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Kelfi News Vol. 10 (Apr-Mai 15)

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3 Programa


I Guerra Mundial

Cartaz | Poster

A Olímpiada Perdida

World War I


Lembrar os Jogos

Idealização do Estádio Olímpico | Olympic Stadium Idealization

The Lost Olympiad

Remember the Games



A Nova Atlântida

Berço Mitológico dos Jogos de Quelfes

Diz a lenda que, depois de acor-dar no sítio das Prainhas, depois de uma atribulada viagem na barriga de uma baleia, Arraúl ficou tão fascinado com a bele-za desde local que decidiu erguer uma barreira arenosa para proteger este local de um destino semelhante ao da Atlândita. Nascia assim a Ria Formosa!

Legend says that, after waking up at the Prainhas, following a bumpy ride in a whale´s belly, Arraúl got so fascinated by the beauty of the place that deci-ded to erect a sandy barrier to protect this region from a simi-lar fate to that of Atlantis . Thus was born the Ria Formosa!

The New Atlantis



The Legend of Quelfes It was once upon a time an ancient kingdom called Marim, ruled by Árraúl and Leia, mythical Atlantis´ survivors. Despite being happy, their love remained childless. Arraúl deci-ded then to undertake a journey to distant Greece, seeking to be worthy of Gods´ favor. After overcoming the troubled jour-ney, where he had to prove the five virtues of a Hero, Arraúl reached the sanctuary of Olympia where he finally found Zeus. Impressed by this bold adventurer´s courage and cha-racter, the mighty God, proclaimed it should be granted the couple their most desired gift. A year after Arraúl´s return, Leia gave birth to a baby girl whom they named Quelfes. At that moment the voice of Zeus shook the heavens as a powerful thunder: - Through this girl I bless all the children around the world. Sow the Olympic Spirit while, in her name, we celebrate games for the children of Mankind!

Quelfes Games Mythological Cradle


Uma das maiores atrações da ilha de Egina é, curiosamente, e quando compa-rada com a sua história milenar, bastante recente. As primeiras árvores de pistácios foram cultivadas na década de 1860, todavia o clima e a composição do solo emprestam aos pistácios de Egina um sabor e aroma únicos, dos melhores em todo o mundo. One of Aegina´s biggest attractions is, oddly enough, and when compared with its ancient history, very recent. The first pistachios´s trees were grown in the 1860s. However the ideal climate and soil composition lend exceptional a flavour and unique aroma, one of the finest in the world.

A Ilha de Egina

Ilha dos Pistácios

Pistachio´s Island


The Aegina Island

Mythological Aegina Na Mitologia grega, Egina

era filha de Asopo, Deus-

Rio. Quando Zeus a raptou,

Asopo tentou segui-lo, mas

este usou os seus raios para o

devolver ao leito retornando

às suas correntes nor-

mais. Sísifo, por ter informa-

do Asopo foi condenado ao

Hades e Égina, por sua vez,

levada para a ilha deserta

de Oenone, que passou a

In Greek mythology, Aegina

was the daughter of Asopos,

River-God. When Zeus kid-

napped her, Asopo tried to

follow him, but Zeus used its

rays to return Asopos into his

normal river bed. Sisyphus, for

informing Asopo was senten-

ced to Hades and Aegina, in

turn, led to the deserted island

of Oenone, which is now call


A Mitológica Egina


Herói Olímpico

Humberto Santos (PORTUGAL)

Portugal´s Paralympic Committee President

Presidente do Comité Paralímpico de Portugal



Herói Olímpico

Olympic Hero


Derek Redmond

There are three kind of weapons in fencing: foil,

saber and sword. The matches are held in a 18

meter long by 2 meter wide platform. Points are

awarded to the athlete who can hit the opponent

whitin the valid area. It is a spectacular sport,

based on speed and dexterity!


Fazem parte da ginástica as disciplinas de ginásti-

ca rítmica e ginástica artística, sendo a primeira

reservada às mulheres. Esta consiste em exercí-

cios onde o mais importante é uma boa coreogra-

fia. Na Artística, os atletas recebem pontos con-

forme a sua prestação nas diversas provas.


Hora do Recreio


Website: www.kelfigames.com

Email: [email protected] | [email protected]

Office: Avenida Dr. Bernardino da Silva 13 E 8700-301


Tel: (+351) 289 722 332 | (+351) 91 631 10 93

Kelfi News is published by the International Quelfes Games Committee. All rights reserved.

Play Time

Editorial Director: Gustavo Marcos

Editorial Team: Hugo Vedes, Renato Ramos, Vânia Marcos

Images: Getty Images, IOC, Wikipedia

Illustrations | Cover: Orlando do Ó | Digital Version: IQGC

Videos: IOC, Travel Wizard,

Momentos de Glória

Desafio M


Chariots of Fire


Maths Challenge

Toy Store Loja de Brinquedos
