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Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam

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Over 1500 supplements from Canada and USA compared and rated for Health and Wellness purposes.
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Page 2: Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam

NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

Figure 11-1

Eighteen Important Health Support CriteriaCompleteness: looks to see if the productcontains all the Blended Standard nutrients.

Antioxidant Support: examines the nutrientsthat help to prevent or repair cellular damagecaused by oxidation, including vitamin C,vitamin E, vitamin A, beta-carotene, alpha-lipoicacid, Iycopene, coenzyme Ql 0, and selenium.

Lipotropic Factors: examines those nutrients,including choline, lecithin, and inositol, that helpremove toxins, including heavy metals like lead.The liver and the brain are two primary targetsfor the accumulation of fat-soluble toxins.

Liver Health: examines those nutrients(including vitamin C, cysteine andn-acetyl-cysteine, selenium, vitamin B2,and vitamin B3) that enhance liver functionand optimize levels of glutathione, whichhelps cells fight off toxic challenges.

Metabolic Health: examines those nutrientsthat help the body handle its daily sugarload, keeping systems responsive to insulinand restoring lost insulin sensitivity. Thesenutrients include vitamin B3 , vitamin B6,vitamin Bl 2, vitamin C, vitamin E, biotin,coenzyme Q1 0, chromium, magnesium,manganese, and zinc.

Potential Toxicities: examines thosenutrients that can build up in the body, -----Ur:possibly leading to toxic levels withlong-term intake. This includes vitaminA and iron. Accidental overdose ofiron-containing supplements is, in fact,a leading cause of fatal poisoning inchildren. Vitamin A is available, safely,as beta-carotene, while adequateiron is easily obtainable for mostpeople from foods.

Mineral Forms: examines themolecules that minerals arebound with to help them crossinto the bloodstream. Aminoacid chelates and organic acidcomplexes (such as citrates andgluconates) mimic the naturalmineral chelates that form duringthe digestive process. Chelatedminerals also appear not to blockother minerals from being absorbed, unlike manyof the less expensive mineral salts (carbonates,sulphates, and chlorides).

Bone Health: examines the nutrients that assistin bone remodeling, vital to ward off osteoporosisand other diseases that weaken the skeletal framework.These nutrients include vitamin D, vitamin K, vitaminC. vitamin B6, vitamin Bl 2, folic acid, boron, calcium,magnesium, silicon, and zinc.

Phenolic Compounds Profile: examines a specificgroup of phenolic compounds (polyphenolic acidsand their derivatives), known to be exceptionallypotent defenders against free radicals. Phenols derivedfrom olives, green tea, and curcumin are also known toimprove major risk factors for cardiovascular disease,including lowering the impact of inflammation.

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Potency: looks to see how much of eachnutrient the product contains compared

to the Blended Standard amounts.

Bioactivity of Vitamin E: looks to see if thevitamin Eis the natural or synthetic form.

Natural forms include d-alpha tocopherol,while synthetic vitamin E, only half as effective,

is usually in the form of d,l-alpha tocopherol.

Ocular Health: Good eyesight and prevention ofcataracts and macular degeneration require adequate

levels of several nutrients, including vitamin C,vitamin E, vitamin A (including beta-carotene),

and the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Glycation Control: examines those nutrients(I-carnosine, alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol,vitamin C, and alpha-lipoic acid) that help slow theprogress of many degenerative diseases, including

Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and cancer.

Heart Health: examines nutrients that helpprotect the heart and cardiovascular system,

including vitamin E, beta-carotene, coenzymeQ10, calcium, magnesium,l-carnitine or

acetyl-I-carnitine, procyanidolic oligomers(peOs), phenolic compounds, and Iycopene.

Gamma Tocopherol: checks to see if theproduct includes the gamma form of

vitamin E. Studies show that gamma­~I:-----t~~;..----_ tocopherol reduces chronic inflammation

and protects against cancers of the colonand prostate. High-dose supplementation

with alpha tocopherol alone can reduce thelevel of gamma tocopherol in body tissues.

Methylation Support: looks at thosenutrients, including vitamin B2,

vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid,and trimethylglycine, required for

the body to produce methyl donormolecules. Methyl donors help reduce

homocysteine levels in the blood,protecting the arteries and nerve fibres.

Inflammation Control: examines the nutrientsresponsible for reducing inflammation at the cellular

level, such as omega-3 oils-including those foundin fish oil (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids,

or EPA and DHA)-linolenic acid, gamma-tocopherol,alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin C. f1avonoids, procyanidolic

oligomers, and the phenolic compounds. Chronicinflammation can lead to serious degenerative

disease, including heart disease, cancers and arthritis.

Bioflavonoid Profile: examines the bioflavonoid familyof nutrients, which work throughout the body to attack

free radicals and support many bodily fuctions. Theseimportant nutrients include citrus f1avonoids, soy

isoflavones, quercetin, quercitrin, hesperidin, rutin,bilberry, assorted berry extracts, and PCOs (including

resveratrol, grape seed, and pine bark extracts).

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NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.- Henry Ford (1863-1947)



How the Program WorksFor those products receiving a five-star rating in the initial

product assessment, NutriSearch contacts each manufacturer andinvites them to participate in the NutriSearch Medal ofAchievementProgram:· A manufacturer may then choose to apply to one of theabove-noted agencies for a GMP audit and/or finished productanalysis. Those manufacturers deciding not to participate in theNutriSearch Medal of Achievement Program'· forfeit their oppor­tunity to demonstrate superior product quality and receive nofurther recognition beyond their five-star rating.

Upon successful completion of GMP and/or product ver­ification, the manufacturer is requited to submit notarizeddocumentation of such to NutriSearch. Once this documenta­tion has been reviewed and accepted, NutriSearch will ensurethat the manufacturer's product is appropriately displayed in the

All manufacturers who wish to receive GOLD Medalrecognition MUST submit their product{s) to a compre­hensive laboratory analysis ofactive ingredients, using theirchoice of one of the three above-mentioned independentprocedures.

Number (DIN), a current Canadian Natural Product Number(NPN), or a current listing in the AustralianRegister ofTherapeutic Goods.

GOLD medal status requires twoelements: GMP certification and lab­oratory verification of the product'sformulation, including identity andpotency. Manufacturers that qualifyfor SILVER status (based on GMPcompliance) and that provide writtendocumentation of the successful com­pletion of a recognized, third-partylaboratory analysis of product contentwill receive a NutriSearch GOLD Medal ofAchievement:· To meet the standard of evidence, NutriSearchwill accept notarized certificates of analysis from either the NSFInternational Dietary Supplement Verification Program, or the USPDietary Supplement Verification Program. NutriSearch will also rec­ognize as an acceptable standard of evidence a notarized certificateof analysis from an independent third-party laboratory that meetscurrent ISO 17025 standards.

