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  • 8/8/2019 Final Term Paper of Om 22












    OLL NO.: B42





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  • 8/8/2019 Final Term Paper of Om 22



    The successful completion of any task would be

    incomplete without mentioning the people who have made it

    possible. So it`s with the gratitude that I acknowledge the help,

    which crowned my efforts with success.

    Life is a process of accumulating and discharging debts, not all

    of those can be measured. We cannot hope to discharge them

    with simple words of thanks but we can certainly acknowledge


    I owe my gratitude to MRS.MANEET KAUR, LIM for his

    constant guidance and support.

    I would also like to thank the various department officials andstaff who not only provided me with required opportunity but

    also extended their valuable time and I have no words to

    express my gratefulness to them.

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    1.2) CIM-ISSUES











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    Computer Integrated Manufacturing, known as CIM, is thephrase used to describe the complete automation of amanufacturing plant, with all processes functioning under

    computer control and digital information tying them together.Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is the use ofcomputer techniques to integrate manufacturing activities. CIMsystems have emerged as a result of the developments inmanufacturing and computer technology.

    According to Kusiak the computer plays an important role inintegrating the following functional areas of a CIM system:

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    Part and product design: There are four phases that arecrucial in part and product design. They include preliminarydesign, refinement, analysis, and implementation.

    Tool and fixture design: Tooling engineers using computer-aided design (CAD) tools to develop the systems or fixturesthat produce the parts.

    Process planning: The process planner designs a plan thatoutlines the routes, operations, machines, and tools required.He or she also attempts to minimize cost, manufacturing time,and machine idle time while maximizing productivity andquality.

    Production planning: There are two concepts used hereincluding materials requirement planning (MRP) and machineloading and scheduling.

    Machining: This is part of the actual manufacturing process,including turning, drilling, and face milling for metal removaloperations.

    Assembly: After they are manufactured, parts and

    subassemblies are put together with other parts to create afinished product or subassembly.

    Maintenance: Computers can monitor, intervene, and evencorrect machine malfunctions as well as quality issues withinmanufacturing.

    Quality control: This involves three steps including systemdesign, parameter design, and tolerance design.

    Inspection: This stage determines if there have been errorsand quality issues during the manufacturing of the product.

    The term computer-integrated manufacturing was coined byDr. Joseph Harrington in his 1974 book bearing that name. Untilthe 1970s, the most aggressive and successful automation wasseen in production operations. Discrete parts manufacturingused highly mechanized machines that were driven andcontrolled by cams and complex devices such as automatic

    screw machines. Process manufacturers made use of thesecam-driven controllers and limit switches for operations such as

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    heat treating, filling and canning, bottling, and weaving statesRobert Thacker of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Thehistorical approach to automation focused on individualactivities that result in the incorporation of large amounts of

    computerized activities. In the 1980s, managing informationbecame an important issue

    According to the U.S. National ResearchCouncil, CIM improves production productivity by 40 to 70percent, as well as enhances engineering productivity andquality. CIM can also decrease design costs by 15 to 30percent, reduce overall lead time by 20 to 60 percent, and cutwork-in-process inventory by 30 to 60 percent. Managers who

    use CIM believe that there is a direct relationship between theefficiency of information management and the efficiency andthe overall effectiveness of the manufacturing enterprise.

    Thacker's view is that many CIM programs focus attention onthe efficiency of information management and the problemsthat come with it instead of developing new and moresophisticated manufacturing machines, material transformationprocesses, manufacturing management processes, andproduction facilities. Computer-integrated manufacturing canbe applied to non-manufacturing organizations by changing themanufacturing focus toward a service orientation. CIM and JobDefinition Format (JDF) are becoming increasingly beneficial toprinting companies to streamline their production process.

    The heart of computer integrated manufacturing is Computeraided design and Computer-aided manufacturing. Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)systems are essential to reducing cycle times in theorganization. CAD and CAM is a high technology integrating

    tool between design and manufacturing. CAD techniques makeuse of group technology to create similar geometries for quickretrieval. Electronic files replace drawing rooms. CAD and CAMintegrated systems provide design, drafting, planning andscheduling, and fabrication capabilities. CAD provides theelectronic part images, and CAM provides the facility for toolpath cutters to take on the raw piece.

