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Living A Course in Miracles - Jennifer Hadley … · 2011-09-06  · Living A Course in Miracles...

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L L i i v v i i n n g g A A C C o o u u r r s s e e i i n n M M i i r r a a c c l l e e s s Week 3 Homework Love is the Healer With Reverend Jennifer Hadley

LLiivviinngg AA CCoouurrssee iinn MMiirraacclleess Week 3 Homework

Love is the Healer With Reverend Jennifer Hadley

Love is the Healer Homework ..................................................................................... 4

Class Begins ................................................................................................................... 4

Your Life is the Living Book ........................................................................................... 5

Become Willing to Believe that All are Worthy of Love ................................................. 6

Not Interested in Opinions and Judgments Anymore .................................................... 8

Think of your Learning as a Spiral ................................................................................ 9

How to have a Healing ................................................................................................ 11

We can Bring Benefit to Everyone ............................................................................... 12

Our Emotions are a Wake-up Call ............................................................................... 13

The Sense of Separation and Suffering ........................................................................ 15

Living the Teachings as Spiritual Practice................................................................... 17

Love is the Healer, but You must Participate .............................................................. 19

Discovering that Life is Miraculous ............................................................................. 21

Creating your Alter ...................................................................................................... 23

Closing Prayer ............................................................................................................. 24

Living A Course in Miracles

4 Love is the Healer Homework

Week 3

LLoovvee iiss tthhee HHeeaalleerr HHoommeewwoorrkk With Reverend Jennifer Hadley

Friday, June 3, 2011

Opening Prayer So, today, we begin with our breath of gratitude. We are so grateful and

so thankful right now. We are so grateful and thankful right now to invoke the Higher Holy Spirit Self. We are so grateful and thankful to remember our true identity as beings of Love, sustained by the Love of God, informed by the Love of God, healed by the Love of God. We’re setting a strong intention right here, and right now, to be the two, or more, who are gathered in the name and the nature of our own holiness. We are so grateful that we can, and we do release all thoughts of separation, and we remember that Love is the healer. Love is the only healer that there is, and we are awakening to Love as never before. We’re so grateful and thankful that we share the benefits with everyone, because we are One with them. We are so grateful to simply let it be, to let the Love be, to let the truth be in our hearts, and in our minds, fully and completely. We accept it now, and so it is. Amen. Amen, Amen.

Class Begins Yesterday’s class with David Hoffmeister was so beautiful, and so

inspiring, and so rich, because he was speaking to us on many, many levels. First of all, I want to say that it’s so important as we go deeper into these classes and deeper into the teachers, who are so familiar with A Course in Miracles, David has been a student of the Course for 25 years. Remember at the beginning of the call he was telling us that he used to

With Reverend Jennifer Hadley 5

sit and study it for eight hours a day. That was his vocation coming forward.

I used to sit and study it for hours and hours and hours a day, too. Now my life is living A Course in Miracles. So, I’m not in that sense of deep, deep studying the text and the lessons. I’m living it. I’m living it. It comes alive in your heart and mind, because what happens is that the more interested you are in truly remembering the truth of your being, then the teachings come alive, and they’re with you all the time. They’re in your heart and mind all the time, and your whole life is constantly bringing you a greater understanding of the truth, so you don’t have to go look to the book.

Your Life is the Living Book Your life is the living book. You’re in that relationship. You’re in that

divine partnership with the Higher Holy Spirit Self, which is my name for the Holy Spirit, because I know that some students can begin to fall into a codependent relationship with the Holy Spirit. They can actually

see the Holy Spirit, the Higher Self, divinity outside of them. Even in their spiritual studies, the separation is there, and that’s part of our healing. It’s to release any sense of separation.

One of the things that David reminded us of last night was the first of the two commandments, which are to have no false idols, to have no gods outside, and to love God, to love God with all our heart. And the other one is to love our neighbors as ourselves.

These two commandments are deeply challenging, as we all know. I want to say that for a long time it didn’t make sense to me when people would say, “I love God so much.” Well God is Love. How do you love God? That didn’t make sense to me. If God is

Love, how do you love God? And I used to have such an aversion, a hate relationship with the idea that God was an old man in the sky, who was telling us what we should do, and shouldn’t do, and he was full of

Your life is the living book. You’re in

that relationship. You’re in that divine partnership with the

Higher Holy Spirit Self,

Living A Course in Miracles

6 Love is the Healer Homework

opinions and judgments, and would attack. And all of those ideas about God were to me so hurtful, because that wasn’t my understanding of God. I never had that understanding of God. I never had to undo that understanding of God, because I wasn’t raised in a religion. I just hated that idea of God, and it used to make me so angry, and so I actually was pushed in this anti-religious space by my own ego attachment to my point of view.

