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Emotional eating

Date post: 18-Jul-2015
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What Exactly is Emotional Eating? www.BeFit4LifeReviews.com

What Exactly is Emotional Eating?


Most people have reached a point

in their life where they have

reached for a pint of ice cream

or maybe a slice of Cake

just because.

Maybe you weren’t necessarily

hungry, but none the less, you

felt you had to eat.

The munchies were

simply irresistible.


Everyone does it from Time to Time

I don’t Have to Eat Right to Be Healthy

It won’t Kill Me to Gratify My Senses a Little

In your mind you say….


Well, you are absolutely right

(for the most part)

except when it alters how you

live, how you view yourself,

and maybe how secure you are

around other people.

In that case, the

mindless, emotional

eating has literally

become an addiction.

Often times it can

even escalate to

binge eating.


Some people may have a drug of choice

While others drug is a food of choice


Your food of choice might appear to bring you the fix

you need such as comfort. Or maybe it takes your

mind off of the issues you don’t want to deal with.

It might just make your world seem alright

even if it’s just for that moment.

This is the start of overeating.


There are real problems behind Emotional Eating

and Binge Eating

When food is used as a tool to hide

or cover-up life issues

that is when it has become an addiction.

It has become binge eating.


That’s when you’ve become an emotional eater

which is a real problem. Possibly even a binge eater where sometimes it gets to

the point to where you can’tstop eating. No matter how

hard you try, you just have nowill power to stop eating. Emotional eaters has no

concept ofthe food they consume.

Thus, it leads to overeating.


The purpose of food

Body is our temple

nurture it

love it

care for itwww.BeFit4LifeReviews.com

That’ how we are able to move

through life

with a greater ease. People

who take the time

to care have a greater ease and

peace of mind

when it comes to their body. It

gives them a since of

satisfaction knowing that they

are doing what they can do

in efforts to protect their

temple! It’s kind of like

equipping yourself

with the necessary armor to

face the weight of the world

and eliminating the battle with

your own weight.


We all desire to be


Well, a huge part of happiness is

being able to

love yourself inside and out.

How can you do this if you don’t

like what you see when you look

in the mirror?

If you don’t like how you feel?

If you don’t like yourself?

If you continue binge eating how

is that really helping?


How can you overcome Emotional Eating,

Binge eating and Overeating?


The good news is that the power to

change emotional eating

lives within you!

Yes, you have everything you need already.

No one is exempt from this power

and no one is more privileged than the

next person!

The truth of the matter is that behind any

addiction lies hurt pains, and past issues.

Likewise, with regards to

emotional eating and overeating;

Underneath lies hurts pains and issues.

It’s all one in the



The change comes when we are willing to develop

new good habits

to replace the bad self

destructive habits.


Ask yourself this question...

If you were able to be transparent…

what would the person staring at you see?

Old wounds, issues, or scars

(baggage as they call it)


Emotional Eating and Binge eating

to hide what’s really going on!

You owe it to yourself

Deal with the issues

No matter how old


If it happened years ago, but

still affects you today

then it’s really not so old.

You might have to seek

counseling to mend a broken

relationship, or just embrace

yourself on a higher level in

order to rid yourself of

emotional eating.

You must do what it takes to

get your life back.

It will be well worth the battle

to over come emotional


You will win in the end!


We can never overcome

circumstances by

developing bad habits

in an attempt to

minimize what’s really

going on.

Life is meant to be


We have to find that

place that really makes

our world



The place the makes

us feel proud, special

loved, and desired.


The end result is closer than it feels

and it will be even closer

if you choose to start now.

It’s time to put yourself first

and become everything that

you really want to be.

Be that person that you see and


We can’t change the past

so why spend anymore time crippling

your future?

Put yourself first and you will begin to

see a peaceful transition

to a healthier, sexier you take shape.

You will begin to really see life for

what it’s meant to be which is


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