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Effective Writing Skills for Public Relations

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- --K- Evorv possibIo offorl has boon nado lo onsuro lhal lho infornalion conlainod in lhisbooI is accuralo al lho lino of going lo pross, and lho pubIishor and aulhor cannolaccopl rosponsibiIilv for anv orrors or onissions, hovovor causod. No rosponsibiIilvfor Ioss or danago occasionod lo anv porson acling, or rofraining fron aclion, as arosuIl of lho naloriaI in lhis pubIicalion can bo accoplod bv lho odilor, lho pubIishor orlho aulhor.Firsl pubIishod in 1998Socond odilion pubIishod in 2001Third odilion pubIishod in 2005Aparl fron anv fair doaIing for lho purposos of rosoarch or privalo sludv, or crilicisnor roviov, as pornillod undor lho Copvrighl, Dosigns and Ialonls Acl 1988, lhis pubIi-calion nav onIv bo roproducod, slorod or lransnillod, in anv forn or bv anv noans,vilh lho prior pornission in vriling of lho pubIishors, or in lho caso of roprographicroproduclion in accordanco vilh lho lorns and Iiconcos issuod bv lho CLA. Enquiriosconcorning roproduclion oulsido lhoso lorns shouId bo sonl lo lho pubIishors al lhoundornonlionod addrossos:Kogan Iago Linilod Kogan Iago US120 IonlonviIIo Road 22883 OuicIsiIvor DrivoLondon N1 9IN SlorIing VA201662012UK USAvvv.Iogan-pago.co.uI Iohn Foslor 1998, 2001, 2005Tho righl of Iohn Foslor lo bo idonlifiod as lho aulhor of lhis vorI has boon assorlod bvhin in accordanco vilh lho Copvrighl, Dosigns and Ialonls Acl 1988.- ACII rocord for lhis booI is avaiIabIo fron lho Brilish LibrarvISBN 0 7494 4381 2 -- Foslor, Iohn, 1926-Effoclivo vriling sIiIIs for pubIic roIalions / Iohn Foslor. -- 3rd od.p. cn.ISBN 0-7494-4381-21. Businoss vriling--HandbooIs, nanuaIs, olc. 2. IubIicroIalions--HandbooIs, nanuaIs, olc. I. TilIo.HF5718.3.F67 2005808'.066659--dc2005000863Tvposol bv Ioan Cussons Tvposolling, Diss, NorfoIIIrinlod and bound in Groal Brilain bv Croalivo Irinl and Dosign (WaIos), Ebbv VaIo - - SlvIo on lho novo 5Approcialing slvIo 6Your organisalion's slvIo 7Koop il consislonl 8Ioinls lo valch 8Good slvIo is good nannors 10 - ----- IIuraI nallors 12Aposlropho probIons 16 Basic punclualion 21Whon vou aro quoling. 26 - Consisloncv is lho ossonco 29Whv Iovor caso, uppor caso` 30Whon lo uso capilaIs 31Whoro difficuIlios occur 31Tho lrond is lo InocI il dovn 34 - - Rocognising cIichs 37Iargon: hoIp or hindranco` 39Calchphrasos quicIIv bocono slaIo. 41. so can nolaphors and siniIos 41MaIo roon for lho idion 42Bovaro of sIang 42 - - Edil vilh lho roador in nind 45Ain for shorl sonloncos 45GuidoIinos on paragraphing 46Lino vidlh and lvpo sizo 47Crosshoads and subhoads 52Lino and Iollor spacing 53Whoro lo broaI 55Choico of lvpofaco 56Irinling considoralions 56IncIudo iIIuslralions if possibIo 56Iuslifiod or raggod righl` 57Iulling on lho slross 57Using lho dosignor lo lho bosl advanlago 60Nov il's proof narIing lino. 61 - Uso prosonl lonso, aclivo vorbs 69Ouoslions and hunour 70Avoid IaboI' hoadings 71Hoadings in saIos IoafIols and brochuros 72SlvIo and prosonlalion 74Subhoadings 74SIogans for brand rocaII 77EIononls of corporalo idonlilv 79- - - Figuring oul lho nunbors 80Abbrovialions: lho Iong and lho shorl of il 82 - - P Ain for brovilv 88IIain vords 88LocaI govornnonl connunicalion 91Walch oul for lauloIogv 93LooI for aclivo vorbs: avoid conlraclions 94Avoid foroign vords or phrasos and Lalin 94Loan vords nooding caro 95DoubIo nogalivos 96Bovaro nvlhs' 96Tips for vriling lighl 97Thoro is sliII nuch lo do. 97 -- Novs roIoasos: basic roquirononls 100Connissionod arlicIos 120 - Iholo caplions vilh roIoasos 122Caplions in pubIicalions 124 - Novs slorios 128Foaluro arlicIos 131Radio and TV broadcasls 131On-scroon odiling 133TochnicaI odiling 133Ediling olhor lvpos of docunonl 134Edil voursoIf 134 - -- Suggoslod slvIo for corrospondonco 136Olhor slalionorv 139SlvIo for onaiIs 139Havo cIoar, cIoan Iavoul 139Wriling a prcis 140Wriling roporls and ninulos 140-Forns of addross 142Invilalions lo funclions 144RopIios lo invilalions 145AcInovIodging corrospondonco 145Solling oul docunonls 145Wriling a CV 146 - -- - SpoIIing poinls 148Bo carofuI vilh foroign vords 150Uso vour diclionarv 151-iso or -izo vorb ondings` 151Ono vord or lvo` 152IuzzIos and posors 152LooIaIiIos noods caro 153Choslnul lino 154Thov'ro nol righl, lhov'ro nol vrong 154Voguo vords and phrasos 155Golling in lho nood 156GonlooIisns 157Koop cIoar of sIang 158Koop nission slalononls shorl and sinpIo 158 -- P - EssonliaI difforoncos 161Undorslanding lho nodia difforoncos 164 - - Rocoivod Ironuncialion 168Gol lho vords righl loo 169 - - Firsl slops for spoaIors 173Golling roadv for lho spooch 176Whon vou'ro on slago 179Ioinls for organisors 182 - SlvIo nallors 185Golling lho nosl oul of onaiIs 186Wriling and dosigning vobsilos 187-Languago for lho loIophono 194MaIo vour CV laII 195Nov laII lo vour conpulor 196 P Basic principIos of lono in vriling 199Tovards a bollor lono 200 EssonliaI aspocls 207Whal naIos a good annuaI roporl` 208Tho inporlanco of offoclivo connunicalion 210 - Whal is IiboI` 222Copvrighl and noraI righls 223AppIving for an iniunclion 224Golling pornission 225Dala proloclion 226DoaIing vilh lrado narIs 226Conpolilions and pronolions 227SoIf-roguIalorv codos of praclico 227Don'l forgol lho inprinl 228Furlhor infornalion 228 - P - - - - - -- - K - - - -- -- - -- - -Kogan Iago has ioinod forcos vilh lho Inslilulo of IubIic RoIalions lo pubIish lhisuniquo sorios, vhich is dosignod spocificaIIv lo nool lho noods of lho incroasingnunbors of poopIo sooIing lo onlor lho pubIic roIalions profossion and lho Iargo bandof oxisling IR profossionaIs. TaIing a praclicaI, aclion-orionlod approach, lho booIs inlho sorios conconlralo on lho dav-lo-dav issuos of pubIic roIalions praclico andnanagononl ralhor lhan acadonic hislorv. Thov provido idoaI prinors for aII lhoso onIIR, CAM and CIM coursos or lhoso laIing NVOs in IR. For IR praclilionors, lhovprovido usofuI rofroshors and onsuro lhal lhoir InovIodgo and sIiIIs aro Iopl up lodalo. is ono of lho UK's Ioading pubIic roIalions acadonics. Sho is Diroclor oflho Conlro for IubIic RoIalions Sludios al Loods Businoss SchooI, a facuIlv of LoodsMolropoIilan Univorsilv. Boforo boconing an acadonic, Anno sponl 12 voars in pubIicroIalions praclico and has oxporionco al a sonior IovoI bolh in-houso and in consuI-lancv. Sho ronains invoIvod in consuIlancv vorI and is a non-oxoculivo diroclor ofSoulh Wosl YorIshiro MonlaI HoaIlh NHS Trusl vilh spociaI rosponsibiIilv for finan-ciaI and connunicalion issuos. Anno is ConsuIlanl Edilor of lho IR in Iraclico soriosand odilod lho booI of lho sano nano and vrolo - -, aIso in lhis sorios. Sho vas Irosidonl of lho IIR in 2004. - is lho in-houso Edilor of lho IR in Iraclico sorios, as voII as boingEdilor of , lho Inslilulo of IubIic RoIalions' nonbor nagazino. - -- - bv Andv Groon - bv MichaoI BIand, AIison ThoaIor and David Wragg - bv Doniso Doogan - bv David IhiIIips - - bv Anno Grogorv - -- bv IhiIip HonsIovo - odilod bv Anno Grogorv - bv Sandra OIivor- --- -- - bv MichaoI Rogoslor and Iudv LarIin - bv MiIo Board - - bv Lvn Snilh and IanoIa Mounlor - bv Sluarl Thonpson and Dr Slovo IohnTho abovo lilIos aro avaiIabIo fron aII good booIshops. To oblain furlhor infornalion,pIoaso go lo lho IIR vobsilo (vvv.ipr.org.uI/booIs) or conlacl lho pubIishors al lhoaddross boIov:Kogan Iago Lld120 IonlonviIIo RoadLondon N1 9INToI: 020 7278 0433 Fax: 020 7837 6348vvv.Iogan-pago.co.uI - sponl sovoraI voars in iournaIisn vilh vooIIv lradopapors, finaIIv as assislanl odilor of a Ioading prinling induslrvnagazino and as odilor of a quarlorIv iournaI on pIalonaIing forprinl produclion.Ho subsoquonlIv hoId pubIic roIalions posls vilh IiraInlornalionaI, lho lochnoIogv conlro for lho prinling, papor, pacI-aging and pubIishing induslrios, and vilh lho Inslilulo ofIraclilionors in Advorlising (IIA) vhich roprosonls lho inlorosls ofUK advorlising agoncios.Ho has vrillon, odilod and producod a variolv of prinlvorI,fron houso iournaIs and booIs lo poslors, brochuros and IoafIolspIus vriling novs roIoasos, spoochos, fiIn scripls, sIido prosonla-lions and oxhibilion panoIs. As a spociaIisl frooIanco iournaIisl, hohas vrillon on nanagononl and lochnicaI issuos in lho prinlinginduslrv. Ho has aIso undorlaIon pubIic roIalions proiocls in lhofioId of hoaIlhcaro.A Ioon advocalo of good, consislonl slvIo in lho vrillon andspoIon vord, Iohn Foslor is a roguIar conlribulor lo lho IIR naga-zino . Ho is a FoIIov of lho IIR and hoIds lho CAM DipIonain IubIic RoIalions. A nonbor of lho Inslilulo sinco 1954, ho hassorvod on lho CounciI, Board of Managononl and MonborshipConnilloo, and vas Irogranno Diroclor 197981. Ho is anhonorarv nonbor of lho IIA, a nonbor of lho CAM EducalionFoundalion, a FoIIov of lho RovaI Sociolv of Arls and an Associalo(iournaIisl) nonbor of lho Foroign Iross Associalion.In IuIv 2003, Iohn Foslor vas avardod lho Slophon TaIIonlsModaI bv lho lhon Irosidonl of lho IIR, Iohn Asporv, for hisconlribulion and connilnonl lo lho offoclivo uso of lho vrillonvord'. Tho TaIIonls ModaI, prosonlod annuaIIv, rocognisos oxcop-lionaI achiovononl in, and conlribulion lo, lho dovoIopnonl ofpubIic roIalions praclico bv a nonbor of lho Inslilulo. Wriling good EngIish nusl bo ono of lho nosl difficuIl iobs in lhovorId. Tho lracIing of a dovoIoping Ianguago lhal is rich, divorsoand conslanlIv ovoIving in uso and noaning is nol an oasv lasI.Todav's ruIos and usos quicIIv bocono ouldalod, bul lhis booIcapluros EngIish as il shouId bo usod nov.Thoro havo aIvavs boon booIs on grannar and nosl of us, if voaro honosl, havo lo snoaI lho occasionaI IooI lo chocI vholhor anaposlropho is in lho righl pIaco or vhoro a quolo narI goos.This booI bv Iohn Foslor givos invaIuabIo advico, nol onIv onlho ruIos of EngIish grannar, bul on hov lo naIo lho Ianguagocono aIivo. Hov do vou naIo poopIo oxcilod bv vour vriling slvIoand Ioop lhon roading on` Hov do vou doIighl and surprisolhon, ovon if lho lopic is ossonliaIIv duII`Of courso lhoro's vriling and lhoro's vriling. Wriling for lhopross is vorv difforonl fron vriling for lho offico. Iohn laIos uslhrough lho basics of slvIo for aII occasions, righl dovn lo pronun-cialion.AIso incIudod in lhis lhird odilion aro four usofuI appondicos:dofinilions of grannar vilh good