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Copyright 2011, Social Media Examiner TRANSCRIPT Facebook 101 INSTRUCTOR : AMY PORTERFIELD Sponsored by
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Copyright 2011, Social Media Examiner


Facebook 101

I N S T R U C T O R : A M Y P O R T E R F I E L D

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Transcript Introduction - Facebook 101 Hi, I'm Amy Porterfield, co-author of Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies. In this video, we'll cover how to set up your Facebook page, how to optimize and brand your page, and how to engage with your fans. I'll share tips and strategies for you to enhance your Facebook experience overall. This training is ideal for the marketer and for the small business owner. Facebook Profile vs. Facebook Page First, I want to talk to you about the difference between a Facebook profile and a Facebook page. Right now you're looking at the Social Media Examiner Facebook page. But first let's start with the profile. I'm going to switch on over to my personal profile. When you set up a Facebook account for the very first time, you're setting up a Facebook profile. By Facebook guidelines, you can only have one Facebook profile, and it should be set up by a person – meaning a Facebook profile is not for a business, organization, association or group. It's only meant for a person, and you can only have one profile per person. This is where you would communicate with your friends and your family, maybe people you went to high school or college with or relatives. This is more of a personal page where you communicate and you catch up with people.

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A lot of people post, as you know, probably family photos. You maybe share videos that you want to share of your family or maybe funny videos you found online. It's more of a casual conversation that you're having with people. One way to know that you're on a profile versus a page is here on the top usually it gives some personal information about the person. Here it says where I work, where I studied, if I'm married, and my birthday. It gives you some personal information about that person. Also, if you scroll down a bit, over here you'll see that it lists my friends. If it says Friends, then you know instantly that it's a profile. Now let's go to the Social Media Examiner page. One sure way to know if you're on a page or a profile is if you scroll down and it shows that a number of people "like this" — 34,200 people like this. That way, you know that this is a page because they're using the word like. That's one surefire way to know if you're on a page or a profile. A Facebook page is meant to market your business, build relationships with clients, build relationships with prospective clients, and also showcase who you are and what you're about. Optimizing Your Business with a Facebook Profile There are a lot of different things you can do with a Facebook page, and that's where we're going to primarily focus this training. However, before we do that, I want to show you some great techniques you can use on your Facebook profile to optimize your business. Friends Lists First, I'm going to show you how to set up Friends Lists. You can do this for personal reasons or for business reasons. Facebook does have a guideline that you shouldn't be using your Facebook profile for monetary gain, meaning you shouldn't be promoting

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your business blatantly on your Facebook profile. Instead that's why they created Facebook pages. However, if you're anything like me, you've meshed together over the years your Facebook friends, people in your family, maybe distant relatives, and people from school, as well as people you network with and people that are somehow associated to what you do for a career and for your business. That why, if you scroll down on my profile, you'll see that I have almost 3,000 friends. Now I don't really know all 3,000 people, and a lot of them have come to my personal profile and I've friended them through networking situations. I've met them maybe online or offline, but they're not all friends. So if you've done this over the past years — this is before Facebook pages got really popular — you can create Friends Lists in order to communicate to different people privately via your profile. Let me show you how to do that. First, you'll want to go to the Friends link. Once you go to the Friends link, you can now Edit Friends. Once you Edit Friends, you can create a list, so you'd click on Create a List. From here, you create a name for your list. If your list is going to be private, which I'm going to show you how to do right now, no one will see your list except you, so you can name it whatever you'd like. For the sake of this training, let's say I was going to name this list San Diego Networking Group. Let's say I live in San Diego, I go to different networking opportunities here in town, and maybe I want to bring anybody who's on my profile as a friend into this list. Once you name your list, then you can go ahead and type in the name of the person here. Let's say I want Andrea, so I'm going to add her to my list. Then maybe I'll look for someone else I know. It's better if you know the name of the person because if you have a lot of people like I do, having 3,000 people, I don't want to scroll through all of them — that's going to be way too time-consuming. If you know the names of the

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people, I would type them in. They'll pop up and you can click on their name. I'm going to click a few more people just for the sake of this training. Then I'm going to click Create List. Once I do that, now my list will pop up. From there, I'm going to edit the name only because it's kind of a long name and it's going to get cut off a bit when I try to look for it. So I'm going to call it SD Networking Group. I'm going to show you now how to message these people. I'm going to go back to my profile. Remember, the name of that group was SD Networking Group. If I wanted to send them a message — only that group — I could go here on my profile and just say something like "Great seeing you last night!" Then I would click on this dropdown menu here. Do you see where it says Everyone by default? Well, I don't want to send that to everybody, so I click here on Customize. From Customize, I'll do a dropdown that says Specific People. Now I can actually type in the name of the group and it will pop up. There it is — SD Networking Group. I'm only going to send that message to the SD Networking Group. From there, I can click Save Setting. If I were to click Share, the only people who would see it are the people who are on my SD Networking Group list. That means if you were my friend and you came to my profile, you actually wouldn't see that post appear on my profile. If you went to the profile of anybody in the SD Networking Group that I just messaged, you also wouldn't see that message on their page. You have to actually be in that group to see the message. That's what's so cool about Friends Lists on your profile. Use the 80-20 Rule on Your Profile I usually tell people to use the 80-20 rule on their profile — 80% of the time, make sure you're keeping it social in the sense of keeping it personal by talking to your friends and family and sharing video and

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photos not related to your business. Eighty percent of the time, do not talk about your business on your profile since it's not really meant for that. But 20% of the time, I do think it's okay to talk about business-related topics, whether it be your business or something related to your niche or your market. One of the best ways to do that is to use these Friends Lists. If you have a networking group like I showed you with the San Diego Networking Group that I created a list for, you might want to communicate with them on a weekly basis. You can send them a post that nobody else can see just to check in with them, see how they're doing, and maybe talk about your next meeting or whatnot. That's a great way to use Facebook lists in order to keep the communication going even if it's not always for personal reasons. Private Friends Lists Also, what's great about Facebook lists is that you can set Privacy Settings for them. Let's say you were to create a photo album on your profile. You can actually set privacy settings with that photo album so only certain groups can see the photo album. Or if you wanted to send out a certain video, you can do the same. You can create privacy settings for different things that you post on your profile so that only certain groups can see the information you're posting. The privacy settings are really great and can relate back to your friends lists if you want them to, so I really love that feature on your profile as well. Featured Friends Lists Now that I've shown you how to create private friends lists, let me show you how to create Featured Lists.

