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Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven

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  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    Improved DataProcessingfor a Low-Cost Portable X-

    Band Radar in Leuven Area

    Promotor:Prof P !illems

    "aster dissertation in partial fulfilmentof t#e re$uirements for t#e Degree of

    Master of Science in Water Resources Engineeringb%: Carlos "u&o' L(pe'

    )eptember *+,

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven




    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my promoter Prof. dr. ir. Patrick Willems for valuable

    suggestions and guidance in this thesis and during the whole academic year.

    I would also like to thank my advisor ir. Lipen Wang for his permanent availability and valuable comments

    and advises during the development of this Master thesis.

    My sincere gratitude and admiration for each of my classmates. I have learned from them and I have

    always received good advises and encouragement during all this time.

    Remember all the staff of IPW!R" Master Programme# for this special academic year spent in $elgium.

    $esides# I would like to thank the %lemish !&uafin Water 'ompany for providing the radar and rain gauge


    (pecial thanks to !melia and )offre# thanks for your support and invaluable help. !nd one last personal

    comment# I will always be deeply thankful to all my family members to bring me up in humility values.

    'arlos Mu*o+# (eptember ,-/

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    TABLE OF CONTENTS I01R23'1I20 .......................... ...................... ............................ ................... ............................... ..

    . Problem 3efinition ........................... ...................... ............................ ................... ...................

    ., Main 2b4ectives .......................... ...................... ............................... ................... ...................... ,

    .5 1hesis (ummary ......................... ....................... ........................... ...................... ...................... 5

    , R!I0%!LL M"!(R"M"01( ......................... ......................... ........................... .................... ............. 5

    ,. 1ypes of Precipitation ....................... ...................... ............................ ................... ................... 5

    ,., 1ipping $ucket Rain 6auges ...................... ............................ ..................... .......................... ..... 7

    ,.,. Working principle of the tipping bucket rain gauge .......................... .................... ............. 7

    ,.,., ncertainties in rain gauge measurements. ........................ ........................... ................... 7

    ,.5 Weather Radars .......................... ...................... ............................... ................... ...................... 8

    ,.5. Working principle ......................... ......................... ........................... .................... ............. 8

    ,.5., Radar e&uation ........................... .......................... ........................... .................... ............. 9

    ,.5.5 1ypes of radar ........................... ...................... ............................ ................... ................... :

    ,.5./ (patial and temporal resolution in weather radars. .......................... .................... ...........

    ,./ L!WR ;

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    8. Duality !nalysis Results !nd 3iscussions. ........................ ............................ .................... ........ ,8

    8., Linear Regression Method Results and 3iscussions ..................... ........................... ................. 5-

    8.5 Marshall EPalmer Paramenters 'alibration Method....................................... ................... ...... 5,

    8./ FG< 'alibration MethodH Results !nd 3iscussion. ........................... .......................... ................ 55

    8./. (patial resolution influence. ...................... ............................ .................... ...................... 5:

    8./., 'lutter influence .......................... ......................... ........................... ............................ ... /-

    8./.5 'overed area influence ...................... ........................... ........................ ....................... ... /5

    8././ Maximum intensities # total amount of rainfall and duration influence .......................... . /5

    9 '20'L(I20( !03 R"'2MM"03!1I20( ......................... ............................ ................... .............. /8

    9. 'onclusions ........................... ................... ............................ ................... ............................... /8

    9., Recommendations !nd %uture Work ......................... ............................ ................... .............. /?

    ? R"%"R"0'"( ............................ ...................... ............................ .................... ........................... ...... /:


    %ig ,. 3escribes the formation process of convective and stratiform events. ......................... ........ /

    %ig ,., Working principlWorking principle of a TBRG ...................................................................... 7

    %ig ,.5 Working principle of a weather Radar .................................................................................. 9%ig ,./ Scanned volume by a weather radar..................................................................................... ?

