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Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013

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June 25, 2013 edition of the Kimberley Daily Bulletin
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STORIES OR IDEAS TO SHARE? Drop us an email, a Tweet, a Facebook message, or give us a call if you have any story ideas you would like to share. www.dailybulletin.ca kscu.com With a Flexible Choice Mortgage from Kootenay Savings, your home dreams can come true. Add a FlexLine LOC and it could truly be the only loan you’ll ever need. Talk to us today. Something BORROWED, something true. mortgages home reno loans equity lines of credit auto loans better. together. THE BULLETIN $ 1 10 INCLUDES H.S.T. REGIONAL UPDATE WASA EXPECTS MORE HIGH WATER See LOCAL NEWS Page 3 KIMBERLEY BUSINESS ROBERT APPS ADDS NEW LAWYER TO TEAM See LOCAL BUSINESS page 4 TUESDAY JUNE 25, 20 13 PROUDLY SERVING KIMBERLEY AND AREA SINCE 1932 | Vol. 81, Issue 122 | www.dailybulletin.ca New naturalized creek allowed fast water to disperse CAROLYN GRANT [email protected] The first phase of Kim- berley’s Mark Creek rehab did not fail during the ex- tremely high water over the past week, says Mayor Ron McRae. In fact it performed exactly as it should, dispers- ing the high flow over a wider area and slowing the water down. There has been a signifi- cant pile of gravel and rocks collected in the new phase, as high, fast water pushed them through the flume, but McRae says that when the water subsides the City will do some dredging. “What is happening is part of the naturalizing of the creek,” McRae said. “Once it’s all said and done and the whole flume is re- placed, you will see those kind of deposits when the water is high. But as you get all of the natural features in, the water would have slowed more. DRINKING WATER Boil water still in effect Flume Phase One performs as expected HIGH WATER See FLUME , Page 3 PAT BATES PHOTO Jakub Sumbera of Invermere was the iron man of the Round the Mountain event last Saturday. He had an amaz- ing time of 2 hours 31 minutes 33 seconds for the 40 km Men’s Duo course (20K bike followed by 20K run). See more from Round the Mountain, page 20. CAROLYN GRANT [email protected] Kimberley residents are being asked to continue to boil their water for a few more days. The boil water order came into effect last week as high water and heavy rains increased turbidity to the point that tap water in Kimberley was a murky brown. It has cleared up considerably over the weekend, but Mayor Ron McRae says it will take time for the system to get completely back to normal. “We should be able to pull the boil water within a day or two,” he said. “City crews will then flush the system to get residual sediment out. We hope to be completely back to normal by Friday. We appreciate people’s patience.”
Page 1: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013


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With a Flexible Choice Mortgage from Kootenay Savings, your home dreams can come true. Add a FlexLine LOC and it could truly be the only loan you’ll ever need. Talk to us today.

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regional update

Wasa expects more high WaterSee LOCAL NEWS Page 3

kimberley business

robert apps adds neW laWyer to teamSee LOCAL BUSINESS page 4

TuesDAY JUNE 25, 2013

PrOUdLy SErvINg kImBErLEy ANd ArEA SINCE 1932 | Vol. 81, Issue 122 | www.dailybulletin.ca

New naturalized creek allowed fast water to disperse

C ArOLyN gr [email protected]

The first phase of Kim-berley’s Mark Creek rehab did not fail during the ex-tremely high water over the past week, says Mayor Ron McRae. In fact it performed exactly as it should, dispers-ing the high flow over a wider area and slowing the water down.

There has been a signifi-

cant pile of gravel and rocks collected in the new phase, as high, fast water pushed them through the flume, but McRae says that when the water subsides the City will do some dredging.

“What is happening is part of the naturalizing of the creek,” McRae said. “Once it’s all said and done and the whole flume is re-placed, you will see those kind of deposits when the water is high. But as you get all of the natural features in, the water would have slowed more.

DrINkINg watEr

Boil water still in effect

Flume Phase One performs as expected

hIgh watEr

See FLUME , Page 3

Pat Bates Photo

Jakub Sumbera of Invermere was the iron man of the Round the Mountain event last Saturday. He had an amaz-ing time of 2 hours 31 minutes 33 seconds for the 40 km Men’s Duo course (20K bike followed by 20K run). See more from Round the Mountain, page 20.

C ArOLyN gr [email protected]

Kimberley residents are being asked to continue to boil their water for a few more days.

The boil water order came into effect last week as high water and heavy rains increased turbidity to the point that tap water in Kimberley was a murky brown. It has cleared up considerably over the weekend, but Mayor Ron McRae says it will take time for the system to get completely back to normal.

“We should be able to pull the boil water within a day or two,” he said. “City crews will then flush the system to get residual sediment out. We hope to be completely back to normal by Friday. We appreciate people’s patience.”

Page 2: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013

Page 2 tuesday, JuNe25, 2013 daily townsman / daily bulletin

The day was winding down. We had had our walk

on the ridge, Taylor and I had

snacked from the kibble bowls, and now we were

curled up on our dog beds in the living

room. Our human dude was desperately channel surfi ng, remote in hand, derriere in chair, searching for a hockey game. Then all at once his gaze snapped to the window. Leaping from said chair, he grabbed his camera, and raced outside in untied hiking boots. We followed hot on his heels, somewhat confused, but giddy with our man’s obvious excitement.

We had trotted only a short ways when the human stopped, pointed his camera at the sky, and began clicking. Interspersed between the exposures he ooohed, awwwed, and made one word exclamations like, “Stunning!”, “Magic!” and a few others bordering on the profane. This was one excited hominid.

Perhaps it is because we dogs do not perceive colours the same way humans do, or perhaps because we are more smell centric, but if we had glimpsed this sunset on our own I can assure you, we wouldn’t have made much of a fuss. However, in the presence of a human so obviously euphoric, we can’t help but be swept up in his excitement. You see we canines have evolved to become intrinsically linked to our people’s emotions. Thus, we feel the joy of your sunsets.

Recent research has shown that dogs have a higher level of empathy for humans than other animals. True empathy means you experience a negative feeling when someone else is suffering and a positive feeling when someone else is happy. It is almost as if we can catch another person’s (or dog’s) feelings contagiously.

Behaviourists have come up with an unusual but effective way to measure how receptive animals — and yes that includes you gentle reader — are to the emotions of others. That gauge is the susceptibility to contagious yawning.

This is the phenomenon where someone yawns and you suddenly fi nd yourself yawning too. Well believe it or not, when that happens you are demonstrating your ability to read the emotional state of the sleepy fellow across from you. In recent tests, when dogs were exposed to a yawning researcher, they contagiously yawned back 70% of the time. Cats, not so much.

Being pack animals, both humans and dogs need to be able to read their pack mates to keep the group dynamic running smoothly. That is why the dog/human relationship is such a thing of beauty; though we are different species, we thrive because caring about each other’s emotion state is mutually benefi cial.

So if you ask me, do dogs enjoy a brilliant sunset, I will answer, we sure do when our humans are around. Our tails wag and we pant the happy-pant. On the other hand, when our people are depressed, frightened, angry, or just plain sad, we feel that too. It is the reality of any meaningful relationship. You know, the whole, for better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, deal.

I for one hope that this inter-species marriage between my humans and myself is blessed with a plethora of sunsets, so that I may empathetically bathe in both the glow of colours I can’t perceive and the human happiness that I can, till death do us part.

Photos and word processing by Dan Mills

Magic Light: Boulder and Taylor look skyward to see what all the excitement is about.

Building thunderhead catches the evening light while the moon looks on.

Red Sky at night: This is the kind of sky that makes humans scramble for their cameras.

Lakit lookout at dusk: Humans are so sunset mad they sometimes climb mountains just to catch one.

Ragged sky just after the storm.

Red Sky at night: This is the kind of sky that

Taylor bathes in the warm light of summer and the cool waters of the Kootenay river.

Ragged sky just after the storm.

Help your pet keep it’s cool this summer!The heat in a car can elevate to dangerous temperatures in a matter of minutes and exercising a dog at the wrong time of day can overload their ability to cool their body. Even just being out in the direct sun can be an issue so remember to provide shade and plenty of water for your four-footed friends.

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Off LeashTaylor and I had

snacked from the kibble bowls, and now we were

curled up on our dog beds in the living

room. Our human dude was

Off LeashAn unrestrained dogumentary.

Page 3: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013

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While East Kootenay

highways the are all open, at least

to single lane alternating traffic, forestry roads are

in poor shape

Sally MacDonalDTownsman Staff

The East Kootenay is switching from emer-gency to recovery as creek and river levels begin to decline. How-ever in Wasa, the flood is still on its way.

According to a state-ment from the Regional District of East Koote-nay’s information offi-cer Loree Duczek,

things are improving across the region.

In Kimberley, Mark Creek and Kimberley Creek levels are drop-ping, stabilizing the flood situation.

The highway through Wasa is now open to single lane alternating traffic, but the threat at Wasa Lake is by no means over.

The Kootenay River peaked Saturday eve-ning and levels have begun to decline. How-ever it takes seven to 10 days for Wasa Lake to see the effects of high water in the river. It’s ex-pected that water in Wasa will rise quickly.

A sandbagging sta-tion has been set up at Wasa Community Hall.

Water Stewardship BC has also been in the

Wasa area completing assessments near the Lake and Cameron Pond. The water level in the slough end of Cam-eron Pond dropped about 0.4 metres yester-day. There is an area along the old roadway between Cameron Pond and the slough that is showing some signs of erosion, so it is being monitored.

“We are encouraging residents and property owners in Wasa who are near the water to ensure valuables are moved out of basements, and take steps to prevent belong-ings from being affected by floodwater,” said Duczek.

In Hosmer, evacua-tion orders were re-scinded Sunday with residents allowed to re-

turn home. The Forest Service Unit Crew stacked 3,000 sandbags ready to put into use at the Hosmer Fire Hall. Clean up kits were ex-pected to arrive from the Red Cross Monday.

A meeting was held in Hosmer with 75 peo-ple in attendance and provided the communi-ty with information.

The alert for Elko Dam, at risk of giving way due to the volume of water over the week-end, was cancelled on Sunday. BC Hydro per-sonnel remain on site and will continue 24 hour surveillance while water levels remain high.

Fernie remains in a state of local emergen-cy. There was localized flooding in the Annex,

and pumping took place Saturday afternoon with success. All dikes are holding. All City of Fern-ie parks remain closed and City crews are be-ginning the task of iden-tifying areas of erosion and debris piles on the trails.

In Sparwood, the focus is beginning to turn to recovery, as city staff begin to assess trails and parks for dam-age. Efforts are under-way to replace a dam-aged water line.

There is still a state of emergency in Elkford, where work continues on debris management in Boivin Creek. Access for residents north of Elkford is a priority.

In the Columbia Val-ley, Dutch Creek south of Fairmont is lower, al-

though an evacuation alert remains in place. Heavy equipment con-tinues to move rock and add rip rap reinforce-ment along the banks of Dutch Creek and the work is about 90 per cent complete.

Fairmont Creek and Cold Spring Creek are within their channels and running clearer.

Meanwhile, the B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Re-source Operations was cataloguing the condi-tion of forestry roads on Monday.

