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Derwenthorpe Residents Association (DRA) Meeting 12 ... · 12/02/2014 · Derwenthorpe Residents...

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1 Derwenthorpe Residents Association (DRA) Meeting 12 February 2014 Those present: Core Team: Paul Black (Facilitator), Jess Hendon (Note-taker), Chris Abberton (Treasurer), Robert Helliwell, Sue Martyn, Sheelagh Loftus, Graham Henry, Anna Golinska, Nick Hall Core team apologies from: David Friend Residents in attendance: Terry Gills, Nicky Helliwell, Rob Ilsley, Annette Henry, Rachel Fowler Others attending: Sarah Charlton (JRHT), Tom Hepburn (JRHT), Trudi Jackson (JRHT), Sharron Hutchinson (City of York Council, Youth Services), Jonny Gregory (Youth Worker JRHT funded). 1 Welcome and apologies Paul welcomed everyone to the meeting and was appreciative of the large number of people in attendance despite the weather. Informal round the table introductions followed. 2 Any other business 2.1 Tour of New Earswick Sarah (JRHT) noted that JRHT are organising a tour of New Earswick (http://www.jrht.org.uk/communities/new-earswick ) for Derwenthorpe residents. This is scheduled for Wednesday 30 th April (6pm). JRHT will organise some transport there and back. There will be a tour of New Earswick followed by a chance to meet some residents and listen to a talk by the Rowntree Society. The DRA were supportive of the opportunity. Action: Sarah Charlton (JRHT) 2.2 Future talks from Derwenthorpe Research Groups Trudi (JRHT) asked whether the DRA would like her to organise for the people leading on research projects about Derwenthorpe to come and give a talk at future meetings. Examples: University of York Policy Research; University of Edinburgh Smart meters; MVHR Research - Building Research Establishment). The DRA agreed that the researchers should be invited to future meetings. Action: Trudi Jackson (JRHT) 2.3 Shed thefts Jess informed the DRA that there had been some cases of theft recently in the estate. These had involved bikes been stolen from sheds the police have been involved. The group judged that at some point the DRA could ask community police offers to attend a meeting. Jess noted that she would update the website with a post about the thefts warning residents to be vigilant. Action: Jess Hendon


Derwenthorpe Residents Association (DRA)

Meeting – 12 February 2014

Those present:

Core Team: Paul Black (Facilitator), Jess Hendon (Note-taker), Chris Abberton (Treasurer), Robert Helliwell, Sue Martyn, Sheelagh Loftus, Graham Henry, Anna Golinska, Nick Hall Core team apologies from: David Friend Residents in attendance: Terry Gills, Nicky Helliwell, Rob Ilsley, Annette Henry, Rachel Fowler Others attending: Sarah Charlton (JRHT), Tom Hepburn (JRHT), Trudi Jackson (JRHT), Sharron Hutchinson (City of York Council, Youth Services), Jonny Gregory (Youth Worker – JRHT funded). 1 Welcome and apologies Paul welcomed everyone to the meeting and was appreciative of the large number of people in attendance despite the weather. Informal round the table introductions followed. 2 Any other business 2.1 Tour of New Earswick Sarah (JRHT) noted that JRHT are organising a tour of New Earswick (http://www.jrht.org.uk/communities/new-earswick) for Derwenthorpe residents. This is scheduled for Wednesday 30th April (6pm). JRHT will organise some transport there and back. There will be a tour of New Earswick followed by a chance to meet some residents and listen to a talk by the Rowntree Society. The DRA were supportive of the opportunity. Action: Sarah Charlton (JRHT) 2.2 Future talks from Derwenthorpe Research Groups Trudi (JRHT) asked whether the DRA would like her to organise for the people leading on research projects about Derwenthorpe to come and give a talk at future meetings. Examples: University of York – Policy Research; University of Edinburgh – Smart meters; MVHR Research - Building Research Establishment). The DRA agreed that the researchers should be invited to future meetings. Action: Trudi Jackson (JRHT) 2.3 Shed thefts Jess informed the DRA that there had been some cases of theft recently in the estate. These had involved bikes been stolen from sheds the police have been involved. The group judged that at some point the DRA could ask community police offers to attend a meeting. Jess noted that she would update the website with a post about the thefts warning residents to be vigilant. Action: Jess Hendon


2.4 Hiring the SSC Jess asked whether the SSC could be hired by outside residents for parties etc. Trudi informed the group that at the moment this is not possible for reasons connected to the boiler and insurance. The intention is that in the future these issues will be resolved but for the moment the answer was no. 3 Notes from the meeting on 14 January The notes from the meeting on 14 January were accepted.

