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I adieu arrkut- MAGAZINES Keats TT+ JpeelalIq 9rhed 1650 1a

Date post: 16-Apr-2022
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f L TUESDAY IICIMIUU o I J THE PADUCAH EVENING BUN PAGE IIV I I I r adieu arrkut- t t t Keats I JpeelalIq 9rhed 1650 J t > > TJui + t iwlvnl nnntlirr lot of those dpirlnl value Illnrk 1 J Cnrrlcul Contra lined 1 with lirfKailo or Fold C1 IUso c + tmiHu nil N > ZCM priced Rpeclnl nt < 1 xwA J Y3Iaclk Velvet Keats I tj j 11 2500- y r Itcautlfiil itinllty black Velvet flash Conts ono thnt tv v tI will scar llnwl with KimrniitMiI satin throughout J Iirt t I j I Jh sit 9ludl s Orders Taken For Calling Cards and Monogram Stationary J I v THE LOCAL NEW- Sy y IT AT GILBERTS Dr Gilbert Osteopath 64S Broadway Phones 190 Itubber tamps seals brass itt > ncIU etc at The Sun omco Dalton Dyo Work uavo moved 1 Ito 114 Kouth Fifth street 4 =Fred city and farm real estate price Hit whlttemore Fraternity building Vhoucs SIC Sign writing G IL Sexton I Phones 40- 1faltou Dye Works have moved to 1H South Fifth street servo Booths oysters day Buchanans restaurant fiWo avenue TAILOR Refined clothing for gvntlcmin CIO Broad way Shamrock BI Jg If reliable taxicab service Is any 11 object to you take the car with yet ¬ low whouls Phone 915 Smith Dlmmlok Sunny Hollow still houtn whisky i half gallon 100 Bledennan Dir I tilling COI I May 1 k llwrntwood flood at greatly i 4 4du a d prteos at C C Laos Nol Sow ItccMord lawn proas aenl now for n fine awn next summer I nnnwonii ioU Broadway i t Tho ioliron hoarding house onl Kentucky n vcn no between Third and t I Fourth streets was the teems of an ¬ I other theft reported to the police last night A hat anti overcoat hanging In tho hallway wore stolen This makes tho second theft of the kind during tho past week i received I Tho polled hero have Oardnorlcolored 1 Gardner was an alleged bootlegger and served several prison terms Ho wan familiar In police circles hero I A small amount of clothing was I taken from n clothcallnca In the back yard of C C Scotts residence 631 North Fifth street yesterday afternoon Tim robbery was report f fDR I B HOWELL I fDENTIST I I Columbia IJMjj Phone 221 n Our Profession teaches that a Toilet Paper when treated I with Balsam is far superior to any other product in its class and SaniTissue i ii the only Balsam zed Toilet Paper Get a booklet here about papermaking GIT IT AT ilLUMIlTB Both Plionos 77 t6lLBERTS Drug Store Fotuili hni Uroailwnr TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED Call Old Phono 838r TYPintITKIl ItlBBONS- 6iCOM J HAND TYPE W1UTKK8 Ion 8ALK EYE SEE JEWELRY OPTICAL CO 823 ItrowHrq o Tho Event nR Sun charges I 1J cents a flue for all notice of ontortalnmonta or social 1 events to which there la eny admission fee andowlng to tho dJfDculty had Injcolfectlnp those einaiI l ac ¬ counts It le nccMtary torcqulro cash for euch advertising r cd to tho pollco department 4411 tho children of tho Flrrt Pre H>y< oi1ttn Sunday pehool are re quested to ntlct Wednesday after noon at 4 oclock In the Sunday riioel room of tho churdi W O KJdd Uio popular deputy Ircult court dork Is again 111 at his homo In tho Sane Scucl apartment Ar about n wi > ak Mr Kldd has been III but has remained on duty at tho mart house until today when he was mablo to leave home Mlia Awilo Huebandg I is wrl ouly 111 at her homo In Arcadia The dance to bo given by tho led Mon list night was postponed till next Monday W W Duke 2011 GtHhrlc ate II confined to his homo on account of linen HAT FftlKN Jon lonii Jlliliirr That TiiUrn nIT Ihr Vn- tnnuldlyensue I Kn Wrlnklrn JVo Mimmrh IIU and llrqulrm- Vrlllirr Dlrllnn Yo- riaerrlar 1 Ton miirh fat la both unromfurtnl l nnll dangerous but ununlly nrthx peo pie prefer to put up with Its Incon pnlrncr rather tlmn punish them iflvr with the tlrciOinc exercising Inmlly proserlheth or nllanltr tllIlr ipalth by taking the nocalled euro mil p lent fat rcilucrra This nelfvarrltlrc of comfort and icnltli lo ovrrnbunilani fat U entirely inncccmiary however as Mrs lncllu Hager tells us hero i le a homo receipt that In tar superior In every wny to inyllilnir money will buy for reducing iiperlluoiiH lIh It li Mid this shin plo mixture will take the tot on of man or wroinnn nt the rule of nt least n couple ot pounds n week without iwen causing wrinkles Moreover It toes not illiturb the stomach but Is a rood thing for the system cleurlnK iway pimples and lout of nil It does not Interfere with tho diet You cnn tIe It nnd nt the mane time rat what ivcr you like This receipt In ns fol ¬ low 1S ounce SInrinoln 12 ounce Fluid I Kxtrnct Cmirnra Aromatic and S I 11 ounces of Peppermint Water Oft those Ingredient nt nny drug anlillInke Mrs lager an hi I well known I le a amour beauty expert and whatever the recommends I Is sure to Vv found eminently satisfac- torySEASONABLE Hock Ilyo anil Honey Com f fnwA speedily relieves that annoying early season cough and cold Price C 0c and 9100 AND Malarial Tonic Cn siilos aro guaranteed to break up any case of chills They dont mako you sick Ilka tho sweet syrups do They are splendid appetizers Price floe Per Hot J D BACON Druggist Seventh pad Jackson Streets Bout Phones 2TT jiif SOCIAL CIRCLES Infoniml Dinner Pnrty Mr and Mrs Guy D Martin woro tho chaperones at an informal din- ner given In the Holland Room at the Palmer House Sunday ovcnln Tho party Included Misses Mar- garet Blckcl of Louisville Lillian Hobsqn Rosebud Hobson Mcssr McArthur of Chicago and lIugh llohannon Pa M re nt Tlirvo I Inks llulldliif Tho young society men will ghu a subscription1 dunce at tho Threo Links building on Friday evening Illinois Oniplo Mnrry Here Mls Edna Gunning of Carix > mlal < III and Mr Will Nance of Marloi 111 were married Sunday morning II oclock at tho residence of 31 Ir Henry Haiott or