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Page 1: I. Project Description, Alternatives, Locationdot.alaska.gov/nreg/projects/61767-BannerCkBridge.Scoping.pdfProject Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement
Page 2: I. Project Description, Alternatives, Locationdot.alaska.gov/nreg/projects/61767-BannerCkBridge.Scoping.pdfProject Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement

2 Project Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement Project Number (state/federal): 61767/IM-0A2-3(18)

I. Project Description, Alternatives, Location

Location The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF), in cooperation with the

Alaska Division of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is proposing to replace the Banner

Creek Bridge near MP 295of the Richardson Highway approximately 29 miles north of Delta Junction,


The project is located within T7S, R7E, Sections 21, 22, 27, & 28, Fairbanks Meridian, USGS Quad

Map Big Delta B-5. The bridge coordinates Latitude 64°17’21.85”N, Longitude -146°21’06.74”W. See

Figure 1 for a project location map.

Description The project consists of the following work items. 1) construct a new longer bridge on or near the

existing bridge alignment, 2) re-shape the roadway approach embankment to accommodate the longer

bridge, 3) add or replace highway approach culverts as needed, 4) relocate utilities as needed, 5) acquire

additional right-of-way upstream and downstream of the bridge for construction activities and long-term

maintenance needs and 6) improve the upstream and downstream creek banks and channel as needed.

Temporary construction work may include temporary bypass roads, stream diversions, temporary fills to

isolate work areas from surrounding waters, a temporary work bridge or causeway to facilitate bridge

construction, and/or temporary erosion control measures.

Material site #62-4-105-2, located approximately 0.6 miles south of the bridge, is anticipated for use on

the project. The boundaries of the pit are shown on Figure 3.

Resource Setting

The existing bridge is comprised of two integrated structural components: the original northern two-lane

span which was constructed in 1954, and the upgraded southern two-lane span which was constructed in

1974. Upon completion of the southern upgrade traffic was detoured, and the northern section was

abandoned to pedestrian and ATV traffic. The structure as a whole is designated a part of the Interstate

Highway System (HIS) and is exempt from section 106 review (Advisory Council on Historic

Preservation, SAFETEA-LU, Section 6007).

The higher ground surrounding the roadway consists of both poorly drained ground dominated by black

spruce forested wetlands and well drained ground dominated by white spruce, paper birch, quaking

aspen, and black cottonwood. The majority of the proposed material site can be characterized as low-

lying river flats supporting shrub wetland dominated by large willow thickets and marsh grass.

Banner Creek is considered by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to be a resident fish-bearing

water. The banks of the creek are silt-laden and support a variety of upland species, including paper

birch white spruce, and alder, with an understory of fireweed, wild rose, moss, horsetail, and grass. The

stream bed varies in width from 40 – 100 feet.

Lands surrounding the bridge are owned by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Page 3: I. Project Description, Alternatives, Locationdot.alaska.gov/nreg/projects/61767-BannerCkBridge.Scoping.pdfProject Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement

3 Project Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement Project Number (state/federal): 61767/IM-0A2-3(18)

II. Purpose and Need of Project

The purpose of the project is to provide a safe and efficient roadway bridge crossing of the Richardson

Highway over Banner Creek for roadway travelers. The existing Banner Creek Bridge was constructed

in 1975. The bridge has not been significantly modified with the exception of a bridge rail retrofit

project in 1994. The Banner Creek Bridge has deteriorated over the years requiring special inspection

efforts to monitor bridge condition and safety. The 2012 bridge inspection report indicates notable

damage to the bridge superstructure and substructure with a condition rating of “poor” for both. The

proposed project will replace the bridge and correct road deficiencies to meet current seismic, safety,

and road design standards.

III. Environmental Consequences

A. Right-of-Way (ROW) Impacts:

1. ROW required:

a. Property required from a state or federal agency.

(1) State Park? Name: None

(2) State Refuge or Critical Habitat Area? Name: None

(3) Federal Park? Name: None

b. Property required from local government entity.

