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Herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1893 : Daily) (Los Angeles ... · The Troy Laundry company give a...

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CITY NEWS INDEX OF LOCAL EVENTS ? ' Chronicled or pages 0, 8, 10 and 18. « Camera obscuna to be set up ln < Weetlak* park. RuMnf of the supreme court on a > \u25a0 Linda Vista bond case. The plan of fusion ln the olty cam- ? ? palgn finally agreed upon. \u25a0 Boyle Heights youth on trial for ? ? maliciously cutting a horse. The romantic attachment of Oeorge \u25a0 Davis and Mlss Nannn Culler. Supreme court refuses a writ of ha- ? ?beas corpus ln the Botkin case. ? Fred Baker of Chicago disappears', \u25a0 leaving his wife and his debts behind - \u25a0 him. A suit to compel the stakeholder to ? ? return money wagered on a foot- - ?race. . ? The water question ln various forms ? ? presented to the supreme court In - - bank. ? The University club's reception to ? the National Education association's ? committee. An Injunction to prevent the Ter- minal from utilizing Its Pasadena elec- tric franchise. The Red Cross society completes Its arrangements for the reception of the Seventh regiment. Crooked work at the race track promptly punished by the Judges; a good day's racing. A perplexing question as to who will fill tht official positions ln the Seventh regiment, N. Q. C. The widow of Prof. Beard, who perished In Alaska, arrive* In the city ; she thinks her husband met with foul pley. EVENTS OF TODAY \u2666 ? Orpheum?Vaudeville. -f \u2666 Burbank?"The Leading Man." + \u25a0\u2666? Los Angeles?Verlscope reproduc- + \u2666tion of Corbett-Fitsslmmons fight. + \u2666 Board of public works meets? 10a.m. X 4 Fifth day Catholic Orphans' fair, 4 4 Turnvereln hall. 4 4 Foresters' reception, Hazard's pa- + 4 vl!lor.e-7:90 p. m. 4 4 Boxers' night at Athletic club? 4 4 Thompson-Lnwier?9 p. m. 4 4 City convention Socialist-Labor par- 4 4 ty, 2i).".'/i South Main street. 4 4 Concert at University of Southern \u2666 4 California, College chape!?S p. m. 4 4 Home-coming of the Seventh regi- 4 4 ment, U. 8. V., River station, S. P.? 4 4 9 a. m. 4, 4 Tenth day's racing of the district 4 4 fair and exhibition drill by Seventh 4 4 regiment, IT. S. v., Agricultural park. \u2666 \u2666 Friday Momlns club meets; papers \u2666 \u2666 by W, F. Burbank on "The Abuses of + 4 Libraries" nnd hy Mrr. H. C. Wad- \u2666 4 lelgh on "The Library"?lo:ls a. m. -f THE WEATHER TEMPKRATITRE? Record of observation. taken at Los Angeles October 13. The \u25a0\u25a0urometer Is reduced to sea isvei. Maximum temperature. 84. Minimum temperature. 52. Kalnfall for season. .02. Forecast Forecast for Southern California: Fair Friday; fresh west wind. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Los Angeles Musical College, Bryson blk. C. D. Howry, undertaker, Fifth and Broadway. Ix>west prices In the city. Call telephone main 248 for ambulance. Brcsee Brothers, Sixth and Broadway. John Burns, Independent candidate for supervisor, Third supervisorial district. Robert Sharp & Co., funeral directors, 75t and 753 South Spring street. Tel. main 1029. Watches, cleaned, 75 cents; mainsprings, 50 cents; crystals, 10 cents. Patton, 214 South Broadway. Charles N. Crlttenton will hold a two days' meeting at Penlel hall, Ocober 19th and 20th, fourth anniversary. Stoll & Thayer company have moved their book and stationery store to Nos. 262 and 264 South Spring street. Stlmson block. The Troy Laundry company give a free excursion to employes and their families to Catalina Island Saturday, returning Sunday evening. Adams Bros., dentists, 239V4 South Spring street. Rates from 84. Painless extract- ing, 60 cents. Filling a specialty. Hours, 8 to 6; Sundays, 10 to 12. A pleasant reception was given last even- ing by the members of the Union avenue Methodist church to meet the new pastor and wife, Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Lawrence. Do you know that a framed picture makes a most desirable wedding present? If you are looking for anything ln that line do not fall to call at H. C. Llchtenberger's art em- porium, 202 South Spring street. Five-dollar day ln French millinery, Saturday, October 15, I shall show 60 dress hats, elegantly trimmed, finest material and regular 8S patterns at 85. Mile. Ellse, 849 South Broadway, near Fourth street. Dr. Rebecca Lee Dorsey, Stlmson block, first floor, rooms 133, 134,1.16. Special atten- tion given to obstetrical cases, and all dis- eases of women and children. Electricity scientifically used. Consultation hours, Ito 6. Telephone 1227. Small Fire on Hoover Street A small blaze was discovered by Frank Ormstan about 9 o'clock last evening ln the house occupied by M. H. Slater, at 8030 Hoover street. An alarm was turned ln from Box 341, but before the department arrived George Early suoceded In extin- guishing the blase. Mf. and Mrs. Slater were absent at the time, so the origin of the Are Is not known. It Is believed to have been incendiary. Marriage License Charles R. White, 83, a native of Oregon, and a resident of Sherman, and Phoebe A. Kennedy, 19, a native of Kansas, and a resident of Verdiugo. PERSONAL - A. M. French, a covlna fruit grower, is In the city. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Goodale are here from Redlands. Judge W. M. Conley, union candidate for supreme judge, arrived yesterday. Hon. Robert M. Bulla will arrive with the Foresters from Santa Barbara today. Lew E. Aubury, the mining engineer, has returned from an examination of mining property ln Riverside county. J. M. Dodge arrived yesterday from San Diego. He ls a brother of Captain Dodge of the San Diego company of the Seventh regiment. Chief of Police Glass left this afternoon for San Francisco, where he will remain until the departure of Battery D for Ma- nila, which will probably be on Saturday. The chief's son John ls a sergeant in the battery, and his visit is to see him off. In- formation from San Francisco Is to tho effect that young Glass will probably be promoted to a sedond lieutenancy before the troops sail. Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey. Dr. Max Wassman, dentist, rooms 228 and 226 Potomae block, Broadway, between Second and Third. Tel. Brown 1071 Wall paper, late a.yles. low price., at A. A. Eckstrom's 821 South Spring street WITH THE HORSES ATTHE TRACK TODAY'S ENTRIES ? ? ? First race, trotting?Thompson. Ma- ? ? mle Riley, Our Jack, Osito and Silver ? ? Ring. ? ? Sceond race, Seml-Troplc trotting a ? stakes*?Walk-over for Direct Heir. ? ? Third race, maidens, four and a half ? ? furlongs)?lnola, 105; Mlss Mattle, 100; ? ? Ellen Wood. 108, and Pelter Weber, 103. ? ? Fourth race, running, five and' a ? ? half furlongs?lgo, 107; Mlss Dally, ? ? 109; CarMst, 104; Poloimvres, 109, and ? ? Whistle Bird, 109. ? ? Fifth race, flve-elghthe mile?Rubl- ? ? con, 11.4; Morlnga. 106; Amain, 99; OJal, ? ? 81, and' Road warmer. 104. ? ? Sixth race, special running?Entries ? ? to close at the track. ? A nice little clean-up had been planned hy somebody yesterday at the races, and'ns usual the attempt was made on one of the heats of a harness race. The game did not work, however, because the Judges de- tected something suspicious In the way the heat had been trotted, promptly fined the driver 850 for laying up heats and declared all bets off. J. Sullivan was the dTlver to suffer and Sable Frances was the animal programmed to do the work. The alleged Job took place ln the fourth heat of the opening race of the day. the 2:17 class trot. The first heat was captured hy Lou and no apparent attempt was mode to win with Sable Frances. The next two heats were taken by Iran Alto, and ln one of these Sable Frances was nearly shut out. Sulli- van claimed that his horse had' broken on account of helng frightened at the shadow of the starting gate on the opposite side of the track. This was removed, hut the horse broke the next heat also and finished no better than fourth. The fourth heat came, and Sable Frances opened ln the betting 8 to 1. Suddenly a few betters swooped down on this price and money began to pour ln on the brown mare. The bookmakers, who always are timid In this city, became alarmed, and the price had been cut to even money nt post time. Sable Frances, although given about a length the worst of the start, went ahead and took th* lead, with Iran Attn and Ma- bel McKinney as contenders. To those watching the race It seemed; as If the driv- ers of the other horses were apparently not trying to pass