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Featured Lists actually appear on your profile, and anybody who's your friend can see these lists. Here's an example. I have a Social Media Examiner Friends List right here, and I have a Featured List of Mastermind Girls — I'm in a mastermind with a bunch of women entrepreneurs, and you can see the list here. When you put somebody on a Featured List and you feature them on your profile, the people who are on that list will get a message saying that they've been put on a Featured List. They will be notified just so they can have the option to decide if they want to be on that list or not. With that, I want to show you how to create a Featured List: • To create a Featured List, go to Edit Profile. • Once you hit Edit Profile, go to Featured People. • Once you click on Featured People, you'll see down here you can do

Featured Friends. I already have two Featured Friends lists: the Social Media Examiner friends and the Mastermind Girls. These are two lists I've created and put in here. Also, where it says Friends is the default of all my friends. Once you've added people here, you can either create a list or add an existing list or group. Once you've done that, then they will appear on your profile in the left column. That's how you do a Featured List. It's a great way to showcase networking groups you're involved in or maybe some high school or college friends that you want to highlight on your profile. You can do many different things with them, but it is a great way to infuse your business world with your profile if you want to do some Featured Friends that are part of a different group or network. Facebook Chat

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One other great feature when you have Friends Lists is Facebook Chat. Right here in the corner, if I were to click here, all my different groups pop up. With that, I can actually click On or Off, meaning that they can message me at any time, or I can click it Off where they can't message me, meaning they don't know if I'm online or not. This is a great way to control conversations so you're not being interrupted all the time if you don't want interruptions, or it's a great way to open the chat and chat with different people in groups. Link Your Facebook Page to Your Profile One last thing I'd like to point out with your Facebook profile is to make sure that at the very top where it says Works at that you have the correct Facebook page linked to your profile: if you're an entrepreneur and you have a Facebook page for your business, that the link goes directly to your Facebook page, or if you're part of a company, that the link here goes to the correct company page. For a lot of people, it actually goes to a default page. Let me show you what that looks like. If I were to go to Ray's profile and click up here where it says Works at St. Joseph's Medical Center, it goes to this weird default page that his company, St. Joseph's Medical Center, does not actually control. As you can see, it's not branded. It has this weird suitcase as an image and there's nothing he can really do with this page. This is the default page that Facebook will pull in automatically based on the information you have in your Info box. So when Facebook recently made some changes, this happened to be a default. You'll notice with a lot of people that the link to Works at goes to a weird default page that looks like this. To change that, there are two ways you can do it. The simple way that doesn't always work for everybody is just to go into Edit Profile, and then go into Education and Work, and here where it says Employer, type in the business page that you're an admin of that you want to link to.

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Oftentimes you can type it in and just Save and it will pop up. For some people it doesn't work as easily and you have to do a workaround. I'm going to show you the workaround. First, I want you to Google "Firefox Add-On, Web Developer." Once you do that, you'll find a page that looks like this. When you get to this page, I want you to add this to Firefox. I want you to add this Web Developer, and it will automatically be added to your toolbar. Once you do that, you come back over here. I'm going to actually delete this so I can start over and show you how it's done. Now it has Anthony Robbins Companies, which is actually my old company I used to work for. It has the same little suitcase that you don't want. But I'm going to add my own Facebook page. First, you'll want to go to the Facebook page that you want to add to your profile. Make sure you're an admin of the page. For me, my Facebook page is Amy Porterfield, so it's the same name as my profile — a little bit confusing. What I'll do is click Edit Page. Once you click Edit Page, here on the top you'll see that it says id = (a number will appear here). I want you to copy that number. Once you copy that number, I want you to go back to your profile, and here where it says Employer, I want you to enter the name of the Facebook page. Even if it doesn't pop up for you — as you can see, mine is not popping up — I still want you to type in the name of the page and then click Add Job. As you can see, my picture does show up, but that's not the end of it. From there, I want you to go up and pull the toolbar in called Web Developer Toolbar. Once you do that, I want you to click on Forms and hit Display Form Details. Don't be scared because all of this crazy code is going to pop up. You don't really need to do anything with this code. All I want you to do is find where it says Employer, and I want you to paste in that ID number

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that you had copied from your page. Once you do that, you'll just scroll down and hit Add Job. Then once you do that, go back up here, and I want you to unclick Display Form Details so all of that will go away. Now when you go to your profile, you'll see that your page is added, and if you click here, it should go to your Facebook page. That's how you add your Facebook page to your profile if it doesn't do it easily by just typing in the name. There's your little workaround. Hopefully, that makes sense in order for you to add your page to your profile. Creating Your Facebook Page Now let's talk about your Facebook page in general. First of all, to set up a Facebook page, the easiest way to do so is to first go to any page you're not an admin of. I'm going to go to HyperArts Web Design's Facebook page. Once I'm there, if I scroll down, in the left column, you'll see where it says Create a Page. Go ahead and click on Create a Page, and here you'll see six different options to create your page: • Local Business or Place • Company, Organization or Institution • Brand or Product • Artist, Band or Public Figure • Entertainment • Cause or Community For the sake of our training, let's choose Brand or Product. Once you click there, now you're going to choose a category. You have all these different categories to choose from: • Appliances • Baby Goods/Kids Goods

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• Bags/Luggage • Building Materials • Etc... It goes on and on. For the sake of the training, let's choose Website. Once you do that, you want to name the page. Let's name it SME Example because this is just a Social Media Examiner training example. Once you name it, you're going to say "I agree to Facebook Pages Terms." You can read those if you'd like. Then click Get Started. Now you have a page. It's as easy as that. Obviously, there are some things we want to do to this page, and I'll walk you through some of the most important pieces of your Facebook page setup, but I just wanted to show you how easy it was to set up your page. Now I want to show you some of the key areas that you want to concentrate on when you set up your page. Let's go back to the Social Media Examiner page. Facebook Page Wall Image The very first thing I want you to really concentrate on is your Facebook page wall image. That is this image right here. Do you see up here where it says Change Picture? You have the opportunity to load an image that you create for your Facebook wall. I encourage you to spend a little time and a little money making this image great. The reason being that no matter where I click on this Facebook page, that image is always going to be there. Let's say I go to a different tab — and I'll be explaining these tabs a little bit later in the training — but no matter what tab I go to, you're always seeing this wall image. It's the best way for you to brand your page. It's the first thing people see and it really captures their attention. People make a split decision — do they want to spend time on your page or not?