Products that reach five stars are eligible to participate inthe NutriSearch Medal of Achievement Program,'· which awardsGOLD, SILVER, or BRONZE medals based on an assessment ofthe type of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) used to manu­facture the product, and on third-party laboratory verification of

the product's formulation.To reach BRONZE status, the

manufacturer must demonstrate com­pliance with a nationally recognizedcertification program for GMP basedon a food model. Manufacturers thathave completed and can document a

current and valid "A" rating for GMPcompliance with the Natural ProductsAssociation (NPA) [formerly theNational Nutritional FoodsAssociation(NNFA)] GMP Certification Program

will receive the NutriSearch BRONZE Medal of Achievemenc'·for the selected product. To meet the standard of evidence, themanufacturer must supply written documentation of both thesuccessful completion of the NPA audit and current good standingwith the NPA program.

To reach SILVER status, the manufacturer must demonstratecompliance with a nationally recognized certification program fornatural health product (NHP)-model GMP (Canada), medici­nal product-model GMP (Australia),pharmaceutical-model GMP (US).Manufacturers that have completedand can document a current andvalid audit for GMP compliancewith the NSF International DietarySupplement Verification Program,the United States Pharmacopoeia(USP) Dietary Supplement VerificationProgram, Canadian Natural HealthProducts Directorate (NHPD)* sitelicensing, or Australian TherapeuticGoods Administration (TGA)t sitelicensing receive the NutriSearch SILVER Medal ofAchievement'·for the selected product. To meet the standard of evidence,NutriSearch will accept written documentation of the successfulcompletion of the NSF or USP audits and current good stand­ing with either program, a current Canadian Drug Identification

In Canada, nutritional supplemcIHs-inciuding viramins, minerals, and herbal products sold in dosage form-are classified as narural heahh products and arc federally regulated by HealthCanada's arural Heallh Produc" Direcrorate (NHPD). These products bear either a Drug Idelllity Number (DIN) or a Natural Health Product Number ( P ). Conversely, in theUnited Stares, such products are commonly known as dict,uy supplemclHs and are regulated like foods.

In AusrraJia, dierary supplements are classified as Listed Medicinal Products and arc regulated under the Australian Thcrapeuric Goods Authority. These products bear a numerical identifier(Aust-L) and are listed in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods.

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NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

next edition of the NutriSearch Comparative Guide to NutritionalSupplements. TN The five-star rating will be highlighted in coloursrelating to the level of compliance (Gold, Silver, or Bronze) withthe product's Medal of Achievement prominently displayed in themanufacturer's profile.

There are no fees for the NutriSearch Medal of AchievementProgram,TN other than those incurred through each of the inde­pendent agencies for the site audit and laboratory verification ofproduct content.

Beyond the Stars: Proof of QualityWhether talking about pharmaceutical products or dietary

supplements, adherence to pharmaceutical-model GMP andlaboratory-based verification of the identity, potency, and purityof the finished product is the Gold Standard of proof for productquality and safety.

The Government of Canada requires that all manufactur­ers of natural health products sold in or into Canada complywith federally mandated GMP and product-quality standardsfor natural health products. These standards are established byHealth Canada's NHPD and may require site inspecrions of themanufacturing plant and an assessment of the finished product asa pre-market requirement for site licensing and product licensing.The new Canadian GMP standards for natural health productsapproach GMP standards modelled for pharmaceutical products.Consequently, Canada (along with Australia) is one of the strict­est regulatory environments for natural health products in thedeveloped world.

Unfortunately, this is not the case in the United States, wherecompliance with pharmaceutical-model GMP and quality sran­dards for finished producrs are currently voluntary. The US DietarySupplement Health and Education Act (1994) places nutritionalsupplements in a special category, regulated by the US Food andDrug Authority (FDA). In this category, the language regardingGMP compliance is modelled after food-processing practices.Under the Act, the manufacturer is responsible for determiningthat the supplements it makes are safe and that any claims madeabout the products are substantiared. There are no regulations thatestablish minimum standards of practice (GMP)-rhe manufac­turer is solely responsible for establishing its own manufacturingpractices and quality control measures, and for ensuring that thosepractices are met. The burden of proof for unsafe or adulteratedptoducts and false or misleading labelling, however, lies whollywith rhe FDA and not with the manufacturer. Consequently,the US market for dietary supplements is one where, accordingto some authorities, the majority of US dietary supplements failto meet label claims. Simply pur, although regulations exist, theenforcement and burden of proof is such that the reliability ofsupplements manufactured in the US is, indeed, questionable.

Assessing Product QualityThe previous edition of this guide attempted to provide

evidence of standards of quality and GMP compliance in thecompany profiles of some of our top-rated products; however,until now ir has not been possible to provide such evidence as anintegral component in our product ratings. In this edition of theguide, NutriSearch introduces a new level of product assessment

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that incorporates GMP compliance and product-content verifi­cation as critical components of our product ratings.

This higher standard of evidence incurs considerable cost andeffort on the part of the selected manufacturers; consequently, itis offered only to those manufacturers whose products merit afive-star rating, based upon our initial content analysis. For thesetop-rated products, each manufacturer must provide notarizedcertification showing:III the level of GMP compliance (food-to-pharmaceutical model);

andIII third-party laboratory verification of product identity and

potency according to label claim.Most experts in the field of nutritional supplementation believe

that these cwo additional criteria are every bit as important as theparticular nuances concerning the nutrient content of a givenproduct-a sentiment with which NutriSearch wholeheartedlyagrees. Together, GMP certification and laboratory-based contentanalysis provide assurance to the consumer that the product meetsestablished standards for manufacturing safety and product qual­ity, and that what is on the label is really in the bottle.

Currently, in the United States there are three independentnon-government programs available for the evaluation of GMPcompliance for nutritional (dietary) supplements. Each programhas its own standard of GMP compliance, which varies based onhow ir is modelled (food-to-pharmaceutical).

These programs are:III the NPA GMP Certification Program;III the NSF International Dietary Supplement Verification Program;

andIII the USP Dietary Supplement Verification Program.

For US companies who also sell dietary supplements intoCanada or Australia, cwo additional standards of evidence areaccepted. Both Health Canada's HPD and the Australian TGAwill licence US-based manufacturers in accordance with theirrespective national standards. NutriSearch will accept evidence ofcompliance with either of these standards as verification of GMPcompliance for both US and Canadian products. Such productswill bear a Health Canada Drug Identification Number (DIN), aHealth Canada Natural Product Number (NPN), or will be listedin the Australian Register ofTherapeutic Goods.

Certification Programs OverviewThe following discussion will provide the reader with an

overview of the various government and non-government pro­grams available in the United States and Canada that providecertification for dietary (nutritional) supplements. The levels ofcertification range form food-model to pharmaceutical-modelGMP and finished product standards.

Natural Products Association CertificationThe Natural Products Association (NPA) offers both a GMP

certification program and a separate product verification (TruLabel)program.

NPA GMP Certification ProgramThe NPA developed its standards in concert with member

manufacturers, orher trade associations, and the FDA. As with allfacility audits for GMP compliance, the NPA's auditors examine

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many aspects of manufacturing, including: personnel; plant andgrounds; sanitation; equipment; quality control; production andprocess controls; and warehouse, distribution, and post-distribu­tion practices. Third parties selected by the NPA conduct audits ofthe manufacturing facilities. There are three levels of compliance:

An 'X rating means the member "has excellent compliance withNPA GMPs, with few deficiencies noted." An 'X rating is requiredto apply for certification and the right to display the NPA GMPcertification logo.