Sable Frances, for the horse swung Into the stretch several lengths In the lend of Iran Alto and won by about two length* and a half. Mabel McKinney being third. When the time was posted, as 2:18%, the suspicions of the Judges were further corroborated, as the mile had) been covered ln a second lower than the pre- vious heat. After a consultation Sullivan was fined ISO and the heat was declared no race. The next heat was taken easily by- Iran Alto In 2:17%. Just one and a quarter second's faster than the heat which was thrown out. Jockey Ruiz also got into disrepute and was given an enforced vacation, which will last during the present meet and probably longer. In the second running race he had the mount on Castetar. His animal was gotten off In third place, and ait the half was second hy three lengths, but the boy allowed Smyle to pass him, and at the three-quarters fell back to fourth position, the race being won by La Moroma. the Baldwin stable entry. The Judge*) CHcJ not like the ride Ruiz made on Castetar, be- cause only the day previous he had ridden Castelar. who finished second to Celowo In good time, being beaten out by about a length. Ruls was accordingly suspended Indefinitely, and Mr.'Brooks said he would not In future allow the boy to ride at any meets where he may be presiding- as Judge. Napian broke down in the fivefurlongs, selling, runnilng race, and was reported to have broken a tendon ln his left foreleg. In atfy event he will be Incapacitated for the balance of the meet A big crowd Is expected today as the Seventh regiment Will attend the races and give an exhibition drill. 2:17 Class Trot In this race Lou was installed as favorite, with Iran Alto Second choice and the oth- ers at liberal odds. Iran Alto assumed the lead and led around to the stretch, with Lou a close sec- ond. Alto broke when within 100 yards of the wire and Lou came on and won by four lengths, Alto second, Nellie Bly third, Sable Frances fourth and Mable McKinney last; time 2:inV4. In the second heat Lou was favorite at 1 to 2, Alto second choice, 2 to 1; Sable Frances and Mable McKinney, 10 to 1. each, and Nellie Bly 20 to 1. Alto took the lead and at the quarter was a couple of lengths ahead with Mable McKinney second, Lou a close third. McKinney broke, however, after passing the quarter pole and Lou as- sumed second place. At the five furlongs Sable Frances and Nellie Bly became frightened at a shadow of the starting gate,, so the driver of the former claimed, and broke badly, the latter narrowly escaping being shut out on account of lt. Alto led into the stretcn and won under a pull by three lengths, Lou. the favorite, second; Mable McKinney, third, Nellie Bly, fourth; time 2:18%. Iran Alto was Still favorite at 2 to B ln the third heat, While Lou was quoted at 6 to 2, Sable Frances 10 to 1, Mable McKinney 20 to 1| and Nellie Bly 40 to 1. The bunch was seat away to a ragged start, in which Nel- lie Bly had decidedly the worst of It. Mable McKinney took the lead but broke at the eighth pole and before she could be got on. her feet Alto and Lou had passed her and taken first and second places, respectively. At ths half Alto led hy a length over Lou, while Nellie Bly had In the meanwhile passed McKinney and taken third place. Near the three-quarters Lou broke badly and Alto went on and won. under a pull four lengths in front of Nellie Bly, who had beaten out Lou for the place, sable Prances was fourth and the time 2:17H, The fourth heat was called no race and all bets were declared off. The fifth heat and race was won by Iran Alto. That ani- mal took the lead and was ln front from one to four lengths the entire distance. Sable Frances was second and Mable McKinney was close by the latter. McKinney per- sisted In breaking nearly all the time and although she finished third, behind Sable Frances, she was set back to the fourth po- sition for running, Nellie Blr being ad- vanced to third place. Alto won with ease by several lengths and the others scatter- ed. Lou was distanced ln this heat and was evidently much distressed. The time was 2:17%. Favorite Broke Sown Napian, the favorite ln the five furlongs, running, broke down, shortly after passing the half, an* considerable, money was burnt up In consequence, as the horse could finish only third. Napian opened at Sto IS, hut closed at Ito 2. OJal opened' at 3to 2. closed at 2 to 1. Sir Urlan was 4to 5 and Pauline Moeher 40 and 60. OJal wets off In the lead, Napian second, Pauline Mosher third. At the half OJal was a length and a half in the lead, Natulan second by a length. At the three-quarters OJal was n length ln the lead, Blr TJrian by a neck. Napian third. OJal Won by half a length. Sir Urlan second by six lengths, Napian third; time, 1:02^. Another Baldwin Win La Moromn, the only entry from the Baldwin stable on the card, captured the second running race, a five-eighth mile. Saucy Eyes was off In the lead, Smyle sec- ond, Castelar third. Gibbfty FllbMKfourth, La Moron a fifth. Smy 1* led at She half by a head, Castelar second hy throe lengths and tho others ln a bunch. At tho three-quar- ters Saucy Eyes was first by a length, Smyle second, Caxtplur third. In the stretch Devln sent La Moroma along, took tthe lead from Saucy Eyes and won by half a length over Saucy Byes; Smyle third. Castelar fourth, Palomares fifth; time. 1:02%. "Spike's" Killing Fig Leaf was the "good thing" ln the third runnllng race, the seven-elghiths l of a mile, and "Spike" Hennessy, her rider, ls said to have made a ntce clean-up by win- ning the race. Queen Nubhx was 2 to 1 In the opening quotations. Fig Leaf 3to 1. Prompto 2 to 1. Masoero 3 to 1, Kaiser Lud- wlg5 to 1 and Howard 10 to 1. In the post letting Fig Leaf was 7 to 5, Queen Nubia 2 to 1, Prompto 3 to 1, Masoero 5 to 1, Kaiser Ludlwlg andl Howard 15 to 3 each. Those tickets on Fig Leaf seem«?d to act as wings to Hennessy, for he got his mount away ln the lead and at the quarter was two lengths ln the lead. Kaiser Ludwlg, second by » length. Prompto third. At the hallf Fig Leaf was three lengths In the lead.. Kaiser Ludwlg second by a head, Prompto third. The pace) was 100 much for the Kaiser, though, so he slackened up In his pilgrim- age to the wire and allowed both Prompt) nnd Masoero to pass him. Fig Leaf's, lead had been cut down to two lengths as the horses swung into the stretch, but the horse could not bo touched, and ran with several lengths to spare; Prompto second by « length, Masoero third. Kaiser Ludwlg fourth, Queen. Nubia fifth, Howard last; time, 1:29. Left at the Post Lady Ashley was looked to to do the trick ln the six and a half furlongts. selling, race, the last on the card, but she failed to materialize. She was quoted at 3 to 5. went to 2 to 5. then 1 to 2 and closed at 7 to 10, Tariblo was played by a few wise ones as* from 2% to 1 went to Sto 6, Tom Smith was 4 to 1, Pat Murphy, 12 to 1 and Petrnrdh 20 to 1. Ashley was left at the post and never figured as a possibility. Pat Murphy- took the lead. Tarlblo second. Smith third. At tho quarter Murphy wan only a head in the lead of Tarlblo, who was two ami a half lnegths ln front of Petrarch, wno had moved up to third position. Tarlblo took the lead shortly before reaohlng the half, with Petrarch hanging on to her right, l a lengths ln front of Petrarch, who had only a head ln the lead of Petrarch and close behind' the latter was Smith. The horses, had a pretty brush down the stretch, but Tarlblo won by half a length, Petrarch being the same In fron tof Tom Smith. Pat Murphy and Lady Ashley were the also rans. The time was 1:21%. Summaries Trotting, 2:17 classi, 3 in 5, purse 8800. Horse and driver? Heats Iran Alto, b. s. (C. F. Bunch).. 2 112 1 Nellie Bly. b. m. (C. A. Owens) 3 4 2 4 3 Sable Francis, br. m. (J. Sul- livan) 4 6 4 1 2 Mabel McKinney, br. m. (C. Thornquist) 6 3 6 3 4 Lou, b. m. (J. W. Donathan... 1 2 3 5 x Time, 2:15%, 2:1394, 2:17%, 2:18%, 2:17%; fourth' heat declared no race; Lou dis- tanced ln the fifth heat. Horse and Jockey? Weight Running, selling, five furlongs, purse $200. OJal, b. g. (Ruiz) 110 Napian, b. g. (J. Plggott) 118 Sir Urlao, eh. g. (Devln) 105 Pauline Mosher, b. f. (Houck) 110 OJal won. Sir Urlansecond, Napian third; Mmc, 1:02%. Running, special, sielling, % of a mile, for 3-year-olds and upwards, purse 1160. Horse and Jockey? Weight. Smyle. b. f. (Houck) 109 La Moroma, eh. f. (Devln) 114 Castelar. eh. g. (Ruiz) 119 Saucy Eyes, eh. f. (Frawley) 109 Palomares. eh. g. (BogorousO 114 Olbblty Fllbbitt. gr. m. (Williams 119 La Moroma won, Saucy Eyes second, Smyle third; time, 1:02%. Running, seliiing. % of a mile, purse $200. Horse and Jockey? Weight. Queen Nubia, br. m. (Devln) 109 Fig Leaf, b. m. (Hennessey) 109 Kaiser Ludwlg, b. h. (Shields.) 