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Easter Hat Parade - thentrance-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · sausage sizzle. The P&C Easter raffle draw...

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Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 1 st April 2015 DATES TO REMEMBER TERM 1 Wed April 1 SRC Disco Thurs April 2 Stage 2 Camp deposit DUE Thurs April 2 Easter Hat Parade 12 noon Thurs April 2 Last day Term 1 TERM 2 Mon April 20 Staff Development Day Tues April 21 Students return Fri May 8 Movie Under the Stars PRINCIPALS REPORT Welcome to Week 10 and our last newsletter for the term. I would like to wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday. I would also like to thank the staff and the school community for their hard work this term, which has been one of the busiest terms that I can remember with many outstanding achievements, especially our wonderful home reading program. Thank you to the P&C for their hard work this term and a number of projects will be progressed further next term. We are in the process of getting quotes for the installation of new playground equipment and landscaping to improve engagement in the playground for our students with both passive and interactive areas. We have also had initial discussions with builders and the DEC about the construction of a community room, to provide a building for a range of purposes. In staffing news, our Assistant Principal position will be advertised early next term and Mrs Hindson will continue teaching 3H for Term 2. Mrs Stanford will continue to relieve as Assistant Principal Stage 2. Mrs Anderson will be on leave for the first two weeks of Term 2 and Mrs Marning will relieve as Assistant Principal Stage 1. I will also be on leave for the first two weeks of Term 2 and Mr Mee will be relieving Principal. Mrs Harris will be trained in the Seasons for Growth program next term to allow for a sustainable implementation for our students. We are also currently investigating a variety of ways to implement the Rock and Water Program, to develop social, emotional learning outcomes for our students. Students return to school on Tuesday 21 st April for Term 2. Easter reading: Have your kids signed on for the Premiers Reading Challenge? Get a head start with Easter reading time. Booklists are here: What’s your child reading right now? Find out more: https://online.det.nsw.edu.au/prc/booklist/home.html April school holidays: Have you got April school holidays organised yet? It’s not too late to book for a Sport and Recreation Kids’ Camp. Watch the video to see how much fun these kids are having. Find out more: http://www.dsr.nsw.gov.au/kidscamps/ Parent-teacher interviews: Have you got a parent teacher interview coming up? Here are some tips for getting the most out of these important meetings. Prepare a few questions to ask, and walk away with a plan. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/en/homework-and- study/planning-for-the-future/parent-teacher-interviews School calendar: What’s on when? Stay on top of school holiday, term and state examination dates across NSW. Find out more: http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/calendar/?do=setViewPeri od&categoryid=2&viewType=yearView Have a great holiday! Mark Rudd PRINCIPAL The Entrance Public School Easter Hat Parade Thursday 2nd April The parade commences at 12.00 noon followed by a picnic lunch. The P&C will be operating their popular sausage sizzle. The P&C Easter raffle draw will take place at the conclusion of the parade. All students are to make their hat at home and bring it to school on the day. Come and join in the fun (bring a chair) Easter Hat Parade Sausage Sizzle $ 2.50 DEPUTY PRINCIPALS REPORT Easter Hat Parade Our Easter Hat Parade this year will be held tomorrow Thursday 2 nd April (the last day of term). The hat parade will be for all students in Preschool, Kindergarten and Years 1-6. The parade will commence at 12.00 noon. Parents are invited to view the parade and join their children for a picnic lunch afterwards. The P&C will be running their sausage sizzle and will be drawing the winners for their Easter raffles. So come along and join in the fun. Please bring a chair as there will be limited seating available. Due to health and safety issues eg allergies - students are not to bring eggs to school to share with other students. Win Bin Winners Congratulations to Brodie Gale 1P, Chastity Horder 5M, Calm Leger KA and Miller Ruytenberg KA who were win bin winners. Congratulations and well done to all of our outstanding students who have received win bins. 1
Page 1: Easter Hat Parade - thentrance-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · sausage sizzle. The P&C Easter raffle draw will take place at the conclusion of the parade. All students are to make their hat

Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 1st April 2015

DATES TO REMEMBER TERM 1 Wed April 1 SRC Disco Thurs April 2 Stage 2 Camp deposit DUE Thurs April 2 Easter Hat Parade 12 noon Thurs April 2 Last day Term 1 TERM 2 Mon April 20 Staff Development Day Tues April 21 Students return Fri May 8 Movie Under the Stars

PRINCIPALS REPORT Welcome to Week 10 and our last newsletter for the term. I would like to wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday. I would also like to thank the staff and the school community for their hard work this term, which has been one of the busiest terms that I can remember with many outstanding achievements, especially our wonderful home reading program. Thank you to the P&C for their hard work this term and a number of projects will be progressed further next term. We are in the process of getting quotes for the installation of new playground equipment and landscaping to improve engagement in the playground for our students with both passive and interactive areas. We have also had initial discussions with builders and the DEC about the construction of a community room, to provide a building for a range of purposes. In staffing news, our Assistant Principal position will be advertised early next term and Mrs Hindson will continue teaching 3H for Term 2. Mrs Stanford will continue to relieve as Assistant Principal Stage 2. Mrs Anderson will be on leave for the first two weeks of Term 2 and Mrs Marning will relieve as Assistant Principal Stage 1. I will also be on leave for the first two weeks of Term 2 and Mr Mee will be relieving Principal. Mrs Harris will be trained in the Seasons for Growth program next term to allow for a sustainable implementation for our students. We are also currently investigating a variety of ways to implement the Rock and Water Program, to develop social, emotional learning outcomes for our students.

Students return to school on Tuesday 21st April for Term 2.

Easter reading: Have your kids signed on for the Premiers Reading Challenge? Get a head start with Easter reading time. Booklists are here: What’s your child reading right now? Find out more: https://online.det.nsw.edu.au/prc/booklist/home.html April school holidays: Have you got April school holidays organised yet? It’s not too late to book for a Sport and Recreation Kids’ Camp. Watch the video to see how much fun these kids are having. Find out more: http://www.dsr.nsw.gov.au/kidscamps/ Parent-teacher interviews: Have you got a parent teacher interview coming up? Here are some tips for getting the most out of these important meetings. Prepare a few questions to ask, and walk away with a plan. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/en/homework-and-study/planning-for-the-future/parent-teacher-interviews

School calendar: What’s on when? Stay on top of school holiday, term and state examination dates across NSW.

Find out more: http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/calendar/?do=setViewPeriod&categoryid=2&viewType=yearView

Have a great holiday! Mark Rudd PRINCIPAL

The Entrance Public School Easter Hat Parade

Thursday 2nd April The parade commences at 12.00 noon

followed by a picnic lunch. The P&C will be operating their popular

sausage sizzle.

The P&C Easter raffle draw will take place at the conclusion of the parade.

All students are to make their hat at home

and bring it to school on the day.

Come and join in the fun (bring a chair)

Easter Hat Parade Sausage Sizzle $ 2.50

DEPUTY PRINCIPALS REPORT Easter Hat Parade Our Easter Hat Parade this year will be held tomorrow Thursday 2nd April (the last day of term). The hat parade will be for all students in Preschool, Kindergarten and Years 1-6. The parade will commence at 12.00 noon. Parents are invited to view the parade and join their children for a picnic lunch afterwards. The P&C will be running their sausage sizzle and will be drawing the winners for their Easter raffles. So come along and join in the fun. Please bring a chair as there will be limited seating available.

Due to health and safety issues eg allergies - students are not to bring eggs to school to share with other students. Win Bin Winners Congratulations to Brodie Gale 1P, Chastity Horder 5M, Calm Leger KA and Miller Ruytenberg KA who were win bin winners. Congratulations and well done to all of our outstanding students who have received win bins.


