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Kimberley Daily Bulletin, May 28, 2013

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May 28, 2013 edition of the Kimberley Daily Bulletin
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NOW OPEN Join the League! 489-1282 kscu.com With a Flexible Choice Mortgage from Kootenay Savings, your home dreams can come true. Add a FlexLine LOC and it could truly be the only loan you’ll ever need. Talk to us today. Something BORROWED, something true. mortgages home reno loans equity lines of credit auto loans better. together. THE BULLETIN $ 1 10 INCLUDES H.S.T. AIM FOR VICTORY ARCHERY AMBITIONS Coach Kopecky has a stellar group of students. See LOCAL NEWS page 3 GOOD OL’ GOATS CBC VISITS The Good Ol’ Goats continue to attract attention. See LOCAL NEWS page 4 TUESDAY MAY 28, 20 13 PROUDLY SERVING KIMBERLEY AND AREA SINCE 1932 | Vol. 81, Issue 101 | www.dailybulletin.ca KAITY BROWN PHOTO The Kimberley Gymnastics Club hosted the Coconut Cup tournament this past weekend. Above, Kimberley team members show off their hardware, left to right, Catelyn Johnson, Akaisha Duggan, Anna Mousseau and Emery Hoko. The gymnastics tourna- ment put on by the Kimberley Gymnastics Club brought the Aqsarniit Ukauttaq team from Rankin, Nunavut BY KAITY BROWN The 4th Annual Coconut Cup on May 25 and 26 hosted by the Kimberley Gymnastics Centre is a competition for the young gym- nasts, but also a fun and light-heart- ed event. Every year, the center has host- ed teams such as Trail, Cranbrook and Golden but this year the center had some very special guests. “They’re from Nunavut and there are 17 of them and they have travelled all the way down here to our Coconut cup,” said Twila Ryan, Technical Coordinator for the Kim- berley Gymnastics Center. “They saw us on the gymnastics BC website, our meet, and they thought it might be a nice meet for them to come to — a friendly com- petition that they would feel com- fortable with.” The event consisted of the sta- ples of gymnastics: bars, vaults, balance beams, parallel bars, rings and floor routines. It was an end of season competition and not a qualifier. The gymnastics club from Nun- avut started in 2004 and already has approximately 150 athletes, recreational and competitive, ranging from young children to adults. The Aqsarniit Ukauttaq team practiced at the centre on Friday before the big event, splurging in the luxury of a real and fully equipped gymnastics centre. “We don’t have a permanent facility so we set up and tear down the equipment four days a week and we just function out of the high-school gym,” said Lisa Kresky, coach for the team from Nunavut. So why did the group come all the way to Kimberley? “Each year we try and do one competition in southern Canada because we don’t have competi- tion in the north,” Kresky said. “So we always look for a club down south and we’ve been going to Ontario a lot of years but this year we wanted to come kind of towards the mountains to give the kids a different experience.” See page 3 Coconut Cup brings special guests KAITY BROWN PHOTO Ace Autut from Rankin, Nunavut
Page 1: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, May 28, 2013


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With a Flexible Choice Mortgage from Kootenay Savings, your home dreams can come true. Add a FlexLine LOC and it could truly be the only loan you’ll ever need. Talk to us today.

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aim for victory

archery ambitionsCoach Kopecky has a stellar group of students.

See LOCAL NEWSpage 3

Good ol’ Goats

cbc visitsthe Good Ol’ Goats continue to attract attention.

See LOCAL NEWSpage 4

TuesDAY MAy 28, 2013

PrOudLy SErviNg kiMbErLEy ANd ArEA SiNCE 1932 | Vol. 81, Issue 101 | www.dailybulletin.ca

Kaity Brown photo

The Kimberley Gymnastics Club hosted the Coconut Cup tournament this past weekend. Above, Kimberley team members show off their hardware, left to right, Catelyn Johnson, Akaisha Duggan, Anna Mousseau and Emery Hoko.

The gymnastics tourna-ment put on by the

Kimberley Gymnastics Club brought the

Aqsarniit Ukauttaq team from Rankin,

Nunavut by k Ait y brOWN

The 4th Annual Coconut Cup on May 25 and 26 hosted by the Kimberley Gymnastics Centre is a competition for the young gym-nasts, but also a fun and light-heart-

ed event.Every year, the center has host-

ed teams such as Trail, Cranbrook and Golden but this year the center had some very special guests.

“They’re from Nunavut and there are 17 of them and they have travelled all the way down here to our Coconut cup,” said Twila Ryan, Technical Coordinator for the Kim-berley Gymnastics Center.

“They saw us on the gymnastics BC website, our meet, and they thought it might be a nice meet for them to come to — a friendly com-petition that they would feel com-fortable with.”

The event consisted of the sta-

ples of gymnastics: bars, vaults, balance beams, parallel bars, rings and floor routines. It was an end of season competition and not a qualifier.

The gymnastics club from Nun-avut started in 2004 and already has approximately 150 athletes, recreational and competitive, ranging from young children to adults.

The Aqsarniit Ukauttaq team practiced at the centre on Friday before the big event, splurging in the luxury of a real and fully equipped gymnastics centre.

“We don’t have a permanent facility so we set up and tear down

the equipment four days a week and we just function out of the high-school gym,” said Lisa Kresky, coach for the team from Nunavut.

So why did the group come all the way to Kimberley?

“Each year we try and do one competition in southern Canada because we don’t have competi-tion in the north,” Kresky said.

“So we always look for a club down south and we’ve been going to Ontario a lot of years but this year we wanted to come kind of towards the mountains to give the kids a different experience.”

See page 3

Coconut Cup brings special guests

Kaity Brown photo

Ace Autut from Rankin, Nunavut

Page 2: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, May 28, 2013

Page 2 Tuesday, May 28, 2013 daily townsman / daily bulletin

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It was on a dog walk several weeks ago that I

noticed my human had

increased the pace of our usually gentle meander

to a full-on power walk. This was atypical

enough, but when he began incorporating short bursts of jogging, I knew something was up.

As it turned out my so-called master had agreed to join a team of his work mates in a 5km/10km fun run and had now — less than a week from the day of the race — decided to see if he could indeed run. The next few days turned out to be not only entertaining but positively sweat soaked.

It is that very ability to perspire that makes humans as a species, one of the better distance runners on the planet. You gentle reader, are a running machine. Your furless body is blessed with a plethora of three different kinds of sweat glands that keeps your body from over heating during exertion by means of evaporative cooling.

This is a crucial adaptation that I, with my thick golden coat, do not possess. This means that over distance, my man should (and here I stress the word should) be able to outrun me. In humanity’s more primitive past they actually brought down prey using a method called persistence hunting. The bipedal, naked skinned, hominid would chase fl eet-footed animals like antelope for days until the over heated beast eventually became exhausted and then became dinner.

In her article for The Scientifi c American, called “The Naked Truth,” Nina Jablonski wrote, “Naked skin itself played a crucial role in human evolution.” That it was only as you people-types lost your fur that your brain size began to increase. Why? Because, she writes, “without regulation of body temperature, tissues and organs — specifi cally the brain — can become damaged by overheating.”

So what is an active dog with a thick, luxurious, coat, who cherishes his brain to do? Well there are a number of cooling methods available to us canines, not the least of which is panting. By moving quantities of hot air from our lungs out and over our lolling tongues we are able to lower our body temperature — although somewhat ineffi ciently — by evaporation too.

Then of course there are other common sense methods — like the seeking of shade, immersion in cool water, and perhaps most importantly choosing a human with a measure of compassion; a person who will recognize our discomfort and not make us push past our limits to keep up, because we will, you know. To be with our pack leader we will go till our hearts burst.

You humans are truly a blessed species. Not only do you have this large, high-functioning brain, the glorious abilities that come with an opposable thumb and the company of canines who shower you with love and respect, but you can sweat too. By extension, this ability to perspire puts your species among the best long distance runners in the world. So the next time you are in a large crowd, say like in a Wal-Mart, look around at the humanity that surrounds you and be proud.

Well, my man did indeed fi nish his race and in his hiking boots no less. Mind you, he did walk around for about a week post event, looking like a marionette being controlled by a very unskilled puppeteer. Seems there was a “stiff” price to be paid for his lack of preparation. Evidently, dogs aren’t the only ones silly enough to abuse themselves in an attempt to keep up with the pack.

Photos and word processing by Dan Mills

Warp Speed: Boulder shows o� his sprint, but all dressed up in his winter coat, how would he fare over distance?

Liquid Cooled:Rieley the Wonder Dog (Boulders predecessor) demonstrates the � ne art of canine cooling.

No, it is not a neck tie:Boulder lets it all hang out in a panting attempt to cool o� .

The nearly naked truth: Humans owe their ability to exert themselves over long distances and to preform silly acrobatics such as this, to their vast expanse of naked, sweat gland-rich skin.

Made in the shade:Even humans know enough to get out of the sun when exertion levels peak.