A 'B' rating means the member "has good compliance withNPA GMPs, but several significant deficiencies were noted."Members may apply for 'A' status with written verification of cor­rection of the noted deficiencies.

A 'C' rating means the member "has fair or poor compliancewith NPA GMPs." Many deficiencies are noted and a re-audit ofthe facility is required.

NPA members also have the right to appeal a compliance rat­ing, and the NPA will work with both the member and the auditorto resolve any outstanding issues. NPA GMP certification doesnot include any laboratory verification of the label claims of thefinished product.

NutriSearch considers the NPA GMP CertificationProgram a food-modeL GMP standard, which is Less stringentthan a pharmaceuticaL standard. Products manufacturedunder this program are awarded a NutriSearch BRONZEMedal of Achievement. T

NPA TruLabei ProgramThe NPA product certification (TruLabel) program is com­

pletely separate from its GMP certification. The TruLabei programinvolves randomized testing of products registered with theprogram. It is important to note that a product registered withthe TruLabei program may never be tested; instead, products arerandomly chosen for verification each year. Consequently, notevery product bearing a TruLabei mark has undergone an actuallaboratory verification of label claim-something consumersmight well be led to expect. NutriSearch will therefore not acceptTruLabei compliance as evidence of product verification. Forfurther information on NPA GMP certification and the TruLabeiprogram, contact:

Natural Products Association1773 T Street, NWWashington, DC 20009USA

or call (202) 223-0101. You can also e-mail your inquiry [email protected], or log on to www.naturalprod­uctsassoc.org.

Because the NPA TruLabeL program invoLves randomizedtesting ofproducts-that is, the NPA does not test every prod­uct that participates in the program and, in fact, may nevertest a given product-an NPA-certified TruLabeL manufac­turer cannot make the claim that their product underwenta comprehensive Laboratory analysis for identity and potency.Consequently, the TruLabeL program does not quaLify as an

NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

acceptabLe standard ofevidence for the NutriSearch GOLDMedal of Achievement. T.

NSF Dietary Supplements CertificationThe NSF Dietary Supplements Certification Program includes

both facility audits and laboratory-based product verification; eachstep of the program uses third-party agents selected by NSF. Whena manufacturer or supplier contacts the NSF Dietary SupplementsCertification Program Office, an NSF representative will assistthe manufacturer through a five-step certification process. Thisprocess includes application, formulation review, facility audit,product testing, and documentation-report registration and cer­tification. The certification process begins when a completedapplication is returned to NSF. NSF then provides a confiden­tial review of product fotmulations and labels and determinesappropriate testing. Initial facility inspections for certification areconducted by trained NSF field auditors and include a GMP auditand assessment of conformity to NSF policies. Products are thentested at NSF laboratories to verify conformity to the NSF DietarySupplement Standard - NSF 173-2001.

Product assessment includes testing of raw materials as wellas the finished product. Testing includes identity, quantity, con­sistency, and purity, where analytical criteria can be established.Tolerances for purity of ingredients and contamination standardsare adopted from several sources, including the World HealthOrganization, the NSF International Standards, USP, BritishPharmacopeia, European Pharmacopeia, and Health Canada.Certification is awarded after all of the requirements for listinghave been successfully completed. Annual audits and product testsare conducted to ensure ongoing compliance.

NutriSearch considers the NSF Dietary SupplementsCertification Program a dietary supplement-model GMP thatapproaches the rigours of a pharmaceutical-model GMP. However,NSF has chosen to accept products into its program that havereceived only NPA-GMP (food-model) certification. NutriSearchis of the opinion that the qualification of products manufac­tured to food-model GMP without the need for an NSF-GMPaudit compromises the rigour of the NSF certification criteria.Consequently, for such products, NutriSearch treats the NPA­GMP certification as a food-model standard. Hence, productsbearing an NSF-GMP certification will only be awarded aNutriSearch BRONZE MedaL ofAchievement T

• unless the manu­facturer can verify that the product was subjected to a full NSFfacility audit for GMP.

Products awarded an NSF-GMP certification, throughan NSF facility audit, quaLify for a NutriSearch SILVERMedal ofAchievement. T. Silver medaL recipients, in turn, areeLigibLe for a NutriSearch GOLD Medal of Achievement T.

once the manufacturer compLetes a third-party Laboratoryanalysis ofproduct content.

About NSFThe NSF Dietary Supplements Certification Program standards

are more stringent than the NPA standards, and include a fulllaboratory analysis of each product submitted for certification.

NSF has developed over 50 voluntary American NationalStandards under the scope of public health and safety. NSF/ANSI

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NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

standards are developed through involvement of those who aredirectly affected by the standard. The process ensures input fromindustry representatives, public healthlregulatory officials, andconsumers. NSF is accredited by the American National StandardsInstitute (ANSI) to develop American National Standards. ANSIis a central repository for organizations setting standards for manyconsumer products and processes. Their accreditation verifies thatNSF develops standards in a manner that ensures openness anddue process. NSF/ANSI Standards are constantly being reviewedand revised to ensure that the standards are up to date and techni­cally sound.

For further information regarding the NSF International.Dietary Certification Program, contact:

NSF InternationalPO Box 130140, 789 N. Dixboro RoadAnn Arbot, MI 48113-0140USA

Alternatively, call 1-800-NSF-MARK, or e-mail [email protected],or log on to www.nsf.org.

NHPD and TGA CertificationHealth Canada's NHPD oversees the manufacture, distribution,

and sale of natural health producrs (dierary and herbal supple­ments), including vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplements. Untilrecently, nutritional supplements sold in Canada were treated thesame as prescription drugs, requiring pharmaceutical standardsfor ingredients, processing, and distribution. Health Canada's for­mer Therapeutic Products Program issued a Drug IdentificationNumber (DIN), which still applies to pharmaceutical products,to accepted natural health products. Awarding a DIN requiredmanufacturers to comply with site-licensing and product-licensingrequirements before receiving pre-market product approval.

Responsibility for site and product licensing for the sale ofnatural health products was transferred to the new Natural HealthProducts Directorate (NHPD) on January I, 2004. As in the past,all natural health products sold in Canada under the new NHPDregulations continue to be subject to rigorous levels of compliance.Pre-market site and product licensing continue to be mandatoryprior to the awarding of a Natural Product Number (NPN). Notonly must the product formulator meet Health Canada's GMP fornatural health products, so, too, must the label printers, distribu­tors, packagers, importers, and ingredient manufacturers.

Unfortunately, Health Canada does not necessarily conduct aphysical audit of the manufacturing plant or a laboratory analysisof product content before issuing GMP and product approval,relying instead on exrensive documentarion to demonstrare com­pliance. Because the Canadian marketplace is still in transitionfrom pharmaceutical regulations to natural health product (NHP)regulations, some products sold in Canada still bear a DIN ratherthan the new NPN. It is illegal to offer for sale in Canada a naturalhealth product that does not bear a current DIN or NPN. Productssold in or into Canada, which beat either a Health Canada DINor NPN, are recognized by NutriSearch as providing sufficientevidence of compliance with Canadian NHP-model GMP.