    %ig ,.7 Beam filling volume correction .......................................................................................... 5

    %ig. 5.. Climatological information of Leuven based on monthly averages .................................... 7

    %ig 5., a Leuven location in Belgium !b "rovincieus building !c L#WR radar ............................... 8

    %ig /. (tandard calibration method example ............................................................................... :

    %ig 8.AaC Radar snapshots for the event took place on $th%une&Resol&'() m...................................... ,8

    %ig 8.AbC Radar snapshots for the event took place on $th %une&Resol&()* m..................................... ,8

    %ig 8., #ccumulation of the raw radar data of the whole events of +th and $th,une...................... ,9

    %ig 8.5 @iguest reflectivities mapfor the whole events of +th and $th of ,une&............................ ... ,9

    %ig 8./ 1wo clutter dry period snapshots of (-thand ($th,une are shown&......................... ........... ,?

    %ig 8.7 !ccumulation of the raw radar data for the entire month of )une in a logarithmic scale .... ,:

    %ig 8.8 Linear regression method for . of the rain gauges&............................................................. 5-

    %ig 8.9 Range dependent curve for the 'alibration %actor to be applied to radar correction. .......... 5

    %ig 8.? Radar and rain gauge rain rates time series for W/ Gauge for the event of 0th,une.............. 5

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    %ig 8.: #ccumulation radar and gauge rainfall curves after applying correction 1 $th,une ............. 57

    %ig. 8.-#ccumulation radar and gauge rainfall curves after applying correction 1 '*th ,une .......... 58

    %ig 8. Radar and gauge rain rates time series G and linear regression method :th)une ................. 59

    %ig 8., Radar and gauge rain rates time series for 5 of the gauges during the event of -th )une .... 5?

    %ig 8.5 "ffect of applying the filter algortihm in the accumulated map of )une .......................... ...... /,

    %ig 8./ Snapshot of the $thevent of ,une ttenuation issue............................................................. /7


    1able ,. dB/ scale for weather radar&. ............................................................................................ :1able ,., Weather radar types ...................................................................................................... -

    1able ,.5 L#WR city radar technical characteristics. ........................................................................ ,

    1able 5. Characteristics of Leuven rain gauges& . ........................................................................... ?

    1able 7. 2vents during ,une (*'+ and mean characteristics . ......................................................... ,5

    1able 8. FaH values after applying calibration method during the events of )une ,-/. .................. 5,

    1able 8., FbH values after applying calibration method during the events of )une ,-/. .................. 55

    1able 8.5 G values during the events of )une ,-/ for an spatial resolution of ,7 meters. ............ 5/

    1able 8./ 'oefficient of determination values during the events of )une ,-/ . 5/1able 8.7 G values for an spatial resolution of ,7- m during the events of )une ,-/ ..................... /-

    1able 8.8 G values after applying clutter filter during the events of )une ,-/. ............................... /,

    1able 8.9 1otal average area covered during the event# J respect the total covered by the radar.. /5

    1able 8.? Maximum intensities at every gauge during each of the events . .......................... ........... //

    1able 8.: Total rainfall accumulation at every gauge during each of the events . ........................ ... //

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven




    Rainfall estimation is a driving force in the field of hydrology in general and urban hydrology in particular.

    Rain observations are used in hydrological applications as main inputs in the hydrologic

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    1he results of the static calibration method showed a large variability in the parameters involved and no

    tendency was found on them. %actor that might influence on the results obtained were analy+ed and some

    recommendation were given in order to faces the challenges of the L!WR radar for the Leuven case study

    in future works.

    Keywords urban hydrology# radar# rainfall spatial variability# radar

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    List of Symbols

    !D!%I0 %lemish !&uafin Water 'ompany

    '% 'oefficient factor lineal calibration method

    3MI 3anish Meteorological Institute

    3R2 3igital 2utputs Radar

    3( 3iestestraat Rain 6auge

    3(3 3rop (i+e 3istribution

    "@ "gen@ovestraat Rain 6auge

    6L" 6eneralised Likelihood ncertainty "stimation methodology for L!WR data calibration

    @6 @ogeebeek Rain 6auge

    IPW!R" Inter

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven




    Problem Definiion

    Rainfall measurements is one of the most important topics in the field of urban hydrology. It is a very

    dynamic variable and therefore# knowledge of its spatio

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    !s it has been stated before# rain gauges have been used over the years and can certainly meet with the

    temporal re&uirements but not with the spatial re&uirements unless a dense rain gauge network is

    available# which can lead to unaffordable economic and maintenance costs.

