houses, both with modern conveniences, on Maple aptow, Town of Essex. Apply MRS. B\\GUS ROBSON, Centre street, Ks. Nt FOR SALE—i}-Hece Chesterfield Suite, Marshall springs, in very goad con- ition; 2lso Oak Library Table. Apply 1s, ALLAN DEWHIRST, 8th Con., toslield North, R. R.1, Cottam. Phone @eoltam, Une 33 ring 3. 22-3¢ WOOD'S ELECTRICAL FARM , EQUIPMENT. Surge and Woods' Mitking Machines, Electric Mk Coolers,. Staintess Steel Water Coolers, Water Heaters, Grain Grinders and Ont Rollers now in stock. : GORDON J. RODGER, Box 186, Menheim, Ontario Weslern Ontario Representative, EGGS WANTED. Bring your eggs to the Essex Grad Ing Station, next to the Free Press Of- flee, Phone 59, Open same hours as the stores. Highest Market Prices. FOR SALE —Corn Planter anid hr ee for, Apply ARMAND) LADO C- BUR, RTL 2, Belle River, gaat FOR Sake 0 York pies, from a to ® woeks old, weaned, will sell all ov part, Apply JOSEPH TOTTEN, 1th Concession, Gostleld North, Phone Cotton, Hi Tring 10, FOR, SALE—Teum of Hor:ROY years old; new set of Breeching Hare hess, complete with everything: Inter- national FI2 Tractor, with cultivator attachment, In A-d condition, Apply JOSEPH CZOP, k,l. 3, } i 20-3 FOR. SALE—Grey Hor: old, wt. 1700 tbs, ar will trade for sinall- er horse, “Apply IGNACIO KISEL Pa quette, ROR. 1: Phony Maidstone, line Lring 4. 2 TO RENT—Purnished room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Also an lee Box and a new Hedroam Rocking Chair for sale. Apply MRS. A. MEVP- CAL, Ll bot street, essex. FOR“SALE—Gnernsey-Holstein Helf- ov, 2. yeays old, fresh also flolstuin- Jersey, Cow, § years old. fresh doimos, Apply GHORGH COLENUTT, IL it. 2 Kssex. Phone line 73 rns ia Delt DON'T PUT OFF your sumer Bray order for chicks, cockerels, pullets. A few Jate June chicks available, “The 2-hour Poultry Short Course” is some: thing you should have, its tree: Ag: ents, Douglas Herdman, Harrow Farm ers, Harrow; 0. W. Berry, Kingsville. EACHER WANTED—Primary dlvi- sion, Bgsex Publle Schoal, mecricnce, qualifications and salary, ox- meeeted. Dutfas. to commence Septem- ber Ist, 1, W. ALLISON, Soc.-Treas., oa OR SALE =~ Corn Sheller, In. goad condition; also Tractor, in good meorking order. Apply to PETER VOYTUIK, 1124 Westcott Road, East Vindsar, Phone'3-0029 or-4-8112, after : , 22-8t BrOR SALE--1924 DoSoto chasals and wheels, sultable to make trnafler or Be -wheeled wagon; also 1984 DeSoto lotor, both reasonable, Apply - 6. H. 2 YLOR, Cottam, 7 -'* EACHER WANTED Public 8, 8. No, 18, Goafleld North, Basek County, tics to atart September Ist, salary 200. State experiance and qualifer- ong, C. A. DEWHIRST, accretary- cisurer, South Woodslee, Ont, - OR SALE—2 good Work Horses, roa sonable,. Apply JOHN D. SHELT- NR. R. 1, Basex, 1 mile south of ssex, an No, 9 Highway. State ex-|. ‘Ton No. 3 Highway. FOUND Small sum “ot money, lust week, Owner may haye same hy paying for’ this advt. and proving ows ership. Apply at FREE PRESS OF- ‘PICK, ; . FOR SALE —~ Milch Cows, 2 Guern- soya, 1 Ayrshire, 1 Jersey, 1 Ayr: shire -holfer Calf also Corn Cultivator, and an Bleetric Fencer. Apply ALVIN VINCENT,1st house south of Emery's Corner, NR. R. 1, Balle River. 23-2 FOR ‘SALE—2 Grado Holstein Heit ore, 2 years old, fresh, FB teatod.. ‘Anply A. M. NEWMAN, RF. R. 2, South Woodslee, Phone Cottam, Uno.50 ring ag. 22-3 FOR SALE— Young ‘Foam of syonr- olds, well broken, and quiet; Double Harness; Wagon: Metal Churn, almost new. See GEORGE. ANGIER, Puco Road, or . Phone Pleasant Park, Ine 28 ring 6. 23-8t ‘FOR: BALE . - arly Tomato’ Plants. Also WANTED —~ Berry Plekers af- ter‘ June 16th, Apply MRS, G..De- LOOP, 2nd house past Arner Tow! nine, OR BSALE—About: 14 acres ‘of. good, Hay; aleo 2 nico fat young Yori PSUPH BAILLARGHON,No. 2 High- ty, 11th Con.,"Sandwieh South, R SALE—MeCormick Mower, 6 ft. cut; Walking Plow; 2-row Beet Cul DN, @otfam, R. Rh.3. PR SALE—1036 Ford Doluxe Sedan, § good tires, motor in good :.cond!