Widely considered one of the toughest regulators in the world,Australia's TGA is responsible for controlling the manufactur-

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ing, distribution, and sale of vitamin and mineral products inthat country. TGA-approved supplements, which are classifiedin Australia as Listed Medicinal Products and bear an AUST-Lnumerical identifier, must meet pharmaceutical-model GMP.The TGA strictly regulates not only the specific ingredients innutritional supplements, but also the source, amounts, and formsof those ingredients. TGA regulations require all manufacturingfacilities to pass a GMP audit based on the Australian Code ofGood Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products. In addi­tion, pre-market evaluation of a product includes a close look atpotential toxicity, product dosage, potential side effects, long-termeffects, and more. The TGA continues to monitor products longafter they enter the Australian market, requiring ongoing compli­ance with its strict regulations and GMP requirements.

NutriSearch considers both the Canadian NHPD andAustralian TGA approvals to be an acceptable level of GMPcompliance because they include both product-manufactur­ing and site-licensing procedures. Products approved forsale in those countries and that bear the respective DIN orNPN (Canada) or are listed in the Australian Register ofTherapeutic Goods, will receive a NutriSearch SILVERMedal of Achievement. T.

Silver medal recipients are eligible for a NutriSearchGOLD Medal ofAchievement '" once the manufacturer com­pletes a third-party laboratory analysis ofproduct content.

USP Dietary Supplement Verification ProgramThe USP Dietary Supplement Verification Program (DSVP)

sets GMP standards that approach pharmaceutical-model GMP.Although the organization does not claim to address all safetyissues, USP will not accept a supplement into its program thatcontains an ingredient with known safety concerns.

Even before USP begins its verification of a product, the appli­cant must pass three criteria:to! detailed checklist for USP GMP compliance;to! verification of validated analytical methodologies for each

ingredient in the product; andto! validation of finished product shelf-life.

Once a supplement has been accepted, USP conducts a three­day site audit based on its GMP model for dietary supplements,published in its General Chapter 2750 Manufacturing Practicesfor Dietary Supplements. The detailed audit examines personnel,document management, equipment, facilities, component control,maintenance, record keeping, laboratory controls, label control,quality control, and performance reviews. The applicant has only20 days to respond to reported deficiencies with a corrective actionplan in order to continue in the program. Proof of compliancewith the action plan is required during a later self-audit.

Product verification includes laboratory testing for ingredientidentity and potency. Testing for contamination with microbes,heavy metals, pesticides, and other toxins is also conducted. TheUSP product verification program tests all active ingredients in aproduct. Product perfotmance characteristics, including dissolu­tion and disintegration, weight variation, and content uniformity,are also examined.

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Upon completion of testing, the DSVP reporr will includerecommended acrions for compliance.V Action Levell issues involve changes ro rhe currenr quality sys­

tem and must be adequately resolved prior ro cerrification;V Action Level 2 issues do not involve changes ro the quality

system, bur must still be adequately resolved prior ro cerrifica­tion; and

V Action Level 3 issues can be resolved by supplying additionalinformation or making requested changes, but will not delaycerrification of the produce.Market surveillance, self-audits, and mandarory reporring of

changes ro rhe product or production process are all part of theongoing participation in rhe DSVP. If critical product deficien­cies are detected, USP may recommend a recall of the product ordemand removal of the DSVP cerrification mark.

For furrher information on the USP Dietary SupplemenrCerrification Program, conracr:

United States Pharmacopoeia12601 Twinbrook ParkwayRockville, Maryland 20852-1790USA

You can also conracr the program by calling 1-301-816-8273 orbye-mail at [email protected].

NutriSearch considers the USP DSVP to be the definitivestandardfor both fizcility and product verification. Upon sub­mission of notarized documentation, products manufacturedin compliance with USP-GMP standards are awarded aNurriSearch SILVER Medal of Achievement. TN

If the finished product has also been certified underthe USP DSVP and can provide a notarized certificate ofanalysis, it is awarded a NurriSearch GOLD Medal ofAchievemenr. TN

Independent ISO 17025 VerificationIn order ro facilitate the prorracted process oflaborarory verifica­

tion currently experienced by companies arrempting ro verify theirproducts, manufacrurers may also use an independenr, third-partylaborarory that is ISO/IEC-17025-cerrified ro provide verificationof rhe finished product according ro label claim. ISO 17025 cerri­fication ensures rhat the laborarory chosen ro conduct the analysisfollows accepted calibration and analytical procedures.

ISO, rhe Inrernational Standards Organization, is best knownfor its ISO 9000 cerrifications. These managemenr prorocolsensure rhat all aspects of a company's practices are documenred.ISO cerrification is recognized around the world as an assuranceof quality. Laborarories must ensure that managemenr practicesmeet a rigorous quality standard and that their procedures, such asequipmenr calibration and measuremenr prorocols, also meet thehighest standards. The ISO/IEC-17025 standard is the laboraroryequivalenr of ISO 9000. It applies ro any organization rhat wanrsro assure its cusromers of precision, accuracy, and reproducibilityof results.

Supplemenr manufacrurers that demonstrate GMP complianceusing a method that does not include product verification in a

NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

laborarory (as can be the case with the NSF and USP cerrificationprograms) may choose a third-party ISO-cerrified laborarory roprovide evidence of product verification.

NutriSearch will accept, as a standard of evidence, anotarized certificate of analysis of active ingredients fromthe ISO-certified laboratory that performed the analysis. Thecertificate ofanalysis must show identity andpotency ofactiveingredients.

SummaryProducts that reach five stars are eligible ro participate 10

the NutriSearch Medal of Achievement Program,TM which awardsGOLD, SILVER, or BRONZE medals based on an assessmenrof the type of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) used romanufacrure the product, and on third-party laborarory verifica­tion of the product's formulation. This program is volunrary andthe expense for GMP audit and product verification is borne bythe product's manufacturer. Those manufacrurers who successfullycomplete the program of their choice (as described above) andprovide proof of GMP compliance, and those who furnish labora­rory verification of product conrenr according ro label claim, areawarded the appropriate Medal of Achievemenr and are featured,along with an individual profile of the company and its products,in the following chapter.

Those manufacrurers having more than one five-star productand who have provided a cerrificate of analysis for at least oneof these products are awarded a NutriSearch GOLD Medal ofAchievementTN for all five-star products, providing these productshave been manufacrured in the same facility.

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NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

The preservation of health is a duty.Few seem conscious that there is such a thing as physical morality.

-Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)


TOP-RATED PRODUCTSIn conducting the research for this edition of the Comparative

Guide, we examined approximately 2,000 nutritional supplementsfrom throughout the United States and Canada. From this, 1,612products qualified as multiple vitamin/mineral supplements, rep­resenting 394 manufacturers. Twenty-one of these products wereeliminated because they exceeded the Upper Limits of safety forthree or more nutrients. The remaining 1,591 were further evalu­ated using the Blended Standard (described in Chapter 8), and theHealth Support Profile (described in Chapter 9).

Graphical comparisons were completed for 163 products.Because of the sheer volume of products, not every product wasgraphically analyzed; ro maximize the number of manufacturersrepresented in our analysis, the highest-ranking product fromeach manufacturer rating three stars or above was selected. Insome cases, where a manufacturer has both a Canadian and a USproduct, or produces gender-specific products, the manufacturermay have more than one product represented in the graphs. Allgraphical comparisons are found in Section V.

