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Districtmail 28 aug 2014

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Districtmail 28 aug 2014
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District MAIL HEARTBEAT OF THE HELDERBERG DONDERDAG, 28 AUGUSTUS 2014 Price: R6.20 | Tel 021 853 0211 | www.districtmail.com | | districtmail.mobi Main Road, Strand Tel: 021 853 1070 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.fandc.co.za Find us on BIG BRAND BIG BRAND bargains bargains Offers valid from 28-30 August 2014 or while stocks last. LESS 25% off all Ferradini Men’s Cotton Rich Shirts LESS 25% off all Ferradini Men’s Cotton Rich Shirts 24cm Stainless Steel Pan with Glass Lid with Steam Hole was R369.99 now R229.99 (DTD258) Autodryer was R2 699 was R2 699 now R2 299 cash (LEDN32D22) 32” HD Ready LED TV was R3 199 now R2 699 cash New Introduction Green Leaf Designs | 2014.08.09 GORDONSBAAI-HUIS BRAND: Ruanda Brand van Gordonsbaai in haar huis in die Oudewerf-kompleks wat Sater- dag in ’n brand beskadig is nadat die dak vlam gevat het. LEES VOLLEDIGE STORIE OP BLS 6 WAT NOU? 29 hits – and counting DistrictMail has tallied up the number of armed rob- beries in the Helderberg since the beginning of the year – and locals are concerned. GET THE FULL STORY ON PAGE 4 ‘n 20-jarige man van Macassar het Maandag in die Somerset-Wes- landdroshof voorgekom nadat sy broer se vriendin, Lee-Jane du Plessis (20), doodgesteek is. Sir Lowrians in TOP league In a real Cinderella story, local rugby club Sir Lowrians are set to play in Super League A in 2015 FOTO: DELIAH BRINKHUIS IN HOF
  • DistrictMAIL


    DONDERDAG, 28 AUGUSTUS 2014 Price: R6.20 | Tel 021 853 0211 | www.districtmail.com | | districtmail.mobi

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    off all Ferradini Mens

    Cotton Rich Shirts

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    was R369.99





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    (LEDN32D22) 32 HD Ready LED TV

    was R3 199

    nowR2 699 cash






    GORDONSBAAIHUIS BRAND: Ruanda Brand van Gordonsbaai in haar huis in die Oudewerfkompleks wat Sater

    dag in n brand beskadig is nadat die dak vlam gevat het. LEES VOLLEDIGE STORIE OP BLS 6


    29 hits

    and counting

    DistrictMail has tallied up

    the number of armed rob

    beries in the Helderberg

    since the beginning of the

    year and locals are



    ON PAGE 4

    n 20jarige man

    van Macassar het

    Maandag in die



    voorgekom nadat sy broer se

    vriendin, LeeJane du Plessis

    (20), doodgesteek is.

    Sir Lowrians

    in TOP league

    In a real Cinderella story,

    local rugby club Sir

    Lowrians are set to play

    in Super League A in





  • 2DistrictMail

    28 Augustus, 2014



    Accolades fordetective



    Sacrificing his

    weekends to solve

    cases has paid off

    for Detective Ser-

    geantMarius Eras-

    musof theLwandle


    Yesterday, Eras-

    mus (36) received a

    standing ovation

    from his Station

    Commander, Lieu-

    tenant Colonel Sivi-

    we Somtsewu; Head

    of Detectives, Cap-


    huys, and colleagues for being instrumental

    in the successful conviction of four murder


    The four crimeswere committed between

    May 2013 and May this year. The harshest

    conviction for these crimes was a 15-year

    sentence.Asentenceof 12yearsand twosen-

    tences of 10 years each were also gained.

    Erasmus emphasised that a goodworking

    relationship with the state prosecutors at

    the Strand Magistrates Court and the po-

    lices forensic departments havemuch to do

    with these cases being concluded so soon.

    Piles of dockets cover his desk in his

    cramped office. He says he receives about

    28 dockets for new cases a month, of which

    one will surely be for murder.

    Themostchallengingof the fourcaseswas


    of murdering her 31-year-old boyfriend by

    setting his home on fire.

    Erasmus says initially there was very lit-

    tle evidence linking thewoman to the crime

    that was committed on 7 April. After an ar-

    gument earlier that day, the woman re-

    turned to her boy-

    friends house at

    about 22:30, locked

    the door from the

    outside and set the

    shack alight. She

    then fled.

    Neighbours in

    the neighbouring

    shacks heard the

    mans cries, but


    as the fire was

    raging out of con-

    trol. All eight

    shacks on theprop-

    erty were burnt to

    the ground and se-

    veral injurieswere


    Erasmus gathered evidence from several

    witnesses who had heard the woman threa-

    tening to set her boyfriends house alight on

    previous occasions. He presented the evi-


    she had committed the crime.


    five armed robbers who had terrorised

    Lwandle businesses. He recalls that 25 cases

    of armed robberies of businesses were re-

    ported in one month last year.

    In September last year, while buying cof-

    fee at the BP Garage close by, he noticed a

    silvergreyAvanzawith tintedwindowsthat

    was thought to belong to the robbers. Eras-

    mus says themenalsonoticedhimand tried

    to avoid him, but he followed them into

    Lwandle and requested back-up from his


    The robbers were cornered and arrested.

    They were linked to 18 of the 25 robberies.

    Erasmus, who has been in the police force

    for 12 years, is naturally proud of these suc-

    cesses. This is what a job as a policemen

    is about. We have to put criminals behind

    bars, he says.

    He started his career at Strand Police in

    2002 and joined his colleagues in Lwandle

    two years later. He joined the detective

    branch in 2008.

    Erasmus,bornandraised inAshton in the

    Klein Karoo, is grateful for the support of

    his parents, Sally and Ivan, and his fianc,

    who believes in him and helped him in try-

    ing times. He is also grateful to his col-

    leagues and Captain Geldenhuys for their

    good working relationship.

    Detective Sergeant Marius Erasmus of the

    Lwandle Police has been lauded for success

    fully solving four murder cases.


    Moordverdagte se saak uitgestel


    Die moordverdagte

    Grant van Wyk (20), van

    Macassar, het Maandag

    in die Somerset-Wes-

    landdroshof voorgekom.

    Dt volgnVanWykna

    bewering sy broer se

    vriendin, Lee-Jane du

    Plessis (20), verlede Don-

    derdag doodgesteek het.

    Du Plessis was n ma-

    trikulant aan Macassar


    Die voorval het om-

    streeks 15:00 plaasge-


    Volgens Du Plessis se

    ma, Jane Hendricks (41),


    van die skool af na die

    Van Wyk-woning in

    Soekmekaarstraat ge-


    Du Plessis en VanWyk

    het n argument gehad

    oor n paar nege-karaat goue oorbelle. Hen-

    dricks s Van Wyk se ma het toe ingegryp toe

    Du Plessis met n skerp voorwerp in die nek ge-

    steek is.

    Du Plessis is deur haar

    krel na die Macassar-ge-

    sondheidsentrum gedra


    ter aan haar wonde be-


    Hendricks s Du Plessis

    word onthou vir haar le-

    wenslus, voorbeeldige per-

    soonlikheid, liefde vir kin-

    ders en passie vir sing.

    Hendricks vertel voorts

    dat Du Plessis die afgelope

    paar weke veral opgewon-

    de was oor haar komende

    matriekafskeid, want sy

    het reeds haar rok laat

    maak en haar skoene uit-


    Sy verduidelik dat daar

    ook baie opwinding was

    oor die feit dat Du Plessis

    vanjaar matriek sou haal.

    Hendricks s Du Plessis

    het altyd n goeie vorde-

    ringsverslag huistoe ge-

    bring en die verwagting

    was dat sy verlede jaar al haar matriek sou

    voltooi,maarweens nonbeplandeswanger-

    skap was dit onmoontlik.

    N nmiskraamopvyfmaandehet syvan-

    jaar weer haar matriek aangepak.Volgens

    Yusuf Abrahams, skoolhoof van Macassar

    Sekondr, was Du Plessis n voorbeeldige

    leerder en vasbeslote om n sukses van haar

    skoolloopbaan te maak.

    n Roudiens is gisteraand in dieMacassar

    Sekondre Skoolsaal gehou.

    nTweede roudiens sal ook om11:00mre

    (Vrydag) deur die skool gehou word.

    Du Plessis sal om 08:00 Saterdag vanuit

    die skoolsaal begrawe word.

    Van Wyk se hofsaak is uitgestel na 1 Sep-


    LeeJane du Plessis

  • 3DistrictMail

    28 August, 2014



    Noisy Lourensfordvenuegets

    approvalbut remainsona tight leash


    Lourensford Wine Estate now has per-

    mission to host weddings after doing so

    for almost three years without realising

    they needed permission.

    The wedding venue has been the subject

    of various noise complaints by neighbours,

    including the Erinvale Home Owners Asso-

    ciation (HOA), which led to a notice being

    servedto theLourensfordWineEstatebythe

    City of Cape Town regarding the legality of

    the wedding venue.

    Koos Jordaan, general manager of Lou-

    rensfordWineEstate, said the estatewasnot

    aware thatbyhostingweddingsat thevenue,

    it was contravening city regulations.

    He said the estate determined it did not

    have permission to host events at the venue

    only after it received its first noise com-

    plaint. It then resolved to gain the required

    permission. An application was submitted

    to the City of Cape Town after the notice was

    served and was approved last week under

    stringent conditions.

    The application included a noise impact

    study and proposed measures to reduce the

    noise disturbance.

