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11/ ' ..., "', 3~j ,I - I /. I_' : 25

STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, CHIPPEWA COUNTY For Olfrcial Use~~~====~==~~~==========~~~o Amended

Temporary Restraining Order(Temporary Order of Protection)

and Notice of Injunction Hearing(Harassment - 30711)

Case No,

NamttJfZ,er (F~~[e, Ut~ '-J1.:C_iL~,:=-Name of Protected Person (if different than Petitioner)


Dateof Birth of Protected Person

fltrt I gt; 12~&

~~~~~~~~~~~.'Please liy ProteCted erson's re atjo-;;shiP{S)·fo-Re5po~de-;;-tfDefendant.-o spouse 0 COUSin 0 adoptrve parento former spouse 0 sibling 0 grandparcnlo person In dating relationshp D parent 0 child (biolocical/adoptiverstep)o current or former live-in 0 step parent

relationship L) I'l D None known.~O!her: (bespecific) rrPt:(S.s 6 (- LJlvbC~ L",,;;;;;;........;.....;;.... ~~----l

CAUTION: ~ RespondentIDefendant has access to wea 9n(s). Type of weapon(sS):~-y-f'-=--7-"'-----'-- _(Check afl rilat apply) Location of weapon(s):: ~

'--- __.J f1Weapon(s) were involved in an incident (past or present) involving petition



Respondent's/Defendant's Distinguis ing Features(such as scars, marks or tattoos)

THE COURT FINDS:FH1c':ngsare on the fcllowmq page(s) of this temporary restraining order,

THE COURT ORDERS:Orders are on the following page(s) of this temporary restraining order.


gO} (ccea 14 days

NOTIFICATIONSIWARNINGS TO RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT:This order shall be enforced, even without registration, and is entitled to full faith and credit in every civil or criminal

court of any state,' the District of Columbia, any U.S Territory, and may be enforced by Tribal Lands (18 U,S.C, Section 2265;Wis. Stats. 813.128) Crossing state, territorial, or tribal boundaries to violate this order may result in federal imprisonment (18U S.C. Section 2262).

Federal law provides penalties for, and you may be prohibited from possessing, transporting, shipping. receiving orpurchasing a firearm, including, but not limited to, a rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver, or ammunition, pursuant to 18 U.S.C,922(g)(8). Additional notifications/warnings are on the following page of this temporary restraining order.

Violation of this temporary restraining order shall result in immediate arrest and is punishable by imprisonment not toexceed 90 days or a fine not to exceed $1,000, or both, and payment of filing and service fees .

•. ,I


------_.- -CV-40E. :l3l10 ":'er.-,p:lrary Rest~inir.g Orde: and No('cc of In:u~ctJC:1 Hearing f.'RO·Harassme:"otj \ ~ §8~ 3,12~. Y",s:;onSin Statutes

This form shatr not be rnodrtied. It may be supplemented with'edqJt,i?natlTT'lt!!rJat.-* , •Pag~ 1 of 2 ... - , - •

- ------ ---- ----- -----------'----


Temporary Restraining Older and Notice of Injunction Hearing (TRO-Halassment) Page 2 of 2 Case No.


1. The petitioner has filed a petition alleging harassment under §813.125, Wisconsin Statutes.2. This court has personal and subject matter jurisdiction .

. 3: There are reasonable grounds to believe that the respondent has engaged in harassment with intent to harass or. intimidate the petitioner as defined in §813. 125, Wisconsin ·Statutes.

4. The court orders a temporary restraining order and sets a date for an injunction hearing.



2. Service of t is notice and order II be made at least hours prior to the hearing.~ 3. The action may be commenced without payment of filing fees because the petition alleges conduct that is the

same as or similar to conduct that is prohibited under §940.32, or is intentional infliction of physical pain, physicalinjuiy or illness; or is an intentional impairment of physical condition; or is a violation of §940.225( 1), (2) or (3); or isa violation of §943.01 involving property that belongs tothe individual; or is a threat to engage in the abovementioned conduct.

