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God’s Victory Session VIII. Activity We will now take a short quiz. Don’t worry if you don’t...

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God’s Victory God’s Victory Session VIII Session VIII

God’s VictoryGod’s Victory

Session VIIISession VIII


We will now take a short quiz.We will now take a short quiz.Don’t worry if you don’t know all the Don’t worry if you don’t know all the answers, because we will go through answers, because we will go through

them as a group you can write the them as a group you can write the answers down.answers down.

You will have about four minutes to You will have about four minutes to complete this quiz.complete this quiz.

TheThe SacramentsSacraments

• Sacrament – from Latin: Sacrament – from Latin: ‘sacramentum’‘sacramentum’• ‘‘Sacra’ Sacra’ – – “sacred”“sacred”• ‘‘Mentum’ Mentum’ – – “oath”“oath”• ““That by which something is bound.”That by which something is bound.”• Ultimately from Greek, Ultimately from Greek, ‘mysterion’‘mysterion’

Roman Catholic SacramentsRoman Catholic Sacraments

• Sacraments of Initiation:Sacraments of Initiation:1.1. BaptismBaptism2.2. ConfirmationConfirmation3.3. EucharistEucharist

Roman Catholic SacramentsRoman Catholic Sacraments

• Sacraments for the sick:Sacraments for the sick:4.4. Sacrament for the sick (Extreme Unction)Sacrament for the sick (Extreme Unction)5.5. Reconciliation (Penance)Reconciliation (Penance)

Roman Catholic SacramentsRoman Catholic Sacraments

• Sacraments of Order:Sacraments of Order:6.6. MarriageMarriage7.7. Holy OrderHoly Order

Protestant SacramentsProtestant Sacraments

• BaptismBaptism• Biblical Interpretation:Biblical Interpretation:

1.1. Act that follows commitment to ChristAct that follows commitment to Christ2.2. Symbolizes cleansingSymbolizes cleansing‘‘And now why do you delay? Arise and be And now why do you delay? Arise and be

baptized and wash away your sins, calling baptized and wash away your sins, calling on His name.’ on His name.’ Acts 22:16Acts 22:16

Protestant SacramentsProtestant Sacraments• Biblical Interpretation:Biblical Interpretation:

3.3. Dying and rising with ChristDying and rising with Christ‘‘‘‘By By baptismbaptism we were buried with him and lay we were buried with him and lay

dead, in order that, as Christ was raised from dead, in order that, as Christ was raised from the dead in the splendor of the Father, so also the dead in the splendor of the Father, so also

we might set out feet upon the new path of we might set out feet upon the new path of life…We know that the person we once were life…We know that the person we once were

has been crucified with Christ, for the has been crucified with Christ, for the destruction of the sinful self, so that we may destruction of the sinful self, so that we may no longer be the slaves of sin…But if we thus no longer be the slaves of sin…But if we thus

died with Christ, we believe that we shall also died with Christ, we believe that we shall also come to life with him.’ come to life with him.’ Romans 6:4-8Romans 6:4-8

Protestant SacramentsProtestant Sacraments

• Biblical Interpretation:Biblical Interpretation:4.4. Confirms incorporation into the body of Confirms incorporation into the body of



1.1. Infant Baptism Infant Baptism – Is infant baptism valid?– Is infant baptism valid?2.2. Believer’s Baptism Believer’s Baptism – If we are to be baptized – If we are to be baptized

only once …only once …3.3. ImmersionImmersion or just or just sprinkledsprinkled??4.4. DenominationDenomination-Specific?-Specific?5.5. How young? How young? – Is there a minimum age for a – Is there a minimum age for a

believer’s baptism?believer’s baptism?6.6. Necessary? Necessary? – Is baptism necessary for – Is baptism necessary for


The Lord’s SupperThe Lord’s Supper

““For I received from the Lord what I also passed For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my body, thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of which is for you; do this in remembrance of

me.’ In the same way, after supper he took the me.’ In the same way, after supper he took the cup saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my cup saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my

blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ For whenever you eat this remembrance of me.’ For whenever you eat this

bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”Lord’s death until he comes.”

