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Darkness Within 2_ Dark Lineage Walk Through

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  • 8/4/2019 Darkness Within 2_ Dark Lineage Walk Through


    Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage Walkthrough

    by Becky Waxman

    This is a lengthy, intricate game with dark, occult and violent themes. I was more comfortable playing

    it in daylight than at night -- of course, if you are braver than I am, the best way to play it is probably atnight with headphones on (the sound and music are quite effective). The game has three difficulty

    levels. This walkthrough is written for the Standard difficulty level.

    The game is more enjoyable initially i f you go into the Options menu and set the gamma correction toa higher setting than the default setting. About midway along the slider bar should be good. If you find

    the environments are too light after you've become acquainted with the gameworld, it's easy to adjust

    the gamma correction back to the default setting.

    Some people (myself included) with NVIDIA graphics cards have not been able to get the game to run

    without going to the NVIDIA website to download the latest version of the PhysX drivers.

    It is helpful to read the manual for Darkness Within 2, because the interface is different than that ofmany adventure games.

    Moving Around

    Movement in this game requires you to press a key on the keyboard (usually the "W" key) while

    moving the mouse around in "mouse look" mode. This is easy to do, but it does require two hands all

    the time you're moving. Movement goes a bit faster if you hit the "Caps Lock" key. The inventory and

    much of the object interaction is point-and-click.

    You can crouch down in the game (the "C" key), and sometimes this i s necessary to find hotspots on

    the floor or under furniture. You can also walk while crouching. Note: it's easy to forget that you're

    crouching -- if you suddenly can't walk up stairs or can't reach things, try pressing the "C" key to see if

    you need to stand up again.

    Using the spacebar, you can jump up on just about anything in the environment that's a couple of feettall -- including many barrels and crates (and some of the beds). This does sometimes have a use, but

    often it's just to add to the feeling of "being there." I'll mention jumping on things only when it's

    essential or especially fun.

    Object Interactions

    Some inventory items can be "enabled" or "equipped" by right-clicking on them in inventory. This istrue of the lantern, the flashlights, and the compass, for example. If after enabling an item, you want

    to get rid of it for awhile, go into the inventory and right-click on the item in inventory. It will then

    disappear from the main screen.

    There are items in each environment that you can click on to have them identified that don't have apurpose other than to add "atmosphere" -- many of these I leave to you to find on your own.

    Sometimes when you "take" items, they go into the inventory. To access the inventory, right-click to

    bring it up, left- click on the item you want, right-click to close the inventory screen, and then left-click

    the item on the appropriate hotspot in the gameworld. If you have an inventory item that you want to

    put back in the inventory, right-click to put it back. Inventory items can also be combined in the"Howard's Mind" feature.

    Other times when you "take" things, the item attaches itself to the cursor, so you are walking around

    while carrying a pillow or a crate (for example). To drop the pillow or crate, you find an open spot

    (probably on the floor,) and left-click to drop the item. If the i tem is glowing red, it cannot be droppedwhere you are trying to drop it. Look for a more open space -- and sometimes it helps to drop the item

    if you raise it up before dropping it. A few of these "shiftable" items must be moved to see what's

    under them or to use them to gain access to something. But many of the items that can be moved

    around in this way are there just for... fun! These have no use in terms of getting the game to progress.

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    Some items can be either pulled or pushed (chairs, for instance). To do this, hold the left mouse

    button down over the "push/pull" icon and use the "W" key to push and the "S" key to pull .

    Other Stuff

    You will encounter many close-up screens -- usually after clicking on an "examine" hotspot. Once in a

    close-up, it will almost always be necessary to click on the yellow arrow "exit the close-up" iconbefore you can get back to the regular gameworld. If you can't get out of a screen, hitting the" Esc" key

    also will help.

    Dialogs can be clicked through. The game contains 50 save game slots -- save often.

    The game contains some unusual features, including underlining text and exploring ideas in "Howard's

    Mind." I talk about these features in the body of the walkthrough the fi rst time that they occur in the


    NOTE: This is just one pathway through the game. There are optional thought combinations and otherintricacies that are not mentioned here, but that you can seek out on your own. (Even after finishing

    the game, I left doors that were unlocked, inventory items that were unused, and a box that I couldn't

    unlock. Also, from the final Game Results screen I could tell that I missed secrets, hidden clues and

    Easter Eggs. )

    Now to begin --

    The Cottage

    In this game, you assume the role of Howard Loreid, detective. After the opening cut scene, you

    awaken in pain. As your head clears, the room comes into focus. You are in a cottage, not in a mental

    institution, which is where you last remember being. You don't know how you arrived at the cottage,or why you came (or were sent) here.


    Take the envelope by the bed and click to put it in inventory. Right-click to bring up the inventory and

    right-click on the envelope to read the letter in it. (All texts that contain more than one page have tiny

    arrows at the bottom of the page to click on to see the later pages.) There's an underlining interface on

    the left. Click on the top icon (a pen) and use it to draw under certain words in the letter that seem

    important. Once the words have been underlined, click on the gears icon to check if that information is



    I gave you something to make you sleep. (Then click the gears icon.)

    When you wake up, head straight to Arkhamend. (Then click the gears icon.)

    Worm's Feast (Then click the gears icon.)

    It is directly connected with us. (Then click the gears icon.)

    Loath Nolder (Then click the gears icon.)

    Click to put away the letter.

    Open both drawers in the night table by the bed. Take the wallet and the flashlight.

    Explore the upstairs room. Examine the idol. Ugly, isn't it? (Note -- you can back out of all close-ups byclicking on the yellow circular arrow icon.)

    You can take the crates/boxes, which means that you can pick them up and carry them. To put themdown, find an open spot on the floor and click to drop them (this may take some practice -- sometimes

    it helps to l ift them up high before dropping them).

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    Take the lantern on the chest of drawers. Click to put it in inventory, and then right-click to bring up

    the inventory screen. Right-click on the lantern to "equip" it. You can now carry it around.

    Open the doors of the wardrobe near the bed. Click to take the clothes.


    Walk toward the stairs and, as you do so, you'll see a door to a walk-in closet to your right. Look up at

    the ceiling near the walk-in closet door and see a trap door leading into the attic.

    You can take a side-tour into the walk-in-closet if you like. Once downstairs, enter the kitchen.

    Examine all the items. Go into the living room and examine the curtain and the window.

    Take the crate/box that's downstairs by the chest of drawers and carry it upstairs. You want to use it

    upstairs to climb into the attic. Drop the box someplace where you can walk into it and walk/push it

    toward the wall under the trap door. While pressing the "W" key, use the spacebar to jump up on the

    box/crate. Click the "open" icon and you wil l automatically climb into the attic.

    The Attic

    Enable the lantern if you haven't already. Look around and examine everything. Click on the book on

    the floor. Yeeeesh!

    Go downstairs and exit the front door.

    Train Trip and Arkhamend Station

    You'll find yourself on a train (yes, that's you sitting in the corner, looking stunned). You'll hear a bit of

    backstory from Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder(the first game in the series).

    Once the cut scene ends you'll be at the train station for Arkhamend. Enable the lantern and walk

    around and examine everything, including the "graffiti" on the walls and at least one of the train

    schedules. Walk further into the station and you'll end up automatically at the entrance to the

    Arkhamend town square.