    It is here where the radar comes into play# and although it cannot replace the accuracy provided by a rain

    gauge# it is considered as a good complement to know better the spatial and temporal variations on rainfall

    events and improve the data input used in modelling. A"infalt et al ,--/C.

    In this study# a specific ;

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    1.' T(esis S)mm#ry

    (& Rainfall measurements3 6ives some theoretical background about rainfall estimation# working principle

    of weather radars and main differences between them# giving also the main characteristic of the L!WR


    .& Leuven case study3 3escribes the case study under study.

    +& Review of different calibration methods3 'overs a review of different calibration method related with

    the methodology used in this study.

    )& 4ethodology3 3escribes the methodology used and explains the calibration methods for the radar data


    0& Results and discussionN 3iscusses the results obtained.

    - &Conclusions and recommendationsN 'onclusions about the different approaches are given as well as

    some recommendations for future work for this particular case study.

    ?. References



    Rainfall is one of the main processes in the hydrological cycle and a driving force in urban hydrology field.

    It is crucial thus# to estimate it as accurate as possible when urban models are used for different

    applications such as sewer system designs or flood prevention structures.

    Rainfall can be measured in different ways being time and space accuracy difficult to achieve. In this section

    two main measuring instrument are discussed Athe tipping bucket rain gauge and the weather radarC along

    with its possible uncertainties and challenges.

    !.1 Ty*es of Pre%i*i#ion

    Precipitation is an atmospheric phenomenon that starts with the condensation of steam contained in

    clouds. It can fall in li&uid Arain and dri++leC or solid phase Ahail# snow# ice needles# graupel and sleetC.

    Precipitation can be classified as orographic# convective or stratiform.

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    2rographic precipitation is caused when a moist mass of air find an orographic obstacle# and ascend

    upwards in such a way that the air expands and cools forming clouds that eventually can produce rain


    nlike orographic events# convective precipitations typically happen in flat or not high topographically

    developed areas. 1hey occur when moist air rises by temperature differences due to local heating. 1hus#

    the warm air becomes less dense starting to rise and forming vertical clouds AcumulonimbusC when it

    reaches condensation levels# leading to rain and thunderstorms.

    (tratiform precipitation are produced when two masses of air which have different characteristics Adensity#

    moisture and temperatureC contact each other AfrontC in such a way that one layer of air it is forced over

    the other. If the warm and moist layer is moving towards the cold air# the moist air rises over the cold air

    creating clouds which might release rain. 1his phenomenon is called warm front and precipitation occurs

    close to the front. !lternatively# it can happen that the cold mass moves towards the warm air Acold frontC

    pushing it up and causing heavy rain and thunderstorm.

    Fig.2. 5escribes the formation process of convective 6Strahler and Strahler! (**( and stratiform rainfall

    events &Source 6www&ucar&edu&

    It is worth noting that convective precipitations are generally more intense than stratiform but shorter in

    time and with a high variability of intensities during the event A@ou+e# ::5# pp. :9

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    !.! Ti**in+ B)%,e R#in G#)+es

    2.2.1 Workingprincipleoftetipping!"cketr#ing#"ge

    1he most used techni&ue for measuring rainfall is the rain gauge and specially the tipping bucket A1$R6sC

    rain gauge type due to its easy working principle.

    !s can be seen in the figure ,., the 1$R6 consist in a funnel that leads the collected water to a small

    triangular double bucket Ametal or plasticC with a hinge at its midpoint. It is a system balance which varies

    with the amount of water in the buckets. 1he rotation is produced when the bucket reaches a certain

    amount of water# generally -., mm emptying the full bucket# while the other begins to fill. 1his movement

    is recorded and therefore precipitation intensities can be computed.

    1here are 1$R6s that can make the measurement even in case of snow events since the funnel is e&uipped

    with a thermal resistance# which turn the snow into water.

    Fig. 2.2 Working principle of a TBRG 6Wheatershack&com

    !s it was mentioned above# the volume of water needed to tip it is generally , mm and this is denoted as

    the resolution of the rain gauge. 1he way of registering the tips will influence on the rainfall rate

    measurements leading to a certain advantages and disadvantages which will be discuss in the section ,.,.,.

