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Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo...

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Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome to a new illustrated guide that will hopefully be of use to you for improving the results you get on the dice board. Before I start I would like to state that this document just covers MY own lines of thought, strategies and priorities for how I play the dice board. It is not meant as a ‘be-all-end-all’ absolutely best-for-all guideline. Other people may have other priorities. It is known. In this guide I shall not set out to try and cover all strategies. Instead, what you WILL find in this document, is a step by step illustrated coverage of how I played a single complete Bingo card, and how I aimed to get as many extra purple chests while doing this. I very strongly advice everyone to consider combining purple chests with the Bingo card too. In my opinion you stand the best chance of completing Artoba as quickly as possible, if you set your priorities towards opening purple chests and completing bingos. General strategy It is of great importance to realise well that it is almost impossible to complete the Bingo cards and/or obtain enough purple chests for completing Artoba without using rerolls. However, there should be a balance. If you reroll too often, or choose your reroll strategy poorly, you will run out of Malletstones before you can meet your targets. Keep a close eye on that! As a general strategy, at the beginning of the event I bought the Malletstone shrine, which gives me 1200 Malletstones extra every 24 hours. If you did not buy this, your available amount of Malletstones will be lower. Also, I currently am making sure to never miss any of the 6 hourly resets. As soon as I can after each reset, prior to walking on the board, I first make sure to complete ALL 6 tasks so I trigger the bonus task. Keep in mind that completing all of the 6 tasks gives you 1200 Malletstones, but completing that single bonus task adds 600 Malletstones to it! That is 50% of the entire pool size, and it is so many that it should NOT be ignored. My advice: always try to complete all tasks before walking on the board, and always focus on completing your bonus task. One bonus task depends on sheer luck, it is the task for rolling a double score on the dice. All other tasks can be prepared for. Be careful with the task for “opening 5 Ancient chests”. This task is NOT for opening purple chests (with Artoba pieces) on the Dice board, but for opening Ancient chests (with Zephujin pieces) with tickets! You can prepare for this task by always keeping at least 5 Ancient tickets in reserve in case you get this task. Do note that there IS also a quest for opening a purple chest on the Dice board, but that has a different description (something like “Open 1 Ancient chest on the Dice Board”) and it requires only 1 chest to be opened! Another general strategy I now follow, is to first focus on force-landing on the purple, green and grey tiles on the dice board, with the correct dice numbers for completing squares on the Bingo card. If you do not force this, you will not ‘by chance alone’ have enough Malletstones to complete the Bingo card. There is normally no need to force-land on a blue or a yellow tile, these will easily be completed by just walking around on the board.
Page 1: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome to a new illustrated guide that will hopefully be of use to you for improving the results you get on the dice board. Before I start I would like to state that this document just covers MY own lines of thought, strategies and priorities for how I play the dice board. It is not meant as a ‘be-all-end-all’ absolutely best-for-all guideline. Other people may have other priorities. It is known. In this guide I shall not set out to try and cover all strategies. Instead, what you WILL find in this document, is a step by step illustrated coverage of how I played a single complete Bingo card, and how I aimed to get as many extra purple chests while doing this. I very strongly advice everyone to consider combining purple chests with the Bingo card too. In my opinion you stand the best chance of completing Artoba as quickly as possible, if you set your priorities towards opening purple chests and completing bingos.

