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konstitucionalizmis kvlevisa konstitucionalizmis kvlevisa da xelSewyobis regionaluri centri da xelSewyobis regionaluri centri THE REGIONAL CENTRE FOR RESEARCH AND PROMOTION OF CONSTITUTIONALISM baTumi 2011 BATUMI 2011
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konstitucionalizmis kvlevisa konstitucionalizmis kvlevisa

da xelSewyobis regionaluri centrida xelSewyobis regionaluri centri


baTumi 2011


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miRebulia 1995 wlis 24 agvistos

2011 wlis 15 Tebervlis mdgomareobiT


Adopted on 24 August 1995Last amendment February 15, 2011

winamdebare publikacia momzadebulia konstitucionalizmis

kvlevisa da xelSewyobis regionalur centrSi da moicavs 1995

wlis 24 agvistos miRebul saqarTvelos konstituciis teqsts,

masSi Setanil cvlilebebsa da damatebebs, agreTve, rogorc

saqarTvelos konstituciis ganuyofel nawils 2004 wlis 1 iv-

lisis saqarTvelos konstituciur kanons `aWaris avtonomiuri

respublikis statusis Sesaxeb~.

winamdebare konstituciis inglisurenovani teqsti redaqtire-

bulia konstitucionalizmis kvlevisa da xelSewyobis region-

aluri centris TanamSromlis guliko KkaJaSvilis mier da war-

moadgens araoficialur Targmans.

This publication was prepared in the Regional Centre for Research and Promotion of Constitutionalism and includes the text of the Consitu-tion of Georgia adopted on the 24 August 1995 with submitted amend-ments and supplements, also includes the constitutional law on “the Status of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara’’ adopted on 1 July 2004, as an inseparable part of the Constitution.

Guliko Kazhashvili, employee of the Centre, edited the English lan-guage text of the Constitution and it is unoffi cial translation.

konstitucionalizmis kvlevisa da xelSewyobis regionaluri konstitucionalizmis kvlevisa da xelSewyobis regionaluri

centri, gamocema #3centri, gamocema #3

The Regional Centre for Research and Promotion of Constitutionalism, Publication N3

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44 55

Cven, saqarTvelos moqalaqeni,

romelTa uryevi nebaa, davamkvidroT demokratiuli sa-

zogadoebrivi weswyobileba, ekonomikuri Tavisufleba,

socialuri da samarTlebrivi saxelmwifo,

uzrunvelvyoT adamianis sayovelTaod aRiarebuli

uflebani da Tavisuflebani,

ganvamtkicoT saxelmwifoebrivi damoukidebloba da

sxva xalxebTan mSvidobiani urTierToba,

qarTveli eris mravalsaukunovani saxelmwifoebriobis

tradiciebsa da saqarTvelos 1921 wlis konstituciis

istoriul-samarTlebriv memkvidreobaze dayrdnobiT

RvTisa da qveynis winaSe vacxadebT am Nkonstitucias.

(15.10.2010, #3710)

We, the citizens of Georgia,

whose fi rm will is to establish a democratic social order, eco-nomic freedom, a legal and social state,

to secure universally recognized human rights and freedoms,

to enhance the state independence and peaceful relations withother people,

based on the centuries-old traditions of statehood of theGeorgian Nation and the historical-legal inheritance of theConstitution of Georgia of 1921,

proclaim the present Constitution before the God and theCountry. (15.10.2010, N3710).

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66 77

Tavi pirveli

zogadi debulebebi

muxli 1

1. saqarTvelo aris damoukidebeli, erTiani da

ganuyofeli saxelmwifo, rac dadasturebulia 1991 wlis

31 marts qveynis mTel teritoriaze, maT Soris afx-

azeTis assr-Si da yofil samxreT oseTis avtonomiur

olqSi Catarebuli referendumiT da 1991 wlis 9 apri-

lis saqarTvelos saxelmwifoebrivi damoukideblobis aR-

dgenis aqtiT.

2. saqarTvelos saxelmwifos politikuri wyobilebis

forma aris demokratiuli respublika.

3. saqarTvelos saxelmwifos saxelwodebaa ,,saqarT-




Article 11. Georgia shall be an independent, unifi ed and indivisible

state, as confi rmed by the Referendum of 31 March 1991, held throughout the territory of the country, including the ASSR of Abkhazia and the Former Autonomous Region of South Ossetia and by the Act of Restoration of the State Independence of Georgia of 9 April 1991.

2. The form of political structure of the state of Georgia shall be a democratic republic.

3. “Georgia” shall be the name of the state of Georgia.

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88 99

muxli 2

1. saqarTvelos saxelmwifos teritoria gansaz-

Rvrulia 1991 wlis 21 dekembris mdgomareobiT. saqarT-

velos teritoriuli mTlianoba da saxelmwifo sazRvris

xelSeuxebloba dadasturebulia saqarTvelos konsti-

tuciiTa da kanonebiT, aRiarebulia saxelmwifoTa msof-

lio Tanamegobrobisa da saerTaSoriso organizaciebis


2. saqarTvelos saxelmwifos teritoriis gasxviseba

akrZalulia. saxelmwifo sazRvrebis Secvla SeiZleba mx-

olod mezobel saxelmwifosTan dadebuli ormxrivi SeT-


3. saqarTvelos teritoriuli saxelmwifoebrivi

mowyoba ganisazRvreba konstituciuri kanoniT uflebam-

osilebaTa gamijvnis principis safuZvelze qveynis mTel

teritoriaze saqarTvelos iurisdiqciis srulad aRd-

genis Semdeg.

4. TviTmmarTvel erTeulSi registrirebuli saqarT-

velos moqalaqeebi adgilobrivi mniSvnelobis saqmeebs

awesrigeben adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis meSveobiT,

saxelmwifo suverenitetis Seulaxavad, saqarTvelos

kanonmdeblobis Sesabamisad. saxelmwifo xelisuflebis

organoebi xels uwyoben adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis

ganviTarebas. (15.10.2010. #3710).

Article 21. The territory of the state of Georgia shall be determined as

of 21 December 1991. The territorial integrity of Georgia and the inviolability of the state frontiers, being recognized by the world community of nations and international organizations, shall be confi rmed by the Constitution and laws of Georgia.

2. The alienation of the territory of Georgia shall be prohibited. The state frontiers shall be changed only by a bilateral agreement concluded with the neighboring State.

3. The territorial state structure of Georgia shall be determined by a Constitutional Law on the basis of the principle of circumscription of authorization after the complete restoration of the jurisdiction of Georgia over the whole territory of the country.

4. The matters of local importance shall be regulated by the Citizens of Georgia registered in the self-governing units through self-government, without the prejudice to the state sovereignty, according to the Georgian Legislation. The bodies of the state authority shall promote the development of the local self-government. (15.10.2010. N3710).

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1010 1111

Article 31. The following shall fall within the exclusive competence

of Supreme state bodies of Georgia:a) legislation on Georgian citizenship, human rights and

freedoms, emigration and immigration, entrance and leaving the country, temporary or permanent residence of citizens of foreign states and stateless persons in Georgia;

b) the status, boundary regime and defense of the state frontiers; the status and defense of territorial waters, airspace, the continental shelf and Exclusive Economic Zone;

c) state defense and security, armed forces, military industry and trade in arms;

d) the issues of war and peace, the determination of a legal regime of the state of emergency and the martial law and their introduction;

e) foreign policy and international relations;f) foreign trade, customs and tariff regimes;g) state fi nances and state loan; issuing money; legislation on

banking, credit, insurance and taxes;h) standards and models; geodesy and cartography;

determination of the exact time; state statistics;i) a unifi ed energetic system and regime; communications;

merchant fl eet; ensigns; harbors of general state importance; airports and aerodromes; control of airspace, transit and air transport, registration of air transport; meteorological service; environmental observation system;

muxli 3

1. mxolod saqarTvelos umaRles saxelmwifo or-

ganoTa gansakuTrebul gamgeblobas miekuTvneba:

a) kanonmdebloba saqarTvelos moqalaqeobis, adami-

anis uflebaTa da TavisuflebaTa, emigraciisa da imi-

graciis, qveyanaSi Semosvlisa da gasvlis, saqarTveloSi

sxva saxelmwifoebis moqalaqeTa da moqalaqeobis armqone

pirTa droebiT an mudmivad yofnis Sesaxeb;

b) saxelmwifo sazRvrebis statusi, reJimi da dacva;

teritoriuli wylebis, sahaero sivrcis, kontinenturi

Selfisa da gansakuTrebuli ekonomikuri zonis statusi,

maTi dacva;

g) saxelmwifos Tavdacva da uSiSroeba, samxedro Za-

lebi, samxedro mrewveloba da iaraRiT vaWroba;

d) omisa da zavis sakiTxebi; sagangebo da saomar mdgo-

mareobaTa samarTlebrivi reJimis dadgena da SemoReba;

e) sagareo politika da saerTaSoriso urTierTo-


v) sagareo vaWroba, sabaJo da satarifo reJimebi;

z) saxelmwifo finansebi da saxelmwifo sesxi; fulis

moWra; sabanko, sakredito, sadazRvevo da sagadasaxado


T) standartebi da etalonebi; geodezia da kartogra-

fia; zusti drois dadgena; saxelmwifo statistika;

i) erTiani energetikuli sistema da reJimi; kavSir-

gabmuloba; savaWro floti; gemTa almebi; saerTo-saxelm-

wifoebrivi mniSvnelobis navsadgurebi, aeroportebi da

aerodromebi; sahaero sivrcis, tranzitisa da sahaero

transportis kontroli, sahaero transportis registra-

cia; meteorologiuri samsaxuri; garemos mdgomareobaze

dakvirvebis sistema;

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1212 1313

k) saxelmwifoebrivi mniSvnelobis rkinigza da saav-

tomobilo gzebi;

l) TevzWera okeanesa da Ria zRvaSi;

m) sasazRvro-sanitariuli kordoni;

n) farmacevtuli preparatebis kanonmdebloba;

o) kanonmdebloba saganmanaTleblo dawesebulebe-

bis akreditaciisa da akademiuri xarisxebis Sesaxeb;

(27.12.2006. #4135).p) inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis kanonmdebloba;

J) savaWro, sisxlis samarTlis, samoqalaqo samarT-

lis, administraciuli da Sromis samarTlis, sasjelis

aRsrulebisa da saproceso kanonmdebloba;

r) kriminaluri policia da gamoZieba;

s) miwis, wiaRiseulis da bunebrivi resursebis kanon-


2. erTobliv gamgeblobas mikuTvnebuli sakiTxebi

calke ganisazRvreba.

3. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis statusi ganisaz-

Rvreba saqarTvelos konstituciuri kanoniT ,,aWaris av-

tonomiuri respublikis statusis Sesaxeb~. (20.04.2000.


4. afxazeTis avtonomiuri respublikis statusi gan-

isazRvreba saqarTvelos konstituciuri kanoniT ,,afx-

azeTis avtonomiuri respublikis statusis Sesaxeb~.

(10.10.2002. #1689).

j) railways and motor roads of state importance;k) fi shing in ocean and high seas;l) frontier-sanitary cordon;m) legislation on pharmaceutical medicines;n) legislation on accreditation of educational institutions and

academic degrees; (27.12.2006. N4135).o) legislation on intellectual property;p) legislation on trade law, criminal law, civil law,

administrative law and labor law, penitentiary and procedures legislation.

q) criminal police and investigation;r) legislation on land, subsoil and natural resources;2. Issues falling within the joint competence shall be

determined separately.3. The status of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara shall be

determined by the Constitutional Law of Georgia “On the Status of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara”. (20.04.2000 N260).

4. Status of Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia is determined by the Georgian Constitutional law on ‘’status of Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia’’. (10.10.2002. N1689).

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1414 1515

muxli 4

1. saqarTvelos mTel teritoriaze Sesabamisi pirobe-

bis Seqmnisa da adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis orga-

noebis formirebis Semdeg saqarTvelos parlamentis Se-

madgenlobaSi iqneba ori palata: respublikis sabWo da


2. respublikis sabWo Sedgeba proporciuli wesiT

arCeuli wevrebisagan.

3. senati Sedgeba afxazeTis avtonomiur respublika-

Si (10.10.2002. #1689), aWaris avtonomiur respublikaSi

(20.04.2000. #260) da saqarTvelos sxva teritoriul

erTeulebSi arCeuli wevrebisa da saqarTvelos preziden-

tis mier daniSnuli 5 wevrisagan.

4. palatebis Semadgenlobas, uflebamosilebasa da ar-

Cevis wess gansazRvravs organuli kanoni.

muxli 5

1. saqarTveloSi saxelmwifo xelisuflebis wyaroa

xalxi. saxelmwifo xelisufleba xorcieldeba konsti-

tuciiT dadgenil farglebSi.

2. xalxi Tavis Zalauflebas axorcielebs referen-

dumis, uSualo demokratiis sxva formebisa da Tavisi

warmomadgenlebis meSveobiT.

3. aravis ara aqvs ufleba miiTvisos an ukanonod moi-

povos xelisufleba.

4. saxelmwifo xelisufleba xorcieldeba xelisu-

flebis danawilebis principze dayrdnobiT.

Article 41. After the creation of appropriate conditions and formation

of the bodies of local self-government throughout the whole territory of Georgia two chambers shall be set up within the Parliament of Georgia: the Council of Republic and the Senate.

2. The Council of Republic shall consist of members elected after a proportional system.

3. The Senate shall consist of members elected from Abkhazia (10.10.2002. N1689), the Autonomous Republic of Adjara (20.04.2000. N260) and other territorial units of Georgia and fi ve members appointed by the President of Georgia.

4. The composition, authority and election procedure of the chambers shall be determined by the Organic Law.

Article 51. The people shall be the source of state authority in Georgia.

The state authority shall be exercised within the framework established by the Constitution.

2. The people shall exercise their authority through referendum, other forms of direct democracy and their representatives.

3. No one shall have the right to seize the authority or usurp it.4. State authority shall be exercised on the basis of the

principle of separation of powers.

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1616 1717

muxli 6

1. saqarTvelos konstitucia saxelmwifos uzenaesi

kanonia. yvela sxva samarTlebrivi aqti unda Seesabam-

ebodes konstitucias.

2. saqarTvelos kanonmdebloba Seesabameba saerTaSor-

iso samarTlis sayovelTaod aRiarebul principebsa da

normebs. saqarTvelos saerTaSoriso xelSekrulebas an

SeTanxmebas, Tu igi ar ewinaaRmdegeba saqarTvelos kon-

stitucias, konstituciur SeTanxmebas aqvs upiratesi iu-

ridiuli Zala Sidasaxelmwifoebrivi normatiuli aqtebis

mimarT. (30.03.2001. #826).

muxli 7

saxelmwifo cnobs da icavs adamianis sayovelTaod

aRiarebul uflebebsa da Tavisuflebebs, rogorc waru-

val da uzenaes adamianur Rirebulebebs. xelisuflebis

ganxorcielebisas xalxi da saxelmwifo SezRuduli ar-

ian am uflebebiTa da TavisuflebebiT, rogorc uSualod

moqmedi samarTliT.

muxli 8

saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ena aris qarTuli, xolo

afxazeTis avtonomiur respublikaSi agreTve _ afxazuri.

(10.10.2002. #1689).

Article 61. The Constitution of Georgia shall be the supreme law of the

state. All other legal acts shall correspond to the Constitution.2. The legislation of Georgia shall correspond to universally

recognized principles and rules of international law. An international treaty or agreement of Georgia unless it contradicts the Constitution of Georgia, the Constitutional Agreement, shall take precedence over domestic normative acts. (30.03.2001. N826).

Article 7The state shall recognize and protect universally recognized

human rights and freedoms as eternal and supreme human values. While exercising authority, the people and the state shall be bound by these rights and freedoms as directly acting law.

Article 8The state language of Georgia shall be Georgian, and in

Abkhazia _ also Abkhazian. (10.10.2002. N1689).

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1818 1919

muxli 9

1. saxelmwifo acxadebs rwmenisa da aRmsareblobis

srul Tavisuflebas, amasTan erTad aRiarebs saqarTvelos

samociqulo avtokefaluri marTlmadidebeli eklesiis

gansakuTrebul rols saqarTvelos istoriaSi da mis

damoukideblobas saxelmwifosagan.

2. saqarTvelos saxelmwifosa da saqarTvelos samo-

ciqulo avtokefaluri marTlmadidebeli eklesiis urT-

ierToba ganisazRvreba konstituciuri SeTanxmebiT. kon-

stituciuri SeTanxmeba srulad unda Seesabamebodes saer-

TaSoriso samarTlis sayovelTaod aRiarebul principebsa

da normebs, kerZod, adamianis uflebaTa da ZiriTad Tav-

isuflebaTa sferoSi. (30.03.2001. #826).

muxli 10

saqarTvelos dedaqalaqi aris Tbilisi.

muxli 11

saqarTvelos saxelmwifo simboloebi dadgenilia or-

ganuli kanoniT.

Article 91. The state shall declare complete freedom of belief and

religion, as well as shall recognize the special role of the Apostle Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Georgia in the history of Georgia and its independence from the state.

2. The relations between the state of Georgia and the Apostle Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Georgia shall be determined by the Constitutional Agreement. The Constitutional Agreement shall correspond completely to universally recognized principles and norms of international law, in particular, in the fi eld of human rights and fundamental freedoms. (30.03.2001. N826).

Article 10Tbilisi shall be the capital of Georgia.

Article 11The state symbols of Georgia shall be determined by the

Organic Law.

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2020 2121

Tavi meore

saqarTvelos moqalaqeoba. adamianis

ZiriTadi uflebani da Tavisuflebani

muxli 12

1. saqarTvelos moqalaqeoba moipoveba dabadebiT da


2. saqarTvelos moqalaqe imavdroulad ar SeiZle-

ba iyos sxva saxelmwifos moqalaqe, garda am punqtiT

dadgenili gamonaklisi SemTxvevisa. saqarTvelos prezi-

dentis mier saqarTvelos moqalaqeoba SeiZleba mieniWos

ucxo qveynis moqalaqes, romelsac saqarTvelos winaSe

aqvs gansakuTrebuli damsaxureba an misTvis saqarTvelos

moqalaqeobis miniWeba gamomdinareobs saxelmwifo inter-

esebidan. (06.02.2004. #3272).

3. saqarTvelos moqalaqeobis mopovebisa da dakargvis

wesi ganisazRvreba organuli kanoniT.

muxli 13

1. saqarTvelo mfarvelobs Tavis moqalaqes ganurCev-

lad misi adgilsamyofelisa.

2. moqalaqeobis CamorTmeva dauSvebelia.

3. saqarTvelodan saqarTvelos moqalaqis gaZeveba


4. saqarTvelos moqalaqis ucxo saxelmwifosaTvis ga-

dacema dauSvebelia, garda saerTaSoriso xelSekrulebiT

gaTvaliswinebuli SemTxvevebisa. gadawyvetileba moqalaq-

is gadacemis Sesaxeb SeiZleba gasaCivrdes sasamarTloSi.



Article 121. Georgian citizenship shall be acquired by birth and

naturalization.2. A citizen of Georgia shall not at the same time be a citizen

of another state, save in cases established by this paragraph. Citizenship of Georgia shall be granted by the President of Georgia to a citizen of foreign country, who has a special merit before Georgia or grant the citizenship of Georgia to him/her is due to State interests. (06.02.2004. N3272).

3. The procedure for the acquisition and loss of citizenship shall be determined by the Organic Law.

Article 131. Georgia shall protect its citizen regardless of his/her

whereabouts.2. No one shall be deprived of his/her citizenship.3. The expulsion of a citizen of Georgia from Georgia is

impermissible.4. The extradition/transfer of a citizen of Georgia to the foreign

state shall be impermissible, except for the cases prescribed by international treaty. A decision on extradition/transfer may be appealed in a court.

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2222 2323

muxli 14

yvela adamiani dabadebiT Tavisufalia da kanonis wi-

naSe Tanasworia ganurCevlad rasisa, kanis ferisa, enisa,

sqesisa, religiisa, politikuri da sxva Sexedulebebisa,

erovnuli, eTnikuri da socialuri kuTvnilebisa, warmo-

Sobisa, qonebrivi da wodebrivi mdgomareobisa, sacxovre-

beli adgilisa.

muxli 15

1. sicocxle adamianis xelSeuvali uflebaa da mas

icavs kanoni.

2. sikvdiliT dasja akrZalulia. (27.12.2006. #4136).

muxli 16

yvelas aqvs sakuTari pirovnebis Tavisufali ganvi-

Tarebis ufleba.

muxli 17

1. adamianis pativi da Rirseba xelSeuvalia.

2. dauSvebelia adamianis wameba, arahumanuri, sastiki

an pativisa da Rirsebis Semlaxveli mopyroba da sasje-

lis gamoyeneba.

3. dauSvebelia dakavebuli Tu sxvagvarad Tavisu-

flebaSezRuduli piris fizikuri an fsiqikuri iZuleba.

(27.12.2006. #4136).

Article 14Everyone is free by birth and is equal before law regardless of

race, color, language, sex, religion, political and other opinions, national, ethnic and social belonging, origin, property and title, place of residence

Article 151. Everyone has the inviolable right to life and this right is

protected by law.2. Capital punishment is prohibited. (27.12.2006. N4136).

Article 16Everyone has the right to free development of his/her


Article 171. Honor and dignity of an individual is inviolable.2. Torture, inhuman, cruel treatment and punishment or

treatment and punishment infringing upon honor and dignity shall be impermissible.

3. Physical or physiological enforcement is prohibited of an arrested or other way freedom restricted person. (27.12.2006. N4136).

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2424 2525

muxli 18

1. adamianis Tavisufleba xelSeuvalia.

2. Tavisuflebis aRkveTa an piradi Tavisuflebis

sxvagvari SezRudva dauSvebelia sasamarTlos gadaw-

yvetilebis gareSe.

3. adamianis dakaveba dasaSvebia kanoniT gansazRvrul

SemTxvevebSi sagangebod uflebamosili piris mier. dakave-

buli Tu sxvagvarad TavisuflebaSezRuduli piri unda

waredginos sasamarTlos gansjadobis mixedviT ara ugvi-

anes 48 saaTisa. Tu momdevno 24 saaTis ganmavlobaSi

sasamarTlo ar miiRebs gadawyvetilebas dapatimrebis an

Tavisuflebis sxvagvari SezRudvis Sesaxeb, piri dauy-

ovnebliv unda ganTavisufldes.

4. amoRebulia. (27.12.2006. #4136).

5. dakavebul an dapatimrebul pirs dakavebis an dapa-

timrebisTanave unda ganemartos misi uflebebi da Tavisu-

flebis SezRudvis safuZveli. mas dakavebis an dapatim-

rebisTanave SeuZlia moiTxovos damcvelis daxmareba, rac

unda dakmayofildes.

6. braldebulis winaswari patimrobis vada ar unda

aRematebodes 9 Tves. (15.10.2010. #3710).

7. am muxlis moTxovnaTa darRveva isjeba kanoniT.

ukanonod dakavebul an dapatimrebul pirs aqvs kompen-

saciis miRebis ufleba.

Article 181. Liberty of an individual is inviolable.2. Deprivation of liberty or other restriction of personal

liberty without a court decision shall be impermissible.3. An arrest of an individual shall be permissible by a specially

authorized offi cial in the cases determined by law. Everyone arrested or otherwise restricted in his/her liberty shall be brought before a competent court not later than 48 hours. If, within next 24 hours, the court fails to adjudicate upon the detention or another type of restriction of liberty, the individual shall immediately be released.

4. Deleted (27.12.2006. N4136).5. An arrested or detained person shall be informed about

his/her rights and the grounds for restriction of his/her liberty upon his/her arrest or detention. The arrested or detained person may request for the assistance of a defender upon his/her arrest or detention, the request shall be met.

6. The term of imprisonment of an accused person shall be not more than 9 months. (15.10.2010. N3710).

7. The violation of the requirements of the present Article shall be punishable by law. A person arrested or detained illegally shall have the right to receive compensation.

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2626 2727

muxli 19

1. yovel adamians aqvs sityvis, azris, sindisis, aRm-

sareblobisa da rwmenis Tavisufleba.

2. dauSvebelia adamianis devna sityvis, azris, aRm-

sareblobis an rwmenis gamo, agreTve misi iZuleba gamoTq-

vas Tavisi Sexeduleba maT Sesaxeb.

3. dauSvebelia am muxlSi CamoTvlil TavisuflebaTa

SezRudva, Tu maTi gamovlineba ar laxavs sxvaTa ufle-


muxli 20

1. yoveli adamianis piradi cxovreba, piradi saqmianobis

adgili, piradi Canaweri, mimowera, saubari satelefono

da sxva saxis teqnikuri saSualebiT, agreTve teqnikuri

saSualebebiT miRebuli Setyobinebani xelSeuxebelia.

aRniSnuli uflebebis SezRudva daiSveba sasamarTlos

gadawyvetilebiT an mis gareSec, kanoniT gaTvaliswinebu-

li gadaudebeli aucileblobisas.

2. aravis ara aqvs ufleba Sevides sacxovrebel binaSi

da sxva mflobelobaSi mflobel pirTa nebis sawinaaRmde-

god, agreTve Caataros Cxreka, Tu ar aris sasamarTlos

gadawyvetileba an kanoniT gaTvaliswinebuli gadaudebeli


Article 191. Everyone has the right to freedom of speech, thought,

conscience, religion and belief.2. The persecution of a person on the account of his/her

speech, thought, religion or belief as well as the compulsion to express his/her opinion about them shall be impermissible.

3. The restriction of the freedoms enumerated in the present Article shall be impermissible unless their manifestation infringes upon the rights of others.

Article 201. Everyone’s private life, place of personal activity, personal

records, correspondence, communication by telephone or other technical means, as well as messages received through technical means shall be inviolable. Restriction of the aforementioned rights shall be permissible by a court decision or also without such decision in the case of the urgent necessity provided for by law.

2. No one shall have the right to enter the house and other possessions against the will of possessors, or conduct search unless there is a court decision or the urgent necessity provided for by law.

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2828 2929

muxli 21

1. sakuTreba da memkvidreobis ufleba aRiarebuli

da xelSeuvalia. dauSvebelia sakuTrebis, misi SeZenis,

gasxvisebis an memkvidreobiT miRebis sayovelTao uflebis


2. aucilebeli sazogadoebrivi saWiroebisaTvis dasaS-

vebia am muxlis pirvel punqtSi aRniSnul uflebaTa Sez-

Rudva kanoniT gansazRvrul SemTxvevebSi da dadgenili

wesiT, imgvarad, rom ar dairRves sakuTrebis uflebis


3. aucilebeli sazogadoebrivi saWiroebisaTvis sa-

kuTrebis CamorTmeva dasaSvebia kanoniT pirdapir gaTval-

iswinebul SemTxvevebSi, sasamarTlos gadawyvetilebiT an

organuli kanoniT dadgenili gadaudebeli aucileblobi-

sas, winaswari, sruli da samarTliani anazRaurebis piro-

biT. anazRaureba Tavisufldeba yovelgvari gadasaxadisa

da mosakreblisagan. (15.10.2010. #3710).

Article 211. The property and the right to inherit shall be recognized

and guaranteed. The abrogation of the universal right to property shall be impermissible.

2. Restriction of the rights referred to in the paragraph 1 shall be permissible for the important social needs in the cases envisaged by the Law and in accordance with a procedure established, so that the nature of the proprietary right is not infringed.

3. Deprivation of the property for the important social needs is permissible in the circumstances directly defi ned by the Law, under a court decision or in the case of the urgent necessity determined by the organic law, with condition of prior, full and fair compensation. Compensation shall be free from any taxes and fees. (15.10.2010 N3710).

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3030 3131

muxli 22

1. yvelas, vinc kanonierad imyofeba saqarTveloSi,

aqvs qveynis mTel teritoriaze Tavisufali mimosvlisa

da sacxovrebeli adgilis Tavisufali arCevis ufleba.

2. yvelas, vinc kanonierad imyofeba saqarTveloSi,

SeuZlia Tavisuflad gavides saqarTvelodan. (15.10.2010.


3. am uflebaTa SezRudva SeiZleba mxolod kanonis

Sesabamisad, demokratiuli sazogadoebis arsebobisaTvis

aucilebeli saxelmwifo uSiSroebis an sazogadoebrivi

usafrTxoebis uzrunvelyofis, janmrTelobis dacvis, da-

naSaulis Tavidan acilebis an marTlmsajulebis ganxor-

cielebis mizniT.

4. saqarTvelos moqalaqes SeuZlia Tavisuflad Semo-

vides saqarTveloSi. (15.10.2010. #3710).

muxli 23

1. inteleqtualuri Semoqmedebis Tavisufleba uzrun-

velyofilia. inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis ufleba xel-


2. SemoqmedebiT procesSi Careva, SemoqmedebiTi saqmi-

anobis sferoSi cenzura dauSvebelia.

3. SemoqmedebiTi nawarmoebis dayadaReba da gavrceleb-

is akrZalva dauSvebelia, Tu misi gavrceleba ar laxavs

sxva adamianis kanonier uflebebs.

Article 221. Everyone legally within the territory of Georgia shall,

within throughout the territory of the country, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his/her residence.

2. Everyone, who is in Georgia legally, can freely leave Georgia (15.10.2010. N3710).

3. These rights may be restricted only in accordance with law, in the interests of securing national security or public safety, protection of health, prevention of crime or administration of justice that is necessary for maintaining a democratic society.

4. A citizen of Georgia may freely enter Georgia. (15.10.2010. N3710).

Article 231. The freedom of intellectual creation shall be guaranteed.

The right to intellectual property shall be inviolable.2. Interference in creative process, censorship in the fi eld of

creative activity shall be impermissible.3. The seizure of creative work and prohibition of its

dissemination shall be impermissible unless it infringes upon the legal rights of others.

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3232 3333

muxli 24

1. yovel adamians aqvs ufleba Tavisuflad miiRos da

gaavrcelos informacia, gamoTqvas da gaavrcelos Tavisi

azri zepirad, werilobiT an sxvagvari saSualebiT.

2. masobrivi informaciis saSualebebi Tavisufalia.

cenzura dauSvebelia.

3. saxelmwifos an calkeul pirebs ara aqvT masobrivi

informaciis an misi gavrcelebis saSualebaTa monopoli-

zaciis ufleba.

4. am muxlis pirvel da meore punqtebSi CamoTvlil

uflebaTa ganxorcieleba SesaZlebelia kanoniT SeizRudos

iseTi pirobebiT, romlebic aucilebelia demokratiul

sazogadoebaSi saxelmwifo uSiSroebis, teritorialuri

mTlianobis an sazogadoebrivi usafrTxoebis uzrunvel-

sayofad, danaSaulis Tavidan asacileblad, sxvaTa ufle-

bebisa da Rirsebis dasacavad, konfidencialurad aRi-

arebuli informaciis gamJRavnebis Tavidan asacileblad

an sasamarTlos damoukideblobisa da miukerZoeblobis


muxli 25

1. yvelas, garda im pirebisa, romlebic arian samxedro

Zalebisa da Sinagan saqmeTa saministros SemadgenlobaSi,

ufleba aqvs winaswari nebarTvis gareSe Seikribos sajar-

od da uiaraRod, rogorc WerqveS, ise gareT. (23.12.2005.


2. kanoniT SeiZleba dawesdes xelisuflebis winaswari

gafrTxilebis aucilebloba, Tu Sekreba an manifestacia

xalxisa da transportis samoZrao adgilas imarTeba.

3. xelisuflebas SeuZlia Sekrebis an manifestaciis

Sewyveta mxolod im SemTxvevaSi, Tu man kanonsawinaaRm-

dego xasiaTi miiRo.

Article 241. Everyone has the right to freely receive and impart

information, to express and impart his/her opinion orally, in writing or by in any other means.

2. Mass media shall be free. The censorship shall be impermissible.

3. Neither the state nor particular individuals shall have the right to monopolize mass media or means of dissemination of information.

4. The exercise of the rights enumerated in the fi rst and second paragraphs of the present Article may be restricted by law on such conditions which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of ensuring state security, territorial integrity or public safety, for preventing of crime, for the protection of the rights and dignity of others, for prevention of the disclosure of information acknowledged as confi dential or for ensuring the independence and impartiality of justice.

Article 251. Everyone, except members of the armed forces and

Ministry of Internal Affairs, has the right to public assembly without arms either indoors or outdoors without prior permission. (23.12.2005. N2494).

2. The necessity of prior notifi cation of the authorities may be established by law in the case where a public assembly or manifestation is held on a public thoroughfare.

3. Only the authorities shall have the right to brake up a public assembly or manifestation in case it assumes an illegal character.

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3434 3535

muxli 26

1. yvelas aqvs sazogadoebrivi gaerTianebebis, maT So-

ris profesiuli kavSirebis Seqmnisa da maTSi gaerTiane-

bis ufleba.

2. saqarTvelos moqalaqeebs ufleba aqvT organuli

kanonis Sesabamisad Seqmnan politikuri partia, sxva gaer-

Tianeba da monawileoba miiRon mis saqmianobaSi.

3. dauSvebelia iseTi sazogadoebrivi da politikuri

gaerTianebis Seqmna da saqmianoba, romlis mizania saqarT-

velos konstituciuri wyobilebis damxoba an ZaladobiT

Secvla, qveynis damoukideblobis xelyofa, teritoriuli

mTlianobis darRveva, an romelic eweva omis an Zalado-

bis propagandas, aRvivebs erovnul, kuTxur, religiur an

socialur SuRls.

4. dauSvebelia sazogadoebriv da politikur gaer-

TianebaTa mier SeiaraRebuli formirebebis Seqmna.

5. piri, romelic Cairicxeba samxedro Zalebis an Si-

nagan saqmeTa organoebis pirad SemadgenlobaSi, gamwesdeba

mosamarTled an prokurorad, wyvets politikuri gaer-

Tianebis wevrobas. (23.12.2005. #2494).

6. sazogadoebriv da politikur gaerTianebaTa saqmi-

anobis SeCereba an maTi akrZalva SeiZleba mxolod sasa-

marTlos gadawyvetilebiT, organuli kanoniT gansaz-

Rvrul SemTxvevebSi da dadgenili wesiT.

muxli 27

saxelmwifo uflebamosilia daawesos ucxo qveynis

moqalaqeTa da moqalaqeobis armqone pirTa politikuri

saqmianobis SezRudva.

Article 261. Everyone shall have the right to form and to join public

associations, including trade unions.2. Citizens of Georgia shall have the right to form a political

party or other political association and participate in its activity in accordance with the Organic Law.

3. The formation and activity of such public and political associations aiming at overthrowing or forcibly changing the constitutional structure of Georgia, infringing upon the independence and territorial integrity of the country or propagandizing war or violence, provoking national, local, religious or social animosity, shall be impermissible.

4. The creation of armed formations by public and political associations shall be impermissible.

5. A person who is enrolled in the personnel of the armed forces or the forces of the bodies of internal affairs or a person having been designated as a judge or a prosecutor shall cease his/her membership of any political association. (23.12.2005. N2494).

6. Suspension or prohibition of the activity of public or political associations shall be possible only under a court decision, in the cases determined by the Organic Law and in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law.

Article 27The state shall be entitled to impose restriction on the political

activity of citizens of a foreign country and stateless persons.

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3636 3737

muxli 28

1. saqarTvelos yovel moqalaqes 18 wlis asakidan

aqvs referendumSi, saxelmwifo da TviTmmarTvelobis or-

ganoebis arCevnebSi monawileobis ufleba. uzrunvelyo-

filia amomrCevelTa nebis Tavisufali gamovlineba.

2. arCevnebsa da referendumSi monawileobis ufleba

ara aqvs moqalaqes, romelic sasamarTlom qmeduunarod

cno an sasamarTlos ganaCeniT imyofeba sasjelis aR-

srulebis dawesebulebaSi.

muxli 29

1. saqarTvelos yovel moqalaqes ufleba aqvs daikavos

nebismieri saxelmwifo Tanamdeboba, Tu igi akmayofilebs

kanonmdeblobiT dadgenil moTxovnebs.

