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El Toro February 2012

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  • 8/3/2019 El Toro February 2012




    Manager: Teresa Cruz,

    Rutherford Investment Co.

    Ofce address: 28400 Granada Circle

    Phone: 510-783-5535

    Ofce hours: 9-12 and 1:30-4 Monday-Friday.

    Rent may be dropped in mail slot in ofce door

    (next to laundry room).

    Jeffrey Stoops, Assistant Manager

    On-call for emergencies Sat.-Sun.-Holidays

    In an emergency, call 510-783-5535.

    Call will be directed to pager (510-312-0277).


    The Spanish Ranch #1 Association and the SpanishRanch #1 Ladies Club are automatically comprisedof park residents. There are no dues.

    MEETINGS of the Association Board are the FIRSTTHURSDAY at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Clubhouse.

    Residents welcome.

    LADIES CLUB meets the SECOND THURSDAY of eachmonth at 12 NOON in the Main Clubhouse.

    The LUNCH BUNCH meets the THIRDTHURSDAY of each month to go out to lunch at

    various area restaurants.

    NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH meets the SECOND TUESDAYof alternate months at 7:00 p.m. in the clubhouse


    of each month.


    The Clubhouses are available to residents forprivate affairs. Contact the Ofce, 510-783-5535

    SWIMMING POOL / HOT TUBPool open May-October. Hot Tub open year round.

    The POOL ROOM inside Main Clubhouse is availablefor residents to use. See the ofce for a key.


    are to be submitted to Park Management inWRITING and must be SIGNED.

    For any complaints or suggestions concerningsafety, maintenance, replace/repair, notify the

    Executive Board as well. This may be done throughthe website at www.spanishranch1.org,


    Bus transportation information on page 15.

    Spanish Ranch #1 Information

    ASSOCIATION OFFICERSPresident: Dawn Plaskon 887-2199

    Vice President: Judy Allen-Rogers 785-4894Secretary: Jeanie Schultz 784-1997Treasurer: Peggy Nichols 782-8950


    Marvin Daley 783-0360Clint Dean 266-0979

    Jerry Higgins 410-6893Ruth Horton 732-6671Patty Little 783-1534

    Barbara Sacks 783-8176

    Spanish Ranch I Association Officers andExecutive Board Members meet the FIRST THURSDAY

    of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouseunless otherwise announced.

    ALL RESIDENTS WELCOMEAnnual Membership Meeting held each April.

    COMMITTEESDime Bingo . . . . . . . . . . Lorraine Schmuck, 783-7294HMOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fran La Torre, 887-1509Lunch Bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . Myrtle Hanson, 786-1182


    Bingo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ron Gomez, 782-5183

    N.E.R.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dawn Plaskon, 887-2199

    Nborhood Watch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784-1008

    EL TORO Jeanie Schultz 784-1997e-mail: [email protected]

    Deadline for all submissions to the El Toro is the10th of each month for the following month.

    WEBMASTER: Rev. Charles [email protected]

    SR-1 Association & Community Contacts

    is published monthly by Mobile Home Park

    Magazines and distributed by volunteers around the

    rst of the month. Dates and times of activities are

    noted on the calendar therein. Special activities will be

    announced in the regular pages.

    Extra copies of the magazine (or replacement

    copies if you got missed) are available in the Main

    Clubhouse after distribution is complete.


  • 8/3/2019 El Toro February 2012



    Residents are welcome

    at the meeting of the

    SR1 Association Board

    THURSDAY,February 2, 2012

    7:00 p.m.in the main clubhouse

    The Executive Board meets on the firstThursday of each month.

    Residents are invited to attend.

    A special meeting will be called any time there is aneed to gather park residents for anything

    other than routine business.

    Letters to the Editor are welcomeon any subject. Send to:[email protected].

    (You MUST sign your name butwe wont use it if you so request.)


    COFFEE isavailable in theClubhouse daily duringregular ofce hours forresidents of Spanish Ranch 1.


    THE SPANISH RANCH 1 ASSN.made up of homeowners and residents

    of Spanish Ranch 1 MH Park



    Three or four officers and four to sixboard members willbe elected by theresidents in atten-dance at the April

    meeting.Please see the

    excerpt from theBy Laws aboutElected Officers,on page 9 for thedescription of the duties of each office. Thenumber of officers and board members willdepend on community interest in serving inthe positions. The positions are open to anyregistered resident living at Spanish Ranch 1.Newly elected persons assume office May 1.

    If YOU want to run for an office or arewilling to serve on the Board, please contactANY member of the current board or leavea message for on the associations voicemail510-274-1771.

    Join us for

    BINGOFirst and Last

    Saturdays of each month,

    NOON TO 3:00 P.M.Snack bar open before play and during breaks

    serving nachos, hot dogs, sodas, snacks.

    Ron Gomez, coordinator 782-5183Volunteer help is appreciated, call Ron for info.

    NOTICEPer state law, no one under the age

    of 18 is allowed in the clubhouseduring Bingo

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    You like to eat, right?Come join our group of park women

    as we visit area restaurants.

    Youll get acquainted with some great gals!