Page 2: Easter Hat Parade - thentrance-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · sausage sizzle. The P&C Easter raffle draw will take place at the conclusion of the parade. All students are to make their hat

Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 1st April 2015 Anzac Day March All students are invited to represent the school in the ANZAC Day Ceremony on Saturday the 25th April. The first Saturday after school resumes for Term 2. Students will assemble in Memorial Park near the cenotaph at 11am. The service will conclude by approximately 12.30pm. Full school uniform must be worn. More information will be provided next term. NAPLAN Year 3 & 5 students will be doing the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (Naplan) tests in Week 3 of next term. The Language Conventions and Writing tests will be held on Tuesday 12th May, the Reading tests on Wednesday 13th May and the Numeracy tests on Thursday 14th May. Friday will be used for catch up tests for those who were absent on any of the previous days. Thank you to all of the students for their hard work this term. I hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday break and will be refreshed for a new term. Warren Mee DEPUTY PRINCIPAL


K6BW have been working really hard during their morning literacy sessions. Mrs White, Mrs Best Mrs Green and Mrs S are so proud of the hard work each

student is putting in. In other news K6BW said good bye to a student this week. We wish him all the best at his new school. This week we also had two students representing K6BW on the Environment Excursion. They were so pleased to be part of this. These students display excellent behaviour both in class and in the playground and are always doing their best to care for their environment. Well done. Assembly Award Recipients Khoda Nabouche – For being a helpful and considerate member of K6BW. Grace Groves-Loveridge – For always doing her personal best. Home Reading 25 Nights – Ryan Owen 25 Nights – Cait Hinton What a fabulous term it has been in K6BW. Gemma White, Mary Best, Chris Green and Sabien Stragliotto Support Class Team

KINDERGARTEN NEWS Class Parties - Your child should have received an invitation to their “Onward and Upward” class party. This is to reward the positive classroom and playground behaviours demonstrated this term. To

receive an invitation they needed to gain 14 points or more on their Onward and Upward score card this term. All Kinder classes will be having their parties on Wednesday 1st April, starting at recess. Easter Hat Parade- We are getting excited now for Easter and are all looking forward to our Easter Hat Parade. Everyone will need an Easter hat (handmade or store bought) to wear during the parade. On the day students will have recess, go back into their rooms, get their hats and their class teacher will bring them down to the COLA. The parade starts at 12pm and parents are welcome to watch this special event. School Disco – Wednesday 1st April. The K-2 time slot is 5.00-6.15pm.

A big thumbs up to everyone who received a RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY or PERSONAL BEST award at our mini assembly. Keep up the great work.

Stephanie Ainslie, Nicole Quye, Amanda Roberts and Mardi McFarlane. STAGE 1 NEWS

Thanks to all our Stage 1 parents and caregivers for your support this term at school. The students have had a fabulous first term and I’m sure this will continue throughout the year. Next term, I am taking 3 weeks long service leave and Mrs Marning will be leading the Stage 1 term. Miss Brummell will be

teaching 2A in my absence.

Congratulations for the following children who received a class award at our last Stage 1 Assembly: 2A: Class awards Isla Gough– a sensible class member who does Quality work. Jack Nesbitt – terrific and thoughtful contributions in class discussions Value awards Cashlyn Wargent – she shows respect to all her class mates and teachers Laykin Pollard – thanks for showing respect, responsibility and doing your personal best at all times 2K: Class awards Madeline Nesbitt – great reading Cody Lenton – great work in reading groups Value awards Shyla Lowe – always tries her best with everything Jackson Chittick – for being a hard worker at all times 2M: Class awards Selena Po-Williams – wonderful manners and great work ethic. Nadar Collison – wonderful reading and great work focus Value awards Mia Reilly – respecting adults and her peers Sonny Blundell – always doing his personal best