    Computer integrated manufacturing can include different

    combinations of the tools which are as follows;

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    1) Computer-aided design (CAD),

    2) Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM),

    3) Computer-aided process planning (CAPP),

    4) Computer numerical control machine tools (CNC),

    5) direct numerical control machine tools (DNC),

    6) Flexible machining systems (FMS),

    7) automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS),

    8) Automated guided vehicles (AGV),

    9) Use of robotics and automated conveyance etc


    One of the key issues regarding CIM is equipmentincompatibility and difficulty of integration of protocols.Integrating different brand equipment controllers with robots,conveyors and supervisory controllers is a time-consuming taskwith a lot of pitfalls. Quite often, the large investment and timerequired for software, hardware, communications, andintegration cannot be financially justified easily.

    Another key issue is data integrity. Machines react clumsily tobad data and the costs of data upkeep as well as generalinformation systems departmental costs are higher than in anon-CIM facility.

    Another issue is the attempt to program extensive logic toproduce schedules and optimize part sequence. There is nosubstitute for the human mind in reacting to a dynamic day-to-day manufacturing schedule and changing priorities.

    Just like anything else, computer integrated manufacturing isno panacea, nor should it be embraced as a religion. It is anoperational tool that, if implemented properly, will provide anew dimension to competing: quickly introducing newcustomaries high quality products and delivering them withunprecedented lead times, swift decisions, and manufacturingproducts with high velocity.

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    Byrne Prasad, (2000) identified that some industrialorganizations using computer-integrated manufacturing for

    managing intelligent product and process data during aconcurrent processing are facing acute implementationdifficulties. Some of the difficulties are due to the fact that CIMin the current form is not able to adequately addressknowledge management and concurrent engineering issues.Also, with CIM, it is not possible to solve problems related todecision and control even though there has been an increasinginterest in subjects like artificial intelligence, knowledge-basedsystems, expert systems, etc. In order to improve the

    productivity gain through CIM, EDS focused its informationtechnology, vision on the combined potential of concurrentengineering, knowledge management and computer-integratedmanufacturing technologies.

    Michael Hung, (1995) identified that a systematic procedurefor the design of a manufacturing assembly system, which hasbeen developed in response to the problems associated withthe allocation of tasks to workstations, under conditions of

    uncertainties in some key system parameters. Hedemonstrates the efficiency of the CIM methodology byapplying two of its variants to a case study. The study showsthat the proposed methodology is capable of facilitating farmore informative manufacturing system design than wouldotherwise be possible: CIM can incorporate effective costsaving features, which are useful in the planning, designing andscheduling of workstation tasks, in a typical manufacturingassembly system design.

    Robert Brown,(2003) discovered that the revolution ininformation technology and the changes in political and socialenvironments during the last two decades have created a verycompetitive global market. In order to remain competitive,business organizations have focused on innovative techniquesfor product and process designs. Owing to limited resources,small and medium enterprises need to work harder than largecorporations in order to survive in a situation of ever-increasingcompetition. Considering the importance of elements ofcomputer-integrated manufacturing, a framework for the

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    implementation of CIM in small and medium enterprises hasbeen developed with the help of a survey conducted in arandomly selected group of 24 small and medium enterprises.Also highlights the issues of human resource in the

    implementation of CIM in small and medium enterprises.

    K.Hoang, (1995) proposed that small manufacturingcompanies make up the base industrial backbone of manycountries including the USA. Even though CIM is generallybelieved to help manufacturers to compete globally, smallcompanies are not able to adopt the technology owing to CIM'ssubstantial investments and its associated high risk. Analternative CIM approach is urgently needed.

    Peter,(1990)the concept of flexibility in computer integratedmanufacturing is introduced. A production control hierarchy isdeveloped as an evolutionary method towards computerintegrated flexible manufacturing (CIFM). A strategicallycomprehensive implementation model is presented. Thecomponents of CIFM are identified, defined and theirrelationships examined. Potential benefits from incorporating

    flexibility and integration are indicated.

    Cheng-Min, (2009) discovered that Integrated andcoordinated operations are necessary if manufacturers are toreduce lead-times and respond quickly to customers' needs. Animportant part of such operations are supply chains that givemanufacturers a competitive advantage in their globaloperations. In this paper we develop a supply chain model for aparticular manufacturing industry designed to achieve this

    objective. In our model, we divide supply chains into those thatoperate at the strategic level and at the operational level.Computer integrated manufacturing in an industry, is importantin designing efficient and effective supply chain systems.