    Arkhamend Town

    In lieu of a "founding fathers" statue, they have a howling wolf statue to represent the town. That's


    Enable the lantern if i t isn't enabled already and explore the town square. In one dark corner you'll

    discover the Worm's Feast. Click on the door twice to learn that it's locked and to hear strange noises.

    The Camphorwood Inn

    After exploring the square, go into the Camphorwood Inn and look around at everything. Approach theinn keeper -- you need to have a conversation. If he walks around, follow him and talk to him. Agree topay him for the room for 2 nights.

    Go through the doors to the left of the bar. Go up to the second floor to your room. Go inside and

    examine everything.

    Pick up the newspaper and underline:

    The City used steam power to operate various mechanisms. (Remember to click on the gear icon after


    Open the drawer under the newspaper and take the flashlight.

    Look in the bathroom.

    Bed and Beyond

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    Examine the bed. Howard Loreid sleeps. And perhaps he dreams.

    Enable the lantern if it isn't enabled already. Examine the eclipse paintings. Very strange.

    Pull out the large chest of drawers near the bathroom. (To do this, click and hold down the left mouse

    button over the "push/pull" icon and use the "S" key to move the chest as far back as you can.)

    Examine the wall behind the chest to find a hole.

    Talk to the prisoner through the hole. Take the key he offers.

    Try to open the door - it IS locked from the outside. Right-click to bring up the inventory. Click on the

    key. Right-click to close the inventory. Click the key on the door.

    Click to exit the room. You appear to be in an alternate reality, or in a dream. Walk around and look at


    Examine the area of nothingness/darkness where the stairs should be.

    Most of the doors are locked or stuck.

    Open the second door on the left and try to enter. Cut Scene -- then wake up.

    Open your hotel room door and take the staircase down. You'll overhear an important conversation.

    When you try to go further downstairs you will automatically go back up to bed.

    Morning (Such as it Is) In Arkhamend

    Go downstairs and talk to the inn keeper. I'm not sure what reaction your lies will evoke -- I said that I

    was a writer researching the war, which seemed to go down all right.

    The Worm's Feast

    Recollections of the Past

    Exit the hotel and go to the Worm's Feast (the local bookstore). Examine the stuff on the desk. Speak

    with the bookseller, Henry. (I told him I was a writer interested in the war.)

    Open the counter flap to walk through and go down to the basement. Enable the lantern. Examine

    everything downstairs. Pick up the large metal lever (it looks like a crowbar) near the stuffed greendragon. Examine the stethoscope on the shelf under the green dragon. Examine the toy jeep and

    music box on the farthest bookcase from the door.

    The book you are looking for, Recollections of the Past, is on the bottom shelf of the bookcase farthest

    from the door. It is slightly separate from the other books on that shelf and is in a silvery metallic

    container. It is on the bottom shelf below the toy jeep and just slightly to the left of the jeep's

    position. You can only see the book's spine (or really the spine of the case it's in). I could see the book

    but couldn't find the hotspot until I was standing between the two bookcases in just the right spot.

    You may have to move slightly forward or back or to the side to get in the right position to trigger the

    hotspot. Once you've found the hotspot, click to take the book.

    Working Really Hard to Open the Book

    Click to put the book into inventory. Right-click on the book in inventory, and then click on the bottom

    left corner of the book where a small "examine" icon can be triggered. This brings up the book

    container's locking mechanism. Click to use it and it separates. You'll see six metal bolt-l ike "wheels."

    These each have a rectangle etched on one side. Clicking on these "wheels" rotates them.

    Clicking on the raised rectangle on the handle "sets" the mechanism -- i f any of the rectangles etched

    on the "wheels" are visible when you click on the raised rectangle on the handle, you can see a tiny

    spike spring out of those particular "wheels. "

    Clicking on the handle itsel f puts the two pieces of the mechanism back together (this only works if

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    the lock is not in the "set" position, with spikes sticking out -- if you can't put the two pieces of themechanism back together, click on the raised rectangle on the handle to "unset" it and click the handle

    to put the pieces together).

    The idea is to set the "wheels" in the right alignment, put the device back together and then "set" it by

    clicking on the rectangle in the handle, which wil l unlock the device. When the device is put back

    together, the "wheel" that you worked with most recently when it was in two pieces glows red -- that

    is the active "wheel" when the device is together.

    Experiment with moving the "wheels," putting the two pieces together and taking them apart, and

    hitting the raised rectangle on the handle. As you experiment with this mechanism, Loreid will

    comment that he can't hear the necessary sounds from the lock. Right-click to put the book back intoinventory. Move to the bookcase that has the dragon. Below the dragon is a stethoscope (easier to see

    if you have the lantern or flashlight on). Until now you couldn't pick up the stethoscope, but now you

    can. Click it to pick it up.

    Combining Items in Howard's Mind

    Right-click to bring up the inventory. To the right is a brain icon -- it's probably glowing at this point.This is the "button" to bring up Howard's Mind, which allows you to combine thoughts and/or

    inventory items. Click on the brain icon.

    (Note: You'll see a list of i tems along the left side of the Howard's Mind screen. These are Howard's

    thoughts and can be clicked on as a sort of review. At some point, some of these thoughts will also be

    combinable, just as the inventory items are combinable.)

    In Howard's Mind, click to pick up the stethoscope and put it in a blank "combine" slot in Howard's

    Mind. (The tutorial will tell you to click and drag -- this is incorrect. Just click on the stethoscope and

    move the cursor to the blank slot and click to put the stethoscope in the blank slot.) Then click to pick

    up the book and put it into another blank "combine" slot in Howard's Mind. Then click the gears iconnext to "Outcome."

    You'll see the stethoscope attached to the book. Clicking again puts the book plus stethoscope back in

    inventory. Right-click to use the book again, and the locking device comes up.

    Unlocking the Book

    While the device is together, you can now hear the sound each "wheel" makes when you click the

    raised rectangle button to set the device. You know which wheel you are hearing because the most

    recently turned wheel glows red once the device is together. When each "wheel" is correctly aligned,

    it will give a low, satisfying clunk sound when you click on the raised rectangular button when the two

    pieces are together. When it's incorrectly aligned, you'll hear a higher, less final click sound when you

    click on the raised rectangular button when the two pieces are together.

    If you want to figure out the book lock combination yourself:

    With the lock in two pieces, click on one of the wheels, click on the handle to put the device together,

    click on the raised rectangular button, and listen to the click. Then click on the raised rectangular

    button (to "unset" the device) and click on the handle to separate the device (you know which

    "wheel" you're working with when the device is together because it glows red). Continue to do thisover and over, figuring out by trial and error the correct alignment by the sound you receive when

    hitting the raised rectangular button when the device is together -- judging if you are getting a "clunk"

    sound or a "click" sound each time.

    If you just want to get on with the proceedings and quickly open the book:

    With the device in two pieces, click the "wheels" until all the etched rectangles are facing toward you

    (original default position). In my game, this was how the alignment worked:

    Starting with all the "wheels" with the rectangular etching facing toward you in default position --

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    And starting left to right:

    The first wheel wil l be rotated twice.

    The second wheel will be rotated twice.

    The third wheel shouldn't be rotated at all.

    The fourth wheel should be rotated three times.

