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II BiN, J91fMLJ9a &UJU1 IMKRl fl6S If sve NI NG BULLCTIN ... · San Diego, Cal., March 12.--Tho...

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II f y UBMeMaMMHBHBrTVHHnrainHBHBMaBflaBMBMHHnHBBnBMTS feJKIl . $$' ''$?; ISHHrSnWs JBHH ..SZHniHCHPanBHHniPWHBMflnllHnWinr'l??. i'"HlBIaHni!VinHBBVWinVHIK)'':&SMBnSCinNa'.i . m riiiMi a TrmmrnT v ' 'BPf, ...4 BiN, rlalliV J91fMLJ9a l &UJU1 IMKRl 1!14K1HR. VsHHnV3lifMnKI!!iP?'HBHVHRCT v V - WWIMMU' 'ym'T' v ATnSKKl raBBplFHeL. ' .OtiHftlcfctiiVlYCP&tl! iWI k' tf?? fl6S t . , ootfr3S3frfrfrOfrom to Advertising Medium. $ The Oldesl S 'Pase If you Don't Read the Bulltlt 1 sve N I NG BULLCTIN Evening Paper Published you Don't Gel ALL the Ncwi. VJ on the Hawaiian Islands. f Reaches ALL the Vioblch f Subscription 75c. a month. 0000&t f ri ' fr0Ot0OtOOMIMM0C Vol. III. No. 57G. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, APKIL 5, 1897. Price 5 Cents. ( ' i THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published overy day except Sunday at 210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. SUUSCIUPTION RA.TKS. Per Month, nnywhoro in the Ha- waiian Islands 3 70 Per Year. 8 00 Per Year, postpaid to America, Catiado, or Mexico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, othor Poroign Gountrioa 13 00 Paynblo Invariably lu Advanoo. Telephono 200. F. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. Beautiful eyes grow dull an-- dim As the awift years steal nway. Beautiful, willowy form 1.0 nllm Lose Islrnen with everyday. Cut she still Is queen and hath charms to spare Who wears youth's coronal beautiful hair. Ayer's Hair Vigor will preserve your hair, and thus pre- serve your youth. "A woman is as old as she looks," says the world. No woman looks as old as she it if her hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling out, restoring its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. GOLD MEbTLTSiiiSr. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Aueuts for the Republic of Hawaii. Grass Linens Wo have jut received a lino of GRASS LINENS ofEX-'- I REMELY FINE QUAL 1TY and uro safe iu saying they uro the finest ovor here. A MCE Qrass Linen is rouoh superior to sill: in appearance and there is no 0 iruparipon whatever iu tho wear. Wo have them in ife and dolors L L GM EL Q. I3fA.KT, 401 Fort Street. Jeufeler ad 7atcImalcp - 87 Huvlnc limmht out tlio nntlre stock of J E. G'iniHH I um prepredv ioiunii-.- 1'iraiciiiH-- t jeweiry hi rea- sonable rices. " WilekmaklDE and Repairiiij a Specialty. larNi.Mvn Work of (tit kiwi. Aleo Wire Ornaments. FRANCIS DUNN, Architect and Superintendent B, Office: 305 Fort street, Sprockets' Block, Room 5. NEWS FROM THE ORIENT IlHi MiltSIDIKS poll THE NIPPON Y I'M EN KtlNIIA. I In; Oplnlll of tlm Nntilua Nnyt Ku t.neiny Cun Mimd Auctliist JaMii'n hqundrou. Tlio following itorae from tho Orient aro culled from exchanges rocoived by tho steamship Gaelic on Saturday: A cotton spinning mill hashoon completed at Wuchang. A foreign equipped paper mill is to bo started ut Hangchow, per- mission to build having been granted by Governor Liau. Whilo a farmer was hooiug in a field near Nanking his hoo struck something hard, and upon dig- ging down a little way he found a jar full of jewels of great aluo. According to native advices tho Japiiueso Settlement at Soochow was formally handed over by tho Chincco on tho 2nd iuat., the Governor, tho Treasurer, and tho Customs Taotai being present on the occasiou. The Nippon Yuseu Kaisha, says tho Japan Mail, taking ad- vantage of tho profits ucciuiug from tho Into China war, opened linos to America, Australia, and Europe, but tho expenditures during the past year have amount ed to yon 3,lt.0,000. Thoro being no prospect of the business pay ing, luo Compauy reueutly peti tinned the Government forfurth er subsidies. Tlio Authorities have decided to uraut yen us i supplementary rants, and tho proioct will bo laid beforo tho Diet as a Supplementary Budget at an early date. Captain Kurooka, of tho Japa- nese cruisor Nauiwu, speaking at a dinner given by Admiral Tsu-bo- i on the conclusion of tho re- cent manoeuvres, said the ma- noeuvres had been very satisfac- tory, and there had boon no acci- dents. No enemy, ho baid, could staud against tho Bquadrou if managed with such skill as was displayed in tho recent manoeuv- res. The British navy, ho under- stood, allowed 50,000 tons of coal a year for naval uiaiicouvron; aud the British ulways kept abreast of other couotiies iu the strongth of their navy. That policy did not change with euuh new Ministry, aud he only wished that Japan followed that example. Tho first of the now twin screw steamers for the Europoan lino of tho Nippon lusen ICainlm. the a S. Kaungawa Maru, 5S00 tons LTOfs. left Antwero on 21st Jnn.. . and h intended hi cnm,.! thi ! vo ase t , Jaiiftn in fotlv livot:nH. I calling only at Siugaporo ou route. For this sorvico eleven othor twiusorew steamers aro un- der connti action, making twelve now boats in all. They have been spouially dosigued for tho Eastoru t ratio, aud will have evory facility for tho rapid loading and dis- charging of cargoes, oxcolloul ac- commodation for u large number of fimt and bi'cond oIiirh passen- gers, ai,d will tni lightetl through- out by electricity. Directly tho uow steamors aro dolivorod, will be incieased to a lortnightly service. Ench of theso vessels will bo of 5800 tons gross. Ililrd Circuit I frill. On tho calendar of tho currant term of tho Third Circuit Court ut Kailua, there are seven Hawai- ian and thirteen foreign criminal cutes; of civil suits tliroo for tho Hawaiian jury, two ouch for the mixed aud foreign juries, four jury waived, three equity aud thirteen ilivoice a total of 17 cases. Unlicensed liquor selling loads with five on the criminal list, aud of three grave folonies ouo chargo, against a Chinaman, is for murder. Judgo Hitchcock has his hands full, King Bros, have just fillod an ordor for 200 colored Hawaiian photos for a party in America. I IN THE HIGHER COURTS wii.i, oKNA.uuih. j. iimm:y imm:i roii pitouA-ri:- . Viiriona .llultors on nie In oiil'kN OOlcn-fntll- lon Iu flnukrriilcy Jrnntvl. Plaintiff iu J. F. Colhurn vs. O. W. Spitz by his attorney, Charles Creighton, has filed aii oxcoption to tho ordor over-ruli- ng liis mo- tion for a new trial. Iu 13. Shimizu vs. H. Hamana- ka, assumpsit, tho plaiutili by his attorney, A. G. M. Robertson, has filed an oxceptiou to Judge Porry's xullug iu which a motion of do-fa- ult against tho defendant was refused. W. W. Boyd was adjudged bankrupt on his- own petition by Judgo 1'erry today. His liabili- ties are S900. Proof of claims und election of an assignee ure set for Friday next, as officially announ- ced in thin paper. Judge Perrj has signed an or dor for 0. W. booth, tinsteo un- der the will of Malia ivnhui, to pay Charles Croightou's bill of Curito, tilijouuiiuy to S2o-t.2u- , Hfl ad litem for the miuor de fendants 111 tho caso of the Booths vs. tho Jiakors, a suit to construe tho said will. Tho minor heirs of M. P. Ro binson by their guardian ad litem, J. O. Carter, muke answer to tho bill for partition . of . laud .. in Eiva previously reported, lliey pray tkat plaintiffs bo required to make proof of alleuotions, and submit their interests and rights to tho protection of tho Court. Paul Neumann, attorney for plaintiff in tho libel suit of J. E. Gomos vs. Hawaiian Guzetta Com pany, has served notiro ou W. R. Castle, attorney for defendant, of intention to move for reinstate ment of tho case on tho calondar tomorrow. Emily Piipii Hatton petitions for probate of tho will of Samuel J. Bailoy, leaving her roal estate at Kuuluwcla, Honolulu, valued at S800, she being the solo devisee and logateo and named by tho teBtutor as executrix to servo with- out bond. Tho to.itatordied March 30, 1897, at the age of forty years, petitioner uot knowing whether ho left auy heirs at law. Tlio will waB executed January 12, 189-1- , in presonco of J. Mahiai Kancakua aud the late Edward ff. Ward. Uus'-- Institute. Tho illuminated address, hereto- - Inra mcat,nnK' : ' iul.rim, Mfii I'rcHi.ntod to Messrs. Cownrt and Kirkpatrick of tho Hagoy In stitute on Saturday evening iu tho presonco of a gathering of nearly 200 people. Tlio presontatiou ad- dress was made by W. Horaco Wright. Othor speakors wore John Sholdon, Waltor Hrasch, A. Sorimgoour. Messrs. Cowort and Knkpiitrifk Doth maito snort ad- dresses expressive of thoir appre- ciation of tho houor conform! ou them, aud afterward outortuiuod those present at Hart's ioo-ore- uiu parlors. Tlio IcnriiH ut hail llli'ijo. San Diego, Cal., March 12.-- Tho British ship Icarus, Captain Floot, arrived today from Hono- lulu, from which pott it sailed on February 20. It encountered bad weather on tho voyage and its coal supply ran short, mi the vessel proceeded under sail. It will take coal and sail for Esquimalt ,on Monday . A meeting of tho Woman's Board of Missions will bo held on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 iu tho Central Union church. Tho mis- sionaries who arrived in tho Morn- ing Star will spoak and extracts from letters and journals will bo road. Mrs. Barnoy will also ad- dress the soaioty. Visitors mado most wolc unn. A sail of articles will follow tho meeting. THE RACES WILL BE HELD IIIK JIIOKKV CMJII 1'INAI.T.V CSE1N MOWN ! III'SI.Nr.SS. rin- - .tlri-lln- win i.hsi ihIh. twill WliiTlmi'ii Ate Invlti'il lei I'ltrllrlimti-- . Tho members of tho Jockey Club finally he)d n meeting on Saturday afternoon and decided to hold the 11th of Juno meoting as usual. As the auuiversary falls on Friday, and tho uoxt day is a half holiday, it was decided to hold tho races on both Friday aud Saturday afternoons, instead of making a long day of it on he national holiday. This decision seoms to meet with general ap- proval, as vory few people care to Bpond all day at tho races. Tho details of tho mooting have been left for an executive commit-te- o, who atouco met and formulat ed the following program which, however, is subject to chango if it cau be impioved on: ELEVENTH OF JUNE, 1B97. First: Hicyclo race. Prize Gold medal; for all. Second: Bicycle race. Prize J Gold medal; one milo haudicap. Third: Running race. Half milo dash; free for all. I'ourtli: race ind trot, r rector (ill! Otfifl I'lrWH! 9 :t Fifth: Running race. Hawaiian brod half milo dash. Sixth: Rosita challengo cup. Free for all; ouo-mi- le dash. Seventh: Pace and trot. Froo for all; 2:30 cIiibs; 2 3. Eighth: Oceanic Steamship Company's cup. Running race; Hawaiian brod; three-quarter-m- ile dash. TWELFTH OK JUNE. First: Bicyclo. Prizo Gold medal; half-mil- o dash. Second: Bicyclo. Prize Gold medal; 0110 milo haudicap. Third: Running race Hawaiian bred; five-eigh- ths of a milo. Fourth: Pace and trot. Free for all; 3-- 5. Fifth: PresidcntWidemann cup. Running race; freo for all; mile aud a quarter dash. Sixth: Running race. Ilawai iau bred: ouo mile dash. Sovouth: Freo for all, paco and trot, for beatou horses; handicap. The decision of tho committeo to havo two bicyclo oveuts on each afternoon will add variety to the meets, besides being a source of gratification to the wheelmen. I'lre mi Tiiiilulim. Betweeu 4 and 5 o'clock on Sat urdity afternoon a portion of tho Tantalus forest was discovered to bo on firo. Forester Hanghs took his force of Japaneso from the government nursery at tho Nuu auu Pali to tho firo at once, iu the meantime notifying Minister King aud acting Commissioner Wrny Taylor, who organized a forco ot 25 or 30 tnou and wont to tho eceuo. On their arrival they found Mr. Haughs and his men had succeeded iu putting the firo out. A considerable area planted with young trees was burned. A VOICE rilOM Till, BLEACHERS. Local interest in the criokct games ns reileetetl from the "hlcachcrs" Is in- creasing. During- - Saturday's games the "hleachers" were particularly vo- ciferous and kept the players under u running tire of good natured hanter. One small boy brought down the crowd by advising the batsman to "go buy n caBe of Rainier Beer and get tsonie life In you." Tlio crowd applaud-e- d tho remark, knowing that Rainier Ili-e-r is celebrated for lti iavlcoratlng and strength-givin- g propensities. On tp or in bottles at the Criterion. Mechanics' Homo, cornor Hotel and Nuunnu streets, lodging by day, woek or month. Tonus: 25 and 50 cents por night. $1, and 1.25 por week. VALLEY TENNIS COURTS! oi-kni- with on NATCltUAY AITKKNOON. I'liio Cqillpnirlll Tor till t.nmr Milo nl the Courts. Anyone going upNuuauu avon-u- Saturday afternoon would have got a glimpse of gay goings ou at Kuakiui Btroot. To the mountain sido of that now street, a little way from Nuuanu, tho white canvas of a pavilion and several touts shim- mered in tho sun, whilo at many points ovor the encampment the gaudy colors of various ilags Hut leied iu tho steady valloy breeze. People wore swarming thore from tho cars, alighting at tho gates from carriages and flying into the grounds upon bicycles. Strains of music roso iu tho air. All thoso gala day evidences woro transpiring at tho lately completed courts of tho Valloy Tenuis Club, which were being opened with a reception to which members of other tenuis clubs and mauy other people had beou invited. There aro three courts in the compound, two itlmtliug end- wise 011 Kuakiui stroet aud one running crosswieo behind these. In a space betwoeu tho two and tho one a largo circular canopy was raised, open below all around so as to afford a view iu overy di rectiou. Beneath this shade set- tees aud chairs were couvonioutly arranged, aud iu u crescout row in tho middle was seated the com mitteo of reception, consisting of Mrs. S. M. Damon, Mrs. A. E. Nichols, Mrs. S. M. Ballou.Missos May Damon, Sadie Carter, Rita Schmidt, Florence Carter and Mabel Sorenson. Rufrcshmeut tables were arranged ou either bide of tho outrnncA to the re- ception pavilion, from which waitors under dirootioti of Mrs. J. O. Carter, Mrs. Young and Miss Campbell served tho guests. Fiue salads and saudwichos, buttered buus and a variety of cuke, ice- cream and sherbet, together with cottVo, mado up a repast equal to a high class ballroom supper. Besides, thoro was a lemouude stand under refreshing tribute all the aftomoon. I hroughuut the aftomoon all three courts wero occupied) by successive sots of players, who appreciated the excellence of the grounds to tho full. From the polo of tho maiu pavilion there floated the club's pouuant, red color with gold mo- nogram worked in This was mado by Mrs. Nichols assisted by other ludy members of tho club. American, British and Hawaiian flags were flying from tlio framework of the back nets of the courts. Tho sito of the courts is ouo of the prettiest places in Honolulu for view of scenery, commanding ns it does the mountain ranges forming tho Valloy, Puuubbowl und tho inouu tains beyond, aud a stietuh of gruens fields dotted with cottages and trees looking toward Palama. As for tho courts thutiirtelvoa tlK'y uro simply porfeot iu equipment aud finish. If tennis do uot flourish in Nuunnu Valloy now, it will not bo for wuut of facilities. Tho club was formed last Juno und S. M. Damon kindly gave it tho uso of tho laud ou which its courts havo been constructed. Its officers aro: President, Dr. A. E. Nichols; vico president, H. W. M. Mist; secretary, A. St. M. Mackintosh; treasurer, WillardlS. Brown. The committoo having charge of the oponiug consisted of II. W. M. Mist, Goo. Howard and Fred. Watorhouse. Music was fur- nished by tho Ilawniiau Quinletto Club. Tho Valley Tenuis Club will havo ladies' days appointed liko tho other clubs. Thoro js a junior touuis organi- zation affiliated with tho V. T. O., of which Allan Judd is tho head. Tho young folks had thoir open- ing a week previous to that of tho seniors, and enjoyed thomselvos immensoly playing aud feasting. USEFUL OBJECT LESSON o.m; vw;m iniimi,a.m)noi-:on- i OX SIJGAIt. Trltililml Itltrrtlllril II IiultiMrlr uiid'lherrliii-i- t Will Hnlly I'm 1 Thrnnjcli. Amidst the puuninence L'ivon to I our great Colonies and Dependen-- 1 cies in the leading public journals, , says the British Trade Review, there is sometimes a iiossilnhty of some of tho smallor places which acknowledge British rule being overlooked. In the course of tho past'inouth tho island ot Trinidad, in the British West Indies not the wretched little islet of that name off tho coast of Brazil, as A writer in the Standard is caroful to explain, whore tho chief pro- duct is a species of hideous land-cra- b has been colebratiug tho centenary of tho British occupa- tion of tho island. Our contemp- orary, after giving uu intorostiug historical review of tho dependen- cy, aud a dosctiption of the man- ners aud customs of its inhabit- ants, culls attention to tho pro- gress that tho people of Trinidad havo mado in utilising tho resour- ces of thoir soil, aud does tho isl- and a good turn by observing that what aro most needed to further dovolop tho riches of tho laud aro capital and skill. Fortunatoly for Trinidad, con- tinues the Standard writer, tho cessation of sugar cultivation will cause, less disturbance there than olsewhoro. Tho area uudor sugar-ca- uo iu 1805 was 58,500 acres, as against 1)7,000 acres under cocoa. Coffee at one timo was largely grown; but according to tho latest figures only 1000 acres aro now devoted to that product. Over 40,000 acres aro occupied by other cultivation aud padturago. From tlifiiu tho chief export io cocoa-nuts- . The vuluo of tho cocou ex- ported in 1895 waB XG20.634, ob against 500,415 for sugar. In 1801 tho export waB il30,78G. Without going further iuto figures, which aro of doubtful value aB iudicatious of tho and prospority of agri- cultural industry iu tho Tropics, it will bo secu thut Trinidad has made some advanco in utilis- ing tho varied capabilities of hor soil aud climate. Then theto is tho Pitch Lake a valuablo source of revenue. Tho island does not livo by sugar alone; and thoro is scarcely any tropical product that might uot bo growu. Here, as elsowhoro in that region, what aro most needed uio capital and the skill with which to employ it in new directions. Even during tho years of low prices for augur, Trinidad has been able to hold her own. Her plantors havo moved with tho times, so far as their capital would allow them; ami the spirit-i- which tho cocoa industry has been pursued has enabled tho island to maintain its position while many of its neigh- bors havo gone back. Threatened, therefore, though Trinidad may bo, by the possible failure of tho sugar industry, bIio is not likely to bo ruined, adds our contemporary, Bhould ovory cauefield, iu tho courso of time, have to bo ahaudonod. Associat- ed with her for governmental pur-pon- es is the little island of Toba- go, with its population of negro poasantry, numbering about twenty thousand a protty, but sleopy place, almost abuudoucd by whites, which might, however, be oullnated on ovory sido, aud would cortaiuly mako an oxcollont sanatorium, for the heat there is tempered by strong aud nover-failin- g broezos. Tho centenary of tho British occupation of Trini- dad is in itsolf an intoiPt-tiii- ovont, and will havo been uaofully olwervod should it help to make tho colony mora widely known ut Europe, nnd tho residents and traders of tho island aro indebted to tho Standard for its able aud informing articlo, which should be of no Blight sorvico in calling at- tention to Trinidad as n liold for British eiilcrnriso. '- - . . i''i j '"-v- ;is .J- -. . ii ,r.r:i.l.,..fc.L. ft. . Jfc. W . J
Page 1: II BiN, J91fMLJ9a &UJU1 IMKRl fl6S If sve NI NG BULLCTIN ... · San Diego, Cal., March 12.--Tho British ship Icarus, Captain Floot, arrived today from Hono-lulu, from which pott it