“For the next few days it would be great if people avoided back-country roads. We don’t want to get people trapped out there,” said Dave Rebagliati at the Ministry’s Cranbrook

office.Forestry staff were

scheduled to fly over backcountry roads Monday if weather al-lowed.

“Then we will have to prioritize things and look for funding and see what we can fix and what we can’t fix. There’s just not many dollars out there,” said Rebagliati, adding that roads to popular back-country recreation areas will be a higher priority.

Closed forestry roads include Wildhorse, Mause Creek, Summer Lake, Bull River, Whiteswan, St. Mary’s Lake and Findlay.

For a detailed list of what roads are closed and where, visit www.for.gov.bc.ca/drm/ser-vices/road-works.htm.

Watch is on for Wasa as recovery begins elsewhere

From Page 1“The first phase did exactly

what is was supposed to do. The water coming out of the present flume was allowed to spread out and enter the rest of Mark Creek in a natural way.”

McRae says the new phase is in good shape.

“There has been a bit, I’m talking only centimetres, of natu-ral settling and there is some ma-terial worn away between the

larger rocks. Most of that was not high water in the creek but run off from the heavy rains pouring in. Once the water returns to nor-mal, City crews will replace that material.”

The current heavy equipment sitting beside the creek was not brought in to shore up any failed areas, but for planned landscap-ing to finish the first phase.

“The crews are there to land-scape the sides,” McRae said. “In

terms of the first real high water to go through the new section, we passed the test.”

In fact, McRae said if the old part of the flume was still there, which was the area of most con-cern, it would have been quite likely to fail.

“We are seeing some degrada-tion of the upper part of the con-crete flume,” he said.

Karen Soldan photo

The flume last Saturday as Mark Creek reaches its peak surge.

Flume passes first test

LocaL NEWSdaily bulletin Tuesday, June 25, 2013 Page 3

Page 4: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013

Page 4 tuesday, JuNe25, 2013

LocaL NEWSdaily bulletin

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Katie Diehl, from New Zealand, is in Kimberley to

stay – bringing unique expertise to the table and is

passionate about helping everyday people with everyday problems

by K ait y brown

Robert Apps Law Office has added a new lawyer to their team, Katie Diehl from the other side of the world - New Zealand.

Originally arriving in Kimberley in 2010 while on a working holiday, Diehl began working with the firm as a research assistant. Diehl was then offered a permanent job and an opportunity to launch her career in Kim-berley, arriving back in 2012.

Diehl completed her law and commerce degrees at the University of Otago, and was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand. She then pro-ceeded to become qualified to practice law in Canada, completing 6 accreditation exams and Law Society of British Columbia bar ad-mission program. Diehl qualified to practice law in British Columbia on June 21 and joined Robert Apps Law office as an associ-ate. Now she is settled in Kimberley, pas-sionate about helping everyday people with everyday issues.

“I enjoy dealing with everyday people with everyday problems and I understand the ramifications legal problems can have on everyday life whether it be financially or

emotionally. I get to see the whole picture and a real opportunity to help the ‘little guy,’” said Diehl.

Diehl is more concerned, and always has been concerned, about the ‘little guy’ rang-ing back to the beginning, volunteering for 3 years in a community law centre in New Zealand while completing her studies. “The law centre offered free legal advice to anyone who walked through the door with a legal problem spanning from neighbour disputes to custody problems.”

While completing her articles at Robert Apps Law Office, Diehl gained experience in many areas of law, including family law, real estate, wills and estates, criminal law, civil litigation and commercial law. Diehl feels that “completing articles in a small firm al-lows for greater exposure to refine skills and to build experience quickly.” Diehl’s pre-ferred areas of practice include family law, criminal law and civil litigation.

But Diehl is not your regular cookie-cut-ter lawyer - she is a former soldier of the New Zealand Army.

“I was dual core in New Zealand Army Reserve force – in that I was both in the med-ical corp and infantry. In 2009 I was de-ployed to the Cook Islands for a humanitari-an aid operation with the medical corp.”

Having come from a small town in New Zealand, growing up in Central Otago, Diehl understands the feel and community aspect as compared to big cities – where lawyers typically go. She is familiar with the unwrit-ten code that small towns seem to have,

Kimberley included, of waving to everyone even though you might not actually know who they are. As well, the advantages of work only being a 6-minute drive away.

“What I love about the Kootenays/Kim-berley is the outdoors, the lifestyle and the positive community spirit. I enjoy cycling the rails to trails, hiking in the nature park, and scenic photography,” Diehl said in an email.

“Kimberley is such a friendly and wel-coming community.”

But being in a new country has it’s obsta-cles. For Diehl these include the wildlife, the weather, driving on the wrong side of the road and orange cheese.

“Friends and family are rather baffled by the thought of having a wild bear in your yard,” Diehl said. “Where I lived in New Zea-land, it would snow approximately once a year, would melt within a day or so and the temperature wouldn’t drop below -3- the entire city would shut down-no school, no work and no public transport – so shovelling snow to get to work in -15 was an entirely new experience.”

“What I enjoy about the practice of law so far – Helping people get positive results whether it be collaboratively or through the courts. Everyday is different – every client’s situation is different and the law is dynamic and constantly changing. Meeting people – whether it be new clients, other practitioners, or people in the community,” Diehl said.

“I’m looking forward to practicing here,” she said.

Robert Apps adds new lawyer to team

Lawyer Katie Diehl

Page 5: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013

tuesday, JuNe 25, 2013 Page 5

LocaL NEWSdaily bulletin

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“every 100 years” event?”

Log on to www.dailybulletin.ca to make your vote count.

This web poll is informal. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

YEs: 73% NO: 27%

of the

Norm macdoNaldFor the Bulletin

The first legislative

session of the 40th Par-liament begins this week, and the main business of the House will be to pass the pro-vincial budget. That process is referred to as estimates debate.

The role of opposi-tion members in esti-mates is critical as it is our responsibility to question ministers, line by line, on the budgets for their ministries.

The BC Liberal bud-get will be presented on Thursday, June 27th, and is expected to be similar to the budget they first presented be-fore the election in Feb-ruary. At that time, it was considered by most to be very controversial. It is unlikely that the claims made in the budget will be able to

withstand close scruti-ny.

The new cabinet has been announced and the Ministers are now settling into their port-folios. And slowly, we are finding that minis-tries are becoming more responsive to re-quests. This allows my

office to work on case-work files as we did be-fore the election.

The MLA office is available to assist you with issues you have with provincial govern-ment services, and we open dozens of new files every week. All contacts with my office are confidential. My staff can provide infor-mation, advice and ad-vocacy on a wide range of provincial issues.

As your MLA, my role is to be your voice in Victoria. To be able to do that effectively, I need to hear from you. I value your feedback and the information you can provide.

You can reach my of-fice by email at [email protected] or by phone at 1 866 870 4188.

Norm Macdonald MLA Columbia River


MLAs return to Legislature

NelsoN star

Two people were rescued Sunday after-noon after their float plane crashed and sank just below the Nine Mile Narrows.

RCMP Sgt. Darryl Little says as the pri-vately-owned Lake Buccaneer was taking off, it hit a wake and overturned.

Nelson Search and Rescue manager Lou Coletti said they got the call around 3 p.m. and three members re-sponded in their rescue boat.

When they arrived, the male pilot and fe-male passenger had al-ready been pulled from the water by a boater.

They were not injured. According to police, both were from the Tar-rys/Thrums area and in their 50s.

“We circled around the middle of the lake for a bit but couldn’t

find any sign of the plane,” Coletti said. “The water was ripply. If it was super smooth, we might have been able to see oil bubbling up.”

He wasn’t sure if fur-ther efforts will be made

to recover the plane.The Transportation

Safety Board’s Bill Year-wood said they are gath-ering data on the inci-dent but not deploying any investigators to the scene.

Float plane crashes in Kootenay Lake

Stay off the bridgec arolYN Gr aNt

[email protected]

The walking bridge over Mark Creek near Marysville has likely sustained some damage, although City crews will not be able to get to it until the creek levels go down.

Mayor Ron McRae says that the City put out on ad-visory on Friday that resi-dents should stay away from the bridge and board-walk until staff have had a chance to assess it.

“I believe there are some issues and it does have to be checked,” he said.

In the meantime, the boardwalk to Marysville Falls remains closed.

File photoThe Mark Creek walking bridge in Marysville is considered unsafe until City staff can check it out.

towNsmaN staFF

Cranbrook elementary students and school staff participated in a proj-ect to clean up their schools.

Around 1,500 students and 100 staff members from seven Cranbrook elementary schools participated in Wildsight’s Clean Bin Project.

Students were tasked with looking at the waste at their schools and find-ing ways reduce it for a week.

“Every school was successful in reducing waste,” Skye McDougall, who co-ordinated the project, said.

Students and staff watched The Clean Bin Project, a film that tells the follows a Vancouver couple challeng-ing themselves to produce no waste for a year. Students and staff then worked with McDougall to come up with ideas on how to reduce garbage.

They studied a day’s worth of gar-bage, looking at its weight and the number of bags filled, then did a waste audit to separate items into compost, recycling and garbage. They then discussed options for reducing waste at their school and the benefits of doing it.

“The kids were geared up and ready to begin their week-long chal-lenge,” said McDougall. “Each class had a bucket provided for compost, and staff and students were keen to begin.”

RDEK and Wildsight together do-nated Earth Machine Composters that were set up at four schools. Three schools already had compost pro-grams running.

McDougall said composting dra-

matically reduces the amount of trash and subsequently, the amount of methane created from organic waste in the landfill.

Over the weeklong project, stu-dents and staff encouraged each other to be conscious of waste, by bringing waste-free lunches and using reus-able containers rather than Ziploc bags or plastic wrap.  

“I returned to the schools at the end of the challenge week for an as-sembly to celebrate the successes of the project,” said McDougall. “The kids were excited to find out if their efforts had made a difference, custo-dians kept the garbage from the day before for comparison with the initial weigh-in.

“Every school was successful in reducing waste. Results ranged from over two kilograms (five pounds) to almost five kilograms (11 pounds) and that’s per day, so this means that schools reduced their garbage be-tween 10 to 25 per cent, which is an amazing effort.”

The schools that participated in the project were Kootenay Orchards, Amy Woodland, Kootenay Christian Academy, Highlands, Gordon Ter-race, Steeples, TM Roberts and the Boys and Girls Club.

McDougall noted that each stu-dent received a sticker from Wildsight as a thanks for their efforts and as a reminder to continue their efforts in reducing waste. She said Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook gratefully ac-knowledges the financial support of Columbia Basin Trust.

Clean Bin Project cuts down on trash

Page 6: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013


The news on the population front sounds bad: birth rates are not drop-ping as fast as expected, and we are

likely to end up with an even bigger world population by the end of the century. The last revision of the United Nations’ World Population Prospects, two years ago, pre-dicted just over 10 billion people by 2100. The latest revision, just out, predicts almost 11 billion.

That’s a truly alarming number, because it’s hard to see how the world can sus-tain another 4 billion peo-ple. (The current global population is 7 billion.) But the headline number is deceptive, and conceals anoth-er, grimmer reality. Three-quarters of that growth will come in just one continent: Africa.

The African continent currently has 1.1 billion people. By the year 2100, it will have 4.1 billion — more than a third of the world’s total population. Or rather, that is what it will have if there has not already been a huge population dieback in the re-gion. At some point, however, systems will break down under the strain of trying to feed such rapidly growing populations, and people will start to die in large num-bers.