    The fifth wheel should be rotated once.

    The sixth wheel should be rotated once.

    Click on the handle to put the device together. Click on the raised rectangle and the device "sets." The

    book is now unlocked. Open the metal case and take the book. It goes into inventory. Right-click to

    bring up the inventory and right-click on the book to examine it. Page through the book to satisfy your

    curiosity (there are small arrows at the bottom of the pages to click on to read the next page). Right-click to put it away in inventory.

    Regarding Henry's Deciphering Abilities

    Go upstairs and talk to Henry. He needs another book. Go downstairs (enable lantern) and find a book

    called The War of Northbridge. This book is easy to see -- it's on the second shelf of the other bookcase

    (not the one that contained the first book) and the book is a greenish color. Go back upstairs and talk

    to Henry completely. Buy the camera, the map, the music box, and the jeep.

    Leave the store and then return. Henry will give you an Index of what's in the book. It goes into

    inventory. Right-click to examine it. It seems as though you shouldbe able to combine the index with

    some of the thoughts in Howard's Mind, but I never did manage to get that to work.

    Messing with the Inventory

    Now that you have new loot, you might want to examine it further. Right-click on the music box andclick to open i t. Use the knob on the bottom right to play the music. Right-click to put it away.

    Now right-click on the camera. This puts you into the "Examine item" screen where you can rotate

    items to see them from all angles. Arrows near the bottom of the screen allow you to scroll through

    the inventory while in this screen to get a better look at things (you'll notice, for instance, that the

    lever is pronged at one end). You can also zoom out and see how things look when they're tiny.

    The Old Building (Hovel) Exterior

    Right-click on the map in inventory and click on The Old Building (has a red X) on the map.

    Field of Dreams

    Go through the gate into a field with a cart. There's a book on the ground near the cart. Examine it.

    Underline: (Remember to click on the gears icon after underlining)

    the notorious cult Children of Dis

    There is a shack out in the forest and I believe the building is one of them.

    very loud buzzing sounds

    a particular visitor with a fake-looking, short coal-black beard who seems superior to the others

    Leave the field and walk around the building/hovel. There are stones at certain intervals on the

    ground, and fires are burning nearby -- I wonder what that's all about?

    The Old Building (Hovel) Interior

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    The Desk with the Jigsaw Paper

    Enter the building. You will automatically use the lantern or flashlight. (I prefer the lantern, as it

    makes me nervous to see the flashlight battery running down.) Look at the items in the room.

    Examine the torn papers on the desk. This is a jigsaw puzzle-l ike challenge. Put the pieces together.

    The pieces can be rotated by right-clicking. They "spring" slightly together to join two correct pieces

    that are placed near one another.

    HINT: In my game the two largest pieces of the left part of the puzzle (you can see the left part of the

    circle in them) do NOT need to be rotated. When the puzzle is assembled, take a good look at the

    black pattern/path drawn along the lines in the center of the diagram. This will be much less

    noticeable once the diagram goes into inventory.

    When the pieces are assembled correctly, Loreid won't pick them up because they'll fall apart. You'll

    need to find something that can be used to glue or to stick it together, before he'll take it.

    More Exploration in the Old Building/Hovel

    Examine the tombstone next to the desk and the radio-thing on the desk. Pull the chair away from the

    desk. (To do this, stand by the chair and hold down the left mouse button over the "push/pull" iconwhile pressing the "S" key to pull or the "W" key to push.) There are several items on the desk that are

    wallets or books that can be "taken," lifted and dropped down -- I couldn't find any real use for them,

    though. Examine the papers/book on the desk.

    Underline: (Remember to click on the gears icon after underlining)

    placed the suits inside the locked cabinet in the bedroom

    Take the sprayer on the window ledge near the desk.

    Open all the desk drawers. Take the flashlight and the roll of tape. Use the roll of tape on the

    paper/jigsaw puzzle to tape it together. Then click on the paper to put it in inventory, where you canright-click on it to examine it.

    In the far right desk drawer, examine the paper.

    Underline: (Remember to click on the gears icon after underlining)

    Dversahe mixture

    These insects are the same as the dead ones found in the strange wooden sculptures.

    They killed one of my assistants and another is in a coma

    A single bite doesn't kill anyone except possibly those allergic to their venom, but a high dose ofvenom causes delirium, severe muscle spasms, and even death.

    I pounded henbit, rue, heath aster, basil, and geranium plants inside the mortar and pestle and added

    water, alcohol and neem oil to the mixture

    While in front of the desk, couch down by hitting the "C" key and pull the chest out (hold the left

    mouse button down on the "pull/push" symbol and then hit the "S" key until the chest is out as far as

    you want). You may need to push it into the middle of the room (using the "W" key while holding the

    mouse button down on the "pull/push" symbol).

    Open the chest. Examine the book.

    Underline: (Remember to click on the gears icon after underlining)

    This jar was placed in a metallic box.

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    Press the "C" key to stand up from the crouching position.

    This Stinks

    Enter the room with the table -- encounter a very bad smell. A cut scene ensues. That got the heartpumping!

    Examine the corpse -- take the capsule and letter. Right-click on the letter to read it.

    Underline: (Remember to click on the gears icon after underlining)

    machines, mentioned in the 'Voco Apparatus' may stil l exist, though the Inquisition frantically sought

    to destroy them all

    It consists of the ashes of Wolfgang Shneidder.

    Ivar and Toth were kil led horribly by one of the embodied ones.

    Borellus' Way

    Immediately report back when you find anything useful. Then PV and TWB will be on their way to you.

    Click on the body again at least twice. This will give you a metallic stick and will identify the body.

    (Staying in the room with the corpse creates an interesting mental/visual effect.)

    Back to the, um, Dining Room

    Leave the corpse and cross the room with the table and look up at the hanging lamp above the table. It

    has a fire icon. If you like, click on the fire icon to light the lamp.

    Move over to the hutch/cupboard next to the bunkbed. Open the doors of the hutch and take the

    mortar & pestle. Examine other bottles on the shelves -- you can identify

    Neem oil


    Hydrochloric Acid

    Sulfuric Acid


    Open the top drawer under the shelves and examine:



    Heath Aster



    Exit the close-up screen. Close the fi rst drawer.

    Open the second drawer under the shelves and examine:



    Concocting Bug Spray

    Take the mortar and pestle out of inventory. Place it over the ingredients you need (you can select the

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    ingredients in any order.

    If you don't already have the second drawer open, then open it. Once you are in the second drawer

    close-up (examine) screen, click the mortar and pestle on the geranium and rue. Exit the close-up

    screen. Close the second drawer.

    Open the first drawer. Examine. Cl ick the mortar and pestle on the basil, the hanbit and the heath

    aster. Exit the close-up screen. Close the first drawer.

    You should now have a mortar and pestle in inventory containing geranium, rue, basil, hanbit and

    heath aster.

    Move closer to the hutch/cupboard if necessary and look at the bottles with large labels. Identify

    which bottles have the alcohol, neem oil and water. In inventory, take the sprayer. Click the sprayer

    on the bottle of alcohol, the bottle of neem oil, and the bottle of water.

    You should now have a sprayer in inventory containing neem oil, alcohol, and water.

    In Howard's Mind combine the mortar and pestle with the sprayer -- all the ingredients go into the

    sprayer to provide the complete insecticide.