m riiiMi a TrmmrnT v ''BPf, ...4 BiN, rlalliV J91fMLJ9a l &UJU1 IMKRl 1!14K1HR. VsHHnV3lifMnKI!!iP?'HBHVHRCT v V - WWIMMU' 'ym'T' v ATnSKKl raBBplFHeL. ' .OtiHftlcfctiiVlYCP&tl! iWI k' tf?? fl6S

t .

, ootfr3S3frfrfrOfromto Advertising Medium. $ The Oldesl S 'PaseIfyou Don't Read the Bulltlt 1 sve N I NG BULLCTIN Evening Paper Published

you Don't Gel ALL the Ncwi. VJ on the Hawaiian Islands. fReaches ALL the Vioblch fSubscription 75c. a month.0000&t f ri '


Vol. III. No. 57G. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, APKIL 5, 1897. Price 5 Cents.

( '



Published overy day except Sunday at210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.


Per Month, nnywhoro in the Ha-waiian Islands 3 70

Per Year. 8 00Per Year, postpaid to America,

Catiado, or Mexico 1000Per Year, postpaid, othor Poroign

Gountrioa 13 00

Paynblo Invariably lu Advanoo.Telephono 200. F. O. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

Beautiful eyes grow dull an-- dimAs the awift years steal nway.

Beautiful, willowy form 1.0 nllmLose Islrnen with everyday.

Cut she still Is queen and hath charms tospare

Who wears youth's coronal beautiful hair.

Ayer'sHair Vigor

will preserve your hair, and thus pre-serve your youth. "A woman is asold as she looks," says the world. Nowoman looks as old as she it if herhair has preserved its normal beauty.You can keep hair from falling out,restoring its normal color, or restorethe normal color to gray or faded hairby the use of

Ayer'sHair Vigor.GOLD MEbTLTSiiiSr.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Aueuts for the Republic of Hawaii.

Grass LinensWo have jut received a linoof GRASS LINENS ofEX-'- I

REMELY FINE QUAL1TY and uro safe iu sayingthey uro the finest ovor


A MCEQrass Linen

is rouoh superior to sill: inappearance and there is no0 iruparipon whatever iu thowear. Wo have them in

ife and dolors


401 Fort Street.

Jeufeler ad 7atcImalcp-

87 Huvlnc limmht out tlio nntlrestock of J E. G'iniHH I um prepredvioiunii-.- 1'iraiciiiH-- t jeweiry hi rea-sonable rices. "

WilekmaklDE and Repairiiij a Specialty.

larNi.Mvn Work of (tit kiwi. AleoWire Ornaments.


Architect and Superintendent

B, Office: 305 Fort street,Sprockets' Block, Room 5.



I In; Oplnlll of tlm Nntilua Nnyt Kut.neiny Cun Mimd Auctliist

JaMii'n hqundrou.

Tlio following itorae from thoOrient aro culled from exchangesrocoived by tho steamship Gaelicon Saturday:

A cotton spinning mill hashooncompleted at Wuchang.

A foreign equipped paper millis to bo started ut Hangchow, per-mission to build having beengranted by Governor Liau.

Whilo a farmer was hooiug in afield near Nanking his hoo strucksomething hard, and upon dig-ging down a little way he founda jar full of jewels of great aluo.

According to native advices thoJapiiueso Settlement at Soochowwas formally handed over by thoChincco on tho 2nd iuat., theGovernor, tho Treasurer, and thoCustoms Taotai being present onthe occasiou.

The Nippon Yuseu Kaisha,says tho Japan Mail, taking ad-vantage of tho profits ucciuiugfrom tho Into China war, openedlinos to America, Australia, andEurope, but tho expendituresduring the past year have amounted to yon 3,lt.0,000. Thoro beingno prospect of the business paying, luo Compauy reueutly petitinned the Government forfurth ersubsidies. Tlio Authorities havedecided to uraut yen us i

supplementary rants, and thoproioct will bo laid beforo thoDiet as a Supplementary Budgetat an early date.

Captain Kurooka, of tho Japa-nese cruisor Nauiwu, speaking ata dinner given by Admiral Tsu-bo- i

on the conclusion of tho re-cent manoeuvres, said the ma-noeuvres had been very satisfac-tory, and there had boon no acci-dents. No enemy, ho baid, couldstaud against tho Bquadrou ifmanaged with such skill as wasdisplayed in tho recent manoeuv-res. The British navy, ho under-stood, allowed 50,000 tons of coala year for naval uiaiicouvron; audthe British ulways kept abreast ofother couotiies iu the strongth oftheir navy. That policy did notchange with euuh new Ministry,aud he only wished that Japanfollowed that example.

Tho first of the now twin screwsteamers for the Europoan lino oftho Nippon lusen ICainlm. thea S. Kaungawa Maru, 5S00 tonsLTOfs. left Antwero on 21st Jnn.. .and h intended hi cnm,.! thi !

vo ase t , Jaiiftn in fotlv livot:nH. I

calling only at Siugaporo ouroute. For this sorvico elevenothor twiusorew steamers aro un-der connti action, making twelvenow boats in all. They have beenspouially dosigued for tho Eastorut ratio, aud will have evory facilityfor tho rapid loading and dis-charging of cargoes, oxcolloul ac-commodation for u large numberof fimt and bi'cond oIiirh passen-gers, ai,d will tni lightetl through-out by electricity. Directly thouow steamors aro dolivorod,

will be incieased to alortnightly service. Ench of thesovessels will bo of 5800 tons gross.

Ililrd Circuit I frill.On tho calendar of tho currant

term of tho Third Circuit Courtut Kailua, there are seven Hawai-ian and thirteen foreign criminalcutes; of civil suits tliroo for thoHawaiian jury, two ouch for themixed aud foreign juries, fourjury waived, three equity audthirteen ilivoice a total of 17cases. Unlicensed liquor sellingloads with five on the criminallist, aud of three grave foloniesouo chargo, against a Chinaman,is for murder. Judgo Hitchcockhas his hands full,

King Bros, have just fillod anordor for 200 colored Hawaiianphotos for a party in America. I


wii.i, oKNA.uuih. j. iimm:y imm:iroii pitouA-ri:- .

Viiriona .llultors on nie In oiil'kNOOlcn-fntll- lon Iu flnukrriilcy


Plaintiff iu J. F. Colhurn vs. O.W. Spitz by his attorney, CharlesCreighton, has filed aii oxcoptionto tho ordor over-ruli- ng liis mo-

tion for a new trial.Iu 13. Shimizu vs. H. Hamana-

ka, assumpsit, tho plaiutili by hisattorney, A. G. M. Robertson, hasfiled an oxceptiou to Judge Porry'sxullug iu which a motion of do-fa- ult

against tho defendant wasrefused.

W. W. Boyd was adjudgedbankrupt on his- own petition byJudgo 1'erry today. His liabili-ties are S900. Proof of claims undelection of an assignee ure set forFriday next, as officially announ-ced in thin paper.

Judge Perrj has signed an ordor for 0. W. booth, tinsteo un-der the will of Malia ivnhui, topay Charles Croightou's bill ofCurito, tilijouuiiuy to S2o-t.2u- , Hfl

ad litem for the miuor defendants 111 tho caso of the Boothsvs. tho Jiakors, a suit to construetho said will.

Tho minor heirs of M. P. Robinson by their guardian ad litem,J. O. Carter, muke answer to thobill for partition

.of. laud.. in Eiva

previously reported, lliey praytkat plaintiffs bo required to makeproof of alleuotions, and submittheir interests and rights to thoprotection of tho Court.

Paul Neumann, attorney forplaintiff in tho libel suit of J. E.Gomos vs. Hawaiian Guzetta Company, has served notiro ou W. R.Castle, attorney for defendant, ofintention to move for reinstatement of tho case on tho calondartomorrow.

Emily Piipii Hatton petitionsfor probate of tho will of SamuelJ. Bailoy, leaving her roal estateat Kuuluwcla, Honolulu, valuedat S800, she being the solo deviseeand logateo and named by thoteBtutor as executrix to servo with-out bond. Tho to.itatordied March30, 1897, at the age of forty years,petitioner uot knowing whether holeft auy heirs at law. Tlio willwaB executed January 12, 189-1- , inpresonco of J. Mahiai Kancakuaaud the late Edward ff. Ward.

Uus'-- Institute.Tho illuminated address, hereto- -

Inra mcat,nnK' : ' iul.rim,Mfii I'rcHi.ntod to Messrs. Cownrtand Kirkpatrick of tho Hagoy Institute on Saturday evening iu thopresonco of a gathering of nearly200 people. Tlio presontatiou ad-dress was made by W. HoracoWright. Othor speakors woreJohn Sholdon, Waltor Hrasch, A.Sorimgoour. Messrs. Cowort andKnkpiitrifk Doth maito snort ad-dresses expressive of thoir appre-ciation of tho houor conform! outhem, aud afterward outortuiuodthose present at Hart's ioo-ore- uiu


Tlio IcnriiH ut hail llli'ijo.

San Diego, Cal., March 12.-- Tho

British ship Icarus, CaptainFloot, arrived today from Hono-lulu, from which pott it sailed onFebruary 20. It encountered badweather on tho voyage and its coalsupply ran short, mi the vesselproceeded under sail. It willtake coal and sail for Esquimalt,on Monday .

A meeting of tho Woman'sBoard of Missions will bo held onTuesday afternoon at 2:30 iu thoCentral Union church. Tho mis-

sionaries who arrived in tho Morn-ing Star will spoak and extractsfrom letters and journals will boroad. Mrs. Barnoy will also ad-

dress the soaioty. Visitors madomost wolc unn. A sail of articleswill follow tho meeting.




rin- - .tlri-lln- win i.hsi ihIh. twillWliiTlmi'ii Ate Invlti'il lei

I'ltrllrlimti-- .

Tho members of tho JockeyClub finally he)d n meeting onSaturday afternoon and decidedto hold the 11th of Juno meotingas usual. As the auuiversary fallson Friday, and tho uoxt day is ahalf holiday, it was decided tohold tho races on both Friday audSaturday afternoons, instead ofmaking a long day of it on henational holiday. This decisionseoms to meet with general ap-

proval, as vory few people care toBpond all day at tho races.

Tho details of tho mooting havebeen left for an executive commit-te- o,

who atouco met and formulated the following program which,however, is subject to chango if itcau be impioved on:


First: Hicyclo race. PrizeGold medal;for all.

Second: Bicycle race. PrizeJ Gold medal; one milo haudicap.

Third: Running race. Half milodash; free for all.

I'ourtli: race ind trot, r rector(ill! Otfifl I'lrWH! 9 :t

Fifth: Running race. Hawaiianbrod half milo dash.

Sixth: Rosita challengo cup.Free for all; ouo-mi- le dash.

Seventh: Pace and trot. Froofor all; 2:30 cIiibs; 2 3.

Eighth: Oceanic SteamshipCompany's cup. Running race;Hawaiian brod; three-quarter-m- ile



First: Bicyclo. Prizo Goldmedal; half-mil- o dash.

Second: Bicyclo. Prize Goldmedal; 0110 milo haudicap.

Third: Running race Hawaiianbred; five-eigh- ths of a milo.

Fourth: Pace and trot. Freefor all; 3-- 5.

Fifth: PresidcntWidemann cup.Running race; freo for all; mileaud a quarter dash.

Sixth: Running race. Ilawaiiau bred: ouo mile dash.

Sovouth: Freo for all, paco andtrot, for beatou horses; handicap.

The decision of tho committeoto havo two bicyclo oveuts on eachafternoon will add variety to themeets, besides being a source ofgratification to the wheelmen.

I'lre mi Tiiiilulim.

Betweeu 4 and 5 o'clock on Saturdity afternoon a portion of thoTantalus forest was discovered tobo on firo. Forester Hanghs tookhis force of Japaneso from thegovernment nursery at tho Nuuauu Pali to tho firo at once, iuthe meantime notifying MinisterKing aud acting CommissionerWrny Taylor, who organized aforco ot 25 or 30 tnou and wont totho eceuo. On their arrival theyfound Mr. Haughs and his menhad succeeded iu putting the firoout. A considerable area plantedwith young trees was burned.