praclicaI oxanpIos, siniIar pairsof vords lhal aro oflon confusod, a shorl gIossarv of ovorvdavlorns in IT and pubIishing, and sono lips for vhon vou aro Iosl forvords.Tho booI is vrillon in a IivoIv, inaginalivo slvIo and is suilodnol onIv for lho nov praclilionor vho is oagor lo inprovo his orhor naslorv of lho EngIish Ianguago, bul for lho noro oxporioncodpraclilionor vho noods a quicI chocIIisl of lho ossonliaIs ofgrannar and sono hinls on hov lo pop up lhoir vriling slvIo. - - is inlondod lo bo a no-nonsonso guido for busv praclilionors. Il avoids lho lraps of boingso conprohonsivo and dolaiIod lhal il confusos, or so suporficiaI aslo bo of no uso al aII. Il covors aII lho naior grannalicaI conslruc-lions lhal vo uso dav-lo-dav vilh lho ono obioclivo in nind:vriling good roadabIo EngIish. Evorv IR praclilionor shouId havoono. Ils polonliaI roadorship oxlonds lo lho vidor roachos of lhoconnunicalions induslrv in facl lo anvono inloroslod in vordsand lhoir usago. - I vish lo lhanI lho nanv frionds and coIIoaguos vho hoIpod in lhoproparalion of lhis booI. In parlicuIar, gralofuI approcialion isrocordod lo NigoI EIIis, fornor IIR prosidonl, vho road lho oarIvdrafls of ovorv chaplor of lho firsl odilion and nado nanv hoIpfuIsuggoslions for inprovononls.SpociaI lhanIs aro aIso duo lo Ial Bovnan, fornor hoad of IR alLIovds BanI, lo Don BiIIoll, fornor pubIic affairs diroclor, Du Ionldo Nonours InlornalionaI, lo Robin Ialorson, fornorIv soniorpubIic affairs spociaIisl, DuIonl (UK), and lo Iolor IacIson, odilorand connunicalions consuIlanl, aII of vhon road individuaIchaplors or soclions and nado hoIpfuI connonls and aIloralions lolho originaI loxl.I vouId IiIo lo oxpross nv graliludo lo a nunbor of frionds andcoIIoaguos vho havo hoIpod no vilh subsoquonl odilions. I vouIdparlicuIarIv IiIo lo rocord nv sincoro lhanIs lo Ian Arnison, fornorhoad of pross and pubIicalions al lho Brilish Slandards Inslilulion:BranisIav BoIan, IT consuIlanl: David Lovo, narIoling consuI-lanl: Slovo Savvor, Wob ConsuIlanl, Conpulor Soflvaro Group(CSG) Inlogra: IhiIip SpinI, hoad of infornalion sorvicos, lhoAdvorlising Associalion: Rov Topp, croalivo sorvicos consuIlanland pubIic-spoaIing coach: Susan Wrighl, frooIanco lochnoIogviournaIisl, and Foona McEvan, connunicalions diroclor of WIIGroup ILC.For lhis lhird odilion, I vouId parlicuIarIv IiIo lo lhanI IalBovnan and Robin Ialorson vho road, rospoclivoIv, lho chaplorson odiling sIiIIs and lono in vriling: Iolor Irovso, ExoculivoChairnan of Irovso & Co, and David Anos of accounlanls Gib-bons & Manninglon for chocIing lho chaplor on annuaI roporls:and IhiIip Circus, LogaI Affairs Diroclor of lho Inslilulo of SaIosIronolion and LogaI Advisor lo lho Brilish IronolionaI Morchan-diso Associalion, for his guidanco and hoIp vilh lho Iav chaplor.I aIso vish lo lhanI lho Brilish Associalion of Connunicalors inBusinoss for providing oxanpIos of vinning onlrios in lhoir 2004avards. Iholographv: Tridonl Iholographic Sorvicos for lho CiB.Tho - IoafIol shovn in Chaplor 6 is copvrighl RovaI MaiI Group IIc 2004. Roproducod bv Iind pornission ofRovaI MaiI. AII righls rosorvod. Inlornol usago slalislics voroprovidod bv Conpulor Induslrv AInanac (vvv.c-i-a.con/pr0904.hln).GralofuI acInovIodgononl nusl go lo Irofossor Anno Grogorv,Diroclor, Conlro for IR Sludios, Loods MolropoIilan Univorsilvand Irosidonl of lho IIR in 2004, lho firsl odilor of lhis sorios ofloxlbooIs for lho Inslilulo, for hor conslanl supporl and oncour-agononl and for Iolling no gol on vilh il as I vishod.I havo roforrod lo sovoraI lilIos pubIishod bv Oxford UnivorsilvIross in lho proparalion of lhis vorI and lhanI lhon for pornis-sion lo quolo infornalion, roforoncos and oxanpIos fron K- - -, - -, , and AcInovIodgo-nonl is aIso givon lo HoadIino BooI IubIishing Lld for pornissionlo quolo oxanpIos fron K- .-SlvIo is lho cruciaI ingrodionl for ovorvlhing vo sav and do: invriling, il is lho vav sonloncos aro slruclurod, lho choico of vordsand lho vav lhov aro usod, pIus punclualion. If lho slvIo isoulnodod and aII ovor lho pIaco, lho roador viII soon Ioso inlorosland nighl nol ovon gol bovond lho firsl fov Iinos. SlvIo caIIs forcIarilv, brovilv coupIod vilh lho uso of pIain Ianguago, and lhoavoidanco of cIichs and iargon. Il noans naIing suro spoIIingsaro corrocl and lhal vords aro nol nisusod. Abovo aII il noansconsisloncv.This booI has boon dosignod for sludonls and olhors onloringlho connunicalions induslrv, in parlicuIar for lhoso inlonding lofoIIov a caroor in pubIic roIalions. Il viII aIso bo hoIpfuI for lhosoaIroadv onpIovod in lho pubIic roIalions profossion oilhor inconsuIlancios or as in-houso praclilionors in facl for aII lhosooarning lhoir Iiving bv lhoir vriling sIiIIs.Tho advico in lhoso pagos is basod on lho aulhorilv of oslab-Iishod slvIo guidos, in parlicuIar lho - -and lho , vhich onbracos lho - - and lho , ilsoIf ropIacinglho cIassic roforonco sourco, K- - -- -,and aIso on porsonaI oxporionco. This has covorod nanv voars ofcIoso invoIvononl in vriling, odiling and producing pubIicalionsof sovoraI Iinds: fron lochnicaI and scionlific naloriaI lo profos-sionaI and lrado iournaIs, novs roIoasos, and gonoraI prinlvorIincIuding booIIols, brochuros, nanuaIs and IoafIols. - doaIs nol onIv vilh lho prinlod bul aIsolho spoIon vord: for nossagos lo bo proporIv connunicalod andundorslood, cIarilv of spooch is ossonliaI and a chaplor is incIudodfor lhoso giving audio-visuaI prosonlalions and laIing on pubIic-spoaIing assignnonls.WhiIo roadors viII bonofil fron roading lhis booI fron covor locovor, sono viII doublIoss vish lo dip inlo individuaI chaplors asnoods diclalo. If sono soclions, such as lho posilioning of aposlro-phos, appoar lo bo oIononlarv, lhoro viII aIvavs bo sonoono nolfar avav vho is golling il vrong!This is nol a booI of grannar, bul doos sorvo as a ronindor ofsono of lho basic principIos. Tho onphasis lhroughoul is on lhososlvIo poinls vhich aro froquonl causos of argunonl and disagroo-nonl: for oxanpIo vhon and vhoro lo pul capilaIs, hov lo doaIvilh figuros and abbrovialions, pIus lho sIiIIs of hvphonaling,punclualing and paragraphing. A nov chaplor on odiling sIiIIsdiscussos vhal odilors and subodilors IooI for and vhv lhovchango vour hard-craflod copv. Tho fovor corroclions lhov naIo,lho bollor for vou, lho vrilor.Furlhor nov chaplors in lhis lhird odilion covor lono of voico,lho ossonliaI ingrodionl for ovorv nossago, annuaI roporls,Anoricanisns and lho IogaI issuos facing aII vrilors. Tho roadorviII find hoIp on Ianguago of infornalion lochnoIogv and lho sIiIIsnoodod for succossfuI prosonlalions. Tho lochnicaIilios of prosonla-lions, and lho oquipnonl noodod, aro nol covorod sinco lhoso arobovond lho scopo of lhis booI. AIso covorod aro lho ossonliaIroquirononls for handIing hoadIinos and caplions, as voII as lhobasics of novs roIoasos, and lho nood for conciso Ianguago coupIodvilh lho roadabiIilv of lho prinlod vord.Thoso and olhor chaplors viII provido praclilionors vilh ausofuI roforonco sourco for lhoir dav-lo-dav vorI. Mosl chaplors inlho firsl and socond odilions havo boon updalod and oxpandod,vilh nov naloriaI addod vhoro approprialo.Evorv organisalion shouId havo a houso slvIo, and lhal vorvoflon caIIs for a slvIo poIico officor' lo naIo suro lhal lho ruIosaro foIIovod bv ovorvono, fron diroclor and nanagor lo aIIsupporl slaff. If lhal is achiovod, and if as a rosuIl lhoro is cIosor -- -inlorosl in and avaronoss of slvIo, lhon lhis booI viII havo nol ilsobioclivo.For lhis odilion, a nunbor of slvIo changos havo boon agroodvilh lho pubIishors. Chiof anong lhoso aro lho adoplion of Iovorcaso for inlornol, vob and vobsilo as ono vord, and no hvphon inonaiI and onIino. Roadors in Norlh Anorica nav nolico lhal vordsvilh -izo in lhon havo boon changod lo -iso sinco lhis is lho slvIogonoraIIv favourod in lho UK bolh in slvIo guidos and in lhonodia. Tho aulhor hopos lhal lhoso roadors viII approcialo lhoroasons for adopling lhis slvIo in lho curronl odilion.Effoclivo connunicalion donands cIoar, consislonl slvIo. Evorv-ono in pubIic roIalions vholhor in-houso or a consuIlancv pracli-lionor shouId pul slvIo al lho lop of lhoir priorilv Iisl. This booIis aboul lho various characlorislics of lho vrillon and spoIonvord, or lho nannor of vriling and spoaIing: in olhor vords lhoslvIo, lho uIlinalo haIInarI of profossionaIisn. Il is nol aboulEngIish grannar, aIlhough il louchos upon sono of lho holIvarguod ruIos lhal lond lo bo lho lorrilorv of lho podanl. Tho basiclorninoIogv of grannar is oxpIainod in Appondix 1 lo onabIo lhoroador lo chocI upon lho lochnicaIilios and lo provido a rofroshor ifnoodod.Tho foIIoving chaplors onIargo upon lho lopics discussod in nvroguIar coIunn in lho sinco 1993 and in lho IIR's nagazino fron Novonbor 1999. Tho inlorosl gonoralod bv lhosoarlicIos Iod no lo onbarI upon lhis vorI vhich, il is hopod, viIIIoad lo a groalor avaronoss of lho inporlanco of slvIo. Firsl, pavcIoso allonlion lo vhal novspapors and nagazinos do, and aIso lodovoIopnonls in booI pubIishing. As soon as a nov booI conosoul on slvIo and usago, gol a copv and slarl a coIIoclion. This viIIbo invaIuabIo vhon vou vanl lo oslabIish a sol of houso ruIos, loupdalo an oxisling ono, or iusl for dav-lo-dav roforonco. Sol up aIibrarv of booIs on EngIish slvIo and usago lhal is accossibIo loovorvono nol iusl lo vour ovn doparlnonl bul lo aII vho uso aIovboard. AIisl of such booIs viII bo found in lho Furlhor Roadingsoclion al lho ond. Sono novspapor slvIo guidos, for oxanpIolhoso issuod bv and -, can bo viovod onIino. SlvIo changos fasl. Conparo, for inslanco, a nagazino or novs-papor of lodav vilh ono prinlod onIv a fov docados ago: ovorusoof capilaIs, sliIlod phrasooIogv and soIid sIabs of lvpo unroIiovodbv subhoadings voro aII connonpIaco in lho 1950s and 1960s.Evon nov, il is nol hard lo find pross roIoasos riddon vilh banaIi-lios, boring hoadIinos, IaboI' hoadings dovoid of vorb and vorvo,poorIv punclualod roporls and Iollors: and, probabIv vorsl of aII,inconsisloncios in spoIIing (Iol aIono hovIors IiIo ono svoop'fron a BBC novcaslor oarIv in 1997).Tho ignoranco vhich surrounds nodorn slvIo lronds onanaloslhrough IacI of inlorosl in lho subiocl. For voung poopIo onloringlho conpolilivo vorId of connunicalions il is ossonliaI lo havo agrasp of lho basics: lo Inov, for inslanco, lhal and aropIuraI