11. saqarTvelos prezidentis, premier-ministris, par-

lamentis Tavmjdomaris Tanamdeboba ar SeiZleba ekavos

saqarTvelos im moqalaqes, romelic imavdroulad ucxo

qveynis moqalaqea. (15.10.2010.N#3710).

2. saxelmwifo samsaxuris pirobebi ganisazRvreba


Article 281. Every citizen of Georgia who has attained the age of 18

shall have the right to participate in referendum or elections of state and self-government bodies. Free expression of the will of electors shall be guaranteed.

2. A citizen, who is recognised as legally incapable by a court or who is detained in a penitentiary institution following a conviction by a court, shall have no right to participate in elections and referendum.

Article 291. Every citizen of Georgia shall have the right to hold any

state position if he/she meets the requirements established by legislation.

11. The offi ce of the President of Georgia, the Prime-Minis-ter, the Chairman of the Parliament should not be taken by the Citizen of Georgia, who is the citizen of foreign country at the same time. (15.10.2010. N3710).

2. The conditions of public offi ce shall be determined by law.

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3838 3939

muxli 30

1. Sroma Tavisufalia.

2. saxelmwifo valdebulia xeli Seuwyos Tavisufali

mewarmeobisa da konkurenciis ganviTarebas. akrZalulia

monopoliuri saqmianoba, garda kanoniT daSvebuli SemTx-

vevebisa. momxmarebelTa uflebebi daculia kanoniT.

3. SromiTi urTierTobis momwesrigebel saerTaSoriso

SeTanxmebaTa safuZvelze saxelmwifo icavs saqarTvelos

moqalaqeTa SromiT uflebebs sazRvargareT.

4. SromiTi uflebebis dacva, Sromis samarTliani

anazRaureba da usafrTxo, jansaRi pirobebi, arasrul-

wlovnisa da qalis Sromis pirobebi ganisazRvreba or-

ganuli kanoniT. (15.10.2010.N#3710).

muxli 31

saxelmwifo zrunavs qveynis mTeli teritoriis Tana-

bari socialur-ekonomikuri ganviTarebisaTvis. maRalm-

Tiani regionebis socialur-ekonomikuri progresis uz-

runvelsayofad kanoni adgens SeRavaTebs.

muxli 32

saxelmwifo xels uwyobs umuSevrad darCenil saqarT-

velos moqalaqes dasaqmebaSi. saarsebo minimumiT uzrun-

velyofis pirobebi da umuSevris statusi ganisazRvreba


muxli 33

gaficvis ufleba aRiarebulia. am uflebis ganx-

orcielebis wesi ganisazRvreba kanoniT. kanoni adgens

agreTve sasicocxlod mniSvnelovani samsaxurebis saqmi-

anobis garantiebs.

Article 301. Labor shall be free.2. The state shall be bound to promote the development

of free entrepreneurial activity and competition. Monopolistic activity shall be prohibited except for the cases permitted by law. The rights of consumers shall be protected by law.

3. On the basis of international agreements governing labor relations, the state shall protect the labor rights of the citizens of Georgia abroad.

4. The protection of labor rights, fair remuneration of labor and safe, healthy working conditions and the working conditions of minors and women shall be determined by organic law. (15.10.2010. N3710).

Article 31The state shall take care for the equal socio-economic

development of the whole territory of the country. With the view of ensuring the socio-economic progress of the high mountain regions special privileges shall be determined by law.

Article 32The state shall promote the unemployed citizen of Georgia

to be employed. The conditions of the provision of a minimum standard of living and the status of the unemployed shall be determined by law.

Article 33The right to strike shall be recognized. Procedure of

exercising this right shall be determined by law. The law shall also establish the guarantees for the functioning of services of vital importance.

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4040 4141

muxli 34

1. saxelmwifo xels uwyobs kulturis ganviTare-

bas, kulturul cxovrebaSi moqalaqeTa SeuzRudav

monawileobas, kulturuli TviTmyofobis gamovlinebasa

da gamdidrebas, erovnul da zogadsakacobrio Rirebule-

baTa aRiarebas da saerTaSoriso kulturul urTierTo-

baTa gaRrmavebas.

2. saqarTvelos yoveli moqalaqe valdebulia zru-

navdes kulturuli memkvidreobis dacva-SenarCunebaze.

kulturul memkvidreobas saxelmwifo icavs kanoniT.

muxli 341

saxelmwifo saganmanaTleblo dawesebulebebTan, spor-

tul gaerTianebebTan TanamSromlobiT xels uwyobs mo-

zardTa da axalgazrdobis fizikur aRzrdas, sportSi

maT CarTvas. (15.10.2010. #3710).

muxli 35

1. yvelas aqvs ganaTlebis miRebisa da misi formis

arCevis ufleba.

2. saxelmwifo uzrunvelyofs qveynis saganmanaTle-

blo sistemis harmonizacias saerTaSoriso saganmanaTle-

blo sivrceSi (27.12.2006. #4135).

3. skolamdel aRzrdas saxelmwifo uzrunvelyofs

kanoniT dadgenili wesiT. dawyebiTi da sabazo ganaTleba

savaldebuloa. zogad ganaTlebas kanoniT dadgenili wes-

iT srulad afinansebs saxelmwifo. moqalaqeebs ufleba

aqvT kanoniT dadgenili wesiT, saxelmwifos dafinansebiT

miiRon profesiuli da umaRlesi ganaTleba (27.12.2006.


4. saxelmwifo mxars uWers saganmanaTleblo dawese-

bulebebs kanoniT dadgenili wesiT.

Article 341. The state shall promote the development of culture, the

unrestricted participation of citizens in cultural life, expression and enrichment of cultural originality, recognition of national and common values and deepening of international cultural relations.

2. Every citizen of Georgia shall be obliged to care for the protection and preservation of the cultural heritage. The state shall protect the cultural heritage by law.

Article 341

The State shall facilitate the physical development of adults and youths by joint cooperation with educational institutions, sport unions by their involvement in sport activity. (15.10.2010. N3710).

Article 351. Everyone shall have the right to receive education and the

right to free choice of a form of education.2. The state shall ensure harmonization of the national

educational system within the international educational space. (27.12.2006. N4135).

3. Pre-school education shall be guaranteed by the State. Elementary and basic education shall be compulsory. The state shall fully fi nance basic education as prescribed by law. Citizens shall have the right to receive State-fi nanced vocational and higher education as prescribed by law. (27.12.2006. N4135).

4. The state shall support educational institutions in accordance with the procedure established by law.

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4242 4343

muxli 36

1. qorwineba emyareba meuRleTa uflebriv Tanas-

worobasa da nebayoflobas.

2. saxelmwifo xels uwyobs ojaxis keTildReobas.

3. dedaTa da bavSvTa uflebebi daculia kanoniT.

muxli 37

1. yvelas aqvs ufleba isargeblos janmrTelobis daz-

RveviT, rogorc xelmisawvdomi samedicino daxmarebis

saSualebiT. kanoniT dadgenili wesiT gansazRvrul pi-

robebSi uzrunvelyofilia ufaso samedicino daxmareba.

2. saxelmwifo akontrolebs janmrTelobis dacvis

yvela dawesebulebas, samkurnalo saSualebaTa warmoebas

da am saSualebebiT vaWrobas.

3. yvelas aqvs ufleba cxovrobdes janmrTelobisaTvis

uvnebel garemoSi, sargeblobdes bunebrivi da kulturu-

li garemoTi. yvela valdebulia gaufrTxildes bunebriv

da kulturul garemos.

4. saxelmwifo axlandeli da momavali Taobebis in-

teresebis gaTvaliswinebiT uzrunvelyofs garemos dac-

vas da bunebrivi resursebiT racionalur sargeblobas,

qveynis mdgrad ganviTarebas sazogadoebis ekonomikuri da

ekologiuri interesebis Sesabamisad adamianis janmrTe-

lobisaTvis usafrTxo garemos uzrunvelsayofad.

5. yvelas aqvs ufleba, droulad miiRos sruli da

obieqturi informacia garemos mdgomareobis Sesaxeb.

(15.10.2010. #3710).

Article 361. Marriage shall be based upon equality of rights and free

will of spouses.2. The state shall promote the prosperity of the family.3. The rights of the mother and the child shall be protected

by law.

Article 371. Everyone shall have the right to enjoy health insurance

as a means of accessible medical aid. In the cases determined in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law, free medical aid shall be provided.

2. The state shall control all institutions of health protection and the production and trade of medicines.

3. Everyone shall have the right to live in healthy environment and enjoy natural and cultural surroundings. Everyone shall be obliged to care for natural and cultural environment.

4. The state shall support environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources in accordance to the economic and ecological interests with consideration of interests of current and future generations, and support the permanent state develop-ment for supporting the safe environment for the health.

5. Everyone has right to receive a complete and objective information timely about the condition of environment. (15.10.2010. N3710).

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4444 4545

muxli 38

1. saqarTvelos moqalaqeni Tanaswori arian social-

ur, ekonomikur, kulturul da politikur cxovrebaSi

ganurCevlad maTi erovnuli, eTnikuri, religiuri Tu

enobrivi kuTvnilebisa. saerTaSoriso samarTlis sayov-

elTaod aRiarebuli principebisa da normebis Sesabamisad

maT ufleba aqvT Tavisuflad, yovelgvari diskriminaciisa

da Carevis gareSe ganaviTaron TavianTi kultura, isarge-

blon dedaeniT pirad cxovrebaSi da sajarod.

2. saerTaSoriso samarTlis sayovelTaod aRiarebuli

principebisa da normebis Sesabamisad, umciresobaTa ufle-

bebis ganxorcieleba ar unda ewinaaRmdegebodes saqarT-

velos suverenitets, saxelmwifo wyobilebas, terito-

riul mTlianobasa da politikur damoukideblobas.

muxli 39

saqarTvelos konstitucia ar uaryofs adamianisa da

moqalaqis sxva sayovelTaod aRiarebul uflebebs, Tav-

isuflebebsa da garantiebs, romlebic aq ar aris moxse-

niebuli, magram TavisTavad gamomdinareoben konstituciis


Article 381. Citizens of Georgia shall be equal in social, economic,

cultural and political life irrespective of their national, ethnic, religious or linguistic belonging. In accordance with universally recognized principles and rules of international law, they shall have the right to develop freely, without any discrimination and interference, their culture, to use their mother tongue in private and in public.

2. In accordance with universally recognized principles and rules of international law, the exercise of minority rights shall not oppose the sovereignty, state structure, territorial integrity and political independence of Georgia.

Article 39The Constitution of Georgia shall not deny other universally

recognized rights, freedoms and guarantees of an individual and a citizen, which are not referred to herein but stem inherently from the principles of the Constitution.

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4646 4747

muxli 40

1. adamiani udanaSaulod iTvleba, vidre misi dam-

naSaveoba ar damtkicdeba kanoniT dadgenili wesiT da

kanonier ZalaSi Sesuli sasamarTlos gamamtyunebeli gan-


2. aravin ar aris valdebuli amtkicos Tavisi udana-

Sauloba. braldebis mtkicebis movaleoba ekisreba bralm-


3. dadgenileba braldebulis saxiT piris pasuxisge-

baSi micemis Sesaxeb, sabraldebo daskvna da gamamtyune-

beli ganaCeni unda emyarebodes mxolod utyuar mtkice-

bulebebs. yovelgvari eWvi, romelic ver dadasturdeba

kanoniT dadgenili wesiT, unda gadawydes braldebulis


muxli 41

1. saqarTvelos yovel moqalaqes ufleba aqvs kanoniT

dadgenili wesiT gaecnos saxelmwifo dawesebulebebSi

masze arsebul informacias, agreTve iq arsebul ofi-

cialur dokumentebs, Tu isini ar Seicaven saxelmwifo,

profesiul an komerciul saidumloebas.

2. oficialur CanawerebSi arsebuli informacia,

romelic dakavSirebulia adamianis janmrTelobasTan,

mis finansebTan an sxva kerZo sakiTxebTan, aravisTvis ar

unda iyos xelmisawvdomi TviT am adamianis Tanxmobis ga-

reSe, garda kanoniT dadgenili SemTxvevebisa, rodesac es

aucilebelia saxelmwifo uSiSroebis an sazogadoebrivi

usafrTxoebis uzrunvelsayofad, janmrTelobis, sxvaTa

uflebebisa da Tavisuflebebis dasacavad.

Article 401. An individual shall be presumed innocent until the

commission of an offence by him/her is proved in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law and under a fi nal judgment of conviction.

2. No one shall be obliged to prove his innocence. A burden of proof shall rest with the prosecutor.

3. A resolution on preceding a person as an accused, a bill of indictment and a judgment of conviction shall be based only on the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. An accused shall be given the benefi t of doubt in any event.

Article 411. Every citizen of Georgia shall have the right to become

acquainted, in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law, with the information about him/her stored in state institutions as well as offi cial documents existing there unless they contain state, professional or commercial secret.

2. The information existing on offi cial papers pertaining to individual’s health, his/her fi nances or other private matters, shall not be accessible to any one without the consent of the individual in question except in the cases determined by law, when it is necessary for ensuring the state security or public safety, for the protection of health, rights and freedoms of others.

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4848 4949

muxli 42

1. yovel adamians ufleba aqvs Tavis uflebaTa da

TavisuflebaTa dasacavad mimarTos sasamarTlos.

2. yoveli piri unda gansajos mxolod im sasamarT-

lom, romlis iurisdiqciasac eqvemdebareba misi saqme.

3. dacvis ufleba garantirebulia.

4. aravis ar SeiZleba ganmeorebiT daedos msjavri

erTi da imave danaSaulisaTvis.

5. aravin ar agebs pasuxs im qmedobisaTvis, romelic

misi Cadenis dros samarTaldarRvevad ar iTvleboda. kan-

ons, Tu is ar amsubuqebs an ar auqmebs pasuxismgeblobas,

ukuZala ara aqvs.

6. braldebuls ufleba aqvs moiTxovos Tavisi mowmee-

bis iseTsave pirobebSi gamoZaxeba da dakiTxva, rogoric

aqvT braldebis mowmeebs.

7. kanonis darRveviT mopovebul mtkicebulebas iu-

ridiuli Zala ara aqvs.

8. aravin ar aris valdebuli misces Tavisi an im

axlobelTa sawinaaRmdego Cveneba, romelTa wrec ganisaz-

Rvreba kanoniT.

9. yvelasTvis garantirebulia saxelmwifo, avtono-

miuri respublikebis da TviTmmarTvelobis organoTa da

mosamsaxureTagan ukanonod miyenebuli zaralis sasamarT-

lo wesiT sruli anazRaureba Sesabamisad saxelmwifo, av-

tonomiuri respublikis da adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelo-

bis saxsrebidan. (15.10.2010.N#3710).

Article 421. Everyone has the right to apply to a court for the protection

of his/her rights and freedoms.2. Everyone shall be tried only by a court under jurisdiction

of which his/her case is.3. The right to defense shall be guaranteed.4. No one shall be convicted twice for the same crime.5. No one shall be held responsible on account of an

action, which did not constitute a criminal offence at the time it was committed. The law that neither mitigate nor abrogate responsibility shall have no retroactive force.

6. The accused shall have the right to request summonsing and interrogation of his/her witnesses under the same conditions as witnesses of the prosecution.

7. Evidence obtained in contravention of law shall have no legal force.

8. No one shall be obliged to testify against himself/herself or those relatives whose circle shall be determined by law.

9. Any person who has illegally sustained damage from the State, Autonomous Republics or self-government bodies and of-fi cials shall be guaranteed to receive full compensation accord-ingly from funds of the State, Autonomous Republics or self-government bodies through the court proceedings. (15.10.2010. N3710).

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5050 5151

muxli 43

1. saqarTvelos teritoriaze adamianis uflebaTa da

TavisuflebaTa dacvas zedamxedvelobas uwevs saqarT-

velos saxalxo damcveli, romelsac 5 wlis vadiT sru-

li Semadgenlobis umravlesobiT irCevs saqarTvelos par-


2. saxalxo damcveli uflebamosilia gamoavlinos

adamianis uflebaTa da TavisuflebaTa darRvevis faqtebi,

Seatyobinos amis Sesaxeb Sesabamis organoebsa da pirebs.

saxalxo damcvelis saqmianobisaTvis dabrkolebaTa Seqmna

isjeba kanoniT.

3. saxalxo damcvelis uflebamosileba ganisazRvreba

organuli kanoniT.

muxli 44

1. saqarTveloSi mcxovrebi yoveli piri valdebulia

asrulebdes saqarTvelos konstituciisa da kanonmdeblo-

bis moTxovnebs.

2. adamianis uflebaTa da TavisuflebaTa ganxor-

cielebam ar unda daarRvios sxvaTa uflebebi da Tav-


muxli 45

konstituciaSi miTiTebuli ZiriTadi uflebani da

Tavisuflebani, maTi Sinaarsis gaTvaliswinebiT, vrcel-

deba agreTve iuridiul pirebze.

Article 431. The protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms

within the territory of Georgia shall be supervised by the Public Defender of Georgia who shall be elected for a term of fi ve years by the majority of the total number of the members of the Parliament of Georgia.

2. The Public Defender shall be authorized to reveal facts of the violation of human rights and freedoms and to report on them to corresponding bodies and offi cials. The creation of impediments to the activity of the Public Defender shall be punishable by law.

3. The authority of the Public Defender shall be determined by the Organic Law.

Article 441. Everyone residing in Georgia shall be obliged to observe

the requirements of the Constitution and legislation of Georgia.2. The exercise of the rights and freedoms of an individual

shall not infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others.

Article 45The basic rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution

with due regard to their contents shall apply to legal entities as well.

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5252 5353

muxli 46

1. sagangebo an saomari mdgomareobis dros saqarT-

velos prezidents ufleba aqvs qveyanaSi an mis romelime

nawilSi SezRudos konstituciis me-18, me-20, 21-e, 22-

e, 24-e, 25-e, 30-e, 33-e da 41-e muxlebSi CamoTvlili

uflebani da Tavisuflebani. saqarTvelos prezidenti

valdebulia ara ugvianes 48 saaTisa es gadawyvetileba

Seitanos parlamentSi dasamtkiceblad.

2. Tu qveynis mTel teritoriaze SemoRebulia sa-

gangebo an saomari mdgomareoba, saqarTvelos preziden-

tis, saqarTvelos parlamentis, sxva warmomadgenlobiT

organoTa arCevnebi tardeba am mdgomareobis gauqmebis

Semdeg. qveynis romelime nawilSi sagangebo mdgomareobis

SemoRebis SemTxvevaSi qveynis danarCen teritoriaze ar-

Cevnebis Catarebis Sesaxeb gadawyvetilebas iRebs saqarT-

velos parlamenti. (06.02.2004. #3272).

muxli 47

1. saqarTveloSi mcxovreb ucxoel moqalaqeebs da

moqalaqeobis armqone pirebs saqarTvelos moqalaqis Tana-

bari uflebani da movaleobani aqvT, garda konstituciiTa

da kanoniT gaTvaliswinebuli gamonaklisebisa.

2. sayovelTaod aRiarebuli saerTaSoriso samarTlis

normebis Sesabamisad, kanoniT dadgenili wesiT, saqarT-

velo TavSesafars aZlevs ucxoel moqalaqeebsa da mo-

qalaqeobis armqone pirebs.

3. dauSvebelia sxva saxelmwifos gadaeces Semoxiznu-

li piri, romelsac devnian politikuri mrwamsisaTvis, an

im qmedobisaTvis, romelic saqarTvelos kanonmdeblobiT

danaSaulad ar iTvleba.

Article 461. In case of a state emergency or martial law, the President

of Georgia shall be authorized to restrict the rights and freedoms enumerated in Articles 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 30, 33 and 41 of the Constitution either throughout the whole country or a certain part thereof. The President shall be obliged to submit the decision to the Parliament for approval within 48 hours.

2. In case of introduction of a state of emergency or martial law throughout the whole territory of the state, elections of the President of Georgia, the Parliament of Georgia or other representative bodies of Georgia shall be held upon the cancellation of the state. In case of introduction of a state of emergency in a certain part of the state the Parliament of Georgia shall adopt a decision on holding the elections throughout the other territories of the state. (06.02.2004. N3272).

Article 471. Foreign citizens and stateless persons residing in Georgia

shall have the rights and obligations equal to the rights and obligations of citizens of Georgia with exceptions envisaged by the Constitution and law.

2. In accordance with universally recognized rules of international law, the procedure established by law, Georgia shall grant asylum to foreign citizens and stateless persons.

3. It shall be inadmissible to extradite/transfer an individual seeking a shelter, being persecuted for political creed or prosecuted for an action not regarded as a crime under the legislation of Georgia.

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5454 5555

Tavi mesame

saqarTvelos parlamenti

muxli 48

saqarTvelos parlamenti aris qveynis umaRlesi war-

momadgenlobiTi organo, romelic axorcielebs sakanonm-

deblo xelisuflebas, gansazRvravs qveynis saSinao da sa-

gareo politikis ZiriTad mimarTulebebs, konstituciiT

gansazRvrul farglebSi kontrols uwevs mTavrobis

saqmianobas da axorcielebs sxva uflebamosilebebs.

muxli 481

1. saqarTvelos parlamentis adgilsamyofelia q.

Tbilisi da q. quTaisi. parlamentis plenaruli sxdomebi

imarTeba mxolod q. quTaisSi

2. saqarTvelos parlamentis adgilsamyofelis droe-

biT Secvla sxdomis an sesiis mowvevis mizniT dasaSve-

bia mxolod sagangebo da saomari mdgomareobis dros.

(24.09.2009. #1674).



Article 48The Parliament of Georgia shall be the supreme representative

body of the country, which shall exercise legislative power, determine the principle directions of domestic and foreign policy, exercise control over the activity of the Government within the framework determined by the Constitution and discharge other powers.

Article 481 1. Place of the Parliament of Georgia is Tbilisi and Kutaisi.

Plenary sessions of the Parliament take place only in Kutaisi.2. Temporary replacement of the Parliament in terms of

sitting or session invitation is only permissible during emergency and wartime. (24.09.2009. N1674).

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5656 5757

muxli 49

1. saqarTvelos konstituciis me-4 muxliT gaTval-

iswinebuli pirobebis Seqmnamde parlamenti Sedgeba say-

ovelTao, Tanaswori da pirdapiri saarCevno uflebis

safuZvelze faruli kenWisyriT, 4 wlis vadiT, propor-

ciuli sistemiT arCeuli 75 da maJoritaruli sistemiT

arCeuli 75 parlamentis wevrisagan. (12.03.2008. #5853).

2. parlamentis wevrad SeiZleba airCes saarCevno

uflebis mqone saqarTvelos moqalaqe 25 wlis asakidan.

3. parlamentis Sinagani struqtura da muSaobis wesi

ganisazRvreba parlamentis reglamentiT.

4. saxelmwifo biujetSi parlamentisaTvis gankuTv-

nili mimdinare xarjebis Semcireba wina wlis sabiujeto

saxsrebis odenobasTan SedarebiT SeiZleba mxolod par-

lamentis winaswari TanxmobiT. parlamenti Tavad iRebs

gadawyvetilebas saxelmwifo biujetSi parlamentisaTvis

gamoyofili sabiujeto saxsrebis ganawilebis Taobaze.

(06.02.2004. #3272).

Article 491. Due to the conditions determined by the article 4 of the

Constitution of Georgia the Parliament of Georgia shall consist of 75 proportional system and 75 majority system members of Parliament elected for a term of four years on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. (12.03.2008. N5853).

2. A citizen, who has attained the age of 25, having the right to vote, may be elected a member of the Parliament.

3. The internal structure of the Parliament and procedure of its activity shall be determined by the Regulations of the Parliament.

4. The current expenditure for the Parliament of Georgia in the State Budget comparatively to the amount of budgetary means of the previous year may be reduced only by the prior consent of the Parliament. The Parliament shall adopt a decision itself on the distribution of the budgetary means of the Parliament in the State Budget. (06.02.2004. N3272).

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5858 5959

muxli 50

1. arCevnebSi monawileobis ufleba aqvs kanoniT

dadgenili wesiT registrirebul moqalaqeTa politi-

kur gaerTianebas, romlis mxardaWerac dadasturebulia

amomrCevelTa xelmowerebiT organuli kanoniT dadge-

nili wesiT, an romelsac hyavs warmomadgeneli parla-

mentSi arCevnebis daniSvnis droisaTvis. organuli kano-

niT gansazRvruli amomrCevlebis xelmowerebis raode-

noba ar SeiZleba iyos amomrCevelTa raodenobis 1%-ze

meti. maJoritaruli sistemiT arCevnebSi monawileobis

wesi da pirobebi ganisazRvreba saarCevno kanonmdeblobiT

(12.03.2008. #5853).

2. proporciuli sistemiT Catarebuli arCevnebis Sed-

egad parlamentis wevrTa mandatebi ganawildeba mxolod

im politikur gaerTianebebsa da saarCevno blokebs Soris,

romlebic miiReben arCevnebSi monawile amomrCevelTa xmebis

5%-s mainc. maJoritaruli sistemiT Catarebul arCevnebSi

parlamentis wevrTa mandatebis ganawilebis wesi ganisaz-

Rvreba saarCevno kanonmdeblobiT. (12.03.2008. #5853).

21. parlamentis morigi arCevnebi tardeba parlamentis

uflebamosilebis vadis amowurvis kalendaruli wlis

oqtomberSi. arCevnebis TariRs niSnavs saqarTvelos pr-

ezidenti arCevnebamde ara ugvianes 60 dRisa. (27.12.2006.


3. Tu arCevnebis vada emTxveva sagangebo an saomar

mdgomareobas, arCevnebi tardeba am mdgomareobis gauqme-

bidan mesamoce dRes. arCevnebis TariRs niSnavs saqarT-

velos prezidenti sagangebo an saomari mdgomareobis gau-

qmebisTanave. parlamentis vadamde daTxovnis SemTxvevaSi

parlamentis riggareSe arCevnebi tardeba parlamentis

vadamde daTxovnis Sesaxeb brZanebulebis amoqmedebidan

mesamoce dRes, xolo riggareSe arCevnebis TariRs pr-

ezidenti niSnavs parlamentis vadamde daTxovnis Sesaxeb

brZanebulebis amoqmedebisTanave. (27.12.2006. #4133).

Article 501. A political association of citizens registered in accordance

with a procedure determined by law, the initiative of which is confi rmed by the signatures of electors determined by the organic law, or which has a representative in the Parliament at the time elections are scheduled, shall have the right to stand for the elections. Number of the signatures of electors determined by the organic law, shall not be less the 1% of number of electoral. Rules of majority system participation in the election is determined by the electoral legislation. (12.03.2008. N5853).

2. The mandates of the members of the Parliament shall be distributed only among those political associations and electoral blocks, which obtained at least fi ve percent of the votes of the electors, participated in the elections held under the proportional system. Mandate distribution among members of the parliament of majority system is determined by electoral legislation. (12.03.2008. N5853).

21. Regular parliamentary elections shall be held in October of the year when the Parliament’s term of offi ce expires. The President of Georgia shall fi x the date of elections within not later than 60 days before the elections. (27.12.2006. N4133 ).

3. If the date of holding the elections coincides with a state of emergency or martial law, the elections shall be held not later than 60 days after the state has been lifted. The President of Georgia shall fi x the date of elections upon lifting of the state of emergency or martial law. In case of dissolution of the Parliament, extraordinary elections shall be held on the 60th day after enforcement of the order on the dissolution of the Parliament, the date of which shall be fi xed by the President of Georgia upon enforcement of the order on the dissolution of the Parliament. (27.12.2006. N4133).

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6060 6161

31. parlamenti saqmianobas wyvets parlamentis daTx-

ovnis Sesaxeb prezidentis brZanebulebis amoqmedebidan.

parlamentis daTxovnis Sesaxeb prezidentis brZanebulebis

amoqmedebidan axladarCeuli parlamentis pirvel sxdo-

mamde daTxovnili parlamenti ikribeba mxolod preziden-

tis mier sagangebo an saomari mdgomareobis gamocxadebis

SemTxvevaSi sagangebo an saomari mdgomareobis damtkice-

bis, anda sagangebo an saomari mdgomareobis gagrZelebis

sakiTxis gadasawyvetad. Tu parlamenti ar Seikriba 5 dRis

ganmavlobaSi an ar daamtkica (gaagrZela) sagangebo mdgo-

mareobis gamocxadebis (gagrZelebis) Sesaxeb prezidentis

brZanebuleba, maSin gamocxadebuli sagangebo mdgomareoba

uqmdeba. saomari mdgomareoba unda gauqmdes, Tu parla-

menti Sekrebidan 48 saaTSi ar daamtkicebs saomari mdgo-

mareobis gamocxadebis (gagrZelebis) Sesaxeb prezidentis

brZanebulebas. parlamentis Sekreba ar iwvevs parlamen-

tis wevrebis saparlamento Tanamdebobebis da xelfasebis

aRdgenas. parlamenti wyvets saqmianobas zemoaRniSnul

sakiTxebze gadawyvetilebis miRebisTanave. (06.02.2004.


4. parlamentis uflebamosileba wydeba axalarCeuli

parlamentis pirveli SekrebisTanave.

5. parlamentis wevris arCevis wesi, agreTve arCevneb-

Si kandidatad monawileobis dauSvebloba ganisazRvreba

konstituciiTa da organuli kanoniT.

31. The Parliament shall terminate the activity upon the enforcement of the order of the President on the dissolution of the Parliament. From the enforcement of the order of the President on the dissolution of the Parliament to the fi rst convocation of the newly elected Parliament the dissolved Parliament shall assemble only in case of declaration of a state of emergency or martial law by the President to decide on the issues of prolongation or/and approval a state of emergency or martial law. In case the Parliament is not assembled within 5 days or does not approve (prolong) the order of the President on the declaration (prolongation) of a state of emergency, the announced state of emergency shall be cancelled. In case the Parliament does not approve the order of the President on the declaration (prolongation) of a state of martial law within 48 hours, the state of martial law shall be cancelled. Convocation of the Parliament shall not result in restoration of the offi ces and salaries of the members of the Parliament. The Parliament shall terminate an activity upon the adoption of a decision on the above mentioned issues. (06.02.2004. N3272).

4. The authority of the Parliament shall be terminated upon the fi rst convocation of the newly elected Parliament.

5. The election procedure of a member of the Parliament as well as inadmissibility to stand for the elections shall be determined by the Constitution and the Organic Law.

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6262 6363

muxli 51

saqarTvelos axalarCeuli parlamentis pirveli sx-

doma unda gaimarTos arCevnebidan 20 dRis ganmavlobaSi.

pirveli sxdomis dRes niSnavs saqarTvelos prezidenti.

parlamenti muSaobas Seudgeba, Tu dadasturebulia depu-

tatTa aranakleb ori mesamedis uflebamosileba.

muxli 511

parlamenti SeiZleba daTxovnil iqnes saqarTvelos

prezidentis mier mxolod konstituciiT gansazRvrul

SemTxvevebSi, garda:

a) parlamentis arCevnebis Catarebidan eqvsi Tvis gan-


a) (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi saprezi-

dento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier fi-

cis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710) saqarTvelos

prezidentis uflebamosilebis vadis bolo eqvsi Tvis

ganmavlobaSi, Tu daTxovna ar xdeba konstituciis me-80

muxlis safuZvelze.

b) parlamentis mier konstituciis 63-e muxliT gan-

sazRvruli uflebamosilebis ganxorcielebisas;

g) sagangebo an saomari mdgomareobis dros;

d) saqarTvelos prezidentis uflebamosilebis vadis

bolo 6 Tvis ganmavlobaSi. (6.02.2004.N#3272).

d) (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi sapr-

ezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier

ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710) saqarT-

velos prezidentis uflebamosilebis bolo eqvsi Tvis

ganmavlobaSi, Tu daTxovna ar xdeba konstituciis me-80

muxlis safuZvelze.

Article 51The fi rst sitting of the newly elected Parliament of Georgia

shall be held within 20 days after the elections. The day of the fi rst sitting shall be scheduled by the President of Georgia. The Parliament shall begin its work if the authority of not less than two thirds of the members of the Parliament is confi rmed.

Article 511

The Parliament shall be dissolved by the President only in cases determined by the Constitution, save for:

a. within six months from the holding of the elections of the Parliament;

a. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710). Within 6 months after the parliamentary elections, if the Parliament is not dissolved on the grounds pro-vided by Article 80.

b. discharging of an authority determined by Article 63 of the Constitution by the Parliament;

c. in time of a state of emergency or martial law;d. within the last 6 months of the term of offi ce of the President

of Georgia. (06.02.2004. N3272).d. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of

October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010 N3710). During the last 6 months of the authority of the President of Georgia, if the dissolution does not take place on the grounds provided by Article 80.

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6464 6565

muxli 52

1. saqarTvelos parlamentis wevri aris sruliad

saqarTvelos warmomadgeneli, sargeblobs Tavisufali

mandatiT da misi gawveva dauSvebelia.

2. parlamentis wevris dakaveba an dapatimreba, misi

binis, manqanis, samuSao adgilis an piradi gaCxreka Sei-

Zleba mxolod parlamentis TanxmobiT. gamonaklisia da-

naSaulze waswrebis SemTxveva, rac dauyovnebliv unda

ecnobos parlaments. Tu parlamenti ar miscems Tanxmobas,

parlamentis dakavebuli an dapatimrebuli wevri dauy-

ovnebliv unda ganTavisufldes. (23.04.2004. #6).

3. parlamentis wevrs ufleba aqvs Cveneba ar misces im

faqtis gamo, romelic mas gaandes, rogorc parlamentis

wevrs. dauSvebelia am sakiTxTan dakavSirebuli werilo-

biTi masalis dayadaReba. es ufleba parlamentis wevrs

unarCundeba misi uflebamosilebis Sewyvetis Semdegac.

4. parlamentis wevri pasuxisgebaSi ar miecema Tavi-

si movaleobis Sesrulebisas parlamentSi Tu mis gareT

gamoTqmuli azrebisa da SexedulebebisaTvis.

5. uzrunvelyofilia parlamentis wevris ufleba mo-

silebaTa Seuferxebeli ganxorcielebis pirobebi. parla-

mentis wevris gancxadebis safuZvelze Sesabamisi saxelm-

wifo organoebi uzrunvelyofen mis pirad usafrTxoe-


6. deputatis uflebamosilebaTa ganxorcielebisaTvis

dabrkolebaTa Seqmna isjeba kanoniT.

Article 521. A member of the Parliament of Georgia shall be a

representative of the whole Georgia. He/she shall enjoy a free mandate and his/her recall shall be impermissible.

2. Arrest or detention of a member of the Parliament, the search of his/her apartment, car, workplace or his/her person shall be permissible only by the consent of the Parliament, except in the cases when he/she is caught fl agrante delicto which shall immediately be notifi ed to the Parliament. Unless the Parliament gives the consent, the arrested or detained member of the Parliament shall immediately be released. (23.04.2004. N6).

3. A member of the Parliament shall have the right not to testify on the fact disclosed to him/her as to a member of the Parliament. Seizure of written materials connected with this matter shall be impermissible. The right shall also be reserved to a member of the Parliament after the termination of his/her offi ce.

4. A member of the Parliament shall not be proceeded on the account of the ideas and opinions expressed by him/her in and outside the Parliament while performing his/her duties.

5. The conditions of unimpeded exercise of the authority by a member of the Parliament shall be guaranteed. On the basis of the application of a member of the Parliament the state bodies shall ensure his/her personal security.

6. The creation of impediments to the discharge of the duties by a member of the Parliament shall be punishable by law.

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6666 6767

muxli 53

1. parlamentis wevrs ufleba ara aqvs ekavos raime

Tanamdeboba saxelmwifo samsaxurSi an eweodes samewarmeo

saqmianobas. SeuTavseblobis SemTxvevebs gansazRvravs


2. wina punqiT gaTvaliswinebul moTxovnaTa darRvevi-

sas parlamentis wevrs uflebamosileba Seuwydeba.