A VOICE rilOM Till, BLEACHERS.Local interest in the criokct games

ns reileetetl from the "hlcachcrs" Is in-

creasing. During- - Saturday's gamesthe "hleachers" were particularly vo-

ciferous and kept the players under urunning tire of good natured hanter.One small boy brought down thecrowd by advising the batsman to "gobuy n caBe of Rainier Beer and gettsonie life In you." Tlio crowd applaud-e- d

tho remark, knowing that RainierIli-e-r is celebrated for lti iavlcoratlngand strength-givin- g propensities.

On tp or in bottles at the Criterion.

Mechanics' Homo, cornor Hoteland Nuunnu streets, lodging byday, woek or month. Tonus: 25and 50 cents por night. $1, and

1.25 por week.


oi-kni- with onNATCltUAY AITKKNOON.

I'liio Cqillpnirlll Tor till t.nmrMilo nl

the Courts.

Anyone going upNuuauu avon-u-

Saturday afternoon would havegot a glimpse of gay goings ou atKuakiui Btroot. To the mountainsido of that now street, a little wayfrom Nuuanu, tho white canvas ofa pavilion and several touts shim-mered in tho sun, whilo at manypoints ovor the encampment thegaudy colors of various ilags Hutleied iu tho steady valloy breeze.People wore swarming thore fromtho cars, alighting at tho gatesfrom carriages and flying into thegrounds upon bicycles. Strainsof music roso iu tho air.

All thoso gala day evidencesworo transpiring at tho latelycompleted courts of tho ValloyTenuis Club, which were beingopened with a reception to whichmembers of other tenuis clubsand mauy other people had beouinvited. There aro three courts inthe compound, two itlmtliug end-wise 011 Kuakiui stroet aud onerunning crosswieo behind these.In a space betwoeu tho two andtho one a largo circular canopywas raised, open below all aroundso as to afford a view iu overy directiou. Beneath this shade set-tees aud chairs were couvonioutlyarranged, aud iu u crescout rowin tho middle was seated the committeo of reception, consisting ofMrs. S. M. Damon, Mrs. A. E.Nichols, Mrs. S. M. Ballou.MissosMay Damon, Sadie Carter, RitaSchmidt, Florence Carter andMabel Sorenson. Rufrcshmeuttables were arranged ou either bideof tho outrnncA to the re-ception pavilion, from whichwaitors under dirootioti of Mrs. J.O. Carter, Mrs. Young and MissCampbell served tho guests. Fiuesalads and saudwichos, butteredbuus and a variety of cuke, ice-cream and sherbet, together withcottVo, mado up a repast equal toa high class ballroom supper.Besides, thoro was a lemouudestand under refreshing tribute allthe aftomoon.

I hroughuut the aftomoon allthree courts wero occupied) bysuccessive sots of players, whoappreciated the excellence of thegrounds to tho full.

From the polo of tho maiupavilion there floated the club'spouuant, red color with gold mo-nogram worked in This wasmado by Mrs. Nichols assisted byother ludy members of thoclub. American, British andHawaiian flags were flyingfrom tlio framework of the backnets of the courts. Tho sito ofthe courts is ouo of the prettiestplaces in Honolulu for view ofscenery, commanding ns it doesthe mountain ranges forming thoValloy, Puuubbowl und tho inouutains beyond, aud a stietuh ofgruens fields dotted with cottagesand trees looking toward Palama.As for tho courts thutiirtelvoa tlK'yuro simply porfeot iu equipmentaud finish. If tennis do uotflourish in Nuunnu Valloy now, itwill not bo for wuut of facilities.Tho club was formed last Junound S. M. Damon kindly gave it thouso of tho laud ou which its courtshavo been constructed. Its officersaro: President, Dr. A. E. Nichols;vico president, H. W. M. Mist;secretary, A. St. M. Mackintosh;treasurer, WillardlS. Brown. Thecommittoo having charge of theoponiug consisted of II. W. M.Mist, Goo. Howard and Fred.Watorhouse. Music was fur-nished by tho Ilawniiau QuinlettoClub. Tho Valley Tenuis Clubwill havo ladies' days appointedliko tho other clubs.

Thoro js a junior touuis organi-zation affiliated with tho V. T. O.,of which Allan Judd is tho head.Tho young folks had thoir open-ing a week previous to that of thoseniors, and enjoyed thomselvosimmensoly playing aud feasting.


o.m; vw;m iniimi,a.m)noi-:on- i


Trltililml Itltrrtlllril II IiultiMrlruiid'lherrliii-i- t Will Hnlly I'm 1


Amidst the puuninence L'ivon toI our great Colonies and Dependen-- 1

cies in the leading public journals,, says the British Trade Review,there is sometimes a iiossilnhty ofsome of tho smallor places whichacknowledge British rule beingoverlooked. In the course of thopast'inouth tho island ot Trinidad,in the British West Indies notthe wretched little islet of thatname off tho coast of Brazil, as A

writer in the Standard is carofulto explain, whore tho chief pro-duct is a species of hideous land-cra- b

has been colebratiug thocentenary of tho British occupa-tion of tho island. Our contemp-orary, after giving uu intorostiughistorical review of tho dependen-cy, aud a dosctiption of the man-ners aud customs of its inhabit-ants, culls attention to tho pro-gress that tho people of Trinidadhavo mado in utilising tho resour-ces of thoir soil, aud does tho isl-and a good turn by observing thatwhat aro most needed to furtherdovolop tho riches of tho laud arocapital and skill.

Fortunatoly for Trinidad, con-tinues the Standard writer, thocessation of sugar cultivation willcause, less disturbance there thanolsewhoro. Tho area uudor sugar-ca- uo

iu 1805 was 58,500 acres, asagainst 1)7,000 acres under cocoa.Coffee at one timo was largelygrown; but according to tho latestfigures only 1000 acres aro nowdevoted to that product. Over40,000 acres aro occupied by othercultivation aud padturago. Fromtlifiiu tho chief export io cocoa-nuts- .

The vuluo of tho cocou ex-

ported in 1895 waB XG20.634, obagainst 500,415 for sugar. In1801 tho export waB il30,78G.Without going further iutofigures, which aro of doubtfulvalue aB iudicatious of tho

and prospority of agri-cultural industry iu tho Tropics, itwill bo secu thut Trinidadhas made some advanco in utilis-ing tho varied capabilities of horsoil aud climate. Then theto istho Pitch Lake a valuablo sourceof revenue. Tho island does notlivo by sugar alone; and thoro isscarcely any tropical product thatmight uot bo growu. Here, aselsowhoro in that region, what aromost needed uio capital and theskill with which to employ it innew directions. Even during thoyears of low prices for augur,Trinidad has been able to holdher own. Her plantors havomoved with tho times, so far astheir capital would allow them;ami the spirit-i- which tho cocoaindustry has been pursued hasenabled tho island to maintain itsposition while many of its neigh-bors havo gone back.

Threatened, therefore, thoughTrinidad may bo, by the possiblefailure of tho sugar industry, bIiois not likely to bo ruined, addsour contemporary, Bhould ovorycauefield, iu tho courso of time,have to bo ahaudonod. Associat-ed with her for governmental pur-pon- es

is the little island of Toba-go, with its population of negropoasantry, numbering abouttwenty thousand a protty, butsleopy place, almost abuudoucdby whites, which might, however,be oullnated on ovory sido, audwould cortaiuly mako an oxcollontsanatorium, for the heat there istempered by strong aud nover-failin- g

broezos. Tho centenaryof tho British occupation of Trini-dad is in itsolf an intoiPt-tiii-

ovont, and will havo been uaofullyolwervod should it help to maketho colony mora widely known utEurope, nnd tho residents andtraders of tho island aro indebtedto tho Standard for its able audinforming articlo, which should beof no Blight sorvico in calling at-

tention to Trinidad as n liold forBritish eiilcrnriso.

'- -


. i''ij'"-v-


.J- -. . ii ,r.r:i.l.,..fc.L. ft. . Jfc. W

. J

Page 2: II BiN, J91fMLJ9a &UJU1 IMKRl fl6S If sve NI NG BULLCTIN ... · San Diego, Cal., March 12.--Tho British ship Icarus, Captain Floot, arrived today from Hono-lulu, from which pott it

S 'I





HOLLISTER & CO.From the Factories of

Ija Intimiclad,La ICspanola,La Vlricana,Henry Clay & !Bock fe Co.

Corner Fort &

MUSIC r- -

. , . , For Everybody:Tl) only complete line of

MUSIC GOODSin the IMai.iK A few ofour frpeclalties

Kingsbury Pianos !

The perfection of urt inPiano making. .

CHICAGO COTTAGE 0 ROANS, Unequaled In tone, beauty aud con-structions.

REGINA MUSIC BOXES, the Kingof all, plays over one thousandtunes.

AUTOHARPS, everybody's inatru.tnent, a child can play It.

GUITARS, we carry the celebratedHenry F. Mason, Harwood andother make?, from SI up.

BANJOS, Stewart, Fairbanks &-- Cole and other wollkuowunlakes.

ACCORDEON3. the celebrated "Imperial" aud other good lines.

taT Aud a thousand and one othersrunllor instruments too numerous tomention.

Our celebrated Wall, Nichols Co."Stah" Hraud of


Are tlie best marie. Ufe no other.


INSTRUCTION BOOKSFor all Instrument.

Our stock Is the most varied to liefound thU side of 'Frisco, ami theprices the same as you pay in theStates

All instruments sold on easy monthly payineuts.


The money savers for you.


t poSte J

! Scarfs fiod j

5 5 Z s & if Nk ??n ofifs- - f&

g 2 i . S2. - ?

it r a E is r


.l!.ll Us


Tr WJUffWR' rr apn m- -

'." N"

EVENING BULLETIN, APRIL 5, 1897..m. iww ii in0ttmet H ltHft.iWMlM WWW MMI

Merchant Sts.

Lewis & Co

If a man's dinner is right,and ho rises from tho tableconscious that his wife hasused the same judgment as toprice that she did in tho selec-tion of tho articles disposed ofthen- - can he no indigestion tofollow. Our goods are of thokind which bring health,happiness and a fat purse.

Table delicacies are a fadwith us they are bought be-

cause wo known tho averan--Honoluluite is fond of goodthings for tho stomach. Ourprices are below tho averageand special inducements areoffered to cash purchasers. Ourlatest importations include thobest goods obtainable in theEnglish markets.

Copeland's English Peas;Cod's Roe. Mackerel in Mus-tard Sauce and Camhrirlfm

w M

Sausages 111 tins are so wellput up that it would bo diffi-cult to dotect tho differencebetween them and tho samearticles direct from the market.

" Teyssonneau " is a longname to put before Pate butthe combination make-- j tho besttid bit ever plnced before agourmet, These are goodsLLi 1

unit. anyone may cat withoutfear of indigestion following.Theyaro put up in tho bestfactories in Europe and comoto us in elegant condition.

Lewis & Co.,


ITort Street, Honolulu,

Quiet Shave

Can bo hail at tho


Barber -:- - ShopPacjiixo A Feh.vandkz.





liTotaTr IF'-u.'bll- c

Telephone 25(5, No. 210 KIdk St.

Subscribe for thu Evkninq lixsuletin 75 oonts per month. i



Wht th roainm Hunter or the Tcnncn-e- e

DM Wlirn He Jlrard a Willi Cry AFight With a "Darin 0" That Wa AllHo Wantefl.

O110 autumn evening as I Rat beforotho llro in tho cabin of Zch Whtto, thopossum hunter of Twines.eo, I aslcedliini to nnrrnto an adventure, and afteru bit of thinking, ho said:

"Up to ten y'ars ago thar used to boheaps and heaps of painters (pmithers)on this ycro mounting, and now andthen they would cum skulkin "bout thocabin of nights aud cry out in a way tom.xko yo'r h.i'r utauri up. Ono artenioonI cum homo from tow u to find my olowoman in tho fiulks. Sho used to getthat way now and then, and it aliusended in mow. When M10 began to jaw,I bcg'in to whistle, but nrt.-- half anhour I got in.id. I'd 'a gonu out andslept in t.'io vkm1, only it was gwinoto lm a d.irk and rainy nicht. Hbo sulked, and I Milked, aud when it cum timuto go to Ik d I sot right yen' and neverhiinricri the tune. Sim didn't offer toin.iau up, ami o I was yciemidnight cum. bluMMis ad.cp, and owas I.wl-i- thai- - wiin aery fiom

It was just like the hoot of aIonian lost in tho woods, and it wasringiu in my ears, w lien the ole womannits up in bul and calls out:

" 'Zeh White, what on alrth wasthat?'

" 'A woin.ui hixitiu fur help,' kcz I." 'It ir.u't U No woman would bo

hootin unmnd yore this time ofuight.'" 'Then it may bo an owl.'""Ihcn yo' may bo a fulo.""Her callln mo a fulo r'iled mo up,"

said Zeh, "and, though I was puityi.artiu that it was the sen-a- ot a paint-er, I dotal milled not In gin in Peiiynoon we got it again, mid it was uihertho house. The beast was prowlinaround, and that sitwiin made u t lullcrnp up my back.

" 'It's a painter,' said t!t ole wmnanns she gotimtof ls-- , i!r

" 'Shoo! It's one of tlv in Dav"is ",ilslest 111 tho woods. Ileckou Mio w.1.1 outarter clicstuuts and got turned around.

" "I'lien yo' don't know hugar fromsand. Listen to that. Uoet, that boundlike tho hoot of a woman?'

" '.Test exactly. I'll bet in.v olo punag'in a coonskin that it's a woman. I'llopen tho doah so sho kin the IWitaud then call to her. I'owerfnl darknight for a woman to butitompiu aroundin the woods by herself. '

" 'Zeb White, I'm yo' it's apainter, no woman. If yo' wain't sofamashun shucklos and low down, yo'dknow it fur yo'rsulf. If 3 o' open thatdoah, sumbody's gvlno to git clawedanil lilt. '

"That riled mo sum mo'," said thoold man as ho hitched back from thofire, "and I was bound to open thatdoah or bu'st. I could even li'nr thopainter prowlin around; but, yo' me, 1wasn't gwiuo to let tho ulc woman bluffmo down. I lizup and was liateuin,Mhen sho so.:

" 'This yew painK r is alter meat furshore. '

" 'That yero woman is lookin fur ourcabin, yo mean, and yeru goes to lether in.'

" 'Zob, hain't yo' got no in o'rhead?'

"'Not atter livinwilh yo' fur 20y'ars.'

"With that I crossed over and ojK'iusltho back doah, and as I did tho olowoman made a riivo fur tho bed andkiveud up htr head I had jest swungtho doah back and opcui d my mouth tohoot when suuthln kiux ked mo cleanacross thu cabin and uttered an awfulscream. It wits a suro enough p linterand a mighty big ono at that. Ho fustjumped on tho bed aud bcrutohed at thoclothes, but a.) I got'up ho turned andtaoklcd ino. L'ver liov a fout with apainter?"

"No. I never did.""Yo' needn't sigh fur one. They've

got teeth liko tho biggest kind of a buzz- -

saw, and thar claws ur' liko rcdliotknifo blades. I was took no sudden thattho critter hud all tho advantago at fust,but bimeby I got hold of a stool andorter held ra,-- own Ho Pent mo

mif;nty bury, bm 1 isv tho olo woniaufiittin up m bul arter a bit and heaidher say:

" 'Zeb White, if that's ono of themDavis gals, then sin's powerfullychanged ubout sinc-- last holiday. Whydon't yo' ibk Ik r to tal.o otf her bunuitand stay all night.'' "

"How did tho uiatter end?" 1 asked,as the old man was a long timo in

his pipe."Waal, I ilnally driv tho critter

outriuahs and got tho doah shet, andtin n I fell down aud faintol awiiy anddidn't know nutliin mo' for an hoin. Idon't lightly lemember how m my bltrsand scratches I got, but I w as laid uplor si. weeks and had a tough time ofit "

"Mrs. Wliito didn't liavo anythingmom to s.y, did slio anything moiealwut your tulcing tho panther's seieumlor tho hoot of a woman?"

"Sarfiuly Bho did," ho replied."'Bout tho fust words I heard arter Icum to was:

" 'Say, Zob White, yo'd better lookout fur that Davis gal arter this. She'sbit and clawed yo' till I've got to makou poultice as big us a barrel to kiver thehurts.'"

"Aud what did you say in reply?""Nuthiu nuthin 'tall. I'd jot bluff,

cil mysolf and got tho worst of it, andso I shet up yes, shet right up and lether giiu and chueklo and poke fun atmo. Yes. I kuowul when I was Hi Led.mid I lay thar aud eiied and didn't liuvnutliiu to say uuthing 'talhj'

No Causefor Alarm!!!