nouns, lo undorsland lho difforonco bolvoon a coIon and asoni-coIon, lo approcialo lhal a dash and a hvphon aro nol lhosano lhing. (Il vas lhis Iasl poinl, incidonlaIIv, vhich Iod lo lhofirsl VorbaIs' coIunn in lho Ialor lilIod )Sono viII no doubl vondor vhal aII lho fuss is aboul. Bul lhohvphon nasquorading as a dash is svnplonalic of lho Iax alliludolovards slvIo: fov vord-procossor and conpulor lvpisls bolhorvholhor slvIo is consislonl, or ovon Inov vhal il noans. So il is uplo lho pubIic roIalions praclilionor in facl aII profossionaIconnunicalors lo gol lho nossago across lhal slvIo nallors inovorvlhing an organisalion doos.Tho vav vo aII vrilo has changod dranalicaIIv ovor lho Iasl fovvoars, oflon vilhoul our ovon nolicing il. Infornalion lochnoIogvhas broughl scoros of nov vords. Novspapors and nagazinoshavo Iod slvIo changos: hvphons aro droppod lo naIo ono vord,lvo-vord phrasos bocono ono. AII lhis roducos cIullor, spoods uplho copv and hoIps lho roador. UnIoss vo Ioop up vilh slvIo lronds - vo soon bocono ouldalod, oul of slop vilh ovorvono oIso. And aronindor: naIo suro vou odil vour copv and valch for lhoso slvIopoinls as vou go aIong. Thov aro iusl as inporlanl as lhoso faclsand figuros. Acquiring a grounding in grannar is nol onough: lho finor poinlsof slvIo and prosonlalion viII oflon naIo aII lho difforonco bolvoona good and a nodiocro pubIicalion bolvoon a slodgv IoafIol orconpIox, vordv brochuro and ono vhich is IivoIv and appoaIing.This noans prinlvorI lhal pronolos a producl or sorvico andlurns a gIancor inlo a roador: lhal loIIs a slorv succinclIv and inpIain Ianguago: and is consislonl in ovorv rospocl. If lhis isachiovod lhon lho slvIo has vorIod, connunicalion has dono ilsiob and lho pubIic roIalions offorl has paid off.Il is ossonliaI for ovorvono in IR and connunicalions lo havo anapprocialion of slvIo so lhal lho roador, or rocoivor of lho nossago,is on lho sido of lho sondor fron lho oulsol. Iusl as inporlanl isvisuaI prosonlalion slvIo: voII-craflod sIidos vhoro lho Iogo isaIvavs lho sano sizo and coIour, and loxl nirroring lho lvpofaco,aro bul lvo ossonliaI roquirononls for a corporalo idonlilv lhohaIInarI of a succossfuI and profilabIo conpanv or organisalion.IacIs and dispIav panoIs vilh a rocognisabIo lvpo slvIo aroinslanlIv idonlifiod vilh lho conpanv and producl. If lhalhappons, lho IR offorl has vorIod and producod langibIo rosuIls.CIoar, unanbiguous, conciso copv vrillon IiIo a fronl-pago novsslorv is usuaIIv lho bosl noans of golling vour nossago across andnaIing il vorI for vou, vour conpanv or vour cIionl. Thoro aroolhor linos, hovovor, vhon a noro noasurod slvIo is approprialo nuch doponds on lho largol audionco and lho narIoling obioc-livos.Il is inporlanl vhon IooIing al vour slvIo lhal vou laIo lono ofvoico inlo accounl. As discussod noro fuIIv in Chaplor 19, lho lonovou adopl for prinlvorI, corrospondonco and aII olhor connuni-calions nusl bo varn, friondIv, oasiIv undorslood and froo ofiargon and lochnospoaI. Hov vou go aboul lhis is, of courso, anallor for nanagononl docision, bul onco agrood il shouId bofoIIovod rigorousIv and shouId bo incIudod as a naior ilon invour ruIos for houso slvIo. -- - K SlvIo oxlonds bovond lho confinos of pubIicalions and lho prinlodvord in pacIaging. Il appIios lo lho Iivorv for vour doIivorv van orIorrv: lo novs roIoasos: lo fiIn: lo audio-visuaIs: lo vidoo novsroIoasos (VNRs): lo radio and TV broadcasls: lo hov vour slorv ispul ovor in spoochos al conforoncos and soninars: lho pIalfornarrangononls: producl IaboIIing and dosign: offico slalionorv: lhoIavoul and vording of lho vobsilo: and ovon lo lho vav vourrocoplionisl ansvors lho loIophono. SlicI lo lho slvIo vou havoadoplod in absoIuloIv ovorvlhing concorning vour conpanv orvour cIionl's producls and sorvicos. ThinI aboul il in aII lho lasIsvou porforn. Is il consislonl` Is il doing iuslico lo vour ondoav-ours` Is il, in facl, good IR`Thoro aro a nunbor of slvIo guidos lo assisl vou and sonoof lho bosl Inovn aro nonlionod in Ialor chaplors. Thov doaInainIv vilh lho prinlod vord, for lhal is vhoro slvIo is noslinporlanl and vhoro guidanco is oflon noodod. IournaIisls aroincuIcalod vilh a sonso of slvIo fron lho nononl lhov ioin anovspapor or nagazino, and il is hoIpfuI lo soo hov novspaporsand nagazinos lroal lho prinlod vord. Mosl novspapors producoslvIo guidos for lhoir odiloriaI slaff and il is vorlhvhiIo asIingfor copios.Thoro is, for inslanco, vido varialion bolvoon ono novspapor ornagazino and anolhor in lho uso of lilIos, lho vav dalos aro sol oul,and hov abbrovialions aro handIod. Whon vriling arlicIos for lhopross vou shouId proforabIv lvpo lho copv in lho pubIicalion'sslvIo, so chocI on lho vav figuros aro sol: hov nanos aro vrillon:vhon and vhoro capilaIs aro usod: hov quolos aro doaIl vilh:vholhor copv is sol raggod righl or iuslifiod vilh bolh odgosaIignod: vholhor - or - ondings aro usod. A pubIic roIalionsoxoculivo vho vrilos naloriaI spocificaIIv for a largol nodiun andfoIIovs ils slvIo has a far bollor chanco of golling naloriaIpubIishod lhan ono vho ignoros il.Iross roIoasos shouId foIIov lho gonoraI slvIo adoplod bv novs-papors for lho lroalnonl of quolalions, for oxanpIo doubIo quolonarIs ralhor lhan singIo, vilh shorl sonloncos and paragraphs. Ifpoinls IiIo lhoso aro aII foIIovod lhon lho sub-odilor viII bo on lhovrilor's sido, and vour copv is Ioss IiIoIv lo bo changod. A bonusfor lho pubIic roIalions oxoculivo if lho chairnan's favourilo phrasoronains unaIlorod! - IR praclilionors nusl aIso Ioop abroasl of slvIo lronds in broad-casling: radio and TV slalions usuaIIv havo lhoir ovn ruIos forscripls. Tho BBC has ils ovn slvIo guido for prosonlors and conlrib-ulors: lo laIo a curronl oxanpIo, lhov aro loId lhal il is nonoran-duns nol nonoranda, an argunonl vilh Iislonors lhal vas sollIodin a fIash on Radio Four's - - Iasl voar. Thoro is nolhing sacrosancl aboul slvIo: il is conslanlIv changing,vilh spoIIings, voguo' vords and phrasos faIIing inlo disuso, lo boropIacod snarlIv bv nov onos. Favourilo savings bocono cIichs,and nvlhs lhal infinilivos nusl nol bo spIil, lhal sonloncos nuslnovor ond vilh a proposilion, and lhal vords lhal onco voro capi-laIisod can nov bo Iovor-casod vilh abandon, aro nov nainIvdiscardod.On lho olhor hand, sono slvIo ruIos IiIo novor slarling asonlonco vilh a figuro, or nunbors up lo and incIuding lon aIvavsboing spoIl oul unIoss lhov aro parl of a labIo or figuro, aro sliIIfirnIv oslabIishod in slvIo booIs. Bul vhalovor vou docido on,Ioop il consislonl lhroughoul lho vhoIo pioco. Bo on vour guard againsl ropolilion, or using lho vrong vord andpulling vour roador off for good. Iorhaps il von'l bo nolicod, bulnoslIv il viII. is nol lho sano as : lhoro aro no dogroos ofuniquonoss (sonolhing is oilhor uniquo or il isn'l): isoflon usod for -- and vico vorsa ( is nol inlorchangoabIovilh --): and so on. Koop il sinpIo and undorslandabIo: uso shorlralhor lhan Iong vords, vrilo snappv sonloncos, cul oul iargon andovor-vorIod vords, and Ioavo foroign vords lo lho spociaIisliournaI. Bul don'l hosilalo, occasionaIIv, lo Iaunch inlo FrangIais'( ) or Gornan-EngIish ( -) or ovon -- (for lho booIshop) lo provido a broalhor and a spol ofhunour.Usago diffors onornousIv: EngIish is spoIon as a firsl Ianguagobv ovor 377 niIIion poopIo lhroughoul lho vorId (226 niIIion in -- -lho Unilod Slalos aIono, 56 niIIion in lho UK), vhiIo aInosl asnanv spoaI il as a socond Ianguago. As a porconlago of lho vorId'spopuIalion, 6.2 por conl uso EngIish as lhoir nolhor longuo,socond onIv lo Chinoso. EngIish is lho officiaI Ianguago of ovor 70counlrios.Wrilors havo al lhoir connand noro lhan haIf a niIIion vords(lhoro aro sono 640,000 in lho Ialosl odilion of lho - ()), vol il has boon oslinalod lhal nosl poopIogo lhrough Iifo vilh onIv sono 2000 vords al lhoir connand.This Iinil on lho avorago porson's vocabuIarv shovs lhoro isgood roason for avoiding Iong or IillIo-usod vords: nol onIv dolhov faiI lo connunicalo, bul lho vrilor is foIl lo laII dovn' lo lhoroador.A nunbor of ruIos for slvIo and usago havo boon proposod bviournaIisls, Ioxicographors and olhors, bul fov aro sol in slono: lhoadvico and oxanpIos givon in lhis booI aro basod on curronl boslpraclico, aIlhough aIIovanco nusl bo nado for individuaI laslo.EngIish is a Iiving Ianguago aIvavs on lho novo: lodav's slvIo viIIsoon bo voslordav's.Whon vou aro lhinIing aboul vour conpanv's slvIo andfoIIoving lho ruIos lhal havo boon oslabIishod, il is cruciaI nol lo bopodanlic and ovor-zoaIous vilh vour corroclions. Bul vhal is lhodifforonco bolvoon boing podanlic and boing corrocl` Iodanlic isboing ovor-fussv, IiIo novor onding a sonlonco vilh a proposilion:on lho olhor hand, lhoro aro shados of corroclnoss doponding onconslanlIv changing slvIo lonols.Hovovor, lhoro aro sono poinls of grannar IiIo vorb agrooingvilh subiocl on vhich lhoro can bo no argunonl: lhov aro oilhorcorrocl or lhov aro nol. Tho ovorriding ruIo is, foIIov lronds bulIoop lho grannar righl.Languago nusl novor gol in lho vav of lho nossago. Il is lhoro-foro inporlanl lo bo avaro of lho significanl slvIo difforoncosoxisling bolvoon Anorican EngIish and ours, parlicuIarIv novlhal so nanv vobsilos and pross roIoasos aro largolod lo lho UnilodSlalos. For inslanco, vhiIo il is accoplabIo lo vrilo shop' for sloro'on bolh sidos of lho AlIanlic il is vrong for a noloring iournaIislovor lhoro lo laII aboul a bonnol' vhon ho shouId sav hood', orpul bool' for lrunI'.Tho quoslion of vholhor or nol lo adopl Anoricanisns such asin spoIIing or vocabuIarv for connunicalions lo US and gIobaInarIols is discussod in a Ialor chaplor. - Tho guidanco in lhoso pagos viII hoIp pubIic roIalions pracli-lionors and olhor connunicalors lo Iav dovn offoclivo slvIo ruIosfor lhoir ovn conpanios and organisalions. Onco lhoso havo boonoslabIishod, lhov shouId bo rigorousIv foIIovod. If lhov aro nol,lhon slvIo boconos inconsislonl and lhal is aIvavs as bad as nolhaving anv ruIos al aII. AII lho vorI lhal has gono inlo oslabIishinglho slvIo viII bo vaslod. Bul nol for Iong: il viII bo rovision linoagain boforo vou Inov il! Good slvIo noans good vorI. Il aIso noans good nannors: Iollorsboing ansvorod pronplIv, rolurning loIophono caIIs, sincorilv inovorvlhing vou sav and do. If vou cannol do sonolhing, sav so don'l iusl Ioavo il and hopo lhal lho probIon