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L8 - L9 - Convergence and Connected Television

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Re-cap prior learning – Discuss and identify HOW the internet has achieved this!
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Re-cap prior learning – Discuss and identify HOW the internet has achieved this!

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YOU MUST write a PEA Paragraph explaining HOW the “behaviour” of audiences has changed.YOU SHOULD refer to at least 1 Product that defines this “transformation” and tie in theoryExtension – YOU COULD use both sides of the white board and write more than 1 PEA Paragraph




The internet, in particular social media, has transformed the behaviour of audiences as they are ‘flowering their voices’ (De Sola Poole – 1977).

For example, we are ‘increasingly in command’ (Tapscott & Williams – 2006) through the internet and have the power to select and report news events through social media and micro blogging products such as Twitter, for example……

This empowerment to take on the role of prosumer and ‘citizen journalist’ (Gillmor – 2004) has meant a a new ‘moral panic’ (Barker – 2001) has and is taking place amongst traditional media such as…..



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Convergence – Connected Television – L8

Unit G325: Section B – Critical Perspectives in Media

Friday 24th April 2015

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Aims & Objectives

• Re-cap Prior learning and TEST knowledge of key terms/theory covered so far.

• How technology is now expected to converge with other platforms and technologies

• How technology has evolved and become miniaturized

• What role has convergence played in TV consumption.

• Review the learning.

AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates, using terminology appropriately and (AO1) Apply knowledge and understanding to show how meanings are created when analyzing media products.

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“Provides audiences with the kinds of entertainment experiences they want”

(Jenkins – 2006)

Technological Convergence - “Every consumer gets courted across multiple media platforms’ (Jenkins – 2006)

• The coming together of more than ONE media platform.

• A product that combines technology from more than one platform.

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Convergence Culture:

Where Old and New Media Collide

Dr. Henry Jenkins – (2006)

Jenkins describes the (never expected amongst traditional media institutions) “co-operation between multiple media industries”.

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These are all GREAT examples of CONVERGENCE that YOU SHOULD use in the exam, especially IF you get a question like:

To what extent has Convergence transformed the media?

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This product, like many converging media products (Broadcast and E-Media Platforms) are “providing audiences with the kinds of entertainment experiences they want” (Jenkins – 2006). This also ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) HOW Seinfeld (any many other figures within the industry) are going to continue to “courted across multiple media platforms” (Jenkins – 2006)


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“Always there when you need it”



YOU MUST watch the videos below to gain a better understanding of the appeal of BBC iPlayer.

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YOU MUST read the PEA Paragraph explaining HOW IPTV is a “significant development” in the Online Age.

YOU SHOULD research an article/product BEYOND what is mentioned here.

Extension – YOU COULD consider the role and play in our migratory behaviour AWAY from old, analogue methods of TV consumption.

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More people accessed the BBC iPlayer on tablets than computers for the first time on Boxing Day, after thousands unwrapped new devices for Christmas.

7th January 2014


YOU SHOULD research the article below to investigate how popular BBC iPlayer is in preparation for the exam and note down some interesting facts/statistics.

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YOU MUST research the product above and complete the following:

•WHAT is this media product?

•WHAT does it offer its users?

•WHAT theories (e.g. Jenkins – 2006) and Key terms (e.g. Technological Determinism) apply to this product and WHY?

YOU SHOULD research an article/TV News segment (Youtube) and see if you can find any statistics regarding the success of this product as well.

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“A fantastic way to enhance your TV experience”

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In accordance with Marc Prensky (2001) WHY is this important?

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Watching ‘Sky Go’ on your tablet, according to Poniewozick (2009) COULD encourage……

A ‘physically solitary experience’ as opposed to other forms of TV consumption.

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Which Multi-Media conglomerate owns Sky Television and therefore this media product?

News Corporation “dominates the planet” (Waters – 1995) and is thus an “aggressive global trailblazer” (Blau – 2005)

Does this product represent HOW they don’t want to be ‘Left Behind’ (Bauman – 1998) in the New Media Landscape?

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What have you learnt today?

•Are there human like qualities in media products?

•Are products converging with other platforms and media products?

• Has the distinction between the real world and virtual world disappeared?


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Build on prior learning – HOW else has it been transformed??

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YOU MUST write a PEA Paragraph explaining HOW the “behaviour” of audiences has changed as a result of Connected Television.YOU SHOULD refer to at least 1 Product that defines this “transformation” and tie in theory and Key Terminology into your answer.Extension – YOU COULD write more than x1 PEA Paragraph




The internet, in particular through convergent technology such as Connected Television and IPTV, has transformed the behaviour of audiences as they are ‘Migrating’ (Jenkins – 2006) away from old, analogue technology to new, personalised TV experiences.

For example, ……

Therefore, products such as …..are aware of this need and as a result are “providing audiences with the kinds of entertainment experiences they want” (Jenkins – 2006) due to the transformation of the Television experience.




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Due: Next lesson – Thursday 30th April


• Answer this Question• Apply x3 Media Areas (Connected TV, VoD, Social Media) to your answer• YOU SHOULD start to consider the role your own individual case study plays in

addressing a question like this.