Page 3: Easter Hat Parade - thentrance-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · sausage sizzle. The P&C Easter raffle draw will take place at the conclusion of the parade. All students are to make their hat

Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 1st April 2015 1P: Class awards Kane Hough – being a mature and sensible member of our class Ivy Leger – always sharing and caring Value awards Caileigh Ballard – always doing her personal best Dominic Bombardiere – always doing his personal best 1B: Class awards Zoe Fielder-Gill – improvement in reading Alex Galbraith – always doing his personal best Value awards Billie-Rose Musson – always trying her best and respecting other class members Jordon Wynen – always takes on extra responsibility in the classroom 1M: Class awards Chloe Boundy – improved classroom behaviour Myles Hughes – improved classroom manners Value awards Naomi Poetsch – showing respect Isacc Burrell – personal best in reading 1W: Class awards Jessica Tatham – always displaying great manners Brad Leo – responsible class member Value awards Jordan Payne – personal best in all writing tasks Nakeisha Towns – quickly becoming a lovely class member of 1W We have had some clever little readers who have been reading regularly. The following children have received their Sand Home Reading Award and pencil: 1W: Lisa Sydenham 1M: Chloe Boundy, Jiro Bissett, Layla Hawkins, Mia Schubert, Nia McKenzie, Noah Reynolds, Thomas Threadgate, Chloe Williams-Webster and Nyaka Gumbs.

2K: Trinity Dawson, Lily-Ann Sammon, Taj Robinson, Katie Bennett, Makayla White, Keliesha Loadsman Donovan and Shyla Lowe

2A: Kaylah Talbot and Erin Roberts Regards Mrs Sue Anderson STAGE 2 NEWS

Home Reading Just a reminder to continue with home reading in the holidays. Good News Story On Tuesday this week, Stage 2 participated in

Health Day. They enjoyed rotating through 5 different activities teaching them how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Activities included first aid, fitness, healthy eating and relaxation techniques. Ask them to tell you about their favourite activity.

Classroom Snapshot – News from 3R 3R Bake Bread Over the last term 3R have been doing fantastic work in our science unit 'Products'. Last Friday we looked at the household product, bread. Together we wrote a procedure for baking bread. We looked at how it was made in factories, bakeries and in the home. 3R baked bread in the classroom using a bread maker.

The students applied their new knowledge of measurement that they have been studying in maths lessons. They weighed and estimated the flour, yeast and butter. They used volume and capacity skills to add water. It was a fun and educational day for the students, with the smell of freshly baked bread lingering around the Year 3 rooms. Miss Rossington

Camp Stage 2 camp deposits are due by Thursday 2nd April. The deposit for the camp is $50. We will be holding a meeting next term for the organisers to answer any questions you may have. Happy Holidays Stage 2 teachers would like to wish all our families a happy and safe Easter break. We look forward to another busy and productive term after the holidays. Next term we have the athletics carnival, cross country, stage assemblies and our first Stage 2 ‘Showcase’ where students will be sharing their outstanding creative projects. Regards STAGE 2 TEACHERS STAGE 3 NEWS




Page 4: Easter Hat Parade - thentrance-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · sausage sizzle. The P&C Easter raffle draw will take place at the conclusion of the parade. All students are to make their hat

Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 1st April 2015 Hey Team, Well first term is now all but finished. Tomorrow we are holding our Easter Hat Parade. Students can drop their hats off to the classroom

after 8:45 am in order to ensure that they are not damaged before the parade.

Stage 3 Student Diaries Following our last newsletter article on student organisation, students will be given a Stage 3 Student Diary in which they will be able to organise themselves, their learning and all other aspects of school life.

TLLC “What is a Successful Student Workshop” Thursday last week four of our AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) students attended a workshop that saw students from Year 6 – Years 11 come together from across the Tuggerah Lakes Learning Community. During this workshop students built ideas around what a successful student looks like and transformed negative or fixed mindsets into positive and growth centred ones. It was a great day and our four AVID students did us very proud.