General strategy It is of great importance to realise well that it is almost impossible to complete the Bingo cards and/or obtain enough purple chests for completing Artoba without using rerolls. However, there should be a balance. If you reroll too often, or choose your reroll strategy poorly, you will run out of Malletstones before you can meet your targets. Keep a close eye on that! As a general strategy, at the beginning of the event I bought the Malletstone shrine, which gives me 1200 Malletstones extra every 24 hours. If you did not buy this, your available amount of Malletstones will be lower. Also, I currently am making sure to never miss any of the 6 hourly resets. As soon as I can after each reset, prior to walking on the board, I first make sure to complete ALL 6 tasks so I trigger the bonus task. Keep in mind that completing all of the 6 tasks gives you 1200 Malletstones, but completing that single bonus task adds 600 Malletstones to it! That is 50% of the entire pool size, and it is so many that it should NOT be ignored. My advice: always try to complete all tasks before walking on the board, and always focus on completing your bonus task. One bonus task depends on sheer luck, it is the task for rolling a double score on the dice. All other tasks can be prepared for. Be careful with the task for “opening 5 Ancient chests”. This task is NOT for opening purple chests (with Artoba pieces) on the Dice board, but for opening Ancient chests (with Zephujin pieces) with tickets! You can prepare for this task by always keeping at least 5 Ancient tickets in reserve in case you get this task. Do note that there IS also a quest for opening a purple chest on the Dice board, but that has a different description (something like “Open 1 Ancient chest on the Dice Board”) and it requires only 1 chest to be opened! Another general strategy I now follow, is to first focus on force-landing on the purple, green and grey tiles on the dice board, with the correct dice numbers for completing squares on the Bingo card. If you do not force this, you will not ‘by chance alone’ have enough Malletstones to complete the Bingo card. There is normally no need to force-land on a blue or a yellow tile, these will easily be completed by just walking around on the board.

Page 2: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Note that the above strategy is like a knife that cuts on TWO edges (when done properly), because this way you complete bingos AND at the same time open more purple chests! I always try to aim for getting 3 (or 4) purple keys per section, especially when I see I only need to reroll 1 die for being able to land on a purple, green or the grey tile. Also: once I have completed the Bingo card and have completed the 600 points bonus task, I stop walking on the board and save the rest of my Malletstones until the next 6h reset time. Then I again only do all 6 tasks for 1200 points, and do the minimum possible for completing the 600 points bonus task, etc. This way I gradually build up a big buffer of Malletstones that is very useful for the moments that many rerolls are needed. Keep the following very well in mind: Sometimes rerolling for a green tile can get very expensive (I too sometimes have to reroll a die more than 10 times), but it can still be a lot less expensive than having to walk completely to the next green tile! There are only 2 of those on the entire board, so I recommend ALWAYS force-landing on a green tile with a required number, even if it means having to reroll both dice! Tip: Keep the Bingo card open most/all of the time that you are working on completing it. This will help you focus on more efficiently completing the Bingo card. ☺ With all the above in mind, the remainder of this document shows step by step the choices I made at crucial moments (i.e. when being in reach of a purple, green or the grey tile). I did not include EACH roll of the dice in thus guide. I only included the parts where strategic choices for rerolling were necessary. Before each picture, I briefly wrote my thoughts and considerations. The required and/or obtained numbers on the dice are written in red text. The considerations start off in somewhat elaborate style, but get shorter later in the guide (to avoid repetition of saying the same).

A clean slate: an unmarked Bingo card The steps start off with me having first obtained the 1200 points for all tasks and having just gotten a fresh new Bingo card.

Figure 1: A fresh new Bingo card...

Page 3: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

First rolls – just walk on the board and try to get extra purples. First I now simply roll the dice and see what I get. In this case I am standing in a great starting position to directly try and force-land on 1 or 2 purple tiles and/or the grey tile. So already upon the first roll I am thinking ahead to try and mark off 1, 2 or 3 difficult squares here. The first roll gave me a 2 and a 4. Now look at the dice board to see on which tiles I can land with those numbers.

Figure 2: The first roll gave a 2 and a 4, look closely where we can get with these numbers...

With the 2 and the 4 I have the possibility of landing on 1 purple tile. Here I could make several choices for trying to mark off difficult spots. I can decide to just use these steps and walk and complete a purple square with a 2 or a 4 but if I do this, I am certain that I will not get an extra purple chest in this section. Note: when writing this guide I noticed that there was actually another, better, option than what I did: I should have rerolled the 4 until it would be a 6. Then I should have used that 6 first to land on the second purple and get 2 purple keys, and then use the 2 to land on the grey tile and choose a 3rd purple key for opening an extra purple chest AND completing one purple tile and the grey tile right away! But alas… I somehow didn’t realise that then, and just used the numbers I got to land with the 2 on the yellow and with the 4 on the purple tile …

Page 4: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Figure 3: Here I walked the 2 and 4 steps to land on a purple tile

Close to the grey start tile – try to land on it! My overall strategy is to do each round on the board such that I (almost) always step on 2 green tiles with the correct number, and step on as many purples as I can, as early as I can. This means that I normally only pass the grey tile 2 or 3 times per bingo card. So, from the position where I am on the board, I have my eyes set on trying to mark that grey tile off as early as possible. From the position where I am in, I try to either roll a 2 (and any number on the other die) or a 1 and a 1.