It has happened before — to Ireland in the 1840s, for example — and it can hap-pen again. In fact, it probably will. When you look more carefully at the numbers, you can even identify which regions will be hardest hit, because even in Africa there are large areas where population growth is low and dropping.

None of the Arabic-speaking countries of northern Africa will increase its popula-tion by more than one-third by 2100, and some will even be declining. South Africa, at the other end of the continent, will only add another ten million people by the cen-

tury’s end. It’s in the middle belt of Africa that things will get very ugly.

Between now and 2100, six countries are expected to account for half of the world’s projected population increase: India, Nigeria, the United States of Ameri-ca, the Democratic Republic of Congo,

Tanzania and Uganda. Four of the six are in cen-tral Africa.

In this area, where fer-tility is still high, the num-bers are quite astonishing. Most countries will at least triple in population; some, like Uganda, Tanzania and

Zambia, are predicted to grow fivefold. That is on top of populations that have al-ready tripled, quadrupled or quintupled in the past half-century. Uganda had 5 mil-lion people at independence in 1962; it is projected to have 205 million in 2100.

The numbers are simply preposterous. Niger, a desert country whose limited agri-cultural land might feed 10 million people with good management, a lot of invest-ment, and good luck with the weather, al-ready has twice as many as that. By the end of the century it will have twenty times as many: 204 million people.

All these numbers are based on as-sumptions about declining birth rates: if we all just carried on with the birth rates of today, there would be 25 billion people on this planet by the end of the century. The key question is: how FAST is fertility de-clining – and all the numbers in this article so far are from the UN’s “medium esti-mates”, i.e. the moderately optimistic ones. The “high estimate” for Niger gives it 270 million people by 2100: an extra 70 million.

It makes no practical difference. Even the “low estimate” of 150 million people in Niger by 2100 is never actually going to happen. That is fifteen times too many people for the available land, and Niger

certainly cannot afford to import large amounts of food. Even without reckoning in the huge negative impact of climate change, large numbers of people in Niger (and quite a few other African countries) will begin starving long before that.

So the real picture that emerges from the UN’s data is rather different. It is a world where two-thirds of the world’s countries will have declining populations by 2100. China and Russia will each be down by a third, and only the United States among the major developed countries will still have a growing population: up from 320 million now to 460 million. (By the way, that means there will only be twice as many Chinese as Americans by then.)

In terms of climate change, the huge but ultimately self-limiting population growth in Africa will have little impact, for these are not industrialised countries with high rates of consumption and show no signs of becoming so. The high economic growth rates of African countries in recent years are driven mostly by high commod-ity prices, and will probably not be sus-tained.

It is the developed and rapidly develop-ing countries whose activities put huge pressure on the global environment, not only by their greenhouse gas emissions but also by their destructive styles of farming and fishing. Their populations are relative-ly stable but their actual numbers are al-ready very large, and each individual con-sumes five or ten times as much as the average African.

So the frightening numbers in the UN’s latest population predictions are mostly of concern to Africa — but the rest of the world is still in deep, deep trouble on many other fronts.

Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist based in London

World population: The African exception


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Gwynne Dyer

Page 7: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013

tuesday, JuNe 25, 2013 Page 7


There are nine new faces in Premier Christy Clark’s cabinet, seven of them elected to the B.C. legislature for the

first time on May 14.They have been handed some of the

hottest problems, and Clark’s marching or-ders in “mandate letters” for each ministry. And this is the start of a four-year term, when unpopular reforms are attempted.

Take Amrik Virk, the for-mer RCMP inspector from Surrey who’s suddenly in charge of advanced educa-tion. His mandate includes: “Review the student loan pro-gram to make recommenda-tions for improvement to ensure the loan program is meeting the needs of today’s students.”

Virk must also set targets to “match the skills we need with the skills we are graduat-ing” and require post-secondary schools to “ensure student seats are being filled.”

B.C. can’t afford to keep cranking out university grads with $50,000 in debt and no job prospects in a system that’s subsidized 65 per cent.

Virk will be working closely with Educa-tion Minister Peter Fassbender, who must “ensure seamless transitions” from high school to the workforce for post-secondary trades and apprenticeships.

In his spare time, Fassbender is to over-haul the school district bargaining agency and achieve a 10-year peace with the teach-

ers’ union. Justice Minister Suzanne Anton has

worked as a Crown prosecutor, so she’ll have some insight into the system that still grapples with Stanley Cup rioters from two summers ago.

Her orders are to get traffic tickets and other administrative penal-ties out of the courts, keep working on integrating po-lice fiefdoms and generally treat the constipation that afflicts law enforcement today.

Oh, and get that new Okanagan prison built, to re-lieve a system that has in-

mates living in tents. And examine whether to spin off the Liquor Distribution Branch into a Crown corporation, a possible pre-lude to selling it.

Transportation Minister Todd Stone’s first test was a grilling by the Vancouver media. Yup, this Kamloops hayseed has been to the Big Smoke a few times,  rid-den  that fancy SkyTrain and  taken  the odd ferry, too.

Now he has to impose the ferry route reductions that have been worked on by two previous ministers, and push Metro Vancouver through a referendum on ways to fund its own transit. If more tolls or taxes are going to be implemented, now is the time.

Coralee Oakes has made a political leap from Quesnel city hall to the Ministry of

Community, Sport and Cultural Develop-ment. One of her key tasks is to invent a framework for a “rural dividend” from liq-uefied natural gas development in north-western B.C.

Oakes has to figure out how to “better provide provincial support” to sport and cultural organizations, but do it with no new money. All ministers have strict in-structions to balance their lean budgets and take part in the latest “core review” to iden-tify government functions that can be sold, delegated or shut down.

New Minister of International Trade Richmond’s Teresa Wat has to find a way to continue the growth of lumber and other exports to China, India and elsewhere on the Pacific Rim.

On top of that, the always-delicate soft-wood lumber agreement with the U.S. ex-pires in three years. The last major eruption on that front was in 2009, when B.C. cut stumpage rates for remote coastal areas to give communities much-needed employ-ment. The Americans were livid, just as they were with our beetle-kill harvesting efforts. And of  course,  the U.S.-directed environ-mental movement continues to target Ca-nadian industries.

Third-term MLA John Rustad gets ab-original relations, with specific instructions to deal with gas and perhaps oil pipelines through his Nechako Lakes constituency. 

Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press

Cabinet rookies handed hot files

UPCOMING1st Annual KAC Cardboard Boat Race! June 28th - start time 2:00 pm, sponsored by Kimberley Aquatic Centre & Just Liquid Sports. Registration available at both places . Mark Creek Lions Hotdog Sale by donation, starting at 1:00 pm. More info: 250-427-2983 or email: [email protected]“Wasa Lions Community Garage Sale Event Saturday June 29/13 9am-1pm at the Wasa Lions Grounds. Contact Sharon @ 250 422-3227 for information or if you have items you would like to donate to the Wasa Lions Sale.”Cranbrook & District Arts Council, Basic Guitar Workshop for Beginners July 4, 11, 18 from 7-8pm. Please call 426-4223 Arts Council or Carole 426-2971Pre-Natal Workshop with Christina Warmenbol, July 6th and 7th, 10-5pm. A guide through pregnancy and birth, an interactive workshop designed for mothers and partners. Held in the CDAC workshop. Register today. Contact Helen on: 250-426-4223Kimberley Nature Park - Geology in the Nature Park - Saturday, July 6. Join a professional geologist for this informative hike. Meet at 9:00 am at the Matthew Creek turno� for carpooling and rides.Bring water and a snack! Join leader - Ralph Rudser 250-427-1590Tee O� For Kootenay Kids Golf Gala Thursday, July 11 and Friday, July 12 2013 at St. Eugene Golf Resort and Casino. For more information call 250-426-2542 or visit www.teeo� charitygolf.com. Brothers Insurance Agency Charity Car Show: Friday, July 19th and Saturday, July 20th at Western Financial Place, Cranbrook, BC. Blues Brothers Tribute Act, drive in movie, children’s activities, vendors and more. Visit www.brothersinsurancecarshow.com or call 250-426-2542.2013 FREE FAMILY SWIM Wednesday, July 18th, 6:00-7:00 PM is sponsored by Kimberley Health-Care Auxiliary. Children 18 years & under must be accompanied by an adult.Kimberley Nature Park - Horse Barn Valley Loop - Saturday, July 21, Meet at the Riverside Campground at 9:30 am to carpool to the west entrance to Horse Barn Valley. Bring water and a snack! Join leader - Kent Goodwin 250-427-5404Kimberley United Church huge garage sale on July 27. To donate clean and usable goods, call Graham and Gerda Mann at 250-427-5057 or email [email protected]. Pick up can be arranged.

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ONGOING The Council of Senior Citizens Organizations (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality Of Life” for all seniors. To become a member contact Ernie Bayer, ph 604-576-9734, fax 604-576-9733, email [email protected] Cranbrook Kimberley Hospice Society seeks volunteers to help us provide services to persons at the end of life and their families. Training is provided. Call 250-417-2019, Toll Free 1-855-417-2019 if interested.Royal Canadian Legion Branch 24; Friday Meat Draw: 4:30- 6:30, Saturday Meat Draw: 3:30-5:30.Cranbrook Quilters’ Guild hold their meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month at 7:15 pm upstairs in Seniors Hall, 125-17th Ave. S. All skill levels welcome. FMI Betty 250-489-1498 or June 250-426-8817.The Cranbrook Senior Floor Curling is looking for new members. Curling is Monday and Wednesday afternoons, upstairs in the Curling Rink. Info: Dave at 250-426-5387.FREE, family drop-in program for parents/caregivers of children 0 - 6. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday from 10 - 12 at the Early Learning Centre. Snack included. Call Gina 250-427-5309.KIMBERLEY North Star Quilters meet 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 7pm downstairs Centennial Hall, 100 4th Avenue. Everyone welcome. Info: Carol at 250-427-7935 or Joan at 250-427-4046.Learn to Fish @ Kootenay Trout Hatchery! Come on out to the hatchery pond for this opportunity – great for all ages. Call now to book a session (250) 429-3214. Open now through the end of August! Tours also available.Tai Chi Moving Meditation every Wednesday 3-4 pm at Centre 64. Starts November 7th. Call Adele 250-427-1939.Special Olympics BC – Kimberley/Cranbrook now has an Active Start! Active Start is for children with intellectual disabilities ages 2-6, teaching basic motor skills through fun, positive experiences.Thursdays, 10-11am at Kimberley Aquatic Centre ** Transportation available. Call Julia 427.3324 or Cyra 250.919.0757Cranbrook Senior Centre, Branch 11 holding their meetings every third Thursday a month. 1:30pm at the hall. We always welcome new members.Play and Learn Parenting/Literacy Program – 8 week registered program for parents with preschool children with a facilitated play and activity component for children. Kimberley Early Learning Centre Kim 250-427-4468.Cranbrook’s Bibles for Missions Thrift Store thanks you for your support. 824 Kootenay St. N. Open 10-5, Tues-Sat. A great place to save or volunteer.

daily townsman / daily bulletin

BC ViewsTom Fletcher

Michael SMythe

Bill Bennett is the guy in charge of digging under the cushions of the government’s sofa in search of loose

change — also known as the “core review.”His mission: find and eliminate wasteful

spending and red tape, and divert any sav-ings to the Liberals’ central goals of creating jobs and balancing the budget.