    LUNCH BUNCH SCHEDULEThe Lunch Bunch meets on the third

    THURSDAY (unless otherwise announced) of

    each month at 12 noon. All are welcome to

    join us as we visit area restaurants.

    2012Feb 16 Mimis, HaywardMarch 15 Elephant Bar, HaywardApril 19 Hometown Buffet, HaywardMay 17 Applebees, HaywardJune 21 Panera, HaywardJuly 19 Olive Garden, Hayward

    Questions, Myrtle, 786-1182 or Ruth, 732-6671


    Saturday,February 18 9-12We skipped December so some litter and

    graffiti has accumulated and we want to keepahead of it. Many hands make light work, soplease join us in our efforts to keep our neighbor-hood looking cared for, which helps make it unin-viting to the criminal element.

    Anyone interested in helping out with thiscleanup can e-mail Dawn at [email protected]. Or just show up!


    gates to creek area.

    Gloves, garbage bags, tools provided.

    Rain cancelsAs part of our increased focus on community

    service projects, Spanish Ranch I NeighborhoodEmergency Response Team (NERT) joined theAlameda County Public Works DepartmentAdopt-A-Creek program in 2009.

    Our responsibility includes graffiti cleaningand trash pickup along the Ward Creek channelthat runs the length of Spanish Ranch I, betweenFolsom Avenue and Pacheco Street.

    SR-1 Helping HandAre weeds, rubbish, or overgrown plants on yourlot a cause for concern? Is your home in need of

    sprucing up with washing or painting?

    Were here to help!Give us a call, and well see whatour team can do to extend ahelping hand. Call us, or parkmanagement, to schedule alot assessment.

    510-274-1771(Association voicemail);Marvin 783-0360.

    Please help the

    Hayward Animal Shelterget ready for the busy spring and summer which

    brings an influx of puppies and kittens!

    Gift cards from grocery or pet supplystores are especially appreciated.

    Heres the wish list:Dry & canned dog, cat, puppy & kitten food

    (Nutromax and Royal Canin brands preferred)

    Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers SoulBrand dry or canned kitten food

    (yeah, we never heard of it either, but its available at

    Haywards Pet Club and Petfood Express)

    KMR & Esbilac kitten & puppy formulaRoyal Canin BabyCat34 dry foodNutromax small bites dog food

    Kitten nursing bottles (new)

    Also: Cat toys: toy mice, pompoms

    Large garbage bags with drawstrings

    Ziplockbags storage containers elasticized food covers or shower caps

    (like you pick up in a hotelto cover food bowls)

    Dryer sheets (any brand or fragrance)

    Perishables (bring to the flea market ONLY):

    For the bunnies: Carrots with leafy tops,parsley, cilantro and timothy hay

    For certain dogs: Hot dogs and cheeseDonations may also be dropped off at the office dur-ing business hours, at the Bingo snack bar on BingoSaturdays or the March 24 flea market snack bar.Alert the staffers about what youve brought.

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    Got Clutter?Come learn how you can de-junk your home with

    a move-management expert and local author:

    Donna Christner-Lile

    Learn a sure-fire method forclearing out the clutter in your

    home. Donna will show you

    how to sort stuff using only a

    few boxes and a trash bag!!

    (This might be a good time to get stuff

    together for the March 24 Flea Market!)

    Tuesday, February 7 7 p.m.Main Clubhouse, Spanish Ranch 1


    SR1 first quarter charity drive benefits the Hayward Animal Shelter.

    Donations will be accepted at this event.

    Food BankDonations

    for the AlamedaCounty FoodBank Barrels,

    an ongoing community

    service project,

    may be droppedoff in the office.(Due to scavenging and theft,

    the barrels are kept in the confer-ence room, but staff will see thatall donations are put into them.)

    NOTE!Food donations must be

    UNOPENED, not perishableand not require refrigeration.

    PLEASE DONATE! Thank you!

    Pet Owners! Keep em IN!Only indoor pets are allowed in the park.

    Dont let your CAT out to be digging inyour neighbors' landscaping or flowers!

    Walk your DOG on a leash (its thelaw) and its your responsibilityto pick up your dogs wasteand properly dispose of it.

    Please Wear White at Night!

    Walking the dog?

    Walking home?

    There isnt enough light in the park and

    We Cant See You in the Dark!

    Wear something white or reflective even if its just to throw awhite sweater over your shoulders or around your waist.

    This simple precaution could prevent a tragedy.

    . *

    . .View of the street

    at 6:30 p.m. ona moonless night.

    ATTENTION!Soliciting donations or

    work, door-to-door sales

    of any kind, door-knob

    hanging or distributing

    ads or flyers by entities

    outside the park isPROHIBITED!Do NOT let anyone

    into your home!

    TELL the intruders that solic-iting is not allowed and if theydo not leave the park imme-diately, call the police! Then

    report them to the office.Help keep our park safe!

  • 8/3/2019 El Toro February 2012


    Comedy Corner contributed by S. Higman (no. 195)(most copyright info unknown - web-exchange)

    Recent Resolutions

    2005: I will not spend my money frivolously.

    2006: I will pay off my bank loan promptly.