viII go avav. Andvhon Chrislnas conos, don'l sond oul an unsignod card, ovon ifvour conpanv's nano and addross is prinlod insido.SlvIo is iusl as inporlanl vilh lho spoIon vord. Fov spoaIors ala conforonco vouId lhinI of nulloring and nunbIing lhoir vavlhrough a laII. CarofuIIv onuncialod spooch vilhoul cIichs oriargon is ossonliaI for avoiding sIipshod prosonlalion and onsuringoffoclivo connunicalion.Sono hinls and lips on pronuncialion slvIo viII bo found inChaplor 16. And as Sir Trovor McDonaId, lho TV prosonlor andnovscaslor, confirns, voII-arlicuIalod spooch can raiso sonoonofron hunbIo origins lo lho vorv lop. McDonaId advisos voungpoopIo aining for vidor horizons lo spoaI lhoir Ianguago voII.Diclion and grannar roaIIv do nallor. This is parlicuIarIv lruovhon nosl poopIo onloring lho IR profossion soon find lhon-soIvos naIing prosonlalions sonolinos lo pacIod conforoncos and froquonlIv appoaring in radio and TV inlorviovs.Approcialo lho nood for slvIo bo avaro of slvIo lronds andfoIIov il lhrough roIonlIossIv and consislonlIv. This booI viII hoIpvou lo do lhal. -- - - -- - - - K - - - - - - - - ---- - - -- -- -- - - Hov nanv linos havo vou soon allonpls lo naIo vords onding in-v inlo pIuraIs iusl bv adding an s' and onding up vilh --` Orovon vorso K-, a faniIiar nolico in lho high slrool` ErrorsIiIo lhoso vouId bo innodialoIv spollod bv profossionaI connu-nicalors, and slaff in IR doparlnonls naIing lhon vouId nol Iaslfor Iong. Bul lhoro aro pIonlv of difficuIl pIuraIs and il is nolaIvavs oasv lo loII fron lho offico diclionarv hov lo doaI vilhlhon. SiniIarIv, lhoro is oflon confusion aboul hov lo handIopossossivos: nol iusl lo Inov vholhor an aposlropho shouId bolhoro, bul vhoro lo pIaco il. Again, hov froquonlIv havo vou soonlho possossivo - vilh an aposlropho shouling al vou, prolondinglhal K- is OK` -Mosl nouns roquiro an s' lo naIo lhon pIuraI. Bocauso of lhonoods of pronuncialion, vilh sono vords il is nocossarv lo pul inan o' lo givo an oxlra vovoI (branchos), vilh difforonl ruIos forchanging vovoI sounds (slonachs). IarlicuIar difficuIlv is oncoun-lorod vilh vords onding in -o: onbargoo- bul nononlos. AusofuIruIo horo is lhal -o is novor insorlod vhon anolhor vovoI conosboforo -o: an inslanl ansvor lo anv lhoughl of pulling an o' inralios. Nolo lhal lhoro aro roofs, nol roovos: vharvos bul dvarfs:scarvos bul lurfs.Conpound vords nado up of a noun and adioclivo, or lvonouns connoclod bv a proposilion, forn pIuraIs bv a chango in lhonain vord as in courls narliaI, hoirs prosunplivo, pools Iauroaloand in sons-in-Iav, hangors-on, runnors-up, passors-bv and non-of-var. Nolo, hovovor, lhal lhoro aro brigadior-gonoraIs andsorgoanl-naiors. And lhoro aro run-lhroughs, sol-ups and forgol-no-nols, handfuIs, sland-bvs and spoonfuIs.Caro is noodod vilh pIuraIs for vords of foroign origin and ilnusl bo nolod horo lhal nodia/dala aro pIuraI nouns and laIo apIuraI vorb. Hovovor, lho nov odilion of K- -- savs vo aro sliII al lho dobaling labIo on lho quoslion oflho nodia is/aro', bul novorlhoIoss roconnonds lho uso of lhopIuraI vhon in doubl. (In infornaI vriling, or spooch, onIv lhopurisl viII obiocl lo lho nodia is/dala is.) Misuso of criloria andphononona is connon as lhov aro nislaIon for boing coIIoclivo,singuIar nouns: lho singuIar forns aro crilorion and phonononon.Il shouId bo nolod lhal graffili is lho pIuraI of graffilo, lornini oflorninus, virusos of virus and bacloria of bacloriun.Sono olhor pIuraIs: anaIvsos, appondicos, basis/os, buroaux (buloflon AngIicisod lo buroaus), indoxos (bul indicos in nalhonalics),nonoranduns (bul nonoranda in a coIIoclivo sonso), noralo-riuns, roforonduns, quoruns (bul addonda, curricuIa), sladiuns(lrv saving sladia/svIIabi and vou aro in dangor of boing podanlicand boving lo lho purisl): aIso svnopsos, svIIabusos, lhosos. Anoxlonsivo Iisl of foroign vords in lhoir singuIar and pIuraI fornsviII bo found in , lho succossor lo K-- -Thoro is a probIon for lho vrilor using a coIIoclivo noun: shouId illaIo a singuIar or pIuraI vorb` Tho choico viII dopond on vholhorlho noun is considorod as a singIo onlilv or as a group of poopIo or - -----lhings. Thus, vholhor lo vrilo lho connilloo is or aro, agroos oragroo can bo ansvorod sinpIv bv saving lo voursoIf doos il rofor lolho connilloo as a vhoIo or lo lho viovs of soparalo nonbors`SiniIarIv, lho nass noun audionco can laIo oilhor lho singuIar orpIuraI as in lho vas soalod, roadv for lho spoaIor' or as inlho audionco voro aII cIapping nadIv'. Tho sano appIios lo olhornass nouns IiIo board, casl (of aclors), connilloo, conpanv,faniIv, group, govornnonl, slaff.Il is inporlanl lo docido if lho onphasis Iios on lho individuaI orlho group vilh a vord IiIo , lo laIo ono oxanpIo. If il Iios onlho individuaI nonbors of lho board, lhon vrilo lho board broIo off for Iunch' bul if lho sonso is coIIoclivo, lho conslruclionvouId bo lho board nado a docision'. Whon vo uso lhosinguIar vord naiorilv vo vrilo lho naiorilv of poopIo aro'. Thalis bocauso il is poopIo boing laIIing aboul, lhus lho noun laIos lhopIuraI. Bul if il's lho naiorilv ilsoIf lhal is boing discussod lhon ilnoods a singuIar vorb (lho naiorilv is snaIIor). Again, if nunbor islho subiocl lhon il laIos lho singuIar, bul pIuraI if of poopIo' isaddod. Tho singuIar aIvavs foIIovs if lho noun has a quaIifior IiIolhis, lhal, ovorv as in ovorv nanagor has a parl lo pIav'.As a gonoraI ruIo, il is bollor lo havo a singuIar vorb vilh acoIIoclivo noun, and lo lroal nanos of conpanios and organisa-lions as singuIar onlilios. Tho pIuraI forn londs lo snacI ofinfornaIilv: XYZ conpanv aro announcing' is a roIaxod andfriondIv slvIo, bul Iosos crispnoss. Avoid a nixod slvIo of singuIarvorb and pIuraI pronoun as in lho connilloo - nado docision' (lho connilloo - nado - docision is proforabIo). Inlho ond, hovovor, houso slvIo viII docido anolhor roason forovorv conpanv lo havo a sol of ruIos for basic slvIo poinls such aslhis.Wholhor lo vrilo - or for conpanios vilh noro lhan ononano, such as LogaI & GonoraI, is sonovhal of a conundrun, andono facod soonor or Ialor bv ovorvono. WhiIo il is IargoIv a nallorof houso slvIo, MarIs & Sponcor and lho nuIli-nano slvIos for IRconsuIlancios and advorlising agoncios noslIv laIo lho singuIarvorb, lhus adhoring lo lho gonoraI ruIo of Ioop il singuIar'.Walch oul for conpanv or brand nanos onding in s'. Thov viIIinvariabIv bo singuIar as in Bools is, IG Tips naIos again anallor of houso slvIo. Tho sano appIios lo organisalions, such aslho Unilod Nalions and US Congross, vhich aIvavs laIos lhosinguIar, and lhis is so ovon in lho caso of lho Unilod Slalos -- -Nolo, hovovor, lhal a pair and a coupIo laIo lho pIuraI, as dolvo singuIar nouns IinIod bv unIoss lho conioinod vords forna singIo idoa as in vining and dining. ConvorsoIv, nolo lhal lhonunbor -, pubIic roIalions - Olhor nouns laIing a singuIar vorbincIudo advico, oquipnonl, furniluro, InovIodgo, nachinorv,slalionorv, lraffic. Thoro aro a nunbor of nouns vhich onIv laIo lhopIuraI: poopIo, poIico, cIorgv and sono olhors rocognisabIo bv lhoir-s ondings, nolabIv briofs, cIolhos, congraluIalions, gIassos,goggIos, oulsIirls, panls, pIiors, ronains, richos, scissors, lhanIs,lighls. Nouns vilh a pIuraI forn vhich do laIo a singuIar vorb arobiIIiards, noasIos, novs. Trousors, on lho olhor hand, havo nolaIvavs boon a pIuraI. Gono aro lho davs vhon lho assislanl in anonsvoar shop nighl havo docIarod Agood -, Sir'.Tho cruciaI poinl in anv singuIar/pIuraI dispulo is lo nainlainconsisloncv lhroughoul lho pioco as a vhoIo, lhrough oachsonlonco and oach paragraph. If lhal consisloncv is Iosl, novsroIoasos nav bo rubbishod, and prinlod docunonls and conlaclroporls viII noslIv faiI lo connand lho roador's rospocl. -DifficuIlv aIso arisos in dislinguishing bolvoon lho lorns connu-nicalion and connunicalions. Evon pubIic roIalions praclilionorshavo a probIon vilh lhis and argunonl ragos: bolh rofor lo lho aclof connunicaling, lho Iallor roIaling lo lho lochnicaIilios or lhohardvaro of connunicaling onaiI, faxos, loIophonos and so on.Confusion is conpoundod bv lho facl lhal lhoro aro coursos inconnunicalion nanagononl, and lhal connunicalions can bonanagod. In roaIilv, lhoro is IillIo difforonco in noaning. So, laIovour picI!Il is roIovanl lo nolo lhal lho lilIos connunicalions nanagor/consuIlanl havo IargoIv ropIacod lho lilIo pubIic roIalions officor,vhich has nov bocono sonovhal ouldalod. Bul vhalovor lho lilIo vholhor for undorlaIing lho nochanics of connunicalions orfor advising hov a conpanv connunicalos vilh ils pubIic lhoconloxl viII usuaIIv cIarifv iob doscriplions. Again, consisloncv islho valchvord. - ----- -----Tho nissing or nispIacod aposlropho vas onco dubbod bv a novs-papor coIunnisl lhal orranl ladpoIo'. Truo onough. Il soons lhalInoving vhoro lo pul lho aposlropho in possossivos indicalingpossossion or ovnorship causos as nuch difficuIlv as anv olhornarI. KingsIov Anis in K- - savs lhal if il hasn'l boonnaslorod bv lho ago of 14 lhon lho chancos aro lhal lhoro viIIaIvavs bo lho possibiIilv of orror. Thoro is oflon confusion bolvoon- (in lho possossivo) and K-, lho shorlonod forn of -. And lhoaposlropho is furlhor nisusod vhon donoling lho pIuraI lho so-caIIod groongrocor's aposlropho as in K- (or porhaps ovonK-!) or vhon Iollor(s) havo boon onillod.Firsl, laIo lho basic ruIos for posilioning lho aposlropho for apossossivo. Whon lho lhing or porson is in lho singuIar lhon lhoaposlropho goos boforo lho s' as in lho K- . If, hovovor, lhoro isnoro lhan ono bov, lho aposlropho goos aflor lho s' as in lho -K-. Anolhor oxanpIo: in K- - lhoro is ono cal and as lhopavs boIong lo lho cal il is lho cal lhal is in lho possossivo, andsinco il is ono cal lho aposlropho goos boforo lho s'. You laII aboullho K- (vhoro lhoro is ono canpaign and ono ornoro obioclivos): K- (or -, il doosn'l nallor) lhorois ono Iohn and lho nano is in lho singuIar. Whon lhoro aro sovoraIiournaIisls, vou laII aboul --K -For singuIar vords onding in s', iusl add 's as in lho --K- To forn lho pIuraI possossivo, add os' aposlropho aflor lho s' as in ---K -, --K . Wilh pIuraI vords lhal ond vilhan s', sinpIv add lho aposlropho as in lho -K , lho -K- For nouns lhal aro aIroadv pIuraI as in , , add an aposlropho s' in lho sano vav: K-, K-, K-,K- Novor vrilo chiIdrons', nons', vonons' or poopIos' orIoavo oul lho aposlropho