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February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Mary ... · 02/01/2013 · February 15, 2015...

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PO BOX 67 · IRELAND, IN 47545-0067 PHONE: (812) 482-7041 FAX: (812) 482-3699 February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm Website: http://stmary.irelandindiana.com St Mary Church - 482-7041 Rev. Gary Kaiser, Pastor, Ext. 23 [email protected] Rev. Jeff Read, Associate Pastor, Ext 24 [email protected] Deacon John Huether [email protected] Dianne Gogel, Secretary, Ext. 21 [email protected] Sherri Hartley, Secretary, Ext. 22 [email protected] Stan Heim, Property Manager, Ext. 36 [email protected] Lauren Emerson, Preschool Director, Ext. 40 [email protected] Martha Schmi, DRE, Ext. 45 [email protected] Charlene Sermersheim, Music……...…482-7837 Annee Wie, Cleaning ……………...….482-9699 Precious Blood Church - 482-4461 Rev. Gary Kaiser, Pastor Office…Ext. 128……….Rectory…...Ext. 650 Rev. Jeff Read, Associate Pastor Office...Ext. 137……...Rectory…..Ext 650 Parish Contacts Bereavement Meals, Sherri Hartley….482-7041 Church Decoraons, Janet Schier…..482-3500 Finance Council, Audrey Wehr………...639-3393 Ireland K of C, Grand Knight, Kevin Schnaus ……………………………..…………...…………...631-5204 Ireland K of C Building Rental - Allen Reckelhoff……………...…….…...482-4700 Meals for New Moms,Karen Fromme.482-5265 Parish Nursing, Deb Brescher………...…639-1882 Parish Council, Jamie Clark……………….482-9104 Prayer Line, Martha Stenſtenagel..……482-4093 St. Anne’s Society, President, Kathy Burton ………………………………………...…………......630-0603 St. John Bosco, Carly Knapp…………......481-2442 St. Mary’s Mission Statement: St. Mary Church is a community of faith united in Eucharist and committed to seeking God through prayer; sharing our gifts of time, talent and treasure; providing formation and education for children and adults; responding to the needs of people by sharing our faith and resources. We are dedicated to living and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. St. Mary Church

P O B O X 6 7 · I R E L A N D , I N 4 7 5 4 5 - 0 0 6 7 P H O N E : ( 8 1 2 ) 4 8 2 - 7 0 4 1 FA X : ( 8 1 2 ) 4 8 2 - 3 6 9 9

February 15, 2015

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm Website: http://stmary.irelandindiana.com

St Mary Church - 482-7041

Rev. Gary Kaiser, Pastor, Ext. 23 [email protected] Rev. Jeff Read, Associate Pastor, Ext 24 [email protected] Deacon John Huether [email protected] Dianne Gogel, Secretary, Ext. 21 [email protected] Sherri Hartley, Secretary, Ext. 22 [email protected] Stan Heim, Property Manager, Ext. 36 [email protected] Lauren Emerson, Preschool Director, Ext. 40 [email protected] Martha Schmitt, DRE, Ext. 45 [email protected] Charlene Sermersheim, Music……...…482-7837 Annette Witte, Cleaning ……………...….482-9699

Precious Blood Church - 482-4461

Rev. Gary Kaiser, Pastor Office…Ext. 128……….Rectory…...Ext. 650 Rev. Jeff Read, Associate Pastor Office...Ext. 137……...Rectory…..Ext 650

Parish Contacts

Bereavement Meals, Sherri Hartley….482-7041 Church Decorations, Janet Schitter…..482-3500 Finance Council, Audrey Wehr………...639-3393 Ireland K of C, Grand Knight, Kevin Schnaus ……………………………..…………...…………...631-5204 Ireland K of C Building Rental - Allen Reckelhoff……………...…….…...482-4700 Meals for New Moms,Karen Fromme.482-5265 Parish Nursing, Deb Brescher………...…639-1882 Parish Council, Jamie Clark……………….482-9104 Prayer Line, Martha Stenftenagel..……482-4093 St. Anne’s Society, President, Kathy Burton ………………………………………...…………......630-0603 St. John Bosco, Carly Knapp…………......481-2442

St. Mary’s Mission Statement: St. Mary Church is a community of faith united in Eucharist and committed to seeking God through prayer; sharing our gifts of time, talent and treasure; providing formation and education for children and adults; responding to the needs of people by sharing our faith and resources. We are dedicated to living and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