Type Property: Right-of-way acquisition from the DNR is proposed upstream and

downstream of the bridge. It would consist of approximate two 860’x 175’ rectangles

totaling 3.5 acres. See Figure 3.

c. Business or residential property required.

(1) Residential: (indicate number) None (2) Business: (indicate number) None

d. Property required from a Tribe or ANSCA corporation.

Name: None

2. Describe:

The project highway alignment is located within a 300-foot wide right-of-way corridor.

Additional right-of-way totaling 3.5 acres is proposed upstream and downstream of the

bridge for construction activities and long-term maintenance needs to accommodate any

future stream hydraulics management activities that may be needed to protect the integrity

of the new bridge.

B. Socio-Economic Impacts:

1. Project could affect community cohesion, neighborhoods, or other community facilities. No

2. Project could affect economic development, such as established area businesses. The project could

result in minor short-term traffic delays during construction. These delays are not expected

to be substantial enough to have an adverse effect on businesses-related travel.

3. Project could affect travel patterns and accessibility. During construction short term traffic

delays could occur. In the long term the project would extend the service life of the highway

thereby maintain existing travel patterns and accessibility.

4. Project could disproportionately affect minorities or disadvantaged persons (E.O. 12898) No

Page 4: I. Project Description, Alternatives, Locationdot.alaska.gov/nreg/projects/61767-BannerCkBridge.Scoping.pdfProject Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement

4 Project Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement Project Number (state/federal): 61767/IM-0A2-3(18)

C. Impacts to Historic Properties:

1. Historic properties listed on or potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Place

(NRHP) in project’s area of potential effect (APE). No listed NRHP sites are located in the

project area. A cultural resources survey of the project area found one historic site

within the project’s area of potential effect; a telephone/telegraph line (XBD-331).

The recommendation resulting from the survey is that the line does not retain the

necessary integrity to be eligible for inclusion on the NRHP. A final determination

on the eligibility of XBD-331 will be made after Section 106 consultation has been

completed with the State Historic Preservation Officer and other consulting parties.

2. Places of traditional religious or cultural importance to Tribes are present in the project area.

None known. Tribal groups were consulted concerning such places in an April 2, 2013 letter.

No places of traditional religious or cultural importance or other historic properties were

identified in response.

3. A historic properties survey may be required to identify if sites are present.

A cultural resources survey of the project area was completed in June 2012 as noted in

question C.1. above.

4. Possible adverse effect on historic properties. No historic properties are anticipated to be

affected by the project based on the cultural resources survey and recommendations. A final

determination of effect will be made after Section 106 consultation has been completed

with the State Historic Preservation Officer.

D. Fish & Wildlife Impacts:

1. Project could affect anadromous or resident fishes. Banner Creek is considered by the Alaska

Department of Fish and Game to be fish-bearing water. No anadromous waters have been

identified in the project area.

2. Problem fish pass culverts within the project area. No problem fish pass culverts have been identified

in the project area.

3. Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) present in the project area. No essential fish habitat has been identified in

the project area.

4. Wildlife Resources:

a. Project in area of high wildlife/vehicle accidents. No

b. Project could bisect migration corridors. No

c. Project could segment habitat. No

d. Species of concern to ADF&G in the project area None known

5. Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act: Eagle nesting tree(s) in the project area. Information on

the presence of active bald eagles in the project vicinity is not known at this time. We request bald

eagle activity information from the database of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or any other

agency with knowledge of current or historic bald eagle activity in the vicinity of the Banner Creek


6. Describe: See notes above.

Page 5: I. Project Description, Alternatives, Locationdot.alaska.gov/nreg/projects/61767-BannerCkBridge.Scoping.pdfProject Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement

5 Project Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement Project Number (state/federal): 61767/IM-0A2-3(18)

E. Threatened and Endangered (T&E) Species Impacts:

1. Listed T&E species present. No

2. T&E species migrate through the project area. None known

3. Proposed species present in project area. No

4. Candidate species present in the project area. No

5. Critical habitat in the project area. No

6. Describe:

No federally recognized threatened, endangered, proposed, or candidate species or critical habitat are

known to occur in the project vicinity.