- » Apply: JOHN: JONES; on -Belle ver Road, near, Otyde Baker! Phone ttam, no 24 ring 8. A get as ANTED—tron Age, ron. ‘Ting, Plan- et or Ruraka Garden SeedDrill, Ap-|. Vy SHIPMAN, R. R, 1, Windsor’ (ffur-' Line,’ Talbot" ‘Rowe‘fyiter'edcttoil),’ = wa, for ment or breeding. Apply. to |, ‘tor,Apply LYNN LEEDENN: |... ‘| Plow; M. A. Dump’: Rake, 10 tt, 80- for" ‘FOR SALE. Breakfast Set Table and 4 Chalrs, Wory trimmed. In black, $14... ° : Je A, HICKS & SON Phone 41. il gen pen FOR 8ALE—McCormick-Deoring Bind- or, 6 ft, cut; 2. Cream Separators; -M,H, 2soction Spring Tooth Harraw; Essex bottom; M. H.’Tractoy Plow, S-furrow, 14-inch bottom; Cockshutt 2furrow Riding : Plow; Shorea Corn -Cul- tlvator; . Gookshiitt, “J-furrow, Riding tooth: “Ms HY: Mowing:‘Machine,. Rift, cut; Cockshutt 3-furrow ‘Tractor, Pliw, “Apply, DEL. BROWN, Fi Ruscomb, agent, M:-Homachinery: and ‘yapalra avd one 40146, : _ Bete | ;| als on house of furniture, estates, os- M.'H. Tractor. Plow, ours) 1einch| Go 1 Li, Beytilieers. - ‘Phone. ‘Woodslee, a REV. JOHN HUNTER. Baptist Pastor Resigns. Rey, John Hunterdannonnigedl to the congregation ef the local Baptist Chureh that he had decided to accept call toa Baptist Chureh in. the City of Detroit, Mr. Uinter has been here for the past ‘three and a balf years and under his guidance the chureh las tuken some forward steps. During his ministry the chureh mort- gage has been cleared and a parson- age bought. Less than one hundred dolirs hag to be pala on the pursen- age, and thi will be taken care of be- fore Mr. Hunter leaves. Rev, Hunter has been active in evan- selistle work and his heart-searching meagsiges have been instrumental in drawing evening crowds above the av: erage, Uniler his ministry the Sunday school wis ppentd in New Canaan and this is now carrled on by one of the dencons of the church. He also car. ned the load of Wheatley and Coats« worth missions, and they now have a resident pastor, . FOR SALE—Holstein Cow old, fresh a week; 2 Horses, 3 years: old, broken; 12 York Ples,’ 7 weeks okl; Vescott Grinder, with bagger. Ap: uly ALEX SHUBLL, East Puce Roud, 70 rads north No, 2 Highway. room House, on Wilsan avenue. Essex? Apply A. BE, .Mac- DOUGATL, BEOX, years BUS FOR “SALE—25-pasnouger Dus, rubber ilvst class, 1942 chassis. See FR. O'NEILL, or phon 3, Pissex, FOR SALE—E ntire. herd of Jer sey and Holstein Cattle, all T. He tested. Apply ORLIN OSBORNE, 9th Con., R. RN. 1, Cottnm. Phone 4 ring 12. 24-1t FOR SALE—? Collle Pups. Apnly -to RAY HUNTER, Con, Colchester North, Phono 121 1 ving 1 24-14 ROOFING -~ Weni are “prepared to do all kinds of roofing, Prices Reason. able. Apply A. BOAN, Roofing Con- tractor, Easex. 24-7t FOR SALE—Heamis Tomato Planter; John Deere Corn Planter. Apply to GEZA VORAG, R. R. 1, McGregor, 7th Con, Anderdon, 24 FOR SALE Late Tomato Plants, Apnly GARNET MALOTT, Cottam, or call Lewla Malott, Une 28 ring 23, Cottam, ° 24-21 FOR SALE ~~ Guernsey Caw, fresh, 7 years old, calf by slde. Apply after’ § pm. toADELARD MELOCHE, 13th Con., Colchester North. 24-1t FOR SALE—20 Feeder “Hore, 125 Ibs, eachalso -& Brood Sowa, with pigs hy alde. Apply 0, HAGGINS, R. R. 2 Ruthven, on North Rear Road, 24-1 FOR SALE—Guernaey Bull, 8 months old, or will trade for heifer; alsa fat Halatein Calf; Apply CHAS, WENZ- ELLBURGER, 16th Con, 2 miles southwest of Muldstone, Sandwich. South, "24-2 ls FOR SALE—Quantity of good, hard, carly maturing Native Yellow Corn, fit for seed, Apply to » FRANK WIN, Besex. : _ 28. it, WE BUY. mates Washing -Ma- chines, Stoves, Household Articles, Motors, Bicyclog, etc, Honest apprata- pecially.” Write full partioulnrs and correct address to MERISTSKY F'UR-|’ NITURS, 416 eS stroct ‘east, Windsor, oot Bttf Improved Town Property :~ For Gale. “gealed tenders Wilt be. recelved by the undersigned, up-to 6 p.m. on MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1943, - For the purchase of. the following property ‘Inthe Toww of Eanex: ~.: “Lote 180, 191, 193, 106 197, and parts of lots 186, 187, 188, 4 ‘nights. dng the meeting that thero are 4,000 “no complaint of the treatrnent of: these "| Bae OW Essex Roan, The members of the Inu, to Hsten toa very tine address by thely Distvlct Governor, Alex Moore, cof Wayne, Mich, : The speaker told of iw the present warts bringing United states. Canuda | Chey ever have been before, ; “Priendship,, inns estimation, the finest paint tuk “he stated, compurhig it to dedicate Sawer ane stressing tliat Trtends, The Governor interspersed His talk by many quotations, sand reciting ys fumber of short poems. « An oddity of the evening was the ushing of Verne Snyder, a visitors with (he Governor from Wiyte. to intro. duce the speaker, Verne. whe a erent Vewne rene to dtroduedines practicing law in Wayne Inixeed av Httle pelor Che gest, stating it Was 20 yearsstnes le, with lis parents, had left Essex, and that they had reste fy Mssex from 1807 to 180. Tb was sort or tit for tat, as after Mr. Moore had heen Introduced he in turn tatrodaced Verne and told what i fine Retaran and public spirited