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Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto bukletas 2014

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WHY LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES?Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (LEU) is

the most important teacher training institution in Lithuania.The University’s primary goal is to educate a highly qualifiedprofessional in the chosen field of science and a professionalteacher who is able to successfully operate in the fast-chang-ing society, is knowledgeable about the abilities and skillsobtained and professionally active in the national educationalinstitutions of different types as well as in different contexts ofinternational co-operation.

Mission of the University: Society’s education, whichis based on modern education philosophy and the newestscientific knowledge. The University is striving to solidify itsexceptional place in Lithuanian and European Union highereducation field as a University of Educational nature in theareas of studies, research and practice.

Vision of the University: The most important educationaluniversity, gradually solidifying this status in Central andEastern regions of the European Union; Institution that isable to change and adapt, is international, modern, attrac-tive and competitive; Successfully trains specialists of widespectrum, develops fundamental and applied scientific research,applies the results in practice and provides various socialeducational services.

University is continually developing the specialised edu-cation model and is renewing the study process andorganisation of scientific research; the University will strive tokeep the training of pedagogues and education specialistsa priority; It will extend the variety of services offered tostudents and community groups of different areas. The Uni-versity is striving to become a regional university.

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WHY LITHUANIA? WHY VILNIUS?Geographically (confirmed by the Guiness World

Records) Lithuania is at the very centre of Europe. It has aunique and well preserved culture, folklore and traditions.The nature is very rich and can offer spectacular views. Ifthe forests and lakes are not enough, the western part ofLithuania borders with the Baltic Sea. The people are friendlyand welcoming to (though sometimes shy towards) foreigners.The climate offers four very distinct seasons, with tempera-tures ranging from around -5C during winter to +20C duringsummer. In addition, Lithuania is a part of the European Union,thus travelling within Europe is very simple.

Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, and the city whereLithuanian University of Educational Sciences is located.Vilnius is a beautiful city. It has a well preserved Old-Townarea (one of the biggest in the Eastern European region, and aUNESCO heritage site), places of cultural heritage and a sig-

nificant number of architectural marvels – the city has over 40churches of varying styles and religions, some dating as farback as 1320. The city offers a variety of leisure and enter-tainment activities – whether it is travelling, visiting muse-ums, participating in cultural events or having a wild nightlife. Vilnius has a well-established and continuously improvedpublic transportation system, has a big international airport, bus,coach and train stations.

The main campus of Lithuanian University of Educa-tional Sciences is situated virtually at the heart of Vilnius, neara beautiful curve of the city’s main river – Neris. It has pictur-esque surroundings and can be easily reached from any partof Vilnius via public transport. The second campus is situatedjust 15 minutes of walking distance from the beautiful oldtown and about 10 minutes from a huge and very nicely main-tained Vingis park.



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Acad. Prof. Dr. Hab. Algirdas Gaiþutis

In the history of education and culture of Lithuania (andnot only of this country), the Education Commission, i.e. theNational Commission of Educational Affairs, played a crucialrole. Under the influence of the ideas of the Age of Enlighten-ment and, especially, under the influence of the French intel-lectuals, it reformed school striving to create the education sys-tem that is more liberal and democratic and that encouragesand develops enquiring mind. In 1775, under the EducationCommission auspices, the first Teacher Training Seminary wasestablished in Vilnius. It is symbolic that seminarium in Latinmeans seedbed; seedbed for teachers and educators. Unfortu-nately, due to financial and political reasons Teacher TrainingSeminary had been closed down for several times. When thePolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth collapsed and Czarist Rus-sia entrenched, the seminary had no prospects. Interpretationof the events and dates in the turmoil of history could truthfullylead us to the fact that the origin of our university can be tracedback to 1775, i.e. to the date when the Teacher Training Semi-nary was established. Thus, now we would celebrate the 238thanniversary of this university! However, the history of Lithuaniareveals not only uplifts, dramas and great deeds but also ap-palling tragedies. All of it found its reflection in the develop-ment of the ideas implemented by Education Commission.Therefore, following the traditional interpretation, we associ-ate the foundation of this university with the decree which wassigned by the President Antanas Smetona in 1935.