Twelfth and oPatm streets The Rev G D Wjut pastor of tho Tenth street Cbrtetla church officiated The coupto lefl Immediately after the ceremony tor Loulsvllto and Chicago They will rooldo In Marlon The brldo reside In Pad 11mb eight years ago and hnl many friends hero Mr Nanco da n prominent young ibuslnots man of Marlon U n O Chapter The Paducah chapter Unite Daughters of tho Confederacy b meeting this afternoon nt the Worn ans club iiousu The hostesses are Mrs Herman Walleretcln Mn Cliorl <w Orahnm WM Jinclo Smith Mm WdH OrGon Mrs W G White fields paper on General Albert 6k ncy Johnston will Inaugurate the < tudy for tho year The Horoe i of tho War Between tho States Dinner 1nrty for JI1f nickel Miss Jean Morris will entertain at 7 oclock dinner at the nlmCT HOUPO In compliment to Miss Mai iwrct Blckol of IxMilrrlllo tho n1 tractive guest of iMra Guy D Martli Bridge AncniiHii for VMtor Mrs Guy D Martin Is hostess at n prettily planet bridge Irty Ulls afternoon at her apartment In tho iJucknor In honor of her guest Jilt lajRarot Blckcl of l usville lllcrnlurc ix > mrtnirnt to Meet IK1 cetuhcr 11 The next niecUng of the Lltera eve toimrtniont of tho Woman auli will bo on Wedncwlan JXcom her H The second and fourth Wed nf JaB are tho departmenU irosula lays American Folk Song IroRrani Tho Matinee MurlcaV club will I JlTI vat an espoctelly attractive proenu on Wettn lar afternoon at 031 dock at the Womans club house torturing tho diarnv of Amoricni Villc Songs Irv a doll crul11Ilo Wit Anglo Thomas and Mrs XnronID- Jrug aro Uio leaders form the alter pods Thin program l k 1 sly I <ndy Cliloo Rogers liorus for Ladles Voices 2 Violins Solo Familiar MoJodlct OUm W C Clnrk 3 Hambouia Gottsclmlk It mna 1I1U 4 Plantation Melodies a Ring My Banger Ring litirtelgh b Ix > t Mite Llndyi las9 llopcrts c Tho Old Iloatmnn Mrs Fryer e Yoiilll Git Dar In do Morn n BurldRh 5 The Tlnnjo Gottsdialk ilw Vincent Salvo G Go to Sleep My 1 Honvyi Mr llarle Mal1 Mr Bmmet nnIlr rank Burns Mr Robert Scott Paducah was wrapped m a blanket Wlwt Can You Give mho following pathetic and unique oqucwt for Red Cross Seals canto t 10 Iho office of the Rot Crow n toy I das agoDear Sirs I have only two cant Ithnt mamma cnvc me a long tltn ogo Teacher toM us oibout you ant tho Red Crow Seals I rant send i n- l onny PO I put a stamp on this pos la1 card iWlll jiou send mo a lEtec roils Seal for It T- I If a k little girl from Carrie her scant tore of cArfully hoarded pennies enn- ghO I l all that alto has for the sake of hoso who suffer from tufborculosU What can you give Tho Iaducah Heel Cross Christ anus SooJa will l ho on Kilo in the Ous tom house lobby ten days bofori Jhrlstmos Until then anyone with ng them can order from tho com- mittee In clrargw Mrs W L Imlnerd Mrs Jacob Wallorstchi jllrs Sol Droyifus Mrs Dan Me toddon Mrs John Q TayJor ngniiriiiriit of Silts llrnrl AUtiitt h- air I IllclinnUon of Chicago In the Saturday Issue ot tho Chi USIlIonl1 10 Mr Howard Richardson of Oh ago Is announced Tho marrlagi wilt take plow late in the spring 01 ho cnrliji Bummer Mr Rlchardeoi Is a member of a prominent famll Ju Chicago and Jio Is connected wit I WhateverKind Work You Do GrapeNutsfood v+ Will Help You lo It teller If Theres a Reason r KCKBMA 18 XOT A IIIXOI DI3IU8K Never Proves IIIIIIqhouItJ 1- 1TrcnlcU Kstcnmlly With poslnin Eczema Is not a blood dl1roaSc oa this point medical authorltl agree It never proves fatal and I Is generally found In thore who are oth erwiso healthy Being a surface sklnj trouble It can only bo treated i b external moans Poulam has prob aMy accomplished mote remarkable cures of this and other skin disease than any remedy known It is up plied directly upon tho disorder stops Itching at onco and clears and heals the skin After suffering wjtl eczema for fourteen years my hand and feet were in such condition I could hardly uro them writes Mrs afItor and spending ao mall fortune 1 thought I would try poalam I find r myself perfectly well I am 00 grateful that I cannot praise it enoughMerely a small quantity of poslan used for clearing the complexion quickly removing pimples eruptions rattles and blemishes Is sufficient to show what It can do For this pun peso free samples are matted to any one upon request by the Emergenc Laboratories 32 West Twentyfiftl street Now York City All drug guts particularly Gilberts and It W Walker J Co sell both the 50cen trial packages and the regular 2 jars the Excelsior Motorcycle company Until two years ago Mss Moot resided In Paducah but since ha made her home In Chicago with Iber brother Mr Phllo lAHcott Sho Is i n girl widely I popular In Paducah so clcty and whoso charming personal deparIturo her of thin graduating class of 1901 of the Htgli school Pnrii Wedding- of Interest hero 1 IH the marriage M1 KS Katie Lasater and Mr ofI Garrott Rjiils both of Paris on Wcdnordaji In that place Thq bride has been the popular guest of Mrs Marclmll Yuryenr and Miss Anna Hades and is an attractive and talented girl Sho was a puboolmatc of Mlle Near- Ilnuseboid ICroiuinilrN Wrdnpwdny Household Economics department of tho Womans rlub will meet to morrow afternoon nt 3 oclock at the club house Subject for discus- sion Personal Hygiene tho Ito sponslbllity of the Housekeeper to Her Family and the Nation nllhlc Club The Dclphts dub met this morning at tho Carnegie library Tho program was an interesting Inaugural of the reign of Victoria over Ithe British Empire as follows L Victoria 1871901 Personal sketchMrs George O Wallace 2 Cbartlrm Free Trades Penny PostMee Charles K Wheeler 3 Irish Famine and Rebellion of J84Slrs I D Wilcox Mr Hubcrn Moss returned to his homo In Clinton today after a visit to friends and realtlves In tho city Mrs T A Wade and daughter Miss Ruth Wade of Metropolis ar ¬ rived last night ou a visit to rela ¬ Lives In tho city Mrs A Lorenz anti