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FEDERAL NEGARIT GAZETA OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA CONTENTS Proclamation No. 197J2000 Ethiopian Water Resources Management Procla- lnatlon .............................. .. ................ Pzge 1250 PROCLAMATION NO 197/2000' ETHIOPIAN WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, ~thas become necessary to Issue a w'lter resources management, protecrlon and ur~l~~at~on Procldmal~on to put the water resources of E t h ~ o p ~ ' ~ 10 the h~ghcst \oc~al and economlc benet~t for ~h people th~oush appropriate protection and due management, NOW, THEREFORE, In acca~dance w~th Artlcle 55 ( 1 ) 1 ot thc Const~tut~on ot the Federal Democratic Republ~~ ol Ethrop~d, ~t IS hereby procla~~ned as lollows PART ONE Gene1 '11 Pro VIVO~ I Sho1t Title Th~s Procld~nat~on Inay be uted the "Eth~vp~d~i WLLCI Resour~es Management Proclamdl~on No 19712000 " 2 Dafm~aons Unless the context lequlre\ othcrw~se, In [Ills Procldm~t~on I) "Dcplet~on of water" means a decreaw In the quantlty of water below normal level dr CL given sea\on, whcther due to mdnmade or natural LC~U\CI. 2) "Domest~c use" ~iieahs the use ot w~ltcr to1 dnnk~ng, cook~ng, san~tiatlrm, or orher do~nc\tic purposes, 3) "For~e rnajeu~e" means ah del~nsd In the C I V I ~ Code ot Eth~op~a.
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Proclamation No. 197J2000 Ethiopian Water Resources Management Procla- lnatlon .............................. .. ................ Pzge 1250



WHEREAS, ~t has become necessary to Issue a w'lter resources management, protecrlon and u r ~ l ~ ~ a t ~ o n Procldmal~on to put the water resources of E t h ~ o p ~ ' ~ 1 0 the h~ghcst \oc~al and economlc benet~t for ~h people th~oush appropriate protection and due management,

NOW, THEREFORE, In acca~dance w~th Artlcle 5 5 ( 1 ) 1 ot thc Const~tut~on ot the Federal Democratic R e p u b l ~ ~ ol

Ethrop~d, ~t IS hereby procla~~ned as lollows

PART ONE Gene1 '11 Pro V I V O ~

I Sho1t Title Th~s Procld~nat~on Inay be uted the "Eth~vp~d~i WLLCI Resour~es Management Proclamdl~on No 19712000 "

2 Dafm~aons

Unless the context lequlre\ othcrw~se, In [Ills

Procldm~t~on I ) "Dcplet~on of water" means a decreaw In the

quantlty of water below normal level dr CL given

sea\on, whcther due to mdnmade or natural L C ~ U \ C I .

2) "Domest~c use" ~iieahs the use ot w~ltcr to1 dnnk~ng, cook~ng, san~tiatlrm, or orher do~nc\tic purposes,

3) "For~e rnajeu~e" means ah del~nsd In the C I V I ~ Code ot Eth~op~a.

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20) "Mlwstry" or "Minister"means the Mln~s t~y and Minister of Water Resources respect~vely.

21) "Person" means any natural or jur~d~cal person, 22) "Servitude" shall hdve the meaning glven in AI t ~ ~ l e

1359 of the Ethioptan C I V I ~ Code.

The purpose of the Proclbmatron is to ensure [hat the water resources ot the country are protected and utlllzed tor the h~ghest soclal and economlc benet~ts of the people of Ethlopla, to follow up and supervise that they ale duly conserved, ensure that harmful ettects of water are prevented, and that the management of water resoulLes 15

carried out properly.

4. Scope of Applicat~oe

Thls Proclamat~an ,shall apply wlth respect to water resources managment on,.the water resoyrces that exlst ~n Ethiopia.

5. Poblic Ownership of Water Resources

All water resources of the country are the coinmon property of the Eth~opian people and the state.

