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Literatur Kimia2

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  • 8/3/2019 Literatur Kimia2




  • 8/3/2019 Literatur Kimia2


    Chapter 1. PENDAHULUAN

  • 8/3/2019 Literatur Kimia2


  • 8/3/2019 Literatur Kimia2



    The first place a scientist reveals the resultsof his investigations in print. Includesscientific journal articles, publishedconference proceedings, technical reports,dissertations or theses, and patents.

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    Journals Most important resource for most scientists. One

    study showed that 94% of the citations in thechemical literature are to journal articles. Some

    journals are published by scientific societies, themost important ones for chemical journals wouldbe the American Chemical Society (ACS) and theRoyal Society of Chemistry. Others are published by

    commerical publishers like Elsevier, Academic Press,Marcel Dekker, Wiley, and Springer

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    Meetings are important opportunities for information

    exchange. Every year there are thousands of meetingsworldwide. Some are huge like the twice yearly meetingsof the American Chemical Society

    The availability of papers from these meetings varieswidely. One author says less than 50% are readily available.Some appear as abstracts distributed at the meeting only

    or published in some format, some as full papers, somenot at all.You may find references to proceedings in journal articles.

    Here are a few examples: L. L. Kazmerski and K. A. Emery, Proceedings of the 2nd

    World Renewable Energy Congress, September 1992, UK,Vol. 1

    Weissflog, W., Lischka, C., Benne, I., Scharf, T., Pelzl, G.,Kiele, S., and Kruth, H., 1998, Proc. SPIE, 14, 3319 Hedstrom, H. et al. Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Photov.

    Spec. Conf., Louisville Ky, 1993, p.364

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    Book of abstracts - may or may not be formally published.

    Example is the Abstracts of papers presented at the ACS nationalmeetings

    Full papers published as book, special journal issue, or separatepapers in journals. Example: proceedings of InternationalConference on Luminescence are published in conference issue

    ofJournal of Luminescence

    Symposia presented as part of large meeting may be publishedin books. Example is the ACS Symposium Series which consistsof papers presents at programs of different ACS divisions.

    Papers from some meetings, usually smaller ones, are neverpublished.

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    Sources for locating dissertations:

    ACORN includes records for Vanderbilt dissertations. Dissertationsfrom other institutions can be ordered via Interlibrary Loan

    Dissertation Abstracts is the best source of information. Recently DAhas gone electronic and is making their products available fordownload from their web site. Vanderbilt is participating in thisproject which means you can download the most recent VUdissertations for free. There is a charge for all others.

    Some of the bibliographic databases, Chemical Abstracts for example,index dissertations.

    Patents US Patent and Trademark Office Patent Databases Resources for Patents and Trademarks

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    Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Crystallography and CrystalChemistry (0567-7408)

    Journal Homepage|Journal InformationInternational Union ofCrystallographyList All Journals|Publisher HomepageAnalytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (1618-2642)

    Journal Homepage|Journal InformationSpringer-VerlagList All Journals

    Analytical Biochemistry (0003-2697)Journal Homepage|Journal InformationAcademic PressList All Journals|Publisher HomepageAnalytical Chemistry (0003-2700)

    Journal Homepage|Journal InformationAmerican Chemical SocietyList All Journals|Publisher HomepageAnnals of Clinical Biochemistry (0004-5632)

    Journal Homepage|Journal InformationRoyal Society of MedicinePressList All Journals|Publisher HomepageAnnual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry (0365-6217)

    Journal Homepage|Journal InformationRoyal Society of Chemistry,TheList All Journals|Publisher Homepage

  • 8/3/2019 Literatur Kimia2


    By content

    Communications or "letters" journalsShort papers, 2 to 4 pages long, containing the mostimportant features of a discovery, lacking detailedprocedures and discussion - Chemical Communications,Tetrahedron Letters, Applied Physic Letters.