Many years have passed, the generations of lecturers,professors and students have changed. The University hasproudly covered a long distance, fostering Lithuanian cul-ture and education. It implanted the desire for freedom andprofessional eminence in the people of Lithuania; it taughtthose who educate younger progressive generation to de-vote soul and intellect to education, maintenance of nationalidentity and protection of the state. Graduates of this univer-sity pursue their teacher careers in schools all over Lithuania;

they are the core of Lithuanian education system. Admit-tedly, we are still facing a number of challenging tasks inimproving the studies and placement and enhancing pres-tige of this university. Therefore I would like to thank all themembers of the university community – lecturers, students,administrative staff and employees of economy department –for their aspiration to develop a dignified, mature, creativeand responsible academic community. Let me express aheartfelt thanks to our social partners and collaborators fromthe universities in Lithuania and abroad. In the emblem ofthis university the phrase from the Old Testament Fiat Lux(let there be light) is inscribed in golden letters. There is nevertoo much light, especially the one that is emitted by our goodnature and tender hearts. Thus, let there be more light in ourdeeds, relationships, thoughts, and dreams. I wish you joy-ous celebration of youth and maturity!

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In 1775, under the Education Commission auspices, the

first Teacher Training Seminary was established in Vilnius. In

1935, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania established

the first higher teacher-training establishment – the Pedagogi-

cal Institute with two-year studies in Klaipëda, whose mission

was to train teachers and to develop pedagogical sciences all

over Lithuania. In March 1939, when the Nazis occupied the

Region of Klaipëda, the Institute was moved to Panevëþys, and

in the autumn of 1939 it finally moved to Vilnius, the newly

regained capital, and was named Vilnius Pedagogical Institute.

On 11th March 1990, with independence regained for

Lithuania, a reform of academic and administrative matters

began at the Institute. On 20th May, 1992, the Supreme Coun-

cil of the Lithuanian Republic conferred university status upon

the Institute, and the VPI has changed to Vilnius Pedagogical

University. In October 2011 Vilnius Pedagogical University

was renamed Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences.

During its existence, the University has suffered wars,

upheavals, as well as the occupation and National Rebirth

periods. The academic community has continuously sustained

development of pedagogical thinking, fostered the concept

and choice of values. Presently, the University has relation-

ships not only with the history of the state, but also with a wider

global context. The University does not disown its pedagogical

bias. Nonetheless, the University’s vision is modern education

embracing numerous specialities and providing them with re-

sponsibility to young people, able to successfully work and cre-

ate in the contemporary competitive society.

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CONTEMPORARY LIFELithuanian University of Educational Sciences actively

participates in educational reforms and cooperates with all-levelpersonality education links, including pre-school education es-tablishments, secondary and higher schools as well as adulteducation and vocational training institutions. It has a consider-able impact on other Lithuanian higher education establish-ments, as the abilities of those entering the Lithuanian higherEducation sector depend on how they are taught in schools byteachers – graduates of LEU before their enrolment.

Dissemination of Knowledge and ValuesThe University serves as the main centre for transfer of

knowledge to the society in the areas of education, science,culture, environment protection and healthy life style. Annu-ally members of the academic community of the Universitydeliver around three hundred open lectures and organise overtwo hundred fifty expeditions for pupils and students. The art-ists of the University participate in over two hundred nationaland international “En plein air” events and exhibitions inLithuania and abroad.

The University fosters the values of humanism, tolerance,public spirit, patriotism, and social solidarity. It develops the“Green University” ideas, promotes healthy life style and par-ticipates in social inclusion development projects. High in-volvement of the University in a wide spectrum of educationactivities, lifelong learning development, fundamental and

applied research, transfer of knowledge and values is ad-equately reflected by its slogan, engraved in the University’slogo: Fiat Lux – let there be light.

