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International Water Day...

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International Water Day (22/3/2018) Sustainable Development Goal #6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all "Let there be water" - Moses – "The irrigation of the desert with purified sea water will appear a dream to many, but less than any other country should Israel be afraid of dreams, capable of transforming the natural order… All that has been accomplished in this country is the result of dreams that have come true by virtue of vision, science and pioneering capacity" – David Ben Gurion "Water to the country is like blood to a human being" - Prime Minister Levi Eshkol -

International Water Day (22/3/2018)

Sustainable Development Goal #6

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

"Let there be water" - Moses –

"The irrigation of the desert with purified sea water will appear a

dream to many, but less than any other country should Israel be afraid

of dreams, capable of transforming the natural order… All that has

been accomplished in this country is the result of dreams that have

come true by virtue of vision, science and pioneering capacity" – David Ben Gurion –

"Water to the country is like blood to a human being" - Prime Minister Levi Eshkol -

Water-related Courses held in Israel in 2017

Advance technologies for growing orchards and vineyards

Irrigation and water bounding

Management of water resources for agriculture development - the course was part of WATEC.

Sustainable management of water resources - the course was part of WATEC.

Irrigation and management of water resources

MASHAV's activities abroad in 2017

Water-related Courses held abroad in 2017

Management of the water sector – in Guatemala

Irrigation - in Colombia.

Management of water in urban surroundings – in Vietnam.

Water Management – in Myanmar, the course was in cooperation with JICA.

Irrigation systems – in Kazakhstan, in cooperation with KAZAID and UNDP.

Short-term consultancies abroad related to water in 2017

A three-month water survey for the government of Panama by Prof. Adar - Panama

Water survey – Ethiopia, Myanmar and Swaziland

Water survey in the "Dry Corridor" area – Guatemala, Honduras and Jamaica

Saving rain water - Guatemala

Hydraulics - Cameron

Water and land seminar - Ethiopia and India (3)

Short-term consultancies abroad related to water - Costa Rica

Israeli experts sent to the FAO seminar "Solutions to Water Scarcity in Agriculture" (Rome)

Dani Greenwald – Director of Wastewater treatment assistance and tube wells at the Israel water authority-

and Dubi Segal –Manager of irrigation products and water treatment at "Netafim" – participated in the FAO

seminar on behalf of MASHAV.

Israel and Kenya: Joining Hands to Fight Water Scarcity The present drought striking Kenya, recently declared a national disaster, has had a major impact on water resources, including on river flow levels and the availability of water for human and livestock consumption. Israel and Kenya’s heads of state signed in 2016 the Jerusalem Declaration for cooperation in the areas of water and irrigation. In March 2017, the countries announced the official establishment of KIDRAC - The Kenya-Israel Drought Resilient Agriculture Training Center, a joint cooperation venture between MASHAV and Kenya’s Ministry of Water and Irrigation. Water management projects in Kenya and Ethiopia with GIZ With the goal of increasing the income of fish farmers' households, eradicating poverty in the region and improving the Lake Victoria ecosystem, Kenya, Germany and Israel joined hands in a trilateral cooperation to improve the farmed tilapia value chain in Kenya. In June 2009, Ethiopia, Israel and Germany launched a three-year tripartite agricultural development project, to enhance small-scale irrigation development activities in different parts of the nation.

Small Holder Horticulture Project in cooperation with USAID and MoANR Ethiopia

The Smallholder Horticulture Program (SHP) is a Joint Technical Program that involves cooperation between three partners: USAID, MASHAV and the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Ethiopia. Since 2005 the joint project has provided technical assistance to regional horticultural nurseries and capacity building for extension agents and smallholder farmers.


Improving sustainable livelihoods of communities in arid and semi-arid lands through the introduction of adaptable Israeli water saving and modern irrigation technologies

MASHAV conducts specialized training courses in Israel in water management related fields, combining theoretical knowledge and research with hands-on experience. MASHAV established a demonstration plot at its Agricultural Training Center in Israel, showcasing advanced irrigation methods and technologies originating from leading Israeli experts and institutions, for the benefit of participants from all over the world

The demonstration plot at MASHAV’s Agricultural Training Center in Israel, created for the benefit of participants from all over the world

Additional resources (Courtesy of the Media and Public Affairs Division, MFA)

IsraelMFAwater - The latest Israeli water technologies providing solutions to the challenges of

water scarcity (video)

IsraelMFAwater2 - Example of Israeli eco-friendly technologies applied to water management.