citizen he ts, being u past president of the Wayue Chih, as wellas being a past prestdent of their Board of Commerce, Other guests present were Findlay and David Harrow. of the R.CALF, home on leave, both of whom are former Junior Rotors: Herb Mur win and I Haslam. of the Harrow Club; Dr. Geo. Rogers, of Minneapolls, Minn, and Messrs. Wo B. Beamin, Fr Vanstone, J) Frazier and Wm. Wass, ot Town, Morrey An Unfortunate Occurrence. The Town of Essex lute Saturdaye night and early Sunday nrovmlnig: Wits the seene of a most untortinuite accur: rence, when ahout one hundred ani Atty, mostly townspeople, gathered in front of Workman's Restaurant threat. ening violence to five Canadian-born Japanese, who were having something fo eat in the yestaurant, . The trouble started when a sailor, in uniform, George Stevens, of River: side, who used to work on a firm in Maidstone Township, and George Rech of “Maidstone,. went Into) Workman's Réstauvant and started ia argu. ment with the Japauecse over the paying for a game of pool which they had played on Thursday eventig. Phe Adpanese wha were there, however proved “not to be the ones they had played with, and told) Stevens and Reeb so, , Going Baek a week to the Saturday’ previous, Stevens had been in the res- taurant and hid deliberately. torn a Niece off a tale cloth to shine his shoes with, so Mr, Worknian, recos- Maing him, and expecting more trouhie, left his plice of basiness and wont to get Chie! of Police Harrison, but when he and the ehfet got lack Reeb and Stevens had tert the restaur- ant and gone down the street. In some way a report was clreuhited that they had been abused by the Japs. for a crowd formed from nowhere, ap- parently without a leader, in tact the ed Provincial Police’ Headquarters in Windsor for help, and in fifteen min- ules three Provincial Police and seven Mounties were at the scene. The crowd dispersed only when Burt Pul- leyblank, president of the local Legion, advised those present that he would call a special meeting of the Legion, in thety elub rooms, on Sunday even- ing, have the young men present, and go thoroughly Into the. facts of the caso, and.the police had Stevens tell the crowd that the rumours floating around. wore Broatly exaggerated and that he had not been molested in any way by. the Japs. At’ the meeting on Sunday tilght Staff Set. A. W. Antlorson, headof the R.C.M.P, fn Windsor, promised the people of Essox, subject tothe approv- alof hig sentor offteer in Toronto, that an R.C.M.P, officer in uniform would he stationed in the centrally located olflea of Angus MeKennay, town repre: sentative of the Department of Agri- culture, during the eveninga while. tha Japanore wero in town, anone would -henceforth pot be allowed to neter the town on. Saturdays and ‘could only satay until 10,30 othr The number who could como at any.one time would alao he limited. There ara now 27 Japanoge.stationed at North, Ridge camp, Sgt. Anderson advised thoso attend: Canadian - families, ..oxclusive ot the ‘| military, in Japan today,‘and that re- prleala againgt'thom were.always poss: {bl6, In fact, Japanese affatra In Can: ada aranow. tho Span- ish Bmbassy; who'roports regular’ ya ‘mattera portaining ¢o Japsn's interest, Sat, Anderaon alaostates. that thera ts 4,000- Canadian familiesIn Japan. Rummag “Be : : Dt Ob aturday, June ath yagn's Miesionary Soolaty, wil thal Alm 8 ng a1, local Rotary Club were privileged, on Monday even- aml Great Britain closer together thi obs We should da eyery- (hing within our power to keep one Inany oof the older residents will : Inember, ts ao gvadnate of the Essex publie and high schools. Te is new crowd. got so large Chief Harrison eall- . Also, the Jap: |- Forhes Geddes. ar Essex, Was re. eleeted: president of the South KNOX Progressive: Conservative Assoc dation af he anna meeting ba the tawn hall, Kinggviie, on Monday evening. orb tin reelected were Rockwood Cather: wood, of Colehester South, txt, vice. bresident; Mes. Katheyn Sislth, of Loumdngtou, tnd viee-president: dt son Sauter oat Cottam aethne tary, und Charles Medel of N, Creaguver, Ti Q. Rilss, of Kinesvitle, and ‘Pert Picker ig 8 Te iappalated + auditors, oa : Mr. Geddes presided at the meetin Whiel was Well attended ly represent atives: from wl seetlans of the riding Plans were inade for the expected pro Vinelal election same time this Suan Mer, and a business sexsian wies held Wii Conklin, of Iingsville, re Ported that the nomination comnpittes had Interviewed several ite