There is one in every Pack:

Boulder’s human clowns around with his Team Townsman mates just moments

before the goofy stopped and the

pain began.

Off Leashhuman had

increased the pace of our usually gentle meander

to a full-on power walk. This was atypical

enough, but when he

Off LeashAn unrestrained dogumentary.

Page 3: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, May 28, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 Page 3

LocaL NEWSdaily bulletin


“Do you believe hitting should be taken out of hockey at the PeeWee level?”

This week’s poll: “The Jumbo Resort Municipality has given the go ahead for lifts and a lodge to be built at the base of the Farnham Glacier. Do you think any construction will occur?”

Log on to www.dailybulletin.ca to make your vote count.

This web poll is informal. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

YEs: 63% NO: 37%

of the

Photo submitted

Kimberley’s Katrina Romanowicz, Darby Dean, and Jessica Krewenchuk continue to have great success at archery competitions under the guideance of world-class coach Vladimir Kopecky. The latest suc-cess came at the Canada Cup in Edmonton.

Three girls, three medalsC AROLYN GR ANT

[email protected]

Students of Kimberley archery coach Vladimir Kopecky contin-ue to exhibit success on the na-tional stage.

The latest success comes from the Canada Cup where three Kimberley shooters — all teen-aged girls —reached the podium.

The Canada Cup is the second highest competition after the na-tional championships, Kopecky says, and the Kimberley girls trav-elled to Edmonton last week to compete.

The results saw Darby Dean take a gold in the Cadet division,

Jessica Krewenchuk take a gold in Cubs, and Katrina Romanowicz take a bronze in Cubs.

Kopecky is as pleased as can be with the results and he’d like to emphasize how hard the girls had to work to get them.

“These kids are only 14,” he said. “And it takes 45 pounds to pull to full draw. It’s very physi-cally and mentally demanding.”

People who do not know com-petitive archery may not know how many arrows a competitor must shoot in order to win a medal, he said.

They will practice about 200 arrows in the morning before the

competition even gets underway. On the Saturday and Sunday of the competition, the archers are up at six for practice, and the competition begins at 10 a.m. and runs until about 7 p.m.

“Everyone shoots 144 arrows both days,” Kopecky said. “You must focus on every single shot. Then on Sunday, the same thing. On Monday, the championship round is elimination. You only have 15 arrows but you have to win that shootout to continue.”

It all takes a great deal of strength and Kopecky is very pleased to see the girls doing so well.


The Jumbo Glacier Resort in the East Kootenay has been given a green light to build lifts and a lodge.

Last Tuesday, Jumbo mayor  Greg Deck  and the resort municipality’s council approved permits that allow ski lifts and a lodge of up to 150 rooms at the base of Farnham Glacier.

“It allows the operator to use a lift on the glacier as opposed to a snow

cat and allows for fixed roof accom-modation,” Deck told CBC radio.

The proposed $450-million high elevation glacier based ski resort west of Invermere is planned in three phases and will ultimately include 5,500 bed-units in a 104-hectare re-sort base area. It is projected to pro-vide approximately 3,750 people years of construction employment and create 750 to 800 permanent full-time jobs.

Jumbo granted approval to build lifts

and a small lodge

From page 1As well the competi-

tion fit the requirements that the club was look-ing for, for their annual travel experience and competition experi-ence.

“This competition offered the levels that we needed and it also had boys and girls, as I have some of both, and that was one of the main reasons we chose this competition,” Kresky said.

However, both of the teams agree that the Co-conut Cup, a celebra-tion of gymnastics, is beneficial for the kids

on a cultural level as well.

“Our guests are going to be singing Oh Cana-da in their language which is very exciting.

“They’re going to do some throat singing for us. So it is a cultural ex-perience for us too,” said Ryan.

Ryan says that the Kimberley group is often the one that does the travelling and so gymnasts can appreci-ate how far this team has come.

“Our gymnasts here in Kimberley are really excited to be the host for people who have come

really far away to visit them. They’re really proud of their gymnas-tics club and what they’re doing as gym-nasts,” said Ryan.

“Our goal, really for all of our people who are coming to the event, is to have fun, enjoy gymnastics, no feel like there I any sort of pres-sure to perform, but to enjoy performing.”

On their way down, the team got a chance to see scenic Banff and to go horseback riding and voyager canoeing there.

After the competi-tion, the team plans on doing sight-seeing

around Kimberley to see the Underground Mining Railway and the Kimberley Aquatic Cen-ter.

“Where we live, we are a very isolated com-munity,” Kresky said. “So it’s really good to give the kids an experi-ence in a southern at-mosphere where there are trees that we don’t have and other facilities - shopping centres, swimming pools and things that we just don’t have – to give them those experiences.”

Special guests at Coconut Cup

Water Quality Advisory for Mark Creek


C AROLYN GR [email protected]

Creeks are running high as the mid-eleva-tions run off, and recent precipitation has added to volume. As water runs faster, its turbidity increas-es as small particles are churned up. It is not un-common at this time of year to note the water coming from your tap has a slightly cloudy appear-ance.

Higher turbidity levels can lead to health risks as disease and bacteria can be carried on the particu-late matter.

The City of Kimberley, in accordance with Interi-or Health regulations, keeps an eye on turbidity levels and issues appro-priate warnings as neces-sary.

The first thing done in the onset of the freshet is to switch those supplied by the Matthew Creek

water supply over to the Mark Creek supply, which tends to have fewer tur-bidity issues. However, Kimberley Golf Course, Riverside Campground, River Bend Lane, River Bend Road, River Ridge Way, Sunflower Drive and Tamarack Lane areas are not on Mark Creek Water. A Boil Water Notice has been issued for those areas as turbidity contin-ues to be an issue. Testing shows that current water quality is poor due to in-creased turbidity or cloudiness.

As for the rest of Kim-berley, turbidity is listed as Fair, but the City has is-sued a Water Quality Ad-visory. This is not a boil water order but it is sug-gested that children, the elderly, people with weak-ened immune systems and anyone seeking addi-tional protection drink boiled water or a safe alter-native. For these at-risk populations, water intend-ed for drinking, washing fruits and vegetables, making juice or ice, or brushing teeth should be boiled for one minute.

Boiled water should then be refrigerated in a clean, covered container. Cus-tomers could also choose to use bottled or distilled water, or water that has been filtered through a well-maintained treat-ment device.

Health risks increase as turbidity rises, particularly for at-risk population such as newborns, the elderly and people with weak-ened immune systems. Contaminants such as vi-ruses, bacteria and para-sites can attach them-selves to the suspended particles in turbid water. These particles can then interfere with disinfection, limiting chlorine’s ability to remove or inactivate the contaminants. Current turbidity levels exceed the 1 NTU standard recom-mended in the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality.

The City tests turbid-ity regularly and any changes will be made immediately available on the City website at 222.city.kimberley.bc.ca

Turbidity increases as freshet continues

Page 4: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, May 28, 2013

Page 4 Tuesday, May 28, 2013

LocaL NEWSdaily bulletin


YellowknifeWhitehorseVancouverVictoriaSaskatoonReginaBrandonWinnipegThunder BayS. Ste. MarieTorontoWindsorOttawaMontrealQuebec CityFredericton

showers 16/7 p.cloudy 17/9tshowers 21/10 showers 22/10rain 15/12 showers 15/12showers 15/10 showers 13/10showers 22/12 m.sunny 23/9tstorms 18/12 p.cloudy 21/9tstorms 19/12 p.cloudy 19/10tstorms 21/14 p.cloudy 20/12p.cloudy 14/8 p.cloudy 18/8showers 15/10 tstorms 22/14rain 19/17 tshowers 26/20tstorms 25/20 tshowers 27/20p.cloudy 21/14 tstorms 26/19sunny 21/14 tstorms 22/19sunny 18/9 showers 19/17sunny 17/4 p.cloudy 19/12

TemperaturesHigh Low

Normal ..........................18.7°.................6.4°Record......................32.8°/1986........0.6°/1974Yesterday......................17.4°.................6.3°

Precipitation Normal..............................................1.1mmRecord.....................................9.8mm/1979Yesterday ........................................3.2 mmThis month to date.........................58.4 mmThis year to date........................1110.1 mmPrecipitation totals include rain and snow

Canada today tomorrow






�The Weather Network 2013

WeatherWeatheroutlook outlook


�tlantaBuenos �ires�etroit�eneva�avana�ong �ong�iev�ondon�os �ngelesMiamiParisRomeSingaporeSydneyTokyoWashington

p.cloudy 29/18 p.cloudy 29/19tstorms 15/15 sunny 12/10showers 27/19 tshowers 31/21cloudy 19/12 showers 14/13tstorms 31/23 tstorms 31/23tstorms 30/26 tstorms 29/26rain 18/9 p.cloudy 20/10rain 12/12 cloudy 16/7p.cloudy 22/17 sunny 22/18tstorms 28/24 showers 29/26rain 13/12 cloudy 13/7rain 20/15 p.cloudy 19/14cloudy 31/27 tstorms 32/27showers 18/14 cloudy 20/14cloudy 21/20 rain 22/20tstorms 27/20 p.cloudy 32/22

The World today tomorrow


9POP 60%


8POP 40%


9POP 30%


8POP 60%


8POP 20%


8POP 30%

May 31 �un 8 �un 16 �un 23



Prince George19/9



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First Saturday Kimberley is about celebrating arts and culture and heritage!