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It's a really quick decision, so make sure that your page looks great right from the get-go. First of all, you can maximize this image to 180 by 540 pixels. I encourage you to use that entire space — 180 by 540. That way, you can really optimize this space and grab attention with a larger image even though you can put a smaller image in there. Also, on this image, I encourage you to put the name of your company, branded to the look and feel of your company, and also put a little bit of information on what your company is about. Mike has "Your guide to the Social Media Jungle." I think that really explains it. It's a fun way to sum up what the page is all about. Also, he says, "Helping businesses discover how to best use social media." He has some really great copy here. Another thing you can do is add the URL of your website for your company. It's not going to be a clickable link, but it's always good to get people to see your URL. We could have put www.SocialMediaExaminer.com right here on the design of this image. That's another thing you can do as well. Facebook Page Information Tab Another great place to start when you first set up your Facebook page is the Information Tab. If I click here on Info, as you can see, it will allow you to fill in some information. The information it allows you to fill in is based on if you chose an Artist or Band, a Community, a Cause, a Brand, or a Website, as we chose. Depending on which box you chose when you first set up your Facebook page, this will determine what categories you have here to pull in. With that, we can put: • Founded • About • Company Overview

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• Mission • Products • Website • Likes and Interests This area you want to optimize with keywords as much as you can. Really explain who you are, what you're about, and use the most optimal keywords for your company or business. That's really crucial in order to be found in the search engines because Facebook is indexed by Google, meaning that Google will look at different keywords that you're using inside your Facebook page and they will index those words. It's really important to use your keywords inside your Info tab. Facebook Page Welcome Tab Speaking of navigation links, one of the most important links you can add to any Facebook page is a custom welcome link or a custom Welcome Tab, whatever you want to call it. Basically, that is the tab that people fall on when they first come to your page and they haven't yet clicked the Like button. In the case of Social Media Examiner, I've already clicked the Like button, plus I'm an admin, but I want to show you what we've done on our custom Welcome Tab so you can get an idea of how to create your own. First of all, for Facebook you want to use iframes. Iframes are what you would use to create a custom-designed, integrated Welcome Tab or any other custom tab that you want to create. You can Google "iframes for Facebook" to really learn how to create these tabs. But here I'm just going to show you the best practices for these custom tabs. For this one, we first did a call to action: "Click the 'like' button above!" As I mentioned, I've already clicked it, so you don't see it there. Next, Mike made a short video just welcoming people to the page, telling them who he is and what the page is all about. The best thing to do is make a short video and really just give people a quick understanding of what you're going to share with them on your page and why they should

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join. Really, you're answering the question: "What's in it for them?" Make this video short, casual and entertaining, and just get right to the point so that they know instantly what your page is all about. What we've done here is created an opt-in. We promised a free giveaway if people were to give their name and email. That way, we're capturing names on our Facebook page as well as getting people to click the Like button, as you can see above. Let me show you a few other examples of custom Welcome tabs. Mari Smith has a really great custom Welcome Tab. She does the call to action at the top. She says, "If ya 'Like' my page ... please clickety-click the button above!" It's really cute because that's her personality. That's how Mari talks, and so she's really branded her custom tab to her personality. Obviously, blue is her signature color for her brand, so everything is really tied back to her brand. Also, she has a really unique custom tab where it says who she is and what she's about. You can also see her latest tweet. She too has a video here. It tells people welcome to her page and what she's all about. Then she gives a really great understanding of who she is and how you can find her in other places. She's written a book, so she tells you a little bit about that and gives a URL to check her out in other places. Then if you go down here, you can actually read her latest blog post and see some of her latest pictures. Mari, because she is basically the queen of Facebook, really has a tricked-out custom Welcome Tab. But I show you this not because you need to model it and really add in all of this but more so just to give you an idea of what you can do on your custom Welcome Tab, depending on what your outcome is for when people first land on your Facebook page. Now I want to show you an example of a big brand and what they've done. Red Bull is my favorite example of a custom Welcome Tab. They're

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a big brand. People usually know who they are — they're an energy drink — so they don't really talk about who they are on their page. What they do is they call all their attention to you clicking that Like button. They're saying, "Like our page. Hint, hint" and then they want you to click the Like button. This gives you no confusion as to exactly what they want you to do on their Facebook page. I'm going to show you one more: Zappos. Zappos has a really great one too. Zappos' is really casual. It's perfect for their identity. It says, "Let's be in a Like-Like relationship," and they want you to click the Like button above. This is also another great example. It's simple and it gets people to do exactly what they want, which is click the Like button. A little bit later in this training, I'm going to talk to you about why it's so important to get people to click the Like button. Just to pique your curiosity a bit, it's not all about getting people to click the Like button so the number of fans you have looks really big. That's really not why it's so important. It's so important to get people to click the Like button because you're going to get even greater visibility from all of your fans. That Like button is the most important thing when someone visits your Facebook page for the very first time. You need them to click that Like button. I'll explain more about that very soon. But before I do, I want to show you some other examples of custom tabs that you can create for your Facebook page. Other Facebook Page Custom Tabs The first custom tab outside of the Welcome Tab that I want to show you is one that we do on the Social Media Examiner page. We have multiple admins that post to our page, so with each post that somebody does — let's say we were to reply back to them — we always sign off with our name. An example of this is Andrea Ramirez. She was talking about how much she likes our page — she thinks the page is great. So what I did is I

