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Daily Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1880-10-06 [p 4] · 2017-12-18 ·...

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... Sugar Made from Los Ange- les Bests. ISjProm theS. F. Merchant, Oct. 1.1 gVgfriCK of Standard Suuar 1 gHK>. Manufacturing Co., > ALVABADO, Sept. 117, 1880. J iptPiTOR San Francisco Mek- \u25a0Eurr:?ln tbe Merchant of tbe init., le an artiole taken from EpM Angeles paper, In regard to PBDeri't beet sugar experiment Ed his failure to make sugar ftom Eir-drlfHl baets, also cominenta of Kir own io relation to It. Think- Kit that perhaps it may relieve Ihe \u25a0Meatus on Prof. (?) Genueil'a fer- pta brain, and render it unneces- sary for him to conliutte his chem- n v »-«»( ? """ 1. - - , 1... I \u25a0 . H i gaMr* good sugitr from these same (\u25a0arjMfrred beets, that Oennert uud Ble eaststant or friend, M. do la \u25a0hiXi'bave thus far tailed to do,aud pre now calling for contributlous Benable them to continue their Hwerimeuts. The facts are as fol- \u25a0MM: A few weeks ago Mr. A. Na- BtfUl and Mr. Slnusou, a banker cf Em Angeles, visited our sugar Mafkiat Alvurado. They informed B that they came for the purpose M getting some information about Hied beets; that Mr. Nadeau, HaTOUgb the representation of Gen- Mitt bad beeu induced to raise PkOUt 750 acres of beets and to io- Kat mouey with Uouuert iv ma- Unary for manufacturing sun- gpOd beets iuto sugar, and that jPeonert had tried to produce sugar HMI aald beets but was unable to fcao, and fearing from Geunerl's HMire tbat perhaps sugar could pt be produced from them they \u25a0Hee to us for information. Mr. Kltllburg told them that he was \u25a0Mnlliar witb the process of work- fit kllu-drled beets, but knew Hnlng about these .dried by Mv heat, but If they would \u25a0had aome be would t-ee if uuy- Maßff could be douu with them. Pthfly Immediately shipped us fifty asyd aa soou ns they arrived of about eight lon* [ -nltwita obtain- I Espr. Nadta. . ggjpgar obtained ?ts, a Pjthple <»r which 1 -.una laMaa. We uiudo it all into cruuu rigger, not having time lo refine It. will tho people learn tbe Ljtue character of Protestor Ernest PWb. Geuueri? E.H.Dyer, HY General Superintendent. ejlr. Dyor is is o. ror al out If.de la Hux. nothing to c.o with Mr. Ormnert's ggaaassrtments. Ho exposed lljo l.no i uud gapaMa to produce gpuii sugar ir the uoces- ej*j*pa ainilfancos wo< o given hi,.. LNellie Chase-Monroe, the white ISlexde of Sam Mouroe, tlie family \u25a0jMgrocoachman at Galesburg, 111., Rmae taken lv charge by Ihe Hun. fjSaorace Chase, her btother, who HgDposed to go wiih her to Califor- nia. In order to effectually separate; KYi*** from her husband. Ham appear- Hlial at the railroad station, and de- KjJßaanded his wife. "I want the Idol Hp my affection h<> mid. She Hjjger to Join lii in, but was restrain- fsby her brother-iu law, tho Hey. EifL H. Higgins, wbiio Horace BpHbeae drew it revolver and threat- Kafledto kill Monroe. Sam drew a j* niatol, too, aud a scuffle ensued, tearing which Chase's weapon went he claims?wound- |]a| iSofatauiler. The crowd made KjfMß attempHo lynch tlie negro, and |#t ia aald tbat they were incited by \u25a0Mile clergyman lo do no, but gseolieemen finally quelled tbe dis- Bfrjrbanct'. Nellie was taken away gin aplte of her protestations of love \u25a0Mr ber husband. An effort will be Bj*?de to have her adjudged insane, her only mental peculiarity , of the'; matrimonial prefereuce. Tbe cig acoustic effect lias S atrugglsetd at the Coveut Gar- _ vneatre concerts, Loudon, by Sietlng oue of Ihe three bauds in jie front seats of |ho top gallery, §|:~lnlle the other two perform on the Ht; 'mporary orchestral stand erected ? a the promenade concerts. The Hr. brumentsdtiring the realization pis novel idea were drums and (lee to tbe exteut of over hundred performers, and the X layers, unner tho direction of an » .ventive Frenchman, replied to Kt*ft*i other from floor aud gallery in Hi kind of ancient antipbonal call Mtjlld recall, xlth all the vehemeuco RM military lungs and arms, going Vj/t bard at brass and goatskin. Hphe rapid nnd almost starting trail- BMllons Iroui half stillness to thun- HP* r were very strango, and as tlie \u25a0Meund rolled and reverberated along W the roof, and up and down the f ample building, such a clatter and Improar was produced as has been equalled. The effect was re- l|markable, aud the critics my the \u25a0Titling was sublime. Letters Held for Postages. t Alice a Williams, TOG Jones street, Ban Holedad Cots, San Francifco, Cal. I Has Bandit ii, Han Francisco, Cal. A Todd, Tombstone, A. T. I Jose Abarto, Delano, Cal. iOOallardo, Hayduu's Ferry. A. T. IF Littlepsge, Han ficrnardino, Cal. Annie Keder, ban Diego, Cal. 'Henry Drit, Sacramento, Cal. Genrgo Stsnard, Han Fernsudo, Cal. B L Ashley, Jamestown, D. T. ' IB Hayes, Wilmington, Cal. : 1 fl Dick>y, Hants Monica, Csl. ! Harsh J Willber, Laton llapid*, Mich, irjjjj-Davis, Metamora, Lapeer county, O* UMIAII.AIII.K. | Loa Augel<a, Cal. jiee Qaonx. culler City, A. T. JO D, Los Angelea, Cal. 'Postal card, uo adiJrera, signed: Will. A Word to Our Readers. ( Wheu you read of a remedy that HMlt dure all diseases, beware of it; Xt when you read of a pure vege- Mri* compound wliioh claims to MM only one certain part of tba \u25a0pdy and furnishes nigh proof that Btstoes this, you can safely try It, Mpd with the assurance tbat It will Bfiipyou. This la just what War- K*r*a Safe Kidney and Liver Cur* law. Itoureaall troubles of the \u25a0Mi portion of tbe body and nono ghoim. IIwill not help the tooth- K. "bf, *ar-aeha or consumption, but i zfttt pot year body In a vigorous \u25a0SSSjMnltny stato whore you oan may life and appreciate Its good ft., »u.U. MISCELLANEOUS. /$? pleasant io take, and serves the pur- pose of Pills, Apcri- ' nauseous -the most obstinalo cases of HA BITUAL CONSTIPATION, and disorders that follow in its train, such as BILIOUS COMPLAINT, HEADACHE, CEREBRAL CONGESTION, LOW SPIRITS, DISORDERED STOMACH, PILES, MELANCHOLY, Etc, are immediately relieved and effec- tuallycured by its use. TROPIC-FRUIT LAXATIVE ia put up in bronzed tin boxes only. Avoid imitations. Ask your druggist for De- scriptive Pamphlet, or address ths proprietor, J. E. H ETHERINGTOX, New York or Sau Francisco. 1 Winner's shafts Pills are an immediate ; lr>s for a Torpid Liver, and core Costive- .is Biliousness, Bilious DiarrhaiT, * Ague, and are useful at i sMSts to causo a free and I rein i Bow*la. Tlio best ami' ]? r t*'i M..1..J.. Patson. Price,26c. a box. iervlne quicklyrrlves Host Jerinß.cures Headache and jh Epileptic Mis, and is tlio iervous Prostration brought « 1 lrinktng, over-work, mental snocka aii u causes. It relieves the Pains of all Diseases, and Is never Injurious to tliu system. The best of all Nervines. Bottles of E assagai a, two sizes; prices, sue. PJin \u25a0 and ,1.00. luUflh. Warner's Baft aBBHWsB Remedies nr« \u25a0Sll Ynf BoldbyD)rnp;slst! Iffflfl Eu nnd Dealers ir BPS fS Medicine every MnHssssa where. »M H.H. WARNER & CO. Proprietors, tfßlMKiaHf r ?'"~si-inl for Pampblel THE CC-ViMr.RCIAL RESTAURANT Downey mock- St. Receive* a!iv<» and servou ap every day the Rhiicoitt PISH, including HOliK, TUKUOTand SKA TftGUT. MH. Dt>L U the exulusl vo connigneeof the celebrated KitOMIGK DX UIUK, Which oau only be hail at this restaurant. BPKINU CHICKENS, Just tn from the ram'lies, cooked In every style. This Kestaufant is Los Angeles's Del- monieo. ruyltf Mice to gas consumers REDUCTION. From October 2d, 1330, tho Los Angeles Qas Compauy will supply OAS AT 51.50 PER 1000 FEET, Thegas to be of a standard of 20-enndto power. The community will find that, with good burners, gas at that price and quality is far superior to auy material now used for Illuminating purposes. By order of the President. 526-lw L». ULLMAN, Secretary. TO HORSE MEN. At tho request of several owners ol horses, the time fjr Ihe CLOSING OF ENTRIES FOU THE RACKS DUIUNU FAIR WEEK Is hereby extended to OC- TOBER lOTir, which will bo anal, J. E. HOI.LENfIF.CK, WM. NILEH, r. I. B.VKUETIO, Executive Cummlitrp. Oct. Ist. id Evergreen Laundry. WASHING Called for and delivered to any p:irt of the city, by J. J. LM.illip*, Adams F , Orders oan be left at the boob: store of Mr. Sam HHltimn, Spring Rt. oIK) MONEY TO LOAN. asr Money to Loan on STORED GIKAIN at the rato or TEN FEU CENT. FEB ANNUM. Address P. O. i:oxfis2. n2S-lm /Hi COUGHS. 'Jft WRHEUMATISM.% BENSON'S CAPCTVE POHOUS PLASTER soothes, relieves ftlmu&t at once and rures where other piasters fail even lo relievo. It contains grestcr & more powerful pain relieving, strength- ening and curative properties than the common porous piaster, and in for superior to liniments and the so-called electrical appliances. It Is specially raeaauasnded for tho above ailments, also for Sptnnl and Kidney ('ntnplßlnfi., Pleurisy, Hciatlraand till local Aches and Palas. When suffering you will do well to take even a little pains to procure this article. Do not allowany other planter lo he substituted for it. fiold by all Druggists. Hkabusy & Johnson. 21 Piatt Street, New York, Proprietors. DISSOLUTION OF PABT9EBBHIF. Notice la hereby given that the part- nership heretofore exisilng between John Lattemore and Annie waller, do- lac business at Lynchburg, Virginia, un- der the arm name of Lattemore 4 Wal- ler, was dissolved by mutual consent September 16, 18*0: and that John Latte- Sort of Lo* 00.. xirornla, haa no sotea'hV tLls lh» t th#re *""\u25a0 .... jt time, hoy waller. Lynchburg l ISSO. oo«w jiliwADVBRTIBKMKNTB, DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS Will bo held at the following places and addressed by lbs following spealierp: Cienoira, "VVocliiewtloy. October Otli. H. X, S. O'MELNENY, F. H. HOWARD. Uo wn«'.>" Citj", Tltvit is- dny, Oot. ftW. VICTOR MONTGOMERY, H. K. S. O'MELVENY. matttea Ann, Fi-itlnj , Oc- tober Will. WM, 11. STEPHENS B. M. WHITE. r>iio.i-te, Frldnj .Ocl, *3. 0 B. THOM, \V. V, HEATHMAN, \u25b2\u25a0aiaUßi Saturday, Oc« tober Otli. C. E. THOM, \V F. HEATHMAN. On:ngj. fs-.onday, Oot.l Is H. K. 6V O'MKEVKNY, SI la-HKN' M. VVIIIIE Spadra, Mcnday, Oct. I I. \V. F. HEATHMAN, A. F. COHO NEE, C. E. THOM Pomona, Tuesday, Oct. 12 A. F. CORONEL, C. W. THOM, W. F. HEATHMAN. Wilmington, Wednesday, Oct. 13. GEORGE H. SMITH, W. F. HEATHMAN. Santa Monica, Friday, Oct. 16. W. F. HEATHMAN, STEPHEN M. WHITE. Downey City, Friday. Oc- tober 15. F. H. HOWARD, H. K. 8. O'MELVENY. Ouarte, Friday, Oct. 15. H. K. 8. O'MELVENY, WALTER I>. STEPHENSON. San Cabriel. Saturday, Oct. 16. A. F. CORONEL, F. H. HOWARD. La Ballona, Saturday, Oct. 16. FRANK SABICHI, F. Hi HOWARD, A. F. CORONEL. Azusa, Saturday, Oct. 16. H. K. 8. O'MELVENY, WALTER D. STEPHENSON. Old Lob N lotos, Saturday Oct. 16. W. F. HEATHMAN, FRANK! SABICHI, By order of the Central Committee. Marster's Self-Regulating FEEDER FOB THUESHINO MACHINES, In the on If Feeder mannfaotnred that f cade without moving aU the straw in a body, con- sequently giving a mora regular feed than 1! is possible to obtain with a draper feeder; n feeds the whole length of the cylinder; It to easily ohsngad to teed fast or alow aa desired; saves the labor or two man and does not re- Sire ao experienced tableman to feed N. , separator needs no alteration with th* exception of the removal of feed board to se- cure it in position, and doss not have to be taken off when moving. It require* bnt lit. tie power to ran it, and has no complicated parts liable to gat oot of order. Its success fearing been Inu> demonstrated, Icordially nrvlta all parties Interested tocall and jufjto. of'.asoerfta, 7or toll particulars address a. j. MAKH-rxaa. OPEN TO THE WORLD. THIRD ANNUAL HORTICULTURAL EXPOSITION, AT THE HORTICULTURAL PAVILION, Los Angeles, October IS, 19. 20, 31. 