    2007: I will pay off my bank loans promptly.

    2008: I will begin making a strong effort to beout of debt by 2009.

    2009: I will be totally out of debt by 2010.

    2010: I will try to pay off the debt interestby 2011.

    2011: I will try to be out of the country by 2012.

    2005: I will get my weight down below 180.

    2006: I will watch my calories until I get below190.

    2007: I will follow my new diet religiously untilI get below 200.

    2008: I will try to develop a realistic attitudeabout my weight.

    2009: I will work out 5 days a week.

    2010: I will work out 3 days a week.

    2011: I will try to drive past a gymat least once a week.

    Golf Laws

    1: No matter how bad your last shot was,the worst is yet to come. This law does not

    expire on the 18th hole, since it has thesupernatural tendency to extend over thecourse of a tournament, a summer and,eventually, a lifetime.

    2: Your best round of golf will be followed almost immedi-ately by your worst round ever. The probability of the latterincreases with the number of people you tell about the for-mer.

    3: Brand new golf balls are water-magnetic. Though thiscannot be proven in the lab, it is a known fact that the moreexpensive the golf ball, the greater its attraction to water.

    4: Golf balls never bounce off of trees back into play. If onedoes, the tree is breaking a law of the universe and shouldbe cut down.

    5: No matter what causes a golfer to muff a shot, all hisplaying partners must solemnly chant You looked up, orinvoke the wrath of the universe.

    6: The higher a golfers handicap, the more qualified hedeems himself as an instructor.

    7: Every par-three hole in the world has a secret desireto humiliate golfers. The shorter the hole, the greater itsdesire.

    8: Topping a 3-iron is the most painful torture known to man.

    9: Palm trees eat golf balls.

    10: Sand is alive. If it isnt, how do you explain the way itworks against you?

    11: Golf carts always run out of juice at the farthest pointfrom the clubhouse.

    12: A golfer hitting into your group will always be bigger thananyone in your group. Likewise, a group you accidentally hitinto will consist of a football player, a professional wrestler,a convicted murderer and an IRS agent -- or some similarcombination.

    13: All 3-woods are demon-possessed.

    14: Golf balls from the same sleeve tend to follow oneanother, particularly out of bounds or into the water (See 3).

    15: A severe slice is a thing of awesome power and beauty.16: Nice lag can usually be translated to lousy putt.Similarly, tough break can usually be translated way tomiss an easy one, sucker.

    17: The person you would most hate to lose to will alwaysbe the one who beats you.

    18: The last three holes of a round will automatically adjustyour score to what it really should be.

    19: Golf should be given up at least twice per month.

    20: All vows taken on a golf course shall be valid only untilthe sunset.

    Personnel Evaluation Quotes #3

    A photographic memory but with the lens cover

    glued on.

    A prime candidate for natural deselection.

    Donated his brain to science before he was done

    using it.

    Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the

    train isnt coming.

    Has two brains: one is lost and the other is out

    looking for it.

    If he were any more stupid, hed

    have to be watered twice a week.

    If you give him a penny for his

    thoughts, youd get change.

    If you stand close enough to him,

    you can hear the ocean.

    Its hard to believe that he beat 1,000,000 other

    sperm to the egg.

    One neuron short of a synapse.

    Takes him 2 hours to watch 60 minutes.

    The wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead.

  • 8/3/2019 El Toro February 2012



    A continued Happy New Year toall our residents!!!

    Have you all gotten used to writ-ing 2012 on your correspondenceand checks?

    Speaking of checks and corre-spondence, Jeff would like to remind

    the residents that when submittingpayment for your monthly spacerents that you follow these simpleprocedures:

    1. Please remove the top portionof the monthly space rental state-ment and submit it with your checkor money order.

    2. Please place your paymentand the top portion of your state-ment in the envelope provided.

    3. To eliminate potential latecharges, please insure that the per-

    son submitting payment is on yourlease documents. We cannot acceptANY payments from anyone otherthan persons on the lease docu-ments or rental agreement.

    4. Remember, too much informa-tion when submitting your pay-ments is better than too little or noinformation at all.

    Your Sewer System

    We continue to find LARGEamounts of handi-wipes (babywipes) in the sewer system when

    there is a backup in the main line.Recently we observed about two (2)POUNDS of baby wipes removed inone spot from the mainline. I, forone, was simply amazed.

    A reminder: If your life style dic-tates the use of this type of hygieneproducts, we would ask that youDO NOT introduce them into thesewer system. We would recom-mend that you treat this type ofproduct exactly as you would otherfemale hygiene products. Dispose ofthem in the garbage.

    A word about reserving the

    club house for your special


    Please plan on reserving yourclubhouse based on the followingguidelines: The main clubhousetypically is reserved two (2) monthsin advance and the small club houseis about four (4) weeks in advance.

    The procedure is very simple,

    just complete the club house res-ervation form (located in the mainclubhouse to the left of the bul-letin board). Bring your completedform into the office with a $100.00refundable cleaning deposit checkor money order made payable toSpanish Ranch #1. We will then

    check the availability of the clubhouse requested, and put you downfor your date if it is available.