.@. 4. The respondent cease or avoid the harassment of the petitioner.~ 5. The respondent avoid the residence and/or any premises temporarily occupied by the petitioner.~ 6. The respondent avoid contact that harasses or intimidates the petitioner. Contact includes: contact at petitioner's

home, work, school, public places, in person, by phone, in writing, by electronic communication or device, or in any. other manner .Ji' 7. The sheriff to serve and assist in executing this petition for temporary restraining order and/or injunction and noticeof injunction hearing, if requested.

o 8: The sheriff to accompany the petitioner and assist in placinq the petitioner in physical possession of his/herresidence, if requested.o 9. Other: (may not be inconsistent with remedies requested in I/le petition)

(Harassment is defined as: (a) Striking, shoving, kicking or otherwise subjecting the person tophysical contact,' or (b)Engages in an act that would constitute child abuse under §48.02(l); or (c) Sexual assault under §940.225; or (d)Stalking under §940.32; or attempts or threatens /0 do same; or (e) Engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly

. commits acts which harass or intimidate the person and which serve no legitimate purpose.)FAILURE TO APPEAR could result in an injunction being issued directing you to

• cease or avoid the harassment of the petitioner;• avoid the petitioner's residence and/or any premises temporarily occupied by the petitioner;• avoid contact that harasses or intimidates the petitioner.' Contact includes: contact at petitioners home, work, school,

public places, in person, by phone, in writing, by electronic communication or device, or in any other manner; AND• follow any other orders made by this court

VIOLATION OF AN INJUNCTION if issued at this hearing shall result in your arrest and may result in the imposition ofcrfrninal penalties regardless of whether you have been served a copy of the injunction. Service of a copy of this noticeof injunction hearing and the petition for the temporary restraining order and/or injunction is constructive knowledge of theexistence of the injunction.


If you require reasonable accommodations to participatein the court process due to a disability, please call715-726-7758 prior to thescheduled court date. Please note that the court doesnot rovide trans ortation.

DISTRIBUTION:t. Original-Court2. PetitiOner3. Respondent4. Law ~nforcement5.. Other. __ -;-'- _

CV-406. 08110Temporary RestrainingOrder and Noticeof Injurdon Heanng(mQ-Harassment) §813.125,Wisconsin StaMesThis form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.

Page 2 of 2



Petitioner. o Amended

Protected Person:(It dirlerent from PeUlioner) --------------

Petition forTemporary Restraining Orderand/or Petition and Motion

InjunCtion HearingDate of Birth ofProtected Person:


r }Jt1VY1C5 < Cmtn61('


(Harassment - 30711)-vs-Respondent!Defendant:

Please spedfy Protected Person's relationship{s) to RespondenllOefendanto spouse 0 cousin 0 adoptive parento fonner spouse 0 sibling 0 grandparento person in dating relationship 0 parent 0 child (biologIcaUadoptive/step)o current or former live-in 0 step parentrelationship /) A ~ / jJ '

~ other: (be specifIC) LY 0U- 1;~ o« OCJ It) (4( ./s

o None known.

CAUTION: ~ Respondent has access to weapon(s). ,Type of weapon(s):(Check aI/that applyJ Location of weapon( s): -f'-L(......I-=~:;.;.r\j_l~=-:::O<"---<-.......'fr--,,,......"""'---=~~~-~,+-_......~-_

~ Weapon(s) were involved in an incident (past or present) involving the


.i.!r:... ;' .....( ',;,1 :, :c:c:._..=.<~

UNDER OATH, r PETITION THE COURT for a temporary restraining order/or and injunction against the respondent under§813.125, Wisconsin Statutes, based on the following:1. The petitioner is the IX!. adult 0 child 0 parent of child 0 stepparent of child 0 legal guardian for the child

against whom harassment has occurred.2. Stated below or attached as part of this petition is a statement of facts indicating that respondent has engaged in

conduct which is believed to be harassment.(Harassment is defined as: (a) Striking, shoving. kicking or otherwise subjecting the person 10

physical contact; or (b) Engaging in an act that would constitute child abuse under §48.02(J);or (c) Sexual assault under §940.225; or (d) Stalking under §940.32; or attempts or threat to dosame; or (e) Engaging in a course of conduct or repeatedly committing aCISwhich harass orintimidate the person and which serve no legitimate purpose.)