4 Matters Arising from the last meeting 4.1 Vehicles – Parking & Safety

Bob Helliwell noted that he had been given some information by Owen Daggett

(JRHT) after asking a series of questions on this matter (see appendix 1).

The DRA agreed that this topic should be dealt with at a separate meeting. It was

agreed that the March DRA meeting would be dedicated to this area. It was noted

that David Friend had been doing some valuable work on this issue including taking

detailed measurements of the perimeter road, discussing the issue with other

residents etc.

At the March meeting it was agreed that the architect for JRHT Mr Ian Atkinson

would attend and present what the transport vision has been for the development.

Action: David Friend

Terry Gills asked when the road surface for Derwent Mews was going to be finished.

Tom Hepburn (JRHT) informed the group that Owen Daggett (JRHT) was still

pursuing this issue and it is related to work that Yorkshire Water still needs to carry


4.2 Power outages and SSC

No further outages or issues to report since last meeting. It was however, noted that

some street lights were off at the moment. Tom Hepburn (JRHT) confirmed that

JRHT was still responsible for the street lights until the road is handed over to the

City of York Council. Owen Daggett is aware of the issue.

4.3 Satellite Dish

There have been ongoing issues with the satellite dish and poor TV reception

especially in windy weather.

Bob noted that after discussions with a friend about the system we have at

Derwenthorpe he had been made aware that it was potentially not a great system

and it is important that we establish that the system is in fact fit for purpose.

It was agreed that Fibre Options would be invited to the April DRA meeting to discuss

this issue. Rachel Fowler said that her husband (Andy) would be able to attend who


has some technical knowledge that would help facilitate discussions with Fibre

Options. Owen Daggett should also be asked to provide information about the

Business plan and service agreement that Fibre Options has with JRHT.

Action: April meeting facilitator

4.4 Detached Youth Work

It was agreed that ‘detached youth work’ was a more appropriate label than anti-

social behaviour for the action that JRHT is now taking in partnership with youth

workers to try and avoid some of the issues that residents have had involving young

people behaving anti-socially around Derwenthorpe.

JRHT are currently supporting two youth workers Jonny Gregory & Matt (working in

partnership with Sharron Hutchinson from City of York Council Youth Services) to

start to work with some of the young people who enjoy spending time around the

park and pond area of the Derwenthorpe estate.

As part of the youth workers brief to understand the issues from all points of view

Jonny and Sharron kindly attended the DRA meeting to introduce the project and

provide some of the feedback they have had from young people using this area.

Initially, Jonny & Matt were working on a Monday evening but they are now spending

time in the area on a Friday night from 5:30pm – 8:30pm. For 5/6 Friday evenings

they have been spending time doing a circuit between Tang Hall co-op and back to

the pond. They have been meeting some of the young people and finding out how

often they come along to the pond etc.

As the weather improves they expect to meet more young people but so far they

have made contact with a few. The majority have been male (14-15 yrs old) all from

Archbishop Holgate School. They have been friendly and chatty, play football on the

court area and enjoy coming here.

When the young people were asked what could be improved they have chatted about

additional lighting at the park to allow them to play footie for longer. Their main

grievance has been how the gates are locked and there have been occasions when

bikes were locked in. Another idea for improvement was for additional caging around

the football/basketball area to protect other users.

Jonny asked the DRA what the main issues had been with the young people in the

past to try and understand what was occurring last summer.

Residents described some of the instances that occurred last summer involving large

groups hanging around, noise, and damage to the park equipment.

Examples of what had been considered anti-social behaviour included:

‘a general sense of exclusion of older people (Derwenthorpe residents and others)

because of the large numbers of teenagers who congregate by the pond’


‘younger and older boys playing in the pond’

‘throwing of mud onto paths and pond’

‘intimidation of young children (and sometimes parents and grandparents) by older


‘testing of play equipment to breaking point’

‘breaking down of trees’

‘assault on one of the security guards’

The discussion that followed noted that these issues are often related to people not

having anything interesting to do. You cannot stop young people from congregating

and often solutions are derived from providing something positive for the young

people to do. For example, by running sessions and welcoming people to an area at

a specific time when the session finishes you actively encourage people to move on.