1 ) The Integrated Basln Master Plan Stud~es and Water Resources leg~sldtlve frameowrk shall serve ds ,I polnt ot reterence and ensure that any water lesoulce 1s put to the h~ghest social and econolnlc benet~t ot the people ot Eth~op~a

2 ) The soclal and economlc development progldmnlcs, Investment plans and programmes and watel rehoul- ces development actlvlty ot any person, \hdll be based on the country's Water Resources POIILY, the lelevant Bas~n Master Plan Stud~es dnd Wale1 Resources laws

3) The Sipervls~ng body shall ensure and admln~atel that the managment of any water resource is put to the h~ghest soclal and economlc benefltb of the Ethloplan people In accordance w ~ t h the provlslons of the Ethiop~an Water Resources Policy, Bdsin Master Plan Studles and Water Resources laws

4) M~nagernent of the water resourLes of E th~op~a bhall be In accordance wlth a premlt system.

7 P~eference Among Uses I ) Domest~c bse shall have prlonty over and above any

other water uses. 2) Without prejudice to the provlslons of Sub-Article

(1) of t h ~ s Artlcle, pre-allocat~on of water resource to a given purpose or ~ t s belng planned, shall not glve ~t prlority over and above any other uses.

PART TWO Supervislngi Body

8. Powers and Duties of f ie Supervisjn& Body

I ) The Supervising body shall bq responsible for the planning, management, utilizat~on and protection of water resources. It shall also have the necessary power for the execution of its duties under the provisions of this Proclamat~on. Without l~miting the generality of the above statdments, the Supervising body shall have the following powers and duties:

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U) &.+.PC P@.,(' .fl,*?. U Y L Y I ~ PPnhc mL9-3- fi(Ifl1A :

A) YN'Y Ull-3-'t Am/+ f rIl9 : hmP+Y" XC ar rc flml.mAh:P I~c+Y. mh%4Fm7 .PL:J 4n)A :

m) a.r.ih.fe o ~ ~ ~ + Y m f i p . 1 . 7 ~ z ~ T mhhh YmY U4l.P hrACA'tS Phm,++P u-k.+PT't fiUJnCA :

m) YmY PL.P:l- huYhCm7 P~L.P~$A d.,+$? "7C:Fm.Y" fim fi.fl~D;). nAPd.P% fP.tl.!~a: ?\~DPT'; ~1rrl;ii. k't&.+cn.~?. fimfi,~ :

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L) Ym.Y U41-F h7.lififlhh hC AilhCC AhhOk Yfl1.C i~l't;). hAmrr5.7 AU9L.!J7't8 h.?Oll5?. t14:I:cu. P m ' t 1 ~ ' ? - hh4-3. 1 C I lmmhhC ~mc1DL.t' .t'lJ:>xA:

(I) W.Wl i1l.Y fl"t.t!:/~:~. Xh fl(IP;l. : II't.llL?.$ c lnm 4rc. ,I.~-I. x'ts.v.cn ~ m h f i t ~ ~ ?\'i&.3:A AYSfi1:'A.h n?l.L.h?:~ Pf.)7'r?. P ~ L P .PmnlA:

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.I.) hh:I.Pk.P Ya1.Y o.fl?. T A . ~ , : h?ll415?. h ~ m r.i-cnn ~7n.1.c 'r4-1 xc P ~ Y ~1413. a,?-~. X: Y ~ I ~ ~ L . ~ v , ~I)Y,Y~ v4~finqoo. P ~ Y PL.PY. I\'i8.h.l-$tlk irlfiYu h't&.:J.7% .?.dtl?l fi(In)A :

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e: l1110 h?+R 7 0 4 h'i+R (4) mc~L-3- +&n)fl)(.w hhA ~1ml.nmm (v-4): %L: P+Ki in?') mEl).co. Illl.L(Icu- Ilz ?;.l. iv.h.~- phf l17 AN' cc$? n.4- $*lil:% A.P+C.II &;l:r\h:: IJScfYu h$ +C?* Il:tr\ Yq.+i:.fl fi?il? rf.J'rlfiS'I. hf i rp~mp::

Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.25 9"' March, 2000-Papc 1753

(a) issue permits and certificates of Professional Competence;

(b) ensure that studies relating to water resources development, protection, utilization and control have been carried out;

(C) determine the allocation and manner of use of water resources among various uses and uscrs;

(d) require submission of plans and proposals l'rom any person who apply for a permit to undertake any kind of water works and approve. rcjecc. or amend such plans and proposals;

(e) establish quality standards for surveys, design and specification of waterworks as wcll as standards for the construction of waterworks. necessary for the development of water rcsour- ces; it shall also supervise compliance ol' water works with the established standards;

