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Hoc quotes s2

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Best Quotes From House of Cards Compiled by the fans of House of Cards 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 You're connecting dots that don't exist. Every kitten grows up to be a cat. They seem so harmless at first. Small. Quiet and lapping up their saucer of milk but once their claws get long enough they draw blood, sometimes from the hand that feeds them. For those climbing to the top of the food chain there can be no mercy. there is but one rule: Hunt or be hunted. 你所臆測的那些事情根本不存在。 小貓咪長大以前看起來無害、微小的而且安靜,開開心心地舔食在 盤子上的牛奶;一旦牠們的腳爪長長、便可能將你抓傷流血,即使 是對伸手餵食的人。 那些在食物鏈最上層的動物來講,無所謂慈悲或不慈悲!對於牠們 而言,規則只有一個:獵食或被獵食。
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Best Quotes From House of CardsCompiled by the fans of House of Cards

2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

• You're connecting dots that don't exist.• Every kitten grows up to be a cat. They seem so harmless at first. Small. Quiet and lapping up their saucer of milk but once their claws get long enough they draw blood, sometimes from the hand that feeds them.•For those climbing to the top of the food chain there can be no mercy.there is but one rule: Hunt or be hunted.

• 你所臆測的那些事情根本不存在。•小貓咪長大以前看起來無害、微小的而且安靜,開開心心地舔食在盤子上的牛奶;一旦牠們的腳爪長長、便可能將你抓傷流血,即使是對伸手餵食的人。

• 那些在食物鏈最上層的動物來講,無所謂慈悲或不慈悲!對於牠們而言,規則只有一個:獵食或被獵食。

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Best Quotes From House of CardsCompiled by the fans of House of Cards

2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

The Presidency is like a lone tree in an empty field - he blows which ever way the wind blows.Kathy, if you don't like how the table is set - turn over the table.

• 總統的職務就像是在空地上的一棵高大的樹,風往哪邊吹、他就往哪變動。

• 凱西,如果你不喜歡這餐桌上的擺設方式,就把它翻了。

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Best Quotes From House of CardsCompiled by the fans of House of Cards

2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

• There are two types of Vice Presidents - doormats and matadors. Which do you think I intend to be?•The higher up the mountain the more treacherous the path.

• 人性才是這些驕傲背後的本質,他們可能因此而強、因此而弱,如果你可以謙遜地面對驕傲,他們就願意為你做任何事。

• 高處不勝寒,爬得越高,危險就越變幻莫測。

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Best Quotes From House of CardsCompiled by the fans of House of Cards

2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

• 以我來講,我比較習慣站在框框的邊上。現在距離我只有一步之遙。• 通常這種事情需要時間和耐性,但現在我這兩樣都沒有。• 我早該這麼想了,訴諸於心而不是訴諸於腦….

As for me, I used to be on the edge of the frame, now I am only three feet away.Normally all I need is patience and time - neither of which I have right now. Tick Tock.I should have thought of this before. Appeal to the heart not the brain.

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Best Quotes From House of CardsCompiled by the fans of House of Cards

2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

• 用你的右手來握手,但左手裡要握著一• 要是子彈向我這邊飛來,這不會是意外而且立刻俯身閃開。• 他的子彈劃過了我的臉頰,但是我並沒有倒下。

Shake with your right hand but hold a rock in the left.If the bullet comes my way, it will not be an accident and I must be quick to duck.he bullet grazed my cheek but I haven't fallen.

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Best Quotes From House of CardsCompiled by the fans of House of Cards

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• He stacked Congress. The majority I whipped.

• 他在國會當中大動手腳,就是我以前做黨鞭的那個多數黨。

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Best Quotes From House of CardsCompiled by the fans of House of Cards

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• 當錢往你身上跑,你不會提出任何疑問的。

• When the money is coming your way you don't ask any questions.

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Best Quotes From House of CardsCompiled by the fans of House of Cards

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• Why does everything have to be a struggle? Can't some people just say yes for once.

• Dogs are so predictable - aren’t they?

• 為何每一件事情都要經過抗爭,就不能有一次直接說好嗎?• 狗是如此容易預測的,不是嗎?

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Best Quotes From House of CardsCompiled by the fans of House of Cards

2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

• I won't leave one of my own bleeding on the field.• Do you think I'm hypocrite? Well you should. I wouldn't disagree

with you.• I don't know whether to be proud or terrified or perhaps both.

• 我不會在外面留下流血的軌跡。• 我不知道這是該驕傲,或是驚恐,或許兩者都有。

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Best Quotes From House of CardsCompiled by the fans of House of Cards

2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

• I always loathed the necessity of sleep. It puts the most powerful of men on their backs.

• It‘s not the beginning of the story that I fear. It’s not knowing how it’ll end.• It's like a do not enter sign. It just begs you to walk through the door.

• 我向來很討厭必須睡覺這件事,他就像死亡一樣,即使是最有權力的人,也得要倒下。

• 我害怕的不是故事的開始,而是故事要怎麼結束。• 這好比是『禁止進入』的標示牌,反而好像在召喚你走進去一探究竟。

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Best Quotes From House of CardsCompiled by the fans of House of Cards

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• From the Lion’s den to the pack of wolfs. When you're fresh meat throw them something fresher.

• Even Achilles was only as strong as his heel.• The heart can choke the mind when the blood flows back into itself.

• 從獅群到狼群都一樣,當你變成一塊新鮮的肉時,扔一塊更新鮮的給牠們!

• 即使是亞克利斯巨神,也會在如同他腳腫般脆弱。• 當血液回流至心臟時,它可能阻礙了你的思緒。

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Best Quotes From House of CardsCompiled by the fans of House of Cards

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• I've managed to isolate the president from everyone including myself.

• 我已經著手開始將總統與其他周圍的人孤立開來,包含我自己。

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Best Quotes From House of CardsCompiled by the fans of House of Cards

2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

• He's in the darkness now. I am his only beacon of light. Now we guide him gently toward the rocks.

• The Chinese are right about one thing. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the one for the many.

• 他現在已經身處黑暗中,而我是他唯一的燈塔,現在我們就把他引導到亂石區去吧…

• 中國在一件事情上面是正確的,那就是有時你必須為了全體而去犧牲一位。