South. tes: sex begurding as te their leine enndi Hates for the South Essex riding Int the coming provinedal election uni aise reported Chit these men are will: ing to have Meir names. placed before | the vomindtion convertion, the date of Whleh wil be set at a spectal meeting OF The select exeentive: eomuiitter at an carly date The constitution: of the sRSOe CON Was umnended so that the naine of the organization could be changed fram the National Conservatives Conmitter to the Progressive Conservative Party, Austin Bo Smith suggested that the nominating convention be called as soon as possible and that the conven: Uon hea closed ane. This was moved by J. 2, Morris, of Leamington, and seconded hy &. Prancottic, and met with the favour of all those present. Guest speaker of the evening was A, Tt, Douglas, of London, former presk dent of the Western Ontario Con. Servative Association, He gave an ont: line of what the party will try ta do if given power and enumerated the faults Progressive Conservatives tid with the present Ddrovinchsl federal foverninents, 1 Other speakers were Albert m uner, af OUnda; oR. Morvis, of Lonmning- fon, William Marek, of Harrow, and ‘George Brown, of Amherstburg, Public School ol Song Recital. The Public School Song Recital and Operett® was atte nded hy a capacity audience, the proceeds being just over $95.00, Practically every pupil of the school apperred on the program, enab- ling the citizens and ratepayers to re- | view the work accomplished fn music under the capable direction of Miss Tena Cates. The program was pr esented at the atternoon rehearsal ly Rev. John Hunter, chairman of the Bourd of Rd- neation, while Perey Lee acted in the capacity in the evening. Generally speaking, the pupils did well, and not a few disuuguished «them- selves, Invaluable assistince was giv en the staff and pupils by Charles Mae- del, who granted the use of his loud- spenling equipment to “Bud” Inkster, who was at. the controls. To these, and an others who contributed to the snecoss of the entertainment—thanks, ee tert @ eee Quinlan-Fiel ields Nuptials. A very pretty wedding wis solemn- ized, of: Saturday mor: ning, June bth, at a Name Chureh, ssex, when Rey. Fr. 1. O’Neli united in marriage Miss Alva Plolds,-daughtor of Mr. and Mra. Jean Flelds, and Philip, eldest son of Mr. and Mra. John Quintan. Tho bride was given in marriage by herfother, and yas lovely ‘In a gown, of white satin, priticeas ‘Mnea, with ler of mutton sleeves, and her floorlength, veil was caught with a wreath of or ango blossoms, and she carried a bou- quet of carnations.” Miss:Irene Fields was her alster’s bridéamaid, and ware a shell pink gown of net over satin, with sweetheart neckline and ware. a headdress to match. Miss Rota. Quin- lan, couain of tha groom, as maid-of- honour, -was gowned fn. aquamarine blue net with headdress to.mateh, and Conservatives Elect Officers. Patnt-ap Time C.LL. Truetone White Semi-Gloss Deluxe Enamels. RICHMOND ENAMELS.89¢ QUART. We have a complete. stock of 1943 Wallpaper Pat- terns in stock. STEP LADDERS, GARDEN TOOLS, POULTRY SUPPLIES. ELECTRIC FENCE CONTROLLERS $11.00 UP. HOT SHOT BATTERIES BATTERIES FOR BATTERY RADIOS. OUR STOCK IS IN GREAT SHAPE. Geo. R. WELLER ____Phone 132. Easex, Ontario. CHICK STARTER TURKEY: STARTER GROWING MASH satveey couch aul s aA Mic BCH ATOM seOwlNs mate formacmuaty 1038700] “BIG “3” LAYING MASH “8 DAIRY RATION | LARVICIDE KILLS RATS, MICE, WEAVIL, and VERMIN: Protect Your Grain and Feeds NAYLOR FEED MILLS Ebons 17, ESSEX TOWN. OF ESSEX 1943 TAXES.’ VA%. Discount will be allowed « on al Payments . made on or before June 30th. W. E, BEAMAN, Tax Collector. both girls. wore n corsage of carna- tions.. Billo Quinlan, brothor of the groom, and Charles’ Quinian, an cousin, acted a8 groomamen.: A breakfast was served atthe ‘Abor- deen. Hotel to the bridal party and Im- ed to alxty relatives: and friends ot |: the groom's home at 5 o'clock, with a more young people had: a very enjoy: able time. ree ‘Butter coupons 12 and: 10th. They expire Jun and 17 ara puesune pots mart, aye. due June rd: aid cdupdus. vedas June:10th!)7 They mediate family, and a dinner was gory: |. reception following, whon a hundred or |. |’ Ration Coupon Datesare Due, i “Hore are the datea’ on: whiten, ra: a . tion coupons are due:" . :
Page 1: Bring The Town of Essex lute Saturdaye . tion coupons are ... · Grinders and Ont Rollers now in: GORDONJ. RODGER, 186, Menheim, Ontario Weslern Ontario Representative, EGGSWANTED.