Top-rated Stand-alone ProductsTable 11-1 on the following page lists the stand-alone products

that achieved a five-star rating. These are nutritional products ofless than three separate capsules or tablets taken in a single serving,which contain -vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and whichmay also contain a variety of other nutrients.

Headlining the list are those product that also earnedthe NutriSearch Gold Medal ofAchievement. T. These prod­ucts represent the "best of the best" within the Stand-aloneProducts category--having attained an unsurpassed five-starrating, having demonstrated compliance with current GoodManufacturing Practices (cGMP), and having verified,through independent Laboratory analysis, that what is on theLabel is in the bottle.

Of the 1,433 stand-alone products evaluated in this edition ofthe Comparative Guide, the products of only four manufacturers,representing a miniscule 0.6% of the products evaluated, wereawarded this honour.

Top-rated Combination ProductsTable 11-2 lists the top-rated combination products. These are

nutritional products of three or more separate capsules or tabletstaken in a single serving, which contain vitamins, minerals, andantioxidants, and which may also contain a variety of other nutri-

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ents, including fatty acids not normally found in a stand-aloneproduct.

Headlining the list are those select few combinationproducts that have earned the NutriSearch Gold Medal ofAcievement. T. These award-winning combination productsare the "best of the best" within the Combination Productscategory--having attained an unsurpassed five-star rating,having demonstrated compliance with cGMf? and havingverified, through independent Laboratory analysis, that whatis on the Label is really in the bottle.

Of the 179 combination products evaluated in this edition ofthe Comparative Guide, the products of only three manufacturers,representing a mere 3.3% of the products evaluated, were awardedthis honour.

Going for the GoldTo reach a five-star product rating is a significant accomplish­

ment for a nutritional manufacturer; nevertheless, it does not tellthe whole story. With any dietary supplement, the single mostimportant factor is quality: quality research, quality formulations,and quality manufacturing. These considerations are, in turn, areflection of the quality-control practices (GMP) employed in aproduct's manufacture and in the testing and verification of iden­tity and potency of ingredients, right from the raw materials to thefinished goods. When it comes to consumer safety there is simplyno room for compromise.

Manufacturers of products awarded the NutriSearch GoldMedal of AchievementT

• have, at considerable expense, gone thatextra mile to demonstrate their commitment to the highest stan­dards of quality in the industry. They have met and exceeded themost stringent of manufacturing standards that are the consumer'sguarantee of product quality and safety, and they have furtherdemonstrated that commitment to quality through independentlaboratory verification of identity and potency of the ingredientsin the finished product, according to product label. To provide theconsumer with more information about these companies, on pages74 through 77 we have invited each manufacturer to "tell theirstory" in their own words.

For a complete listing of all products and their ratings, pleaserefer to ection VI, where products are listed alphabetically byproduct name and alphabetically by five-star rating.

Page 9: Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam

NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

Table 11-1: Top Products STAND-ALONE

uaVitalize Women's FormulaVitalize Senior Women's

Gold Formula

Ultra Preventive IXwith vitamin K

Ultra Preventive X

Remaining Five-Star Rated STAND-ALONE Products

Allergy Research Group Wholly ImmuneHealthyWize Vital NutrientsLife Extension Foundation Life Extension MixNSI (Neutraceutical Sciences Institute)

Synergy Men's Version 2

Table 11-2: Top Products COMBINATION

alsLongevity Support Pack



Rejuvenation Science Maximum Vitality USSource Naturals Elan Vital USSource Naturals Life Force Multiple USSwanson Lee Swanson Signature Line Longevital USVitamin Research Products Optimum 18 US

US HealthPak 100

Remaining Five-Star Rated COMBINATION Products

Colgan Institute Men's PakColgan Institute Men's+ 50 PakColgan Institute Sports PakColgan Institute Women's 50+ PakColgan Institute Women's Active PakColgan Institute Women's Pak


NSI (Neutraceutical Sciences Institute)Synergy Max

NSI (Neutraceutical Sciences Institute)Synergy Ultra

Ortho Molecular Products Alpha BaseUltimate Pak




Page 73

Page 10: Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam

GOLD Medal RecipieIHs: NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements




3838 W. Parkway Blvd., Salt Lake City, Utah 84120Phone: 801-954-71 00 Order Line: 888-950-9595

Web site: www.usana.com

~m~~~applicable, every dietary supplement produced by USANAcarries a potency guarantee, which ensures that what is

stated on the label is actually contained in the product.The Essential T. (Mega Antioxidant and ChelatedMineral), Proflavanols 90, and the HealthPak lOOT.AM/PM packs have all been exhaustively tested by theNSF and have been found to contain all ingredients at

,. the labeled amounts.USANA is proud to be the official nutritional supple­

ment supplier to many recognized athletic teams suchas the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour, the premier women'stennis association. The Company believes in the qual-

ity and purity of its nutritional products so strongly that itoffers a pioneering athlete guarantee, in which USANA and selectathletes enter into agreements that should the athlete test posi­tive for a banned substance included in the World Anti-DopingAgency list as a result of taking USANA nutritional products,USANA will compensate the athlete two times their earnings, upto $1 million. This confident stance strengthens USANA's leadingposition in the industry and affirms its commitment to providing"Nutritionals You Can Trust."

Microbiologist and immunologist Dr Myron Wentzestablished USANA Health Sciences in 1992 to createproducts that provide antioxidant protection and over­all cellular nutrition for the body. A world-renownedpioneer in cell-culture technology, Dr Wentz i com-mitted to continued research and development. Hehas ensured that USANA's scientific staff includesexperts on human nutrition, cellular biology, biochemistry, natu­ral product chemistry, and clinical research. As a result, USANAscientists have developed a line of world-class nutritional productsand received two patents for a unique olive-fruit extract, Olivo'S.

The primary focus of the company is to develop and marketscientifically advanced nutritional products to promote opti­mal health-products people can trust. USANA· products arehelping to improve the lives of its Independent Associates andtheir customers throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico,Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands,the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Korea,Taiwan, and Malaysia.

To ensure that the high-quality formulas developed in its labora­tories are produced safely and consistently, USANA manufacturesmost products in its own state-of-the-art facility. In the UnitedStates, USANA voluntarily follows GMP for pharmaceuticalsas the basis for its quality assurance program, meaning USANAtreats nutritional supplements with the same care that goes intothe manufacturing of pharmaceutical products. To adhere ro theseexacting standards, USANA's quality assurance program includesseveral quality control tests on each product during manufactur­ing, including testing the raw ingredients when they are received,testing again during manufacturing, and then ItiZS~.....---------------------------.final product testing for purity and potencyonce more before packaging.

Recently, USANA's alt Lake City, Utah,manufacturing facility ha been certified robe in compliance with dietary supplementGMP requirements set forth in NSF/ANSI

Standard 173-2006, Dietary Supplements byNSF International, which is an independent,not-for-profit organization that helps protectconsumers by certifying products and writingstandards for food, water, air and consumergoods. As an Australian suppler, USANA isalso regularly inspected and audited by theTherapeutic Goods Association (TGA) roensure it meets GMP standards.