Now that we have found apreparation that is a powerfuldisinfectant, perfectly harm-less, freo from odor, con-venient to use and at tho re-

markable low figure of n.r.a

5 Cents a Gallon.No prudent housekeeper can

afford to run the risk of con-tracting sickness, which is sureto occur, should you neglectto keep the sowers, cnss-poo- ls

aud outhouses in a neitcctlvdeodorized condition.

Purifine 25c.Any Physician will endorse

what wo claim when we tellyou that nino tenths of nilfevers and alike illness is thoresult of carelessness abouttho sanitary conditions of thopremises.

Purifine 50c.Ono great objection to most

disinfectants is that they havesuch a disagrveable odor. P uri-dine is odoriL.-s-. i

Purifine $1Don't delay in purify fng tho

air you daily breathe andtrut to kind providence thutyou may escape illness. Nowis tho time to commence thogood work, don't wait untiltho dead heat of summer hasarrived; it may bo too late.

Take timo by tho forelock.To bo forewarned is to bo fore-urme- d.

Purifine in quantities to suit.We aro the Solo Agents.

Sfollistsr Drug Go

YES!I Always Get

My Clothes


Madeirosfc Decker'sThe Hotel Street Tailors.

A Porfect Fit Guaranteed.


Steamship Co.FOlt



'a.ust:ra.lia.'WILL LEAVE HONOLULU


Wuriiiculny, April 7ih,AT 4 O'CLOCK P. M.

Tho undersigned aro now prepared toissue Throuch Tickets from this City to allpoints in tho Unitod Btatos.

ffiVor furthur particulars regardingrrnight or l'assngo, apply to

Wm. G.IRWIN ifc Co., L'd,571-S- t Qeucral AginU,

Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line

j&ismxtxisiX't 'aA"

Stenmera ol tho nbovo Lino ranniug iu connection with the

CANADIAN PACIFIC KAIL WAYBetween Vancouver, B. O., and Sydney, N. H. Wy and calling at Victoria, B. 0.

Honolulu and Suva (Fiji),

-ke" dtje .rr isoisroijTTXjTjrOn or about tho datc below stated, viz.:

From Hjrilnejr mill Suvn, for Victoria anilYancauver. II. 0.1

Stnir "MIOWEltA" April 24Btrur "WAIUtlMOO" May 24Htmr "MIOWEltA" Jnno 24Stmr "WAIUUMOO" July 21

Tliroiifrh TlckctH IsHucd ftUntied State

fkeioutajid rAfSKNoru acikxth:

X. MoNicoll, 3t6ntrenl, Cnnadu.ItonF.itT Kekii, Winuipeif, Cannda.

31. M. Sinnsj, Snn Francisco, Oal.G. jMcLi. Buowjt, Vancouver, B. O.

fiaisi co.

Australian Mail Ssrvice.

For San Francisco:Tho Now and Fine Al Steel StcamBhip

"Alameda" ,Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company willbo duo nt Honolulu from Sydney nndAuckland ou or about

A.pvil 29, 1807.And will leave for tho above port withflails nud Passengers on or about thatdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

Tho New aud Fiuo Al Stee Steamship

" "Mai'iposaOt tho Oceanic Steamship Company willbo duo nt Honolulu from Sau Franciscoon or about

.A.pril 8, 1897.And will havo prompt despatch withMails and Passengers for the above ports.

The undersigned are now preparodto issuo

ThrouRh Tickets to All Pointsin tho United States.

CFor further particulars regardingFreight or Passage apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,General Agents.



S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu Lenvi Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.Mumli SO, 1S07 April 7, 1897April 27. 1897 May 5, 1897

THROUGH LINEFrom 8an Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave ITonutulu.

Mariposa. April 8, '97 I Alameda, An 29, '97Moana, Mny 6, '97 Mariposn.My 27,'97


Geo. Haffner,Jeweler,"Watchmaker andEngraver,

Has Removed to

520i FORT STREET,Club Stable Building.

Hawaiian Sqda Worksare piepared to furuixb Private Fami-

lies with a really Good, Paie Sodain tho Now Bottles.

Belfast Ginger Ale.rfa. Telephouo GTJ, at Bunny South.

603 lm

The Honolulu Sanitarium1032 Kiug Street.

A Quiet, Homelike Place, whero TrainedNnrnos, Massaga, "Swedish Movement,"Baths, Electricity aud Physical Trainingmay bo obtained.

P. 8. KELLOGG, M. D.,Telephone 039. Buperiateudont,

iVrom Victoria mid Vnncmitfir, II. O., tSum nml Sj cl)ivi

Stuir "WAltniMOO" April 18Mmr "MIOWEltA" Maris 'Stinr "WAHHIMOO" June 18Stnir"MIOWEIlA'' July 16

oin Honolulu to Canada,and Kuropo.

tS For FrciRht aud PaSRhgo and allQencral Information, apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAucntB fot thellawaiinnlfllnndR.



0. L. WIGHT, Prcs. 8. 1). HOSE, Seo.Cnpt. J. A. KING, PortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commantlcr,

Willlcnvo Honnlntn of in i i.. -- i.i .Labainn, Mnalnca Hay aud Mnkcna themuioday: Mahukonn. KRwnihaenud Launiboehoo tbo following day, arising atIlilo tho same evening.

MIAVll!!l!ONOt.CtU. Ar.niVEdllOH01.OtO.Tum1iiv Alinl fi I Flirlnv ...AprilsFrii'.av. .April 10 I TueMloy. .April 13

Tnoiday. April 27 I Frniuy. . ..April 231 riclay. . ...May 7 Tuesday. ...May 4

llcturning, will Icavo nilo at 1 o'clockP. M.. tOUcbttlfr nt T.niutnlinol.nA nt.lUma and Kawaihao samo day; MaLcna,Jlftalaca Bay and Labaiua tb followiiiBday; arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsu. 'uctuuj una rnaays.

" Will call at Pohoil.i, Puna.fcWNo Freight will bo receivrd idtor

12 noon on clay of sailing. ,

Stmr. CLAUDINB,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at Sr.M.itouching at Kaliului, Hana, HamoaandKipahu uAMaui. P.etuming arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, oa second tripof each month.

SfNo Freight will bo received afterp. m. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right tomcko chancos in tbo timo of departure andarrival of ita steamors without notice andIt will not bp rosponriiblo for auyconuqueuces arisirfg therefrom.

Consignees must bo at tbo Landings toreceive their Freight; this Company willnot bold itself responsiblo for freight afterit has boon lauded.

I.ivo Stook only at owner's risk.This Company will uot bo responsible

for Money or Valuables of passengersunless placed in tbo caro of Pursers.

Piuseogers aro requested to purchasotickets before embarking. Those failing todo so will be subject to an additionalcharge of twenty-iiv-o per cont.

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merobaut Street.

FOR SALE.Uouse and Lot, 7oxlfi5 ft., on No. 71

loung street; parlor, 3 bechooms, kitchendining-room- , etc.

Lot on Wilder avenue 100x300 ft,, fenced."as on nuiau ana riiKoi btrtots.

, TO LET.Furnished Rooms within five minutes

walk from the Post Office. Also otherRooms.

House on Boretanin street, near Piikoistreet; 4 rooms, dining-room- , kitchen, bath-room and an eamtyjot to keep a horse.

House ou School Mreet; parloi, severalUn rooms, kitchen, pantry, outhouses andstable formerly occupied by Hon. W, H.Ru o.

Savings : BankNOTIOJE.

Notico is horoby given to Depo-sitors in tho Savings Dopnrtmentof Olnus Snreckelfl A-- Co.'s Banlc,tlmt on uud nftor April 1, 181)7,fill interest on their tlepoBits willceiiHo.

Huviugs Depositors mny with-(liii- w

lluur uccouutu without giv-ing previous notice, or they mayleave same in our Bank on call.

Glaus Spheckem fc Co.Honolulu, Feb. 17. 18D7.

filiG-- td


Paper Hanger and DecoratorIsland Orders attended to with dispatch.

All work carefully and piomptly ex-ecuted.

177" Omen Smith street, with SamuelKabolookalani l'ua. Residencoi 1'alaiua.


- Ok L &-'Ai-- a. 1 ;m V 4iry ''i!ill! " ti'JtfcrttihHWiU.V1' , i " a4". - iM, . :


' s


Page 3: II BiN, J91fMLJ9a &UJU1 IMKRl fl6S If sve NI NG BULLCTIN ... · San Diego, Cal., March 12.--Tho British ship Icarus, Captain Floot, arrived today from Hono-lulu, from which pott it






,P"',.,WV " 'fWiil?PPP,F,P'WPw TW-- .

l... fl.,Uuw oyyiidMTJHA.TA. & CO.


Fine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cFine Crepe Shirts Any Style!

Bfir Cheapest in tlio City. &

MTJRATA & CO., 301



Sim Francisco AycnttTuz Nevada Bank orHan Kjiincisco.


Ban Fiunoisco Tho Nevada Bank of BanFrancisco.

London The Union Bank of Londos, Ltd.Nbw York American Exchange National

Bank.OniOAOO Mcrcliantf National Bank.l'Aitl8 Coraptolr National d'Eacompt de

l'arla.Berlin Drcsdncr Bant.HONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA IlongKOnR &

BlianKlial Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Australia Bank of New

Zealand.Tiotoria and Vancouver Bank of Mont-


Transact a General Banking aniEicnange Business

Deports Received. Loans mndo on Ap-

proved Oecuilty. Commercial and TravelersCredits Issued. BUU of Exchange boughtand sold.Collections Piioiiitly Accounted For.

Established 185S


TrtttiBact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able id all the principal citiesof the world.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekauwila Sts.

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Esttmntos given for hust wir-

ing awl Electrical plants

Miinno Wiring a specialty

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Mauuger.

Biiilding Lots!At WAlKIKl on car Hue and on Pa

LAMA ROAD near FertilizingPlnnU

These Lots are Very Cheap nnd Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near the city andother Properties for snlo.

BKUCE, WAKING & CO.,Donlers in Lots nnd Lauds,

.112 Fort Htront, iinnr King.TklkiIionb 07. P. O. JJcx 821.

W. C . ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

REALESTATEXZr Wo will Buy or Soil Ileal Estato in

all parts of tbo group.3T Wo will Bell Properties on Reason-ali- o


OFFICE, 10 West King Street

ConsoliilatCu Soda Water Co., LI

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.


A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.Now Love's Building, Fort Stroot.


unt.iiyi,wmiiini if) ii ii' iMtiwrf wrvaa

Nuimuu & 2 Hotel Streets.

Robinson Block, Hotel Street,

Look at Our Bargain List

Fine Straw Hats, 25c. up.

Crepe Pajamas, $1 a suit.'

.Colored Bosom Shirts, G5c.

J Ladies Kimonos, $1 up.II Gents Sox, 4 pairs for 25c.If Paper Napkins, 30c. a 100.

Ladies Leather Purses, 25c.Silk Embroidered Pillow

Covers, 75c. a piece.

IWAKAMI,Rohlnnon Block, Hotel Strct.

Tjje Yokohama Specie BanlLIMITED.

Subscribed Capitol Ten 12,000,000Paid Up Capital Yen 4.500,000lteane Fund Yen 4,130,000


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobo, London, Lyons, Now York,

San Kmncibco; Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Tran-nct- s u Gcnerpl Banking and Ex-change Business,

Agenoy Yokohama Specie Bank

KewRpllc BulUUiE, 111 King St, Molnln.


Wholesale Dealer in JapaneseWines.

Liquors and Provisions, Sakl a specialty.

103 Eeknanaoa Street. Telephone 703.

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDER of thvery best materials and in the verylatest stylo. . , ,

A. JPerfect FitCxt i aran teed



Gleaning and Repairing a Specialty


Just ReceivedCrockery nnd Ivorywuro,Embroidered Fans,Sbfiwls, rioronuH,Wicker unci Htoumer Ohnirs.

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nnnann 8treot, Honolulu.

sc-ruj- sr LOY,023 Fort Btreet, Yee Sing Tal Building.

LadiBB IJrBSB MakariIW Fine woik n specialty. Also, verv

fine Underwear raurto to order. All workguaranteed. 417-O-

TOM CHUNG KEE,213 Nuunnu Street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order. I UBU the bestmaterial. Goods warranted towcar well. 143--


A-ttorne-v at Law

14 Kaahumann Street.

Telephone No. CS2. 498-6-


Book and Job PrinterMorohant Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Htiwaiian Nows Oomi)any'sBook Storo. mvl8.

. .....- - i.v w1,,;.


Just Like Gold Coin.

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood the testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of tho listamong the medicines that areso essential to keep at hand intho home.

It is not a now fanjjjlo remedynor do the proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela


tion of tho ingredients that ontor into tho manufacture ofthis ever popular remedy.

It is perfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its uso.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a fow doses will cer-

tainly give relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein the house.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknown;

It has many rivals but noequal.

JK5"" Price 25c. and 50c. abottle.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents for the Island.

New EwaPlantation Co.


In Blocks to suit pur-chasers. "Will deliverafter January 2, 1897.

EST Inquire of

The Hawaiian Safe Deposit &Investment Company,

08 Fort Htioet ITonnlnlu

Eas-l-e -- :- HouseNUUANU AVENUE.

Mrs, Harry KlammB, - - Prop

Now Management.Commodious Rooms


Palatable Gorman Dishes.

Real Estate Transactions

Sulwcribers are furnished with from fiveto six lists ytr week, giving an accuraterecord of all deeds, uiortgiiges, leases, re-

leases, powers of attorney, etc., etc., whicharo placed on recoul. Also a list of alldistrict court judgments.

Subscription Price, Sil.UO per Month.

A V. GEAR,210 King St, Honolulu

:. mi

HAVING ESTAHLISHEn A MODI'UNplant for hulling, polishing and assortingcoffeo, wo are prepared to buy and cloancoffee in the parchment.


Coffee !" Apply to



IPainter,Paper Hanging & Decoration

Neatly donp. AH work promptly and rarefully attou led to. Teloohouo alt), lltsideuce, Kuakini street. 523-Bi-

Tli A Mnii .f Ihr lnrmrrI.

JmWy et


. n .A


JBMSm(vSiflKv ttvBt. NLT yB38fl5-Jx5lK- ll

jsSajjfjj-s- f j

Lustigo Blatter.


Dick (Ynle, '07) Cono on, Jack;don't ptaml tliero nil dity Vfutohiug tb.itbrntnl dog flfilit.

Jack Bn If back (excitedly) Hold on,Dick; waitu jiffy I I'm Rotting nn

for n now oollcgo yolL NowYork Sunday World.

A Complete Sacrru.

Ho Thank heaven, I'vo nevor disap-pointed my father's expectations sincetho day I wns hem.

Sho So ho will cxpiotiiiK n j;itl, washo? Now York Sunday Jonriml.

Tlioro uro two roaaons why

people nro now pnying car faroall tbo way from Wnikiki to thoPalaraa Grocery and back. Reason1. It is tbo only place on tboI&lauds wboro tbo celebrated Sal-vutio- n

Army toa is sold. Benson2. Aftor paying car faro bothvvajo iwtuiiJh fiiul tliov rue munoyin pockot by doaliu" at tbiB "livennd let live" establiBbmout. Wonko delivor goods botwoon Dia-

mond Ilend nnd Monnalua free.Uaiihy Gannon,

Palama Grocery.Opposito Bailway dopot, King

street. Tol. 7C5.


BEltLIN Tho Hoichsnr-'r- ; oul-clul- ly

luiuounces tliift Vn ) Diaz,of Mexico, lias been decora.., t Em-

peror William with the grnnn ross of

"lliitnler." Tresldcnt Din Issued an

cllot to the effect that no beer excepttho sparkling "Rainier" be served inpublic places, or on state occasions.

On tap or in bottles at the Criterion.

SingorB lend tbo world. Ofor18,000,000 mndo and sold, high-est nwnrds tit tbo World'B Lolnm-bin- n

Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regnlnrity of motion,ease of motion, gront speed, ad-

justability, durability, onso oflearning and convenience of arrangement. B. Borgorsen, ngout,

'I 10J Uothol streots.

t ,.m . .

.H-o- l Je' IS &. fceiii. sKLiSk &JQliA-ir-

f itLeBiri r JkMmfo& mLijdCUiux iwjnnBmsiamm:? zwmmm MtiBiflnTww)aaaMHMBHv P? A ij i A..U..I..;- -' wWBgmKjmmBmiX ':mt Xt,

...&4Ad$i '.J&i MHaHBMWlMiWiMW




Curry Powder as made by us is prepared after the OriginalRecipe from tho Purest Ingredients.