24 ||



_ effacts of tao much


course on the menu, that of

HAILLADIES: Do not forget about

ing like hot cakes.


ef can insure anybody or anyt


It Ia too bad that | have been unable to insure you against the


1 lo have the very best facilities and rates obtainable to protectyour crops, if you have any, agalnat the disastrous. effecta of the next


market for you — at the small coat of only $10.00 anntatly.



_ HAILthe only ACCIDENT POLICY on the

It Is set).


hing aeeRDE dead folka and ashes.”


Buy a Greek WarRelief Tag on

Saturday. Give Generously—


We pay cash for Cream... Cal) 143,

Easex, and our truck will call,

Phono 143.


Purina and Blatchford’s FamousFeeds — Starting Mashes, GrowingMashes, Laying. Mashes, Sreeder.Mashes, Poultry Concentrates, CalfMeals, Dairy Concentrates, and Dry -and Frashening Mashea, |. NEUHAUSER ESSEX HATCH-



Anyone haviag hogs’ to sell kindly

call line 8 ring 13, Maidstone Crosscentral, or bring in your own hogs.to

Essex, We ship-every Thursday. On

ecount of gas and rubber shortage |we cannot call at your place.


' RR. 1, Maidstone. .


Big selected, fast growing Chicks

with a guarantees behind them, Topquality .from blood tested stock.Real moneymakers, Hatches twiceweekly.



.Essex, Ontario.


LAWN MOWERSsharpened andrepalred. Work promptly’ done.

Apply U, PERRY, Wilson avenue,HSOx. 17-tf

00M. TO RENT — Ladies anly, Apply BOX 100-J, Essex, 28-3

rO RENT — 3 rooms and hath, up-


OR SALE—2 six-room Houses, both

with modern conveniences, on Mapleaptow, Town of Essex. Apply MRS.B\\GUS ROBSON, Centre street, Ks.Nt

FOR SALE—i}-Hece Chesterfield Suite,Marshall springs, in very goad con-

ition; 2lso Oak Library Table. Apply1s, ALLAN DEWHIRST, 8th Con.,

toslield North, R. R.1, Cottam. Phone@eoltam, Une 33 ring 3. 22-3¢


, EQUIPMENT.Surge and Woods' Mitking Machines,

Electric Mk Coolers,. Staintess Steel

Water Coolers, Water Heaters, GrainGrinders and Ont Rollers now in

stock. :

GORDON J. RODGER,Box 186, Menheim, Ontario

Weslern Ontario Representative,

EGGS WANTED.Bring your eggs to the Essex Grad

Ing Station, next to the Free Press Of-

flee, Phone 59,

Open same hours as the stores.

Highest Market Prices.

FOR SALE—Corn Planter

anid hree

for, Apply ARMAND) LADO C-BUR, RTL 2, Belle River, gaatFOR Sake 0Yorkpies, froma to® woeks old, weaned, will sell all ov

part, Apply JOSEPH TOTTEN, 1thConcession, Gostleld North, PhoneCotton, Hi Tring 10,

FOR, SALE—Teumof Hor:ROYyears old; new set of Breeching Hare

hess, complete with everything: Inter-

national FI2 Tractor, with cultivatorattachment, In A-d condition, Apply

JOSEPH CZOP, k,l. 3, } i 20-3

FOR. SALE—Grey Hor: old,

wt. 1700 tbs, ar will trade for sinall-er horse, “Apply IGNACIO KISEL Pa

quette, ROR. 1: Phony Maidstone, lineLring 4. 2

TO RENT—Purnished room, suitable

for one or two gentlemen. Also anlee Box and a new Hedroam Rocking

Chair for sale. Apply MRS. A. MEVP-

CAL,Ll bot street, essex.

FOR“SALE—Gnernsey-Holstein Helf-ov, 2. yeays old, fresh also flolstuin-

Jersey, Cow, § years old. fresh doimos,

Apply GHORGH COLENUTT, IL it. 2Kssex. Phone line 73 rnsia Delt

DON'T PUT OFFyour sumer Bray

order for chicks, cockerels, pullets.

A few Jate June chicks available, “The

2-hour Poultry Short Course” is some:

thing you should have, its tree: Ag:

ents, Douglas Herdman, Harrow Farm

ers, Harrow; 0. W. Berry, Kingsville.

EACHER WANTED—Primary dlvi-

sion, Bgsex Publle Schoal,mecricnce, qualifications and salary, ox-meeeted. Dutfas. to commence Septem-

ber Ist, 1, W. ALLISON, Soc.-Treas.,oa

OR SALE =~ Corn Sheller, In. goad

condition; also Tractor, in goodmeorking order. Apply to PETERVOYTUIK, 1124 Westcott Road, EastVindsar, Phone'3-0029 or-4-8112, after

: , 22-8t

BrOR SALE--1924 DoSoto chasals andwheels, sultable to make trnafler or

Be -wheeled wagon; also 1984 DeSotolotor, both reasonable, Apply- 6. H.2YLOR, Cottam, 7 -'*

EACHER WANTED — Public 8, 8.No, 18, Goafleld North, Basek County,tics to atart September Ist, salary200. State experiance and qualifer-ong, C. A. DEWHIRST, accretary-cisurer, South Woodslee, Ont, -

OR SALE—2 good Work Horses, roasonable,. Apply JOHN D. SHELT-NR. R. 1, Basex, 1 mile south ofssex, an No, 9 Highway.

State ex-|.

‘Ton No. 3 Highway.

FOUND— Small sum “ot money, lustweek, Owner may haye same hy

paying for’ this advt. and proving ows

ership. Apply at FREE PRESS OF-

‘PICK, ‘ ; .

FOR SALE —~ Milch Cows, 2 Guern-soya, 1 Ayrshire, 1 Jersey, 1 Ayr:

shire -holfer Calf also Corn Cultivator,

and an Bleetric Fencer. Apply ALVINVINCENT,1st house south of Emery's

Corner, NR. R. 1, Balle River. 23-2

FOR ‘SALE—2 Grado Holstein Heitore, 2 years old, fresh, FBteatod..