    Your deposit monies will bereturned to you after your event ifthe following conditions are met:

    1. All trash is removed from theclubhouse areas. This includes allballoons, banners and other cel-ebration trappings associated withyour party.

    2. New plastic trash can linersare installed in all trash cans

    3. The kitchen is cleaned withthe floor washed and counterswiped clean.

    4. The tables and chairs arewashed and cleaned

    5. The carpeted areas are vac-uumed and any spills/stains arecleaned from the carpeted areas

    6. Bathrooms used are cleaned,swept and new trash can linersinstalled.

    7. All chairs and tables are

    restored to their original locationsaccording to the guidelines sup-plied.

    8. Lastly, the outside of thebuilding is policed and any debrisin cleaned up.

    Remember, someone else will beusing the clubhouse facilities imme-diately after you and will expect itto be clean.

    Our rear gate was recently dam-aged by person or persons unknown.Without a witness or firsthand

    account, it is difficult to determinewhat actually occurred. It appearsthat a large vehicle (a van or truck)hit the gate as they were exitingthe park.

    We have been taking bids andare attempting to get a schedule tohave this gate repaired.

    Guillermos Corner

    Graffiti is everywhere. The tag-gers have moved from the exte-

    rior of the park to the inside ofyour clubhouses! A person or peopleunknown have been tagging thelaundry room in the main clubhouse. Please be aware and if yousee someone suspiciously holding aspray paint can in their hands, takenote of whom, where and when and

    report this to management.

    Trash continues to be an issuethroughout your community. Weare discovering trash in the visitorparking areas, in and around theclub house common areas, and con-tinuing in the car wash areas.

    One challenge that Guillermofaces on an ongoing basis is a resultof clothing collections. As residentsare placing their bags of clothingon the curb in front of their homes,we have other individuals that are

    picking up these bags of clothing,taking them to the car wash areaand then sorting through them,spreading them all over in the pro-cess.

    We would ask that your clothingdonations be placed in front of yourhome the night before the pickup ifat all possible and not put them outdays in advance.

    Guillermo thanks everyone fortheir continued help by reportingstreetlights being out. We received

    reports of 9 lights being out overthe past 30 days. At the time of thiswriting, all streetlights are in fulloperation.

    Jeff Stoops

    SR-1 Assistant Manager


    Main Clubhouse,Small Clubhouse and

    the BBQ area

    in the courtyardare available for

    your events!Both clubhouses and the BBQ

    area courtyard may bereserved by residents

    for private events.Call the ofce,

    783-5535, for information.

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    . . . . . . . Sign up early for a table! . . . . . . .

    Saturday, March 24, 2012 9 am-3pm

    at the Spanish Ranch Main Clubhouse

    TABLES ARE ONLY $10!One table per person until the deadline. If you want another, check back then.

    Tables are limited (inside only) so reserve yours early.

    Paid reservations must be made by March 19.

    Contact Patty Little, 783-1534Note to vendors:

    The Clubhouse will be open to vendors only at 7 pm Friday evening for setup. Tables must becovered to protect the surface before set up. Doors open 9am Saturday.

    No tires or excessively greasy or dirty items please.

  • 8/3/2019 El Toro February 2012



    Wed like to welcome you toour community!

    Our WELCOMING COMMITTEE has information

    that can help make yourintroduction to mobile-home living easier andfriendlier.

    And youll have somenew friends!

    Our friendlywelcomers are anxiousto hear from you! Call Patty Little, 783-1534 orJudy Allen-Rodgers, 785-4894.

    If you already live here and are saying, hey!nobody ever welcomed us when we moved in,

    give the welcomers a call because we all wantto meet you too!



    IS 15 MPH.


    In addition to the ongoing Food Drive for theAlameda County Food Bank food barrels, resi-dents have an opportunity to contribute to otherworthy causes throughout the year.

    February-April: Animal shelter. Spring is a

    busy time for the shelter with an influx of puppiesand kittens. Gift cards from grocery or pet supplystores, dry or canned dog and cat food, and vari-ous other items are needed by the Hayward animalshelter. See specific list on page 3.

    Coming up May-July: school supplies to benefitHaywards Tools for Schools.

    To make a donation as part of our drive, pleasecall 510-274-1771 and leave a message or [email protected] to request a pickupof your donation.

    Donations may be dropped off at the officeduring business hours, at the Bingo snack bar onBingo Saturdays or the March 24 flea marketsnack bar. Just tell the staffers what its for.

    SR-1 Charity Drives

    Join the

    Ladies Club

    at noon on the



    DIME BINGO!Ladies! Bring your lunch and lets get

    together. Dessert provided.

    Costs only a dime a game, winner take all!+ .25 for the bank which gets raffled back to some-

    body at the first gathering in January.

    CONGRATULATIONS to LOUISEon winning the 2011 Bank.

    Come to the Main clubhouse onthe Second Thursday, at noon!

    For more information callLorraine Schmuck 783-7294

    Ladies Dime Bingo is for mature women whowould like to get together for sharing ideas.