    The Pillow, the Book and the Wardrobe

    Walk into the bedroom. Look up at the hanging lamp -- it has a fire icon to click on if you wish. Take thepillow on the non-bunkbed and drop it elsewhere to uncover a book. Examine the book.

    Underline: (Remember to click on the gears icon after underlining)

    They've killed eight of our brothers to this point.

    Prof. Jacob

    they live their whole lives in the deepest parts of caves far from the reach of sunlight, so they are


    We tried to go down, but realized the handle was gone.

    And there were some big archways along the way that had SPQR carved on them.

    Fierce ghouls gather, and pale shades form. And together this damned crowd, Howl the chant of the


    Try to open the right wardrobe door -- it's locked. Observe the bare footprints on the floor (there isn't

    a hotspot, but you can see where they are leading). The barefoot footprints end shortly before this


    Examine the rectangular metal above the wardrobe door knob. Use the three metal sticks from

    inventory in the rectangular metal lock above the closet's knob. Examine it. You'll see a close-up of the

    lock with slider knobs. The goal is to click until the slider knobs all l ine up with the yellow line to the

    right (note, the knobs will not be pointing straight up, but will be sl ightly tilted). If you want to reset

    this puzzle, right-click to exit the close-up. When the sliders are aligned correctly, you'll hear a click.

    (One sequence that works -- clicking on the knobs in this order: Top, top, middle, bottom, middle, top,

    middle, bottom, top, top, middle.) Right-click to exit the lock screen and lick on the "Open" icon on

    the door.

    Take the suit, which goes into inventory.

    Up to a Different Attic

    Go into the room with the corpse. Climb the ladder on the wall (looking up as you press "W" to climb

    makes you climb much faster). Open up the trap door overhead.

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    Examine the telescope. Open the drawer by the telescope.

    Underline: (Remember to click on the gears icon after underlining)

    alternatively placed in a proper arrangement outside to prevent any evil from coming closer

    It consists of sixteen different magical symbols drawn over a circle, resembling the compass rose.

    East = Red, North = White, West = Black, South =Yellow

    If the signs need to be invisible, they may be painted with luminescent matter.

    From the other drawer, take the handle and the compass.

    Examine the books on the shelves. (So nice to know these guys are avid readers.)

    Footprints, Sherlock! And a Suspicious Flap/Door in the Floor!

    Go down the ladder to the room with the table in it.

    Walk to the bunkbed (we're now in the room with the table). Move the stool and chair away from the

    muddy footprints on the floor.

    If you haven't already, enable either the lantern or the flashlight. Follow the muddy footsteps until

    they reach the table. Hit the "C" key to crouch down and examine the footprints more closely. Exit the

    close-up. Then turn and click the "examine" hotspot on the top or side of the table. You'll see a close-

    up of the underside of the table with an odd hole in the center support. From inventory, use the

    handle with the hole. Then use the handle in the hole to open a drawer. Take the key. Exit the close-

    up screen.

    While stil l crouching, walk over just outside the door of the room with the corpse. Examine the

    barefoot footprints -- tracked in blood? Exit the close-up.

    Hit the "C" key to stand.

    Walk over between the window and the hutch/cupboard. Examine the rectangle on the floor. Open

    the wooden flap. Click to find that the metal part under the floor is locked. From inventory, take the

    key and use it on the metal cover and click to open it.

    There's a code mechanism with symbols, pointers, and a knob. We need more information before we

    can figure it out. Exit the close-up.

    The Old Building (Hovel) Exterior

    Symbols and the Rock Garden -- Or Opening that Thing in the Floor

    Walk outside the hovel/old building and note the stones on the ground. There are sixteen of them.

    Use the camera from inventory on each one of them -- this reveals a symbol on each rock, and they

    match the symbols on the code mechanism in the floor back in the room with the table.

    Note: one stone is particularly difficult to find. It's in a crook of the fence next to the field. It'sbetween the stone with the symbol that looks like an "S" and the stone with a symbol that looks like it

    has rabbit ears.

    Once you've used the camera to flash each of the stones, get out the compass and note which stones

    are farthest out in each cardinal direction.

    The stone that's farthest East looks like a stick figure of a human with arms up and a circle and a handle

    under its arms. The stone that's farthest North looks like a bent letter "X" with a circle next to it. The

    stone that's farthest West looks l ike a letter "Y" with a dot in the middle. The stone that's farthest

    South has a bar on the top, and a curlicue on the bottom which is attached to an angle.

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    Right click in inventory on the paper/diagram that you put together from torn jigsaw-like pieces to

    observe it more closely. It looks like a compass rose, and each cardinal direction can be associated

    with a colored "jewel" on the paper/diagram/compass rose. From the book up in the attic room, you

    get this information. East = red, North = white, West = black, South = yellow. Obviously some of these

    colors are wrong. Whoever put the paper together must have torn it apart when he realized he had

    gotten it wrong.

    Assume that East = black, North = white, West = Red, South = Yellow. This makes things a whole lot

    easier, and you might actually then solve the puzzle.

    Look at the paper/diagram/compass rose again. Note that there are grey circular, web-like l ines.

    There's one dark, rather smudgy line through the middle of the diagram. And, very faintly darker than

    the grey circular lines, is a pattern/path that starts/ends with the Black "jewel." The other end (from

    what I can tell) is in the middle of the diagram. This faintly darker pattern/path is what's important.

    We will assume this pattern/path starts with the Black jewel and not in the middle of the diagram

    (though that's just a "trial and error" assumption).

    So, outside of the hovel, walk over to the stone that is farthest East and note its shape (as I've

    described earlier, it's looks l ike a stick figure of a human with arms raised and a circle and a handle

    under its arms). The pattern/path on the paper heads south (toward the yellow "jewel," so use yourcompass to head in a southerly direction. You will continue in this direction, without reversing your

    orientation for the entire pattern.

    On the diagram/compass rose, the pattern goes forward through 3 lines and then jogs down in another

    direction. The jog signif ies that that's the next stone in the path that you must note. So go forward 3stones and note the symbol that looks like two arcs. Go forward 3 more stones and note the stone that

    looks like a stick-figure acrobat. Go forward 6 stones and note the stone that is the farthest North

    stone (it looks like a bent letter "X" with a circle next to it). Go forward 1 stone -- it looks l ike two

    circles with rabbit ears. Go forward 5 stones and note the stone that looks like a rectangle with a

    line/cross through it. Go forward 3 more stones and note the stone that looks l ike a bug with four legs

    coming out of it.

    You now have the sequence for the code mechanism with symbols and pointers that's housed in the

    floor of the room with the table. (The Hint system refers to this as the "elevator code" but of course

    you have no idea what it actually is at this point.)

    The Old Building (Hovel) Interior

    Return to the flap in the floor in the room with the table. Input the sequence you've just written down

    into the code mechanism in the floor (lined up with the two pointers). Note: Symbol 5, the one with

    rabbit ears is very easily confused with another symbol that also has two lines coming out of it. If thesequence doesn't work, mess around with symbol 5 first to see if you have the right symbol.

    When the symbols are all in line with the pointers, click on the "knob" thing on the right.