    Theapplicationwascontestedby theErin-

    vale HOA, which employed a town planner

    to argue their case.

    Stuart Pringle, chairperson of Subcouncil

    8, said the approval is under condition of

    strict restrictions with which the wedding

    venue must comply.

    Permission for the wedding venue is only

    valid for a year and a half and if any of the

    conditions are not met or noise complaints

    are received, the approval will not be re-

    newed. Pringle said the venue is allowed to

    host 10 events per month and no events will

    be allowed on Sundays.

    LourensfordWineEstatehas30days to im-

    plement mitigating measures to reduce the

    noise disturbance and if any complaints are

    received, the city will investigate and mea-

    sure the sound levels at the venue.

    Pringle said approval was given for the

    wedding venue because the subcouncil sup-

    ports economic development and measures

    have been put in place to address com-


    Jordaan said he is confident that the miti-

    gating measures, which he says will cost an

    estimated half a million rand, will be suc-

    cessful, adding that good neighbourly con-

    duct is a strategic part of the Lourensford

    Wine Estates vision.

    He said Lourensford Wine Estate has also

    cancelled all its big events, including theAb-

    sa Cape Epic, andwill only continue hosting

    theGetawayShowanda fewsmallmountain

    biking events.

    He said the reason for this decision is be-

    cause of the traffic impacts these big events

    have on the area.

    John Arnold, chairperson of the Erinvale

    HOA, said that although the approval of the

    wedding venue is not 100% ideal, the strin-

    gent restrictions will help to manage the

    sound levels.

    We could not expect a better outcome as

    measures are in place to deal with any com-

    plaints and objections.

    The Lourensford Wine Estate may now legally host weddings after doing so for almost three

    years without realising they needed permission. PHOTO: JEANPIERRE UYS

  • 4DistrictMail

    28 Augustus, 2014



    29hits onbusinesses andcounting


    A staggering 29 armed robberies

    have occurred at businesses in

    the Helderberg since January.

    This is the number of incidents

    DistrictMailhas reported on, but lo-

    cal police stations would not con-

    firm them as they said all statistics


    by the police minister.

    Nowrumourhasit thatAmerican

    Swiss closed its doors in Somerset

    West on 13 August because it had

    been cleaned out in a second armed

    robbery just two weeks before. The

    storewas robbed of R300 000 in cash

    during lunchtime on Valentines

    Day, while all its shelves were emp-

    tied out during a second robbery on

    Tuesday 29 July, when two armed

    menhit the store just before closing

    time. The Foschini Group, which

    includes American Swiss, would

    not confirm that the stores closure was as a

    result of the armed robberies.

    Since January, DistrictMail has carried a

    number of articles on what some locals de-

    scribeasacrimewavehitting theHelderberg.

    The newspaper recorded a total of 29 armed

    robberies in the last eight months. Of these,

    10 occurred in the Strand, 14 in SomersetWest,

    two in Sir Lowrys Pass and one in Firgrove.

    Seven of the 14 robberies in Somerset West

    were at businesses in Main Road, among them

    Markham,Mr Price, American Swiss, Telkom,

    Legit and Mojos.

    Woolworths inMainRoadnearly became the

    latest victim on Saturday, when


    just before closing time at 15:00.

    According to a police report, the

    men demanded cash from the

    cashiers. The cashiers could not

    open the tills without authorisa-

    tion, though, and the men then


    Sergeant Suzan Jantjies,

    spokesperson for the Somerset

    West Police, says that violent

    crimes such as business robber-

    ies have increased this year

    when compared to last year.

    This is of great concern to

    us, she says. A number of de-

    velopments have been institut-

    ed, suchasbusiness forummeet-

    ings for business owners and

    managers, and public meetings

    to imploreothers toreportsuspi-

    cious people and vehicles, share

    ideas and utilise resources to

    combat and prevent armed rob-

    beries. Operations are also conducted on a

    weekly basis, says Jantjies.


    for the StrandPolice, says insufficient secu-

    rity measures at businesses are implicated

    in thespike inarmedrobberies. Somebusi-

    nesses are not security oriented or do not

    have enough security measures in place,

    he says. To address the

    problem, hot spots have

    been identified and police

    visibility has been in-

    creased. We need the busi-

    ness community to comeon

    board. Unfortunately it seems this will take

    some time to happen. On 22 July, a meeting

    was called specifically for the business com-

    munity, but the turnout was very disap-


    He says the Strand Police are working

    closely with local private security provid-

    ers, and this is making a positive impact.

    The way forward, he says, is for every-

    one to come on board. We need to establish

    our business forum. We appreciate the com-

    munitymemberswhohavealready joined the

    neighbourhood watch but we need more peo-

    ple to join the fight against crime.

    Magel Grov, a SomersetWest CBDproper-

    tyownerandmemberon thesteeringcommit-

    tee for the proposed Somerset West Special

    Rating Area (SRA), believes the biggest prob-

    lem ispolice visibility. Theexcuse that there


    bility in the CBD will no longer suffice. We

    are not being protected by the police, and we

    feel abandoned, says Grov.

    If this continues, honest people trying to

    make a living will not have work; shoppers

    or clients will be scared and stay away, and

    business owners will be forced to close their


    Stephen Leppan, a Somerset West resident

    who organised a very well supported anti-

    crime march two Saturdays ago, believes the

    SomersetWestCBDhasbecomeasoft target

    witheasyescaperoutes, suchas the thorough-

    fare at Busy Corner. He believes businesses

    arenotmakingsufficientefforts todetercrim-

    inal activity. If you look at businesses that

    have been targeted by armed robbers, its


    measures in place.

    Some of these businesses have no CCTV

    cameras and tills are posi-

    tioned opposite or next to en-

    trances. Even after being hit,

    security measures were not

    improved, says Leppan.

    Leppan is working closely

    with the Helderberg Crime Watch (HCW),

    which plans to form a visible taskforce to po-

    lice the CBD.

    DistrictMailwas unable to obtain comment

    from Hugh Roe, operations manager at Hel-

    derberg Crime Watch and chairperson of the

    Somerset West Community Police Forum.

    This graph detailing the number of armed business robberies in the

    Helderberg has been compiled from reports carried in the District

    Mail. The police were not prepared to release official statistics.

  • No justice forVanessayet


    The case of the brutal at-

    tack on former Nomzamo

    residentandanimal rescu-

    er Vanessa Cunningham


    ther investigation.

    The twosuspects thatwere

    initially arrested for the at-

    tack, and who were released

    on warning, appeared again

    in the Strand Magistrates

    Court onTuesday 26August.

    On 26 July, Cunningham

    was attacked by sixmen and had her head

    poundedwith a hammer by awoman. The

    attack took place on her property in Nom-


    I feel like I have a bit of brain damage,

    quite literally,CunninghamtoldDistrict-

    Mail on Tuesday. Initially Cunningham

    was told that she had a severe concussion

    after being rushed to the hospital while


    Cunningham said that the magistrate

    asked to see her medical forms that de-

    tailed her condition when

    she was rushed to hospital

    after the attack, but themed-

    ical forms were nowhere to

    be found during Tuesdays


    Cunningham said that the

    woman suspect told the ma-

    gistrate that Cunningham

    had in fact attacked her out

    of nowhere with a knife and

    that I had inflicted injuries

    on her.

    They also said that they

    have never owned a ham-

    mer, said Cunningham.

    Although there were numerous wit-

    nesses to the attack, none appeared before

    themagistrateonTuesday.Asaresult, the

    case was postponed.

    Cunningham said that she will not be

    returning to her residence in Nomzamo,

    where she originallymoved to rescue ani-

    malsasapartof theTownshipAnimalRes-

    cue organisation.

    Sergeant Mthokozisi Gama, spokesper-

    son for the Lwandle Police, said that the

    case is still under investigation.

    Vanessa Cunningham.

    Motorists are taking action against the re-

    cent spike in crime on the N2 by joining a

    peaceful protest drive on Saturday.

    The protest will include a convoy of cars

    andwill start from08:00at theBuildersWare-

    house in Somerset West. The convoy will

    depart at 09:00 and drive at a minimal speed

    of 60 km/hour on the N2 all the way to the

    City Centre.

    The convoy will take the turn-off at Strand

    Street and proceed to the N1 to Paardenein-

    land and down to the West Coast Road (R27)

    to Melkbosstrand where a bring and braai is

    planned andparticipants are invited to camp


    The protest is being organised by theWest-

    ern Cape Action Forum and has strict rules

    of participation. Protesters are only allowed

    todrive in the left lane.Carsmaydisplayban-

    ners and posters, but nothing is allowed to

    obstruct the view of the driver. All posters

    must be secured to prevent littering.

    Protest drive against N2 crime



    28 August, 2014



  • 6DistrictMail

    28 Augustus, 2014



    Homeless to tackle litter in SWCBD


    People living on the streets of So-

    merset West are joining the com-

    munity effort to restore the Cen-

    tral Business District (CBD) to its

    former glory by participating in a

    mass clean-up on Sunday.

    The initiative was proposed by

    Andy Loughton, chairperson of

    the Local Network of Care, during

    his weekly Sunday sermon at the

    open area behind the Helderberg

    Street Peoples Centre in Victoria


    Loughton says he asked the

    group of homeless people during

    his sermon to band together and

    show the Somerset West commu-

    nity that they also care about the

    town in a tangible way.

    He says at first the group was

    hesitant to commit themselves to

    the initiative, but once one or two

    agreed to join, the entire group en-

    thusiastically followed.

