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Chapter 3 ss review

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Chapter 3 Review
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Chapter  3  Review  

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Mesopotamia  is  located  between  the  __________  and  ________  rivers.  

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Mesopotamia  is  located  between  the  __________  and  ________  rivers.  

Tigris  and  Euphrates  

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  An  “independent  state  that  includes  a  city  and  its  surrounding  territory”  is  a(n)  ___________________.  

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  An  “independent  state  that  includes  a  city  and  its  surrounding  territory”  is  a(n)  city-­‐state.  

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How  many  different  classes  were  there  in  ancient  Sumer?  


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How  many  different  classes  were  there  in  ancient  Sumer?  

There  were  three  social  classes.  What  were  they?  

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How  many  different  classes  were  there  in  ancient  Sumer?  

There  were  three  social  classes.  What  were  they?  

Upper  class  –  rulers,  top  officials,  priests,  wealthy  merchants,  and  land  owners  

Middle  class  –  farmers  and  skilled  workers  

Lower  class  –  slaves    

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A  religion  that  promotes  a  belief  in  more  than  one  god  is  known  as  ________  .  

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A  religion  that  promotes  a  belief  in  more  than  one  god  is  known  as  polytheism.  

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A  system  of  wriMng  that  uses  triangular-­‐shaped  symbols  to  stand  for  ideas  or  things  is  known  as  __________.    

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A  system  of  wriMng  that  uses  triangular-­‐shaped  symbols  to  stand  for  ideas  or  things  is  known  as  cuneiform.    

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The  set  of  282  laws  that  governed  life  in  the  Babylonian  empire  is  known  as  _____________.    

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The  set  of  282  laws  that  governed  life  in  the  Babylonian  empire  is  known  as  Hammurabi’s  Code.    

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Which  Assyrian  leader  built  a  library  and  filled  it  with  over  20,000  tablets  on  subjects  like  math,  science,  and  law?  

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Which  Assyrian  leader  built  a  library  and  filled  it  with  over  20,000  tablets  on  subjects  like  math,  science,  and  law?  


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This  leader  captured  Jerusalem  and  built  what  would  be  known  as  the  “Neo  Babylonian”  empire.  

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This  leader  captured  Jerusalem  and  built  what  would  be  known  as  the  “Neo  Babylonian”  empire.  

Nebuchadnezzar  II  

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This  Persian  leader  conquered  the  Medes  and  greatly  increased  the  size  of  his  empire.  

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This  Persian  leader  conquered  the  Medes  and  greatly  increased  the  size  of  his  empire.  

Cyrus  the  Great  

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  The  son  of  Cyrus  the  Great,  this  leader  conquered  Egypt,  but  had  to  end  his  invasion  of  Kush  a\er  his  army  was  unprepared  to  survive  in  the  desert.  

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  The  son  of  Cyrus  the  Great,  this  leader  conquered  Egypt,  but  had  to  end  his  invasion  of  Kush  a\er  his  army  was  unprepared  to  survive  in  the  desert.  

  Cambyses  II  

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  This  leader  took  the  throne  by  force  a\er  Cambyses  died.  He  divided  his  empire  into  provinces  with  their  own  leaders,  laws,  and  tradiMons.    

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  This  leader  took  the  throne  by  force  a\er  Cambyses  died.  He  divided  his  empire  into  provinces  with  their  own  leaders,  laws,  and  tradiMons.  

  Darius  the  Great    

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  What  were  two  things  that  Darius  did  to  help  develop  his  empire?  

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  What  were  two  things  that  Darius  did  to  help  develop  his  empire?  

  -­‐  Divide  his  territory  into  provinces  

  -­‐  Created  a  common  currency  

  -­‐  Built  a  system  of  roads  

  -­‐  Created  a  series  of  postal  staDons  

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  What  was  the  central  belief  of  Zorastrianism?  

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  What  was  the  central  belief  of  Zorastrianism?      

  The  universe  in  a  state  of  struggle  between  the  forces  of  good  and  evil.  

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  How  and  why  were  seals  used  in  Sumer?  

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  How  and  why  were  seals  used  in  Sumer?  

  A  seal  was  used  idenDfy  objects  as  someone’s  personal  property.  The  seal  leI  the  personal  mark  of  an  individual  and  was  stamped  into  clay.  

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  Phoenician  society  began  to  emerge  once  ______________  rule  ended.  

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  Phoenician  society  began  to  emerge  once  EgypDan  rule  ended.  

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  Why  did  the  Phoenicians  trade  with  other  cultures?  

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  Why  did  the  Phoenicians  trade  with  other  cultures?  

  They  had  few  natural  resources  of  their  own.  

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  What  is  the  difference  between  an  import  and  an  export?  

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  What  is  the  difference  between  an  import  and  an  export?  

  An  import  is  a  good  or  service  sold  within  a  country  that  is  produced  in  another  country.  

  An  export  is  a  good  or  service  produced  within  a  country  and  sold  outside  the  country’s  borders.  

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The  Phoenicians  developed  an  __________  with  ______  symbols  that  is  similar  to  what  we  use  today.  

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The  Phoenicians  developed  an  alphabet  with  22  symbols  that  is  similar  to  what  we  use  today.  