As his quest for government fat begins, the MLA for Kootenay East is grateful Pre-mier Christy Clark backed off on exorbitant pay raises for senior staffers in Victoria, that were quietly rammed through after the May election.

The stunning pay hikes angered British Columbians — especially voters in Kelow-na, where Clark is running in a July 10 bye-lection.

“I told the premier I was grateful be-cause it made my job easier,” Bennett said in an interview.

So is the cost-cutting cabinet minister saying his core review would have included standing up to Clark on the outrageous pay hikes?

“That’s a hypothetical,” he said. “But it could have been awkward.”

Bennett is not a guy who’s ever been afraid to challenge the powers that be, cre-ating some apprehension about just what he has in mind.

After all, the last time the government went through this exercise was 2001, when then-premier Gordon Campbell’s core re-view led to the infamous “Black Thursday” budget cuts and public-sector layoffs. Ben-nett was a Liberal backbencher at the time.

“We were ruthless,” he said. “Campbell came in and said, ‘Cut 25 per cent out of every ministry except health and educa-tion.’ I think we were even mean at times.”

He says Core Review 2.0 will be differ-ent. Vulnerable people who rely on govern-ment services — he mentioned seniors,

disabled people and single mothers — should not worry about major program cuts, he said.

“My purpose is not to go in with a big axe and start chopping,” Bennett said.

But this is the same government that just brought in a $25-a-month wheelchair “maintenance fee” in provincial nursing homes. And Bennett said his core review — which will take over a year to complete — could still result in unpopular decisions.

Will the review result in downsizing of the government workforce?

“We already have the leanest public ser-vice in Canada and we’re in a hiring freeze now,” he said. “That doesn’t mean there won’t be anybody laid off. There may be some reductions, but I’m convinced it won’t be sweeping.”

But the NDP is not convinced about anything when it comes to this exercise. Shane Simpson, the NDP’s core-review critic, said services to the province’s poor are already inadequate.

“What if the review identifies places that need support instead of cuts?” Simpson asks, pointing to the province’s child-pov-erty rate. “Maybe some areas need more resources, not less.”

“It is not our mandate to recommend new spending,” Bennett fires back, while adding he’ll alert the government to any “glaring deficits in services” the review un-covers.

Andrew Weaver, the first-ever Green Party MLA, said he worries the core review will reduce environmental-protection laws to save the government money and clear the way for resource extraction like new mines and oil-and-gas projects.

“It is somewhat troubling that the minis-ter responsible for the core review is also the minister responsible for energy and mines,” said Weaver, who thinks the review should focus on rooting out waste in the

health-care system.But Bennett said the core review is

meant to get the B.C. economy going, espe-cially the energy sector.

He said a hoped-for boom in liquefied natural-gas exports will require a lot more electricity — meaning more investment by B.C. Hydro in power generation, which could mean rate hikes for Hydro custom-ers.

“I’m going to have a knock-down, drag-out fight with B.C. Hydro. I don’t think you can freeze rates given the existing debt at Hydro and the need to spend on new infra-structure … We’re going to have to take a look at rates for sure.”

And then there’s that balanced budget the Liberals promised during the election. A key goal of the core review will be to keep a lid on spending, so the budget doesn’t slip into the red. But Simpson wonders if Bennett’s entire exercise is nothing but a big phoney show, designed to convince the public that the Liberals at least tried to de-liver on a balanced-budget promise they have every intention to break.

“If the budget does unravel on them, they want to be able to say, ‘Look, we tried our best. We had this core review to search for every opportunity for savings,’” Simpson said.

Bennett bristles at the charge.“To suggest this review has a purely po-

litical purpose is more a commentary on the NDP than on us,” he said. “We intend to balance the budget. My review will help with that.”

With that, he’s off to find every nickel and dime he can. He said the public will be given a say through some still-unrevealed consultation process.

Michael Smythe is a columnist for the Vancouver Province

No “big axe” for Core Review

Page 8: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013



Kootenay Ice fans will get a chance to see Brad Lukowich on the bench, but it won’t be in Cran-brook.

The local and former NHL defenceman has been hired on as an as-sistant coach with the Lethbridge Hurricanes, joining newly an-nounced bench boss Drake Berehowsky that represents a new coach-ing changeover for next season.

“He knows what it takes to win at the high-est level, and he’s also returned to Dallas and worked as a player-coach with Jordie Benn, Bren-den Dillon and Philip Larsen,” said Hurricanes GM Brad Robson in a press release, adding that his experience is a huge asset to the team.

Lukowich said his re-lationship with Robson, a former regional scout with the Dallas Stars, sealed the deal.

“It’s been a long rela-tionship so we know

each other quite well and him being the GM is the number one thing,” said Lukowich, who was in Lethbridge for the an-nouncement before driving back to home in Cranbrook.

“I know his history, he knows mine, so just going up there even

today, it was very com-fortable, like we been around each other for a long time. Really, it came down to the term and the familiar face of Brad Robson that landed me in Lethbridge.”

Lukowich is a two-time Stanley Cup winner with the Dallas Stars

(1999) and the Tampa Bay Lightning (2004) and has appeared in 658 regular season NHL games over his career. Prior to turning pro, Lu-kowich played major-ju-nior hockey in the WHL with the Kamloops Blaz-ers and won consecutive Memorial Cups in 1994

and 1995.Lukowich said com-

ing in on a new coaching tandem with Berehows-ky was another factor that made Lethbridge appealing.

“He’s fresh, which is great for me, I like that because there is a change in the game right now,” Lukowich said. “It’s become a different style and he’s one of those ex-players that jumped right off the ice and went into coaching.

“…He’s seen the morph of the game gone from the North Ameri-can style into the Eu-ro-North American style, which is a blend of the two, so he’s very familiar with the way the game is being taught now and played.”

Berehowsky, himself a former NHL rearguard, has worked in the OHL with the Barrie Colts and in the AHL with the Peoria Riverman, both in an assistant coaching capacity.

SPORTSHurricanes add Lukowich to the bench



Cranbrook native and former NHLer Brad Lukowich was introduced as the new assistant coach for the Lethbridge Hurricanes on Monday morning.


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Looks like Joey Leach is sticking around in Oklahoma.

The former Koote-nay Ice captain has im-pressed the brass with the Oklahoma City Bar-ons in the AHL to earn a one-year, one-way con-tract, which was an-nounced by the organi-zation on Monday.

“I got it through Fri-day morning, but they released it today,” said Leach, speaking from Saskatoon, where he is training at the Universi-ty of Saskatchewan for the off-season. “So it just took a little while to process it all.”

Not bad for a guy who only got in one game for his amateur tryout, which he earned after the Kootenay Ice was bounced out of the first round of the WHL playoffs.

Leach’s only appear-ance was in the final game of the Barons’ reg-ular season, where he

put two shots on net and served a two-min-ute minor.

“I love being up there, it gave me a chance to see a little bit of the speed and every-thing and obviously to figure out how they do things up there and the lifestyle that you have to live in order to play there,” said Leach.

“… Only getting into the one game, obviously I’d like to get into more, but that helped me a lot too, just finding out the speed a little more.”

With the Oklahoma City Barons, Leach is now in the system of the Edmonton Oilers after getting picked up in the third round of the 2010 NHL Draft by the Cal-gary Flames, only to turn into a free agent after two years.

While Leach adjust-ed to the the technical side of the game in the AHL, he also went through some off-ice trauma—along with the rest of the city—when a

tornado tore through a suburb on May 20th.

He was 10 miles away from the hardest hit area while staying in a hotel along with some teammates. The league had to cancel another game 10 days later be-cause of tornado warn-ings.

“That was quite the experience to have that happen when I was down there. A couple of them got pretty close to us,” said Leach.

“…We weren’t in any immediate danger, so they just told us we could stay in the hotel and we watched it un-fold on the TV.”

Just as Leach did went out in the commu-nity while with the Ice, he, along with some Barons teammates, headed out into the city to volunteer for relief ef-forts.

“A few of us, we went and took some supplies down to the tornado re-lief victims, to one of the shelters down there, al-

most to where the big one had hit,” said Leach, “so we got to experience that by going and seeing how they coped with the relief efforts there.”

NOTES: Another Ice alumnus, Matt Fraser, also has a new AHL

deal, signing a one-year two-way contract with the Dallas Stars. Fraser had a team-high 33 goals this season with the Texas Stars, and ap-peared in 12 games with his parent club in Dal-las.

Retired Cranbrook NHLer has been introduced as the new assistant coach in Lethbridge


Former Kootenay Ice captain Joey Leach has signed a one-year one-way contract with the Oklahoma City Barons.

Leach inks AHL deal with Oklahoma City Barons

Nadal stunned with 1st round exit at WimbledonLONDON - In one of Wimbledon’s greatest up-

sets, an ailing Rafael Nadal was knocked out in straight sets Monday by a player ranked 135th in the world - the Spaniard’s first-ever loss in the opening round of a Grand Slam event.

Steve Darcis of Belgium stunned the two-time champion 7-6 (4), 7-6 (8), 6-4, snapping the Span-iard’s 22-match winning streak and eliminating one of the Big Four of men’s tennis on the very first day of the grass-court Grand Slam.

Nadal, who was sidelined for seven months with a left knee injury after losing in the second round of Wimbledon last year, seemed to be struggling phys-ically. He was unable to turn on the speed or use his legs to spring into his groundstrokes, limping and failing to run for some shots.

Associated Press

L.A. police investigating � ght involving Scottie Pippen

MALIBU, Calif. - Former Chicago Bulls star Scot-tie Pippen was questioned Monday about his week-end fight with an autograph-seeker that left the man hospitalized with a head injury.

Pippen came in voluntarily to a Los Angeles County sheriff’s substation after he was named as a suspect in the altercation outside Nobu restaurant, a celebrity hangout on the beach in Malibu. He spoke to police for about an hour and was released pend-ing further investigation.

“He’s being co-operative,” sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore said.

The unidentified victim was inside the restaurant taking photos as Pippen dined with his family Sun-day evening, sheriff’s Capt. Patrick Davoren said. When Pippen went outside to the parking lot, the man continued taking pictures and sought the Hall of Famer’s autograph, Davoren said.

Associated Press

Canucks news conference to unveil new head coach

VANCOUVER - The Vancouver Canucks have called a news conference Tuesday amid reports they will name John Tortorella as their next coach.

Tortorella, the former coach of the New York Rangers, arrived in Vancouver on Friday as the Ca-nucks were in the process of finalizing their choice of a replacement for the fired Alain Vigneault.

If all goes as expected, Tortorella and Vigneault will trade teams. Vigneault was named last week as Tortorella’s replacement with the Rangers.

Vancouver’s all-time leader in coaching wins, Vigneault was fired in May after the Canucks were eliminated in the first round of the Stanley Cup play-offs for the second consecutive year. He guided the Canucks to the seventh game of the Stanley Cup fi-nals in 2010-11.