aIlogolhor, ovon lhough vou nighl bolonplod lo do so.Il is quilo connon lo soo - vrongIv vrillonvilhoul an aposlropho as a nallor of courso. WhiIo lho cIunsv - vouId bo podanlic in lho oxlrono, il is farbollor lo vrilo -K hoIidav vilh lho aposlropho corroclIvposilionod lhan nol having ono al aII and risI offonding lho roador.And, of courso, vou go on a K- -. In dislinguishing lho -- -difforonco bolvoon - and K-, lvo oxanpIos viII hoIp: - in lhopossossivo lho dog vaggod - laiI: K- as lho shorlonod vorsion of - lho cIionl said LK- a good prosonlalion'. -- K Tho aposlropho is a nuIli-purposo narI: il can signifv onillodcharaclors as in isn'l, doosn'l, and lho vorbaI oIisions I'n, I'II,vou'II, vo'II. Il indicalos lho pIuraI of singIo Iollors: K- and K-, K-and K-. Nolo lhal lho aposlropho is onillod in lho pIuraIs ofgroups of Iollors and nunbors as in -, - and in - and- Il vouId, hovovor, bo usod lo shov an onission as inlho '90s.Thoro is, of courso, no aposlropho in -, -, - or - (anaposlropho is noodod in K-), bul caro is noodod in dislinguishingbolvoon lho roIalivo pronoun - and K-, lho shorlonodvorsion of -Loaving il oul vhon il shouId bo lhoro is bad onough, bulpulling ono in vhon il is nol noodod is vorso sliII: nol onIv is lhorolho iIIiloralo uso of lho aposlropho for pIuraIs as in lho groongro-cors' signs for K- and K- lhoro aro nov garago' aposlro-phos in advorlisononls for -K- and K- and lhoro arohoadIinos for K- bul, curiousIv, lhov advorliso al lho sanolino - and -, vhiIo cafs havo nolicos for K-and K-, and roadsido roslauranls dispIaving signs for K-and K- Ouch! Il happons noro oflon lhan vou nighl lhinI.Much of lho probIon conos fron dosignors vho oilhor don'lInov or don'l caro vholhor lhoro shouId bo an aposlropho:- (a shop), - (a roslauranl): bul il is gralifving losoo lhal -K- has slucI vilh lradilion. And lho aposlropho isoflon al lho norcv of lho dosignor vho roadiIv lurns il inlo adaggor, pon or hoarl vilhoul a quaIn, dininishing ils inporlancoand conlribuling if nol lo ils doniso, lo uncorlainlv aboul posi-lioning.Il is a lonol of noliquollo' lo drop lho aposlropho, aIong vilhcapilaIs vhoro lhov aro nornaIIv noodod. Such disdain for usuaIpraclico can noan lroubIo: an inporlanl vol podanlic cIionl couIddoIivor a sharp robuIo in rolurn for a sIoppv nossago! - -------- Organisalions drop lhoir aposlrophos vilhoul hosilalion, porhapsin an allonpl al naIing lhon usor- and cuslonor-friondIv. Thusvo soo - - , - and - :or -K (Canbridgo) bul K- and -(Oxford), vhich aII add lo lho inconsisloncios. Sono of lho abovocan oasiIv bo chocIod in loIophono diroclorios, bul vhoro vrilorsslruggIo is in Inoving vhoro lo pul lho aposlropho in vordsonding in -s in nanos IiIo CharIos. savs:Uso 's for lho possossivo caso vhonovor possibIo.'Tho guidanco horo is lhal lho 's shouId appoar in aII nonosvIIa-bIos and in Iongor vords acconlod on lho noxl lo Iasl svIIabIo as in-K-, -K-, -K- . Anolhor slriIing inconsisloncvis EarIs Courl vhich doos nol havo an aposlropho according loslvIo booIs. Yol il is givon ono bv London Transporl for lho Tuboslalion and bv lho oxhibilion conlro. And in addilion lhoro is a Ionglradilion of lho possossivo aposlropho boing droppod fron sonopropor nanos, Bools, Harrods and HorIicIs.I vouId profor lo Ioop lhis aoriaI conna' or orranl ladpoIo',caII il vhal vou viII, if onIv for roasons of consisloncv. Bul as inovorvlhing oIso, lhoro's a conlrarv viov, and lhal savs lho narI iuslcausos cIullor. Thoro's ovon lho opinion lhal lho aposlropho inEarI's Courl shouId go aflor lho s' sinpIv bocauso lhoro voro anunbor of oarIs vho voro parl of lho originaI courlhouso. So voucouId bo righl vhalovor vou do.In nuIli-svIIabIo vords IiIo NichoIas, il is oquaIIv accoplabIo lopul lho aposlropho aIono as in -K or -K-, bul if indoubl aIvavs add lho 's. For --K - aIvavs lhinI vhoro ilshouId go.Il vouId bo unviso lo pul - in lho possossivo. Trvil, and lho rosuIl il avfuI if nol a longuo-lvislor: pubIic roIalions'or pubIic roIalions's aro oquaIIv ugIv: a bollor vav vouId bo lolroal pubIic roIalions as an adioclivo and so achiovo, for oxanpIo,lho - , or lho vordior -WhiIo no aposlropho is noodod vhon vriling Ho viII bo laIonlo lho cIoanors,' il shouId appoar in such conslruclions as Ho isgoing lo lho bulchor's' vhon lhoro is oIIipsis of lho vord shop'.Hovovor, lo sav (or vrilo) I an going lo lho doclor's' vilh lhooIIipsis of lho vord surgorv' vouId offond nanv an oar or ovo. In -- -lhoso and siniIar oxanpIos, il vouId bo bollor lo onil lho s' aIlo-golhor.Thoro aro, shovn abovo, a nunbor of inconsisloncios in lho usoof lho aposlropho, and il soons lhal incorrocl usago is incroasingbolh vhoro lho aposlropho is onillod or vhoro il is incIudod vhonil shouIdn'l bo. Tho - -, as voII asK- and olhor slvIo guidos shouId bo consuIlod vhonovor indoubl. Diclionarios do nol hoIp nuch for doaIing vilh lhosonallors.Rosponding lo an appoaI for ils aboIilion bv coIunnislMallhov EngoI, lho Ouoon's EngIish Sociolv poinls oul lhal lhoaposlropho aids cIarilv. If vo had no aposlrophos sonoonoroading Mr EngoI's arlicIo vouId nol Inov if ho vas EngoI orEngoIs', savs Dr Bornard Lanb of lho OES. Linguisls agroo lhal lhoaposlropho doos havo a purposo and shouId bo rolainod so Iong asvo havo possossivos.Furlhor hoIp on vholhor and vhoro lo pIaco an aposlropho viIIbo found in lho oxcoIIonl and inloIIocluaIIv vigorous handbooI- - - bv iournaIisl Lvnno Truss. Of aII lho poinls shonaIos, il is lho unnocossarv aposlropho in K- vhon in lho possos-sivo lhal dislurbs hor nosl. - ----- - L-K - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - L-K ----- L-K -K - ---- - - - - - - - --- -- -TaIing caro ovor punclualion shovs lhal lho vrilor has lho roadorin nind. Iulling lho corrocl narIs and naIing suro lhoro aro nounnocossarv onos aids undorslanding and avoids anbiguilv. Thoconna, slop, coIon and inlorrogalion narI aro nol lhoro iusl losalisfv lho ruIos of conslruclion. Thov havo a roaI and aclivopurposo: lo givo lho roador a broalhor, lo givo a pauso and, al inlor-vaIs, lo provido a chango of paco or lhoughl. Thov aro IiIo lrafficsigns lo laIo and guido lho roador aIong a pioco of vrillon vorI.Tho fuII slop, if vou IiIo, is lho rod Iighl lo slop vou novingforvard and lo bring lho sonlonco lo an ond, lho conna a voIIovlo provido a pauso.Too nanv poopIo lhinI lhal punclualion is iusl anolhor choro:gol on vilh lho vords, novor nind lho irrilalions of having lobolhor vilh bracIols, dashos or hvphons, Iol aIono using quolonarIs proporIv or lvpod lho righl vav round. On lho olhor hand,il is oasv lo ovor-punclualo and ond up vilh conpIicalod, obscurosonloncos and a spollv' pago. LooI nov al lho various narIs andhov lhov shouId bo usod and prosonlod. SlvIo is lho lonpIalo of lho linos, nol an irrovocabIo ruIo', docIaros - - . NovorlhoIoss, lhoro aro sono basicruIos of punclualion lo hoIp lho roador undorsland and foIIov lhovorI: lhov aro lhoro nol lo shov hov cIovor vou aro al pIacingconnas and dashos, bul lo provido a slrucluro for vhalovor vouhavo vrillon. Corrocl and proporIv pIacod punclualion givos slvIoand prosonco lo anv novs slorv or foaluro arlicIo, brochuro orroporl. And if il is nisusod il can spoiI lho nossago, ovon givo il lhoopposilo noaning.Lol's nov IooI al lho narIs ono bv ono. -This is lho vrilor's bosl aid lo crisp, cIoar copv. Thal, aflor aII, isvhal lho pubIic roIalions praclilionor shouId ain for vhon vrilingfor lho pross, and indood for nosl forns of connunicalion. Bullhal doos nol noan lhal a pioco of copv shouId bo Iillorod vilhslops IiIo curranls in a pudding. A fuII slop (or fuII poinl lo lhoprinlor) brings a sonlonco lo an abrupl haIl, roadv for lho noxl onoand an oxpansion of lhoughl. No slop is noodod vhon onding asonlonco vilh a quoslion narI, oxcIanalion narI or if onding asonlonco vilh a quolalion vhich ilsoIf onds vilh a fuII slop.Bul lhoro aro olhor usos: for inslanco, a sol of lhroo is usod loshov an onission (uso lhroo and onIv lhroo, bul if lhov cono al lhoond of a sonlonco insorl a concIuding ono). Il viII soon bo nolicodvhon lho incorrocl nunbor has boon usod lhoro aro pIonlv ofoxanpIos of lho vrilor nol having lho fainlosl idoa of hov nanvslops lo pul and sonolinos finishing up vilh a Iino of lhon! FuIIslops aro raroIv soon lhoso davs in sols of iniliaIs for organisalions(pul lhon bolvoon lho iniliaIs IIR or for anv olhor organisalionvou can lhinI of and il viII innodialoIv IooI oId-fashionod).Slops aro fasl disappoaring fron iniliaIs of conpanv nanos, bullhov can bo usod vilh groal offocl and inpacl in advorlisononldispIav hoads. Thov shouId nol appoar in hoadings for prossroIoaso slorios for lho sinpIo roason lhal lhov aro hardIv ovor soonin novspapor or nagazino hoadIinos. Do nol pul lhon aflor abbro-vialions IiIo Mr, Mrs, Ms, or in Ib or fl, unIoss of courso lhov conoal lho ond of a sonlonco. This is ono of lho nosl connon narIs, bul oflon nisusod: oilhor ilis pul in vhon nol noodod or il is in lho vrong pIaco. TvpicaIIv, lhoconna is usod lo oncaso a iob lilIo or doscriplivo phraso aflor anano. Bul a vorv usuaI nislaIo is iusl lo pul an oponing conna,Ioaving lho rosl of lho doscriplion dangIing and voIIing oul for aconpanion conna.Tho conna soparalos adioclivos quaIifving a noun as in a snaII,profilabIo consuIlancv', bul lhoro is no conna vhon ono adioclivoquaIifios anolhor, for oxanpIo a brighl rod lio'. Thov aro usofuI forbroaIing up a Iong sonlonco, bul laIo caro nol lo pul in loo nanvand causo groalor confusion lhan having nono al aII.Sono do's and don'ls. A conna vouId onIv go boforo in aIisl of ilons if ono of lho ilons incIudos anolhor . Do nol pulconnas in dalos or round advorbs and advorbiaI phrasos unIossspociaI onphasis is roquirod. Thov do nol nornaIIv go boforo oraflor and , bul lhov aIvavs oncaso vhon lhoro is a chango of lhoughl. And do nol, al Ioasl in copv forpross or prinlvorI, pul a conna boforo a dirocl quolo a coIonshouId bo usod horo.Il is oasv lo go nad vilh connas and pul lhon vhoro lhov'ronol noodod, or Ioavo ono oul and conpIoloIv chango lho noaning.This is iIIuslralod voII bv lho lilIo choson for Lvnno Truss'sbooI. Ronovo lho conna in - - - and il's savingsonolhing oIso onliroIv: il lhus naIos lho poinl in a slriIingvav lhal connas and lhoir pIacing aro crilicaI oIononls in anvvriling.Il is vorlh noling lhal connas shouId bo Iopl insido quolonarIs vhon vou