Woosh public mineral water stations quench your thirst while saving the environment (video)

IsraelMFAwater3 - Seth M. Siegel, American entrepreneur, activist, and writer of the bestselling

book, "Let There Be Water," explains why countries all over the world can learn from Israel's own

experience in overcoming water scarcity (video)

IsraelMFAwater4 - Battling water shortage since its inception, Israel is now a world leader in

recycling wastewater (video)

WaterBooklet – Israel, a global leader in water management and technology (PDF booklet)

International Water Day (22/3/2018)

Goal #6 MASHAV talking points

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

During the 2015 General Assembly of the United Nations, country members came together to adopt a comprehensive development agenda based on the pillars defined in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. They approved a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. The final document included the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to transform the world, including no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality and clean water and sanitation. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years and, for them to be reached, the involvement of governments, the private sector, and civil society is needed.

Israel has been an active partner in this process. The UN Millennium Declaration and the Sustainable Development Goals became a key reference point for MASHAV when programming its own agenda. In alignment with the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, MASHAV promotes and engages in development cooperation on a bilateral, trilateral and multilateral level, as well as establishes active dialogues with other donor countries and fellow donor agencies, to effectively intensify development policy and strengthen global alliances. Aligned with the Sustainable Development Agenda, MASHAV presents a comprehensive, integrative and innovative approach to development challenges. This is both MASHAV's mission and commitment: to contribute to the prosperity and well-being of all populations facing severe development challenges, by enhancing human capacity and creating new opportunities for development, leaving no one behind.

Coping with Water Scarcity in Agriculture: The Israeli Experience

Israel is considered a country with “absolute” water scarcity (<500 m3 per year per capita). Water

management in Israel is largely characterized by limited freshwater resources, poor natural distribution of

those resources, and a growing and dispersed population. Israel is one of the countries in the world that has

dedicated the greatest efforts and resources to cope with water scarcity. Over the years, Israel has

accumulated significant knowledge and developed strategies to foster a productive agriculture in a context of

water scarcity. About 57% of the cultivated land is equipped for irrigation. Since the early 1950s, efforts have

been invested through national water programs to promote irrigation research, efficient irrigation

technologies, close monitoring of water withdrawals, and training and technical assistance to farmers.

Furthermore, Israel has become a global leader in innovative water technology industry. Until the late 70's,

most of the water allocated for agricultural use was freshwater whereas in recent years it has declined to

about 50% as the agricultural sector relies also on saline and treated waste water. Israel is also implementing

new strategies to face the emerging challenges related to recurrent droughts, climate change, increased water

demands and over exploitation of groundwater resources.

Training courses in agriculture and food security

Participants from all around the world were trained in Israel during 2017 in the several training programs

MASHAV offers in English, Spanish, French and Russian that aim to share Israel's expertise in research,

technologies and best practices in fields related to water management, agriculture and food security.

Water management and irrigation

- Efficient water management for sustainable agriculture

- Wastewater reclamation and reuse in agriculture

- River rehabilitation.

Agricultural development

- Agro ecological approaches for sustainable agriculture

- New tools and methods for agricultural extension

- Intensive vegetable and fruit production

- Implementation of fertigation for intensive agriculture

- Intensive aquaculture production

Research and Development

- R&D in agricultural engineering technologies

- R&D in agriculture and the environment: practices and processes in soil and water

- R&D in food security and gran storage: technologies and management

- R&D in integrated pest management

- R&D in intensive agriculture in arid and semi-arid environments

- R&D in postharvest physiology, pathology and handling of fresh commodities

- R&D in vegetable production in a protected environment

- R&D in crop production under saline stress

- R&D in bioinformatics and biotechnology: today's tools for tomorrow's agriculture in a world of

global environmental changes

- R&D in feeding the future: food safety and technology in times of global change

- R&D in agri-green management: agri-environmental considerations under climatic changes