112 Howard, eh. g. (Bullman) 109 Masoero, b. g. (Powell) 109 Prompto, b. c. (Houck) 107 Fig Leaf won, Prompto second; Masoero third; time, 1:29. Running, selling, 8% furlongs, purse $200, Horse and Jockey? Weight. Lady Ashley, b. f. (Bullman) 102 Tom Smith, br. g. (Devln) 107 Torlblo, eh. g. (Frawley) 102 Pat Murphy, m. g. (Shields) 107 Petrarch, b. g. (Houck) 110 Torlblo won, Petrarch second, Tom Smith third; time. 1:21%. COMPLICATED CLAIMS Water Controversy Brought to Atten- tion of Supreme Court The various suits appealed from the su- perior court and involving the numerous questions relating to the water controversy of Los Amgeles, came before the supreme court ln bank yesterday upon a motion for a restraining order and petition for a writ of review. The oause of the O'.ty of Los Angeles vs. the Los Angeles Water com- pany a.nd that of the Los Angeles City Water oompany vs. the Superior court were argued together In the forenoon, and the afternoon session was consumed ln argu- ment of the two suits of the City of Los Angeles vs. Pomeroy et al. The complica- tions of these much vexed questions wero explained and re-explalned to the learned Justices of the supreme bench in a manner highly bewildering, the views of counsel being equally pronounced and wholly di- vergent. The question first brought to the consid- eration of the court was that of the water company, outlined In its application for am order to restrain Receiver Gibson, the cAy and the Farmers and Merchants' bam k from Interfering with the withdrawal of funds amounting to about 130,000, now on deposit and derived from the collection of water rates. J. B. Chapman opened the argument for the company. Under the Instructions of Judge Oster. rates paid after the decision appealed from was rendered were turned over to the receiver. Funds them on de- posit, and consisting of rates previously collected, were sought to be withdrawn, the eompahy having given bond Mi $80,000 on a stay of execution. Payment was re- fused, the bank having been instructed by tha receiver to pay over the money totfo one but himself. Afterwards Judge Oster Issued an amendatory order, excepting the fundsi In bank from the provisions of his former order relating to the stay bond. 3. R. Scott of counsel for the city held that the money on deposit was In escrow and Its payment subject to the final dispo- sition of the case, being out of the control of the water company at the time of Judge Oster's decision. This, ho claimed, re- quired the company to turn over all money in Its possession, and the original order of Judge Shaw was equally conclusive regard- ing funds on deposit. As to a restraining order, If the company had a right to the money, no order was needed; If It did not, then no order should he made on its appli- cation. Opposing counsel persisted in their con- tention that Judge Oster's order related merely to future collections, and the city's representatives, with equal determination, that the deposit of $30,000 wns made on stipu- lation at an earlier stage cf the litigation. Senator White stated that tho stay bond was filed for the express purpose of ena- bling tho company to withdraw the funds on deposit, and held with tenacity that the stipulation was ln effect for only ten days, and was merely a temporary expedient adopted during cine stage of the litigation. The question was finally submitted to the court. In the Pomeroy cases great stress was lata by Pomeroy's attorneys upon Judge Oster's decision, which they Interpreted to mem as Including ail the water perco- lating among the boulders and sand of the San Fernando valley as ln fact a part of the Los Angfilos river. Mr. Scott took exceptions to this view of the case, and said that at certain po:nts in the valley the subterranean flow of water was very pronounced, great volumes com- ing d-own from the canyons- and tending by their flood to imcrease immensely the flow of the river itself. The contour of the valley made the river the natural outlet for all water therein, hut especially for those from the Tejunga and Cahuenga cnnyons, the Arroyo Seco and other subterranean streams. This case also went to the court for adjudication. OFFICERS ELECTED Close of a Successful Meeting of Home- opathic Physicians The closing session of the annual meet- ing of the Southern California Homeopathic association was held yesterday. Tho first business of the day was the election of of- ficers for the ensuing year, with the fol- lowing result: President, S. S. Salisbury, M. D.; first vice president, E. C. Manning, M. D,; sec- ond vice president, A. J. Forget, M. D.: secretary and treasurer, F. S. Barnard, M. D., all of Los Angeles. The board of censors was re-elected as follows: H. M. Bishop, M. D., Los An- geles; M. B. Campbell, M. D., Patton; E. C. Manning, M. D.. Los Angeles; H. L. Stambach, M. D., Santa Barbara; F. B. Kellogg, M. D., Los Angeles. The board of directors was re-elected as follows: E. C. Manning, M. D.; F. B. Kel- logg, M. D., and H. M. Bishop, M. D., of Los Angeles; H L. Stambach, M. D., Santa Barbara; M. B. Campbell, M. D., Patton. A committee consisting of Drs. Henry Sherry of Pasadena, F. S. Barnard of Los Angeles, and A. Stanley Dolan of Patton, were appointed to prepare suitable resolu- tions regarding the death of Dr. Holyoke of Santa Paula. A committee consisting of Drs. A. Stan- ley Dolan, F. B. Kellogg and F. S. Barnard, was appointed to revise the constitution and bylaws of the society, and to prepare for publication a complete list of the mem- bers. A circular letter was read from Bushrod W. James getting forth the fact that the grave of the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, ls ln a sadly neg- lected condition, ln the cemetery of Monte- martre, Paris. An effort ls being made this year to restore the tomb, the consent of the French Homeopathic society having been obtained. Twenty-five dollars was contributed to the fund by the members of the Southern California society. Ten new members were added to the list. Papers were read during the day by Drs. Sherry, Van Norman, Barnard and Wll- lella Howe, ln the department of gynecol- ogy; by Drs. Balch and Stambach, ln ob- stertlcs Pedeatrlcs; by Drs. Dolan, Sherry and Richardson, ln mental and nervous diseases; by Drs. Kellogg, Forget and Richardson, in opthalmoldgy and otology; by Drs. Caroline M. Guild, Kellogg and Sherry, In climatology and hygiene. There are eleven women physicians In the society. It was decided unanimously to hold the next annual meeting at the Hotel Police Court Notes J. S. Scott, the burly negro who was ar- rested late Wednesday night for knocking a man down because their political views did not Jibe, pleaded guiltyto being drunk and was sentenced to twenty days ln the city Jail by Justice Owens yesterday. Scott was first charged with battery, but as his victim did not put in an appearance the charge was dropped. Charles Reardon, another drunk, who was picked out of the gutter on Sec- ond street with $76.75 and a gold watch on his person, was fined $5 by the Justice, who told him that he was lucky ln having the money to pay his fine. Charles Marabel was arraigned on a charge of battery and will plead on Octo- ber 19. Marabefl Was arrested Wednes- day night In the act of beating a crib wo- man with a big rock. The latter Is held at the station as evidence. George French was arrested yesterday on a warrant sworn to by his wife charging him with non-support. Before the court he pleaded not guilty, and had his hearing Set down for the 21st Inst. French Is em- ployed at Cudaihy's Packing company, and has been arrested once before on a similar charge. Henry Sidney, charged with violating the garbage ordinance, Was found not guilty and acquitted. Sidney, who runs a small chicken ranch, threw some swill on a vacant lot for the chickens to pick over. An officer, seeing the act, promptly placed him under arrest. Pensions and Patents WASHINGTON, Oct. 11.?California pen- sions; Original?James P. Mosher, Felix, 812; Marshal L. Mlxter, Tulare, 86; John Finch, Los Berros, $6. California patents?John B. Brlte, Te- hachapl, Jointed frame gang plow; Martin L. Cooper, Modesto, continuous hot-air syringe and vaporizer; Frank E. Cubbison, Los Angeles, popped corn disk forming machine: Patrick F. Dundon, San Fran- cisco, mixing machine; Thomas J. Hender- son, Elena, budding