llttlo daugh ¬ ter of St Louis are visiting Mrs E Clark of South Third street Mr and Mrs E Young returned to Nashville today after a visit to Mrs J W Scott of South Third street and John Pace of tho Cairo roadMiss Mary P Wlllott of Boston who has been the guest of Dr and Mrs W R Washburn loft this morning for La Center to visit tho lion and Mrs John M Moore Mr and Mrs Januxi O Campbell of St Louis arrived this morning and are at the Palmer House Mr Campbell formerly llvcdi hero and Js visiting hh uncle Judge James Campbell and other relatives Mr and Mrs Edwards of St Louis returned homo this morning after n visit to Mrs Edwards liar ¬ ants Mr and Mrs John Burnett of 315 North Fifth street Mr and Mrs Charles C Grassham and daughter Miss Paulino Graze ham left yesterday for Louisville for a visit Mrs 0 A Tato and sister Mm C A Battle of St Louis are visit Ing In the city Mr Oscar Schmidt W34 South Eleventh street left today for May- field t on buMnoss Mrs Louis Hennqborgcr and little daughter Olive have gone to St I Louis for a visit Mr and Mrs Theodore Vnnde voldo of Brookport 111 loft Friday I morning for a weeks visit to Mrs Mary Beard of Monetta Ark r It K Tllley OIvcH Homl Deputy U S Marshall Elwood Ncol today served a coplag on R K Tllloy who forfeited two bonds In tho federal court at tho recent term He gave bond In tho sum of HOO Im afraid your son Is going to be ono of the worlds dreamers Id be surprised If he wasnt replied Mrs McGudtoy The way he tents mince plo at night is some ¬ thing torrlfylii Washington Star Bogus counts sometimes wins American girls and bogus counts qulto frequently win elecUosn I 41a fUfTrd4ei > 1trfilgitfetgrfTSrfTrtliry- I WHAT SHALL I OIVK t4 4 JIm 7 HIm t4 14tJ lt marksI 54 1a t- 4f pairfEO I ROCK SIIOE CO V t 021 Broadway Ie I INBWS OF COURTS In Police Ooiirf Disorderly conduot Robert alias W H White food 10 Gamlng njchanl Blackburn Henry Masoi Frank Strlcklln Grate Gardner and Tom Doe continued to Decoraber 7 iucds Filed F P James state auditor to Glp Husbands property at Fifth and Clark streets 10475 West End Improvement company to E F Nleninn property on Jcffei son street 400 t First National bank of Mctropplli lit to J Harlan Griffith proper at the southeast corner of Twelfth and Flournoy streets 1- In Bankruptcy R W Moore a retail coal dealer of Clinton filed a petition In bank ruptcy In federal court alleging lit bllltlcs amounting to 1140 and no assets fSiPAfT1Mf AMMf a MfAf ef eMMf eM Grnndmn wants a pair of ROCKS Warm Slippers for Xmas W Wf ef ItffaY f efaYY faY f efasY Card of Thanks Henry Boyd ono of Paducah oldest and most esteemed colored citizens was touched by the hand of death Friday of last week and slept that sleep that knows no hu atItended of which he had been a member for years the attendance being tho pastorjlDr worthy tribute to his life and death the Masonic fraternity of which he was a member did justice to tin occasion tho undertaker proved himself master of tho situation the WhU011dtlzlns and truth the lodge a spoke Iron their wneel l the city a citizen whose place will be difficult to fill The widow children and poyd family It partlculrr extend many thanks for kindness shown during this stroke Death Is tho common lot of all men- the rich the poor the prisoner and tho beggar all alike flee for relief and lay their burdens down ef ef e f ef eMf f ef ef eMf1 Give Bro her a pair of Walk over Show for Xinns AT HOCKS f f ef e fVfaYfa f faYfaYfaYfaYfaYf efaf GIVEN INCREASE TUWAIUKS OF Tim BROADWAY METHODIST NOTIFY PASTOR The board of stewards of tin roadway Methodist church held Its llrst meeting during this conference year at tho church last night Th stewards met at 630 oclock and were guests at a dinner given by tho members of tho Ramsey society In Wesley hall Tho dinner was i a delightful occasion After the din nor tho business session was taken up and In recognition of tho able work of time pastor tho salary of thi toy G T Sullivan was Increased 400 a year Prof J A Carnage Informed Dr Sullivan of the action of the board and ho thanked the members The officers of the board are S T Hubbard president II C Rhodes vicepresident L B Ogilvic treasurer F M McGlath cry secretary Mr F W Kattcrjoha loft last tight for Chicago Philadelphia and dew York on business LISTS Lettuce Lotion For ChappedSkin 25c Bottle LIST DRUG CO Phones 108 111M14 Broadway f r 1 t WANT ADS TT + T + T No cards of thanks want ads or notices of any character for clwro societies lodges or other organiza- tions can be accepted without pay mont in advance Our patrons win confer a favor by kindly romomber Ing this WAiNTED Gentlemen to boar Furnace hoot 313 North Sixth HOUSEKEEPING rooms 322 Mad loon i Phono 2950 GROCERY for sale good stan Apply to Covlngton Brothers FOR RENT Throe roomhouoo 18 Farley street Gco Rawelgh DIAMONDS on easy payment > Eye See Jewelry Co 315 Broadwa FOR RENT Four room house CIO Adams Apply 501 South Sixth FOR JUSTO fourroom houre 1745 Madison Phone 1002 HAIR WORK Ada Pullen 605 South Eighth Old phone 2006 FURNISHED front room 419 South Fourth EXPERT piano tuning onl 200 C W Hahn New phone 647 FOR SALE Cuttings from Path ah Cooperage Co New phone 225 FOR GOOD FITTING suits go i to- M Solomon 111 Broadway FORBALEGood dry county stove and heater wood 100 Ne1 phono 1011 BEATS THEM ALL on prlyo Williams Furniture Depot 501 So Third New Phone 981a WANTED You to bear Jn mind that Bradley Bros are sole agent for Old Taylor Coal FOR RENT Or sate cheap ono house ono vacant lot C35 Flournoj Address Mary King General deliver UMBRELLAS covered while you watt Eyo See Jewelry Co 31532 Broadway LADIES WATCHES tho idea Xmas glrt8 10 1250 to 30 Parrish the Jeweler 218 Broadway- S H HOSTEN Dyeing proteins renovating French dry cleaning Work called for and delivered Clul 100 per month Old phone 338a WANTEDSmall electric motor onehalf or