    Theplanis to fillupto1 000black

    bags with litter. Over 500 clear re-

    cycling bags will also be provided.


    al at 08:30, after which tea and

    bread will be served. Groups will

    then go to different areas, inclu-

    ding the old bridge in Main Road,

    the abandoned Bellona building,

    Southey Vines and other littered

    areas within the CBD.

    The Somerset 1 Facebook group

    has also joined the initiative.

    Those who take part in the clean-

    up will be rewarded with hot dogs

    supplied by members of the com-

    munity. Loughton says this initia-

    tive aims to create aplatformwere

    people can connect with one ano-

    ther on a human level. He says

    there isaperceptionthateveryone

    living on the streets is a criminal.

    This perception is not true and

    needs to be dispelled.

    The homeless community is

    prepared to do whatever they can

    to contribute.

    Loughtens long-term plan in-

    cludes providing a dry place in

    SomersetWestwith ablution facil-

    ities, akitchenandstorage forpeo-

    ple toput theirbelongings.Hesays

    the current system requires Law


    ple away from unwanted areas,

    but many have nowhere to take

    their belongings.

    Loughten invites everyone who

    is interested to join the Sunday

    sermon and the clean-up.

    Brandbreek inhuis sedakuit


    Die Here het dit gestop.


    inwoner Ruanda Brand, wie se

    huis Saterdag in n brand beskadig


    Die brand by die dubbelverdie-

    ping-huis in die Oudewerf-kom-

    pleks in Seeteufelsingel het net

    voor 10:00 uitgebreek.

    Volgens Brand was haar man en

    twee werkers reeds vroeg die og-

    gend besig om aan die dak wat lek

    te werk om dit te versel.

    Brand vertel dat sy in die sitka-

    mer op die grondvloer was en net

    besig was om haar Bybelstudieses-

    sie af te sluit toe hul twee Duitse

    herdershonde onrustig begin raak

    endie papegaai in sykouookbegin

    skree het.

    Ek het gedink dat dit oor die

    twee werkers was wat vreemd vir

    hulle was, het sy ges.

    n Angstige buurman se skielike

    verskyning in die voordeur het

    haar egter laat besef dat iets fout


    Julle huis brand! het hy ge-



    en met die honde en papegaai na

    buite gehardloop. Buite was n ge-

    skarrel soos bure tuinslange ge-

    bring het om die brand te blus. Die

    water in die komplekswas egter af-

    geskakel vir die installering van

    watermeters. Nog n buurman het


    dat die water aangeskakel word.

    Brand s dat die brandweer ook

    gou op die toneel was en die brand



    Brand en haar man, albei pensi-

    oenarisse en oorspronklik van

    Hermanus,hetsowatdrie jaargele-

    de di huis begin bou en is dit ses

    maande gelede voltooi.

    Brand het in 2004 n nieroorplan-

    ting gehad en ook verlede jaar n

    operasie ondergaan om haar pan-


    om eerder na Gordonsbaai te trek

    sodat sy nader aan die hospitale is.

    Volgens Brand was daar ses

    maande se medikasie ter waarde

    van R17 000 in haar klerekas in die

    slaapkamer waar die brand ont-

    staan het. Sy is dankbaar dat die

    brand nie verder versprei het en

    die binnekant van die huis ook be-

    skadig het nie.

    Die huis was egter nog nie verse-

    ker nie en hulle sou versekering

    aanvrasodradiedak aanbou-regu-

    lasies voldoen het. Hierdie week

    het hulle die dienste van bou-inge-

    nieurs en bouers gekry om die

    brand-beskadigde dak te herstel.

    Volgens Brand sal dit meer as

    R30 000 kos om die dak te vervang.

    VolgensBrandhetdie isoleerma-

    teriaal in die plafon vermoedelik

    begin smelt en later vlamgevat ter-

    wyl haar man die dak gesel het.

    Bouregulasies verplig n mens

    om di materiaal in die dak te in-

    stalleer. Ek vrees dat dit dalk weer

    aan die brand kan raak, s sy.

    Werkers besig om n plastiekseil oor die gebrande dak te trek om wa

    terskade te probeer voorkom.

    Petition to close

    Busy Corner

    An online petition to close the entrance to the

    Somerset West taxi rank next to the Helder-

    berg Street Peoples Centre, known as Busy

    Corner, is on local Facebook pages.

    The call for signatures was made on the

    Somerset 1 Facebook Page and claims that

    criminals use this thoroughfare to escape au-

    thorities. The petition already hasmore than

    200 signatures, and calls for at least 1 000 sig-


    Andy Loughton, chairperson of the Local

    Network of Care, however, said he submitted

    the same request to the City of Cape Town a

    while back. The city intends to redesign the

    area to build a transport hub at that location.

    He said that is why the city will not erect a

    fence, as it will be demolished for the con-

    struction of the transport hub.

    TheDistrictMailwill report on theprogress

    of the transport hub in next weeks edition.

  • 7DistrictMail

    28 August, 2014



    Involving communities in



    Even though the environmental move-

    ment has been gaining momentum the

    world over, the current approach to con-

    servation is losing ground due to a lack

    of community buy-in.

    There are currently over 621 biospheres in

    the world managed by Unesco (United Na-

    tions Educational, Scientific and Cultural

    Organisation) and the Kogelberg is regarded

    as theoneofmostdiverse,accordingtoJohan

    West, chairperson of the Kogelberg Bio-

    sphere Reserve.

    TheKogelberg Biosphere forms part of the

    Cape Floral Kingdom, which boasts 1 300

    plant species per 10 000 square kilometres.

    The nextmost biodiverse area is theAmazon

    basin, with just 400 species per 10 000 square



    demic species (ca. 5 800) for its area than any-

    where else in the world. In comparison, the

    whole UK only has 20 endemic species.

    Kogelberg covers an area of more than

    100 000 ha. It stretches upwards from Gor-

    donsBay, throughSirLowrysPass, over the

    mountains past Grabouw, down to the coast

    just west of Hermanus and back along the

    coast to Gordons Bay.

    West says theWestern Cape landscape has

    drastically changed over the past 100 years

    and an environment that used to be home to

    lion, antelope, zebra andmany other smaller

    creatures, now only offers isolated sanctuar-

    ies for what little wildlife remains.

    Unlike traditional reserves, biospheres

    are not fenced off and often include human

    settlements, which may encourage active

    participation of the population in conserva-

    tion activities.

    This is why a new approach in conserva-

    tion is being tested at the Kogelberg Bio-

    sphere, says West.

    He says the Biosphere is taking a new ap-

    proach in protecting this pristine area, one

    which actively involves the surrounding

    communities. West explains that in the past,

    communitieswouldonlyhelpwith conserva-

    tionwhen and if they could benefit from con-

    servation throughtourismrevenues. If these

    rundry, communities tend toplaceconserva-

    tion on the back seat and try to pursue other

    sources of revenue, which in some cases

    couldhaveanegativeenvironmental impact.

    TheKogelbergBiosphereReserve is trying

    to prevent this from happening through di-

    rectly involving communities and by creat-

    ing employment in them.

    One such a project is The Catchment-2-

    Coast Project thatmanages a small grants fa-

    cility providing organisations with funding,

    capacity building and training to offer eco-

    systems services.

    These could include the removal of alien

    vegetation, environmental awareness and

    recycling, erosion prevention, planting of in-

    digenous vegetation and fire-fighting and


    Existing job-creation projects include an

    alternative brick building business in Elgin,

    river cleaning projects in Elgin and

    Grabouw, gardening projects and recycling

    swop shops.

    A sign has also been erected on the Old Sir

    Lowrys Pass Road to inform people they are

    entering a biosphere while another sign is

    being planned for Kleinmond.

    West says these initiatives aim to inform

    and involve the community in conservation

    effortsandencourageresidents to learnmore

    about their diverse and beautiful home.

    The Kogelberg Bioshpere Reserve has an

    office at the Mthimkhulu Village in Klein-

    mond. Contact them on 028 271 4792

    The Kogelberg Bioshpere Reserve as seen from Clarence Drive en route to Pringle Bay.


  • 8DistrictMail

    28 Augustus, 2014


    Leader Page



    Stuur jou sms na 32465

    Begin die sms met die woord

    MENSE en tik dan jou boodskap.

    S jou s

    S jou s

    ) Our beachfront is a disgrace, especially in the vi

    cinity of Deep Blue which was supposed to have

    been demolished and looks like a dumping ground

    for rubble.

    ) Can we not get an expert to synchronise our traffic

    lights in the Helderberg? Especially the traffic lights

    at the intersection of Beach Road.

    ) Ongelooflik vinnig dt is die paaieafdeling van

    die Strand. Ek het Donderdag gekla oor die toestand

    van die parkeerarea in die Gallowaysentrum, en

    Maandag was alles opgevul en herstel. Welgedaan.

    Baie dankie aan die mense van die paaieafdeling.

    Dit is wonderlik om deel te wees van s n gemeen

    skap. Verbaasde Gautenger.

    )Mense dit raak nou n groot probleem dat Easy

    Cars se mense die hele Darriesstraat toe parkeer. Iets

    moet dringend aan die saak gedoen word. Mev Ja-

    cobs, Strand.

    )While travellingdownSteynsrust Road towards the

    sea, at the roundabout there is a yield sign blocked

    out by a Helderberg Village sign. Is this acceptable?

    ) Ek wil my ongelukkigheid oor ons strande wat so

    vuil en bemors word uitspreek. Ek is een van die vele

    mense wat daagliks op die strand stap. Mensafval,

    kondome (die wat reeds gebruik was), stukkende

    wynbottels wat n vuil gemors. Wie is verantwoor

    delik om die wet hier toe te pas? Willie Nieuwoudt

    ) Baie geluk aan al die Strand stoeiers wat gekies

    is tot die WPspan. Julle is n voorbeeld vir ons jeug.

