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Leadership, Motivation, And Problem Solving In

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A presentation on Leadership, staff motivation, and problem solving process for my Office Management Class.

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Leadership, Motivation, and Problem Solving in Organizations

Leadership, Motivation, and Problem Solving in Organizations

Leadership Habits, Attitude,and StylesA. Leadership Habits

1. Be ProactiveThe most important things that the humans have is their ability to think. Animals do not have this ability. Only humans have the freedom to choose their thoughts. You can control your mind. You have the ability to control your moods, feelings and thoughts and by doing this you can change your circumstances and conditions. Proactive means taking initiatives. You need to become proactive, you need to take full responsibility of your life. You have ability to take actions and make things happen. There are two kinds of problems or obstacles we face in our life. First type are the problems you can do something to reduce them, while other problems just occur in your life, you dont have any control on them. 2. Begin With The End In MindIn this chapter, you need to imagine, what the other people are saying and thinking about you if you are dead and they have come on your funeral? What character would you like them to have seen in you? What achievements and contributions would you want them to remember? The things you want them to say about you, are your core values so from now you should work on those values. You should develop a personal mission statement that focuses on what you want to be and do in your life3. Put First Thing FirstPut First thing First is the most powerful and effective habit, the author has written a whole book on this habit. This is the habit of time and life management. All the things you do daily can be divided in two categories they are either urgent and important or not urgent and not important. You should ask yourself this question What one thing could you do that if you do on regular basis would make a tremendous positive difference in your life?4. Think Win-WinThink Win-Win habit teaches you to work together to seek mutual benefits. This habit encourages you to see other people as cooperative rather than competitor. It is based on the theory that there is plenty in this world for everybody and one persons success should not be achieved at the expense of the success of others. Normally people think that if I win you lose. Most people have been deeply scripted in the win-lose mentality since birth. We are being programmed that this world is a zero sum game where some people win while other lose. To become more effective you should work with other people to get leverage of the abilities and strengths of other people. This habit is essential to become successful.5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be UnderstoodThe most important factor in good communication is listening carefully what the other person is saying. Unfortunately people spend most of their time to improve their speaking, writing and reading skills. They dont try to improve their listening skills. They dont listen what other person is saying instead they are thinking in their mind what they are going to say next. The author says that if you want to become effective, you first need to listen and understand what the other person is saying. A good salesperson first understands the needs of others, a good doctor first understands the problems of the patient, a good lawyer first gathers all the facts to understand the situation.6. SynergizeSynergy can be defined as the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. For example if you plant two plants together, they will grow better than if they were separated, two pieces of wood together will hold more weight together than they will hold separately. According to this principle one plus one equals three or more. The way one man and one women bring a child into this world is synergistic. To be effective we must value the physical differences between people to create new opportunities for each other. Synergy is almost as if a group of people collectively wish to work together to create some productive things. Synergy is making improvements and creating something new with the cooperation of others.7. Sharpen the SawThe habit number seven encourages you to take some time off to sharpen the saw (improve your skills). The greatest asset you have is You. Your personal productivity will decrease without proper care. The author recommends that you need to invest some time and money on yourself, to improve your skills. This is the best investment you can ever make. The author says to follow below written steps to sharpen your saw: Physical Health exercise. Spiritual Meditation and Religious lectures. Mental formal education, seminars, books and autobiographies. Social/Emotional leadership, communication and cooperation.

B. Leadership Attitudes.In 1964, Douglas published The Human Side of Enterprise.This book is famous for discovering how leaders attitudes may influence their behaviour.The book is noted for its comparison of two types of leader that McGregor called Theory X and Theory Y leaders.

Douglas McGregors Theory X and YC. Leadership StylesAutocratic the leader is one who makes most of the decision.Participative involves followers in the decision making.Task-Oriented focuses on getting the job done with specific emphasis on planning, scheduling, and processing the work.People-Oriented focuses on the welfare and feeling of followers and has self-confidence and a strong need to develop and empower team members.Women as Leaders

STAFF MOTIVATIONMotivating Factors and RecognitionExternal Factors positive or negative.Internal Factors employees qualities match the requirements of the job.Staff recognition reach targeted business results and demonstrate exacting goal-oriented behaviours.Staff motivationThe TeamList CEO and key management by name.Include previous accomplishments to show that these are people with a record of success.Summarize number of years of experience in this field.Market SummarySummarize your market in the past, present, and future.Review those changes in market share, leadership, players, market shifts, costs, pricing, or competition that provide the opportunity for your companys success.OpportunitiesIdentify problems and opportunities.State consumer problems, and define the nature of product/service opportunities that are created by those problems.Business ConceptSummarize the key technology, concept, or strategy on which your business is based.CompetitionSummarize the competition.Outline your companys competitive advantage.Goals and ObjectivesList five-year goals.State specific, measurable objectives for achieving your five-year goals.List market-share objectives.List revenue/profitability objectives.Financial PlanOutline a high-level financial plan that defines your financial model and pricing assumptions. This plan should include expected annual sales and profits for the next three years.Use several slides to cover this material appropriately.Resource RequirementsList requirements for the following resources:PersonnelTechnologyFinancesDistributionPromotionProductsServicesRisks and RewardsSummarize the risks of the proposed project and how they will be addressed.Estimate expected rewards, particularly if you are seeking funding.Key IssuesNear termIdentify key decisions and issues that need immediate or near-term resolution.State consequences of decision postponement.Long termIdentify issues needing long-term resolution.State consequences of decision postponement.If you are seeking funding, be specific about any issues that require financial resources for resolution.27