(f) prepare directives, in consultation with puhlic bodies concerned, in order to ensure that water resources are not polluted and hazardous to health and environment;

(g) issue directives pertaining to thc sni'ety of hydraulic structures for the prevention of damages caused by dam water to dams. 1x1.- sons, property and crops;

(h) cause, in consultation with the public hodies concerned, the issuance of quality or Iicaltli standards which enables it to entertain an application for a permit to discharge or rclcase polluted water into water resources:

(i) give an order of rectification or st~spdnsion of waterworks which are incompatible o r inconsis- tent with the Ethiopian water resources policy. relevant Basin Master Plan Studies and water resources legislative frameowrk; and c11su1.c its implementation;

(i) issue directives, regarding water use restrictions in a situation of water shortage emergency. and supervise the implementation of same.

2) The Supervising body may, where necessary. de- legate its powers and duties to the appropriate body for efficient execution of its duties.

9. Settlement ofDisp~rtes

1) The Supervising body may, in accortlancc with procedures to be laid down by regulations to he issued persuant to this proclamation, examine and decide disputes between permit holders, as wcll as between a permit holder and a third party concerning rights or obligations arising from permits. Thc Supervising body shall also have thc powcr to determine and execute compensation to he paid by one party to the other.

2) A party aggrieved by the decision of the Supervising body may, pursuantto Sub-Article ( I ) of this Articlc. appeal to the Court of competent jurisdiction within 60 days following receipt of the decision; provided. however, that no such appeal shall be admitted after the expiry of the 60 days.

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>c fl+,(',ptt. Y " f t 7 ~ , ~ ~ f - 7 . 6 . : '"l"17mYO hChCC Supervlsihg body md the pefm~t hdlder, mlbing due h ~ ~ ~ l r l r l ? . m f i ~ " ~ f i 7 l l r ~ I*.?* f l+bh m m 7 to reasons related CO the permit may, to the extent

m$-%fi?- A.6.:). t1AY:A fl'fiYD"?AC 47S?. through negotlatlon, pursuant to Sub-Artrcle (3 ) 01 &mh4‘h:: 'tIC?lS- f i v t )\'PE AInUYnk8Y" 11T@fl)@ thls Art~cle, the case shall be settled by arbrtra~ron ?.?v11 emhCAi: The deta~ls shallbe determ~ned by the reguliitrons to

be rssued for the ~mplemencat~on ot thr5 h 4 A ~ h ? . proclamation.

hhru-Y O.ll?. 91(:?11: U.b:)'C Y+w~%?.? AcY"~Y:F ~ h u 0 ~ 7 1 7 ~ f l PART THREE

nrlmm?l,twfl 10 Inventory of Water Resources and Regstry of Action.\

Y"'/I.:)7cl' :54r(.>.'I ,f'hfl:l. I l m I Y t . flh7L.P m-hl' beneficial uses, the Supervrslng body shall prspase pAcr,.'t u~D.'/ ~.fl:1. ,tl[:'tlf: YII;J~A m f i ~ " X'tG.H>j? or cause to be prepared andmalntarn the Inventory ol .PY.[::)A: 71C?l<.'fYU DG~lA:: 71C71C-Y": water resources of the country. U) fIt3m?. (u.h<l1 IIUYCS:mP hhd.4'1 m+?. The Inventory will include:

YmY U.11*1. hAr/~?'~*l : : hA@?G: P9.7%1?.7 (a) idenhflcatron and descrlptlon of the occurrence, ,"$L.: nnm,n'r.c nnlxd.vr: mn.p ?,C avallabtlity, location, amount and qual~ty ot flOIAaAr water resources at any slgnlficant polntb in t~nie

A) Ytu.Ym't hS~:~l:l. II"%mhh?. f1Yh4h 4m-b PT.mfl+m ~r13,?. mhPC m?A6"a: (b) ldentlficatlon and descrlpt~on ot seasonally

,l\) $X:t.T! ?IT ~Gi?:J'II .PAIP5 V@'/ ?A>A*?.7 expected demands for the supply of watei , Il"'/.nhh.). 11YVL1L@. Y.t.mC+<- an~jlCP'y.7: (c) periodically complled data on consumptrve ,~nd $LLhy"L.A::

non-consumptive use ot Water. pi. -1.4n)flldm k h h fl(r~.'/ O~f11- uDm+Yv7: bil"ll'*l 2) The Supervising body shall establish m d malnt~un at