(State when, where, what happened, and who did what to whom) j:8"See attached /"

3. Another no contact order between myself and the respondent~ does not exist or I don't know or am uncertain as to whether another no contact order exists.o does exist. .

Nameofo~ercase: _County or State: (if not WlSalnsin) _TypeofCase: ___Case Number: (if known) _

Oate of proceeding that resulted in no contact order. (if known) _Details of no 'contact order: ----'- _

CV-405. 0811 0 Petition lor Tel'll;)OlOIryRest:cllrllng Ortler and/or PeU:.ion and Motiol'l lor InjunctlonHeerlng (HillOIssment).§~ 8.25(6) and e13.125.WISCOIISInSlaMes. This form shall not bo modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.

Page \ 0(2

..- ---- -------_ ..._-- --------- -------------


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-- -----_. - -- .__



J/~ zz_;;,---r->--- - .. . .--T-)t- _ . -.-.. -.~~

.._--_ .---- ...----..

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Pe~lion lor Temporiliy Restraining Order and/or Pelition sll1l Motloo tor I:lJunctlon Hearing (Harassment) PagejOr§ Case No. IICVJScPI REQUEST THE COURT: (mark any of the following boxes that apply)

!8l 1. Issue a temporary restraining order requiring the respondent tor : (gJ a. cease or avoid harassing me.

I&J b. avoid my 'residence andlor any premises temporarily occupied by me.eg c. avoid contact that harasses or intimidates me. Contact includes: contact at petitioner's home, work,

school, public places, in person, by phone, in writing, by electronic communication or device, or in anyother manner.o d. Other. (Jist other specific behavior you want the respondent 10 stop doing)

~ 2. Set a time for a hearing on the petition for an injunction requiring the respondent to .'g} a. cease or avoid harassing me.~ b. avoid my residence andlor any premises temporarily occupied by me.1Q.c. avoid contact that harasses or intimidates me. Contact includes: contact at petitioner's home, work,

school, public places, in person, by phone, in writing, by electronic communication or device, or in anyother manner.o d. Other. (Iisl olher specific beh8Vior you want the respondent to stop doing)

I;i1 3.

li2I 4.

00 5.


If the temporary restraining order is denied, I move the court to schedule an injunction hearing./( the temporary restraining order is denied, you are only entitled to an injunction hearing if the petition aflegesconduct that is the same as or similar to conduct that is prohibited under §940.J2 (stalking/; or is theintentional infliction of physical pain, physical injury or illness; or is an intentional impairment of physicalcondition; or is a violation of §940.225(1), (2) or (3) {sexual esseun}, or is a violation of §943.01 involvingdestruction of property that belongs to the individual; orjs-e1nreat toengage in the above mentioned behavior.

Issue an injunction against the resPOnden!!Or.f?1l(~Jr't~ef~"Owi~9 shorter period ; ANDo a. not order the respondent tosurre ..nde~.hi~erfrrearm{s); OR00 b. order the respondent to su;"en'der antrOot possess a firearm while the injunction is in effect because

I believe that the respondent rn~y use a firearm to cause physical harm to another or endangerpublic safety. \' ~ . . _ .

Direct the sheriff to assist in executing or serving this petition for temporary restraining order and/or'injunctionand notice of injunction hearing, if requested.

/( a temporary restraining order is granted, and you choose to have the sheriffs office serve the documents on therespondent, il is your responsibility to contact the sheriff's office before the injunction hearing to verify that the documentswere selYed and proof of service has been filed with the CIeri<of Circuit Court. The court will not do this for you.