Guaranteed ro meet USP specifications forquality, potency, and disintegration, where

Five-Star Gold Medal-winning Products:

V EssentialsV HealthPak 100

Page 77

Page 11: Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam

NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements: STAND-ALONE Producr Rarings

Bluebonnet Maxi Two US 2.5Bluebonnet Multi One U5 1.5Bluebonnet Multi-Vita Softgels U5 2.5Bluebonnet Super Earth Iron-Free U5 3.0Bluebonnet Super Earth mini-caplets U5 2.5Bluebonnet Super Earth with Iron US 2.5Bluebonnet Super Vita-Co010 Formula US 3.5Body Guard Antioxidant Formula CNUS 2.0Body Rewards Daily Multiple US 1.5Body Wise Right Choice A.M. + PM. Formulas CNUS 3.5Botanic Choice Complete Assurance for Men U5 2.0Botanic Choice Complete Assurance for Women U5 2.0Botanic Choice High Potency Vitamin &Mineral U5 0.5Botanic Choice Senior Multi-Vitamin U5 1.5Botanic Choice Whole Foods Power Multi US 1.5Bronson laboratories Fortified Vitamin &Mineral Insurance Formula US 1.5Bronson laboratories Mega Multi Softcaps US 2.0Bronson laboratories Men's Complete Formula with 7-Keto US 2.0Bronson laboratories Multi Formula with lutein US 1.5Bronson laboratories Performance Edge for Men US 2.0Bronson laboratories Performance Edge for Women US 2.0Bronson laboratories The Bronson Formula U5 1.0Bronson laboratories Therapeutic Vitamin &Mineral Formula US 0.5Bronson laboratories TherapeuticVitamin &Mineral Formula - without iron U5 1.0Bronson laboratories Vegi Source US 3.5Bronson laboratories Vitamin &Mineral Insurance Formula US 2.0Burns Drugs Multi-Max US 0.5Burns Drugs 5uper-T USCanadian Sun Formula Flow CA 1.5Canadian 5un One Plus CA 2.0Canadian Sun 5eniors Only CA 1.0CanPrev Immuno-Pro Formula CA 4.0Carlson Multi-Gel U5 2.5Carlson Super 1Daily US 1.5Carlson 5uper 2Daily US 2.5Carlson Super-75 U5 2.0

I~,..,-".",,,,,. USCell Tech International Omega 5un U5Centrum CACentrum USCentrum Forte CACentrum Advantage CA 1.0Centrum Carb Assist US 0.5Centrum Chewables USCentrum liquid US

ICentrum Performance US 0.5Centrum Performance CACentrum Protegra CA 0.5Centrum 5elect CA 0.5Centrum Silver U5 0.5Centrum 5ilver Chewables US 0.5Clinician's Formula Vitality Multivite US 1.5 additional nutrient amounts not specifiedClub Vitamin Best CA 0.5 dosage derivedCNC (Creative Nutrition Canada) Vitamost Plus Formula CAlUS 3.0 dosage derivedCNC (Creative Nutrition Canada) Vitamost Prime Formula CA 2.5 dosage derivedCNC (Creative Nutrition Canada) Vitamost RTRE Formula CAlUS 2.5Colgan Institute First Defense Multi U5 3.0Colorado Nutrition Ultimate Men's Formula US 1.5Colorado Nutrition Ultimate One US 1.0Colorado Nutrition Ultimate Women's Formula US 1.5Comprehensive Formula Men's US 1.5 2003 data

IComprehensive Formula Women's US 1.0 2003 dataCooper Complete Basic One Iron Free US 1.0Cooper Complete Basic One with Iron US 1.0Cooper Complete Iron Free US 2.5Cooper Complete with Iron US 2.5Country life Adult Multi US 1.0Country life Beyond Food U5 3.0Country life Daily Total One US 1.5Country life Enhanced OM-1 U5 1.5Country life Esssentiallife U5 2.5Country life Green Edge II U5 1.5 dosage derivedCountry life Max for Men U5 3.0Country life Maxine for Women U5 2.5ICountry life Maxine for Women Iron-Free US 3.0Country life Maxine for Women Vegetarian Caps US 2.5Country life Multi-1oo US 2.0Country life Seniority US 1.5Country life 5uperior US 4.5Country life Vegetarian Support US 2.0Creating Wellness Alliance Vitalize Men's Formula US 5.0 NutriSearch GOLD Medal ofAchievement Recipient

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Page 12: Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam

STAND-ALONE Producr Rarings: NutriSerzrch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

Freeda Ultra Freeda,lron-Free us 2.5Freeda Ultra Freeda, with Iron US 2.5Future Formulations Advance (Iron Free) CA 1.5FutureBiotics Hi Energy Muiti for Men US 2.0FutureBiotics MultiVitamin Energy Plus for Women US 1.5FutureBiotics Vegetarian Super Multi US 2.0Garden of life living Multi CA 1.5Garden of life living Multi US 2.0Garden of life living Multi Iron Free CA 2.0Garden of life living Multi Men's Formula CNUS 2.0Garden of life living Multi Optimal Women's Formula CA 1.5Garden of life living Multi Optimal Women's Formula US 1.5Gary Null's Super AM Formula US 2.0Gary Null's Super AM Formula &Super PM Formula US 4.0Gary Null's Super PM Formula US 1.5Genesis Today 4Total Nutrition US 3.0Genuine Health greens+ multi+ CA 3.0 dosage derivedGenuine Health greens+ multi+ powder CA 3.5Genuine Health greens+ multi+ tablets CA 2.5Genuine Health multi+ complete CA 3.0 dosage derivedGenuine Health multi+ daily trim CA 2.0Geritol Complete USGlobal Health Trax (GHT) Daily Vita Plus &Mega Minerals Plus US 2.0 dosage derivedGNC Chewable 5010tron US 0.5GNC Mega Men CA 1.5GNC Mega Men US 2.5GNC Mega Men 50 Plus US 2.0GNC Multi liquid Ultra Mega US 3.0GNC Multi Preventron US 1.0GNC Muiti Solotron CA 1.0GNC Multi Solotron US 1.0GNC Multi Solotron Platinum US 1.0GNC Multi Solotron without iron US 1.5GNC Multi Ultra Mega CA 1.5GNC Multi Ultra Mega US 1.5GNC Multi Ultra Mega Gold US 2.5GNC Multi Ultra Mega Gold without iron US 2.5GNC Multi Uitra Mega Green US 2.0GNC Multi Ultra Mega Softgels CA 2.0GNC Multi-Gel US 1.5 dosage derivedGNC Platinum Years CA 1.0GNC Preventive Nutrition Men's Multiple US 1.5GNC Preventive Nutrition Premium One without Iron US 1.5GNC Preventive Nutrition Women's Multiple US 1.5GNC Women's Ultra Mega CA 2.0GNC Women's Ultra Mega without iron CA 2.0GNC Women's Women's Ultra Mega US 2.0GNC Women's Women's Ultra Mega Bone Density US 2.0GNLD International Formula IV US 1.0GNLD International Formula IV Plus US 1.5GNLD International Vegetarian Multi US 1.0Goldshield Centural Silver US 0.5Goldshield Total Multivitamin &Mineral Formula US 2.0Good Neighbor Pharmacy Century USGood Neighbor Pharmacy Century Advantage US 0.5Good Neighbor Pharmacy Century Senior US 0.5Good Neighbor Pharmacy Maximum One Daily US 0.5Good Neighbor Pharmacy One Daily Carb-Vantage US 0.5Good Neighbor Pharmacy Therapeutic-M Complete US 0.5Good Neighbor Pharmacy Women's One Daily USGreat American Products Master Green Multi US 2.5Great Earth Super Hy-Vites Extra Strength US 2.0 dosage derivedGreat Earth Super Hy-Vites Regular Strength US 1.5 dosage derivedGreat Earth Super Hy-Vites Ultra Strength US 2.5 dosage derivedGreat Earth TNT Extra Strength Timed Release US 3.5 dosage derivedgreens+ greens+ powder US 1.5Health First Iron Free Multi-First CA 2.0Health First Multi-First CA 1.5HealthyWize Vital Greens US 4.5HealthyWize Vital Nutrients US 5.0Heaven Sent Naturals Balanced Essentials US 1.0H-E-B Complete USH-E-B Complete Advantage US 0.5H-E-B Complete Senior US 0.5H-E-B Multiple Vitamins Men's US 0.5H-E-B Multiple Vitamins 50 Plus US 0.5H-E-B Multiple Vitamins Maximum USH-E-B Therapeutic-M US 0.5Henry's Farmer's Market 75 Complete US 2.0Henry's Farmer's Market Basic Multi US 0.5Henry's Farmer's Market Iron Free Basic Multi US 0.5