99, 33. JOINT EXPOSmOT! teiTTlie Horticultural and Agricultural Societies Uulte to make a GRAND EXHIBITof the products of Southern California at the Hor- tlcultnral Pavilion. The Premium List is the largest ever offered for Horticultural and Agricultural pro iucta on this Coast,. The Exposi- tion will t>e Ihe largest aud most complete ever held in Southern Cali- fornia. A uumher of new and interesting feature* have been added. Catalogue and particulars free to any address. fIKO. RICE, Secretary. J. DE BARTH BHORB, Pres't Ffemlum« Guaranteed. au23td WOTICE. S. SPKEi'Y & 00, h win..; merged tbeir boslnsislnto that of the LOS ANGELES PACKING CO., take this method of thanking ihelr nnmerons customers for tho liberal patronage extended lo then in the past, and ask a continuance for the new company. tfj S. SPEEDY & CO. LOS ANGELK9, \ BiEPTKMBBH 1, IS6U / We Hi" nnderslgned have formed a pari nership for tho purpose of conduct- ing the pork-packing business in all of Its branches, to bo known as LCfl AN- GKLEH PACKING CO.; tbat our place of business is located InBait Los that our place Of residence IS as fet oppo- site our name-. A. vV. BXB9ON sau Francisco CLARK Wi CROCKER Francisco W. 11. WALLACE San Francisco S. SPEEDY' LOS Angeles M. DODSWORTH LoS Angeles 522-4\v LOS ANGELES PACKING CO., 300 to 310 HofF Street, T-dnst X.OM Ansrclcs, Manufacturers nod dealers in all kind,of Hog Products. Sucar Cured Hrtlil, Medium Riicou, l ight Bncnn, Kxtra Light Baron, Lard in hulk, barrels, cans, caddim, etc. Pldkled Tongue,, Nmoked Tongues. Ploklaa Keot. OW AI,L GOODS GUARANTEED. -V* (t:U M. DOtWWORTH, liuslneiis Manager. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice Is hercbv given t hat a meeting of stockholders of tho Real Estate and Uuiming Association ot Los Angeles, Cal., will be held at the oitico of s. H. Buchanan, Room 5t Baker Block. Los Angeles, cal., on FRIDAY, tho Si ll day of OCTOBER, 1880, at 7 o'clock p.m., lor tho purpose of electing Trustees and tuu transact ion of general business. S. H. BUCHANAN, President. J. H. JONES, Secretary. o3td En the Superior Court, Of Stato of California, In and for Los Augelee County. AgBIGKHK'3 NOTIOK OF APPOINT- MENT. In the matter of T. W. Templo, an in- solvent debtor. To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice* of bis appointment as assignee of tbe estate ot T. W. Temple, an insolvent debtor, of tbe county of Los Angeles, In the State of California, and who was, to- wit.on the 10th day of August, 1880, ad- Judged an insolvent debtor, upon his pe- tition, by the Superior Court of tho county of Los Augeles, State of Califor- nia, dated at Los Angeles, tho loth day of August, 138J. M. J. WICKS, Atsigneo of T. W. Temple, an imolvcnt. o|*4w law FOR SALE. SIH ARES OF BEST VALLEY LAND IN THE COUNTY, Ono nnd one-half miles from Artesla school bouse. Oue artesian and four sur- face wells; good dairy or grain ranch. Price, 920 per acre; part cash. Cal] on OLIVEh DAVIS, on the premises, or on WM. D. STEPHENS, room bo. Temple Blook. tdclu H.SLOTTERBECK Has re-opened at his old stand, 77 Moiii Street. Guns, Pistols, Rifles, Ammunition, Cutlery, »..AND SPORTING GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. REP Al HI3VG AREFULLY ATTENDED TO. LEGAL In the Superior Court Of the Couuty of Log Angeles, Stato of California. KORTGACE. SALE. No. 2*3. LOUIS BLOSB,Plaintiff, l vs. > WOLFKALISUBHdtaI 1> f :idaals.J UNDER AND 11V VIRTUE 0* A decree Of foreclosure and or- der ol tale entered tn the superior Oourt of the county of Los Angeles, State of California, on ihe 4th day ol September, A. D. 18S0, and a writ OI ex- ecution for tho entoicement ol Judg- ment, requiring sale of property uuder foreclosure of mortgage, issued out of the aforesaid superior Conn, on the lit h day of September. A. D.ISM), in the above emitted action, and lv favor of Louie Mloss, plaintiff,and against Woli Kallsh- er, Wolf Kalisher, executor of the last will of Henry Wartenberg. deceased, the city of Los Angelei, itefngio BoteiiOi L'rljida Aloniide Avis, Curmelita Luyo, Rita Lugo, rloee M Lugo aud Agrlpina LUgO. defendants, a certified copy of which said decree of foreclosure, duly attested under the seal of said Court outhellth day Of September, A D 188t>, and delivered tonic, together with tho writ annexed t hereto, on the loth day oi September. A. D. IMO, where- by I am commanded to sell at public auction, to the highest and host bidder, for cash in United Slates gold coin, the following and In suid decree described real estate, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land sltuaie In the clly aud county ol Los An- geles. Slate of California, being part of the old Banehei Vineyard, bounded and described as follows: Commencing on the coat side of Ala- meda slreetat its Inteiseoiion with the \u25a0south coruer of a lane known as Labcry lane thence according to the tiue me- ridian a 1 deyroc 45 minutes w along the liuu of tho east side of Alameda stret-t 150 feet to a \u25a0take marked X W; thonce s 63 degrees 45 minutes k 360 feet to a point; thence north 96H degree* X SOS feet and 3 inches r,. tha Kotiih ot a la mo weening willow: LEGAL. InK each a frontage of 80 feet on Second street by a depth of 115J4 feet, and lot 11 having a frontage of I i.v £ feet ou E street by a depth of 160 feet, and being tbe same property deeded to W Kalis ber by deed recorded In book 41 of deeds, page 683, re- cords ofsaid county. l.<>. s 10 and 12 In block 13, range 7, hav- ing each a frontage ol ÜbH feet on Hebeo* ca street by a depth of 160 led: lot li? In block 11, range 6, fronting 115H fjeL on Willie street by a depth of JtiD feet; lot 4 In blook 11, range 6, fronting Hi 1 . 4 feet on Willie street by SO leet on Fourth street, being the a imi* property conveyod to Ka- Usberand Wartenburg by deed recorded in hook 11 of deed*,, pago 09, records Of s .id county. Sixth? Lot No. 24 In block F, In said town of Wilmington, as appears by the diagram s.r blocks B, F, li, li, 1, X, of llauulug's Reservation, Wilmington, re- corded In the county records ol said coun- ty, und being tlio same property convey- ed to said Kalisher aud Wartenburg, by deed recorded lv book 12 of deeus at page 162, records of said couuty. Also, all ihat cerium parcel of land In the Felipe Lugo tract,in the Kancho Han Autonlo. In Los Augeles county, California, described as follows: llouinning nt v joint In the northern boundary of tho iaud al lotted by oue Fe- lipe Lugo to his wile Fraucisca Berry de Lugo, from which t ho northeast corner of said allottiuent boars east 173 links dis- tant; Iheuce northerly 5.21 ctialns tothe Hue of the official survey between ths Haucho San Antonio and the city of Los Angeles; thence west along said Hue of official survey X.35 chains to the north- east corner of tho David Weisenberg tract; ihence southerly 5.24 chains; tbence east along tbo uorth boundary of satd allott- iuent by Felipe Lugo to his wife onnlni to the point of heginuing,couta)n- ItiA live (?) acres of land and being ihe ? same properly conveyed to satd Kallsher nnd Wartenburg by deed recorded in book ;14 of deeds, page HO2, records of said , county. Also, that certain piece or lot of land situate iv said Los Angeles cotinly, de- scrioed as follows; Lot 2 In block 3 In the , town of Compton, according to the sur* i vey and plat of subdivision of IoL 3, range Lot tbo Temple ft Ulbsou tract of the j Kancho San Pedro, made by Alfred Hig- , bee, December 11,1869, and being panic- jularly described in the deod to the said . Kallsher and Wartenburg recorded lv book cf deeds, page 707 tt seq, records ul sail I county. Alio, lot B in block In the town of Santa Monica, county of Los Angelos. us delineated on the map ol suid town on nle In the officeof the County Recorder ofsaid county of Los Augeles. Also, all that certain tract of land situ- ate in said county of Los Angeies, de- scribed as follows, lowli; Commencing ut the southwest corner of the tract of Lenor Yorba de Rowland; thence south \u25a0>1 degrecsOS minutes 18.00chaiun;tbenceN 02degrees 52minutes;!-; U7 70 chain*) to tho ezerior boundary of said rancho; thonce N 07degrees W 2i.30 chains to the HK cor- ner ot said tract ot Lenor Yorba de Row- land; thence s 02 degrees 52 minutes w 82.60 chains to tbe point of beginning, containing 102 aO-10U acres of land. Also, all that certain piece orparcel of land sit- uate In the city and county of Angeles, slat*' ot California, and bounded and de- scribed asfolloxs, to wit: On the uortb by tho properties of Pio Pico and Jesus Uochcl; on the east by Upper Main street; on the south by tho property of Jesus Te- ran; on the west by High street and the property of Jesus Teran, reference being made for further description to tho deed recorded In book SO of deeus, page 85 et seq. of the records ofsaid county. Also, all that certain pleceof land and premises situate In the city and county ot Los Angeles, Stato of California, de- scribed as follows, to wit: Bounded on ihe south by the old water zanja running from from the Canada of tne Jewish cemetery, passing between the old house of Jose sepulveda and Anaslacio Abila und passing along the north side of the lot now or formerly owued by Fraucisca Sepulveda do Carrlllo on the east by tbe Los Angeles river; uorth by the bills where tbey form the river bank, and tbe west nnd northwest by the hillsaud bead of said cauada; reserving aud excepting lots 4. 5,0 and 7, in block N0.40, Ord's sur- vey, reference being had for further de- scription to ihe deed recorded in book 13 of deeds, page 411, of tho records of said County, together with all and slugularUho tenements, hereditaments and appuitenanctsappertainingor there- to belonging. Public notice la hereby given that on THURSDAY, THE Urn DAY OP OCTOBER, A. D. 1880, At twelve o'clock M. of said day, I will proceed to sell at the Court House door, In the City and County of Los Angeles, Stato ot California, al public auction, to the highest and best bidder for cash.in U. S. gold coin, to satisfy said decree for principal and Interest, attorney's fees, costs, and ait accruing cunts, ail the aboVe described real estate.or so much thereof us may be necessary tosatisfy nuid principal and interest, etc., as uumsaul. Given under my baud, at bus Angeles cliy, Los Angelos county, Culilornia, this the lTi a day of September, A. D. 18K0. WM. U. ROWLAND, Sheriff. By JAMBS C. KAYS, Under Sheriff. Not in* of Sale of Keal Estate at Private Sale. Notice is hereby given that in pursu- ance oi an order uf tbe Superior Court ol Los Angeles couuty, Stato of California, made on the twenty-first day of August, i8Sl). iv tbe matter of tbo estate of H. W. Millard, deceased, the undersigned, tbo administrator of said estate, will sell at private sate, to tlio highest bidder for cash, gold ooln of tlie United states, and subject to confirmation by said superior Court, on FRIDAY, the EIGHTH day of OCTOBER, 1880, At tbo ollice of W. D. Stephenson, No. 8 Templo Block, in the city of Los Angeles, couuty of Los Angeles, California, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said 11. VV. Millard at the time of his death, and all the right, title and Inter- est tbat thesald estate bas, by operation of law or otherwise, acquired other than or In addition to that of the said H. W. Millard at tbe time of his death, in and to all t hat certain lot, piece or parcel of land situute, lying and being in the said county of Los Angeles, State of Callfoi- ula, and bouuued and described as fol- lows, to wit: The SE quarter of tho RE quarter ot section twelve (12), township tlfrec (3i south, range twelvu (121 west, San Ber- nardino meridian. And at the said place, and at thesald time, lrom 9 a.m. to sp.m., offers and bids will be received for tbe purchase of tbe said real estate. Terms and conditions of sale:?Cash, gold coin or tho United States, on the confirmation of the sale by said Superior Court. GEORGE A. MILLARD, Administrator of the estate of H.W. Millard, deceased. Los Augeles, 20tb Sept., 1880. iSltd NOTICE. U. S. SUKVEYOU-QKNEKAIi'S OFFICH, \ sau Fmucisco, Cal., sept. 4tb, ls-:o. J Incompliance with instructions from tbe Commissioner of lbo General Land Otlicu, dated July Id, 18S0,1 shall hold a hearing at SANTA ANA, Los Angeles county, California, on MuNDAY, Octo- ber llth, 1880, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m , to lake testimony t > prove the lo- cation and course ofthe River Santa Ana In tbe yeat 1801, or as Jar back ns the Knowledge and memory of witnesses may extend, and to show the changes that have since takeu place therein,and so desarlbe and designate such location, course and changes as to show tbeir rela- tion tothe lines of the official survey of the RANCIIO SANTIAGO DE SANTA ANA, Bernardino Yorba et al., confirm- ees; also, proof to show the character o t he inlet at tbe southeastern part of sale raucho, as to being tide water, etc. Allparties interested are requestod to atteud with their witnesses. THUO. WAGNER, U. S. Surveyor-General for California. s7-law-4t Notice for Publication of Time for Proving Will, etc. Iv tbo Superior Court. STATK OK CALIFORNIA, l? County or Los Angeles. j b "* In the Matter of tbe Kstate o B. K. Thompson, deceased. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THIS Court made this day, noilco Is hero- by given that Monday,the 27th clay of Sep- tember, A. D. 1880. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at tbe Court room of tbls Court, in said oounty of Los Angeles has been appointed for heurfni the application of J. Q. Deturk praying that a document now on file ii tbls court, purporting to be tbe last wll and testament of it. E. Thompson, de ceased, be admitted to probate, and tha letters testamentary be Issued thereon to J O. Deturk, at which lime and place al persons Interested therein may appea and contest the same. f Dated September 14th, lMpm**** A. W. POTTS * to the SOUtnCM a largo weeping wuiowi : I hence nottherly east of the zanja and westerly north of the zanja along the 1 hue between said Sanchez vineyard and , the lauds formerly belonging lo Teresa J Barelato a cypress tree on the south ' side of Labory lane; thenoo westerly 1 along tbo south sloe of said bine lo the * easterly Hue of Alameda street, to the place oi commencement. Also.all those certain pieces and par- cels of land siluato in said county of JUps Angeles, being portions o! tho Uaucho Canon de sauta Ana, described as 10l- j lows, to wit: AU that portion ot said Rancho Canon * de Santa Ana segregated and nut on as tbe property of Andrea E de Davila and the said Kalishoratid Warteubeig by the referees appointed in (been tot' Andrea KdeDavilaaudothersvs PrudcncluYorbu and others, in the District Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District of the Stale ! of California, inand for the county of Los ' \hgeles, brought lor the partition ofsaid ! Uaucho, described as loilows: Commencing at a point liO links north of the Sycamore tree mentioned in the interlocutory decree iv said partition \u25a0oit: theuco due north M 05 chains; tbence s 74 degrees w 11.00 chains; thence s 20 de- greet 1 23.00 chains and thence east to ttiO point of commencement; excepting therefrom, however, that portion thereof which was by lbo Ilnal decree of parti- tion in said suit set ofT and allotted to gald Andrea E do Daviia, described as fol- lows: Beginning at the point above man- tloued 30 links north of said sycamore tree mentioned in said interlocutory de- cree- theuco nnrtli 10.75 chains: thence S 71 degrees W8.15 chains; thence H2O de- green E 14 50 chains uud thenco duo east j to the point of commencement. All that ! remains (utter the said exception of said tract so segregated as the property of nuid : Andrea X do Uavlla and the mortgagors being bysaid final decree sot off and al- 1 lotted to said mortgagor*. ,, I Also, all that portion of tho vineyard on said rancho called tho "Adobe Wail 1 Vineyard," which wee set off and allot- ted by said final decree of partition to said kallsher und Wartenburg and being a strip 70 link* m width extending across said vineyard and adjoining on tbe worth that portion thereof which was set off and allottt d by said flual decree of parti- tion lo Maria oe Jesus Yorba de Scully, which vineyard U described us follows: Commencing at tho southeast corner of tho enclosure Olsaid vineyard, ttio mine being station No. 2 of P. Yorba's second class land; thence south 699$ degrees west 4.30 chains! tbence N 34J4 degree* w 13.48 chains; theuco N 9*H degrees W 4.66 chains! thence s degrees i: Vi.it chains to tbe point ol beginning. Also,all thai portion of ibeothci' vine* yard ment toned in sold i olerioontoiy on c as bt ing tho vtueyaid tn front of the dwelling house of Betnuido Yorba, do- ceased which was by said final decree al- lotted to s dd Kalisher and Wartenburg. being a strip thereoil OO chains wide on the wast end and extending across said vineyard from north tosonth and which i or ion is known and called Wi said de- cree llot No. one (1)] said hint named vineyard being described as follows, to wit: Uommsncibg at tho southwest corner ofsaid vineyard, the same being station No 15 ot tho tract of first and second Class laud allotted to said Kalisher and War- tenburg by said liuai decree of partition as appears by the map of said Uaucho filed in said partition suit; thenco N Ti% degrsesE4.79chains; thence N til degrees 14 minutes X 15.27 chaius lostatiou Wo. £ of Toiuas Yorba's second and third clans land. »s shown by said mup of said Uau- cho; thence N 22)4 degrees W 5 47 chains; tbence S 72)6 degrees W 1.90 chains, S 7&% W 7.56 oualnst thence S 50 de- crees W 8.70 chains; thence S 41 degrees W 2.40 chains; inane* s 21)4 degrees c 8.00 chains to the place of beginning. Commencing at station one (1), the same being a point on tba nonh bounda- ry line of said Uaucho at tbejrw corner of tlio Andrea E de Davila tract 27.00 chains west ot the point marked In the patent ol said Uaucho lrom tho United States as "post and obsrred stake," be- tween courses lOaud 11 as per said patent; thence west B&.oochains tostation 2; tbence \u25a0Otttb 142.00 chains toStation 8; Iheuce s 84 degrees E2.5,i chains to station 4; tbeuce N 7b5 degrees E 30 00 chains to statiou 5; thencesMil degrees E9.00 chains losta- tiou 0. thenceßdegreesE u.OO chains to statiou 7; thenco NB4 degrees B 10,00 chains to station 8, this being nt the cor- ner of a tract of land hereinbefore de- scribed setotraud allotted to said Kalish- er and Wartenburg in said ilnal decree; Iheuce N 74 degree.* 10 B.la chains to sta- tiou 9; tbence north 8 UO elm ins to station 10; thence N 62 degrees w 29 00 chains to station II; tbence north 11500 chains lo the place of beginning, containing 431 22- -100 ueres of second Class laud, 02 84-100 acres of tbiid class land and 7 58-10J acres as set oirand allotted by said ilnal decree to said Kalisher aud Wartenburg. Also, commencing at a point S 07% de- grees w distant 50 feet from tbe northwest coiner ofthe vineyard above described and known kv* tho vineyard infrout of the dwelling house of Bernardo Yoroa, de- ceased, the same being the nw corner of tho tract 60 feet square belong lug to Tadeo Aiuat, Bishop ot Monterey, and used as JM garden of the priests; thenco HUH degrees W 10.25 chains to station 2; thence N TIMdecrees W 21-85 chains lostatiou g] thence N 84V6 degrees W O.UOcbalns tosta- t ion 4; theuceS degrees W 5-00cbalns to station 5; thence south 23.00 chinmm losta- tiou (1; thence S 56% decrees E Hi.no chains to statiou 7; thence «87 H deg reea El 5 00 chains to stution 8: thence N 09 degrees E 18.51 chains tosiallon 9; thonce north 22.00 chains to station 10; tboncu N 80 y A degrees E2 60 chains to station 11; tbeuce north 0.5J to station 12; tbence N 29J£ de- grees E 3 CO chains to station 13; tneuce S Sijk degrees W 3.00 chains to station 14; thence S degrees w 4.79 chalnN lo sta- tion 15; tbence N 22* degrees w 2/J5 chains to station 10; thence S 9tH degrees w 0.75 chains to station 17 and thenco N 23H degrees w 0.75 chains to tlie point of beginning, Containing 80 80-100 acres of first class land and 70 64*100 acres of third class land as set off aud allotted to suid Kalisher aud Wartenburg by said Ilnal decree. Also.all ihe right, title and interest which the said Kalisuer and Wartenburg or either ot them had lv and to t he Huu- cho Canon dv Santa Ana on the 21th day ol April, 1875,0r tho llth of Decern ber,l«7(i, or the 2Slh of March, 1878. [SCHKUCL.K BJOV MOKToAUBD PROI'KRTY. AH those certain lots or parcels of land sltuatuln the town ol Wilmington, coun- ty of Los Angeles, Statu of California, as particularly delineated and shown upon the official map oft ho said town ol Wil- mington made by Fiank Lecouvreurand recorded in the Recorder's ofllce of tbe QS-ntttf of Los vageler* In book No. 6 of deeds, pages 00-07, described us follows, 10 Lots 10 and 12, block 0, rango 7. baying each a irontage of J1 >!feet ou D street by 100 feet In depth, belug tbo same property conveyed to Kalis-herand Wartouburg by deed recorded in book Uof douds, page 68, records ol said county. Lots 2 and 6 tn block No.l-llnrange N0.7, according to said official map and betng the same property conveyed to said Kal- lsner and Wartenburg by deed recorded In boon 15 oldeeds, page 97 et seq, records ofsaid Los Angeles county. The easterly portion nf lot No. 8, block 12, range 6, fronting 75H foet ou Third street and running back the entire depth of the lot and belug the same property conveyed to Kallsher and Wartenburg by deed recorded Inbook 44 or deeds,page 685, records of said county. Fourth?'Lots Nos. 3, 7,8 and 11, In block No. 9, range 4, said lots 3,7 andSbav- LEGAL. SUMMONS. Id tbe Superior Court ol tlie State of Cal- ifornia, In and lor tbe county ot i.o. Angoies. 11111 A M H. WJSEKS, Plulntifl-, 1 VB. I MIOUEL MORA et al, Defendants ) Action brought In the BuperlorCoart of the State of California, In and for tbe County or Los Angeles, and tbe Com plaint Hied in said County of Los Ango- ies, In the offloe o< tbe Clerk of said au perlor Court. Tbe people of tbe State of California send greeting to Miguel Mora, Qablno I'arra, Jose Rublo, Cord In a Hantogo, James Eutwlstle. Martina P. Aoho, Jo- seph Bonlno, Pier D. Assand, S. Hell- man, J. J.Campbell, S Levy and Fred- rlco Pena, defendants: You are hereby required to appear In an aotlon brought agalnat you by th. above named Plaintiff In tbe Superior or the Bute nt California, in and lor the County of Los Angeles, and to answer the oomplalnt filed therein, with- in ten days, (exclusive of the day of ser- vice) after the service on you of tbls summons?if served within this County; or, if served elsewhere within thirtydays ?or Judgment by default will be taken against you, aocordiug to th» prayer of said complaint. The aald action is brought to obtain a de- cree of this Court for tbe foreclosure of a certain mortgage described In tbe said com- plaint, and executed by the said Miguel Mora nnd Qabina Parra to Joseph M. Sherburne, recorded In book 24 of mort- gages, p. 363, of the officialreoords of Loa Augeles county,to whlnb reference la haa for a description or the premises theie- ln described, on the 81st day of Decem- ber, AD 1877, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note for the sum or 1321, gold coin, with Interest thereon lrom dale at tbe rate of two per cent per month, Interest payable monthly, if not so paid to be compounded monf \u25a0I y, said noto uud mortgage lor a valuuuio consideration having beeu by J. M. Sherburne to pluiu- tiff hereiu; that tbe premises conveyed by said mortgage may bo sold and the pro- ceeds applied to the payment of 1(24, gold coin, with interest thereon at the rate of two per cent per month, compounded LEGAL Delinquent Sale Notice. Lob Angeles Mining and Smelting Oom- ' pany?Location of principal place of business, Loa Angeles, Lob Angeles connty, California?Location of works, Ucstlng springs, Inyo couuty, Cahfor- ] nfa. NOTICE. There Is dellnquentnpon the following described stock, on account of assess- ment (No. 4) levied on the third day of , August, 1880, the several amounts set opposite the names of the rcspeotlve shareholder, as follows: No. of No. of Amt. Names. Certificate. Shares. I Bent, li X W y$ 6 sio Bent, fl X W 161 714 1428 , Crittenden, H m 94 800 400 Crittenden.R no 71 118 Crittenden, H ?..14i) £4 48 Crittenden, H 15» bi 122 Ivison. Rnrrlette S 126 1.0 '..'4O lvlson, Hurriette S 144 :i7 74 McKnight, W J 44 2"> M> McKnight. W J M SO 60 McKnight.WJ 63 17 U McKnight.W J 78 .'l2 64 McKnight.W J tgi :,2 64 Morgan, R A 160 2> 50 McKadden,James 22 200 400 MeFadden, Jame* 21 lOi) 200 MeFadden, James 23 100 200 McFndden, James 80 }gg 314 MeFadden, James 137 172 314 Severance,Annle Crit- tenden 8C S3 178 Severance, Annie Crit- tondeu 151 28 66 Ward, James F 121 18 SB Ward, James F 128 ft W i Ward, James F 162 1756 3510 And in accordance with law and au order of tho Board of Dl- ' rectors made on the third day of August, 1880, so many shares of each purcel of > such stock as may be necessary will be sold by public auction at the ollice of tbe company, room 1, Temple Block, Los ? ADgelei city, California, on TUESDAY, » the NINETEENTH day of OCTOBER, ? 1880, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of 1 said day, topuysaid delinquent assess- -1 im nt thereon, together with costß of ad- ? vortisingand expenses of sale. \u25a0 J. M. ELLlOTT.Secretary. 