WANTED: ‘Buskers‘Unplugged

Opportunities to showcase on First Saturdays from 12-4 pm in Kimberley’s Platzl.

Musicians, singers, jugglers, magician or other types of street performers. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!

‘Artists and Artisans‘Local artists and artisans to exhibit and sell their works in

the Art Market on the Platzl during First Saturdays. For details on criteria and registration:

Kimberley Arts Council - C64 Website www.kimberleyarts.com

or call (250) 427-4919 Tues - Sat from 1-5pm.

We gratefully acknowledged the � nancial support of the Province of British Columbia

Arne PetryshenTownsman Staff

On Friday, a crew from the CBC was in town filming The Good Ol’ Goats at Mount Baker Secondary for a segment that will ap-pear on national TV and radio.

The filming was a part of radio host Grant Lawrence’s cross-Cana-da trip in a VW Beetle called the Beetle Roadtrip Sessions.

Students packed into the school’s music room to take part in the activi-ties, which included the Goats playing a five song set. There was even a real live goat brought in at the request by the producers.

At the end of the seg-ment, the six members of the band, Lawrence and the goat all squeezed into the Beetle for a shot of them driv-ing away.

The rest of the event was more conventional,

with students cheering on the Goats through the concert, even danc-ing at the suggestion of Lawrence.

Singer and Banjo player Nolan Ackert said that the whole process, from the CBC Search-light where they came in second in the country to Friday’s filming has all been a pleasant surprise to the aspiring musi-cians.

“It’s been crazy fun,” Ackert said. “I never thought we’d do some-thing this cool. We start-ed last year, just for fun and now we’re playing shows... and CBC came. That’s rad.”

The Good Ol’ Goats will be playing a num-ber of shows over the summer, including Wa-piti Music Festival in Fernie, Steamboat Mountain Music Festi-val in Edgewater, Koote-nay Festival and Starbel-ly Jam.

Although a number of band members will

be graduating this year, they said they all plan on sticking together as a band, and waiting for the others to finish

school next year. The band is made up of Ack-ert, Julian Bueckert, Angus Liedtke, Angus “Gus” MacDonald, Theo Moore and Joelle Winkel.

Parts of the live Bee-tle Roadtrip Sessions set will be featured on George Stroumbou-lopoulos Tonight, as well as CBC Radio 3.

Lawrence said the tour is all about discov-ering great music across the country and expos-ing that music through national radio and tele-vision.

“Since the Good Ol’ Goats did so well on our Searchlight competi-tion, we really wanted them to be a part of our CBC Beetle Roadtrip, so

that’s why we had to come to Cranbrook,” Lawrence said.

The tour was on the third day, and so far, they had met up with two other bands, Yukon Blond and the Matinee. He said this one was the most fun for sure.

Next, they will be meeting up with Shred Kelly in Fernie.

“Over the course of the trip, we’ll be meet-ing up with artists like Metric and Sam Rob-erts,” he said. “We’re going to be going as far as Montreal, and look-ing forward for it.”

For more info on the tour, head to CBCmusic.ca/beetleroadtrip.

Good Ol’ Goats featured on CBC show

Arne Petryshen Photo

The Good Ol’ Goats played in front of a live crowd in the Mount Baker Secondary music room as part of CBC’s Beetle Roadtrip Sessions hosted by Grant Lawrence.

Page 5: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, May 28, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 Page 5



The Kootenay Com-munity Bat Project is seeking volunteers for the Annual Bat Count. This citizen-science initiative encourages residents to count bats at known roost sites to provide valuable infor-mation on bat popula-tions.

“This event is a won-derful opportunity for residents who care about wildlife to be in-volved in collecting valuable information,” said Juliet Craig, Coor-dinating Biologist for the Kootenay Commu-nity Bat Project. “They don’t need any special skills and kids can be involved.”

The Annual Bat Count is being promot-ed by the Kootenay Community Bat Project (KCBP) in B.C. to col-lect baseline data on bat populations before the devastating White Nose Syndrome enters the province.

“White Nose Syn-drome is decimating bat populations in east-ern North America,” Craig said. “We are lucky that this disease is not yet in B.C. but it may just be a matter of time. Monitoring bat

To your batmobiles, citizens

daily townsman / daily bulletin

UPCOMINGFabricated - Works of the Kimberley North Star Quilters May 27 - June 09 at Centre 64. Exhibit hours are from 1 pm - 5 pm, Mon-Fri and 11 am - 5 pm, Sat-Sun. Admission by donation.Kimberley Nature Park - Photography Hike - Saturday, June 1. Meet at the Higgins St. entrance at 9 am for a 3 hr meander on nearby trails. Consider bringing a tripod and variety of lenses. Join leader Lyle Grisedale 250-427-5153Moyie Community Assoc. Garage & Plant Sale 10:00am to 1:00pm. Moyie Community Hall, 9322 Tavistock. EPWORTH CHORAL AND CATHEDRAL HANDBELL RINGERS, June 2, 2013 at 7:30pm, Cranbrook United Church, 2 - 12 Ave S. Admission by donation. Let’s give these youth a Real Cranbrook Welcome. Info: 250-426-2022 / 250-489-0170. Everyone welcome.Municipal Pension Retirees’ Association Meeting Monday, June 3, 2013, Heritage Inn, 803 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC. Meeting: 11 a.m., Guest speaker RCMP Cst. Lisa Schlatter - telephone scams. No host lunch: 12 noonTennis Anyone? Cranbrook Community Tennis Club is opening for the season, hopefully at the new Baker High Courts and/or Gyro. We are seeking new members of all ages, doubles or singles. June 4th at Mt Baker Courts/Gyro from 7-9 pm. Info: Bev 250-421-7736 or Neil 250-489-8107.2013 FREE PUBLIC SWIM Wednesday, June 5th, 5:00-6:00 PM is sponsored by Mark Creek Lions Club.EASTERN STAR SPRING SALE Saturday June 8th, 9AM opening, Wolfy’s Garden behind Shell. 220 St. Mary’s Ave. Plants: Annual & Perennials & Baskets, Home Baking Goodie Trays, Re-Sale of other’s favourites. Proceeds to Harmony Chapter #45 charities!Decadent Dessert Tea and Fashion Show June 8, 2 - 4pm, Cranbrook United Church, #2 - 12th Ave. S. Tickets available at Cellar Thrift Store. Info: 250-426-2022 / 250-489-0170.SOCIAL~DANCE to the music of ‘Chapparal’ JUNE 15, at the Cranbrook Seniors HALL 2nd St. South. A great evening of Song and Dance held on Third Saturdays, at 7 pm. EVERYONE WELCOME. Refreshments served. 250.489.2720

Place your notice in your “What’s Up?” Community Calendar FREE of charge. This column is intended for the use of clubs

and non-profit organizations to publicize their coming events — provided the following requirements are met:

• Notices will be accepted two weeks prior to the event. • All notices must be emailed, faxed or dropped off in person. No telephone calls please.

• NOTICES SHOULD NOT EXCEED 30 WORDS.• Only one notice per week from any one club or organization.

• All notices must be received by the Thursday prior to publication• There is no guarantee of publication. Notices will run subject to space limitations.


Drop off: 822 Cranbrook St. N. • Drop off: 335 Spokane StreetFax: 250-426-5003 • Fax: 250-427-5336

E-mail: [email protected]