    2.2.2 Uncert#intie$inr#ing#"ge%e#$"re%ent$.

    Measurements on rain gauges are sub4ected to uncertainties originated from errors during the

    registrations. 1hese uncertainties can come either from the environmental conditions or the device itself.

    Regarding the environmental conditions and according to WM2# losses might be produced by # the effect

    of the wind which can lead to underestimations up to ,J

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    /JC # by wetting on internal parts of the device and by splash

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    When the electromagnetic wave from the radar is intercepted by a target# part of it is scattered in all

    directions in a manner that a fraction is reflected back toward the radar and captured by the receiver#

    which is normally located in the same antenna. 1he distance to the target is calculated by recording the

    elapsed time between the emission and the reception# taking into account that electromagnetic waves are

    transmitted at the speed of light. 1he working principle is shown in the figure ,.5.

    Fig. 2.!Working principle of a weather Radar 6Cain! (**(

    2.&.2 R#'#re("#tion

    What the antenna records is actually the energy reflected back in the direction of the radar by the droplets

    located within a certain volume Asee figure ,./C. 1hat energy# which is measured in the form of power# can

    be expressed asN

    = .|| . A,.CWhereN

    Pr received power AWC

    ' radar constant

    QGQ, refraction index.Adepend on the type of precipitationC

    r distance from the radar to the target AmC

    B radar reflectivity value Amm8Om5C

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    Fig. 2." Scanned volume by a weather radar

    1he reflectivity/is defined as the sum of the diameters of the droplets to the power of six contained within

    a volume# i.e.

    = A,.,C5iis the diameter of the raindrop in the volume 7. 1he reflectivity is an indirect measure of the rain rate.

    (upported by experimental data it was found that the relationship between the two variables usually

    responds to the following potential functionN

    = . A,.5Cwhere Raccounts for the rain rate. 1he values of a and bdepend on drop si+e distribution A3(3C and

    conse&uently on the type of storm that befalls. 1herefore the local conditions of the place where the radar

    is working will lead to different values of the parameters. 1he relationship between Rand / was first

    established by Marshall and Palmer in :/? with a ,-- and b .8# which in the following years it has

    been the most used relation in this field for stratiform precipitation. Probert

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    a larger concentration in space. Meanwhile# for the case of thunderstorm the opposite occurs since the

    raindrops are bigger in average but with smaller concentrations.

    (everal authors defend that in places where rainfall events are often a mixture of all types of rain# the

    initial relation of Palmer and Marshall is the most appropriate. AMilan Slek et al# ,--/C.

    1herefore# it seems that an accurate estimation of the precipitation with radar needs the use of a dynamic

    relation in the Marshall and Palmer e&uation. @owever# in reality it is more common to use a fixed /

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    Table 2.2 Weather radar types&

    !s main concept# radars with higher wave lengths and low fre&uencies produce stronger signals# having a

    larger measurement range capacity but re&uiring bigger and expensive antennas. (

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven


    2.&.* Sp#ti#l#n'te%por#lre$ol"tionin+e#terr#'#r$.

    In order to obtain better estimates of rainfall# the radar must provide an ade&uate spatio

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    modelC AL!WR 'RC# A3@I#,--C. 1he model used in the study area is the L!WR 'R# whose technical

    specifications are shown in the next table.

    Table 2.!L#WR City Radar technical characteristics&

    Parameter 'ity

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    fact that the wide opening angle of the beam results in an increase of the volume targeted# which in turn#

    depends on the range. 1his leads# for instance# to the fact that a relative small amount of rain drops can

    be observed at a close range# while the same amount at further ranges# might escape to the observation

    of the radar since this value would be averaged in a larger volume where no rain is present# leading thus

    to values that might be below the cut

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    nsamples 0umber of samples in a single scan line# typical value is ?---

    X # ' "mpirical constants A.7 and ,--# respectivelyC

    'lutter is defined as echoes in the radar not originated from precipitation. It is important in this case# to

    keep in mind the opening of the radar beam# which deflects towards the ground# producing therefore a

    fake signal called Fground clutterH. In this the Leuven case# the wall of the building where the radar is placed#

    plays the role of a fence# in such a way that the lower part of the emission is cut

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    reflectivity given by the disdrometers# the '

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    calibration. !s a general rule# in this study area# the precipitations can be classified as convective or

    stratiform. 3uring the summer convective storms predominates# while the stratiform type# usually occurs

    more in winter# although the contrary is not as unusual. It might also happen that both types of events

    may simultaneously occur in time A(teiner #::7C.

