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Kevin SUSILO 2009 • Press Release n°5

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  • 8/14/2019 Kevin SUSILO 2009 Press Release n5


    Susilo Ready to Score Points in 2010

    Aer spending an enre year in Italy, far from his nave country, young Indonesian Kevin Susilo can make a sasfac


    tory assessment of his 2009 season. Aer some remarkable results at the Open Masters and WSK, he has become

    one of the protagonists of the connental kart circus. Kevin is now focussing on KF2 and his recent tests with DR

    Racing have shown that is talent is not limited to KF3, a series he knows prey well.

    Kevin SUSILO 2009 Press release n5

    Produced by KARTCOM : [email protected]

    By coming to live in Italy, Kevin Susilo has sacricedeverything to his passion, far from his country butmaybe a lile closer to the world of karng. Under DaniloRossis wing, he can now take advantage of the bestpossible condions to learn his job as kart driver. Daniloconrms the growing talent of his young protg, whosemovaon is solid as a rock. Though Kevin has alreadyhown great speed talent, he now has to learn how to

    ght more eecvely in the pack. This is his next aim.

    He achieved his best year results at the Open Masters, the well-known Italian championship. Kevin showed his speed twice in KF3:

    2nd in the La Conca nal race in May, he did it again in Sarno, in July,and nished second in the meeng, just behind Danil Kvyat, who isone of the best drivers in the category. Overall, he was 13th in thechampionship standings, which counted 77 drivers.

    Kevin also disnguished himself at top internao-nal level during the WSK. In Genk (Belgium), he wasregularly in the top 15 during med qualifying and inthe heats before dropping back in the pre-nal, thenhe staged a superb 10-place recovery in the nal race.At the last round in Lonato, he had to carve his way up,then qualied during an excing repechage heat andended 19th aer a great nal.

    In Macao (China), at the CIK-FIA Asia-Pacic Cham-pionship, Kevin remained comfortably in the top 5 with a thirdbest me in med qualifying, a second place in qualifying heats

    and a 4th place in pre-nal. Unfortunately he had to stop in thenal and could not do any beer.

    But his most brilliant 2009 performance remains his success-ful debut in KF2, the category of conrmed talents. Aer a very encouraging pracce session in Lonato, Kevin showed he wascapable of rapidly taming his new machine, as only great driverscan do. Even beer, he was 6th at the last compeon of the year,the Trofeo Invernale Ayrton Senna in Sarno, at his rst race inKF2, aer a series of good me results.

    Thanks to his excellent state-of-mind, well supported by Danilo

    Rossi and the whole Racing Team, Kevin Susilo is learning very fastand is developing all the means to become a kart champion soon.

  • 8/14/2019 Kevin SUSILO 2009 Press Release n5


    Susilo prt marquer en 2010

    Aprs une anne enre passe en Italie, loin de son pays natal, le jeune Indonsien Kevin Susilo peut rer un bilan

    plus que sasfaisant de sa saison 2009. Avec des rsultats notables lOpen Masters et la WSK, il est dsormais

    devenu un pilote qui compte dans le karng circus connental. Kevin soriente maintenant vers la KF2 et ses

    rcents essais avec DR Racing ont dmontr que son talent ntait pas limit la KF3 quil connat bien.

    Kevin SUSILO 2009 Communiqu n5

    Produced by KARTCOM : [email protected]

    Kevin Susilo a tout sacri sa passion en venant habiteren Italie, loin de son pays natal, pour tre au plus prs dea plante karng. Hberg par Danilo Rossi, il peut ainsiproter des meilleures condions pour apprendre sonmer de pilote. Danilo conrme le talent grandissantde son jeune protg dont la movaon ne se dmentpas. Si Kevin a dsormais une excellente pointe de vites-e, il doit maintenant progresser dans les lues au sein

    des pelotons. Cest son prochain objecf.

    Les meilleurs rsultats de lanne ont t obtenus dans lOpenMasters, le clbre championnat dItalie. Kevin a pu dmontrer

    par deux fois sa vlocit en KF3: 2me de la nale La Conca enmai, il rcidive en juillet Sarno pour terminer second du meeng,uste derrire Danil Kvyat, un des meilleurs pilotes de la catgorie.l se classe 13me du championnat, fort de 77 parcipants.

    Kevin a t capable de sillustrer galement au plushaut niveau internaonal lors de la WSK. Genk, enBelgique il pointe rgulirement dans le top 15 auchrono et dans les manches, avant dtre retard enprnale et de russir une superbe remonte de 10places en nale. Pour la dernire, Lonato, il revientde loin, se qualie lors dune magnique manche derepchage et accroche la 19me posion dans une -nale de toute beaut.

    Prsent Macao, en Chine, pour la Championnat CIK-FIA Asie Paci-que, Kevin navigue cee fois son aise dans le top 5 avec un 3me

    temps chronomtr, une seconde place lissue des manches qua-licaves et une 4me posion en prnale. Il ne peut malheureu-sement pas concrser en nale cause dun abandon.

    Mais sa plus belle performance 2009 restera son passage russien KF2, la catgorie des talents conrms. Aprs une sance des-sais trs encourageante Lonato, Kevin a montr quil tait capa-ble dapprivoiser trs vite sa nouvelle machine, comme seuls peu-vent le faire les grands pilotes. Mieux encore il se classe au 6merang de la dernire compon de lanne, le Trofeo Invernale Ayrton Senna Sarno ds sa premire course en KF2, en ayantralis de trs bons temps.

    Grce son trs bon mental, bien suivi par Danilo Rossi et tout le

    Racing Team, Kevin Susilo apprend vite et se donne les moyens de

    devenir bientt un champion de karng.