(U-'/ U*f1,1. (IJ-hcl. @A+-!P') (IJfiY" mX'4.?.? all levels, registers of all actions taken wrth respect to h74.1)-Y" YmY /'JL.Y':Y' I7ll:t.7 flq.mAh?. f19L appl~cat~ons whrch perraln to water use, discharge 01 n . ~ ? . UY~A~IS:Y':~- r1e r-purnftm? k(:yn~ release of wastes into water resourcer, and constsuc- uq..foe rm.t~?fl;~'t f1o.h.~~ Y.LK$T hhR&q0 tlon of waterwork. The Regrster shall lnclude such efitlA:: m71711.Y" OILU (~u'L?. q.9.2ha.4- other intormitlon as may be requlred by drrectlvcs ~ q . p [ ~ ~ f l l m ~ m ~ ~ o d , ~ P~I.,~I~+~P? ?%,P rssued by the Mlnlstry pursuant to thrs Proclamation h.I.:l- fip,'A:t

3) In order to make1 keep an Inventory, at a central f . Yu?L4:'t m+44 Y*JaY U.fl?- 71C71C lluYbh4CS?- level, of all water resources ot the country. 'ill

hu'/~ll% h3kL4S lJ41.l: (\.t-ln.W lbb:t. T~*Y" 4% appropriate publrc bodles shall g v e ~nformatron to r~oq~n.') AUY~:~7'l' )I~fl.~15?. ,?4?:m Ym'tqp-1-

the Mints'try, as rt may determrne, regardrng thc ht14:I. q.khVtC f1q,(IJh>m h%:$? flfhA4if@ Inventory and actlons taken w r ~ h ~ s p c c t to \\\c nncw'Fcu- ~m'l oal. .trc?rc t\c vmY ~.l l* tr? lrtil~zation of uflfer resuurceb In the1 respective r ~ b + ~ P 4 s AmlTA hA.1-X.%@. RC'L.Y~~. UD'OL~$%? A~. 'z~.L-<. mn(11:1. h~c~:t:m::

4) The rnfommtten srated m Sub-Artrcle (3) ot rhr\ l i e IIILU h?+% 'f0.h h')+% (p) Y,Pm+h-?. @LR Article should become an rntegral part of the Waicl

PTY" ml.~n,Cc- Yml.'l.e~l:l:m P@'/ 0,113. mLK Resources Inionnation Center ma~ntained by thc l J ~ b t ~ ~ WIA fitrcn.::

PART FOUR Pelmlts ancl ~ r o f e s ~ ~ o n a l Lrcenses

l I Necessrty of Permits

I ) Without prejudice to the exceptions specrtjed under Article 12 ot this Proclamation, no person shall perform the following actlvlties wlthout havlng obtained a permit from the Supervising body: (a) construct waterworks; (h) supply water, whether for h ~ s own use or tor


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.l% h:ii"n![e L.K.LA >:)L?. .'Jlt.nl @b't*l: Vll.l:*l. hi 1I"l 'ffly'Tf! 4 . F Federal Negar~t Gaaeta - No.25 9"' March, 2000-Page 1255

.... ,l. !!S h Al.,* .v: hI'I"1V

4. I1II.t) )IT:@: h')+%. :i/j 't0.h ),')+X' (jf) (J.I.Y.',,)?~.

(C) transfer water which heishe abstracted from a water resource or received from another sup- plier; and

(d) release or discharge waste into water resour- ces unless otherwise provided for in the regulations to be issued for the implelnen- tation of this Proclamation.

2) Any person shall be required to discuss his/her proposal with the supervising body prior to ap- plying for a permit for the purposes specified in Sub-Article (I) of this Article. The details shall he determined by regulations.

12. Types of' Water Uses Not Requiring Permits

I) Any person shall utilize water resources for the followingpurposes without holding a permit issued by the Supervising body: (a) dig water wells by hand or use water from

hand-dug wells; (b) use water for traditional irrigation, artisanal

mining and for traditional animal rearing, as well as for water mills.


2) The Supervising body may, where necessary, issue directives to prevent inappropriate use and wastage of water regarding the uses mentioned in Suh- Article ( l ) (a) and (h) of this Article.