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posted as Social Media Examiner and said, "So glad you like our Page, Andrea!" and then I sign off with my name. That way, she knows who she's talking to since we have multiple admins that post daily. To introduce the admins of the page, what we did is create a tab called Our Team, as you can see over here. When you click Our Team, this tab is not only perfectly branded to Social Media Examiner, but it explains who each person is on our Facebook page. This is one of the most unique pages I've ever seen on Facebook because it really gives you an idea of who you're talking to. After all, Facebook is all about creating relationships and building engagement. What better way to do that than to introduce your Facebook team? We have Mike, we have myself and Cindy King. All of us contribute to the page and we talk to people on a regular basis, so if anyone ever wanted to learn more about us, all they need to do is come to this page. They can actually click here and even find out more about us. It's such a great tab. I know a lot of people constantly are looking at that when they're new to our Facebook page. So that's one idea of what you can do with a custom tab. Another idea is you can create one for your events. I'm going to show you one for Tony Robbins. If you go to Tony Robbins' Facebook page and you click on Upcoming Events, you'll see a page that we created for his event "Unleash the Power Within." With that, if you scroll down, you'll learn about the event, you can watch a video trailer that tells you a little bit about the event, and then there's some copy that gives you some information. Then you can actually click Invest Now and go buy a ticket to the event. More so, if you want to learn more about it, you can actually click on Step 1, Step 2, Step 3 and Step 4 to really get an understanding of what his event is all about. When I worked with Tony Robbins, this page was created to start building some excitement and some energy around his "Unleash the Power Within"

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event. It's proven to be extremely successful and they've had this tab for over a year and a half now, so it's working really well for them. I wanted to show you this tab so if you do online events or offline events — if you do events in the real world — this is a great example of a tab that you can model in order to get people excited about your events. You can find that at www.Facebook.com/TonyRobbins. Another great tab I want to show you is actually a tab that I created for free trainings that I have. If you are a small business or an entrepreneur who has different trainings that you want to give away as a value-add to start building trust and relationships with your audience, you can create a tab similar to this. What I've done is I have pulled in a video explaining what the free training is all about, and then I do an opt-in. I have people give me their name and email, I tell them what the free training is, and once they do that, they'll get an email from me that will link them to all of my free trainings. That way, I'm collecting names and emails as well as offering value in the form of free training. So if you have something of value to give away, a custom tab is a great way to do so. Lastly, I want to show you a Reveal Tab. A Reveal Tab is when you come up on a Facebook page — this is actually a Welcome Tab — and if you haven't ever been to this site, you'll fall on this tab. If you haven't clicked the Like button, as you can see, it says, "This page is only visible to our Facebook fans. Become a fan and see what the deal is." So you're thinking, "What's behind all those blocks?" that you're seeing. When you click the Like button, what will happen is that a new tab appears. As you can see if you read this, it gives you a discount code here — TeeseyFBFan — to get 15% off when you order one of their t-shirts. This Reveal Tab, also done in iframes, is a great way to build curiosity and make your Facebook experience exclusive to your Facebook fans. Exclusivity on Facebook is very, very popular among smart marketers — people who are able to build not only curiosity with maybe a Reveal Tab like this but also to give content that people can only find on their

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Facebook page. It's a great way to build up your community because people are constantly coming back for more, knowing that your Facebook page is the only place they're going to get certain special content. Exclusivity is something to think about as you're creating your Facebook strategy. A great article to read as you set up your Facebook page and you start optimizing it is Facebook 101 for Business: Your Complete Guide. Make sure to check out that article for even more tips and strategies to optimize your Facebook page. Using Facebook as a Page Facebook now allows you to post as your Facebook page or your Facebook profile, which makes it really great for businesses to spread their brand even more around Facebook in general. What I mean by that is now you can post on a Facebook page as yourself or you can post as your business. Let me show you what that looks like to help you better understand. If you go up to Account, Facebook gives you the option to Use Facebook as Page. What that means is when I click here, all the different pages that I'm an admin of — some for my clients, some for myself — they're going to pop up. If I go all the way down and find Social Media Examiner and I click Switch, now I can post all over Facebook as Social Media Examiner. Let me give you an example of that. If I were to go to my page www.Facebook.com/AmyPorterfield, I'm an admin of this page. But since I'm posting as Social Media Examiner now, if I were to write a note on this page that said, "Hey everyone! Making a video for Social Media Examiner and posting as SME on my own FB Page," and if I were to hit Share, it actually posts as Social Media Examiner, not as Amy Porterfield, even though this is my own personal page. That's what I mean by you can go and actually post on other pages as your own business page.

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When you're posting as a page, another thing you can do is comment on a profile if that person has set their privacy settings so that everybody can view their profile. What that means is if you came up on my profile right now, even if you weren't my friend, you could actually view all the information on my profile. If you set your settings that way, any page could actually comment on your profile as the page. What I mean by that is if I were to leave a comment, let's say right here under Katie McDaniel, it's actually going to appear as the Social Media Examiner avatar. That means that you can go and post as your page on different profiles. What you can't do is actually start a discussion. You can't start a post on a page, meaning you couldn't start a discussion. You can only comment on discussions that have already started, so you can comment as your page. This is a great way to expand your brand and get even more visibility if you use your page as you're posting on different profiles. As long as you're keeping integrity and you're not spamming, this is a really great strategy. If I go back to Profile, and because I'm posting as Social Media Examiner, I want to show you some really cool changes that have been made when you're posting as a page. If I were to go up to this little icon here, I'd actually see all these people that have recently liked the page. If I was posting as my profile, instead of people that have liked this page, I would actually see people that have asked to be my friend in this dropdown. Also, if I were to click here, now I'm getting notifications based on my page and not my profile. If I were to click on the Home Tab, instead of seeing news feeds from my friends, I'm actually seeing news feeds from the pages that Social Media Examiner has clicked Like on. So Mari Smith and Social Media Examiner, we've liked our own page, or Enchantment. These are pages that Social Media Examiner has liked, and now they're ending up in our news feed. Your news feed now changes to reflect your page versus your profile, which is really cool.