tt the respondent cannot be personally served with the Notice of Injunction Hearing form, the respondentcan be served by publication. The petitioner must file an affidawt with the court steting that personalservice of the respondent by the sheriff or 8 private process server was unsuccessful because therespondent VIas avoiding service by concealment or otherwise.

Direct the sheriff to accompany the petitioner and assist in placing the petitioner in physical possession of his or___ ......,.==~her residence, if requested. .

State of ~ LI(}f,.-, '- /~ "" /J . I ~ ) )'

county of (~~ Ill> ,,15.(//t5!'1 /Z (_.-t7k/A~'{_Subscribed andS{;om to before me ~ petl1iOner/P~ Pe" , /

on t/p:Y.L Z g)(J16. L.Jt.i(~/1 ~ [/tP1/lc: /c;~}j~IP-e<5 ~ NamePrtntcdorTyped

Nlla" p~r8. Court Official ~/ ~ /

My commission/term expires: 1- 6" -/J IIoatc

DISTRIBUTION:1. Original. Court2. PelitionerlProleded Person3. RespondentlDefendant4. Law Enforcement5. Other: _

CV.40S. 08110 Petltlcn lor Temporary Restruinlng Ordcr and/or PeV:ion and Motion fO( InjllOdlon Heartng (Harassment) §§.'S.2S(6) and 813.125. Wrsconst:\ Slatut'eSthis form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additJonal material.

Page 2012

-----------. - - __------------



ATTOI~NEYS AT LAW306 South Barstow Street, Suite 200

Eau Claire, WJ 54701


Telephone: (715) 834-2996Fa('~imile: (715) 834-9036poq\!ct(~lawofficc1i;atl.ncl

Lt·:!".1 "~\(SI"-'lJDANETTE M. TEICEN

March 9,20 IIMAR 1 0 2011

Honorable Roderick A. CameronChippewa County Courthouse711 North Bridge StreetChippewa Falls, WI 54729

Rc: In Re the Marriage of Karen 1\. Connell and James R. ConnellCase No.: IOFA 199

Dear .Iudgc Cameron:

We are in receipt of Mr. Fairchild's letter and Order from the Temporary Hearing ofMarch 4, 2011. 1\11)'client has tried to he coo erative and allow Mr. Connell access to the landand the shed for the ast cw a s. However, every 1 ias een 'tin the property there has -.been an mere cnt ctwccn the parties. Mrs. COlUlcllls tryIng to prepare the properly for sale and\11'. Connell is burning things in a burning barrel creating smoke, soot and odors which diminishthe appeal of tile property. He has left a box containing oil and car filters in the driveway andrefuses to put them away. When Mrs. Connell tries to avoid confrontations, Mr. Connell hasturned to calling Mrs. Connell names.

At this time, Mrs. Connell respectfully requests the Court to remove Mr. Connell's right to enterthe property from the Order. If this cannot he done at this time, please note IhM I have setupanother Order to Show Cause for Temporary Hearing for Monday, March 21,20 II at 2: J 5 p.rn.to discuss these issues. Mrs. Connell is also requesting that if Mr. Connell has a specific needfor something on the martial property, we ask for twenty-four (24) hours notice and approvalfrom Mrs. Connell. Mrs. Connell would like to maintain control over the peace and quiet of herplace of residence.

Thank you.

Very truly yours,2i~ )17.Sarah M. Donnellan


cc: Karen ConnellMichael .I. Fairchild




306 South Barstow Street, Suite 200Eau Claire, WI 54701


Telephone: (7 t 5) 834-2996Facsimile: (715) 834-9036lliill..u~.ttela woffice(dau .net

Le;,:al ."~~i.~t;'ntD/1SETTE M. JEIGn\'

March 10, 20 I I MAR 1 1 lOU

Clerk of Circuit CourtChippewa County Courthouse71 1 North Bridge StreetChippewa Falls, WI 54729

Re: In Rc the Marriage of Karel) A. Connell and James R. ConnellCase 1\0.: I OFA 198

Dear Sir or Madam:

Enclosed please find the original and one copy of the Order to Show Cause for Temporary Orderand Affidavit for Judge Cameron's signature. If approved, please forward conformed, file-stamped copy back to me in the envelope I have provided By copy of this letter I am servingsame on opposing counsel. If you have any questions, please feci free to call.