    If you're still confused, this is what worked for me:

    Looking at the mechanism in the floor when it is at its default setting (all the "wheels" look l ike the

    stick-figure acrobat). Going from left to right and clicking on each wheel:

    Wheel 1 -- click 2 times

    Wheel 2 -- click 13 times

    Wheel 3 -- leave it just like i t is

    Wheel 4 -- click 15 times

    Wheel 5 -- click 12 times

    Wheel 6 -- click 1 time

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    Wheel 7 -- click 14 times

    If you're correct, there's a click and you draw slightly away from the mechanism. Click on the floor near

    the mechanism to use the floor as an elevator.

    What morbid thoughts are buzzing through Howard Loreid's head as he sinks slowly into the depths of

    the earth?

    The Old Building (Hovel) -- The Underground Galleries

    Get Me Out of Here -- Bugs and the Basement

    Enable the lantern if it isn't already enabled. Walk forward and note that there are doors to your right

    and left, and stairs in front of you. Turn right and go through the door. You'll find two desks and some

    odd machinery. Examine the machinery -- click on the window of the large center piece of machinery,

    and on the generator to the left of the center piece of machinery and on the phonograph and machine

    with dials to the right.

    Examine the items on the desk closest to the machinery. In the farthest right desk drawer you'll find

    an arm bone, but you can't take it with you.

    Look at the other desk with lab equipment on it. You can pull the chair away from the desk if you like.

    Search the drawers. You'll find a key in the farthest right desk drawer.

    Right-click on the map in inventory and use it to travel to the bookstore (Worm's Feast).

    The Worm's Feast

    Back at the Worm's Feast

    Talk to Henry about translating the part of the book about the speaking machine.

    Right-click on the map in inventory to return to the Old Building (hovel), in the Underground Galleries.You'll be returned to the "elevator."

    The Old Building (Hovel) -- The Underground Galleries

    Basement Blues

    Walk forward again, and this time turn left. The door at the end is locked. Use the key from the desk

    on the padlock. Open the door. There's nothing useful in the desk drawers. Examine the document on

    the desk. It's a Morse Code Alphabet. Examine the box/cabinet on the desk -- it's locked. Open the

    wardrobe doors. Behind the left one is a gas container. Click to take it. Leave the room.

    Turn left and walk forward a bit more and find another door on the left. This one isn't locked. Enterand examine the microscope if you like.

    There are two wardrobes at the end of the room, both covered with bugs. You can right-click on your

    handy-dandy bug sprayer in inventory if you like. This will enable the sprayer and you can spray the

    bugs on the wardrobe, though you must be thorough. If you're not thorough enough and you try to

    open the wardrobe door, you will have a "seeing scarlet" moment. You can't (apparently) die,however.

    The easier method is to right-click on the protective suit in inventory. This means you can only see

    through the mask, but you don't have to rid the wardrobe of every single bug either.

    Open the right wardrobe, left door and take the two cylinders in the box. Open the right wardrobe,right door and take the empty metallic capsule (the one that smells eerily). You can open the left

    wardrobe doors, but there's nothing worth seeing.

    Leave the room. Remove the protective suit if you're wearing it.

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    Listening to the Phonograph

    Go back to the room with the phonograph. Examine the phonograph and place a cylinder from

    inventory on it. (Remember whether you've just placed the sideways cylinder or the straight up

    cylinder so you won't listen to the same one twice.) Then click the small red lever at the front corner

    of the phonograph. You can hear sound, but nothing intelligible.

    Click on the machine to the right of the phonograph and note that the dials are now working. There are

    three bars with knobs under the dials. There's a "use" icon for each knob, which is on the lowestsetting. Clicking on the knobs pushes the bars all the way up or (if they're in the up position) all the

    way down.

    The goal is to get the arrows on both dials into the "green" area on the dial. Start by playing around

    with the dials a bit.

    Hint 1: You'll note that all the knobs cause the arrows on the two dials to go in the opposite directionfrom one another. The Middle knob causes the arrows to go in the opposite direction of that triggered

    by the Left knob and the Right knob.

    Hint 2: It's a good idea to start with the Middle knob.

    Hint 3: You'll probably use the Middle knob more than the others.

    Note: If the arrows stop registering sound altogether, back out of the close-up and touch the red lever

    by the phonograph again to get the cylinder moving again.

    When you have set the device correctly, the red knob at the right of the machine lights up -- when this

    happens the voice on the phonograph can be heard.

    After listening to one cylinder, use the same procedure with the second cylinder.

    Learn from the phonograph that the large speaker machine in this room is number 51637. Also learn

    NOT to look in the window of the large central machine when bringing back a soul from the dead. (Thisknowledge may make you want to look in the window even more than before, but deal with it.)

    Look down near the base of the large central machine and examine the rectangular area. Input the

    number from the phonograph by clicking on the buttons beneath the numbers: 51637. Click out of the


    Examine the same part of the machine -- there's now a hole where something can be inserted. You can

    try inserting everything in inventory that's round, but you aren't ready yet.

    More Fun Underground

    Leave the room. Go out and around to the silver double doors. Try to open them -- they're locked.

    Examine the panel in the door with letters on it. Not enough information yet to enter the right word.

    Go downstairs and walk around the side of the pit. If you want to see what it's like to fall in, you have

    to be very persistent -- and perhaps lucky. I only managed it once. (Save your game first if you want totry to fall into the pit, because you can't get out once you're in it.) Open the double doors on this lower

    level. Walk further in and move the sack. What is THAT?

    Examine the remains in the mud.

    Time to see how Henry is getting along.

    The Worm's Feast

    Right-click on the map in inventory to go back to the bookstore. Talk to Henry to see how things are

    going and if he's made progress with the cipher translation. Henry gives you a translation of theinformation about the speaking machine.

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    How to Work the Speaking Machine (Don't Look in the Window!)

    Click to put the translated paper in inventory. Right-click on it in inventory to read it.

    Underline: (Remember to click on the gears icon after underlining)

    It works with special remnants

    metallic capsule hidden in a secret compartment on the machine

    code to reach the capsule itself

    Turn the device on and try to decrease the level of background noise as much as possible

    You should provide electricity only after you have done the previous steps, or else the sance will be a


    The Old Building (Hovel) -- The Underground Galleries

    Right-click on the map in inventory and return to the Old Building, Underground Galleries. Return to

    the room with what we now know is the speaking machine.

    Examine the generator machine to the left of the large central piece with the window. Click the gascontainer on the top left portion of this machine, and gas is poured in.

    In Howard's Mind, combine the metallic capsule from inventory with the container of ashes from

    Wolfgang Shneidder taken from the corpse of Dreaden. Insert this capsule (supposedly containing the

    ashes of Mr. Schneidder) into the hole of the central machine near the bottom.

    Approach the phonograph and use one of the cylinders from inventory on the phonograph machine (itdoesn't matter which one -- if you've left one in there, just keep it there). Touch the red switch. Adjust

    the dials to the green zone just as you did before in order to listen to what was on the cylinders.

    Return to the generator portion of the machine into which you just poured gas. Press the green button

    on this machine. A cut scene follows.