3. parlamentis wevri iRebs kanoniT dadgenil gasam-


muxli 54

1. parlamentis wevris uflebamosilebis cnobis an va-

damde Sewyvetis sakiTxs wyvets parlamenti. parlamentis

es gadawyvetileba SeiZleba gasaCivrdes sakonstitucio


2. parlamentis wevrs uflebamosileba vadamde Seuw-

ydeba, Tu:

a) piradi gancxadebiT uflebamosileba moexsna;

b) mis mimarT kanonier ZalaSi Sevida sasamarTlos

gamamtyunebeli ganaCeni;

g) sasamarTlom cno qmeduunarod, ugzo-ukvlod dak-

argulad an gardacvlilad;

d) daikava parlamentis wevris statusTan SeuTavse-

beli Tanamdeboba, an eweva SeuTavsebel saqmianobas;

e) dakarga saqarTvelos moqalaqeoba;

v) arasapatio mizeziT oTxi Tvis ganmavlobaSi ar

monawileobda parlamentis muSaobaSi;

z) gardaicvala.

Article 531. A member of the Parliament shall not be entitled to hold

any position in public offi ce or engage in an entrepreneurial activity. The confl ict of interests shall be determined by law.

2. In case of a violation of the requirements set out in the preceding paragraph, the offi ce of a member of the Parliament shall be terminated.

3. A member of the Parliament shall receive remuneration as determined by law.

Article 541. The Parliament shall decide about the issue of the

recognition or pre-term termination of the offi ce of member of the Parliament. The decision of the Parliament may be appealed to the Constitutional Court.

2. The offi ce of a member of the Parliament shall be pre-term terminated in the following cases:

a. resignation from offi ce by a personal application;b. a fi nal judgment of conviction is rendered by a court

against him/her;c. recognition by a court as legally incapable, missing or

dead;d. occupation of a position or engagement in an activity

incompatible with the status of a member of the Parliament;e. loss of Georgian citizenship;f. failure to participate in the work of the Parliament for a

period of four months without a good reason;g. death.

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6868 6969

muxli 55

1. saqarTvelos parlamenti Tavisi uflebamosilebis

vadiT, reglamentiT dadgenili wesiT, faruli kenWisyriT

irCevs saqarTvelos parlamentis Tavmjdomares da Tavmj-

domaris moadgileebs, maT Soris TiTo moadgiles afxaze-

Tis avtonomiuri respublikidan (10.10.2002. #1689) da

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikidan (20.04.2000. #260)

arCeul parlamentis wevrTagan maTive wardginebiT.

2. parlamentis Tavmjdomare uZRveba parlamentis

muSaobas, uzrunvelyofs azris Tavisufal gamoxatvas,

xels awers parlamentis mier miRebul aqtebs, asrulebs

reglamentiT gaTvaliswinebul sxva uflebamosilebebs.

3. parlamentis Tavmjdomaris moadgileebi asruleben

Tavmjdomaris movaleobas misive davalebiT, Tavmjdomaris

mier uflebamosilebis ganxorcielebis SeuZleblobisas

an Tanamdebobidan misi gadayenebisas.

4. parlamentis Tavmjdomare reglamentiT gaTval-

iswinebuli wesiT axorcielebs srul administraciul

funqciebs parlamentis SenobaSi.

Article 551. The Parliament of Georgia for the term of its authority, in

accordance with a procedure established by the Regulations of the Parliament shall elect the chairman and the Vice-chairmen of the Parliament by a secret ballot, inter alia, one from the members of the Parliament elected respectively in Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia (10.10.2002. N1689) and the Autonomous Republic of Adjara upon the submission of the letter. (20.04.2000. N260).

2. The President of the Parliament shall lead the work of the Parliament, ensure free expression of opinions, sign acts adopted by the Parliament, perform other authorities provided for by the Regulations of the Parliament.

3. A Vice-President shall perform the responsibilities of the President under the instructions of the latter, in case of inability of the President to discharge his/her authority or his/her dismissal.

4. The President of the Parliament shall exercise all administrative functions in the House of the Parliament in accordance with a procedure provided for by the Regulations of the Parliament.

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7070 7171

muxli 56

1. sakanonmdeblo sakiTxebis winaswari momzadebis,

gadawyvetilebaTa SesrulebisaTvis xelis Sewyobis, par-

lamentis mier mis winaSe angariSvaldebuli organoebis

da mTavrobis saqmianobis kontrolis mizniT parlamentSi

misi uflebamosilebis vadiT iqmneba komitetebi.

2. konstituciiTa da reglamentiT gaTvaliswinebul

SemTxvevebSi, agreTve parlamentis wevrTa aranakleb erTi

mexuTedis moTxovniT parlamentSi iqmneba sagamoZiebo

an sxva droebiTi komisiebi. droebiTi komisiis Seqmnis

Sesaxeb gadawyvetilebas iRebs parlamenti reglamentiT

dadgenili wesiT. droebiT komisiaSi saparlamento umrav-

lesobis warmomadgenloba ar unda aRematebodes komisiis

wevrTa saerTo raodenobis naxevars. (15.10.2010.N#3710).

3. sagamoZiebo komisiis moTxovniT mis sxdomaze

gamocxadeba, agreTve sakiTxis gamokvlevisaTvis aucile-

beli sabuTebis wardgena savaldebuloa.

muxli 57

1. parlamentis muSaobis organizaciisaTvis iqmne-

ba parlamentis biuro, romlis SemadgenlobaSic Sedian

saqarTvelos parlamentis Tavmjdomare, Tavmjdomaris

moadgileebi, parlamentis komitetebisa da saparlamento

fraqciebis Tavmjdomareebi.

2. amoRebulia. (15.10.2010.N#3710).

muxli 58

1. parlamentis wevrebi SeiZleba gaerTiandnen sapar-

lamento fraqciaSi. fraqciis wevrTa raodenoba ar unda

iyos eqvsze naklebi. (10.10.2008. #343).

2. fraqciis Seqmnisa da saqmianobis wesi, misi ufle-

bamosileba ganisazRvreba kanoniTa da reglamentiT.

Article 561. With the view of the preliminary preparation of the

legislative issues, facilitating the implementation of decisions, controlling the activities of the bodies accountable before the Parliament and the Government Committees shall be set up in the Parliament for the term of its authority.

2. In cases prescribed by the Constitution and the Rules of Procedures of the Parliament, also by the request of no less than one fi fth of deputies, the investigative or other temporary commissions established in the parliament. The decision on establishment of the commission shall be made by the resolution of the Parliament regulated by the Rules of Procedures of the Parliament. Parliamentary majority shall not be more than half of the temporary commission. (15.10.2010. N3710).

3. At the request of the investigative commission, appearance before its sitting and submission of the documents necessary for examination of the issue shall be obligatory.

Article 571. With the view of organizing the work of the Parliament,

a Bureau of the Parliament shall be set up. It shall consist of the Chairman, Presidents – Chairmen of the Parliament of Georgia, the Vice-Presidents, Presidents of the Parliamentary Committees and Parliamentary Factions.

2. Deleted. (15.10.2010. N3710).

Article 581. The members of the Parliament can be entitled to unite

in a Parliamentary Faction. The number of the members of the Parliamentary Faction shall be not less than six. (10.10.2008. N343).

2. The formation and functioning procedure of a faction and its authority shall be determined by law and the Regulations of the Parliament.

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7272 7373

muxli 59

1. parlamentis wevri uflebamosilia kiTxviT mimarTos

parlamentis winaSe angariSvaldebul organos, mTavrobas,

mTavrobis wevrs, qalaqis mers, yvela donis teritoriuli

erTeulis aRmasrulebeli organos xelmZRvanels, saxelm-

wifo dawesebulebebs da miiRos maTgan pasuxi.

1. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi sapr-

ezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier

ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710) parlamen-

tis wevri uflebamosilia kiTxviT mimarTos parlamentis

winaSe angariSvaldebul organos, mTavrobas, mTavrobis

wevrs, yvela donis teritoriuli erTeulis aRmasrule-

beli organos xelmZRvanels, saxelmwifo dawesebulebas

da miiRos maTgan pasuxi.

2. parlamentis wevrTa sul cota aTkacian jgufs,

saparlamento fraqcias ufleba aqvT SekiTxviT mimarTon

parlamentis winaSe angariSvaldebul organos, mTavrobas,

mTavrobis calkeul wevrs, romlebic valdebuli arian

upasuxon dasmul SekiTxvas parlamentis sxdomaze. pasuxi

SeiZleba gaxdes parlamentis ganxilvis sagani.

3. parlamenti uflebamosilia parlamentis wevrTa

sruli Semadgenlobis umravlesobiT premier-ministris

winaSe dasvas mTavrobis calkeuli wevris Tanamdebobrivi

pasuxismgeblobis sakiTxi. Tu premier-ministri ar gaaTa-

visuflebs mTavrobis wevrs, aseT SemTxvevaSi, igi ori

kviris vadaSi parlaments warudgens Tavis motivirebul

gadawyvetilebas. (6.02.2004.N#3272).

3. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi saprezi-

dento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier ficis

dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710) parlamenti ufle-

bamosilia parlamentis sruli Semadgenlobis umravleso-

biT premier-ministris winaSe dasvas mTavrobis calkeuli

wevris Tanamdebobrivi pasuxismgeblobis sakiTxi.

Article 591. A member of the Parliament shall be entitled to apply with

a question to the bodies accountable to the Parliament, a member of the Government, the mayor of the city, the heads of executive bodies of the territorial units of any level, state institutions and to receive answers from them.

1. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710). A member of the Parliament shall be entitled to apply with a question to the body accountable to the Parliament, the Government, a member of the Government, a head of the any level territorial executive bodies, the state institutions and receive answers from them.

2. A group of at least ten members of the Parliament or a Parliamentary Faction shall be entitled to apply with a question to any body accountable to the Parliament, the Government, a particular member of the Government the latter being obliged to answer the raised questions at a sitting of the Parliament. The answer may become a matter of discussion of the Parliament.

3. The Parliament shall be authorized to raise a question of offi cial liability of a particular member of the Government before the Prime Minister. In case the Prime Minister does not dismiss a member of the Government, he/she shall submit his/her motivated decision to the Parliament within two weeks. (06.02.2004. N3272).

3. (Shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010 N3710). The Parliament shall be authorized the raise a question of offi cial liability of certain member of the Government before the Prime-Minister by majority of total composition of the members of the Parliament.

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7474 7575

muxli 60

1. parlamentis sxdomebi sajaroa. damswreTa umrav-

lesobis gadawyvetilebiT parlaments SeuZlia calkeuli

sakiTxebis ganxilvisas sxdoma an misi nawili daxurulad


2. mTavrobis wevri, parlamentis mier arCeuli, daniS-

nuli an damtkicebuli Tanamdebobis piri uflebamosilia,

xolo moTxovnis SemTxvevaSi valdebulia, daeswros par-

lamentis, misi komitetis da komisiis sxdomebs, pasuxi

gasces sxdomaze dasmul SekiTxvebs da warmoadginos

gaweuli saqmianobis Sesaxeb angariSi. aseTi Tanamdebo-

bis pirs moTxovnisTanave unda mousminos parlamentma,

komitetma an komisiam. (06.02.2004. #3272).

3. parlamentis plenarul sxdomaze kenWisyra aris Ria

an faruli. kenWisyra Riaa, garda konstituciiTa da kano-

niT gaTvaliswinebuli SemTxvevebisa. (15.10.2010.N#3710).

4. parlamentis Ria plenaruli sxdomis oqmi sajaroa.


Article 601. Sittings of the Parliament shall be public. Under the decision

of the majority of the members of the Parliament present, the Parliament shall be entitled to declare a sitting or a part thereof closed while discussing a particular issue.

2. A member of the Government, an offi cial elected, appointed or approved by the Parliament, shall be entitled and in case of request shall be obliged to attend the sittings of the Parliament, its Committee or Commission, to answer the raised questions at a sitting and submit an account of an activity. At a request such an offi cial shall be heard by the Parliament, Committee or Commission. (06.02.2004. N3272).

3. During plenary session voting is open or closed. Voting is open except for the cases defi ned in the Constitution or law. (15.10.2010 N3710).

4. The protocol of the open plenary session is public. (15.10.2010. N3710).

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7676 7777

muxli 61

1. saqarTvelos parlamenti Tavisi uflebiT ikribeba

morig sesiaze weliwadSi orjer. saSemodgomo sesia ixsne-

ba seqtembris pirvel samSabaTs da ixureba dekembris mesa-

me paraskevs, xolo sagazafxulo sesia ixsneba Tebervlis

pirvel samSabaTs da ixureba ivnisis bolo paraskevs.

2. saqarTvelos prezidenti parlamentis Tavmjdomaris,

deputatTa aranakleb meoTxedis moTxovniT an sakuTari

iniciativiT sesiebs Soris periodSi iwvevs parlamentis

riggareSe sesias, xolo morigi sesiis mimdinareobisas _

riggareSe sxdomas. Tu werilobiTi moTxovnis wardgeni-

dan 48 saaTis ganmavlobaSi mowvevis aqti ar gamoica,

parlamenti Tavisi reglamentis Tanaxmad valdebulia mom-

devno 48 saaTis ganmavlobaSi Seudges muSaobas.

2. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi saprezi-

dento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier ficis

dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710) saqarTvelos pr-

ezidenti parlamentis Tavmjdomaris, parlamentis wevrTa

aranakleb meoTxedis an mTavrobis wardginebiT parlamentis

sesiebs Soris periodSi iwvevs riggareSe sesias, xolo

morigi sesiis mimdinareobisas – riggareSe sxdomas. Tu

werilobiTi moTxovnis wardgenidan 48 saaTis ganmavlobaSi

mowvevis aqti ar gamoica, parlamenti Tavisi reglamentis

Tanaxmad ikribeba momdevno 48 saaTis ganmavlobaSi.

3. parlamentis riggareSe sxdoma Catardeba mxolod

gansazRvruli dRis wesrigiT da ixureba misi amowurv-


4. prezidentis mier sagangebo an saomari mdgomareo-

bis gamocxadebidan 48 saaTis ganmavlobaSi parlamenti

ikribeba. parlamentis muSaoba grZeldeba am mdgomareobis


Article 611. The Parliament of Georgia shall assemble ex offi cio for a

regular session twice a year. The Autumn session shall open on the fi rst Tuesday of September and close on the third Friday of December. The spring session shall open on the fi rst Tuesday of February and close on the last Friday of June.

2. The President of Georgia at the request of the President of the Parliament, not less than one fourth of the members of the Parliament or on his/her own initiative during the period between regular sessions shall convene an special session of the Parliament and in the duration of a regular session – a special sitting. If within 48 hours after such a written submission was made, the President fails to issue the act of convocation, the Parliament shall be obliged to start its work within the following 48 hours in accordance with its Regulations.

2. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010 N3710). The President of Georgia at the request of the Chairman of the Parliament, no less than one fourth of deputies of the Parliament, the Government of Georgia request shall, between regular sessions, convene an extraordinary session of the Parliament and shall also convene a extraordinary sitting during a regular session. If the act of convocation has not been issued within 48 hours after submission of a written request, the Parliament shall start its works within following 48 hours in accordance with its Rules of Procedures.

3. Special sitting of the Parliament shall follow a specifi c agenda and it shall close upon the exhaustion of the agenda.

4. From the declaration of a state of emergency or martial law by the President, the Parliament shall assemble within 48 hours. The Parliament shall work until the end of the state.

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7878 7979

muxli 62

parlamentis gadawyvetileba omisa da zavis, sagangebo

an saomari mdgomareobisa da konstituciis 46-e muxliT

gaTvaliswinebul sakiTxebze miiReba parlamentis wevrTa

sruli Semadgenlobis umravlesobiT.

muxli 63

1. 75-e muxlis meore punqtiT gaTvaliswinebul SemTx-

vevebSi impiCmentis wesiT saqarTvelos prezidentis Tanam-

debobidan gadayenebis sakiTxis aRZvris ufleba aqvs par-

lamentis sruli Semadgenlobis aranakleb erT mesameds.

sakiTxi daskvnisaTvis gadaecema uzenaes sasamarTlos an

sakonstitucio sasamarTlos.

2. Tu uzenaesma sasamarTlom Tavisi daskvniT daa-

dastura prezidentis qmedobaSi danaSaulis Semadgenlo-

bis niSnebis arseboba, an sakonstitucio sasamarTlom _

konstituciis darRveva, daskvnis ganxilvis Semdeg par-

lamenti sruli Semadgenlobis umravlesobiT iRebs gad-

awyvetilebas, rom kenWisyraze daisvas impiCmentis wesiT

Tanamdebobidan prezidentis gadayenebis sakiTxi.

3. prezidenti impiCmentis wesiT Tanamdebobidan gad-

ayenebulad CaiTvleba, Tu am gadawyvetilebas mxari dau-

Wira parlamentis sruli Semadgenlobis aranakleb orma


4. Tu 30 dRis vadaSi parlamentma ar miiRo gadaw-

yvetileba, sakiTxi moxsnilad iTvleba da momdevno erTi

wlis ganmavlobaSi dauSvebelia imave braldebis wardgena.

5. dauSvebelia prezidentisTvis wardgenili bral-

debis parlamentSi ganxilva da gadawyvetilebis miReba

sagangebo an saomari mdgomareobis an omis dros.

Article 62Decision of the Parliament on the issues of war and peace,

state of emergency or martial law and issues determined by Article 46 of the Constitution shall be adopted by the majority of the total number of the members of the Parliament.

Article 631. Under the circumstances defi ned in the second paragraph

of Article 75, not less than one third of the total number of the members of the Parliament shall be entitled to raise the question of the dismissal of the President of Georgia in accordance with impeachment procedure. The case shall be submitted to the Supreme Court or Constitutional Court for a conclusion.

2. If, by its conclusion, the Supreme Court confi rmed corpus delicti in the act of the President or the Constitutional Court confi rmed the violation of the Constitution, after having discussed the conclusion the Parliament shall adopt a decision by the majority of votes of the total number of the members of the Parliament on putting the issue of impeachment of the President to the vote.

3. The President shall be deemed to be dismissed from the offi ce in accordance with impeachment procedure, if not less than two thirds of the total number of the members of the Parliament supported the decision.

4. The issue shall be deemed stricken off if the Parliament fails to adopt the decision within a term of 30 days. Bringing of the same charge against the President shall be impermissible during the following one year.

5. Discussion of the charge brought against the President and the adoption of the decision in the Parliament shall be impermissible during war, a state of emergency or wartime.

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8080 8181

muxli 63 (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi

saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis

mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710).

1. konstituciis 75-e muxlis me-2 punqtiT gaTval-

iswinebul SemTxvevebSi saqarTvelos prezidentis impiC-

mentis wesiT Tanamdebobidan gadayenebis sakiTxis aRZvris

ufleba aqvs parlamentis sruli Semadgenlobis aranak-

leb erT mesameds. sakiTxi daskvnisaTvis gadaecema saqarT-

velos sakonstitucio sasamarTlos.

2. Tu sakonstitucio sasamarTlom Tavisi daskvniT

daadastura prezidentis qmedebaSi danaSaulis Semad-

genlobis niSnebis arseboba an konstituciis darRveva,

parlamenti daskvnis wardgenidan ara ugvianes 15 dRisa

ganixilavs da kenWs uyris prezidentis impiCmentis wesiT

Tanamdebobidan gadayenebis sakiTxs.

3. prezidenti impiCmentis wesiT Tanamdebobidan gad-

ayenebulad CaiTvleba, Tu am gadawyvetilebas mxars dau-

Wers parlamentis sruli Semadgenlobis aranakleb ori


4. Tu parlamentma am muxlis me-2 punqtiT dadgenil

vadaSi ar miiRo gadawyvetileba prezidentis impiCmentis

wesiT Tanamdebobidan gadayenebis Sesaxeb, imave sakiTxze

impiCmentis proceduris dawyeba dauSvebelia.

5. dauSvebelia impiCmentis proceduris ganxorciele-

ba sagangebo an saomari mdgomareobis dros.

Article 63 (shall be enforced from the next presidential elec-tion of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710).

1. In the cases envisaged in Paragraph 2 of Article 75, no less than one third of total members of the Parliament shall be authorized to start the case on dismissal of the President accord-ing to impeachment procedure. The case shall be delivered to the Constitutional Court of Georgia for conclusion.

2. If the Constitutional Court approves signs of corpus delicti in actions of the President or violation of the Constitution, the Parliament shall discuss and vote the dismissal of the President according to impeachment procedures no later than 15 days after submission of the conclusion.

3. The President shall be deemed as dismissed via impeach-ment procedure if this decision is supported by no less than two third of total members of the Parliament.

4. If the Parliament does not make the decision on dismissal of the President through impeachment procedure within the terms provided in Paragraph 2 hereof, commencement of impeachment procedure on the same question shall not be admitted.

5. Impeachment procedure should not be implemented during the state of emergency or wartime.

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8282 8383

muxli 64

1. konstituciis darRvevisas an/da danaSaulis

CadenisaTvis impiCmentis wesiT uzenaesi sasamarTlos

Tavmjdomaris, mTavrobis wevrebis, kontrolis palatis

Tavmjdomaris da erovnuli bankis sabWos wevrebis gad-

ayenebis sakiTxis aRZvris ufleba aqvs parlamentis sru-

li Semadgenlobis aranakleb erT mesameds. (10.10.2008.


2. 63-e muxlis me-2 punqtiT gaTvaliswinebuli wesiT

daskvnis miRebis Semdeg sruli Semadgenlobis umravle-

sobiT parlamenti uflebamosilia Tanamdebobidan gadaay-

enos am muxlis pirvel punqtSi CamoTvlili Tanamdebobis

pirebi. am SemTxvevebze vrceldeba agreTve 63-e muxlis

me-4 punqtis moqmedeba.

muxli 65

1. saqarTvelos parlamenti sruli Semadgenlobis um-

ravlesobiT axdens saerTaSoriso xelSekrulebaTa da

SeTanxmebaTa ratificirebas, denonsirebasa da gauqmebas.

11. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi saprezi-

dento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier fi-

cis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710) saqarTvelos

parlaments saerTaSoriso xelSekrulebisa da SeTanxmebis

ratificirebis, denonsirebisa da gauqmebis Sesaxeb mimar-

Tavs saqarTvelos mTavroba, xolo am muxlis me-2 punq-

tis „a“–„g“ qvepunqtebiT gaTvaliswinebul SemTxvevebSi,

agreTve im SemTxvevaSi, rodesac xelSekruleba (SeTanxme-

ba) dadebulia saqarTvelos prezidentis mier, – saqarT-

velos prezidenti, rac saWiroebs premier-ministris kon-


Article 641. In case of the violation of the Constitution, commission

of high treason and other criminal offences, not less than one third of the total number of the members of the Parliament shall be entitled to raise the question about the dismissal in accordance with impeachment procedure of the President of the Supreme Court, members of the Government, the President of the Chamber of Control and members of the Council of National Bank. (10.10.2008. N344).

2. After having received the conclusion in accordance with a procedure envisaged in the second paragraph of Article 63, the Parliament shall be authorized to dismiss the offi cials listed in the fi rst paragraph of the present Article by the majority of the total number of the members of the Parliament. The requirements of the fourth paragraph of Article 63 shall apply to such cases as well.

Article 651. The Parliament of Georgia by the majority of the total

number of the members of the Parliament shall ratify, denounce and annul the international treaties and agreements.

11. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010 N3710). The Government of Georgia shall apply to the Parliament of Georgia on ratifi cation, denunciation and termi-nation of international treaties and agreements, and in cases pro-vided by the Sub-paragraphs “a”-“c”, Paragraph 2 hereof, as well in case if the agreement is executed by the President of Georgia – which needs a countersignature of the Prime Minister.

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8484 8585

2. im saerTaSoriso xelSekrulebaTa da SeTanxmebaTa

garda, romlebic iTvaliswineben ratificirebas, savalde-

buloa agreTve iseTi saerTaSoriso xelSekrulebisa da

SeTanxmebis ratificireba, romelic:

a) iTvaliswinebs saerTaSoriso organizaciaSi an

saxelmwifoTaSoris kavSirSi saqarTvelos Sesvlas;

b) samxedro xasiaTisaa;

g) exeba saxelmwifos teritoriul mTlianobas an

saxelmwifo sazRvrebis Secvlas;

d) dakavSirebulia saxelmwifos mier sesxis aRebasa

da gacemasTan;

e) moiTxovs Sidasaxelmwifoebrivi kanonmdeblobis

Secvlas, nakisr saerTaSoriso valdebulebaTa Sesas-

ruleblad aucilebeli kanonebisa da kanonis Zalis mqone

aqtebis miRebas.

3. parlaments unda ecnobos sxva saerTaSoriso

xelSekrulebaTa da SeTanxmebaTa dadebis Sesaxeb.

4. sakonstitucio sasamarTloSi konstituciuri sar-

Celis an wardginebis Setanis SemTxvevaSi dauSvebelia

Sesabamisi saerTaSoriso xelSekrulebis Tu SeTanxme-

bis ratificireba sakonstitucio sasamarTlos gadaw-

yvetilebis gamotanamde.

2. Apart from the international treaties and agreements providing for ratifi cation, it shall also be obligatory to ratify an international treaty and agreement which:

a. provides for accession of Georgia to an international organization or intergovernmental union;

b. is of a military character;c. pertains to the territorial integrity of the state or change of

the state frontiers;d. is related to borrowing or lending loans by the state;e. requires a change of domestic legislation, adoption

of necessary laws and acts with force of law with the view of honoring the undertaken international obligations.

3. The Parliament shall be notifi ed about the conclusion of other international treaties and agreements.

4. In case of lodging a constitutional claim or a submission with the Constitutional Court, ratifi cation of the respective international treaty or agreement shall be impermissible before adjudication n by the Constitutional Court.

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8686 8787

muxli 66

1. parlamentSi kanonproeqti an dadgenileba miRebu-

lad iTvleba, roca mas mxars dauWers damswreTa umravle-

soba, magram aranakleb parlamentis sruli Semadgenlobis

erTi mesamedisa, Tu konstituciiT ar aris gansazRvruli

kanonproeqtis an dadgenilebis miRebis sxva wesi.

11. konstituciuri SeTanxmeba damtkicebulad iTvleba,

Tu mas mxars dauWers parlamentis sruli Semadgenlobis

sul cota sami mexuTedi. (30.03.2001. #826).

2. organuli kanonis proeqti miRebulad iTvleba,

Tu mas mxars dauWers parlamentis siiTi Semadgenlobis

naxevarze meti.

3. parlamentis Tanxmoba miiReba dadgenilebis saxiT,

Tu konstituciiT sxva wesi ar aris gansazRvruli.

4. sxva saxis gadawyvetilebaTa miRebis wesi ganisaz-

Rvreba parlamentis reglamentiT.

Article 661. A draft law or a draft resolution shall be deemed to be

adopted if it is supported by the majority of the members of the Parliament present, but not be less than one third of the total number of the members of Parliament unless the Constitution determines another procedure for the adoption of the draft law or draft resolution.

11. A Constitutional Agreement shall be deemed approved if it is supported by not less than three-fi fth of the total number of the members of the Parliament. (30.03.2001. N826)

2. A draft Organic Law shall be deemed adopted if it is supported by more than half of the enlisted number of the members of the Parliament.

3. The consent of the Parliament shall be adopted in the form of a resolution unless another procedure is defi ned by the Constitution.

4. The procedure for the adoption of other decisions shall be defi ned by the Regulations of the Parliament.

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8888 8989

muxli 67

1. sakanonmdeblo iniciativis ufleba aqvs saqarT-

velos prezidents mxolod gansakuTrebul SemTxvevebSi,

mTavrobas, parlamentis wevrs, saparlamento fraqcias,

parlamentis komitets, afxazeTis avtonomiuri respub-

likisa da aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRles war-

momadgenlobiT organoebs, aranakleb 30000 amomrCevels.

1. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi sapr-

ezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier

ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710) sakanonmde-

blo iniciativis ufleba aqvT: saqarTvelos mTavrobas,

parlamentis wevrs, saparlamento fraqcias, parlamentis

komitets, afxazeTis avtonomiuri respublikisa da aWar-

is avtonomiuri respublikis umaRles warmomadgenlobiT

organoebs, aranakleb 30000 amomrCevels.

2. saqarTvelos prezidentis an mTavrobis mier ward-

genil kanonproeqts maTive moTxovniT parlamenti ganixi-

lavs riggareSe.

2. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi saprezi-

dento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier fi-

cis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710) saqarTvelos

mTavrobis mier wardgenil kanonproeqts masive moTxovniT

parlamenti riggareSe ganixilavs.

3. Tu mTavroba kanoniT gaTvaliswinebul vadaSi ar

warmoadgens SeniSvnebs parlamentSi gansaxilvel kanon-

proeqtTan dakavSirebiT, kanonproeqti mTavrobis mier mo-

wonebulad CaiTvleba. (6.02.2004. #3272).

Article 671. The President of Georgia only in the exclusive cases,

the Government, a member of the parliament, a Parliamentary Faction, a Parliamentary Committee, the higher representative bodies of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, not less than 30,000 electors shall have the right to legislative initiative.

1. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710) The Government, a member of the Parlia-ment, a Parliamentary Faction, a Parliamentary Committee, the high representative bodies of the Autonomous Republic of Ab-khazia and the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, no less than 30 000 electors, shall have the right to the legislative initiative.

2. At the request of the President of Georgia, the Parliament shall give the priority to the discussion of a draft law submitted by the former.

2.(shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710) At the request of the Government, the Par-liament shall discuss a draft law initiated by the Government, in an unscheduled manner.

3. In case the Government does not submit the remarks with regard to a draft law considering in the Parliament within a term provided for by law, the draft law shall be deemed approved. (06.02.2004. N3272).

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9090 9191

muxli 68

1. parlamentis mier miRebuli kanonproeqti 7

dRis vadaSi gadaecema saqarTvelos prezidents.


2. prezidenti 10 dRis vadaSi xels awers da aqveynebs

kanons an motivirebuli SeniSvnebiT ubrunebs parla-


3. Tu prezidenti daabrunebs kanonproeqts, parla-

menti kenWs uyris prezidentis SeniSvnebs. SeniSvnaTa mis-

aRebad sakmarisia xmaTa igive raodenoba, rac am saxiT

kanonproeqtisaTvis dadgenilia konstituciis 66-e mux-

liT. Tu SeniSvnebi miRebulia, kanonproqtis saboloo

redaqcia gadaecema prezidents, romelic 7 dRis vadaSi

xels awers da aqveynebs mas.

4. Tu parlamentma ar miiRo prezidentis SeniSvnebi,

kenWi eyreba kanonproeqtis pirvandel redaqcias. kanoni

an organuli kanoni miRebulad CaiTvleba, Tu mas mxari

dauWira parlamentis siiTi Semadgenlobis aranakleb samma

mexuTedma. konstituciis Sesworeba miRebulad CaiTvleba,

Tu mas mxari dauWira parlamentis sruli Semadgenlobis

aranakleb orma mesamedma

4. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi sapr-

ezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier

ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710) Tu par-

lamentma ar miiRo prezidentis SeniSvnebi, kenWi eyreba

kanonproeqtis pirvandel redaqcias. Kkanonis proeqti

miRebulad CaiTvleba, Tu mas mxars dauWers parlamentis

siiTi Semadgenlobis naxevarze meti. organuli kanonis

proeqti miRebulad CaiTvleba, Tu mas mxars dauWers

parlamentis sruli Semadgenlobis naxevarze meti. Kkon-

stituciuri kanonis proeqti miRebulad CaiTvleba, Tu

Article 681. A draft law adopted by the Parliament shall be submitted to

the President of Georgia within a term of seven days. (06.02.2004. N3272).

2. The President shall sign and promulgate the law within a term of ten days or return it to the Parliament with reasoned remarks.

3. If the President returns the draft law to the Parliament, the latter shall put to the vote the remarks of the President. For the adoption of the remarks the same number of votes shall suffi ce as determined for this kind of draft law by Article 66 of the Constitution. If the remarks are adopted, the fi nal redaction of the draft law shall be submitted to the President who shall sign and promulgate it within a term of seven days.

4. If the Parliament rejects the remarks of the President, the initial redaction of the draft law shall by put to the vote. A law or an Organic Law shall be deemed to be adopted if it is supported by not less than three fi fths of the number of the members of the Parliament on the current nominal list. The constitutional amendment shall be deemed to be passed if it is supported by not less than two thirds of the total number of the members of the Parliament.

4. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710). If the Parliament rejects the remarks of the President, the initial draft shall be put to vote. A law shall be deemed to be adopted if it is supported by no less than half of the enlisted number of the members of the Parliament. The organic law shall be deemed as adopted if it is supported by no less than of the half of the total members of the Parliament. The constitutional law shall be deemed as adopted if it is supported

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9292 9393

mas mxars dauWers parlamentis sruli Semadgenlobis

aranakleb ori mesamedi.

5. Tu prezidentma dadgenil vadaSi ar gamoaqveyna

kanoni, mas xels awers da aqveynebs parlamentis Tavmj-


6. kanoni ZalaSi Sedis misi oficialur organoSi

gamoqveynebidan meTxuTmete dRes, Tu sxva vada ar aris


by no less than two thirds of the total number of the members of the Parliament.

5. If the President fails to promulgate the draft law within the defi ned term, the President of the Parliament shall sign and promulgate it.

6. A law shall enter into force on the fi fteenth day after its offi cial promulgation unless another term is defi ned.

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9494 9595

Tavi meoTxe

saqarTvelos prezidenti

muxli 69

1. saqarTvelos prezidenti aris saqarTvelos saxelm-

wifos meTauri. (06.02.2004.N#3272).

2. saqarTvelos prezidenti warmarTavs da axorcie-

lebs saxelmwifos saSinao da sagareo politikas. igi

uzrunvelyofs qveynis erTianobas da mTlianobas, saxelm-

wifo organoTa saqmianobas konstituciis Sesabamisad.

3. saqarTvelos prezidenti saqarTvelos umaRlesi

warmomadgenelia sagareo urTierTobebSi.

muxli 69 (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi

saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis

mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710).

1. saqarTvelos prezidenti aris saqarTvelos sa-

xelmwifos meTauri, qveynis erTianobisa da erovnuli

damoukideblobis garanti. saqarTvelos prezidenti kon-

stituciiT misTvis miniWebuli uflebamosilebebis far-

glebSi uzrunvelyofs saxelmwifo organoTa funqcioni-


2. saqarTvelos prezidenti aris saqarTvelos samx-

edro Zalebis umaRlesi mTavarsardali.

3. saqarTvelos prezidenti warmoadgens saqarTvelos

sagareo urTierTobebSi.



Article 691. The President of Georgia shall be the Head of State of

Georgia. (06.02.2004. N3272).2. The President of Georgia shall lead and exercise the

internal and foreign policy of the state. He/she shall ensure the unity and integrity of the country and the activity of the state bodies in accordance with the Constitution.

3. The President of Georgia shall be the higher representative of Georgia in foreign relations.

Article 69 (shall be enforced from the next presidential elec-tion of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710).

1. The President of Georgia is the Head of the State of Geor-gia, the guarantor of national independence and unity of the country. The President of Georgia shall provide functioning of the State organs within the scope of authorities entitled by the Constitution.

2. The President of Georgia is the supreme Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Georgia.

3. The President of Georgia represents Georgia in foreign relations.

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9696 9797

muxli 70

1. saqarTvelos prezidenti airCeva sayovelTao, Ta-

naswori da pirdapiri saarCevno uflebis safuZvelze

faruli kenWisyriT 5 wlis vadiT. erTi da igive piri

prezidentad SeiZleba airCes zedized mxolod orjer.

2. prezidentad SeiZleba airCes saarCevno uflebis

mqone saqarTvelos moqalaqe 35 wlis asakidan, romel-

sac saqarTveloSi ucxovria 5 wels mainc da arCevnebis

daniSvnis dRemde bolo 3 wlis ganmavlobaSi cxovrobda

saqarTveloSi. (15.10.2010. N3710).3. prezidentobis kandidatis dasaxelebis ufleba

aqvs moqalaqeTa politikur gaerTianebas an sainiciativo

jgufs. kandidatis wardgena dadasturebuli unda iyos

amomrCevelTa xelmowerebiT organuli kanoniT dadgenili

wesiT. organuli kanoniT gansazRvruli amomrCevlebis

xelmowerebis raodenoba ar SeiZleba iyos amomrCevelTa

raodenobis 1%-ze meti. (12.03.2008. #5853).