Figure 4: From this position try to get a 2 or a 1 and a 1 to land on the grey tile

Page 5: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

OK, we got a 2 and a 6, great roll! Obviously, here I walk with the 2 to land on the grey tile first. I now get a choice of keys. I have only 1 purple key, but I always choose another purple key anyway (even if I could otherwise complete a blue or yellow chest), because each purple key returns 100 Malletstones and there is no pressure for me at all for finishing blue and yellow chests.

Figure 5: My advice: always choose a purple key for getting as many extra Malletstones as possible

After landing on the grey tile, simply walk the 6 steps that the other die gave us. This sets us up for the next stage…

Entering a section with two purple tiles and a green tile – try stepping on all of them Good. I entered a new section on the board and my aim is set on landing on both purples and on the green tile. For all of these tiles I always want to do so as much as possible with numbers I still need for the Bingo card…. ESPECIALLY for the green tiles – always try to land on those with a number you still need on your card! OK, consider our position on the board a moment … I’m now 6 steps away from the first purple and 3 more from the second one. Try to force land on both purple tiles, or if we have a very low roll (like a double 1, a 1 and a 2 or so) just walk and end still in front of both purple tiles.

Page 6: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Figure 6: 6 steps away from the first tile and 9 from the second ... try (force) landing on both of them!

Ideally, in this position I want to roll a 6 and a 3, so I can mark off two purples with numbers I am missing still, AND collect 3 purple keys for opening an extra purple chest!

Figure 7: What luck! Precisely what I wanted! A 3 and a 6!

Well, wow, OK, this doesn’t happen often … I directly got exactly a 3 and a 6!

Page 7: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Figure 8: Make sure to first walk 6 steps and then 3, to get 3 purple keys...

Now make sure to first walk 6 steps and then 3. That way we get 3 purple keys and can open an extra purple chest!

Figure 9: Collect the reward! An extra purple chest that is well needed!

Good! Collect that extra purple chest, hope for a lucky card, and continue.

Getting into reach of the green tile so we can land on it with the right number After I pass the second purple tile, I just roll and walk until I get into a suitable distance for being able to land on the green tile with a number I still need. As I do not have any green

Page 8: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

squares marked off yet, any distance from the green tile is fine, as long as I don’t pass it without stepping on it. The steps for getting in reach are skipped. The next picture shows where I ended up being in reach of the green tile.

Figure 10: In reach of the green tile ... here I need a 1

I ended in 1 place before the green tile, so I need to make sure to get a 1 here. This kind of situation can often require many rerolls, but it is often still cheaper to do that, than to have to walk an additional round around the board. ALWAYS try landing on a green tile!

Figure 11: Make sure to get a 1 so we land on the green tile!

Page 9: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Good! Use the 1 first now to mark off the green square with the 1! By luck I also got a 5 that will make us land on the first purple tile and the purple 5 has not yet been marked off on the Bingo card! Note: I now have one purple key and already I know that I will make sure to step on the next green tile too. I am before the second purple tile still which is at a distance of 2 steps and I still need to mark off the purple 1 and the purple 2 on the Bingo card. This is an ideal position to make sure to either get a roll with a 2 on one die, or a 1 on both dice! That will mark off an extra purple square on the Bingo card, AND it properly sets me up for getting an extra purple chest when I step on the green tile.

Figure 12: The roll gave a 3 and a 5, reroll for getting a 2 or for getting a double 1

OK, no instant luck this time. I got a 3 and 5. No good! First keep the highest (5) and reroll the lowest (3), so that if the reroll gives a 2, I can just use the 2 and walk far after that with the highest. If the reroll(s) give(s) a 1, we keep the 1 and reroll the 5, to try and get a second 1 or a 2.

Page 10: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Figure 13: Reroll the 3, until we get a 1 or a 2...

I got a 1. I don’t walk yet, but instead I first reroll the 5 until that gives another 1 or a 2…

Figure 14: After several rerolls I got a 2, that was what I needed!

