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EMV-Ready Employees

Date post: 11-Apr-2017
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Page 2: EMV-Ready Employees

EMV transactions are becoming increasingly prevalent after the October 1 deadline. As more and more merchants make the switch, customers may have questions about the EMV transaction process. As a business owner or manager, your staff can make all the difference in how your customers receive EMV. The following slides give some tips on what your employees should know in order to create a smooth EMV experience for your customers.

Making Your Employees EMV-Ready:

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First and foremost, your staff needs to be able to recognize EMV cards. An EMV card contains a square gold chip microprocessor that creates a one-time-use encrypted code when inserted into the base of the EMV-enabled terminal. Your employees should be able to look at any card and recognize the chip. If there is a chip, the customer needs to insert the card into the base of the terminal and if there is not a chip, the customer needs to take the traditional swipe route. Knowing how to spot a chipped card can ensure the transaction starts off the right way––saving your customer’s time and speeding up the transaction process.

1. Recognize Chip Cards:

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With the gradual acceptance of EMV, some customers may ask why your store accepts EMV while others do not. Be sure that your employees are able to provide an adequate answer. Let your customers know that your business has made the switch to protect itself from fraud and that it is up to each individual business to make that decision on their own. If you are in the process of becoming EMV-compliant, make sure your employees convey that information. Being upfront and honest will help put your customers at ease.

2. Educate on Why Your Business Accepts EMV

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The EMV transaction process can be confusing for first time users. Be sure that your staff knows how to patiently guide your customers through the process. When a customer presents an EMV chip card, the card should be inserted into the base of the terminal where it will remain until the transaction is complete. Upon completion, the customer will be prompted to enter their PIN or sign for their purchase and then asked to remove their card. Some customers may need an extra reminder to remove their card from the terminal before leaving the store, so it might be beneficial to create store collateral for exit doors or at the point-of-purchase that reminds customers to take their card before they leave.

3. Assist Customers in an EMV Transaction

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Though EMV is the preferred transaction method, there are cases when it might not work. Your staff should be able to guide customers through a backup (fallback) plan in order to effectively complete the transaction. If a fallback occurs, the EMV chip card should be swiped in the traditional method to complete the transaction.

4. Know Alternative Transaction Methods

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Though customers may not be at ease with the EMV transaction process just yet, your employees can be, which can make your business look more credible and customer service oriented. Contact your local Eliot representative today to find out how you can become EMV-compliant today.