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It's the same thing with the notifications. These are related to the page now and not your profile. So it just depends on where you've toggled from — your profile or you've chosen a page you're an admin of to post. All of this on the left as well, it changes to your page specifications, not your profile. Featuring Facebook Pages Your Page Has Liked Another thing that you can do for your Facebook page is actually highlight different pages that you've liked. Specifically, if you scroll down, these are the pages that Social Media Examiner has liked. They haven't liked a lot of pages yet, so only three show up because they've only liked three pages. But if you've liked multiple pages, I'll show you what it looks like on my page. If I go to my Facebook page and go to Use Facebook as a Page and switch to my own page, now I'm posting as my own page. I'm going to scroll down, and as you can see, I have five pages right here that are featured as pages that my page has liked. If I click See All, then there are a few more. If I click Close, and I want to feature five pages here that I want everybody to see, what I can do is go up to Edit Page and then click on Featured. From there, I can have five featured pages. If I said Edit Featured Likes, as you can see, I can click on which pages I want to feature. I don't want to feature Livestream and I'm not featuring Mashable, so I don't have those clicked. The first five I click, those will be in the left column. Let's say I were to click Mashable. Then those five would actually just change out and they'd always show five, but if I click more than five, they'll just change randomly as people click on my page. So you can click more than five, but they all won't show up at once — only five at a time. That's how you can feature the pages that you like on your own page.

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One last thing I want to point out about changes to Facebook pages is that because I'm an admin, you're actually seeing these admins here. You'll see Andrea, myself, Mike and Cindy King. However, if you're not an admin of the page, you actually don't see that. Let's go to a page where I'm not an admin. On the HyperArts page, as you can see, you don't see the admin here. You can't see the admin people because I'm not an admin of this page. I just wanted to show you how it looked. It looks very different in that respect, so just something to think about there. Facebook Page Photo Strip Viewer Another great feature to a Facebook page is the photo strip viewer at the top of your page. This photo viewer is always going to have five images in it. These images are not going to be in any specific order. Actually, every time you come to the page, that order might be mixed up. On a Facebook profile, the photo strip viewer can actually be put in a specific order. It's not the same for a Facebook page, so just make sure you note that you can't put them in a specific order. Let me show you a fun example. Tim Weir of HyperArts, he actually has specific images that he put up here — and I'll show you how to do that — but as you can see, it doesn't spell out "HyperArts" because every time you come to the page, they've been mixed up. That's just how Facebook has programmed the page. He doesn't care. He thinks it's still fun and he still does it this way. But just know you cannot put these in a specific order, and that's been asked by a lot of people, so I just want to make sure that that really makes sense. Also, these photos are the last ones you as the page admin either uploaded or tagged your page in, so they'll change every time you upload a new photo or tag your page in a photo. If you don't like a photo that appears, all you need to do is put your cursor over the photo and a little X appears. You just click on the X and then you can click Hide Photo. This doesn't actually delete the photo or

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take the tag off the photo. It just hides it, and another picture will appear. That's how easy it is to change those photos on top. Then something that's also really cool is that Facebook actually changed how you look at photos. If I were to click this photo here, a light box pops up and then you can see all the people in the picture. This is a really fun picture we took at BlogWorld, making funny faces. Then you can see all the people that are tagged, so if you go over their names, you can see where they are in the photo. That makes it really fun, and I just love how the light box pops up so you can really get a great full view of the photo. There have definitely been a lot of changes for Facebook pages. There's a great article called 8 New Facebook Page Changes: What You Need to Know. In that article, they'll go over all these changes that I just pointed out here, as well as go into iframes versus Static FBML. Remember as I noted, Static FBML used to be the way you would create custom landing tabs or navigation links as people are calling them now. Facebook has recently changed it to iframes, so check out that article, 8 New Facebook Page Changes, to learn more about the shift from Static FBML to iframes. Facebook Page Engagement Strategies Now that you know how to set up your Facebook page and how to optimize your page, and you understand the changes Facebook recently made so that your page could be even more dynamic and you can have a thriving community, it's important to understand how to create a thriving community and how to engage with your fans. It's not a mistake that Social Media Examiner has over 30,000 Facebook fans. The reason being, as I mentioned, is that we're so diligent about creating engagement on our Facebook page. We're constantly responding. We're constantly posting relevant, up-to-date, important content that we know our fans will devour and want more of. We're very in tune with what our audience wants and we keep posting really great content.

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Facebook News Feed But here's what's most important to know. Not every piece of information being posted by every one of your friends and all of the pages that you've liked actually get into your news feed. Facebook decides what information they think is most relevant and they put it into the Top News feed, which is the default setting. When you go to your Home Tab and you're logged in as your profile, your Top News feed will be all the posts that Facebook thinks you'll like the most. They're posts that you've engaged with — people that you've actually talked to one on one via Facebook comments or different posts where you've clicked the Like button next to the post. If you have activity with the page, then Facebook deems this as something relevant for you and they'll put it into the Top News feeds. That means if your fans aren't engaging with your posts — if they're not clicking the little Like button next to your posts, if they're not commenting on the posts that you have put up there, if they're not engaging in the videos you play or the photos that you post — if they're not engaging with you, then your posts are not getting into the news feeds of your fans. That's something really important to remember. Just because they click the Like button doesn't mean they're seeing your posts. The key here is to understand the strategy to get into your target users' Top News feeds. Likeable Media had a great article on this called The Mystery of the Facebook News Feed. In that article, the author, Carrie Kerpen, explains the news feed strategy best. She says anything that is posted on Facebook, be it a status update, a link, a video or some other form of update, is considered an object. There are three edges to that object that determine if it is important enough to put out into the Top News feeds of your fans:

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1. How often the user is checking you out, meaning are they reading your posts?

2. The type of interaction. Is it a written comment? That usually will get

more weight than if they just click the Like button next to your post. If they're leaving a comment, Facebook sees this as even more important engagement level-wise.

3. Also, if your content is recent and has a lot of activity, you're looking

good to land into the news feeds. If your posts happen to be out there for a long time — weeks since you've landed a new post — then you're likely not going to get into the Top News feeds of your audience. You need to keep your content fresh.