ONGOING The Council of Senior Citizens Organizations (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality Of Life” for all seniors. To become a member contact Ernie Bayer, ph 604-576-9734, fax 604-576-9733, email [email protected] Cranbrook Kimberley Hospice Society seeks volunteers to help us provide services to persons at the end of life and their families. Training is provided. Call 250-417-2019, Toll Free 1-855-417-2019 if interested.Royal Canadian Legion Branch 24; Friday Meat Draw: 4:30- 6:30, Saturday Meat Draw: 3:30-5:30.Cranbrook Quilters’ Guild hold their meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month at 7:15 pm upstairs in Seniors Hall, 125-17th Ave. S. All skill levels welcome. FMI Betty 250-489-1498 or June 250-426-8817.Mark Creek Lions “Meet and Greet” the 1st and 3rd Wednesday, from 6:00-6:30 pm. Dinner to follow at Western Lodge. FMI: 250-427-5612 or 427-7496.The Cranbrook Senior Floor Curling is looking for new members. Curling is Monday and Wednesday afternoons, upstairs in the Curling Rink. Info: Dave at 250-426-5387.KIMBERLEY North Star Quilters meet 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 7pm downstairs Centennial Hall, 100 4th Avenue. Everyone welcome. Info: Carol at 250-427-7935 or Joan at 250-427-4046.Learn to Fish @ Kootenay Trout Hatchery! Come on out to the hatchery pond for this opportunity – great for all ages. Call now to book a session (250) 429-3214. Open now through the end of August! Tours also available.Tai Chi Moving Meditation every Wednesday 3-4 pm at Centre 64. Starts November 7th. Call Adele 250-427-1939.Special Olympics BC – Kimberley/Cranbrook now has an Active Start! Active Start is for children with intellectual disabilities ages 2-6, teaching basic motor skills through fun, positive experiences.Thursdays, 10-11am at Kimberley Aquatic Centre ** Transportation available. Call Julia 427.3324 or Cyra 250.919.0757Cranbrook Senior Centre, Branch 11 holding their meetings every third Thursday a month. 1:30pm at the hall. We always welcome new members.Play and Learn Parenting/Literacy Program – 8 week registered program for parents with preschool children with a facilitated play and activity component for children. Kimberley Early Learning Centre Kim 250-427-4468.StrongStart BC - FREE family drop-in program for preschool-aged children accompanied by a parent. Kimberley Early Learning Centre. Monday 9 - 12, Tuesday 9 - 12, Thursday 9 – 12, Friday 9 - 12. Gina 250-427-5309. Treehouse–Families with children 5 & under are invited to come play. Free drop-in program in gym of Kimberley Early Learning Centre. Transportation avail. Tuesdays, 9:00 - 12:00. Diana 250-427-0716.

The Kootenay Community Bat Project is seeking volunteers for the Annual Bat Count


Large colony of yuma bats in attic of local house.

populations may indi-cate sudden declines associated with White Nose Syndrome.”

Residents wait out-side a known roost site, such as a bat-house, barn, bridge or attic, and count bats as they fly out at twilight. They can video the emer-gence or use a hand tally counter to count the bats as they fly out.

They record the final count along with some basic information on weather conditions. Two counts are done between June 1 and 21 before pups are born, and two more between July 21 and August 15 when pups are flying with their mothers.

“We know relatively little about bats, includ-ing basic information

on population num-bers,” Craig said. “This information will be ex-tremely valuable, par-ticularly if it is collected annually. If people want to get involved but don’t have a roost site on their property, we do our best to match them to a roost site nearby.”

Funded by the Co-lumbia Basin Trust, the

KCBP also provides support for landowners dealing with bat issues on their property. To download Annual Bat Count instructions and data forms, to register for the bat count, or to get assistance dealing with bat issues, visit w w w . k o o t e n ay b a t s.com under the ‘Get In-volved’ link or call 1-855-9BC-BATS.


Friday, May 24, 2013, marked the official Grand Opening of Target at the Tamarack Centre. The mall administration staff wel-comed the Target team, which was presented with a card signed by tenants and customers. The administration staff celebrated the store opening by handing out complimentary cupcakes, coffee, popcorn and balloons to customers.

Page 6: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, May 28, 2013

PAGE 6 TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2013

Imagine for a moment that all the wars of the world have come to a peaceful conclusion. Most violent crime against people and property has also been eradicated. The worst outbreak

of violence in the world in the past 24 hours has been a fight in a bar in Irkutsk, Russia.

What item do you think will lead the in-ternational news for the next 12 hours, or however long it takes until something fresher come along? The bar fight in Ir-kutsk, of course. “If it bleeds, it leads,” says the axiom, and the world’s media follow it slavishly, so they will always give you the impression that the world is drowning in vi-olence. It is not – but people think it is.

Stop people at random and ask them how many wars they think are going on in the world right now. Most people would guess around a dozen, although they wouldn’t be able to name them. The right answer is two, and one of them, Afghani-stan, is probably approaching its end.

There are close to 200 independent countries in the world, and only one in a hundred is currently at war. They are both primarily civil wars, although there is some foreign involvement in each case. The Syri-an civil war is extremely destructive of lives and property, the war in Afghanistan less so, and in both cases the fighting occasion-ally slops over their borders, but that’s it.

There are a number of other countries where there is a lower level of civil conflict: the Democratic Republic of Congo, for ex-ample, or Colombia (although the latter is now engaged in peace talks to end the fif-ty-year conflict between the state and the FARC guerillas). But the Sri Lankan civil

war is over, the Iraqi civil war is at least over for the moment, and the many little wars of West Africa are all over.

Then there is Somalia, the world’s only failed state, where twenty years of violent anarchy may finally be drawing to an end. But the actual scale of the fighting has rare-ly risen to a level that would qualify what has been happening there as a full-scale

war. Not, at least, what would have qualified as a full-scale war back in the days when that sort of thing was still common. Most of the time Somalia’s conflict has been more like gang-land wars on steroids.

There is terrorism in various places, like Boko

Haram’s bizarre campaign to impose Is-lamic law on Nigeria (where only half the population is Muslim), the Pakistani Tali-ban’s campaign of murder against their Shia fellow-citizens, and the Naxalites’ long and forlorn struggle to make a Communist revolution in India. All nasty, but none of them real wars.

And there is, finally, the famous “war” on terror, which these days amounts to lit-tle more than over-zealous law enforce-ment at home and selective assassination by drones abroad. Like the “war” on drugs in Mexico, it is only a metaphor for an activ-ity that is not really a war at all.

So that’s it: two real wars, and a clutter of lesser conflicts that really do not merit the term. In a world of seven billion people, only a few hundred million have even the slightest experience of organised violence for political ends. Why, then, do so many people think that the world is still overrun by war?

The media are partly to blame, but they

are also manipulated by various govern-ments that raise the spectre of war for their own ends. Wars that have not happened and are never likely to fill the imaginations of the public: a war in Korea, a US and/or Israeli attack on Iran, Western or Israeli in-tervention in Syria, a war between China and South-East Asian countries over is-lands in the South China Sea, a US-Chinese conflict in the Pacific, and on and on.

A lot of people, some in uniform and some not, make a living off these mostly phantom fears, and they contribute to the general impression that the world is still a place where war, however deplorable, is the normal state of affairs. It is not. We live in an era where, for the first time in history, no great power genuinely fears attack by any other, and where the number of actual wars can be counted on the fingers of one badly mutilated hand.

Almost 90 million people died in the world wars and other big wars (including the Russian, Chinese and Spanish civil wars) of the first half of the 20th century, out of a world population that was one-third of what it is now. In the second half of the century the death toll dropped steeply to 25 million or so, most of whom died in colonial independence wars and civil wars.

And so far, in the 21st century, the total is less than one million people killed in war. What we have on our hands here is a mir-aculous and mostly unsung success story. There will doubtless be more wars, but they may be small and infrequent. We are ob-viously doing something right. We should figure out what it is, and do more of it.

Gwynne Dyer is a London-based independent journalist

Trend toward a peaceful world


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Gwynne Dyer

Page 7: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, May 28, 2013

TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2013 PAGE 7


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It was a fortuitous trade in December that sent Brandon Bruce to Alberta, where he suited up for the Brooks Bandits in the AJHL and became a national champion five months later.

Bruce, a Cranbrook native, joined the ride and helped the Bandits towards a league title, runner up honours at the Western Canada Cup, and eventually, the team’s first-ever RBC Cup, which was hosted by Summerside in P.E.I.

“It feels pretty amaz-ing, that’s for sure,” said Bruce.

“…I think it worked out to playing nine months of playing hock-ey and our playoff run, was probably—we start-ed in March and we just ended in the middle of May, so it was definitely a long haul, that’s for sure, but you prepare for it all year, you work hard all year to make those kind of runs.”

The RBC Cup—like the Memorial Cup—is the pinnacle of Junior A hockey which is earned in a tournament featur-ing winners of regional leagues around the country.

The RBC Cup tourna-ment features winners of the Western Canada Cup (Surrey Eagles, BCHL) and the runner up (Brooks Bandits), the winner of the Fred Page

Cup (Truro Bearcats, MHL) and winner of the Dudley Hewitt Cup (Minnesota Wilderness, SIJHL), along with the city’s host team (Sum-merside Westside Capi-tals, MHL).

The right winger has bounced in and out of WHL and Junior A hock-ey, spending his first year of junior eligibility in Swift Current with the Broncos as a 17 year old, before moving to the Merritt Centennials of the BCHL.

He returned for his second full year with the Centennials this season, but got shipped to the neighbouring province when the Bandits ac-quired him in a trade.

“It was bittersweet,” said Bruce. “I had to leave behind the friends that I made in Merritt, but it was a great oppor-tunity to go to a great team and play with some great players there as well.”

The Bandits rolled

through the AJHL play-offs, rallying from a 3-2 series deficit to defeat the Okotoks Oilers in seven games in the third round, and going on to defeat the Spruce Grove Saints in five games for the league title.

“That was a really tough series and a lot of adversity to get through, being down 3-2 (in a se-ries) to a really good hockey club,” said Bruce.