Thank you.

~rY_t,"IY your:_ j! 1)/1/~td, )11 ![jhvl(£.f~(_,-'--'Sarah M. Donnellan



cc: Attorney Michael 1. FairchildKaren A. Connell


Enter .he name of tbe RespondenUJoint Petitioner-H usband:respondent If iouu

I ::dllloll~r~. ellter the n;'\me~ JAt-.1~$ __of :he husband ~ 1Str.arne[-_. -- . ---_.

: Check civorce Of ICi',illI

. SC!.HH<Hlon. .

1- Ent~r :~~sc -f!umbcr.--;"-!

k no wn If unknown, leave

PRI/Vi ill IUACK in«

1:,,:(;( the :1;I<IlC of the 'lCO_;!I:)' '0 "hic~ you are~ilil::; this case

!=:OiC:' the name of the

. petitioner. 1(;Olnt

l p~ti[;Ollcrs. enter the nameof the w::c.

__ __ • .1

1---1For Court Use Only:The clerk wi:1 :;o'l1rletc

!IllS sec.ion.



._l-- .. _lin re the marriage of


__L_...Petitioner/Joint Petitioner-Wife:

KAREN__ .. .~ _ CQNNEL,LFdSI name Middle narne LaSI name

andOrder to Show Cause andAffidavit for Temporary

OrderWithout M,no~ Children


tX: Divorce-40101o Legal Separation-40201

Case No lQ_~A198 .

-- ---.------ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE

Based on the attached AffidaVit and Request for Hearing for Temporary Order.

IT IS ORDERED that the parties Show Cause, In Person


l.ocation Chippewa County Cou_r:t~ouse . _

711 N Bridge Street. Chippewa Fa_ll~,WI 54729

Date Ma~ct121. 201._:_1 _

Time ;t_1S"'-- _ ___ a m /p.rn

or as soon as the matter may be heard. why ~ temporary order should not be enteredfor the relief requested in the attached affidavit

PENDING FURTHER COURT ORDFR or written stipulation of the parties. neither partyshall engage in any activity that negatively affects the health. safety or welfare of ennerparty Including but not limited to

• Both parties are restrained from harassing. mtrrrudatinq, phvstcally abusinq. orrrnposrnq any restraint on the personalltberty of the other party. or the otherDarty'S employer

• Both parties are prohibited !rom gOing upon the prerruses occupieo by the otheras a residence

FA_~t29 nr(l Se. 10/:6 Order :0 Show Cause a-,d A'f'~av.l ler Ter.pCr3ry Ordr.I·W tnC~1M.no: Ch,I~:l'n §§167 1-7. 757225 ar.o 767 ·.2i. WIS:O~SI- SIJ:~I(>SThis torrn shall not b" modl'i~d It may be supplemented with additional malerial

?age I of:\



Check rour spouse andcheck the State if ),Ol! J'C

curt cntly receiving

pualic iLS~I~I"nc~ Checkother If rhcl'c ;S ;lnOr~H:r

parryrs) to 11:(; (!CtIOI1, andenter the party'« namct s}.

L- ...__.__ ___;

--------- - ----_. - ._----._-_.

• Both parties are restrained from making any further debts against the credit of:he other party Further, unless ctherwise ordered, any debt incurred after thedate of this order IS the sale responsibility of the party incurring the debt

• Both parties are restrained from disconnecting any utility service or causing arlyother essential services of the residence of either party to be disconnected.

• Both parties shall maintain all current beneticranes on all life, medical, hospital,autorr-obue household or other insurances and In any current wills while thrsaction IS pending

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that both parties bring to this hearing a completed FinancialDisclosure Statement.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order. together with the Supportingpapers, be served In person at least 5 business days before the time of th.s hearinqupon the

UWlfeo Husbando Other ---_ .._-----

Failure to appear as ordered may result in the issuance of a warrant directing the Sheriff toarrest you and bring you to court.