4. arCeulad CaiTvleba kandidati, romelsac xma mis-

ca arCevnebis monawileTa naxevarze metma. (06.02.2004.


5. Tu arCevnebis pirvel turSi verc erTma kandi-

datma ver miiRo xmaTa saWiro raodenoba, pirveli turis

Sedegebis oficialurad gamocxadebidan ori kviris Tavze

imarTeba arCevnebis meore turi. (27.12.2006. #4133).

6. arCevnebis meore turSi kenWi eyreba pirvel turSi

ukeTesi Sedegis mqone or kandidats. arCeulad CaiTvleba

is kandidati, romelic met xmas miiRebs. (06.02.2004.


7. Tu arCevnebis pirvel turSi mxolod erTi kandi-

dati monawileobda da man xmaTa saWiro raodenoba ver

miiRo, arCevnebis dRidan ori Tvis vadaSi imarTeba xe-

laxali arCevnebi. (15.10.2010. N3710).

Article 701. The President of Georgia shall be elected on the basis of

universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a term of fi ve years. The same person may be elected the President only for two consecutive terms.

2. Any person may be elected as the President of Georgia if he/she is a citizen of Georgia, has the right to vote, has attained the age of 35, has lived in Georgia for at least 5 years and has resided in Georgia for last 3 years by the Election Day. (15.10.2010. N3710).

3. The right to nominate a candidate to the offi ce of the President shall be vested with a political association of citizens or a initiative group. The nomination shall be confi rmed by the signatures of electors determined by the organic law. Number of the signatures of electors determined by the organic law, shall not be less the 1% of number of electoral. (12.03.2008. N5853)

4. A candidate shall be deemed to be elected if he/she has obtained more than half of the votes of participants. (06.02.2004.N3272).

5. If no candidate has received the required number of votes in the fi rst round, a second round of elections shall be held in two weeks after an offi cial announcement of the fi rst round results. (27.12.2006. N4133).

6. Two candidates having the best results in the fi rst round shall be put to the vote in the second round. The candidate who received more votes shall be deemed to be elected. (06.02.2004.N3272).

7. If only one candidate participate at the fi rst election tour, who did not receive the necessary number of votes, new elections shall be held within two months from the date of elections. (15.10.2010. N3710).

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9898 9999

8. sagangebo an saomari mdgomareobis dros arCevnebi

ar tardeba.

9. prezidentis morigi arCevnebi tardeba prezidentis

uflebamosilebis vadis amowurvis kalendaruli wlis

oqtomberSi. arCevnebis TariRs niSnavs saqarTvelos pr-

ezidenti arCevnebamde ara ugvianes 60 dRisa. (27.12.2006.


10. amoRebulia (15.10.2010. N3710).

muxli 71

1. Tanamdebobis dakavebis win saqarTvelos axalar-

Ceuli prezidenti warmoTqvams saprogramo sityvas da

debs fics:

,,me, saqarTvelos prezidenti, RvTisa da eris wi-

naSe vacxadeb, rom davicav saqarTvelos konstitucias,

qveynis damoukideblobas, erTianobasa da ganuyoflobas,

keTilsindisierad aRvasruleb prezidentis movaleobas,

vizruneb Cemi qveynis moqalaqeTa usafrTxoebisa da keTil-

dReobisaTvis, Cemi xalxisa da mamulis aRorZinebisa da


2. am muxlis pirveli punqtiT gaTvaliswinebuli

ceremoniali imarTeba prezidentis arCevis dRidan mesame

kvira dRes. Pprezidentis uflebamosileba wydeba axalar-

Ceuli prezidentis mier ficis dadebisTanave. (15.10.2010.


8. No election shall be held in case of a state of emergency or martial law.

9. Regular elections for Presidency shall be held in October of the calendar year when the presidential authority expires. The President of Georgia shall fi x the date of the elections not later than within 60 days before the elections. (27.12.2006. N4133)

10. Deleted. (15.10.2010. N3710).

Article 711. Before taking up offi ce the new President shall make a

program speech and take the following oath:“I, the President of Georgia, before the God and the Nation,

declare to observe the Constitution of Georgia, defend the independence, unity and indivisibility of the country, to perform faithfully the duties of the President, to take care for the security and welfare of the citizens of my country and for the revival and might of my Nation and Fatherland”.

2. The ceremony envisaged in the fi rst paragraph shall take place on the third Sunday after the day of the election of the Pres-ident. President’s authority ceases at the time new president takes oath. (15.10.2010. N3710).

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100100 101101

muxli 72

saqarTvelos prezidents ufleba ara aqvs ekavos sxva

Tanamdeboba, garda partiulisa, eweodes samewarmeo saqmi-

anobas, iRebdes xelfass an sxvagvar mudmiv anazRaurebas

raime sxva saqmianobisaTvis. (06.02.2004.N#3272).

muxli 72 (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi

saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis

mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710).

saqarTvelos prezidents ufleba ara aqvs, ekavos sxva

Tanamdeboba, maT Soris, partiuli, eweodes samewarmeo

saqmianobas, iRebdes xelfass an sxvagvar mudmiv anazRau-

rebas raime sxva saqmianobisaTvis.

Article 72The President of Georgia shall not have the right to hold any

other position except for a party position, engage in entrepreneurial activity, receive salary or another permanent remuneration for any other activity. (06.02.2004. N3272).

Article 72 (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710).

The President of Georgia shall not have the right to hold any other position including partial position, engage in entrepreneurial activity, receive salary or another permanent remuneration for any other activity.

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muxli 73

1. saqarTvelos prezidenti:

a) debs saerTaSoriso xelSekrulebebsa da SeTanxme-

bebs, awarmoebs molaparakebas ucxoeTis saxelmwifoebT-

an; parlamentis TanxmobiT niSnavs saqarTvelos elCebsa

da sxva diplomatiur warmomadgenlebs; iRebs ucxoeTis

saxelmwifoTa da saerTaSoriso organizaciaTa elCebisa

da sxva diplomatiuri warmomadgenlebis akreditacias;

(27.12.2006. #4133).

a1) saqarTvelos saxelmwifos saxeliT debs konsti-

tuciur SeTanxmebas saqarTvelos samociqulo avtokefa-

lur marTlmadidebel eklesiasTan; (30.03.2001.N#826).

b) niSnavs premier-ministrs, Tanxmobas aZlevs pre-

mier-ministrs mTavrobis wevris – ministris daniSvnaze;


g) uflebamosilia sakuTari iniciativiT an konsti-

tuciiT gaTvaliswinebul sxva SemTxvevebSi gadaayenos

mTavroba, Tanamdebobidan gaaTavisuflos saqarTvelos

Tavdacvis, Sinagan saqmeTa da iusticiis ministrebi;

(10.10.2008. #344).

d) iRebs mTavrobis, mTavrobis wevrisa da kanoniT

gansazRvrul sxva Tanamdebobis pirTa gadadgomas, ufle-

bamosilia mTavrobas, mTavrobis wevrs daakisros movaleo-

baTa Sesruleba mTavrobis axali Semadgenlobis an mTav-

robis axali wevris daniSvnamde; (06.02.2004.N#3272)

e) Tanxmobas aZlevs mTavrobas parlamentSi saqarT-

velos saxelmwifo biujetis proeqtis wardgenaze;


v) parlaments warudgens, niSnavs da aTavisuflebs

Tanamdebobis pirebs konstituciiTa da kanoniT gansaz-

Rvrul SemTxvevebSi da dadgenili wesiT;

Article 731. The President of Georgia shall:a) conclude international agreements and treaties, negotiate

with foreign states; appoint and dismiss ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives of Georgia with the consent of the Parliament; accredit ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives of foreign states and international organizations; (27.12.2006. N4133).

a1) conclude a constitutional agreement with the Apostle Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Georgia on behalf of the state of Georgia; (30.03.2001. N826)

b) appoint the Prime Minister, give the Prime Minister consent to appoint a member of the Government – a Minister; (06.02.2004. N3272).

c) be entitled, on his/her own initiative or in other cases envisaged by the Constitution, to dissolve the Government, dismiss the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Defense of Georgia (23.12.2005. N2494).

d) accept the resignation of the Government, a member of the Government and other offi cials as determined by law, shall be entitled to require the Government, a member of the Government to perform their offi cial duties until the appointment of a new composition of the Government or a new member of the Government; (06.02.2004. N3272).

e) give the Government consent to submit the State Budget of Georgia to the Parliament; (06.02.2004. N3272).

f) submit the Parliament the offi cials, appoint and dismiss them in the cases and in accordance with the procedure defi ned in the Constitution and law;

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g) declare a martial law in the case of armed attack on Georgia, make peace when appropriate conditions exist and submit the decisions to the Parliament within 48 hours for approval;

h) in the case of war or mass disorder, infringement upon the territorial integrity of the country, coup d'etat, armed insurrection, ecological disasters, epidemics or in other cases, when state bodies are unable to normally exercise their Constitutional powers, shall declare a state of emergency throughout the whole territory of the country or a certain part thereof and submit this decision to the Parliament within 48 hours for approval. In the case of a state of emergency issue the decrees having the force of law, which shall remain in force until the end of the state of emergency, shall take emergency measures. The decrees shall be submitted to the Parliament when it is assembled. Emergency authorities shall apply only to the territory where the state of emergency is declared for the reasons mentioned in the present paragraph;

i) with the consent of the Parliament, be entitled to suspend the activity of the institutions of self-government or other representative bodies of territorial units or dismiss them if their activity endangers the sovereignty, territorial integrity of the country or the exercise of constitutional authority of state bodies;

j) issue decrees and orders on the basis of the Constitution and law;

k) sign and promulgate laws in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Constitution;

l) decide about the matters of citizenship, granting asylum;

z) saqarTveloze SeiaraRebuli Tavdasxmis SemTxveva-

Si acxadebs saomar mdgomareobas, saTanado pirobebis ar-

sebobisas debs zavs da ara ugvianes 48 saaTisa Seaqvs es

gadawyvetilebebi parlamentSi dasamtkiceblad;

T) omianobis Tu masobrivi areulobis, qveynis teri-

toriuli mTlianobis xelyofis, samxedro gadatrialebisa

da SeiaraRebuli amboxebis, ekologiuri katastrofebis

da epidemiebis dros, an sxva SemTxvevebSi, roca saxelm-

wifo xelisuflebis organoebi moklebuli arian konsti-

tuciur uflebamosilebaTa normaluri ganxorcielebis

SesaZleblobas, acxadebs sagangebo mdgomareobas qveynis

mTel teritoriaze an mis romelime nawilSi da es gad-

awyvetileba ara ugvianes 48 saaTisa Seaqvs parlamentSi

dasamtkiceblad. sagangebo mdgomareobis dros gamoscems

kanonis Zalis mqone dekretebs, romlebic moqmedebs sa-

gangebo mdgomareobis damTavrebamde, axorcielebs sagange-

bo RonisZiebebs. dekretebi waredgineba parlaments, roca

igi Seikribeba. sagangebo uflebamosilebani vrceldeba

mxolod im teritoriaze, sadac am punqtSi aRniSnul

mizezTa gamo gamocxadebulia sagangebo mdgomareoba;

i) parlamentis TanxmobiT uflebamosilia SeaCeros

TviTmmarTvelobis an teritoriuli erTeulebis sxva

warmomadgenlobiTi organoebis saqmianoba, an daiTxovos

isini, Tu maTi moqmedebiT safrTxe Seeqmna qveynis su-

verenitets, teritoriul mTlianobas, saxelmwifo xe-

lisuflebis organoTa konstituciur uflebamosilebaTa


k) konstituciisa da kanonis safuZvelze gamoscems

brZanebulebebs da gankargulebebs;

l) xels awers da aqveynebs kanonebs konstituciiT

gansazRvruli wesiT;

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106106 107107

m) award state honors, higher military ranks, special and honorary titles and higher diplomatic ranks;

n) grant pardon to convicted persons.o) dissolve the Parliament in accordance with a procedure

and in the cases established by the Constitution. (06.02.2004.N3272).

p) deleted (27.12.2006. N4133 shall be enforce after the regulation of proper issues by organic law).

q) from the dissolution of the Parliament to the fi rst convocation of the newly elected Parliament, in the exclusive cases, be entitled to issue a decree having the force of law on tax and budgetary issues, which shall be invalid in case it is not approved by the newly elected Parliament within a month from the fi rst convocation; (06.02.2004. N3272).

r) be entitled to appoint the Prime Minister and give his/her consent for the appointment of the ministers under the circumstances defi ned in subparagraphs “a”-“d” of Article 511 in case of non-declaration of confi dence to the composition of the Government by the Parliament within a term established by the Constitution. Within a month from the end of the above mentioned circumstances the President shall re-submit the composition of the Government to the Parliament for confi dence. (06.02.2004.N3272).

2. The President shall schedule the date of elections of the Parliament and representative bodies in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law.

m) wyvets moqalaqeobis, TavSesafris micemis sakiTx-


n) aniWebs saxelmwifo jildoebs, umaRles samxedro,

specialur da sapatio wodebebs, umaRles diplomatiur


o) Seiwyalebs msjavrdebulT.

p) daiTxovs parlaments konstituciiT dadgenil

SemTxvevebSi da wesiT; (06.02.2004.N#3272).

J) amoRebulia (27.12.2006. #4133, amoqmeddes organ-

uli kanoniT Sesabamisi sakiTxebis mowesrigebis Semdeg).

r) parlamentis daTxovnidan axladarCeuli parla-

mentis pirvel Sekrebamde, gansakuTrebul SemTxvevebSi,

uflebamosilia sagadasaxado da sabiujeto sakiTxebze

gamosces kanonis Zalis mqone aqti – dekreti, romelic

Zalas kargavs, Tu axladarCeuli parlamenti pirveli

Sekrebidan erTi Tvis ganmavlobaSi ar daamtkicebs mas;


s) 511 muxlis „a“ – „d“ qvepunqtebiT gaTvaliwinebuli

garemoebebis arsebobisas parlamentis mier konstituciiT

dadgenil vadaSi mTavrobis SemadgenlobisaTvis ndobis

gamoucxadeblobis SemTxvevaSi uflebamosilia daniS-

nos premier-ministri da Tanxmoba misces mas ministre-

bis daniSvnaze. zemoaRniSnuli garemoebebis amowurvidan

erTi Tvis ganmavlobaSi prezidenti xelaxla warudgens

parlaments mTavrobis Semadgenlobas ndobis misaRebad.


2. prezidenti niSnavs parlamentisa da warmomadgen-

lobiTi organoebis arCevnebs kanoniT dadgenili wesiT.

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3. The President of Georgia shall be authorized to suspend or abrogate acts of the Government and the bodies of the executive power, if they are in contradiction with the Constitution of Georgia, international treaties and agreements, laws and the normative acts of the President. (06.02.2004. N3272).

4. The President is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Georgia. He/she appoints members of the National Security Council, and appoints and dismisses the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Georgia, other commanders; (27.12.2006. N4136).

5. The President shall be authorized to address the people and the Parliament. Once a year he/she shall submit a report to the Parliament on the most important state issues.

6. The President shall exercise other powers determined by the Constitution and law.

3. saqarTvelos prezidenti uflebamosilia SeaCeros

an gaauqmos mTavrobisa da aRmasrulebeli xelisuflebis

dawesebulebaTa aqtebi, Tu isini ewinaaRmdegebian saqarT-

velos konstitucias, saerTaSoriso xelSekrulebebsa da

SeTanxmebebs, kanonebsa da prezidentis normatiul aqtebs.


4. prezidenti aris saqarTvelos samxedro Zalebis

umaRlesi mTavarsardali. igi niSnavs erovnuli uSiSroe-

bis sabWos wevrebs, Tanamdebobaze niSnavs da Tanamde-

bobidan gadaayenebs saqarTvelos SeiaraRebuli Zalebis

gaerTianebuli Stabis ufross, sxva mxedarTmTavrebs.

(27.12.2006. #4136).

5. prezidenti uflebamosilia mimarTos xalxs da par-

laments. weliwadSi erTxel igi parlaments warudgens

moxsenebas qveynis mdgomareobis umniSvnelovanes sakiTx-


6. prezidenti axorcielebs konstituciiTa da kano-

niT gansazRvrul sxva uflebamosilebebs.

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110110 111111

Article 73 (shall be enforced from the next presidential elec-tion of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710) .

The President of Georgia:1. a) agreed with the government negotiate with the foreign

states and international organizations, conclude international conventions and agreements under the consent of the Government; appoint and dismiss the ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives of Georgia upon recommendation of the Government; agreed with the government receive accreditation from the ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives of foreign states and international organizations;

b) on behalf of the state of Georgia conclude a constitutional agreement with the Apostle Autocephalous Orthodox Church

c) in the cases provided by the Constitution, nominate the candidacy of Prime-Minster and appoint the Prime-Minister;

d) oblige the Government to perform its duties till confi rmation of a new Government in the cases provided by the Constitution.

e) in the cases provided by the constitution, nominate, appoint, dismiss authorities, appoint member of the Council of Justice by the rule provided under law, in cases defi ned and regulated by organic participate to elect members and head of the central electoral commission, agreed with the government nominate candidatures of Central regulatory bodies before the parliament;

muxli 73 (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi

saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis

mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710).

1. saqarTvelos prezidenti:

a) mTavrobasTan SeTanxmebiT awarmoebs molaparakebebs

sxva saxelmwifoebTan da saerTaSoriso organizaciebT-

an, debs saerTaSoriso xelSekrulebebsa da SeTanxmebebs;

mTavrobis wardginebiT niSnavs da aTavisuflebs saqarT-

velos elCebs da sxva diplomatiur warmomadgenlebs;

mTavrobasTan SeTanxmebiT iRebs sxva saxelmwifoTa da

saerTaSoriso organizaciaTa elCebis da sxva diplomati-

uri warmomadgenlebis akreditacias;

b) saqarTvelos saxelmwifos saxeliT debs konsti-

tuciur SeTanxmebas saqarTvelos samociqulo avtokefa-

lur marTlmadidebel eklesiasTan;

g) konstituciiT gansazRvrul SemTxvevebSi wamoayen-

ebs premier-ministris kandidaturas da niSnavs premier-


d) konstituciiT gansazRvrul SemTxvevebSi mTav-

robas akisrebs movaleobis Sesrulebas mTavrobis axali

Semadgenlobis Seqmnamde;

e) konstituciiT gansazRvrul SemTxvevebSi parla-

ments warudgens, niSnavs, aTavisuflebs da gadaayenebs

Tanamdebobis pirebs; kanoniT dadgenili wesiT niSnavs

iusticiis umaRlesi sabWos wevrs; organuli kanoniT gan-

sazRvrul SemTxvevebSi da dadgenili wesiT monawileobs

centraluri saarCevno komisiis wevrebisa da Tavmjdo-

maris Tanamdebobaze ganmwesebaSi; mTavrobasTan SeTanx-

mebiT parlaments warudgens erovnuli maregulirebeli

organoebis wevrTa kandidaturebs;

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112112 113113

f) submit to the Highest council the candidacy of the chairman of Government of the Autonomous republic of Adjara, in 10 days after notifi cation about the authority of new elected Highest council, with the consultation of political authorities presented in the Highest council, with pre-consent of the government.

g) declare a martial law in the case of armed attack on Georgia, make peace when appropriate conditions exist and submit the decisions to the Parliament no later than 48 hours for the approval;

h) in the case of war or mass disorder, infringement upon the territorial integrity of the country, coup d'etat, armed insurrection, ecological disasters, epidemics or in other cases, when state bodies are unable to normally exercise their Constitutional powers, shall declare a state of emergency throughout the whole territory of the country or a certain part thereof and submit this decision to the Parliament within 48 hours for approval. Emergency authorities shall apply only to the territory where the state of emergency is declared for the reasons mentioned in the present paragraph;

i) in the case of a state of emergency or war issue the decrees having the force of law, which shall remain in force until the end of the state of emergency or war, shall take emergency measures. The decrees shall be submitted to the Parliament when it is assembled.

j) nominated by the government with the consent of the Parliament, be entitled to suspend the activity of the institutions of self-government or other representative bodies of territorial units or dismiss them if their activity endangers the sovereignty, territorial integrity of the country or the exercise of constitutional authority of state bodies;

k) issues a decree, ordnance and command for implementation of authorities entitled by the Constitution, also as the supreme

v) aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis axalarCeuli um-

aRlesi sabWos uflebamosilebis cnobidan 10 dRis vadaSi,

umaRles sabWoSi warmodgenil politikur subieqtebTan

konsultaciis Semdeg, saqarTvelos mTavrobis winaswari

TanxmobiT, umaRles sabWos dasamtkiceblad warudgens

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis Tavmjdomaris


z) saqarTveloze SeiaraRebuli Tavdasxmis SemTxveva-

Si acxadebs saomar mdgomareobas, saTanado pirobebis ar-

sebobisas debs zavs da am gadawyvetilebebs ara ugvianes

48 saaTisa warudgens parlaments dasamtkiceblad.

T) omianobis Tu masobrivi areulobis, qveynis teri-

toriuli mTlianobis xelyofis, samxedro gadatrialebi-

sa da SeiaraRebuli amboxebis, ekologiuri katastrofis

da epidemiis dros, an sxva SemTxvevebSi, rodesac saxelm-

wifo xelisuflebis organoebi moklebuli arian konsti-

tuciur uflebamosilebaTa normaluri ganxorcielebis

SesaZleblobas, acxadebs sagangebo mdgomareobas qveynis

mTel teritoriaze an mis romelime nawilSi da am gadaw-

yvetilebas ara ugvianes 48 saaTisa warudgens parlaments

dasamtkiceblad. sagangebo uflebamosilebani vrceldeba

mxolod im teritoriaze, sadac am qvepunqtSi aRniSnul

mizezTa gamo gamocxadebulia sagangebo mdgomareoba;

i) saomari an sagangebo mdgomareobis dros gamoscems

kanonis Zalis mqone dekretebs, romlebic moqmedebs Sesa-

bamisad saomari an sagangebo mdgomareobis damTavrebamde;

axorcielebs sagangebo RonisZiebebs. dekretebi waredg-

ineba parlaments, roca igi Seikribeba;

k) uflebamosilia mTavrobis wardginebiT, parlamen-

tis TaxmobiT SeaCeros TviTmmarTvelobis an teritoriu-

li erTeulebis sxva warmomadgenlobiTi organoebis saqmi-

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114114 115115

Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Georgia issues order.

l) sign and promulgate laws in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Constitution;

m) decide about the matters of citizenship, granting asylum;n) award state honors, higher military ranks, special and

honorary titles and higher diplomatic ranks;o) grant pardon to convicted persons.p) dissolve the Parliament in accordance with the cases

established by the Constitution.2. The President shall schedules elections of the President, of

the Parliament and representative bodies in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the constitution and law.

3. The President of Georgia shall appoint the members of the National Security Council, agreed with the government appoint and dismiss the Chief of the Headquarter of the Armed Forces of Georgia, other commanders.

4. The President shall be authorized to address the people and the Parliament. Once a year he/she shall submit a report to the Parliament on the most important state issues.

5. The President of Georgia carries out other authorities defi ned by the Constitution.

anoba, an daiTxovos isini, Tu maTi moqmedebiT safrTxe

Seeqmna qveynis suverenitets, teritoriul mTlianobas,

saxelmwifo xelisuflebis organoTa konstituciuri

uflebamosilebebis ganxorcielebas;

l) konstituciiT miniWebuli uflebamosilebebis gan-

saxorcieleblad gamoscems dekrets, brZanebulebas, gan-

kargulebas, agreTve, rogorc saqarTvelos samxedro Za-

lebis umaRlesi mTavarsardali, _BbrZanebas;

m) xels awers da aqveynebs kanons konstituciiT

dadgenili wesiT;

n) wyvets moqalaqeobis, TavSesafris micemis sakiTxebs;

o) aniWebs saxelmwifo jildoebs, umaRles samxedro,

specialur da sapatio wodebebs, umaRles diplomatiur


p) Seiwyalebs msjavrdebulT;

J) daiTxovs parlaments konstituciiT gansazRvrul

SemTxvevebSi da dadgenili wesiT.

2. saqarTvelos prezidenti niSnavs saqarTvelos pr-

ezidentis, parlamentisa da warmomadgenlobiTi organoebis

arCevnebs konstituciiTa da kanoniT dadgenili wesiT.

3. saqarTvelos prezidenti niSnavs erovnuli uSiS-

roebis sabWos wevrebs, mTavrobasTan SeTanxmebiT Tanamde-

bobaze niSnavs da Tanamdebobidan gadaayenebs saqarTvelos

SeiaraRebuli Zalebis generaluri Stabis ufross, sxva


4. saqarTvelos prezidenti uflebamosilia mimarTos

xalxs da parlaments. weliwadSi erTxel igi parlaments

warudgens moxsenebas qveynis mdgomareobis umniSvnelo-

vanes sakiTxebze.

5. saqarTvelos prezidenti axorcielebs konsti-

tuciiT gansazRvrul sxva uflebamosilebebs.

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116116 117117

Article 731 (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710).

Legal acts of the President of Georgia shall be counter-1. signed by the Prime-Minister, except the acts issued during the wartime and cases provided by the paragraph 2-4 of this article.

The order of the President of Georgia may not be coun-2. tersigned, unless the cases directly provided by the constitution.

Legal acts of the President of Georgia nominated by the 3. government or including pre-consent of the government may not be countersigned.

The order of the President of Georgia may not be coun-4. tersigned which relate to:

appointment and dissolution of elections of the Parlia-a) ment under the article 80 of the constitution, convocation of the fi rst sitting of newly elected Parliament, also convocation of the extraordinary sitting or session of the Parliament;

signing of laws and their promulgation, also return of a b) draft law with remarks to the Parliament;

appointment, submission and dismissal of the offi cials c) defi ned by the constitution if there are no other rules provided by the constitution.

appeal to the Court or the Constitutional Court;d) nominating a candidate of the Prime-Minister and ap-e)

pointment of the Prime-Minister

muxli 731 (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi

saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis

mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710).

1. saqarTvelos prezidentis samarTlebrivi aqtebi,

garda saomari mdgomareobis dros gamocemuli aqtebisa da

am muxlis me-2-me-4 punqtebiT gaTvaliswinebuli SemTx-

vevebisa, saWiroebs premier-ministris kontrasignacias.

2. kontrasignacias ar saWiroebs saqarTvelos prezi-

dentis brZaneba, garda konstituciiT pirdapir gaTval-

iswinebuli SemTxvevebisa.

3. kontrasignacias ar saWiroebs saqarTvelos prezi-

dentis is smarTlebrivi aqtebi, romlebic, konstituciis

Sesabamisad, gamocemulia mTavrobis wardginebiT an rom-

lebzedac mTavrobas micemuli aqvs winaswari Tanxmoba.

4. kontrasignacias ar saWiroebs saqarTvelos prezi-

dentis is samarTlebrivi aqtebi, romlebic ukavSirdeba:

a) parlamentis arCevnebis daniSvnas da mis daTxovnas

konstituciiT me-80 muxlis safuZvelze, axalarCeuli

parlamentis pirveli sxdomis mowvevas, agreTve parlamen-

tis riggareSe sxdomis an sesiis mowvevas;

b) kanonis xelmoweras da gamoqveynebas, agreTve par-

lamentSi kanonproeqtis SeniSvnebiT dabrunebas;

g) konstituciiT gansazRvrul Tanamdebobis pirTa

wardgenas, daniSvnas, gaTavisuflebas da gadayenebas, Tu

konstituciiT sxva ram ar aris gaTvaliswinebuli;

d) sasamarTloSi, sakonstitucio sasamarTloSi mi-


e) premierministrobis kandidatis wamoyenebas da pre-

mier-ministrad daniSvnas;

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118118 119119

Imposing temporary obligations on the Government in f) line with Paragraph 1 of Article 80 of the Constitution;

Granting State rewards and special ranks;g) Granting and termination of citizenship;h) Demand on convocation of sitting of the Government ac-i)

cording to the procedure provided by Paragraph 4 of Article 78;Activity of the administration of the President and Na-j)

tional Security Council Declaration or revocation of state of emergency or wartime;

Pardon;k) Legal act of the President which requires countersigning 5.

arises legal results only in the case of countersigning.In case of countersigning, the liability on legal acts shall 6.

be imposed to the Prime-Minister.

v) mTavrobisaTvis movaleobis Sesrulebis dakisrebas

konstituciis me-80 muxlis pirveli punqtis Sesabamis-


z) saxelmwifo jildoebisa da specialuri wodebebis


T) moqalaqeobis miniWebisa da Sewyvetas;

i) mTavrobis sxdomaze sakiTxis ganxilvis moTxov-

nas konstituciis 78-e muxlis me-6 punqtiT dadgenili


k) prezidentis administraciis da erovnuli uSiS-

roebis sabWos saqmianobas;

l) saomari mdgomareobis gamocxadebasa da gauqmebas;

m) msjavrdebulTa Sewyalebas.

5. prezidentis samarTlebrivi aqti, romelic

saWiroebs kontrasignacias, qveyndeba da samarTlebriv

Sedegebs warmoSobs mxolod kontrasignaciis SemTx-


6. kontrasignaciis SemTxvevaSi samarTlebriv aqtze

pasuxismgebloba ekisreba mTavrobas.

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120120 121121

Article 741. At the request of the Parliament of Georgia, of not less

than 200,000 electors or on his/her own initiative the President of Georgia shall schedule a referendum concerning the issues determined by the Constitution and the Organic Law within 30 days after receiving such a request.

1. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath 15.10.2010. N3710). The President of Georgia is authorized to appoint the referendum on the issued defi ned under the Constitution and the Law by the demand of the Parliament of Georgia, the Government of Georgia and no less than 200 000 electors, within the period of 30 days after reception of demand on its appointment.

2. The referendum shall not be held with the view of adopting or repealing law, in terms of amnesty or pardon, ratifi cation or denunciation of international treaties and agreements, as well as the issues restricting the basic constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals.

3. Issues related to the scheduling and holding referendum shall be determined by the Organic Law.

muxli 74

1. saqarTvelos parlamentis, aranakleb 200000 amom-

rCevlis moTxovniT an sakuTari iniciativiT saqarTvelos

prezidenti konstituciiTa da organuli kanoniT gansaz-

Rvrul sakiTxebze niSnavs referendums misi Catarebis

moTxovnis miRebidan 30 dRis ganmavlobaSi.

1. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi saprezi-

dento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier fi-

cis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710). saqarTvelos

prezidenti uflebamosilia saqarTvelos parlamentis,

saqarTvelos mTavrobis, aranakleb 200000 amomrCevlis

moTxovniT daniSnos referendumi konstituciiTa da kano-

niT gansazRvrul sakiTxebze, misi Catarebis moTxovnis

miRebidan 30 dRis ganmavlobaSi.

2. ar SeiZleba referendumis mowyoba kanonis misaRe-

bad an gasauqmeblad, amnistiisa da Sewyalebis gamo, saer-

TaSoriso xelSekrulebaTa da SeTanxmebaTa ratificire-

bisa da denonsirebis Sesaxeb, agreTve iseT sakiTxebze,

romlebic zRudaven adamianis ZiriTad konstituciur

uflebebsa da Tavisuflebebs.

3. referendumis daniSvnasa da CatarebasTan dakavSire-

buli sakiTxebi ganisazRvreba organuli kanoniT.

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122122 123123

Article 75The President of Georgia shall enjoy personal immunity. 1.

While holding his/her position, his/her detention or proceeding shall be impermissible.

2. In case of the violation of the Constitution, commission of high treason and other criminal offence, the Parliament shall be authorized to dismiss the President in accordance with a procedures of Article 63 of the Constitution and in accordance with a procedures determined by the Organic Law if:

2. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010 N3710) In case of violation of the Constitution and existence of signs of corpus delicti in the actions of the President, the Parliament shall be authorized to dismiss the President in accordance with a procedures prescribed by Article 63 of the Constitution and the Law if.

a. the violation of the Constitution is confi rmed by a judgment of the Constitutional Court;

b. corpus delicti of high treason and other criminal offence is confi rmed by a conclusion of the Supreme Court.

muxli 75

1. saqarTvelos prezidenti xelSeuvalia. Tanamdeboba-

ze yofnis dros ar SeiZleba misi dapatimreba an sisxlis

samarTlis pasuxisgebaSi micema.

2. prezidentis mier konstituciis darRvevis, saxelm-

wifo Ralatisa da sisxlis samarTlis sxva danaSaulis

Cadenis SemTxvevaSi parlaments konstituciis 63-e mux-

liTa da organuli kanoniT dadgenili wesiT SeuZlia

Tanamdebobidan gadaayenos prezidenti, Tu:

2. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi saprezi-

dento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier fi-

cis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710) prezidentis

mier konstituciis darRvevis an mis qmedebaSi danaSaulis

Semadgenlobis niSnebis arsebobis SemTxvevaSi parlaments

SeuZlia konstituciis 63-e muxliTa da kanoniT dadge-

nili wesiT Tanamdebobidan gadaayenos prezidenti, Tu:

a) konstituciis darRveva dadasturebulia sakonsti-

tucio sasamarTlos gadawyvetilebiT;

b) saxelmwifos Ralatisa da sisxlis samarTlis sxva

danaSaulis Semadgenlobis niSnebi dadasturebulia uzen-

aesi sasamarTlos daskvniT.

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124124 125125

Article 761. In case of inability to discharge the authority of the

President of Georgia or pre-term termination of his/her offi ce, the President of the Parliament shall exercise the responsibilities of the President of Georgia, whereas in case the President of the Parliament is unable to discharge the authority of the President of Georgia, as well as if the Parliament is dissolved the Prime Minister shall exercise the responsibilities of the President of Georgia. During the period of discharging the authority of the President of Georgia by the chairman of the Parliament, one of the Vice-chairmen shall perform the duties of the President of the Parliament. During the period of discharging the authority of the President of Georgia by the Prime Minister a member of the Government, having the authority of the fi rst Vice-Prime Minister shall perform the duties of the Prime Minister. (11.03.2008.N5833).

2. A person acting as the President shall not be entitled to use the rights defi ned in subparagraphs c) and i) of the fi rst paragraph of Article 73 and the rights defi ned in the fi rst paragraph of Article 74 and dissolve the Parliament as well. (06.02.2004. N3272).

2. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath 15.10.2010 N3710) Executor of duties of the President shall not be authorized to use the rights prescribed by Sub-paragraph “j” and ‘’p’’, Paragraph 1, Article 73 and Paragraph 1, Article 74.

3. The presidential election shall be held within 45 days after the termination of the offi ce of the President. The Parliament shall ensure the holding of election.

muxli 76

1. saqarTvelos prezidentis mier Tavisi uflebam-

osilebis ganxorcielebis SeuZleblobis an saqarTvelos

prezidentis uflebamosilebis vadamde Sewyvetis SemTx-

vevaSi saqarTvelos prezidentis movaleobas asrulebs par-

lamentis Tavmjdomare, xolo parlamentis Tavmjdomaris

mier saqarTvelos prezidentis movaleobis ganxorcielebis

SeuZleblobis SemTxvevaSi, agreTve Tu parlamenti daTxov-

nilia, saqarTvelos prezidentis movaleobas asrulebs pre-

mier-ministri. parlamentis Tavmjdomaris mier saqarTvelos

prezidentis movaleobis Sesrulebis periodSi parlamen-

tis Tavmjdomaris movaleobas, parlamentis Tavmjdo maris

davalebiT, asrulebs parlamentis Tavmjdomaris erT-erTi

moadgile. premier-ministris mier saqarTvelos preziden-

tis movaleobis Sesrulebis periodSi premier-mi nis tris

movaleobas asrulebs pirveli vice-premieris uflebam-

osilebis mqone mTavrobis wevri. (11.03.2008, #5833).

2. prezidentis movaleobis Semsrulebeli uflebam-

osili ar aris gamoiyenos 73-e muxlis pirveli punqtis

„g“ da „i“ qvepunqtebiT da 74-e muxlis pirveli punqtiT

gaTvaliswinebuli uflebebi, aseve daiTxovos parlamenti.

(06.02.2004. #3272).

2. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi sapr-

ezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier

ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710) preziden-

tis movaleobis Semsrulebeli uflebamosili ar aris

gamoiyenos konstituciis 73-e muxlis pirveli punqtis

„k“ da „J“ qvepunqtebiTa da 74-e muxlis pirveli punqtiT

gaTvaliswinebuli uflebebi.

3. prezidentis arCevnebi tardeba prezidentis ufle-

bamosilebis Sewyvetis droidan 45 dRis ganmavlobaSi da

mis Catarebas uzrunvelyofs parlamenti.

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126126 127127

Article 761

Deleted (10.10.2008 N344).

Article 77The administration of the President of Georgia shall be

established on purpose to promote the exercise of the authority of the President of Georgia. The President of Georgia shall appoint and dismiss the head of the administration of the President of Georgia, determine a structure and a procedure of activity of the administration. (06.02.2004. N3272).

muxli 761

amoRebulia (10.10.2008. #344).

muxli 77

saqarTvelos prezidentis uflebamosilebaTa ganxor-

cielebis xelSewyobis mizniT iqmneba saqarTvelos prezi-

dentis administracia. saqarTvelos prezidentis adminis-

traciis ufross Tanamdebobaze niSnavs da aTavisuflebs,

administraciis struqturasa da saqmianobis wess gansaz-

Rvravs saqarTvelos prezidenti. (06.02.2004. #3272).

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128128 129129



Article 781. The Government shall ensure the exercise of the executive

power, the internal and foreign policy of the state in accordance with the legislation of Georgia. The Government shall be responsible before the President and the Parliament of Georgia.

2. The Government shall be composed by the Prime Minister and the Ministers. The State Minister (the State Ministers) may be in the composition of the Government. The Prime Minister shall charge one of the members of the Government with the exercise of the responsibilities of the Vice Prime Minister. The Government and the members of the Government shall withdraw the authority before the President of Georgia.(11.03.2008. N5833).

21. The rule and authority of charging fi rst Vice Prime Minister and Vice Prime Minister is defi ned by the law. (11.03.2008. N5833).

3. The Government shall adopt a decree and a resolution on the basis of the constitution, laws and the normative acts of the President and for their realization thereof, which shall be signed by the Prime Minister.

4. The President of Georgia shall be authorized to convene and preside over the sittings of the Government with regard to the issues of exclusive state importance. Decision adopted at the sitting shall be formed by the act of the President.

Tavi meoTxe1

saqarTvelos mTavroba

(06.02.2004. #3272).

muxli 78

1. mTavroba saqarTvelos kanonmdeblobis Sesabamisad

uzrunvelyofs aRmasrulebeli xelisuflebis, qveynis sa-

Sinao da sagareo politikis ganxorcielebas. mTavroba

pasuxismgebelia saqarTvelos prezidentisa da parlamen-

tis winaSe.

2. mTavroba Sedgeba premier-ministrisa da ministre-

bisagan. mTavrobis SemadgenlobaSi SeiZleba iyos saxelm-

wifo ministri (saxelmwifo ministrebi). premier-minis-

tri uflebamosilia mTavrobis erT-erT wevrs daakisros

pirveli vice-premieris, agreTve erT an ramdenime wevrs

– vice-premieris movaleobis Sesruleba. mTavroba da

mTavrobis wevrebi uflebamosilebas ixsnian saqarTvelos

prezidentis winaSe. (11.03.2008. #5833).

21. pirveli vice-premierisa da vice-premieris movale-

obis dakisrebis wesi da uflebamosilebebi ganisazRvreba

kanoniT. (11.03.2008. #5833).

3. mTavroba konstituciis, kanonebis da prezidentis

normatiuli aqtebis safuZvelze da maT Sesasruleblad

iRebs dadgenilebasa da gankargulebas, romlebsac xels

awers premier-ministri.

4. saqarTvelos prezidenti uflebamosilia gansa-

kuTrebiT mniSvnelovan saxelmwifoebriv sakiTxebTan

dakavSirebiT moiwvios da Tavmjdomareobdes mTavrobis

sxdomas. sxdomaze miRebuli gadawyvetileba formdeba pr-

ezidentis aqtiT.

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130130 131131

5. The structure, authority, and a procedure of the activity of the Government shall be determined by the Constitution and law, the draft of which shall be submitted to the Parliament by the Government by the consent of the President.

6. The Government shall be authorized to retire by its own decision.

7. The authority of the Government shall begin upon the appointment of the members of the Government in accordance with a procedure and in cases established by the Constitution. (06.02.2004. N3272).

5. mTavrobis struqtura, uflebamosileba da saqmiano-

bis wesi ganisazRvreba konstituciiT da kanoniT, romlis

proeqtsac parlaments warudgens mTavroba prezidentTan


6. mTavroba uflebamosilia gadadges sakuTari gadaw-


7. mTavrobis uflebamosileba iwyeba konstituciiT

dadgenili wesiTa da SemTxvevebSi mTavrobis wevrebis

daniSvnisTanave. (06.02.2004.N#3272).

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132132 133133

Article 78 (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710).

1. The Government of Georgia is the supreme body of the executive branch, which exercises domestic and foreign policy of the State. The Government is accountable before the Parliament.

2. The Government shall be composed by the Prime-Minister and the Ministers. State Minister(s) may be in the composition of the Government.

3. The Prime Minister is authorized to charge one of the member (s) of the Government with the exercise of the responsibilities of the fi rst Vice Prime Minister, also charge one or several members with the exercise of the responsibilities of the Vice Prime Minister. The rules of charging is defi ned by the law.

4. The Prime Minister and the ministers represent Georgia in their competence.

5. The Government shall adopt a decree and a resolution under and for the purposes of implementation of the Constitution and legal acts, which shall be signed by the Prime-Minister.

6. The President of Georgia shall be authorized to demand for discussion of specifi c issues at the Government sitting and to participate in discussion of those issues at the Government sitting that is also attended by the Secretary and other members of the National Security Council.

7. Structure, authority and procedures of actions of the Government shall be defi ned by the Constitution and the Law. The Government shall submit this draft law to the Parliament.

8. The authority of the Government begins after the appointment of the members of the government in the cases defi ned and regulated by the constitution.

muxli 78 (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi

saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis

mier ficis dadebis momentidan, (15.10.2010. #3710).

1. saqarTvelos mTavroba aris aRmasrulebeli xelisu-

flebis umaRlesi organo, romelic axorcielebs qveynis

saSinao da sagareo politikas. mTavroba angariSvaldebu-

lia parlamentis winaSe.

2. mTavroba Sedgeba premier-ministrisa da ministre-

bisagan. mTavrobis SemadgenlobaSi SeiZleba iyos erTi an

ramdenime saxelmwifo ministri.

3. premier-ministri uflebamosilia mTavrobis erT-

erT wevrs daakisros pirveli vice-premieris, agreTve

erT an ramdenime wevrs – vice-premieris movaleobaTa

Sesruleba. pirveli vice-premierisa da vice-premieris

movaleobaTa Sesrulebis dakisrebis wesi da maTi ufle-

bamosilebani ganisazRvreba kanoniT.

4. premier-ministri da ministrebi sagareo urTier-

TobebSi warmoadgenen saqarTvelos TavianTi kompetenciis


5. mTavroba konstituciisa da sxva sakanonmdeblo

aqtebis safuZvelze da maT Sesasruleblad iRebs dadge-

nilebasa da gankargulebas, romlebsac xels awers pre-


6. saqarTvelos prezidenti uflebamosilia moiTxo-

vos calkeul sakiTxTa mTavrobis sxdomaze ganxilva da

monawileoba miiRos am ganxilvaSi, romelsac aseve eswrebian

erovnuli uSiSroebis sabWos mdivani da sxva wevrebi.

7. mTavrobis struqtura, uflebamosileba da saqmi-

anobis wesi ganisazRvreba kanoniT. aRniSnuli kanonis

proeqts parlaments warudgens mTavroba.

8. mTavrobis uflebamosileba iwyeba konstituciiT

gansazRvrul SemTxvevebSi da dadgenili wesiT mTavrobis

wevrTa daniSvnisTanave.

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134134 135135

Article 791.The Prime Minister shall be the Chairman of the

Government.1. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of

October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710). The Prime-Minister is the head of the Government.

2. The Prime Minister shall determine the directions of the activity of the Government, organize the activity of the Government, exercise co-ordination and control over the activity of the members of the Government, submit report on the activity of the Government to the President and be responsible for the activity of the Government before the President and the Parliament of Georgia.

2. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710) The Prime-Minister shall defi ne the directions of activity of the Government, organize the activities of the Government, coordinate and controls the activities of the members of the Government.’’

3. At the request of the Parliament the Prime Minister shall submit an account to it on the realization of the governmental program.

4. The Prime Minister within his/her authority shall issue an individual legal act- an order, exercise full administrative functions in the building of the Government as well.

5. The Prime Minister shall appoint other members of the Government by the consent of the President, be authorized to dismiss the members of the Government.

muxli 79

1. mTavrobis Tavmjdomarea premier-ministri.

1. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi sapr-

ezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier

ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710) mTavrobis

meTauria premier-ministri.

2. premier-ministri gansazRvravs mTavrobis saqmiano-

bis mimarTulebebs, organizacias uwevs mTavrobis saqmi-

anobas, axorcielebs koordinacias da kontrols mTavro-

bis wevrebis saqmianobaze, moaxsenebs saqarTvelos prezi-

dents mTavrobis saqmianobis Sesaxeb da pasuxismgebelia

mTavrobis saqmianobisaTvis saqarTvelos prezidentisa da

parlamentis winaSe.

2. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi saprezi-

dento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier ficis

dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710) premier-ministri

gansazRvravs mTavrobis saqmianobis mimarTulebebs, orga-

nizebas uwevs mTavrobis saqmianobas, axorcielebs mTavro-

bis wevrTa saqmianobis koordinaciasa da controls.

3. premier-ministri parlamentis moTxovniT warud-

gens mas samTavrobo programis Sesrulebis mimdinareobis

Sesaxeb angariSs.

4. premier-ministri Tavisi uflebamosilebis far-

glebSi gamoscems individualur samarTlebriv aqts –

brZanebas, agreTve, axorcielebs srul administraciul

funqciebs mTavrobis SenobaSi.

5. premier-ministri prezidentis TanxmobiT niSnavs

mTavrobis sxva wevrebs, uflebamosilia Tanamdebobidan

gaaTavisuflos mTavrobis wevrebi.

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136136 137137

5. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710) The Prime-Minister shall appoint and dismiss other members of the Government.

6. The Prime Minister shall appoint and dismiss other offi cials in accordance with a procedure and in cases envisaged by law.

7. Resignation of the Prime Minister or termination of his/her authority shall result in termination of the authority of the other members of the Government. In case of resignation or dismissal of the other member of the Government the Prime minister shall appoint a new member of the Government within two weeks by the consent of the President of Georgia. (06.02.2004. N3272).

7. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710). Resignation of the Prime-Minister or termination of his/her authority shall result in termination of authority of other members of the Government. In case of resignation or dismissal of other member of the Government the Prime-Minister shall appoint a new member of the Government within two weeks.

5. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi sapr-

ezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier

ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710) premier-

ministri Tanamdebobaze niSnavs da Tanamdebobidan aTavisu-

flebs mTavrobis sxva wevrebs.

6. premier-ministri kanoniT gaTvaliswinebul SemTx-

vevebSi da wesiT Tanamdebobaze niSnavs da Tanamdebobidan

aTavisuflebs sxva Tanamdebobis pirebs.

7. premier-ministris gadadgoma an misi uflebamosileb-

is Sewyveta iwvevs mTavrobis sxva wevrTa uflebamosileb-

is Sewyvetas. mTavrobis sxva wevris gadadgomis an Tana-

mdebobidan gaTavisuflebis SemTxvevaSi premier-ministri

saqarTvelos prezidentis TanxmobiT ori kviris vadaSi

niSnavs mTavrobis axal wevrs. (06.02.2004.N#3272).

7. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi sapr-

ezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier

ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710) premier-

ministris gadadgoma an misi uflebamosilebis sxvagvarad

Sewyveta iwvevs mTavrobis sxva wevrTa uflebamosilebis

Sewyvetas. mTavrobis sxva wevris gadadgomis an Tanamde-

bobidan gaTavisuflebis SemTxvevaSi premier-ministri ori

kviris vadaSi niSnavs mTavrobis wevrs.

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138138 139139

Article 801. After taking the oath by the President of Georgia, the

Government shall withdraw the authority before the President of Georgia. The President shall uphold the withdrawal of the authority of the Government and be entitled to charge the Government with the exercise of the responsibilities until the appointment of a new composition.

2. The President of Georgia within 7 days from the resignation, dismissal and withdrawal of the authority of the Government after the consultations with the Parliamentary Factions shall choose a candidate of the Prime Minister, whereas the candidate of the Prime Minister _ the candidates of the members of the Government by the consent of the President within a term of 10 days. Within 3 days from the end of the procedure envisaged by the fi rst sentence of this paragraph the President of Georgia shall submit the composition of the Government to the Parliament for confi dence.

3. Within a week from the submission of the composition of the Government by the President of Georgia the Parliament shall consider and vote the issue of declaration of confi dence to the composition of the Government and the Governmental program. The confi dence of the Parliament shall be gained by the majority of the total number of the members of the Parliament. The members of the Government shall be appointed within a term of three days from the declaration of confi dence. The Parliament shall be entitled to declare non-confi dence to the composition of the Government and raise a question of recusal of a particular member of the Government in the same decision. In case of approval of the decision of the Parliament on the recusal by the President the recused person shall not be appointed in the same composition of the Government instead of a dismissed or resigned member.

muxli 80

1. saqarTvelos prezidentis mier ficis miRebis Semdeg

mTavroba ixsnis uflebamosilebas saqarTvelos preziden-

tis winaSe. prezidenti iRebs mTavrobis uflebamosilebis

moxsnas da masve SeuZlia daakisros movaleobaTa Ses-

ruleba mTavrobis axali Semadgenlobis daniSvnamde.

2. saqarTvelos prezidenti mTavrobis gadadgomis,

gadayenebis an uflebamosilebis moxsnidan 7 dRis gan-

mavlobaSi saparlamento fraqciebTan konsultaciebis

Semdeg SearCevs premier-ministris kandidaturas, xolo

premier-ministrobis kandidati saqarTvelos prezident-

Tan SeTanxmebiT 10 dRis vadaSi – mTavrobis wevrebis

kandidaturebs. am punqtis pirveli winadadebiT gaTval-

iswinebuli proceduris dasrulebidan 3 dRis vadaSi

saqarTvelos prezidenti parlaments warudgens mTavro-

bis Semadgenlobas ndobis misaRebad.

3. parlamenti saqarTvelos prezidentis mier mTavrobis

Semadgenlobis wardgenidan erTi kviris vadaSi ganixilavs

da kenWs uyris mTavrobis Semadgenlobisa da samTavrobo

programisTvis ndobis gamocxadebis sakiTxs. parlamentis

ndobis misaRebad saWiroa parlamentis sruli Semadgen-

lobis umravlesobis mxardaWera. mTavrobis wevrebi unda

dainiSnon ndobis gamocxadebidan sami dRis vadaSi. par-

lamenti uflebamosilia ndoba ar gamoucxados mTavrobis

Semadgenlobas da imave gadawyvetilebaSi dasvas mTavro-

bis calkeuli wevris acilebis sakiTxi. prezidentis mier

acilebis Sesaxeb parlamentis gadawyvetilebis gaziarebis

SemTxvevaSi dauSvebelia acilebuli piris mTavrobis im-

ave SemadgenlobaSi daniSvna mTavrobis gaTavisuflebuli

an gadamdgari wevris nacvlad.

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140140 141141

4. In case a composition of the Government and its governmental program do not gain the confi dence of the Parliament, the President of Georgia shall submit the same or a new composition of the Government to the Parliament within a term of a week. The Parliament shall exercise the procedure provided for by paragraph 3 of this Article.

5. In case a composition of the Government and the program of the Governmental thereof do not gain the confi dence of the Parliament for three times, the President of Georgia shall nominate a new candidate of the Prime Minister within a term of 5 days or appoint the Prime Minister without consent of the Parliament, whereas the Prime Minister shall appoint the Ministers by the consent of the President of Georgia within a term of 5 days as well. In such a case the President of Georgia shall dissolve the Parliament and schedule extraordinary elections.

6 It shall be impermissible to put the issue of dismissal of the President of Georgia in accordance with impeachment procedure during the procedures envisaged by this Article. (06.02.2004.N3272).

4. Tu mTavrobis Semadgenlobam da misma samTavrobo

programam ver miiRo parlamentis ndoba, saqarTvelos

prezidenti erTi kviris vadaSi warudgens parlaments

mTavrobis imave an axal Semadgenlobas. parlamenti axor-

cielebs am muxlis me-3 punqtiT gaTvaliswinebul pro-


5. Tu mTavrobis Semadgenlobam da samTavrobo progra-

mam zedized samjer ver miiRo parlamentis ndoba, saqarT-

velos prezidenti 5 dRis vadaSi wamoayenebs premier-

ministris axal kandidaturas an parlamentis Tanxmobis

gareSe niSnavs premier-ministrs, xolo premier-ministri,

aseve 5 dRis vadaSi, daniSnavs ministrebs saqarTvelos

prezidentis TanxmobiT. am SemTxvevaSi saqarTvelos pr-

ezidenti daiTxovs parlaments da daniSnavs riggareSe


6. am muxliT gaTvaliswinebuli procedurebis mimdin-

areobisas dauSvebelia saqarTvelos prezidentis impiC-

mentis wesiT Tanamdebobidan gadayenebis sakiTxis aRZvra.


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142142 143143

Article 80 (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710).

After the approval of the newly-elected Parliament, the 1. Government shall be deemed as dismissed and the President of Georgia shall authorize the same Government to perform its du-ties until confi rmation of a new Government.

Within 7 days after the dismissal of the Government, the 2. President of Georgia shall nominate a candidate of Prime-Min-ister proposed by the political group with the best results in the Parliamentary elections.

The candidate for the Prime-Minister shall, within 7 days, 3. nominate the candidates of Ministers and present the composition of the Government to the Parliament of Georgia for the vote of confi dence, The Government program should be submitted to-gether with composition of the Government.

The Parliament of Georgia shall, within 7 days after sub-4. mission of composition of the Government, discuss and vote the question of confi dence for the composition of the Government. Support of majority of the enlisted members of the Parliament shall be required to receive the vote of confi dence of the Parlia-ment.

In case the Government does not receive the vote of con-5. fi dence, a revised voting shall be held within 30 days after sub-mission of composition of the Government to the Parliament in relation with the vote of confi dence towards the initially submit-ted or revised composition of the Government.

If a candidate of the Prime-Minister is not presented or 6. the Parliament does not grant the vote of confi dence to the Gov-ernment and its program in compliance with the procedure pre-scribed by paragraph 5, the President shall, within 7 days, nomi-

muxli 80 (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi

saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis

mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710).

1. axalarCeuli parlamentis uflebamosilebis cno-

bisTanave mTavrobis uflebamosileba moxsnilad iTvleba

da saqarTvelos prezidenti masve akisrebs movaloebis

Sesrulebas mTavrobis axali Semadgenlobis Seqmnamde.

2. saqarTvelos prezidenti mTavrobis uflebamosileb-

is moxsnidan 7 dRis vadaSi wamoayenebs parlamentis ar-

CevnebSi saukeTeso Sedegis mqone saarCevno subieqtis mier

misTvis wardgenil premier-ministris kandidaturas.

3. premierministrobis kandidati 7 dRis vadaSi Sear-

Cevs ministrTa kandidaturebs da saqarTvelos parla-

ments warudgens mTavrobis Semadgenlobas ndobis misaRe-

bad. mTavrobis SemadgenlobasTan erTad wardgenili unda

iqnes samTavrobo programa.

4. saqarTvelos parlamenti mTavrobis Semadgenlobis

wardgenidan 7 dRis vadaSi ganixilavs da kenWs uyris

mTavrobis SemadgenlobisTvis ndobis gamocxadebis sakiTxs.

parlamentis ndobis misaRebad saWiroa parlamentis siiTi

Semadgenlobis umravlesobis mxardaWera.

5. Tu mTavrobis Semadgenlobam ndoba ver miiRo, mTav-

robis Semadgenlobis parlamentSi wardgenidan 30 dRis

vadaSi ganmeorebiT eyreba kenWi mTavrobis Tavdapirvelad

wardgenili an ganaxlebuli SemadgenlobisTvis ndobis

gamocxadebis sakiTxs.

6. Tu ar iqneba wardgenili premierministrobis kan-

didati an mTavrobis Semadgenlobas am muxlis me-5 pun-

qtiT dadgenili wesiT da gaTvaliswinebul vadaSi par-

lamenti ndobas ver gamoucxadebs, prezidenti 7 dRis

vadaSi premierministrobis kandidatad wamoayenebs par-

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144144 145145

nate a Prime-Minister from the candidates proposed by no less than two fi fth of the enlisted members of the Parliament. If two candidates have been proposed by different compositions of the members of the Parliament, the President shall nominate the can-didate proposed by the majority, and in case the candidates are nominated by equal number of the members of the Parliament, the President shall nominate either candidate.

In the case prescribed by the Paragraph 6 hereunder, se-7. lection of the members of the Government and granting of vote of confi dence to the composition of the Government shall be carried out according to the procedure provided by the Paragraphs 3-4 hereunder. If the Parliament fails to grant the vote of confi dence to the composition of the Government, the President of Georgia shall, within 3 days, dissolve the Parliament and appoint extraor-dinary elections.

The President of Georgia shall, within 2 days after grant-8. ing the vote of confi dence to the composition of Government, appoint a Prime-Minister, and the Prime-Minister shall, within 2 days, appoint other members of Government. If the President fails to issue the legal act on appointment of the Prime-Minister, he/she shall be deemed as appointed.

lamentis siiTi Semadgenlobis aranakleb ori mexuTedis

mier wardgenil kandidaturas. Tu parlamentis wevrTa

sxvadasxva Semadgenloba 2 kandidaturas waradgens, pr-

ezidenti premierministrobis kandidatad wamoayenebs im

kandidaturas, romelic ufro metma parlamentis wevrma

waradgina, xolo warmdgenTa Tanabari raodenobis SemTx-

vevaSi – erT-erT wardgenil kandidaturas.

7. am muxlis me-6 punqtiT gaTvaliswinebul SemTx-

vevaSi mTavrobis wevrTa SerCeva da mTavrobis Semadgen-

lobisTvis ndobis gamocxadeba xdeba am muxlis me-3 da

me-4 punqtebiT dadgenilis wesiT. Tu parlamenti ndobas

ver gamoucxadebs mTavrobis Semadgenlobas, saqarTvelos

prezidenti 3 dRis vadaSi daiTxovs parlaments da daniS-

navs riggareSe arCevnebs.

8. mTavrobis SemadgenlobisTvis ndobis gamocxadebi-

dan 2 dRis vadaSi prezidenti niSnavs premier-ministrs,

xolo premier-ministri aseve 2 dRis vadaSi – mTavro-

bis sxva wevrebs. Tu prezidenti aRniSnul vadaSi ar

gamoscems samarTlebriv aqts premier-ministris daniSvnis

Taobaze, premier-ministri daniSnulad CaiTvleba.

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146146 147147

Article 801 (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710).

1. In case of dissolution of authority of the Government, The President of Georgia shall, within 7 days, nominate a candidate of Prime-Minister submitted by the Parliamentary majority, or if such majority is not formed yet, the Parliamentary fraction in which the most members of the Parliament are included.

2. Selection and granting of vote of confi dence to the mem-bers of the Government shall be carried out according to the pro-cedure provided by the Paragraphs 3-8 of Article 80.

3. In case of the circumstances provided by Paragraph 1 hereunder, the President of Georgia shall impose the obligations to the same composition of Government till formation of new Government.

muxli 801 (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi

saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis

mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710).

1. mTavrobis uflebamosilebis Sewyvetis SemTxvevaSi

saqarTvelos prezidenti 7 dRis vadaSi premierministro-

bis kandidatad wamoayenebs saparlamento umravlesobis,

xolo Tu umravlesoba Seqmnili ar aris – im saparla-

mento fraqciis mier wardgenil kandidaturas, romelSic

yvelaze meti parlamentis wevria gaerTianebuli.

2. mTavrobis wevrTa SerCeva da mTavrobis Semadgen-

lobisTvis ndobis gamocxadeba xdeba konstituciis me-80

muxlis me-3-me-8 punqtebiT dadgenili wesiT.

3. am muxlis pirveli punqtiT gaTvaliswinebuli ga-

remoebebis arsebobisas saqarTvelos prezidenti mTavro-

bis imave Semadgenlobas akisrebs movaleobis Sesrulebas

mTavrobis axali Semadgenlobis Seqmnamde.

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148148 149149

Article 811. The Parliament shall be entitled to declare non-confi dence

to the Government by the majority of the total number. Not less than one third of the total number of the members of the Parliament shall be entitled to raise a question of declaration of non- confi dence. After the declaration of non-confi dence to the Government the President of Georgia shall dismiss the Government or not approve the decision of the Parliament. In case the Parliament declares non- confi dence to the Government again not earlier than 90 days ant not later than 100 days, the President of Georgia shall dismiss the Government or dissolve the Parliament and schedule extraordinary elections. In case of circumstances provided for by subparagraphs “a”-“d” of Article 511 re-voting of non-confi dence shall be held within 15 days from the end of these circumstances.

2. The Parliament shall be entitled to raise the question of declaration of unconditional non-confi dence to the Government by a resolution. In case the Parliament declares non-confi dence to the Government by the majority of three-fi fth of the total number of the members of the Parliament not earlier than 15 days and not later than 20 days from the adoption of the resolution, the President shall dismiss the Government. In case the Parliament does not declare non-confi dence to the Government, it shall be impermissible to put the question of non-confi dence to the Government within next 6 months.

3. In case of dismissal of the Government in accordance with a procedure provided for by paragraph 2 of this Article the President of Georgia shall not be entitled to appoint the same person as a Prime Minister in the next composition of the Government or nominate the same candidate of the Prime Minister.

muxli 81

1. parlamenti uflebamosilia undobloba gamoucxados

mTavrobas sruli Semadgenlobis umravlesobiT. undoblo-

bis gamocxadebis sakiTxis aRZvris ufleba aqvs parlamen-

tis sruli Semadgenlobis aranakleb erT mesameds. mTav-

robisadmi undoblobis gamocxadebis Semdeg saqarTvelos

prezidenti gadaayenebs mTavrobas an ar iziarebs parla-

mentis gadawyvetilebas. Tu parlamenti ara uadres 90 da

ara ugvianes 100 dRisa kvlav gamoucxadebs mTavrobas un-

doblobas, saqarTvelos prezidenti gadaayenebs mTavrobas

an daiTxovs parlaments da daniSnavs riggareSe arCevnebs.

511 muxlis „a“–„d“ qvepunqtebiT gaTvaliswinebuli ga-

remoebebis arsebobisas undoblobis gamocxadebis Sesaxeb

ganmeorebiTi kenWisyra unda gaimarTos am garemoebebis

amowurvidan 15 dReSi.

2. parlamenti uflebamosilia dadgenilebiT aRZras

mTavrobisTvis upirobo undoblobis gamocxadebis sakiTxi.

Tu dadgenilebis miRebidan ara uadres 15 da ara ugvi-

anes 20 dRisa parlamenti sruli Semadgenlobis sami

mexuTedis umravlesobiT gamoucxadebs mTavrobas undob-

lobas, prezidenti gadaayenebs mTavrobas. Tu parlamenti

mTavrobas undoblobas ver gamoucxadebs, mTavrobis un-

doblobis sakiTxis dasma Semdgomi 6 Tvis ganmavlobaSi


3. am muxlis me-2 punqtiT gaTvaliswinebuli wesiT

mTavrobis gadayenebis SemTxvevaSi saqarTvelos preziden-

ti uflebamosili ar aris mTavrobis momdevno Semadgen-

lobaSi daniSnos igive piri premier-ministrad an war-

adginos premier-ministrobis igive kandidatura.

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150150 151151

4. The Prime Minister shall be entitled to put the question of confi dence of the Government on the draft laws on the State Budget, Tax Code and a procedure of the structure, authority and activity of the Government considering at the Parliament. The Parliament shall declare the confi dence to the Government by the majority of the total number. In case the Parliament does not declare the confi dence to the Government, the President of Georgia shall dismiss the Government or dissolve the Parliament within a week and schedule extraordinary elections.

5. Voting the declaration of confi dence shall be held within 15 days from the putting of the question.

Failure of voting during this term shall mean the declaration of confi dence.

6. A relevant draft law shall be deemed adopted upon the declaration of confi dence to the Government by the Parliament.

7. It shall be impermissible to put the question of dismissal of the President of Georgia in accordance with impeachment procedure during the procedures provided for by this Article. (06.02.2004. N3272).

4. premier-ministri uflebamosilia dasvas mTavro-

bis ndobis sakiTxi parlamentSi gansaxilvel saxelmwifo

biujetis, sagadasaxdo kodeqsis da mTavrobis stuq-

turis, uflebamosilebisa da saqmianobis wesis Sesaxeb

kanonproeqtebze. parlamenti mTavrobas ndobas ucxadebs

sruli Semadgenlobis umravlesobiT. Tu parlamenti mTav-

robas ndobas ar gamoucxadebs, saqarTvelos prezidenti

erTi kviris ganmavlobaSi gadaayenebs mTavrobas an daiTx-

ovs parlaments da daniSnavs riggareSe arCevnebs.

5. ndobis gamocxadebasTan dakavSirebiT kenWisyra

unda gaimarTos sakiTxis dasmidan 15 dRis ganmavlobaSi.

am vadaSi kenWisyris Cautarebloba niSnavs ndobis gamocx-


6. parlamentis mier mTavrobisaTvis ndobis gamocxa-

debisas Sesabamisi kanonproeqti miRebulad CaiTvleba.

7. am muxliT gaTvaliswinebuli procedurebis mimdin-

areobisas dauSvebelia saqarTvelos prezidentis impiC-

mentis wesiT Tanamdebobidan gadayenebis sakiTxis aRZvra.


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152152 153153

Article 81 (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710).

The Parliament shall be entitled to declare non-confi dence 1. to the Government. No less than two fi fth of the enlisted members of the Parliament shall be entitled to raise a question of non-con-fi dence. The voting in relation to non-confi dence shall be held not earlier than twenty and no later than twenty-fi ve days. The ques-tion of non-confi dence shall be deemed as started if more than half of enlisted members of the Parliament support this decision. If the Parliament does not make the decision on rising of question of non-confi dence, appealing to the Parliament on raining of the question of non-confi dence by the same members of the Parlia-ment, within 6 months after fro voting, shall not be admitted.

The Parliament shall, not earlier than 20 days and no lat-2. er than 25 days after commencement of discussion of non-confi -dence, vote to submission of the candidate of the Prime –Minister nominated by at least two fi fth of the enlisted members of the Parliament to the President. If 2 candidates are nominated ac-cording to the procedure of this paragraph, both of them shall be put to the vote. A candidate of Prime-Minister shall be submitted to the President if voted by more than half of the enlisted mem-bers of the Parliament; Not submitting the candidature regarded to this paragraph, means ceasing the non-confi dence procedure.

The President shall be authorized to, within 5 days after 3. submission of the candidate of Prime-Minister, nominate a candi-date of Prime-Minister or to refuse the nomination of the submit-ted candidate. If the President nominates the candidate submitted by the Parliament, confi dence shall be declared to new composi-tion of the Government according to the procedure provided by the Paragraphs 3-4, Article 80;

muxli 81 (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi

saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis

mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710).

1. parlamenti uflebamosilia undobloba gamoucxados

mTavrobas. Uundoblobis gamocxadebis sakiTxis aRZvris

Sesaxeb parlaments SeiZleba mimarTos parlamentis siiTi

Semadgenlobis aranakleb orma mexuTedma. Uundoblobis

gamocxadebis sakiTxi aRZrulad CaiTvleba, Tu am gadaw-

yvetilebas mxars dauWers parlamentis siiTi Semadgen-

lobis naxevarze meti. Tu parlamenti ar miiRebs gadaw-

yvetilebas undoblobis gamocxadebis sakiTxis aRZvris

Sesaxeb parlamentisTvis mimarTva kenWisyridan eqvsi Tvis

ganmavlobaSi dauSvebelia.

2. undoblobis gamocxadebis sakiTxis aRZvridan ara

uadres 20 da ara ugvianes 25 dRisa parlamenti kenWs

uyris parlamentis siiTi Semadgenlobis aranakleb ori

mexuTedis mier dasaxelebuli premier-ministris kandida-

turis prezidentisaTvis wardgenas. Tu am punqtiT dadge-

nili wesiT dasaxelda premier-ministris 2 kandidatura,

kenWi eyreba orive kandidaturas. Pprezidents premier-

ministris kandidatura waredgineba, Tu mas mxars dau-

Wers parlamentis siiTi Semadgenlobis naxevarze meti.

am punqtiT dadgenili wesiT premier-ministris kandida-

turis warudgenloba niSnavs undoblobis gamocxadebis

proceduris Sewyvetas.

3. prezidenti uflebamosilia premier-ministris kan-

didaturis wardgenidan 5 dRis vadaSi wamoayenos wardge-

nili premier-ministris kandidatura an uari ganacxados am

kandidaturis wamoyenebaze. Tu prezidenti wamoayenebs par-

lamentis mier wardgenil kandidaturas, mTavrobis axali

SemadgenlobisTvis ndobis gamocxadeba xdeba konstituciis

me-80 muxlis me-3 da me-4 punqtebiT dadgenili wesiT.

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154154 155155

If the President refuses nomination of the candidate of 4. Prime-Minister presented to him by the Parliament in the case provided by the Paragraph 3, the Parliament shall be authorized to vote for submission of the same candidate of Prime-Minister to the President no earlier than 15 and no later than 20 days after submission of the candidate. If submission is supported by three fi fth of the enlisted members of the Parliament, the President shall be obligated to nominate the candidate of Prime-Minister submitted to him within 3 days. Declaration of confi dence to new composition of the Government shall be carried out according to Paragraphs 3-4 of Article 80;

Declaration of confi dence by the Parliament to the new 5. composition of the Government according to the procedure pre-scribed by Paragraphs 3 or 4 hereunder shall be deemed as declara-tion of non-confi dence to the government, causing dissolution of its authorities. Appointment of new Prime-Minister and Govern-ment shall be carried out according to Paragraph 8, Article 80.

In case of declaration of non-confi dence by the Parlia-6. ment to new composition of Government according to the pro-cedure prescribed by Paragraphs 3 or 4 hereunder, the President shall be authorized to dismiss the Parliament and appoint by-elections within three days.

4. Tu prezidenti am muxlis me-3 punqtiT gaTval-

iswinebul SemTxvevaSi uars ganacxadebs parlamentis

mier misTvis wardgenili premier-ministris kandidaturis

wamoyenebaze, parlamenti kandidaturis wardgenidan ara

uadres 15 da ara ugvianes 20 dRisa kenWs uyris prezi-

dentisaTvis premier-ministris imave kandidaturis ward-

genas. Tu wardgenas mxars dauWers parlamentis siiTi

Semadgenlobis sami mexuTedi, prezidenti valdebulia 3

dRis vadaSi wamoayenos misTvis wardgenili premier-min-

istris kandidatura. mTavrobis axali SemadgenlobisTvis

ndobis gamocxadeba xdeba konstituciis me-80 muxlis

me-3 da me-4 punqtebiT dadgenili wesiT.

5. parlamentis mier am muxlis me-3 da me-4 punqtiT

dadgenili wesiT mTavrobis axali SemadgenlobisTvis

ndobis gamocxadeba CaiTvleba mTavrobisTvis undoblobis

gamocxadebad, rac iwvevs misi uflebamisilebis Sewyvetas.

axali premier-ministrisa da mTavrobis wevrTa daniSvna

xdeba konstituciis me-80 muxlis me-8 punqtiT dadge-

nili wesiT.

6. parlamentis mier am muxlis me-3 da me-4 punqtiT

dadgenili wesiT mTavrobis axali SemadgenlobisTvis

ndobis gamoucxadeblobis SemTxvevaSi prezidenti ufle-

bamosilia 3 dRis vadaSi daiTxovos parlamenti da daniS-

nos riggareSe arCevnebi.