    Werklik trots op julle. BSSK rock! n Baie trotse ouer

    van die Strand.

    )My sincere thanks to the good gentleman who of

    fered to pay for my loaf of bread and a small packet

    of cheese at the Strand OK supermarket on Tuesday

    19 August, when I had discovered at the till point

    that I was a few rands short. In turn I offered to refund

    him at a later stage, but he declined. May God bless

    you abundantly for your kindness and generosity!

    ) The anonymous SMS criticising the Helderberg

    Residents Action Association (HRAA) has clearly

    never even tried to contact them. Theyareamost help

    ful, positive organisation and certainly not there to

    promote the interests of the City of Cape Town. The

    fact that no rival residents association exists shows

    people are happy with HRAA. J Mitchell

    ) A big thank you to Zea, Joan, DillonWilliams and

    Leslie de Sousa for assisting when I was mugged on

    17 August. God bless. Rosemary Jooste

    S dankie, geluk, jammer, lief jou....

    ThanksSteve for

    organising themarch

    I wish to thank Stephen Leppan for or-

    ganising a well-managed and visible

    march against crime.

    It is high time that all the residents

    ofHelderberg joined their suburb crime

    watch organisations.

    This high visibility method will be

    taken to all the suburbs and I will cer-

    tainly join.

    Thank you Steve.



    SAP lauds communitymarchagainst crime

    The recent march against crime was an ex-

    cellent initiative of the community, securi-

    ty sector and police to raise awareness of

    our partnership in our fight against crime

    in our area.

    It displayed a community committed and

    united in its fight against crime together

    with the police

    It sent out a strongmessage to criminals,

    that this community is fighting crime to-

    gether with the SAPS.

    We have not received any complaints or

    negative responses to this event.

    Crime hot-spots have been identified and

    intensive patrols and operations are being

    held in those areas.



    Sincerelygrateful forwheelchair

    I, Moegsien Rhoda, an amputee would first

    like to thank Allah (God) our creator and

    sustainer for making me Muslim.

    I then want to thank The Rachel Swart

    Fund, their manager Joy Badham Thorn-

    hill, and her friend from the Rachel Swart

    Fund, for assisting me in getting a 16 CE

    battery operated wheelchair.

    I alsowant to thank the anonymous spon-

    sor for donating the wheelchair to me. May

    the Lord always be with you.

    Ialsowant to thankmyfamilyandfriends

    for helping me these past two years.

    My life completely changed from the first

    day I received the wheelchair.

    Iappeal toanyonethatcan, toassist some-

    one in need. You too can change someone

    elses life, as my life was changed.

    Banking details of Rachel Swart Fund

    NedbankRondebosch, BranchNo. 104809

    Account No. 1048017575



    unite to fight


    Its fantastic to see so many people

    in the Helderberg stand together as

    a united force and do something to

    tryandstop crimeandclearup litter

    in our CBDs.

    The recent well-organised anti-

    crimemarch by SomersetWest resi-

    dents and the planned protest this

    Saturday by motorists on the N2,

    protesting about vehicles being

    stoned and attacks on motorists on

    the N2, are prime examples of this.

    Another great initiative is to re-

    store the Sometset West Central

    BusinessDistrict (CBD)toits former

    glory by asking people living on the

    streets toparticipateinamassclean-

    up this Sunday.

    The idea was proposed by Andy


    sermon in Victoria Street.

    He asked homeless people to band

    together and pick up litter to show

    Somerset West residents that they

    also care about the town.

    The plan is to fill 1 000 black bags

    with litter. The congregation will

    meet as usual at 08:30 in the open ar-

    ea behind Victoria Street after

    which tea and bread will be served.

    Groups will then go out to different

    areas including the old bridge in

    MainRoad, the abandonedhouse in-

    Bellona Street, Southeys Vines and

    other littered areas within the CBD

    and collect the litter.

    Initiatives like these unite a com-


    that Somerset West residents care

    about their town and will not toler-

    ate crime or grime.

    Watternommer skakel onsvir noodhulpopN2?

    Die berig deur Jamey Gordon in Distriks-

    pos van 21 Augustus 2014, oor n padge-

    bruiker op die N2 wat geen hulp by 10111

    kon kry nie, is hoogs verontrustend.

    Hierdie is nie n geval van n persoon

    wat nalatigwas en sonder brandstof langs

    die pad gaan staan het nie, hierdie was n

    noodgeval waar hy vir sy lewe van sy aan-

    vallers moes vlug.

    As Kaptein van Wyk dan beweer dat

    hierdie roete in sy geheel deur die Wes-

    Kaapse Blitspatrollie, bygestaan deur pa-

    trollies van plaaslike polisiestasies en an-

    der wetstoepassingsagente gepatrolleer

    word, kanu, as gemeenskapskoerant, u le-

    sers n groot guns bewys deur eerstens

    te probeer uitvind waarom 10111 nie kon

    opdaag om te help nie, en tweedenswatter

    nommers dan wel geskakel kan word in

    n soortgelyke noodgeval.



    Electricity bill shocks

    )Wow. I wishmy teeny tiny threebedroom

    flat used so little a month. We have prepaid

    meter too never use under R1 000 a month

    and I have a gas stove and gas stove kettle.

    Something fishy going on Im starting to

    think. Danielle Jennings Hough

    )We can scream and shout however much

    we like. And yet there is no one who will

    listen or give us answers as to why we have

    such high electricity costs. We as the people

    of South Africa really deserve to be treated

    better and not be ripped off like this! Year

    after year, it is insane!

    Charaine Wood

    Kablediewe teiken Charles Morkel

    ) Dit is n sad situasie waarmee ons ge

    meenskap sukkel. Wat vir my egter die

    grootste probleem is, is die fyt dat die kabels

    op die Abbatoir reeds meer as vyf jaar gele

    de gesteel is en ons steeds net met beloftes

    sit. Ons sal sien hoe gou word die kabels

    op Morkelstadium vervang.

    Christo Jacobs

    ) Telkom het vir ons ges hul

    vervang nie meer kabels nie.

    Onsmoet die selfoon van hulle


    Nicholene Heunis

    Another armed robbery

    ) This is becoming ridiculous! People will

    stop buying in the CBD due to safety con


    Nikki De Jager

    ) Have you noticed how they only attack

    the one side of Main Road?

  • 9DistrictMail

    28 August, 2014



    As die pot begin oorkook

    Optogte in Somerset-Wes? Mense

    wat baniere rondswaai en protes-


    In ONS slaperige dorpie?

    So verbaas was ek toe ek hoor van

    die onlangse openbare protes teen

    misdaad, dat hierdie rubriek n week

    laat ingedien is. Ek moes eers ge-

    woond raak aan die gedagte dat ons

    eindelik die res van Suid-Afrika inge-

    haal het, waar misdaad, onrus en woede besig

    is om die norm te word eerder as die uitsonde-

    ring. Geleidelik het ek besef dat dit eintlik n

    wonderwerk is dat mense NOU eers die streep

    van gatvol oorgesteek het. Daar is immers

    al geruime tyd geluide van ontevredenheid op

    ons voorstoep: Sir Lowrys Village, Grabouw

    en Macassar is immers in ons dampkring en

    daar prut-prut die ongeduld nie van

    verlede week af nie, maar al lankal.

    Daar is baie mense wat rede het om

    ongelukkig te voel oor baie dinge,

    maar mens moet n sekere vlak van

    desperaatheid bereik voordat jy die

    moeite doen om n plakkaat te maak

    en daarmee te marsjeer.

    Die eerste opsie is gewoonlik om n

    brief aan die koerant te skryf. Nou ja,

    daarwasal baiebriewe, ook inhierdie

    koerant, maar blykbaar het dit nog nie die ge-

    wenste uitwerking gehad nie.

    Sal optogte die situasie omkeer? Nie op sig-


    hard genoeg kla, sal die owerhede hopelik tot

    by die punt gedryf word waar dit daadwerklik

    n prioriteit word om hierdie onaanvaarbare

    toedrag van sakemet veel meer erns te bejen.

    Jacobs laatdiep spore

    Die Helderberg-gemeen-

    skap rou oor die onverwag-


    Jacobs (54), n Strand-inwo-

    ner en geskiedenisonderwy-


    het verlede Vrydag n n kort

    siekte in die Tygerberg-hospi-

    taal gesterf. Hyhet in 1978ma-

    triek aan di skool behaal

    waarna hy in 1984 sy diploma

    inhor onderwys aandieUni-

    versiteit van Wes-Kaapland

    verwerf het. In 1989 het hy sy

    BEd-graad behaal.

    Hy het in 2004 sy onderwys-

    loopbaan by die Horskool

    Gordon begin waar hy aktief by rugby,

    sokker en atletiek betrokke was.

    Jacobswas n ywerige nutsmanwat nie

    gehuiwer het om sy hande vuil te maak

    nie. Benewensdie goeieherinneringewat

    leerders en kollegas van hom het, sal sy

    nalatenskap bly voortleef in die skoolsaal

    waar hy beligting en leiklip aangel het.

    Bernard Simons, Horskool Gordon se

    skoolhoof, het sy meegevoel namens die


    spreek. Ons het n juweel ver-

    loor, maar het pragtige herin-

    neringe van hom.

    Sykritiese denke is sterkbe-

    invloed deur die Swartbewus-


    teen apartheid het hy geglo in

    n stelsel van inklusiwiteitwat

    alle Suid-Afrikaners insluit.