Failure to appear will not stop the court from proceeding with the hearing and making theorders requested by your spouse.

Parties are encouraged to arrive early and ceterrrune If any Issues can be resolved before theheanng


--_._---_ ..----

Rod~ri~k A Ca_~eron . _"'~I'l~cr 1 ']IDe Name

i-A.4129 Pro Se I OI~5Order (0 S'low Cal;~c aoo A~<l~v:I for le"1porary oroorwmout w',ncr en l(lren §§767 ~. I. /61 225 dnll 767 I 77 WI5~o~r"r. S:<l:ulesThis form sPlal1not be modified. II may be supplemented wilh aoolhonal material.

FJge 2 of 3




---' ._---In re the marriage of:

Karen A. ConnellPetitioner,




James R. ConnellRespondent.

-_ .. _._-------

AFFIDAVIT------_ .._--



I, Sarah M. Donnellan, being on oath duly sworn, states and deposes as follows:

I. I am the Attorney for the Petitioner.

2. _:\Temporary l learing was held on Friday, March 4, 20 II.

3. Since thai hearing the Respondent has been harassing the Petitioner and coming ontothe property at any and all times arguing with Petitioner and calling her IJames.

4. I request that a Temporary Hearing be held concerning the following issues:

• Use of the marital residence and other property; and

• Restraining the Respondent from coming onto the property.

I request that a hearing he held and a temporary order be entered pursuant [0 sec.767.22S( I) Wi:; Stars.

Dated this __j_pfA_ day of March, 201 I.


rt //J~i f~, {Y1<r.-~_k:1t~~__Attorney Sarah \1. DonnellanAttorney for PetitionerState liar No.: 10471:>2

Subscribed and sworn 10 before+-'--1_D~"'r<1etii"l.

Danette M. TeigenNotary Public, State ofWisc sinMy commission expires Ol/05/20i4


.',• 0.,:'


In re the Marriage of:

Karen A. Connell,Petitioner, OIU)En

(Hearing of March 4, 2011)

_._. '"

Case No, I OFA J 98

~'":..- ,...,.'. .)

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James R. Connell,Respondent.

UPON MOTION by Respondent for Amending the Temporary Orders heard befOlethe_HOfl9..rElblcRodeljc.k .Cameron, .on..March s._20.11, .wi th appearances-by Pet irioner- Karcn-Connell-e-s-ill person and by her attorney, Sarah Donnellan, and Respondent James Connell, by his attorney,Michael Fairchild, the Court orders as follows:

I. Petitioner shall pay Respondent $600 per month in temporary maintenance,commencing on March 4, 2011, and continuing until further order by the COUI1.

2. Respondent may enter the shed at unimproved ands of the parties during anydaylight hours, but must notify Pc . , ncr o. by telephonic messages or text-messaging of each instance that he docs so. -

3. Respondent may not enter the marital house or garage without Petitioner's. express,prior consent.

4. Respondent shall provide the Court and Petitioner a mailing address for his mail,other than the address of the marital residence, on or before March 14, 20 II.

- 5, If either party obtains an appraisal or marketing analysis of the property of the parties,=--antttorctt~ obtainsa vbcatiUTfat-evaltm"iio'fi:-Saicl"paf1j stiaJrprovidc acop{6fsrune'

__ -- ........--to-the-other·as,soon·as·praclical,-Said ..reports-shall-not-be{iied-wiih·Olecourt-Oulside------Iabsent the consent of the other party or pursuant to a proceeding sufficient to test theadmissibility of same.

Dated this t1,w daYOf~,2011.