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156156 157157

Article 811

1. After the declaration of confi dence to the Government and its governmental program, in case of renewal of the fi rst composition of the Government by one third, but not less than 5 members of the

Government, the President of Georgia shall submit a composition of the Government to the Parliament for confi dence within a week.

2. Declaration of confi dence to the composition of the Government by the Parliament shall be exercised in accordance with a procedure established by Article 80 of the Constitution. (06.02.2004 N3272).

Article 811 (shall be enforced from the next presidential

election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710).

The Prime-Minister shall be entitled to raise before the 1. Parliament the question of confi dence of the Government in rela-tion to the initiated draft law.

The Parliament shall vote to the draft law within 14 days 2. after raising the question provided by the Paragraph 1 hereunder. The draft law shall be adopted by one hearing with the quorum enacted for the draft laws established in article 66 .

If the draft law is not adopted, this shall be deemed as the 3. decision provided by the Paragraph 1, Article 81 and the proce-dures prescribed by paragraph 2-4 of Article 81 shall be contin-ued.

A draft law shall be deemed adopted, if the Parliament 4. does not declare non-confi dence within the terms and conditions provided by paragraph 2-4 of Article 81.

muxli 811

1. parlamentis mier mTavrobisa da misi samTavro-

bo programisaTvis ndobis gamocxadebis Semdeg mTavro-

bis Tavdapirveli Semadgenlobis erTi mesamediT, magram

aranakleb mTavrobis 5 wevriT ganaxlebis SemTxvevaSi,

saqarTvelos prezidenti erTi kviris vadaSi warudgens

parlaments ndobis misaRebad mTavrobis Semadgenlobas.

2. parlamentis mier mTavrobis SemadgenlobisTvis

ndobis gamocxadeba xdeba konstituciis me-80 muxliT

dadgenili wesiT.

muxli 811 (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi

saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis

mier ficis dadebis momentidan, (15.10.2010. #3710).

1. premier-ministri uflebamosilia mTavrobis mier

iniciirebul kanonproeqtTan dakavSirebiT parlamentis

winaSe dasvas mTavrobis ndobis sakiTxi.

2. parlamenti kanonproeqts kenWs uyris am muxlis

pirveli punqtiT gaTvaliswinebuli sakiTxis dasmidan 14

dRis vadaSi. kanonproeqti miiReba erTi mosmeniT, konsti-

tuciis 66-e muxliT Sesabamisi kanonis proeqtis misaRe-

bad gansazRvruli kvorumiT.

3. Tu kanonproeqti ar iqneba miRebuli, es CaiTvleba

konstituciis 81-e muxlis pirveli punqtiT gansazRvrul

gadawyvetilebad undoblobis gamocxadebis sakiTxis

aRZvris Taobaze da gagrZeldeba konstituciis 81-e mux-

lis me-2-me-4 punqtebiT gaTvaliswinebuli procedurebi.

4. Tu parlamenti konstituciis 81-e muxlis me-2-me-4

punqtebiT dadgenili wesiT da gaTvaliswinebul vadebSi

undoblobas ar gamoucxadebs mTavrobas, kanonproeqti

miRebulad CaiTvleba.

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158158 159159

Article 812

1. Ministries shall be created with the view of ensuring state government and state policy in particular fi eld of state and public life.

2. Ministry shall be headed by a Minister who shall adopt decisions independently on the matters falling within his/her competence. A Minister shall issue orders on the basis of law, normative act of the President or resolution of the Government and with the view of implementing them.

3. The State Minister shall be appointed in accordance with a procedure established by the Constitution with the view of fulfi lling the state objects of exclusive importance.

4. A member of the Government shall not have the right to hold any position, except for a party position, either establish an enterprise, engage in entrepreneurial activity or receive a salary from any other activity, with the exception of scientifi c and pedagogical activity.

5. A member of the Government shall be entitled to resign. (06.02.2004. N3272).

muxli 812

1. saministroebi iqmneba saxelmwifoebrivi da sazoga-

doebrivi cxovrebis gansazRvrul sferoSi saxelmwifo

mmarTvelobisa da saxelmwifo politikis ganxorcielebis


2. saministros xelmZRvanelobs ministri, romelic

damoukideblad iRebs gadawyvetilebas mis kompetencias

mikuTvnebul sakiTxebze. ministri kanonis, prezidentis

normatiuli aqtis an mTavrobis dadgenilebis safuZvelze

da maT Sesasruleblad gamoscems brZanebas.

3. saxelmwifo ministri iniSneba konstituciiT dadge-

nili wesiT gansakuTrebuli mniSvnelobis saxelmwifoe-

brivi amocanebis Sesasruleblad.

4. mTavrobis wevrs ufleba ar aqvs ekavos sxva Tanamde-

boba, garda partiulisa, daafuZnos sawarmo, eweodes samewar-

meo saqmianobas, iRebdes xelfass raime sxva saqmianobidan,

garda samecniero, pedagogiuri, SemoqmedebiTi saqmianobisa.

5. mTavrobis wevri uflebamosilia gadadges Tanamde-

bobidan. (06.02.2004. #3272).

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160160 161161

Article 813 (11.03.2008. N5833).1. State Envoy-Governor guarantees President of Georgia

and Government’s representation in the Administrative-territorial bodies.

2. State Envoy-Governor exercises State supervision on local-self government bodies activities and exercises other rights defi ned by the law.

3. Cases of State Envoy-Governor’s appointments and dismissal is defi ned by the law.

Article 813 (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710).

The executive branch is represented by the State Envoy–1. Governor in the administrative-territorial units of Georgia.

Authority of State Envoy–Governor shall be defi ned by 2. the Law. The Government appoints and dismisses the State En-voy–Governor.”

Article 814 (10.10.2008. N344).Prosecutor agencies are in the consistence of Ministry of

Justice and Minister of Justice exercises its common leadership. Authorities and activities of procurator offi ce are determined by the law.

muxli 813 (11.03.2008. #5833).

1. saqarTvelos prezidentisa da mTavrobis warmo-

madgenlobas saqarTvelos administraciul-teritoriul

erTeulebSi uzrunvelyofs saxelmwifo rwmunebuli –


2. saxelmwifo rwmunebuli – gubernatori kanoniT

dadgenili wesiT axorcielebs saxelmwifo zedamxed-

velobas adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis organoebis saq-

mianobaze da axorcielebs kanoniT gansazRvrul sxva


3. saxelmwifo rwmunebulis – gubernatoris Tanamde-

bobaze daniSvnisa da Tanamdebobidan gaTavisuflebis wesi

ganisazRvreba kanoniT.

muxli 813 (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi

saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis

mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710).

1. aRmasrulebeli xelisuflebis warmomadgenlobas

saqarTvelos administraciul-teritoriul erTeulebSi

uzrunvelyofs saxelmwifo rwmunebuli-gubernatori.

2. saxelmwifo rwmunebulis – gubernatoris ufle-

bamosilebani ganisazRvreba kanoniT.

3. saxelmwifo rwmunebuls – gubernators Tanamde-

bobaze niSnavs da Tanamdebobidan aTavisuflebs mTavroba.

muxli 814

prokuraturis organoebi Sedis iusticiis saminis-

tros sistemaSi da maT saerTo xelmZRvanelobas axorcie-

lebs iusticiis ministri. Pprokuraturis uflebamosile-

ba da saqmianobis wesi ganisazRvreba kanoniT. (10.10.2008.


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162162 163163



Article 821. Judicial power shall be exercised by means of constitutional

control, justice and other forms determined by law.2. Acts of courts shall be obligatory for all state bodies and

persons throughout the whole territory of the country.3. The judiciary shall be independent and exercised

exclusively by courts.4. A court shall adopt a judgment in the name of Georgia.5. The cases shall be considered by juries before the courts of

general jurisdiction in accordance with a procedure and in cases prescribed by law. (06.02.2004. N3272).

Article 831. The Constitutional Court of Georgia shall be the judicial

body of Constitutional review. Its authority, the procedures of its creation and activity shall be determined by the Constitution and the Organic Law.

2. Justice shall be administered by general courts. Their system shall be determined by an organic law. (27.12.2006. N4133).

3. Introduction of a court martial shall be permissible at war and exclusively within the system of the courts of general jurisdiction.

4. Creation of either extraordinary or special courts shall be prohibited.

Tavi mexuTe

sasamarTlo xelisufleba

muxli 82

1. sasamarTlo xelisufleba xorcieldeba sakonsti-

tucio kontrolis, marTlmsajulebis da kanoniT dadge-

nili sxva formebis meSveobiT.

2. sasamarTlos aqtebi savaldebuloa yvela saxelm-

wifo organosa da pirisaTvis qveynis mTel teritori-


3. sasamarTlo xelisufleba damoukidebelia da mas

axorcieleben mxolod sasamarTloebi.

4. sasamarTlos gadawyvetileba gamoaqvs saqarTvelos


5. saerTo sasamarTloebSi saqmeebi nafici msajulebis

mier ganixileba kanoniT gaTvaliswinebul SemTxvevebSi da

wesiT. (06.02.2004. #3272).

muxli 83

1. sakonstitucio kontrolis sasamarTlo organoa

saqarTvelos sakonstitucio sasamarTlo. misi uflebam-

osileba, Seqmnisa da saqmianobis wesi ganisazRvreba kon-

stituciiT da organuli kanoniT.

2. marTlmsajulebas axorcieleben saerTo sasa-

marTloebi. maTi sistema dadgenilia organuli kanoniT.

(27.12.2006. #4133).

3. samxedro sasamarTlos SemoReba SeiZleba saomar

pirobebSi da mxolod saerTo sasamarTlos sistemaSi.

4. sagangebo an specialuri sasamarTloebis Seqmna


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164164 165165

Article 841. A judge shall be independent in his/her activity and shall

be subject only to the Constitution and law. Any pressure upon the judge or interference in his/her activity with the view of infl uencing his/her decision shall be prohibited and punishable by law.

2. The removal of a judge from the consideration of a case, his/her pre-term dismissal or transfer to another position shall be permissible only in the circumstances determined by law.

3. No one shall have the right to demand from a judge an account as to a particular case.

4. All acts restricting the independence of a judge shall be annulled.

5. Only a court shall be authorized to repeal, change or suspend a court judgment in accordance with a procedure determined by law.

Article 851. Cases before a court shall be considered at an open sitting.

The consideration of a case at a closed sitting shall be permissible only in the circumstances provided for by law. A court judgment shall be delivered publicly.

2. Legal proceedings shall be conducted in the state language. An individual not having a command of the state language shall be provided with an interpreter. In the districts, where the population does not have a command of the state language, teaching of the state language and solution of the issues related to the legal proceedings shall be ensured.

3. The legal proceedings shall be exercised on the basis of equality of parties and the adversarial nature of the proceedings.

muxli 84

1. mosamarTle Tavis saqmianobaSi damoukidebelia da

emorCileba mxolod konstitucias da kanons. raime zemo-

qmedeba mosamarTleze, an Careva mis saqmianobaSi gadaw-

yvetilebis miRebaze zegavlenis mizniT, akrZalulia da

isjeba kanoniT.

2. mosamarTlis Camocileba saqmis ganxilvisagan, Tana-

mdebobidan misi vadamde ganTavisufleba an sxva Tanamde-

bobaze gadayvana daiSveba mxolod kanoniT gansazRvrul


3. aravis ara aqvs ufleba mosTxovos mosamarTles

angariSi konkretul saqmeze.

4. baTilia yvela aqti, romelic zRudavs mosamarT-

lis damoukideblobas.

5. sasamarTlos gadawyvetilebis gauqmeba, Secvla an

SeCereba SeuZlia mxolod sasamarTlos kanoniT gansaz-

Rvruli wesiT.

muxli 85

1. sasamarTloSi saqme ganixileba Ria sxdomaze. daxu-

rul sxdomaze saqmis ganxilva dasaSvebia mxolod kano-

niT gaTvaliswinebul SemTxvevebSi. sasamarTlos gadaw-

yvetileba cxaddeba saqveynod.

2. samarTalwarmoeba xorcieldeba saxelmwifo enaze.

pirs, romelmac saxelmwifo ena ar icis, mieCineba Tarji-

mani. im raionebSi, sadac mosaxleoba ar flobs saxelm-

wifo enas, uzrunvelyofilia saxelmwifo enis Seswav-

lisa da samarTalwarmoebasTan dakavSirebuli sakiTxebis


3. samarTalwarmoeba xorcieldeba mxareTa Tanasworo-

bisa da SejibrebiTobis safuZvelze.

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166166 167167

Article 861. A judge shall be a citizen of Georgia who has attained the

age of 28, and has the highest legal education and at least fi ve years experience in the practice of law. (27.12.2005. N 2496).

1. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710). A citizen of Georgia who has attained the age of 30 has relevant higher legal education and has at least 5 year-working experience in the legal area is eligible to hold the judicial offi ce.

2. A judge shall be designated on the position for a period of not less than ten years. The selection, appointment or dismissal procedure of a judge shall be determined by law.

2. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010 N3710). Judges are life-time appointed, unless they reach the age determined by the Law. Before life-time appointment of the judge, the Law may envisage the appointment of the judge for defi nite period, no more than 3 years. The rules on selection, appointment or dismissal of judges are defi ned by the organic Law.

3. The position of a judge shall be incompatible with any other occupation and remunerative activity, except for pedagogical and scientifi c activities. A judge shall not be a member of a political party or participate in a political activity. (27.12.2005. N 2496).

muxli 86

1. mosamarTle SeiZleba iyos saqarTvelos moqalaqe

28 wlis asakidan, Tu mas aqvs umaRlesi iuridiuli

ganaTleba da specialobiT muSaobis sul cota 5 wlis

gamocdileba. (27.12.2005. #2496).

1. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi sapr-

ezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier

ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710) mosamarTle

SeiZleba iyos saqarTvelos moqalaqe 30 wlis asakidan,

Tu mas aqvs Sesabamisi umaRlesi iuridiuli ganaTleba da

specialobiT muSaobis sul cota 5 wlis gamocdileba.

2. mosamarTlis Tanamdebobaze gamweseba xdeba aranak-

leb 10 wlis vadiT. mosamarTleTa SerCevis, daniSvnis,

Tanamdebobidan ganTavisuflebis wesi ganisazRvreba kano-


2. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi sapr-

ezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier

ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710) mosamarT-

lis Tanamdebobaze gamweseba uvadod, kanoniT dadgenili

asakis miRwevamde. mosamarTlis uvadod gamwesebamde kano-

niT SeiZleba gaTvaliswinebul iqnes mosamarTlis gan-

weseba gansazRvruli vadiT, magram ara umetes 3 wlisa.

mosamarTleTa SerCevis, daniSvnisa da Tanamdebobidan ga-

Tavisuflebis wesi ganisazRvreba konstituciiTa da or-

ganuli kanoniT.

3. mosamarTlis Tanamdeboba SeuTavsebelia nebismier

sxva TanamdebobasTan da anazRaurebad saqmianobasTan, garda

pedagogiuri da samecniero moRvaweobisa. mosamarTle ar

SeiZleba iyos politikuri partiis wevri, monawileobdes

politikur saqmianobaSi. (27.12.2005. #2496).

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168168 169169

Article 861 (27.12.2006. N4133 shall be enforce after the regulation of proper issues by organic law).

1. The Supreme Council of Justice of Georgia shall be set up to appoint and dismiss judges from/to offi ce and for other purposes.

2. Half of the Supreme Council of Justice of Georgia shall be composed of members elected by a self-government body of the judges of general courts of Georgia. Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia shall chair the Supreme Council of Justice of Georgia.

3. Powers and a setting up procedure of the Supreme Council of Justice of Georgia shall be determined by an organic law.

Article 871. A judge shall enjoy personal immunity. Criminal

proceeding of a judge, his/her arrest or detention, the search of his/her apartment, car, workplace or his/her person shall be permissible by the consent of the President of the Supreme Court of Georgia, except when he/she is caught fl agrante delicto, which shall immediately be notifi ed to the President of the Supreme Court of Georgia. Unless the President of the Supreme Court gives his/her consent to the arrest or detention, the arrested or detained judge shall immediately be released.

2. The state shall ensure the security of a judge and his/her family.

muxli 861 (27.12.2006. #4133, amoqmeddes organuli

kanoniT Sesabamisi sakiTxebis mowesrigebis Semdeg)

1. mosamarTleTa Tanamdebobaze daniSvnis, mosamarTle-

Ta Tanamdebobidan gaTavisuflebis da sxva amocanebis Ses-

rulebis mizniT iqmneba saqarTvelos iusticiis umaRlesi


2. saqarTvelos iusticiis umaRlesi sabWos Semad-

genlobis naxevarze mets Seadgenen saqarTvelos saerTo

sasamarTloebis mosamarTleTa TviTmmarTvelobis organos

mier arCeuli wevrebi. saqarTvelos iusticiis umaRles

sabWos Tavmjdomareobs saqarTvelos uzenaesi sasamarT-

los Tavmjdomare.

3. saqarTvelos iusticiis umaRlesi sabWos uflebam-

osileba da Seqmnis wesi ganisazRvreba organuli kano-


muxli 87

1. mosamarTle xelSeuxebelia. dauSvebelia misi sisx-

lis samarTlis pasuxisgebaSi micema, dakaveba an dapatimre-

ba, misi binis, manqanis, samuSao adgilis an piradi gaCxreka

saqarTvelos uzenaesi sasamarTlos Tavmjdomaris Tanxmo-

bis gareSe. gamonaklisia danaSaulze waswrebis SemTxveva,

rac dauyovnebliv unda ecnobos saqarTvelos uzenaesi

sasamarTlos Tavmjdomares. Tu igi ar miscems Tanxmobas,

dakavebuli an dapatimrebuli mosamarTle dauyovnebliv

unda ganTavisufldes.

2. saxelmwifo uzrunvelyofs mosamarTlis da misi

ojaxis usafrTxoebas.

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170170 171171

Article 881. The Constitutional Court of Georgia shall exercise the

judicial power by virtue of the constitutional legal proceedings.2. The Constitutional Court of Georgia consists of 9 judges

– the members of the Constitutional Court. 3 members of the court are appointed by the President of Georgia, 3 members are selected by half of the enlisted members of the Parliament, 3 members – by the Supreme Court. Validity of authority of the Constitutional Court members is 10 years. The Constitutional Court elects its chairman from its composition for the period of 5 years. (15.10.2010. N3710).

A member of the Constitutional Court shall not be a per-3. son who has held this position before.

4. A member of the Constitutional Court may be a citizen of Georgia who has attained the age of 30 and has the highest legal education. The selection, appointment and election procedure and the issue of termination of the offi ce of the members of the Constitutional Court as well as other issues of the constitutional legal proceeding and the activity of the Constitutional Court shall be determined by law. (27.12.2005. N 2496).

5. A member of the Constitutional Court shall enjoy personal immunity. A member of the Constitutional Court shall not be proceeded, arrested or detained, nor shall his/her apartment, car, workplace or his/her person be subject to search without the consent of the Constitutional Court, except when he/she is caught fl agrante delicto, which shall immediately be notifi ed to the Constitutional Court. Unless the Constitutional Court gives its consent to the arrest or detention, an arrested or detained member shall immediately be released.

muxli 88

1. saqarTvelos sakonstitucio sasamarTlo sasamarT-

lo xelisuflebas axorcielebs sakonstitucio samar-

Talwarmoebis wesiT.

2. saqarTvelos sakonstitucio sasamarTlo Sedgeba

9 mosamarTlisagan _ sakonstitucio sasamarTlos wevre-

bisagan. sasamarTlos 3 wevrs niSnavs saqarTvelos prezi-

denti, 3 wevrs irCevs parlamenti siiTi Semadgenlobis

naxevarze metiT, 3 wevrs niSnavs uzenaesi sasamarTlo.

sakonstitucio sasamarTlos wevrTa uflebamosilebis

vadaa 10 weli. sakonstitucio sasamarTlo Tavisi Semad-

genlobidan 5 wlis vadiT irCevs sakonstitucio sasa-

marTlos Tavmjdomares. (15.10.2010. N3710).3. sakonstitucio sasamarTlos wevri ar SeiZleba

iyos piri, romelsac adre ekava es Tanamdeboba.

4. sakonstitucio sasamarTlos wevri SeiZleba iyos

saqarTvelos moqalaqe 30 wlis asakidan, Tu mas aqvs

umaRlesi iuridiuli ganaTleba. sakonstitucio sasa-

marTlos wevrebis SerCevis, daniSvnisa da arCevis, maTi

uflebamosilebis Sewyvetis, agreTve sakonstitucio sa-

marTalwarmoebis da sasamarTlos saqmianobis sxva sakiTx-

ebi ganisazRvreba kanoniT. (27.12.2005. #2496).

5. sakonstitucio sasamarTlos wevri xelSeuxebe-

lia. dauSvebelia misi sisxlis samarTlis pasuxisgebaSi

micema, dakaveba an dapatimreba, misi binis, manqanis, samuSao

adgilis an piradi gaCxreka sakonstitucio sasamarTlos

Tanxmobis gareSe. gamonaklisia danaSaulze waswrebis

SemTxveva, rac dauyovnebliv unda ecnobos sakonstitu-

cio sasamarTlos. Tu igi ar miscems Tanxmobas, sakonsti-

tucio sasamarTlos dakavebuli an dapatimrebuli wevri

dauyovnebliv unda ganTavisufldes.

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172172 173173

Article 891. The Constitutional Court of Georgia on the basis of a

constitutional claim or a submission of the President of Georgia, the Government, not less than one fi fth of the members of the Parliament, a court, the higher representative bodies the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia and the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, the representative bodies of the self-government – the City Council (Sakrebulo), the Highest Council of Justice, the Public Defender or a citizen in accordance with a procedure established by the Organic Law: (15.10.2010. N3710).

a. adjudicate upon the constitutionality of a Constitutional Agreement, law, normative acts of the President and the Government, the normative acts of the higher state bodies of the Autonomous Republic Abkhazia and the Autonomous Republic of Adjara (06.02.2004. N3272).

b. consider dispute on competence between state bodies;c. consider constitutionality of formation and activity of

political associations of citizens;d. consider dispute on constitutionality of provisions on

referenda and elections as well as dispute on constitutionality of referenda and elections held on the basis of these provisions; (27.12.2005. N 2496).

e. consider constitutionality of international treaties and agreements;

f. consider, on the basis of a claim of a person, constitutionality of normative acts in relation to fundamental human rights and freedoms enshrined in Chapter Two of the Constitution; (27.12.2005. N 2496).

muxli 89

1. saqarTvelos sakonstitucio sasamarTlo saqarT-

velos prezidentis, mTavrobis, parlamentis wevrTa aranak-

leb erTi mexuTedis, sasamarTlos, afxazeTis avtonomi-

uri respublikisa da aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis

umaRlesi warmomadgenlobiTi organoebis, TviTmmarTveli

erTeulis warmomadgenlobiTi organos – sakrebulos,

iusticiis umaRlesi sabWos, saxalxo damcvelis da mo-

qalaqis sarCelisa Tu wardginebis safuZvelze organuli

kanoniT dadgenili wesiT (15.10.2010. N3710):a) iRebs gadawyvetilebebs konstituciasTan, konsti-

tuciuri SeTanxmebis, kanonis, prezidentis, mTavrobis,

afxazeTis avtonomiuri respublikisa da aWaris avtonomi-

uri respublikis xelisuflebis umaRles organoTa nor-

matiuli aqtebis Sesabamisobis sakiTxebze; (06.02.2004.


b) ixilavs davas saxelmwifo organoebs Soris kompe-

tenciis Sesaxeb;

g) ixilavs moqalaqeTa politikur gaerTianebaTa Se-

qmnisa da saqmianobis konstituciurobis sakiTxebs;

d) ixilavs referendumisa da arCevnebis momwesrige-

beli normebis da am normebis safuZvelze Catarebuli

an Casatarebeli arCevnebis (referendumis) konstituci-

urobasTan dakavSirebul davas; (27.12.2005. #2496).

e) ixilavs saerTaSoriso xelSekrulebebis da SeT-

anxmebebis konstituciurobis sakiTxs;

v) piris sarCelis safuZvelze ixilavs normatiuli

aqtebis konstituciurobas saqarTvelos konstituciis

meore TaviT aRiarebuli adamianis ZiriTad uflebebTan

da TavisuflebebTan mimarTebiT; (27.12.2005. #2496).

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174174 175175

f1. consider dispute on violation of the Constitutional Law of Georgia on the Status of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara; (01.07.2004. N306).

f²) On the basis of the claim brought by representative bodies of the self-government – the City Council (Sakrebulo), discusses the question of constitutionality of normative acts is discussed in relation to the regulations defi ned by Chapter VII¹ of the Constitution;

f³) On the basis of submission made by the High Council of Justice the question of compatibility of normative acts with Articles 82, 84, 86, 86¹, 87 and 90 of the Constitution shall be discussed; (15.10.2010. N3710).

g. exercise other powers determined by the Constitution and the Organic Law of Georgia.

2. The judgment of the Constitutional Court shall be fi nal. A normative act or a part thereof recognized as unconstitutional shall cease to have legal effect from the moment of the promulgation of the respective judgment of the Constitutional Court.

31) ixilavs davas „aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis

statusis Sesaxeb“ saqarTvelos konstituciuri kanonis

darRvevis Taobaze; (01.07.2004. #306).

32) TviTmmarTveli erTeulis warmomadgenlobiTi or-

ganos – sakrebulos sarCelis safuZvelze ixilavs nor-

matiuli aqtis konstituciurobis sakiTxs konstituciis

meSvide1 TavTan mimarTebiT; (15.10.2010. N3710). 33) iusticiis umaRlesi sabWos wardginebis safuZ-

velze ixilavs normatiuli aqtebis Sesabamisobas kon-

stituciis 82-e, 84-e, 86-e, 861, 87-e da 90-e muxlebTan;

(15.10.2010. N3710).z) axorcielebs saqarTvelos konstituciiT da or-

ganuli kanoniT gansazRvrul sxva uflebamosilebebs.

2. sakonstitucio sasamarTlos gadawyvetileba sab-

olooa. arakonstituciurad cnobili normatiuli aqti

an misi nawili kargavs iuridiul Zalas sakonstitucio

sasamarTlos Sesabamisi gadawyvetilebis gamoqveynebis mo-


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176176 177177

Article 901. The Supreme Court of Georgia is the cassation court.

(15.10.2010. N3710).2. The President and the judges of the Supreme Court of

Georgia shall be elected for a period of not less than ten years by the Parliament by the majority of the number of the members of Parliament on the current nominal list upon the submission of the President of Georgia.

3. The authority, organization of the Supreme Court of Georgia and the procedure of activity and of the pre-term termination of the offi ce of the judges of the Supreme Court shall be determined by organic law. (15.10.2010. N3710).

4. The President and the members of the Supreme Court of Georgia shall enjoy personal immunity. Criminal proceeding of the President or a judge of the Supreme Court, their arrest or detention, the search of their apartment, car, workplace or person shall be permissible only by the consent of the Parliament, except when the President or a judge is caught fl agrante delicto, which shall immediately be notifi ed to the Parliament. Unless the Parliament gives its consent, the arrested or detained shall immediately be released.

Article 91 Deleted. (06.02.2004. N3272).

muxli 90

1. saqarTvelos uzenaesi sasamarTlo aris sakasacio

sasamarTlo. (15.10.2010. N3710).2. saqarTvelos uzenaesi sasamarTlos Tavmjdomares

da uzenaesi sasamarTlos mosamarTleebs saqarTvelos pr-

ezidentis wardginebiT siiTi Semadgenlobis umravleso-

biT irCevs parlamenti aranakleb 10 wlis vadiT.

3. saqarTvelos uzenaesi sasamarTlos uflebamosile-

ba, organizacia, saqmianobisa da uzenaesi sasamarTlos

wevrTa uflebamosilebis vadamde Sewyvetis wesi ganisaz-

Rvreba organuli kanoniT. (15.10.2010. N3710).4. saqarTvelos uzenaesi sasamarTlos Tavmjdomare da

wevrebi xelSeuxebeli arian. uzenaesi sasamarTlos Tav-

mjdomaris da wevrebis sisxlis samarTlis pasuxisgebaSi

micema, dakaveba an dapatimreba, maTi binis, manqanis, sam-

uSao adgilis an piradi gaCxreka SeiZleba mxolod par-

lamentis TanxmobiT. gamonaklisia danaSaulze waswrebis

SemTxveva, rac dauyovnebliv unda ecnobos parlaments.

Tu parlamenti ar miscems Tanxmobas, dakavebuli an dapa-

timrebuli piri dauyovnebliv unda ganTavisufldes.

muxli 91

amoRebulia. (06.02.2004. #3272).

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Article 921. The Parliament of Georgia by the majority of the number

of the members of the Parliament on the current nominal list shall annually adopt the Law on the State Budget, which shall be signed by the President of Georgia.

2. The procedure of the drafting and adoption of the State Budget shall be determined by law.

Tavi meeqvse

saxelmwifo finansebi

da kontroli

muxli 92

1. saqarTvelos parlamenti siiTi Semadgenlobis um-

ravlesobiT yovelwliurad iRebs saxelmwifo biujetis

kanons, romelsac xels awers saqarTvelos prezidenti.

2. saqarTvelos saxelmwifo biujetis Sedgenisa da

miRebis wesi ganisazRvreba kanoniT.

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180180 181181

Article 931. Only the Government of Georgia after the agreement with

the committees of the Parliament on the basic data and directions shall be authorized to submit the Draft Budget to the Parliament by the consent of the President of Georgia.

2. The Government shall submit the Draft Budget of next year to the Parliament not later than three months before the end of the budget year. Together with the Draft Budget, the Government shall submit a report on the progress of the fulfi llment of the State Budget of the current year. The Government shall submit a report on the fulfi llment of the State Budget to the Parliament for approval not later than three months from the end of the budget year. In case of non-fulfi llment of the State Budget the Parliament does not approve a report on the fulfi llment of the State Budget, the President of Georgia shall consider the issue of liability of the Government and inform the Parliament on his/her founded decision within a month.

3. The President shall approve the State Budget by a decree if it is not approved by the Parliament within a term established by the Constitution in cases defi ned by subparagraphs “a”-“d” of Article 511 of the Constitution.

4. The introduction of changes in the Draft Budget without the consent of the Government shall be impermissible. The Government shall be authorized to request the Parliament for the additional state expenditure, only if it indicates the sources of covering the latter.

muxli 93

1. mxolod saqarTvelos mTavrobaa uflebamosili

parlamentis komitetebTan ZiriTadi monacemebisa da mi-

marTulebebis SeTanxmebis Semdeg saqarTvelos preziden-

tis TanxmobiT parlaments warudginos saxelmwifo biu-

jetis proeqti.

2. mTavroba momavali wlis biujetis proeqts parla-

ments warudgens ara ugvianes sami Tvisa sabiujeto wlis

damTavrebamde. biujetis proeqtTan erTad mTavroba war-

adgens moxsenebas mimdinare wlis biujetis Sesrulebis

mimdinareobis Sesaxeb. saxelmwifo biujetis Sesrulebis

angariSs mTavroba parlaments dasamtkiceblad warud-

gens sabiujeto wlis dasrulebidan ara ugvianes 3 Tvisa.

Tu parlamenti saxelmwifo biujetis Seusruleblobis

SemTxvevaSi ar daamtkicebs saxelmwifo biujetis Ses-

rulebis angariSs, saqarTvelos prezidenti ganixilavs

mTavrobis pasuxismgeblobis sakiTxs da parlaments erTi

Tvis ganmavlobaSi acnobebs Tavisi dasabuTebuli gadaw-

yvetilebis Taobaze.

3. konstituciis 511 muxlis „a“–„d“ qvepunqtebiT

gaTvaliswinebul SemTxvevebSi parlamentis mier konsti-

tuciiT dadgenil vadaSi saxelmwifo biujetis daumt-

kiceblobisas saxelmwifo biujets dekretiT amtkicebs


4. mTavrobis Tanxmobis gareSe dauSvebelia biujetis

proeqtSi cvlilebis Setana. mTavrobas mxolod im piro-

biT SeuZlia mosTxovos parlaments damatebiTi saxelm-

wifo xarjis gaReba, Tu miuTiTebs misi dafarvis wy-


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182182 183183

5. The Parliament shall be authorized to control the legality of expenditure of the State Budget and in case of revealing the violation make a request on suspension of expenditure of the budget means before the President of Georgia. In case of confi rming of illegal expenditure the President shall adopt a relevant decision.

6. If the Parliament fails to adopt the Budget submitted in accordance with a procedure established by paragraph 2 of this Article within three months, the President of Georgia shall be authorized to dismiss the Government or dissolve the Parliament and schedule extraordinary elections.

7. In case of dissolution of the Parliament due to unapproved State Budget the President shall approve the State Budget by a decree and submit to the Parliament within a month from the recognition of the authority of the newly elected Parliament.

8. A draft law which results in increase of expenditure of the State Budget of the current year, reduction of an income or taking of the new fi nancial obligations by the State, may be adopted by the Parliament only after the consent of the Government, whereas the above mentioned laws with regard to the next fi nancial year- by the Government within the scope of the basic parameters of the State Budget agreed with the Parliament. (06.02.2004.N3272).

5. parlamenti uflebamosilia gaakontrolos mTavro-

bis mier saxelmwifo biujetis saxsrebis xarjvis kanon-

iereba da darRvevebis aRmoCenis SemTxvevaSi mimarTos

saqarTvelos prezidents sabiujeto saxsrebis xarjvis

SeCerebis moTxovniT. sabiujeto saxsrebis arakanonieri

xarjvis dadasturebis SemTxvevaSi prezidenti iRebs Se-

sabamis gadawyvetilebas.

6. Tu parlamentma ver moaxerxa am muxlis me-2 pun-

qtiT dadgenili wesis dacviT wardgenili biujetis

miReba sami Tvis ganmavlobaSi, saqarTvelos prezidenti

uflebamosilia gadaayenos mTavroba an daiTxovos parla-

menti da daniSnos riggareSe arCevnebi.

7. saxelmwifo biujetis daumtkiceblobis SemTxveva-

Si parlamentis daTxovnisas, prezidenti dekretiT daamt-

kicebs saxelmwifo biujets da axladarCeuli parlamen-

tis uflebamosilebis cnobidan erT TveSi warudgens mas


8. kanonproeqti, romelic iwvevs mimdinare wlis

saxelmwifo biujetis xarjebis zrdas, Semosavlebis Sem-

cirebas an saxelmwifos mier axali finansuri valdeb-

ulebebis aRebas, parlamentma SeiZleba miiRos mxolod

mTavrobis Tanxmobis Semdeg, xolo momaval safinanso

welTan dakavSirebuli zemoaRniSnuli kanonproeqtebi –

mTavrobis mier parlamentTan SeTanxmebuli saxelmwifo

biujetis ZiriTadi parametrebis farglebSi. (06.02. 2004.


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184184 185185

Article 93 (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710).

Only the Government of Georgia is authorized to submit 1. the Draft State Budget to the Parliament after discussion of the main data and directions with the Parliamentary Committees.

The Government shall present the draft budget for the coming 2. year no later than three months before the end of the current budget year. Along with the draft budget the Government shall present the report on implementation of the current budget. The Government shall present the report on implementation of the state budget to the Parliament for approval no later than 5 months before the end of the current budget year.

The draft budget shall not be amended without the consent of 3. the Government. The Government may claim Parliament additional expenditure only if it can indicate the recovery source for such expenditure.

If the Parliament fails to approve the presented budget 4. within 3 months, expenses will be cover by the last year budget.

The draft law that may entail increase of expenditure of the 5. State Budget, decrease of revenues or new fi nancial undertakings may be adopted by the Parliament only with the consent of the Government, and the draft law of the coming fi nancial year _ with the consent of the Government, or within the parameters of the state main data and directions nominated by the Government.