It's really important to understand how you get into the news feeds of your fans, and remember that not every post is landing into the Top News feeds, so you need to make sure that that engagement is strong in order for your fans to constantly see what you're posting. Let's explore some of the best engagement strategies for your Facebook page. Status Updates Status updates, or basically your posts, there are some things that you want to ask yourself to make sure you really have a good strategy behind what you're posting. Specifically, ask yourself these questions to plan your posting strategy: 1. How often will you post updates to your page? 2. What will you post about? 3. When will you use text only versus if you put some links into your

posts? 4. Will you use third-party content to add value to your posts? I think

that's really important. 5. How often are you going to mix up the media and use video and audio

and photos?

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These are all things that we talked about as a Social Media Examiner team before we created our Facebook page. We actually have a document, an editorial guide, that explains exactly how we are going to manage our Facebook page, and it answers a lot of these questions. Are we going to post third-party links? Yes, we do every single day. We mix up our media. We do audio and video and photos. We also do text-only posts, and then we do posts with links. We have spelled this all out before we started Social Media Examiner's Facebook page in order to get really clear how we're going to do that. Also, I talked a little bit about this already, but I want you to have a posting strategy. These little tweaks that you might make as to how you're posting already could make all the difference. One is using first names. As you saw, we have multiple admins on this page, so we always sign off with our first name. Also, if you're going to be posting all around Facebook as your Facebook page, and it's not your picture — mine is my picture, as you know — but maybe Social Media Examiner, if we're posting on different pages, we also will want to use our name for that because people aren't really sure who's posting now if you're posting as a brand versus a profile. So signing off with your first name in a post is really important. As I mentioned earlier, we reply to every comment, and we add value multiple times. On Social Media Examiner, every day around 10:00 or 10:30, we always post our recent blog posts from www.SocialMediaExaminer.com. Then sometime around lunchtime, we always post a third-party article. We find a really great, valuable, content-rich article and we post it on our page. We know that every day we're posting really valuable content. Also is reposting. You can always repost things. If you post once, there might be some really great information that you want to make sure a lot of your fans see. Not everybody is on Facebook every minute of the day, although it does seem like that, I know. You want to repost some of your

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content to make sure people see it the first time. That's also an important strategy as well. Create Signature Experiences Another great strategy to create engagement is to create signature experiences on your Facebook page. "Signature experience" is a term that we created on Social Media Examiner when we first created Expert Friday. Expert Friday is an event or an experience that we create every other Friday on our Facebook wall. What we do is invite a social media expert to come to our wall for one hour and in a live session answer questions from our fans. It's really simple. Our fans basically just post their questions from about 10:00 to 11:00 on Friday morning, and then our expert pops on and answers their questions as a comment under that post. Let me show you exactly how it works. First, we welcome the expert. Here you can see "A BIG welcome to Dean Hunt for this week's Expert Friday Q&A! Dean will be live on the Social Media Examiner Facebook Page Wall for the next hour, answering all of your social bookmarking questions. So come post your questions on our wall NOW!" And then Cindy signed off. Then people start to post their questions. Here's a question. Rohan asked a question up here, and then as you can see, Dean answered him directly under that. Chris Allen asked a question, and Dean was able to answer it. So it goes on for about an hour, and let me tell you, people love it. It has created so much great engagement on our Facebook page that people start posting about it, inviting other people to come to our page during this hour. We get a lot of buzz around Facebook. We also actually go on Twitter and tell people about it and direct them back to Facebook. I just want to mention that there's a great opportunity to create synergy among Twitter and Facebook and LinkedIn and YouTube in order to drive traffic to certain sites. We use LinkedIn and Twitter to drive traffic to our Facebook page, especially when we're doing something like Expert Friday.

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This is one example where you can actually add value for your fans. It's a huge win-win situation. We add value for our fans, as well as we allow an expert to get even greater exposure to our 30,000+ fans on our Facebook page. It's a win for the expert and it's a win for our fans because they get great questions answered. We have had great success with this and we continue to do it about every other Friday. There are other ways to do signature experiences. I want to show you two others that I really love that are very similar, but I just want to show you some examples. Zappos, I love what they're doing. If you see this, they have Fan of the Week. What they do is thank people for being a fan and say, "Share a picture on our wall and you could be our next fan of the week!" But the rule is "The Zappos box must be included in your shot." My favorite one this week is actually two dogs, which is adorable. The last one I saw was a little baby inside the box. People just do really silly things with the Zappos box. It's fantastic branding for Zappos. People are posting pictures of Zappos boxes on the wall so that they're getting shared virally, and then they actually put the picture as their wall image here as you can see. Let's say I click the Like button here and go to the Zappos wall. When Zappos posts, this is something that's really cool. They change their avatar to reflect the fan of the week. As you can see, their avatar is actually the two little dogs in the box. Last week it was the little baby in the box. They really go all out and make it all about their fans. The more you can spotlight your fans, and thank your community for showing up and engaging with you, the more success you're going to have on Facebook. Zappos is a perfect example of making it about their fans and not about them. It's a great page to model. Another great one for Fan of the Week is Oreo. Oreo does Fan of the Week, and they also put their fan photo in their wall image. They say, "Post a photo for a chance to be the next Fan of the Week." They post

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photos of people eating their Oreos. These are three girls eating this huge Oreo, but other people post really fun photos and become Fan of the Week as well. Just remember that when you do Fan of the Week, you are able to get a lot of exposure for your fans. Here's a great example. It says, "Peace and Oreo cookies is what Kristen A. from Indiana, USA is all about, and she's this week's Oreo 'Fan of the Week.' See her photo on our wall and then upload your own for a chance to be next week's!" They say "peace and Oreo cookies" is what Kristin is all about. That's fun. They tell where she's from — Indiana — so they make it really personal. They spotlight a fan and again they make it about the fan and not about them. But at the same time, they're getting great exposure. So Fan of the Week is another really great way to create signature experiences. There are a lot of different ways you can do this. I encourage you to check out the article How to Build Your Facebook Fan Base By Creating Experiences. That article will actually give you a step-by-step process on how to create your own signature experience. Facebook Social Plugins In this next section, I want to talk to you about Facebook social plugins. You can find all the different plugin opportunities at www.Facebook.com/plugins. Here you can find different ways to enhance your website or your blog site by adding special buttons like the Like button or the Recommendations button or the Like Box, or even the Login Button. You can add all of these different social plugins in order to create a Facebook experience outside of Facebook. This gives you even more viral visibility in order to get people to see your brand even more and engage with you even more, even when they're not inside Facebook. Let me give you an example of that. One example is very popular, which is the Like Box. If you go to www.SocialMediaExaminer.com and you scroll down, you'll see this Like Box or this Facebook box. What you can do is