How Batman Can Help! In the last instalment of the recent Batman trilogy The Dark Night, Bruce Wayne is placed in a dark pit - a type of jail. No one has ever escaped before. But after several attempts Bruce Wayne does. We can learn a lot about problem solving from this scene in the movie. Here are some things that Batman has taught our students when they are faced with their own ‘pit’ or problem: • Keep trying– don’t give up. • Use a different strategy. Try something new. • Understand the view looks different once you are out of

the pit. • Train hard to get out of the pit. • Take a risk– jump, even though you may fall (fail) • Cheers others on who are in a pit or who are solving a

problem. • Talk to someone who knows about getting out of the

pit (or solving the problem). • Be inspired by someone who has gotten out of the pit

before you. • Think back to another time when you got out of a pit. • BE BATMAN!

Through our AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program we are developing learning that are confident when it comes to unfamiliar learners, students who are becoming more adept at taking risks and backing their own thoughts and abilities. Ask your child what they are learning through AVID today!

School Disco The School Disco is being held this evening. Students in Stage 3 who have accumulated 16 ‘Onward & Upward’ points or more have received their invitations and are attending tonight. It’s a great way to celebrate what has been a very busy and productive first term.

Next Term: Fixed and Growth Mindsets

Have a relaxing and safe holiday! Russell Stefans Assistant Principal- Stage 3 [email protected] The LasT News (Learning & Support Teachers) Sue Densmore & Jodie Harris

Home Reading Congratulations to those students who have reached 50 nights of Home Reading and have received their Surf Award and a voucher for an ice block from the canteen. Reading during the holidays counts towards our Home Reading Rewards so keep reading as much as possible over the


April the 2nd is World Autism Day and the theme is ‘Go colourful and celebrate the spectrum’.

Stewart House Three of our students have recently returned from Stewart House. Stewart House is situated on the beach at Curl Curl and students who attend participate in many programs across their 12 day stay. We are sure they will have lots to tell us about their time there and especially about their visit to The Royal Easter Show.

Regional Swimming Carnival On Tuesday the 17th of March, Caitlin Lloyd represented herself, our School and the Tuggerah Lakes Zone at the District Schools Swimming Carnival at Homebush. Caitlin competed in the 8 years girls 50m Freestyle. We are very proud of Caitlin’s achievements in her very first year of competitive school swimming. Well Done Caitlin!




Page 5: Easter Hat Parade - thentrance-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · sausage sizzle. The P&C Easter raffle draw will take place at the conclusion of the parade. All students are to make their hat

Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 1st April 2015 LIBRARY NEWS Don’t forget the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge is on again. Students in Years K-2 read/listen to 30 books (25 from the Premier’s List + 5 free choice) and students in Years 3-6 read 20 books (15 from the Premier’s List + 5 free choice). Reading logs are available from the school library. Any questions please see Mrs Haley in the library or visit the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge website for further information. https://online.det.nsw.edu.au/prc/rules.html Please encourage your children to continue their reading over the school holidays. This also counts towards the Home Reading Awards program I wish you all a safe and enjoyable school holidays. Melanie Haley Librarian SRC and Environment Leaders Day Out On Wednesday the 25th of March all our SRC, environmental reps and school captains went to Calga Walk About Park. To start off we got a tour of the park by Ranger Karen and Ranger Becky, they showed us some Aboriginal bush medicines, some native trees and what the plants did to help the aboriginal tribes. At lunch time Mrs Bayfield and Miss Saunders cooked us lovely sausage sandwiches. Whilst eating lunch we got to pat a Coastal Python. After lunch Ranger Karen and Ranger Becky finished our tour with an animal talk we also got to pat a koala, a blue tongue lizard and a bilby (did you know that only 6000 bilbies are left in the world and by the time we’ve grown up and our kids are in Year 6 Bilbies will be extinct). We also learnt some interesting facts about the animals. On behalf of all the leaders we would like to thank Mrs Bayfield, Mrs Marning and Miss Saunders for organising the Leaders Day Out, we would also like to thank Ranger Karen, Ranger Becky and Calga Walk About Park for teaching us about aboriginal culture and native animals. Written by your school captains Ella Dettmer and Georgia Crofton.