one b p Address M rare Sun FOR SALE Carrtape rumabou tad two sets of harness Ring O < Phone 2 GG- IWA11JJIJ Couple to room and board at 217 North Fifth street Also day boarder wanted FOR RlNTSix room cottngo 2312 Broadway Apply J II Griffith Old phone 148- 0WANTEDSituation by an ex porfencod saleslady in any depart- ment City references given Cal 1415 now phone MISS MARY MIX will make spe- cial priceS In dressmaking during the text few months Evening dresses t poclalty Od phone 11C7 YOU are wanted fur Governmen position 8000 month Write for list of positions open Franklin In ititute Dept 104a Rocterter NY YOUR LAtE curtains need clean up You will make no mistake in pending them V> the btar Landry hone 200- CIIRISTMAS TIME Shop early tee our moneysaving gifts for every member of tho family and others arrlsh Tho Jeweler 218 Broadway WANTED YOU to glue Old Tay- lor Ceal a trial We guarantee tc please you Bradley Bros 339 both phenes GIFTS FOR MEN at savIng prices Fobs watches scarf pins curt Inks and other choice Jewelry Par rUh The Jeweler 218 Broadway WANTEDTo turnlsn your urn brclla with a new cover or handle W N Warren Jeweler 403 Broad way FOR RENT 1201 South Eighth street Good location for grocery and Saloon See Richard Calissl Doth phones 154 FOIL SALE Rhode Island lied cockerels that are red Put now blood In your stock C L Faust 1502 Broadway Old phone 1509a WE WASH lace curtains very cue fully Get them cleaner and white than you could at home Star Laun- dry Phone 200 RECEIVE A lot of mlortod roods for Christmas suits Price are reasonable Suits made up li n fine style M Solomon 111 Broad- way Under Now Richmond House FOR SALE OR RENT6cvon- oem house corner Eleventh amid i Monroe streets hiss furnace and all modern conveniences See F M Fisher FOIL SALE or tradeMy place 27 acres 5 miles from Paducah on Cairo road New phone 7 1C or call at 1531 Broad street George J Jones JAMES BOWL1NO and Mrs yowling have charge of the Skoltoi boarding house 219 North Sixth and have some nice rooms and want moro boarders Good meals at reasonable prices- IATItON1ZE the colored grocery 24O Clay street Sugar 20 lbs 1 Mire bog lard 1C cents per lb Best lour 75 cents per sack A full line of first class good Free delivery FJI L Cofleld old phone llS4r WANTED Yeu to remember then placing your order for coal bat Old Taylor Coal is by test the best and at the same price of the other Inferior coals sold on the Pa iucah markets 4 nlr yyf a- i I MAGAZINES r Make the Best Christmas Presents ° Come select a few of tho most popular magazines as gifts for any of your family P P- or friends There Is nothing r I most of us appreciate more and they mako such frequent calls and bring such pleasure I that tho donor Is remembered Quito often and cordially I I We Make Cut Rites on I Magazines I IWo will duplicate any otters you have from any cut rate I agents and assure you prompt i deliveriesThis m- uchDEWILSW The Hook Magazine and Music Man HAIR WORK Mattio Dawzon old phono 711a IOn ItENT11to small house on South Eleventh street Apply to Dlcdcrman Grocery Co ANTED To purchase heating utove in good condlton A D caro Sun FOR SALE Fourhoreo Kali banksMorfo gasolne engine and taw Iff Now phono 1079 I I cJI fireproof J A Rudy OARWOODS VIOLET CHEWING GUM Also peppermint A most do llclous gumhighly perfumed Put up in a tin box a square box too I Everywhere on the square Ec WE STARCH lace curtains Just the degree of stiffness that makes them hang nicely and dry them upon frames that make them square < ul1 stretch them smooth and even Star Laundry Phone 100 WANTED Hustlers responsible ODd reliable 10 to 20 dally Spa cialty Itetall to stores churches homes Kentucky territory or west Manufacturer room 109 Belvedere I WANTEDMen 7 to 8 pm J to learn barber I trade Few weeks completes Money earned while learning Dig duiimod for our graduates Weges 12 to 520 weekly Llttlo expense Do In- dependent I Catalogue mailed free Moler Barber College FOR SAL11f will bo 4n the city I untH about December 12th While here I want to clone out on easy pay- ments ¬ or cheap for cash nice five room cottage 50 foot lot and four room cottage 40 foot lot Nos 192C and 1934 Bridge street See them and make me an offer at Hogans grocery 122 Kentucky avenue Alto have 20 30 and CO acre farms in II mole well mproved and cheap T Warren Sharpe of Springfield III FINE NEW AUTOMOBILE TIRES heap not trust made goods Save on CO per cent on tire cost Any ityle bead 28x312GO 30x3 1375 30x3 H 1780 32x3 U U890 34xH219GO 30x4 31x422 32x4 2390 12170 2080 31x43170 Dun lops 15 per cent additional Tubes 15 per cent less than standard prices I fblI ¬ tion 5 percent discount for cash with order Qeyer Sales Co Day ¬ ton Ohio DID ITDtJ It ever occur 1 you tow sure of our ground wo must bo and how confident that wo can give you entire satisfaction In jnur Christmas shopping Our stock Is complete and wo soil nothing tnt de ¬ pendable goals Wo know how cur mode are made and can give you tho fullest detail of thcfr manufacture nose have made It a rtudy from the rough to the finished product Force merchants buy goods to sell and otvy see tho present profit Wo revoke this and buy goods that wlW Rive satisfaction and gifts that you need r not bo ashamed of In jvare to come Which is tho better proposition Como and toota over our stock Yc u will then come out of that quandary oa to what to give and whew to pt It J L Wanner Jeweler 311 Broadway I WANTED SU5SII > V AT HIJNVA CIIKAM ItAKKltV iO8 IHIOAMVAY Sirs 0 L Hatch has return 1 1 from Chicago Now is the Time To Have Those Fall and Winter Garments Dyed or Cleaned Iring us your Plumes fiats Bultf Skirt Waists Etc We will restore hem to their former brightness I DEMERTS Model Steam Dye Worlds 109 South Third Street 1 lid l r pD 286R New Phone 28fje <
Page 1: I adieu arrkut- MAGAZINES Keats TT+ JpeelalIq 9rhed 1650 1a