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"like" the Facebook page by clicking Like here, never having to go on Facebook. I'm logged in to Facebook, but I'm not on Facebook. And as you can see, my image just showed up here. Now, I've liked Social Media Examiner, their number goes up by one, but I'm not even inside of Facebook. This is a great way to build your Facebook following by putting it on your blog site or your website. Another great popular social plugin is the Like button. As you can see right here, it says "Like" and then "19." That means 19 people have liked this blog post on www.Kikolani.com. Kikolani.com is a great blogging site and social media site, really, that Kristi Hines, a Social Media Examiner contributor, manages. It's full of great information. She uses the Like button, and so if I were to click the Like button, now it says 20 people have liked it. And what happens is, if I go to my profile, you can see that the article now appears on my profile. Since I liked it, now a story appears that can link back to her blog post as well as tells a little bit about what the blog post is all about. Just by clicking that Like button, now I've shared her article with other people. It's extremely viral in the sense that it posts directly to people's profiles. If you go to www.Facebook.com/plugins, you'll see that you have the opportunity to add the Like button and all these other different types of buttons and boxes — also the Like Box, which I showed you on the Social Media Examiner Facebook page. I'll click here, and I'll just show you quickly that it's really easy to do. All you need to do is actually put the URL to where you want that Like button. In the Kikolani instance, she would put the URL to that specific blog post. From there, she has a lot of options of how to style the different Like buttons. Here you can do standard or you can do button count or you could do box count. You can make the button look different. You could show the avatar faces of people who have liked it, or you don't need to. You can really play with the width and you can also have it say Like or Recommend, so if you want to maybe put this as a

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recommendation for your website, you can put a button on your home page of your website and change it to Recommend. Just do anything that works for you. Let me put an example in — we'll put a URL in there. Then when I say Get Like Button Code, a box pops up, and I can get the iframe code or the XFBML code. Normally, most people would click iframe, and you'd take that code and put it into your WordPress site, and that button would then appear. It's really easy, but if that doesn't make sense, you can get a programmer to help you. But once you learn how to do it, you can do it yourself every time. It's really easy. That's how you would create a Like button on your blog site. So make sure to check out www.Facebook.com/plugins in order to learn about which type of plugins are best for your site and how you can really interact with Facebook even when your users are not on Facebook. There are so many different ways that you can enhance your site, but there are some great articles I want to direct you to. One is 26 Tips for Enhancing Your Facebook Page. Another is 7 Facebook Marketing Tips From World's Top Pros. And another great article is 75 Apps for Enhancing Your Facebook Page. Those are three articles I encourage you to check out to really make sure that you're using the right tools and the right plugins for your Facebook page as well as your website to get the optimal experience and drive as much traffic as you can to your Facebook page. Facebook Ads In this section, I want to talk to you about Facebook Advertising. If you've used Facebook Ads before, you already know that they can be extremely successful if you really get laser focused and you go after exactly the type of person you're looking for in the ad — meaning if you drill down to male or female, their age, where they live, their region, their interests, their likes, and really get down to exactly the type of person you're talking to, your ads can work really well.

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I want to show you some tips so if you haven't used Facebook Ads before, you can experiment with them and see if they might be right for your business. Just go to www.Facebook.com/advertising and you'll land here on this page. From there, go to Create an Ad. Once you're inside the Facebook Advertising platform, you will have the option to either send people from your ad to an external URL — which you can see up here, meaning your website you could send them to — or you can keep them inside of Facebook and send them to either your wall or your could send them to any other tab inside Facebook on your Facebook page. Here's the deal. There's a lot of different debate between if it's better to take people outside of Facebook or keep them inside. My preference is to keep them inside of Facebook. I feel that if people are spending time on Facebook, they're there for a reason and they want to be on Facebook. With that in mind, I don't think that taking them outside of Facebook is always a great idea. Now if you have a really strategic campaign, and people are clicking your advertisement, and you're taking them to a page outside of Facebook that really drills down on exactly what you're trying to get them to do — your call to action — and you're giving them some kind of value-add, maybe a free video series or a free PDF or you're getting them to enroll in a live event, but you're giving them a lot of information about that event, then it could possibly work for you. However, another way you can do it is create a custom Landing Tab or a custom navigation link, whatever you're calling it, where you can run your ad, and when people click on it, they're actually going to a custom tab that you've created on your Facebook page especially for that Facebook ad. That can be extremely successful. For example, let's say I was running a Facebook ad and I wanted to encourage people to opt in for my free training videos. I could run a Facebook ad and then have people, when they click on the ad, land on this page where it's promising a free video series for their name and email. That way, they're not landing on my wall, where if I ran an ad and

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then dumped people out on my wall, that would be extremely confusing because you really wouldn't be able to use a call to action if you were to do that. However, if people landed here, the call to action is "Enter Your Name and Email for INSTANT ACCESS" to free training videos. So wherever you're sending people with your Facebook ad, make sure that you have a clear call to action once they land wherever you have them landing. For the sake of this training, let's say that we are going to use my Facebook page. I'm using a Facebook ad, and the Destination Tab right now is set on Default, but I could send them directly to the wall, my Info Tab, or my Free Training Tab, which is where I'm going to send them. That way, I know that I have a targeted campaign for my Facebook ad. I know where I'm sending people once they've clicked the Like because getting them to click the Like is half the battle. Getting them to take action from that Facebook ad is the next step — whatever is behind that ad, which in this case is my Free Training custom tab. From there, I'm going to put some really engaging copy to get people to take action. This is where you want to talk directly to your target audience. For instance, if I was running an ad about a running shoe company and it was for women in San Diego — that's who I wanted to target — I would say something about the woman that I'm trying to target, the fact that she's in San Diego, and that she's an avid runner. I would touch on all of those specifics so when she saw my ad on the right column of her Facebook page or Facebook profile, it would talk directly to her. It would speak directly to her interests and her demographic. That's how targeted you want to get. The more targeted, the more likely people are going to click your ad and take action. Also, you can add an image to your ad. I say 100% never do an ad without an image. Just as important as targeting your audience with the body copy of your ad, adding an image might be even more important. The