527 Fort Street, corner

Tip (J. Dies Co.



Commission . Agents I

Dry Goods,Hardware and




Hotsea, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Swine, and Poultry.

JEZLAJLtt. OIXjiTko Uarrolous Hair Renedy which provents


Solo Agent, Honolulu.RT Nsat pamphlet free n application. TO. Box 292, Tclephono 20.

S' Honolulu April 21, 1896.Mr. W. JUcTAnLANE! It affords me ploasuro to recommend, to any ona whose hair

is falling out, tbonsoof IMC. I'OTTIK'S II A I It OIL. My hair was coming out at suchnrato as led mo to believe Hint I would soon becomo bald. After using tho oil for live weeksthis ceased ontirely; none whatever is now fulling out. I cbhslcUr It the lest and Onlyworthy remedy for this troublo and alo recommend it as a stimulant to now growth. .

MMf Yourstmly, J. H. DANIELS.

H. HACKFELD & CO.Importers and Dealers in



Plantation Supplies. J

H. HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort Street.






-- 1'. O. IIOX toH. E. McINTYRE & BRO.,


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,New Goods Received by Every Packet from the Eastern Stales and Europe


All Orden) faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to anyPart of the City FREE,

Island Onnuw Bouorrro, Batistactios GuAaANimj





Page 4: II BiN, J91fMLJ9a &UJU1 IMKRl fl6S If sve NI NG BULLCTIN ... · San Diego, Cal., March 12.--Tho British ship Icarus, Captain Floot, arrived today from Hono-lulu, from which pott it

fc.f - i;run Ttjr-tr- r .r"T L '."""-- - TT "" "r;;"'-"!;S!-" ' '"





Sealed Tenders.

Will bo rocoivod at tho Officeof the Attoruey-Gouor- nl for pub-lishing auil binding, tho Englishand Hawaiian Versions of thoCompiled Laws uud also thoEnglish uud Hawaiian Versionsof tho Tonal Laws.

Tciidora will bo received up to12 o'clock noon, on Tuesday, thoOth of April. Specifications ofwork and copy may bo seen at thoaforesaid oflico.

Tbo Attorney-Gener- al does notbind himself to accept the loweBt

or any bid.Attorney-Genera- l's Ottlce.

UK'S 11 YE. COOP 15 U,Altorney-Oener- ol ad interim.

Mnroli JiO, 1S(.)7. T71-:- U

Sealed Tenders.

Will be received at the Ctlioe ottho Miuistor of the Interior till 12o'clock noon of WEDNESDAY,April 21, 18!)7. for tho construc-tion ot tho road ovei NuunimPali.

Plans and Specifications at thoOflico ot tho Supmintfudout ofPublic Works.

Tho Minister of thn Tntorioidoes not bind himself to acceptthe lowest or anv bid.

.1. A. KING,Minister of tho Interior.

Interior OJlioo,' Aiiri.1 1, 181)7.57-l-i- t


517 Ejcqi: Bulletin,


MONDAY, Al'lUL 5, 1S97.


Soveral times in the recent pasttho Buli.ktin has called attentionto the campaign for pure foodsbeing waged in California. It isan important matter to the peoploof these islands, on account of tholargo proportion of their food sup-

plies which comes from Califor-nia. San Francisco papers continue to pog away at tho subject.One of thorn received in last mailannounces tho discoveiy that alarge proportion of tho jollies soldin the stores of that city aroadulterated. It says that out ofthirty -- tin po imples of jolly pur-chii- bfd

in vaiious pints of .thocity, ton were found to bo soadulterated as to be dangoious asfood. This editorial comment ismado: "It is one of the strangedevelopments of inodorn com-

merce that in a land like Califor-nia, ivheip fruit is so abundant,such adulleiatioiis can bo pro-

fitably sold. We let tliints.uidhof tons of fruit go to waste eveiyyear in our orchards or ourmarket places and yot importfrom abroad protended fruit pro-

ducts which aro not onlyadulterated, but aro absolutely in-

jurious to tho health of tho peo-

ple." The Bulletin knows of areoident of Houolulu who, a fow

years ago, was buyiug Swisscondensed milk for thofood of iufiuita, nr W fl

recommendation of a physician,but who aftor a while changed toa famous New York brand onother advice that it was bettor aswell os cheapor. Lately tho SanFrancisco food inspectors discov-ered, as has bof n republished inthis paper, spuiious qualities inthat vory brand of Now Yorkcondensed milk. Many ycais ago,and often since, the writor advo-

cated systematic food inspectionin this country, but thus far ourlegislators ami reformers given toprodding legislators have notdeemed tho inaltor wot thy of con-

sideration. Wo have inspectionof domestic fish and meat, whilustale and rotleu vegetables havofree course to the tables of thopeoplo, aud, as to impoited foods,wo "pays our mouoy aud takes ourchoice," as tho other fellow said.

What tho little British depen-

dency of Trinidad has put in prac-

tise is the vory thing that lias been

preached to Hawaii lo, thesemany years. That is, not to stakeeverything on tho one item of

bugar, however gieat tho profits atdifferent times that product mighthave yiolded. Trinidad has itsroward now in a condition of Jcom-parativ- o

iudopendeuco of sugar,whilo largor Bister West Indiacolonies aro whiuiug for help atthe knees of tho Mother Co.uutry.

It has ovon boon ablo to lot go a

little of cotTeo when tho marketfor that staplo presented unpro-mising features. Hawaii is com-

ing gradually to a sonso of thedaugor of trusting too much to onesoui co of wealth. Besides all thehoincstoading that has beon goingon in those islands for severalyears, greatly increasing tho

raugo of tbo soil's productivenessin different lines, oven tho sugarpluntPis are to a conaidoroblo ex-

it ut experimenting on theboidors aud rugged corners of

their estates with other growthsthan sugar cano.

Instead of Rolling its plant to a

Poitugueso newspaper syndicate,as its older local contemporaryblaudly suggested as likely, thoHawuii Herald has onlarged itsborders to six pages. It has oftenbeen said that any town capableof "upportiug one paper will sup-

port iwo. Hilo beoniH to bo in

oideuco iu this repaid.

Australian papers quote withsatisfaction American judicial de-

cisions supporting health authoii-tic- s

in tho enforced purification ofdairy herds by the tuberculintest.

Anglican Church Chronicle:"Whero it is possiblo to raibosoveral thousand dollars for anarmory, suroly it is possiblo toraiso and endow a hospital.

'I he JUnmlitl Dlil Not Mil

Doputy-marsh- Hitchcock saysthat Marshal Brown is quietlyresting at home nursing an attackof malarial fever and that ho didnot go with tho Kaona expedition.Tho heavily armed policeexpedition which a morning con-

temporary speaks of, as leaving thoBailroad wharf on Saturday nightto moot tho Kaona, was only theordinary police boat taking Dr.Ko-hnvaHl- ii

to tho oiiaiuutine stationto visit three sick Japaucso womonwho aro detained, there to bo re-

turned to their own country. Thepolice authoiities claim to knowabsolutely nothing ot tho Kaeua'scruioo or its object.

Nile ill Mut K.

At noon today auctioneer Mor-

gan dispot-e- of 170 shaies of thestock of tho Hawaiian IlardwaieCompany by order of tho Boaulof Directors for non-paym- ent ofan abbossmeut of tf- -5 per shaie.Fifty dollars por sharehad been paid up. Tho stock wussold in two blocks, one of 20 andtho other of loO shares. CecilBrown was the purchaser of bothlots at Si per bhare, theie beingno other bids offered.

Fur Krut.A cottage, stables

aud servant's quarters, situate onWilder avenue. Large groundswell laid out aud planted withfruit and ornamental trees; ouofull set of furniture and cookiugstove cau einuiu in the house ifwanted. Apply to A. V. Gear,210 King stivU.

A I'Hlrnl Ire.tj Willi Jhiuiii.Washington, D. C, March 11.

Tho President has proclaimed thonow patent convention with Japanand it is now opeiativo. Thetreaty piovalrs that citizens orsubjects of either country shallhave tho same protection asnative citizens regarding patents,trademarks and designs.

Nllllllf Unfit.

By tho steamer Miowora, thoCriterion Siloon received a large,cousigumontof tho celebrated bockboor, brewed by tho Seutllo Browing and Malting Co. This is thofirst bock to make its appearauce,and is a sure indication of bettordays.

WKKm idmKmmMmwm lil I 1 i Hi


imeiy JopiejThe arrival of the last Aus-

tralia was greeted with a sighot relief from the whole com-munity. The unusually long in-

terval between mails had madepeople quite anxious, and rum-ors of war and other politicaldisturbances were flying asthick as leaves in Vallambiosa.The encouraging news of the)robable passage of the Ding-ey bill, imposing a duty onalloreign sugars while preservingor Hawaii nei the advantages

of the Reciprocity Treaty, glad-dened the hearts of all, plantersas well as merchants, who pre-

dict a new era of prosperityand progress for these beauti-ful Isles of the Pacific. Newswas also brought of the knock-ing out of Champion JimCor-be- tt

by his sturdy opponentFitzsimmons.

The "Tribune Bicycle"knocks them all out. Like theRoman tribunes of old, it standson a pinnacle of fame, elevatedabove all others, and like Fitz-simmons it beats all the otherchampions.

The '97. Model is the acmeof peifection in wheels; it hasno equal. We received a num-ber of them by this Australiaand can furnish them in black,royal, blue or maroon.

The Sager Pneumatic Saddleis recognized as the best forease and comfort; no diseaseof the spine or jar to your nervesif you ride this saddle.

The Stodder Puncture-les- sTire is impenetrable by

glass, nails, thorns, pins, etc ,

and yet it retains all the elasticand resilient qualities. EveryTire guaranteed for one year.

In addition to the above wehandle the Zimmy, Stormerand other bicycles and carry afull line of M. & W. Tires,Rims, Handle Bars in woodand nickel, Bells, Cyclometers,etc., etc.

Come and inspect our newstock.

TMLOHawaiian Hardware Co.

LIMITED,NO. 307 FORT STREET,P Miwniiiwwii.MmiMiwii

Scotch Tweeds

Iftue SergesIn Suitings Lbi?

Summer "Wear.A 1'erfoct Fit Guaranteed.

.. AT

J. P. !WiiiWIiv

1 4-- 2 ITort Stroot.I3T TELEPHONE 012 jr

Dissolution of Copartner-ship.

To Whom It May Cosor.rtN:

Tbu copirtuerrhip herolofoie cxlntlug liotweuu the unikwigntil undertbo llrm mime ot I'opple'on & Moot!bus been tliN iluy dissolved by mutualc.otiK'Ul. Mr. Ezra l'oppletnn willcontinue tbo luisius ami uasumo allnubilities', uud uollecU ull outstand-ing accounts.


Honolulu, Ii I , A'iil i, IU''?.WJ-ii- t

IN THE CIKOU1T UOUIIT OFtho Klrot Circmlt, Hawullau ralandn.In Die Mutter of tbo liuiikruptey ofWilliam W. Hoyd. Cieillton of tbomill Iltttikriipt are lirreby uotllleil to(oni.i hi rtiul pniv llu'irdftt eforlliti cluk of tbo Ciruult C'ouit of dieKlmt Circuit, nt tli Court Hoine, onKridiiy, UieOtli iluy ot April, lb97, bwtwueu the liotirH of ten o'olonk In thoforenoon hikI noon of the sabl iliy,mill elect un Assignee of tbo wilitIintikriiit'H EiUtu.

lly the (Joint:GEOltGE LUCAH, Clerk.

570 tt






Once a YearOnce a YearOnce a Year




Merchants' Exchange

Nuuanu and King Streots.


Still They


Each day adds a number ofmeiubeis to our popular

Welch OSubsClub ono and two drew last

Satuiday. Club three is rapid-ly rilling up. The satno

fin ot old cxintH, all(duBses aro anxious to join, bocause it is a clear saving of

The Dollar

You Throw Away

Every Week.

Besides anothor vital pointadds to tho popularity, and thatis that wo do not mako itobligatory to take a watch, butallow you to select any ono ormoro articles in tho store, nomatter in what lino. Couldanything bo fairer to you?

We want to nay right bore,that we will back up any uudovory article selected in ourclub with tho same full andcomplato guarantee whioh goeswith ovory piece of goods soldin the store. You tako no riskwhatovor. Wo tuko it all.



Removal Notice.

On and after April Ut, Dm. Cooper& HaymonJ will occupy the oflices ofDr. McOrew nn Hotel Htreet. Olllcohours from 8:30 to 10 a in, 1:30 to 3and 7 to 8 p. m. Teli-pbon- No. 154.

670 Ini



Hotel St., near Fort. Tol. 802.


The Manufacturing Harness Co. ?jjiKort an,l King St roofs.

Telepiioni: 228. P. O. Box 022.

f ' w. . "jr f.i

OUR SPJV-01AL.T- ISHandmaUe Harness, &tc

K, Wc keep in &tock and sell no goods oxcoptOUR OWN MANUFACTURE.


arc clothes cranks,iu tliut they foulno elotlicH aiV goodelothee save tailors' clothes


make good clothes,but charge toomuch for tho goodness.Gooducss is an incident.


lack tho incident, '

ovon when tho tailorcharges for it. Samecloth, samo mako,with incident, for halftailor's prico our way.

"The Kash."9 Hotel Street Wavcrlcy Block

We Wake Shirts to Order.

Administrator's Notice.

Tbo uuilorMuiiU'l having beenAduiiuUtrutix of the Evtato

of Cluing King, late ot WhIuIuu, Otliu,deceased, by order uf I by HonorableA. l'erry, Second Juil of tbo CircuitCourt, Klrot Judicial Ciicult, itepub"Hoof Huwuil, hereby iiotitloa ull persona having claims agiiut ubl ch-t- h

to to present thuhauio with vouchersduly authenticated, oven though thesumo bo feeuied by inorli;ago uponreal estate, to hliu at Wululua, OhIiu,within six (6) months from lUtebeieof, or such claims will bo foreverburied. All pen-oi- n Indebted to naldeHtute are also notified and directed topay such debts to the Administratoronly. PAUL MAHAULU,Administrator of tho Estate of Cbang

King.Dated Walalua, Oahu, March 8,

1897. 658 4t

Election. of Officers.

The following OlUcern imve btcuelected by the Woodlawn Fiult Com-pany to eerve for the ensuing year;

F. W. MoChesney President.J. S. Walker

Secretary aud Treasurer.J. H. Bchiiaok Auditor.The ubove'together with J. Lazarus

constitute the Boaid of Directors.J. 8. WAIiKKR,

Reniti4rv.Honolulu, March 12, 1607. 571-- 3t

For Rent.

Furnished Houie on' lleietunlastreet, the renldf lice of Louis Marks,completely furnished throughout andready loi iiiiineoriie ixxui-uuuy- .

Apply to607-t- f GEO, ii. HOARDMAN.

Notice of Removal.

On and after April 1st, C. V. K.Dove, (Surveyor and Civil Englueor,will occupy his New Oluce in thoCampbell lil-cf- c, op (ttti, next to ihootllce of the Bwhop Hjtato. 5a-l-

Removal Notice.

On and after April 1st Dr. II. V.Murray will occupy the House ofBtiiceCartwrlght, corner Alukea andReretaulu streets. B7l-l- w

WW tpSF lyrt. , if



crEv7tTjKriT(j,' Vftwr ruioia



Including a Fine Line of

Ladies' VestsIn large variety. Also

Quilts, Blankets,Etc., Etc., Etc.


LW.pcpiIionjSVon Holt Block. King Street.

In tho Cirnuit Court ofQn,,.rl.0lthe First Clicuit, Huwail- -an Islands. James J. Byrne vs. JohnAllot), II. Allen and other?, at Cham-ber- h.