2 Corinthians 11:23-262 Corinthians 11:23-26

Biblical InterpretationBiblical Interpretation

1.1. RemembranceRemembrance2.2. FellowshipFellowship3.3. ThanksgivingThanksgiving4.4. NewNew CovenantCovenant5.5. HopeHope


1.1. TransubstantiationTransubstantiation – Does the cup and bread – Does the cup and bread actually become the blood and body of Christ?actually become the blood and body of Christ?

2.2. ConsubstantiationConsubstantiation – Is Jesus in, with, and – Is Jesus in, with, and under the sacrament but not physically in the under the sacrament but not physically in the elements of bread and wine?elements of bread and wine?

3.3. CalvinCalvin – Do the elements only provide a – Do the elements only provide a symbol of the spiritual presence of Jesus but symbol of the spiritual presence of Jesus but still allowing God’s grace to be given through still allowing God’s grace to be given through communion?communion?


4.4. OrdinanceOrdinance – Is the Lord’s Supper an – Is the Lord’s Supper an ordinance rather than sacrament meaning ordinance rather than sacrament meaning it is a memorial supper and serves only to it is a memorial supper and serves only to bring to memory the event?bring to memory the event?

5.5. Non-sacramentalNon-sacramental – Is it sufficient to just have – Is it sufficient to just have communion as a feast of the heart with no communion as a feast of the heart with no external demonstration?external demonstration?

6.6. ClosedClosed – Who can participate in the Lord’s – Who can participate in the Lord’s Supper? Is it all individuals and used in an Supper? Is it all individuals and used in an evangelistic manner?evangelistic manner?

Handbook of DoctrineHandbook of Doctrine

‘‘It is fully recognized that It is fully recognized that outward action can be outward action can be

accompanied by inward accompanied by inward response, and can serve to response, and can serve to

stimulate it. Thus The stimulate it. Thus The Salvation Army does not Salvation Army does not speak against the use of speak against the use of

sacramental forms when they sacramental forms when they serve this end.’serve this end.’

Handbook of DoctrineHandbook of Doctrine

‘‘It is good that the forms are observed, if by so It is good that the forms are observed, if by so doing the realities they represent are given doing the realities they represent are given constant prominence as vital truths that should constant prominence as vital truths that should affect the whole of Christian life. But it is also good affect the whole of Christian life. But it is also good that witness is given that these realities are that witness is given that these realities are experienced by those who receive and serve experienced by those who receive and serve without the observance of sacramental rites, and without the observance of sacramental rites, and thus give constant emphasis to the indispensable thus give constant emphasis to the indispensable means by which grace is bestowed, received and means by which grace is bestowed, received and expressed.’ (p.188).expressed.’ (p.188).

ImplicationsImplications•Can Salvationists participate in communion at Can Salvationists participate in communion at another church?another church?•Why does the Salvation Army not participate in Why does the Salvation Army not participate in the Sacraments?the Sacraments?

‘‘The Salvation Army rejoices in its freedom to The Salvation Army rejoices in its freedom to celebrate Christ’s real presence at all meals and celebrate Christ’s real presence at all meals and in all meetings, and in its opportunity to explore in all meetings, and in its opportunity to explore

in life together the significance of the simple in life together the significance of the simple meals shared by Jesus and his friends and by the meals shared by Jesus and his friends and by the first Christians. Salvationists are encouraged to first Christians. Salvationists are encouraged to

use the love feast and develop creative means of use the love feast and develop creative means of hallowing meals in home and corps with hallowing meals in home and corps with

remembrance of the Lord’s sacrificial love.’remembrance of the Lord’s sacrificial love.’

ActivityActivityWhat if the church denomination we belong to What if the church denomination we belong to has ordained women in the pulpit and observes has ordained women in the pulpit and observes

the sacraments? the sacraments? The church at large gets annoyed to think that The church at large gets annoyed to think that

we have women administering the sacraments. we have women administering the sacraments. To be recognized as a valid church, the To be recognized as a valid church, the

administration of our church are given an administration of our church are given an ultimatum to either not ordain women or to ultimatum to either not ordain women or to

stop administering the sacraments.stop administering the sacraments. Which practice would you choose and why?Which practice would you choose and why?

