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Innovation In The Media

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Innovation in the Media: Far More than Public Understanding of Science
Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media: Far More than Public Understanding of Science Far More than Public Understanding of Science What are we talking about? What are we talking about? Science Journalism, Tech Journalism, Innovation Journalism, Science Pop… Which Role Does (and Should) the Media Play in Terms of Innovation? Which Role Does (and Should) the Media Play in Terms of Innovation? Fostering Readiness for Technological Change and Knowledge transfer… Are we ready for the Fundamental Changes taking place in Science Communication? Are we ready for the Fundamental Changes taking place in Science Communication? Hiring Practices, Convergence, Blogging, Open Access… Alexander GerberCrawford (agc@innovisionsmagazin.de ) EditorinChief, InnoVisions International Conference Technology, Innovation and the Media Berlin / Germany Innovation Days, Lisbon, 20 th June 2009 2009 Alexander GerberCrawford Page1
Page 1: Innovation In The Media

Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media:Far More than Public Understanding of ScienceFar More than Public Understanding of Science

∞ What are we talking about?∞ What are we talking about?  Science Journalism, Tech Journalism, Innovation Journalism, Science Pop…

∞ Which Role Does (and Should) the Media Play in Terms of Innovation?∞ Which Role Does (and Should) the Media Play in Terms of Innovation? Fostering Readiness for Technological Change and Knowledge transfer…

∞ Are we ready for the Fundamental Changes taking place in Science Communication?∞ Are we ready for the Fundamental Changes taking place in Science Communication?Hiring Practices, Convergence, Blogging, Open Access…

Alexander Gerber‐Crawford  (agc@innovisions‐magazin.de) Editor‐in‐Chief, InnoVisions

International ConferenceTechnology, Innovation and the Media

Berlin / Germany Innovation Days, Lisbon, 20th June 2009

2009 Alexander Gerber‐Crawford


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Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media:Far More than Public Understanding of ScienceFar More than Public Understanding of Science

∞ What are we talking about?

Today: more than 100 so‐called science programmes in German Television

∞ What are we talking about?  

Average number of science programms being scheduled in any week

CHECK OUT:Multinational EU research project „Audio Visual Science Audiences“,„ ,co‐ordinated by Dr. Markus Lehmkuhl, TU Berlin / Germanywww.polsoz.fu‐berlin.de/en/kommwiss/v/avsa/index.html

2009 Alexander Gerber‐Crawford


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Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media:Far More than Public Understanding of ScienceStudy of European TV prime‐time news programs in five countries:

S i l i l t i A th 2676 t i l d ithi t k th

Far More than Public Understanding of Science

Science only a marginal topic: Among the 2676 news stories analyzed within two weeks, there were45 Sci‐Tech topics (less than 2% of stories / airtime) compared to e.g. 260 crime topics (9,7%)

Number and airtime of science‐related stories have increased: approximately times 4 since 1989.

Airtime of news by topic [seconds]

CHECK OUT:León Ben enido Science related information in E ropean tele isionLeón, Benvenido:  Science‐related information in European television: a study of prime‐time news. In: Public Understanding of Science, Vol. 17, 2008: 443 ‐ 460.pus.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/17/4/443

2009 Alexander Gerber‐Crawford


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Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media:Far More than Public Understanding of ScienceFar More than Public Understanding of ScienceWe should differentiate between different disciplines and formats:

Science journalism

Tech journalism

Science formats

Knowledge formats

Science pop

Innovation journalism

Entertainment formats

Business formatsInnovation journalism Business formats

2009 Alexander Gerber‐Crawford


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Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media:Far More than Public Understanding of ScienceFar More than Public Understanding of Science

Science formats:  Covering recent developments in a specific area or scientific institution.Topics (the whole range) are selected due to their actual and scientific relevanceTopics (the whole range) are selected due to their actual and scientific relevance. Information about Science – IS

Knowledge formats:  Science is merely used to explain everyday‐life.Topics (mostly Health and Media) are selected due to their practical relevance to everyone’s life. Public Understanding of Science (and Humanities) – PUSH

Entertainment formats: Science is being staged Entertainment formats:  Science is being staged.Topics are selected due to their “dramatic” potential, and the audience / readers often experience the solution of a supposed “mystery”. The plot dominates matter / message.Public Entertainment by Science and Technology – PEST

Business formats:  Science as a first step in new value chains / as a source of knowledge for future products and improvements. Topics are selected due to their potential economic impact.Fostering Innovation though Science and Technology FISTFostering Innovation though Science and Technology – FIST

2009 Alexander Gerber‐Crawford


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Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media:Far More than Public Understanding of ScienceFar More than Public Understanding of Science

Science formats:  Covering recent developments in a specific area or scientific institution.Topics (the whole range) are selected due to their actual and scientific relevanceTopics (the whole range) are selected due to their actual and scientific relevance. Information about Science – IS

Knowledge formats:  Science is merely used to explain everyday‐life.Topics (mostly Health and Media) are selected due to their practical relevance to everyone’s life. Public Understanding of Science (and Humanities) – PUSH

Entertainment formats: Science is being staged Entertainment formats:  Science is being staged.Topics are selected due to their “dramatic” potential, and the audience / readers often experience the solution of a supposed “mystery”. The plot dominates matter / message.Public Entertainment by Science and Technology – PEST

Business formats:  Science as a first step in new value chains / as a source of knowledge for future products and improvements. Topics are selected due to their potential economic impact.Fostering Innovation though Science and Technology FISTFostering Innovation though Science and Technology – FIST

2009 Alexander Gerber‐Crawford


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Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media:Far More than Public Understanding of ScienceFar More than Public Understanding of Science

∞ Which Role Does the Media Play in Terms of Innovation? 