F. Waters of the U.S and Water Bodies:

1. Project affects Waters of the U.S. (as defined by USACE), Section 404/10/103. Yes, the project is

expected to affect Banner Creek and wetlands in the project area including those within the

proposed material site.

2. Project affects Navigable Waters of the U.S. (as defined by USACE), Sec. 10. Yes

3. Project affects a Cataloged Anadromous Fish Stream (i.e., 41.14.870). No

4. Proposed river or stream involvement:

a. Temporary

Riprap Culvert Work Cofferdam Fill Relocation Diversion

b. Permanent

Riprap Culvert Embankment Fill Relocation Diversion

5. Describe:

Temporary and permanent impacts to Banner Creek would occur as a result of the bridge replacement.

G. Wetlands Impacts:

1. Project involves wetlands as defined by USACE. Yes

2. Acres: The estimated project impact on wetlands is approximately 15 acres.

3. Fill: Fill quantity unknown at this time.

4. Dredge: Dredging is not proposed.

5. USACE authorization required: Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit

Describe: Black spruce forested wetlands occur adjacent to the bridge and approaches. Shrub

wetlands occur in the Tanana River flats where the proposed material site is located. See Figure

3. Permanent and temporary impacts to these wetlands are anticipated as a result of the bridge

replacement work and material site extraction.

Page 6: I. Project Description, Alternatives, Locationdot.alaska.gov/nreg/projects/61767-BannerCkBridge.Scoping.pdfProject Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement

6 Project Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement Project Number (state/federal): 61767/IM-0A2-3(18)

H. Hazardous Waste:

1. Known or potentially contaminated sites along the corridor. No

2. ROW required from, or extensive excavation adjacent to, a known hazardous waste site. No

3. The existing and/or proposed ROW is contaminated. None known

4. Potential for encountering hazardous waste during construction is high. No

5. Describe:

A review of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) contaminated site

databases was completed on 5/22/13. No sites were found to be within the the project area.

Review of Environmental Protection Agency resource sites revealed no sites of concern for

encountering hazardous materials within the project area.

I. Air Quality Impacts (NEPA and Conformity):

1. NEPA (all projects):

a. The project is located in an air quality nonattainment or maintenance area (i.e. CO or PM-10). No

If yes, indicate CO or PM-10

b. The project is of the type exempt from an air quality analysis per 40 CFR 93.126 (Table 2 and

Exempt Projects). Not Applicable

2. Conformity (projects in nonattainment areas only): Not Applicable

a. The project is identified in the approved STIP.

b. The project is in the most current air quality conformity (i.e., TIP).

c. Have there been any changes in the project design concept and scope, as described in the STIP and

TIP conformity analysis?

3. Describe:

The project is not located in an air quality nonattainment or maintenance area.

J. Floodplains Impacts (23 CFR Part 650, Subpart A):

Project encroaches onto a 100-year floodplain.

The project is located within the FEMA-mapped 100-year floodplain of Banner Creek and the

Tanana River.

1. Project involves a regulatory floodway. No

2. Project is located within an area protected by local flood hazard ordinances. Yes

3. Flood hazard permit is required from local government. Yes


The project is located within a FEMA-mapped 100-year floodplain and will require a floodplain

permit from the Fairbanks North Star Borough

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7 Project Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement Project Number (state/federal): 61767/IM-0A2-3(18)

K. Noise Impact (23 CFR Part 772):

1. There are noise-sensitive receivers/land uses adjacent to the proposed project? Yes

2. The project is located on new location, would result in substantial changes in vertical or horizontal

alignment, or would increase the number of through lanes? No. The project does not reduce the

distance to a receptor by half or less. The proposed vertical alignment does not remove visual

shielding or open up a new line of sight to receptors. The project would not increase the number

of through lanes or add an auxiliary lane.

L. Water Quality Impact:

1. Project could involve a public or private drinking source. No

2. Project could result in a discharge of storm water to Waters of the U.S. Runoff only

3. Project could affect a designated impaired water body. No

List name(s) and location(s): Not Applicable.