COMMUNITY NEWS Parent Morning Tea – Healthy Lunches Talk, Expressions of Interest for parents in Accredited First Aid Training and Student Banking, Opportunity to speak in an open forum with the Principal was on Tuesday 31st March, Thank you to all who attended, next morning tea Term 2

Food for thought – check out Cancer Council’s The simplest way to get kids to eat Fruit on hot days - Ice blocks, Snippet in this addition of the Newsletter

Low Cost PCs: go to workventures.com.au/webshop, phone 1800 112 205.

PCYC Bateau Bay Friday Night FREE activities: 4-5pm Little Dragon Choir, 4:30-5:30pm Kids in Sport for primary aged youth, 5:30-6:30pm Sports in the Hall, 5-6pm Hip Hop. One Off Annual Membership $7:50 4332 7000

Have a Happy and Safe Easter/School Holidays Jaki Alexander COMMUNITY LIAISON OFFICER

ABORIGINAL ART DISPLAY The Entrance Commonwealth Bank is proudly displaying our School’s Reconciliation Artwork, titled BURRUGIN – meaning Echidna in Dharug. This artwork includes the handprint of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student enrolled at our school in 2014. The artwork will be there, on display for the next few weeks, be sure to have a look as you walk past.

CANTEEN NEWS Hi everyone, wishing everyone a happy and safe Easter. New menu will be out early next term as well as meal deal to be pre-ordered for the movie night. Please try to bring change in the mornings as we have trouble changing $50 notes. CANTEEN ROSTER Mon to Fri before school – Rita Thurs 2nd Apr Shelley, Razaan

Term 2 Tues 21st Apr Leanne, Lea Wed 22nd Roxy, Jodie Thurs 23rd Shelley, Razaan Fri 24th Sandi, Kylie Mon 27th Roxy, Lisa Tues 28th Leanne, Lea Wed 29th Jodie, Roxy Cheers Emma Brophy Canteen Mgr Phone 4333 5174


Page 6: Easter Hat Parade - thentrance-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · sausage sizzle. The P&C Easter raffle draw will take place at the conclusion of the parade. All students are to make their hat

Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 1st April 2015

ABORIGINAL PERFORMANCE Our students and staff really enjoyed the interactive Aboriginal Performance, ‘Let’s Bridge the Gap’ by Fred Reid last Friday. Fred and his son Todd spoke about the importance of Connection to Country for Aboriginal people. They shared their stories, singing, playing and dancing with us and the children learnt many important aspects of Aboriginal Culture. Boys Kangaroo Dance Girls Emu Dance

Organising Teacher Liana Haslam Aboriginal Mural For the Celebration of our Schools Centenary later this year, the first of our three major artworks is well underway. Aboriginal artist Brett Parker has begun his Aboriginal Mural that will depict many important symbols and images in both the local area and our school from an Aboriginal perspective. Be sure to take a look as you walk from the office through to the playground. Pre-school and Stage 2 students will be assisting Brett with the creation of this wonderful project.

Organising Teachers Barbara Knowles and Liana Haslam


Page 7: Easter Hat Parade - thentrance-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · sausage sizzle. The P&C Easter raffle draw will take place at the conclusion of the parade. All students are to make their hat

Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 1st April 2015

We are on Facebook!

our page to find out what’s happening at TEPS.


Page 8: Easter Hat Parade - thentrance-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · sausage sizzle. The P&C Easter raffle draw will take place at the conclusion of the parade. All students are to make their hat

Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 1st April 2015