    The Old Building (Hovel) Interior

    You wake up back upstairs, with no recollection as to how you got there. A note is stuck to the top of

    the bunkbed. Take the note, which goes into inventory. Right-click on it to read it, but it's in German. If

    you're curious, you can go back down to the basement underground galleries to see if the resurrected

    creature is stil l around, or if anything was recorded on the cylinder. If only you hadn't looked in the


    The Worm's Feast

    Who is likely to know German around here? Right-click on the map in inventory to see if Henry can do

    more translating for you.

    Talk to Henry about everything. The note refers to someplace called "The Gate." You can talk to

    someone whose father used to work there.

    The White House on the Square in Arkhamend

    Exit the Worm's Feast and walk around the square until you see a shorter building in which the upperpart is made of white stone (vaguely Tudor-looking). Click to use the door.

    Talk to Jacob, who is quite informative.

    The Camphorwood Inn

    Walk back to the Inn and talk to the inn keeper about The Gate and the lady who tried to escape.

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    Automatica y e sent to T e ate.

    The Gate Exterior

    You have entered a portion of the game where there is a lot of exploration and the puzzle-solving isnot as intense as in the first part of the game. You can wander around yourself, which is fun to do, andI'll mention the stuff that has to be done to get you to progress.

    You find yourself looking at a mansion cloaked in snow. Howard is beginning to remember this place.

    Right-click on the map in inventory and this new location will be added to the map. Right-click to exitthe map.

    Explore the grounds -- there's a well and an outbuilding that might be a guest house or a crypt. (Or

    perhaps at The Gate, the guest house is the crypt.) Pick up the shovel next to the door at the "guest


    Try to enter through the front door of the mansion and it is locked. Enable the lantern if you haven't

    already. The back door -- up a set of stairs in the back -- is also locked. While standing facing the backdoor, turn left and note the cellar chute on the ground below.

    Go down the stairs and over to the cellar chute, which has a padlocked cover. Examine it. From

    inventory, use the shovel on the padlock on the chute cover. (The shovel can be hard to see ininventory. If you see a blank slot with a small white thing at the bottom, that's the shovel.) Click toenter.

    The Cellar of The Gate

    Examine everything in the cellar. (Enable the lantern if you haven't already.) Click on the lit lantern on

    the newspapers.

    The unblocked door has a broken lock and can't be opened. You'll need to free up the other door.

    (Note, it is much easier to get behind the table and push it than it is to stand in front of the table and

    pull it. So try not to do anything that accidentally shoves the table back against the wall. If you do haveto pull the table, just be patient -- it does move eventually.)

    Pull and push everything away from the door. Hold down the "push/pull" icon with the left mouse

    button and press the "W" key to push things, and the "S" key to pull things.

    Once all the furniture is away from the door, click to open the door. This simple action was very

    difficult for some reason -- partly perhaps because the door will slowly close once you get it partially

    open. I finally got the door open by holding down the left mouse button on the "open" hotspot and

    pressing the "S" key. Another way to open it is through repeated clicking, though I'm not sure quite

    why that finally triggered it.

    From the cellar room with the chute, you've entered another cellar room that has bed frames in it.Take the gas container. You'll see a machine/generator just like the one in the underground galleries

    at the Old Building (Hovel). Click on the "examine" button on the floor near the machine and Loreid

    will mention that the generator will work if you have gas for it. Click on the top left of the machine to

    see where you can pour the gas. In inventory, take out the gas container and pour gas in the machine.You can try to pour in more gas, but Loreid mentions that the tank is nearly ful l. Cl ick on the "examine"

    hotspot on the floor again, and the generator starts up.

    You can jump on top of the generator to try to access the fuse box on the wall, but I couldn't get it to


    Go through the next room and into a room with an oriental carpet. You wil l eventually reach whatlooks l ike a wine cellar. Examine the bottles and Loreid mentions that these are chemical solutions,

    not wine. Go out the door, walk forward and then look to the left to see the stairs. Walk up the stairs

    into the kitchen and encounter another intriguing odor.

    Main Floor of The Gate

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    Enter the kitchen. Examine the harmal incense sticks on the counter -- these will be showing up in

    nearly every room. Across from the counter is a small key cabinet -- open it and take the key. Headdown the short hallway to the dining room/parlor.

    Walk around this area to the glass double doors that lead to the study. There's a locking device on a

    side table in the study -- but the key doesn't work in it.

    Go back into the kitchen. There are several doors leading out of it. One of these leads back into the

    cellar, two lead to the dining room/parlor, and one is locked. The last one leads to a short hallway thatopens up to the garage, and one more door off this hallway is locked (apparently this is the back door).

    While exploring the garage, take the sledgehammer. Examine the car. You can put gas in the car also

    by taking the gas can out of inventory and clicking it on the car. Exit the garage and go out through the

    kitchen into the dining room/parlor area and go upstairs.

    Second Floor of The Gate

    Another hallway at the top of the stairs. Click on the f irst door on the left and Loreid enters the roomhe stayed in on visits to his grandparents as a child. Explore the room and click on the bed. Loreid falls


    A Return to Childhood

    Loreid wakes up in a vision of The Gate when he was a young child. (You'll note that you now have

    nothing in inventory.) Examine the cube on the nightstand, the drawings on the table and the teddybear. Take the candle on the table.

    In inventory, right-click on the candle to enable it. Examine the toy tank on the shelf. Go down to the

    kitchen and open up the key cabinet and take the key.

    The Gate Exterior

    Exit the house and go to the well . (Remember, the wel l is at the end of the pathway to the right asyou stand at the entrance looking toward the mansion). Use the key on the well cover. Examine it.

    Second Floor of the Gate

    The night has passed. Get up and search the other rooms in the second floor of The Gate.

    Grandmother Ingrid's Rooms

    The bedroom and sitting room on the right side of the hallway belonged to Loreid's grandmother. The

    bedroom has a beautifully carved wooden screen. Go into the sitting room and observe the bureau

    with the broken mirror (I wonder why it's broken). Examine the jewelry box on the bureau. Keep

    clicking on it until the false bottom is revealed. Click to take the envelope. Right-click on the envelopein inventory to read Ingrid's words.

    Underline: (Remember to click on the gears icon after underlining)

    Nathaniel started to change

    Around that time, our son Williams was born.

    a stranger with a little boy shows up here

    He brought his wife and child, Howard, with him.

    I was forced to send him to a school in Wellsmoth at such a very young age.

    I will also take that shiny metallic thing that Nathaniel always wears hanging around his neck.

    Examine the book in the bureau. Preface by Edwin Pickman.

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    The Back Bedroom

    Exit to the hallway and go to the bedroom to the left of the staircase at the end. The mirror here is also

    destroyed. (I can't remember seeing Loreid's reflection anywhere, now that I think about it.)

    Open the top bureau drawer and take a ring. This ring with the Loreid coat of arms -- an eye, with three

    circles above and seven below, will be familiar if you've played Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath

    Nolder. (Side note: this room is the best place to use the spacebar to jump on the beds -- you can jump

    back and forth between the two.)

    Examine the book on one of the beds. Turn to leave.

    As you are leaving, click on the side door. Enable the lantern. Examine the bathtub. Take the hairpin.

    Exit this bedroom and go down the hall to the last door on the left. Enter Loreid's grandfather's library.

    The Library -- Or Grandfather, What Strange Objects you Have!

    Examine the books on the shelves of the left bookcase. Pretty turgid reading. Maybe the family would

    have been better off if Loreid's grandfather had stuck to mystery novels?