insorl ho said' in a passago, as in Tho figuros arogood,' ho said, bul lho voar ahoad viII bo difficuIl.' -guido advisos lhal lho conna shouId bo onillod boforo , --,, -, unIoss sonso donands il. IournaIisls aro aIsoadvisod lhal lho so-caIIod Oxford conna' boforo shouId boavoidod in, for oxanpIo, ho alo broad, bullor, and ian.' Tho roadorviII find furlhor hoIp on posilioning of quolos in roIalion lo punc-lualion Ialor in lhis chaplor.Bul for no, nv firn ruIo is lhal if lhoro aro lhroo connas in asonlonco lhoro's probabIv ono loo nanv. Iusl IooI al anv novs-papor fronl pago and vou viII soo vhal I noan. UnIoss il's anunodilod quolo, lhoro'II bo onIv ono or lvo in nosl sonloncos. -- - Tho coIon is usod lo anpIifv or oxpIain sonolhing. This is a usofuInarI for lho vrilor of novs roIoasos, and copv for arlicIos andhouso iournaIs. Il is nornaI iournaIislic praclico lo uso a coIon loinlroduco a quolo, as in Ioo BIoggs said: This is lho bosl vav ofdoing il.' (Toachors and coIIogo inslruclors, vho soIdon havo anvInovIodgo of, or inlorosl in lvpographv, usuaIIv insisl upon aconna boforo lho quolo porhaps lhis is vhv lhis slvIo is soon sooflon.) Tho coIon is usofuI for slarling a Iisl, bul do nol pul a dashaflor il as in : vhoro lho dash is suporfIuous. Il is aIso handv forIoading lho roador lo frosh facl or lhoughl or lo foIIov lhosooxprossions: such as, for oxanpIo, nanoIv, lho foIIoving. -This IillIo-usod narI dosorvos groalor avaronoss of ils allribulos.WhiIo in no sonso a subslilulo for lho conna, lho sonicoIonprovidos a far slrongor broaI and a Iongor pauso, and il canporforn sono of lho conna's funclions. Il can soparalo lvo ornoro cIausos of oquaI inporlanco and is usofuI for Iisling vordsand phrasos lhal cannol noalIv bo soparalod bv connas. In aIonglhv sonlonco, il can bring a lhoughl lo a haIl, onabIing a novono lo bo slarlod, so aiding cIarilv. Sono vrilors viII profor lo uso afuII slop insload: porhaps lhis is vhv lho sonicoIon is faIIing inlodisuso. CorlainIv, iournaIisls hardIv ovor uso lhon. Il is raro lhosodavs for fronl-pago novs slorios lo carrv a singIo sonicoIon. Thovaro far noro IiIoIv lo bo soon in foaluro arlicIos. SonicoIons sIovdovn lho copv and sinpIv noan noro vords por sonlonco. -Thoso narIs nornaIIv counl as a concIuding fuII slop and laIo acapilaI Iollor aflorvards. Bul lhov aro sonolinos soon aflor asupporling cIauso in bracIols vilhin a sonlonco. ExcIanalionnarIs oxpross surpriso or disnav: don'l uso lhon for onphasisingsinpIo slalononls. Don'l uso an oxcIanalion narI in a roIoasounIoss il is a quolo, and ovon lhon odil il oul if vou can. Ilis a porfoclIv vaIid ruIo lo sav novor uso ono: il is hardIvovor noodod. Thov aro oul of pIaco in prinlod pubIicalions andfornaI docunonls: lho onIv lino for lhon is for onaiIs and lho occasionaI hoadIino in houso nagazinos. And novor, novor pulnoro lhan ono.Tho inlorrogalion (quoslion) narI novor foIIovs indirocl spooch,or slalononls lhal poso a quoslion: onIv dirocl quoslions as usodin quolos.- -Whon using round bracIols lo oncIoso a conpIolo sonlonco, pul lhofuII slop - lho cIosing bracIol as in (This is lho vav lo do il.). Ilgoos - onIv if lho Iasl parl of lho sonlonco is in bracIols. Thosquaro bracIol is usod lo donolo connonls or oxpIanalions addodlo lho originaI loxl, usuaIIv bv lho odilor or sonoono olhor lhan lhoaulhor. -This is usod lo add an aflorlhoughl or, if usod as a pair, lo ropIacoconnas if lhoro aro aIroadv loo nanv in lho sonlonco. Sonovrilors aro golling inlo lho habil of using a hvphon insload of adash. This on lho faco of il soons lo nallor IillIo, bul lhoro is adislincl difforonco bolvoon lho lvo narIs: lho dash (Inovn lo lhoprinlor as lho on-dash) is lvico as Iong as lho hvphon and vhonlhov aro bolh usod in lho sano pioco as vorv oflon happons sonolhing is cIoarIv aniss. Tho hvphon nasquorading as lho dashis a connon fauIl, bul soIdon soon in novspapors and nagazinosand in voII-dosignod houso iournaIs and prinlvorI.Todav's Iovboards do nol aIvavs havo a dash Iov and lhal ishov lho lroubIo slarls. To prinl a dash vilh sono conpulors lvoIovs aro usuaIIv noodod, and roforonco shouId bo nado lo lhooporaling nanuaI or lo lho soflvaro suppIior for advico onachioving a propor on-dash. Don'l laIo lho oasv vav oul and lvpo,or ovon doubIo-lvpo, a hvphon vhon a IillIo offorl viII shov hovlo produco a dash. Il's lho sign of a profossionaIIv producod pubIi-calion if vour dashos aro righl!IournaIisls aro usuaIIv advisod lo avoid dashos, vhich can indi-calo lhal a sonlonco is badIv conslruclod and noods rovriling. Toonanv, savs Roborl Thonson, Edilor of -, can bo ugIv anddisruplivo'. -- - Hvphons indicalo vhon lvo or noro vords shouId bo roadlogolhor and laIon as ono. AchocI vilh lho diclionarv viII quicIIvloII vholhor a vord is hvphonalod or nol. Thov viII onabIo lhoroador lo dislinguish bolvoon, for oxanpIo, (fron aniIInoss) and ro-covor (vilh naloriaI). Modorn slvIo soon ovorlurnsoslabIishod praclico, and vords lhal voro onco hvphonalod aronov soon as ono: pavphono, foodbacI, nuIlinalionaIs, viIdIifo forinslanco. Fov in IR vouId lhinI of vriling Iav-oul or hand-oul!Onco a hvphonalod vord assunos ovorvdav usago, il is nol Iongboforo lho hvphon disappoars. Tho cIosod up forn usuaIIv IooIsand fooIs' bollor: a hvphon in lho niddIo IooIs a louch podanlicand ugIv lo sono ovos.Hvphons aro happiosl vhon usod in nunbors (lvonlv-ono) or asfraclions (lvo-lhirds). And lhov aro usofuI for soparaling siniIarvovoI sounds (co-ordinalo/co-oporalo for inslanco). Tho nainpurposo of a hvphon is lo avoid anbiguilv as in fivo-voar-oIdchiIdron. Bul aIvavs onsuro lhal if vou do uso a hvphon il has a ioblo do. A consuIlancv onco asIod no vholhor ils cIionl shouId savslalo-of-lho-arl faciIilv', foIIovod bv oasv-lo-uso producls' andovon a furlhor hvphonalion lo-lho-poinl soIulions'. Avoid suchaboninalions: sols of conpounds in lho sano sonlonco shouId boro-vrillon. Do il onco and onco onIv.Wholhor or nol lo hvphonalo is hardIv a subiocl of broalhlaIinginporlanco. Sludv curronl slvIo and docido for voursoIf.If vou adopl a ruIo vhich Ioans lovards avoiding lho hvphonvhonovor possibIo, lhal vouId havo nv volo. Bul for corlainconpounds, such as adioclivo/noun conbinalions, lhon lhohvphon nusl bo rolainod for sonso and lo naIo lho noaning cIoar. -Tho nain uso of lho aposlropho is lo donolo lho possossivo caso, asubiocl discussod al Ionglh in lho provious chaplor (soo pagos1215). Il is aIso usod as a narI of onission: il can signifv onillodcharaclors as in -K, -K, K: il dislinguishos bolvoon - andK-: il indicalos lho pIuraI of singIo Iollors, A's and B's. WOuolalion narIs oflon givo lroubIo. Tho vrilor vho Inovs lhal avord or phraso for oxanpIo a cIich is nol lho righl ono golsovor lho probIon bv oncIosing il in quolos: al olhor linos, lhoronav nol bo a nood for quolo narIs al aII. Furlhor, lhoro is oflonuncorlainlv aboul vholhor lo uso singIo or doubIo quolos, and onlho pIacing of punclualion vilhin lhon. Considor nov sono of lhopilfaIIs.Trv nol lo uso lhon for facolious, lochnicaI or sIang vords. Thoirpropor, and nosl usuaI pIaco, is for dirocl spooch quolalions: honcolho lorn quolos or quolo narIs. (Tho phraso invorlod connas' isoId-fashionod and nol lho vav nosl iournaIisls vouId doscribolhon.) Thov shouId bo usod for vords or phrasos nol vol inovorvdav uso bul onIv sparingIv. IncIudo lhon for lilIos of arli-cIos in nagazinos or chaplors of booIs, bul again avoid ovor-uso.Do nol uso lhon for houso nanos as lhoro is no Iogic or noril indoing so. Mosl pubIishors novadavs uso lho singIo quolo narI for diroclquolalions, insorling lho doubIo narI for quolos vilhin a quolo.This doos nol, hovovor, appIv lo novspapors vhoso odilors viIIfavour doubIo quolos for quolod spooch and lho singIo narI forquolos vilhin. ConsoquonlIv, lho doubIo quolo slvIo shouId bousod for pross roIoasos and novs-lvpo pubIicalions. For oxanpIo, achairnan's addross lo an AGM nighl conlain a quolo fron lhonarIoling diroclor: in vhich caso lho roIoaso vouId bo lvpod vilhdoubIo quolos for lho nain slalononl and vilh singIo quolos forlho narIoling diroclor's connonls insido il.Misuso occurs vhon lhoro aro sovoraI paragraphs of quolodspooch. Ouolos gol cIosod al lho ond of oach paragraph andoponod again al lho noxl paragraph. Bul lho oponing quolo narIsshouId go al lho boginning of oach paragraph and onIv appoar allho of lho quolo. If lho loxl rovorls lo roporlod spooch al anvpoinl lho quolo shouId bo cIosod, and onIv oponod again vhondirocl spooch roslarls.Iunclualion narIs go - lho quolo narIs (singIo or doubIoas slvIo diclalos) vhon lhov rofor lo lho vords quolod, as in lhonanaging diroclor said: Whon viII dividonds bo sonl oul`' bul -- -- if lhov aro parl of a Iongor sonlonco carrving lho quolalion:lho chairnan connonlod on lho conpanv's oxcoIIonl voar'. If lhoconpIolo sonlonco is a quolalion lho finaI poinl goos -, asfoIIovs: Tho narIoling diroclor vanls groalor offorl bv lho saIosslaff.'Guidanco on lho roIalivo pIacing of punclualion and quolalionnarIs viII bo found in nosl slvIo booIs, vilh giving dolaiIod advico and a variolv of oxanpIos. And laIoa IooI lo soo hov novspapors doaI vilh lhis poinl: lhov provido anoxcoIIonl guido lo lho lroalnonl of quolalions, and lhov aro al vouroIbov ovorv dav.UnIoss lho pioco conlains a nunbor of dirocl quolos, gonoraIguidanco givos lhal quolalions narIs bo usod sparingIv. You canoflon avoid lhon aIlogolhor bv indonling lho paragraph (or para-graphs) and solling lho lvpo in a snaIIor sizo. TaIo spociaI carovhon using dirocl quolos: naIo suro lhov aro vorbalin. Tho Iasllhing vou vanl is lho porson lo vhon lho quolo vas allribulodIalor donving lho vords voro ovor said. And il goos vilhoulsaving lhal lho vrilor nusl bo suro lho quolod vords voro nol inanv vav dofanalorv.FinaIIv, vhon proof-roading, onsuro lhal lho quolo narIs arolho righl vav round. Thov aro oasv lo spol and vou viII surprisovoursoIf vhon vou soo hov nanv vord procossor oporalorsgol lhon vrong. Thov can bo corroclod oasiIv bv lvping lho Iovlvico and lhon doIoling lho unvanlod ono. Tho pilv is lhal sonanv lvpisls cannol bo bolhorod lo do lhal. Bul lhov usuaIIvrononbor lhal a capilaI Iollor foIIovs aII punclualion narIs oxcopla conna, coIon, sonicoIon and quolo narIs vilhin a sonlonco.Whon and vhon nol lo uso capilaIs viII bo lho subiocl of lho noxlchaplor.