‘Anply A. M. NEWMAN, RF. R. 2, SouthWoodslee, Phone Cottam, Uno.50 ring

ag. 22-3

FOR SALE—Young ‘Foam of syonr-olds, well broken, and quiet; Double

Harness; Wagon: Metal Churn, almostnew. See GEORGE. ANGIER, PucoRoad, or. Phone Pleasant Park, Ine 28

ring 6. 23-8t

‘FOR: BALE .- arly Tomato’ Plants.

Also WANTED —~ Berry Plekers af-

ter‘ June 16th, Apply MRS, G..De-

LOOP,2nd house past Arner Tow!nine,

OR BSALE—About: 14 acres ‘of. good,Hay; aleo 2 nico fat young Yori

PSUPH BAILLARGHON,No. 2 High-ty, 11th Con.,"Sandwieh South,

R SALE—MeCormick Mower, 6 ft.cut; Walking Plow; 2-row Beet Cul

DN, @otfam, R. Rh.3.

PR SALE—1036 Ford Doluxe Sedan,§ good tires, motor in good :.cond!-

» Apply: JOHN: JONES; on -Bellever Road, near, OtydeBaker! Phonettam, no 24 ring 8. A get as

ANTED—tronAge, ron.‘Ting, Plan-et or RurakaGarden SeedDrill, Ap-|.

Vy SHIPMAN,R. R, 1, Windsor’ (ffur-'Line,’ Talbot" ‘Rowe‘fyiter'edcttoil),’


wa, for ment or breeding. Apply. to |,


‘| Plow; M. A. Dump’:Rake, 10 tt, 80-



Breakfast Set — Table and 4 Chalrs,Wory trimmed. In black, $14... °

: Je A, HICKS &SONPhone 41.ilgenpen

FOR 8ALE—McCormick-Deoring Bind-

or, 6 ft, cut; 2. Cream Separators;

-M,H, 2soction Spring Tooth Harraw;


bottom; M. H.’Tractoy Plow, S-furrow,

14-inch bottom; Cockshutt 2furrow

Riding : Plow; Shorea Corn -Cul-

tlvator; . Gookshiitt, “J-furrow, Riding

tooth: “Ms HY: Mowing:‘Machine,. Rift,

cut; Cockshutt 3-furrow ‘Tractor, Pliw,

“Apply,DEL. BROWN, FiRuscomb, agent,

M:-Homachinery: and ‘yapalra avd one 40146, : _ Bete |

;| als on house of furniture, estates, os-

M.'H.Tractor. Plow, ours) 1einch|

Go 1 Li, Beytilieers. - ‘Phone. ‘Woodslee, a


Baptist Pastor Resigns.

Rey, John Hunterdannonnigedl to thecongregation ef the local BaptistChureh that he had decided to acceptcall toa Baptist Chureh in. the Cityof Detroit, Mr. Uinter has been herefor the past ‘three and a balf yearsand under his guidance the chureh lastuken some forward steps.During his ministry the chureh mort-

gage has been cleared and a parson-age bought. Less than one hundreddolirs hag to be pala on the pursen-age, and thi will be taken care of be-fore Mr. Hunter leaves.

Rev, Hunter has been active in evan-selistle work and his heart-searchingmeagsiges have been instrumental indrawing evening crowds above the av:erage, Uniler his ministry the Sundayschool wis ppentd in New Canaan andthis is now carrled on by one of thedencons of the church. He also car.ned the load of Wheatley and Coats«worth missions, and they now have a

resident pastor, .

FOR SALE—Holstein Cowold, fresh a week; 2 Horses, 3 years:

old, broken; 12 York Ples,’ 7 weeks

okl; Vescott Grinder, with bagger. Ap:

uly ALEX SHUBLL, East Puce Roud,

70 rads north No, 2 Highway.

room House, on Wilsanavenue. Essex? Apply A. BE, .Mac-



BUS FOR “SALE—25-pasnouger Dus,rubber ilvst class, 1942 chassis. See

FR. O'NEILL,or phon 3, Pissex,

FOR SALE—Entire.herd of Jersey andHolstein Cattle, all T. He tested.

Apply ORLIN OSBORNE, 9th Con., R.

RN. 1, Cottnm. Phone 4 ring 12. 24-1t

FOR SALE—? Collle Pups. Apnly -toRAY HUNTER, Con, ‘ Colchester

North, Phono 1211ving 1 24-14

ROOFING-~Weniare “prepared to do

all kinds of roofing, Prices Reason.able. Apply A. BOAN, Roofing Con-tractor, Easex. 24-7t

FOR SALE—Heamis“Tomato Planter;John Deere Corn Planter. Apply to

GEZA VORAG, R. R. 1, McGregor, 7thCon, Anderdon, 24

FOR SALE — Late Tomato Plants,Apnly GARNET MALOTT, Cottam,

or call Lewla Malott, Une 28 ring 23,Cottam, ° 24-21

FOR SALE ~~ Guernsey Caw, fresh,7 years old, calf by slde. Apply

after’§ pm. toADELARD MELOCHE,

13th Con., Colchester North. 24-1t

FOR SALE—20 Feeder“Hore, 125 Ibs,eachalso -& Brood Sowa, with pigs

hy alde. Apply 0, HAGGINS, R. R. 2Ruthven, on North Rear Road, 24-1

FOR SALE—Guernaey Bull, 8 months

old, or will trade for heifer; alsa fatHalatein Calf; Apply CHAS, WENZ-ELLBURGER, 16th Con, 2 milessouthwest of Muldstone, Sandwich.South, "24-2lsFOR SALE—Quantity of good, hard,

carly maturing NativeYellow Corn,fit for seed, Apply to» FRANK WIN,

Besex. : _ 28.it,

WE BUY. mates Washing -Ma-chines, Stoves, Household Articles,

Motors, Bicyclog, etc, Honest apprata-

pecially.” Write full partioulnrs and

correct address to MERISTSKY F'UR-|’NITURS, 416 eS stroct ‘east,

Windsor, oot Bttf

Improved Town Property —:~ For Gale.