    Jacobs het saam met Godfrey

    Julies, Howard Meyer, Brian

    OConnell enNorah Juries die

    Strand Community Action

    Committee (Scat) in die vroe

    jare 90 van die vorige eeu ge-

    stig om arm gemeenskappe te

    bemagtig. Hy was lid van die

    komitee wat die eerste wettige ANC-by-

    eenkoms in die Helderberg gerel het en

    het ook die party se Strand-tak gestig.

    Jacobs word oorleef deur sy vrou, The-

    resa, en kinders, Javonne, Chant en Sha-

    gon. n Gedenkdiens word om 13:00 van-

    dag (Donderdag)bydieHorskoolGordon

    gehou. Jacobs se begrafnisdiens is Sater-

    dag om 09:00 by die St Johns Anglikaanse

    kerk in Rusthof, Strand.

    Wyle Elmund Ja

    cobs, n onderwy

    ser aan Horskool

    Gordon, is verlede

    Vrydag oorlede.

    MUNISIPALE WERKER STERF: n Welbekende Macassar

    inwoner Piet Mienies (60) het verlede Dinsdag sy stryd teen

    kanker verloor. Miennies was vir 20 jaar in diens van die

    Stad Kaapstad en het by die plaaslike munisipale kantoor

    gewerk. Hy word oorleef deur sy vrou Judy, drie dogters

    en vyf kleinkinders. Die begrafnisdiens is Saterdag om

    08:30 by die St Josephs Anglikaansekerk.

  • 10


    28 Augustus, 2014



    Capes FloralKingdomondisplay

    Withmore than 6 000 m exhi-

    bition space at Mega Park,

    Bredasdorp available, it is

    easy to seewhy the second an-


    po from Thursday 28 to Sun-

    day 31 August 2014 is seen as

    the biggest indoor Fynbos ex-

    po in the world.

    This year the expo will focus

    on conservation, cultivation,

    trade and lifestyle options with


    Kingdom where more than 1 000

    botanical species will be


    Highlights on the colour and

    flavourful program include a

    daily Mad Hatters High Tea

    with herbalist Anoinette Pien-

    aar from RSG and Kyk-Net, a

    field cinema with the Care-

    takers Group where visitors

    will be treated to popcorn and

    candy floss, a tree-planting cere-

    mony, a very unique field phar-

    macy and much more out of na-



    puticket.co.za or at the expo


    Experience the splendour of the Cape Floral Kingdom at the annual

    Fynbos expo.

    The City of Cape Towns Naming

    Committee recommended that the

    park in Quinan Road, Westridge, be

    renamed after the late doctor and

    trade unionist, Neil Aggett.

    Agget was noted for his work in

    hospitals in disadvantaged areas,

    and his role in empowering workers

    to oppose unfair labour practices.

    He died in police custody in 1981.

    An inquest into the circumstances

    surrounding his death by the Truth

    and Reconciliation Commission

    subsequently found that his treat-

    ment at the hands of police was di-

    rectly responsible for his death.

    He has since been seen as one of

    the icons of the struggle against

    apartheid, and perhaps a figurehead

    of the white populations role in op-

    posing the injustices at the time.

    Assuch,he ismentionedalongside

    fellow icons Victoria Mxenge and

    SteveBiko in JohnnyCleggs protest

    anthem, Asimbonanga.

    In termsofCouncilsNamingPol-

    icy, names are considered if they are

    seen to enrich cultural diversity,

    commemorate historical events or

    celebrate Cape Towns rich and di-

    verse biosphere, said Councillor

    BrettHerron, the committees chair-


    A public participation process is

    tobe followedtoallowlocalresidents

    to commenton the recommendation.

    If this proposal is deemed

    suitable by the public, and accepted


    this park will serve not only to

    commemorate the sacrificesmade to

    topple the apartheid regime, but as

    an inspiration to resist discrimina-

    tionandmove forward, united, said


    Struggle heros name

    up for local park

    Donate soap for victims

    of domestic violence

    The Police Womens Network are embark-

    ing on a project for victims of domestic vio-

    lence by recycling all unwanted soap re-


    The soap remains will be collected, recy-

    cled, packaged and donated to the needy in

    the Helderberg.

    All unwanted soap remains can be

    dropped off at the SomersetWest Police Sta-

    tion until 25 November.

    For more information phone Sgt Suzan

    Jantjies on 021 850 1351.

    Check firearm licence

    and competency

    All licensedfirearmownersarekindly

    asked to check their license and com-


    The renewal thereof must be done

    90 days prior to the expiry date.

    Family of deceased persons are im-

    plored to inform the local police if

    these firearms are in your possession

    or if you are wanting to either re-li-

    cence or destroy it.

    Those who have not yet received or

    collected their licenses or competen-

    cies can contact the local designated

    firearm office on 021 850 1390 or

    021 850 1387.

    Cupcakes 4Cancer

    September is Childhood Cancer Awareness

    Month and Cupcakes of Hope is challenging

    schools and companies to host a Party of

    Hope on 1 September. This non-profit organ-

    isation aims to raise funds for childrenwith

    cancer. The main fundraising event is host-

    ing the National Cupcake Day 4 Kids with

    Cancer on 27 September at the Somerset

    Mall. Visit www.cupcakesofhope.org.

  • 11


    28 August, 2014





    Send diary entries to:

    [email protected]

    Weekly deadline:Monday, 12:00

    Wewould like to invite our regular

    diary advertisers to send us

    pictures of their events for inclusion

    in our Social or Diary section.



    ) Die beursorganisasie Studietrust vier

    40 jaar van sukses om 18:00 in die Hof

    meyrsaal, Kerkstraat. Almal word hartlik

    genooi om die geleentheid by te woon.

    Ruda Landman is die gasspreker.

    0 Sabelo: 011 403 1632.



    ) Die legendariese country sanger Tom

    my Dell deel die verhoogmet die studente

    van sy musiekskool, Stages om 19:00 vir

    19:30 in die StrandNoordNGKerksaal.

    Besoekers word gevra om hul eie eet en

    drinkgoed saam te bring. Tafels vir vier

    tot agt persone is beskikbaar. Kaartjies:


    0 Jannie du Toit: 072 473 2420.


    ) The Helderberg Village Choir presents

    their spring concert Show Stoppers from

    the world of opera, films and musicals in


    August) at 18:00. Tickets: R35.

    0 Di Shelton: 072 139 7917.



    ) Cotlands hosts The High Tea Party at

    the Webersburg Wine Estate. Tickets are

    R350 per person for a table of 10 or 12

    seats. Enquiries: Lorraine Hirst on

    0 082 875 3521 or 2 lorraine

    [email protected].


    ) The Gordons Bay Bowling Club holds

    a boot sale from 08:00 12:00. R15 per

    parking bay. Please bring your own table

    or sell out of your boot.

    0 076 104 5795.


    ) The Playhouse Theatre in Lourensford

    Road presents Songs from the Shows and

    light classics at 19:00. Guest artist:

    Elizabeth Frandsen, a well known South

    Africanoperasinger. Forbookingsor tick

    ets (R100 and R50 pensioners and schol

    ars), phone Tish Morgan on

    082 878 6143 or 021 852 7657.



    ) Thesupportgroupof theSADepression

    and Anxiety Group (Sadag) meets in the

    Pienaar Hall of the Coronation Avenue

    Methodist Church at 18:00. 0 Ruach

    Counselling Centre on 021 852 8176 or

    2 [email protected].



    ) A series of lectures by Peter Dalbock

    on The Prophecy Code: Unlocking the Se-

    crets of the Bible in the Hottentots Holland


    dayat 19:15, andSundaysat 18:30 from

    2 until 25 September.

    Admission is free. Enquiries:

    0 021 855 1940 / 083 579 4080 or

    2 [email protected].

    ) Die Helderberg Seniorklub ontmoet

    om 09:00 vir 09:30 in die Korintesaal

    van dieNGKerk Helderberg in Firmount

    weg. Tertius Gous kom vertoon pragtige

    fotos en vertel van die wonderlike wreld

    van vols. Besoekers betaal R10 (sluit tee

    in). 0 Isabel Lubbe: 021 855 1528 of

    082 844 0735.

    ) The Western Cape Artists Society

    holds an exhibition by Valerie Meyer at

    the Imibala Gallery in Bright Street at

    14:00. The candle maker, wax artist and

    author will be making beautiful candles

    using new methods with wax sheets.

    Entry is free. 0 Chris: 073 756 2930.

    ) Child Welfare Helderberg holds its

    AGM at the Somerset West Library at

    10:00. 0 021 852 3126.



    ) The Helderberg U3A holds a meeting

    in the Strand Town Hall at 10:00. Guest

    speaker Vasti Geldenhuys tells of her re

    cent quest with wellknown adventurer

    Riaan Manser in her presentation, Take

    Me to New York. Tea and coffee will be

    served from 09:30. Guests welcome at

    R20. 0 Brodwyn Wilson:

    083 604 0784.



    ) The Western Cape Artists Society

    holds an exhibition by watercolour artist

    Marion Langton at the Imibala Gallery in

    Bright Street at 14:00. Langton will dem

    onstrate a watercolour painting of spring

    flowers. Entry is free. 0 Chris:

    073 756 2930.

    ) TheBipolarSupportGroupmeetsat the

    BaptistChurch,on thecornerofHendriksz

    and Louw Streets, from 19:00 20:30.

    0 Sue van der Spuy: 082 333 8800.

    Take pics for Life in Full Focus competition


    a winner in the Life in Full Focus

    competition launched by Helder-

    berg Hospice in conjunction with

    Kodak Superfoto.