Individuality. LEU is the leading institution of teacher,education and culture employee training and their capacitybuilding in Lithuania.

Flexibility. After reestablishment of the national indepen-dence, the University’s community not only gained new hopes,but also much more true initiative and creativity, i.e. factorswitnessing the consolidation of human dignity and a different,open and sincere communication among students and teach-ers. The University started enrolment for two study programmescomprising a second speciality next to the main qualifications.

Versatility. Teaching in the fields of pedagogy, psychol-ogy, philosophy, economics, history, Lithuanian language andliterature, foreign languages and cultural science has grownmore comprehensive and versatile. The society of theUniversity’s graduates embraces the highest qualification spe-cialists of education and other areas: teachers of Lithuanianhigher education establishments, researchers of scientific in-stitutes, as well as employees of numerous other institutions.As many as 8 Lithuanian University of Educational Sciencesgraduates were MPs at the Lithuanian Supreme Council of1990 – the Reconstituent Parliament. A number of other gradu-ates successfully work at diplomatic services or as Lithuanianmunicipality mayors, famous journalists or artists.

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Regional and National Impact

The University provides a significant input to sustain-able development of Lithuania. The results of the projectsundertaken and research carried out by the University helpto succeed in its mission to the country and the region andare disseminated to governmental and non-governmentalorganisations, and business companies.

The students and alumni of the University bring Lithuaniaa worldwide fame in sport events: twelve graduates of theUniversity have become Olympic champions, twenty gradu-ates won world championships and fifty-three – Europeanchampionships. Research and artistic activities of the Univer-sity researchers and alumni gained twenty-five Lithuanianscience awards and fourteen national culture and arts awards.The University music ensembles enjoy high popularity inLithuania and spread cultural enlightenment to the society.

The University is constantly developing the infrastruc-ture to better suit the needs of the disabled, to lessen theirsocial exclusion and improve their integration. The Univer-sity provides and develops social services that are well visiblein the society.

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STUDIESThe University is proud to offer high-quality undergradu-

ate, graduate and postgraduate study programmes. Thirty ninefirst cycle study programmes are offered in ten study fieldssuch as pedagogy, psychology, philology, history, philosophy,economics and business management and technologies andthe graduates are awarded a respective undergraduate degreeand a teacher’s professional qualification. Thirty two secondcycle study programmes are offered in twenty-four study fieldssuch as education, pedagogy, psychology, social work, sociol-ogy, linguistics, art studies, history, information technologies,mathematics and graduates are awarded a Master’s degree.Four third cycle programmes are offered in four fields andgraduates are awarded a PhD. In addition, the University of-fers non-degree study programmes for qualification develop-ment and retraining. The studies are organized in differentforms, i.e. full-time and part-time.

Studies at the University are based on the newest scien-tific knowledge and principles of sustainable development;the quality of the study programmes is continuously improvedand study accessibility and internationalization is constantlydeveloped.

There are about six thousand students at the Universitypresently. The University teaching staff consists of five hun-dred and twenty eight employees; seventy eight of them areProfessors (Doctors and Habilitated Doctors), two hundredand nine – Associate Professors and Doctors, and two hun-dred and forty one – Lecturers and Assistant Lecturers.

Presently, there are seven faculties at the University:the Faculty of Science and Technology; the Faculty of His-tory; the Faculty of Lithuanian Philology; the Faculty of SocialEducation; the Faculty of Philology; the Faculty of Education;the Faculty of Sports and Health Education, and one Institute:the Institute of Professional Competence Development. Theyare able to solve independently the majority of academicand scientific issues with flexibility and managerial success.

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After all, it is of great importance for a university living undercompetitive market-dependent conditions not to lose its posi-tions, but to strengthen them and to guide the student commu-nity the right way, i.e. to educate them as civilised, sociallyresponsible and open-minded professionals.