    Open the door at the far end of the left bookcase. Take the black mirror prepared in a human head

    shape. Right-click on it in inventory -- it looks unusually creepy. (I tried combining the black mirror

    prepared in a human head shape with the sledgehammer in Howard's Mind, but Howard wouldn't

    perform an action that would, I am convinced, save everyone a lot of trouble. By game's end, I stil l

    hadn't figured out what to do with the black mirror.)

    Approach the desk and examine the skull and the map. The map has arrows, a target symbol, and slash

    marks twice that add up to 10. It also contains interesting numbers and words, though some of these

    are illegible. What I could see:

    22 degrees 3' 14" S 125" 0' 39" E

    In the map close-up you can also get a better look at the skull and the rope that extends from the jaw

    to the nose.

    Examine the paper on the left of the desk.

    Underline: (Remember to click on the gears icon after underlining)

    They called him Nyarlathotep, and he came through the big, shining, evenly-cut crystal stone with

    many faces in exchange for human sacrifices!

    Examine the paper/book on the right part of the desk -- why might it be important to consult an


    Open the left drawer and examine the paper.

    Underline: (Remember to click on the gears icon after underlining)

    I think I shall have to lock him up somewhere he can't get out of.

    Nevertheless, he is a semi-human. In essence, he is one of them, an offspring of the ancient race.

    Walk around and examine the table by the window with the tipped-over vase -- see the underside of

    the table.

    Admiring the Library Floor

    Walk around and observe the parquet design in the middle of the floor. A chair has fallen on its side

    over one of the corner parquet tiles. Push it out of the way. Press the "C" key to crouch down. Then

    move until ou see an "o en" icon on the ar uet tile that was covered b the chair.

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    Click to pull up the tile. Take the key with the skeleton shape. Take the envelope. (In my game, I had

    to press the "S" key to back up slightly before I got an "examine" hotspot for the envelope.)

    In inventory, right-click to open the envelope. Read the book.

    Underline: (Remember to click on the gears icon after underlining)

    My name is Nathaniel, your grandfather.

    There is an object which acts as a key.

    The other two will be safe with me.

    Use the carrier to reach your destination.

    Press the "C" key to stand back up.

    Main Floor of The Gate

    Go downstairs to the study. Examine the side table. From inventory, use the hairpin in the lock. Click

    to open the box. Read the note and examine the item.

    Exterior of The Gate

    From inventory, use the key (general purpose) on the front door. Exit and go outside. You can try to

    leave through the entrance gates at the end of the driveway, but Loreid feels it's too dangerous.

    (Packs of wolves roam the area -- though wolves might be kinder than Loreid's grandfather was).

    Walk to the "guest house" and use the key with a skeleton in inventory on the door. Click to open.

    The Crypt

    So this is a crypt, and not an ordinary one either. You can walk around and read the names of dead (andsoon-to-be-dead?) Loreids. You can examine both Williams' coffin and Nathaniel's coffin, and when

    you click the "examine" hotspots for each, each coffin will be set down on the floor. You can open

    these coffins on the floor and examine the contents.

    When Williams' coffin is open, click on the bottle between Williams' skull and shoulder bone.

    When Nathaniel's coffin is open, examine it and keep clicking until you get a key.

    (If you feel like desecrating the remains of this horrible man who was your grandfather, you will be

    disappointed. Loreid doesn't seem to be the vengeful type. I tried the lever, the sledgehammer and

    the heavy music box on Nathaniel's skeleton, but nothing worked. The closest I got to "airing" my

    feel ings was when I enabled the bug sprayer and sprayed it near his head in the coffin. I thenfumigated the rest of the crypt, which was strangely satisfying.)

    You can try to open the door at the back of the crypt, but it's stuck. The sledgehammer doesn't work

    here either, nor does the lever.

    Exit the crypt. A storm has begun. Enable the lantern. Return to the house.

    Main Floor of The Gate

    You can try to take the car if you l ike, but Loreid won't leave because the storm is too severe.

    Return to the kitchen and use the key from inventory on the locked door near the refrigerator.Examine everything inside.

    All over The Gate

    Go back to Loreid's bedroom. Examine the bed to sleep.

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    Loreid wakes up to sounds in the walls -- or is this another dream/vision? Go downstairs and open the

    kitchen door. A cut scene occurs.

    Follow the rats down into the cellar. Go to the right to the room with the bottles. How'd we miss that

    when we first explored the cellar?

    A Guest Above- and Below- Ground at The Gate

    Loreid wakes up again. Go downstairs to something unexpected.

    Enable the lantern if it isn't enabled already. Loreid needs to go back to the cellar. (Note the words

    scrawled on the wall as you go down the stairs). Turn right and continue through to where you saw rats

    pouring through an opening in the floor (it's the room with bottles). Examine the floor. From

    inventory, use the sledgehammer on the floor.

    Step down into the subterranean area beneath the cellar. Click to open the gate.

    Wake up with no memory of how you made it back to bed. Enable the lantern if necessary.

    Go back to the cellar and re-enter the hole in the floor. Explore the subterranean area. Note the cave-

    in. Go forward into the only available tunnel. Open the door on the left. Take the dagger. Speak to thehooded figure.

    Leave the subterranean area and return to the house. (You may need to enable the lantern again and

    click to get up the stairs.)

    Leaving Home

    Go to the kitchen and then to the garage. Examine the car. From inventory, use the gas container on

    the car. Examine the car again.

    Arkhamend Town

    Enable the lantern. Return to the Worm's Feast. Henry isn't there. Click on the new book on thecounter. When you walk downstairs searching for Henry (he isn't there either) walk into the crate near

    the bottom of the stairs, and it moves. Crouch down ("C" key) to examine the f loor where the crate

    used to be and see a trap door. Examine the trap door and examine what's beneath it. Take the two

    items, which go into inventory (you can examine them further there by right-clicking on them). Press

    "C" to stand back up. Exit the Worm's Feast and enter the square.

    Walk to the alley in which stairs go down between buildings. Examine the manhole on the ground -- it

    leads to the sewers.

    Note: If you talk to Jacob again at the white house, he'll run through the same conversation -- this canget a bit long, but what he says will now make more sense, so if you're seriously "into" the story, youmight want to talk to him and hear what he says again.

    Enter the Camphorwood Inn.

    The men you suspect of robbing your grandfather's tomb are here! Loreid wishes to follow them. Go

    out of the inn -- the game will only let you walk so far before the men begin to move again. Go down

    to the manhole in the alleyway down the stairs and click to enter the sewers.

    The Sewers

    Note visual cues to finding this particular ladder again when you return. With your back to the ladder,across from you and to the left is a leaky pipe, and an odd bit of graffiti on the wall -- almost a partial


    Enable the lantern. This part of the game is maze-like. You can explore on your own, or follow the

    directions below.

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    Stand with your back to the ladder you just came down, and face the "water" in front of you.

    Turn left and walk around a bend to the left. Eventually you will come to a short bridge. Cross it and

    turn right. Keep going, and note that as you go around another left bend, there's a large black symbol

    on the wall to your left. Keep going until you hit a metal fence/grate. The gate is on the other side, so

    turn around and take the short metal bridge behind you to get to the side with the gate.