    Pyres, (2007) identified that the Interaction with robotsystems for the specification of manufacturing tasks needs tobe simple. The widespread use of robots in small and mediumenterprises (SMEs). In the best case, existing practices from

    manual work could be used, to ensure current employees asmooth introduction to robot technology as a natural part of

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    their work. The aim of the paper is to simplify the robot-programming task by allowing the user to simply maketechnical drawings on a sheet of paper. Craftsmen use paperand raw sketches for several situations: to share ideas, to get a

    better perspective of the problem, or to remember thecustomer situation. Currently these sketches have to be eitherinterpreted by the worker when producing the final product byhand, or transferred into CAD files using an appropriatesoftware tool. The former means that no automation isincluded, the latter means extra work and considerableexperience in using the CAD tool. The approach is to use adigital pen and paper, both based on the Anoto technology, asinput devices for SME robotic tasks, thereby creating simpler

    and more user-friendly alternatives for the programming,parameterization and commanding actions.


    1) To understand the concept of Computer Integrated


    2) To suggest a proposed strategy for CIM implementation in

    an organization.

    3) To examine the current state of affairs of several existing

    computer assisted systems and reviewing experiences

    and ideas of system integration.

    4) To understand the importance of CIM for an organization

    in todays market scenario.

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    Secondary data have been used and is collected from different

    websites, the links are been given in the bibliography section

    and also from various books and magazines which are

    mentioned in bibliography section.

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    Here is the complete automation of a manufacturing facilitysuch as a factory. All functions are under computer control. Thisstarts with computer aided design, followed by computer aidedmanufacture, followed by automated storage and distribution.One integrated computer system controls all that happens.

    The following steps show how a computer control room directsall operations inside the factory. The factory belowmanufactures DVD / CD Storage units. The computer system is

    in control of every stage from design and the ordering ofmaterials to the manufacturing processes and distribution tocustomers.

    Stage One - Computer Aided Design. A product is designedtotally on computer. When complete it is tested or its functionssimulated on screen before even a prototype is made. If acircuit is involved it is designed by using software and tested onscreen. Improvements and alterations are made to the designusing the same CAD software.

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    Stage Two - Prototype Manufacture. Prototypes aremanufactured on machines such as 3D printers which producean accurate 3D model. CNC routers and laser cutters may alsobe used to produce a realistic model. Sometimes working

    models are manufactured.

    Stage Three - The computer system controlling the plantworks out the most efficient method of manufacture. Itcalculates costs, production methods, numbers to bemanufactured, storage and distribution.

    Stage Four - The computer system orders the necessarymaterials to manufacture the product. Keeping costs to aminimum. The just in time philosophy is applied. This meansthat materials components are ordered as needed. Very little isstored at the factory. Usually only enough materials are storedto keeps the factory going for a small number of days. Materialsare automatically reordered when required, to keep the factoryworking smoothly and continuously.

    Stage Five - Manufacturing begins with the product beingmade using CAM (Computer Aided Manufacture). Computerscontrol CNC machines such as laser cutters, CNC routers and

    CNC lathes.

    Stage Six - Quality control is applied at every stage. Theproduct is tested using computer control inspections. Forinstance, the accuracy of manufacture is tested automatically.

    This ensures that the product is manufactured to the correctsizes.

    Stage Seven - The product is assembled by robots. This isautomated (controlled) by the computer system.

    Stage Eight. The product is quality checked before beingstored for distribution to the customer. All storage isautomated. This means that computer controlled vehicles movethe finished product from the manufacturing area to storage.

    The computer systems keep track of every individual product.Products are bar coded which are constantly scanned andrecorded by the computer system.

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    Stage Nine - The product is automatically moved from store toawaiting Lorries or trucks for distribution to the customer.

    Stage Ten - Financial accounts are updated, bills chased up

    and paid by the computer system.


    Managers must understand that short-term goals must supportthe long-term goal of implementing a CIM. Top managementestablishes long-term goals for the company and envisions the

    general direction of the company. The middle managementthen creates objectives to achieve this goal. Uppermanagement sees the focus as being very broad, whereasmiddle management must have a more narrow focus.