adieu arrkut-ttt

t KeatsI

JpeelalIq 9rhed 1650J

t> > TJui +t iwlvnl nnntlirr lot of those dpirlnl value Illnrk

1 J Cnrrlcul Contra lined1 with lirfKailo or Fold C1IUsoc + tmiHu nil N >ZCM priced Rpeclnl nt <

1 xwA J

Y3Iaclk Velvet Keats

Itj j112500-

yr Itcautlfiil itinllty black Velvet flash Conts ono thnt

tvvtI will scar llnwl with KimrniitMiI satin throughout


IirttI j I

Jh sit 9ludl sOrders Taken For Calling Cards

and Monogram StationaryJ



IT AT GILBERTSDr Gilbert Osteopath 64S

Broadway Phones 190

Itubber tamps seals brassitt>ncIU etc at The Sun omco

Dalton Dyo Work uavo moved

1 Ito 114 Kouth Fifth street4 =Fred city and farm real estate

price Hit whlttemore Fraternitybuilding Vhoucs SIC

Sign writing G IL Sexton I

Phones 40-1faltou Dye Works have moved

to 1H South Fifth streetservo Booths oysters day

Buchanans restaurantfiWo avenueTAILOR Refined

clothing for gvntlcmin CIO Broadway Shamrock BI Jg

If reliable taxicab service Is any11 object to you take the car with yet ¬

low whouls Phone 915 SmithDlmmlok

Sunny Hollow still houtn whisky i

half gallon 100 Bledennan Dir

I tilling COII

May1 kllwrntwood flood at greatly i

44dua d prteos at C C Laos NolSow ItccMord lawn proas aenl

now for n fine awn next summerI nnnwonii ioU Broadway i

t Tho ioliron hoarding house onlKentucky n vcn no between Third and


Fourth streets was the teems of an ¬ I

other theft reported to the policelast night A hat anti overcoathanging In tho hallway wore stolenThis makes tho second theft of thekind during tho past week i

receivedITho polled hero have


Gardner was an alleged bootleggerand served several prison terms Howan familiar In police circles hero

I A small amount of clothing wasI taken from n clothcallnca In the

back yard of C C Scotts residence631 North Fifth street yesterdayafternoon Tim robbery was report



I Columbia IJMjj Phone 221


Our Profession teaches thata Toilet Paper when treatedI with Balsam is far superiorto any other product in itsclass and SaniTissue iii theonly Balsamzed ToiletPaper

Get a booklet here aboutpapermaking


Both Plionos 77

t6lLBERTSDrug Store

Fotuili hni Uroailwnr


Call Old Phono 838r




823 ItrowHrq


Tho Event nR Sun charges I

1J cents a flue for all notice ofontortalnmonta or social1 eventsto which there la eny admissionfee andowlng to tho dJfDcultyhad Injcolfectlnp those einaiIl ac¬

counts It le nccMtary torcqulrocash for euch advertising


cd to tho pollco department4411 tho children of tho Flrrt

Pre H>y<oi1ttn Sunday pehool are requested to ntlct Wednesday afternoon at 4 oclock In the Sundayriioel room of tho churdi

W O KJdd Uio popular deputyIrcult court dork Is again 111 at his

homo In tho Sane Scucl apartmentAr about n wi>ak Mr Kldd has been

III but has remained on duty at thomart house until today when he wasmablo to leave home

Mlia Awilo Huebandg Iis wrlouly 111 at her homo In Arcadia

The dance to bo given by tholed Mon list night was postponedtill next Monday

W W Duke 2011 GtHhrlc ateII confined to his homo on account oflinen

HAT FftlKN Jonlonii Jlliliirr That TiiUrn nIT Ihr Vn-


Kn WrlnklrnJVo Mimmrh IIU and llrqulrm-

Vrlllirr Dlrllnn Yo-riaerrlar1

Ton miirh fat la both unromfurtnllnnll dangerous but ununlly nrthx peopie prefer to put up with Its Inconpnlrncr rather tlmn punish them

iflvr with the tlrciOinc exercisingInmlly proserlheth or nllanltr tllIlripalth by taking the nocalled euromil p lent fat rcilucrra

This nelfvarrltlrc of comfort andicnltli lo ovrrnbunilani fat U entirelyinncccmiary however as Mrs lnclluHager tells us hero ile a homo receiptthat In tar superior In every wny toinyllilnir money will buy for reducingiiperlluoiiH lIh It li Mid this shinplo mixture will take the tot on ofman or wroinnn nt the rule of nt leastn couple ot pounds n week withoutiwen causing wrinkles Moreover Ittoes not illiturb the stomach but Is arood thing for the system cleurlnKiway pimples and lout of nil It doesnot Interfere with tho diet You cnntIe It nnd nt the mane time rat whativcr you like This receipt In ns fol ¬

low 1S ounce SInrinoln 12 ounceFluid IKxtrnct Cmirnra Aromatic andSI 11 ounces of Peppermint WaterOft those Ingredient nt nny drug

anlillInkeMrs lager an hiI well known Ile aamour beauty expert and whatever

the recommends IIs sure to Vv foundeminently satisfac-


Hock Ilyo anil Honey Com

ffnwA speedily relieves thatannoying early season cough

and cold

Price C 0c and 9100

ANDMalarial Tonic Cn siilos aroguaranteed to break up anycase of chills They dontmako you sick Ilka tho sweetsyrups do They are splendidappetizers

Price floe Per Hot

J D BACONDruggist

Seventh pad Jackson StreetsBout Phones 2TT


Infoniml Dinner PnrtyMr and Mrs Guy D Martin woro

tho chaperones at an informal din-ner given In the Holland Room atthe Palmer House Sunday ovcnlnTho party Included Misses Mar-garet Blckcl of Louisville LillianHobsqn Rosebud Hobson McssrMcArthur of Chicago and lIughllohannon