The Library of LEU is a centre of studies, science andinformation technologies offering its users a wide spectrum ofservices. The library has funds containing over 700.000 books,periodicals, audio and video recordings, as well as electronicdocuments. Every year, the library purchases 10 to 15 thou-sand new documents and subscribes to approximately 300different periodicals, as well as has licences to over 30 elec-tronic databases. To help the users, four reading rooms andthe Learning Resource Centre contain 260 working places.Readers have a possibility to use computers. The library pro-vides access to listening to audio recordings, watching videotapes, saving information on data storage devices, scanningimages or documents or just undisturbed working.

The Library has the integral librarian system ALPH500,which allows administering all the functions at the library,developing the University’s document directory, registeringour teachers’ publications. The Library organises thematic andpersonal expositions and provides a great diversity of differentother services. The new modern library complex is scheduledto open in 2015.

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RESEARCHThe University’s priority is the development of funda-

mental and applied research in the field of education. This

includes subject didactics, education management, and life-

long learning promotion. The results of the research are of

special importance to the development of education in

Lithuania. In addition, the University undertakes research in

the fields of social sciences, humanities, biomedicine, science

and technology.

The University offers PhD studies in education, philol-

ogy and other areas. It publishes six periodical scientific jour-

nals: four in social sciences: “Pedagogika” (Pedagogy),

“Ugdymo psichologija” (Education Psychology), “Socialinis

ugdymas” (Social Education), “Sporto mokslas” (Sport Science)

and two in humanities: “Istorija” (History) and “Þmogus ir

þodis” (Man and the Word) which consists of volumes

“Didaktinë lingvistika” (Didactic Linguistics); “Literatûrologija”

(Literary Criticism); “Svetimosios kalbos” (Foreign Languages);

“Filosofija” (Philosophy). The University also publishes five

research articles of conferences and young researchers’ papers.

Researchers of the University participate in a significant num-

ber of international and national research programmes and

projects. Annually the University hosts thirty national and in-

ternational conferences. Annually the academic staff publishes

around twenty scientific monographs, one thousand research

articles and reads three hundred reports at the conferences.

At present, the following researchers make the university

famous nationally and internationally: Prof. Jonas Rimantas

Stonis, a laureate of Lithuanian National Science Award,

Prof. Piotr Vasiljev, Prof. Marijona Barkauskaite, Prof. Romualdas

Grigas and many others.

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INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIONThe University is actively involved in international

cooperation for the purpose of improving the quality and

relevance of study programmes, research, development

and modernization projects. The University offers exchange

opportunities based on academic relations and bilateral

agreements. Bilateral agreements have been established

with higher education institutions in Europe, Asia and


The University has signed more than 120 bilateral

agreements for Erasmus exchange and forthy six bilateral

cooperation agreements. The target groups of individual

learning mobility consist of Bachelor, Master and Doctoral

students for studies and traineeship as well as academic

and non-academic staff for teaching and for being trained.

The geographical scope of mobility covers twenty six EU

and nineteen non-EU countries. The main partners are in

Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Esto-

nia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy,

Israel, the U.S.A., Latvia, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway,

Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-

land, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

The University actively participates in Erasmus exchange

programme as well as Comenius, Grundtvig, Leonardo da

Vinci, Erasmus academic networks, Tempus and Nordplus.

The University is a member of a number of international asso-

ciations such as European Association of Universities, Baltic

Sea Region University Network and Association for Teacher

Education in Europe.

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Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (prior to20 October 2011 referred to as Vilnius Pedagogical Univer-sity, hereinafter – the University) is the main institution whicheducates a wide spectrum of highly qualified professionalsfor education sector in Lithuania. The University is activelyinvolved in international cooperation for the purpose ofimproving the quality and relevance of study programmes,research, development and modernization projects. The Uni-versity offers exchange opportunities based on academic rela-tions and bilateral agreements. Bilateral agreements have beenestablished with higher education institutions in Europe, Asiaand North-America.