St. Mary Church

Readings for the Week of February 15, 2015

Sunday: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/1 Cor 10:31--11:1/Mk 1:40-45 Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25/Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10/Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18/2 Cor 5:20--6:2/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20/Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a/Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14/Lk 5:27-32 Next Sunday: Gn 9:8-15/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15

©Liturgical Publications Inc

2 Bulletin deadline is Monday at 9:00am

Weekend Masses at St. Mary Church Saturday Vigil 5:30pm Sunday 7:00am & 9:15am

Weekday Masses this week at St. Mary Church Monday & Friday at 7:30am (No Mass Thursday) Ash Wednesday at 7:00am & 6:00pm

Stations of the Cross every Friday (except Good Friday) during Lent at 6:00pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Mary Church Saturday 4:30-5:20pm; 1/2 hour before weekday Masses

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 1/2 hour before weekday Masses

Anointing of the Sick: Notify the parish office if there is a need for Father Gary or Father Jeff to administer Anointing of the Sick.

Sacrament of Baptism: The joy of having children is fully realized in their baptism within the faith community. Call the Parish Office regarding Baptism appointments. First time parents, please stop by and pick up a baptism video.

Sacrament of Marriage: Parishioners who wish to be married at St. Mary Church are asked to contact the parish office six months prior to setting a date. This will provide time for prayer, preparation and paperwork.

Homebound Parishioners: Communion calls are made on Monday mornings to parishioners’ homes. Call the parish office if you would like a visit from our Eucharistic Minister.

Mass Intentions

Sat-Feb 14 5:30 pm Members of the Parish Sun-Feb 15 7:00 am The Frank Hohl Family

9:15 am Othmar & Florentine Mathias Family

Mon-Feb 16 7:30 am Virlee Rasche Ash Wednesday

Wed-Feb 18 7:00 am Loretta St. John 6:00 pm Dolores Miller Thurs-Feb 19 No Mass Fri-Feb 20 7:30 am Joseph & Magdelena Schitter

Sat-Feb 21 5:30 pm Edward & Anna Mae Reckelhoff Sun-Feb 22 7:00 am Members of the Parish 9:15 am David Bohnenkamper


20-22: High School Come and See weekend retreat at Sisters of

St. Benedict, Ferdinand.

21 & 22: Holy Family Venture Crew 185 Boy Scouts chili soup

fundraiser. Pre-order call Kenny Egler 502-295-8642 or Lisa

Gehlhausen 812-631-2583. $15 per gallon.

22-26: Parish Mission at St. Mary, Huntingburg, with Father

Chuch Zmudzinski, CPM at 7:00pm. “Healing Humanity Through

the Power of Divine Mercy”.

28: “Monastic Lectio Divina” at the Kordes Center. Workshop

9:30am to 4:00pm. Register by Feb 25 at 812-367-1411, ext 2915

28: Faith Day 2015 at Holy Rosary Church, Evansville.

Church Support

Budgeted Weekly Operating Costs: $13,500.00 Collection for the weekend of February 7 & 8

Weekend Collection…………………………………………..$ 9,340.25 Average ACH weekly deposit for February…..…....$ 4,530.25 Children’s Collection………………………………………….$ 5.68 Total Weekend Collection………………………………….$ 13,876.18 Over........……………………………………………………….….$ 376.18

Thank You!!!!!! Please use your envelope if you are going to one of the

other area churches. They are coming back to us. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Mass Attendance for February 7 & 8

5:30pm [259] 7:00am [168] 9:15am [343]

Precious Blood Church - Mass Schedule

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday - 8:00am

Saturday - 4:00pm

Sunday - 8:00am & 10:30am


Ash Wednesday Mass Times: 8:00am & 7:00pm

St. John Bosco Seeking Communications Assistance

Our youth ministry program is looking for assistance developing a

plan for communication, especially through social media, in order

to better serve our youth and families. Might you or someone you

know be willing to lend expertise in this area? Please contact Car-

ley Knapp at 481-2442 or [email protected]

St Mary Catholic Church, Ireland IN 3

Catechist Corner

CRAVE - Seeking food for the soul. This study group will meet on Mondays, beginning February 16, at 6:30pm in the

Rectory. Everyone high school age and up is welcome. We will be study “Untold Blessing: Three Paths to Holiness” by Fr. Robert Bar-ron. Please think and pray about attending on Monday. The ses-sions will last about 90 minutes.