    '.! Lo%#ion

    1he chosen location for the radar installation AProvincieus building# fig. 5.,C and the reasons are specified

    in the above section ,./.

    Fig. !.2 a Leuven location in Belgium ! b "rovincieus building !c L#WR radar 65ecloedt!(*'(

    3espite the low output power emitted# the radar is not allowed to broadcast electromagnetic waves

    towards the airport direction upon the government authorities recommendation. 1he figure 5.5 illustrates

    the situation.

    Fig. !.! Rain gauges locations! and airport blocked beam area &Circles radius 6)! '* km L!WR

    Leuven city radar.

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  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    '. Le)&en R#in G#)+es

    'oncerning the rain gauges involved in this study# it has been used a set of eight gauges belonging to

    !D!%I0. 1he set of rain gauges are described in the table A5.C where the temporal resolution Y t!and

    tipping depth resolution Aconcepts already explained in Asection R6CC are shown along with the distance to

    the radar.

    Table !. Characteristics of Leuven rain gauges&

    'ode Location Y t AminC R AmmC 3istance AmCWB RWBIL< Leuven WW1P -., ,7:GL Geulenstraat -., 7?77@6 @ogeebeek -., 795/W( Warostraat -., 79/-3( 3iestestraat -., 5,8,"@ "gen@ovestraat -., 7,952@ 2ud@evstraat -., /,/:W$ RWBI$ < Gobeek Lo -., ,/,5

    It can be seen that all rain gauges are within a range between ,./ and 7.? km. 1he specific location of the

    rain gauges within the study area is shown in the figure 5.5 above.

    !s mentioned in the section ,.,.,# several uncertainties exist when rainfall is estimated with tipping gauges

    and therefore# they must be calibrated and corrected. 1he data obtained by !&uafin were already

    calibrated# corrected for local effects of wind and validated. More information about the methodology

    used for this procedure can be obtained in the Phd dissertation of 1oon 6oorsmans A,-C.

    !s a first approach# in principle no strange measurements were appreciated in the rain gauges with the

    exception of the Geulenstraat gauge# which from ,9th )une on# did not record any rainfall during periods

    in which rainfall events actually occurred. 2f course further appreciations on the measurements might

    appear when comparing measurements among different rain gauges and with the radar estimations.

    Regarding the methodology used for the event selection# the criteria followed is based on the 1oon

    6oorsman dissertation A,-C who performed the different calibration methods using different time

    intervals when separate events. @is best results were obtained for an interval of 8- minutes# which is the

    same value obtained by Pedersen et al. A,--C as a criteria to select events.

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    1herefore# tipping recordings by a rain gauge belong to the same event if they are separated in time by

    less than 8- minutes. In addition# a threshold of mm of total accumulated precipitation for the whole

    event is established as a minimum to consider it as an event in the study.


    L!WR radar technology applied to hydrological purposes is relatively recent. !n evidence of this is that the

    earliest studies date back to ,--,.

    !mong all methods present in literature# it will be described here 4ust those which were used as a reference

    for the methods applied later on in this study.

    .1 #libr#ion "e(ods

    1he calibration method most commonly used is the so called standard L!WR calibration method#

    A1horndahl and Rasmussen#,-,C which comes from the (um 'alibration Method developed by Pedersen

    A,--/C. It consists in relating by a linear regression# the total accumulated rainfall registered by a rain gauge

    for each of the events with its respective accumulated R32 obtained by the radar. 1he slope of the

    resulting fitting line is then considered as the final calibration factor to be applied when transforming R32

    to rain rate estimations Ae&. /.-CN

    = :;.

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven


  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    interval affects the results# showing that# regardless the time length# the results were always improved.

    @owever# it was found that short time scales gave better results.