Tbo Kepuullo of Hawaii: Totlie Maiijlml of the Ha wniiuu Inlands,or bis I)uiuty, Oreetlng: You aroherehy couiiiiainUil to pummoii JohnVllen, Henry Allen, Heurv Rhodes,W. H. Iiunibert. A. 11. F.

aud O.ibu Railroad & LaudCo. to appear ten days alter tiorvlcoueieof, lftiioy lesido on the Island ofO.iliu, otherwise twenty days aftertervlee, before such Judge of tbo Cir-cuit Court of the First Circuit o shallliewltllug at Clmmbcis iu the CourtItoom, nt Honolulu, in the JudiciaryBuildlug, to'auswor the uunexed billor James J. Byrne. Ami you are fur-ther commanded, by order of tbo Hou.A. W. Carter, 1st Judge of the CircuitCourt of the 1st Circuit', that processbe served upon V. A. IClnney, Esq ,for aud on behalf of A. Feek nud thata temporary Injunction issue h pniyedfor against tbo Oahu Railroad & LnulCompany, A. Feek, bis Attorneys,Agent and Factors, uud have youthen there this Writ, with your re-

in ' -- 'if uI I Witaoi-- j tho Flint Judge1 HI'AI' of tbo Circuit Court of theFirst Circuit, at Honolulu, this 27thday of July, 1890.


i HG'S, Civil Code. Tho time with-in which au act Is to be done,flull bo computed by excluding thollrdt day and including tho last. Ifthe last day be Sunday, it shall beUAUIUUUI,

r fsrltflf flit, fnrniiiilni. frvlr.i. i.incopy of the original summon!. Iu .'.lidtaunc, nuu iiiai niu v,ijuru oroerea inaifcervico be m.tdu Uon said uou resilient oeieuuanr, a. roeK, oy puidlca-tio- n

of tho same uud coutluuauce ofnild 'Hii!' until tin !!Hlh dav of Juue,1M7, a. 10 o'o o.'k iu tho for.iiii'iii.

Honolulu, H I Mfliidi 11), lht)7,J. A. THOMPSON,

504-oa- w Clerk.

Tor Sale,

One Kiuo Taiuily CiiiridRe Ilorso war.ruuttd tj be a geuth uuiuiul. -- ply to

w. w. wmanT,B'a-l- , Port htreet.



OfKicm 203 Merchant strtet, CuuipbellHloik rear of J. 0. Curler' office, v. O.Box :t;io

r nt

I f'iKM&i Jh'', - .iW, ,.!- - , .3 . i- -mMMMiMikJ.' mmmmmmmmmLjmmmm&&m






Page 5: II BiN, J91fMLJ9a &UJU1 IMKRl fl6S If sve NI NG BULLCTIN ... · San Diego, Cal., March 12.--Tho British ship Icarus, Captain Floot, arrived today from Hono-lulu, from which pott it

fp$PP8P. Tf7?fT." I '



Pabnla mill is shut down twoweeks for necessary repairs.

Thoro will bo rncca botb onFriday, Juno 11th, and Saturday,Juno 12th.

Superior broakfast sausngo is aspooialty at tho Gontral Markot.Ring up 101.

Tho Eona Echo says tho nowwarohousp at Kailua wharf hasboon completed.

Portraits onlargod from smallphotos and handsomoly framedfor 810 at King Bros.

Tho Archbishop of Canterburyis patron of 101 livings; thoPrince of Wales of '21.

H. W. Schmidt & Sons call at-

tention to lines of now goods re-ceived by tho Australia.

Tho regular monthly mootingof tho Pioneer Building and LoanAssociation comes off this oven-in- g.

Professor Bristol's trnincdhorses will perform tonight fortho bonefit of the lopors at Mole-k-ai.

Plenty of Seattlo bock beer ontap at tho Lourro saloon. Don'tforget tho number, 303 Nuuanustreet.

A moeting was to havo beenheld at Kailua last Monday to in-

quire into road matters in thatdistrict.

0. Hedemann gavo tho congreg-ation of the Palatna chapel a fineslereopticon eulertuiiiinent onSaturday evening.

King Bros, havo just received apew lot of Hsbuo paper, windownotes, sash rods, artists' matorials,picture frames, otc.

The officers of tho NationalGuard will havo a conforencewith tho Cabinet botweon 2 and 3o'clock this afternoon.

E. A. Jones, with his wife andchildren, loft on tho Gaolio yes-terday morning for a visit to thoStatos of several months.

Now suitings and pants patternsnro arriving by overy mail steam-- or

for L. B. Kerr. Ho sells a singloyard at wholesale prices.

J. Wood, father of tho two baso-ba- ll

players, died on Saturday andwas buried from St. Andrew's Ca-

thedral yestorday afternoon.The Kamohamoha boys defeat-

ed the lads from Punahou at base-ball on Saturday for tho thirdtime, the score being 12 to 3.

Mrs. Robert Rycroft loaves fortho Coast on tho Australia to bepiesent at the maniago of herbrother, Mr. Campbell, to MissKimball of Oakland.

There will bo no band concertat Emma square this evening, asMinister Cooper has donated thoservices of tho band to tho bonefitporfornianco for tho lopers.

It is said that posts planted intho earth upper end down willlast much longer th'an thosewhich aro set in tho natural posi-tion in which tho troo grow.

A wealthy gontlemau in Pan's,whoso wife could not resist thodesire to gamble, has secured alogal separation from hor. Insix mouths sho had lost 435,000francs.

Sterling, tho painter, is pro-pare- d

to quoto prices on roofpainting. IIo uses a composition ofcoal tar and coment. Cheapestand best roof preparation iu Honolulu.

Tho somi-anuu- al meeting fortbo oloction of ollicors of the Ho-nolulu Road Club will bo hold atthe Y. M. O. A. tomorrow ovening,April 0, nt 7:30 o'clock. All mom-bo- rs

aro requested to attend.Sol. N. Sheridan, tho woll-know- n

writor and tolegrapheditor of tho San Francisco Bul-letin, arrived at Hilo on tho Ro-derick Dim last week. Mr.Shoridan has not boon woll forsome timo past, and is takiug thosea voyage in hopes of bouofitinghis health.

Best or not best money-bac- k,

anyway, if you don'tlike them.

tra hiking pnwdfrCotff flavoring email!

and iplcta.

Schillings Best.IS

David Koii of Wilder SteamshipCompany is ill.

Tho Flying JordaiiB will per-form again tomorrow evening.

Hit drunkn mat tlinir fnfn nt (lmhands of Judgo do la Voigno this I

Chostor Doylo is confined to hisbed with a joint attack of tho gripand malarial fever.

Absolutely nothing is known attho polico station concerning thomy6torious trip of tho Kaona.

Dr. O. B. High, dentist, gradunlo Philadelphia Doutal Col-lege, 1892. Masonic Temple.

That picturo in King Bros',window which has attracted somnch attoution is not tho portraitof nuyouo hero.

A boy by tho name of RobertRowo is being tried beforo Judgedo la Vorgno this aftornoon on achargo of larceny in the seconddecree.

Tho Anglican Church Chroni-cle for March is out, charged withsehsonablo homily and approprmto church and social intelli-gence

A danco and dinner at tho Ha-waiian hotel to tho music of thoQuintotto Club will bo given to-

morrow ovoning in honor of thoguests departing by tho Australia.

Revero "Granite" Garden Hoseie exhibited iu the window of thoPacific Hardware Co. Thov showa sample of this hose, which hasIVon in constant uso' for six

ars.Vnlvnls. lirnnntlnil mid tilnirl

vblvoteuns, and cut velvets, aro thodrawing cards tins week nt .lor-don'- s,

and a reduction of 75 percent is selling tho goods vpryrr pidly. Tho salo lasts this weekonly.

Tho Minister of tho Interiorand E. H. Wodehouso havo

deeds by which tho form-er gets possession of cortaiu laudon Nuuuuu street needed for streetpurposes.

Ezra Popploton and OscarMooll havo diBSolvod partnershipin tho bakery business, Mr. Pop-ploton who continues assumingall liabilities and collecting ac-

counts of tho Into firm.

Fred. Waterhouso will accom-pany his mother, Mrs. J. T.Waterhouso, on hor way to Eng-land as far as Seattlo, whero hewill mako n stay of soino time fortho bonefit of bis health.

Hon. Robert Rycroft, who haBa plantation at Olaa as well as atPuna, says ho has coffee trees atOlaa hss than a your old whichho linn novor seen equalled inPuna, Kona or anywhoro olso.

In tho polico court this morn-ing Ah Ka was found guilty ofopium iu possession and his son-ten- co

suspended. Iu tho trial ofAlohikoa for violating carriagoregulations tho' decision was re-


Krooger Pianos,swootest iu tono,Jas. W. Borgstroni, solo agent, cashor installments. Warorooms ntG. Wost's, Masonic Temple. Of-fice at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-iu- a

and renairiucr. S Tolo- -

phono 347.

Printed ducks are just as good,if not bettor than anything elsofor boys' shirt waists. They washand wear well, two vory importautconsiderations. Korr has them ina largo variety of patterns at eightyards for one dollar.

In the poliuo court this morn-ing J. G. Waibel was found guiltyas charged in doing business with-out tho necessary license. Thotrial was in tho nature of a testcaso to ascertain his liability topay a certain liconso.

Tbore wns n very largo attend-ance at St. Andrew's Cathedralyesterday morning at tho confirmation services uuiu uy jjisuuj)Willis. Tho ofliocf s and crew ofthe Wild Swan attended in a body.Thirty-on- o persons wore confirm-ed.

The Correa family is iu a peckof troublo at present. Joe Correanud John Correu aro oach chargedwith assault and battery on Mrs.Corrna, and Joe has to answer fora similar offonso on tbo person ofJ. Fomaudes. Tho cases aro Betfor Wednesday.

Thore was a meeting of fruitmen this morning to considermeans of haviug their interestslooked after in tariff and treatymatters at Washington. Stopswore tnkeu to In ing tho subject tothe atteutiou of tho HawaiianGovormnout.


POWDERAbsolutely Pure.

Celebrated for Its tfrciit leavening strengthami lioilllifuliicio. Amircs tlio food ngnlnttalum ami n'l form of adulteration commontotliucluap brnniK JtorAl. lliklNO


"Hawaii'sYoung People."

The March number of this Journalfor the Students of the Public Hchonlswill be on nal tit the Goi.dpn Rui.kBaza au on MONDAY NKXT. Itwill be full of Intere-tlii- Article,Rhort8torles, Poems, ttc.J.M.WEIJJi,Bole Agent.

A KUI.t, lini: ok '

Tennis Raclicto, .

18fc7 Tonni3 Balls,Nots, Covors.

Counters, Etc., Etc., Etc.

IU eel veil Ex "Alameda."


BAZAARNo. 306 Fort Street.

Flying Jordans

One More .


TuEdag, p Stsh,


Opera -:- - plouse.YXT Reserve Seat 1'lun at Wall,

Nieliol Company. 570 2t

Election of Officers.

Notice Ih hereby Iven, that at amectliiK of tho Onhu Sugar Company,Limited, held Iu Honolulu April 'J.1897, the following Oflloers were elect-ed to servo uutil tho uoxt annualmeeting:

Directors: 8. C Allen, C. A. Brown,F.J. Lowrey, r. Woliera. Auditor:W. F. Allen.

The list of O Ulcers 1 now as follows:

Paul Iseuberf PreeldentB.F Dillingham

Hrst Vice PresidentM. P IMiln-- t

Second nt

J. F. naekfeld TreasurerE. Suhr SecretaryW.F. Allou Auditor

Boardrof DIroctors: S. O. Allen,C. A. Brown, F J Lowrey, W. Wol-tor- s;

aud ex olllclo: Paul Irieiiberg.B. F. Dllllnghnm, M. P. Robinson,J. F. Hacufeld, E Suhr.

E. SUHR,675-l- Sccrot'jry.

The Ite.iSun Why.

Tho Temple of Fashion wascrowded Thursday, Friday andSaturday. Tho announcomont byMr. Silva that ho intended to per-manently rotiro from tho drygoods business nud would offerhis entiro stock at a reduction of25 per cont on tho nctual cost, wasthe causo of tho largo crowds.That tho prices nro right has boonprovon to every purohasor. Ifyou want anything in tht drygoods Hue for at least CO per coutchoaper than you pay olsowhoio,call at tho Tomplo of Fashion.

Nicoly furnished rooinh at thoPopular House, 1C1 Fort streot,

J from $1.00 per week up.

The Sunlight is

Glistening on

Those " Orange Rims,"

but unfortunately for us it isnot glistoniugon them iu thiscountry, as our shipment ofSTEARNS whoels was put outho"V. H.Dimond," so is notduo horo for a weok. OurCOLUMBIAS also aro stillout of wheoliug range, as thoygot to S. F. tho day boforotho stoamor sailed, and nomoro freight would bo re-ceived, but they will comonjong soon, and in tho moan-tim- o

wo wnnt you to knowthat wo received 97 KAM-BLEit- S

by yestoardny'asteamer, nnd can fit you outwith either a '90 or '97 wheel,and wo kuow wo can suit you.Tho 1890 11AMBLEK is thobargain of tho year and thochanco to buy a woll knownhigh grndo wheol for S7G and$80 will not last long, as woaro informed by tho makersthat this is the last lot of '96wheels thoy can furnish, for,as they write, "our sales havobeen phenomenal, and youtook the last "90 wheels wo hadin stock."

W3u We iient ihcycles by thohour, day, wok or month, and worent high grndo now wheels, suchas ItAMULIiKS, STEAltNS,aud COLUMBIAS, so if youwant a short rido or a long ride,want to rido singlo or want to ridodouble, drop in and seo how nicolywo can fit you out. You will gotjust as good a mount if you tele-phone us, and wo will Bond yourwhool to your door. Your chancoto buy a '90 RAMBLER cheapwill only last a fow days, don'tmiss it.

E. 0. HALL & SON,

Corner Fort nnd King Sis,




Fine Millinery!ON

Thursday, Friday and Saturday,A.VKIJL 1st, Qd and 3d.

French Pattern Hats,and Millinery Novelties!

BSaT" You aro cordiully invited to nttond. iSS

N. S.'S'ACHS,53Q Fort Street : :

Patent - Shaft - Springsm S

Invented aud Patented by W. W. WRIGHT.

It 05Ute2-at.e- s AM Horse Motion.This device can be attached to Any Brakewith Straight Shafts. ....

for full particulars, call on or add! ess

W. W. WRIGHT,55A.lt Proprietor Honolulu Carriage Manufactory, Fort slroot, aboye Hotel.

SEVENTH WEEKVelvets and Velveteens Brocade Plaid Velveteens

Former JPrice 5l.f0






. . .Former Price, $6.50

jSellJjaLg; gl



i '.


KllK- - TinW TTircjM-- -- V !



SO-SO- . -

iRJWED!- ,f




Tjatest Stylos iu



353- - "KTm 0"03F5.XjQl3NT,S

No. 10-F- ORT STREET ST0RE-TS- To. 10



..',v ..

tf.i!- - v v? Jit- -

.j'jj.,,v. .JJk'r:fcw1to.S 134fatl 'il It'Jl. Jj L.ti'f'ikwY . M1, m- - st.Stwrficr' AnXk

i'. M





'.l'ily- - m.

jdfc'S!.iui..A t&ii..

- Y


Page 6: II BiN, J91fMLJ9a &UJU1 IMKRl fl6S If sve NI NG BULLCTIN ... · San Diego, Cal., March 12.--Tho British ship Icarus, Captain Floot, arrived today from Hono-lulu, from which pott it


y fiM 4"pP?F?7'"T vr rqRV, NMNMWff'fr '



Kntlri'lx Viinrcrwarr, J. S. Walker, FAMILY SUPPLIESTHE








Scientific Remedy

Thoroughly Tested by


&(p Suffering 'During Treat-


So Injurious After Effects.

&(p Loss of Time from 'Busi-


Improved physical condition,absolute freedom from anydesire for Alcoholic stimu-


Length of time required foi

treatment Three weeks.

Fees charged $100 for Alco-


$40 for Tobacco.


Institute located in Arling-ton Cottage, Hotel Street,Honolulu.

All communications or in-

terviews strictly confidential.

For further particulars, ad-

dress,i '

Secretary Hagey Institute,Honolulu.

Good Groceriesarc not luxuries nowa-

days; they nro necessities.Competition has brought thoprices down to a point whereevery one can havo them. Wodeal in and keep the best as-

sortment in Honolulu. Inaddition to Staple Grocerieswo have Dried 1 ruits in largovariety.



Hawaiian Poha Jamthan which there is none

better in tho market. This istho Wassman Brand.

Crosse & Blackwells.Cream Lucca Oil in pints

and quarts.

Jams and Preserves.

California & Spanish Olives.

Huckin's Soup,

a dozen different kinds, thobest in tho world.

Family Mess Porkin five pound tins.

ST Orders by telephonepromptly filled.


Queen Street.


Art -:- - Fotos

The Most Complete

and Artistic Seriesof Island Views EverExhibited.