The Club moved on to the Western Canada Cup, which featured the winners of the Junior A leagues in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Man-itoba, which was held in Nanaimo.

The Bandits had a 3-1 round-robin record, which put them into the Championship final against the Surrey Ea-gles, where they fell 4-1.

“We didn’t play our best hockey, and when that game was over, es-pecially with that tour-nament style—it’s not a playoff style—you have to have a short memory and the guys in the room, we lost to Surrey, we knew they were going to RBC and we knew we had one more game to try and get there.

“It was kind of like a mental reset.”

Because of the tour-nament format, they were pitted against the Yorkton Terriers in a page playoff system to determine runner up honours with the second

RBC Cup berth on the line.

“Their season was on the line, our season was on the line, that was a real intense game,” said Bruce.

The Bandits won 1-0, booking their ticket to P.E.I.

It didn’t get any easi-er in Summerside for the Bandits, which posted a round-robin record of two wins and two losses, which was enough to put them into a crazy semifinal against the Minnesota Wilderness.

After two periods, the Wilderness were ahead with a 4-2 lead.

Then the Bandits

went to work. RJ Reed scored a

powerplay marker early in the frame for the Ban-dits, but the Wilderness held onto a one-goal lead as time ticked down.

With netminder Mi-chael Fredrick on the bench in the final min-ute, the Bandits buzzed in the offensive zone and were rewarded when Dakota Mason tied up the affair with 18 seconds remaining in the contest.

Mark Reners was the overtime hero for the Brooks squad, catapult-ing them into the RBC championship game

against their hosts, the Summerside Western Capitals.

It was another wild finish for the Bandits, which rode a 2-1 lead from the first period throughout most of the game. The Capitals pulled their goaltender at the end of the third period for an extra at-tacker, however, Cam Maclise found the back of the empty net to seal it up for Brooks team.

“When Cam Maclise scored that empty netter, that’s when it really starts to hit you, like, this is real, we’re going to win, this is the national championship,” said Bruce. “Its a pretty amazing feeling, to know that the work you put in all year and you train for all summer that this is it, you’re going to win.

“It’s an incredible feeling.”

RBC Cup championship team includes local player


Cranbrook native Brandon Bruce and the rest of the Brooks Bandits celebrate as they pose with the RBC Cup—the crowning championship for Junior A hockey in Canada.


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Brandon Bruce describes the journey with the Brooks Bandits that ended with a national Junior A title

“It’s a pretty amazing feeling, to know that the work you put in

all year and you train for all summer that

this is it, you’re going to win.”

Brandon Bruce

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T YLER HARPERCanadian Press

TORONTO - Edwin Encarnacion hit a three-run homer while Colby Rasmus and J.P. Arencib-ia each hit two-run shots as the Toronto Blue Jays opened a home-and-home series with Atlanta by defeating the Braves 9-3 on Monday.

Mark Buehrle (2-3) was solid through six in-nings for the Blue Jays (22-29), with one earned run allowed on five hits, two walks and six strike-outs.

Tim Hudson (4-4) also went six for the Braves but his pitching line wasn’t so flattering.

The right-hander gave up six runs on eight hits with just one strikeout.

He was replaced in the seventh by reliever Cory Rasmus, Colby’s brother, who made his second major-league appearance and lost points in the sibling ri-valry.

Cory Rasmus gave up a ground-rule double to Melky Cabrera, walked Jose Bautista and watched Encarnacion send the first pitch over the fence for his 14th homer of the year for a 9-1 lead.

Colby Rasmus also got some family brag-ging rights after the Blue

Jays centre-fielder dou-bled off his brother later in the inning.

Evan Gattis had the lone homer for NL East-leading Atlanta (30-20), a two-run drive in the eighth inning off Brad Lincoln.

Notes: Attendance at Rogers Centre was 22,8008. ... Blue Jays manager John Gibbons said the team is hoping to have RHP Josh John-son (triceps) back June 4 when Toronto opens a two-game series in San Francisco. Braves cen-tre-fielder B.J. Upton and right-fielder Jason Hey-ward were given the day off

Blue Jays bruise Braves 9-3

Page 8: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, May 28, 2013

Page 8 Tuesday, May 28, 2013

COMICSAnnie’s MAilbox

by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar

HoroScopeSby Jacqueline Bigar

daily townsman / daily Bulletin

For Better or Worse By Lynn Johnston

Garfield By Jim Davis

Hagar the Horrible By Dick Browne

Baby Blues By Kirkman and Scott

Rhymes with Orange By Hillary B. Price

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Your anger and frustration seem to bubble up. After listening to someone’s needs, you could feel put off. Do not respond if following through makes you uncomfortable. Make calls and reach out to a neighbor or sib-ling. Good news heads your way. Tonight: Hang out. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You will discover what is possi-ble if you relax and become more forthcoming. Your appraisal of a personal matter encourages you to take a leap of faith. Be sure to do much-needed research. By afternoon, you’ll feel as though it is time to take action. Tonight: Make it easy. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Engage in a conversation with a partner. You might not come to an agreement easily. Take an overview and see what facts you are missing. Get to the bottom of a problem by taking in the whole picture. Suddenly, you could see the right path to take. Tonight: Use your imagination.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Others let you know what they want. The problem might be that you are not sure of your choice yet. In some way, you could feel as if someone is running right over you. Share your feelings with this person. Tonight: Chat with a partner or dear friend. Speak your mind. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) You could be taken aback by someone’s efforts. You also might find that you are angry or frustrated with an older friend or boss. Why not address the issue directly? This person’s response could take you by surprise. Be prepared. Tonight: In the thick of a situation. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Have a talk with someone you respect, especially if this person is acting as if he or she is peeved. There probably is a good reason for this behavior. You won’t be able to work anything out until you know the problem. Count on your ingenuity. Tonight: Burn the midnight oil. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You could view an important

matter very differently from a partner. Listen to what this person shares. He or she means exactly what he or she says. You will have to be very charming and nurturing to surf this wave and come out unscathed. To-night: You know what is best. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Sometimes you push so hard to have your way that it is difficult to come to terms with a different point of view. Try to listen more to a key person in your life. You both will be a lot happier as a result. Consider taking a walk in order to clear your mind. To-night: At home. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You might be finalizing some details regarding a purchase or balancing your finances. You will perk up considerably in the afternoon. Make calls, schedule meetings and -- most impor-tantly -- catch up on a friend’s news. Tonight: Run errands on the way home. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You might want to rearrange your schedule in order to make time for an important conversa-

tion in the morning. Understand where others are coming from, and listen to their logic. Tempers run high, and you can do little to change what is going on. To-night: At a favorite haunt. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You could be dragging in the morning and feel unsure as to which way you want to go. Alle-viate a problem by talking it out; otherwise, you could be walking on eggshells. You have a greater chance of clearing the issue later in the day. Tonight: Make your-self happy, first. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Zero in on your priorities. You could be surprised by how strong-willed you need to be in order to get your point across. Later, you might want to spend some quiet time dealing with a project or going over this con-versation in your head. Tonight: Catch some extra zzz’s. BORN TODAY Musician John Fogerty (1945), singer Gladys Knight (1944), voice actor Liam O’Brien (1976) ***

Dear Annie: My bullheaded 50-year-old daugh-ter has taken gossip from 32 years ago to make my life a living hell. I have four grown children. My older daughter called everyone she could think of and told them I molested my son when he was 5. My daughter nev-er checked to see whether it was true. I have never been arrested for this or had charges filed against me. She further told all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren that they should never stop at my home. I am 74 years old, have trouble breathing and have cancer that is currently in remission. I want to see my family before it’s too late. My daughter called my sister-in-law and told her she will not go to my funeral when I die. I have been denied vis-its and phone calls from family members for three years. I desperately need my family to visit. -- Sad and Lonely Dear Sad: You say charges were never filed, nor were you arrested, but you haven’t said that you are innocent of the accusation. If the gossip is true, we completely understand why your daughter would want everyone to stay away. If it is not true, you need to make it clear to the rest of the family that your daughter is spreading lies. Please ask whether she would be willing to go with you for counseling to clear this up and to see whether there is any pos-sibility of reconciling before it is too late. Dear Annie: I’m one of two daughters. Both of us have two sons. Long story short, one of my sis-ter’s sons has borrowed thousands of dollars from Grandma, received a nice car and has never paid any money back. The other three boys have never borrowed a penny. I am the executor of Grandma’s estate and have power of attorney. When something happens to Grandma, I’m in charge. She’s not going to have a million dollars, but when her estate is eventu-ally divided, I believe it would be perfectly fair to exclude the one grandson. What do you think? -- Trouble in Hubbard Dear Hubbard: It may be “fair,” but it could es-trange you from your sister, not to mention your nephews. What does Grandma think? If she is of sound mind and wants all of her grandsons to re-ceive equal shares, you have an obligation to follow her wishes. You could discuss with her the option of deducting the money her grandson has already borrowed from whatever is left of his share. You also could give the grandson an object of senti-mental value in lieu of money, so he doesn’t be-lieve his grandmother forgot about him. Whatever the final decision, please discuss it with your sister as a gesture of good faith and ask her opinion. She may or may not agree with your assessment, but at least she won’t be shocked and angry when the time comes. Dear Annie: I have a couple of thoughts for “Want My Solitude Back,” who assumes these drop-in neighbors and relatives are simply intrusive. But they may believe you want company now and then. Most people do. I, too, enjoy solitude, but most of us want it balanced with caring relation-ships. Recently, my uncle was found dead in his home. The coroner said he’d been dead at least 10 days. My uncle may have lain on the floor suffering be-cause no one visited him. He had pushed everyone away. If “Want My Solitude Back” truly wants to be alone, he can move to a sparsely inhabited rural area far from anyone who may intrude. Or he could stay where he is and stew and complain -- that should get rid of any friends he might have. -- Likes People Much of the Time Dear Likes: There is a rather thick line between having no one ever visit and having uninvited guests drop by constantly, especially around meal-time. People need to be respectful of one another. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to [email protected], or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Cre-ators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.COPYRIGHT 2013 CREATORS.COM