1 Office? No.t Temple Block, Los Ange- les city, California, sellld monthly, from December 81,1877, beside* 60 per cent on tbe principal for attorney's feOS, provided for in said mortgage, and also lor the sum of $51.76, paid for texes, and Interest thereon at the rate of 2 per cent per month from November 13th, 1879, and eesta of suit; and in ease such proceeds are [not sufficient to pay the same, then to obtain an execution agaiust said Miguel Mora and Uabino Parra for the balance i emamlng due, and also that the said defendants aud all persons claiming by, through or under tbem or either of tbem may be barred and foreclosed of all right, title, claim, lien, equity uf redemption and inter, est In and to Bald mortgaged premises, and for other and further relief. Reference Is had to complain for par- ticulars. And you sre hereby notified that, If you fall to appear and answer tbe said complaint, as above required, the said Plaintiff will apply tothe Gourt for tbe relief demanded in tbe said complaint. Given under ivy hand and the sent of the Sinrn r io.;;t of the state of California hi ana for the county ol Los Angoies, this 80tb day of December, Iv the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy- nine. |£enl.| A. 77. POTTS, Clerk By A. Hiupau, Deputy. tt. C. HUBBKLL, anttjm Attorney lor Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Superior Court Of tho State of California, In and for the County of Los Angeles. J. W. Randall, Plaintiff, ) vs. J W A Palmer and tt Cahou, Defendants.) Action brougnt in the Superior Court of the State of California, iv and for the cmirnv of Los Angeles, and the Com- plaint tiled In said county of Los Angeles, in the office of the Clerk of said Superior Court. The people of the State of California send greeting to W. A. Palmer and s. Cahen, Defendants. You are hereby required to appear in an action brougnt against you by tbe above named plaintiff In the Superior Courtofthe State of California, In and for the county of Los Angeles, and to answer the complaint died therein, within leu days (exclusive of the day of service, alter the service on you of this summons ?if served within this county; or, ifserved elsewhere, within thirty days?or Judg- ment by default will be taken against you, according to the prayer of said com- plaint. Tho said action is brought to obtain a decree of this Court for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage described in tbe said complaint and executed by the said W. A. Palmer to J. W. Randall, on the 20th day of March, A, D. 1870, to secure the payment or a certain prom- issory note for the sum of $1400, with in- terest at the rate of 1% per cent, per month from date until paid, interest Say able quarterly, and if not bo paid to c compounded quarterly and bear same rate ol interest as tbe principal; also, for the sum of ten per cent on principal as attorney's fees In this suit, prlnolpal and* Interest payable in gold coin ofthe Unit- ed States; that tbe premises conveyed by said mortgage may be sold, and tbe proceeds applied to the payment of $1400 gold coin, with Interest as aforesaid; also, ten percent on the principal aa attor- ney's lees, provided lor in said mortgage, and for $11.60 paid aa taxes, with interest from December Ist, 1879, at IJ* per cent, per month, and that a receiver be ap- pointed lotake charge of said mortgaged property and take charge Of tbo rents, ißSues and profits, and costs of suit; and In oase such proceeds are not sufficient to pay the same, then to obtain an execution against said W. A. Palmer for the balance remaining due, and also that the said defendants, and all persons claiming by, through or un- der thorn or eitber of them may be bar- red and foreclosed of all right, title, claim, Hen, equity of redemption and In. terest in and to suid mortgaged premises and for otber and further relief. Reference is bad to Complaint for par- ticulars. And you are hereby notified that If you, gillto appear and answer the said com- plaint as above required, the said plain- tiff will apply to the court for the xollet demanded in the .mid comolaint. Given under my hand aod the seal of the superior Court of the State of Cali- fornia, in and for the county or Los Angeles, this oth day of August, In tbo ye*r ol our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty. ISeal.j A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By A. RIMPAU,Deputy. 8. C. HUBBELL, sO-2tn Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Justice's Court , OT Los Angoies Township, Id the County of Los Augeles, State of ; California. i C. F. Harper, R. H. Moore and B. F, Coul- ter, co-partner, under firm name and stylo ot Harper Moore 4t Co., Plain- tine, vs. Ira Carpenter, Defendant. Injustice's Court, Los Angeles Town- ' snip, before Jobn Trafrord, Justice or the Peace. The People of the State or California send greeting to Ira Curpenter, defend- ant. You are hereby required to appear In an action brought against you by the above named plalntltl In the Justice's i Court of Los Angeles Townsblp, county . ot Los Angeles, State or California, and ; to answer before the Justice, at his offlee i In the said Towns hip,tbe complaint filed i therein, within Aye days (exclusive of ihe i day of servloe) after the service on you ot i tbls summons?ir served within the ? township in which this notion Is brought , ?or, ir served out or said townsblp, but t In said county, within ten days, or with- intwenty days ir served elsewhere. Tbe said action la brought to recover 1 Hit sum of forty-two 88-100 dollars. With interest thereon at the monthly rate or one and one-half per oent., compound- ing from April 12, H79, and rive per cent, additional for attorney's fees, all In IT. M. gold coin, alleged by plaintiffs to be , due them on defendant's JlfuJiTEfSuC* ? SlSaS2?A^EfiV 0 -«ST' orde? uuh. . rh. y .m^. A sS , iS"i ft» date and for ; tho amount above n imaD < . A°, r 0 .'n 3 « SttSS&Qs*. reference Is had flee. °° m »"»lnt filed In this or- ' notified that If you ' S.Vn.JS SEES'JH "newer said com- .' £M ?iKKS?J2.MuIred, said plainttfts hereof? / fcervloe and due return ; Au,«LlenV y h » ndth, ? ad *?* °' TRAFFORD, J *«f MEALB pWe of .aid Township. V the cuisine arptsON 4 WELLS, f «rEastern araWneys for Plaintiff*, ; served In all \u25a0*-» * IB> *°°*Vns)elee Townsblp. _ j Office of tho Blue Light MiningCompany. > Location of mining operations silvern- > do, Loa Angoies County, Cal., location ' of principal place of business i*os Auge- < les city aud Couuty, Cal. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting ' of tho Directors of said Corporation, held on the 15th day of soptcmbor, 1830, an as- , sessmeut of eighty \SO) cents per share was levied upou the capital stock, paya- ! hie immediately to J. D. Dunlap, Secre- tary of said Corporation, at his office, Room No. 30. Baker Block, In said city, ' Auy stock upou which this assessment ' shall remain unpaid on Saturday, No- vember 18th, 1880, will be delinquent and Advertised for sale at public auction: and unless payment Is made before will be sold on Wednesday, January 15, at one o'clock p. M. of (hat day, to pay tho del in- 1 quent assessment together with costs of [ advertising and expense of sale. J. D. DtTNTiAP. s PCretftry, Room No. 00. Bsikejr biwa. i*iM<Ah»*lo* City and Couuty, California. Dated at Los Augeles, Cal., September 15th, 1880. Sept.lsi h-iw . SUMMONS. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Stat.-i of Caliiornia,in and for the county of Los AngeleH. George D. Rowan, Plaintiff, vs, John Sohultz andC.C. Lamb, administrators of estate of Patrick Halpln, deceased, de- ceased, Defendants. Action brought in the Superior Court, of the State of California, In and for the county of Los Angeles, and tbe complaint hied in said county of Los Angeles, in tbe office of tbe Clerk of said Superior Court. Tbo people of tbe State of California send greeting to JohnSchultz and C. C. Lamb, administrators of tbo estate of Patrick Halpln, deceased, defendants: You are hereby required to appear In au action brought against you by tbe above named Plain tin in the Superior Court of the State of California,in and for the coun- ty of Los Angeles, and to answer the com- plaint filed therein, within ten days (ex- clusive ofthe day of service) after the serviceon you of this summons?if served .within this County; or, if served else- where within thirty days?or Judgment by default will ho taken agaiust you, ac- cording to tho prayer of said complaint. Tbe said action ih brought to obtaiu a de- oree of this Court for tbo foreclosure of a certain iuortgap,o described In tho suid complaint, and executed by tbe said John Schultz on tho lj(h day of Decomber, A V i"7O, to secure tho payinmit ef a certain promissory note of date 15th December, 1870, lor tbe buui of seven hundred dol- lars, withinterest at, two per cent, per month, payable monthly, executed and delivered by defendaut Schultz to plain- tiff on satd date and said mortgage bo- lng recorded In book 22 of mortgages, pugo 205, of tbe officialrecords of Los An- geles county, California, to which record reference is hereby made for more partlo ular description of the mortgaged prem lees, and that tbe premises conveyed by said mortgage luay be sold and the pro- ceeds applied to the payment of said sum of seven hundred dollars, wllh In- terest thereon at tbe rate of two per cent per month from tho Ist day of De- comber, 1877, and attorney's fees, provid- ed lv said mortgage, amounting to fifteen per ceut. upon total principal und Interest aud Judgment debt, aud costs of suit, and tin case such proceeds are hot sufficient to pay due same, then to obtain an execution against said defendant John Schultz for the balance remaining due, and also that tbe said defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under tbem or eitber of them may be barred and foreclosed of all right, title, claim, lien, equity of re- demption and luterest in and to said mort- gaged premises, and for otbor and furtber relief. Reference is bad to complaint for particulars. And you are hereby notified that,lf you fall to appear aud answer tbe suid Com- plaint, as above required, tbe saiti plain- tiff will apply to the Court for the rehef demanded in the said complaint. Given under ray hand and the seal ef thettuperiorOo Xtt ofthe State of Califor- nia, In and for the county of Los Augeles, this 27th day of March, in tbe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred und eighty. [seal.] A. W. POTTS. Clerk. By CHAS. E. Jcon, Deputy. a!5-2m S. C. Hubbell, Attorney for plaintiff. 11l the Superior Gourt Or me State of California, in and for Loa Angeles County. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JEAN ADEXANDRE, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the under- signed, executrix of the estate of Jean Alexandre, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against thesald deceased,to exhibit tbem, wJth tho necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said executrix at her resi- dence, Los Angeles, California, or to her attorney, J. Brousseau, at his office, In Baker Block, lv said city. JULIE D. ALEXANDRE, Executrix of the Estate of Jean Alex- andre, deceased. * Dated at Los Angeles, Oct. I,IBSO. 02-4w Notice to Creditors. ESTATE OF SAMUELR. HOYLE, DE- CEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the undersigned, udmlnßtratorof the es- tate of Samuel R. Hoyle, deceased, tothe creditors of, and all perons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administra- tor, at the oftico of Craves A- chapman, Baker Block, Los Angeles city. In tbe 1 said county of Los Angeles. J. A. GRAVES, Administrator of tbe estate of Samuel R. Hoyle, deceased. Dated at Los Angeles, Sept. a.l, 1880. BRUNSON A WELLS, s2|-5w Attorneys for Administrator. LOS ANGELES OIL COMPANY. Location of principal plaoe of business, li<>s Angeles, California?Location of works, Ventura county, California. Notice Is hereby given that at a meet- ing of the Board of Directors of this Com- pmiy held on ihe 18th day of September, IKKO.an assessment [No.H] oftwenty-five [26cj cents per share was levied upon tbe capital slock of tbe company, payable Immediately, in United States gold coin, to the Secretary, at room No, 6 Temple Block, city of Los Angeles. " And any stock upon which this assess- ment remains unpaid on Saturday, October 80, 1880. will be delinquent, and advertised for sale at public auction: and unless payment is made before will be sold on Monday, November the 23d, 1880, to pay the delinquent assessments, costs I of advertising and expense of sale. I WV J. NEELY.Secretary. I HsW HTTo. 5 Temple Block. | Apply to x\v. Boa 9tT. IM>. Jy4-4w
Page 1: Daily Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1880-10-06 [p 4] · 2017-12-18 · \u25a0pdyBtstoesand furnishes nigh proof that this, you can safely try It, Mpd with the assurance