“gealed tenders Wilt be. recelved bythe undersigned, up-to 6 p.m. on

MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1943,-For the purchase of. the following

property ‘Inthe Toww of Eanex: ~.:“Lote180, 191, 193, 106 197, and parts

of lots 186, 187, 188, 4


dng the meeting that thero are 4,000

“no complaintof thetreatrnent of: these

"| Bae OW

Essex Roan,

The members of the

Inu, to Hsten toa very tine address bythely Distvlct Governor, Alex Moore,cof Wayne, Mich, :

The speaker told of iw the presentwarts bringing United states. Canuda

| Chey ever have been before, ;

“Priendship,, inns estimation,the finest paint tuk “he stated,compurhig it todedicate Sawer ane

stressing tliat


The Governor interspersed His talkby many quotations, sand reciting ys

fumber of short poems. «

An oddity of the evening was theushing of Verne Snyder, a visitors with(he Governor from Wiyte. to intro.duce the speaker, Verne. whe a erent

Vewne rene

to dtroduedines

practicing law in Wayne

Inixeed av Httle pelor

Che gest, stating it Was 20 yearsstnes

le, with lis parents, had left Essex,and that they had reste fy Mssex

from 1807 to 180. Tb was sort or tit

for tat, as after Mr. Moore hadheen Introduced he in turn tatrodacedVerne and told what i fine Retaranand public spirited citizen he ts, beingu past president of the Wayue Chih,as wellas being a past prestdent oftheir Boardof Commerce,

Other guests present were

Findlay and David Harrow. of theR.CALF, home on leave, both of whomare former Junior Rotors: Herb Murwin and I Haslam. of the Harrow

Club; Dr. Geo. Rogers, of Minneapolls,Minn, and Messrs. Wo B. Beamin, Fr

Vanstone, J) Frazier and Wm. Wass,ot Town,


An Unfortunate Occurrence.

The Town of Essex lute Saturdayenight and early Sunday nrovmlnig: Wits

the seene of a most untortinuite accur:rence, when ahout one hundred aniAtty, mostly townspeople, gathered infront of Workman's Restaurant threat.ening violence to five Canadian-bornJapanese, who were having somethingfo eat in the yestaurant, .

The trouble started when a sailor,in uniform, George Stevens, of River:

side, who used to work on a firm inMaidstone Township, and George Rech

of “Maidstone,. went Into) Workman's

Réstauvant and started ia argu.ment with the Japauecse over the

paying for a game of pool which theyhad played on Thursday eventig. Phe

Adpanese wha were there, howeverproved “not to be the ones they hadplayed with, and told) Stevens and

Reeb so, ,Going Baek a week to the Saturday’

previous, Stevens had been in the res-

taurant and hid deliberately. torn aNiece off a tale cloth to shine his

shoes with, so Mr, Worknian, recos-

Maing him, and expecting more

trouhie, left his plice of basiness andwont to get Chie! of Police Harrison,

but when he and the ehfet got lackReeb and Stevens had tert the restaur-ant and gone downthe street.

In some way a report was clreuhited

that they had been abused by the Japs.for a crowd formed from nowhere, ap-

parently without a leader, in tact the

ed Provincial Police’ Headquarters in

Windsor for help, and in fifteen min-

ules three Provincial Police and seven

Mounties were at the scene. Thecrowd dispersed only when Burt Pul-

leyblank, president of the local Legion,

advised those present that he wouldcall a special meeting of the Legion,

in thety elub rooms, on Sunday even-ing, have the young men present, and

go thoroughly Into the. facts of thecaso, and.the police had Stevens tellthe crowd that the rumours floating

around. wore Broatly exaggerated and

that he had not been molested in anyway by. the Japs.

At’ the meeting on Sunday tilghtStaff Set. A. W. Antlorson, headof theR.C.M.P, fn Windsor, promised thepeople of Essox, subject tothe approv-

alof hig sentor offteer in Toronto, that

an R.C.M.P, officer in uniform wouldhe stationed in the centrally locatedolflea of Angus MeKennay, town repre:

sentative of the Department of Agri-culture, during the eveninga while. thaJapanore wero in town,anone would -henceforthpot be allowedto neter the town on. Saturdays and

‘could only satay until 10,30 othrThe number who could como

at any.one time would alao he limited.There ara now 27 Japanoge.stationed

at North, Ridge camp,Sgt. Anderson advised thoso attend:

Canadian - families, ..oxclusive ot the‘| military, in Japan today,‘and that re-prleala againgt'thom were.always poss:{bl6, In fact, Japanese affatra In Can:ada aranow. tho Span-ish Bmbassy; who'roports regular’ ya‘mattera portaining ¢o Japsn's interest,Sat, Anderaon alaostates. that thera ts

4,000-Canadian familiesIn Japan.