    LA-R Im*ro&ed Pre*ro%essed D## 2dB3 o)*)s4

    !s mentioned in section 5.5 # the new version of the L!WR radar provides outputs in d$B format# therefore

    new possibilities in calibration comes into play since the Marshall

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    When e&uation /.5 and /. are combined the following relation is obtainedN

    = :E( *+ < ( A0 + BCD"?$ A/./C'5 'onstants '- and ',combined.

    1he way to set the calibration coefficients was done by making use of the previous e&uation /./ in in such

    a way that a linear regression could be fitted between 3R2 and/:(*log6rfor each of the disdrometers.

    1he constant are selected by combining the results of all the regression lines obtained. 1hus# the constant

    C.is therefore the y

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    1he coefficients were established in basis of comparing the data with the disdrometers rainfall estimates.

    'onse&uently# it was again done a comparison between results from the Fold data processedH configuration

    and the Fnew Fone. In the former# the calibration factor of the linear regression was used to obtain rain

    rate accumulation for every event# while in the later the Marshall

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    results and discussion section .1he raw data provided by the radar are four times the value of d$B A3@I#



    6)#liy An#lysis.

    !s a first step# and prior to the calibration procedure# a study of the &uality of the data provided by the

    radar was carried out. 1he data output was extracted by making use of the Matlab algorithm created by

    1oon 6roosmans in his dissertation thesis. 2nce it was checked that the extraction was working properly#

    a &uality analysis of the radar data was performed by creating different maps and animated 6I%(# in such

    a way that accumulation rainfall maps for the entire month of )une were produced# along with peak

    intensities spatial distribution for each of the events. 1hus# effects such as attenuation# volume correction#

    clutter effect and storm evolutions patterns were analy+ed to obtain a deep insight of how the radar was

    performing for each of the events# in order to keep in mind all this factor for the calibration processes.

    5.' #libr#ion "e(ods

    3espite the few events presented in the data set# the first method applied was the standard calibration

    method# with the difference that the data provided now consists of d$B values and thus# the Marshal 1he green triangles represent the accumulated rainfall of the radar before calibration while the red dots the accumu

    'rosses shows the gauge accumulation registrations. R,represents coefficient of determination between radar and gauge a







    8O:O/ :N59 8O:O/ :N/5 8O:O/ :N/? 8O:O/ :N7/ 8O:O/ -N--



    -3 Resol)ion 1!5 m ? 1!5 m

    K @ 0!.' Dis#n%e o r#d#r @ !5!: m.

    Radar accum

    Rain gauge !ccum

    2riginal radar !cc.






    -.-- .-- ,.-- 5.--A%%)m)l#ed



    oeffi%ien of de

    Resol)ion 1!5

    !ccumulated rainfall

    Linear A!ccumulated rainfallC






    8O:O/ :N59 8O:O/ :N/- 8O:O/ :N/5 8O:O/ :N/8 8O:O/ :N/? 8O:O/ :N7 8O:O/ :N7/



    -B R#in G#)+e Resol)ion 1!5 m ? 1!5 m

    K @ 07.5 Dis#n%e o r#d#r @ !!' m.

    Radar accumRain gauge !ccum2riginal radar !cc.






    -.-- .-- ,.-- 5.-- /A%%)m



    -B oeffi%ien


    !cc. Rainfall

    Linear A!cc. RainfallC






    8O:O/ :N5 8O:O/ :N5? 8O:O/ :N/8 8O:O/ :N75 8O:O/ -N-- 8O:O/ -N-9



    E8 R#in G#)+e Resol)ion 1!5 m ? 1!5 m

    K @ '.>> Dis#n%e o r#d#r @ 5!' m.

    Radar accum

    Rain gauge !ccum

    2riginal radar !cc.






    -.-- ,.-- /.-- 8.-- ?.--A%%)



    E8 oeffi%ien o

    Resol)ion 1

    Rainfall !cc.