    In deciding to implement a CIM, there are three perspectivesthat must be considered: the conceptual plan, the logical plan,and the physical plan. The conceptual plan is used todemonstrate a knowledgeable understanding of the elements

    of CIM and how they are related and managed. Thacker goeson to say that the conceptual plan states that by integratingthe elements of a business, a manager will produce resultsbetter and faster than those same elements workingindependently.

    The logical plan organizes the functional elements and logicallydemonstrates the relationships and dependencies between theelements. Thacker details that it further shows how to plan andcontrol the business, how to develop and connect anapplication, communications, and database network.

    The physical plan contains the actual requirements for settingthe CIM system in place. These requirements can includeequipment such as hardware, software, and work cells. Theplan is a layout of where the computers, work stations, robots,applications, and databases are located in order to optimize

    their use within the CIM and within the company. According to

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    Thacker, sooner or later it becomes the CIM implementationplan for the enterprise.

    CIM is challenged by technical and cultural boundaries. The

    technical challenge is first complicated by the varyingapplications involved. Thacker claims that it is also complicatedby the number of vendors that the CIM serves as well asincompatibility problems among systems and lack of standardsfor data storage, formatting, and communications. Companiesmust also have people who are well-trained in the variousaspects of CIM. They must be able to understand theapplications, technology, and communications and integrationrequirements of the technology.

    CIM cultural problems begin within the division of functionalunits within the company such as engineering design,manufacturing engineering, process planning, marketing,finance, operations, information systems, materials control,field service, distribution, quality, and production planning. CIMrequires these functional units to act as whole and not separateentities. The planning process represents a significantcommitment by the company implementing it. Although thecosts of implementing the environment are substantial, the

    benefits once the system is in place greatly outweigh the costs. The implementation process should ensure that there is acommon goal and a common understanding of the company'sobjectives and that the priority functions are beingaccomplished by all areas of the company according to

    Jorgensen and Krause.


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    There are three major challenges to development of a smoothlyoperating computer-integrated manufacturing system:

    Integration of components from different suppliers:

    When different machines, such as CNC, conveyors androbots, are using different communications protocols. Inthe case of AGVs, even differing lengths of time forcharging the batteries may cause problems.

    Data integrity: The higher the degree of automation, themore critical is the integrity of the data used to control themachines. While the CIM system saves on labour ofoperating the machines, it requires extra human labour inensuring that there are proper safeguards for the datasignals that are used to control the machines.

    Process control: Computers may be used to assist thehuman operators of the manufacturing facility, but theremust always be a competent engineer on hand to handlecircumstances which could not be foreseen by thedesigners of the control software.



    The existence of computer integrated manufacturing in an

    organization will benefit the entire industry. Everyone from

    managers to process engineers will benefit through CIM:

    Benefits for the CIM manager include the following:

    1) A competitive and complementary manufacturing

    application market that enables buys versus build


    2) Modular application.

    3) The ability to focus on commercial application integration

    rather than in house development.

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    4) The need to develop only those applications that provide

    distinct competitive advantage.

    5) Confidence that underperforming applications can be


    Benefits for the development manager include the


    1) The opportunity to focus on site-specific capability.

    2) Support for purchased applications can be outsourced.

    Benefits for the applications programmer and system

    engineer are as follows:

    1) The opportunity to focus on new application functionality.

    2) No more need to reinvent the wheel.

    3) The ability to focus on assembly of components.

    Benefits for the systems integrator are as follows:

    1) The ability to focus on system services, not applicationfunctionality.

    2) Well-defined interfaces that reduce custom content and

    enable higher reuse of integration code.

    Benefits for the standard developer include the


    1) Identification of the component boundaries that must be


    2) Detailed description of complete factory behaviour as an

    integrated context for standards development.

    Benefits for the process engineer are as follows:

    1) An integrated CIM environment.

    2) Easier access to manufacturing data.

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    3) A means for automating repetitive decision making and

    control practices.

    Other Benefits of CIM are as follows:

    1) Increased machine utilization2) Reduced direct and indirect labour3) Reduce mfg. lead time4) Lower in process inventory5) Scheduling flexibility etc.


