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TABLE OF CONTENTSTHE BEST HIDDEN SECRET FOR COMBATING DEMENTIA THAT DOCTORS, DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT ......................................... 3What is Dementia? ................................................55 Foods to Slow Down Dementia .........................83 Hidden Signs of Dementia in Men ...................11Women, Estrogen and Dementia – The Connection ..............................................14CAREGIVER T IPS Taking Care of Dementia Patients Especially Family Members ..........................17

KEY HABITS TO PROTECT YOUR BRAIN AND OUTSMART ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE ......................................20 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY .................................................. 21 IV LIPID INFUSIONS .................................................. 22 EXERCISE YOUR BRAIN ............................................ 22 START YOUR HABITS TODAY .................................. 23The Dementia Solution ........................................24What Patients Are Saying About Dr. Matzinger .................................................27



My son was diagnosed with Angelman’s

Syndrome at 18 months old. As an internal medicine doctor, top of my class, practicing physician for several years, I was stumped and struggled to help him. My amazing, vibrant son, turned into a sad, quiet,


lethargic no longer playful, kid who was having seizures daily. The frustration continued.

In the middle of the night after an especially long day, I looked at my beautiful child and promised him that I was going to no matter what, find a way to help him.

I Kept My Promise and How it Can Help You!Good news, after scanning the globe, researching, experimenting I found the answer and it took me back to something so simple that I can see why most doctors miss it.

It starts with Healing From Within.

The solution not only helped my son Harley battle his rare disease, but after helping over 289 patients, I discovered that now I have the best hidden secret for combating Dementia.


What is Dementia?

The term “dementia” is used to describe a set of symptoms that can include memory loss, difficulty thinking, problem solving, or issues with language. Dementia is caused by damage to the brain cells, and because Alzheimer's is a disease that destroys the brain, it is one of the most common causes of dementia.

If you are reading this you either are noticing some annoying Dementia symptoms and want the best treatment available to slow down the progression


or you are taking care of a loved one and want the best treatment available to slow down the progression.

A little about Dr. Carolyn Matzinger

Carolyn A. Matzinger, M.D. has built her career around the premise that the most important aspect of treatment is creating a deep connection with each individual patient. Her style combines cutting edge research and diagnostics in anti-aging medicine with the personal attention missing today in modern medicine. Her passion for healing and personal touch is the embodiment of her work and continues to be at the forefront of her practice. Dr. Matzinger’s career began in 1987 upon receiving her Medical Degree from Wright State University School of Medicine. Completing her Internal Medicine Residency Program in 1990 at the Kettering Medical Center in Kettering, Ohio provided a solid basis for Dr. Matzinger’s study in Internal Medicine followed by Anti-Aging,


Regenerative and Functional Medicine. As a Diplomate of both the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, she has worked diligently to be at the forefront of her specialty. She is currently licensed in five states including; Nevada, California, Ohio, Idaho, and Montana. Dr. Matzinger’s career has been honored numerous times by both her peers and industry thought leaders. In 2005, she was named Physician of the Year, The Golden Stethoscope Award by St. Rose Dominican Hospitals. That same year, she was also honored with the Quarterly Marcus Welby Award. Dr. Matzinger was named one of Las Vegas’ Top Doctors by the Beauty, Health and Fitness Magazine. She is a Lifetime Honoree of the Strathmore’s Who’s Who and a member of America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals. Recently, Dr. Matzinger co-authored Audacious Aging with other professionals such as Deepak Chopra, and Andrew Weil, which won a silver medal in the Independent Publisher book awards.


5 Foods to Slow Down Dementia

Dementia disproportionately affects elderly men and women, however there are a variety of things patients with early signs of the incurable disease can do in order to slow the development of it. Your physician will recommend medications and an exercise regimen, but it is recommended you also alter your diet. Here is a list of the 5 foods you should eat if you want to do your best to slow down dementia.


Leafy GreensThe high levels of folate and B9 in these foods are known to improve cognition and nourish the brain, so try to incorporate kale, spinach, mustard greens, collard greens and other leafy greens into your diet.

Beans & LegumesThese foods are overflowing with folate, iron, magnesium and potassium – all proven to boost the function of neuro transmitters. There are all sorts of beans and legumes you can use to create tasty dinners, including lima beans, kidney beans, lentils and black-eyed peas.

SpicesSome spices, such as cinnamon, sage, turmeric and cumin, are recommended for dementia patients because they contain properties that have the ability to break up plaque in the brain and reduce inflammation.


Berries Berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and cherries, contain a rather high concentration of anthocyanin, a compound that protects the brain from free radicals.

NutsMost nut variations are boasting full of omega-3s, omega-6s, vitamin E, folate, magnesium and vitamin B6. They have all been scientifically proven to strengthen neuro transmitters. Some examples of nutritive nuts include almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts.

Besides incorporating these 5 dementia-slowing foods into your meals, you should of course also eliminate the consumption of common toxins that could be contributing to the advancement of the disease. Make sure you drink purified water, cut out the caffeine, eliminate sugars and avoid using drugs or drinking alcohol.