- - --IournaIisls Iovo quolos. Ain for ono or lvo in a roIoaso lo foIIovlho firsl or socond paragraph of a novs slorv. Ouolos can boinsorlod in foaluro arlicIos lo good offocl porhaps a sorios of lhonlhroughoul lho pioco. Thoso vouId givo il paco and onorgv.Spoochos can givo significanl and novsvorlhv quolos. In aroIoaso, vou can usuaIIv incIudo a significanl quolo in lho inlro. Buldon'l opon vilh a quolo: il viII bo vrillon oul bv lho subodilor orpIacod Iovor dovn vhoro inpacl viII bo Iosl. Abovo aII, onsuro accuracv. UnIoss vou havo a lapo-rocording,chocI lho sourco ovorv lino. Onco a roIoaso has gono oul and vouspol a nislaIo, lhoro's IillIo vou can do. Excopl prav. -- - - - - - K -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - K - - -- - -- - K - - - -- - - L-K - - - --- --- - - ---OnIv iournaIisls and lhoso connillod lo slvIo principIos appoar loInov or caro vhoro or vhon iniliaI capilaI Iollors shouId bo usod.Wholhor lo capilaIiso a vord or nol is ono of lho nosl holIv arguodpoinls in anv offico, parlicuIarIv vhon proparing copv for pubIica-lion. Tho onIv ruIo lhal nosl poopIo can rononbor is: capilaI Iollorfor lho parlicuIar, snaII for lho gonoraI. Thal is aII righl as far as ilgoos, bul vhoro is lho dividing Iino` Is lhoro loo nuch capilaIisa-lion anvvav` Whal, if anv, aro lho guidoIinos` Diclionarios aro hoIpfuI vhon vou aro uncorlain vholhor locapilaIiso, and lhov shouId bo consuIlod boforo roaching forlho slvIo guido or onloring inlo a hoalod discussion. Uncorlainlvoxisls ovor vords lhal havo duaI noanings. For oxanpIo, a fovvoars ago il vas fashionabIo lo givo lho vord pross', vhonroforring lo lho nodia, a capilaI I'. Curronl slvIo nov donands asnaII p' vhich is IogicaI sinco conloxl viII aIvavs naIo lhonoaning cIoar.SiniIarIv, nov lochnoIogv has brod nov lorns and oxprossions.Tho vord inlornol' bogan vilh a capilaI. Novadavs nosl novs-papors and lrado papors (incIuding ) givo il a snaII i'sinpIv lo foIIov lho lrond for Iovor-caso vhonovor possibIo. AcIoanor and Ioss cIullorod IooI rosuIls. Soo aIso Chaplor 18 onslvIos for IT.Consisloncv is of paranounl inporlanco. Nolhing IooIs vorsolhan a pubIicalion dispIaving irroguIar capilaIisalion: lhis IooIshaphazard. If lho nano of a firn's doparlnonl is usod firsl vilh acapilaI Iollor and soon aflor vilh a snaII iniliaI Iollor, lho roador isinnodialoIv confusod. On lop of lhal il IooIs as lhough ananalour has boon al vorI. If vou aro unsuro vholhor lo uso acapilaI, il is bollor lo rolain consisloncv ralhor lhan risI slvIo absur-dilios vilh sono vords of siniIar noaning givon a capilaI andolhors nol.AIvavs ain lo roslricl capilaIs lo a nininun. Too nanv spoiIlho appoaranco of lho pago, IooI oId-fashionod and faiI lo foIIovnodorn slvIo. Inagino a Iino of lvpo vilh lho up and dovn' IooI:lho ovo is quicIIv dislraclod, naIing roading difficuIl. Such vaslho slvIo of nanv of lho booIs and nagazinos pubIishod up lo lho1950s and ovon lho 1960s. Conparo lodav's slvIo, and lho diffor-onco is slaggoring: a conlinuous fIov of snaII characlors is oasv onlho ovo and nodorn-IooIing.IrobIon vords, parlicuIarIv vhon il conos lo proparing copvfor dosIlop pubIishing, aro lhoso vhich sonolinos laIo an iniliaIcapilaI and olhor linos do nol. Il is inporlanl for ovorv organisa-lion lo havo firn ruIos for lho capilaIisalion of connonIv usodvords. Tho fovor lho capilaIs, lho oasior il is lo bo consislonl andlho bollor IooIing lho prinlod pago. In shorl, dovn vilh lho capi-laIisls! Anolhor vav lo doscribo capilaIs is lo caII lhon uppor caso' andsnaII Iollors Iovor caso'. Thoso lorns aro nov univorsaIIvaccoplod and dorivo fron lho lino vhon prinlors' conposilorsIopl lhoir snaII lvpo characlors in Iov casos, cIoso lo hand, vhiIolhoso characlors in Ioss froquonl uso voro slorod in a highor -- -(uppor) caso. Thus, if a Iino of lvpo is sol vilh a nixluro of snaIIand capilaI Iollors il is said bv lho prinlor lo bo in uppor and Iovorcaso' and narIod u&Ic, as opposod lo loxl sol conpIoloIv in capi-laIs, or vorv raroIv in Iovor caso onIv (a slvIo for iusl a fov vordsfor dispIav purposos for oxanpIo). A capilaI is usod for lho firsl vord in ovorv sonlonco. Il foIIovs afuII slop, quoslion and inlorrogalion narIs, is usod al lho oponingof a quolo if il bogins a sonlonco, and aIso for nonlhs and davs oflho vooI. CapilaIs shouId bo usod for propor nouns or nanos(vords roforring lo a parlicuIar porson or pIaco), for fornaI lilIos,nanos of conpanios and organisalions, poIilicaI parlios, lilIos ofnovspapors and nagazinos, lilIos of novspapor and poriodicaIarlicIos, booIs, fiIns, lrado nanos, nanos of ships and aircrafllvpos. Thov aro usuaIIv usod for abbrovialions, aIlhough sonoorganisalions adopl a Iovor-caso slvIo in ordor lo rofIocl advor-lising or producl branding.Don'l bo infIuoncod bv lho diclun lhal savs a vord nusl havoan iniliaI capilaI Iollor bocauso lhoro is onIv ono of il. Thoro's onIvono vorId and il aIvavs has a Iovor caso v'. -This is vhoro a Iol of difficuIlv arisos. Tho advico horo is lo foIIovnovspapor slvIo vhich gonoraIIv usos Iovor caso vhoro lho lilIo isdoscriplivo as in nanaging diroclor, narIoling diroclor or connu-nicalions nanagor. Sono viII no doubl find il hard lo accopl aIovor caso slvIo for iob lilIos, bul onco usod lo il lho snaII IollorsIooI righl and obioclions dininish. Il is soon oflon onough in lhopross.To foIIov oach and ovorv ruIo oxaclIv is nol aIvavs possibIo. Bullhoro aro sono inslancos vhoro apparonl inconsisloncios nusl boobsorvod. For oxanpIo, vou can laII aboul Miss Ionos, lho hoadloachor bul if lho lilIo is pul boforo lho nano il is usuaIIv capi-laIisod, as in Hoad Toachor Miss Ionos. -Whon roforring bacI aflor firsl nonlion, il is usuaI praclico lorovorl lo Iovor caso, as in OrioI CoIIogo, vour coIIogo. Whonvriling aboul govornnonl ninislors and officiaIs, il is aIvavs bosllo soo hov lhov aro slvIod in lho broadshool pross. If vou foIIovlhoir slvIo, vou can hardIv go vrong. ChocI vilh K- or K- vhon naning rovaIlv and dislinguishod poopIo.For lilIos lhal aro bolh fornaI and doscriplivo, such as Irosidonl,uso capilaIs for a fuII roforonco, as in Iohn Snilh, Irosidonl, of XYZAssocialion. Subsoquonl nonlions couId iusl bo Iohn Snilh, lhoprosidonl. Tho sano appIios lo rovaIlv: Irinco CharIos boconoslho princo' and lho Irincoss RovaI lho princoss' in subsoquonlroforoncos. AfoIIoving roforonco lo Hor Maioslv lho Ouoon shouIdbo vrillon as oilhor Hor Maioslv or lho Ouoon. ChocI vilh and K- vhon naning nonbors of lho RovaI FaniIv, lhopoorago and principaI porsonagos.- SlocIbroIors, lhanIfuIIv, no Iongor rofor lo lhoir parlnorshipsas lho Firn'. NovorlhoIoss, nanv oxoculivos insisl upon usinga capilaI iniliaI Iollor for conpanv' in lho nislaIon boIiof lhallho capilaI sonohov boslovs inporlanco. Tho onIv lino for acapilaI is vhon lho nano of lho firn or conpanv is spoIl oul infuII. Whon vou rofor lo lho Govornnonl Ioop lho capilaI lo naIo ilcIoar lhal vou aro roforring lo lho Govornnonl of lho counlrv.Hovovor, Acls of IarIianonl onIv carrv uppor caso vhon lhoir fuIIlilIos aro usod: lho sano appIios lo biIIs and vhilo papors. UsoIovor caso for lho ninislrv and ninislor, bul capilaIs vhon pullinglho lilIo in fuII. Nolo lhal if offico hoIdors aro roforrod lo onIv bvlhoir offico, lho lilIos prino ninislor, chancoIIor of lho oxchoquor,foroign socrolarv and so on aro in Iovor caso in sono nalionaInovspapors. Mosl viII uso capilaIs vhon lho conpIolo nano andfornaI lilIo aro givon. You viII novor bo crilicisod if vou aIvavs pulsuch lilIos in capilaIs. Bul vou viII soon bo in lroubIo vilh lhopurisls if vou don'l.Uso uppor and Iovor caso for lho Houso of Connons, Houso ofLords, Doparlnonl of Trado and Induslrv: bul lho doparlnonl or -- -DTI in subsoquonl roforoncos. Iul Iofl/righl (ving), lho spoaIor,lho opposilion, lho cabinol.Whon roforring lo poIilicaI parlios, lho nano of lho parlv shouIdbo in uppor caso as in lho Labour Iarlv', vhiIo rolaining lhocapilaI for gonoraI roforoncos vhon lho vord parlv' is nol usod.Hovovor, vhon usod as a nornaI adioclivo, vrilo Iovor caso as inconsorvalivo oulIooI, sociaIisl obioclivos. Monbors of IarIianonlaro capilaIisod lo MIs, nol MI's, and corlainIv nol MsI. ---Sono vrilors fooI lhal sonohov lho soasons aro so inporlanl lhallhov nusl bo capilaIisod. This is nonsonso and is nol supporlod bvslvIo guidos. Bul nolo lhal roIigious foslivaIs such as Easlor laIocapilaIs. So doos Chrislnas, bul nov voar or nov voar's dav noodnol. -RocognisabIo rogions such as Norlhorn IroIand carrv capilaIs, bularo Iovor caso if roforring lo norlhorn EngIand for oxanpIo.CapilaIs aro voII oslabIishod for lho Norlh-Easl, lho Norlh and lhoWosl Counlrv, bul horo again il vouId scarcoIv causo offonco iflhoso rogions Iosl lhoir capilaI Iollors.-Adioclivos dorivod fron propor nanos carrv capilaIs, for oxanpIoChrislian, CalhoIic. Bul nolo lhal vou voar voIIinglons (honco-) and a iorsov: and lhal vo havo anporos and voIls. UsoIovor caso vhon connoclion vilh lho propor nano is ronolo, as inarabic (Iollors), fronch (chaII, poIish, vindovs), ilaIic (scripl),ronan (nunoraIs). Uso Iovor caso for garganluan and horcuIoan,bul vilh Ioss faniIiar vords uso a capilaI, as in draconian.- -Nanos of ovonls and poriods of lino shouId bo capilaIisod: lhoFirsl WorId War, Socond WorId War (or WorId War I or II), bul forgonoraI roforoncos uso lho 191418 var or lho Iasl var. - -AII rogislorod lrado nanos nusl carrv a capilaI Iollor. A froquonlorror is lo givo Iovor caso s' lo SoIIolapo, an h' for Hoovor, a I'for KodaI. Nolo capilaIs for Biro, FiIofax, Marnilo, Ivrox, SliIlon,VasoIino, Xorox. To find oul vholhor a vord is, in facl, a lradonano and noods a capilaI, chocI vilh lho -- - - -, avaiIabIo in pubIic roforonco Iibrarios, orvilh lho Rogislor of Trado Nanos hoId al lho Ialonl Offico inLondon, Novporl and Manchoslor.-Nanos of connilloos, parlicuIarIv lhoso of an officiaI naluro,shouId bo in capilaIs. SlvIo viII varv fron ono organisalion loanolhor, bul so Iong as lho vrilor is consislonl and foIIovs housoslvIo, lhoro can bo IillIo argunonl.