...SugarMade from Los Ange-les Bests.

ISjProm theS. F. Merchant, Oct. 1.1gVgfriCKof Standard Suuar 1

gHK>. Manufacturing Co., >ALVABADO, Sept. 117, 1880. J

iptPiTOR San Francisco Mek-\u25a0Eurr:?ln tbe Merchant of tbe

init., le an artiole taken fromEpM Angeles paper, In regard toPBDeri't beet sugar experimentEd his failure to make sugar ftomEir-drlfHl baets, also cominenta of

Kirown io relation to It. Think-Kit that perhaps it may relieve Ihe

\u25a0Meatus on Prof. (?) Genueil'a fer-pta brain, and render it unneces-

sary for him to conliutte his chem-nv »-«»(? """

1. - - , 1...

I\u25a0 .H i

gaMr*good sugitr from these same(\u25a0arjMfrred beets, that Oennert uudBle eaststant or friend, M. do la\u25a0hiXi'bave thus far tailed to do,audpre now calling for contributlousBenable them to continue theirHwerimeuts. The facts are as fol-\u25a0MM: Afew weeks ago Mr. A. Na-BtfUl and Mr. Slnusou, a banker cfEm Angeles, visited our sugarMafkiat Alvurado. They informedB that they came for the purposeMgetting some information aboutHied beets; that Mr. Nadeau,

HaTOUgb the representation of Gen-Mitt bad beeu induced to raisePkOUt 750 acres of beets and to io-Kat mouey with Uouuert iv ma-Unary for manufacturing sun-

gpOd beets iuto sugar, and thatjPeonert had tried to produce sugarHMIaald beets but was unable to

fcao, and fearing from Geunerl'sHMire tbat perhaps sugar couldpt be produced from them they

\u25a0Hee to us for information. Mr.Kltllburg told them that he was\u25a0Mnlliar witb the process of work-fit kllu-drled beets, but knewHnlng about these .dried byMv heat, but If they would

\u25a0had aome be would t-ee if uuy-Maßff could be douu with them.Pthfly Immediately shipped us fifty

asyd aa soou ns they arrivedof about eight lon*

[ -nltwita obtain-

IEspr. Nadta. .ggjpgar obtained ?ts, aPjthple <»r which 1 -.una

laMaa. We uiudo it all into cruuurigger, not having time lo refine It.

will tho people learn tbeLjtue character of Protestor ErnestPWb. Geuueri? E.H.Dyer,

HY General Superintendent.ejlr. Dyor is is o. ror al out If.de la Hux.

nothing to c.o with Mr. Ormnert'sggaaassrtments. Ho exposed lljo l.no iuudgapaMa to produce gpuii sugar ir the uoces-

ej*j*pa ainilfancos wo< o given hi,..

LNellie Chase-Monroe, the whiteISlexde of Sam Mouroe, tlie family\u25a0jMgrocoachman at Galesburg, 111.,Rmae taken lv charge by Ihe Hun.fjSaorace Chase, her btother, whoHgDposed to go wiih her to Califor-nia. In order to effectually separate;

KYi***from her husband. Ham appear-Hlial at the railroad station, and de-KjJßaanded his wife. "Iwant the IdolHp my affection h<> mid. SheHjjger to Join lii in, but was restrain-fsby her brother-iu law, tho Hey.

EifL H. Higgins, wbiio HoraceBpHbeae drew itrevolver and threat-Kafledto kill Monroe. Sam drew aj*niatol, too, aud a scuffle ensued,tearing which Chase's weapon went

he claims?wound-|]a| iSofatauiler. The crowd made

KjfMß attempHo lynch tlie negro, and|#t ia aald tbat they were incited by

\u25a0Mile clergyman lo do no, butgseolieemen finally quelled tbe dis-Bfrjrbanct'. Nellie was taken awaygin aplte of her protestations oflove\u25a0Mr ber husband. An effort willbeBj*?de to have her adjudged insane,

her only mental peculiarity, of the'; matrimonial prefereuce.

Tbe cig acoustic effect liasS atrugglsetd at the Coveut Gar-_

vneatre concerts, Loudon, bySietlng oue of Ihe three bauds injiefront seats of |ho top gallery,

§|:~lnlle the other two perform on theHt; 'mporary orchestral stand erected

? a the promenade concerts. TheHr. brumentsdtiring the realizationpis novel idea were drums and(lee to tbe exteut of overhundred performers, and the

X layers, unner tho direction of an» .ventive Frenchman, replied toKt*ft*iother from flooraud gallery inHikind of ancient antipbonal callMtjlldrecall, xlth all the vehemeucoRM military lungs and arms, goingVj/t bard at brass and goatskin.Hphe rapid nnd almost starting trail-BMllons Iroui half stillness to thun-

HP*r were very strango, and as tlie\u25a0Meund rolled and reverberated alongW the roof, and up and down thef ample building, such a clatter andImproar was produced as has been

equalled. The effect was re-l|markable, aud the critics my the

\u25a0Titling was sublime.

Letters Held for Postages.

tAlice a Williams, TOG Jones street, Ban

Holedad Cots, San Francifco, Cal.IHas Bandit ii, Han Francisco, Cal.ATodd, Tombstone, A. T.

IJose Abarto, Delano, Cal.iOOallardo, Hayduu's Ferry. A. T.IF Littlepsge, Han ficrnardino, Cal.Annie Keder, ban Diego, Cal.'Henry Drit, Sacramento, Cal.Genrgo Stsnard, Han Fernsudo, Cal.B L Ashley, Jamestown, D. T.

' IBHayes, Wilmington, Cal.: 1 flDick>y, Hants Monica, Csl.! Harsh J Willber, Laton llapid*, Mich,

irjjjj-Davis, Metamora, Lapeer county,


| Loa Augel<a, Cal.jiee Qaonx. culler City, A. T.

JO D, Los Angelea, Cal.'Postal card, uo adiJrera, signed: Will.

A Word to Our Readers.( Wheu you read of a remedy that

HMltdure all diseases, beware of it;Xtwhen you read of a pure vege-Mri* compound wliioh claims toMM only one certain part of tba

\u25a0pdy and furnishes nigh proof thatBtstoes this, you can safely try It,

Mpd with the assurance tbat It willBfiipyou. This la just what War-K*r*a Safe Kidney and LiverCur*

law. Itoureaall troubles of the\u25a0Mi portion of tbe body and nonoghoim. IIwillnot help the tooth-

K. "bf, *ar-aeha or consumption, buti zfttt pot year body In a vigorous

\u25a0SSSjMnltny stato whore you oanmay life and appreciate Its good


/$? pleasant io take,and serves the pur-pose ofPills, Apcri-

' nauseous

-the most obstinalo cases of HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, anddisorders that follow in its train,such as BILIOUS COMPLAINT,HEADACHE, CEREBRALCONGESTION, LOW SPIRITS,DISORDERED STOMACH,PILES, MELANCHOLY, Etc,are immediately relieved and effec-tuallycured by its use.

TROPIC-FRUIT LAXATIVEia putup in bronzed tin boxes only. Avoidimitations. Ask your druggist forDe-scriptive Pamphlet, or address thsproprietor,


New Yorkor Sau Francisco.

1 Winner's shafts Pills are an immediate; lr>s for a Torpid Liver, and core Costive-.is Biliousness, Bilious DiarrhaiT,

* Ague, and are useful ati sMSts to causo a free andI rein i Bow*la. Tlio best ami']? r t*'iM..1..J.. Patson. Price,26c. a box.

iervlne quicklyrrlves HostJerinß.cures Headache andjh Epileptic Mis, and is tlio

iervous Prostration brought« 1 lrinktng, over-work, mentalsnocka aiiu causes. Itrelieves the Painsof all Diseases, and Is never Injurious to tliusystem. The best of all Nervines. Bottles of

Eassagai a, two sizes; prices, sue.PJin \u25a0 and ,1.00.

luUflh. Warner's BaftaBBHWsB Remedies nr«\u25a0Sll Ynf BoldbyD)rnp;slst!IffflflEu nnd Dealers irBPS fS Medicine every

MnHssssa where.

»MH.H. WARNER &CO.Proprietors,

tfßlMKiaHfr ?'"~si-inl for Pampblel


RESTAURANTDowney mock- St.

Receive* a!iv<» and servou ap every daythe Rhiicoitt PISH, including HOliK,TUKUOTand SKA TftGUT.

MH. Dt>L U the exulusl vo connigneeofthe celebrated KitOMIGK DX UIUK,Which oau only be hail at this restaurant.

BPKINU CHICKENS, Just tn from theram'lies, cooked In every style.

This Kestaufant is Los Angeles's Del-monieo. ruyltf

Mice to gas consumers


From October 2d, 1330, tho Los AngelesQas Compauy will supply

OAS AT 51.50 PER 1000 FEET,

Thegas to be of a standard of 20-enndtopower. The community will find that,with good burners, gas at that price andquality is far superior to auy materialnow used for Illuminatingpurposes.

By order of the President.526-lw L». ULLMAN,Secretary.


At tho request of several owners olhorses, the time fjr Ihe CLOSING OF


FAIR WEEK Is hereby extended to OC-TOBER lOTir,which will bo anal,




Executive Cummlitrp.Oct. Ist. id

Evergreen Laundry.

WASHINGCalled forand delivered to any p:irt

of the city, by

J. J. LM.illip*,Adams F ,Orders oan be left at the boob: store of

Mr. Sam HHltimn,Spring Rt. oIK)


at the rato or TEN FEU CENT. FEBANNUM. Address P. O. i:oxfis2. n2S-lm


BENSON'S CAPCTVE POHOUS PLASTERsoothes, relieves ftlmu&t at once and rures whereother piasters fail even lo relievo. It containsgrestcr &more powerful pain relieving, strength-ening and curative properties than the commonporous piaster, and in for superior to linimentsand the so-called electrical appliances. It Isspeciallyraeaauasnded for tho above ailments,also for Sptnnl and Kidney ('ntnplßlnfi.,Pleurisy, Hciatlraand till local Aches andPalas. When suffering you willdo well to takeeven a little pains to procure this article. Donot allowany other planter lo he substituted forit. fioldby all Druggists. Hkabusy &Johnson.21 Piatt Street, New York, Proprietors.


Notice la hereby given that the part-nership heretofore exisilng betweenJohn Lattemore and Annie waller, do-lac business at Lynchburg, Virginia, un-der the arm name of Lattemore 4 Wal-ler, was dissolved by mutual consentSeptember 16, 18*0:and that John Latte-Sort of Lo* 00.. xirornla, haa no

sotea'hV tLlslh»t th#re *""\u25a0.... jt time, hoy waller.Lynchburgl ISSO. oo«w



Will bo held at the followingplaces andaddressed by lbs following spealierp:

Cienoira, "VVocliiewtloy.October Otli.



Uo wn«'.>" Citj", Tltvit is-

dny, Oot. ftW.



matttea Ann, Fi-itlnj ,Oc-tober Will.



r>iio.i-te, Frldnj .Ocl, *3.


\u25b2\u25a0aiaUßi Saturday, Oc«tober Otli.



On:ngj. fs-.onday, Oot.l IsH. K. 6V O'MKEVKNY,


Spadra, Mcnday, Oct. I I.\V. F. HEATHMAN,



Pomona, Tuesday, Oct. 12A. F. CORONEL,


Wilmington, Wednesday,Oct. 13.


Santa Monica, Friday,Oct. 16.


Downey City, Friday. Oc-tober 15.


Ouarte, Friday, Oct. 15.H. K. 8. O'MELVENY,


San Cabriel. Saturday,Oct. 16.


La Ballona, Saturday,Oct. 16.


Azusa, Saturday, Oct. 16.H. K. 8. O'MELVENY,


Old Lob N lotos, SaturdayOct. 16.


By order of the Central Committee.

Marster's Self-RegulatingFEEDER

FOB THUESHINO MACHINES,In the onIf Feeder mannfaotnred that fcadewithout moving aU the straw ina body, con-sequently giving a mora regular feed than 1! ispossible to obtain with a draper feeder; nfeeds the whole length of the cylinder; Ittoeasily ohsngad to teed fast or alow aa desired;saves the labor or two man and does not re-

Sire ao experienced tableman to feed N., separator needs no alteration with th*exception of theremoval of feed board to se-cure it in position, and doss not have to betaken off when moving. Itrequire* bnt lit.tie power to ran it,and has no complicatedparts liable to gat oot of order. Its successfearing been Inu> demonstrated, Icordiallynrvlta all parties Interested tocall and jufjto.of'.asoerfta, 7or toll particulars addressa. j.MAKH-rxaa.






Los Angeles,October IS, 19. 20, 31. 99, 33.