13. Application for Pennit

I) An application for water use, release or discharge of waste, and waterworks construction permits shall he submitted to the supervising bi)dy. The application shall include detailed information as may be specified in the the regulations to be issued for the implementation of this Proclam&ion.

2 ) Any application for a permit to release or discharge any waste, which endangers hurnan life, animals, plants and any living things, into water resources shall not be accepted. However, the Supervising body may accept the application requiring the applicant to release or discharge after having treated the pollutant. The details shall be deter- mined by directives to be issued by the Ministry.

I) Without prejudice to the provisions of Sub-Article (3) of Article 15 of this Proclamation the Supervising body shall issue the permit applied for. in accordance with Article 13, within sixty (60) days after receipt of the application, where the proposed use of water does not: (a) infringe, in any manner, any person's

legitimate interests upon the water; (h) entail pollution or harmful effects on the water

resource and the environment;

mentloned In the permlt torm The deta~l shall be determined by regulat~ons to be ~ssued tor the l ~ ~ y ) i ~ ~ < t,nialIu11 ui' t i i k l ) i c t b L ~ l i,~t~uii


( a 'llL:'ll<. SU't h'P:@: A7h6.%Yn IlT.flJnl@ P.711 2) The Superv~slng body shall state the deta~l ~nfor-

matlon, condlt~ons and restr~ct~ons wh~ch should be

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Federil Negarit Gazeti - No. 25 9'' March, 20OO-Pagc 12.56

..,. I l:. d.,+.$. e').r. YO~.+~.II:I. -1.1~1; x.v:~:I. ....

g r1ll.u AT;@: r'\')cp%. :I:!! mtr~d:i. r.r.fi111 6.)~: y,'),f. Y"%+J%II?* '1.1 l. 71'; &.P's$. Y~~.:J'P.I'I(~~* ,J.'jfl.(~~* f't.11. ?.('.rll $',lJ') hll':t': AU9h6.XY" 11~( l l~ l ( l ) . Y.'),ll I I ~ J I P ( . ~ ' ~ ~ JJ,(llA~;A::

I . ,!.:1'.(? .(")F [),!.:l'>;, tfl.&f> ('.1.fll'pfi..'l.') o.~;l.$l"i. :

*'/$'s,:J*!":~=l~ *lS.ll;l. 7~v)z(;.o.Yn1 llll.tJ IT:@:^; J1,U'j )i'lJ:C: Au9h6.X$Jv l Iu~i l i~l)m. y.').(l nbfiq' Y-l.ooht) .I:*.I.') hhL.4'1. ~l.b:J.$J':l. 1"9t1(l<.') .Icb~llflld(W hklh A.j'(.:l"t~l' 6.9.';:) .t'.V:hh::

j f . ~1lI.ll )17'k%. '>O.h ) iV~+X ( h ) ~ D I J I L : ~ d..+% ll'LlL *1."..11. hP.:J'S.h II.I'(. X')$'..l.a'(.fl $'Y.inL.h::

3) Where the Supervising body rcjccts an apptici~lion Ibr the reasons mentioned in Suh-Article ( l ) ol' this Article. it shall notify the applicant. in writing. ofthe rejection and the reasons thescof, within the tinic limit specified in Sub-Article ( I ) of this Articic.

5. Duriltion and Renewill ofPer1nit

I ) The duration and the appropriate time limit for renewal of the permit issued its per Article 14 ofthis proclamation shall hc ?ctcrmint$ hy the regulations to he issued for the implelnentatioti of this Proclamation.

2) The Supervising body shall renew the permit, having ascertained that the permit holder has observed the conditions, ohliplions and rcstric- tions mentioned in hisllieer pcrmit. as well as in this procla~nation and regulations issued thereunder.

3) A permit shall he prcsumed to have heen cancelled if it is not renewed within the time limit to he determined pursuant to Sub-Article ( I ) of this Article.

6. Aniendmienl ;md Transfer of'Pcr~nil

I ) The pcrmit holder may apply for a decrcasc or an increase of the quantity of water permitted or to hc allowed to use the water for other beneficial uses.

2 ) When the application mentioned in Sub-Article ( I ) of this Article is submitted to i t , the Supervising body shall decide thereon within ten (10) days.