Free Daily Reflections Throughout Lent Sign up at http://LentReflections.com. Each day from Ash Wednes-day through Easter Sunday, you will be sent a short email with an uplifting spiritual reflection. Courtesy of Father Robert Barron


St. Mary Preschool

Thank you to all of our parishioners for helping to make our fundraiser a success last weekend!!! I’m so grate-

ful for those who bought tickets, the monetary donations we received, the delicious treats that were donated for our bake sale, and for those who helped and volunteered their time over the fundraiser weekend. I feel very blessed to have so many families who care about our preschool!

This week we did many activities to celebrate the holi-day. We enjoyed a special Valentine’s Day snack and played some fun games. Our students also exchanged valentines with each other. It’s very rewarding to see the friendships that have formed since school has started! Everyone was so happy to give and receive so much love on this special day! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Ms. Lauren

Memorial Donations

Bereavement Meal Donations: $ 250.00

Cemetery Donations: $ 837.00

Long Term Planning: $ 15.00

Memorial Donations: $ 141.00

Msgr Carl Shetler Endowment: $ 70.00

St. Mary Cemetery Endowment: $ 1,285.00

St. Mary Endowment: $ 270.00

St. Mary Quilt Fund: $ 10.00

In Memory/Honor of:

Herb & Emma Bartley, Irene Dippel, Helen Humbert,

Ron & Delli Keusch 50th Wedding Anniversary, Art Mathies,

Bob Murry, Virlee Rasche, Alberta Renner, Meleties Weyer,

Roberta Weyer, Betty Wigand, Eden Wilkerson

Thank You!!

2015 Irish Sweepstake Winner for February 8

Congratulations to our $100.00 winner, Marilyn Fleck.

Bring out the ashes!!

In both the Old and New Testaments, ashes are associated with mourning and repentance. As Catholics, we begin the Lenten season with Ash Wednesday. Following the proclamation of the Gospel and a homily is given, the priest blesses the ashes with Holy Water and offers a prayer.

The congregation comes forward similar to Communion time and receives ashes upon their forehead. Like a splash of cold water on the face that awakens a person in the morning, ashes on the forehead are to awaken the recipient to the beginning of a new season in the Church’s liturgical year.

The ashes are made from the palms that were used in the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebration. We are called to examine our lives and prepare for a new Easter.

When ashes are administered two formulas can be used: “Repent and believe in the Gospel,” or “Remember you are dust and to dust you will return.” This is to remind us that now is the time to act, now is the time to “get things right” with God.

This year, Ash Wednesday will be on February 18th. Get your foreheads ready and begin to examine your life. This day is a day of fast-ing. We should curb our meals to one regular meal and two smaller meals. There should be no eating between meals and we should not eat meat on this day or on Fridays during Lent. This practice reminds us of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. It also helps us remain...yes in control of our desires. Fasting helps us with our free will and builds upon our inner strength. This Lent, all of you will be in my prayers as you journey in faith. May this Lenten Season be one that draws you closer to God and His Heavenly Kingdom.

This year, Mass times are 7:00am and 6:00pm at St. Mary and 8:00am and 7:00pm at Precious Blood. Fr Jeff and I look forward to see-ing you there.

In Christ, Fr. Gary

Join us on February 20th, as we begin a 33-day preparation for

Marian Consecration. For 6 weeks, we’ll individually read about

and reflect on four great Marian giants: St. Louis de Montfort, St.

Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Mother Teresa, and Blessed John Paul

II. They’ll teach us the secrets to drawing closer to the Heart of

Jesus through the Heart of Mary. You can do it on your own, with

your family, or in a small group. If you are looking for a simple

way to be spiritually renewed, develop a deeper relationship with

Our Merciful Savior, and grow in holiness, join us for 33 Days to

Morning Glory. Our experience will culminate on March 25, The

Feast of the Annunciation at 6:00pm with Mass and the consecration

ceremony and blessing with Father Gary Kaiser. This is our Feast

Day, Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In an effort to improve the acoustics in St. Mary’ Community Cafeteria, the Building and Grounds Committee will be in-stalling acoustical panels on the walls on February 21. We will be starting at 7:30am and hope to be done around Noon. We are looking for additional volunteers. They only required skill is a willingness to help. Please call the Parish Office, 812-482-7041, to sign-up to help.