JOINT EXPOSmOT!teiTTlie Horticultural and Agricultural Societies Uulte to make a

GRAND EXHIBITof the products of Southern California at the Hor-tlcultnral Pavilion. The Premium List is the largest ever offered forHorticultural and Agricultural pro iucta on this Coast,. The Exposi-tion will t>e Ihe largest aud most complete ever held in Southern Cali-

fornia. A uumher of new and interesting feature* have been added.Catalogue and particulars free to any address.

fIKO. RICE, Secretary. J. DE BARTH BHORB, Pres't

Ffemlum« Guaranteed.au23td


S. SPKEi'Y & 00, h win..; merged tbeir

boslnsislnto that of the LOS ANGELES

PACKING CO., take this method

of thanking ihelr nnmerons customers

for tho liberal patronage extended lo

then in the past, and ask a continuance

for the new company.

tfj S. SPEEDY & CO.


We Hi" nnderslgned have formed a

pari nership for tho purpose of conduct-

ingthe pork-packing business in all of

Its branches, to bo known as LCfl AN-GKLEH PACKING CO.; tbat our place of

business is located InBait Losthat our place Ofresidence IS as fet oppo-

site our name-.A. vV. BXB9ON sau FranciscoCLARK Wi CROCKER FranciscoW. 11. WALLACE San FranciscoS. SPEEDY' LOS AngelesM. DODSWORTH LoS Angeles




300 to 310 HofF Street,

T-dnst X.OM Ansrclcs,

Manufacturers nod dealers in all kind,of

Hog Products.

Sucar Cured Hrtlil, Medium Riicou,l ight Bncnn, Kxtra Light Baron,Lard in hulk, barrels, cans, caddim, etc.

Pldkled Tongue,, Nmoked Tongues.Ploklaa Keot.


(t:U M.DOtWWORTH,liuslneiis Manager.

NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.Notice Is hercbv given t hat a meeting

of stockholders of tho Real Estate andUuiming Association ot Los Angeles,Cal., will be held at the oitico of s. H.Buchanan, Room 5t Baker Block. LosAngeles, cal., on FRIDAY, tho Si lldayof OCTOBER, 1880, at 7 o'clock p.m., lortho purpose ofelecting Trustees and tuutransact ion of general business.

S. H. BUCHANAN,President.J. H. JONES, Secretary. o3td

En the Superior Court,Of Stato of California, In and for

Los Augelee County.


In the matter of T. W. Templo, an in-solvent debtor.

To whom it may concern:The undersigned hereby gives notice*

of bis appointment as assignee of tbeestate ot T. W. Temple, an insolventdebtor, of tbe county of Los Angeles, Inthe State of California, and who was, to-wit.on the 10th day of August, 1880, ad-Judged an insolvent debtor, upon his pe-tition, by the Superior Court of thocounty of Los Augeles, State of Califor-nia, dated at Los Angeles, tho loth dayof August, 138J.

M. J. WICKS,Atsigneo of T. W. Temple, an imolvcnt.

o|*4w law



Ono nnd one-half miles from Arteslaschool bouse. Oue artesian and four sur-face wells; good dairy or grain ranch.Price, 920 per acre; part cash. Cal] onOLIVEhDAVIS, on the premises, or onWM. D. STEPHENS, room bo. TempleBlook. tdclu


Has re-opened at his old stand,

77 Moiii Street.Guns, Pistols, Rifles,

Ammunition, Cutlery,»..AND




In the Superior CourtOf the Couuty of Log Angeles,

Stato of California.


LOUIS BLOSB,Plaintiff, lvs. >

WOLFKALISUBHdtaI 1> f :idaals.J

UNDER AND 11V VIRTUE 0* Adecree Of foreclosure and or-

der ol tale entered tn the superior Oourtof the county of Los Angeles, State ofCalifornia, on ihe 4th day olSeptember, A. D. 18S0, and a writ OI ex-ecution for tho entoicement ol Judg-ment, requiring sale ofproperty uuderforeclosure of mortgage, issued out of

the aforesaid superior Conn, on the lithday of September. A.D.ISM), in the aboveemitted action, and lv favor of LouieMloss, plaintiff,and against Woli Kallsh-er, Wolf Kalisher, executor of the lastwill of Henry Wartenberg. deceased, thecity of Los Angelei, itefngio BoteiiOiL'rljidaAloniide Avis, Curmelita Luyo,Rita Lugo, rloee M Lugo audAgrlpina LUgO. defendants, a certifiedcopy of which said decree of foreclosure,duly attested under the seal of said Courtouthellth day Of September, A D 188t>,and delivered tonic, together with thowrit annexed t hereto, on the loth dayoi September. A. D. IMO, where-by I am commanded to sell atpublic auction, to the highest and hostbidder, for cash in United Slates goldcoin, the following and In suid decreedescribed real estate, to wit:

All that certain piece or parcel of landsltuaie In the clly aud county ol Los An-geles. Slate of California, being part ofthe old Banehei Vineyard, bounded anddescribed as follows:

Commencing on the coat side of Ala-meda slreetat its Inteiseoiion with the\u25a0south coruer ofa lane known as Labcrylane thence according to the tiue me-ridian a 1 deyroc 45 minutes w along theliuu of tho east side of

Alameda stret-t 150 feet to a\u25a0take marked X W; thonce s 63 degrees45 minutes k 360 feet to a point; thencenorth 96H degree* X SOS feet and 3 inchesr,. tha Kotiihot a lamo weening willow:


InK each a frontage of 80 feet on Secondstreet by a depth of 115J4 feet, and lot 11having a frontage of Ii.v £ feet ou E streetby a depth of 160 feet, and being tbe sameproperty deeded to W Kalis ber by deedrecorded In book 41 of deeds, page 683, re-cords ofsaid county.

l.<>. s 10 and 12 In block 13, range 7, hav-ing each a frontage ol ÜbH feet on Hebeo*ca street by a depth of 160 led: lot li? Inblock 11, range 6, fronting 115HfjeL onWillie street by a depth of JtiD feet; lot 4In blook 11, range 6, fronting Hi1.4 feet onWillie street by SO leet on Fourth street,being the a imi*property conveyod to Ka-Usberand Wartenburg by deed recordedin hook 11 of deed*,, pago 09, records Ofs .id county.

Sixth? Lot No. 24 In block F, In saidtown of Wilmington, as appears by thediagram s.r blocks B, F, li, li, 1, X,ofllauulug's Reservation, Wilmington, re-corded In the countyrecords ol said coun-ty, und being tlio same property convey-ed to said Kalisher aud Wartenburg, bydeed recorded lvbook 12 of deeus at page162, records of said couuty.

Also, all ihat cerium parcel of land Inthe Felipe Lugo tract,in the Kancho HanAutonlo. In Los Augeles county,California, described as follows:llouinning nt v joint In the northernboundary of tho iaud al lotted by oue Fe-lipeLugo to his wile Fraucisca Berry deLugo, from which t ho northeast corner ofsaid allottiuent boars east 173 links dis-tant; Iheuce northerly 5.21 ctialns totheHue of the official survey between thsHaucho San Antonio and the city of LosAngeles; thence west along said Hue ofofficial survey X.35 chains to the north-east corner of tho David Weisenberg tract;ihence southerly 5.24 chains; tbence eastalong tbo uorth boundary of satd allott-iuent by Felipe Lugo to his wifeonnlni to the point of heginuing,couta)n-ItiA live (?) acres of land and being ihe

? same properly conveyed to satd Kallshernnd Wartenburg by deed recorded in book;14 of deeds, page HO2, records of said, county.

Also, that certain piece or lot of landsituate iv said Los Angeles cotinly, de-scrioed as follows; Lot 2 In block 3 In the,town ofCompton, according to the sur*

ivey and plat of subdivision of IoL 3, rangeLot tbo Temple ft Ulbsou tract of thejKancho San Pedro, made by Alfred Hig-, bee, December 11,1869, and being panic-jularly described in the deod to the said. Kallsher and Wartenburg recorded lv

book l« cf deeds, page 707 tt seq, recordsul sail I county.

Alio, lotB in block In the town ofSanta Monica, county of Los Angelos. usdelineated on the map ol suid town onnle In the officeof the County Recorderofsaid county of Los Augeles.

Also, all that certain tract of land situ-ate in said county of Los Angeies, de-scribed as follows, lowli; Commencingut the southwest corner of the tract ofLenor Yorba de Rowland; thence south

\u25a0>1 degrecsOS minutes 18.00chaiun;tbenceN02degrees 52minutes;!-; U7 70 chain*)to thoezerior boundary of said rancho; thonceN 07degrees W 2i.30 chains to the HKcor-ner ot said tract ot Lenor Yorba de Row-land; thence s 02 degrees 52 minutes w82.60 chains to tbe point of beginning,containing 102 aO-10U acres of land. Also,all that certain piece orparcel of land sit-uate In the cityand county of Angeles,slat*' ot California, and bounded and de-scribed asfolloxs, to wit: On the uortbby tho properties of Pio Pico and JesusUochcl; on the east by Upper Main street;on the south by tho property of Jesus Te-ran; on the west by High street and theproperty of Jesus Teran, reference beingmade forfurther description to tho deedrecorded In book SO of deeus, page 85 etseq. of the records ofsaid county.

Also, all that certain pleceof land andpremises situate In the city and countyot Los Angeles, Stato of California, de-scribed as follows, to wit: Bounded onihe south by the old water zanja runningfrom from the Canada of tne Jewishcemetery, passing between the old houseofJose sepulveda and Anaslacio Abilaund passing along the north side of thelot now or formerly owued by FrauciscaSepulveda do Carrlllo on the east by tbeLos Angeles river; uorth by the billswhere tbey form the river bank, and tbewest nnd northwest by the hillsaud beadof said cauada; reserving aud exceptinglots 4. 5,0 and 7, in block N0.40, Ord's sur-vey, reference being had for further de-scription to ihe deed recorded in book 13of deeds, page 411, of tho records of saidCounty, together with all andslugularUho tenements, hereditamentsand appuitenanctsappertainingor there-to belonging.Public notice la hereby given that on


At twelve o'clock M. of said day, Iwillproceed to sell at the Court House door,In the City and County of Los Angeles,Stato ot California, al public auction, tothe highest and best bidder for cash.in U.S. gold coin, to satisfy said decree forprincipal and Interest, attorney's fees,costs, and ait accruing cunts, ail theaboVe described real estate.or so muchthereof us may be necessary tosatisfy nuidprincipal and interest, etc., as uumsaul.

Given under my baud, at bus Angelescliy, Los Angelos county, Culilornia, thisthe lTia day of September, A. D. 18K0.

WM. U. ROWLAND, Sheriff.By JAMBS C. KAYS, Under Sheriff.

Not in* of Sale of Keal Estateat Private Sale.

Notice is hereby given that in pursu-ance oi an order uf tbe Superior Court olLos Angeles couuty, Stato of California,made on the twenty-first day of August,i8Sl). iv tbe matter of tbo estate of H. W.Millard, deceased, the undersigned, tboadministrator of said estate, will sell atprivate sate, to tlio highest bidder forcash, gold ooln of tlie United states, andsubject to confirmation by said superiorCourt, onFRIDAY, the EIGHTH day of

OCTOBER, 1880,At tbo ollice of W. D. Stephenson,No. 8 Templo Block, in thecity of Los Angeles, couutyof Los Angeles, California, all the right,title, interest and estate of the said11. VV. Millard at the time of hisdeath, and all the right, title and Inter-est tbat thesald estate bas, by operationof law or otherwise, acquired other thanor In addition to that of the said H. W.Millard at tbe time of his death, in andto all that certain lot, piece or parcel ofland situute, lyingand being in the saidcounty of Los Angeles, State of Callfoi-ula, and bouuued and described as fol-lows, to wit:

The SE quarter of tho RE quarter otsection twelve (12), township tlfrec (3isouth, range twelvu (121 west, San Ber-nardino meridian.

And at the said place, and at thesaldtime, lrom 9 a.m. to sp.m., offers and bidswill be received for tbe purchase of tbesaid real estate.

Terms and conditions of sale:?Cash,gold coin or tho United States, on theconfirmation of the sale by said SuperiorCourt.

GEORGE A. MILLARD,Administrator of the estate of H.W.

Millard, deceased.Los Augeles, 20tb Sept., 1880. iSltd

NOTICE.U. S. SUKVEYOU-QKNEKAIi'S OFFICH, \sau Fmucisco, Cal., sept. 4tb, ls-:o. J

Incompliance with instructions fromtbe Commissioner of lbo General LandOtlicu, dated July Id, 18S0,1 shall hold ahearing at SANTA ANA, Los Angelescounty, California, on MuNDAY, Octo-ber llth,1880, commencing at 10 o'clocka. m , to lake testimony t >prove the lo-cation and course ofthe River Santa AnaIn tbe yeat 1801, or as Jar back ns theKnowledge and memory of witnessesmay extend, and to show the changesthat have since takeu place therein,andso desarlbe and designate such location,course and changes as to show tbeir rela-tion tothe lines of the official survey ofthe RANCIIO SANTIAGO DE SANTAANA,Bernardino Yorba et al., confirm-ees; also, proof to show the character ot he inlet at tbe southeastern part of saleraucho, as to being tide water, etc.