knife; Robert W. Jes- sup, San Francisco, separator; Ellsworth D. Mtddlekauff, San Francisco, lemon squeezer; Henry B. Newton, Los Angeles, double return ball; Lehman D, Schaffer; Redlands, adjustable prop for fruit trees; Thomas Walker, Oakland, hot-air furnace. Tims for Stealing Time Torn Welsh was arrested on a warrant yesterday charging him with petty lar- ceny. Later he pleaded guilty before Jus- tice Owens, and was given a sentence of 100 days ln the city jail. Welsh has been employed during the present race meet as one of the grooms at the track. Wednes- day night he came up to the city for a little diversion, which consisted ln getting very drunk. During the evening he visited ths tenderloin dlstrlot, and while his friend was talking with one of the orib women he quietly stole a handsome gold watch from the dressing table. Testerday he made a clean breast of the affair, expressing his sorrow at what had taken place. FINE JEWELRY STORE H. J. Whitley's Elegant Establish- ment Opened H. J. Whitley held a formal opening last evening of his handsomely fitted new store at 111 North Spring street, which ls con- ceded to be the finest of Its kind! In up-to- date furnishings west of Chicago. Mr. Whitley has embodied the desirable fea- ture of similar establishments of Paris, Edinburgh and other European cities which he has visited and combined them Into the present complete ami beautiful room he now occupies. The celling has been frescoed by hand, ln soft tones of blue, on Which ln the new relief work are cupld*and cherubs holding garlands of roses that fall to the side walls. The wall cases and counters are solid oak, and the showcases blrdseye maiple. with Frcnc/h plate beveled glass. The side walls between the cases are fitted with mirrors opposite each other, that give the effect of great distance, supported by shelves of Imported French marble. The counter cases are of similar material. The floor Is of Mlnton tiles ln a conventional design, and the partition separating the! rooms ls of selected oak, handsomely carved. Four luxurious little waiting rooms are furnished with rugs and 1 elegant oak set- tees and chairs, where customers can rest comfortably ln the Intervals of shopping. In the rear is a large reception room from which opens a private office. The counters are arranged In a hollow square or oval, allowing the spectators to pass between them and the showcase. The window arrangement ls unique ln this city, being an original design by Mr. Whitley. They give the Idea of distance and space without the mirror being appa- rent, and by an arrangement of slides and pulleys are entered from the floor. The room last evening was heautffulty decoraited with flowers and smllax. Sou- venirs were distributed by pretlfy little Grace, the daughter of the proprietor, and Lowlnsky's orchestra furnished music. The silverware and) Jewelry displayed was the finest of Its kind and the elegant establishment was visited by thousands of admirers during the day and evening. LOS ANGELES SHARPSHOOTERS Will Formally Open Their Rifle Range With Their Fall Tournament At the meeting of the Los Angeles sharp- shooters held last evening final arrange- ments were made for the club's first fall tournament, to take place on Oct. 21st. 22d and 23d. The club's rifle range is about completed, and will be opened by Saturday or Sunday next, but it is the intemtion to make the tournament the occasion of the formal opening, and from present indica- tions the event will be a most successful one. For the nlme contests which comprise the program the mercantile and business Institutions of the c'.ty have liberally dona- ted a long list of prizes in addition to those offered by the club, and competition for them promises to be very keen. The club's range, now so near comple- tion, ls located near Glassell station on the Terminal, and In fitting it up neither care nor expanse are being spared to make a complete and convenient place for tests of marksmanship. There will be five 200-yard ranges, two 500-yard ranges and o.ne 1000- --yard range, each with electric signals con- nections from the target!? to the shooting stand. Every known appllamce conducive to safety and speed ln contests has been employed in the equipment, and the cluh looks forward to Its first tournament as the occasion for much sport and considerable techmrcal benefit. Arriving Another car Firefly buggies. Other ve- hicles in great variety. See late styles. Get our new prices. Baker & Hamilton, 134-116 North Los Angeles street. W. H. Stevenson and bride of Pasadena are spending their honeymoon here. LOS ANGELES HERALD i FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1898 7 On, m op m. 2918 29. '.8 1 nr. Ih'T. M 19 A in<! Pears was the first maker of sticks of soap for shav- ing. Pears Soap es- tablished over 100 years. The Largest Mat aad Furnishing Goods Store la Los Aageles. The? Hidden Hand. This ls the time to buy gloves, these cool nights and mornings make one's hands so rough. You can avoid all that by Investing a little money in a good pair of gloves. The newest and best gloves to buy for driving Is "Irejand Brothers" cele- brated silk lined gloves In either reindeer or dogskin; they're $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. For dress and street wear we recommend "Perrln's" French dogskin; they come $1.50 and $2.00, and "Adler's" dogskin cape and undressed Kid Gloves at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. We also carry a full line of Flsk, Clarke & Flag's celebrated Gloves suitable for weddings and full dress occasions. No house shows a better line of first-class gloves than we do. You will find all of the best Imported and domestic makes repre- sented in our stock. '^s\s\WE^3EEP^ Queen j§*jjj Victoria's Nephew, Prlne* Victor Ferdinand of Hohen. lohe, Bt Jamei Palace, London, aari: "The Mterobe Killer cared the Prlnceu of sore throat and catarrh." Thoulaadi ol others. Drug, and potion fail. M. X never falls Bottle, 11; Gallon, as Freight paid to points without agent. Call or write. Radam'S Also Cures Microbe (fRZEJ Bronchitis Killer MhfiaV and Colds 212 Soath Sprlsa St. Los Aaacles, Cal. Ovo Pain Killer tfVo Initantaneom Relief for al} ~>^T^ k , Aches and Pains. Interna 1 f Lgf^' and Kzternal Remedy. Price I. QlnuM 60c, all druggist*. Teitlmoßlalt P. jr?.?? atoffloe. Write or call. V 107s N. Main St. «?«\u25a0 a New York Specialists The only physicians In the city that are grad- uates of ant-class tnexlleal colled** and hive diplomas legally regis* tared who treat diseases of man only. ?\u25a0Nt anaranteed. 35 yrs. experience. 330 X S. Mala St., L*a An \u25a0?lea I Hurrah for the Boys of the Seventh! Let us all turn out today and give the boys a welcome that will go ringing down the years. How proud we all were of them when they bravely marched away. How proud we should be of them today, for they have borne themselves bravely in the midst of trials that are more trying than the dangers at the front. I No better regiment was marshalled under Uncle Sam's banner. That the boys have not had tht opportunity is no fault of theirs, and they deserve our highest praise. I Let us give them a royal welcome home today. Hurrah for the boys of the 7th ! | H9,121,123,125 1 Worth Sprlnn Street. S. W. corner frajMh J harms g WM, frtgmm » ? mmmmM I Pioneer Broadway * A - fIi SENOT 8 | Vllle-e wmfc Paris7j I Dry Goods House 221-223 S. B'dway | | ATTENTION ~ \u25a0 | | This store will be closed this | | afternoon to welcome home our | | soldier boys. | | VILLE D' PARIS, I | 221-223 South Broadway I I Mince Pie Time Again | We are making some good old-fashioned Mince II Meat for our customers. We know that nothing W only the finest meats, fruits, spices, etc, go into it. W We know that it is clean, pure and wholesome. W. W We sell it by the pound at a price that won't let you W. W afford to make your own. Orders promptly filled. W f& 208-210 South Spring Street W We Cure J CONSUMPTION 11 People throughout the country are using and EJ jfm i indorsing this wonderful TREATMENT? HI i Medicated Antiseptic Dry Air Inhalation for li ll SH I the cure of Consurn P tlon » Asthma and 111 W& II Bronchitis. Write for particulars. |||| I H | Patlanta Traatad at Homo I 1 I W. W. BARK.WELL, M. U., uffl vM_ a Medical Director. Jt£~ Antiseptic Cure Co. OESp> 341 m st > ln Aageles, UL
Page 1: Herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1893 : Daily) (Los Angeles ... · The Troy Laundry company give a free excursion to employes and their families to Catalina Island Saturday, returning