This Week’s Parish Events

Sunday [02/15]: TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) is here this weekend.

Keep the teens and the adults involved in your prayers. Second Collection for the Community Food Bank. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Program

in the Parish Office at 8:30am. Children’s Liturgy of the Word for grades 1 and 2

during the 9:15am Mass. No Sunday School because of TEC.

Monday [02/16]: Mass will be celebrated at 7:30am Quilting at 5:00pm in the Rectory basement. CRAVE - God made us to crave Him. Join us as we

enter into various studies to learn more about Him, our faith and ourselves. Beginning tonight at 6:30pm in the Rectory for 90 minutes. Servants of the Holy Spirit at 7:00pm in the Library.

Tuesday [02/17]: Choir Rehearsal at 6:30pm. Communion & Liberation at 6:30pm.

Ash Wednesday [02/18]: Ash Wednesday is a day of Fast and Abstinence.

Masses will be celebrated at 7:00am and 6:00pm. If you can help serve, Extraordinary Minister/Ash distributor, Lector or Usher, call into the parish office and volunteer There will be a Collection for the Churches in Cen-

tral and Eastern Europe. Rosary at 11:30am in the church. All are welcome. Quilting noon to 4:00pm in the rectory basement. St Anne’s Sewing Room open 6:00pm in the rectory

basement. No Religion Classes - Attend Mass with your family.

Thursday [02/19]: No Mass will be celebrated today.

Friday [02/20]: Mass will be celebrate at 7:30am. Way of the Cross by St. Mary Preschool at 6:00pm.

Sunday [02/22]: Ireland Boy Scout Troop 130 Pancake Breakfast in

the Community Center Cafeteria 7:30-11:00am. Dona-tions accepted.

Upcoming Parish Events

February 28 & March 1: Men’s CRHP here at St. Mary. March 6: World Day of Prayer, here, sponsored by St. Anne. March 13: St. Mary Fish Fry in the Community Center. March 13: Celebration Singers at 7:00pm in Church. March 15: Ireland K of C Spring BBQ March 25: The Annunciation of the Lord - St. Mary’s Feast Day


Wednesdays the Bosco House is open after school until 5:00pm for drop-

ping in (high school). Join us Wednesday nights for Bible Storying at

the Bosco House after Religious Ed from 8:30-9:30pm each week (high

school). Come check out this imaginative way of reflecting on Scripture.

The next Bosco Mixer is Friday, February 20th, 6:30pm-8:30pm. Meet

at the Bosco House. This is for all middle schoolers and is put on by the

high schoolers. Come for games, snacks, music and to learn something

new about your faith.

All high school students are invited to our annual Bosco Formal. This

dinner and dance will be held at St. Joe Parish Center on Sunday, Febru-

ary 22 at 6:00pm. The theme is The Roaring 20’s. You can dress up for

the theme or just dress up. Please RSVP by Wednesday, February 18.

Suggested donation $5

The Priority Deadline for Catholic Heart Work Camp Registration is

Wednesday, February 25. Drop off your $100 deposit to Carley at the

Bosco House to reserve your spot.

Registration for One Bread One Cup and NCYC is open. Reserving

your spot for any of these trips requires a $100 deposit made out to St.

John Bosco. Don’t let cost keep you from registering for a trip. Call

Carley if you are interested but unable to make the deposit.

For information on trips or events, contact Carley Knapp

[email protected] or 812-481-2442.

St. Anne’s Society is putting together a cookbook and needs your recipes! We are asking you to submit your favorites - up to 5 - for this to be a success. You can do this by going online, infor-mation sheets are available in the back or church, or by dropping them off at the parish office. Deadline to submit recipes is Feb 28. Questions, please contact Bonnie Meadows at 631-2025.

St. Anne’s Society is currently selling Community Days Coupon Books for Carsons. We will make $5 for each coupon book sold. Stop by the parish office and purchase your book. Lots of coupons and special offers for February 27 & 28.