So, that was what I had to heal. As I really began to awaken to the more mystical teachings, for me, I had to let go of this idea of hating God as an old man in the sky. So, the idea that, “How do we love God, if God is not an old man in the sky?” For me now how I understand that is, “I love myself. I love everyone in my life. I simply love. I’m in that space of loving. I’m dedicated to loving, that that is the purpose of my life.” It’s to be in the expression of Love, to be in the free flow of Love and to release anyplace in my mind where I’m holding a block to Love, where I think that someone is unlovable, whether it’s me or anyone else. Any place that I think is unlovable, any judgment, any attachment, any aversion, I’m bringing Love there, the light of Love because Love is the thing that is going to assist me in releasing the opinions and the judgments.

Remember David was talking about roto-rootering? And I so relate to that, that roto-rooter experience that these teachings can have, that Love itself can have. It’s that roto-rooter, the hardened heart and places in our heart where we’ve kept ourselves, or someone else out, thinking we’re unworthy.

Become Willing to Believe that All are Worthy of Love For me, one of the most healing corners I turned using Love as the

healer, was that I became willing to believe that all are worthy of Love. And when I was willing to see that everyone was lovable, and everyone was worthy of my loving kindness and thoughts, then I knew that there was nothing wrong with me, and that I, too, was lovable.

Because, what I’ll share in my personal journey, is that the biggest challenge I had in my mind was that I had this strong belief that there was something wrong with me, something unfixably, undeniably, unshakably wrong with me. I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t identify

With Reverend Jennifer Hadley 7

it. It was just something. That’s how I always thought of it. There’s something wrong with me. I’m not like other people. There’s something wrong with me, something bad about me, something un-good about me.

And part of my life experience was really getting to a place where I just accepted, “Okay, there’s something bad and wrong about me.” I didn’t

need to identify it. I really didn’t go on this search of, “Oh, what is it? Can I fix it?” Because it was so intent in my mind, I didn’t think it was fixable. I didn’t think it was healable. It was just something that I had to deal with, something that I had to work with, something that was going to affect every aspect of my life and every relationship.

And part of the challenge of me having that belief, was I was always on the lookout for someone putting it in my face, someone in my family, a friend, a loved one, a romantic partner, someone that I worked with. I was always afraid that the people in my life would say, “Oh, you know what? I just realized there’s something wrong with you. There’s something bad about you, and it’s just completely unlikable. You’re not worthy of unconditional love. No. I can love you and I can

like you, but oh, there’s something about you that’s just ugh. It’s a deal breaker.”

Oh, I had such a strong belief in that, and I didn’t know where it came from, and I, really and truly, did not believe I could get rid of it, because, to me, it wasn’t a judgment or an opinion that I had in my mind about myself. It was just a fact. It was just a fact. Just a fact, Ma’am, you know? And I didn’t know how to heal it. I really didn’t know how to heal it. But then, through my spiritual studies and my spiritual seeking, I became intent on being able to love unconditionally, to be able to express unconditional love, to hold in my heart unconditional love for everyone in my life.

Part of my process, if you will, in coming to that was my studies of Science of Mind and Ernest Holmes, my training as a practitioner, a

I became intent on being

able to love unconditionally, to be

able to express unconditional love, to

hold in my heart unconditional love for

everyone in my life.

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Religious Science or Science of Mind Practitioner in the Agape community here with Michael Beckwith in Los Angeles… And in that experience of studying, what happened was that I got inspired to pray without ceasing, to pray many, many times a day. I got inspired to develop a meditation practice that was really deep and to do contemplative meditation.

I became interested profoundly of living a life of service, being of service to others. So, what happened was I became interested and intent on having a life that was a loving expression, bringing Love into the world by means of my life expression, activating a life purpose of Love. And so, I became dedicated to releasing any judgments and opinions I had about anyone else being unlovable. I became willing to stop being the one who decided who was good and who was bad in the world.

Not Interested in Opinions and Judgments Anymore And as I shared in the call last night with David, I reached a point

where I said, “I’m not interested in these opinions and judgments anymore. I’m not interested in what I think anymore. I only want to think the thoughts I think with God.” And I turned my attention to hearing the voice of the Higher Holy Spirit Self, hearing the voice of the guides and angels. I became profoundly interested in the truth. And the truth is Love.

And what happened was, when I was willing to believe that everyone was worthy, and to see it and to know it, then the idea that somehow there was something wrong or bad about me completely and totally disappeared.