' Chronicled or pages 0, 8, 10 and 18.

« Camera obscuna to be set up ln <Weetlak* park.RuMnf of the supreme court on a >\u25a0Linda Vista bond case.The plan of fusion ln the olty cam- ?

?palgn finally agreed upon.\u25a0 Boyle Heights youth on trial for ?? maliciously cutting a horse.

The romantic attachment of Oeorge \u25a0Davis and Mlss Nannn Culler.

Supreme court refuses a writ of ha- ??beas corpus ln the Botkin case. ?

Fred Baker of Chicago disappears', \u25a0leaving his wife and his debts behind -\u25a0 him.A suit to compel the stakeholder to ?

? return money wagered on a foot- -?race. .? The water question ln various forms ?? presented to the supreme court In --bank.? The University club's reception to ?the National Education association's ?committee.

An Injunction to prevent the Ter-minal from utilizingIts Pasadena elec-tric franchise.

The Red Cross society completes Itsarrangements for the reception of theSeventh regiment.

Crooked work at the race trackpromptly punished by the Judges; agood day's racing.

A perplexing question as to whowill fill tht official positions ln theSeventh regiment, N. Q. C.

The widow of Prof. Beard, whoperished In Alaska, arrive*In the city ;she thinks her husband met with foulpley.


\u2666 ? Orpheum?Vaudeville. -f\u2666 Burbank?"The Leading Man." +\u25a0\u2666? Los Angeles?Verlscope reproduc- +\u2666tion of Corbett-Fitsslmmons fight. +\u2666 Board of publicworks meets? 10a.m. X4 Fifth day Catholic Orphans' fair, 44 Turnvereln hall. 44 Foresters' reception, Hazard's pa- +4 vl!lor.e-7:90 p. m. 44 Boxers' night at Athletic club? 44 Thompson-Lnwier?9 p. m. 44 City convention Socialist-Labor par- 44 ty, 2i).".'/i South Main street. 44 Concert at University of Southern \u26664 California, College chape!?S p. m. 44 Home-coming of the Seventh regi- 44 ment, U. 8. V., River station, S. P.? 44 9 a. m. 4,4 Tenth day's racing of the district 44 fair and exhibition drill by Seventh 44 regiment, IT. S. v., Agricultural park. \u2666\u2666 Friday Momlns club meets; papers \u2666

\u2666 by W, F. Burbank on "The Abuses of +4 Libraries" nnd hy Mrr. H. C. Wad- \u26664 lelgh on "The Library"?lo:ls a. m. -f


TEMPKRATITRE? Record of observation.taken at Los Angeles October 13. The

\u25a0\u25a0urometer Is reduced to sea isvei.

Maximum temperature. 84.Minimum temperature. 52.Kalnfall for season. .02.

ForecastForecast for Southern California: Fair

Friday; fresh west wind.


Los Angeles Musical College, Bryson blk.C. D. Howry, undertaker, Fifth and

Broadway. Ix>west prices In the city.Call telephone main 248 for ambulance.

Brcsee Brothers, Sixth and Broadway.John Burns, Independent candidate for

supervisor, Third supervisorial district.Robert Sharp & Co., funeral directors, 75t

and 753 South Spring street. Tel. main 1029.Watches, cleaned, 75 cents; mainsprings,

50 cents; crystals, 10 cents. Patton, 214South Broadway.

Charles N. Crlttenton will hold a twodays' meeting at Penlel hall, Ocober 19thand 20th, fourth anniversary.

Stoll & Thayer company have movedtheir book and stationery store to Nos. 262and 264 South Spring street. Stlmson block.

The Troy Laundry company give a freeexcursion to employes and their familiesto Catalina Island Saturday, returningSunday evening.

Adams Bros., dentists, 239V4 South Springstreet. Rates from 84. Painless extract-ing, 60 cents. Fillinga specialty. Hours,8 to 6; Sundays, 10 to 12.

A pleasant reception was given last even-ing by the members of the Union avenueMethodist church to meet the new pastorand wife, Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Lawrence.

Do you know that a framed picture makesa most desirable wedding present? If youare looking for anything ln that line do notfall to call at H. C. Llchtenberger's art em-porium, 202 South Spring street.

Five-dollar day ln French millinery,Saturday, October 15, I shall show 60 dresshats, elegantly trimmed, finest materialand regular 8S patterns at 85. Mile. Ellse,849 South Broadway, near Fourth street.

Dr. Rebecca Lee Dorsey, Stlmson block,first floor, rooms 133, 134,1.16. Special atten-tion given to obstetrical cases, and all dis-eases of women and children. Electricityscientifically used. Consultation hours, Ito6. Telephone 1227.

Small Fire on Hoover StreetA small blaze was discovered by Frank

Ormstan about 9 o'clock last evening ln thehouse occupied by M. H. Slater, at 8030Hoover street. An alarm was turned lnfrom Box 341, but before the departmentarrived George Early suoceded In extin-guishing the blase.

Mf. and Mrs. Slater were absent at thetime, so the origin of the Are Is not known.It Is believed to have been incendiary.

Marriage LicenseCharles R. White, 83, a native ofOregon,

and a resident of Sherman, and Phoebe A.Kennedy, 19, a native of Kansas, and aresident of Verdiugo.

PERSONAL- A. M. French, a covlna fruit grower, isIn the city.

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Goodale are herefrom Redlands.

Judge W. M. Conley, union candidate forsupreme judge, arrived yesterday.

Hon. Robert M. Bulla will arrive withthe Foresters from Santa Barbara today.

Lew E. Aubury, the mining engineer, hasreturned from an examination of miningproperty ln Riverside county.

J. M. Dodge arrived yesterday from SanDiego. He ls a brother ofCaptain Dodgeof the San Diego company of the Seventhregiment.

Chief of Police Glass left this afternoonfor San Francisco, where he will remainuntil the departure of Battery D for Ma-nila, which will probably be on Saturday.The chief's son John ls a sergeant in thebattery, and his visit is to see him off. In-formation from San Francisco Is to thoeffect that young Glass will probably bepromoted to a sedond lieutenancy beforethe troops sail.

Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey,Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey

Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey, Ben-Bey.

Dr. Max Wassman, dentist, rooms 228and 226 Potomae block, Broadway, betweenSecond and Third. Tel. Brown 1071

Wall paper, late a.yles. low price., atA. A. Eckstrom's 821 South Spring street


TODAY'S ENTRIES? ?? First race, trotting?Thompson. Ma- ?? mle Riley, Our Jack, Osito and Silver ?? Ring. ?? Sceond race, Seml-Troplc trotting a? stakes*?Walk-over for Direct Heir. ?? Third race, maidens, four and a half ?? furlongs)?lnola, 105; Mlss Mattle, 100; ?? Ellen Wood. 108, and Pelter Weber, 103. ?? Fourth race, running, five and' a ?? half furlongs?lgo, 107; Mlss Dally, ?? 109; CarMst, 104; Poloimvres, 109, and ?? Whistle Bird, 109. ?? Fifth race, flve-elghthe mile?Rubl- ?? con, 11.4; Morlnga. 106; Amain, 99; OJal, ?? 81, and' Road warmer. 104. ?? Sixth race, special running?Entries ?? to close at the track. ?

A nice little clean-up had been plannedhy somebody yesterday at the races, and'nsusual the attempt was made on one of theheats of a harness race. The game didnot work, however, because the Judges de-tected something suspicious In the way theheat had been trotted, promptly fined thedriver 850 for laying up heats and declaredall bets off. J. Sullivan was the dTlver tosuffer and Sable Frances was the animalprogrammed to do the work. The allegedJob took place ln the fourth heat of theopening race of the day. the 2:17 class trot.The first heat was captured hy Lou andno apparent attempt was mode to win withSable Frances. The next two heats weretaken by Iran Alto, and ln one of theseSable Frances was nearly shut out. Sulli-van claimed that his horse had' broken onaccount of helng frightened at the shadowof the starting gate on the opposite sideof the track. This was removed, hut thehorse broke the next heat also and finishedno better than fourth.

The fourth heat came, and Sable Francesopened ln the betting 8 to 1. Suddenly afew betters swooped down on this price andmoney began to pour ln on the brown mare.The bookmakers, who always are timidIn this city, became alarmed, and the pricehad been cut to even money nt post time.Sable Frances, although given about alength the worst of the start, went aheadand took th* lead, with Iran Attn and Ma-bel McKinney as contenders. To thosewatching the race It seemed; as Ifthe driv-ers of the other horses were apparently nottrying to pass Sable Frances, for the horseswung Into the stretch several lengths Inthe lend of Iran Alto and won by abouttwo length* and a half. Mabel McKinneybeing third. When the time was posted,as 2:18%, the suspicions of the Judges werefurther corroborated, as the mile had) beencovered ln a second lower than the pre-vious heat. After a consultation Sullivanwas fined ISO and the heat was declared norace. The next heat was taken easily by-Iran Alto In 2:17%. Just one and a quartersecond's faster than the heat which wasthrown out.