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reason being that with most people, the image will grab their attention first. There are a lot of studies that have been done on Facebook advertising, and when you use images of real people that are smiling and having fun, you'll likely get more clicks. Even more so, when you use profile images of women who are smiling and having fun, that will get you even more clicks. A happy person, especially a woman smiling in a photo, can relate back to what you're selling if that's congruent. I don't want you to have an image of a woman if it has nothing to do with your ad, but if that could be congruent, I would definitely test out a few ads with happy, smiling women to see if that might get you more clicks. Studies show that it does, and I've used that method many times for my different strategic Facebook advertisement campaigns, and it's worked well for me, so I definitely suggest that you check that out. Once you set up your ad, you scroll down here and you have a lot of different targeting opportunities. This is where I was talking about how you can literally drill down on the city and how many miles from that city, the demographics, the likes and interests — that's really important; you can add as many likes and interests as you want that pertain to your ad. Then you can do Connections on Facebook, whether you go for "Anyone" or "Only people who are not fans of Amy Porterfield" because as you know, the reason why Amy Porterfield is showing up here is because I chose the Amy Porterfield page up here. So if I were to choose the Social Media Examiner page and I scrolled down, now it's saying, "Only people who are not fans of Social Media Examiner" or "Only people who are fans of Social Media Examiner." Then you have "Advanced connection targeting," where you can target users who are connected to a page or an event or app, or target users who are not connected to a page, event or app. You have to be the admin of those pages, events or apps in order to put something in here.

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This is really interesting. Then you can do "Only show my ad to friends of the fans of Social Media Examiner," meaning like-minded people are usually interested in the same thing. I might want to target all the friends of those who are already fans of Social Media Examiner. That allows you to target like-minded people who also might be interested in what you're advertising. Once you do that, you scroll down here, and then you can decide on your campaign pricing and scheduling. You can do Pay for Impressions (CPM) or Pay for Clicks (CPC). Facebook gives you a suggested bid. Do some research on this. Some people say to bid a lot lower than what Facebook tells you to do. Some people disagree. It's really a preference here. In Facebook advertising, the secret to success is about experimenting — always testing, testing different images, testing different ad copy, testing different times that you're going to run your ad, and testing different bids that you're going to put toward your ad. You really have to commit to spending some time on this. It's not going to be an overnight success, but you can definitely have some great success. If you put the time and energy into it and you are patient with yourself, you can see some great success with your Facebook advertising. I encourage you to experiment here and see if Facebook advertising is right for you. Facebook Insights In this section, I'm going to quickly go over Facebook Insights. You can find Facebook Insights in your left column on Edit Page. Once you're inside Insights, there are two types of Facebook Insights: User Insights and Interactions Insights. User Insights show you breakdowns of total page likes, number of fans, daily active users, new likes and unlikes, and the sources of these likes, as well as demographics. It shows you page views and unique page views. It shows you a lot of other different types of activity that have to do with what the users' behavior is.

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The Interactions Insights will give you your Daily Story Feedback — post likes, post comments, per-post impressions, and daily page activity like mentions, discussions, reviews, wall posts, video posts. It gives you more of an understanding of what's happening with your engagement on your different posts. I encourage you to check this out. Let's go back to Users. You can chart your user activity on your Facebook page. And as you can see, it shows you right here demographics — age and gender, country, city, language of your users, and then the overall activity. So it's important to spend a little time on your Insights to understand how people are engaging with your Facebook page and if you're getting more likes at certain times versus different times of the day. Also, if you're getting a lot of unlikes during a certain period, if there's a spike somewhere, that should tell you something might be going on there that you might need to tweak. When it comes to Insights if you're just starting out, there are a few areas I recommend you pay close attention to. Once is the monthly fan size growth. I would chart how many fans you have at the beginning of the month and how many you have at the end of the month. This way you can really keep track of your fan growth and see if your activity on your fan page is actually helping you grow your fan base. If that number is growing slowly, I would definitely encourage you to check out your engagement levels, see who you're engaging with, how often you're engaging and how often you're posting on your page because all of this will definitely affect how fast your growth is for your fan base. In addition, I would check the average number of likes and comments, meaning every time you post, how many people are clicking the Like button next to your post and how many people are actually commenting. One idea is to ask more questions. When you ask more questions on your page, you tend to get more comments. So if you're looking to grow your

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comments on your page and Insights shows that you don't have many comments, asking engaging, interesting, fun questions often will help that so you can increase your number of comments per post. Also, I would definitely make sure that you pay attention to your demographics. When you understand the audience on your Facebook page — who they are, if they're male or female, their age, where they're coming from — and if you really understand your demographics, you can craft your messages to be laser focused to that audience so that you can engage with that audience more by piquing their interest with the types of posts that you are putting on your page. Understanding your audience is key. Conclusion That wraps up our Facebook tutorial. I hope you found some valuable nuggets that you can apply to your own Facebook page to get some really great success. I encourage you to let us know how you're doing on your Facebook page and how your success is coming along at www.Facebook.com/smexaminer. If you have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to post your questions on our Facebook page and our team will be happy to answer them for you. This is Amy Porterfield and I hope to connect with you again soon. Links for the Facebook Tutorial Video Facebook 101 for Business: Your Complete Guide http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/facebook-101-business-guide/ 8 New Facebook Page Changes: What You Need to Know http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/8-new-facebook-page-changes-what-you-need-to-know/ How to Build Your Facebook Fan Base by Creating Experiences http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/facebook-page-experiences/

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7 Facebook Marketing Tips From World’s Top Pros http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/7-facebook-marketing-tips-from-pros/ 26 Tips for Enhancing Your Facebook Page http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/26-tips-for-enhancing-your-facebook-page/ Top 75 Apps for Enhancing Your Facebook Page http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/facebook-apps/ 7 Tips to Mastering Facebook Advertising http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/mastering-facebook-advertising/