3) The Supervising body may amend a perniit on account of change of environmental conditions, or an increase in the demand for water, or where adjustment of allocation of water' becomes neces- sary on any other satisfactory grounds, by giving sixty (60) days prior written notice to the holder; provided, however, that compensation shall be payable to the permit holder in accordance with the civil code, for darnages he incurred as a result of the amendment, except where the atnendtnent is made due to occurrence of natural changes in the environ- ment.

4) A water resource use permit Inay legally hc transferred to another person at the request ol' the

, , permlt holder and upon approval by the Supervising body.

The Supervising body may, at any time, suspend or revoke a permit in whole or partially where the holder fails to observe or fulfil hislher obligations. The details shall be determined by the regulations to he issued for the to implementation of this proclamation.

I ) Applications relating to the following matters shall. in the first instance, be submitted to the Supervisins body for decision: (a) to use a water resource, or to discharge or

release waste into a water resource; or (h) undertake construction of water works; or (c) amend or transfer of a permit issued under

Sub-Articles (1) (a) and (h) of this Article: (d) seeking a decision on a tlispute arising from

water use hetween persons who have legal rights to use such a water resource.

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2) The Supervising body shall give an appropriate decision on an application submitted to it in accordance with this proclamation and regulations to be issued for its implementation and take the necessary measure thereof.

3 ) Any party aggrieved by the decision or measures taken by the Supervising body on matters specified in Sub-Article (1) of this Article may appeal to the competent court of law within sixty (60) days as of the date on which the decision was given.

I L). Certificate of Profes.sional Cor~lpetence

No person shall engage, whether for commercial purpose or otherwise, without holding Certificate ol' Professiollal Competence given by the Supervising body, in the field of water-works construction activity pertaining to surface water, or water well drilling, or cleaning i~ctivity or giving a consultancy service relating thereto. The details shall be determined by the regulations to be issued for the implementation of this Proclamation.

PART FIVE Fees and Water Cl~arges

20. Service Fees

I ) Fees shall be paid for permits pertaining to the following water uses: (a) to get a permit for waterworks constructions;

(b) to get a permit for water use;

(c) to get a permit to release or discharge waste into watcr resources;

(d) to get any permit relating to water, to renew or amend, or to transfer a permit to, another person.

2) Any person shall pay a service fee to get a Certificate of Professional competence or to have it renewed or amended.

3) The amount of the service fee shall be as specified in the regulations to be issued for the implemen- tation of this Proclamation.

4) The Supervising body is hereby authorized to collect the service fee determined pursuant to the provisions of Sub-Articles (1)-(3) of this Article.

S) The Supervising body may exempt from payment of service fee for certain services of public use as may be specified in the regulations to be issued for the implementation of this Proclamation.

2 1 . Water Charges

I) Water charge shall be paid to use water resources for any use allowed under this Proclamation. The amount of water charge shall be as may be specified in the regulations to be issued for the implemen- tation of this Proclamation.

2) The Supervising body is authorized to collect the water charge determined under Sub-Article ( I ) of this Article.

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2 ) I'hc Supervising hotly lnily cxeliipt certain pcr-

sons lior11 the payment of water charge as nii~y he

specified in the regulations 10 he issued t'iw rhc

implementation of this Proclan~ation.

C%:o;rcs fix rhe ReIeil.~c or Di~~ll i l rge at' Wa.ste.s tnto I4irt~%r Kevocirces

I ) Charges shall be paid by the perrnit holders, for I-he disch;irge or release of waste into water resources.

The anI!)unt of the charge shall he deternlined by

tlie reguliltions to he issued for the implementation

of this Proclamation.

'2) The Supervising btdy is hereby authorizeci to

collect the charge determined aursuilnt to the


PART SIX Servitude


I ) All serviiude required t'o~. the iniplcmentatinn and cnf'orcenicnt of all permitted w;~terworks ant1 r i ~ h i

ol way shall he obligatory on possessors of I;~ncl.

21 'I'hc conditions upon which the servitude dey)cndcri shall he determined by regulations to he issucd tor tlie implcliientation of this Proclamation.

3 ) Acquistion of servitude shall be sub.ject to con- ditions to he approved by the Supervising hody on Ihc hnsis ol'regulations issued.

4) any pcl.soti who acquires a servitude shall not alter or ~niodify the conditions laid by the Supervising hody upon which the servitude has been based.