Page 135

Page 13: Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam

STAND-ALONE Product Ratings: NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

Nu-life Ultimate One Right Weight CA 2.5 additional nutrient amount' not ,pe<ifiedNu-life Uhimate One Women Adult CA 2.0 additional nutrient amounts not spe<ifJedNutra Perfe<! VitaPerfect US 1.5Nutra Therapeutics AII-In-One CNUS 2.0nutraMetrix MultiVitamins &MultiMinerals with Iron US 1.0nutraMetrix MultiVitamins &MultiMinerals without Iron US 1.0Nutri-Betics Nutra Balance for Men CA 2.5 additional nutrient amounts not spe<ifiedNutriCare NutriOaily US 3.0NutriCare Prime Greens US 0.5 additional nutrient amounts not spe<ifiedNutriCare Prime Greens Capsules US 0.5 additional nutrient amounts not spe<ifiedNutriCology Multi-Vi-Min US 1.5NutriCology Multi-Vi-Min without Copper &Iron US 2.0Nutriex Health US 3.5Nutriex Sport US 4.0Nutrilite Daily US 0.5Nutrina Athlete formula US 2.0 dosage derivedNutrina Champion formula US 2.5 dosage derivedNutrina Marathon formula US l.5Nutrina Mega Greens US 2.0Nutrina Vitamax Powder US 2.0 dosage derivedNutrina Vitamax Tablets US 1.5 dosage derivedNutrition Dynamics Balanced Vita-Plus-Min US 3.0Nutrition Dynamics Day Start &Day End Essentials US 3.5Nutrition Dynamics Iodine free "Vegi" formula US 2.5Nutrition Dynamics Multi-vitasorb USNutrition Dynamics Ultra fern US 3.0Nutrition Dynamics Ultra Vitaplex US 1.5Nutrition House Men's Multi Extra CA 2.5Nutrition House Multi-Vitamin Extra CA 1.SNutrition House Multi-Vitamin Extra Iron free CA 2.0Nutrition House Women's Multi Extra CA 2.SNutrition Now Adult formula USNutrition Now Multi Earth force US 2.SNuTriVene-D Advanced formula Daily Supplement US 2.5NuTriVene-D full Spectrum formuia US 3.0Nutri-West Core level Health Reserve US 2.5Nutri-West Multi Complex US 1.0Nutri-West Multibalance for Men US 1.5Nutri-West Multibalance for Women US 1.5Nutri-West Total female USNutri-West Total Male US 0.5Ola loa Super Multi (Tropical) US 3.0Ola loa Super Multi (Orange) US 3.0Olay Complete 50+ Muitivitamin US 0.5Olay Complete Multivitamin US 0.5Olay Complete Woman's Multivitamin US 0.5Olay Complete Woman's Multivitamin 50+ US 0.5Olympian lab' Vita Vitamin US 2.5 dosage derivedOlympian labs Vita-One US 2.5 dosage derivedOmnilife Magnus US 0.5Omnitrition Omni IV US O.S additional nutrient amounts not specifiedOmnitrition Shield Antioxidant US 1.SOne ADay 50 Plus US O.SOne ADay Active US O.SOne ADay Adults CAOne ADay Adults 50+ CA O.SOne ADay CarbSmart US O.SOne ADay Cholesterol Plus US 0.5One ADay Maximum USOne ADay Men's CA O.SOne ADay Men's Health formula US O.SOne ADay Weight Smart CA 1.0One ADay Weight Smart US 1.0One ADay Women's CAOne ADay Women's USOneSource 50 Plus US 0.5OneSource Advanced formula US O.SOneSource Men's US 2.0OneSource Micro US 0.5OneSource Pure Performance US 0.5OneSource Women's US 2.0Optimox Androvite for Men US 3.0Optimox Gynovite Plus US 2,0Optimox Optivite PMT for Women US 2.SOregon Health Multi-GuarD with CoQ10 US 3.SOregon Health Women's Multiple US 3.0Organika One Daily CA 1.SOrigin Complete Multi-Vitamin &Mineral USOriginal Medicine NutraSyn US 2.0Ortho Mole<ular Products Alpha Base Capsules US 4.0Ortho Molecular Products Alpha Base Capsules without Iron US 4.S

Page /4/

Page 14: Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam

NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements: STAND-ALONE Product Ratings

Thorne Research Basic Nutrients III US 3.0Thorne Research Basic Nutrients III without Copper &Iron US 3.0Thorne Research Basic Nutrients IV US 3.0Thorne Research Basic Nutrients V US 3.0Thorne Research Extra Nutrients US 3.5Thorne Research Meta-fem US 3.5Thorne Research Nutri-fem US 3.0Top Care Complete USTop Care Complete Advantage US 0.5 dosage derivedTop Care Complete Senior US 0.5Top Care Multi for Women USTop Care One Daily SO+ US 0.5Top Care One Daily Dieter's Support formula USITop Care One Daily Maximum USTop Care One Daily Men's US 0.5Top Care One Daily Women's USTotal Multivitamin US 0.5TotalOne SuperMulti US 0.5Trace Minerals Complete foods Multi US 2.5Trace Minerals Electro-Vita-Min US 1.5Trace Minerals Electro-Vita-Min (New &Improved) US 1.5Trace Minerals ImmunoMax US 0.5Trace Minerals Liquid Multi Vita-Mineral US 2.0Trace Minerals Maxi Multi US 1.0TRC Nutritional laboratories female Basic Multiple US 1.0TRC Nutritional laboratories Liquid Life US 2.5TRC Nutritional laboratories Male Basic Multiple US 1.5TRC Nutritional laboratories Vast Vitality US 1.5TriVita Daily Men US 1.5 additional nutrient amounts not specifiedTriVita Daily Women US 1.5 additional nutrient amounts not specifiedTriVita VitaDaily AM/PM US 2.0Trophic Complete CA 3.0Trophic Multiple Vitamins &Minerals CA 1.0Trophic select CA 2.0Tropical Oasis Multiple Vitamin/Mineral US 0.5Tropical Oasis Tropical Plus US 1.5 dosage derivedTruestar Health TrueBASIC CA S.O NutriSearch GOLD Medal of Achievement RecipientTruly Century Plus CATruly Century Premium CA O.STruly Century Silver CA 0.5Truly Weight One CA 1.0Twinlab Daily One Caps with Iron US 1.5Twinlab Daily One Caps without Iron US 1.5Twinlab Dualtabs US 2.0 dosage derivedTwinlab Food-Based Ultra Daily US 1.0 additional nutrient amounts not specifiedTwinlab Men's Ultra Daily US 2.5