The priority for international cooperation is given to in-stitutions of similar character, i.e. teacher training universitiesand colleges. The University is open for cooperation with allcountries of the European Union. The University also strivesto implement the European Neighbourhood Policy by pro-moting the cooperation with Belarus, Ukraine and Azerbaijanas well as Russia and other countries of the Post-Soviet Space.The activities of cooperation with non-EU countries is seen asa tool for bringing the European dimension into the educationinstitutions of non-participating countries.

The geographical scope of mobility covers 27 EU andparticipating countries and 19 other countries. As part of itsstrategic plan, the University is aiming at promoting activemobility of students and staff seeking full academic recognitionof studies and qualifications throughout the European Union.

Erasmus Policy Statement

For the upcoming Erasmus University Charter period,the University aims at enhancing quality of studies in all cyclesby actively participating in transnational programmes andprojects, by increasing student and staff mobility as well as byextending participation in multilateral Erasmus programme.

The target groups of individual learning mobility con-sist of Bachelor, Master and Doctoral students for studies andtraineeship as well as academic and non-academic staff forteaching and for being trained.

International Relations Office of the University organizesthe selection of mobile students and staff and awards grants ina fair, transparent, and documented way, in line with the stipu-lations of its contract with the National Agency. Open com-petition for studies and placements is organised for studentstwice a year. Call for competition is announced on the websiteof the University, through the means of mass media of the Uni-versity (TV and newspaper) and during Erasmus days organizedat each faculty of the University. The competition is organizedaccording to the “Rules for participation in Erasmus exchangeprogramme for students of Lithuanian University of EducationalSciences” available in Lithuanian and English. According tothe rules, fair opportunities are provided to all potential par-ticipants, including those from groups which are usually un-der-represented in mobility programmes such as students fromlower socio-economic backgrounds and students with part-timejobs. Students from lower socio-economic backgrounds are of-fered the opportunity of getting top-up grants.

The University uses ECTS as a tool to guarantee the qualityof mobility activities and transparency of recognition proce-dures, which facilitates the transfer of learning achievementsbetween institutions and helps to achieve greater studentmobility. The University makes use of the following itemsensuring the smooth process of the academic credit transfer:

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Course Catalogue which is annually updated and announcedon University’s website.

Learning Agreement for studies and placements whichis signed before the start of mobility and a Transcript of Recordsindicating number of credits earned and grades achieved,which is received from host institution at the end of the mo-bility for outgoing students and which is issued and sent tohome institutions at the end of mobility for incoming students.

The University implements the policy of staff mobilityenhancement by measures encouraging mobility: the inter-national mobility is acknowledged as part of regular workloadand temporary replacements are found during the mobilityperiod. The staff is encouraged to share their experiences ofinternational mobility at the Department meetings with col-leagues and at the open lectures for students.

While implementing Erasmus exchange programme theUniversity has been developing and advancing non-dis-

crimination policies. It ensures equal access and opportuni-ties to mobile participants from all backgrounds.

The international mobility is an integral part of University’ssystem of quality assurance.

The University has Erasmus agreements with more than120 universities from 27 European countries. Each year the Univer-sity sends over 180 of its staff and students abroad and receivesover 150 foreign staff and students under this programme.

Erasmus Key DataERASMUS code: LT VILNIUS04Academic calendar: The academic year is organized in

two semesters:Autumn semester: from 1st September until end of January,Spring semester: from beginning of February until end

of June.

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Erasmus Exchange: How to Apply?An Erasmus exchange applicant should send the Ap-

plication, Learning Agreement and Accommodation forms.

We strongly recommend to follow the deadlines especially

for non-EU applicants to manage starting studies at LEU on

time. As soon as we have duly signed documents, we issue

Letter of Acceptance to be sent to home university.

Course InformationInformation on courses can be found in our website,

under ECTS courses section. Please choose the faculty and

go to the description of each course offered. Please contact

coordinator of incoming Erasmus students ([email protected])

if you have any questions. To avoid uncertainty, we kindly

ask incoming students to send us the list of chosen courses

before sending the application documents by post. Please

pay attention to the availability of a subject depending on

the semester!