- R&D in nutrition in a changing global environment

Environment and climate change

- Combating desertification and drought

- Environmental management and ecosystem services

Water-related Courses held in Israel in 2017

Advance technologies for growing orchards and vineyards

Irrigation and water bounding (in cooperation with UNESCO)

Management of water resources for agriculture development ( the course was part of WATEC)

Sustainable management of water resources (the course was part of WATEC)

Irrigation and management of water resources

Climate Change and Agriculture

Technologies avancées d'irrigation et associations paysannes pour la gestion de l'eau in French

Innovative Technologies for Orchards and Vineyards in Russian

La Implementación del Fertirriego en la Agricultura Intensiva in Spanish

Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Russian

Gestión Integral y Sostenible de Recursos Hídricos para el Desarrollo del Sector Agropecuario in


Agriculture and Environment in a Changing Climate – The Israeli Perspective

Mitigation of Abiotic Factors in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments

Meteorological Warnigns

Water Management and Modern Irrigation Technologies

MASHAV's activities abroad related to water in 2017

Training courses abroad

Management of the water sector – in Guatemala.

Irrigation - in Colombia.

Management of water in urban surroundings – in Vietnam.

Water Management – in Myanmar, the course was in cooperation with JICA.

Irrigation systems – in Kazakhstan, in cooperation with KAZAID and UNDP.

Short-term consultancies

A three-month water survey for the government of Panama by Prof. Adar with an emphasis on the

water sources to the Panama Canal.

Water survey - Myanmar and Ethiopia

Saving rain water - Guatemala

Hydraulics - Cameron

Water and land seminar - Ethiopia and India (3)

Short-term consultancies abroad related to water - Costa Rica

Water surveys abroad

Following the presidential visits to Israel in 2016 of the Presidents of Guatemala and Honduras, MASHAV

conducted two water surveys to the “Dry Corridor” area in Guatemala, Honduras and Jamaica. The findings

were translated to training activities and the introduction of Israeli technologies (rain harvest) in the three


In March 2017, MASHAV’s special envoy for water and food security, Ambassador Noah Gal-Gendler,

accompanied by the Director of CINADCO Overseas Training, Programs & Research, Ms. Nina Lehman, arrived

in Swaziland to conduct a water survey following the request of Swaziland’s Prime Minister. The experts’

mission was to identify possible ways of cooperation in the areas of shortage of water for agriculture and

combating drought.

Israeli experts were sent to the FAO seminar on Solutions to Water Scarcity in Agriculture - The experience

of Israel (Rome, 11/12/2017).

Israeli experts:

Dani Greenwald – Director of Wastewater treatment assistance and tube wells at the Israel water


Dubi Segal –Manager of irrigation products and water treatment at "Netafim".

Joint seminar organized by FAO Technical Networks on Water and on Land & Tenure, the Government of Israel

and the Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG). The seminar included 50 participants

from IFAD, WFP, FAO, the FAO secretary - general of programs and countries representatives to Rome


The seminar intended to promote learning and knowledge sharing on the experience of Israel in addressing

food security and water scarcity in the context of climate change, including policies, institutional development,

technologies, lessons learned and challenges.

MASHAV's projects aboard related to water management Israel and Kenya: Joining Hands to Fight Water Scarcity

The present drought striking Kenya, which is affecting large parts of the country and was recently declared a national disaster, has had a major impact on water resources, including on river flow levels and the availability of water for human and livestock consumption. Most water points in the worst affected areas are in near-dry status, while water supply for irrigated crop production has been reduced as the drought extended over key river basins. As part of the efforts in dealing with this severe situation affecting millions of people, Israel and Kenya’s heads of state signed in 2016 the Jerusalem Declaration for cooperation in the areas of water and irrigation. Noting that water scarcity poses a challenge to both countries, the declaration acknowledged that Kenya could benefit from Israel’s expertise in water resources management, as well as Israeli water and irrigation technologies and proven solutions. Within this context, in March 2017, both countries announced the official establishment of KIDRAC - The Kenya-Israel Drought Resilient Agriculture Training Center, a joint cooperation venture between MASHAV and Kenya’s Ministry of Water and Irrigation. The Center will be set up at Mwea Irrigation Agricultural Center under Kenya’s National Irrigation Board and will serve as a hub for capacity building activities and transfer of knowhow addressing all the issues connected to efficient water management. The overall goal is to train a cadre of professionals from Kenya and the entire east African region to enhance drought resilience and improve sustainable livelihoods of the communities in arid and semi-arid lands. Water management projects in Kenya and Ethiopia with GIZ