    Linear ARainfall !cc.C

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven


    Fi+. 7.1:1he green triangles represent the accumulated rainfall of the radar before calibration while the red dots the accum

    constant. 'rosses shows the gauge accumulation registrations. R,represents coefficient of determination between radar an






    8O-O/ N59 8O-O/ N/5 8O-O/ N/: 8O-O/ N77 8O-O/ ,N-- 8O-O/ ,N-8 8O-O/ ,N,



    -3 Resol)ion 1!5 m ? 1!5 m

    K @ 0'.>7 Dis#n%e o r#d#r @ !5!: m.

    Radar accum

    6auge !cc.

    2riginal radar !cc.








    -.-- ,.-- /.--A%%)m)l#ed





    !ccum. Rainfall

    Linear A!ccum. RainfallC








    8O-O/ N58 8O-O/ N/5 8O-O/ N7- 8O-O/ N7? 8O-O/ ,N-7 8O-O/ ,N,



    -B R#in G#)+e Resol)ion 1!5 m ? 1!5 m

    K @ 05.1 Dis#n%e o r#d#r @ !!' m.

    Radar accumRain gauge !ccum2riginal radar !cc.





    -.-- ,.-- /.--A%%)m)l#ed




    -B oef

    ResoRainfall !cc.

    Linear ARainfall !cc.C









    8O-O/ N57 8O-O/ N/- 8O-O/ N/8 8O-O/ N7, 8O-O/ N7? 8O-O/ ,N-5



    E8 R#in G#)+e Resol)ion 1!5 m ? 1!5 m

    K @0:.77 Dis#n%e o r#d#r @ 5!' m.Radar !ccum.

    Rain gauge !ccum





    -.-- ,.-- /.--A%%)m)l#edr#in+#)+e2mm4


    E8 oeffi%ien


    Rainfall !cc.

    Linear ARainfall !cc.C

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven


    Fi+.7.11 Radar and gauge rain rate time series for 5 of the gauges during the event of :th)une. G method and Linear






    8O:O/ :N59 8O:O/ :N/ 8O:O/ :N/7 8O:O/ :N/: 8O:O/ :N7/






    -B G#)+e Dis#n%e o r#d#r@!.!' mRadar G Method

    6auge 2bservations

    Radar L. Regres. Method







    8O:O/ :N5 8O:O/ :N59 8O:O/ :N/5 8O:O/ :N/: 8O:O/ :N77 8O:O/




    E8 G#)+e Dis#n%e o r#d#r@ 5!' m

    Radar G Method

    6auge 2bservations

    Radar L. Regr. Method







    8O:O/ :N59 8O:O/ :N/5 8O:O/ :N/: 8O:O/ :N77 8O:O/ -N-- 8O:O/






    -3 G#)+e Dis#n%e o r#d#r !5!: m




  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven


    Fi+. 7.1!Radar and gauge rain rate time series for 5 of the gauges during the event of -th)une. G method and linea







    8O-O/ N5: 8O-O/ N// 8O-O/ N7- 8O-O/ N78 8O-O/ ,N-, 8O-O/ ,N




    -3 G#)+e Dis#n%e o r#d#r !5!: m


    6auge observations







    8O-O/ N59 8O-O/ N/, 8O-O/ N/? 8O-O/ N7/ 8O-O/ ,N-- 8O-O/




    -B G#)+e Dis#n%e o r#d#r !5!: m

    Rada G Method

    6auge observations










    8O-O/ N58 8O-O/ N/ 8O-O/ N/9 8O-O/ N75 8O-O/ N7: 8O-O




    E8 G#)+e Dis#n%e o r#d#r@5!' m

    Radar G method

    6auge 2bservations

    Radar L. Regres. Met

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    'omparing the plots of the two methods it was reali+ed that the application of the linear method

    regression is based in fact on the same strategy that the G method because watching the e&uation

    A7.C# one can appreciate that by multiplying each of the rain rates comig from the application of


  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    corrected.1he k values obtained after extracting the values and applying the same FG calibration

    methodH are shown in the next table.

    Table $.#G values for spatial resol. of ,7- m during the events of )une ,-/. A\C0o rain registered

    6auges WB GL @6 3( "@ 2@ R$

    3istanceto radarAmC

    ,7,- 7?77 795/ 5,8, 7,95 /,/: ,/,5

    "vent G values Res.,7- m


  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    1he new value for a clutter pixel would be the median of the values within a 7x7 matrix around each

    of the pixel.