Tho L.itest Applicnncps for FinoWork pertaining t Photography.

.f2lJ Fort St. Tol. 151


Mercantile Agency210 King Htreet.

Difficult Collections a Specialty

O. J3. 1) WIGHTTakes contracts for nil hinds of STONE

WORK, nwuuuieut work, cement andstone it nil curbing. I have onhand tlio best Hawaiian Htone, Chinesegranite, otn. I'inu stone (or monumentalwork. Estimates given and lowtst pricesassured. Telephone 833



Cor. Fort nud Qiihw Streets, ITnnnlnln.


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods

Fort and Queen Stroets.


Doalors in Lnmbor and Coalnnd Building Materials of allkinds.

Queen Street, Ilouoluln,

"Tli' olo nqniro fitop nn Hpoko to mothis mnriiin, nu Oi nst Mm 'on 'Mum i

I'liilip was gottin on In Luniion. 'Oh.lays 'o, ' 'o's bin called to th' bur.' Oidunno wot o mount, no Oi diduuotliin, but Oi nays to mcsolf, 'All,'Oi bujf, 'from wlmt Oi remembor of'im, 'o didn't want no calliu.'"Pnuob.

A Cold "Wave."

'SBseisTexas Siftius.

FaHhlon'M Slave.

Raffnolli McGugcnlieituer (viewinghis work) Dero's ono of yer AubreyWhiskorsloy pictures. It ain't much ofa likeness, nor it ain't pretty, but It'sdor fashion, an you bot yor lifo dat'swhat goes. I'd rudder bo out o' moneydan out o' fashion. Troth.

Ant Dp.



Anchored is wlmt tho rann anidwhen bo dropped into tho AnchorSaloon. Why? said his friond.Because you enn nlwnys pot acool refreshing drink servod bygontlemanly attoudnutH, and ifyou happen to drop in duringlunch hour you will bo regaledwith solids as wnll an liquids. Infact tho lunch at tho Anchor issaid by innny tn bo the heat intown. The celebrated Heattlobeer is on tap. It is npaiklingand ico t?old. Tho fluent of wiucsand liquors in town are to be hadat this popular resort

Nicely furnished rooms at thoPopular House, 151 Fort street,from S1.00 per week up. "

Bo sure and call for a glass ofthe colobrated bock boor with yourlunch today at tho Anchorsaloon.

Torchon and Valonciounes lacesaro still in groat demand. L. B.Koir has a choice lot, which ho issoiling at lowest possible rateB.

Oity Gurriugo Cu..J.S, Anil,ratio, manager. It you want u

hack with good horse and dire-ful driver ring up iVIophnno 118,oornor of Fort and Merchantstreet?. Hack nj; nil bourn

If you want absolute perfectionin Refrigerators, go to tho PacificHardware Co., for tho "Hygienic"It obviates all defects found inold styles, and embodies improve-ments and. virtues possessed by

I no othor.

1 - Estate - Broker



Dealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Has for Sale and Lease on

Liberal Terms.


1. Largo Lot, Mnkiki stioet, fenced, 228feet frontugo.

2. Lot on Kiuatj Street between Alnpaiand Knpiulani 140 foot frontage.

3. Lot on Lunalilo street between Alapaiand llackfisld streets.

4. 3 large Lots on Prospect street.6. IIoubo and Lot on Green streot be-

tween Knpiolani and Victoria.6. Tho Building known as Thomas' Block,

2 stories and embracing 6 (rented) storeson leased ground.

7. Lot corner of Kiuau and Piiloi streots.8. Itice Land at Wailiane, Koolnu.9. Lot on ccrner of Heulu anof Kecau.

mnkn street- -, lwtweeu residence of W. A.Bowen mill lot of V. M. Giffard, havingfrontage on fleulu street 2G0 feot,

10. Lot 0 uud 7 with House, Kalia,Woikiki road.

1 1. Half Aero Lot in Uilo Town.


1. 3 Cottage . on Queen street near Punch-bowl street.

2 3 Cottages at Old Wulklki.3 Htorn iind Dwelling, corner Wyllie

aud Nuitiiuu, ready tor occupancy4. Lot corner Merchant and Klchaids


Properties Managed, Colle-ctor i if Kents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances inado onKotl Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckels Block, Honolulu.P. O Bx. 331). TVI. 331.

Jofosa Nott,Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 King Street,


WHAT?My 10.00 Bath Tubs, lined with bem

quiility, No. 10 zinc, G in. Pipe, Chain turnPlug, with wood rim all complete Otheidealers are ilumfoundcd, and resort to ullmannor of '1'rlcks and Excuhci.

Be uot death td, theso Lathi Tnbs havibeen sold foi $14 until I reduced the price.

I am prepared to io all work in my lintand guarautbo satiBfuitionl Estimates furnishod.

If you want a good Job cheap tor Cast,ring up Telephone 844, and I am youtmam

JAS. NOTT Jn,Tinsmith .te I'lumlwr


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Tort Street.

Carriage BuilderAND llEr.UUEIi.

Slacksmitbing in All Its Branches.

W. W. WIUtiHTi Tropnetor.(Snocessor to O. West.)

AMERICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Merchant and KklmrdB Bts.


3f" Carrlsues, Bunoys ami ITncUn t allhours. TELtU'UONE 400.

T-uu- ISecGl-ved-. perAttnores Minco Merit in gloss jars,

Old Homestead Minco Meat in 1 lb. pkgs.,Cuttings' Mince Meat in 2J lb. tins,

B. and'R. Plum Pudding in l, 2 and 3 lb. tins,Cranberries, Candied Peel,

California Sweet Potatoes,New Crop Raisins, tyuts, Dates, Figs,

Apples, Queen Olives, Asparagus,Maplo Syrup, Edam Cheese,

Creamory Butter, Hams, Bacon,Crackers, Cheese, Etc., Etc., Etc.


CLUB STABLES,IFort Street, - - - - Tel. -- vz

BOARDING, -:- - SALE -- : AND -:- - LIVERY.


HARNES'S --- :- AJSTDA specialty.



Tho best of attention Riven to nnimJs left wifh us. Carefnt drivers, resnoctfmattendants, riromntness. llhcks. Snrrios. llrnt. ttniraipia lln.inn. - ...:.... . .

BEW GOODSiumszz9!!we:unsiN.smmi

.AT TtlTf.

Citu Furniture Store.(uorner oi tori ana


H.H. VILLIAMS, (Manager)

Undertaker find Embalrhe

Main Office Telephono No. 53. P. O. Box No. 222 Branoh Office Telephone No. 838.

Oahu Lumber and Building Co., L'd.Lumber Merchants, Contractors & Builders.


Doors, Sashes, Paints, Cils, BuiMors' Html ware, TVull Pupors andMnttinR, Etc Mnnufnoturo All Kinds of Moulding.

Main Office. Leleo, King strict. Branch Office and Planing Mill, corner King nndBethel streets. Lumber Yards,Leleo nnd Lot near B. R. Depot Private track connect-ing with O. K. & L. Co. H, It, runs through our yards to 11. R. wharf aud any part ofKwn and Waianae stations. 4tj3--tf

Bulletin, MonthA GOOD THING

4..-U-- -S O

Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewood

Cat and Split (ready for the Stove).Also



At Lowest Prires, delivered to any part olthe City.


HUSTACE & CO.,31 Qneen Streot.

jl&to&ii&n Fertilizing

Is prepared to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 1890.

In Quantities to SuitOrders solicited for a futnro cb

tiyery.A. F. COOKE, Manager.



No. 45 Qneen Street.

Expert Appraisement of RealEstnto and Furniture.

The Evening Bulletin, 75 centsper n'onth.

I ,

212 King Street.



" ."."".wjih irl(ucijit

MSWiJKl)H?JS!lj !jM

v'JiiJAT' :mi

ucrctanM streets.)


F. H

Contractor and Builder.

OElcesaml Stores fitted -- np andEstimates hen on


HT Olllco and Simp: No. C10 Fort etrcet,adjoining y, Wrlslit's Carriage Shop.

W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill nttond to Convoynncing In

all its Branches, Collectingand nil Business Matters

of trust.

All Business entrusted to himwdl receive Prompt nnd CarefulAttention. Ollico:

Hcnoltaa, Hamakaa, Hawaii.

A New Abstract Office.

As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in tho Abstract Business, Iam prepared to mnko Abstracts ofTitle in n most thorough, accurateand complete manner, and onshort notice.

P. W. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Office, 018

Fort Street. 21G-- tf

Evening Iiulletm 75c per month.

75c. der




, 1 v - t V.ii.s(..

'iTv lijSiifc.sS3&frv' ir'il toUA&Jm& .... M

' t



Page 7: II BiN, J91fMLJ9a &UJU1 IMKRl fl6S If sve NI NG BULLCTIN ... · San Diego, Cal., March 12.--Tho British ship Icarus, Captain Floot, arrived today from Hono-lulu, from which pott it




Q. J.Walleb - - Manager.



Eaw Contractors..Refrigerated Poultry


Fresh Salmon


1, Metojpolifem fle&fc do.

Telephone 45.

RENG UP 104!The Central Meat Market

21-- 1 Nuuano Street.

For Your ClioiceOrders

The FinestOF

Always on nand Orderspromptly nnd carcfull) attend-c- d

to. 1

HERBERT GARES,Sole Proprietor.

Fresh GroceriesBy Each Steamer.

Table .. DelicaciesA specialty at

VOELLER & CO.'S,26 Beretania Stroot, Waring Block.

1- - Telephone G80 -- a

Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Telephoner 22 P.O. Box 470

Commissioner of Deeds-- FOIt THE- -

State Gf California.

Having been appointed and commissioneda Commissioner of Deeds for tbo State of Cal-ifornia, I am prepared

To administer and certify oaths.To take and certify depositions and affida-

vits.To take and certify the acknowledgment or

proof of powers of attorney, mortgages,transfers, grunts, deeds or other Instrumentsor record.

A. V. GEAR,Telephone 250. 210 King Street,

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 189G, $106,645.16

Honey Loaned on Approved Seenrity.A Savings Bank for Monthly Deposits.Housed Built on the Monthly Installment

l'Jau.Thirteenth Series of Stook now open.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Soorotary."Chamber of Commerce Booms.Offlco hours, 12:30 1:30 PiM. 373.tf


Itoynl Insurance Company.Alliance Assurance Cumpany.Allianco Murine nnd General Assurance

Company.Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.Wilhnlma of Madgeburg Insurance Com-

pany.Scottish Union and National Insurance


Itoom 12 Spreckels Block, Honolulu, H. I.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of tho United States for tho HawaiianMauds,

Orrw.i Merchant btroot, Honolulu,



Ynlunblo Business Properly on

Nuuanu streot, bringing a good


Several Lois near Punchbowl

and at Mukiki, tbo Choicest Bosi-denr- o

Property in tho city. A

porfcot viow from Diamond Hoadto Ewa, Honolulu und Harbor.

Four Houses and Lots on Punch-

bowl stroot, only ' fivo minutes

walk from tho Post Oflico.

We also havo Cornfortablo

Houses for salo ou easy torms

on tho' following streots;

Lttnalilo', Kinnn, Kukui, Has-sing- er,

Borotaniti, Young, Vic-

toria, Green, Thurston Avenue,

Puuahou, Liliha and Nuuanu.

Building Lots in all parts of tho

city ou the instalment plan.

Sovoral well established Lodg-

ing Houses.

Cofl'oo Lands on Hawaii and a

Pineapple Ranch with limo and

other fruit trocs nonr Honolulu.



210 King Street and 207 Mer-

chant Street.


Business Agency

L C Aules & Co. A.V. Gear& Co.

Oince 2U7 Merchant St. Oillce 210 King St.


general Business Agents

Loans Negotiated and CollectionsMade,

Stooks Bought and Sold.

Books Audited and Accounts Adjusted,

Hills Bought and NotesDlSCDUIltBd, ' ,

Fire and Life InpW&nce Ageqty


Bicycllsta must glvo sufficient warn-ing of thoir npproacli wliru within 100feet of nKtroct or road crossing by meantof such sound producing ilovlcesasshnllbo approved of by local authorities.Now York Evening World.

A rroxjr.



lletween the Acts.

v'Peoplo nro Kossiping terribly nbont

us.""Hut, as yon and I know, they liavo

no reason to. ""That's just what jnakos ma m


ClllXfll AtU'llllilll.

Those aro days of considerableanxiety and perplexity to all whohavo possessions or other interestsin the Republic of Hawaii, nnd itis tiino that our citizens came to amutual understanding on sovoralimportant issues. Tho prospectsfor Annexation appear at presentvague and indistinct, and ourdestiny cannot bo forotold withcertainty. There nro thoso, also,who still fondly cling to tho hopoof a return to tho old ordor ofthings, and who eauuot bo per-suaded otherwise) yot tliin out-look nppoars far more hazy thanthat of Annexation even to thomost hopeful disciples of thoMonarchy. But, fortunately, intho midst of all this uncertaintythero is solnco in tho fact thatBuffalo Boor has camo to stay andthat patrons of all sorts andopinions may equally nharo thobenefits of its invigoratiug nndsustaining properties. Wo nromoreover assured that this favoritebrow will continue to bo dispeused as horotoforo at tho Royal,Pnoilio nnd Oosmopolituu Snloons.

Printed ducks aro jtlst na good,if not bolter than anything elsefor boys' shirt waists. "They washand wear woll, two vory importantconsiderations. Kerr has them inn lnrgo vnrioty of pnttorns ntoightynrds for ouo dollar.

"With a lnrgo lot of goods justreeoived by tho Australia nndAmy Tumor, tho Pnoifio Hard-ware Co. havo another invoieo oftho favorite Universal Stoves nndRanges. Somo sizes woro sold nssoon as sot up, but another sup-ply haB boon ordered,

M"" " "- tit iunix



In Quality Excelled by None.

KiffiS5'',33WV3'I WM CoU.x B

jar a - ;witsrtav wn

C ' '1 E '

--VI'. JfimmU

SMSSPRfif... tu."

Atlantic Red Engine,Espooially nilaptecl to Centrifu-gal Machmory nnd High SpoodEngines.

Capitol Cylinder,For Cylinders, etc.

Castor Mineral,For Stonm Plows.

Summer Black,For Car Boxes, etc.

Steel Plows


l$S5ss& - i7f,.I, T.ni Ml

Wo carry tho following linemanufuotured by tho OLIVERBROTHERS' PLOW WORKS:

The C. & C. RICE PLOW,Sizos 5 to 10 in.; made for lightcultivating and all ordinary uso.

The QUEEN,Sizes 0, 8 and 10 in.; for extraheavy work.

The MONARCH,12 and 11 in.; for breaking andhonvy plowing.

S3T These Plows, mndo ly

for us, aio woll bracod,strong, light, and nro tho result ofcareful study of plantation noeds.They havo mot with universalapproval whorever used.

Just Received


Ice ShavesWhich you will find conve-

nient for making quiokCold Drinks.

rWJ"' rWrsf V1vi5jNKgiyw'yfe'tf tiftuLJI 11

LJJfcTK and iriUE


New "England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

jEtna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.

"'W If T 7 wy i

LEWERS & C0lElReal....DEALEUS IN ....


Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.

LEWERS & C00KE,473 Fort Street, Telephone 20i

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. G. Irwin, - President and MannRerGlaus Spreckels, - - .W. M. Giflard, . Secretary and TreasurerTheo. O. Porter, - . . Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AC1ENT8 OP TUB




Queen street, Honolulu, II.I.

AGENTS FORIUwlln Antenltunl Company, Onome SurarCompany, Honomu Sugar Company, WallAuSugar Company, WalheeSugar Company, Halakal1anch Company.""

Packeta-Agcn- ts Boston Board of Underwriters.

list or omcKsa:PC Jonos,.President! George H Robertson,Managor; E P Hishop, Treasurer and Secrotary; Col. W FAIlen, Auditor; OH Cooke,II Waterhouso, A W Carter, Directors.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and Coffeeat all noons.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON IIAND.


1 ICrotuss. Frop.Per Day 8 2.00Per Week 12.00

Spaclal Cozxtlilsr XatalThe Best of Attendance, the Beet Sitna-tio-n

and tho Finest Meala in this City


SINGER'S -s- - BAKERYEstaMielicd 1S74.

King St. noar Thomas Square

Home-Mad- e BREAD,Cakes : and : Pies

tST Served Frosh Evory Day.