And what’s amazing to me is now I feel so completely different about myself and my life. I’ve had such a profound healing, and it continues to spiral up, is how I experience it. I give things a visual. because many of us are so visual, or kinesthetic, as learners. So now, if you can think of your learning as a spiral.

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Think of your Learning as a Spiral Just see in your mind, or use your finger in front of your face, to spiral,

so circle, spiraling up. Now, it’s not a straight spiral. If you can put that spiral on a slant… So you go up, and you’re spiraling, and you dip down, and you’re up spiraling, so you’re rising higher. Using your finger, your index finger is a way to just illustrate the spiral in your own mind, so you are spiraling up and it’s not… I don’t have the word for it, but you can think of that spiral as dipping down, and it’s going up higher than it was before, and then dipping down, and then up higher than it was before – that circular movement spiraling up. But there is the dip down.

So, in our experience of spiritual expansion, awakening awareness… If you think of it as that spiral that dips down, and then back up again, you will understand why it seems as though we take two steps forward, and one step back. It’s not linear forward and backwards. It’s spiraling up, and then dipping down. In that dip down, when we seem to feel, “Oh, my God. Last week I was so in touch with the truth and I was feeling so healed in my mind and in my heart, and felt so clear, and now I feel like I’ve lost it. My grasp on the truth is slipping away, and oh, I’m not so loving, not so patient, not so kind this week.”

What’s really happening is that under the direction of your Higher Holy Self you’re dipping back down into the places where there’s still confusion, there’s still attachment, aversion, craving, opinion, judgment, thoughts of revenge. And you are clearing that out. So, when there’s that experience of dipping down, that’s what you can do what David was talking about, which is the gratitude, the practice of gratitude.

Remember he quoted the Course, “Love cannot be far behind a grateful heart and thankful mind.” We dip into gratitude. Here I am. I’m on the downward part of the spiral. Nothing is wrong. I’m not going to form an opinion or a judgment about myself, my awakening, my healing, my path of Love. No, I’m not going to allow my mind to form a judgment and say,”This is bad, this is wrong.” No, I’m going to have the spiritual maturity to recognize, ”Oh, the spiral is going on the downward swing to clear out more of that which no longer serves me. Good. This is good.

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I am grateful for my healing. I’m grateful to get in there and clear out the nooks and crannies of judgments and opinions that have been long-held, but are now ready to be released. I’m grateful for my healing.” We pour Love in. Love is the healer.

For me, it’s so valuable to realize that when I was finally willing to love everyone else unconditionally, like a miracle, the snap of my fingers, ta-da, there was no longer any idea that there was something un-fixably wrong with me. It evaporated into thin air and it has been gone ever since then. In fact, I can hardly remember when there was a time that I thought that there was something wrong with me. I can hardly remember that there was a time when I worried that people would realize that there was something wrong with me, and that I would have to eject them from my life, because that’s how I used to think of it. Particularly in romantic relationships, or friendships, or work relationships, if I thought that people were going to get into that space of saying, “You know what? There’s something wrong with you. Oh, my God. Ugh! There’s something wrong with you. You’re ugh. You’re disgusting. You’re not right. You’re bad.”

The pain of that thought would cause me to eject people from my life. And I would say, “Oh, no. You’re not lovable. You’re not. You have to go.” And I would turn away from them in my heart and mind. One way or another, I would create some event to push the eject button, because I didn’t have an intention to be loving to myself or anyone else. It wasn’t a priority, but once I made that a priority, everything changed.

This is why I say that once we can recognize that our life purpose is Love, not to acquire stuff but to love, then we have a healing.

If you think of it as that spiral that

dips down, and then back up again, you

will understand why it seems as though we

take two steps forward, and one

step back.

With Reverend Jennifer Hadley 11

How to have a Healing Let’s take a deep breath of gratitude on that, so we don’t have to figure

it out. We don’t have to figure out how to have a healing. Love is the healer. Love is pure intelligence. It knows its way around the nooks and crannies of our beliefs and our opinions and our judgments. And exactly how to liberate from them is encoded into our heart and mind, into our awareness. And when we’re willing to partner up with the Higher Holy Spirit Self, be in a partnership with Love itself, to love God, to love our neighbors, to keep those two commandments, then all we can see is the path of healing, and the opportunity for the renewing of our mind, the renewing of our heart.

There is such a joy, unprecedented, unconditional joy that takes over. And as David and I were talking about, crying great buckets of tears, buckets of tears, so grateful and so thankful that the day has come, that now, oh, finally we’re aligning with our true purpose. We are not seeking outside of ourselves anymore. Thank you, God, Thank you, God. Thank you, God, for this healing that’s taking place. And then, we move into that place of being more interested in being able to love, fully able to live our divine purpose than anything else.

