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Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletter Contact us: 01787 227446 [email protected]ffolk.sch.uk Date: 24th May 2019 Big Queson of the Week “Do you think that one day science will find a way to make people live forever? If so, do you think that that would be a good or a bad thing?” Explore, Believe, Shine Science Week—4th—7th June 2019 The week after half term we will be celebrating all things scientific and technological in our Science Week. Mrs Bennie has been instrumental in organising things but all our teachers have worked hard to plan exciting challenges to develop the children’s skills in this crucial area of learning. Lots of the activities we are planning will be around the theme of food and sustainability. We are hugely grateful to Mrs Steel (a parent of one of our Year 4 pupils) who is going to let the children enjoy a cooking experience in her ‘Mac St. Kitchen’ van—we can’t wait to taste their delicacies! All classes have been growing vegetables to add to their various recipes; learning about the science of plants and thinking about how important plants are to our health and to creating a more sustainable food source worldwide. On Friday, a female workshop controller (Serena Depradine) and an apprentice technician (John Mills) from the BMW dealership my husband runs, will be visiting school in a BMW i8 (an electric plug-in hybrid sports car). The children will have a chance to find out about electric cars and the future of this technology. Our Year 5 and 6 children will also get the chance to ask some questions about what might help them access a career in the motor industry— having a female workshop controller is quite rare—we are hoping that talking to Serena might get our girls thinking about whether a career in the scientific or engineering world might be a good option for them! The i8 will still be at school at the end of the day if you’d like to come and have a look. Rockley Rocks! I hope you have been enjoying the regular ‘Tweets’ from our adventurers at Rockley as much as I have. We are looking forward to seeing them later today but are very glad that you, as their parents, will be taking them home with all their dirty washing and lack of sleep grumpiness!! I want to express my thanks to Ms Holtom, Mrs Bennie and Mr Ray for accompanying them—I know they have enjoyed it but it is a big responsibility and hard work! I would like to thank the children too who have been fabulous ambassadors for our school. Well done to all—I am sure you will be glad to have them back safe and sound.
Page 1: Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletters14035.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/ · PSA News Bures Carnival - Saturday 15th June We have been invited to join the Bures Carnival

Bures C.E. Primary School


Contact us: 01787 227446 [email protected] Date: 24th May 2019

Big Question of the Week “Do you think that one day science will find a way to make people live forever? If so,

do you think that that would be a good or a bad thing?”

Explore, Believe, Shine

Science Week—4th—7th June 2019

The week after half term we will be celebrating all things scientific and technological in our Science Week.

Mrs Bennie has been instrumental in organising things but all our teachers have worked hard to plan

exciting challenges to develop the children’s skills in this crucial area of learning.

Lots of the activities we are planning will be around the theme of food and sustainability. We are hugely

grateful to Mrs Steel (a parent of one of our Year 4 pupils) who is going to let the children enjoy a cooking

experience in her ‘Mac St. Kitchen’ van—we can’t wait to taste their delicacies! All classes have been

growing vegetables to add to their various recipes; learning about the science of

plants and thinking about how important plants are to our health and to creating

a more sustainable food source worldwide.

On Friday, a female workshop controller (Serena Depradine) and an apprentice

technician (John Mills) from the BMW dealership my husband runs, will be

visiting school in a BMW i8 (an electric plug-in hybrid sports car). The children

will have a chance to find out about electric cars and the future of this

technology. Our Year 5 and 6 children will also get the chance to ask some

questions about what might help them

access a career in the motor industry—

having a female workshop controller is

quite rare—we are hoping that talking to Serena might get our girls

thinking about whether a career in the scientific or engineering

world might be a good option for them! The i8 will still be at school

at the end of the day if you’d like to come and have a look.

Rockley Rocks!

I hope you have been enjoying the regular ‘Tweets’ from our

adventurers at Rockley as much as I have. We are looking

forward to seeing them later today but are very glad that you,

as their parents,

will be taking them

home with all their

dirty washing and lack of sleep grumpiness!! I want to express

my thanks to Ms Holtom, Mrs Bennie and Mr Ray for

accompanying them—I know they have enjoyed it but it is a big

responsibility and hard work! I would like to thank the children

too who have been fabulous ambassadors for our school. Well

done to all—I am sure you will be glad to have them back safe

and sound.