Jockey Ruiz also got into disrepute andwas given an enforced vacation, which willlast during the present meet and probablylonger. In the second running race he hadthe mount on Castetar. His animal wasgotten off In third place, and ait the halfwas second hy three lengths, but the boyallowed Smyle to pass him, and at thethree-quarters fell back to fourth position,the race being won by La Moroma. theBaldwin stable entry. The Judge*) CHcJ notlike the ride Ruiz made on Castetar, be-cause only the day previous he had riddenCastelar. who finished second to CelowoIn good time, being beaten out by about alength. Ruls was accordingly suspendedIndefinitely, and Mr.'Brooks said he wouldnot In future allow the boy to ride at anymeets where he may be presiding- as Judge.

Napian broke down in the fivefurlongs,selling, runnilng race, and was reportedto have broken a tendon ln his left foreleg.In atfy event he will be Incapacitated forthe balance of the meet

A big crowd Is expected today as theSeventh regiment Will attend the races andgive an exhibition drill.

2:17 Class TrotIn this race Lou was installed as favorite,

with Iran Alto Second choice and the oth-ers at liberal odds.

Iran Alto assumed the lead and ledaround to the stretch, withLou a close sec-ond. Alto broke when within 100 yards ofthe wire and Lou came on and won byfourlengths, Altosecond, Nellie Bly third, SableFrances fourth and Mable McKinney last;time 2:inV4.

In the second heat Lou was favorite at1 to 2, Alto second choice, 2 to 1; SableFrances and Mable McKinney, 10 to 1. each,and Nellie Bly 20 to 1. Alto took the leadand at the quarter was a couple of lengthsahead with Mable McKinney second, Loua close third. McKinney broke, however,after passing the quarter pole and Lou as-sumed second place. At the five furlongsSable Frances and Nellie Bly becamefrightened at a shadow of the starting gate,,so the driver of the former claimed, andbroke badly, the latter narrowly escapingbeing shut out on account of lt. Alto ledinto the stretcn and won under a pullbythree lengths, Lou. the favorite, second;Mable McKinney, third, Nellie Bly, fourth;time 2:18%.

Iran Alto was Still favorite at 2 to B ln thethird heat, While Lou was quoted at 6 to 2,Sable Frances 10 to 1, Mable McKinney 20to 1| and Nellie Bly 40 to 1. The bunch wasseat away to a ragged start, in which Nel-lie Bly had decidedly the worst ofIt. MableMcKinney took the lead but broke at theeighth pole and before she could be got on.her feet Alto and Lou had passed her andtaken first and second places, respectively.At ths half Alto led hy a length over Lou,while Nellie Bly had In the meanwhilepassed McKinney and taken third place.Near the three-quarters Lou broke badlyand Alto went on and won. under a pullfourlengths in front of Nellie Bly, who hadbeaten out Lou for the place, sablePrances was fourth and the time 2:17H,

The fourth heat was called no race andall bets were declared off. The fifth heatand race was won by Iran Alto. That ani-mal took the lead and was ln front from oneto four lengths the entire distance. SableFrances was second and Mable McKinneywas close by the latter. McKinney per-sisted In breaking nearly all the time andalthough she finished third, behind SableFrances, she was set back to the fourth po-sition for running, Nellie Blr being ad-vanced to third place. Alto won with easeby several lengths and the others scatter-ed. Lou was distanced ln this heat andwas evidently much distressed. The timewas 2:17%.

Favorite Broke SownNapian, the favorite ln the five furlongs,

running, broke down, shortly after passingthe half, an* considerable, money wasburnt up In consequence, as the horse couldfinish only third. Napian opened at Sto IS,hut closed at Ito 2. OJal opened' at 3to 2.closed at 2 to 1. Sir Urlan was 4to 5 andPauline Moeher 40 and 60. OJal wets offInthe lead, Napian second, Pauline Mosherthird. At the half OJal was a length anda half in the lead, Natulan second by alength. At the three-quarters OJal wasn length ln the lead, Blr TJrian by a neck.Napian third. OJal Won by half a length.Sir Urlan second by six lengths, Napianthird; time, 1:02^.

Another Baldwin WinLa Moromn, the only entry from the

Baldwin stable on the card, captured thesecond running race, a five-eighth mile.Saucy Eyes was offIn the lead, Smyle sec-ond, Castelar third. Gibbfty FllbMKfourth,La Moron a fifth. Smy 1*led at She halfby a

head, Castelar second hy throe lengths andtho others ln a bunch. At tho three-quar-ters Saucy Eyes was first by a length,Smyle second, Caxtplur third. In the stretchDevln sent La Moroma along, took tthe leadfrom Saucy Eyes and won by half a lengthover Saucy Byes; Smyle third. Castelarfourth, Palomares fifth; time. 1:02%.

"Spike's" KillingFig Leaf was the "good thing" ln the

third runnllng race, the seven-elghiths lof amile, and "Spike" Hennessy, her rider, lssaid to have made a ntce clean-up by win-ning the race. Queen Nubhx was 2 to 1 Inthe opening quotations. Fig Leaf 3to 1.Prompto 2 to 1. Masoero 3 to 1, Kaiser Lud-wlg5 to 1 and Howard 10 to 1. In the postletting Fig Leaf was 7 to 5, Queen Nubia2 to 1, Prompto 3 to 1, Masoero 5 to 1,KaiserLudlwlg andl Howard 15 to 3 each. Thosetickets on Fig Leaf seem«?d to act as wingsto Hennessy, for he got his mount away lnthe lead and at the quarter was two lengthsln the lead. Kaiser Ludwlg, second by »length. Prompto third. At the hallf FigLeaf was three lengths In the lead.. KaiserLudwlgsecond by a head, Prompto third.

The pace) was 100 much for the Kaiser,though, so he slackened up In his pilgrim-age to the wire and allowed both Prompt)nnd Masoero to pass him. Fig Leaf's, leadhad been cut down to two lengths as thehorses swung into the stretch, but thehorse could not bo touched, and ran withseveral lengths to spare; Prompto secondby « length, Masoero third. Kaiser Ludwlgfourth, Queen. Nubia fifth, Howard last;time, 1:29.

Left at the PostLady Ashley was looked to to do the

trick ln the six and a half furlongts. selling,race, the last on the card, but she failed tomaterialize. She was quoted at 3 to 5. wentto 2 to 5. then 1 to 2 and closed at 7 to 10,Tariblo was played by a few wise ones as*from 2% to 1 went to Sto 6, Tom Smith was4 to 1, Pat Murphy, 12 to 1 and Petrnrdh 20to 1. Ashley was left at the post and neverfigured as a possibility. Pat Murphy- tookthe lead. Tarlblo second. Smith third. Attho quarter Murphy wan only a head in thelead of Tarlblo, who was two ami a halflnegths ln front of Petrarch, wno hadmoved up to third position. Tarlblo tookthe lead shortly before reaohlng the half,with Petrarch hanging on to her right,l alengths ln front of Petrarch, who hadonly a head ln the lead of Petrarch andclose behind' the latter was Smith. Thehorses, had a pretty brush down the stretch,but Tarlblo won by half a length, Petrarchbeing the same In fron tof Tom Smith. PatMurphy and Lady Ashley were the alsorans. The time was 1:21%.

SummariesTrotting, 2:17 classi, 3 in 5, purse 8800.Horse and driver? Heats

Iran Alto, b. s. (C. F. Bunch).. 2 112 1Nellie Bly. b. m. (C. A. Owens) 3 4 2 4 3Sable Francis, br. m. (J. Sul-

livan) 4 6 4 1 2Mabel McKinney, br. m. (C.

Thornquist) 6 3 6 3 4Lou, b. m. (J. W. Donathan... 1 2 3 5 x

Time, 2:15%, 2:1394, 2:17%, 2:18%, 2:17%;fourth' heat declared no race; Lou dis-tanced ln the fifth heat.

Horse and Jockey? WeightRunning, selling, five furlongs, purse $200.

OJal, b. g. (Ruiz) 110Napian, b. g. (J. Plggott) 118Sir Urlao, eh. g. (Devln) 105Pauline Mosher, b. f. (Houck) 110

OJal won. Sir Urlansecond, Napian third;Mmc, 1:02%.Running, special, sielling, % of a mile, for3-year-olds and upwards, purse 1160.