The healing just takes off like a rocket. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t still challenges all day long. But there’s a whole new experience of it, because we know we’re not alone, and we know that the atonement, the release of separation, is at hand. It’s there because it’s already encoded into our beings.

I’m going to go back to the quote that I shared last night from the text. I’m going to invite you to put your hand on your heart right now. Since I can’t hear you, and the other callers can’t hear you, just say with me, I’m profoundly interested in Love. I’m profoundly interested in Love. I’m willing to live my life purpose. I am willing to live my life purpose. Love is all I’m interested in. Love is all I am

interested in. Love is my healer. Love is my healer. I am giving Love full sway in my life. I am giving Love full sway in my life. I’m so grateful

I am willing to live my life

purpose. Love is all I’m interested in.

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that Love is my teacher. I am so grateful that Love is my teacher. I’m so grateful for my healing right now. I’m so grateful for my healing right now.

Take a breath of gratitude, and with your hand still on your heart, we share from the Course here. “Sickness is not of the body but of the mind. All forms of sickness are signs that the mind is split and does not accept a unified purpose. The unification of purpose then, is the Holy Spirit’s only way of healing.” So, when you’re willing to have a unified purpose, to be the Love, to share the Love, to give and receive the Love, to activate the Love, to know the Love, to release all blocks to Love, then every area of your life can be healed. Your little willingness is all that is required.

We can Bring Benefit to Everyone And what’s more, we can dedicate, as I do, in all the prayers, our

healing and our expansion to the benefit of everyone, because we’re one with them. So, then we can bring benefit to every friend, every family member, every coworker, every being on the planet, including our political leaders, everyone, when we are willing to know only Love. Then, we become a healing presence. “Teach only Love for that is what you are.”

In every moment of our life, no matter what we’re doing, no matter what we’re saying, no matter what we’re thinking, we are always teaching the efficacy of our choices. If we are not choosing Love, we are still teaching. What is teaching but sharing? We are all teachers, and we’re always teaching, because we’re always sharing, because our minds are joined together. There is only one mind.

One of the ways that I think about it is, think of the one mind like a river and everybody is in the river and everyone is contributing to the river. Everyone is receiving from the river. So, every thought that you think, everything that you share, goes into the river of the one mind. If your thoughts are toxic, you’re polluting the river. If your thoughts are loving, you’re cleansing the river. We all participate in the river. You cannot take yourself out of it.

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That’s why sometimes we become enrolled in thoughts that many other people are thinking. I thought like, “If my teeth aren’t white, I’m not good enough. There is something wrong with me.” Now how could that be true that there is something wrong or bad if our teeth aren’t white? How could that be true? That’s craziness. The only reason we could think that that was true is because we think we are a body, and we’ve forgotten that we’re spirit, and that we’re here to love and be loved. We can still have a preference to have white teeth. We can still think that that’s more attractive, but it doesn’t make us any more lovable. And it doesn’t make anyone else more lovable, the shape of their body, the color of their eyes, the color of their skin, the quality of their hair. These things don’t make anyone more lovable, because our lovability has nothing to do with the body. When we’re willing to see that for everyone, we’ll see it for ourselves.

Taking a breath of gratitude, we are so grateful that we can have a healing. The healing is unprecedented, not based on circumstances. The past has nothing to do with the quality of healing that’s available to us in every moment. Wahoo! Yea! Yea, God! We can have a healing right now according to our willingness. All healing is at the level of the mind. That’s where in this class we’re focusing ourselves, at the level of the mind.

Our Emotions are a Wake-up Call Now, one of the things that is a theme that you’re going to see emerging

in this class, and I know we’ll be talking about this with Paul Ferrini next week, is our emotions are a barometer. That’s what David said last

In every moment of our lives, no

matter what we’re doing, no matter

what we’re saying, no matter what we’re

thinking, we are always teaching the

efficacy of our choices.

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night. Our feelings are a barometer. I brought up the idea, the divine alarm clock.

If we think a thought like, “I’m not good enough,” we are going to feel upset. If we think a thought like, “I don’t have enough money to pay my bills, and therefore, my life has something wrong with it, and I’m in lack and limitation,” we’re going to feel afraid and upset. If we think a thought like, “There’s something wrong with my loved one. I love this person so much, but there’s something wrong with them. They should be different than they are,” we’re going to feel upset.

Anytime we move into judgment or opinion, into our own thoughts and we stop thinking the thoughts of Love, we’re going to feel upset. Now, here’s where love cannot be far behind a grateful heart and a

thankful mind, is if we can give thanks that we cannot think a thought that is not true without being upset, and we can be grateful. It’s not that we’re upset, but that the upset, the feeling of upset is alerting us to the thought we’re thinking that’s not true, that we have moved into a sense of separation from God, from all life.