This helps the individuals to respect the area and encourages them to want to look

after it.

Ideas for the summer to try and build bridges and aim to prevent a repeat of last

summer were discussed. Ideas included having a workshop (with pizza) and inviting

local young people along - to try and informally see what they want from the local


The question was raised about how long JRHT were committed to support this

activity. The consensus was that the DRA would like to see Jonny and Matt continue

to work and build relationships through the spring and summer months in the hope

that this might help prevent a repeat of the anti-social behaviours.

4.5 Maintenance and upkeep of landscaped areas (including street signage &

Notice Board)

Tom Hepburn (JRHT) reported that the notice board will be going up shortly. It was

agreed by the DRA that the key holders for the notice board for now will be the Sales

Office and Bob & Nicky Helliwell.

It was agreed that car parking signs would be covered at the next meeting on

transport issues.

A walk around with JRHT is planned in May with the Gardening and Wildlife Group to

consider a variety of issues related to the upkeep of the landscaped areas.

An additional walk around with JRHT was discussed to consider a variety of

maintenance issues. It was agreed that during this walk around the issue of more

road signs would be considered.


Some outstanding maintenance issues were raised including standing water at the

corner of Derwent Way. It was noted that Sally Houghton had a list of outstanding

issues. Paul agreed to contact Sally and ask for a copy of the list so that it can be

added to and DRA is aware of who is dealing with what and what the timeframes for

resolution are. Action: Paul Black

4.6 Dogs – Supervision & Control

Anti-social behaviour by some dog owners is an ongoing issue that has been

experienced by some residents.

In an attempt to start to try and find a solution to this issue at the last meeting Graham agreed to liaise with JRHT to determine the public’s right of use of the pond area and the provision of polite notices. Graham briefly introduced the information he had be provided on this matter to date by Sally Houghton (JRHT) (please see appendix 2). The main thing to note was that the Pond area has a lack of any restrictions on usage. This means that there may be limitations in what can be achieved with regard to the control of dogs using this area. Sally suggests we gather opinion of residents if the DRA want to take this further.

In the interests of time, acting in his capacity as meeting facilitator, Paul suggested that the issue of dogs (supervision & control) be continued as part of the break out group discussions on work plans for the DRA to determine how much priority this issue will be given going forward given the information provided by Sally.

This is an ongoing area of discussion and Graham has agreed to continue the dialogue with Sally Houghton regarding the issue of dogs and dog walkers using the Pond area for letting dogs run free and for toiletry purposes, and the rights of residents of Derwenthorpe to have a say in how this area is used.

Ongoing action: Graham Henry

4.7 SCC – Projector – Acoustics – Loop system

JRHT may have funds available to buy a projector (Paul will add this to Sally’s list of

outstanding maintenance issues). Action: Paul Black

The group were updated that there were plans to put in some acoustic fittings to help

absorb the sound in the main meeting room at the SCC which has unhelpful echos.

The mobile loop system was tested during the meeting and was working. It

needs to be requested so the group asked that a permanent request be made for it to

be available at all DRA meetings.

4.8 CCTV update

Sarah Charlton (JRHT) informed the DRA that the CCTV proposals were still going

through JRHT Finance. Information will be available at the next meeting on this



5 Communications Strategy Update It was agreed by the DRA that the Communications Strategy should be the substantive item for the May DRA meeting. It the meantime it was noted that the notice board would be up soon and the website is up and running (http://derwenthorperesidentsassoc.wordpress.com/). The group briefly discussed that the pre-meeting flyer had been a helpful and useful reminder (Rachel Fowler attended because of the flyer). Trudi mentioned that using a texting facility could also be revisited at the future meeting. 6 Twinning with other developments Graham and Annette Henry have been looking at the idea of twinning Derwenthorpe with another eco-friendly community. The group agreed this was a great idea and Graham and Annette will continue to research the idea to present a proposal to the DRA at the April meeting. Nick suggested that if possible it would be good if the twinning could involve options that would not involve air-travel to aim to be as sustainable as possible. Action: Graham and Annette Henry 7 Work plan – small group exercise For this section of the meeting three groups were formed to start informal discussions about the following areas:

Prioritise and plan approach to issues raised in earlier workshop (Oct 2013).

Revisit meetings calendar.

Plan social calendar.