Tortorella led New York to a 26-18-4 record and sixth-place finish in the Eastern Conference before they were eliminated in the second round of the playoffs by the Boston Bruins. The ouster came a year after Tortorella took the Rangers to the confer-ence final, where they were eliminated by the New Jersey Devils.

Tortorella has also coached Tampa Bay, guiding the Lightning to a Stanley Cup title over the Calgary Flames in 2004. In addition, he served as an assis-tant with the Rangers, Buffalo and Phoenix and as a head coach in the minors.

He won a Calder Cup title with the AHL’s Roches-ter Americans in 1995-96 and guided the Virginia Lancers to an Atlantic Coast Hockey League crown in 1986-87, his first season as a coach.

Canadian Press

See COACH , Page 9

Page 9: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013

tuesday, JuNe 25, 2013 Page 9

SportSdaily townsman / daily bulletin

‘Hawks stun Bruins to win Stanley CupNeil DaviDsoNCanadian Press

BOSTON - An NHL season cut short by a labour dispute will be long remembered, thanks to a glorious fi-nale between the Chi-cago Blackhawks and Boston Bruins.

The two teams will have vastly different memories of the cham-pionship series, but neutrals won’t soon for-get a Chicago’s Game 6 comeback that saw two goals in 17.7 seconds - a wild sequence that started with less than 80 seconds remaining be-fore a packed TD Gar-den on Monday night.

Bryan Bickell and Dave Bolland scored back-to-back as the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup in dramatic fashion with an amaz-ing 3-2 comeback victo-ry over the Bruins.

“Nobody saw it com-ing,” said Chicago coach Joel Quenneville.

Milan Lucic’s third-period goal looked to have given the Bruins a 2-1 victory and a new lease of life in the final. A Game 7 on Wednesday in Chicago seemed next.

But with Chicago goalie Corey Crawford out for an extra attacker, Bickell tied it up at 18:44 after Jonathan Toews circled out of the corner when Boston was un-able to clear the puck. With two teammates waiting for him in front of goal, Toews chose Bickell and the game was suddenly tied.

Bolland then won the Cup seconds after the puck drop, tucking

in a rebound of a John-ny Oduya point shot that hit the goal-post. Bolland nipped be-tween two defenders to redirect the puck in at 19:01 to stun the Bruins and previously raucous crowd.

“It’s a tough way to lose, tough way to lose a game, tough way to lose a series,” said Boston captain Zdeno Chara.

Even more so for a Bruins team that hoped to win a Cup for a city rocked by the Boston Marathon bombings in April, said coach Claude Julien.

“You know, at the end of the day, I think that’s what hurts the most is in the back of our minds, although we needed to focus on our team and doing what was going to be the best thing for our team to win a Stanley Cup ... It hit close to home, and the best way we felt we could try and cheer the area was to win a Stan-ley Cup,” he said.

“I think that’s what’s hard right now for the players. We had more reasons than just our-selves to win a Cup.”

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman was once again booed after the game during the trophy presentations that saw Chicago sniper Patrick Kane win the Conn Smythe award as play-off MVP.

Toews, reduced to a

spectator the final min-utes of Game 5, added a goal and an assist as the Blackhawks clawed their way back into Monday’s game. The captain was the first to hoist the Cup as his teammates jumped up and down on enemy ice.

Chicago’s stars came through when it count-ed. And its depth showed against a Bru-ins side that was clearly hurting.

For Boston, it was a painful reminder of how it feels to be at the wrong end of a come-back. The Bruins had mounted a histo-ry-making three-goal charge in the third peri-od of Game 7 against the Toronto Maple Leafs in the first round

before winning in over-time.

“Sometimes they go your way and some-times they don’t. We’ve lived through both of them, so we know how it feels on both sides of it, winning and being the losers,” said Julien, who was gracious in de-feat.

Crawford finished with 23 saves in the vic-tory that marked Chica-go’s fifth championship and second title in four years.

“That team in 2010, we didn’t really know what we were doing,” Toews said. “We played great hockey, and we were kind of oblivious to how good we were playing. This time around we know defi-nitely how much work it

takes and how much sacrifice it takes to get back here, and this is an unbelievable group.

“We’ve been through a lot together this year, and this is a sweet way to finish it off.”

Added Quenneville: “It’s always the greatest feeling in the world, so it can’t be any better. So it’s always a tie, and once you do it, you can’t wait to do it again. The stories, the ups and downs and the process of trying to win a Cup, that’s what makes it so special.”

Chris Kelly had the other goal for Boston, while Tuukka Rask made 28 saves. The Bruins offence was lim-ited by a power play that went 0-for-4 on the night.

“Nobody saw it coming.”

Joel Quenneville

stepheN WhyNoCanadian Press

BOSTON - Patrick Kane didn’t have to score the Stanley Cup-winning goal this time to earn the Conn Smythe Trophy. His performance through-out the playoffs, and es-pecially the final, did the trick.

Kane, whose over-time goal in 2010 gave the Blackhawks their first championship since 1961, led Chicago in scoring in the 2013 playoffs. He finished with 19 points on nine goals and 10 assists, in-cluding nine points in his final 10 games.

“It’s much deserved,”

said captain Jonathan Toews, who won the Conn Smythe three years ago. “There’s a lot of guys in that room that could have won that. I don’t think there’s any-one better than him. They way he played down the stretch, we wouldn’t be here with-out him. He’s a hell of a player. I’m very happy for him.”

Kane joked that goal-tender Corey Crawford (1.84 goals-against aver-age and .932 save per-centage) was snubbed. Cases also could have been made for left-wing-er Patrick Sharp and Boston Bruins goalten-der Tuukka Rask.

But Kane was one of the Blackhawks’ major catalysts, especially once coach Joel Quen-neville reunited with Toews and Bryan Bick-ell on Chicago’s No. 1 line.

“I think it speaks more for my team than myself, personally,” Kane said. “Playing with great players, it was the best year of my life just playing with these guys.”

Kane scored twice in Game 5 to put the Blackhawks on the verge of their second title in four years and was on the ice for two more goals in Monday’s Game 6 clincher at TD Garden.

Kane picks up Conn Smythe as playoff MVP for Blackhawks

C aNaDiaN press

WIMBLEDON, England - It was a successful main draw debut at Wimbledon for Cana-dian Eugenie Bouchard.

The Montreal native rallied to defeat Galina Voskoboeva of Kazakhstan 5-7, 7-6 (5), 6-4 on Monday.

Bouchard fired 29 winners and broke her opponent’s serve three times, coming back after losing the opening set and again in the third set after losing an early break.

She had 25 unforced errors and three aces.

“It was a tough battle,” Bouchard said. “I didn’t play my best but fought my hardest. I came close to losing but I was able to fight my way back. I’m happy for that.”

Later Monday, Vancouver’s

Vasek Pospisil, ranked No. 99, beat 131st-ranked Marc Giquel of France 6-3, 6-2, 7-6 (3).

Bouchard lost the first set when she sent a backhand long, but took the second against the 88th-ranked Voskoboeva after nearly an hour as she rallied from a 4-0 deficit in the tie-breaker.

In the third, Bouchard went up a break only to lose it three games later on a forehand error. But she got the break back for 5-4 and served out to win a game later on the first of three match points.

“In the end I think I broke (Voskoboeva) down a bit,” Bouchard said. “I know she has a bit of a temper and I could see that after she lost the second set. That didn’t bother me, but it did give me energy.

“I was confident and calm and felt I could outlsast her - which I did.”

Bouchard is playing in the women’s draw for the first time after winning the junior crown last year.

Her win came despite her modest grass-court season, with the teenager winning one round in a lower-level event in Nottingham and one qualifying round at Eastbourne.

Bouchard will face former world No. 1 Ana Ivanovic of Serbia in the second round. The 12th-seeded Ivanovic de-feated Virginie Razzano of France 7-6 (1), 6-0 on Monday.

“I’m looking forward to playing Ivanovic in the next round but I have to play better than today,” Bouchard said. “I need to fight a lot. She’s a great

player and I’m excited to be facing her.”

Pospisil used a dominant serve in his match, firing 25 aces. He also made 30 unforced errors to Giquel’s 28.

After picking up the victory, Pospisil said he played “one of the better matches” of his ca-reer.

“I played great, every part of my game was sharp,” he said. “I was pleased with my level of aggression, being able to stay relaxed and seeing the game really well.

“I was playing very fast and making (Giquel) uncomfort-able.”

For the 23-year-old Pospisil, this year marks his second time at the All England Club. He was eliminated in the first round in his Wimbledon debut last year.

Canadians bring their game to Wimbledon

Lukowich will draw on his years of develop-ing and playing profes-sionally to coach his young players when the season rolls around next September. He al-ready has a bit of expe-rience in that depart-ment working with the Dallas Stars’ prospects in Austin with the Texas Stars in the AHL as a player-coach.

“I was kind of coach-ing as an extra guy in Austin for a couple years,” Lukowich said. “I was doing some stuff with management as well, and I loved it. I thought it was great.

“I spent a lot of at-tention on a couple guys, usually the young-er guys. If you can just tweak a couple little things with them, you can make them so much better. I loved how interested the guys were in learning and to tell them something

and then see them go out and get the direct response and see them kind of turn around and give you a look that you kind of knew what you were talking about—the reward paid off.”

It was Lukowich’s desire to get into coach-ing once he hung up his skates in 2012, however, instability caused by the NHL lockout kept him away from game. During the hiatus, he was able to take a bit of a break and enjoyed spending time with his family, but once the puck dropped in Janu-ary, he got the itch.

“It’s something I want to be around, I love the game of hockey and I just wanted to be back in it, in any way, shape or form,” Luko-wich said. “I always kind of thought about getting into coaching and this is the way to do it.”

CoNtiNueD from page 8

Lukowich to draw on experience with new coaching gig

Blue Jays win streak skids to a halt with

4-1 loss to Rays assoCiateD press

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - Three quick hom-ers and strong pitching by the Tampa Bay Rays put an end to Toronto’s winning streak.

Jeremy Hellickson al-lowed one hit in seven shutout innings and rookie Wil Myers hom-ered in his home debut, helping the Rays beat the Blue Jays 4-1 on Monday night to end Toronto’s 11-game surge.

“I think that, to go on that streak, we had to be-lieve that we were able to do that,” Blue Jays catch-er J.P. Arencibia said. “I don’t think the belief has changed at all. We had a good run, game over, and come back tomorrow.”

Myers hit the second of three straight Tampa Bay homers in the sec-ond, connecting in his first at-bat at Tropicana Field. He received a standing ovation from a crowd of 11,407 getting its initial close-up view of the key acquisition in the off-season trade that sent pitchers James Shields and Wade Davis to Kan-

sas City for the pow-er-hitting right fielder and other prospects.

“He’s got it all,” Blue Jays manager John Gib-bons said. “He’s got a chance to be a really, re-ally good player. It’s all in there.”

Myers’ drive to centre off Esmil Rogers (3-3) was sandwiched be-tween home runs by James Loney and Sam Fuld as Tampa Bay went deep three times within a span of eight pitches. Luke Scott added a bloop RBI double to make it 4-0 in the third, and that was all the support Hellick-son needed.

“I was a little scared to throw my breaking pitch,” Rogers said. “I don’t know why.”

A night after scoring a season-high 13 runs at home to complete a three-game sweep of Baltimore, the Blue Jays were limited to four sin-gles and five walks. They came up short in their bid to extend the longest winning streak in the majors since Detroit won 12 straight in 2011.