From the amount of Malletstones used, I see it took several rerolls until I got a 2. It was worth it though. Now I just use the 2 first (of course) to get a purple key, and then the 1.

Page 11: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Figure 15: Collect the second purple key by using the 2 first

Now just roll the dice and walk normally until we are in reach of the green tile again…

Figure 16: In reach of the green tile, walking is not good now because I already completed the green 1, so reroll one die

Now I arrive at an interesting situation. I am in reach of the green tile and rolled a 1 and a 4. If I just walk, it brings me at a distance of 1 in front of the green tile, but … I already have the green 1, so that’s no good! However, by rerolling the 4 I can land on the green if I roll a 5 or a 6. Alternatively, if I reroll the 1, I can get on the green tile with a 2 or a 6.

Page 12: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

I chose to keep the highest one (which is my usual strategy in this kind of situation, unless there is some specific place I can get on with the lower number after stepping on the green tile) and reroll the 1…

Figure 17: I got a 6! Take it and collect a green square on the Bingo card! Take 2 purple keys there and get an extra chest!

Awesome! I got a 6! Use it to walk to the green tile. Now I marked off the green 6 on the Bingo card, and I can choose TWO keys because I landed with a 6 on the green tile! Obviously, I chose two purple keys, bringing my total amount of keys that round to 4. This means one purple chest and one extra purple key that directly gets converted to 100 Malletstones. Great result! Now just roll and walk normally until we get in reach of the next purple tiles… Here I miss some screenshots, but I see I landed on or passed the grey tile with only one purple key, so I assume I landed on the second purple tile and had a high number on the other die. As I here still needed a purple 1, it almost certainly means I would have had to reroll both dice for trying to land with a 1 on one of the purple tiles, and that I decided to just walk on now and get the purple 1 later. Whatever was my decision then, the next screenshot of interest is the following one, where I am in reach of the next set of purple tiles…

Page 13: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Figure 18: In reach of the purple tiles, and I need a purple 1 still and can get to a distance of 1 from a purple...

I see I made a strange choice when I played it myself… I seem to have chosen to reroll the 5 and have gotten a 2, because I see in the next screenshot that I am on the first purple tile and have used one reroll and that the yellow 1 is marked off… I must have gotten a 4 and a 2 then and have used the 4 to get on the purple tile from the yellow tile … Anyway, with this less optimal choice, I still got one purple key and the 2 brings me at the desired distance of only one step in front of the second purple tile, so all good after all…

Figure 19: Use the 2 to get at a distance of 1 step to the second purple tile...

Page 14: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Now I rolled (and rerolled) a die until I got a 1.

Figure 20: Roll and reroll until I get a 1

Take the 1 and we mark off the last of the needed purples! After we stepped on the purple with the 1, we continue rolling and walking until we are in reach of the green tile again. The blue 3 and the yellow 3 will eventually automatically be completed too, so I pay no attention to it and instead only focus on those last 4 remaining green ones.

Figure 21: The 5 is needed still for the Bingo card, use it.

Page 15: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Use the 5 to land on the green tile, choose a purple key and collect an extra purple chest. Now use the 1 and roll again and try to land on both purple tiles, or try to land on the second one with a 6.

Figure 22: Use the 6 to land on the second purple tile and collect 2 keys.

Now roll and walk as usual, until we get in reach of the green tile.

Figure 23: In reach of the green tile, make sure to step on it with a 2, a 3 or a 4

I’m in reach of the green tile now. I will try to make sure to land on it with a 2, a 3 or a 4. Roll the dice and see what we get…

Page 16: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Figure 24: I got a 2 and a 3...

OK…. I got a 2 and a 3. With those numbers I cannot step on the green tile, but I can with a 2 and a 4, so I reroll the 3.

Figure 25: The reroll gave a 6, with that I can step on the green tile...

I rolled a 6. Now I have two options. I can either take the 6 and land on the green tile with a number that is not needed for the Bingo card, or I can reroll the 6 until it is a 4 and mark off the 4 on the card. In this case, I had a lot of Malletstones left and I wanted to get some extra purple chests, so I decided to just use the 6. If you do not have a big Malletstones buffer, instead I recommend rerolling the 6 until it is a 4.