For instance, if I’m watching something on television and I think, “This should not be this way. This political situation should not be this way. This person shouldn’t be on American Idol. This person shouldn’t have all that money.” Whatever the opinion is, I’m going to start to go into upset and irritation and frustration. The more intently I believe something that’s not true, the more intently I believe my judgments and opinions, the more upset I’m going to be, because I’m not in alignment

with the truth. There’s a divine alarm clock that goes off. That’s what I call it. The upset is the divine alarm clock reminding me to realign with Love.

So, that is why when I start to feel upset, I go, “Oh, thank you, God. Thank you for my divine alarm clock reminding me not to think the thoughts of judgment and to align with Love. Love is the healer.” So, when I think the thoughts of Love, the upset goes away. But if I think

Anytime we move into judgment or opinion, into our

own thoughts and we stop thinking the thoughts of Love,

we’re going to feel upset.

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anyone is unlovable, I’m going to be upset. It doesn’t matter whether it’s me or someone else. It doesn’t matter if it’s the man in the mirror or the man on the TV. If I’m thinking they’re not worthy of love and there is something wrong with them, I’m going to feel upset. Thank God.

Thank God for my divine alarm clock reminding me to go back to Square 1. I’m not here to judge people. There is not any part of my life… I can’t add one cubit to my stature with my opinions and judgments. I never have been able to and I never will.

Now listen up, because this is really, really valuable. This is one of the most valuable things to me in my life. I have been on this path of awakening, consciously on the path of awakening, for about 25 years. And my journey started back in the ‘80s. My awakening journey consciously began

back in the ‘80s. I was living in Manhattan and I read Shirley MacLaine’s book, Out On A Limb. That book helped a lot of people. It really did to just begin to awaken. Some bells went off and I thought, “Oh, my gosh. I believe a lot of this. I think that this is true. This feels really true to me.”

Then, I started attending Unity services with Eric Butterworth in Manhattan, and I attended services there for many years. And Eric was such a beautiful teacher of truth. He was so clear, a clear ringing bell of truth. I really appreciated that, and I started to read and to study, and I took classes and workshops with Shakti Gawain and other folks, and I began to really look within. I began to seek first the kingdom. I began to meditate and do this work.

The Sense of Separation and Suffering But, it didn’t occur to me for many, many years to give up my opinions

and judgments. I really thought that those were valuable to me. I didn’t realize that the entire sense of suffering and separation that I was experiencing in my life, my deep sense of separation from spiritual

Love cannot be far behind

a grateful heart and a thankful mind.

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awakening and enlightenment, was a result of my opinions and judgments.

I was the one creating the sense of separation. So, I’m very, very aware of the very unique sense of suffering that spiritual seekers have when they allow themselves to be unloving and judgmental, and they think it’s okay. For example, I used to be one of those people that would listen to a spiritual teacher, or a seeker, with my arms crossed and my legs crossed. I would sit in that chair and I would be judging them thinking, “Oh, I know that. Oh, please, give me a break. I know that. That’s 101.” Or I would be judging and thinking, “Oh, gosh, I don’t like the way they look. Oh, I don’t like the sound of their voice. Oh, there are better teachers than this one,” over and over and over again.

I was the spiritual seeker who was judging people and thinking, “These people don’t know.” Or, I was the spiritual seeker thinking, “These people should listen to this. They should read this book. They should take this class with me. They should hear this message. This is what they need.” And I was shoulding all over everyone with my opinions and my judgments. And I thought I was so right. I was so right all the time. I know what they need. I know what they should do. I know what they should have. I know what they should think. I know everything.”

I didn’t know, and in that moment, anytime that I thought I knew what they should do, or think or read or be or wear or say, then I was declaring that I was the god of my world separate from the one that was actually ordering the universe. In A Course in Miracles it says, “The script has already been written.” The script has already been written.

Now, I want to bring some attention to this, because I think it’s extremely helpful, at least it has been to me. It’s this notion that the script has already been written, this teaching that the script has already been written, what does this mean? And I’ve had the opportunity to have some wonderful conversations with Gary Renard, who’s become a friend of mine over the last few years, and to talk about my perceptions of what this means, because I’m really interested in having a clear understanding of it.

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Living the Teachings as Spiritual Practice So, this is the way I teach about it in the classes that I offer, because I

offer classes in mystical awakening and understanding, and how the rubber meets the road in our spiritual practice, and how we can truly live these teachings, not just study them, read about them, because if they’re not alive in our hearts and minds, they’re just words on a page. They’re just another way that we are not aligning with the truth. Reading something is not aligning with the truth. Studying something is not aligning with the truth. It’s about living the Love and being a loving presence, because, remember, everything that’s in A Course in Miracles, and every other spiritual book that’s ever been written, is written in our heart. That’s where we need to look for it.