    Dime Bingo 2012 Dessert Schedule:February: Jeanie March: Vicki

    April: Fannie May: Pat June: Ruth July: Lunch/dessert provided by club

    August: Louise September: BridgetteOctober: Lorraine November: Irene

    December: Christmas Party


    THIEVES!Put your mail in the


    MAILBOXlocated in front of the

    Main Clubhouse close to the

    street (near the Park map).

  • 8/3/2019 El Toro February 2012



    Burn Awareness Week is observed nationally thefirst full week in February Feb. 5 through Feb. 11.Attention is designed to bring about public aware-ness in our communities and is the perfect calendarobservance to focus on preventing fires and protectingchildren.

    Each year on average 18,300 Americans are injured,

    and more than 3,500 die in fires, with children age 14and under making up 10-15 percent of all fire deaths.

    The Hayward Fire Department would like to remind you that it is important to remember that children,especially ages 5 and younger, may not perceive danger,and have less control of their environment. They mayalso lack the ability to escape a life-threatening burnsituation and may not be able to tolerate the physicalstress of a burn injury.

    Children under the age of 5 still account for fifty-two percent of all child fire deaths, and home fireswhich tend to spike during winter months, placing younger children and toddlers at even greater risk.Since many children are unable to escape from fire on

    their own, we encourage parents and caregivers to useNational Burn Awareness Week as an opportunity totake actions that keep their loved ones, and particu-larly children, safe from fire and burn hazards.

    Tips to avoid fire and keep children safe aroundyour house include:u Install tamper-resistant receptacles to prevent

    a child from sticking an object in the outlet.u Never hold a child in your arms while preparing

    hot food or drinking a hot beverage.u Keep children at least 3 feet from hot stoves and

    cooking appliances.u When cooking, use back burners with pot handles

    turned towards the back of the stove.u Do not place hot foods or liquids near the coun-

    ters edge or within a childs reach.u Wear short or close-fitting sleeves when cook-

    ing.u Make the stove area a kid-free zone (three

    feet is a good distance). Mark it on the floor withbright tape.u Never leave a child alone in a room with a lit

    candle, portable heater, lit fireplace or stove, or wherea hot appliance might be in use.uEstablish a safe hot water temperature by setting

    your water heater to deliver water at a temperatureof 120 degrees Fahrenheit or by installing anti-scalddevices.uHave fireplace flues and chimneys inspected for

    leakage and blockage from creosote or debris.uOpen the fireplace damper before lighting a fire

    and keep it open until the ashes are cool. Store ashes

    in fire-resistant containers; cover the container witha lid, and dispose of ashes carefully.uBe careful when using things that get hot such as

    curling irons, oven, irons, lamps, heaters.u Place space heaters on a floor that is flat and

    level. Do not put space heaters on rugs or carpets.u Keep space heaters at least four feet from bed-

    ding, drapes, furniture and other flammable materialsand place them out of the flow of foot traffic.u Keep children and pets away from space heat-

    ers.u Always tuck cords from appliances where children

    cannot reach them and out of the way of foot traffic

    to avoid a tripping hazard and wear to the cord fromwalking.u Keep electrical cords out of reach of children.u Install smoke detectors on every level in your

    home, inside and outside sleeping areas.u Include at least one carbon monoxide detector in

    addition to installed smoke detectors.u Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors each

    month and replace the batteries at least once a year.The most common types of burn injuries result from

    fire or flame burns, scalds and contact burns. Burnsare painful and can result in serious scarring and evendeath. When we take extra caution in our homes to

    ensure that the curling iron is out of childrens reachor pot handles are turned away from the edge of thestove, such injuries are entirely preventable. Keepingour homes safe from fire and preventing devastatingburn injuries is a healthy change we can make happen.

    For more information on fire safety tips or otherDisaster Preparedness related materials pleasesee our website at: www.Hayward-ca.gov click on the red DisasterPreparedness button or contact the Hayward FireDepartment Emergency Services Office for additionalinformation at (510) 583-4948.

    National Burn Awareness Week, February 5-11

    SAFETY FIRSTIN THE HOT TUBApproved swimwear only

    Use common sense and care when using thehot tub. Minors should always be accompaniedby a parent or adult. Shower before entering the

    hot tub and get out to use the bathroom.

    Mind your buttsIf you smoke, please dis-pose of your butts properly.

    Dont litter by throwingthem in the street, and

    especially dont throw themin peoples yards.

  • 8/3/2019 El Toro February 2012



    A properly maintained smoke alarm will work for-ever, right? Not so fast!

    ITS A FACT: All hardwired or battery-operatedsmoke alarms, installed before 2000, should be re-placed now!

    A smoke alarms lifespan is 10 years, which means

    any smoke alarm installed before June 2000 is too oldand needs to be replaced. The smoke alarm is nolonger reliable. Part of smoke alarm maintenance in-cludes knowing when to replace the unit. The fewminutes it takes to replace a smoke alarm can savethe lives of roommates, family members, neighborsand firefighters.

    More than 3,000 people die in home fires eachyear, and the majority of them have no workingsmoke alarms. To prevent these deaths, the HaywardFire Department has partnered with the United StatesFire Administration (USFA) and is sponsoring the na-tionwide Install. Inspect. Protect. Campaign, whichemphasizes that Smoke Alarms Save Lives.