Pa M re nt Tlirvo I Inks llulldliifTho young society men will ghu

a subscription1 dunce at tho ThreoLinks building on Friday evening

Illinois Oniplo Mnrry HereMls Edna Gunning of Carix > mlal <

III and Mr Will Nance of Marloi111 were married Sunday morningII oclock at tho residence of 31IrHenry Haiott or Twelfth and oPatm

streets The Rev G D Wjutpastor of tho Tenth street Cbrtetlachurch officiated The coupto leflImmediately after the ceremony torLoulsvllto and Chicago They willrooldo In Marlon The brldo resideIn Pad 11mb eight years ago and hnlmany friends hero Mr Nanco da nprominent young ibuslnots man ofMarlon

U n O ChapterThe Paducah chapter Unite

Daughters of tho Confederacy bmeeting this afternoon nt the Wornans club iiousu The hostesses areMrs Herman Walleretcln MnCliorl <w Orahnm WM Jinclo SmithMm WdH OrGon Mrs W G Whitefields paper on General Albert 6kncy Johnston will Inaugurate the< tudy for tho year The Horoe ioftho War Between tho States

Dinner 1nrty for JI1f nickelMiss Jean Morris will entertain at

7 oclock dinner at the nlmCTHOUPO In compliment to Miss Maiiwrct Blckol of IxMilrrlllo tho n1

tractive guest of iMra Guy D Martli

Bridge AncniiHii for VMtorMrs Guy D Martin Is hostess at n

prettily planet bridge Irty Ullsafternoon at her apartment In thoiJucknor In honor of her guest JiltlajRarot Blckcl of l usville

lllcrnlurc ix > mrtnirnt to Meet IK1

cetuhcr 11The next niecUng of the Lltera

eve toimrtniont of tho Womanauli will bo on Wedncwlan JXcomher H The second and fourth Wed

nfJaB are tho departmenU irosulalays

American Folk Song IroRraniTho Matinee MurlcaV club will IJlTI

vat an espoctelly attractive proenuon Wettn lar afternoon at 031dock at the Womans club housetorturing tho diarnv of AmoricniVillc Songs Irv a doll crul11Ilo WitAnglo Thomas and Mrs XnronID-Jrug aro Uio leaders form the alterpods Thin program lk

1 sly I <ndy Cliloo Rogersliorus for Ladles Voices

2 Violins Solo Familiar MoJodlctOUm W C Clnrk3 Hambouia Gottsclmlk It

mna 1I1U4 Plantation Melodies

a Ring My Banger Ringlitirtelgh

b Ix>t Mite Llndyi las9llopcrts

c Tho Old IloatmnnMrs Fryer

e Yoiilll Git Dar In do

Morn n BurldRh5 The Tlnnjo Gottsdialk

ilw Vincent SalvoG Go to Sleep My1 Honvyi Mr

llarle Mal1 Mr Bmmet nnIlrrank Burns Mr Robert ScottPaducah was wrapped m a blanket

Wlwt Can You Givemho following pathetic and unique

oqucwt for Red Cross Seals canto t10

Iho office of the Rot Crow n toy


Sirs I have only two cantIthnt mamma cnvc me a long tltnogo Teacher toM us oibout you anttho Red Crow Seals I rant send in-

ll onny PO I put a stamp on this posla1 card iWlll jiou send mo a lEtec

roils Seal for It T-

IIIf a klittle girl from

Carrieher scant

tore of cArfully hoarded pennies enn-ghOI l all that alto has for the sake ofhoso who suffer from tufborculosUWhat can you give

Tho Iaducah Heel Cross Christanus SooJa will lho on Kilo in the Oustom house lobby ten days boforiJhrlstmos Until then anyone withng them can order from tho com-

mittee In clrargw Mrs W LImlnerd Mrs Jacob Wallorstchijllrs Sol Droyifus Mrs Dan Metoddon Mrs John Q TayJor

ngniiriiiriit of Silts llrnrl AUtiitt h-

airI IllclinnUon of ChicagoIn the Saturday Issue ot tho Chi

USIlIonl110 Mr Howard Richardson of Ohago Is announced Tho marrlagiwilt take plow late in the spring 01

ho cnrliji Bummer Mr RlchardeoiIs a member of a prominent famllJu Chicago and Jio Is connected wit

I WhateverKind WorkYou Do

GrapeNutsfoodv+ Will Help You lo It teller

If Theres a Reason



Never Proves IIIIIIqhouItJ 1-

1TrcnlcU Kstcnmlly Withposlnin

Eczema Is not a blood dl1roaScoa this point medical authorltlagree It never proves fatal and IIs

generally found In thore who are otherwiso healthy Being a surface sklnjtrouble It can only bo treated ibexternal moans Poulam has probaMy accomplished mote remarkablecures of this and other skin diseasethan any remedy known It is upplied directly upon tho disorderstops Itching at onco and clears andheals the skin After suffering wjtleczema for fourteen years my handand feet were in such condition Icould hardly uro them writes MrsafItorand spending ao mall fortune 1

thought I would try poalam I findr myself perfectly well I am 00

grateful that I cannot praise itenoughMerely

a small quantity of poslanused for clearing the complexionquickly removing pimples eruptionsrattles and blemishes Is sufficient toshow what It can do For this punpeso free samples are matted to anyone upon request by the EmergencLaboratories 32 West Twentyfiftlstreet Now York City All drugguts particularly Gilberts and It WWalker J Co sell both the 50centrial packages and the regular 2jars

the Excelsior Motorcycle companyUntil two years ago Mss Moot

resided In Paducah but since hamade her home In Chicago with Iberbrother Mr Phllo lAHcott Sho Is ingirl widelyI popular In Paducah soclcty and whoso charming personaldeparIturoher of thin graduating class of 1901of the Htgli school

Pnrii Wedding-of Interest hero 1IH the marriage

M1 KS Katie Lasater and Mr ofIGarrott Rjiils both of Parison Wcdnordaji In that place Thqbride has been the popular guest ofMrs Marclmll Yuryenr and MissAnna Hades and is an attractive andtalented girl Sho was a puboolmatcof Mlle Near-

Ilnuseboid ICroiuinilrN Wrdnpwdny

Household Economics departmentof tho Womans rlub will meet tomorrow afternoon nt 3 oclock atthe club house Subject for discus-sion Personal Hygiene tho Itosponslbllity of the Housekeeper toHer Family and the Nation

nllhlc ClubThe Dclphts dub met this morning

at tho Carnegie library Tho programwas an interesting Inaugural of thereign of Victoria over Ithe BritishEmpire as follows

L Victoria 1871901 PersonalsketchMrs George O Wallace

2 Cbartlrm Free Trades PennyPostMee Charles K Wheeler

3 Irish Famine and Rebellion ofJ84Slrs I D Wilcox

Mr Hubcrn Moss returned to hishomo In Clinton today after a visitto friends and realtlves In tho city