4. Is there a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) NPDES permit or will runoff be mixed with

discharges from an NPDES permitted industrial facility? No

5. If extensive dewatering (>250,000 gallons) is anticipated, is the area to be dewatered within 1 mile of a

contaminated site? Not Applicable

4. Describe:

It is anticipated that some storm water runoff will leave the site and enter waters of the U.S. by way

of this storm water, some sediment may be transported to down gradient waters during construction

of the proposed project. Off-site sedimentation is expected to be minimal and best management

practices will be implemented for the purpose of meeting state and federal water quality standards. A

project-specific erosion and sediment control plan will be developed prior to construction initiation.

A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be developed and implemented by the

construction contractor. The SWPPP will comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination

System (NPDES) General Permit for Construction Activities.

M. Section 4(f)/6(f):

1. There would be a “use” of land from 4(f) properties. No

2. Section 6(f) properties affected by the proposed action. No

3. List agency(s) with jurisdiction: Not Applicable

4. Describe: Based on information DOT&PF has gathered the project would not involve the use of

a Section 4(f) lands or a conversion of 6(f) lands. No Section 6(f) lands have been identified in the

project vicinity. Our understanding from DNR is that based on the Tanana Basin Area Plan

(TBAP) DNR lands surrounding the project are managed for multiple uses including forestry,

wildlife habitat, and recreation. None of these lands is designated as a refuge and the recreational

management and use of these lands does not consist of designated or developed facilities but is

dispersed recreational use such as hunting, fishing, canoeing, snowmachine use, four-wheeler use,

and trapping. Based on this information, Section 4(f) does not apply to these lands.

Page 8: I. Project Description, Alternatives, Locationdot.alaska.gov/nreg/projects/61767-BannerCkBridge.Scoping.pdfProject Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement

8 Project Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement Project Number (state/federal): 61767/IM-0A2-3(18)

N. Permits and Authorizations

1. USACE, Section 404/10/103: Yes

2. USCG, Section 9: Not Anticipated.

3. ADFG, Fish Habitat Permit: Yes

4. Flood Hazard: Yes

5. ADEC 401: Yes

6. ADEC Storm Non-domestic Storm Water Disposal Plan Approval: Yes

7. APDES: Compliance with ADEC’s APDES General Permit for Construction Activities

8. ADNR, OPMP (ACMP Consistency): No

9. ADEC Dewatering: Possible

10. ADF&G Special Area: No

11. Other. If “yes,” list.

Page 9: I. Project Description, Alternatives, Locationdot.alaska.gov/nreg/projects/61767-BannerCkBridge.Scoping.pdfProject Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement

Banner Creek


Department of Transportation and Public Facilities

Delta Junction, Alaska

DATE: 6/6/13 Figure 1

Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526



Location and Vicinity Map


















Banner Creek


Fairbanks 62 miles


Page 10: I. Project Description, Alternatives, Locationdot.alaska.gov/nreg/projects/61767-BannerCkBridge.Scoping.pdfProject Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement

1 inch ~ 300 feet

Milepost 296

Project Area West





Banner Creek


Department of Transportation and Public Facilities

Delta Junction, Alaska

DATE: 6/6/13 Figure 2

Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526



Project Work Area


Preliminary Wetland Boundaries

Existing Right-of-Way

Proposed R/W

Project Area West

Page 11: I. Project Description, Alternatives, Locationdot.alaska.gov/nreg/projects/61767-BannerCkBridge.Scoping.pdfProject Name: Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526 Replacement

Banner Creek


Department of Transportation and Public Facilities

Delta Junction, Alaska

DATE: 6/6/13 Figure 3

Richardson Highway MP 295 Banner Creek Bridge #0526



1 inch ~ 430 feet

Project Area East

Banner Creek Bridge

MS 62-4-105-2

Project Work Area


Preliminary Wetland Boundaries

Material Site

Milepost 295

Existing Right-of-Way

Material Site

Proposed R/W