    Your Hayward Fire Department offers a few help-ful tips on smoke alarms:

    Every residence, and place where peoplesleep, should be equipped with both ionization and

    photoelectric smoke alarms or dual sensor smokealarms, which contain both ionization and photo-electric smoke sensors.

    Place properly installed and maintainedsmoke alarms both inside and outside of sleeping ar-eas and on every level of your home.

    Interconnected smoke alarms are best, be-cause if one sounds, they all sound.

    Test smoke alarms monthly and change alka-line batteries at least once every year, or as instruct-ed by the manufacturer. You can use a date you al-ready know, like your birthday or when you changeyour clocks as a reminder.

    Write the installation date on the inside coverof the smoke alarm for future reference.

    If you have a tendency to forget when youreplaced the batteries last, use a permanent markerto write the installation date on each battery for fu-ture record.

    Homeowners, landlords and renters should checkto verify exactly when each smoke alarm in thehome was installed. If any smoke alarm was installedbefore 2000, now is the time to have it replaced.

    Did you know?

    Smoke Alarms Expire!

    Article III MembershipSECTION 1: All legal residents of Spanish Ranch 1 MobileHome Park are automatically members of the Association,without levy, upon establishment of residence. Legal residentsshall be defined as those residents who are registered with the

    management of the park and of legal voting age as defined bythe State of California.

    Article IV Elected OfficersSECTION 1: The elected officers of the Association shallbe the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Theoffice of President shall be filled by one person but any two ofthe remaining three offices may be held concurrently by a singleindividual.

    SECTION 2: The term of office shall be for one year basedupon a fiscal year beginning May 1 and ending April 30. Themaximum term of service for any office shall be two consecutiveterms.

    SECTION 3: The Duties of the elected Officers shall be asfollows:

    a. PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at the Associationmeetings, Board of Directors meetings, and when theAssociation feels necessary, meet with Management to rep-resent the residents of the park and their concerns to fosterand maintain unity and cooperation within the park. ThePresident will only vote as a tiebreaker and will make surethat all Association by-laws are adhered to.

    b. VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President shall assume theduties of the president when the President is unavailable. He/She shall assist the President as requested by the President.

    The Vice-President shall be a de facto member of all commit-tees and shall assist all committees as necessary.

    c. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall record and publish theMinutes of the monthly meetings of both the Association andthe monthly meetings of the Board of Directors in the El Toro.Should neither the President nor the Vice-President be avail-able, the Secretary shall assume the duties of the President ofthe Association. The Secretary will also receive, file and sendcorrespondence as directed by required (with the approvalof the Association. Recommendations and reports from theBoard of Directors monthly meeting will be included in thepublished minutes discussed at the Associations monthlymeeting for review by the residents. All pertinent new infor-mation will be included in Minutes of the monthly Associationmeeting.

    d. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall receive, deposit anddispense Association funds as directed by the Associationmembers. The Treasurer will keep written records of all trans-

    actions and will report the status of the Associations fundsat the Associations Boards monthly meetings. At any meet-ing which the If the treasurer cannot attend, an Associationmonthly meeting, , a Treasurers Report will be supplied tothe members and read by the President. t at the Associationsmonthly meeting. The treasurer will provide a monthlyaccounting for publication in the El Toro detailing income andexpenses. The Treasurer shall also prepare an annual budgetand present it to the Association for approval present it to theAssociation for approval May Board meeting for approval andthen for publication in the El Toro by the deadline for the Julyissue by the June Association meeting.

    Excerpts from the By-Laws: Duties of Officers

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    The January 5, 2012 Meeting of Spanish Ranch1 Association was called to order at 7:10 p.m. byPresident Dawn Plaskon. All officers and board mem-bers were present, One guests were present. Thepledge of allegiance was said.


    The minutes of the December meeting wereapproved as published.

    Treasurers Report

    Treasurer Peggy Nichols reported that there hasbeen no activity this month so a balance of $1,031.57carries over. It was noted that the treasury is almost atthe level it was before it was decimated by previousofficers who are no longer residents.

    Community Reports:

    HMOA The next meeting is January 21 at Eden

    Roc.Neighborhood Watch Darlene Richardson has

    resigned and, while this is not an Association position,the board is instructed by the bylaws to assist in find-ing a replacement. A number of residents are quali-fied as Block Captains by the City of Hayward and afew are considering stepping in to run NeighborhoodWatch. The annual National Night Out event is coor-dinated by NW. The chair attends NeighborhoodAlert meetings and keeps in touch with HPD beatofficers.

    El ToroPublication was on time again.

    Old BusinessCharity Drives: The collection of coats for

    HaywardCANs One Warm Coat drive has endedand Peggy dropped another box off at the SouthHayward Parish.

    Vendor Event: Interest in the Home Pro Expois being investigated by Patty Little. Tables wouldbe $25 and the expo would run for 4 hours on aSaturday.

    Disaster: Regional Manager Greg OHagan hasnot responded with a date for the meeting that herequested to go over the emergency plan Rutherfordhas for the park.