    The major components of CIM are as follows:

    1) Computer-aided design (CAD),2) Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM),3) Computer-aided process planning (CAPP),4) Computer numerical control machine tools (CNC),5) Direct numerical control machine tools (DNC),6) Flexible machining systems (FMS),7) Automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS),

    8) Automated guided vehicles (AGV),9) Use of robotics and automated conveyance etc

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    Diagram showing the integration between variouscomponents of CIM


    CIM should be implemented only after the basic foundations areput in place in the company. It may be more productive to

    redesign the organizational structure before implementingavailable technology than to hope the technology will bringabout manufacturing effectiveness. Simplification ofinformation flow and material flow establish a solid foundationfor adopting CIM technology.

    Integration and adaptability issues of CIM should be evaluatedconsidering the lack of knowledge about CIM and its potential,strategic implications of longer term planning, effect ofdelaying CIM implementation on company competitiveness and

    the effect of operations integration.

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    The integration and adaptability issues of CIM are influenced byfactors such as the required hardware platform, integrationrequirements, and data processing skills. Therefore; there is aneed to consider these factors while implementing CIM.

    Human workers play a significant role in influencing theintegration and adaptability issues of CIM especially by co-operative supported work. This reveals the importance ofproviding a comprehensive training to equip workers with theknowledge of automation, computer technologies, andmanufacturing process.

    Despite the arguments regarding flexibility of CIM, theexperience from practice is that automation is frequently toorigid to adapt to changing market needs and the production ofnew products. This indicates the importance of flexibility of CIMwhile designing the system and reorganisation of theproduction planning and control system.

    There is a need for a unique set of standards that satisfies allthe requirements of a CIM system.



    Manufacturing System in Toyota mainly consists of robots,

    Computer-controlled Machines, Numerical controlled machines

    (CNC), instrumentation devices, computers, sensors, and other

    stand alone systems such as inspection machines. The use of

    robots in the production segment of manufacturing industries

    promises a variety of benefits ranging from high utilization to

    high volume of productivity. Each Robotic cell or node will be

    located along a material handling system such as a conveyor or

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    automatic guided vehicle. The production of each part or work-

    piece will require a different combination of manufacturing

    nodes. The movement of parts from one node to another is

    done through the material handling system. At the end of part

    processing, the finished parts will be routed to an automatic

    inspection node, and subsequently unloaded from the

    Computer Manufacturing System.

    The CIM data traffic consists of large files and short messages,and mostly come from nodes, devices and instruments. Themessage size ranges between a few bytes to several hundredsof bytes. Executive software and other data, for example, are

    files with a large size, while messages for machining data,instrument to instrument communications, status monitoring,and data reporting are transmitted in small size.

    There is also some variation on response time. Large programfiles from a main computer usually take about 60 seconds to bedown loaded into each instrument or node at the beginning ofCIM operation. Messages for instrument data need to be sent ina periodic time with deterministic time delay. Other type ofmessages used for emergency reporting is quite short in sizeand must be transmitted and received with almostinstantaneous response.

    The demands for reliable CIM protocol that support all the CIM

    data characteristics are now urgent. The existing IEEE standard

    protocols do not fully satisfy the real time communication

    requirements in this environment. The delay of CSMA/CD is

    unbounded as the number of nodes increases due to the

    message collisions. Token Bus has a deterministic messagedelay, but it does not support prioritized access scheme which

    is needed in CIM communications. Token Ring provides

    prioritized access and has a low message delay; however, its

    data transmission is unreliable. A single node failure which may

    occur quite often in CIM causes transmission errors of passing

    message in that node. In addition, the topology of Token Ring

    results in high wiring installation and cost.

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    A design of CIM communication protocol that supports a real

    time communication with bounded message delay and reacts

    promptly to any emergency signal is needed. Because of

    machine failure and malfunction due to heat, dust, and

    electromagnetic interference is common, a prioritized

    mechanism and immediate transmission of emergency

    messages are needed so that a suitable recovery procedure

    can be applied. A modification of standard Token Bus to

    implement a prioritized access scheme was proposed to allow

    transmission of short and periodic messages with a low delay

    compared to the one for long messages

    A system has definite inputs and outputs and acts on its inputs

    to produce a desired output. Furthermore, a system is

    comprised of many deeply interrelated subsystems. The

    interactions among sub-systems affect the Output of the

    system as a whole. The sub-systems must act as an integrated

    whole to produce the desired result.