Page 10: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013


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Derissa Leung Angus Liedtke Brent Liesch William Lightfoot Ryan Lindsay Brandon Luke Sydni Lutzke Nicole Lyon Kara MacBride Gus MacDonald

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Brody Kappler Jeremy Kapsha Brianna Kennedy Robin Kessler Paniz Khosroshahy

Cassidy-Beau Kitt Paul Klassen Kiersten Kleisdorff

Brenda Kolenbrander

Carly Kratchmer

Page 13: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013

daily townsman / daily bulletin tuesday, JuNe 25, 2013 Page 13Congratulations Mount Baker seCondary Class of 2013 Congratulations Mount Baker seCondary Class of 2013

Karissa Mooy

Lauren Nilsson

Morgan Pelletier

Gus MacDonald

Cassidy Leuenberger

Bryce McKinnon

Carly Kratchmer

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Logan Trach Kai Wen Tung Siddharth Verma John Vokey Sarah von Gradulewski

Congratulations 2013 Grads

Celebrate Responsibly!

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Christopher Wood Griffin Wurzer Sydney Yee Edmond Yoo

Melissa von Wittgenstein

Maddison Wallace Aili Weaver Chelsey Weisbecker

Seth Whalen Erin White Presley White Kristen Whitehead Mariah Whitlock Vanessa Willisson

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Page 15: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013

tuesday, JuNe 25, 2013 Page 15


For Better or Worse By Lynn Johnston

Garfield By Jim Davis

Hagar the Horrible By Dick Browne

Baby Blues By Kirkman and Scott

Rhymes with Orange By Hillary B. Price

Annie’s MAilboxby Kathy Mitchell and

Marcy Sugar

HoroScopeSby Jacqueline Bigar

daily townsman / daily Bulletin

Dear Annie: My older sister, “Johanna,” was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer two years ago. Since then, she seems to have one new “lifelong dream” after an-other that she expects my brother and me to finance.

My brother has worked hard his entire life and saved his money. He tried helping Johanna with her first dream (a house) with a loan. Her husband initially told Johanna that my brother refused to help, and Johan-na told him to “die a miserable death.” She lightened up when she found out the truth. When the bank didn’t approve the deal, she did repay most of the money. I’ve tried to help her, too, but I could not afford to keep giving her money.

Johanna’s latest dream is a hobby farm. She asked my brother to give her $18,000 as an outright gift. He told her no. Johanna stopped speaking to both of us, even though I have no control over what my brother does.

Here’s the real problem. Her husband recently asked both of us for money and, as always, made sure to mention that she might die any moment. They have both used her possible death to guilt us into giving her money. Annie, I love my sister, but it doesn’t seem right that they use this as a weapon against us. It also bothers me that Johanna stops speaking to us if we deny her.

None of us is wealthy. If I had the cash, I’d give it to her. But I also understand my brother’s point of view. Another sibling took him for a lot of money many years ago, run-ning up thousands of dollars in credit card debt. There is a good possibility that nothing will come of this hobby farm, and we’d all be out a lot of money, and for what? We aren’t young anymore. What do you advise? -- Torn Sister

Dear Torn: It’s obvious that you want to be a good sister to Johanna. When some-one is having health problems, you should be supportive emotionally, offer to cook meals or help with errands. But there is no obligation to buy them a hobby farm or any other expensive slice of wish fulfillment. Jo-hanna is using her illness to manipulate you, counting on your guilt to get what she wants. Too bad she cannot appreciate what you are already giving her: your love and caring.

Dear Annie: My family is planning a sur-prise party for my mom’s big birthday. One sibling lives far away, but he has frequent-fli-er miles and can fly free. Plus, he has friends in the area with whom to stay. The others all live nearby. However, it will cost me more than $2,000 to attend (airfare, hotel and car rental). I also am not eligible for vacation and will be docked pay for the days I miss.

I want very much to attend, but my sib-lings have rented a venue for the party and are hiring caterers, arranging valet parking, etc. I am afraid I will not be able to afford it all. Any suggestions? -- Not Rich Kid Sis

Dear Not Rich: Please don’t wait un-til your siblings send you a bill. Any costs that are expected to be shared should be discussed in advance and agreed to by all parties. Call your siblings and explain your dilemma. Ask what they expect from you, and tell them what you can afford. Work it out now so there are no hard feelings down the road.

Dear Annie: “Disgusted” said that a char-itable organization had sent him various free items, including a check for $2.50.

Anyone who receives an unsolicited check in the mail should read the endorse-ment area carefully. By signing and cashing the “free” check, you may be entering into an agreement to buy or invest in something in which you have no interest, and it will cost much more than you think. -- Ed in Florida

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sug-ar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to [email protected], or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndicate writ-ers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.COPYRIGHT 2013 CREATORS.COM

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Someone whom you deal with regularly could be out of sorts. Steer clear of this person for now. In the meantime, focus your attention on what counts for you. Check out a real-estate investment in the next few weeks. Tonight: Hang out with friends at a favorite place.TAURUS (April 20-May 20)Defer to a boss who has a strong vision of what he or she wants. In fact, the more responsibility this person has, the happier he or she will be. Weigh the pros and cons of a new purchase, whether it is a car or something involving communication. To-night: Speak your mind.GEMINI (May 21-June 20)You will be more willing to ven-ture out than you have been in years. Consider your options carefully regarding a financial matter. You might want to talk to someone who knows more than you do about this. You could be overly optimistic! To-night: Follow the music.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)Jupiter enters your sign today. This transition brings you good luck, and it also marks the be-ginning of a new life cycle. Use it well. Right now, a discussion with a partner or close friend has a unique intensity. Listen carefully and revise your plans if need be. Tonight: Dinner for two.LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)You might feel as if you are the center of attention, until you have to bend to keep the peace. In any case, the cards are not stacked in your favor. Avoid tak-ing any risks. News from some-one at a distance could leave you wide-eyed. Tonight: Enjoy the moment with friends.VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)Zero in on priorities in your day-to-day life. You might have a lot of energy that’s being focused on organizing and making your life easier. Do not cancel an ap-pointment. Some good fortune will stem from it -- maybe not immediately, but soon. Tonight: Hang with friends. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Taming your imagination will

help you funnel your creativity appropriately. You know the virtues of finding solutions and showing compassion to others. Losing your temper won’t help. A misunderstanding does not need to go any further. Tonight: Act as if there is no tomorrow.SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)You’ll want to rethink a ten-sion-driven reaction. You might not want to think through the issue, but it would benefit you to do so. If nothing else, try to look at the situation from other people’s point of view. A change in perspective will help you. To-night: Entertain from home. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)You will be more open with someone -- a partner or loved one -- than you have been in the past. This person will be-come more transparent as a re-sult. With gentleness and care, this relationship could open up. Tonight: Visit with friends, but first check in with a loved one.CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)You’ll feel more comfortable re-lating to others. What had been a problem in the past will be resolved easily. You might have

more choices than you realize. Be sensitive to others in a dis-cussion. Know what you want -- do not play around. Tonight: Sort through invitations.AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)You need to understand what is happening around you. Ob-servation helps. In the next few weeks, you might notice that you’ll have more energy than you have had for a while. This news will make you smile, as you could have more to do every day. Tonight: Do your own thing.PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)Allow your imagination to lead the way. A loved one might delight in your humor and lightheartedness. You will see a situation from a different per-spective as you learn what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes. Tonight: You might want to vanish with a loved one. BORN TODAYActress June Lockhart (1925), musician George Michael (1963), singer Carly Simon (1945) ***

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Tuesday Afternoon/Evening June 25 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Sid Word Wild Elec News Busi PBS NewsHour Henry Ford: American Frontline Moyers-Comp Charlie Rose $ $ CFCN Ellen Show News News CTV News etalk Theory Saving Hope So You Think You Can Dance News News Daily Colbert % % KXLY-ABC Rachael Ray The Doctors News ABC News News Ent Insider Extreme Weight Loss Body of Proof News Kim & & KREM-CBS Dr. Phil Dr. Oz Show News CBS News Inside Ac NCIS NCIS: LA Person-Interest News Late _ _ KHQ-NBC Ellen Show Judge Judge News News News Million. J’pard Wheel Betty Betty America’s Got Talent News Jay ( ( TSN SportsCentre Hocke McKe NHL Draft Hocke Top 50 SportsCentre Record Score Golf TV SportsCentre SportsCentre ) ) NET Sportsnet Con. MLB Baseball Sportsnet Con. The Last American Hero Sportsnet Con. Hocke Blue + + GLOBAL BC Ricki Lake The Young News News News Hour Ent ET NCIS NCIS: LA The Good Wife News , , KNOW Rob Clifford Ceorge Arthur Martha Wild Ani Dogs Be/Creature Monarchy Mondovino Hoppy ` ` CBUT Cor Ste Dragons’ Den News News News Ex Gags 22 Min Mercer Mr. D Just/Laughs The National News Georg 1 M CICT The Young News News News News ET Ent The Good Wife NCIS NCIS: LA News Hour Fi ET J. 3 O CIVT The Young News News News Hour ET Ent The Good Wife NCIS NCIS: LA News Hour ET J. 4 6 YTV Squir Side Par Par Par Par Young Young Olly Boys Spla Zoink’ Wipeout Olly Gags Weird Spla 6 . KAYU-FOX Ricki Lake Steve Harvey Simp Ray Theory Two Theory Two So You Think You Can Dance News Rock Sunny TMZ 7 / CNN Situation Room E. B. OutFront Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront 8 0 SPIKE Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo 9 1 HGTV Holmes/Home Holmes Hunt Hunt Holmes Makes Decks Decks Hunt Hunt Holmes Makes Decks Decks Hunt Hunt : 2 A&E Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Ship Ship Ship Ship Stor Stor Stor Stor Ship Ship < 4 CMT Inside- House Gags Gags Wipeout Rules Rules Funny Videos Gags Gags Rules Rules Funny Videos Wipeout = 5 W Tenth Circle Property Bro Prop Love Love It-List It My My Buying Property Bro Property Bro The The ? 9 SHOW Disaster Zone: Volcano Sight Unseen XIII NCIS Hawaii Five-0 XIII NCIS @ : DISC How/ How/ Daily Planet How/ How/ Blood & Oil Deadly Catch River Monsters Blood & Oil Deadly Catch How/ How/ A ; SLICE Debt Debt Rent Eat St. Prin Prin Housewives Housewives Prin Prin Housewives Housewives Housewives B < TLC Toddler-Tiara My Teen Is The Town That Family S.O.S. My Teen Is Family S.O.S. My Teen Is The Town That My Teen Is C = BRAVO Criminal Minds Flashpoint The Mentalist The Terrorist Next Door Flashpoint Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Terrorist Next D > EA2 Rush Hour 2 Jackie-1stStrike ReGenesis William Shatner, World Night-Dead Land of the Dead Easy Rider E ? TOON Scoob Loone Jim Jim Johnny Johnny Adven Rocket Johnny Deten Total Adven Ftur Family Amer. Robot Family Dating F @ FAM Wiz ANT Phi Austin Jessie Good ANT Shake Good Win Jessie Really Win Warth Lizzie Raven Cory Prin G A WPCH Office Office Theory Theory Brown Payne Brown Payne Sein Sein Family Family Amer. The Invasion Final D H B COM Sein Sein Match N’Rad. Com Theory Gas Gags Just/Laughs Match Simp Theory Com Tosh.0 Amy Daily Colbert I C TCM Time Limit Now Playing Bachelor and Bobby-Soxer The World of Henry Orient To Sir, With Love The River K E OUT Mantracker Stor Stor Stor Stor Mea Mea Stor Stor Stor Stor Mea Mea Stor Stor Ghost Hunters L F HIST Pickers Cnt. Cnt. MASH MASH Pickers Cnt. Cnt. Cajun Cajun Pawn Pawn Amer. Pickers Pickers M G SPACE Inner Ripley Castle Stargate SG-1 Ghost Mine Panic Button Inner Castle Star Trek: Voy. Ripley Ghost Mine N H AMC El Dorado Rio Bravo How the West Was Won Stripes O I SPEED NASCAR Hub Pass Pass Gearz Gearz Stunt Stunt Truck Truck Gearz Gearz Stunt Stunt Truck Truck Unique Whips P J TVTROP Pickers Pickers 3’s Co. 3’s Co. Drew Drew Rose. Rose. Debt ET 3’s Co. 3’s Co. Drew Drew 3rd 3rd W W MC1 Afraid (:40) Chimpanzee Fakers (:45) Alex Cross Trouble With the Curve (:25) Project X ¨ ¨ KTLA Cunningham Maury Family Holly News News Two Two Hart of Dixie Top Model KTLA 5 News Friend Friend ≠ ≠ WGN-A Funny Videos Funny Videos Species News at Nine Funny Videos Rules Rules Rock Scrubs Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 Pro (:45) Gettin’ Square Goin’ Down the Road Magicians The Producers (:45) Gettin’ Square ∂ ∂ VISN Sue Thomas Murder, She... Eas Old The Timekeeper Sue Thomas The Charge of the Light Brigade Popoff 102 102 MM New Music Prince Prince Pretty-Liars Awk Zach Awk Zach Top 10 Prince Prince Pretty-Liars Awk Zach 105 105 SRC Les 2 font Cap sur l’été Paquet TJ C.- Se Sque Monde Vengeance Pénélope TJ Nou TJ C.- Cap