There’s a wonderful poem by Rumi. I wish I had pulled it out. It just occurred to me now. It’s one of my favorites, and Coleman Barks is a great translator of Rumi, the Sufi poet, Are You, Am I, Rufi… not Rufi, Rumi. And the poem is one that goes something like, “What was said to the rose to make it bloom was said to me here in my heart.” What was said to the rose to make it bloom was said to me here in my heart. All of the mystical teachings of the universe are here within us. There’s one mind. We seek first the kingdom which is within, and all else will be added unto us. So, we are not looking outside of ourselves anymore. We’re looking within.

The script has already been written. What does that mean? I think it’s so valuable to understand what it means, because people will say, “My life has fated, fated. What can I do? The script has already been written. What will be, will be.” That’s not what that teaching means to me. The script is extremely complex and multi-layered.

Gary Renard is a wonderful teacher about this. He really teaches beautifully about this. The way I think of it is what I call my video game theory. You can think of the old fashioned video games where you are this one who’s directing this character through this maze of events and experiences. You can think of that. You’re the one who’s picking which way you’re going to go. But the video game itself, the program for the game, has already been written. It’s already written. The characters in the game have already been placed in there, and all of the choices have

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already been placed in there. You’ve already picked the things like the color of your hair and your eyes, and all of those particulars have been chosen. I believe we choose them with the Holy Self, the Higher Self, the Holy Spirit.

Every single choice that is in our life, every single aspect of our life, has been divinely planned for a holy purpose. That holy purpose is to assist us in remembering our divinity, and sharing that remembering, that awakening with everyone, because we’re one with them. So, everything in the illusion, everything within the dream, everything within the script is encoded to help us awaken from it, if we’re willing to see with eyes that are interested in awakening. And unless we are aligned with Love, we won’t be able to see that. It will be hidden from us, because Love is the healer. Love is the awakening. We’re awakening to Love, so if we’re not interested in Love, we can’t awaken to it. If our true identity is Love and we’re not interested in being in Love this moment with ourselves and everyone else, we can’t see what is so obvious to those who love. We’re not interested in it.

In this video game experience of life, it seems like there are many levels, many layers, many, many choices. And in every single moment in the video game you can go left. You can go right. You can go up. You can go down. You can go forward. You can go backward. These are the choices that are available to you in every single moment in the video game. And how we experience that in our life is in every single moment we can choose unity or separation. There’s really only those two choices, unity or separation. You can call them love or fear, but it’s really unity or separation. When we choose Love, we choose unity. When we choose separation, we’re choosing fear; love or separation, unity or fear, love or suffering, unity or suffering. We choose and we’re

“What was said to the rose to make it bloom was said to me

here in my heart.”

With Reverend Jennifer Hadley 19

always teaching the efficacy of our choices, always. We’re always sharing the benefits of our choices with everyone.

When we choose the Love choice over and over and over again… Remember forgiveness is a Love choice. Compassion is a Love choice. Anger, resentment, judgment, opinion… That’s all separation and fear and suffering. You can think of it like there are two doors. You can choose the Love door, which is seeking the kingdom which is within, seeking to be an expression of Love, to give and receive Love to the best of your ability in that moment, or you can seek to judge, to have an opinion, to be separate – only these two choices, unification/separation. There are no other choices.

When you consistently choose Love, what happens is the script for Love unfolds, and so the opportunities you experience are in alignment with Love and what will bring forth the greatest healing in your life. It doesn’t matter if it’s mental healing, physical healing, emotional healing, financial healing, relationship healing.

Love is the Healer, but You must Participate Love is the healer, but you have to participate. The Love is being

expressed through you, as you, by you, and around you. You have to be willing to identify with it. But if you’re interested in judging and having opinions, then obviously you’re not interested in identifying with Love. How could you be? So, you’re certainly not interested in your healing.

If you’re entertaining thoughts of lack and limitation all day, and thinking you know who’s good and who’s bad, and who’s right and who’s wrong, well you’re for sure not interested in love and healing, not at all. So, what you’re doing is you’re opening the door to the script of suffering. And that script of suffering can only lead you to more opportunities to choose Love and to discover the efficacy of choosing Love.

That’s why there’s hardly a person on the planet that doesn’t hit some kind of bottom experience where they go, “Okay, I’ve had enough of that. I have now learned the efficacy of choosing judgments and opinions, hatred and separation. Now I’m going to learn the efficacy of

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choosing Love. Whew! I’m so glad I hit that bottom. Oh, my God. I’ll never be that afraid again. I’ll never feel that bereft again.”