Horse and Jockey? Weight.Smyle. b. f. (Houck) 109La Moroma, eh. f. (Devln) 114Castelar. eh. g. (Ruiz) 119Saucy Eyes, eh. f. (Frawley) 109Palomares. eh. g. (BogorousO 114Olbblty Fllbbitt. gr. m. (Williams 119

La Moroma won, Saucy Eyes second,Smyle third; time, 1:02%.

Running, seliiing. % of a mile, purse $200.Horse and Jockey? Weight.

Queen Nubia, br. m. (Devln) 109Fig Leaf, b. m. (Hennessey) 109Kaiser Ludwlg,b. h. (Shields.) 112Howard, eh. g. (Bullman) 109Masoero, b. g. (Powell) 109Prompto, b. c. (Houck) 107

Fig Leaf won, Prompto second; Masoerothird; time, 1:29.

Running, selling, 8% furlongs, purse $200,Horse and Jockey? Weight.

Lady Ashley, b. f. (Bullman) 102Tom Smith, br. g. (Devln) 107Torlblo, eh. g. (Frawley) 102Pat Murphy, m. g. (Shields) 107Petrarch, b. g. (Houck) 110

Torlblo won, Petrarch second, Tom Smiththird; time. 1:21%.


Water Controversy Brought to Atten-tion of Supreme Court

The various suits appealed from the su-perior court and involving the numerousquestions relating to the water controversyof Los Amgeles, came before the supremecourt ln bank yesterday upon a motion fora restraining order and petition for a writof review. The oause of the O'.ty of LosAngeles vs. the Los Angeles Water com-pany a.nd that of the Los Angeles CityWater oompany vs. the Superior court wereargued together In the forenoon, and theafternoon session was consumed ln argu-ment of the two suits of the City of LosAngeles vs. Pomeroy et al. The complica-tions of these much vexed questions weroexplained and re-explalned to the learnedJustices of the supreme bench in a mannerhighly bewildering, the views of counselbeing equally pronounced and wholly di-vergent.

The question first brought to the consid-eration of the court was that of the watercompany, outlined In its application for amorder to restrain Receiver Gibson, the cAyand the Farmers and Merchants' bam k fromInterfering with the withdrawal of fundsamounting to about 130,000, now on depositand derived from the collection of waterrates.

J. B. Chapman opened the argument forthe company. Under the Instructions ofJudge Oster. rates paid after the decisionappealed from was rendered were turnedover to the receiver. Funds them on de-posit, and consisting of rates previouslycollected, were sought to be withdrawn,the eompahy having given bond Mi $80,000on a stay of execution. Payment was re-fused, the bank having been instructed bytha receiver to pay over the money totfoone but himself. Afterwards Judge OsterIssued an amendatory order, excepting thefundsi In bank from the provisions of hisformer order relating to the stay bond.

3. R. Scott of counsel for the city heldthat the money on deposit was In escrowand Its payment subject to the final dispo-sition of the case, being out of the control ofthe water company at the time of JudgeOster's decision. This, ho claimed, re-

quired the company to turn over all moneyin Its possession, and the original order ofJudge Shaw was equally conclusive regard-ing funds on deposit. As to a restrainingorder, If the company had a right to themoney, no order was needed; IfIt did not,then no order should he made on its appli-cation.

Opposing counsel persisted in their con-tention that Judge Oster's order relatedmerely to future collections, and the city'srepresentatives, with equal determination,that the deposit of$30,000 wns made on stipu-lation at an earlier stage cf the litigation.

Senator White stated that tho stay bondwas filed for the express purpose of ena-bling tho company to withdraw the fundson deposit, and held with tenacity that thestipulation was ln effect for only ten days,and was merely a temporary expedientadopted during cine stage of the litigation.The question was finally submitted to thecourt.

In the Pomeroy cases great stress waslata by Pomeroy's attorneys upon JudgeOster's decision, which they Interpretedto mem as Including ail the water perco-lating among the boulders and sand of theSan Fernando valley as ln fact a part ofthe Los Angfilosriver.

Mr. Scott took exceptions to this view ofthe case, and said that at certain po:ntsin the valley the subterranean flow ofwaterwas very pronounced, great volumes com-ing d-own from the canyons- and tending bytheir flood to imcrease immensely the flow ofthe river itself. The contour of the valleymade the river the natural outlet for allwater therein, hut especially for thosefrom the Tejunga and Cahuenga cnnyons,the Arroyo Seco and other subterraneanstreams. This case also went to the courtfor adjudication.


Close ofa Successful Meeting of Home-opathic Physicians

The closing session of the annual meet-ing of the Southern California Homeopathicassociation was held yesterday. Tho firstbusiness of the day was the election of of-ficers for the ensuing year, with the fol-lowing result:

President, S. S. Salisbury, M. D.; firstvice president, E. C. Manning, M. D,; sec-ond vice president, A. J. Forget, M. D.:secretary and treasurer, F. S. Barnard,M. D., all of Los Angeles.

The board of censors was re-elected asfollows: H. M. Bishop, M. D., Los An-geles; M. B. Campbell, M. D., Patton; E.C. Manning, M. D.. Los Angeles; H. L.Stambach, M. D., Santa Barbara; F. B.Kellogg, M. D., Los Angeles.

The board of directors was re-elected asfollows: E. C. Manning, M.D.; F. B. Kel-logg, M. D., and H. M. Bishop, M. D., ofLos Angeles; H L. Stambach, M. D., SantaBarbara; M. B. Campbell, M. D., Patton.

A committee consisting of Drs. HenrySherry of Pasadena, F. S. Barnard of LosAngeles, and A. Stanley Dolan of Patton,were appointed to prepare suitable resolu-tions regarding the death of Dr. Holyoke ofSanta Paula.

A committee consisting of Drs. A. Stan-ley Dolan, F. B. Kellogg and F. S. Barnard,was appointed to revise the constitutionand bylaws of the society, and to preparefor publication a complete list of the mem-bers.

A circular letter was read from BushrodW. James getting forth the fact that thegrave of the founder of homeopathy, Dr.Samuel Hahnemann, ls ln a sadly neg-lected condition, ln the cemetery of Monte-martre, Paris. An effort ls being madethis year to restore the tomb, the consentof the French Homeopathic society havingbeen obtained. Twenty-five dollars wascontributed to the fund by the members ofthe Southern California society. Ten newmembers were added to the list.

Papers were read during the day by Drs.Sherry, Van Norman, Barnard and Wll-lella Howe, ln the department of gynecol-ogy; by Drs. Balch and Stambach, ln ob-stertlcs Pedeatrlcs; by Drs. Dolan, Sherryand Richardson, ln mental and nervousdiseases; by Drs. Kellogg, Forget andRichardson, in opthalmoldgy and otology;by Drs. Caroline M. Guild, Kellogg andSherry, In climatology and hygiene.There are eleven women physicians In thesociety. It was decided unanimously tohold the next annual meeting at the Hotel

Police Court NotesJ. S. Scott, the burly negro who was ar-

rested late Wednesday night for knockinga man down because their political viewsdid not Jibe, pleaded guiltyto being drunkand was sentenced to twenty days ln thecity Jail by Justice Owens yesterday.Scott was first charged with battery, butas his victim did not put in an appearancethe charge was dropped.

Charles Reardon, another drunk, whowas picked out of the gutter on Sec-ond street with $76.75 and a gold watch onhis person, was fined $5 by the Justice, whotold him that he was lucky ln having themoney to pay his fine.

Charles Marabel was arraigned on acharge of battery and will plead on Octo-ber 19. Marabefl Was arrested Wednes-day night In the act of beating a crib wo-man with a big rock. The latter Is held atthe station as evidence.

George French was arrested yesterdayon a warrant sworn to byhis wifecharginghim with non-support. Before the courthe pleaded not guilty, and had his hearingSet down for the 21st Inst. French Is em-ployed at Cudaihy's Packing company, andhas been arrested once before on a similarcharge.

Henry Sidney, charged with violatingthe garbage ordinance, Was found notguilty and acquitted. Sidney, who runsa small chicken ranch, threw some swillon a vacant lot for the chickens to pickover. An officer, seeing the act, promptlyplaced him under arrest.

Pensions and PatentsWASHINGTON, Oct. 11.?California pen-

sions; Original?James P. Mosher, Felix,812; Marshal L. Mlxter, Tulare, 86; JohnFinch, Los Berros, $6.