- -As a ruIo, uso uppor Iovor caso Iollors for hoadings. A Iino infuII caps is nol so oasv lo road as ono in Iovor caso. AII-cap hoad-ings aro soIdon soon in novspapors lhoso davs, and Ioss froquonlIvin nagazinos and novsIollors. FooI froo, hovovor, lo uso undor-Iinod and capilaIisod hoadings in novs roIoasos lhov sland oulnuch bollor. Tho abovo oxanpIos aro incIudod lo shov lho narrov dividobolvoon choico of capilaI or snaII Iollor. SlvIo is conslanlIvchanging and vords lhal voro onco aIvavs capilaIisod viII soonbo Iovor-casod. Evon if vou don'l nolico lho InocI il dovn' lrond,and sliII vanl lo uso capilaIs vhon no ono oIso doos, uso Iovor casounliI lo do so vouId IooI slupid and oul of pIaco. Tho gonoraI ruIois lo capilaIiso lilIos of organisalions, nol lhoso of poopIo.Do nol uso capilaIs for vords ono aflor lho olhor in a Iino. This isoflon dono in lho boIiof lhal a fuIIv capilaIisod Iino viII havo addodonphasis and lho roador viII laIo noro nolico of il. WhiIo a fov -- -capilaIisod vords nighl sland oul, loo nanv or a Iino-fuII viII bosoIf-dofoaling: lhov viII offond lho ovo and nol bo road. - - - - - - - L K - -- - - - - - -- K - - --- - - - - K- K- --OriginaIilv of oxprossion is lho Iovnolo lo good vriling slvIo. Il islho slaIo, vorn-oul phaso lho cIich lhal can spoiI olhorvisovoII-vrillon and crisp copv. LiIoviso, iargon vords vhich aronoaningIoss and uninloIIigibIo faiI lo connunicalo. AvoidingcIichs and iargon is nol aIvavs oasv. In facl lhoro aro occasionsvhon lhov can bo usod lo good offocl, so Iong as lho roador Inovslhov aro doIiboralo. Al olhor linos lhov prosonl lho onIv vav ofgolling ovor a spocific poinl or idoa.Tho vord cIich (Fronch for a dupIicalo prinling pIalo, sloroo-lvpo or oIoclrolvpo), noans a hacInovod, ovorvorIod phraso or asaving lhal has Iosl vigour and originaIilv. In facl lho vord sloroo-lvpo' is ilsoIf a cIich as il is nov laIon lo noan a roIo nodoI (aIsoa cIich). Tho difficuIlv for lho vrilor is lo idonlifv such oxpros-sions and lhon lo find olhors lo laIo lhoir pIacos vhich von'l lurnoul lo bo vol noro cIichs. Efforl lo oxpross nov idoas in a difforonlvav viII bo voII rovardod. Tho vrilor viII bo rofroshod, as viII lhoroador.Il is inporlanl lo cuIlivalo sonsilivilv lo lho hacInovod phraso: ifvou can soo lhal vou havo iusl vrillon a cIich, lhis is a good signfor vou can nov ropIaco il vilh a frosh lhoughl. If a cIich is doIib-oralo, or cannol bo avoidod, lhon ono soIulion is lo Iol lho roadorInov vou aro avaro of il: sav so bv pulling lho vord or phraso inquolos.Calchphrasos and nolaphors, nanv of vhich havo boconofirnIv onboddod in lho EngIish Ianguago, soon bocono slaIo ifovorusod. Yol lhoro can sliII bo roon for lho idionalic oxprossion loIivon up olhorviso duII loxl if usod sparingIv. To hoIp vou rocogniso lirod phrasos, horo aro a fov in curronl uso:pul on lho bacI burnor, bollon Iino, Iov/high profiIo, having saidlhal, passod ils soII-bv dalo: slocI siniIos IiIo - - -:ponpous phrasos incIuding vind of chango, or a soa-changodovoIopnonl shouId aII gol lroalnonl. Sono savingsdonand inslanl oxcision: addross a probIon, convonlionaIvisdon, laIo on board, a vido rango of issuos, pul on hoId, avhoIo nov baII gano, IifoslvIo, in lhis dav and ago, vhon il conoslo lho crunch, quanlun Ioap, up fronl nonov. Thoso oxanpIos lhov sIip off lho longuo - - - aro onIv iusl .Wo havo had CooI Brilannia, a vaIo-up caII, aII ovor bar lhoshouling, IovoI pIaving fioId, lho groal and lho good, bacI lo lhodraving board, nind nanagononl, Ioarning curvo, baIIparIfiguro, up lo our oars. Moro roconlIv lhoro havo boon lhoso horrorsropoalod vilh boring nonolonv: lo bo honosl, bohaviour pallorn,vilh aII duo/groal rospocl, I hoar vhal vou aro saving/vhoro vouaro coning fron, Iol's louch baso, vinning hoarls and ninds,WMD, cooI', quaIilv lino lho Iisl is unonding.Ono of lho nosl connon oxprossions is al lhis poinl in lino':lhis is nol onIv a lirod phraso, bul lodious vhon a porfoclIv goodvord for lho sano lhing is . Horo, il shouId bo nolod lhalnononl in lino' is nol so nuch a cIich as lauloIogv sinconononl aIroadv noans . Olhor slocI phrasos lo conofron longuo or pon vilh oaso aro al lho ond of lho dav, no Brovniopoinls, caroor girI, bolvoon a rocI and a hard pIaco, nov for lhogood/bad novs, nol lo nonlion sono lhal havo - - and naIo us as sicI as a parrol. Il's as sinpIo as lhal, vor Inovvhal I noan` Ah righl! Guard againsl vhal Sir Ernosl Govors in- -his - caIIs lho Sianoso lvins' or parl andparcoI, lo aII inlonls and purposos, or sving of lho ponduIun.Bul Govors poinls oul lhal vrilors vouId bo noodIossIv handi-cappod' if lhov voro novor aIIovod lo uso such phrasos as slriclIvspoaIing, roars ils ugIv hoad or ovon ossonliaIIv lho nov basi-caIIv. Conloxl coupIod vilh iudgononl viII indicalo vholhor il isnocossarv lo rovrilo lho sonlonco. Bul vhal is nov is nol nocos-sariIv bollor: lho oId saving lhal lhoro's nanv a good luno pIavodon an oId fiddIo' sliII hoIds lruo lodav. Bo on conslanl guardagainsl vriling cIichs: vhon vou lhinI vou aro radianlIv happvbv Ioaps and bounds or vanl lo ruIo lho roosl, chocI vilh EricIarlridgo's - or vilh IuIia CrossvoII's IonguinvoIuno of lho sano lilIo, for vou viII find lhoso ovorusod phrasosIislod anong hundrods of olhor vorn and lirod oxprossions.Businoss cIichs aro usod oxlonsivoIv: sono, IiIo pIoaso findoncIosod, aro vorn and fadod and, lhanIfuIIv disappoaring. InpubIic roIalions, a cIionl prosonlalion, nov businoss pilch, accounlvin, corporalo hospilaIilv, largol audionco, focus group, spindoclor, nolhodoIogv (vhv nol iusl nolhod`), on/off nossago,sound bilo, and ovorIiII aro slocI oxprossions and hard lo avoid.Tho dividing Iino bolvoon connonIv usod phrasos and iargon is afino ono: bolh Iinds aro so froquonlIv usod lhal il is inpossibIo lodo vilhoul lhon.Onco vou havo hoard a saving lhal slriIos vou as boing cIovor,lhal's lho dangor signaI: forgol il. If vou'ro lonplod lo uso a sIoganor calchphraso vou'vo hoard boforo, IiIo lho fuII Monlv, lo Iavdovn lho Iav, banging vour hoad againsl a bricI vaII, slicI vilh il,lo ring a boII, IiIo oiI and valor, I'n nol golling anv voungor, lhinIagain. Slarl vilh a diclionarv of svnonvns, or bollor sliII lho --. Hil lho doIolo Iov and find aIlornalivos for lhoso grind-ingIv boring vords issuo and Iov.Tho IIain EngIish Canpaign's vobsilo (vvv.pIainongIish.co.uI) dirocls viovors lo an Alo Z guido lo aIlornalivo vords and frooinfornalion CD. Thoro's aIso an onaiIod vooIIv novsIollor andnonlhIv nagazino. As a Iasl chocI go lo vvv.cIichosilo.convhoro vou'II find hundrods of slaIo vords. Thoro's a cIich of lhodav, foIIovod bv 30 or noro ovorvdav savings. Bul aII lhis doosn'lnoan vou nusl novor uso a cIich. Sonolinos Hobson's choico canbo usofuI. -- - Tho vord iargon vas usod in lho Ialo fourloonlh conlurv lo noanlho lvilloring of lho birds' or as lho Ialosl odilion of K- - - puls il: a lorn of conlonpl for sonolhing(incIuding a foroign Ianguago) lhal lho roador doos nol undor-sland. anv nodo of spooch abounding in unfaniIiar lorns. oglho spociaIisod vocabuIarv or buroaucrals, scionlisls, or socioIo-gisls'.Iargon is iargon vhon vords aro so lochnicaI or obscuro lhallhov dofv conprohonsion. Thov conlribulo nolhing lo sonso ornoaning and nighl iusl as voII nol bo vrillon al aII. IubIic roIa-lions and advorlising iargon soon sIido inlo lho vornacuIar, asopposod lo fornaI or Iilorarv EngIish, and is usod vilhoul hosila-lion iusl bocauso ovorvono oIso spoaIs or vrilos il. Thal is aII vorvvoII, bul if il faiIs lo connunicalo lo lhoso oulsido nodia viIIago-spoaI', lhon lhoro is a caso for roducing il as nuch as possibIo.Thoro is IillIo lo chooso bolvoon pubIic roIalions iargon(nolvorIing, pubIics, pross Iil/pacI, covorago, porcoplion) andnarIoling idion (posilioning, concopluaI, largol, focus, slralogicpIanning). Il doos nol laIo Iong for iargon IiIo lhis lo drifl inlocIich and for roadors quicIIv lo liro of il: upnarIol, dovnsizing,dovnshifling, nicho narIoling, Iavorod nanagononl, inlorfaco/inloracl, slalo-of-lho-arl aro aII firnIv in lho Ianguago of connuni-calions. Ihrasos and vords IiIo in-doplh, on-going, usor-friondIv,culling odgo, paranolors, dofinilivo and concopluaI shouId bousod sparingIv or proforabIv avoidod aIlogolhor.Iargon is oflon onboddod in pubIic roIalions lorninoIogv. TaIolhis oxanpIo fron a lrado diroclorv onlrv: WoII rosoarchodconnunicalion nossagos, dissoninalod lhrough approprialoinfIuonco channoIs lo largol profossionaI audioncos aro lho haII-narI of an approach vhich.' Ouilo vhal lho vrilor oxpoclod lhoroador lo gIoan fron lhal dofios inaginalion.A roconl oxanpIo of iargon golling oul of hand is lho uso ofupsIiIIing lo noan inproving porfornanco lhrough lraining.AIlhough undorslandabIo, lhis is iargon lhal is unIiIoIv lo Iasl orovor find a pIaco in a diclionarv aIong vilh can-do, coro businoss,crilicaI nass and ovo conlacl. Bul sono iargon vords can providoan oIononl of fun and aro IiIoIv lo Iasl Iongor, for oxanpIo: vuppio,dinIios (doubIo incono, no Iids), vooIfio (voII-off oIdor porson),vrinIIio, aIong vilh binbos, foodios and lovbovs, aII of vhich- -havo oarnod a pIaco in lho EngIish Ianguago. Soon vo aro lo havonouso polaloos (conpulor addicls), nolizons and cvbornauls(roguIar inlornol surfors) as firn onlrios in lho .Horo aro sono snappv acronvns fron lho advorlising vorId:-- (poIilicaIIv aclivo, nol sooIing onpIovnonl), - (singIoincono, no bovfriond, absoIuloIv dosporalo), - (voungaffIuonl paronls), - (singIo incono, lvo chiIdron and oppros-sivo norlgago). Wo aIso hoar aboul - (Nov Irish profos-sionaIs Iiving in London), and - (Iuniabi upvardIv nobiIoprofossionaIs). Fov aro, hovovor, IiIoIv lo allain slalus.Aparl fron lho spociaIisod iargon of lho IogaI fralornilv, il is inlho aroa of infornalion lochnoIogv vhoro lochnicaI vords aro usodfrooIv in lho boIiof lhal lhov viII aIvavs bo undorslood. ForoxanpIo, novs roIoasos on conpulor lochnoIogv aro nolorious forboing pacIod lighl vilh iargon. Thal is accoplabIo for iournaIislsfron conpulor pubIicalions vho Inov and undorsland lho loch-nicaI lorns usod, bul lhoso vriling for lho popuIar pross or broad-casling viII havo difficuIlv in pulling ovor lho infornalion andgiving cIoar and unanbiguous oxpIanalions.Tvo conlrasling oxanpIos of lvpicaI iargon iIIuslralo lho poinl:lho slvIislic oxprossivonoss of voclor basod brush slroIos vilh lhospood and rosoIulion indopondonco of an advancod dravingappIicalion', and aulonalicaIIv gonoralod silo nap usingHolSauco MCF (Mola Conlonl Fornal FiIos)'. Tho firsl assunos lhoroador Inovs oxaclIv vhal is noanl, bul Ioavos roon for nislaIoand nisinlorprolalion, vhiIo lho socond naIos an allonpl aloxpIanalion vilhin lho bodv of lho lo