With the goal of increasing the income of fish farmers' households, eradicating poverty in the region and

improving the Lake Victoria ecosystem, Kenya, Germany and Israel joined hands in a trilateral cooperation to

improve the farmed tilapia value chain in Kenya. The three parties signed in July 2015 ab 3-year agreement to

implement the Phase II of the Trilateral Tilapia Cooperation to enhance sustainable ways of protecting Lake

Victoria environment by creating alternative livelihoods for the communities living around the lake. The

cooperating partners include Kenya's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MoALF), the Israeli

Ministry of Foreign Affairs through MASHAV, and the German Cooperation Implemented by the Deutsche

Gessellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

In June 2009, Ethiopia, Israel and Germany launched a three-year tripartite agricultural development project,

to enhance small-scale irrigation development activities in different parts of the nation. Expected to benefit

over 1000 small-holder farmers, the project is being implemented in the regions of Amhara, Tigray, Oromia

and South Ethiopia People's States. In these regions, the land, soil and agro-ecological natural resource base,

if complemented with irrigation-water, would materially alter the agricultural production system and help the

farmers cope with climate change events. The direct project beneficiaries are the regions' subsistence farmers

with small and medium size farms. The project complements the government's efforts geared toward ensuring

food security and self-sufficiency.

Small Holder Horticulture Project in cooperation with USAID and MoANR Ethiopia

The Smallholder Horticulture Program (SHP) is a Joint Technical Program that involves cooperation between

three partners: USAID- the United States Agency for International Development, MASHAV- Israel’s Agency for

International Development Cooperation, and MoANR- Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Ethiopia. Since 2005 the joint project has provided technical assistance to regional horticultural nurseries and capacity building for extension agents and smallholder farmers.

The SHP's strategic objective is to promote economic growth in rural areas through strengthening commercialization of smallholder farmers in horticulture production in areas with recognized market

potential. The current phase of SHP’s purpose is to develop a competitive and sustainable fruit development

sector focusing on establishing a base for avocado export for Ethiopian farmers. Last year, the joint project established a solar irrigation system for avocado plantations, alongside with farmer training for irrigation system maintenance.

The project has performed intensive capacity building activities- specifically, smallholder farmers are trained on improved orchard management techniques and fruit harvesting and post-harvest management techniques. In addition, the program provides trainings to experts and development agents in order to support the production of planting materials and extension of these improved planting materials. Furthermore, work has been started to build up the capacity of the nursery and extension promoters to adopt Global GAP requirements so as to be ready for certification.

The current Smallholder Horticulture Program (SHP) IV is designed to be implemented mainly in six woredas in four main regions of Ethiopia- Amhara, Tigray, Oromia and SNNPR. The program provides support to five centers for avocado fruits production and marketing, namely Picolo, Butajira, Areka, Uke and Alamata as well as Debre Berhan center for deciduous fruits.

In 2017, SHP harvested 14 tons of avocado from farmers and exported about 11 tons of avocado to the European Market by both air and sea.

Additional resources on water management in Israel

(Courtesy of the Media and Public Affairs Division, MFA)

Topic Date Language Link

The latest Israeli water technologies providing solutions to

the challenges of water scarcity.

January 2018

English, no subtitles


Example of Israeli eco-friendly technologies applied to water management. Woosh public

mineral water stations quench your thirst while saving the


February 2017

English, no subtitles


Seth M. Siegel, American entrepreneur, activist, and writer of the bestselling book, "Let There Be Water," explains why countries all over the world can learn from

Israel's own experience in overcoming water scarcity.

March 2017

English, with English subtitles


Battling water shortage since its inception, Israel is now a world leader in recycling wastewater.

March 2016

English, no subtitles


Israel, a global leader in water management and technology.

September 2017

English, PDF.

Water Booklet