Allparties interested are requestod toatteud with their witnesses.

THUO. WAGNER,U. S. Surveyor-General for California.


Notice for Publication of Timefor Proving Will,etc.

Iv tbo Superior Court.

STATK OK CALIFORNIA, l?County or Los Angeles. jb "*

In the Matter of tbe Kstate oB. K. Thompson, deceased.

PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THISCourt made this day, noilco Is hero-by given that Monday,the 27th clay ofSep-

tember, A. D. 1880. at 10 o'clock a. m. ofsaid day, at tbe Court room of tbls Court,in said oounty of Los Angeleshas been appointed for heurfnithe application of J. Q. Deturkpraying that a document now on file iitbls court, purporting to be tbe last wlland testament of it. E. Thompson, deceased, be admitted to probate, and thaletters testamentary be Issued thereon toJ O. Deturk, at which lime and place alpersons Interested therein may appeaand contest the same. f

Dated September 14th, lMpm****A. W. POTTS *

to the SOUtnCM a largo weeping wuiowi :I hence nottherly east of the zanja andwesterly north of the zanja along the 1hue between said Sanchez vineyard and ,the lauds formerly belonging lo Teresa JBarelato a cypress tree on the south 'side of Labory lane; thenoo westerly 1along tbo south sloe of said bine lo the *easterly Hue of Alameda street, to theplace oi commencement.

Also.all those certain pieces and par-cels of land siluato in said county of JUpsAngeles, being portions o! tho UauchoCanon de sauta Ana, described as 10l- jlows, to wit:

AU that portion ot said Rancho Canon *de Santa Ana segregated and nut on astbe property of Andrea E de Davila and

the said Kalishoratid Warteubeig by thereferees appointed in (been tot' AndreaKdeDavilaaudothersvs PrudcncluYorbuand others, in the District Court of the

Seventeenth Judicial District of the Stale !of California, inand for the county of Los '\hgeles, brought lor the partition ofsaid !Uaucho, described as loilows:

Commencing at a point liO links northof the Sycamore tree mentioned in theinterlocutory decree iv said partition

\u25a0oit: theuco due north M05 chains; tbence

s 74 degrees w 11.00 chains; thence s 20 de-greet 1 23.00 chains and thence east to

ttiOpoint of commencement; exceptingtherefrom, however, that portion thereofwhich was by lbo Ilnal decree of parti-tion in said suit set ofT and allotted togald Andrea E do Daviia, described as fol-lows: Beginning at the pointabove man-tloued 30 links north of said sycamore

tree mentioned in said interlocutory de-cree- theuco nnrtli 10.75 chains: thence S71 degrees W8.15 chains; thence H2O de-green E 1450 chains uud thenco duo east jto the point of commencement. All that !remains (utter the said exception of saidtract so segregated as the property of nuid :Andrea X do Uavlla and the mortgagorsbeing bysaid finaldecree sot off and al- 1lotted to said mortgagor*. , , IAlso, all that portion of tho vineyardon said rancho called tho "Adobe Wail 1Vineyard," which wee set off and allot-ted by said final decree of partition tosaid kallsher und Wartenburg and being

a strip 70 link* m width extending acrosssaid vineyard and adjoining on tbe worth

that portion thereof which was set offand allottt d by said flual decree of parti-tion lo Maria oe Jesus Yorba de Scully,which vineyard U described us follows:

Commencing at tho southeast corner oftho enclosure Olsaid vineyard, ttio minebeing station No. 2 of P. Yorba's second

class land; thence south 699$ degrees west

4.30 chains! tbence N 34J4 degree* w 13.48chains; theuco N 9*H degrees W 4.66chains! thence s degrees i: Vi.itchains to tbe point ol beginning.

Also,all thai portion of ibeothci' vine*yard ment toned in sold iolerioontoiyon c as bt ing tho vtueyaid tn front ofthedwelling house of Betnuido Yorba, do-

ceased which was by said final decree al-lotted to s dd Kalisher and Wartenburg.being a strip thereoil OO chains wide onthe wast end and extending across saidvineyard from north tosonth and whichi or ion is known and called Wisaid de-cree llot No. one (1)] said hint namedvineyard being described as follows, towit:Uommsncibg at tho southwest cornerofsaid vineyard, the same being station

No 15ot tho tract of first and second Classlaud allotted to said Kalisher and War-tenburg by said liuai decree of partitionas appears by the map of said Uauchofiled in said partition suit; thenco N Ti%degrsesE4.79chains; thence N til degrees14 minutes X 15.27 chaius lostatiou Wo. £of Toiuas Yorba's second and third clansland. »s shown by said mup of said Uau-cho; thence N 22)4 degrees W 5 47 chains;tbence S 72)6 degrees W 1.90 chains, S 7&%W 7.56 oualnst thence S 50 de-

crees W 8.70 chains; thence S 41 degreesW 2.40 chains; inane* s 21)4 degreesc 8.00chains to the place of beginning.

Commencing at station one (1), thesame being a point on tba nonh bounda-ry line of said Uaucho at tbejrw cornerof tlio Andrea E de Davila tract 27.00chains west ot the point marked In the

patent ol said Uaucho lrom tho UnitedStates as "post and obsrred stake," be-tween courses lOaud 11 as per said patent;thence west B&.oochains tostation 2; tbence

\u25a0Otttb 142.00 chains toStation 8; Iheuce s84 degrees E2.5,i chains to station 4; tbeuceN 7b5 degrees E 30 00 chains to statiou 5;thencesMil degrees E9.00 chains losta-tiou 0. thenceßdegreesE u.OO chainsto statiou 7; thenco NB4 degrees B 10,00chains to station 8, this being nt the cor-ner of a tract of land hereinbefore de-scribed setotraud allotted to said Kalish-er and Wartenburg in said ilnal decree;Iheuce N 74 degree.* 10 B.la chains to sta-tiou 9; tbence north 8 UO elm ins to station10; thence N 62 degrees w 29 00 chains tostation II; tbence north 11500 chains lothe place of beginning, containing 431 22--100 ueres of second Class laud, 02 84-100acres of tbiid class land and 7 58-10Jacres as set oirand allotted by said ilnaldecree to said Kalisher aud Wartenburg.

Also, commencing at a point S 07% de-grees w distant 50feet from tbe northwestcoiner ofthe vineyard above describedand known kv* tho vineyard infrout of thedwelling house of Bernardo Yoroa, de-ceased, the same being the nw corner oftho tract 60 feet square belong lug to TadeoAiuat, Bishop ot Monterey, and used asJM garden ofthe priests; thenco HUHdegrees W 10.25 chains to station 2; thenceN TIMdecrees W 21-85 chains lostatiou g]thence N 84V6 degrees W O.UOcbalns tosta-

t ion 4; theuceS degrees W 5-00cbalns tostation 5; thence south 23.00 chinmm losta-tiou (1; thence S 56% decrees E Hi.no chainsto statiou 7; thence «87 H deg reea El500chains to stution 8: thence N 09 degrees E18.51 chains tosiallon 9; thonce north 22.00chains to station 10; tboncu N 80yA degreesE2 60 chains to station 11; tbeuce north0.5J to station 12; tbence N 29J£ de-grees E 3 CO chains to station 13; tneuce SSijk degrees W 3.00 chains to station 14;thence S degrees w 4.79 chalnN lo sta-tion 15; tbence N 22* degrees w 2/J5chains to station 10; thence S 9tH degreesw 0.75 chains to station 17and thenco N 23H degrees w0.75 chains to tlie point of beginning,Containing 80 80-100 acres of first classland and 70 64*100 acres of third class landas set off aud allotted to suid Kalisheraud Wartenburg by said Ilnal decree.

Also.all ihe right, title and interestwhich the said Kalisuer and Wartenburgor either ot them had lv and to t he Huu-cho Canon dv Santa Ana on the 21th dayol April,1875,0r tho llth ofDecern ber,l«7(i,or the 2Slh of March, 1878.[SCHKUCL.K BJOV MOKToAUBD PROI'KRTY.

AH those certain lots or parcels of landsltuatuln the town ol Wilmington, coun-tyof Los Angeles, Statu of California, asparticularly delineated and shown uponthe official map oft ho said town ol Wil-mington made by Fiank Lecouvreurandrecorded in the Recorder's ofllce of tbeQS-ntttf of Los vageler* In book No. 6 ofdeeds, pages 00-07, described us follows, 10

Lots 10 and 12, block 0, rango 7. bayingeach a irontage of J1 >!feet ou D street by100 feet In depth, belug tbo same property

conveyed to Kalis-herand Wartouburg bydeed recorded in book Uof douds, page68, records ol said county.

Lots 2 and 6 tn block No.l-llnrange N0.7,according to said official map and betngthe same property conveyed to said Kal-lsner and Wartenburg by deed recordedIn boon 15 oldeeds, page 97 et seq, recordsofsaid Los Angeles county.

The easterly portion nf lot No. 8, block12, range 6, fronting 75H foet ou Thirdstreet and running back the entire depthof the lot and belug the same propertyconveyed to Kallsher and Wartenburgby deed recorded Inbook 44 or deeds,page685, records of said county.

Fourth?'Lots Nos. 3, 7,8 and 11, InblockNo. 9, range 4, said lots 3,7 andSbav-


SUMMONS.Id tbe Superior Court ol tlie State of Cal-

ifornia, In and lor tbe county ot i.o.Angoies.

11111 A M H. WJSEKS, Plulntifl-, 1VB. I

MIOUEL MORA et al, Defendants )

Action brought In the BuperlorCoartof the State of California, In and for tbeCounty or Los Angeles, and tbe Complaint Hied in said County of Los Ango-ies, In the offloe o< tbe Clerk of said auperlor Court.

Tbe people of tbe State of Californiasend greeting to Miguel Mora, QablnoI'arra, Jose Rublo, Cord Ina Hantogo,James Eutwlstle. Martina P. Aoho, Jo-seph Bonlno, Pier D. Assand, S. Hell-man, J. J.Campbell, S Levy and Fred-rlco Pena, defendants:

You are hereby required to appear Inan aotlon brought agalnat you by th.above named Plaintiff In tbe Superioror the Bute nt California, in andlor the County of Los Angeles, and toanswer the oomplalnt filed therein, with-in ten days, (exclusive of the day of ser-vice) after the service on you of tblssummons?if served within this County;or, if served elsewhere within thirtydays?or Judgment by default will be takenagainst you, aocordiug to th» prayer ofsaid complaint.

The aald action is brought to obtain a de-cree of this Court for tbe foreclosure of acertain mortgage described In tbe said com-plaint, and executed by the said MiguelMora nnd Qabina Parra to Joseph M.Sherburne, recorded In book 24 of mort-gages, p. 363, of the officialreoords ofLoaAugeles county,to whlnb reference la haafor a description or the premises theie-ln described, on the 81st day of Decem-ber, AD 1877, to secure the payment of acertain promissory note for the sum or1321, gold coin, with Interest thereonlrom dale at tbe rate of two per cent

per month, Interest payable monthly, ifnot so paid to be compounded monf \u25a0Iy,said noto uud mortgage lor a valuuuioconsideration having beeuby J. M. Sherburne to pluiu-tiff hereiu; that tbe premises conveyedby said mortgage may bo sold and the pro-ceeds applied to the payment of 1(24, goldcoin, with interest thereon at the rate oftwo per cent per month, compounded


Delinquent Sale Notice.Lob Angeles Mining and Smelting Oom- 'pany?Location of principal place of

business, Loa Angeles, Lob Angelesconnty, California?Location of works,Ucstlng springs, Inyo couuty, Cahfor- ]nfa.