AccommodationLithuanian University of Educational Sciences provides

incoming students with accommodation at its dormitory

(Vivulskio St. 36, Vilnius). Students have to fill in the accom-

modation request form (to be find under the "Documents"

section) while applying.

Orientation WeekAt the beginning of each semester we organise Ori-

entation Week to get to know each other better, and most

importantly to introduce the incoming students to the uni-

versity, teachers, as well as organise trips around Vilnius and

nearby towns.

Mentors started to volunteer at Lithuanian Universityof Educational Sciences from the very first Erasmus pro-gram students’ arrival. Mentors helped with academic andsocial integration to new country too. In March 2014 LEUmentors joined ESN Lithuania and LEU became a full rightsection of ESN Lithuania.

ESN LEU board consists of president, vice president,human resources coordinator, public relations coordinator andsocial Erasmus coordinator. Members of this organisation helpexchange students with various issues and questions, such asmigration, ISIC cards, Vilnius Ticket, communication with lec-turers and coordinators. One of the main goals is to informabout different activities at university and ESN LEU events.

Erasmus students get a great opportunity of visiting dif-ferent places of Vilnius and Lithuania during the orientationweek and semester. They also join social Erasmus events.

ESN LEU motto: We Can Do IT, One For All and AllFor One.

Erasmus Student Network

Mentor System

We would like our incoming students feel at home while

studying at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences.

Therefore, we have developed a mentoring system, which is

aimed at student-to-student help. Every incoming Erasmus

student has his/her mentor – a student of LEU (usually a former

or future Erasmus student) to help an incoming student to adapt

to the new life in Vilnius. Mentors pick up students from the

airport or bus/train station and take to the dormitory, show

around, introduce to social life of local students and help with

many problems that a person can experience while abroad.

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LEU seeks to improve the human condition by ad-vancing knowledge and fostering creativity. It does so throughresearch and education and commitment to social justice,human rights and a sustainable aesthetic environment.

Many students aspire to enter the arts profession in oneguise or another, as performers, teachers or administrators.A significant number therefore continue their studies, for ex-


ample, at a Master’s and doctoral degree course. Some of thegraduates choose education, creating or management careers.Arts graduates have a good reputation among even the mostdemanding employers.

Students with general intellectual interests, someknowledge and love of the arts are welcome. Intelligence,motivation, creativity and emotional sensitivity are essential.

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Cultural activitiesThe song and dance group “Ðviesa” has existed since

1954. Lots of students of different specialities, future teacherssing, dance and play in the group. There are not onlyLithuanian folk songs, dances and melodies in the repertoireof the group, but also pieces of modern music based on thebest folk music tradition.

The group has given over 2000 concerts in Lithuaniaand abroad. They visited Germany, Italy, Spain, the USA, Po-land, Russia and a number of other foreign countries. The folkand dance group has been directed by Jolanta Kisielyte-Sadauskiene.

Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences mixed choir“Ave vita” was founded in 1935. The students, future teachers,of different faculties and departments sing in the choir at present.Choir “Ave vita” has participated in numerous international fes-

tivals and competitions in which they were prize winners formany times. The choir has been directed by Chief ConductorKastytis Barisas. The folklore group “Poringë” is performing tra-ditional Lithuanian folklore. It was established in 1973. Theartistic directors of the group are Ms. Audronë Vakarinienë, anexpert of Lithuanian Folklore, and Mr. Vladas Èerniauskas.

The Group’s programmes include a wide range ofLithuanian folk music: from old rituals, authentic shepherds’instruments, songs and dances, dating to the 16-19th centu-ries, to the international (including classical) instruments,music and dances. During concerts one might hear a uniquepolyphonic “sutartine” (round) performed using woodenhorns, horns or pan pipes.

There is also the chamber string ensemble “Credo” anddifferent performing arts workshops at the University.

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SportsAt the Faculty of Sports and Health Education, students

develop their mastery in teams of basketball, handball, vol-leyball, track-and-field athletics, sports aerobics, orienteering,football, table tennis and other sports.