6. The Parliament is authorized to control the utilization of the state fi nancial resources by the Chamber of Control.

7. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oat) (15.12. 2010. N4033) Fundamental principles of economic policies are established by the Organic Law to ensure long-term, stable economic growth. Violation of the established limits of macroeconomic parameters and in the cases of deviation from the limits during special necessity activities in purpose of return to the parameters of the limits are defi ned by the Organic Law.

muxli 93 (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010. #3710).

1. mxolod saqarTvelos mTavrobaa uflebamosili, parla-

mentis komitetebTan ZiriTadi monacemebisa da mimarTulebebis

ganxilvis Semdeg ara parlaments warudginos saxelmwifo biu-

jetis proeqti.

2. mTavroba momavali wlis saxelmwifo biujetis proeqts

parlaments warudgens sabiujeto wlis dasrulebamde ara

ugvianes sami Tvisa, saxelmwifo biujetis proeqtTan erTad

mTavroba waradgens moxsenebas mimdinare wlis saxelmwifo biu-

jetis Sesrulebis mimdinareobis Sesaxeb. saxelmwifo biujetis

Sesrulebis angariSs mTavroba parlaments dasamtkiceblad war-

udgens sabiujeto wlis dasrulebidan ara ugvianes 5 Tvisa.

3. mTavrobis Tanxmobis gareSe dauSvebelia saxelmwifo

biujetis proeqtSi cvlilebis Setana, mTavrobas SeuZlia

mosTxovos parlaments damatebiTi saxelmwifo xarjis gaReba,

Tu miuTiTebs misi dafarvis wyaros.

4. Tu parlamenti ver moaxerxebs wardgenili saxelmwifo

biujetis miRebas 3 Tvis ganmavlobaSi, xarjebi daifareba wina

wlis saxelmwifo biujetis mixedviT.

5. kanonproeqti, romelic iwvevs mimdinare wlis saxelm-

wifo biujetis xarjebis zrdas, Semosavlebis Semcirebas an

saxelmwifos mier axali finansuri valdebulebebis aRebas,

parlamentma SeiZleba miiRos mxolod mTavrobis Tanxmobis

Semdeg, xolo momaval safinanso welTan dakavSirebuli kanon-

proeqti – mTavrobis TanxmobiT am mTavrobis mier parlamentSi

wardgenili qveynis ZiriTadi monacemebisa da mimarTulebebis

dokumentis farglebSi.

6. saxelmwifo saxsrebis xarjvas parlamenti akontrolebs

saqarTvelos kontrolis palatis meSveobiT.

7. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.12. 2011. 4033) xangrZlivi, stabiluri ekonomi-

kuri zrdis uzrun velsayofad ekonomikuri politikis fuZemde-

bluri principebi dgindeba organuli kanoniT. makroekonomikuri

parametrebis dadgenili zRvrebis darRvevisa da gansakuTrebuli

aucileblobis dros zRvrebisagan gadacdenis SemTxvevebi, aseve

parametrebis zRvrebTan dabrunebis mizniT gansaxorcielebeli

RonisZiebebi ganisazRvreba organuli kanoniT.

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186186 187187

Article 941. The payment of taxes and duties shall be obligatory in the

amount and in accordance with a procedure established by law.2. The structure of taxes and duties and the procedure for the

introduction thereof shall only be determined by law.3. Release from taxes shall be admitted only by the Law

(15.10.2010. N3710).4. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election

of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oat) (15.12. 2010. N4033) Establishment of new kind of total state tax, except for excise, or increase of upper limit of existing rate of total state taxes is possible only through a referendum, except the cases defi ned by the Organic law. Only the Government of Georgia is entitled to initiate the referendum.

5. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oat) (15.12. 2010. N4033) Establishment or change of tax, which is the alternative of existing tax or replaces it and at the same time does not increase tax burden shall not be introduced as the establishment of new kind of total state tax or increase of marginal rate. Tax rate changes within the framework of existing limits in accordance with the existing kinds of taxes shall not be introduced as establishment of new kind of total state tax or increase of marginal rate.

muxli 94

1. savaldebuloa gadasaxadebisa da mosakreblebis gad-

axda kanoniT dadgenili odenobiTa da wesiT.

2. gadasaxadebisa da mosakreblebis struqturas,

SemoRebis wess adgens mxolod kanoni.

3. gadasaxadebisagan ganTavisuflda dasaSvebia mxolod

kanoniT. (15.10.2010.N#3710).

4. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi sapr-ezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.12. 2011. 4033) saerTo-

saxelmwifoebrivi gadasaxadis axali saxis SemoReba, garda

aqcizisa, an saerTo-saxelmwifoebrivi gadasaxadis saxis

mixedviT arsebuli ganakveTis zeda zRvris gazrda Sesa-

Zlebelia mxolod referendumis gziT, garda organuli

kanoniT gaTvaliswinebuli SemTxvevebisa. referendumis

daniSvnis iniciirebis ufleba aqvs mxolod saqarTvelos


5. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi sapr-ezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.12. 2011. 4033) saerTo-

saxelmwifoebrivi gadasaxadis axali saxis SemoRebad an

zRvruli ganakveTis gazrdad ar CaiTvleba gadasaxadis

SemoReba an cvlileba, romelic arsebuli gadasaxadis

alternativaa an anacvlebs mas da amave dros ar zrdis

sagadasaxado tvirTs. saerTo-saxelmwifoebrivi gadasax-

adis axali saxis SemoRebad an zRvruli ganakveTis gaz-

rdad ar CaiTvleba agreTve gadasaxadis saxis mixedviT

arsebuli zRvruli ganakveTis farglebSi gadasaxadis

ganakveTis cvlileba.

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188188 189189

Article 951. The National Bank of Georgia exercises monetary policy

for guaranteeing sustainable prices and for supporting sustainable functioning of the fi nancial sector (15.10.2010. N3710).

2. Deleted (15.10.2010. N3710). 3. The National Bank shall be the bank of banks and the

banker of the Government of Georgia and its fi scal agent.4. The National Bank shall be independent in its activity.

The rights and duties, activity procedure and guarantee of independence of the National Bank shall be determined by the Organic Law.

5. The name of money and the monetary unit shall be determined by law. Only the National Bank shall be authorized to money emission.

Article 961. The Council of the National Bank shall be the higher body

of the National Bank of Georgia. The members of the Council of the National Bank shall be elected for a term of seven years by the Parliament by the majority of the number of the members of the Parliament on the current nominal list upon the submission of the President of Georgia. The dismissal of the members of the Council of the National Bank shall be permissible only under a decision of the Parliament in accordance with Article 64.

2. Among the members of the Council of the National Bank the President of the National Bank is appointed and dismissed by the President of Georgia (15.10.2010. N3710).

3. The National Bank shall be legally accountable before the Parliament and shall annually submit a report on its activity (15.10.2010. N3710).

muxli 95

1. saqarTvelos erovnuli banki warmarTavs qveynis

monetarul politikas fasebis stabilurobis uzrunvel-

sayofad da xels uwyobs finansuri seqtoris stabilur

funqcionirebas. (15.10.2010.N#3710)

2. amoRebulia. (15.10.2010.N#3710)

3. erovnuli banki aris bankTa banki, saqarTvelos

mTavrobis bankiri da fiskaluri agenti.

4. erovnuli banki damoukidebelia Tavis saqmianobaSi.

erovnuli bankis ufleba-movaleoba, saqmianobis wesi da

damoukideblobis garantia ganisazRvreba organuli kano-


5. fulis saxelwodeba da erTeuli ganisazRvreba

kanoniT. fulis emisiis ufleba aqvs mxolod erovnul


muxli 96

1. saqarTvelos erovnuli bankis umaRlesi organoa

erovnuli bankis sabWo, romlis wevrebs saqarTvelos pr-

ezidentis wardginebiT 7 wlis vadiT siiTi Semadgenlo-

bis umravlesobiT irCevs parlamenti. erovnuli bankis

sabWos wevrebis gadayeneba SeiZleba mxolod parlamentis

gadawyvetilebiT 64-e muxlis Sesabamisad.

2. erovnuli bankis prezidents erovnuli bankis sab-

Wos wevrTagan Tanamdebobaze niSnavs da Tanamdebobidan aT-

avisuflebs saqarTvelos prezidenti. (15.10.2010.N#3710)

3. erovnuli banki angariSvaldebulia parlamentis wi-

naSe da yovelwliurad warudgens mas Tavisi saqmianobis

angariSs. (15.10.2010. N3710).

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190190 191191

Article 971. The Chamber of Control of Georgia shall supervise the

use and expenditure of state funds and of other material values. It shall also be authorized to examine activity of other state bodies of fi scal and economic control, submit proposals on improving tax legislation to the Parliament.

2. The Chamber of Control shall be independent in its activity. It shall be accountable to the Parliament. The President of the Chamber of Control shall be elected for a term of fi ve years by the Parliament of Georgia by the majority of the number of the members of the Parliament on the current nominal list upon the submission of the President of Georgia. The grounds and a procedure of his/her dismissal shall be prescribed by the Constitution and law. (06.02.2004. N3272).

3. The Chamber of Control shall submit a report to the Parliament regarding Government expenditure twice a year while submitting the preliminary and fi nal reports on the fulfi llment of the Budget, and it shall submit a report on its activity once a year.

4. The authority, organization and procedure activity and guarantee of the independence of the Chamber of Control shall be determined by law.

5. Other bodies of state control shall be set up in accordance with law.

muxli 97

1. saxelmwifo saxsrebisa da saxelmwifos sxva mate-

rialur faseulobaTa gamoyenebasa da xarjvas zedamxed-

velobs saqarTvelos kontrolis palata. igi uflebam-

osilia agreTve Seamowmos safinanso-sameurneo kontro-

lis sxva saxelmwifo organoTa saqmianoba, warudginos

parlaments sagadasaxado kanonmdeblobis srulyofis


2. kontrolis palata damoukidebelia Tavis saqmi-

anobaSi. igi angariSvaldebulia parlamentis winaSe. kon-

trolis palatis Tavmjdomares 5 wlis vadiT siiTi Se-

madgenlobis umravlesobiT parlamentis Tavmjdomaris

wardginebiT irCevs saqarTvelos parlamenti. misi Tana-

mdebobidan gaTavisuflebis safuZvlebi da wesi ganisaz-

Rvreba konstituciiTa da kanoniT. (06.02.2004. #3272).

3. weliwadSi orjer, biujetis Sesrulebis winaswari

da sruli angariSis wardgenis dros, kontrolis palata

parlaments warudgens moxsenebas mTavrobis angariSTan

dakavSirebiT, xolo weliwadSi erTxel _ Tavisi saqmi-

anobis angariSs.

4. kontrolis palatis uflebamosileba, organizacia

da saqmianobis wesi, damoukideblobis garantia ganisaz-

Rvreba kanoniT.

5. saxelmwifo kontrolis sxva organoebi iqmneba

kanonis Sesabamisad.

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192192 193193



Article 981. Defensive war shall be a sovereign right of Georgia.2. Georgia shall have the armed forces for the defense of the

independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, as well as for the honoring its international obligations.

3. The types and the composition of the armed forces shall be determined by law. The structure of the armed forces shall be approved by the President of Georgia, while the strength thereof shall be approved by the Parliament by the majority of the number of the members of the Parliament on the current nominal list upon the submission of the Council of National Security.

Article 991. With the view of organizing the military construction and

defense of the country, the Council of National Security shall be set up which shall be guided by the President of Georgia.

2. The composition, authority and procedure activity of the Council of National Security shall be determined by the Organic Law.

Tavi meSvide

saxelmwifos Tavdacva

muxli 98

1. TavdacviTi omi saqarTvelos suverenuli uflebaa.

2. qveynis damoukideblobis, suverenitetisa da teri-

toriuli mTlianobis dasacavad, agreTve saerTaSoriso

valdebulebaTa Sesasruleblad saqarTvelos hyavs samx-

edro Zalebi.

3. samxedro Zalebis saxeobebi da Semadgenloba gan-

isazRvreba kanoniT. samxedro Zalebis struqturas amt-

kicebs saqarTvelos prezidenti, raodenobas ki erovnuli

uSiSroebis sabWos wardginebiT _ parlamenti siiTi Se-

madgenlobis umravlesobiT.

muxli 99

1. samxedro aRmSeneblobisa da qveynis Tavdacvis

organizaciisaTvis iqmneba erovnuli uSiSroebis sabWo,

romelsac xelmZRvanelobs saqarTvelos prezidenti.

2. erovnuli uSiSroebis sabWos Semadgenloba, ufle-

bamosileba da saqmianobis wesi ganisazRvreba organuli


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194194 195195

Article 1001. The President of Georgia shall adopt a decision on the

use of the armed forces and submit it to the parliament within 48 hours for approval. In addition the use of the armed forces for the honoring international obligations shall be impermissible without the consent of the Parliament of Georgia.

2. For the purpose of state defense in the exclusive cases and in cases envisaged by law, the decision about the entrance, use and movement of the armed forces of another state on the territory of Georgia shall be adopted by the President of Georgia. The decision shall immediately be submitted to the parliament for approval and shall be enforced after the consent of the Parliament. (06.02.2004.N3272).

Article 1011. Defense of Georgia shall be an obligation of every citizen

of Georgia.2. Defense of the country and discharge of military service

shall be a duty of every citizen being fi t thereupon. The form of the discharge of military service shall be determined by law.

muxli 100

1. samxedro Zalebis gamoyenebis Sesaxeb gadawyvetile-

bas iRebs saqarTvelos prezidenti da 48 saaTis ganmav-

lobaSi Seaqvs igi parlamentSi dasamtkiceblad. amasTan,

saerTaSoriso valdebulebaTa Sesasruleblad samxedro

ZalTa gamoyeneba dauSvebelia saqarTvelos parlamentis

Tanxmobis gareSe.

2. saxelmwifos Tavdacvis mizniT gansakuTrebul

da kanoniT gaTvaliswinebul SemTxvevebSi qveyanaSi sxva

saxelmwifos samxedro Zalis Semoyvanis, gamoyenebisa da

gadaadgilebis gadawyvetilebas iRebs saqarTvelos pr-

ezidenti. gadawyvetileba dauyovnebliv waredgineba par-

laments dasamtkiceblad da ZalaSi Sedis parlamentis

Tanxmobis Semdeg. (06.02.2004. #3272).

muxli 101

1. saqarTvelos dacva saqarTvelos yoveli moqalaqis


2. qveynis dacva da samxedro valdebulebis moxda

saamiso unaris mqone yvela moqalaqis valia. samxedro

valdebulebis moxdis formas adgens kanoni.

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196196 197197


LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT(15.10.2010. N3710)

Article 101¹The rule of creation and activity of representative and 1.

executive bodies of local self-government is defi ned by the organic Law. The executive bodies of the local self-governments are accountable to the local self-government representative bodies.

The representative body of local self-government – the 2. City Council (Sakrebulo) is elected by the Georgian citizens registered within the self-government unit area based on direct, universal, equal suffrage and clandestine voting.

The rule of establishing a local self-government unit and 3. revocation of its performance, as well as administrative border’s revision rule are defi ned by the organic Law. The consultations with the self-government must be the prior to revocation of the self-governmental unit or revision of the administrative borders of the self-governmental unit.

Tavi meSvide1

Aadgilobrivi TviTmmarTveloba

(15. 10. 2010. #3710)

muxli 1011

1. adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis warmomadgenlo-

biTi da aRmasrulebeli organoebis Seqmnisa da saqmiano-

bis wesi ganisazRvreba organuli kanoniT. Aadgilobrivi

TviTmmarTvelobis aRmasrulebeli organoebi angariSval-

debuli arian adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis warmomad-

genlobiTi organoebis winaSe.

2. adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis warmomadgenlobiT

organos – sakrebulos irCeven TviTmmarTveli erTeulis

teritoriaze registrirebuli saqarTvelos moqalaqeebi

pirdapiri, sayovelTao, Tanaswori saarCevno uflebis sa-

fuZvelze, faruli kenWisyriT.

3. TviTmmarTveli erTeulis Seqmnisa da gauqmebis,

agreTve misi administraciuli sazRvrebis gadasinjvis

wesi ganisazRvreba organuli kanoniT. TviTmmarTveli er-

Teulis gauqmebas an misi administraciuli sazRvrebis

gadasinjvas unda uswrebdes TviTmmarTvel erTeulTan


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198198 199199

Article 101²Rights and authority of local self-government unit are 1.

separated from those of the state institutions. The self-government unit has its own and delegated rights and authorities. The Organic Law determines the main principles defi ning rights and authorities of the self-government units.

The self-government unit independently and on own 2. responsibility exercises its duties in compliance with the rules determined by Georgian Legislation. Own authority defi ned by the Organic Law is exclusive.

Self-government unit is authorized to take any decision on 3. its own initiative, if this decision does not fall under the authority of any other government institution and it is not prohibited by the Law.

State institutions may delegate rights and powers to 4. the self-government unit on basis of legislative acts and also agreement only by transferring relevant material and fi nancial sources, the calculation of amount of which is determined by the Law.

muxli 1012

1. adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis uflebamosilebebi

gamijnulia saxelmwifo organoTa uflebamosilebebisagan.

TviTmmarTvel erTeuls aqvs sakuTari da delegirebuli

uflebamosilebani, adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis ufle-

bamosilebaTa gansazRvris ZiriTadi principebi da ufle-

bamosilebani dgindeba organuli kanoniT.

2. TviTmmarTveli erTeuli sakuTar uflebamosile-

bebs axorcielebs saqarTvelos kanonmdeblobiT dadge-

nili wesiT, damoukideblad da sakuTari pasuxismgeblo-

biT. organuli kanoniT gansazRvruli sakuTari uflebam-

osilebani eqskluziuria.

3. TviTmmarTveli erTeuli uflebamosilia Tavisi

iniciativiT gadawyvitos nebismieri sakiTxi, romelic

saqarTvelos kanonmdeblobiT ar aris xelisuflebis sxva

organos uflebamosileba da akrZaluli ar aris kano-


4. saxelmwifo organoebis mier TviTmmarTveli er-

TeulisaTvis uflebamosilebaTa delegireba dasaSvebia

sakanonmdeblo aqtebis, agreTve xelSekrulebebis safuZ-

velze, mxolod Sesabamisi materialuri da finansuri

resursebis gadacemiT, romelTa odenobis gaangariSebis

wesi ganisazRvreba kanoniT.

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200200 201201

Article 101³Local self-government has its property and fi nancial 1.

resources.The decisions made by the self-government units within 2.

the scope of their competence shall be compulsorily implemented within the self-government’s unit territory.

The State‘s supervision over the activities of self-3. government units is carried out by the procedure prescribed by the Law. The State‘s supervision aims to provide compliance of the self-government’s normative acts with the Georgian Legislation and at reinforcing the delegated rights and powers in proper manner. The State exercises supervision proportionally to its goals.

muxli 1013

1. adgilobriv TviTmmarTvelobas aqvs sakuTari qoneba

da finansebi.

2. TviTmmarTveli erTeulis organoebis mier Tavi-

anTi kompetenciis farglebSi miRebuli gadawyvetilebe-

bis Sesruleba savaldebuloa TviTmmarTveli erTeulis


3. adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis organoebis saqmi-

anobis saxelmwifo zedamxedveloba xorcieldeba kanoniT

dadgenili wesiT. saxelmwifo zedamxedvelobis ganxor-

cielebis mizania adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis norma-

tiuli aqtebis saqarTvelos kanonmdeblobasTan Sesabam-

isobis uzrunvelyofa da delegirebuli uflebamosilebe-

bis jerovani ganxorcieleba. saxelmwifo zedamxedveloba

xorcieldeba misi miznebis proporciulad.

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202202 203203

Tavi merve

konstituciis gadasinjva

muxli 102

1. konstituciis zogadi an nawilobrivi gadasinjvis

kanonproeqtis Setanis ufleba aqvT:

a) prezidents;

a) amoRebulia. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris mori-

gi saprezidento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis

mier ficis dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710)

b) parlamentis wevrTa sruli Semadgenlobis nax-

evarze mets;

g) aranakleb 200000 amomrCevels.

2. konstituciis gadasinjvis kanonproeqti waredg-

ineba saqarTvelos parlaments, romelic aqveynebs mas

sayovelTao-saxalxo ganxilvisaTvis. parlamentSi kanon-

proeqtis ganxilva iwyeba misi gamoqveynebidan erTi Tvis


3. konstituciis gadasinjvis kanonproeqti miRebulad

CaiTvleba, Tu mas mxars dauWers saqarTvelos parlamen-

tis sruli Semadgenlobis sul cota ori mesamedi.

3. (amoqmeddes 2013 wlis oqtombris morigi saprezi-

dento arCevnebis Sedegad arCeuli prezidentis mier ficis

dadebis momentidan, 15.10.2010.N#3710) konstituciis gad-

asinjvis kanonproeqti miRebulad CaiTvleba, Tu mas saqarT-

velos parlamentis or Tanamimdevrul sesiaze sul cota

sami Tvis intervaliT mxars dauWers saqarTvelos parla-

mentis sruli Semadgenlobis aranakleb ori mesamedisa.

4. konstituciis 68-e muxliT gaTvaliswinebuli

wesiT konstituciis gadasinjvis kanons xels awers da

aqveynebs saqarTvelos prezidenti.



Article 1021. The following shall be entitled to submit a draft law on

general or partial revision of the Constitution:a. the President;a. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of

October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath) Deleted.

b. more than half of the total number of the members of the Parliament;

c. not less than 200000 electors.2. A draft law on the revision of the Constitution shall be

submitted to the Parliament, which shall promulgate the former for the public discussion. The Parliament shall begin the discussion of the draft law after a month from its promulgation.

3. The revision draft of Constitution shall be deemed as adopted, if supported by no less than two-third of the total composition of the Parliament of Georgia.

3. (shall be enforced from the next presidential election of October 2013 within the newly elected president takes oath. 15.10.2010. N3710). The revision draft of Constitution shall be deemed as adopted, if supported by no less than two-third of the total composition of the Parliament of Georgia on two subsequent sessions of the Parliament of Georgia held within the interval of at least 3 months.

4. The law on the revision of the Constitution shall be signed and promulgated by the President of Georgia in accordance with a procedure provided for by Article 68 of the Constitution.

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204204 205205

muxli 103

sagangebo an saomari mdgomareobis gamocxadeba gamoi-

wvevs konstituciis gadasinjvis SeCerebas sagangebo an

saomari mdgomareobis gauqmebamde.

Article 103The announcement of a state of emergency or martial law

shall lead to the suspension of the revision of the Constitution until the cancellation of the state of emergency or martial law.

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206206 207207



Article 1041. The Constitution of Georgia shall enter into force from

the day of the recognition of the authority of the newly elected President and the Parliament of Georgia.

2. Articles 49, 50 and 70 of the Constitution shall enter into force upon the promulgation of the Constitution.

Article 1041 (23.02.2005. N1010)1. Paragraph 1 of Article 49 and paragraph 1 of Article 58

of the Constitution shall enter into force upon the making of appropriate amendments and addenda to the Organic law of Georgia “The Election Code of Georgia”.

2. The composition of the Parliament of Georgia elected on 2004 before termination its authority, as well as the necessary number of the members of the Parliament for the establishment of a faction shall be determined in accordance with the legislation acting at the moment of the election of this Parliament.

3. Regular elections of the Parliament of Georgian shall take place in May 2008. The President of Georgia shall fi x the date of elections no later than 60 days until election. (11.03.2008. N5833)

Tavi mecxre

gardamavali debulebebi

muxli 104

1. saqarTvelos konstitucia ZalaSi Sedis saqarT-

velos axalarCeuli prezidentisa da parlamentis ufle-

bamosilebis cnobis dRidan.

2. konstituciis 49-e, 50-e da 70-e muxlebi ZalaSi

Sedis konstituciis gamoqveynebisTanave.

muxli 1041 (23.02.2005. #1010)

1. konstituciis 49-e muxlis pirveli punqti da 58-e

muxlis pirveli punqti amoqmeddes saqarTvelos organul

kanonSi „saqarTvelos saarCevno kodeqsi“ Sesabamisi cv-

lilebebisa da damatebebis SetanisTanave.

2. 2004 wels arCeuli saqarTvelos parlamentis

uflebamosilebis Sewyvetamde misi Semadgenloba, agreTve

fraqciis CamoyalibebisaTvis aucilebeli parlamentis

wevrTa raodenoba ganisazRvreba am parlamentis arCevne-

bis dros moqmedi kanonmdeblobis Sesabamisad.

3. 2008 wels saqarTvelos parlamentis morigi ar-

Cevnebi tardeba maisSi. arCevnebis TariRs niSnavs saqarT-

velos prezidenti arCevnebamde ara ugvianes 60 dRisa.

(11.03.2008. #5833).

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208208 209209

muxli 1042

saqarTvelos parlamentis wevris uflebamosileba

aRudgeT 2008 wlis 21 maisis saparlamento arCevnebSi

proporciuli saarCevno sistemiT arCeul im parlamen-

tis wevrebs, romelTac saqarTvelos parlamentis dadge-

nilebiT uflebamosileba vadamde SeuwydaT saqarTvelos

konstituciis 54-e muxlis me-2 punqtis `a~ qvepunqtis

Sesabamisad, Tu maTi adgilmonacvleebis uflebamosileba

ar aris cnobili, da romlebic aRniSnulze Tanxmobas

ganacxadeben 2010 wlis 1 ianvramde. am kanonis pirveli

muxliT gaTvaliswinebuli saqarTvelos parlamentis wevr-

is uflebamosilebis aRdgenis wesi ganisazRvreba saqarT-

velos parlamentis reglamentiT. (24.09.2009. #1675)

muxli 1043

1. adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis organoebis rigga-

reSe arCevnebi Catardes ara ugvianes 2010 wlis I ivni-


2. qalaq Tbilisis meris arCevnebi Catardes sayov-

elTao, Tanaswori, pirdapiri saarCevno uflebis safuZ-

velze, faruli kenWisyriT, am muxlis pirveli punqtiT

gansazRvrul vadaSi.

3. am muxlis pirveli da me-2 punqtebiT gaTval-

iswinebuli arCevnebis TariRs niSnavs saqarTvelos prezi-

denti arCevnebamde ara ugvianes 60 dRisa.

4. am muxlis amoqmedebidan 1 Tvis vadaSi saqarT-

velos parlamenti uzrunvelyofs saqarTvelos sxva sa-

kanonmdeblo aqtebis am muxlTan Sesabamisobas. (12.02.2010. №2565)

Article 1042 (24.09.2009. N1675)Members of the parliament elected on 21 May 2008 through

the proportional system, restore authority, whose authority was ceased by the parliamentary provision with accordance of the subparagraph “a” of paragraph 2 of article 54 of the Constitution of Georgia, if their replacement place is not known, and if the declare consent no later than fi rst of January 2010. The restoration of the authority of the member of Parliament determined by th fi rst Article of this law is defi ned by the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament.

Article 1043 (12.02.2010. N6)

Extraordinary elections of local self-government shall be 1. held no later of June 1, 2010.

Elections of the Mayor of City Tbilisi shall be held on the 2. basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot, in terms determined by the fi rst paragraph of this article.

The President of Georgia appoints the date of the elec-3. tions in cases defi ned by the 1 and 2 paragraph of this article, no later than 60 days before the election.

The Parliament of Georgia ensures other legislative acts 4. conformity to this article, within 1 month after the enforcement of this article.

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210210 211211

Article 1051. A political association of citizens registered in accordance

with a procedure established by law, the initiative of which is confi rmed by at least 50,000 signatures or which had a representative in the Parliament by the day of the adoption of the present Constitution, shall have the right to stand for the election of 1995.

2. Election under the proportional system shall be conducted with a single party list.

3. A political association or an electoral block shall be entitled to nominate a candidate to the offi ce of a member of the Parliament before a majority election district, the candidate being at the same time on its party list as well.

4. The candidate having obtained most number of votes but not less than one third of the participants to the ballot shall be deemed to be elected in the majority electoral district.

5. If none of the candidates obtained the required number of votes in the fi rst round, a second round shall be held. Two candidates having the best results shall participate in the second round. The candidate having obtained the most number of votes shall be deemed to be elected.

6. The present Article shall enter into force upon the promulgation of the Constitution and shall remain

in force until the recognition of the authority of the newly elected Parliament.

muxli 105

1. 1995 wlis arCevnebSi monawileobis ufleba aqvs

kanoniT dadgenili wesiT registrirebul moqalaqeTa

politikur gaerTianebas, romlis iniciativa dadasture-

bulia 50000 xelmoweriT mainc, an romelsac hyavda war-

momadgeneli parlamentSi konstituciis miRebis dRisaT-


2. proporciuli sistemiT arCevnebi tardeba erTiani

partiuli siiT.

3. politikur gaerTianebas, saarCevno bloks ufleba

aqvs maJoritarul saarCevno olqSi waradginos deputa-

tobis is kandidatic, romelic imavdroulad mis par-

tiul siaSia.

4. maJoritarul saarCevno olqSi arCeulad CaiTvleba

is kandidati, romelic xmaTa met raodenobas miiRebs, ma-

gram kenWisyris monawileTa aranakleb erTi mesamedisa.

5. pirvel turSi Tu verc erTma kandidatma ver miiRo

xmaTa saWiro raodenoba, Catardeba meore turi, romel-

Sic monawileobas miiRebs ukeTesi Sedegis mqone ori kan-

didati. arCeulad CaiTvleba is kandidati, romelic xmaTa

met raodenobas miiRebs.

6. es muxli ZalaSi Sedis konstituciis gamoqveynebi-

sTanave da moqmedebs axalarCeuli parlamentis uflebam-

osilebis cnobamde.

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212212 213213

Article 1061. After the enforcement of the Constitution, only the legal

act or a part thereof, which is not in contradiction with the Constitution, shall have the legal force.

2. During two years after the enforcement of the Constitution, the President of Georgia and the Parliament of Georgia shall ensure the public registration of normative acts adopted before the Constitution came into force and their compatibility with the Constitution and laws.

3. During two years after the enforcement of the Constitution, the Parliament shall adopt the Organic Laws envisaged by the Constitution or confi rm the lawfulness of normative acts existing in the fi eld.

Article 1071. Before the adoption of the Organic Laws on judiciary in

accordance with the Constitution, the current legislation on the judiciary shall remain in force.

2. The second and third paragraphs of Article 18 of the Constitution shall enter into force after the adoption of the respective criminal procedures legislative acts.

3. The Organic Law on the Constitutional Court shall be adopted before 1 February 1996.

muxli 106

1. konstituciis ZalaSi Sesvlis Semdeg moqmedebs mx-

olod is samarTlebrivi aqti an aqtis nawili, romelic

konstitucias ar ewinaaRmdegeba.

2. konstituciis ZalaSi Sesvlidan ori wlis ganma-

vlobaSi saqarTvelos prezidenti da saqarTvelos par-

lamenti uzrunvelyofen konstituciis ZalaSi Sesvlamde

miRebuli normatiuli aqtebis saxelmwifo registracias,

konstituciasTan da kanonebTan maT Sesabamisobas.

3. konstituciis ZalaSi Sesvlidan ori wlis ganma-

vlobaSi saqarTvelos parlamentma unda miiRos konsti-

tuciiT gaTvaliswinebuli organuli kanonebi, an daadas-

turos am sferoSi arsebuli normatiuli aqtebis mar-


muxli 107

1. konstituciis Sesabamisad sasamarTlo wyobilebis

organuli kanonebis miRebamde ZalaSi rCeba sasamarTlo

wyobilebis moqmedi kanonmdebloba.

2. konstituciis me-18 muxlis me-2 da me-3 punqtebi

ZalaSi Seva Sesabamisi sisxlis samarTlis saproceso sa-

kanonmdeblo aqtebis miRebis Semdeg.

3. sakonstitucio sasamarTlos Sesaxeb organuli

kanoni miRebul unda iqnes 1996 wlis 1 Tebervlamde.

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214214 215215

muxli 108

saqarTvelos mTel teritoriaze iurisdiqciis srul

aRdgenasTan dakavSirebiT konstituciis 102-e muxlis

me-2 punqtSi saTanado cvlilebebisa Tu damatebebis Set-

ana gamonaklisis wesiT dasaSvebia konstituciis gadasin-

jvis kanonproeqtis sayovelTao-saxalxo ganxilvisaTvis

gamoqveynebis gareSe.

muxli 109

1. Sesabamisi wesiT miRebul konstitucias xels aw-

ers da aqveynebs saqarTvelos saxelmwifos meTauri.

2. saqarTvelos parlamentisa da sakonstitucio

komisiis wevrebi xels aweren konstituciis teqsts. kon-

stituciis ZalaSi Sesvlidan sul cota erTi wlis ganma-

vlobaSi teqsti Riad unda inaxebodes saqarTvelos yvela

adgilobrivi organos SenobaSi, raTa mosaxleoba gaecnos

mis Sinaarss.

saqarTvelos saxelmwifos meTauri

eduard SevardnaZe.


1995 wlis 24 agvisto

Article 108As an exception moving changes or addenda to the second

paragraph of Article 102 of the Constitution in terms of the complete restoration of jurisdiction on the whole territory of Georgia shall be possible without publication of the draft law on the revision of the Constitution for the general-public discussion.

Article 1091. The Constitution adopted in accordance with the established

procedure shall be signed and promulgated by the Head of State of Georgia.

2. The members of the Parliament of Georgia and the members of the Constitutional Commission shall sign the text of the Constitution. After the enforcement of the Constitution, at least within a year, the text of the Constitution shall publicly be displayed in the buildings of all local bodies of Georgia in order the population become familiar with its contents.

The Head of State of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze

Tbilisi, 1995, August 24

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216216 217217

saqarTvelos konstituciuri


aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis

statusis Sesaxeb

muxli 1

1. es kanoni saqarTvelos konstituciis me-3 muxlis

me-3 punqtis Sesabamisad gansazRvravs aWaris avtonomi-

uri respublikis samarTlebriv statuss, xelisuflebis

ganxorcielebis ZiriTad formebsa da principebs, ufle-

bamosilebebsa da maTi ganxorcielebis wess, aWaris av-

tonomiur respublikasTan dakavSirebul sxva sakiTxebs.

2. es kanoni saqarTvelos konstituciis ganuyofeli


muxli 2

1. aWaris avtonomiuri respublika aris teritoriu-

li erTeuli, romelic saqarTvelos ganuyofeli nawilia

da axorcielebs am kanoniT gansazRvrul da am kanoniT

dadgenili wesiT miniWebul sxva uflebamosilebebs.

2. aWaris avtonomiur respublikaSi saxelmwifo xe-

lisufleba xorcieldeba saqarTvelos konstituciiT

dadgenili principebis safuZvelze. aWaris avtonomiur

respublikaSi dasaSvebia mxolod am kanoniT gaTval-

iswinebuli xelisuflebis organoebis Seqmna.



Article 11. This law, in accordance with the paragraph 3 of article

3 of the Constitution of Georgia, determines the legal status of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, the main forms and principles of governance, authorities and procedures of their implementation, other issues related to the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

2. This law is the inseparable part of the Constitution of Georgia.

Article 21. The Autonomous Republic of Adjara is the territorial

unit, which is the inseparable part of Georgia and exercises authorities determined by this law and other authorities on the basis of this law.

2. In the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, the state power is carried out on the basis of principles of the Constitution of Georgia. The creation of government agencies not anticipated by this law is forbidden in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

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218218 219219

muxli 3

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis administraciuli

centria qalaqi baTumi.

muxli 4

1. aWaris avtonomiuri respublika moicavs teri-

torias am kanonis miRebis dRisaTvis arsebul adminis-

traciul sazRvrebSi.

2. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis administraciuli

sazRvrebis Secvla dasaSvebia aWaris avtonomiuri res-

publikis umaRlesi sabWos sruli Semadgenlobis ori me-

samedis iniciativis safuZvelze. aWaris avtonomiuri re-

spublikis administraciuli sazRvrebis Secvlis Taobaze

gadawyvetilebas iRebs saqarTvelos parlamenti saqarT-

velos organuli kanoniT.

muxli 5

1. aWaris avtonomiur respublikas aqvs Tavisi droSa

da gerbi, romlebic ganisazRvreba aWaris avtonomiuri

respublikis konstituciiT. aWaris avtonomiuri respub-

likis droSasa da gerbSi gaTvaliswinebuli unda iyos

saqarTvelos saxelmwifo droSisa da gerbis elementebi.

2. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis droSa zomiT saqarT-

velos saxelmwifo droSis sami mexuTedi unda iyos.

3. aWaris avtonomiur respublikaSi oficialuri

RonisZiebis Catarebisas sruldeba saqarTvelos saxelm-

wifo himni da saqarTvelos kanonmdeblobiT dadgenil

SemTxvevebSi saqarTvelos saxelmwifos oficialur sim-

boloebTan (droSasa da gerbTan) erTad gamoifineba aWaris

avtonomiuri respublikis droSa da gerbi, xolo saqarT-

velos saxelmwifo droSis aRmarTvisas aRimarTeba aWaris

avtonomiuri respublikis droSac.

Article 3 The administrative centre of the Autonomous Republic of

Adjara is Batumi.

Article 4The Autonomous Republic of Adjara covers the terri-1.

tory within the administrative borders on the law-making day.Change of administrative boundaries of the Autono-2.

mous Republic of Adjara is possible only based on the initia-tive of the two third of total members of Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. The Parliament of Geor-gia takes the decision on the change of administrative bound-aries of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by organic law.

Article 5The Autonomous Republic of Adjara has its fl ag and 1.

emblem, which are defi ned by the constitution of the Autono-mous Republic of Adjara. The elements of the State fl ag and emblem should be provided in the fl ag and emblem of the Au-tonomous Republic of Adjara.

The size of the fl ag of the Autonomous Republic of 2. Adjara should be the three-fi fth of the State fl ag.

The national anthem is performed during the offi cial 3. events in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara and in the cases determined by the Georgian legislation fl ag and emblem of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara are exhibited with the State offi cial symbols (fl ag and emblem), and during the hoist of the State fl ag the fl ag of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara will be hoisted too.

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220220 221221

muxli 6

1. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis uflebamosile-

baTa safuZvlebia saqarTvelos kontitucia, es kanoni da

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis konstitucia.

2. is sakiTxebi, romlebic saqarTvelos konstitucii-

sa da am kanonis Sesabamisad ar ganekuTvneba saqarTvelos

umaRles saxelmwifo organoTa da aWaris avtonomiuri

respublikis gansakuTrebul gamgeblobas, wesrigdeba

saqarTvelos sakanonmdeblo aqtebiT.

3. dauSvebelia aWaris avtonomiuri respublikisaT-

vis saqarTvelos umaRles saxelmwifo organoTa gansa-

kuTrebul gamgeblobas mikuTvnebuli uflebamosilebebis


Article 6The basis of the authorities of the Autonomous Repub-1.

lic of Adjara is the the Constitution of Georgia, this Law and the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic.

The issues that are not included in the higher agencies 2. of state authority and the exclusive competence of the Autono-mous Republic of Adjara in accordance with the Constitution of Georgia and this Law are regulated by the Georgian legisla-tive acts.

Delegation of authorities that are under special compe-3. tence of high agencies of Georgia to the Autonomous Republic of Adjara is forbidden.

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222222 223223

muxli 7

1. saqarTvelos konstituciis me-3 muxlis pirveli

punqtis gaTvaliswinebiT, aWaris avtonomiuri respub-

likis gansakuTrebul gamgeblobas ganekuTvneba Semdegi


a) aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis konstituciisa

da aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis sxva normatiuli

aqtebis miReba, maTSi cvlilebebis Setana;

b) aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWos

arCevnebis Catareba;

g) aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis struq-

turis, uflebamosilebisa da saqmianobis wesis gansaz-


d) ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis xelSewyoba, kul-

turisa da samecniero dawesebulebebis Seqmna da marTva,

adgilobrivi mniSvnelobis kulturis Zeglebis movla-


e) adgilobrivi mniSvnelobis biblioTekebi da muzeume-


v) turizmi, kultura da sporti;

z) adgilobrivi mniSvnelobis mSenebloba da urbanu-

li ganviTareba;

T) adgilobrivi mniSvnelobis saavtomobilo gzebi da

sxva komunikaciebi;

i) sanitaria, janmrTelobis dacvisa da socialuri

uzrunvelyofis sakiTxebis gadawyvetaSi monawileoba;

k) soflis meurneoba da samonadireo saqme;

l) sursaTi da sakvebi produqtebis xarisxis kon-


m) bazrobebi, bazrebi da gamofenebi;

Article 71. According to the paragraph 1 of the article 3 of the

Constitution of Georgia, the following issues are under the special competence of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara:

a. adopting and amending the Constitution and other normative acts of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara;

b. elections of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara;

c. determination of structure, authorization and the rule of conduct of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara;

d. supporting education and science, creation and governance of the cultural and scientifi c institutes; maintenance cultural monuments of local signifi cance;

e. libraries and museums of local signifi cance;f. tourism and hotels, culture and sport;g. construction and urban development of local

signifi cance;h. roads and other communications of local signifi cance; i. sanitary, participation in health protection and social

insurance decision-making;j. agriculture and hunting business;k. grocery products and control over the quality of food;

l. fairs, markets and exhibitions;m. determination and enforcement of budgetary politics

within the revenues of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, in accordance with the rules established by legislative acts of Georgia, elaboration of the budget draft of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, its approval and control over its execution;

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224224 225225

n) saqarTvelos sakanonmdeblo aqtebiT dadgenili

wesiT, aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis Semosavlebis

farglebSi sabiujeto politikis gansazRvra da ganx-

orcieleba, aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis biujetis

proeqtis SemuSaveba, biujetis damtkiceba da Sesrulebis


o) saqarTvelos kanonebiT gansazRvruli adgilobrivi

gadasaxadebisa da mosakreblebis SemoReba da gauqmeba;

p) aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis qonebis marTva

da gankargva;

J) aWaris avtonomiuri respublikisaTvis saWiro

saarqivo samsaxuri;

r) satyeo meurneobis marTva;

s) saxanZro dacva.

2. Tu aWaris avtonomiuri respublika ar awesrigebs

am muxlis pirveli punqtiT gaTvaliswinebul romelime

sakiTxs, misi mowesrigeba SeuZlia saqarTvelos umaR-

les saxelmwifo organos Tavisi kompetenciis farglebSi,

saqarTvelos normatiuli aqtiT.

muxli 8

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis gansakuTrebuli

gamgeblobisaTvis mikuTvnebul sakiTxebs damoukideblad

wyveten aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis xelisuflebis

organoebi, garda am kanonis me-7 muxlis me-2 punqtiT

gaTvaliswinebuli SemTxvevisa.

n. introduction and adoption of local taxes determined by laws of Georgia;

o. management of property of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara;

p. the archive service of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara;

q. forestry management;r. fi re protection. 2. In case, the Autonomous Republic of Adjara does not

regulate any of the issues enumerated in the fi rst paragraph of this article, the high state agency of Georgia may regulate it within its competence, by the normative act.

Article 8Government agencies of the Autonomous Republic of Ad-

jara within the issues of special governance of the Autono-mous Republic of Adjara decide independently, except cases determined by the paragraph two of the article 7 of this law.

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226226 227227

muxli 9

1. aWaris avtonomiur respublikas ara aqvs ufle-

ba, daadginos iseTi SezRudvebi an miiRos iseTi zomebi,

romlebic pirdapir an iribad xels SeuSlis moqalaqis,

saqonlis, momsaxurebis an kapitalis Tavisufal gadaadg-

ilebas aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis teritoriaze an

am teritoriis gavliT.

2. aWaris avtonomiur respublikas ara aqvs ufleba,

normatiuli aqtiT moawesrigos saqarTvelos konsti-

tuciis meore TaviT gaTvaliswinebuli sakiTxebi.

muxli 10

1. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWo

aris aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis warmomadgenlo-

biTi organo, romelic Tavisi kompetenciis farglebSi

axorcielebs sakanonmdeblo saqmianobas da akontrolebs

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobas.

2. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWo

Sedgeba 4 wlis vadiT arCeuli ara umetes 21 deputatis-

gan. umaRlesi sabWos deputatebis arCevis wesi da maTi

raodenoba ganisazRvreba aWaris avtonomiuri respubli-

kis konstituciiTa da aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis

kanonmdeblobiT. (27.12.2006. #4134)

3. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWo

airCeva sayovelTao, Tanaswori da pirdapiri arCevneb-

is safuZvelze, faruli kenWisyriT, aWaris avtonomiuri

respublikis teritoriaze mcxovrebi saqarTvelos mo-

qalaqeebis mier.

4. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWos

morigi arCevnebi tardeba umaRlesi sabWos uflebamosilebis

vadis amowurvis kalendaruli wlis oqtomberSi. arCevnebis

TariRs saqarTvelos organuli kanoniT dadgenili wesiT

niSnavs saqarTvelos prezidenti. (27.12.2006. #4134)

Article 91. The Autonomous Republic of Adjara is not entitled to

establish restrictions of take measures that will, directly or indirectly, hinder free movement of a citizen, of goods at or through the territory of Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

2. The Autonomous Republic of Adjara is not entitled to regulate by a normative act the issues of the second chapter of the constitution of Georgia.

Article 101. The supreme representative organ of the Autonomous

Republic of Adjara is the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, which within its competence exercises legislative activities and controls the government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

2. The Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara is composed by 21 members, elected for 4 years. The rule of election and number of MPs of the Supreme Council is determined by the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara and the legislation of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. (27.12.2006. N4134)

3. The Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara is elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct elections with secret ballot by the citizens of Georgia residing on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

4. The president of Georgia appoints the next elections of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara in October of the expiration calendar year of the Supreme Council, on the basis of the rule established by organic law of Georgia. (27.12.2006. N4134)

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228228 229229

muxli 11

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWos

uflebamosileba wydeba:

a) aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis axalarCeuli um-

aRlesi sabWos uflebamosilebis cnobisTanave;

b) aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sab-

Wos daTxovnis Taobaze saqarTvelos prezidentis brZaneb-

ulebis ZalaSi SesvlisTanave.

Article 11The power of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous

Republic of Adjara terminates by:a. recognition of the authority of a newly elected Supreme

Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara;b. enforcement of an ordinance of the president of Georgia

on the dismissal of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

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230230 231231

muxli 12

1. saqarTvelos prezidenti uflebamosilia saqarT-

velos parlamentis TanxmobiT daiTxovos aWaris avtono-

miuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWo, Tu misi moqmedeb-

iT safrTxe Seeqmna qveynis suverenitets, teritoriul

mTlianobas, saxelmwifo xelisuflebis organoTa konsti-

tuciur uflebamosilebaTa ganxorcielebas an/da igi ver

axorcielebs am kanoniTa da aWaris avtonomiuri respub-

likis konstituciiT misTvis miniWebul uflebamosile-


2. saqarTvelos prezidenti uflebamosilia daiTxo-

vos aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWo,

Tu man zedized orjer ar daamtkica aWaris avtonomiuri

respublikis mTavrobis Tavmjdomaris kandidatura.

3. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWos

daTxovnis SemTxvevaSi mis uflebamosilebebs axorcie-

lebs droebiTi saprezidento sabWo, romelsac niSnavs

saqarTvelos prezidenti. droebiTi saprezidento sabWos

uflebamosileba wydeba aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis

axalarCeuli umaRlesi sabWos uflebamosilebis cnobi-


4. droebiTi saprezidento sabWos mier miRebuli aqti

eqvemdebareba aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi

sabWos mier damtkicebas misi uflebamosilebis cnobi-

dan 1 Tvis vadaSi. Tu aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis

umaRlesi sabWo ar daamtkicebs droebiTi saprezidento

sabWos mier miRebul aqts, es aqti kargavs iuridiul


5. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWos

daTxovnis SemTxvevaSi riggareSe arCevnebi tardeba misi

daTxovnidan ara uadres 60 da ara ugvianes 90 dRisa.

Article 121. The President of Georgia is authorized to dismiss the

Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara with the consent of the parliament of Georgia, if their activities endanger the sovereignty of the State, territorial integrity, the performance of constitutional powers of the state governmental organs or/and it fails to perform the powers prescribed by this law and the Constitution of Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

2. The President of Georgia is authorized to dismiss the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara if it did not approve twice in a row the candidacy of the chairman of the Government Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

3. In case of dismissal of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Temporary Presidential Council exercises its authorities, that is appointed by the President of Georgia. Temporary Presidential Council shall be terminated within the notifi cation of the authorities of the newly elected Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

4. The act adopted by the Temporary Presidential Council shall be subject of approval of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, within 1 month after the notifi cation of the authority. If the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara did not approve the Act adopted by the Temporary Presidential Council, this Act shall cease legal force.

5. In case of dismissal of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara the special election is held no earlier than 60 and no later than 90 days from the dismissal. If the state of emergency is declared on the whole territory or the

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232232 233233

Tu saqarTvelos mTel teritoriaze an aWaris avtonomi-

uri respublikis teritoriaze gamocxadebulia sagangebo

mdgomareoba, aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi

sabWos riggareSe arCevnebi tardeba sagangebo mdgomareo-

bis gauqmebidan 60 dRis vadaSi.

muxli 13

1. dauSvebelia, aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis um-

aRlesi sabWos wevri imavdroulad iyos sxva warmomad-

genlobiTi organos an aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis

mTavrobis wevri. SeuTavseblobis sxva SemTxvevebi ganisaz-

Rvreba aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis konstituciT.

2. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWos

Sida organizacia, procedurebi da saqmianobis wesi ganisaz-

Rvreba aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis konstituciiT

da umaRlesi sabWos mier miRebuli reglamentiT.

3. saqarTvelos parlamenti uflebamosilia, dadge-

nilebis safuZvelze, konstituciuri wardginebiT mimarTos

saqarTvelos sakonstitucio sasamarTlos da moiTxovos

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWos aqtis

gauqmeba, Tu is ewinaaRmdegeba saqarTvelos konstitucias,

am kanons, saqarTvelos saerTaSoriso xelSekrulebebsa

da SeTanxmebebs da saqarTvelos kanonebs. saqarTvelos

sakonstitucio sasamarTlos mier saqarTvelos parla-

mentis konstituciuri wardginebis gansaxilvelad miReba

iwvevs aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWos

Sesabamisi aqtis moqmedebis SeCerebas.

territory of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, the special elections of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara is held within 60 days from the cancellation of the state of emergency.

Article 131. The member of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous

Republic of Adjara in not entitled to take the position of the member of other representative organ or of Government of the Autonomous Republic at the same time. The Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara determines other cases of incompatibility.

2. The inner organization, procedures and the rule of activities of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara is determined by the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara and the Regulations adopted by the Supreme Council.

3. Based on the resolution, the parliament of Georgia is authorized, to address the Constitutional court of Georgia by constitutional submission and request the cancellation of the act of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, if it is contrary to the Constitution of Georgia, this law, the international treaties and agreements of Georgia, and Georgian laws. The relevant act of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara stops action by the receive of the parliament’s constitutional submission by the Constitutional Court of Georgia.

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234234 235235

muxli 14

1. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWo:

a) iRebs aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis konstitu-

cias, aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis kanonebs am kano-

niT aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis gansakuTrebuli

gamgeblobisaTvis mikuTvnebul sakiTxebze, aseve saqarT-

velos sakanonmdeblo aqtebiT pirdapir gansazRvrul


b) amtkicebs aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis biu-


g) akontrolebs aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis aR-

masrulebeli organoebis mier aWaris avtonomiuri res-

publikis sabiujeto saxsrebis xarjvas;

d) amtkicebs aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTav-

robis Tavmjdomares da aWaris avtonomiuri respubli-

kis mTavrobis Semadgenlobas mTavrobis Tavmjdomaris


e) uflebamosilia sruli Semadgenlobis ori mesa-

mediT undobloba gamoucxados aWaris avtonomiuri res-

publikis mTavrobas;

v) axorcielebs am kanoniT, saqarTvelos kanonmdeblo-

biTa da aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis konstituciiT

mis kompetencias mikuTvnebul sxva uflebamosilebebs.

Article 141. The Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of

Adjara;a) adopts: the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic

of Adjara, laws of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara on the issues attributed to the special governance of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by this law, also - in cases directly determined by Georgian legislation;

b) approves the budget of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara;

c) controls expenditure of the budgetary sources of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by the executive agencies of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

d) approves the chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara and the composition of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by the submission of the chairman.

e) is entitled to declared mistrust to the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by two third of the total number.

f) exercises other powers under its competence prescribed by this law, Georgian legislation and the constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara;

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236236 237237

2. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis kanons xels aw-

ers da aqveynebs aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavro-

bis Tavmjdomare. igi uflebamosilia kanoni SeniSvnebiT

daubrunos aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRles sab-

Wos. umaRlesi sabWo kenWs uyris mTavrobis Tavmjdomaris

SeniSvnebs, romelTa misaRebad sakmarisia aWaris avtono-

miuri respublikis kanonis miRebisaTvis dadgenili xmaTa

umravlesoba. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis kanonis

pirvandeli redaqciiT miRebisaTvis saWiroa aWaris av-

tonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWos sruli Semad-

genlobis sami mexuTedis mxardaWera.

3. aWaris avtonomiur respublikaSi sakanonmdeblo

procesTan da aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis biujetis

damtkicebasTan dakavSirebuli sxva sakiTxebi wesrigdeba

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis konstituciiTa da aWaris

avtonomiuri respublikis kanonmdeblobiT, saqarTvelos

sakanonmdeblo aqtebiT dadgenili moTxovnebis dacviT.

2. The chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara signs and promulgates the laws of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara: s/he is authorized to return the law with her/his remarks to the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. The Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara votes for the remarks, for the adoption of which the majority established for adopting a law of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara is suffi cient. For the adoption of an initial draft, the support of three fi fths of the total composition of the Supreme Council of Autonomous Republic of Adjara is necessary.

3. Other issues related with legislative procedures and approval of the budget of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara are regulated by the constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara and the legislation of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, with observance of the requirements established by legislative acts of Georgia.

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238238 239239

muxli 15

1. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavroba aris

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis aRmasrulebeli organo,

romelic axorcielebs aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis

aRmasrulebel xelisuflebas da gansazRvravs aWaris av-

tonomiuri respublikis aRmasrulebeli xelisuflebis

saqmianobis ZiriTad mimarTulebebs.

2. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavroba Sedgeba

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis Tavmjdomarisa

da aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis ministrebisagan.

3. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis struq-

tura, uflebamosileba da saqmianobis wesi ganisazRvreba

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis kanoniT, romelsac aWar-

is avtonomiuri respublikis umaRles sabWos warudgens

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis Tavmjdomare.

4. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavroba angariS-

valdebulia saqarTvelos prezidentisa da aWaris avtono-

miuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWos winaSe.

5. saqarTvelos prezidenti uflebamosilia SeaCeros

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis aqtis moqmede-

ba an gaauqmos es aqti, Tu is ewinaaRmdegeba saqarTvelos

konstitucias, am kanons, saqarTvelos saerTaSoriso

xelSekrulebebsa da SeTanxmebebs, saqarTvelos kanonebsa

da saqarTvelos prezidentis samarTlebriv aqtebs.

Article 151. The Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara

is the executive organ of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, which exercises executive authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara and determines main directions of the activities of the executive authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

2. The Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara is composed by the chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara and by the Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

3. The structure, authorities and rule of activities of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara is determined by the law of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, which is represented to the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by the chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

4. The Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara is accountable to the President of Georgia and to the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

5. The President of Georgia is authorized to suspend or cancel the act of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, if it is contrary to the Constitution of Georgia, to this law, to the international treaties and agreements of Georgia, to the Georgian laws and to the legislative acts of the President of Georgia.

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240240 241241

muxli 16

1. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis Tav-

mjdomaris uflebamosilebis Sewyveta iwvevs aWaris av-

tonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis mTeli Semadgenlobis

uflebamosilebis Sewyvetas.

2. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobas ufle-

bamosileba aseve uwydeba:

a) aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis axalarCeuli um-

aRlesi sabWos uflebamosilebis cnobisTanave;

b) aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWos

mier sruli Semadgenlobis ori mesamediT mTavrobisaTvis

undoblobis gamocxadebisas;

g) am kanoniT dadgenil SemTxvevebSi saqarTvelos pr-

ezidentis mier aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavro-

bis gadayenebisas.

3. am muxlis me-2 punqtis „a“ qvepunqtiT gaTval-

iswinebul SemTxvevebSi, aseve aWaris avtonomiuri respub-

likis mTavrobis gadadgomisas aWaris avtonomiuri res-

publikis mTavroba axorcielebs Tavis uflebamosilebebs

mTavrobis axali Semadgenlobis damtki- cebamde.

4. am muxlis me-2 punqtis „b“ da „g“ qvepunqtebiT

gansazRvrul SemTxvevebSi aWaris avtonomiuri respub-

likis mTavrobis uflebamosilebebs aWaris avtonomiuri

respublikis mTavrobis axali Semadgenlobis damtkice-

bamde axorcielebs saqarTvelos prezidentis mier aWaris

avtonomiur respublikaSi daniSnuli saxelmwifo rwmu-

nebuli da misi administracia.

5. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobasTan

dakavSirebuli sxva sakiTxebi wesrigdeba aWaris avtono-

miuri respublikis konstituciiT.

Article 161. The termination of authority of the chairman of the

Government of the autonomous Republic of Adjara causes the termination of authority of the entire composition of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

2. The power of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara will also be terminated by:

a) recognition of power of a newly elected Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara;

b) declaring mistrust by two third of total composition of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara to the Government;

c) removal from offi ce of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by the president of Georgia in cases determined by this law.

3. In cases determined by sub-paragraphs “a” of the second paragraph of this article, also in cases of resignation of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara performs its duties until the approval of a new Government.

4. In cases determined by sub-paragraphs “b” and ‘’c’’ of the second paragraph of this article State-envoy governor and her/his administration appointed by the President of Georgia, exercises authorities of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara until the approval of a new composition of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

5. Other issues related to the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara are regulated by the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

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242242 243243

muxli 17

1. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis axalarCeuli um-

aRlesi sabWos uflebamosilebis cnobidan 10 dRis vadaSi

saqarTvelos prezidenti umaRlesi sabWos fraqciebTan

konsultaciebis Semdeg, xolo Tu fraqciebi ar aris

Seqmnili – erTpirovnulad, mas Tanamdebobaze dasamtkice-

blad warudgens aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavro-

bis Tavmjdomaris kandidaturas. aWaris avtonomiuri res-

publikis mTavrobis Tavmjdomare damtkicebulad iTvleba,

Tu mas mxars dauWers aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis

umaRlesi sabWos sruli Semadgenlobis naxevarze meti.

Tu aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWo ar

daamtkicebs saqarTvelos prezidentis mier wardgenil

kandidaturas, saqarTvelos prezidenti uflebamosilia

10 dRis vadaSi aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRles

sabWos dasamtkiceblad warudginos igive an sxva kandi-

datura. (27.12.2006. #4134).

2. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis Tavmj-

domaris damtkicebidan 10 dRis vadaSi igi am kanonis me-20

muxlis me-3 punqtiT dadgenili SeTanxmebis proceduris

ganxorcielebis Semdeg aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis

umaRles sabWos Tanamdebobaze dasamtkiceblad warudgens

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis Semadgen-

lobas. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis Semad-

genloba damtkicebulad CaiTvleba, Tu mas mxars dauWers

umaRlesi sabWos sxdomaze damswre wevrTa umravlesoba,

magram aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWos

sruli Semadgenlobis aranakleb erTi mesamedisa.

Article 171. The President of Georgia submits to the Supreme

council the candidacy of the chairman of Government of the Autonomous republic of Adjara, in 10 days after notifi cation about the authority of new elected Supreme council, after the consultation of fractions, and if the fractions are not composed – submits alone. The Chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara is considered approved if s/he is supported by more than a half of the total composition of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. If the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara does not approve the candidacy introduced by the president of Georgia, the president of Georgia is authorized to introduce for approval the same or other candidacy to the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara in 10 days period. (27.12.2006. N4134).

2. The chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, in 10 days period after her/his approval, within the implementation procedure of the agreement established by the paragraph 3 of the article 20 of this law, will introduce the composition of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara for approval, to the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. The composition of the Government of the Autonomous republic of Adjara will be considered approved, if it is supported by the majority of the present, but not less than one thirds of the total composition of the Supreme Council of Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

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244244 245245

3. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis calkeu-

li wevris uflebamosilebis Sewyvetis SemTxvevaSi aWaris

avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis Sesabamis axal wevrs

niSnavs aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis Tavmj-

domare saqarTvelos Sesabamisi samTavrobo dawesebulebis

xelmZRvanelTan (xelmZRvanelebTan) SeTanxmebiT.

4. Tu aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi

sabWos mier aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis

Semadgenlobis damtkicebis Semdeg aWaris avtonomiuri

respublikis mTavrobis Semadgenloba naxevarze metiT

ganaxlda, aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis

Tavmjdomare aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRles

sabWos am muxlis me-2 punqtiT dadgenili wesiT Tanam-

debobaze dasamtkiceblad warudgens aWaris avtonomiuri

respublikis mTavrobis ganaxlebul Semadgenlobas.

5. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis

formirebasTan dakavSirebuli sxva urTierTobebi ganisaz-

Rvreba aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis konstituciiT.

3. In case of termination of power of a separate member of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, the Chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara appoints the respective, new member of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, by consenting with the Head (Heads) of relative governmental body of Georgia.

4. If the composition of the Government of the Autonomous republic of Adjara is renewed by one half after the approval of the composition of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by the Chamber of Representatives of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, the chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara will introduce the composition of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara for approval in offi ce to the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, in accordance with the rule, established in paragraph 2 of this article.

5. Other relations concerning the formation of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara are determined by the Constitution of Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

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246246 247247

muxli 18

1. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis Tavmj-


a) aris aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi

Tanamdebobis piri da warmoadgens aWaris avtonomiur re-


b) xelmZRvanelobs aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis

mTavrobis saqmianobas;

g) uflebamosilia gaauqmos aWaris avtonomiuri res-

publikis ministris aqti;

d) uflebamosilia gadaayenos aWaris avtonomiuri re-

spublikis ministri;

e) saqarTvelosa da aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis

kanonmdeblobebiT dadgenili wesiT gankargavs aWaris av-

tonomiuri respublikis qonebas;

v) aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRles sabWos

dasamtkiceblad warudgens aWaris avtonomiuri respub-

likis biujets;

z) axorcielebs am kanoniT, saqarTvelos kanonmde-

blobiTa da aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis kanonmde-

blobiT gaTvaliswinebul sxva uflebamosilebebs.

2. saqarTvelos prezidenti uflebamosilia SeaCeros

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis Tavmjdomaris

aqtis moqmedeba an gaauqmos es aqti, Tu is ewinaaRmde-

geba saqarTvelos konstitucias, am kanons, saqarTvelos

saerTaSoriso xelSekrulebebsa da SeTanxmebebs, saqarT-

velos kanonebsa da saqarTvelos prezidentis samarT-

lebriv aqtebs.

Article 181. Chairman of the Government of the Autonomous

Republic of Adjara:a) is the highest authority of the Autonomous Republic of

Adjara and represents the Autonomous Republic of Adjara;b) leads the activities of the Government of the Autonomous

Republic of Adjara;c) is authorized to annul the act of the minister of

autonomous republic of Adjara;d) is authorized to dismiss the minister of the Autonomous

Republic of Adjara;e) disposes the property of the Autonomous Republic

of Adjara by the rule determined by the Georgian and the Autonomous Republic of Adjara legislation;

f) submits the budget of Autonomous Republic to the Supreme Council of Autonomous Republic of

Adjara for approval;g) carries out other powers prescribed by this law, Georgian

legislation and the legislation of Autonomous Republic of Adjara;

2. The President of Georgia is authorized to suspend or annul the act of the Chairman of the Government of Autonomous Republic of Adjara, if it contradicts the Constitution of Georgia, this law, international treaties and agreements of Georgia and legislative acts of the President of Georgia.

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248248 249249

muxli 19

1. saqarTvelos prezidenti uflebamosilia gadaayenos

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis mTavroba, Tu:

a) misi moqmedebiT safrTxe Seeqmna qveynis suveren-

itets, teritoriul mTlianobas, saxelmwifo xelisu-

flebis organoTa konstituciur uflebamosilebaTa ganx-


b) igi ver axorcielebs am kanoniT an/da aWaris av-

tonomiuri respublikis konstituciiT misTvis miniWebul


2. am muxlis pirveli punqtis „a“ qvepunqtiT gaTval-

iswinebul SemTxvevaSi Sesabamisi garemoebis aRmofxvridan

1 Tvis ganmavlobaSi, xolo am muxlis pirveli punqtis

„b“ qvepunqtiT gansazRvrul SemTxvevaSi – aWaris avtono-

miuri respublikis mTavrobis gadayenebidan 2 Tvis vadaSi

saqarTvelos prezidenti umaRlesi sabWos fraqciebTan

konsultaciebis Semdeg SearCevs mTavrobis Tavmjdomaris

kandidaturas da mas Tanamdebobaze dasamtkiceblad war-

udgens aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRles sabWos.

(27.12.2006. #4134).

Article 191. President of Georgia is authorized to dismiss the

Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, if: a) their acts endanger the sovereignty of the State, territorial

integrity, the performance of constitutional powers of the state governmental organs.

b) it fails to perform the powers prescribed by this law and the Constitution of Autonomous Republic of Adjara

2. Within one month after the elimination of the circumstances provided by paragraph «a», and in cases prescribed by the sub-paragraph ‘’b’’ of the paragraph one of this article – within 2 month after the resignation of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara the President of Georgia after the consultation with fractions of the Supreme Council, selects the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government and submits her/him for approval to the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. (27.12.2006 N4134).

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250250 251251

muxli 20

1. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis saministroebis

Seqmna dasaSvebia mxolod Semdeg sferoebSi:

a) ekonomika, finansebi da turizmi;

b) janmrTelobis dacva da socialuri uzrunvelyofa;

g) ganaTleba, kultura da sporti;

d) soflis meurneoba.

2. akrZalulia aWaris avtonomiur respublikaSi Si-

nagan saqmeTa saministros, saxelmwifo uSiSroebis samin-

istros, Tavdacvis saministros an sxva gasamxedroebuli

organos Seqmna.

3. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis ministris kan-

didaturas saqarTvelos Sesabamisi samTavrobo daweseb-

ulebis xelmZRvanelTan (xelmZRvanelebTan) SeTanxmebiT

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRles sabWos am kano-

niT dadgenili wesiT dasamtkiceblad warudgens aWaris

avtonomiuri respublikis mTavrobis Tavmjdomare.

muxli 21

1. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis teritoriaze gan-

lagebuli saqarTvelos samTavrobo dawesebulebisa da

saxelmwifo saqveuwyebo dawesebulebis teritoriuli

organos statusi, struqtura, Seqmnisa da saqmianobis

wesi ganisazRvreba saqarTvelos kanonmdeblobiT.

2. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis teritoriaze

SeiZleba arsebobdes mxolod saqarTvelos Sesabamisi

saxelmwifo organosadmi daqvemdebarebuli SeiaraRebuli

qvedanayofi, romlis ganlagebis, gadaadgilebisa da gamoy-

enebis Taobaze gadawyvetilebas iRebs saqarTvelos ufle-

bamosili saxelmwifo organo.

Article 201. The Ministries of Autonomous Republic of Adjara may

be created in the following fi elds:a. economics, fi nances and tourism;b. health protection and social care;c. education, culture and sports;d. ad\agriculture.2. In the Autonomous Republic of Adjara the creation of

the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of State Security, Ministry of Self-defense or other Army organs is forbidden.

3. The Chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara presents the candidate for the position of the Minister by agreement with the heads of the respective government organs and in accordance with this law to the Supreme Council of Adjara for approval.

Article 211. The status, structure, rule of formation and rules of

procedure of the territorial organ of Georgian governmental organ and state sub-offi ce located on the territory of Autonomous Republic of Adjara are determined by the Legislature of Georgia.

2. Only the respective armed subunit subordinated to the respective organ of Georgia may be located on the territory of Autonomous Republic of Adjara. The decision concerning dislocation, movement and operation of this subunit is made by the authorized state organ of Georgia.

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252252 253253

muxli 22

1. aWaris avtonomiuri respublika saqarTvelos

kanoniT dadgenil farglebSi sargeblobs finansuri av-

tonomiiT. aWaris avtonomiuri respublika gankargavs mis

mier SemoRebuli adgilobrivi gadasaxadebisa da mosakre-

blebis akrefiT miRebul Semosavlebs.

2. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis uflebamosilebe-

bis ganxorcielebis uzrunvelsayofad aWaris avtonomiur

respublikas saqarTvelos kanonis safuZvelze SesaZlebe-

lia gadaeces saxelmwifo sagadasaxado da arasagadasax-

ado Semosavlebis nawili, aseve specialuri dafinanseba

saxelmwifo biujetidan.

3. aWaris avtonomiur respublikas aqvs qoneba, rom-

lis formirebis wesi ganisazRvreba saqarTvelos kanonm-


muxli 23

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis konstitucia miiReba

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis umaRlesi sabWos mier

sruli Semadgenlobis ori mesamediT da ZalaSi Sedis

„aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis konstituciis damt-

kicebis Taobaze“ saqarTvelos organuli kanonis amoq-


Article 221. The Autonomous Republic of Adjara enjoys fi nancial

autonomy within the framework established by the law of Georgia. The Autonomous Republic of Adjara disposes the revenues received through collection of established taxes and fees.

2. In order to ensure the enforcement of the authorities delegated to or within the competence of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara may be provided with the part of tax or non tax revenues in accordance with the law of Georgia, also special fi nancing from the state budget.

3. The Autonomous Republic of Adjara has its property, the rule of formation of which is determined by the Georgian legislation.

Article 231. The Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of

Adjara is adopted by two-thirds of the total composition of the Supreme Council of Autonomous Republic of Adjara and in force from the moment of the enactment of the “Organic Law of Georgia on the Approval of the Constitution of Autonomous Republic of Adjara”.

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254254 255255

Article 24The government of Georgia within 3 month from

enactment of this law shall decide legal and organizational matters concerning the giving of the state property to the Autonomous Republic of Adjara by strict observation of the matters in the competence of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara in accordance with the law and the matters prescribed to the special competence of the supreme state organs of Georgia by the Constitution of Georgia.

Article 241

After the enforcement of this law, the next elections of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara will be held from October 1 to December 31, 2008. The President of Georgia determines the election date. (27.12.2006. N4134).

Article 25This law shall become effective upon its promulgation.

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili

Tbilisi, July 1, 2004.

muxli 24

saqarTvelos mTavrobam am kanonis amoqmedebidan 3

Tvis vadaSi gadawyvitos aWaris avtonomiuri respubliki-

saTvis saxelmwifo qonebis gadacemis samarTlebrivi da

organizaciuli sakiTxebi am kanoniT aWaris avtonomiuri

respublikis gamgeblobisaTvis mikuTvnebuli sakiTxebisa

da saqarTvelos konstituciiT saqarTvelos umaRles

saxelmwifo organoTa gansakuTrebuli gamgeblobisaTvis

mikuTvnebuli sakiTxebis gaTvaliswinebiT.

muxli 241

am kanonis amoqmedebis Semdeg aWaris avtonomiuri

respublikis umaRlesi sabWos morigi arCevnebi gaim-

arTeba 2008 wlis 1 oqtombridan 31 dekembramde. ar-

Cevnebis TariRs gansazRvravs saqarTvelos prezidenti.

(27.12.2006. #4134).

muxli 25

es kanoni amoqmeddes gamoqveynebisTanave.

saqarTvelos prezidenti mixeil saakaSvili


2004 wlis 1 ivlisi.

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sagamomcemlo uzrunvelyofasagamomcemlo saxli `inovacia~

direqtori: {bvs!obXzfcjb

teqnikuri redaqtori: johb!obwsp{bTwjmj

misamarTi: Tbilisi, Zmebi kakabaZeebis q. #22

tel.: 92-25-23, 10-26-28

E-mail: [email protected]



Tbilisi. Br. Kakabadze str. #22TEL: 92-25-23; 10-26-28;

E-mail: [email protected]