NOTICE.There Is dellnquentnpon the following

described stock, on account of assess-ment (No. 4) levied on the third day of ,August, 1880, the several amountsset opposite the names of the rcspeotlveshareholder, as follows:

No. of No. of Amt.Names. Certificate. Shares. I

Bent, liX W y$ 6 sioBent, fl XW 161 714 1428 ,Crittenden, H m 94 800 400Crittenden.R no 71 118Crittenden, H ?..14i) £4 48Crittenden, H 15» bi 122Ivison. Rnrrlette S 126 1.0 '..'4Olvlson, Hurriette S 144 :i7 74McKnight, W J 44 2"> M>McKnight. W J M SO 60McKnight.WJ 63 17 UMcKnight.W J 78 .'l2 64McKnight.W J tgi :,2 64Morgan, R A 160 2> 50McKadden,James 22 200 400MeFadden, Jame* 21 lOi) 200MeFadden, James 23 100 200McFndden, James 80 }gg 314MeFadden, James 137 172 314Severance,Annle Crit-

tenden 8C S3 178Severance, AnnieCrit-

tondeu 151 28 66Ward, James F 121 18 SBWard, James F 128 ft W

i Ward, James F 162 1756 3510And in accordance with law and

au order of tho Board of Dl-

' rectors made on the third day ofAugust,1880, so many shares of each purcel of

> such stock as may be necessary will besold by publicauction at the ollice of tbecompany, room 1, Temple Block, Los

? ADgelei city,California, on TUESDAY,» the NINETEENTH day of OCTOBER,? 1880, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of1 said day, topuysaid delinquent assess--1 im nt thereon, together with costß of ad-? vortisingand expenses of sale.\u25a0 J. M. ELLlOTT.Secretary.1 Office? No.t Temple Block, Los Ange-

les city,California, sellld monthly, from December 81,1877, beside* 60per cent on tbe principal for attorney'sfeOS, provided for in said mortgage, andalso lor the sum of $51.76, paid for texes,and Interest thereon at the rate of 2 percent per month from November 13th,1879, and eesta of suit; and in easesuch proceeds are [not sufficient to pay thesame, then to obtain an execution agaiustsaid Miguel Mora and Uabino Parra forthe balance i emamlng due, and alsothat the said defendants aud all personsclaiming by, through or undertbem or either of tbem may bebarred and foreclosed of all right, title,claim, lien, equity uf redemption and inter,est In and to Bald mortgaged premises, andfor other and further relief.

Reference Is had to complain forpar-ticulars.

And you sre hereby notified that, If youfall to appear and answer tbe said complaint,as above required, the said Plaintiff willapply tothe Gourt for tbe relief demandedin tbe said complaint.

Given under ivyhand and the sent of theSinrn r io.;;t of the state of California hiana for the county ol Los Angoies, this 80tbday of December, Iv the year of our Lordone thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. |£enl.|

A. 77. POTTS, ClerkBy A. Hiupau, Deputy.tt. C. HUBBKLL,

anttjm Attorney lor Plaintiff.


In the Superior CourtOf tho State of California, In and

for the County of Los Angeles.

J. W. Randall, Plaintiff, )vs. J

W A Palmer and tt Cahou, Defendants.)

Action brougnt in the Superior Courtof the State of California, ivand for thecmirnv of Los Angeles, and the Com-plainttiled In said county ofLos Angeles,in the office of the Clerk of said SuperiorCourt.

The people of the State of Californiasend greeting to W. A. Palmer and s.Cahen, Defendants.

You are hereby required to appear inan action brougnt against you by tbeabove named plaintiff In the SuperiorCourtofthe State of California, In and forthe county ofLos Angeles, and to answerthe complaint died therein, within leudays (exclusive of the day of service,alter the service on you of this summons?if served within this county; or, ifservedelsewhere, within thirty days?or Judg-ment by default will be taken againstyou, according to the prayer of said com-plaint.

Tho said action is brought to obtain adecree of this Court for the foreclosure ofa certain mortgage described intbe said complaint and executed by thesaid W. A. Palmer to J. W. Randall,on the 20th day of March, A, D. 1870,to secure the payment or a certain prom-issory note for the sum of $1400, with in-terest at the rate of 1% per cent, permonth from date until paid, interestSay able quarterly, and if not bo paid toc compounded quarterly and bear samerate ol interest as tbe principal; also, forthe sum of ten per cent on principal asattorney's fees In this suit, prlnolpaland*Interest payable in gold coin ofthe Unit-ed States; that tbe premises conveyedby said mortgage may be sold, and tbeproceeds applied to the payment of $1400gold coin, with Interest as aforesaid; also,ten percent on the principal aa attor-ney's lees, provided lor in said mortgage,and for $11.60 paid aa taxes, with interestfrom December Ist, 1879, at IJ* per cent,per month, and that a receiver be ap-pointed lotake charge of said mortgagedproperty and take charge Of tborents, ißSues and profits, and costsof suit; and In oase such proceeds arenot sufficient to pay the same, then toobtain an execution against said W. A.Palmer for the balance remaining due,and also that the said defendants, andall persons claiming by, through or un-der thorn or eitber of them may be bar-red and foreclosed of all right, title,claim, Hen, equity ofredemption and In.terest inand to suid mortgaged premisesand for otber and further relief.

Reference is bad to Complaint for par-ticulars.

And you are hereby notified that Ifyou,gillto appear and answer the said com-plaint as above required, the said plain-tiff willapply to the court for the xolletdemanded in the .mid comolaint.

Given under my hand aod the seal ofthe superior Court of the State of Cali-fornia, in and for the county or LosAngeles, this oth day of August, In tboye*r ol our Lord, one thousand eighthundred and eighty.

ISeal.jA. W. POTTS, Clerk.


sO-2tn Attorney forPlaintiff.

SUMMONS.In the Justice's Court, OT Los Angoies Township, Id theCounty of Los Augeles, State of

; California.

i C. F. Harper, R. H. Moore and B. F, Coul-ter, co-partner, under firm name andstylo ot Harper Moore 4t Co., Plain-tine, vs. Ira Carpenter, Defendant.

Injustice's Court, Los Angeles Town-

' snip, before Jobn Trafrord, Justice orthe Peace.

The People of the State or Californiasend greeting to Ira Curpenter, defend-ant.

You are hereby required to appear Inan action brought against you by theabove named plalntltl In the Justice's

i Court of Los Angeles Townsblp, county. ot Los Angeles, State or California, and; to answer before the Justice, at his offleei Inthe said Towns hip,tbe complaint filedi therein, within Aye days (exclusive ofihei day of servloe) after the service on you oti tbls summons?ir served within the? township in which this notion Is brought, ?or, ir served out or said townsblp, butt In said county, within ten days, or with-

intwenty days ir served elsewhere.Tbe said action la brought to recover

1 Hitsum offorty-two 88-100 dollars. Withinterest thereon at the monthly rate orone and one-half per oent., compound-ing from April12, H79, and rive per cent,additional for attorney's fees, all In IT.M. gold coin, alleged by plaintiffs to be, due them on defendant's JlfuJiTEfSuC* ?SlSaS2?A^EfiV 0 -«ST' orde? uuh.. rh. y.m^. AsS ,iS"ift» date and for; tho amount above nimaD<.A°,r0 .'n 3«SttSS&Qs*. reference Is hadflee. °°m»"»lnt filed In this or-

' notified that Ifyou

' S.Vn.JS SEES'JH "newer said com-.' £M ?iKKS?J2.MuIred, said plainttfts

hereof? / fcervloe and due return; Au,«LlenVy h»ndth, ? ad *?* °'TRAFFORD,J *«fMEALBpWe of .aid Township.Vthe cuisine arptsON 4 WELLS,f«rEastern araWneys forPlaintiff*,; served In all \u25a0*-» *

IB> *°°*Vns)elee Townsblp.


Office of tho Blue Light MiningCompany. >Location of mining operations silvern- >do, Loa Angoies County, Cal., location 'of principal place ofbusiness i*os Auge- <les city aud Couuty, Cal.

Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting 'of tho Directors of said Corporation, heldon the 15th day of soptcmbor, 1830, an as- ,sessmeut ofeighty \SO) cents per sharewas levied upou the capital stock, paya- !hie immediately to J. D. Dunlap, Secre-tary of said Corporation, at his office,Room No. 30. Baker Block, In said city, 'Auy stock upou which this assessment 'shall remain unpaid on Saturday, No-vember 18th, 1880, will be delinquent andAdvertised for sale at public auction: andunless payment Is made before will besold on Wednesday, January 15, at oneo'clock p. M. of (hat day, to pay tho del in- 1quent assessment together with costs of [advertising and expense of sale.

J. D. DtTNTiAP. s PCretftry,Room No. 00. Bsikejr biwa. i*iM<Ah»*lo*

City and Couuty, California.Dated at Los Augeles, Cal., September

15th, 1880. Sept.lsi h-iw. SUMMONS.

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THEStat.-i of Caliiornia,in and for the

county of Los AngeleH.George D. Rowan, Plaintiff, vs, John

Sohultz andC.C. Lamb, administrators ofestate of Patrick Halpln, deceased, de-ceased, Defendants.

Action brought in the Superior Court, ofthe State of California, In and for thecounty ofLos Angeles, and tbe complainthied in said county of Los Angeles, intbe office of tbe Clerk of said SuperiorCourt.

Tbo people of tbe State of Californiasend greeting to JohnSchultz and C. C.Lamb, administrators of tbo estate ofPatrick Halpln, deceased, defendants:

You are hereby required to appear In auaction brought against you by tbe abovenamed Plain tin in the Superior Court ofthe State of California,in and for the coun-tyofLos Angeles, and to answer the com-plaint filed therein, within ten days (ex-clusive ofthe day of service) after theserviceon you of this summons?if served.within this County; or, if served else-where within thirty days?or Judgmentby default will ho taken agaiust you, ac-cording to tho prayer of said complaint.

Tbe said action ih brought to obtaiu a de-oree of this Court for tbo foreclosure of acertain iuortgap,o described In tho suidcomplaint, and executed by tbe said JohnSchultz on tho lj(h day of Decomber,A V i"7O, to secure tho payinmit ef a certainpromissory note of date 15th December,1870, lor tbe buui of seven hundred dol-lars, withinterest at, two per cent, permonth, payable monthly, executed anddelivered by defendaut Schultz to plain-tiffon satd date and said mortgage bo-lng recorded In book 22 of mortgages,pugo 205, of tbe officialrecords of Los An-geles county, California, to which recordreference is hereby made for more partloular description of the mortgaged premlees, and that tbe premises conveyed bysaid mortgage luay be sold and the pro-ceeds applied to the payment of saidsum of seven hundred dollars, wllh In-terest thereon at tbe rate of two percent per month from tho Ist day of De-comber, 1877, and attorney's fees, provid-ed lvsaid mortgage, amounting to fifteenper ceut. upon total principalund Interest aud Judgment debt,aud costs of suit, and tin case suchproceeds are hot sufficient to pay due same,then to obtain an execution againstsaid defendant John Schultzfor the balance remaining due, andalso that tbe said defendants and all personsclaiming by, through or under tbem oreitber of them may be barred and foreclosedof all right, title, claim, lien, equity of re-demption and luterest in and to said mort-gaged premises, and for otbor and furtberrelief. Reference is bad to complaint forparticulars.

And you are hereby notified that,lf youfall to appear aud answer tbe suid Com-plaint, as above required, tbe saiti plain-tiff will apply to the Court for the rehefdemanded in the said complaint.

Given under ray hand and the seal efthettuperiorOo Xtt ofthe State ofCalifor-nia, In and for the county of Los Augeles,this 27th day of March, in tbe year ofour Lord one thousand eight hundredund eighty.

[seal.] A. W. POTTS. Clerk.By CHAS. E. Jcon, Deputy. a!5-2mS. C. Hubbell, Attorney for plaintiff.

11l the Superior GourtOr me State of California, in and

for Loa Angeles County.


Notice is hereby given by the under-signed, executrix of the estate ofJean Alexandre, deceased, to thecreditors ofand all persons having claimsagainst thesald deceased,to exhibit tbem,wJth tho necessary vouchers, within fourmonths after the first publication of thisnotice, to the said executrix at her resi-dence, Los Angeles, California, or to herattorney, J. Brousseau, at his office, InBaker Block, lv said city.

JULIE D. ALEXANDRE,Executrix of the Estate of Jean Alex-

andre, deceased. *Dated at Los Angeles, Oct. I,IBSO. 02-4w

Notice to Creditors.ESTATE OF SAMUELR. HOYLE, DE-


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by theundersigned, udmlnßtratorof the es-

tate of Samuel R. Hoyle, deceased, tothecreditors of, and all perons havingclaimsagainst the said deceased, to exhibit themwith the necessary vouchers, withinfour months after the first publicationof this notice, to the said administra-tor, at the oftico of Craves A- chapman,Baker Block, Los Angeles city. In tbe

1 said county ofLos Angeles.J. A. GRAVES,

Administrator of tbe estate of SamuelR. Hoyle, deceased.

Dated at Los Angeles, Sept. a.l, 1880.BRUNSON A WELLS,

s2|-5w Attorneys for Administrator.


Location of principal plaoe of business,li<>s Angeles, California?Location ofworks, Ventura county, California.

Notice Is hereby given that at a meet-ingof the Board ofDirectors of this Com-pmiy held on ihe 18th day of September,IKKO.an assessment [No.H] oftwenty-five[26cj cents per share was levied upon tbecapital slock of tbe company, payableImmediately, in United States gold coin,to the Secretary, at room No, 6 TempleBlock, cityof Los Angeles." And any stock upon which this assess-ment remains unpaid on Saturday,October 80, 1880. will be delinquent, andadvertised for sale at public auction: andunless payment is made before will besold on Monday, November the 23d, 1880,to pay the delinquent assessments, costs

I of advertising and expense of sale.I WV J. NEELY.Secretary.I HsW HTTo. 5 Temple Block.| Applyto x\v.Boa 9tT. IM>. Jy4-4w