    !s a result of applying the clutter filter it was found that it was useful but 4ust for the dry period#

    cause it was not able to get rid of the clutter effect during storm events where systematically low

    reflectivity values in specific values# were found with respect to the neighboring pixels. 1he

    explanation for this was found by comparing original images during dry period with images during

    storm events .

    3uring the dry period# the areas where reflectivity values were found Asee figure 8./C# were

    approximately the same ones found during the rain events. 1he reflectivity values were clearly lower

    than the surroundings as shown in fig. 8. and fig 8.,. 1herefore# it seems that the reflectivity coming

    from the storm for the pixels affected by this phenomenon is averaged in the whole beam volume

    with those lower values coming from clutter effects.

    1hus# a new condition is added by means of comparing two arrays# one with the original reflectivity

    values and another after applying a 7x7 median filter to the previous one# in such a way that for

    this second matrix# each pixel contains the median value of its neighbors . !fter collecting a large

    data set for different pixels affected by clutter at different times# the ratios between the value of

    the same pixels for each of the two arrays were computed# and after ad4usting a statistical

    distribution for the whole set of ratios# that happened to be Log

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    1he way how the filter performed# can be seen in the next figureN

    Fig $.! "ffect of applying the filter algortihm in the accumulated map during the whole month of)une ,-/.2@ gauge still not corrected by the filter.

    1he k values obtained after applying the filter were the fllowingN

    Table $.$ G values after applying clutter filter during the events of )une ,-/. A\C0o rain registered

    "vent G values


  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    by checking the effects of the application of the filter in the regression line methodbut this approach

    was not performed in this study.

    .*.& Co3ere'#re#infl"ence

    In order to check whether there was any relationship between the area covered and the G constant

    which could explain the variabilty # the average area covered in each rain event during each event

    was calculated and the the following data were obtained.

    Table $.' 1otal average area covered during the event# and J respect the total area covered by the


    "vent !verage areal covered AGm,C J


  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    Table $.( Maximum intensities at every gauge during each of the events.

    Max .IntensitiesAmmOminC

    WB GL @6 3( "@ 2@ W$


  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    !n indirect way of measure how the attenuation might be affecting the reflectivity values obtained

    for an specific location# was by checking the reflectivities of the pixels located in the conecting

    path from the radar to the desired location.

    ! first approach in this direction was made. 1hus # what was happening during the : th)une was

    investigated for the gauges W$ and WB since they are placed at the same distance and the same

    amount of accumulated rainfall was recorded. With this conditions # similar G values would have

    been expected # but as is shown in the table 8.5 # that was not the case. 1herefore an averaged

    value of the amount of reflectivity of all the pixels within the path from the radar to the gauge

    was calculated# taking also into account the duration of the event at every gauge. In order to extract

    the values belonged to the line# the $resenham algortihm was used AWatt#,--C.

    1he values obtained indicated that more averaged reflectivity was detected in the W$ gauge path

    to the radar #5.,7 d$BOmin # than in the WB path # ,7.,7 d$BOmin # and that is the reason why the

    G value is different and more correction had to be done for the W$ gauge A(ee table 8.5C. 1his is

    possible to appreciate more graphically in the next figure.

    Fig $." .Snapshot of the $thevent of ,une in the moment the high intensity cell is passing trough

    the area of interest&The colormap bar was change to apreciate more the contrasts&

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven


  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven


  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    .! Re%ommend#ions #nd F))re -or,

    It seems that the G calibration method used in this study leads to a very dynamic values for the FGH

    factor. It is worth noting that this conclusion has been taken based on a very small set of events#

    therefore a bigger data set would be need in order to corroborate it.

    !nyhow# the feeling of the author is that taking into account the physical characteristics of the

    rainfall events and the way they develop# at least the events presented in this study# a dynamic

    approach should be done when event calibration is performed in order to represent in a more

    accurate way the variability in the rain fall rates time series.

    1herefore# by applying a dynamic method in such a way that the short

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



    It also should be noted that new approaches in improving radar rainfall estimations by combining

    the potentialities of the L!WR ;

  • 8/10/2019 Improved Data Processing X Band Radar Leuven



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