Plan how to welcome new residents on next phase. After some interesting discussions the groups reported back to the main group. 7.1 Social calendar – It was agreed that ‘Social Calendar’ should be a standing item at each DRA meeting. It was noted things needed to probably be planned at least three months in advance. Lots of ideas for socials were given and it was discussed that a champion would be needed for each. Ideas included: an Easter egg hunt; wine tasting evening; midsummer BBQ; bonfire night; wildlife walk. 7.2 Revisit meetings calendar – The group considered that 7:30pm was a good time for meetings but there was still an appetite to revisit the 8pm time. There was also a discussion about Saturday coffee mornings so that people who work Mon-Fri can attend. 7.3 Welcoming new residents on the next phase – The question about how proactive to be was raised. The group agreed that a welcome leaflet from the DRA should be given to DWH to go in the welcome pack. Sheelagh offered to work with Trudi to consider doing meet and greet door-to-doors. 7.4 Prioritise and plan approach to issues raised in earlier workshop – The group discussed how the things that the DRA would like to achieve fall into four possible categories. Nicky Helliwell has kindly outlined these and started to map what is currently been done and possible ideas for the future (see appendix 3). It was agreed it would be nice to have something physical to point to that the DRA has achieved. The development of the DRA work plan is ongoing.


8 Funding & Treasurer update 8.1 Bank account – This is being arranged through the Co-operative Bank.

Action: Chris Abberton

8.2 Safari Supper profits – The treasurer was given £10 to bank from the safari supper

held before Christmas. Action: Chris Abberton

8.3 Cosignatories for the bank account – These are Bob Helliwell, Graham Henry and

Paul Black (as agreed at the last DRA meeting on 14 January 2014).

8.4 Funding – Sheelagh suggested that the group could use websites to help find

funding sources (eg http://www.grantfinder.co.uk/). Trudi reminder everyone that the

next round of the Derwenthorpe Community Fund is approaching - deadline for

applications is Friday 21st June. Chris noted that there was also a community fund

available to those who bank with Co-operative that the group could look at.

9 Next Meeting The meeting ended at 9:30pm. The next meeting is on Wednesday 12th March at the earlier time of 7pm. This will be a special meeting about ‘the car in our community’. It was agreed that the next facilitator will be Bob Helliwell and note-taker will be Chris Abberton.


Appendix 1

Information emailed to Bob Helliwell by Owen Daggett (JRHT) regarding transport issues

Dear Bob

Please accept my apologies for the delay in sending this information through to you. It has been sat

in my draft mailbox which I subsequently neglected to review.

I have attempted to provide statements and attachments to assist with the questions you raised,

which were:

The demarcation of parking spaces – should there be more/will that encourage more parking

Use of visitors car park – who is it for, can we put on restrictions, is it for the public

Do people know what is a parking bay?

Parking on the footpaths

Clears signage/more information about where residents can park; where visitors can park;

What roads are adopted?

Are there any covenants on what types of vehicles can be parked around the site – e.g. vans

Below you will find a number of statements that hopefully address these questions, and the various

attachments provide covenant plans, adopted highways etc.

1. The level of parking provision per household was a strict planning requirement imposed by York

in line with the National Guidance Doc PPG 3 that applied at the time specifically 1 car space per

dwelling plus 10% for visitors

2. JRHT made provision of 6 Car Club spaces in Phase 1 that could be dispersed as the

development progressed. This is the proposed approach, and a permanent space for car club in phase

one needs to be agreed.

3. Additional capacity to be provided by the 'community car park' at Osbaldwick also community

parking at the centre of the development as part of the community facilities (which will be developed

towards 2020).

4. There is no dedicated usage for the community parking provision but it is all on JRHT land and

for the Osbaldwick phase was partly put forward to alleviate the parking that used to occur on the

bend when the community hall was in use - so this parking is for Derwenthorpe and the larger

Osbaldwick community.


5. The limitation on parking was all in the context of a Sustainable Transport Strategy that would

promote the use of bikes and public transport this being an accord that was captured in the Section

106 - Clause 8 'Sustainable Travel' which picks up on contributions to

• a bus service to serve the site

• a car club - and

• for each household a travel voucher and bike voucher (also a sustainable travel pack on


6. The transfer of each property to a buyer or JRHT as share owner or to JRHT for rent would have

included an identified transfer of land for the plot and a right to use a designated parking bay (unless

having an integrated garage) - the ownership of the designated bay remaining with JRHT in all cases

7. The Section 38 drawing identifies all the adopted roads and parking - to be clear the visitor

spaces and car club spaces are to be adopted and once adopted fines can be applied to non-car club

use of the car club spaces

8. JRHT received proposed designs for signage for car parking as per the attached, but this has not

been progressed to date.