Mrs T A Wade and daughterMiss Ruth Wade of Metropolis ar¬

rived last night ou a visit to rela ¬

Lives In tho cityMrs A Lorenz anti llttlo daugh ¬

ter of St Louis are visiting MrsE Clark of South Third street

Mr and Mrs E Young returnedto Nashville today after a visit toMrs J W Scott of South Thirdstreet and John Pace of tho Cairo

roadMiss Mary P Wlllott of Bostonwho has been the guest of Dr andMrs W R Washburn loft thismorning for La Center to visit tholion and Mrs John M Moore

Mr and Mrs Januxi O Campbellof St Louis arrived this morningand are at the Palmer House MrCampbell formerly llvcdi hero and Jsvisiting hh uncle Judge JamesCampbell and other relatives

Mr and Mrs Edwards of StLouis returned homo this morningafter n visit to Mrs Edwards liar ¬

ants Mr and Mrs John Burnett of315 North Fifth street

Mr and Mrs Charles C Grasshamand daughter Miss Paulino Grazeham left yesterday for Louisvillefor a visit

Mrs 0 A Tato and sister MmC A Battle of St Louis are visitIng In the city

Mr Oscar Schmidt W34 SouthEleventh street left today for May-

fieldt on buMnossMrs Louis Hennqborgcr and little

daughter Olive have gone to StI Louis for a visit

Mr and Mrs Theodore Vnndevoldo of Brookport 111 loft Friday

I morning for a weeks visit to MrsMary Beard of Monetta Ark


It K Tllley OIvcH HomlDeputy U S Marshall Elwood

Ncol today served a coplag on R KTllloy who forfeited two bonds Intho federal court at tho recent termHe gave bond In tho sum of HOO

Im afraid your son Is going tobe ono of the worlds dreamers

Id be surprised If he wasntreplied Mrs McGudtoy The wayhe tents mince plo at night is some ¬

thing torrlfylii Washington Star

Bogus counts sometimes winsAmerican girls and bogus countsqulto frequently win elecUosn

I 41a fUfTrd4ei>1trfilgitfetgrfTSrfTrtliry-

I WHAT SHALL I OIVK t44 JIm 7 HIm t414tJltmarksI 54

1a t-4f pairfEO I

ROCK SIIOE COVt 021 Broadway Ie



In Police OoiirfDisorderly conduot Robert alias

W H White food 10 Gamlngnjchanl Blackburn Henry MasoiFrank Strlcklln Grate Gardner andTom Doe continued to Decoraber 7

iucds FiledF P James state auditor to Glp

Husbands property at Fifth andClark streets 10475

West End Improvement companyto E F Nleninn property on Jcffeison street 400 tFirst National bank of Mctroppllilit to J Harlan Griffith properat the southeast corner of Twelfthand Flournoy streets 1-

In BankruptcyR W Moore a retail coal dealer

of Clinton filed a petition In bankruptcy In federal court alleging litbllltlcs amounting to 1140 and noassets

fSiPAfT1Mf AMMf a MfAf ef eMMf eMGrnndmn wants a pair of

ROCKS Warm Slippers forXmas

W Wf ef ItffaY f efaYY faY f efasY

Card of ThanksHenry Boyd ono of Paducah

oldest and most esteemed coloredcitizens was touched by the handof death Friday of last week andslept that sleep that knows no hu

atItendedof which he had been a member foryears the attendance being thopastorjlDrworthy tribute to his life and deaththe Masonic fraternity of which hewas a member did justice to tinoccasion tho undertaker provedhimself master of tho situation the

WhU011dtlzlnsand truth the lodge a spoke Irontheir wneell the city a citizen whoseplace will be difficult to fill Thewidow children and poyd family Itpartlculrr extend many thanks forkindness shown during this strokeDeath Is tho common lot of all men-

the rich the poor the prisoner andtho beggar all alike flee for reliefand lay their burdens down

ef ef e f ef eMf f ef ef eMf1Give Bro her a pair of Walk

over Show for XinnsAT HOCKS

f f ef e fVfaYfa f faYfaYfaYfaYfaYf efaf



The board of stewards of tinroadway Methodist church held Itsllrst meeting during this conferenceyear at tho church last night Thstewards met at 630 oclock andwere guests at a dinner given bytho members of tho Ramsey societyIn Wesley hall Tho dinner was iadelightful occasion After the dinnor tho business session was takenup and In recognition of tho ablework of time pastor tho salary of thitoy G T Sullivan was Increased400 a year Prof J A CarnageInformed Dr Sullivan of the actionof the board and ho thanked themembers The officers of the boardare S T Hubbard president IIC Rhodes vicepresident L BOgilvic treasurer F M McGlathcry secretary

Mr F W Kattcrjoha loft lasttight for Chicago Philadelphia anddew York on business


Lettuce Lotion


25c Bottle


Phones 108

111M14 Broadway

f r


TT+T+ TNo cards of thanks want ads ornotices of any character for clwrosocieties lodges or other organiza-tions can be accepted without paymont in advance Our patrons winconfer a favor by kindly romomberIng this

WAiNTED Gentlemen to boarFurnace hoot 313 North Sixth

HOUSEKEEPING rooms 322 Madloon iPhono 2950

GROCERY for sale good stanApply to Covlngton Brothers

FOR RENT Throe roomhouoo18 Farley street Gco Rawelgh

DIAMONDS on easy payment>Eye See Jewelry Co 315 Broadwa

FOR RENT Four room houseCIO Adams Apply 501 South Sixth

FOR JUSTO fourroom houre1745 Madison Phone 1002

HAIR WORK Ada Pullen 605South Eighth Old phone 2006

FURNISHED front room 419South Fourth

EXPERT piano tuning onl200 C W Hahn New phone 647

FOR SALE Cuttings from Pathah Cooperage Co New phone 225

FOR GOOD FITTING suits go ito-

M Solomon 111 BroadwayFORBALEGood dry countystove and heater wood 100 Ne1

phono 1011

BEATS THEM ALL on prlyoWilliams Furniture Depot 501 SoThird New Phone 981a

WANTED You to bear Jn mindthat Bradley Bros are sole agentfor Old Taylor Coal

FOR RENT Or sate cheap onohouse ono vacant lot C35 FlournojAddress Mary King General deliver