3 Hidden Signs of Dementia in Men

Dementia is a disease that most commonly affects the brains of men and women who are over the age of 65, but it can also affect younger individuals. The disease apparently affects men and women equally, and there is unfortunately no cure for dementia currently available. However, researchers have found that they key to offsetting the symptoms of dementia among men is detection. Here is a look at just 3 of the hidden signs of dementia in men so you can be informed, aware and prepared.


Active DreamingStudies have shown that middle-aged men who have a tendency to “act out” their dreams (REM Sleep Behavior Disorder) are more prone to dementia later in life. Some “active dreams” include the motion of driving, unlocking doors and other daily motions that are stored in our brains. It’s important to note that this type of “active dreaming” has not been shown to affect women as much as it does men.

HallucinationsStudy groups have also found that men who have experienced hallucinations are more inclined to be diagnosed with dementia once they get older. Some experts believe that a hallucination is one of the biggest precursors for the development of the brain disease.

Memory LossYou are probably already aware that Alzheimer’s disease is considered to be the leading cause of


dementia. This is why men who frequently lose focus, forget things and misplace items should consider discussing memory loss treatments with their physicians before it gets any worse.

All in all, most of the early signs of dementia are similar among both men and women. The one symptom which seems to occur more often among men is active dreaming. If you are a man who experiences these realistic movements while asleep, you should notify your doctor right away so he or she can determine if you need further testing.


Women, Estrogen and Dementia – The Connection

The statistics don’t lie. Dementia is more prevalent among women than it is men, and this may leave you wondering why. Well, there seems to finally be some breakthroughs happening when it comes to discovering the reasons women tend to develop dementia more often than men do. Scientists and medical professionals have performed countless studies and the results aren’t as shocking as you might suspect. In all reality, they ultimately confirm


what many have claimed for decades now. According to the research, estrogen has a direct link to a woman’s chances of suffering from dementia as she gets older. Now that it is clear that dementia and estrogen are connected, experts have begun working together to create estrogen treatments which may be able to decrease one’s risk. There are currently hormone therapy treatments that are available both over-the-counter and by prescription, but it is suggested you only follow the recommendations of your physician. The dosages, strength and frequency of the hormonal medications can vary from woman to woman depending on her specific levels of imbalance, so it’s best to seek the advice of someone who knows what he or she is doing. Although many dementia patients have been able to mitigate their symptoms using estrogen hormone therapy, it has not show any sign of helping those with Alzheimer’s. Some evidence regarding the potency of estrogen hormone therapy is mixed and further research is necessary to determine why it treats cognitive deficiencies one


way but not another. There is also some evidence to show that estrogen hormone therapy is best used before there are any identifiable dementia symptoms, perceivable during the early stages of menopause. If you are interested in learning more about women, estrogen and the dementia connection, it’s recommended you speak with your physician in order to find out which therapy options may be available for you.


CAREGIVER T IPSTaking Care of Dementia PatientsEspecially Family Members

Are you the deemed caregiver for someone suffering from dementia and don’t know where to start? Don’t worry. You’ve come to the right place. Dementia caregiving demands lots understanding and flexibility, but there are some things you can do to make your new experience easier and more rewarding. Check out our list of caregiver tips and do what you can to put them to good use!


Make SchedulesThe most crucial tip on the list is one that encourages you to make schedules in order to establish a routine and prevent stress. It’s best to make daily schedules, weekly schedules and even monthly schedules so you and the one you are caring for can stay on track when it comes to appointments and other activities.

Practice PatienceThe next critical caregiving tip agreed upon by caregivers is that you’re going to have to practice some patience. Daily tasks will likely take much longer than usual to accomplish when you are caring for someone with dementia, so prepare yourself to essentially forget about hurrying along anywhere. Remember to also stay flexible in order to accommodate the ever-changing needs of your patient, parent or spouse.


Eliminate DistractionsVisual and audible distractions can make it hard to communicate with the person you are caring for, so it’s recommended you remove them from the home when necessary. For example, turn the TV, radio or computer off while having important talks, eating meals or hosting company. This will help him or her focus on the conversation taking place.

Hopefully the 3 caregiver tips above will help you smoothly transition into your new role. Caring for someone with dementia can be challenging at times, but there are ways to remain positive and hopeful. We suggest joining a support group, getting involved in local charities, participating in advocacy and keeping up with our blog.



Alzheimer’s is one of the most devastating diseases that one can suffer. Not only can it tremendously affect the life of the diagnosed individual, but it can also be a great strain on family members. Because Alzheimer’s can often come on very slowly, it can be hard to detect before any measures can be taken


to deal with it, which is why it is so important to develop habits that combat the development of the disease. If you’re concerned about Alzheimer’s or other cognitive diseases, here are a few habits to prevent Alzheimer’s, including lipid infusion therapy. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Although many people tend to view them separately, your mind and your body have a very strong connection. Getting regular exercise not only keeps your body healthy, but it can also strengthen your mind and help to prevent Alzheimer’s. Regular exercise—about three times a week—protects your existing brain cells and promotes the development of entirely new ones. In fact, according to research by the world renowned Mayo Clinic, individuals who make exercise a part of their weekly routine were much more resistant to developing Alzheimer’s, even if they had a family history. If you want to prevent Alzheimer’s, it is important to keep moving.