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013 Page 9

PUZZLESdaily townsman / daily bulletin

Fill in the grid so that every row (nine cells wide), every column (nine cells tall) and every box (three cells by three cells) contain the digits 1 through 9 in any order. There is only one solution for each puzzle.







Tuesday Afternoon/Evening May 28 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Sid Word Wild Elec News Busi PBS NewsHour Nature NOVA NOVA Science Charlie Rose $ $ CFCN Ellen Show News News CTV News Theory etalk Law & Order Criminal Minds The Voice News News Daily Colbert % % KXLY-ABC Rachael Ray The Doctors News ABC News News Ent Insider Extreme Weight Loss Body of Proof News Kim & & KREM-CBS Dr. Phil Dr. Oz Show News CBS News Inside Ac NCIS NCIS: LA Brooklyn DA News Late _ _ KHQ-NBC Ellen Show Judge Judge News News News Million. J’pard Wheel The Voice The Voice (:01) The Office News Jay ( ( TSN SportsCentre Hocke Catching Hell Pre NHL Hockey Sports SportsCentre SportsCentre ) ) NET Soccer Central Poker Tour Soccer Sportsnet Con. Red Bull BLG Awards Sportsnet Con. Hocke Blue + + GLOBAL BC Ricki Lake The Young News News News Hour Ent ET NCIS NCIS: LA Bones News , , KNOW Rob Clifford Ceorge Arthur Martha Wild Ani Dogs Be/Creature Monarchy Finding Mercy Win Be/Creature ` ` CBUT Cor Ste NHL Hockey News 22 Min Just/Laughs Mercer Com National News Georg 1 M CICT The Young News News News News ET Ent Bones NCIS NCIS: LA News Hour Fi ET J. 3 O CIVT The Young News News News Hour ET Ent Bones NCIS NCIS: LA News Hour ET J. 4 6 YTV Squir Side Par Par Par Par Young Young Young Boys Spla Zoink’ Gags Gags Boys Young Weird Spla 6 . KAYU-FOX Ricki Lake Steve Harvey Simp Ray Theory Two Theory Two So You Think You Can Dance News Rock Sunny TMZ 7 / CNN Situation Room E. B. OutFront Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront 8 0 SPIKE Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Ink Master Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Ways Ways 9 1 HGTV Holmes/Home Decke Decke Hunt Hunt Holmes Makes Decks Decks Hunt Hunt Holmes Makes Decks Decks Hunt Hunt : 2 A&E Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Hog Hog Hog Hog Stor Stor Stor Stor Hog Hog < 4 CMT Inside- House Gags Gags Wipeout Rules Rules Funny Videos Gags Gags Rules Rules Funny Videos Wipeout = 5 W Memory Keep Property Bro Prop Love Love It-List It My My Buying The Good Wife The Good Wife Property Bro ? 9 SHOW Secret Lives The Secret Lives XIII NCIS Hawaii Five-0 XIII NCIS @ : DISC How/ How/ Daily Planet How/ How/ River Monsters Deadly Catch How/ How/ River Monsters Deadly Catch How/ How/ A ; SLICE Debt Debt Rent Eat St. Prin Prin Housewives Housewives Prin Prin Housewives Housewives Dumbest B < TLC Toddler-Tiara Cake Cake Couple Couple Family S.O.S. Couple Family S.O.S. Couple Couple Couple Cake Cake C = BRAVO Criminal Minds Flashpoint The Mentalist ’Til Lies Do Us Part Flashpoint Criminal Minds Criminal Minds ’Til Lies Do Us D > EA2 Blade Runner (:05) Spawn ReGenesis (:25) Emile The China Syndrome (:05) 12 Monkeys E ? TOON Scoob Loone Jim Jim Johnny Johnny Adven Rocket Johnny Deten Total Adven Ftur Family Amer. Robot Family Dating F @ FAM Wiz ANT Phi Austin Jessie Good ANT Shake Good Win Jessie Really Win Warth Lizzie Raven Cory Prin G A WPCH Office Office Theory Theory Brown Payne Brown Payne Sein Sein Family Family Amer. Meet the Browns Verti H B COM Sein Sein Match N’Rad. Com Theory Gas Gags Just/Laughs Match Simp Theory Com Tosh.0 Amy JFL I C TCM The Prodigal Hard Times Bullitt Pale Rider Shaft’s Score K E OUT Mantracker Duck Duck Stor Stor Man v Man v Duck Duck Stor Stor Man v Man v Duck Duck Minute to Win L F HIST Pickers Cnt. Cnt. MASH MASH Pickers Cnt. Cnt. Cajun Cajun Pawn Pawn Amer. Pickers Pickers M G SPACE Inner Ripley Castle Stargate SG-1 Paranormal Panic Button Inner Castle Star Trek: Voy. Ripley Paranormal N H AMC (3:30) Uncommon Valor Hell Is for Heroes D-Day, the Sixth of June Platoon O I SPEED NASCAR Hub Pass Pass Gearz Gearz Dream Dream Tran The Gearz Gearz Dream Dream Tran The Unique Whips P J TVTROP Pickers Pickers 3’s Co. 3’s Co. Drew Drew Rose. Rose. Debt ET 3’s Co. 3’s Co. Drew Drew 3rd 3rd W W MC1 (:15) Wanderlust The Dating Coach Giant Mechanical Now Is Good (:45) Wanderlust Battle ¨ ¨ KTLA Cunningham Maury Family Family News News Two Two Hart of Dixie Top Model KTLA 5 News Friend Friend ≠ ≠ WGN-A Funny Videos Funny Videos Eight Men Out News at Nine Funny Videos Rules Rules Rock Scrubs Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 (:05) A Knight’s Tale (:20) Love & Savagery Elizabeth Elizabeth: The Golden Age Dang. Liaisons ∂ ∂ VISN Sue Thomas Murder, She... Eas Old The Lotus Eaters Sue Thomas UFOria Old Popoff 102 102 MM New Music Prince Prince Top 10 Awk Zach Awk Zach Trial Rap Prince Prince Awk Zach Awk Zach 105 105 SRC Loi Cap sur l’été Paquet TJ C.-B. Sque Monde Vengeance Pénélope TJ Nou TJ C.-B.