    New Business:

    Elections: Annual Election of Officers is to beheld at the General Membership meeting the firstThursday of April. Since no one was willing to spear-head a nominating committee, it was decided torun advance announcements in the El Toro and askpeople to contact any member of the board if theyare interested in an office or serving on the board.Dawn pointed out that she has served the two con-secutive terms allowed by the bylaws and thereforehas termed out as president.

    General Membership Meeting April 5: Besidesthe Election of Officers, this meeting is to serve asa general update to the park on the State of theAssociation. It was decided to ramp up publicity forthis meeting, serve refreshments and possibly giveaway a door prize.

    Flea Market: A regular flea market is planned for

    Saturday, March 24, 2012. Tables will again be $10and Patty Little will handle the signups.

    Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Jeanie Schultz, Secretary

    Minutes of the SR1 Board MeetingJanuary 5, 2012Meetings of the elected Spanish Ranch I Executive Board are held on the first Thursday of each month

    (unless otherwise announced) at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse. ALL residents are welcome to attend!


    RESIDENT INFOwww.spanishranch1.org

    The El Toro and the Bylaws of the

    Spanish Ranch 1 Association are posted here.

    All the latest! Check it out!

    Voicemail phone number for theassociation is: 510-274-1771

    Please Report Vandalism(tagging too, its vandalism)

    Please call the police and then the office if yousee anyone vandalizing property in the Park suchas breaking street lights, signs and back gatekey pad, etc. Please report anything suspicious.

    Thank you, Teresa Cruz, SR-1 Manager

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    Neighborhood WatchKnow Your Neighbors!

    Courtesy of Spanish Ranch 1 Association

    Please do your share!Lets all watch out for each other!

    Fill in your neighbors nameson this handy reference sheet.

    In an emergency youll needthis information, but in the mean-time youll know who to call ifyou spot a problem your neigh-bor should know about.

    Across Left Across Across Right

    Next Door to Left Next Door to Right


    Report a CrimePOLICE FIRE RESCUE


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    For information that leads to the

    arrest and conviction of graffitivandals in Hayward.

    Para informacin que dar lugara la detencin y a la conviccinde los delincuentes de graffiti

    en Hayward.


    English & Espaol

    More info:www.hayward-ca-gov

    COMPLAINTS/Suggestions or

    Reportsmust be submitted to Park

    Management in WRITING andmust be SIGNED.

    Only the person with the prob-

    lem or concern may file the com-plaint. None will be acceptedfrom third parties on behalf ofsomeone else. Forms are availablein a bin on the wall next to thebulletin board in the main club-house AND in almost every issueof the El Toro.

    To help your elected SR1 Assnleadership help you, please providea copy to the SR-1 Assn. Give a copyto any member of the board or fillout the form on the website.

    Olden Day Rules for Clotheslines(if you dont know what clotheslines are, better skip this)

    1. You had to wash the clothes line before hanging any clotheswalk the entirelengths of each line with a damp cloth around the lines.

    2. You had to hang the clothes in a certain order, and always hang whites withwhites, and hang them first.

    3. You never hung a shirt by the shouldersalways by the tail! What would the neigh-bors think?

    4. Wash day on a Monday! Never hang clothes on the weekend, or Sunday, for

    Heavens sake!5. Hang the sheets and towels on the outside lines so you could hide your unmen-

    tionables in the middle (perverts & busybodies, yknow!)

    6. It didnt matter if it was sub zero weather ... clothes would freeze-dry.

    7. Always gather the clothes pins when taking down dry clothes! Pins left on the lineswere tacky!

    8. If you were efficient, you would line the clothes up so that each item did not needtwo clothes pins, but shared one of the clothes pins with the next washed item.

    9. Clothes off of the line before dinner time, neatly folded in the clothes basket, andready to be ironed.

    10. IRONED?! Well, thats a whole other subject!Submitted by Jeff

    A POEM

    A clothesline was a news forecastTo neighbors passing by,

    There were no secrets you could keepWhen clothes were hung to dry.

    It also was a friendly linkFor neighbors always knew

    If company had stopped on byTo spend a night or two.

    For then youd see the fancy sheetsAnd towels upon the line;

    Youd see the company table clothsWith intricate designs.

    The line announced a babys birthFrom folks who lived inside -

    As brand new infant clothes were hung,So carefully with pride!

    The ages of the children couldSo readily be known

    By watching how the sizes changed,Youd know how much theyd grown!

    It also told when illness struck,

    As extra sheets were hung;Then nightclothes, and a bathrobe, too,

    Haphazardly were strung.It also said, Gone on vacation now

    When lines hung limp and bare.It told, Were back! when full lines sagged

    With not an inch to spare!New folks in town were scorned upon

    If wash was dingy and gray,As neighbors carefully raised theirbrows,

    And looked the other way .. . .But clotheslines now are of the past,

    For dryers make work much less.Now what goes on inside a home

    Is anybodys guess!I really miss that way of life.

    It was a friendly signWhen neighbors knew each other best

    By what hung on the line.

    PROBLEM?H Please notify the office if

    there is a problem with parkfacilities or lighting.

    H Call if you need atree trimmed or drains areblocked.