1 out of 4 Europeans believes, that only genetically modified tomates contain genes, whereas non‐GM tomatoes do not.genes, whereas non GM tomatoes do not.

Almost every second European believes that human genes function differently from those in animals.from those in animals.

CHECK OUT:Gaskell, G. et al.: Europeans and Biotechnology – Patterns and Trends.Gaskell, G. et al.:  Europeans and Biotechnology  Patterns and Trends.  In: Final Report on Eurobarometer, Vol. 64.3, 2006.



Gerber‐Crawford, Alexander: Antennen müssen auf Empfang stehen.  In: Wissenschaftsmanagement,  Vol. 4, 2008: 20‐29.

2009 Alexander Gerber‐Crawford


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Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media:Far More than Public Understanding of ScienceFar More than Public Understanding of Science

79 % of Germans are „proud“ of the scientific achievements of their country, whereas only 11% realise that technological progress is i t t f th t di i ldimportant for the standing in world economy.

89 % of the Germans support R&D in renewable energies, whereas 46 % object to biotech g jresearch for vegetables that keep fresh longer.

“Readiness for change” is distinctly lower among teachers politicians and journaliststeachers, politicians and journalists.

CHECK OUT:Niedermann, Dr. Anne: Wie innovationsfreudig ist die Bevölkerung?Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach, 6.5.2009.www.medien‐netzwerk‐deutschland.de/fileadmin/user_upload/muenchen/Praesentationen_060509/Niedermann.pdf

2009 Alexander Gerber‐Crawford


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Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media:Far More than Public Understanding of ScienceFar More than Public Understanding of Science

∞ Which Role Does the Media Play in Terms of Innovation? 

Is the media aware of how much they shape technology adoption and public readiness for change?

Is it still “impartial” to overemphasise risks of new technologies at the expense of their opportunities?Is it still  impartial  to overemphasise risks of new technologies at the expense of their opportunities? 

Does partial coverage constrain innovation and, therefore, harm the economy?

And if so:  How can we change this?

It is actually changing already!

2009 Alexander Gerber‐Crawford


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Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media:Far More than Public Understanding of ScienceFar More than Public Understanding of Science

Jobs are being lost in editorial offices and increased in press offices.Jobs are being lost in editorial offices and increased in press offices.

Workload of those journalists that remain are on the rise.

Science blogs /sites are growing apace in both number and readership.

P l h 100 i bl d h i i Portals gather up to 100 science blogs and thus grow in importance.

NATURE survey among 493 science journalists (2009)(2009)

CHECK OUT:Brumfiel, Geoff: Supplanting the old media? In: NATURE, Vol. 458, 2009: 274‐277In: NATURE, Vol. 458, 2009: 274 277tinyurl.com/c38kp6  ‐‐ www.nature.com/news/2009/090318/pdf/458274a.pdf

2009 Alexander Gerber‐Crawford


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Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media:Far More than Public Understanding of ScienceFar More than Public Understanding of Science

∞ Are we ready for the Fundamental Changes taking place in Science Communication?

Jobs are being lost in editorial offices and increased in press offices.

Workload of those journalists that remain are on the rise.

Science blogs /sites are growing apace in both number and readershipScience blogs /sites are growing apace in both number and readership.

Portals gather up to 100 science blogs and thus grow in importance.

Corporate publishing sees much more innovation coverage by institutions and industry.

l k h “ f h ” b h b d b d Science Campaigns like the “Year of Physics” are growing both in number and budget.

Open Access is rapidly growing in importance (already almost 20% of all the journals).

Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing fundamentally transform the concept of technology transfer.

2009 Alexander Gerber‐Crawford


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Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media:Far More than Public Understanding of ScienceFar More than Public Understanding of Science

…and the Consequences:

Jobs, PR, Workload and Corporate publishing: Direct influence of science on the media increases Impartial reporting further decreases Impartial reporting further decreases

Blogs, Portals and Science Campaigns: Make more first‐hand information available Transform Information into interaction / dialogue Show innovation processes and not just research results Substitute reporting by opinion Substitute reporting by opinion

Open Access and Open Innovation: Challenge existing business models of publishers Require new and interactive media formats Mass media and scientific journals increasingly interact 

in the construction of public controversies.

2009 Alexander Gerber‐Crawford



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Innovation, Science and Technology in the Media:Far More than Public Understanding of ScienceFar More than Public Understanding of Science

What are we talking about? What are we talking about?  Science Journalism, Tech Journalism, Innovation Journalism, Science Pop…

Which Role Does (and Should) the Media Play in Terms of Innovation? ( ) yFostering Readiness for Technological Change and knowledge transfer…

Are we ready for the Fundamental Changes taking place in Science Communication? Hiring Practices, Convergence, Blogging, Open Access…

Alexander Gerber‐Crawford  (agc@innovisions‐magazin.de) d h fEditor‐in‐Chief, InnoVisionsBerlin / Germany

2009 Alexander Gerber‐Crawford