Wednesday Afternoon/Evening June 26 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Sid Word Wild Elec News Busi PBS NewsHour Nature NOVA Space Shuttle Charlie Rose $ $ CFCN Ellen Show News News CTV News etalk Theory The Listener MasterChef News News Daily Colbert % % KXLY-ABC Rachael Ray The Doctors News ABC News News Ent Insider Middle Family Mod How- The Lookout News Kim & & KREM-CBS Dr. Phil Dr. Oz Show News CBS News Inside Ac Big Brother The American Criminal Minds News Late _ _ KHQ-NBC Ellen Show Judge Judge 2013 Stanley Cup Final KHQ Million. J’pard Wheel Dateline NBC News Jay ( ( TSN SportsCentre That’s Hockey 2013 Wimbledon Championships SportsCentre That’s Hocky. SportsCentre SportsCentre ) ) NET Base MLB MLB Baseball From Comerica Park in Detroit. Sportsnet Con. Indy Highlights UFC Pre Sportsnet Con. Hocke Blue + + GLOBAL BC Ricki Lake The Young News News News Hour Ent ET Big Brother The American Chicago Fire News , , KNOW Rob Clifford Ceorge Arthur Martha Wild Ani Under Frontiers of Hidden Cities Johann Strauss Gala Concert Frontiers of ` ` CBUT Cor Ste Dragons’ Den 2013 Stanley Cup Final News Georg 22 Min Gags Dragons’ Den The National 1 M CICT The Young News News News News ET Ent Chicago Fire Big Brother The American News Hour Fi ET J. 3 O CIVT The Young News News News Hour ET Ent Chicago Fire Big Brother The American News Hour ET J. 4 6 YTV Squir Side Spong Spong Spong Spong Young Young Boys Boys Spla Zoink’ Wipeout The The Weird Spla 6 . KAYU-FOX Ricki Lake Steve Harvey Simp Ray Theory Two Theory Two MasterChef News Rock Sunny TMZ 7 / CNN Situation Room E. B. OutFront Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront 8 0 SPIKE (3:00) Inglourious Basterds Fight Master Fight Master Fight Master Fight Master Ways Ways Ways Ways 9 1 HGTV Holmes/Home Decks Decks Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Million Dollar Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Million Dollar Hunt Hunt : 2 A&E The First 48 Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck < 4 CMT Inside- House Gags Gags Wipeout Rules Rules Funny Videos Gags Gags Rules Rules Funny Videos Wipeout = 5 W (3:00) Gone My My My Love Love It-List It Cand Cand Love It-List It Love It Dine Dine Dine Dine ? 9 SHOW Icarus Recoil NCIS NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS NCIS @ : DISC How/ How/ Daily Planet Nerve Center Nerve Center MythBusters Deadly Catch Nerve Center Nerve Center MythBusters A ; SLICE Debt Debt Rent Eat St. Secu Secu Karma Karma Murder-Parad Brainwashed Karma Karma Murder-Parad Dumbest B < TLC Toddler-Tiara Breaking Toddler-Tiara Toddler-Tiara My Big Fat Toddler-Tiara My Big Fat Toddler-Tiara Breaking C = BRAVO Criminal Minds Flashpoint The Mentalist Perception Suits Flashpoint Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Perception D > EA2 Spice World (4:55) Head Over Heels ReG (:15) Guy X Meet the Parents Along Came Polly Reality E ? TOON Scoob Loone Jim Jim Johnny Johnny Adven Rocket Johnny Deten Total Adven Ftur Family Amer. Robot Family Dating F @ FAM Wiz ANT Phi Austin Jessie Good ANT Shake Good Win Austin Gravity Win Warth Lizzie Raven Cory Prin G A WPCH Office Office Theory Theory Brown Payne Brown Payne Sein Sein Family Family Amer. Final Destination 2 Lara H B COM Sein Sein Match N’Rad. Com Theory Gas Gags Just/Laughs Match Simp Theory Com Nathan Ben Daily Colbert I C TCM The Asphalt Jungle They Died With Their Boots On North by Northwest The Gazebo K E OUT Mantracker Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Ghost Hunters L F HIST Pickers Pawn Pawn MASH MASH Amer. Pickers Pawn Pawn Amer Amer Swamp People Yukon Gold D-Day-Victory M G SPACE Inner Ripley Castle Stargate SG-1 Exit Paranormal Wi. Inner Castle Star Trek: Voy. Ripley Exit N H AMC Rio Bravo The Sons of Katie Elder The Shootist (:15) Galaxy Quest Tru O I SPEED NASCAR Hub Pass Pass Car Warriors Wreck Wreck Pinks Pinks Car Warriors Wreck Wreck Pinks Pinks Unique Whips P J TVTROP Weird Weird 3’s Co. 3’s Co. ’70s ’70s Rose. Rose. Debt ET 3’s Co. 3’s Co. ’70s ’70s 3rd 3rd W W MC1 (3:50) Contraband (:40) Rock of Ages A Dangerous Method Dredd (:15) Scream 4 ¨ ¨ KTLA Cunningham Maury Family Holly News News Two Two Arrow Supernatural KTLA 5 News Friend Friend ≠ ≠ WGN-A Funny Videos Funny Videos MLB Baseball From Miller Park in Milwaukee. News Videos Rules Rules Rock Scrubs Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 (3:15) Gandhi (:25) Emile Legends of the Fall Assassination of Jesse James by Robert Ford ∂ ∂ VISN Sue Thomas Murder, She... Eas Served The Midwife Downstairs Sue Thomas American Friends Super Popoff 102 102 MM New Music Prince Prince 2013 MuchMusic Video Awards MMVA Behind Top 10 Prince Prince 2013 MuchMusic Video Awards 105 105 SRC Miss Marple Cap sur l’été Paquet TJ C.- Cour Sque Épic. Séduction Pénélope TJ Nou TJ C.- Cap

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Page 17: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013

tuesday, JuNe 25, 2013 Page 17daily townsman / daily bulletin


Jennifer Gr ahamCanadian Press

MEDICINE HAT, Alta. — The river that flows through Medicine Hat peaked Monday, but officials said the southeastern Alberta city was still in flood mode and residents would not be allowed to return to their homes for at least a few days.

Ron Robinson, direc-tor of emergency mea-sures, said floodwaters from the South Sas-katchewan River were still threatening protec-tive berms.

“The structural in-tegrity of our berms is at issue and we require vigilant monitoring,’’ Robinson said at an up-date. “Substantial flood-ing continues to impact our berms and (they) could fail suddenly.

“This is why there is an urgent need for peo-ple to be safe.’’

But he added the city was starting to turn its attention to recovery, including “facilitating the return of as many folk as we can where it is deemed safe to do so.’’

About 1,000 homes have been hit by high water and 10,000 people who were forced to head for higher ground on the weekend were still out. About 1,500 people

were registered at the city’s emergency centre and accommodation had been provided for about 600.

Mayor Norm Bouch-er said it would be at least several days before the city would be “more mobile.’’

“It’s still not safe for people to return home. The water has moved down but it hasn’t moved down a lot,’’ Boucher said. “There’s still debris coming out. We have some dams that are starting to leak a little bit.’’

Sand-bagging efforts continued as a result, he said.

“We anticipate it will probably be a few days before we can actually be a lot more mobile. We’re asking patience.

“I know they want to go back ... but the reality is they won’t have elec-tricity. They won’t have gas in the house. They can’t run pumps if they have water in the base-ment.’’

Anyone trying to go back early would be turned away, he said.

“They will be stopped.’’

The flooding, while serious, was not as bad as had originally been feared after the devasta-tion in Calgary and

other communities up-stream. Water managed to top sandbag barriers in some areas of the city and there was flooding in some neighbour-hoods, but other de-fences remained dry.

Two of the three bridges that connect the city’s north and south were closed Sunday over fears the river would overrun them, but Robinson said they would be opening later in the day Monday.

Robinson got an ae-rial view of the flooding Sunday.

“You’d almost think

we’re in the muddy wa-ters of the Mississippi right now that sur-rounds a lot of these homes,’’ he said. “It’s ac-tually quite tragic in some areas.’’

The closed sections of the city were being patrolled by police to guard against possible looting.

In Calgary, people were returning to assess the damage and begin the long cleanup.

Residents have been warned there is still a long way to go before the city and its down-town will be back to

normal, although crews are working hard to clean up and restore utilities.

People in High River, the community hardest hit by the flooding, didn’t have much rea-son for optimism. Mayor Emile Blokland said there was still no time-line for when 13,000 evacuees would be able to return.

He said he under-stood their frustration, but explained that the town’s infrastructure had suffered a “critical blow’’ and every house needed to be inspected.

Bill Gr avelandCanadian Press

CALGARY — The president of the Calgary Stampede says the world-famous event will go ahead next week “come hell or high water.’’

Bob Thompson says crews have been pump-ing millions of litres of water from the rodeo grounds, which were swamped last week by extensive flooding that hit much of southern Al-berta.

“Throughout our en-tire history, we have never cancelled a show, despite two wars and a Great Depression — 2013 will be no excep-tion,’’ he said at a news conference Monday. “We will be hosting the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth, come hell or high water.’’