Page 2: Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletters14035.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/ · PSA News Bures Carnival - Saturday 15th June We have been invited to join the Bures Carnival

Explore, Believe, Shine

‘The Adventure Awaits…’

PSA News

Bures Carnival - Saturday 15th June

We have been invited to join the Bures Carnival parade, which will be starting from Bures Common

around midday and walking through the village to the Recreation Ground. It would be great to

see as many children as possible to join us. After this, we will be running a fundraising stall at the

Recreation Ground all afternoon. Finally, we have our 80s Disco in the Community Centre in the

evening. Please do join us for as many of these activities as you can. We would really welcome as

much help from parents as possible, so if you are able to spare an hour to help with any part of the

day, please email [email protected], speak to Helen Foster or leave a message for us in the

school office. Many thanks in advance for your support.

Ice Cream stalls

Next half term we hope to be running our weekly ice cream stalls. These are always popular with

the children but do require a number of parents to help each week in order to make them viable. If

you are able to help us for about 20 minutes at pick-up time on a

Wednesday, please do get in touch as we will only be able to run these

stalls for the children if there are

sufficient parent volunteers. Please speak to Helen Foster, email

[email protected] or leave a message in the school office if you

are willing to help.


Thank you to all those people who are showing their understanding of the importance of regular school

attendance by not extending their half term holiday into term time. As someone who has to travel on the

busy days and book holidays at the most expensive times, just like you, I recognise the temptation to make

the decision that one or two days absence don’t matter. All the research shows that children who understand

the importance of regular school attendance do far better in their later education—so what seems a minor

decision for your primary age children can have a big impact at a later date.

Collective Worship

On Monday, I introduced ‘Walk to School Week’ in our assembly. Jack and Millie played a game of transport

tennis and we managed to think of lots of ways we could travel to school. We talked about the five reasons

walking to school might be important—see if your child can remember all five! We also talked about how one

reason for walking to school was to help reduce pollution and play our part in taking care of God’s world.

On Tuesday, Mrs Bacon shared with the children an initiative called ’Thy Kingsdom Come’ which involves

Christians of different denominations praying together between Ascension Day and Pentecost—if you would

like to learn more about this you can visit their website at www.thykingdomcome.global/resources.

On Wednesday, we used our singing assembly to finish learning ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ in

sign language. The children are much better at remembering it than me but we are

looking forward to sharing it with you at some point in the near future.

Rev Trish led our assembly on Thursday. She brought in a hoe and talked about how

‘The Lord’s Prayer’ is a bit like using a hoe in your life. A hoe removes the weeds from

the garden and saying ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ i.e. saying sorry and asking for forgiveness is

like removing the weeds (or bad things) from your life.

Walk to School Week

Thank you to everyone for throwing themselves into our ‘Walk to School Week’ with such enthusiasm. I know

lots of children have walked, cycled and scootered much further than usual—it has been a great learning

experience and lovely to talk about their journeys to school—some of which have been very long!!!

Page 3: Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletters14035.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/ · PSA News Bures Carnival - Saturday 15th June We have been invited to join the Bures Carnival

Our Learning Ambassadors for this week are:

Connar, Rory, Peter, Lottie, Evie, Jess, Cameron,

Albert, Oliver, Ben and Blake Staff Ambassadors— Mrs Handley and Mrs Bodi

Well Done to all of them!

Attendance—Whole School so far this academic year 96.1%

Gold = 98 -100% Green = 95 – 97.9% Red = 90 – 94.9% Purple = <90%

Not a good week.

Reception Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Year Six

96.4 96.7 95.2 85.9 94.5 96.8 100

Explore, Believe, Shine

‘The Adventure Awaits…’

Y5 Kwik Cricket

Monday 20th May was a exciting time for the cricket team. Sadly, the team didn’t get into the finals

But they tried their very best. They had fun and worked as hard as they could. The team consisted of:

Josh, Zac, Erin, Mathew, Tia, Harry, Charlie C,

Dylan, Lenny and Toby. Written by Tia and Erin