UMBRELLAS covered while youwatt Eyo See Jewelry Co 31532Broadway

LADIES WATCHES tho ideaXmas glrt8 10 1250 to 30

Parrish the Jeweler 218 Broadway-

S H HOSTEN Dyeing proteinsrenovating French dry cleaningWork called for and delivered Clul100 per month Old phone 338aWANTEDSmall electric motor

onehalf or one b p Address M

rare SunFOR SALE Carrtape rumabou

tad two sets of harness Ring O <

Phone 2 GG-

IWA11JJIJ Couple to room andboard at 217 North Fifth streetAlso day boarder wanted

FOR RlNTSix room cottngo2312 Broadway Apply J II GriffithOld phone 148-

0WANTEDSituation by an exporfencod saleslady in any depart-

ment City references given Cal1415 now phone

MISS MARY MIX will make spe-cial priceS In dressmaking during thetext few months Evening dresses t

poclalty Od phone 11C7

YOU are wanted fur Governmenposition 8000 month Write forlist of positions open Franklin Inititute Dept 104a Rocterter NY

YOUR LAtE curtains need cleanup You will make no mistake in

pending them V> the btar Landryhone 200-

CIIRISTMAS TIME Shop earlytee our moneysaving gifts for everymember of tho family and othersarrlsh Tho Jeweler 218 Broadway

WANTED YOU to glue Old Tay-

lor Ceal a trial We guarantee tc

please you Bradley Bros 339

both phenes

GIFTS FOR MEN at savIng pricesFobs watches scarf pins curt

Inks and other choice Jewelry ParrUh The Jeweler 218 Broadway

WANTEDTo turnlsn your urn

brclla with a new cover or handleW N Warren Jeweler 403 Broadway

FOR RENT 1201 South Eighthstreet Good location for groceryand Saloon See Richard Calissl

Doth phones 154

FOIL SALE Rhode Island liedcockerels that are red Put now

blood In your stock C L Faust1502 Broadway Old phone 1509a

WE WASH lace curtains very cuefully Get them cleaner and whitethan you could at home Star Laun-dry Phone 200

RECEIVE A lot of mlortodroods for Christmas suits Priceare reasonable Suits made up lin

fine style M Solomon 111 Broad-way Under Now Richmond House

FOR SALE OR RENT6cvon-oem house corner Eleventh amidi

Monroe streets hiss furnace and allmodern conveniences See F M

FisherFOIL SALE or tradeMy place

27 acres 5 miles from Paducah onCairo road New phone 7 1C or callat 1531 Broad street George JJones

JAMES BOWL1NO and Mrsyowling have charge of the Skoltoiboarding house 219 North Sixthand have some nice rooms and wantmoro boarders Good meals atreasonable prices-

IATItON1ZE the colored grocery24O Clay street Sugar 20 lbs 1

Mire bog lard 1C cents per lb Bestlour 75 cents per sack A full lineof first class good Free deliveryFJI L Cofleld old phone llS4r

WANTED Yeu to rememberthen placing your order for coalbat Old Taylor Coal is by test the

best and at the same price of theother Inferior coals sold on the Pa

iucah markets 4nlryyf




Make the Best

Christmas Presents°

Come select a few of tho

most popular magazines as

gifts for any of your familyPP-

or friends There Is nothing r

Imost of us appreciate more

and they mako such frequent

calls and bring such pleasureI that tho donor Is remembered

Quito often and cordiallyI

I We Make Cut Rites on


IIWo will duplicate any ottersyou have from any cut rate

I agents and assure you prompt i

deliveriesThis m-

uchDEWILSWThe Hook Magazine and

Music Man

HAIR WORK Mattio Dawzonold phono 711aIOn ItENT11to small house on

South Eleventh street Apply toDlcdcrman Grocery Co

ANTED To purchase heatingutove in good condlton A D caroSun

FOR SALE Fourhoreo KalibanksMorfo gasolne engine and tawIff Now phono 1079



GUM Also peppermint A most dollclous gumhighly perfumed Putup in a tin box a square box too

I Everywhere on the square Ec

WE STARCH lace curtains Justthe degree of stiffness that makesthem hang nicely and dry them uponframes that make them square < ul1

stretch them smooth and even StarLaundry Phone 100

WANTED Hustlers responsibleODd reliable 10 to 20 dally Spacialty Itetall to stores churcheshomes Kentucky territory or westManufacturer room 109 Belvedere


WANTEDMen7 to 8 pm

J to learn barberI trade Few weeks completes Moneyearned while learning Dig duiimodfor our graduates Weges 12 to520 weekly Llttlo expense Do In-

dependentI Catalogue mailed freeMoler Barber CollegeFOR SAL11f will bo 4n the city

IuntH about December 12th Whilehere I want to clone out on easy pay-ments


or cheap for cash nice fiveroom cottage 50 foot lot and fourroom cottage 40 foot lot Nos 192Cand 1934 Bridge street See themand make me an offer at Hogansgrocery 122 Kentucky avenue Altohave 20 30 and CO acre farms in IImole well mproved and cheap TWarren Sharpe of Springfield III

FINE NEW AUTOMOBILE TIRESheap not trust made goods Saveon CO per cent on tire cost Any

ityle bead 28x312GO 30x31375 30x3 H 1780 32x3 U

U890 34xH219GO 30x4

31x422 32x4 239012170 2080 31x43170 Dunlops 15 per cent additional Tubes15 per cent less than standard prices

IfblI ¬

tion 5 percent discount for cashwith order Qeyer Sales Co Day¬

ton Ohio

DID ITDtJ It ever occur 1youtow sure of our ground wo must boand how confident that wo can giveyou entire satisfaction In jnurChristmas shopping Our stock Iscomplete and wo soil nothing tnt de¬

pendable goals Wo know how curmode are made and can give you thofullest detail of thcfr manufacturenose have made It a rtudy from therough to the finished product Forcemerchants buy goods to sell and otvysee tho present profit Wo revokethis and buy goods that wlW Rivesatisfaction and gifts that you need rnot bo ashamed of In jvare to comeWhich is tho better propositionComo and toota over our stock Yc uwill then come out of that quandaryoa to what to give and whew to ptIt J L Wanner Jeweler 311Broadway


Sirs 0 L Hatch has return 11

from Chicago

Now is the TimeTo Have Those Fall and Winter

Garments Dyed or Cleaned

Iring us your Plumes fiats BultfSkirt Waists Etc We will restorehem to their former brightness I

DEMERTSModel Steam Dye Worlds

109 South Third Street1 lidl r pD 286R New Phone 28fje