There are open hours at the Divine Providence Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel located at Precious Blood Parish. These openings occur as follows:

Sundays at 11:00am Mondays at 1:00am & 2:00am Thursdays at 1:00am 1st, 3rd & 5th Thursdays at 6:00pm Fridays at 1:00am

Please help to fill an open hour in prayer at the Perpetual Adora-tion Chapel. This is a great opportunity for anyone who would like to spend quiet time in prayer. If you would like to make a commit-ment of time in prayer, call 812-630-8382 or send your request to [email protected].

Community Food Bank

Do you often wonder why we do a sec-

ond collection the third weekend of the

month and if the money is ever used?

Here is just one month of food that our

parish donated to help the less fortunate

of our area. Members of our parish take

the time to call the food bank and see

what they need on their shelves. These

three carts are full of hamburger helper,

tuna, mac and cheese, spaghetti and a few other items to help stretch

meals for the people who might otherwise go hungry.

This weekend is our Community Food Bank Collection. Please be

generous in giving what you can. “Whoever is generous to the poor lends

to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deeds.” Proverbs 19:17

Liturgical Ministers for February 21 & 22

Servers: 5:30 pm Allison Reckelhoff - Brayden Gehlhausen 7:00 am Andrew Schmitt - Bennett Schmitt 9:15 am Kaleb Renner - Brayden Clark

Extraordinary Ministers: 5:30 pm Helen Giesler - Missy Rodriguez - June Erny Audrey Wehr - Betty Gehlhausen 7:00 am Helen Vonderheide - Joe Jerger - Annie Voelkel Jenny Hayes - Tammy Sermersheim 9:15 am Gina Scherle - Brian Gehlhausen - Brian Fleck Joyce Gehlhausen - Mandy Harris

Lectors: 5:30 pm Beth Underwood 7:00 am Kurt Brescher 9:15 am Debbie Schmitt

Lectors Website: http://lectorsproclaim.org (Year B)

Ushers: 5:30 pm Mark & Diane Brescher 7:00 am Jerry & Doris Stratman 9:15 am Todd Ofer - Eric Witte

Liturgy of the Word: 9:15 am Abby Truesdale Sunday School: 9:15 am Social Hall Library

St. Patrick’s Celebration Updates

St. Pat’s 2015 Button Contest Winner is Kate Stemle, daughter of Todd and Jennifer Stemle!

Celebration Singers, with guest soloist Tom Miller, at St. Mary Church on Friday, March 13 at 7:00pm. Free will offering will be taken.

An Irish Celebration with the Guilderoy Byrne Irish Band & Annie Wright, step dancing on Saturday, March 14 in the Ireland Elementary School Gym. Doors open at 6:00pm. Buffet dinner, entertainment and silent auc-tion are all part of this enjoyable evening. Donation is $25. Tickets can be purchased by calling Janet Schitter at 482-3500/630-4861, going to The Ivy Manor or any St. Patrick’s Committee Member.

Homemade Wine Tasting and Cheese Party, Saturday, March 28, 6:00 to 10:00pm, at the Jasper Outdoor Rec. Tickets are $30 per person and available at the Chicken Place, Leinenbach Tire, Hair Care Center or any St. Patrick’s Celebration Committee Member. Wine furnished by The Irish Wine Makers. Proceeds benefit the St. Patrick’s Celebration, Inc. Must be 21 and over to attend.

The Ireland Lions Club is taking orders for Chicken and Dumplings to be picked up March 14, St Patrick’s weekend. Call Ron Mendel at 812-482-1957 to place your orders.

Thank You!! This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. The advertisements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with which the church would otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors as a “thank you” for their kind generosity.

The Ireland Historical Society is proud to present the St. John the

Baptist Catholic Church Folk Choir from Vincennes! This is a very

entertaining group that has been performing for many years. Don’t

miss this group as they perform in the Ireland Historical Chapel on

Sunday, February 15, at 1:30pm. With this being the Valentine’s

weekend, we hope all you fellows will bring your Valentine to hear

this talented group. All are invited and welcome. Refreshments will

be served after the meeting.

Holy Trinity Catholic School

“Come to learn. Go forth to serve. Trust in Divine Providence”

Holy Trinity Catholic School is now accepting enrollment applica-

tions for students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 for the 2015-2016

school year. Families from any parish in Dubois County are invited

to consider Catholic education as an option. All Dubois County pa-

rishioners are eligible to receive the Supporting Parish Rate. Please

contact (812) 482-4461 or (812) 482-4485 for more information.