Rummag “Be : :DtOb aturday, June ath

yagn's Miesionary Soolaty,wil thal Alm 8ng a1,

local RotaryClub were privileged, on Monday even-

aml Great Britain closer together thi


We should da eyery-(hing within our power to keep one

Inany oof the older residents will :

Inember, ts ao gvadnate of the Essexpublie and high schools. Te is new

crowd. got so large Chief Harrison eall- .

Also, the Jap: |-

Forhes Geddes. ar Essex, Was re.eleeted: president of the SouthKNOXProgressive: Conservative Assocdationaf he anna meeting ba the tawn hall,Kinggviie, on Monday evening. orbtin reelected were Rockwood Cather:wood, of Colehester South, txt, vice.bresident; Mes. Katheyn Sislth, ofLoumdngtou, tnd viee-president: dtson Sauter oat Cottam aethnetary, und Charles Medel of

N,Creaguver, Ti Q. Rilss, of Kinesvitle,and ‘Pert Pickerig 8Te iappalated +auditors, oa :

Mr. Geddes presided at the meetinWhiel was Well attended ly representatives: from wl seetlans of the ridingPlans were inade for the expected proVinelal election same time this SuanMer, and a business sexsian wies heldWii Conklin, of Iingsville, re

Ported that the nomination comnpitteshad Interviewed several ite South. tes:sex begurding as te their leine enndiHates for the South Essex riding Intthe coming provinedal election uniaise reported Chit these men are will:ing to have Meir names. placed before |the vomindtion convertion, the date ofWhleh wil be set at a spectal meetingOF The select exeentive: eomuiitter atan carly dateThe constitution: of the sRSOeCON

Was umnended so that the naine of theorganization could be changed framthe National Conservatives Conmitterto the Progressive Conservative Party,Austin Bo Smith suggested that thenominating convention be called assoon as possible and that the conven:Uon hea closed ane. This was movedby J. 2, Morris, of Leamington, andseconded hy &. Prancottic,and met with the favour of all thosepresent.

Guest speaker of the evening was A,Tt, Douglas, of London, former preskdent of the Western Ontario Con.Servative Association, He gave an ont:line of what the party will try ta doif given power and enumerated thefaults Progressive Conservatives tidwith the present Ddrovinchsl federalfoverninents, 1

Other speakers were Albert muner,af OUnda; oR. Morvis, of Lonmning-fon, William Marek, of Harrow, and‘George Brown, of Amherstburg,

Public SchoololSong Recital.

The Public School Song Recital andOperett® was atte nded hy a capacityaudience, the proceeds being just over$95.00, Practically every pupil of theschool apperred on the program, enab-ling the citizens and ratepayers to re- |view the work accomplished fn musicunder the capable direction of MissTena Cates.The program was presented at the

atternoon rehearsal ly Rev. JohnHunter, chairman ofthe Bourd of Rd-neation, while Perey Lee acted in thecapacity in the evening.

Generally speaking, the pupils didwell, and not a few disuuguished «them-selves, Invaluable assistince was given the staff and pupils by Charles Mae-del, who granted the use of his loud-spenling equipment to “Bud” Inkster,who was at. the controls. To these,and an others who contributed to thesnecoss of the entertainment—thanks,

ee tert @eee

Quinlan-Fielields Nuptials.

A very pretty wedding wis solemn-ized, of: Saturday mor:ning, June bth,at a Name Chureh, ssex, whenRey. Fr. 1. O’Neli united in marriageMiss Alva Plolds,-daughtor of Mr. andMra. Jean Flelds, and Philip, eldest sonof Mr. and Mra. John Quintan.Tho bride was given in marriage by

herfother, and yas lovely ‘In a gown,of white satin, priticeas ‘Mnea, with lerof mutton sleeves, andher floorlength,veil was caught with a wreath of orango blossoms, and she carried a bou-quet of carnations.” Miss:Irene Fieldswas her alster’s bridéamaid, and warea shell pink gown of net over satin,with sweetheart neckline and ware. aheaddress to match. Miss Rota. Quin-lan, couainof tha groom, as maid-of-honour, -was gowned fn. aquamarineblue net with headdress to.mateh, and

Conservatives Elect Officers.


C.LL. Truetone White Semi-Gloss Deluxe Enamels.


We have a complete.stock of 1943 Wallpaper Pat-terns in stock.






Geo. R. WELLER____Phone »132. Easex, Ontario.



GROWING MASHsatveey couch aul s aAMic BCH ATOMseOwlNs mateformacmuaty 1038700]




Protect Your Grain and Feeds



VA%. Discount will be allowed«onal Payments .made on or before June 30th.

W. E, BEAMAN, Tax Collector.

both girls. wore n corsage of carna-tions.. Billo Quinlan, brothor of thegroom, and Charles’ Quinian, an cousin,acted a8 groomamen.: —A breakfast was served atthe ‘Abor-

deen. Hotel to the bridal party and Im-

ed to alxty relatives: and friends ot |:the groom's home at 5 o'clock, with a

more young people had: averyenjoy:able time.


‘Butter coupons 12 and:

10th. They expire Junand 17 ara puesune

pots mart,aye. due June rd: aid cdupdus.

vedasJune:10th!)7 They

mediate family, and a dinner was gory: |.

reception following,whon a hundred or |. |’

Ration CouponDatesareDue, i“Hore are the datea’ on: whiten, ra: a

. tion coupons are due:" . :