The main cause of Alzheimer’s and other cognitive diseases is the degeneration of brain cells, so slowing down this degeneration and strengthening these cells is one of the best ways to prevent Alzheimer’s. Intravenous lipid infusion therapy has been shown to stave off the deterioration of brain cells, and is a very effective treatment to protect the brain from disease. Employing IV lipid infusions help the brain cell’s membrane to balance its fatty acid content, which is crucial in keeping the cells from atrophying. In addition to Alzheimer’s, IV lipid infusion can also treat dementia, epilepsy and other cognitive disorders. EXERCISE YOUR BRAIN

In the same way that you get exercise for your body to stave off Alzheimer’s, you can also exercise your brain. Using your brain in a variety of different ways strengthens your neural pathways and makes them


much more resistant to developing Alzheimer’s. What’s great about brain exercise is that you can get it from a number of activities. You can read a book to learn something new. If you like puzzles, you can do a crossword every day. Even regularly socializing with friends is great brain exercise. The only important thing is to keep your brain working. START YOUR HABITS TODAY

Anyone who has any knowledge of cognitive impairments like Alzheimer’s knows how difficult it can be to deal with. Losing brain function can drastically diminish a person’s quality of life as well as prove a major disruption to their friends and family. These issues with cognitive impairments are one of the main reasons it’s important to develop habits that can fight off brain disease before it develops. If you’re interested in developing habits to prevent Alzheimer’s, including IV lipid infusion, then please schedule an appointment with Dr. Carolyn A. Matzinger at Matzinger Institute of Healing today.


The Dementia Solution

Dr. Matzinger’s protocol starts with the basic CELL. Your body consists of cells and the number, composition and strength of the cells determine how quickly your brain works. Pardon us, while we

Now you realize, not only is Dr. Matzinger very accomplished, but is possibly your best partner in fighting off Dementia.


share some basic bio-chemistry. We promise it’s easy to understand.

Every human cell has 3 main parts.1. Cell Membrane – Designed to protect the

cell. And allow vitamins and minerals in to help the body function.

2. Cytoplasm - It is made up of mostly water and salt. It is present within the cell membrane of all cell types and contains all organelles and cell parts

3. Nucleus - contains most of the cell’s genetic material and is responsible for controlling the cell’s growth, movement, reproduction and eating

Now, in the most basic terms, the cell membrane helps protect the nucleus which controls the cell’s growth, movement, reproduction and eating. It is pliable and can allow good stuff and bad stuff in.


Dr. Matzinger started with this basic premise:

What if we can strengthen, the cell membrane and insure that it focuses on doing its job correctly – then, maybe just maybe, it can keep the good stuff in and bad stuff out.

Because this seems simple, that does not make it easy. In our daily lives we are attacked by millions and millions of pollutants or bad stuff. AND, to combat things, our bodies as we age, stop creating the good stuff.

BUT with Dr. Matzinger’s discovery, she has pioneered, tested and perfected her Dementia Slowing Process which protects the brain cells.

Finally How Can I Get Started!

It all starts with a Dementia Slowing Process Discover Session. Please call Eloise at 702-778-6100 to schedule with Dr. Matzinger.


What Patients Are Saying About Dr. Matzinger

“Dr. Matnzinger, I just wanted to the say thank you! I feel the love from you and the genuine care. Don’t feel like just a patient and that is part of the healing and best medicine. The words you’ve given me have helped me during not so easy times. Thank you for being you!” - M.R. “Dr. Matzinger is an inspirational and motivational force of nature. I recommend her highly if you want to be you physical and mental best” - K.G. “I deeply appreciate Dr. Matzinger for her anti-aging medical knowledge, for her nutritional approach to medicine and willingness to learn, thus adding to her knowledge, for her excellent care and concern, proven by her time given to me” - M.W. “It’s a privilege to be Dr. Matzinger’s patient. Her level of expertise and genuine care makes her a treasure of the medical community.” - I.S.


“In April of 2013, I contacted Dr. Matzinger after not feeling “well” for several months. Not feeling well was so hard to describe to her. Sluggish, mental exhaustion, lack of enthusiasm, no energy. Nothing specific that I could really point a finger at, but just overall, not myself. After sharing my story with Dr. Matzinger, she was quick to begin a very methodical comprehensive health assessment. The assessment included not only a review of my eating, diet, and exercise habits, but also a blood and urine study that included a 30 day detailed testing and a thorough review of the results. The depth and breadth of her prescribed diagnostic studies paint a picture that supports not only a diagnosis, but also clears the path for ongoing treatment and lifestyle changes in order to recreate the path for a healthy future. Dr. Matzinger is bright, thoughtful, resourceful, consultative and insistent. She sets clear expectations and operates as a true partner in getting and keeping you on the right path. If you have interest in investing in the creation of a true healthcare partnership and are willing to put forth all it takes, contact Dr. Matzinger – you will never be disappointed, only encouraged and supported with the latest and greatest the medical field now has to offer.” - B.W.