EschatologyEschatology• The The ‘Last Things’‘Last Things’• Is the book of revelation simply a revelation of the Is the book of revelation simply a revelation of the

person of Jesus glorified and victorious rather person of Jesus glorified and victorious rather than an outline of past or future events?than an outline of past or future events?

• Have the events in Revelation already Have the events in Revelation already happened with the treatment of Christians by happened with the treatment of Christians by the Romans and the fall of the Roman Empire?the Romans and the fall of the Roman Empire?

• Do the events depict a future reality with Do the events depict a future reality with Christ returning to live in a New Jerusalem Christ returning to live in a New Jerusalem on a new earth with all those who are on a new earth with all those who are saved?saved?


‘‘The interpreting of history, The interpreting of history, present and future as a series present and future as a series

of divine ordered affairs of of divine ordered affairs of the world.’the world.’


Share with you neighbor your understanding of Share with you neighbor your understanding of the end times and they can share with you the end times and they can share with you their understanding. While sharing, I would their understanding. While sharing, I would also like you to write down some terms that also like you to write down some terms that

you both use concerning the end times.you both use concerning the end times.

We should live expectantly We should live expectantly for His return, but continue for His return, but continue

in today’s work of in today’s work of participating in God’s participating in God’s


Doctrine 11Doctrine 11

‘‘We believe in the immortality of the soul, in We believe in the immortality of the soul, in the resurrection of the body, in the general the resurrection of the body, in the general

judgment at the end of the world, in the judgment at the end of the world, in the eternal happiness of the righteous, and in the eternal happiness of the righteous, and in the

endless punishment of the wicked.’endless punishment of the wicked.’

CovenantCovenantGodGodKnocks at my doorKnocks at my doorSeeking a home for his son.Seeking a home for his son.

Rent is cheap, I say.Rent is cheap, I say.I don’t want to rent, I want to buy, says God.I don’t want to rent, I want to buy, says God.

I’m not sure I want to sell, I’m not sure I want to sell, But you might come in to look around.But you might come in to look around.

I think I will, says God.I think I will, says God.

CovenantCovenantI might let you have a room or two.I might let you have a room or two.

I like it, says God. I’ll take the two.I like it, says God. I’ll take the two.You might decide to give me more some day.You might decide to give me more some day.I can wait, says God.I can wait, says God.

I’d like to give you more,I’d like to give you more,But it’s a bit difficult. I need some space for me.But it’s a bit difficult. I need some space for me.

I know, says God, but I’ll wait. I like what I see.I know, says God, but I’ll wait. I like what I see.Hmm, maybe I can let you have another Hmm, maybe I can let you have another

room.room.I really don’t need that much.I really don’t need that much.Thanks, says God, I’ll take it. I like what I see.Thanks, says God, I’ll take it. I like what I see.

CovenantCovenantHmm, maybe I can let you have another room.Hmm, maybe I can let you have another room.I really don’t need that much.I really don’t need that much.

Thanks, says God, I’ll take it. I like what I see.Thanks, says God, I’ll take it. I like what I see.I’d like to give you the whole houseI’d like to give you the whole houseBut I’m not sure …But I’m not sure …

Think on it, says God. I wouldn’t put you out.Think on it, says God. I wouldn’t put you out.Your house would be mine and my son would Your house would be mine and my son would live in it.live in it.You’d have more space that you’d ever had You’d have more space that you’d ever had before.before.


I don’t understand at all.I don’t understand at all.I know, says God, but I can’t tell you about that.I know, says God, but I can’t tell you about that.You’ll have to discover it for yourself.You’ll have to discover it for yourself.That can only happen if you let me have the That can only happen if you let me have the whole house.whole house.

A bit risky, I say.A bit risky, I say.Yes, says God, but try me.Yes, says God, but try me.

I’m not sure – I’m not sure – I’ll let you know.I’ll let you know.

I can wait, says God. I like what I see.I can wait, says God. I like what I see.