    A manufacturing system is a subset of the production or

    enterprise system. More specifically, a manufacturing system is

    the arrangement and operation of elements (machines, tools,

    material, people, and information) to produce a value-added

    physical, informational or service product whose success and

    cost is characterized by measurable parameters of the system

    design. There are four types of operations in any manufacturing

    system: transport, storage, inspection and processing. To

    optimize operations means to improve one element or

    operation of the system at a time. Improvement of operations

    in most cases does not lead to improvement of the system.

    Improving system performance requires understanding and

    improving the interactions among the elements within a


    A primary objective of any manufacturing system is to sustain

    its purpose. An aspect of a firms purpose may be to grow sales

    and increase profit margins. But neither goal can be achieved

    without realizing and constantly improving the entire enterprise

    and manufacturing system design. A manufacturing system

    design may be thought of as an enabler to eliminate waste. To

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    reduce true cost in a manufacturing enterprise requires the

    elimination of true waste. To eliminate waste, a system must

    be designed to expose waste. Many companies have attempted

    to target areas within their companies for waste reduction only

    to find waste re-emerging in another part of the business.

    Seven wastes defined by Ohno: overproduction, conveyance,

    inventory, waiting, processing, motion and correction. Reducing

    waste outside of the context of a system design can be an

    arbitrary, wasteful activity. According to Deming, management

    goals cannot be achieved by unstable systems. Waste can only

    be reduced when a manufacturing system has been designed

    to be stable. The attributes of a stable manufacturing system


    1. Producing the right mix

    2. Producing the right quantity

    3. Shipping perfect-quality products on-time to the customer

    4. The manufacturing system design must enable people to

    achieve the above objective, In spite of variation (internal and

    external) to the system

    5. While rapidly recognizing and correcting problem conditions

    in a standardized way

    6. Within a safe, clean, bright, ergonomically sound working

    environment for workers who are doing standardized work

    These attributes for a successful manufacturing system are

    discussed in a variety of writings. Cochran asserts that

    achieving these requirements defines a stable manufacturing

    system. Only when the manufacturing system is stable can

    waste be permanently reduced. When true waste is reduced,

    true cost is reduced.

    In order to realise Just-in-time perfectly, 100 per cent good

    units must flow to the prior process, and this flow must be

    rhythmic without interruption. Therefore, quality control is so

    important that it must coexist with the Just-in-time operation

    throughout the Kanban system. Automation means to build in a

    mechanism a means to prevent mass-production of defective

    work in machines or product lines. Automation is not

    automation, but the autonomous check of abnormality in the

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    process. The autonomous machine is a machine to which an

    automatic stopping device is attached.

    In Toyota factories, almost all the machines are autonomous,

    so that mass-production of defects can be prevented and

    machine breakdowns are automatically checked. The idea of

    Automation is also expanded to the product lines of manual

    work. If something abnormal happens in a product line, the

    worker pushes stop button, thereby stopping his whole line. For

    the purpose of detecting troubles in each process, an electric

    light board, called Andon, indicating a line stop, is hung so high

    in a factory that it can easily be seen by everyone. The Andon

    in the Toyota system has an important role in helping this

    autonomous check, and is a typical example of Toyota's "Visual

    Control System."

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    On analyzing the topic we can conclude the following points asthe pros and cons of Computer IntegratedManufacturing:-


    The company can be more flexible and adaptable to theneeds of changing environment by use of new technologyand adaptation.

    The dependency on labour can be minimized.

    The proficiency in manufacturing the product could beincreased.

    The inventory handling process could be made simple

    and less time consuming. The storage of the data could be more accurate.


    More dependency on the automated technology could leadto problems at work.

    The use of technological devices is costly in the earlyphases.

    It requires skilled labours.

    The designs made on the computer could be hacked andthus the reliability of the data will be in danger.

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    13) LIMITATION OF THE STUDYThe report has been prepared on the basis of secondary data.

    The report and my findings are subjected to the following


    The information collected from the different sources may

    not be up to the mark.

    There may be more areas which are unexposed in thisstudy, but may cover the computer integrated


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