    After going through the gate, cross the next short metal bridge, turn right, and go forward to the hole

    in the wall.

    The Rokland Nursing Home (Est. 1826)

    You are in an abandoned nursing home. You can walk around and examine things if you like.

    Walk upstairs to the left and hear voices behind a door -- those must be the thieves.

    Turn around and go back over to the hole and look behind you at the downstairs steps. Go down the

    stairs and go through the door at the bottom. In the distance is an odd blue light. You can explore allthe rooms (and push some bed frames around if you like), but the important room is the one with the

    colonial portrait on the wall as you look through the doorway (second door on the left). There are file

    cabinets whose drawers you can open, but I couldn't find anything in any of them. Near the file

    cabinets are a set of display cases.

    Examine the display case with the goril la, and click to pick up the object at the end of the necklace thegorilla is wearing. Now that you have the item you were looking for, go back into the hallway and head

    in the direction opposite the blue light. Go through the door and upstairs toward the hole that leads

    back into the sewers.


    Wake up upside down. Listen to the conversation. Walk forward and click on the door. Wait a bit and

    click on the door again.

    Examine what's on the floor as you exit. Pause long enough to "contemplate your own mortality" (this

    may bring up an intriguing visual effect).

    Head in the direction opposite to that of the blue light. Open the door. Before starting up the stairs,

    examine the second thief. Step over him and crouch down ("C" key) to observe something on thefloor. (Enable the lantern and you'll see an intriguing knot in the wood floor that looks like someone

    wearing glasses, but it isn't "hot.") Take the metal object with a handle on the floor, between the body

    and the wall. Stand back up ("C" key). Go back to the sewers and click to go through the hole.

    Returning Through the Sewers

    To return -- cross over the first small metal bridge and walk through the metal gate. Cross the next

    short metal bridge. Turn left. Keep going, looking at the wall on your right, until you get to the bend

    where the large black symbol is on the wall to your right. Cross the next short metal bridge. Turn left.

    Keep going until you see a ladder -- this should be the ladder you came down in the first place (it's

    across from and a short ways down from the leaky pipe and the odd graffiti) . (Press "W" to climb upthe ladder.)

    Revisiting The Camphorwood Inn

    Return to the Camphorwood Inn.

    The inn keeper has stepped out. Go behind the bar and take the two keys hanging in a wooden key


    Go toward the fi rst floor rooms through the double doors. On the left is a bureau. Open the drawer

    and examine the newspaper clipping.

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    Underline: (Remember to click on the gears icon after underlining)

    Two cruelly butchered human corpses were found in the Northwood forest

    Walk down the hall to the first room on the left. From inventory, use the key for the 1st floor room on

    the first door on the left. Click to open.

    Ingrid's Room at the Camphorwood

    The challenge here is to move the bed into the right place and then search the floor. (Note, there is a

    glitch here that can turn the bed completely around -- when that happens it may be impossible to find

    the right hotspot on the floor. If, as you are pushing it, the bed goes crazy and finally fl ips around into

    a different position, and if you then can't find an "examine" hotspot anywhere on the floor, go back toa previous save and start again.)

    Push or pull the chair near the bed over toward the door. Pull the bed out as far as you can. Jump

    (spacebar) to get over the bed.

    Enable the lantern. As you stand facing the window, turn slightly to the right toward the right corner.

    Press the "C" key to crouch down. Walk toward the right corner, searching the floor as you go. Click toexamine -- you may need to click twice.

    From inventory, remove the lever and use it on the floor. (Note -- the lever can be difficult to see in

    inventory -- it is most likely located in a slot in inventory near that of the lantern, and it may look like a

    blank slot with a faint line in it.) Take the last metal piece of the artifact from its hiding place beneaththe floorboards. Click out of the close-up.

    In Howard's Mind, combine the 3 pieces of the metal artifact to get something that Loreid calls a "sign

    of soul metamorphosis". Right-click on the completed artifact in inventory to examine it further. It

    bears a striking resemblance to the Loreid coat-of-arms on the ring: an eye with three marks above it

    and seven marks below it.

    At this point, it may be necessary to press "C" to stand up from a crouching position.

    The Second Floor Room Next Door

    Leave the room, turn left and go up to the second floor. From inventory, use the key for the 2nd door

    on the right -- that's the door next to Loreid's room. Search the room. It smells horrible, and the

    bathroom is locked. I did not figure out how to get the bathroom door open.

    Use the map in inventory to go to The Gate. (You could also probably go back to the car in the squareand click on it to return to The Gate.)

    Reopening The Gate

    Back to the mansion. You can putter around inside the mansion to see if anything has changed since

    you left (I noted a couple of changes). If you want to put off the final confrontation, you can find a nice

    place to hide by hopping on the hedge near the cellar chute at the back door, and then getting underthe porch in the farthest corner. However, sooner or later Loreid must face his destiny. Mustn't he?

    There's no way to avoid it -- sooner or later Loreid has to go down that well. (Remember, it's at the end

    of the pathway to the right as you stand at the entrance looking toward the mansion). Loreid should

    now unlock the cover over the well. From inventory, use the strange metallic object with the wooden

    handle on the well cover. Click to enter.

    After the Fall -- the Subterranean Area

    Walk forward down a strange hallway. Walk into the elevator, turn around and examine the "X" on the

    floor. Click to open the panel. Going from left to right, click the first wheel twice, the second wheel

    twice, the third wheel twice and the fourth wheel once or twice (it differed in different playthroughs).

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    -- . ,

    out of the close-up. Click on the floor to use the elevator.

    You can move around while the elevator is moving -- be sure to look out the window. When it stops,

    open the door.

    Spend some time looking out the windows and up at the ceiling. Go back and try the elevator door -- it

    looks l ike you'll be going forward from here, not back.

    Walk forward, click on the door, and enable the lantern.

    Click on the door again and walk forward through the gate. Turn left and speak to the man on the other

    side of the pit. Retrace your steps. The way is blocked in one direction, so go down the center hallway

    to the gate and keep going until you reach the ornate door. Click on it.

    From inventory, use the metal artifact (sign of a soul metamorphosis) on the door. Click to open the


    The Final Scene

    Examine what's behind you. You can also examine the statues.


    Walk forward into these nightmarish environs. You can walk around and look at everything, and you

    also can examine the well/pit.

    At the center of all the drama is a creature with strange facial features. Before him is a large, glowing,

    red crystal.

    Examine the crystal. In a final conversation, you are given two dialog choices.

    With one of the dialog choices -- where you assert your independence -- you will then find yourself

    rooted to the spot, and (ironically) only one of the inventory items can still be used on only onehotspot.

    With the other dialog choice, you'll also find yourself rooted to the spot, but you have a choice as to

    what to do with the inventory item (i t will work on two different hotspots). What you choose to do

    with the inventory item wil l trigger one of two different endings.

    A Game Results screen appears, and indicates your final disposition/location.

    It pays to sit through the credits (or, actually you can click through the credits or even hit Esc to skip

    them, which will bring you directly to the last cut scene) to see the possible implications of Loreid's

    final disposition/location.

    This document was provided to GameBoomers.com and may not be dis tributed without express written permiss ion

    of the author and GameBoomers and the content may not be altered in any way.

    GameBoomers Wal kthroughs and Solutions