H. F. SINGER,Tolophono 872. Solo Prop'r.

Oyster Cocktails

....AT....The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

jF. KLOKNJi ,tSi, --Ei ZED --to ju Z

Hotel street, noar Fort

BREAD, PJES and CAKESOl all kinds,

jrj-- The Finest Imported and Home,made Confcctlonory.


Jfor Salo.1 Two Stores on Nuuanu street.a Lot on Magazine Hill, UOxSui feet,

commanding an excellent view of the cityand harbor.

3 Lot on Hackfeld street, 60x100.4 'A Choice ltcaidcnce on I.unalllo street,

havlncall modern Improvements.5 tour Houses and Lots on Punchbowl

strict, all rented nt a monthly rental of 1 104.Till property Is 240fccl on Punchbowl strje,with a depth of !tii feet running to the drillground or armory, with a frontneo on tamefor 4 or 5 mora cottages. The central loca-tion of the proterty makes It most available.

6 A Flue Kcsldcncc centrally located,containing 15 moms. Lot 120X12UO ft. Twosmall cottages on the lot bringing In goodrental.

7 A Commodious Kcsldcncc on Hanlnverstreet, fitted with nil modern conveniences. Orwin irace lor suburban property.

B. House and Lot on 1 oung street.0 House and Lot comer Victoria and

Deretaula streets, opposite Thomas squaie,house contains 11 rooms.

10 House and Lot on Young street nearthe residence ot the Key. Mr. Hyde. LotHUxI4U. House contains eight rooms.

II I'enrl City Property.la Ueslrablu Tract of CotTeo Land on Ha-

waii.13 A most Desirable Home on Thurston

avenue. Large grounds nnd beautiful Slow-

er guidon; house furnished throughout inhnrd wood with all latest improvements.,Excellent view of the city nnd ocean, and'one which cannot be cut off,

14 A Largo Lot nnd Commodious Dwel-ling on Orccn Street, commanding an uii'obstructed view ot the city nnd haibor. Nochoicer residence is to bo had in tho cityeven by the most fastidious.

15 A New House ot seven rooms withelectric lights throughout, bath, patent WC, servants' quarters and stables. One blockfrom car line at Puuahou.

4 of those Lots left near Kamcba-mc- ha

school.17 Two Houses and Lots on Liliha street.IS A House and Lot on Atakca street,19 A Ueautlful Uulldlng Lot at Kolltil,

KHJx20O, cleared, leueed and water laid on.20 A (lently Sloping Lot 011 Thurston

avenue, "luillij, huilm; a fionttc on 'Jrtwnstreet of 10i icct, aHil Cdmmabdlng ft bird's-ey- e

lcw of the city and harbor.91 Elegant Beach Property nt Walklkl.

and Lot on Peterson Lane,lloue contains 0 pom. Lot 7ixllO.

23 Dwelling House of 'J renins, titled withall modern convenience! Lot 1'jSxllO.Situated at I'nlamu.

Lot ou WnlklKl Iload, 100x110.25 House und Lot on Nuuanu street.

House contains eight furnished rooms.Very convenient h located ucir the businesscenter of tho city.

215 Elegint ltesldencoat Punahou. Housoof 7 rooms with all modern conveniences.Lot loox2oo, nlr-- ij planted with fruit andornamental trees.

2712 Suits of Furaituro complete amithe rental of the Ino-i- t desirable and fen-trall- y

located Lodging House in the city.28 Pineapple- ltanch 26,000 froitinR

plants, SO0 limo trees, CO Avocado peartrees, poach trees ond Alfalfa crop. TwoDwellings, barn, etc. An Al investment.

29 A Lodging House on Fort street ks-slstln- g

of twenty furnished rooms, all ocu-ple- dby lodgers. A bargain for the right


Notice: Can Negotiate Loans on any otthe above property for purchasers desiringsame at from 50 to 75 per cent of the valiM.

Hawaiian Business Agency,210 King street and 207 .Merchant street.

To My Patrons:It gives me much pleasure

to nnnounce hat MB. M. B.COUNTEB, ono of the mostskilled watchmitkers ovor inthoso Islands, is now managingmy repairing tlopartmont. Nowatch is so complex in itsmechanism but wo can givo por-ted satisfaction in correctingtho ovils to which watches arohoir. Wntohos nro delicatothings to handlo. Wo gunranleothat they will receive no injurynt our hands and will leavoour etoro in porfeet ropair.


E. A. JACOBSON,507 Fort Street.


Tho celebrated ENTEitPitiSEBkkr un Druuglit und inBottles. .



225 Queen streot, Honolulu, II. I,


For tho Enuino Tablo in thoway of all kinds --First Chus

HAY, GRAIN 0 PEEDAro on salo by the


138 Tort St. Tol. 422.


Real Estate and Commission Agent.

Stock llroker. Fire and Life In-surance,

Campbell Mock, 200 Merchant Street.

'i'.,.tLijir i ."'. i i i JW J)f

? .' ,v)







Page 8: II BiN, J91fMLJ9a &UJU1 IMKRl fl6S If sve NI NG BULLCTIN ... · San Diego, Cal., March 12.--Tho British ship Icarus, Captain Floot, arrived today from Hono-lulu, from which pott it

WfllPWW "



'i hi: ovkiidiii: ntiiit m.mii.mm.i:AltKIVMI.

Satuiiiht, Apr '. 3. FOE SALE!Btmr Kaena, WII1011, from Walatua.

Humuat. April. 4.ft 4




Grand Opening and

Closing Out Sale


50 to 75 per cent


' .


Temple of Fashion.All Goods Remarked. A Genuine Reduction of


"Will be



cheaper than you ever




Positively Given



REDUCTIONIs C3rv:o. for --tlxoSOIL H2 purposeof Olojsixxgr OutTkL-- r Immense


Come inspect,


Bffl. SIKVA,




and you will buy before

before in Honolulu.


leaving the store.





The Kaolin mi n !rulie-- S. N. OaelloNailed oil Hnndny Sonic Glly

I'rnnt Nolo,

Tlio bark Highland Light isreceiving ballast.

Tbo Mohican is unloading horfreight at Brewer's wharf.

Tho 8 S Qaolio dopartod at day-break on Sunday morning.

Tho reported arrival of tho Ki-lauo- a

ilou n couplo of days agowas an orror.

Tomorrow, high tide largo 0:48p m; high tide small 5:20 am; lowtido largo 11:01 a m; low tido small1:50 a in.

The Gorman bark Callno finish-,e- d

lonilitig sugar for Now Yorkthis aftoruoon. She will sail onor about Thursday.

Tho Amorican throo - mastedschooner Esther Buhno sailed onSaturday for San Francisco. Horcargo consisted of (5911 bagssugar.

Tho 88 CiiL.nv immigrants, whoarrived in tho Gaelic, will likelybo roleaBodattho ondof this weok.Tho quarantine will bo up onSunday.

Tho bark Seminole, which ar-riv-

this morning, was in a hurricane off Now Zealand on Jan 29.Tho Sominolo brought 1900 tonsof coal, to order.

Tlierb is morn "kicking" abouttho bad odors from tho lower oudof Oceunic dock and garbngodumping whatf uear Pacific Maildock. The health officials Rhnnliluttoud to those placos.

Captuiu Benuott is now com-minute r of tho Mokolii. ' CaptainWeisbarth is ou the Kilauea Houlor ouo trip, after which he willreturn to tho Claudiuo as firstofficer. Captain Weir will probably luko the Kilanea Hou on horarrival here.

Mlioro Jlld Nho GTBetween five and six o'clock ou

Suturday evoniug, tho littlo stoatu-o- r

Kaouu, loaded with coal andprovisions, quietly loft port. Cap-tain Macaulay tho pilot was incommand Ho took with him anight glass and other navigatinginstruments. No ouo on tho water-front seoms to know whoro thoKueiia has gouo, but it is knownlhat an opium vessel is about duofrom the Const, and tho steumoris very likely after her.

After leaving tho harbor, thoKactin was seen to head in tho di-

rection of Kauai.It was rumored that a number

of armed men wore ahoaul thosteamer when she.left tho wharf,and that a boat with a squad ofpolicy, arniod from head to heel,put out after it had become durkto join thr stoaiuoroff port. Thorois no truth in tho stery about thopolice boat, but it is quite likelythat a few officers wero aboard tho6tiumboat.

The Kiiena was sent out by thoCustoms authorities, but knowl-edge- of where bhe went is beingkept a seen t.

Smiiliiolo In I'orl.Early this morning, the Amer-

ican bark Seminole, for which' alittle anvinty was felt, owing tothe length of timo since she hadHailed from Newcastle, arrivedwifely,

r.lio' Sominolo is 79 days fromNeweaHllo with a. full cargo ofcoal, consigned to order. Thelong pnasngo is accounted for bythe sevorn storms and hoad windswhich the bark encountered dur-i- nu

tho first half of tho voyogo.The vodsel is now anohoi'od in thestream, and appears to bo in goodcondition.

I'ASSH.S'aElta AltlUVED.

From Kauai ports, por stmr WG Hall, ApuU SNukamura audsix on deck.

From Maui, per stmr Claudiue,April 4 .Mrs A E Dickey, GOLake, Mrs E Syl'va, James Morso,wife and two children, J W Manniug, wifo and two children, A FTavarea, D Kamahoa, Julia Wala-nik- a

Loo .loo, Ah Hung, Ah Nou,Ah Kiau.OW Dick.-y,- Schultze,Mrs H Dickenson, A Hanneborg,H A Heen, and 113 on deck.


For "San Francisco, por O & OS S Gaelic, April 4 - - E A Jones.

J wifo utid children.


Btmr Claudlne, Cameron, from ports onMaul.

Stmr W O Hall, IUkIuikI, from ports onKauai.

Monday, April. 5.

Am hk Seminole, Weedon, from Xow- -caitlc. .-


BATCnMAT, April J.Btitlr Kaena, Macaulny, for a cruise.Am ichr Ettlicr Uuhnc, Andersen, for San


8UNDAT, April. 4.

Am achr John D Tallant, Hoflland, for l'u-- cl

bound.II r bk Itoutcnlcck, Kodfccrs, for Chill.8 8 Gaelic, Finch, for 8au Francico.

Monday, April. 5.

Nor bk Fantasl, Andersen, for l'uijotBound.

Stmr Kaala, Mother, fur Onlut port.Stmr Unmet. Mokcc, Tullelt, for Iii)iaaStmr Kauai, llruhu, for .ttakautll, Walir n

nnd Ktkaha.Stmr.Mlkahala, Thompson, forl.nlialiia.Stmr Mokolii, Dennett, for Molokal, Matil

and Lanal.Stmr Wnlalcale, Tarkcr, for Kllauca, Kall-lil-

and Ilinalcl


Stmr W 0 Hall. Hai;lund, for Nawlllnill,Ha .i..i,. r-l- nn KtiflHnnd llnunp.'p"

Stmr Claudlne, Cameron, for Maul.Btmr Kluau, Clutkc, for Maul and Ha-



Ex etmr Kaena S6d bga unr.Kx Btmr J A Ciimmlm UiK) b.ig uc;ar.Ex stmr Juiucs Makec--!it uae;8 lunar, 1

horde.Kxalmr WOIIall-0.- 74 bajjs Bimar, 40

lmj brau, 10 bR rice 33 bdl hldif, 1 cow,51 pkRg sundries.

Kx atmrOlaudinc I0.CS0 lnir funr, 16Hbn polatiH-it.T- lup; corn, '.i homfi., 0. Iioirn.lsu pktiB sundilea


II 11 M S Wild Swnu, Napier, Victoria,Mar tftf

I tJ 8 S Marlon, Orccno, San Dlven, March l jUEIlUIIANTMtN.

iCuuAtera nut included In tulr list. j

Am ship W F Babcotk, Oraham, 3 F,Mar 'J

Am lk Highland I.lL'lit, I.ewln, Diiurluro

Haw bk nuinond Head, Ward, I'l llUUly,I1UIL1I v

Am bk Matilda, McKenzlc, 1'ort Ulaktly,Mai eh 20.

Am rolts Btmr Mornlup; Star, Uarland, liuk.Mar ."J.

Am thlp Oco Curtis, 8proul, NaRasakl,Mar 2.1.

S 8 Australia, lloudlctte, S F, Mar 30Am bhlp Luzon, Park, Shanghai, Mar 83.Haw bk Kosallc, Nisscn.Chemalmus, Feb 31.Bk Cullao, Kostcr, New castle, Feb 18.Am bk Mohican, Saunders, A F, April 3.Am bk Hemlnnle, Wci-don- , Newcastle, Apr 5.


Vessels Where trora OuoAm ship Iroquois rt VNIc bk Dominion, ....Newcastle DueOer bk I'aul henberi;... .Liverpool l)uiBchr Louis NewcastleBk Newsboy NewcastleHchr Nnvclly NewcastleAm BlilpHtaper...NewcusiloIlk Fortuna Newiatle Apr 0Schr Golden Ahore. .. Newcastleficlir heho NencnMleHaw bk Iolanl New York .... May ,11

ik'lir Olpi Nuwcastle MuralUk Nuuanu Nw YorkSchr H'm Bonden.. ..Newcftjlle. ..AprilAm rfclir Oceania Vance,.. Newcastle, AprAm bktn W It I)lmond,..8 Ffehr W II ralbiit... Newcastle Apr ;W

Ani chr Alice Cook... l'ujjet Sound. ...duoAm bk Albert a FAm bk Allien Besse rt FAm bktn Mary.. ..Wlnkclmau.... NewcastleSS Coptic SK Apr 88 8 Mariposa tf F Apr 8dSWammoo Victoria. Apr 111

S 8 ltto Janeiro 8 F Apr 17SoAuslralia SK Apr 37HA Doric Yokol'iunn At UH

Ai Min'TWA 6dney ....Air'wMrtArxmili .. ..Sydney Ap't )


FULCilKH-- At Olaa, Volcano ltoad, onMonday, March 3D, lb'jr, to the wife orV. M. Fulcher, u kon

KAMAIv V At Kunawul, Honolulu, April ,8j7, to the wife ot John Kamakuokuhnl,

n daughter.BKYANr-Inthlsr- lty, April 3, 1807, to the

wlfiof E .1 (J Ilrniit ofKlhuca.Kiiuil,iou '

I'l Alluullc Koiiti.Montreal, March 21. AV. Peter-

son of England, who is connectedwith largo English shipping in-

terests, has signed a provisionalcontract with tho Canadian Gov-ernment for a fast traus-atlant- io

steamship sorvico of four' boats of10,000 tons each, to bo ready intwo years and to steam over twen-ty kuots por hour. The subsidyto bo paid by Canada is uaid to boS500.000 per year and tho BritishOovernment, it i- - iiiidtMctowl, i

ready to contributo S2CO,000 poryear in addition.

(ieriuuM Wurnlilp.

Berlin, March 22. It is report-ed that a syndicate with a capitalof 100,000,000 marks has uudor-tuke- u

to employ Horr Krupp, toogroat guntnakor, to build tho warships which tho lloiohstag re-

fuses, aud that they will bo placedat tho disposal of the Govornmontwhen tho Reichstag, from timo tolime, votes tho money for thorn incoming years.


Vnlnablo Businoas Properly onNuuanu streot, bringing a goodrental.

Several Lots near .Punchbowland at Makiki, tho Choicest Eosi-denc- o

Proporty in tho city. A

perfect view from Diumond Hoadto Ewa, Honolulu and Harbor.

Four Houses and Lots on Punch-

bowl streot, only fivo minuteswalk from tho Post Office.

We also havo ComfortableHousos for Balo on oasy torms si-

tuated on tho following streots;

Lunalilo, Kinuu, Kukui, Has-sing- er,

Berotitnia, Young, Vic-

toria, Green, Thurston Avenue,Punuhnu, Lilihu and Nuuanu. .

Building Lt in all parts tof tho

city on the instalment plan.

Sovoral woll'ostublishod Lodg-

ing Housos.

Coffoo Lands on Hawaii and a

Pinenpplo Bunch with limo and

other fruit trees near Honolulu.



210 King Street nnd 207 Mer-

chant Streot.


Business AgencyL. C. AWes 4 Co. A.V. Gear&Co.

Olllce 207 .Merchant 8 1. Ottlce 311) King St.


general Business Agents

Loans Negotiated and CdllcctloiiaMade. '

Stocks Bought and Sold.

Books Audited and Accounts Adjueted,

BIIIb Baught andNotasniscountBd, ' ,

1 Fife and Life Insurance Ageqt


t- - iifc,-- v.. L.tKttIV,t., i .