Page 17: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Now I walked some more again, and probably tried to step on the two purple tiles and the grey tile in the section. It is more of the same as described earlier, so not covered here. Instead, skip to the moment that we are in reach of the purple tiles that appear in the section with the next green tile. For getting an extra purple chest in this section, I need to either land on both purple tiles here or land with a 6 on one purple tile and then make sure to land on the green tile too.

Figure 26: In reach of the purple tiles and I rolled a 4 and a 1.

Use the 4 here first to get one purple key and then use the 1.

Figure 27: Get a purple key and after it use the die with number 1.

Page 18: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Now, like earlier, I can land on the second purple tile with a 2 or with a 1 and a 1 to collect an extra purple key. This is nothing new and is not shown anymore. Instead, I skip to the point where I am in reach of the green tile.

Figure 28: In reach of the green tile and I can land on it with a 2 or a 3 that I still need

Roll the dice….

Figure 29: A 1 and a 3! Use the 3 to land on the green tile with a needed number.

Great! There’s a 3 on one of the two dice. Use the 3 to land on the green step! Collect the extra purple chest and mark off the green 3 on the Bingo card. Then proceed rolling and walking.

Page 19: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Figure 30: I can now get on the first purple tile, so do so and try to get a 2 or a 1 and a 1 afterwards.

Use the 3 to get on the first purple tile. Afterwards, I forced getting on the second purple tile too, to get a second purple key. This can be done then by rolling a 2 on one die, or a 1 and a 1. Make sure to do either of these two options, and proceed walking until in reach of the green tile. Note: I must land with a 2 or a 4 on the green tile, so I made sure that the roll that brings me within reach of the green tile, ends such that I can get with a 2 or a 4 on the green tile. This is crucial!

Figure 31: Here I can get on the green tile with a 2, so force getting that...

I made sure to be able to get on the green tile with a 2 or a 4. In this case, I can now get on the green tile with a 2, so I forced getting that.

Page 20: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Figure 32: I got a 3 and a 6, reroll the 3 until I get a 2.

I got a 3 and a 6. Keep the 6 and reroll the 3 until it is a 2.

Figure 33: Collect the extra purple chest and mark off the green 2

Almost there! One more to go, landing on a green tile with a 4. Again I skip most of the way of getting there, in which I did the same: force landing on the purple tiles and grey tile for extra purple chests.

Page 21: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Figure 34: I rolled a 5 and a 6 here, reroll the 5 until it is a 6

Here I got a 5 and a 6. With a 6 and a 6 or a 3 and a 6 I can make sure to land on a purple tile with a 6, for getting two keys. Keep the 6 and reroll the 5 until it is a 3 or a 6.

Figure 35: I got the 6 and 6 after several rerolls, now get the two keys.

I got a 6 after rerolling several times. Now walk, collect the 2 purple keys and make sure to get in reach of the green tile so I can get on it with a 4.

Page 22: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Figure 36: This position is not good yet as I cannot get on the green with a 4 after walking so reroll a 2

Consider the above picture. If I now just walk, I shoot myself in the foot because then I will be at a distance of 3 to the green tile and I need to get on it with a 4. I must now reroll a 2 until it is either a 4 (after which I need to reroll the other 2 until it is a 3), or until it is a 1 (bringing me within the right reach) or until it is a 3 (after which I need to reroll the other 2 until it is a 4). Reroll one of the two dice….

Figure 37: I got a 1, now just walk

OK, I got a 1, that’s good. Just walk now with the 1 and the 2, and we are at the desired distance from the green tile…

Page 23: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Figure 38: I got a 2 and a 2 and I can now get on the green tile, but with the wrong number!

I got a 2 and 2. It is now tempting to just walk, but instead I really want to land on the green tile with a 4, so reroll one die until it is a 4.

Figure 39: The needed 4!

Continue rerolling until we get the needed 4 and then use it ….

Page 24: Dice Board Bingo Card and Purple Chest Strategy. By Olafo ... · By Olafo (Wolfie) – Wahóóóóó clan iOS/EUR. Hi all and welcome

Figure 40: Full house and all done! :)

Wahóóóóóóó, I got the Full House, and now collect a lot of rewards: 1 column, 1 row, 1 diagonal, the Full House, and a purple chest!!! I hope you enjoyed this guide and that it helps in improving your results. ☺ Olafo – Wolfie