Roderick CameronBranch I



APR 0 52011

March 29, 2011

The Honorable Roderick CameronCircuit Court Branch I71 I North Bridge StreetChippewa Falls, WI 54729

RE: In re the Marriage of ConnellChippewa County Case No .. IO.FA198._ ._ ~ ~.... . -- - -_. . - .,

Your Honor:

I am writing in response to the letter written by Mr. Fairchild dated March 11, 20 II. rwould like to address a few of the points that he has made in error.

Number 7: Jim Connell is smart enough to call me names without witnesses.j'Hc called.'me a "Bitch" on Sunday, March 6,2011 while standing in the driveway'. When I stated Jwould not listen to such name calling and turned to leave, he stated that I should look theword up in the dictionary - he wasn't calling me a derogatory name. In a later paragraphMr. Fairchild writes, "Although at some time in the past each party has called the othernames, Mr. Connell has not done so since the hearing of Mach 4th".-

I -- ..

This same day I did send Anna out with a form to sign that was sent by our Tax Preparerthat needed Jim's signature to send in our taxes to the State and Federal Government.This signature was to submit our taxes; I had not picked them up as of yet. I felt it was asimple matter of a signature and that] could save mysel f the grief, which I knew wouldhappen, by talking with Jim - he does not pass up an opportunity to belittle me when hehas a chan~ e!ccially if there are n~ ~i~~.es._ -(_J~-'t;~. . :.Under "MI. Connell relates to me the following: He has consistently called Mrs. Connellto notify her in advance of any time he was coming over."-

.... '4' ,

He has called to notify me in advance of any time he was coming over. However,he comes and goes during the day repeatedly. c-

a ~6, "~J"-' If\.'

--- .-----------------------------------------------------------


Under "In fact, the reason Ms. Donnellan has filed a affidavit which she herself signed, isthat her client - the one claiming impoverishment - is away with her children on a 7-10'day vacation to Mexico."·

<S /": ~ Ishowed Jim Connell that Ihad placed this trip on my charge card. No marital\}) f¥ ~:...,. menies .went toward this said trip. He, in fa~t, off~rcd Michael $100 spending

It '(:' bnoney If he would come out and speak to him. Michael refused. Anna took the

GtJ'l A rfl money. We were not on a 7-10 day vacation to Mexico, we were on a five-dayI I-J . .J1 .cruise in the Caribbean - we went to Mexico one day./'h (I) 7· oyr '

J J':; T Under "He has corne over to the property during daylight hours only."-

·.f/}·\~~ i_wlJ - -He called rrielhe;-;";'e d;y ~s th~'h~'-;'j~;(M~h 4) andinfor;:ed '~e~could be'\ ' '7 here day or night - "You and Goldilocks (Ms. Donnellan) better get your facts

straight" .

- - ....-_-.-'" :- -

Under ,. He did bum some paper and cardboard waste from the shed in the burning barrelon the land, as has been the family's pattern of use.

He has been granted access to the shed and undeveloped land. The burning barrelis in the yard.

Continuing under same paragraph" She did not inform him that she was showing thehouse and, apparently, did not show the house. Even as of several days later (3/8), shehas not shown the house.

1 showed the house that day at 4pm to a realtor for a market analysis. I told him'not to get the results to me until after my vacation because Ihad too much to do

until then. • • Jtt~r!.- j'-s -I-ke H1, II,Am I being watched? V'--'

Under "Furth~r, h~h~s not engaged i~ h'ar1Ssing ~~luct e~;n· i~ th~-c~lI~q~ial s~~se-~1-'_,....-that term. He did request of Mrs. Connell, that he be allowed to enter the house to getsome tools. Mrs. Connell first said "yes", then said "no", then said "yes", then said "no".He still has been unable to get the tools he wanted."

~'- _-

Yes, I would tell him he could get tools. Then he would start to verbally becomerude and disrespectful to me and then I would refuse his entry because of his pastbehavior. When Jim starts acting this was, he will continue to be verballyaggressive towards me. Believe me, I've been there for 20 years.