9. In respect of types of vehicles - the access roads are public so are free of restriction other than

the space available and there are no covenant restrictions save for that of business use when JRHT

permission is needed with particular concern on anything that would generate traffic / parking

I hope this information is sufficient for you, and please do not hesitate to contact me should you

require more information.

Kind regards


Owen Daggett - Sustainability Manager


Appendix 2

Derwenthorpe Public Access & Management Plan

The public open space has been provided within the requirements of the S106 agreement for the

development., That states that the public open space should be managed in accordance with the Public

Access and Management Plan that was submitted as part of the original planning permission. Within

that plan, restrictions are set out in respect of specific areas. The extract is below. As is evident there

are no such restraints on the Village Green.

The Meadows - Area 1 - Species Rich Grassland

This area will be enclosed by a new hedge and stock fencing and managed as a wildflower and

species rich grassland meadow. To maintain the habitat there will be an annual late July hay-take

followed by grazing. At this time the public and dogs will be excluded by notice. At other times to

preserve the sensitivity of the grassland a grass cut corridor will be maintained to provide a pathway

for users. A control (stock proof) gate / stile and locked gateway will be provided

East Fields - Area 2 - Wet Grassland

This area will be an enhanced wetland habitat to support the Great Crested Newt. The area will be

enclosed by hedge and stock fencing. The enhancement works will be carried out in the first winter of

the development phase. In a later phase linking swales will be excavated on the eastern edge for the

SUDS system and a newt tunnel will be installed to link to Area 1. Grazing will be used to keep grass

levels low and to retain the habitat structure. At times of grazing notices will require dogs to be kept

on lead. Control (stock proof) gates to the pathway and a locked access gateway will be provided.

Village Green - Area 3 - Balancing Pond and Swales

Maintenance of the balancing pond will be linked to an annual inspection and a dredging and planting

replacement on a 5 year cycle. Dredging activity and dredgings (prior to removal) will be fence


Osbaldwick Beck Park Area 4 - Osbaldwick Beck

Access is required by Foss Internal Drainage Board for dredging. When access is required the area

will be fenced off.

The request for signage must, therefore be considered in the context of the Management Plan, any

changes to which must be agreed with the Planning Authority. Should you wish to take this further,

therefore, JRHT would first need to gauge the wider view of residents before taking this up with the


In addition I must reiterate that JRHT’s ability to police any contravention of signage would be very

limited, if at all. However I am aware of your view that the primary purpose of the signs would be to

act as a deterrent.

I do hope that this progresses this issue and am I right in thinking that this will be discussed at the

residents meeting. If this is possible, that would be helpful in order to determine whether JRHT seeks

the wider view of residents


Sally Houghton


Appendix 3

Extra information from the work plan group exercise (agenda item 7).


Overall aims: Caring and friendly community, Ecological life style, Improvements, Links with wider community,

Community Aspects / Social Lead Ongoing? Completed?

Identifying the vulnerable and ensuring they are ok

SCC meetings about employability skills

Choir Naomi

Safari supper/Mid-summer BBQ Ian & Nicky ? √

Communication strategy and website Jess & Paul & James (JRHT) √

Resolution of differences between people


Book Club Nicky & Bob

Wine Tasting Trish

Coffee Morning JRHT

Cycle rides using York network


World Cup event

Car boot/Table top sale

Foraging/ wild life walks

Knit & Natter JRHT

Community / Social with a focus on young people / children

Having more to do for older children – skateboard park

Having more to do for those with special needs

Wild-life/ecology links with schools

Homework Club

Children’s Clubs Shelley & Jess?

Easter egg hunt

Bonfire night

Links with outside neighbours

Osbaldwick Parish Council

York Residents Federation

Welcoming new residents

Future phases



Physical Environment - improvements and repairs

Gardening club Marie √

Notice board Nicky & Bob

Doorstep milk deliveries Nick?

Speeding cars and dangerous roads David March meeting

Safe car parking March meeting

Safety cameras JRHT and ?

Playground health and safety ?

Dog control Graham & Nick? Graham in contact with JRHT

investigating issue.