    There are three categories in

    which to enter and youmay inter-

    pret themaswidelyandcreatively

    as you like. Action photo lovers

    may enjoy entering the Making

    the Most of the Moment section,

    while parents aswell as thosewho

    specialise in macro photography

    could find their niche in Its the

    Little Things thatMatter. Anyone

    who has been stopped in their

    tracks by a spectacular view or

    sunsetwillwant to enter theWow!


    Photographsmust be submitted

    for development to Kodak Super-

    foto atWaterstoneVillage or Som-

    erset Mall by the last Monday of

    August, September and Novem-

    ber. Monthly winners will be an-

    nounced in the localmedia the fol-

    lowing week and an overall win-

    ner of the competition will be

    announced inNovember. A R5 en-

    try fee will go towards Helderberg

    Hospice and the winning photo-

    graphs will be on display at the

    Hospice during November.

    Enquiries: Patricia McNaught

    Davis: 0 082 731 5736 or 2 patri-

    [email protected].

  • 12


    28 Augustus, 2014






    die EersteWreldoorlog is Peggy op 17 Au-

    gustus 1914 inWorcester gebore as jongste

    kind vanmnrEddie Theron, n bekende sa-

    keman vanWorcester en sy vrouMargare-

    tha, n leidende persoon in die gemeenskap


    en ook twee ouer susters gehad.

    Symatrikuleer aanWorcester Girls High en

    voltooi daarna n kursus by die Underwood

    College in Kaapstad, waarna sy op Worcester

    begin werk as sekretaresse.

    In1938 treesy inKaapstad indiehuwelikmet

    evangelis Pieter Schoeman. Saamdeurreis hul


    kondig.Nadie geboorte vanhul eerste kindhet

    hullehulgevestig inBellville,waarhulvirbaie

    jare sou woon en hulle vier kinders deur die

    skool stuur.NahaarmanPieter seaftredegaan

    woon hulle op Graaff-Reinet, waar hy grootge-

    wordhetengewortelwas. nAantaljarenahaar

    eggenoot sedood in 1985, verhuisPeggynaHer-

    manus,waarhaar tweebroers enoudste suster

    ookafgetreehetengeniet npaargelukkige jare

    saam met hulle.

    In Desember 2001 verhuis Peggy Schoeman

    na Bridgewater Manor, Somerset-Wes om ook

    nader aan haar oudste seun en sy vrou Lydia

    te wees. Sy woon nog steeds hier. Behalwe vir

    haar seun Anton (afgetrede professor op Stel-

    lenbosch) het sy nog twee dogters, Margretha

    (afgetrede skoolhoof) en Suzanne, en n jongste

    seun, Hannes (prokureur in Oos London). Dan


    kinders. Een van die kleinkinders is die inter-

    nasionale violis Pieter Schoeman, konsert-

    meester van die London Philharmonic Or-


    Ondanks haar jare is Peggy se gesondheid



    van gees, geniet dit om te lees (ook elke dag se

    koerant) en om te gesels. Sy meen haar goeie

    en gesonde leeftyd is te danke aan haar geloof

    in die Here en ook die feit dat sy weinig pille

    of medisyne in haar eerste honderd jaar ge-


    waar sy goeie vriendskap en ondersteuning er-


    Die familie is dankbaar omso nkosbarever-

    jaarsdag saammethulmoeder, oumaenouma-

    grootjie te kan vier. Ongelukkig is dit nie

    moontlik vir van haar kleinkinders en agter-

    kleinkinders, wat in Engeland en Australi

    woon, om saam hier te wees nie.

    Peggy Schoeman het haar 100ste verjaars

    dag op 7 Augustus gevier.


    derberg resident Christie Jooste cele

    brated his 94th birthday on Friday 18

    August, with family and friends, at

    the premises of Jooste Cylinder and

    Pump Company. Jooste established

    the company in 1967 and was active

    ly involved until a few years ago.

    Jooste says he feels blessed to still be

    in good health and says his secret to

    longevity is: everything in modera

    tion, drink lots of water and avoiding


    Dinewith a

    hunk for AWS

    ABS-Solutely AWSome in aid of the Animal

    Welfare Society (AWS) Helderberg takes

    place at Harbour Lights, Old Harbour, Gor-

    dons Bay on Thursday 28 August from 19:00.

    The event is held to generate some much-

    needed money so that the AWS can employ

    a kennel manager.

    PsychologistDrJanneDennerupwillbe the


    ing how to rekindle your inner diva.

    The women will have the opportunity to

    adopt local and celebrity Calendar Guys on

    the evening to host them at their table. The

    calendar images will be styled and shot on lo-

    cation at Animal Welfare by lifestyle and

    event photographer and stylist, Carlinda

    Mare, of Must Love Photography.

    Tickets cost R150 per person and includes

    a delicious three-course meal with wine, en-

    tertainment, lucky draws, prizes, goody bags

    and pampering.

    Please contact Lynn Giles at QEIII PR and

    Events on 071 131 1380 or

    [email protected] to reserve a ta-

    ble for eight.


    Night next week

    In celebration of International Observe

    theMoonNight (InOMN), StarPeople in-

    vites you to come and have a look at the

    moon and stars through telescopes at

    Pastorie Park (opposite the police sta-


    tember. The annual worldwide event

    aims to encourage people to look up

    and take notice of earths nearest celes-

    tial neighbour, the moon.


    gorgeous rings, the Big Five of the Afri-


    and deep-space objects will also be ob-

    served. Hosted by Auke Slotegraaf, Ed-

    ward Foster, Lynnette Foster and Rich-

    ardFord, theevent takesplace from19:00

    to 22:00 and is free of charge.


    clothing, chair(s) orblankets andasense

    of wonder.


    tegraaf at [email protected].

    Alternatively visit observethemoon-


  • 13


    28 August, 2014



  • 14


    28 Augustus, 2014



    NGgemeente SomersetWes hou basaar

    Die NG-gemeente in Andries Pretorius-

    straat, Somerset-Wes hou op Saterdag 30

    Augustus vanaf 08:30 hulle jaarlikse ba-

    saar indiekerksaal.Heerlikevarsgebakte

    produkte sal te koop wees om saam met

    n lekkerwarmkoppie tee/koffie tegeniet.

    Etes soos gebraaide vis of vleis, hambur-

    gers, worsrolletjies, ontbyt-roosterkoeke

    en vele meer sal ook te koop wees.

    Rond die ete af met een van die verskei-

    denheid koue of warm poedings.

    Maak ook n draai in die kelder by die

    wit olifant tafel. Vir navrae bel Elsie de

    Wet 021 852 1787 (soggens).

    National BookWeek

    In celebration of National Book Week

    (1 7 September), all libraries in the

    City of Cape Town will be holding a

    Fine Free Week. No fines will be col-

    lected on overdue librarymaterials re-

    turned during this week. Fines ac-

    crued on previously returned materi-

    als, will unfortunately have to be paid

    in full. For more information, please

    phone Elize du Plessis on 021 850 4173.

    Vrouebiddag vir alle gelowe

    n Vroue-biddag word Saterdag 30 Augustus

    by die Gustrouw-sportgronde in Strand ge-


    Die biddag is ter ondersteuning van Pales-

    tina en ter afsluiting van Vrouemaand.

    Volgens Norah Juries, organiseerder van

    die dag, word Christen-, sowel as Moslem-

    vroue na die geleentheid genooi en verwag

    hulle 1 000 vroue.

    Onder die gassprekers wat by die geleent-

    heidgaanoptree isverskeie geestelike leiers,

    insluitend Getruida Raats, Ursula Josephs,

    SumayaGabier,MiriamOliver, ChantalMa-

    koena, Moershieda Tambala sowel as Juries

    en jeugleiers. Juries s dat die biddag ook n

    veldtog teen geweld teen vroue en kinders in

    Suid-Afrika is. n Memorandum gaan by die

    biddag opgestel word en later aan die parle-

    ment oorhandig word

    Vir nadere inligting bel Mona Wiese by

    072 558 5188 of Moershieda Tambala by

    074 905 6726.

    AdoptaSchoolandhelpeducate thenations future

    The DistrictMails Adopt-a-School project has

    been a great success thus far. Several local


    theHelderbergwithcopiesof theDistrictMail.

    The aim of the project is to empower learners

    from disadvantaged schools and promote read-

    ing. By giving them access to their local newspa-

    per, schools can assist learners in improving


    to ensure a brighter future.

    Local businesses and organisations that are


    ETT Investments, MSQ Fitment Centre, Access

    Auto and Helderberg Rotary.

    So far Strand Moslem Primary, Sir Lowrys

    PassPrimary, TemperanceTownPrimary,Okla-

    homa Street Primary, Raithby Primary and St.


    rently being sponsored with between 30 and 50

    newspapers per week.

    The most recent school to be adopted, Oklaho-

    ma Primary School was visited by Steve Bekker

    of Access Auto in Strand whowill be sponsoring

    newspapers for the school.

    The DistrictMail would like to invite advertis-

    ers and businesseswilling to adopt a local school

    to please call the newspaper for special pricing

    packages. Phone Kim Solomons on 021 853 0211.

    Oklahoma Street Primary School in Macassar is the latest school to have become a part of the DistrictMails AdoptaSchool project. Local

    business Access Auto will be sponsoring the school with copies of the DistrictMail each week to be used for educational purposes. Steve

    Bekker (back, left) from Access Auto and Patrick Beukes, the schools principal, are pictured with some of Grade 5 learners at the school.