L) ItIr f ~'b o :»f' L0t-, e~ ~

c/ Yl J J t!> (t "j 'h, c:>J~


Under" He put out some bottled engine oil and oil filters for his son and daughter to dotune-ups on their vehicles which they knew about and wanted."

vJvc (6 ~ Jo ~ d'. 'bJ?-1

He placed this box in the driveway. I told him to move it to the shed; that I wouldnot pick it up and put it away - Jim enjoys making others do jobs that make himfeel in control of a situation. Jim refused to remove it. Furthermore, Michaeldoes not talk with Jim so he did not know about the oil and filters. I asked Annaif she had asked for them and she denied wanting the oil and filters. The boxremained in the driveway for approx. three days before it disappeared again.


Under "She has refused to reinstall the landline answering machine to the home phone so/\/\. l.LJ that he could call and leave the message there." _ _ .__ . ---r I' (. . - - - .-

~ ¥ .- We:ave never h:d ~ l~n~line answerin~ machine

Under the last paragraph "Mrs. Connell demanded that Mr. Connell not come over to theland at all, despite the court order. She insisted that his coming over to the land was withher consent only." " D. L h ~_\,,)11

.A-'''r~~0('1 I.tJ a- c (5rd er 'f'r~ "'1 t.-~~f/ rot sc.L} J never once said this. I understood the order from the beginning. I only regret not .

e_. - stipulating "With my permission", I immediately regretted giving him the OK to ~ 1il(€~S J vcJL~me to the farm when he called me that evening following ~~ ...hearing and told'f~ c9 ~rne that he could come whenever he wanted, day or night. Yes; he does call each

~ a t}f day before coming, He however comes and goes all day, This has beenefJf ~ extremely distressing to me - the phone call and him appearing whenever he 1J f\

:e vJ. 1~oeJl<lwants, off and on, during the day. A -~ 4)) 1 .1,410 e .)VI Jd(l)f>f_ . /1-W\ v- ?.e Y1 ~~fl (,o p~Jt. only do I get the phone call, J usually get some type of harassing remark from JIm: ; 'PI' i* ~ such as "1 don't want to be ~ccused of harassing you. Have ~ nice day", J- I"Y1 _.t-I J..z:._~\..~.J' ~t-~ ~1'I.,Jl :5(2../"10-1 t ""'_i~~ '''\ ?..It-~ {;>..-"V L/'v

On Tuesday, March 29, 2011, I showed the house to a prospective buyer and herhusband. Ji'E' at the !ime_,wasin tbe shed <:!_n.the property. Just before.they came.I .wcnt , - _ _ _ _- Ioiit and askeo'hinfif"we" could 'discuss a price for the house and some acreage. Hestated "There is no "we" and I have just two words for you and you know what they arc,"I left the shed at this point. Approximately I hour later the couple came to see the house.


This morning I listened to the message he left about coming out to the farm. He added -and I have saved this message - "By the way, you might want to give Shelly Lehmann acall. I got a feeling that they're not quite as interested in buying the house as they were aday or two ago." - Jim called Peter Lehmann and what I have gathered from Shelly was ()that Jim was "Irate" on the phone with Pete. ,f F ~ i ~4--}' Y ()..J ~ (."","":Z 5,;10'

a:.~ A • 0 vA) ~ (..... h «Z¥ t...- ~ tIVD'4- t-,4-} K +-- c? J1I\ <: 4-i>o r;Today's message that he left telling me that he ~as coming to the farm included "Sorry ,~use sale didn't work out for you. It'sjust too bad you'didn't include all the partiesthat have an interest in this property, Maybe next time you'll consider that."

~e__ SA ~L 0 t- '1c:!)1I 1/ '


Judge Cameron, I think you will have to agree that this has been a long, drawn out affairwith Jim Connell. People have wondered why it took so long for me to file for divorce.

, This is why. 'My neighbors, friends, and family have expressed' feat that Michael, Anna or~ J may be harmed. I am cautious with our safety but to what extent do I need to go? I. work in the mental health field and I know that this is a dangerous time for me and myfamily. How much harassment, under the law, constitutes the law stepping in andprotecting me?

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