When people are in despair, it’s because they are so attached to the thoughts of separation that they don’t believe it’s possible for them to choose Love, but they can choose Love. And the greatest gift we can give to anyone who’s in despair, depressed, suicidal, is to not think that there’s anything wrong with them. They are one thought away from

the upward spiral, one thought away. If you can see that for them, because all minds are joined, you are the greatest help in their life.

So, if there’s someone in your life—and maybe it’s you—but if there’s someone in your life who has a problem with drugs or alcohol or sex or lack and limitation and suffering, or any kind of really painful experience that’s happening in their life where it really looks like, “Oh, my God. They have a big, big problem. They are stuck in a big honking problem.” If that’s what it looks like in your mind, if you can shift your opinion about that and say, “You know what? Right where they are Love is, the fullness of Love is and Love is the healer, and I’m going to hold them with loving thoughts, and I’m no longer going to judge their circumstances as desperate. I’m not going to hold that judgment against them and contribute to their suffering and see them in that point of view, because as you see

your brother, you will see yourself. Love your neighbor. Do not bear false witness against them, and if you’re seeing them in lack and limitation having a problem, you are for darn sure bearing false witness against them, and you are not a healing presence in their life.

The greatest gift that you can give to your loved ones, if you truly love them, is to stop bearing false witness against them. Stop it right now. Love them. Love them. Who are you to judge them? You don’t know what’s best for anyone. Most of us don’t even know what’s best for ourselves. How can we know what’s best for anyone else? How can we know if they should lose weight, or take this medicine or that medicine

If you’re entertaining thoughts of lack and limitation all day, and thinking

you know who’s good and who’s bad, and

who’s right and who’s wrong, well—you’re

for sure not interested in love and

healing, not at all!

With Reverend Jennifer Hadley 21

or read this book or that book? How can we know that? We don’t know that. We are not the infinite presence of God, able to see through all directions of time and space. But, we can align with the one who is, because we are connected with that one.

I AM that I AM. I AM that I AM. That is

Love is the healer. The healing is happening now. The healing can’t happen in the past. So, it does not matter for one second what we chose yesterday or an hour ago. Now! Love is the healer. Love is healing us now. Now is the only time that Love can heal us. Now! Love can’t heal us in the future, because there’s only this now moment. So, that’s why we must forgive all the trespasses, all the debts in order to choose Love now, because if we’re choosing thoughts of revenge, and thoughts of regret, and thoughts of blame and shame, we’re truly not choosing Love.

our Higher Holy Spirit Self. The Higher Self can see through all directions of time and space. All we can see right now, according to our willingness, is this is the love choice and this is the separation. This is the unification choice. This is the suffering choice. I’m going to choose unity. I’m going to choose Love. We kind of become like Pavlov’s dog, you know, or the one that hits the thing? Every time you hear the bell, it hits the thing so it gets the food. Every time we feel the suffering, the divine alarm clock is going off, “Danger, danger, danger! You are suffering now. You forgot to choose Love.” Just turn towards Love.

Discovering that Life is Miraculous What people who become committed to choosing Love discover is that

their life is miraculous. Oh, my God. It could have been miraculous all along. I could have had miraculous healings all along. One of the things about David and myself is, he exists, his finances depend upon people making offerings to him, and I for sure could not give away all the things that I give away, and do all the things that I do, if people didn’t make offerings. And it’s a way that we invite people to be in the flow of loving and sharing. But we can only do that, because we trust Love. That was the theme last night, trust.

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What I know is that if I am not trustworthy, I will not trust God. If I don’t keep my promises, I will not feel that I am trustworthy. And so many spiritual seekers judge and attack in their mind, thinking that they know better than others, so they’re not aligned with Love. It goes in and out. They believe in the deep, mystical teachings of Love, but they don’t live them. They don’t practice them. They aren’t awake in their hearts and the deep suffering that they feel, “Why can’t I have a greater awakening to my divinity? Why can’t I have more mystical experiences? Why can’t I understand, truly understand in my bones, the Oneness of all life in my heart? Why isn’t it coming alive to me? I’ve been studying the Course for 5, 10, 20, 30 years, and yet, I’m still in pain and suffering. Why is this happening to me? What is wrong with me? Am I a spiritual loser?” No, of course not.

There’s just not a commitment to Love, yet. Love is the healer. There is no other healer. Love is the healer. If we’re looking outside of ourselves to the books, to the teachers, we won’t have the healing. We must seek within. That’s where the kingdom is. That’s where the Love is, the Love connection. So, we must give up the judgments and opinions in order to have the deep, mystical understanding, to have the miraculous life that is awaiting us.