5 ) Thc possessor of the land encu~nbcred pursuant to suh-Article ( I ) oi'this Article is entitled to adequate compensation from the beneficialy o f the servitude

Tcr71tin;irion ol'fhe Serviturle

Servitude shall he terminated on the following grounds.

1 ) Servitude shall hc terminated when the possessorot [he land so encumbered demonstrates to the

Supervising hody that the servitude has not been

exercised by the beneficiary of the servitude or his

successor in-title or the person replacing him.

within the time limit specified in theRegulations 1.0

he issued for the implementation of this


2 ) The provisions of Sub-Article ( l ) of this Article shall not apply where the beneficiary of tire

scrv~tude demonstrates to the Supervising body that his l'ailure to exercise the servitude right is due io causes of forcc ~najeure.

PART SEVEN M/;,ler 5;lnk.s and Ha1.1nfi11 ElYecis of Water

25. h'olection ot'B;~nks of' Water Bodies

The Supcrvising body, in collaboration and in consui- iation with the appropriate public body may:

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? I A water msource user who fails to apply within thc time limit mcntiwcil in suh-Articlc ( 1 ) oI' this Ariicle nkay i~pply within thc next 60 days upon a p e n i ~ l l ~ p;ryin~:nt 01'50% over and ehovc the norli1;rl permit fee.

1) 11. tl~i? user V~ils 11) apply pursuant 10 the pwvisions of suh-Articles ( 1 ) or (3) ol' this Aniclc, thc supervising hotly Inay revoke the user of his right to use the water resource.

5 ) Thc Supcrvisiq body shall, when the application is sulrt~~ittctl to it pursuant to the provisions ol' suh- Ar~iclcs l 1 J or(3) r)I'this Articlc. issue the rqueuted permit within bO days, proviiied that the r&yuest does not explicitly cc~ntraclict the provisions of this Proc1;lmation or thc regulations issued tlkcreuncter: or if the request contradicls the provisions 01' this Proclaniation or the regulations issued thereunllcr. i t shirll notify !he applicilnt in writing, ol' thc rejection, including the renson thcrel'ore within tlw tirrie limit specified in this suh-Article.

h) any person who, holding a Ccrtificate ol' I'roks- sloltal Cornpctcnce issucd to him hy any puhlii: I ~ d y hcforc lire ivrninp ink) l iwe 01' tl~is Proclt~nlation, is cngapctl in any of thc ac~ivi~ics mentioned in Article 19 of this Proclamation, sh;~ll register with the supervising body and hold a Ccrtii'icate of prol'essional competence within h0

days as of the effective date of the regulations issucd for the i~nplenicntation ol'this Proclamation.

7) The prerequisite to he fulfiled and the inform;~tion required to he given hy the applicant for issuing ot'

the Certificate oi' Professional competence pur- suant to suh-Article ( h ) of this Article shall hc ns may he determined hy rcgulutions to hc issucd for the implementation of this proclamation.

S) The provisions of Sub-Article (3) of this Article shall apply to a pcrson who i'ails to apply within the time limit specified in Sub-Article (6) 01' this Articlc.

0) Ii' a person fails to apply within the tilnc linlit specified in suh-Article (6) of this Articlc the Previously granted Certificate of Professional Competence shall be considered to have heen revokcd.

29. Pcl7;llfy Any pcrson who violated this Proclamation or liepulations issued thereunder, shall he punished In trccortlance with the provisions of the Penal Code.

30. Power to 1,vsuc Regill;~lions The Council 01' Ministers shall issue del;iilccl Regulations for the implementation of the provisions of this Procl;tmation.

3 I . Power ro Issire Dirrcrives The Ministry may issue tlirectivcs for the imple~nen- tiltion of this Proclamation.

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Federal Negarlt Gazeta - No 25 9"' Mdlch, 2000-Page 126 1

32. Repealed and Inapplicable L;rws

I) The Water Resources Utilization Proclamation No. 9211994 is hereby repealed.

2) any laws, regulations, directives, guidelines or practices relating' to 111attel.s covered h y this Proclamatio~l shall have no force or effect to [he extent that they conflict with the provisions of'ihis Proclamation.

3.7. Effective Date

This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the C)"' day of March, 2000.

Done at Adtlis Ahaha, tl~i.7 Y" ciay o f March, 2000.