  • 15


    28 August, 2014



  • 16


    28 Augustus, 2014



    Arno treeop inStrand


    derdag 11 September by die

    Springbok Blues Theme Bar, op

    die hoek van Potgieter- en Fa-

    briekstraat in Gants-sentrum,

    Strand, op.

    Jordaan, n bekwame sanger en

    seremoniemeester, segrootbelang-

    stelling op skool was rugby. Hy het

    die Oostlike Provinsie verskeie ke-


    dig. Hy en sy sangmaat, Susan, het

    mense regop laat sit met hulle ver-


    sangkompetisie. Hulle het die land

    vol getoer enmense byAardklop in

    2003 en KKNK in 2004 bendruk.

    Jordaan se eerste album,Altyd, het

    soos soetkoekverkoopenhyhetdie

    verhoog al saammet talle plaaslike

    bekendes gedeel, onder andere Ste-

    ve Hofmeyr en Kurt Darren. Dit

    wasveral vir hom n eer omdie ver-

    hoog met die internasionale groep,

    Smokie, te deel. Sy tweede album,

    Ek wil jou h, bereik platinum-sta-

    tus met meer as 40 000 eenhede wat

    verkoop is.

    Hoogtepunte in Jordaan se mu-

    siekloopbaanwasbeslis die eerwat

    homtebeurtgevalhet toehy in2007

    genooi is om deel te wees van die

    Internasionale Rugby-arena waar

    hy by meer as ses geleenthede die

    volksliedmoes sing by rugbytoetse

    teen die Springbokke.

    Hy was ook die uitgesoekte kun-

    stenaar wat die temalied van die

    wreldbeker, naamlik The Time is

    Now, gesing het in 2007.

    Syvierde album,Geemy, is uitge-

    reik enhet binne die eerste dag van

    vrystelling CD goue status (20 000


    vinnig daarna platinum-status be-

    reik.Geemy is ookvir nSAMA-toe-

    kenning benoem.

    Jordaan het nou kragte gesmee

    met ColeskeArtists en hulle is tans

    besig met die opname van n nuwe

    album wat eersdaags die lig sal


    ting, skakel 021 854 7787.

    Arno Jordaan

    Music to get youWired for Sound

    It may not be time for a Summer Holiday on

    the Beach, but if youreWired for Sound, have

    Lucky Lips and know either a Devil Woman

    or a Living Doll, you wont want to miss the

    Young Ones tribute show to the dynamite

    music of Cliff Richard and the Shadows.

    This show sold out last year and will wow

    the crowds again with brand new material

    at thePlayhouseTheatreonFridayandSatur-

    day 5 and 6 September at 20:00. Tickets are

    R120 per person or R100 for block bookings

    of 10 or more.

    A percentage of all tickets sold goes to sup-

    port the special care of Helderberg Hospice.

    The Young Ones (who range in age from 21

    to 66) are from left: Duncan Combe (bass

    guitar), Jean Combe (drums and backing vo

    cals), John Ralphs (lead guitar), Bob Connell

    (guitar and lead vocals) and Inge Combe

    (rhythm guitar and backing vocals).


    Die legendariese country sanger Tommy Dell,

    deel die verhoog met die studente van sy

    musiekskool, Stages, op Vrydag 29 Augustus.

    Besoekers sal om 19:00 vir 19:30 in die

    StrandNoord NG kerksaal kan kom lag,

    goeie musiek luister en lekker kuier met Dell

    en sy studente. Dell is immers n omroeper

    van Radio Helderberg en vier vanjaar reeds

    sy 50ste jaar op die verhoog as professionele

    sanger. Dell het n aantal jare gelede sy mu

    siekskool begin en van die studente het reeds

    sololoopbane in die musiekbedryf met CDs

    wat goed verkoop. Ander studente spog ook

    met nasionale toekennings. Kaartjies teen

    R60 per persoon is by Jannie du Toit

    (072 473 2420) beskikbaar. Besoekers word

    gevra om hul eie eet en drinkgoed saam te

    bring. Tafels vir vier tot agt persone is beskik



    Friday 29 August:

    DJLuggwill beentertaining

    the dance crowd atMelts Tav-

    ern inGordonsBay from21:00

    until late. R10 entry fee.

    Saturday 30 August:

    The very talentedMississip-

    pi Disco will be rocking the

    stage at Melts Tavern from

    21:00 until late. Entry free.

    Mississippi Disco

  • 17


    28 August, 2014



    NGStrandgemeente nhele102

    DieNGkerk, n bekende baken op


    in die Strand, het op Saterdag 23

    Augustus sy 102de amptelike ver-

    jaardagmet n verjaardag-basaar


    As deel van die feesvieringe word

    n Lente Kuns- en Handwerk-mark

    van 4 tot 6 September aangebied.

    Die gemeente het verlede jaar n

    eko-gemeente geword wat herwin,

    strand skoonmaak en lid van die

    Lourensrivier Bewaringsvereni-

    ging is.

    Die eerste Skotse omgee-dominee,

    James Elgar, het reeds in 1830 ge-

    reeld kerkbyeenkomste vir visser-

    manne enboere gehou,wathier kom

    vakansie hou het van die binneland

    af. Elgar sal sy o nie kan glo as hy

    vandag weer hier sou kon preek in

    die statige huidige kerkgebou nie,

    wat op 30 September 1930 ingewy is.

    Drie dogtergemeentes is uit hierdie

    gemeente gestig en bestaan steeds.

    nKenmerk vandie gemeente is sy

    gereelde 20-jaar-lange tradisie van

    Vrydagoggende se plaasmark. Men-

    se komvan ver omdie atmosfeer van

    vriendelikheid en omgee te geniet.

    Die NG kerk in Strand, op die hoek van Fagan en Birkenheadstrate, vier vanjaar hulle 102de


    Substance abuse

    information sessions

    People battling with drug and alcohol


    (Helping other people effectively) ses-

    sions are at hand.

    Reliable and accurate information

    about drug and alcohol abuse will be

    presented by local practitioners in the

    substance use field. These are informa-

    tive and educational sessions, with lim-

    ited space available. Booking is essen-

    tial. The first session will take place on

    28 August from 10:00. Bookings can be

    made on 021 850 0792 or admin@smart-


    Follow us on Twitter@DistriksPos

  • 18


    28 Augustus, 2014



  • 19


    28 Augustus, 2014



    African Bank saga reveals overconfidence

    Investors are generally

    prone to overconfidence bi-

    as. We quite simply expect

    things to turn out for the

    best, often underestimating

    the risk of things going



    of the last few weeks is a good

    example of overconfidence bi-

    as. Abils problems were well


    ed, but well known.

    I attended an Allan Gray

    seminar two weeks before the

    suspension of Abil at which

    two of their analysts debated the investment

    case for Abil with one analyst in favour of

    and the other against investing in the bank.

    Both made convincing arguments and my

    summation was that Abil was probably a


    tive investment.

    What was interesting in the aftermath of

    Abils collapse was to hear that Coronation,

    who were major shareholders in Abil, took

    the decision to dump (aggressively sell) their

    holdings in Abil, which may have been the

    catalyst for the Reserve Bank to jump in and


    was really interesting is the unconfirmed re-

    port that AllanGraywas buyingAbil shares

    at 50c just before the suspension.

    My point is that even the best of the best

    got it wrong. Fortunately the principle of di-

    versification saved the day with negligible

    losses incurred on relatively small holdings

    of Abil shares and debt instruments, which

    were hardly noticeable in unit

    trust prices. The real concern

    was Moodys downgrade of

    Capitec, followedsoonafter,by


    banks. I not going todebate the

    merits of the downgrade suf-

    fice to say that these rating

    agencies are the same organi-

    sations who failed to identify

    the 2008/2009 global financial

    crisis. That said, global finan-

    cial markets take the rating

    agencies very seriously and

    therein lays the risk.

    SA is very dependent and



    tified and spoken out on several worrying

    structural issues in SA, which need to be ad-

    dressed to avoid further downgrades. Fore-

    most is the budget deficit, which is under se-

    vere pressure from a slowing economy and


    grants. Just like Abil, our problems are well



    timating the risk of further downgrades and

    the resultant effect on the economy?

    We may very be in the eye of a perfect

    storm likely to be triggered by the normali-

    sation of US interest rate policy; the risk of

    which we are most likely underestimating

    owing to our inherent overconfidence bias.

    Mark Williams

    Mcomm, CFP, HDipTax

    0 021 851 3746

    2 [email protected]


    Citywins top award in valuation

    TheCity of CapeTownwas recently awarded

    with the prestigious Jurisdiction of the

    Year international award.

    I amproud to congratulate the citys valu-

    ations department, which forms part of its

    financedirectorate, forrecentlybeingnamed

    Thomson Reuterss (Manatron) Jurisdic-

    tionof theYear for 2014, said the citys exec-

    utive deputy mayor, Alderman Ian Neilson.

    He said this is the highest award that a juris-

    diction, such as a municipality, can receive.

    The city competed against more than 1 000

    otherThomsonReuters government custom-

    ers across the globe.

    The city was entered into the Excellence

    inBusiness Process Transformation catego-

    ry of the Public Sector Champions Awards,

    which was adjudicated by a selection panel

    that consisted of independent industry ex-

    perts and Thomson Reuters executives.

    The valuations departments unique im-

    plementation and use of a system for proper-

    ty valuation, used across theworld, has been


    The city uses the same system, the Thom-

    son Reuters Aumentum (GRM) product, as

    the other municipalities, but the citys use

    of this system to increase productivity and

    to introduce innovations stood out for the


    redesignand implementationof the citys ob-

    jection process, which has enabled it to im-

    prove the resolution of objections during the

    latest general valuations.