Wednesday Afternoon/Evening May 29 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Sid Word Wild Elec News Busi PBS NewsHour Nature NOVA NOVA Science Charlie Rose $ $ CFCN Ellen Show News News CTV News Theory etalk The Listener MasterChef News News Daily Colbert % % KXLY-ABC Rachael Ray The Doctors News ABC News News Ent Insider Middle Family Mod How- Two Truths News Kim & & KREM-CBS Dr. Phil Dr. Oz Show News CBS News Inside Ac The American Criminal Minds CSI: Cri. Scene News Late _ _ KHQ-NBC Ellen Show Judge Judge News News News Million. J’pard Wheel Dateline NBC Law & Order Chicago Fire News Jay ( ( TSN SportsCentre NHL Hockey SportsCentre Hocke Record Sports Score SportsCentre SportsCentre ) ) NET Sportsnet Con. MLB Baseball From Turner Field in Atlanta. Sportsnet Con. Indy Highlights The UFC Sportsnet Con. Hocke Blue + + GLOBAL BC Ricki Lake The Young News News News Hour Ent ET The American The Office Chicago Fire News , , KNOW Rob Clifford Ceorge Arthur Martha Wild Ani Under Frontiers of Hidden Cities Itzhak Perlman Conducts Frontiers of ` ` CBUT Cor Ste NHL Hockey News Georg 22 Min Gags Dragons’ Den National News Georg 1 M CICT The Young News News News News ET Ent Chicago Fire The American The Office News Hour Fi ET J. 3 O CIVT The Young News News News Hour ET Ent Chicago Fire The American The Office News Hour ET J. 4 6 YTV Squir Side Spong Spong Spong Spong Young Young Young Boys Spla Zoink’ Gags Gags Boys Young Weird Spla 6 . KAYU-FOX Ricki Lake Steve Harvey Simp Ray Theory Two Theory Two MasterChef News Rock Sunny TMZ 7 / CNN Situation Room E. B. OutFront Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront 8 0 SPIKE Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Deadliest Deadliest Deadliest Deadliest Deadliest Deadliest Police Videos 9 1 HGTV Holmes/Home Decks Decks Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Scor Scor Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Scor Scor Hunt Hunt : 2 A&E The First 48 Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dynasty Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dynasty < 4 CMT Inside- House Gags Gags Wipeout Rules Rules Funny Videos Gags Gags Rules Rules Funny Videos Wipeout = 5 W Catch a-Star My My My Love Love It-List It Cand Cand Love It-List It Love It Dine Dine Dine Dine ? 9 SHOW Possessing Piper Rose Goodnight for Justice NCIS NCIS Hawaii Five-0 NCIS NCIS @ : DISC How/ How/ Daily Planet North America MythBusters MythBusters Deadly Catch North America MythBusters MythBusters A ; SLICE Debt Debt Rent Eat St. Secu Secu Karma Karma Murder-Parad Brainwashed Karma Karma Murder-Parad Dumbest B < TLC Toddler-Tiara Bakery Boss Breaking Breaking Breaking Breaking Breaking Breaking Bakery Boss C = BRAVO Criminal Minds Flashpoint The Mentalist Perception Homeland Flashpoint Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Perception D > EA2 Kicking (:10) Happy Gilmore ReGenesis William Shatner, World Uptown Girls (:35) Party Monster Last Day Disco E ? TOON Scoob Loone Jim Jim Johnny Star Star Lego Johnny Deten Total Adven Ftur Family Amer. Robot Family Dating F @ FAM Wiz ANT Phi Austin Jessie Good ANT Shake Good Win Austin Gravity Win Warth Lizzie Raven Cory Prin G A WPCH Office Office Theory Theory Brown Payne Brown Payne Sein Sein Family Family Amer. Along Came a Spider Along H B COM Sein Sein Match N’Rad. Com Theory Gas Gags Just/Laughs Match Simp Theory Com Nathan Men- JFL I C TCM Boy Did I Get Wrong Number Titanic In Old Chicago The Hurricane San Francisco K E OUT Mantracker Duck Duck Stor Stor Repo Repo Duck Duck Stor Stor Repo Repo Duck Duck Minute to Win L F HIST Pickers Pawn Pawn MASH MASH Amer. Pickers Pawn Pawn Amer Amer Swamp People Yukon Gold Hitler’s Fighter M G SPACE Inner Ripley Castle Stargate SG-1 Paranormal Wi. Ghost Mine Inner Castle Star Trek: Voy. Ripley Paranormal Wi. N H AMC CSI: Miami CSI: Miami The Transporter The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior Marked for Death Good O I SPEED NASCAR Hub Pass Pass Stunt Stunt Drag Drag Truck Truck Stunt Stunt Drag Drag Truck Truck Unique Whips P J TVTROP Weird Weird 3’s Co. 3’s Co. ’70s ’70s Rose. Rose. Debt ET 3’s Co. 3’s Co. ’70s ’70s 3rd 3rd W W MC1 Magic Snow White and the Huntsman (:45) Hard Core Logo II Nurse Rogue Magic Mike Snow White ¨ ¨ KTLA Cunningham Maury Family Family News News Two Two Arrow Supernatural KTLA 5 News Friend Friend ≠ ≠ WGN-A Funny Videos Funny Videos Rules Rules Rules Rules News at Nine Funny Videos Rules Rules Rock Scrubs Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 Boxer (:40) Gladiator The End of Silence Gardens of Stone Bram Stoker’s Dracula Serenity ∂ ∂ VISN Sue Thomas Murder, She... Eas Served The Midwife Downstairs Sue Thomas Rising Damp Super Popoff 102 102 MM New Music Prince Prince Fools Laugh Oh Sit! Top 10 Trial Wedge Prince Prince Fools Laugh Oh Sit! 105 105 SRC Sang-vigne Cap sur l’été Paquet TJ C.-B. Sque Épi Séduction Pénélope TJ Nou TJ C.-B.

Call Nicole at 250-427-5333www.dailybulletin.ca

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TRENDS N’ TREASURES1109a Baker Street, Cranbrook

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Lounge Cocktail wine kits in the

month of May and receive FREE Wine bags and boxes!

10% off entire menu

bring this ad!

778-481-2200778-481-3300Open Daily

In the EconolodgeKimberley, BC


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Your community. Your classifi eds.Jasper and Ethan,

future long boarding


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Lost & FoundLOST, MAY 19TH in Lower Chapman Camp, 2 year old neutered male cat. Brown/grey/black tabby. May be wearing a blue collar. Patch of hair re-growth on back. Please call 250-420-1854


Daycare Centers

FULL-TIME or part-time spot available in Registered Day-care for children aged 0-5years. Please call (250)581-1328


Business Opportunities

A+DRINK SNACK plus Healthy Vending machine Route. Turn Key Business. In-vest With Confi dence, $4,000 Up. Training and Secured profi table Locations. Limited Must Sell. 1-888-979-8363.

BARBER SHOP Business for sale in Whitehorse, Yukon. Ex-cellent opportunity. Includes all equipment, in good location, leased premises. Contact Murd for details, 867-667-6873 or 867-667-7467.

OVER 90% Employment rate for CanScribe graduates! Medical Transcriptionists are in demand and CanScribe graduates get jobs. Payments under $100 per month. 1-800-466-1535. www.canscribe.com [email protected].

Help Wanted


Help Wanted

HELP WANTEDLooking for person to work

part-time approximately 30 hrs per week in the Produce Dept. Experience isn’t necessary, will

train the right person. Must be energetic, able to follow

directions, work independently and be friendly. Drop off resumé

at Mark Creek Market, Tues to Sat, from 8:00am to 2:30pm,

attn: Wayne.

An Alberta Oilfi eld Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing re-quired. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mort-gage and maintenance pay-ments today. 100% money back guarantee. Free consul-tation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.GUARANTEED JOB place-ment: General Laborers and Tradesmen for oil and gas in-dustry. Call 24hr free recorded message for information: 1-800-972-0209JOIN OUR team and earn up to $85,000 a year. Journey-man technician: proven pro-ducer, good attitude, quality workmanship a must. Mini-mum 4 years experience. Full benefi t package available. Braby Motors Salmon Arm. Fax resume 1-250-832 4545, email [email protected].

S.M. QUENNELL Trucking in Cranbrook, is looking for log truck drivers, based in Cranbrook. Full time work, home every night. Excellent medical, dental, pension benefi ts, etc. Wages com-petitive with union rates. Fax resume and drivers abstract to:

fax:250-426-4610 or call: 250-426-6853

TUTOR WANTED. Senior switched from PC to Mac. Needs help arranging, sorting, fi nding fi les. Photo shop expe-rience an advantage. Needs co-pilot help. 250-427-5048


CERTIFIED DENTAL Assistant wanted. Busy Cranbrook dental offi ce seeking a career minded CDA. Must enjoy a fast pace and enjoy working with a team dedicated to providing excellent service. Apply to the offi ce of Dr. Jeffery Williams in person. Include your resume and a hand written cover letter.

SalesPROFESSIONAL SALES Consultants. Central Alberta’s leading Ford dealer requires two professional sales asso-ciates. We maintain a large in-ventory of new and used vehi-cles, and friendly country atmosphere with big city sales volume. We are closed Sun-days and all statutory holidays. We offer a competitive pay plan with an aggressive bo-nus structure, salary guaran-tee and moving allowance. At-tention: Dean Brackenbury, GSM. Email: [email protected]

Trades, TechnicalAUTOMOTIVE TECHNI-CIANS. Licensed, 4th year and 3rd year Technicians re-quired. Signing/moving allow-ance, full company benefi ts, very aggressive bonus/pay plan. Ford experience pre-ferred, but not required. Den-ham Ford, Wetaskiwin, Alber-ta. Email resume: Attention: Dean Brackenbury; [email protected]


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is looking for an experienced

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Page 11: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, May 28, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 Page 11daily townsman / daily bulletinDAILY TOWNSMAN/DAILY BULLETIN Tuesday, May 28, 2013 PAGE 11

Apt/Condo for RentMerchandise for Sale

Heavy Duty Machinery


Used 20’40’45’53 in stock.SPECIAL

44’ x 40’ Container Shopw/steel trusses $13,800!

Sets up in one day!40’ Containers under $2500!