Our students participate in competitions and tourna-ments of 29 different sports. LEU has trained 12 Olympic Goldmedalists, over 40 champions of Lithuania, and over 50 win-ners of Lithuanian student tournaments annually.

Every year, sportsmen and sportswomen take part in theSELL Student Games (involving Finnish, Estonian, Latvian andLithuanian students), where they get high positions or becomechampions.

The Sports Centre of the faculty yearly organises numer-ous traditional events, which could be joined by everyonewilling to participate, like “Juventus”, matches to win deancups, fresher basketball cup competitions, gym football tour-naments and other events.

Our best athletes of the recent years are the rowersAlvydas Duonëla (European champion, winner of the WorldCup, world vice-champion and participant of the Sydney

Olympic Games of 2000 and the Athens Olympic Games of2004); Egidijus Balèiûnas (triple world champion, world vice-champion, participant of the Sydney Olympic Games of 2000and the Athens Olympic Games of 2004); Rower JevgenijÐuklin (European Champion in 2010, World Rowing UniversityChampion in 2008 and 2010, the Winner of the Silver Medalof the London Olympic Games, 2012); cyclist SimonaKrupeckaitë (World Champion and record-holder, 2009–2010);Modern pentathlete Donata Rimðaite (World Cup winner, 2009);biathlete Diana Rasimovièiutë (European vice-champion 2010)and Laura Asadauskaitë (Gold medal winner of the LondonOlympic Games, 2012); Boxer Evaldas Petrauskas (Bronzemedal winner of the London Olympic Games, 2012).

Olympic champions have graduated from LEU and havegained the specialty of physical education. They include thebasketball players Angelë Rupðienë and Vida Beselienë, track-and-field athletes Romas Ubartas and Remigijus Valiulis, boxerDanas Pozdniakas, skier Vida Vencienë, football playersArvydas Janonis and Arminas Narbekovas, swimmers LinaKaèiuðytë and Robertas Þulpa.

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Jevgenij Ðuklin Evaldas Petrauskas Laura Asadauskaitë Aleksandr Kazakeviè

Simona Krupeckaitë Mykolas Masilionis Auðrinë Trebaitë Karim Muradov

Lina Kaèiuðytë Romas Ubartas Vida Vencienë Robertas Þulpa

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Students’ UnionThe aims of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences

Students’ Union are the motivation of students to develop ademocratic, legal and civic society in Lithuania, an active con-tribution to development of a democratic educational system,as well as defence of LEU student rights and interests.

The Students’ Union defines issues of importance andraises such questions before the University’s administrativestaff. It also organises summertime leisure activities, promotescultural and scientific work.

The Students’ Union cooperates with studentorganisations both at the national level and internationally,and organises a number of various events. The traditionalcelebrations of the University’s teachers and students are theFresher Matriculation Party and the Spring of Poetry. Amongstthe most memorable events, there are Indian, Russian andTurkish cultural evenings, scientific conferences organisedby students, etc.

At the University, every student has a possibility toacquire practice in his/her pedagogical activities, whichis conducted not only at schools, but also at various teach-ing bases.

The picturesque surroundings of Aukðtadvaris, charac-terised by exceptional beauty and biological diversity, containthe teaching base belonging to the faculties of Science and Tech-nology, Sports and Health Education, etc. It includes a biologistbase with different plant collections, several laboratories, fieldclassrooms, a meteorological experimental ground, boulder col-lection and numerous other teaching objects.

The teaching premises include a working stadium, openswimming pool and skiing track. The astronomical practicebase in the Region of Molëtai, next to the Kaldiniai Hill canboast about the same popularity among students. Here, stu-dents of the faculty of Science and Technology get acquaintedwith the starry skies in practice, try out astrophysical researchequipment and learn to use the telescopes.