California patents?John B. Brlte, Te-hachapl, Jointed frame gang plow; MartinL. Cooper, Modesto, continuous hot-airsyringe and vaporizer; Frank E. Cubbison,Los Angeles, popped corn disk formingmachine: Patrick F. Dundon, San Fran-cisco, mixing machine; Thomas J. Hender-son, Elena, budding knife; Robert W. Jes-sup, San Francisco, separator; Ellsworth

D. Mtddlekauff, San Francisco, lemonsqueezer; Henry B. Newton, Los Angeles,double return ball; Lehman D, Schaffer;Redlands, adjustable prop for fruit trees;Thomas Walker, Oakland, hot-air furnace.

Tims for Stealing TimeTorn Welsh was arrested on a warrant

yesterday charging him with petty lar-ceny. Later he pleaded guiltybefore Jus-tice Owens, and was given a sentence of100 days ln the city jail. Welsh has beenemployed during the present race meet asone of the grooms at the track. Wednes-day night he came up to the city fora littlediversion, which consisted ln getting verydrunk. During the evening he visited thstenderloin dlstrlot, and while his friendwas talking with one of the orib women hequietly stole a handsome gold watch fromthe dressing table. Testerday he madea clean breast of the affair, expressing hissorrow at what had taken place.


H. J. Whitley's Elegant Establish-ment Opened

H. J. Whitley held a formal opening lastevening of his handsomely fitted new storeat 111 North Spring street, which ls con-ceded to be the finest of Its kind! In up-to-date furnishings west of Chicago. Mr.Whitley has embodied the desirable fea-ture of similar establishments of Paris,Edinburgh and other European citieswhich he has visited and combined themInto the present complete ami beautifulroom he now occupies.

The celling has been frescoed by hand,ln soft tones of blue, on Which ln the newrelief work are cupld*and cherubs holdinggarlands of roses that fall to the side walls.The wall cases and counters are solid oak,and the showcases blrdseye maiple. withFrcnc/h plate beveled glass. The side wallsbetween the cases are fitted with mirrorsopposite each other, that give the effectof great distance, supported by shelves ofImported French marble. The countercases are of similar material. The floorIs of Mlnton tiles ln a conventional design,and the partition separating the! rooms lsof selected oak, handsomely carved.

Four luxurious little waiting rooms arefurnished with rugs and 1 elegant oak set-tees and chairs, where customers can restcomfortably ln the Intervals of shopping.In the rear is a large reception room fromwhich opens a private office. The countersare arranged In a hollow square or oval,allowing the spectators to pass betweenthem and the showcase.

The window arrangement ls unique lnthis city, being an original design by Mr.Whitley. They give the Idea of distanceand space without the mirror being appa-rent, and by an arrangement of slides andpulleys are entered from the floor.

The room last evening was heautffultydecoraited with flowers and smllax. Sou-venirs were distributed by pretlfy littleGrace, the daughter of the proprietor, andLowlnsky's orchestra furnished music.

The silverware and) Jewelry displayedwas the finest of Its kind and the elegantestablishment was visited by thousandsof admirers during the day and evening.


Will Formally Open Their RifleRangeWith Their Fall Tournament

At the meeting of the Los Angeles sharp-shooters held last evening final arrange-ments were made for the club's first falltournament, to take place on Oct. 21st. 22dand 23d. The club's rifle range is aboutcompleted, and willbe opened by Saturdayor Sunday next, but it is the intemtion tomake the tournament the occasion of theformal opening, and from present indica-tions the event will be a most successfulone. For the nlme contests which comprisethe program the mercantile and businessInstitutions of the c'.ty have liberally dona-ted a long list of prizes in addition to thoseoffered by the club, and competition forthem promises to be very keen.

The club's range, now so near comple-tion, ls located near Glassell station on theTerminal, and In fitting it up neither carenor expanse are being spared to make acomplete and convenient place for tests ofmarksmanship. There will be five 200-yardranges, two 500-yard ranges and o.ne 1000---yard range, each with electric signals con-nections from the target!? to the shootingstand. Every known appllamce conduciveto safety and speed ln contests has beenemployed in the equipment, and the cluhlooks forward to Its first tournament as theoccasion for much sport and considerabletechmrcal benefit.

ArrivingAnother car Firefly buggies. Other ve-

hicles in great variety. See late styles. Getour new prices. Baker & Hamilton, 134-116North Los Angeles street.

W. H. Stevenson and bride of Pasadenaare spending their honeymoon here.


On, mop m.

291829. '.8

1 nr. Ih'T.


A in<!

Pearswas the first maker ofsticks ofsoap for shav-ing. Pears Soap es-tablished over 100


The Largest Mat aad FurnishingGoods Store la Los Aageles.

The?Hidden Hand.

This ls the time to buy gloves, thesecool nights and mornings makeone's hands so rough. You can

avoid all that by Investing a littlemoney in a good pair of gloves. The

newest and best gloves to buy fordriving Is "Irejand Brothers" cele-brated silk lined gloves In eitherreindeer or dogskin; they're $1.25,

$1.50 and $1.75. For dress and streetwear we recommend "Perrln's"French dogskin; they come $1.50 and$2.00, and "Adler's" dogskin cape andundressed Kid Gloves at $1.00, $1.25

and $1.50. We also carry a full lineof Flsk, Clarke & Flag's celebratedGloves suitable for weddings and fulldress occasions. No house shows abetter line of first-class gloves thanwe do. You will find all of the bestImported and domestic makes repre-sented in our stock.


Queen j§*jjjVictoria'sNephew, Prlne* Victor Ferdinand of Hohen.lohe, Bt Jamei Palace, London, aari: "TheMterobe Killercared the Prlnceu of sore throatand catarrh." Thoulaadi ol others. Drug,and potion fail. M. X never falls Bottle, 11;Gallon, as Freight paid to points withoutagent. Call or write.

Radam'S Also CuresMicrobe (fRZEJ BronchitisKiller MhfiaV and Colds

212 Soath Sprlsa St. Los Aaacles, Cal.

Ovo Pain Killer tfVoInitantaneom Relief for al} ~>^T k̂ ,

Aches and Pains. Interna 1 fLgf^'and Kzternal Remedy. Price I. QlnuM60c, all druggist*. Teitlmoßlalt P. jr?.??atoffloe. Write or call. V107s N. Main St. «?«\u25a0 a

New York SpecialistsThe only physicians In the city that are grad-uates of ant-class tnexlleal colled**and hive diplomas legally regis*tared who treat diseases of man only.?\u25a0Nt anaranteed. 35 yrs. experience.330 X S. Mala St., L*a An\u25a0?lea

I Hurrah for the Boys of the Seventh!Let us all turn out today and give the boys a welcomethat will go ringing down the years.

How proud we all were of them when they bravelymarched away. How proud we should be of them today,for they have borne themselves bravely in the midst oftrials that are more trying than the dangers at the front.

I No better regiment was marshalled under Uncle Sam'sbanner. That the boys have not had tht opportunity isno fault of theirs, and they deserve our highest praise.

ILet us give them a royal welcome home today.Hurrah for the boys of the 7th !

| H9,121,123,1251 Worth Sprlnn Street. S. W. corner frajMh

J harms g WM, frtgmm» ? mmmmM

I Pioneer Broadway*


| Vllle-e wmfc Paris7jI Dry Goods House 221-223 S. B'dway |

| ATTENTION ~ \u25a0 || This store will be closed this || afternoon to welcome home our || soldier boys. || VILLE D' PARIS, I| 221-223 South Broadway I

I Mince Pie Time Again |We are making some good old-fashioned Mince IIMeat for our customers. We know that nothing Wonly the finest meats, fruits, spices, etc, go into it. WWe know that it is clean, pure and wholesome. W.

W We sell it by the pound at a price that won't let you W.W afford to make your own. Orders promptly filled. W

f& 208-210 South Spring Street W

We Cure

J CONSUMPTION11 People throughout the country are using and

EJ jfm i indorsing this wonderful TREATMENT?

HI i Medicated Antiseptic Dry Air Inhalation for

li ll SH I the cure of Consurn P tlon» Asthma and

111 W& II Bronchitis. Write for particulars.

|||| I H | Patlanta Traatad at HomoI 1 I W. W. BARK.WELL, M. U.,

uffl vM_ a Medical Director.

Jt£~ Antiseptic Cure Co.OESp> 341 m st> ln Aageles, UL