Call Toll Free AlsoJD 544 & 644 wheel loaders

JD 892D LC ExcavatorPh. 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB


Misc. for SaleAT LAST! An iron fi lter that works. IronEater! Fully patent-ed Canada/USA. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manga-nese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions. Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.www.bigirondrilling.comFILM, VIDEO, AUDIO,PHOTO DIGITAL SERVICES8mm, 16mm movie fi lmtransfers, slide, video & audio tape conversions, DVD & CD duplications www.tmtv.netToll free: 1-800-824-8688Nelson, BC Serving theKootenays since 1980

FOR SALE: 1975 518 Line Skidder. 9633 hours. Well maintained, tight machine. $11,000. Contact Roland evenings 250-342-2977.RESTLESS LEG Syndrome and Leg Cramps? Fast relief in one hour. Sleep at night. Proven for over 32 years. www.allcalm.com Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660.SAWMILLS FROM only $3997. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OTwww.NorwoodSawmills.com/ 400OTSTEEL BUILDING - Blowout clearance sale! 20x22 $4,188. 25x26 $4,799. 30x34 $6,860. 32x44 $8,795. 40x50 $12,760. 47x74 $17,888. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www.pioneersteel.caSTEEL BUILDINGS, Metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x 40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x 150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca

Misc. WantedTrue Coin Collector Looking to Purchase Collections, Accu- mulations, Olympic Gold and Silver coins, Bills + Not melting down, Serious Collector. Call: Coin Couple 1-778-281-0030

Real Estate

For Sale By OwnerMUST SELL - 3300 sq/ft cus-tom home 10 private acres 10 minutes to downtown Cran-brook $504,000 - 5680 Hidden Valley Road - Open House Sat May 25 11:00am-4:00pm or call 587-216-2334 for appt.


Apt/Condo for Rent1 BEDROOM apartment. Available May 30th. $550./mo, utilities included. DD required. N/S. 250-426-7355

2BDRM, 1 1/2 BATH apart-ment for rent, in Canal Flats. Great view, parking, F/S, D/W, microwave. $700 + utilities & D.D. Available im-mediately. Call (250)349-5306 or (250)489-8389.

3BDRM UNIT for rent, unfi nished basement, partial new fl ooring, F/S, parking and front yard. No smoking-no pets. 1 year lease, $950./mo + utilities. 1308A 11th St S.

Call 250-421-2590

Homes for Rent3 BEDROOM house for rent. Close to downtown. Fridge/ stove, washer/dryer. $900/mo. plus utilities. No pets.

250-489-5507COZY 2 + 1 bedroom home. Available June 1. Carport, sunroom, shed, W/D, F/S. Pets negotiable. $1050./mo. Utilities separate.


Suites, UpperBRAND NEW 1 bedroom suite for rent in Kimberley. Centrally located, $750./mo., utilities included, shared laundry, 4 appliances. 250-427-3229 or 250-432-5973




32.5 FT 2008 QUANTUM

5TH WHEELFully loaded - 4 slides with lots of extras added since

purchased. Will deliver for a small cost. Must be viewed to

be appreciated.

$38,000Call Wally’s cell at


FOR SALE2006 Terry 27’

Pull Trailer

270 FQS, immaculate condition, new tires,

12’ slide with awning, A/C, front queen bed,

sofa hide-a-bed, can be seen at

#20 Owl’s Nest RV Resort


Trucks & Vans2000 Chevy S10 automatic pickup 60,000 km. on a new transmission 4 extra wheels and tires - red with a white canopy - wooden roof racks 181,000km -$2750.00 -please call 250-344-6483

Business/Offi ce Service

Business/Offi ce Service

Business/Offi ce Service

Garage Sales Garage Sales


*Aerating**Power Raking*

*Weekly Grass Cutting*

Serving the Cranbrook Area

Phone 250-421-3749



New or Renovation.

Framing-Roofi ng-Siding, Decks-Interior fi nishing.

Hardwood and Laminate Flooring

Need a quote? Give me a call.

Kevin. 250-421-6197

B8MAN’sHandyman Service

*Yard and Lawn care*Rototilling

*Fences and Decks*Dump runs*Odd jobs

Serving Cranbrook and Kimberley



Get your free quotes now, for:

Driveways, Steps, Sidewalks (any decorative

fi nish available), Retaining Walls, Residential or

Commercial Slabs.

Jobs done from start to fi nish.

Bobcat and Dump Truck Service also available.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

Call Jason250-464-5595



~Dangerous Tree Removal~Stump Grinding

~Ornamental Tree Pruning~Shaping and topping

hedges, fruit trees.~Free chips and delivery

Fully insuredFree estimates

Seniors discount

Roy Anderson250-489-1900



Wholesale Prices. Carpet ~ Lino

Laminate ~ Hardwood.

Certifi ed Journeyman Installer.

Repairs to damaged fl oors, wrinkled carpets, etc.

*All work guaranteed.*

Enquiries: 250-427-3037 or cell: 250-520-0188

~Ask for Ben~


De thatching(includes lawn vacuum)

Aerating, Gutters, Grass cutting



Book Now



Mini Excavator & Dump Truck Available

-Utility excavation & installation

-All types of excavation-Water & sewer line

trenching-Leaky basement excavation

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-All aspects of concrete from start to fi nish

Wade (250)919-6150(250)489-2155



Established custom builder for over 30


Certifi ed Journeyman Carpenters

Reliable QuotesMember of the new

home warranty program.





-Quality workmanship-Old style plaster

-Conventional and Acrylic Stucco

-Re-Stucco older homes

Free Estimates

Bob-cell: 250-432-5374Res: 250.427-7973

Kimberley, BC


“Sweeping the Kootenay’s Clean”

Chimney SweepingFireplace & Woodstove

ServicingVisual Inspections and

InstallationsGutter Cleaning Available

Call for Free Estimatefrom a W.E.T.T Certifi ed


Richard Hedrich250-919-3643

[email protected]


2013 spring services:

-professional tree & shrub pruning

-aerate, power rake

-rototill garden

-minor landscape- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


David J. Weiler & Kimberly Hartling

Forest technologists (horticulture & arborculture


Insured30 years experience

Kimberley & Cranbrook- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Serving the Kootenays for the past 20 years.

Canal Flats250-349-7546



To advertise using our “SERVICES GUIDE” in the Cranbrook Daily Townsman, Kimberley Daily Bulletin and The Valley, call us at 250-426-5201, ext. 202.

SERVICES GUIDEContact these business for all your service needs!

NOW is the time to get with it!On-Line Advertising – call your advertising representative today.Townsman: 250-426-5201 Bulletin: 250-427-5333

Not sure about the whole

digital thing?GARAGE sale Saturday May

25th, Sunday May 26th from 7 am til noon. 2 households combined, still have lots to part with. If you don’t see it, ask... We probably have one! It’s a carport sale.....warm and dry no matter the weather



Ten Reasons to Advertise on a Newspaper Website

1. Frequency: The online newspaper Web site user accesses the Internet almost twice as much as the general user.

2. Credibility: The credibility of the newspaper brand extends to the advertiser. Fifty-nine percent of Web users agree that online advertising is more believable from a trusted Web site. Online, newspaper Web sites are the dominant local media site in most markets.

3. Targeted: If you want to focus on a particular backyard, advertising in an online newspaper is more personal, and more relevant because it is local. Newspapers also publish a plethora of niche sites (youth, women, movie fans, seniors, are illustrative) for virtually any demographic advertisers could possibly hope to reach.

4. Purchasing power: Sixty-two percent of newspaper Web site users purchase online compared with 49 percent of general users. Thirty-nine percent of online newspaper users have incomes higher than $75,000; 65 percent own their homes. Fifty percent of online newspaper users have spent more than $500 online in the last six months, and 63 percent of online newspaper users prefer to find out about new products through the Internet.

5. Content: After e-mail, the most preferred Web content is news, sports, financial information, entertainment news, and shopping – in that order. Sixty-two percent of Internet users visit online newspapers for local news, compared with 39 percent for the local TV station Web site and 23 percent for the local radio station site. Not even Yahoo! or AOL’s Digital City can top this.

6. Retailers prefer newspaper sites: Sixty-five percent of retailers report that newspaper sites are efficient in assisting them in meeting marketing needs compared with other sites.

7. High profile: Research.net reports that, among top executives (CEO, CIO, CFO or owner/partner), Internet advertising ranked above over all other media measured for: “Where I prefer to find our about new products,” “Where I prefer to receive information about companies,” and “Where modern, up-to-date brands advertise.” At the same time, these early adopters of technology also skew younger than the traditional newspaper audience. Forty percent of online newspaper users are aged 18-35.

8. Reinforcement: Seventy-six percent of online newspaper users also read the newspaper in the past seven days, and repetition increases awareness. The Internet Advertising Bureau found that, by increasing the number of online banners from one to two per week, branding results on three key metrics increased 42 percent making online a great, inexpensive way to increase the branding lift of traditional campaigns.

9. Quality: Seventy-five percent of advertisers generally said newspaper Web sites’ advertising was as good or better than other Internet sites.

10. Mix: A variety of recent studies have demonstrated the power of online, when included in a mix with traditional media, to elaborate the brand message. Newspaper print and online products combined have the highest penetration and most desirable audience of any other local medium.

SOURCE: Newspaper Association of America

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