Students can also deepen their knowledge at LEU green-house. Its main purpose is serving for studies, i.e. training ofteachers specialising in biology and natural sciences. At thegreenhouse, future biologists and ecologists watch plants, de-velop acquaintance with plant diversity, and perform researchwork. Educational practices are conducted inside, includingorganisation of cognitive excursions for pupils and plant lovers.

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Address: Studentø St. 39, LT-08106, Vilnius, LithuaniaRector: Academician, Prof. Dr. Habil. Algirdas GaiþutisTel.: +370 5 279 02 81, Fax: +370 5 279 05 48, E-mail: [email protected]: http://www.leu.ltInternational Relations Office: Tel.: +370 5 275 81 13,E-mail: [email protected] Relations Office: Tel.: +370 5 273 69 67, E-mail: [email protected]


Address: Studentø St. 39, LT-08106, Vilnius, LithuaniaTel.: +370 5 275 23 98, E-mail: [email protected]: Department of Arts Education, Department of Fine Arts,Department of Music, Department of Education, Department of EthicsDidactics, Department of Psychology, Department of PsychologyDidactics, Department of Fundamentals of Education, Department ofChildhood Studies.


Address: Studentø St. 39, LT-08106, Vilnius, LithuaniaTel.: +370 5 275 16 04, E-mail: [email protected]: Department of English Philology, Department of EnglishLanguage Didactics, Department of the English Language, Departmentof French Philology and Didactics, Department of Russian Philologyand Intercultural Communication, Department of German Philologyand Didactics.Centres: Polish Language, Culture and Didactics Centre, BelarusianLanguage, Literature and Ethnic Culture Centre, Russian Language andCulture Study Centre, Turkish Language and Culture Study Centre,Intercultural Communication Centre.Laboratories: Linguistic and Didactic Research Laboratory, LanguageTeaching Laboratory, Teaching and Learning Resource Room.


Address: T. Ðevèenkos St. 31, LT-03111 Vilnius, LithuaniaTel.: +370 5 233 05 20, E-mail: [email protected]: Department of the Lithuanian Language and LiteratureDidactics, Department of Lithuanian Linguistics and Communication,Department of Lithuanian and Comparative LiteratureCentres: Lithuanian Language Research Centre, Lithuanian Languageand Culture Centre.


Address: Studentø St. 39, LT-08106, Vilnius, LithuaniaTel.: +370 5 275 89 35, E-mail: [email protected]: Department of Technology and Technological Education,Department of Geography and Tourism, Department of Biology,Department of Physics and Chemistry, Department of Mathematics,Department of Informatics, Department of Natural Science, Mathematicsand Technology DidacticsInstitute for Scientific ResearchGreenhouse


Address: T. Ðevèenkos St. 31, LT-03111 Vilnius, LithuaniaTel.: +370 5 233 22 78, E-mail: [email protected]: Department of Baltic Prehistoric Studies, Department ofCatholic Religion Education, Department of Philosophy,Department of Lithuanian History, Department of Universal History,Centre of History Didactics


Address: Studentø St. 39, LT-08106, Vilnius, LithuaniaTel.: +370 5 260 77 46, E-mail: [email protected]: Department of Theory of Sports, Department of SportTeaching Methods, Department of Health and Physical EducationInstitute of Sport ScienceSports Centre


Address: T. Ðevèenkos St. 31, LT-03111 Vilnius, LithuaniaTel.: +370 5 233 95 10, E-mail: [email protected]: Department of Economics and EntrepreneurshipDevelopment, Department of Social Education, Department of SocialWork and Sociology


Address: Studentø St. 47, LT-08107, Vilnius, LithuaniaTel.: +370 5 273 53 57, E-mail: [email protected]

Compiled by Daiva Verikaitë, Marijus Vitkauskas, Sigita Remeikienë. Design by Vilmantë Matuliauskienë.Photos by Jonas Rimantas Stonis, Tomas Petryla, Vilmantë Matuliauskienë (p. 4), Tomas Razmus, Vytenis Pileckas and others2014-06-25. Published by UAB “BMK leidykla“

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