    Full paper journals - Chemical Physics, Biochemistry

    Hybrids: contain both letters and full papers -JACS

    Reviews - Chemical Reviews, Accounts of Chemical Research

    By subject

    General - Angewandte Chemie, Canadian Journal ofChemistry,Journal of the American Chemical Society

    Specialty -Journal of Computational Chemistry,Organometallics, Liquid Crystals, Applied Catalysis BEnvironmental

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    Journals and magazines are importantsources for up-to-date information inall disciplines.

    Periodical literature into fourcategories: Scholarly Substantive Popular Sensational

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    Scholarly 1) concerned with academic study, especially research, 2) exhibiting the methods and attitudes of a scholar,


    3) having the manner and appearance of a scholar.

    Substantive is defined as having a solid base,being substantial. Popular means fit for, or reflecting the taste

    and intelligence of, the people at large.

    Sensational is defined as arousing or intendingto arouse strong curiosity, interest or reaction.

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    Scholarly journals generally have a sober, serious look. They oftencontain many graphs and charts but few glossy pages or excitingpictures. Scholarly journals always cite their sources in the form offootnotes or bibliographies.

    Articles are written by a scholar in the field or by someone who has doneresearch in the field. The language of scholarly journals is that of the discipline covered. Itassumes some scholarly background on the part of the reader. The main purpose of a scholarly journal is to report on original research

    or experimentation in order to make such information available to therest of the scholarly world. Many scholarly journals, though by no means all, are published by aspecific professional organization. EXAMPLES OF SCHOLARLY JOURNALS:

    Nature Science Nature Material lied Catalysis B: Environmental Journal of Nanomaterial Journal of Physical Chemistry

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    These periodicals may be quite attractive in appearance, although some arein newspaper format. Articles are often heavily illustrated, generally withphotographs. News and general interest periodicals sometimes cite sources,though more often do not. Articles may be written by a member of the editorial staff, a scholar or afreelance writer. The language of these publications is geared to any educated audience.

    There is no specialty assumed, only interest and a certain level of intelligence. They are generally published by commercial enterprises or individuals,although some emanate from specific professional organizations. The main purpose of periodicals in this category is to provide information, ina general manner, to a broad audience of concerned citizens. EXAMPLES OF SUBSTANTIVE NEWS OR GENERAL INTEREST PERIODICALS:

    Economist National Geographic New York Times Scientific American Vital Speeches of the Day

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    Sensational periodicals come in a variety ofstyles, but often use a newspaper format. Theirlanguage is elementary and occasionallyinflammatory or sensational. They assume acertain gullibility in their audience.

    The main purpose of sensational magazinesseems to be to arouse curiosity and to cater topopular superstitions. They often do so withflashy headlines designed to astonish


    Globe National Examiner Star Weekly World News

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    These are the publications that provide access to the primary publicationsdiscussed earlier. They include Includes indexes and abstracts; and reviewarticles, handbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, monographs, datacollections, and textbooks.

    Indexes & Abstracts Each scientific discipline has at least one major index/abstract. In addition there are

    general titles that include scientific periodicals Expanded Academic ASAP ProQuest Direct General Science Abstracts Applied Science & Technology Abstracts

    Chemical Abstracts INSPEC Compendex Medline Biological Abstracts Citation Indexe

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    Periodicals like Chemical Reviews Review serials like Annual Reviews in NMRSpectroscopy

    EncyclopediasThese are good sources for basic information whenstarting a new project. Usually written by expertsunder direction of a editor or editors who areknowledgeable in the field Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology(Kirk-Othmer) Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

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    Material selected from primary sources and arranged tofacilitate access. Data may be evaluated before inclusion.Often more useful for finding specific data/spectra thansearching the primary sources CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

    Dictionary of Organic Compounds Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook

    The Merck Index

    Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science &Technology(Landolt-Bornstein)

    Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic


    The Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FTNMR Spectra