When we choose Love, and choose Love, and choose Love, the doorways of Love open. The doorways of understanding, the doorways of clear perception, open when we’re willing to be pristine in our heart and in our mind, and hold no thoughts apart from the thoughts we think with God.

So, we must give up the judgments and opinions, while retaining our preferences. Is this easy? No. No, it is not easy. As the Course tells us, “At

The doorways of understanding, the

doorways of clear perception, open

when we’re willing to be pristine in our heart and in our

mind, and hold no thoughts apart from

the thoughts we think with God.

With Reverend Jennifer Hadley 23

times it feels excruciating, excruciating.” And that is why we gather together with like-minded souls and we help each other. And when the ones we love go into judgment and opinion, we don’t judge them back. We don’t mirror that back to them. When we start to feel upset, irritated, and frustrated we say, “I could choose Love instead of this. Yeah, I’m so grateful for my wake up call. Love cannot be far behind a grateful heart and a thankful mind. Whew!”

We start thinking there’s not enough. There’s not enough. Well, there’s enough Love, isn’t there? There’s an unlimited supply of Love. Am I interested in Love? I think I am. Yeah, Love is my abundance. I’m going to choose Love and see what happens. I’m going to stop telling myself that it’s not enough. I’m going to stop telling myself there’s something wrong with me. I’m going to love myself. Love is the gateway. Love is the door. Love is all that there is.

Let’s put our hands on our hearts again and be grateful. Be grateful. We are so grateful that we’re born to love. This is our true identity, and that’s why when we can release the judgments and opinions, we can fall to our knees in gratitude, surrendering all the opinions and judgments. We’re not interested in that anymore.

Creating your Altar What I invite you to do is to create an altar, to have an altar in your

home, in your office. Some people don’t feel comfortable. They feel afraid of other people’s judgments and opinions if they create an altar. You can create a space that feels like an altar to you. It has a beautiful plant on it, a beautiful object, like maybe a stone that you found somewhere on a beautiful beach, a beautiful leaf that you found in the woods, things that remind you of the beauty of Love. Create a little altar space. You can put a candle on there. Make an offering of water and fire. Some people put fruit or cornmeal or salt, all kinds of offering traditions and ways that people make altars. Make an altar in your home.

As you notice the strong attachments to judgments and opinions, you can write them down and place them on your altar. Then, as a ritual on the full moon, you can burn them and release them. Place them on the

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altar. That’s what I do. I do it mentally. I place them on the altar. I have several altars in my home, my office. Place them on the altar and say, “I’m not interested in that thought anymore. It doesn’t serve me anymore. I’m only interested in Love. I’m a creature of Love and light. That is my life purpose and that’s all I’m interested in. I invite the Higher Holy Spirit Self to take the thoughts of judgment out of my mind. I release them into the holy fire of Divine Love that lives in my heart. I’m interested in freedom and liberation. My life is a song of liberation and I’m grateful to know that now.”

Closing Prayer So, we take a breath of gratitude here in this moment with our hands

on our hearts, and I make an offering of this prayer. We are so grateful and thankful that we’re born to love, that Love knows its way as us, that Love is our true identity. We are so grateful and thankful to invoke the Higher Holy Spirit Self, all divinity invoking divine grace into every aspect of my awareness. Love is the healer and Love is awake and alive inside of each one of us, and we’re grateful to know that now. The kingdom is within. We seek first the kingdom knowing that all else will be added unto us, the entire wakening, unlimited abundance, prosperity, wholeness, harmony, wisdom, clarity. Unconditional, unprecedented joy is awakening in our minds now. The path of Love is clear before us. It’s the only thing we’re interested in, and we’re so grateful and thankful to share the benefits of our healing and our expansion with everyone. We’re so grateful that we’re one with them. In gratitude, we allow it to be. We accept it fully. Our healing is now. In gratitude, we know that it’s done and so it is. Amen. Amen, Amen, Amen.

”My life is a song of liberation

and I’m grateful to know that now.”

With Reverend Jennifer Hadley 25

Thank you everyone, and I do encourage you to make an appointment. Don’t try to listen to the recordings again. Don’t hope to listen to the recordings again. Make an appointment with yourself. Make a commitment. This is your healing. No one can do this for you. And I invite you to have a friend join you. Make an appointment to do it together. Make it fun. Plan a meal around it. Share together. Listen to the recordings in your A Course in Miracles groups. Have a special meeting to listen to them. Remember the replays are totally yours to listen to as many times as you want for the next 48 hours.

Thank you for your willingness. I love and appreciate you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Yes.

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