I'''"'"WO••' "" D.,US 2.5

Ultima For Men US 1.0Ultima For Women US 0.5Ultimate Nutrition Super Complete US 3.5Unicap MDietary Supplement USUnicap Sr. Dietary Supplement USUnicity Bios Life 2Original USUnicity CoreHealth for Men US 2.0Unicity CoreHealth for Women US 2.0Unicity LifeHealth on the go US 1.0 dosage derivedUniversal Nutrition Genesis CA 2.0Universal Nutrition Mega Edge CA 2.0U5ANA Health Sciences Essentials CA 5.0 NutriSearch GOLD Medal of Achievement RecipientU5ANA Health Sciences Essentials US 5.0 NutriSearch GOLD Medal of Achievement RecipientVaxa Daily Essentials US 2.0 dosage derivedVegLife Iron Free MultiVeg Energy US 3.0VegLife 5pectro Veg High Energy US 2.5VegLife Vegan One Multiple CMUS 2.0Vianiv Multi-Vitamin US dosage derivedVicon-C High Potency Multivitamin/Mineral USVirtuVites Iron-Free Vita-Min 75 US 2.5ViSalus Nutri-One US 1.5Vision for life Body Force US 2.0 additional nutrient amounts not specifiedVita-Complete AA (Anti-Aging) CMUS 0.5Vita-Complete Vita-Complete 29 CMUS dosage derivedVital Nutrients Minimal and Essential US 2.0Vital Nutrients Multi Nutrients V US 2.5Vital Nutrients Multi-Nutrients \I US 3.0Vital Nutrients Multi-Nutrients III US 3.0Vital Nutrients Multi-Nutrients IV US 2.5Vital Nutrients Multi-Nutrients No Iron or Iodine US 3.5Vital Nutrients Multi-Nutrients Veg Caps No Iron or Iodine US 3.0Vital Nutrients Multi-Nutrients with Iron and Iodine US 3.0Vitalert US 0.5Vitality New Generation US 2.0

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Page 15: Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam

NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements: COMBI ATION Product Ratings

USANA Health Sciences HealthPak 100 CA 5.0 NutriScarch GOLD Medal of Achievement RecipientUSANA Health Sciences HealthPak 100 US S.O NutriScarch GOLD Medal of Achievement RecipientViSalus Vi-PAK US 4.5Vision for Ufe Body force Travel Packs US 2.0 additional nutrient amounts not specifiedviamin Shoppe Health &fitness US 2.SV· amin Shoppe Mature female US 2.0Vitamin Shoppe Mature Male Pack US 2.0Vitamin Shoppe Multi-Vitamin Pack US 3.0Weil Complete Daily Pack CA 3.0Weil Complete Daily Pack US 3.0Wheaties Daily Performance Vitamin Pack US O.SXymogen Activ Essentials US 2.0Xymogen Activ Essentials Women US 2.0YourUfe Daily Pak Maximum US 1.5YourUfe Daily Pak Men's SO+ US 1.5YourUfe Daily Pak Women's SO+ US 1.0

Page 169

Page 16: Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam

STAND-ALONE Producr Comparisons: NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements

Nutrient Profile Health Support Profile-< Health Support Profile Legend >--1. Completeness 10. Metabolic Health

2. Potency 11. Ocular Health

3. Mineral Forms 12. Methylation Support

4. Bioactivity of Vitamin E 13. Lipotropic Factors

5. Gamma Tocopherol 14. Inflammation Control

6. Antioxidant Support 15. Glycation Control

7. Bone Health 16. Bioflavonoid Profile

8. Heart Health 17. Phenolic Compounds

9. Liver Health 18. Potential Toxicities

56 mg500 mg500 mg

94 mg125 mg350 mg

3125 mg1141 mg

3 mg800 mg238 ug

2 mg100 ug280 mg

7 mg65 ug

215 mg150 ug

8 mg75ug25 mg

350 mg1000 mg

5 mg

25 n-acetyl-l-Cysteine26 acetyl-I·Carnitine27 Carnitlne28 Choline29 Inositol30 lecithin31 alpha-linolenic Acid32 Omega-3 Fish Oil (EPAlDHA)33 Boron34 Calcium35 Chromium36 Copper37 Iodine38 Magnesium39 Manganese40 Molybdenum41 Potassium42 Selenium43 Silicon44 Vanadium45 Zinc46 Trlmethylglydne (TMGlBetaine)47 Carnosine48 Iron (NOT recommended)

5000 IU400 IUISO u9250 u9600 "g

55 rng45 mg28 mg60 mg75 mg63 mg

175 u960 mg

100 mg1500 mg600 IU200 mg540 mg100 mg

2S mg13750 IU5625 IU

5 mg15 mg

1 Vitamin A2 Vitamin 03 VitaminK4 Biotin5 Folic Acid6 Vitamin e1 (Thiamin)7 Vitamin 82 (Riboflavin)8 Vitamin 83 (Niadn)9 Vitamin 83 (Niacinamide)

10 Vitamin 85 (Pantothenic Acid)11 Vitamin 86 (Pyridoxine)12 Vitamin 812 (Cobalamin)13 Coenzyme 01014 alpha-Upoic AcidlS VitamlnC16 Vitamin E(alpha tocopherol)17 Vitamin E(gamma/mixed)18 Bloflavonoids (mixed)19 Procyanidolic OJigomers (PeOs)20 Phenolic Compounds21 beta-Carotene22 Carotenoids (milled)23 lutelnlZealCanthin24 lycopene

--<L ...:...N~u~tr...:...ie...:...n...:...t~P....:.r...::..o....:.fi.:....:le...:...L.:....:e~g'__=_e.:....:n...:...d __l>-

Nutrient Profile Health Support Profile

o, , I I I I

II I] IS 11 19 21 2J 2S 21 29 )1 ))" ,

)1 )9 "I ·u .S LOW HIGH

( Five-Star Rating: *****)~



o L..=:..::..=..I==.=1=1=1.1::........=..=.1.--=-=-----=.=1==---=-=..:~I I I I" I , , I I' , I I • ,

1 ] S 7 9 II I) IS 17 19 21 23 2S 21 29 31 )) 3S J7 39 ." 4] .5 ...



( Five-Star Rating: *****).~

Page 113&