Professional clean-

ing crews are working to scrape mud away and to sanitize buildings, he said.

Organizers are also promising to hold the traditional parade July 5 to open the Stampede, though adjustments

may need to be made to the route through a downtown that was swamped by floodwa-ters.

Stampede CEO Vern Kimball said he under-stands that many peo-ple’s homes have been

damaged. His own home was flooded.

But he said he be-lieves the Stampede will be a welcome distrac-tion and will provide the city an opportunity to show the world its resil-iency.

“We want all of those affected by flooding in southern Alberta to have the opportunity to take a break from these difficult circumstances,’’ Kimball said. “We are going to do whatever it takes to be ready for July 5.’’

The 101-year-old Stampede features a rodeo, chuckwagon races and a large mid-way.

Kimball said Stam-pede setup normally takes three weeks and the flood has cost crews 10 days.

He said they will be working around the clock instead of the usual 16 hours a day.

“The same amount of effort in a much shorter period of time.’’

No thought has been given to what all that extra work will cost, he said.

C anadian PreSS

CANMORE, Alta. A leading scientist says flooding in southern Alberta has changed the Rockies and the foothills forever.

John Pomeroy, one of Canada’s top water re-searchers, says the overflowing waters have changed everything from how the landscape will handle future flooding to the animals that live in it.

Pomeroy says Alberta towns and cities will need much better flood defences in the future to handle high rainfall events.

He says the Bow River has swallowed so much silt from eroding banks that its status as a blue-rib-bon trout stream is in doubt.

Pomeroy says many of the developments that have been affected by the flooding should never have been built in the first place.

C anadian PreSSCALGARY — The Alberta government is ap-

proving $1 billion to kickstart the first phase of flood recovery in the province.

Premier Alison Redford says the money will be used to support people who were forced to leave their homes, as well as to run relief centres and to start rebuilding infrastructure.

“This is going to be a tough week, but we are going to get through it,’’ she said at a news confer-ence Monday. “We are going to stay committed and we are going to make sure that, in the long term, we do everything we need to ensure that families and communities can feel safe and that we rebuild and honour our past and our future,’’ she said.

“We are going to do — please listen to my words — whatever it takes to get everyone back to a place where they can continue to live their lives.’’

Redford said the government will provide pre-loaded debit cards to displaced residents to help with their immediate housing needs and day-to-day purchases.

Those who qualify will receive $1,250 per adult and $500 per child.

The unforeseen expense means Alberta won’t meet its goal of balancing the provincial budget in the next few years, the premier said.

“It is going to affect the budget and I will say right now, because someone is going to ask the question, ‘Are we sticking to the plan to balance the budget?’ No, we’re not,’’ she said.

“The world changed (last) Thursday morning and I think as a Treasury Board we’ve come to terms with that. We think Albertans have come to terms with that.

“This is like nothing we have ever faced before and we are up to the challenge.’’

C anadian PreSS

OTTAWA — The Duke and Duchess of Cam-bridge have written the prime minister, passing along their sympathies to those affected by the severe flooding in Alberta.

“Catherine and I have been saddened to learn of the deaths and destruction caused by the un-precedented flooding throughout the Province of Alberta,’’ says a note from Prince William, re-leased by Stephen Harper’s office.

“Please pass on our best wishes to the lieu-tenant-governor and premier of Alberta and to the brave emergency services and all those vol-unteering to help their neighbours during this ongoing period of intense efforts.

“Please be assured of our continued thoughts and prayers for all those caught up in the flood-ing.’’

River peaks in Medicine Hat; Calgary evacuees return home


People place sand bags as the river rises rapidly and begins flooding in Medicine Hat, Alta., on Sunday, June 23, 2013.

Stampede to go ahead ‘come hell or high water’


A flooded Calgary Stampede stadium is seen from an aerial view in Calgary on Saturday.

Flooding has changed the Rockies forever, says scientist

alberta gives $1 billion for flood relief

Prince William sends royal couple’s sympathies to alberta

Page 18: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013

Page 18 tuesday, JuNe25, 2013 daily townsman / daily bulletin PAGE 18 Tuesday, June 25, 2013 DAILY TOWNSMAN/DAILY BULLETIN

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An Alberta Oilfi eld Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing re-quired. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.

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www.rtccontainer.comFREE GOLF for 2 in Kalispell, MT - With the purchase of $500 in used equipment from Parsons Kubota and Bobcat of Kalispell. Offer expires June 30th, 2013.

www.parsonstractor.com 406-755-0628

Misc. for Sale

-4 ANTIQUE pressback, cane bottom chairs, $400.-1960 International pickup truck. Runs. $800.-G. Heintzman upright grand piano, c1906, $500.

Call 250-427-7857

AT LAST! An iron fi lter that works. IronEater! Fully patent-ed Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manga-nese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions;w w w. b i g i r o n d r i l l i n g . c o m . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.NEW DINING room table/4 chairs, asking $350. Brand new Pilates Ultra Glide bench, $150. PS-3 PlayStation 120-GB, includes 12 games; all like new, $350. Ultra Glide Plus, workout bench, $75. Large size, granite slabs, various siz-es/colours, $150./ea


Misc. WantedTrue Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accu- mulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030

WANTED: Top Soil. Please call 250-919-1722

Merchandise for Sale

Sporting GoodsWILSON TOUR Prestige

Clubs. Full set (1W, FW, HYB, 5-9, PW). $225 OBO.


Real Estate

For Sale By Owner

Bungalow with finished basement across from

Joseph Creek from St. Mary’s School. Upgrades including furnace, windows, kitchen,


$259,900 For more information call Denis at 250-919-8834.



Apt/Condo for Rent1100 SQ. FT. condo in Kimberley available April 1/13. Steps to ski hill and Trickle Creek Golf Course. 2bdrm, 2 bath. Granite, stainless steel appliances, slate fl ooring, hot tub, fi replace. Main fl oor unit with green space off deck. No smokers. $1000./mo.

Call 780-718-9083 or 780-218-7617.

1 BEDROOM CONDO for rent in Kimberley. Available Aug.1, includes: gas fi replace, all utilities, cable TV and wire-less. Adjacent to Nordic Trails & ski resort.

$650./mo + 1/2 DD. 250-427-4594

Open Houses


Apt/Condo for Rent2BDRM, 1 1/2 BATH apart-ment for rent, in Canal Flats. Great view, parking, F/S, D/W, microwave. $700 + utilities & D.D. Available im-mediately. Call (250)349-5306 or (250)489-8389.

2 BEDROOM UNITSavailable in Victoria Villas.

Rent includes w/d and water.Starting at $775./mo

plus electric.D/D starting at $387.50

N/P, N/S. 1 year lease. To view call


3BDRM UNIT for rent, unfi nished basement, partial new fl ooring, F/S, parking and front yard. No smoking-no pets. 1 year lease, $950./mo + utilities. 1308A 11th St S.

Call 250-421-2590

RecreationWATERFRONT LOG chalets: Spring/Fall special. ~5 nights, $700. Sleeps up to 8 persons.

250-223-8181 www.kootenaylakelodge.com

WATERFRONT RV sites on Kootenay Lake, for lease. Please phone us for info.




2 slideouts, tandem axle,

excellent condition

$11,000 obo

250-417-3431Ask for Audrey




Recreational/Sale1990 Vanguard 24ft MH, good cond, awning, 4kw gen, AC, tv, shower, fridge, oven, micro-wave, HW and furnace. Solar. New tires. $10,900. see kijiji 250-432-9998

Sport Utility Vehicle


2001 SUZUKI Grand Vitara 4 x 4

121,000km Good Condition


Please call after 6:00pm.



Boats1993 Malibu M18 Sport Bow Rider - 187 hours on Chris Woods Custom 4.3l Vortec Engine, Naturally Aspirated, 650 CFM 4bbl Eddelbrock car-buretor with custom intake manifold, cam, etc. Approx 225 php. Dual Batteries with controller, Fishing Cover, Stor-age Cover, Custom Made Bow Filler (Turns bow into a semi-cuddy), rod holder recepta-cles, down rigger mounts (Scotty), Lowrance X15 fi sh fi nder with speed, temp, skim-mer, mount etc, 2 19” Props, Pioneer Stereo, Tsunami Wakeboard Tower, Service records for entire time new en-gine in boat, Easy Loader Trailer with Disc Brakes, spare tire holder. This boat is in ex-cellent shape. We are only selling it because we pur-chased a bigger boat. Asking $12500(OBO). 250-426-3346 [email protected]

Business/Offi ce Service

Business/Offi ce Service

Business/Offi ce Service

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Get your free quotes now, for:

Driveways, Steps, Sidewalks (any decorative

fi nish available), Retaining Walls, Residential or

Commercial Slabs.

Jobs done from start to fi nish.

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Satisfaction guaranteed.

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Roy Anderson250-489-1900



Wholesale Prices. Carpet ~ Lino

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*All work guaranteed.*

Enquiries: 250-427-3037 or cell: 250-520-0188

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Building New or Renovating? Plan Design

for all your projects:

-New Home-Additions



Plans include construction drawings and 3D renderings.





Established custom builder for over 30


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Reliable QuotesMember of the new

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“Sweeping the Kootenay’s Clean”

Chimney SweepingFireplace & Woodstove

ServicingVisual Inspections and

InstallationsGutter Cleaning Available

Call for Free Estimatefrom a W.E.T.T Certifi ed


Richard Hedrich250-919-3643

[email protected]


2013 spring services:

-professional tree

& shrub pruning

-minor landscape- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


David J. Weiler & Kimberly Hartling

Forest technologists (horticulture & arborculture


Insured30 years experience

Kimberley & Cranbrook- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




For a brighter outlook, call Jim Detta


**ask about our gutter cleaning service**

To advertise using our “SERVICES GUIDE” in the Cranbrook Daily Townsman, Kimberley Daily Bulletin and The Valley, call us at 250-426-5201, ext. 202.

SERVICES GUIDEContact these business for all your service needs!




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Page 20: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 25, 2013

communitysnapshotdaily townsman / daily bulletin Page 20 tuesday, JuNe 25, 2013

Round The MountainThis year the biggest trekking, hiking, running, walking and biking race competition in Kimberley had a record breaking number of

registrations. 450 people participated in the event, ranging from children to seniors, challenging themselves and encouraging their fel-low athletes. As well, participants came from all over the East Kootenay to Kimberley to challenge the North Star Mountain Trail.

Family and friends of the athletes were there to cheer them on after they crossed the finish line and accomplished their personal goals.

Kimberley’s Frank Ackermann came in 1st place for the 20k race at this years Round the Mountain.

Winter Knudsgaard from Kimberley came in 1st place in the Round the Mountain Kiddie Extreme 1 km run and bike.

The Round the Mountain featured a number of events for kids of all ages, even toddlers, for running and biking around their very own trail. The kids demonstrated excellent perfor-mance in the races.

Photo ContributedCompetition was tough between the 3 on Course Aid Stations to be the “Best Aid Station in North America”. Here we have Aid Station #1 with their interpretation of a Mash unit: L-R Mike Dutoit; Janet Pearson; Rob McInnis; Cora Miller.

The kids had a blast with face-painting and prices for everyone who crossed the finish line.