    H ALSO, call the officeto report suspicious activity,solicitors, excess noise, etc.

    H Report criminal activ-ity the police first, but ALSOto park management, andNeighborhood Watch!

    Sh-h-h. Quiet please.Please keep in mind that

    in a mobile home, sound car-ries more so than in a regularhouse. Please keep bass on

    stereo as well as volume turneddown, in your house AND car.

    Be courteous to your neigh-bors. Keep your drivewayplates aligned so they dontclatter when you drive in, anddont run over those in otherdriveways.

    We appreciate your effortsin this area and Im sure yourneighbors will too.

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    Route number 68 (which replaced line 77), a 2-direc-tional circular route, services both the South Hayward BARTstation, as well as the Union Landing Shopping Center.

    Weekdays, going to South Hayward BART, board thebus across the street at Tampa / Folsom (where the park is)hourly from 6:32am until 8:32pm, arriving at BART at 6:46amuntil 8:46pm. Weekends / Holidays, service is from 6:32amuntil 6:32pm.

    Weekdays, returning from South Hayward BART, boardthe counter-clockwise, Tampa directional bus hourlyfrom 6:30amuntil 8:30pm, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:42amuntil 8:42pm. Weekends and Holidays, service is from 6:00am

    until 6:00pm.Weekdays, going to Union Landing, board the bus at

    the corner in front of the 2 houses at Tampa / Folsom hourlyfrom 6:37am until 8:37pm, arriving at Union Landing at 6:54amuntil 8:54pm. On Weekends/ Holidays, service is from 6:37amuntil 6:37pm

    Weekdays, returning from Union Landing, Board theclockwise, Tampa directional bus hourly from 6:22amuntil 8:22PM, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:39am until 8:39pm.Weekends / Holidays, service is from 6:22am until 6:22pm.

    Additional frequency (now every 45 minutes, as opposedto every 1-2 hours) has been added to the Tuesday &Friday shoppers shuttle (Spanish Ranch to Southland

    Route 391).

    Busses now leave the Spanish Ranch Clubhouse at10:10, 10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm and arrive atSouthland Mall at 10:35, 11:20am, 12:05, 12:50, 1:35, and2:20pm. NOTE The last trip leaving Spanish Ranch at 1:55pmwhich arrives at Southland Mall at 2:20pm has no directreturn trip back to Spanish Ranch.

    Return trips leave Southland Mall at 10:42, 11:27am,12:12, 12:57 and 1:42pm, arriving back at Spanish Ranch at10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm.

    Route 22: For those who wish to walk to/from TennysonAve, on weekdays route 22 will go to the South Hayward

    BART station every 30 minutes from 6:22am until 11:22pmweekdays, and hourly on weekends and holidays from6:22am until 11:22pm. From the South Hayward BART sta-tion going down Tennyson will leave every 30 minutes from6:04am until 11:04pm weekdays, and hourly on weekendsand holidays from 6:17am until 11:17pm.

    Route 22 is a circular route, serving Tennyson, Hesperian(both Chabot College and Southland Mall), Winton, andboth Hayward and South Hayward BART stations alongMission Blvd. Visit AC Transits web site at www.actransit.orgfor more information.

    AC TRANSIT FARES $2.00 ages 18-64, ages 5-17 and65+ are $1.00. Transfer good for 1.5 hours is an addl 25.

    From the EditorArticles that appear in the El Toro are presented

    as an informational service to the residents. Contentsare the option of the editor but do not necessarilyrepresent the opinion of the editor, the homeownersassociation or management.

    Reader response is welcome. Your article must bein my paper tube at 28408 Granada Circle, or post-

    ed to my e-mail address, no later than the 10th ofthe month. All submissions must be signed with yourname/phone number included, as any article mustbe verified. Your name will not appear, if you so re-quest.

    Editor has the right to edit for space or libel. Articlesconsidered in bad taste will not be printed. Submis-sions must meet the Editorial Guidelines as set forth byMobile Home Park Magazines.

    If you are submitting an item someone e-mailed toyou, COPY IT and PASTE it into a NEW e-mail windowto send to us: [email protected].

    Thanks, Jeanie Schultz, editor

    Come Get a Book!Bookshelves in the Main Clubhouse are

    available for the free exchange of books bypark residents. Stop by and browse

    any time the clubhouse is open.

    Newspaper Tubescurrently fashioned from large PVC pipe if your

    newspaper doesnt supply one, are used to

    notify residents of events via flyers and the

    monthly park magazine.

    Please call the office if you need a tube

    installed at your home. 783-5535


    La Picina esta cerrada duranteel Invierno





    15 MPH SlowDo





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    JAN 29 JAN 30 JAN 31 1 2 3 4

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    BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. to

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    BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.

    F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2


    SR-1 AssnBoard

    Meeting7:00 p.m.

    All residentsare welcome

    to attend.BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. to1:55 p.m.

    BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.

    El ToroDeadline




    BUS10:10 a.m. to

    1:55 p.m.



    SR-1 AssnBoard

    Meeting7:00 p.m.

    All residentsare welcome

    to attend.







    De-Junkingwith Donna

    7 p.m.


    Nbor WATCH7 p.m.