    Jeanne Groenewald of

    Elgin Free Range Chickens

    (EFRC), was honoured as

    the Western Capes Top

    Commercial Female Entre-

    preneurduring the2014Fe-


    held at Nelsons Creek by

    the Western Cape Depart-

    ment of Agriculture on Fri-

    day 15 August.

    Thiswas the fourteenthedi-

    tion of the DAFF Female En-

    trepreneur Awards an initi-

    ative aimed at shining the

    spotlight on the roles played

    bywomeninfoodsecurity, job

    creation, economic growth

    and poverty alleviation.

    Groenewald was awarded

    for the all-round excellence


    Range Chickens.

    Im honoured to be receiving this award

    although it definitely isnt an individual ac-

    colade theentireElginFreeRangeChickens


    of the company, says Jeanne.


    to provideher familywith chickens free from

    chemical enhancements.

    What startedwith a few free-ranging chick-

    ens in Jeannes back yard has grown rapidly

    over theyears.With a strong entrepreneurial

    spirit and a BScAgriculture in animal physi-

    ology and genetics, Jeanne was able to grow


    of the South African poultry

    industrys greatest success

    stories, while also making a

    decisive contribution to the

    drive towards truly free-

    range products.

    In 2000 she established the

    state-of-the-art Elgin Poultry

    Abattoir inGrabouw, and to-

    day she supplies almost

    80 000 free-range chickens

    perweek to leadingSouthAf-

    rican retailers, select delis

    and some of the Capes top


    Elgin Free Range Chick-

    ens currently provide jobs to

    290 people, many of whom

    are employed at the abattoir

    in Grabouw. With Grabouw

    having one of the highest un-

    employment rates in South Africa, job crea-

    tion at this level is true testament to the posi-

    tiveeffect thatElginFreeRangeChickenshas

    had and will continue to have on the local


    Its important tous, tobeactive inourcom-

    munity, making a better future for everyone,

    and not just through the excellence of our

    product, says Jeanne. We are very much

    partofabigger family, theElgin farmingcom-

    munity and actively involved in out-reach

    and development projects


    Chickens are drug-free, stress-free, antibiot-

    ic-free, and animal by-product-free.

    Jeanne Groenewald, owner

    of Elgin Free Range Chick



  • 20


    28 Augustus, 2014




    to suit thebusiest of schedules

    Great news for people wanting to

    loose weight, get fit and generally

    feel better is that they can do this

    and more in just 20 minutes at

    Body20 Studio in Somerset West.

    TheBody20Studio is essentially an

    Electro Muscle Stimulation (EMS)

    based workout which has been

    around since the 1950s, but recently

    became the fastest growing wellness

    and fitness trend globally. It has been

    led by Miha Bodytec, the award win-

    ning German company leading the

    research, development, and design of

    EMS technology.

    Body20 Studio is powered by Miha

    Bodytec and offers the ultimate in

    muscle strengthening, body shaping,

    cellulite reduction and weight-loss


    Considering the intensity and

    depth at which EMS stimulates mus-

    cle fibres, it has been proven to be as

    effectiveas fiveone-hourconvention-

    al weight training sessions com-


    The Body20 Studio in Somerset

    West is located at Shop 10, Fountain

    Square, Caledon Road and opened at

    the beginning of August.

    It is owned byMichelle Cronin and

    Hans Eichhorn, with Kirsten van der

    Walt and Jean Lombard as personal


    The technology works by sending

    electrical stimulation directly to the

    deep stabilising muscles, which are

    difficult to reach with conventional


    This makes it possible to train and

    stimulate the entire musculature

    while avoiding stress on joints from

    weights or high impact exercise.

    Body20 Studio offers a Power20

    programme designed for strength

    and fitness training, and a

    Cellulite20 programme to aggres-

    sively target cellulite and fat loss.

    Power20 EMS allows more in-

    tense and strongermuscular contrac-

    tions than could be achieved by vol-

    untary exertion, and enables you to

    build stronger muscle and achieve

    better definition.

    Cellulite20 activates the muscu-

    lar and connective tissue in problem

    areas, leading to the reduction of fat

    cells by increasing circulation.

    Each session is carried out in pri-

    vate, with a trained personal trainer


    cific muscle group or target area to

    maximise effectiveness.

    The customer wears a specially de-

    sign vest that provides direct stimu-

    lation to all major muscle groups,

    namely the arms, legs, glutes, stom-

    ach, lower back, lats, shoulders and

    chest simultaneously.

    For more information and pricing

    phoneMichelle on 083 293 5480 or vis-

    it the studio at 10 Fountain Square,

    Caledon Street, Somerset West.

    You can also visit their website at


    The two personal trainers at the

    Body20 Studio in Somerset West are

    Jean Lombard and Kirsten van der


    Diverse professionals at Surgery

    The service of ahighly qualified teamof profes-

    sionals, including plastic surgeons Dr Jonath-

    an Toogood, Dr Cordula Winkler and Dr Jan

    Kleynhans isavailableat theSomersetSurgery

    in Somerset West. The facility includes a day

    hospital and recovery retreat where patients

    can recover in privacy.

    The surgerys MASC Laser Clinic provides


    apists in a spa-like environment.

    The MASC system offers fast treatments


    The Palomar Icon systems features include

    themeasuring of the skinsmelanin content

    to guide the treatment, as well as tracking

    technology that stores treatment data,

    which enables the therapists and doctors to

    objectively track the clients treatment


    Treatments also include laser wrinkle re-

    duction, vessel and pigment clearance, leg

    vein clearance, laser scar and stretchmark

    treatment, laser skin resurfacing and per-

    manent hair reduction.

    Winter is the perfect time to start laser

    hair removal, as it can takeup to six sessions

    with treatment intervals of between four

    to six weeks before there is a visible de-

    crease in hair growth.

    For bookings phone 021 851 3400 (option 3)

    or send an email to [email protected].

  • 21


    28 Augustus, 2014



    Centre tests


    for safety

    The Somerset West Clinical Trials Cen-

    tre is conducting research to establish

    how safe and effective new medication


    Allnewmedicinesneed tobe testedbefore

    they can be registered. These trials answer

    specific questions about the benefits and

    risks of newmedication and is generally the

    most accurate way of answering these

    health questions beforemedication is made

    available to the general public.

    Who can participate?

    Aclinical trialwill generally focusonper-

    sons with a specific disease and include

    guidelines to determine who can or cannot

    participate in a study. The inclusion and ex-

    clusion criteria may include age, severity

    of the disease, othermedical conditions and

    other medication that the participant may

    be taking. These criteria are designed to en-

    sure that their participation in the trial is

    both appropriate and safe.

    What is informed consent?

    Before entering a clinical trial, the doctor

    will explain the details of the trial. This dis-

    cussion will ensure that the participant is

    properly informed about the key details of

    thetrial, includingthedurationof thestudy,

    the procedures that will take place and the

    possible risksandbenefits.Once thepartici-

    pant has decided to take part in a trial he/

    shewill then sign the informed-consent doc-

    ument.This isnot a contract and thepartici-

    pant may withdraw from the trial at any


    Protection of rights and safety

    There are strict international ethical and

    legal codes that regulate theconductof clini-

    cal trials. This is generally known as Good

    Clinical Practice (GCP). In South Africa all

    clinical trials have to be approved by an In-

    dependent Ethics Committee and by the

    Medicines Control Council of South Africa.

    Both these organisations monitor a study

    for its duration. Researchers and sites that

    conduct trials are regularly audited and in-

    spected by local and international regulato-

    ry authorities to ensure their compliance

    with GCP.

    Participants in clinical trials are contrib-

    utingto theexpansionofmedicalknowledge

    and it is through their participation thatwe

    candevelopnewerandbetter treatments for

    medical conditions. It is with good reason

    that participants in clinical trials are re-

    garded as Medical Heroes!

    For more details phone 021 850 1691.

    Written by Dr G C Ellis

    The staff of Som

    erset Clinical Trials,

    a centre research

    ing the safety and

    effectiveness of



    Now also online...


  • 22


    28 Augustus, 2014



  • 23


    28 Augustus, 2014



    Get your gardening on inWinter

    Do not let the

    weather put a

    dampener on

    your garden-

    ing. The sun-

    ny days in be-

    tween the cold

    are perfect for


    It will not

    only feel good

    to get out-

    doors, but

    some ground-

    work now will

    go a long way


    your garden

    for when

    spring and

    summer arrive.

    ) Plant pansy and viola

    seedlings in well-composted

    beds, the rewards are a wel-

    comesplashof colour towarm

    up the winter blues.

    ) Sowing alyssum, linaria,

    Shirley poppies, impatiens,

    vygies and calendulas seeds

    now will make for a brilliant

    display in summer.

    )Winter veggies ready for

    planting are cabbages, leeks,

    peas, turnips, carrots, radish-

    es, beans, broccoli, Swiss

    chard and Asian greens.

    ) Feed spring and summer

    flowering bulbs with bulb

    food once every two weeks.

    ) Summer and autumn

    flowering climbers and

    shrubs like cassia, clematis,

    golden shower, barleria, rib-

    bon bush, wild dagga and

    westringia will need pruning

    in winter.

    ) Roses cope surprisingly

    well in cold weather. Remem-

    ber to prune them this month

    so that you are rewardedwith

    awonderful flushof blooms in


    WINTER GARDENING: Dont let the winter

    hold you back, now is the perfect time to

    prune your roses. PHOTO: WOMEN24

  • 24


    28 Augustus, 2014



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