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lwtf]kq btf { tyf lgisfzg lgodfjnL @)& -cg ';rL ...

Date post: 13-Apr-2022
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Particulars This quarter ending As at Chaitra 31st, 2077 This quarter ending As at Poush 29th, 2077 Corresponding Previous Quarter ending Chaitra 30 th, 2076 A. Sources of Fund 1 Capital and Reserve Fund - Share Capital 585,558,000 585,558,000 531,118,400 Reserve Fund 22,467,170 20,423,598 60,461,953 Share Premium 2 Loan Fund 277,479,811 277,787,688 363,689,061 Total Sources of Fund (1+2) 885,504,980 883,769,287 955,269,414 B. Application of Fund 1 Fixed Assets PPE (Butwal Solar Project) 716,784,074 714,804,352 639,162,111 PPE (Ridi Khola Project) 473,143,769 472,569,767 420,827,818 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (68,752,285) (61,693,034) 1,046,984 Net Block 1,121,175,557 1,125,681,085 1,058,942,945 2 Investment (At Cost) 140,315,800 140,315,800 140,315,800 3 Current Assets Receivable 24,512,723 22,204,343 13,342,241 Advances, Prepaid, Loans and Deposits 33,274,294 24,991,941 59,815,013 Cash and Bank 66,555 21,587 196,283 Total Current Asset 57,853,573 47,217,871 73,353,536 4 Current Liabilities and Provisions Current Liabilities & Other Payable 274,354,290 267,884,161 297,344,468 Short Term Borrowing 159,485,660 161,561,309 19,998,400 Total Current Liabilities 433,839,950 429,445,469 317,342,868 5 Net Current Assets (375,986,377) (382,227,599) (243,989,332) Total Application of Fund (1+2+5) 885,504,980 883,769,287 955,269,414 Profit & Loss Account (For the Quarter ending 31st Chaitra, 2077) Particulars This quarter ending As at Chaitra 31st, 2077 This quarter ending As at Poush 29th, 2077 Corresponding Previous Quarter ending Chaitra 30 th, 2076 A Income Income from Power Sales (Ridikhola) 42,873,561 30,922,825 39,955,093 Income from Power Sales (Butwal Solar) 37,260,688 15,748,764 Investment and Other Income 469,047 Interest Income - - Total Income 80,134,248 46,671,589 40,424,140 B Direct Expenses - - Royalty Against Generation 857,271 618,257 979,102 Royalty Against Installed Capacity 180,000 120,000 Total Direct Expenses 1,037,271 738,257 979,102 C Gross Income (A-B) 79,096,977 45,933,332 39,445,038 D Operating Expenses Administrative Expenses (Ridi Khola) 5,156,064 2,467,772 2,573,931 Late COD Fine Expenses 6,647,999 1,662,000 - Project Expenses (Ridikhola) 6,212,529 2,052,941 2,889,371 Project Expenses (Butwal solar) 4,331,149 2,164,990 Total Operating Expenses 22,347,741 8,347,703 5,463,303 E Non-Operating Expenses Interest expenses - Butwal Solar Loan 18,591,916 9,899,314 - Interest expenses - Ridi Khola Overdraft 1,540,514 872,625 2,028,615 Depreciation 11,757,267 4,544,350 1,046,984 Bonus - Total Non-Operating Expenses 31,889,698 15,316,289 3,075,599 Profit (Loss) before Tax (C-D-E) 24,859,538 22,269,341 30,906,137 Less: Provision for Income Tax 3,434,889 2,888,262 Profit (Loss) after Income Tax 21,424,650 19,381,078 30,906,137 Profit for Appropriation 21,424,650 19,381,078 30,906,137 Less: Provision for Corporate Social Responsibilities - Less : Stock Dividend - 27,883,700 Less: Cash Dividend - Add: Reserve & Surplus from previous year 1,042,520 30,320,405 29,555,816 Less : Cash Dividend - - - Less:Cash for dividend Tax - 1,394,185 - Total 22,467,170 20,423,598 60,461,953 Note:- The figures are regrouped and rearranged where necessary The Unaudited Financial figure are subject to change from external auditors and Regulatory Authority. lwtf]kq btf{ tyf lgisfzg lgodfjnL @)&# -cg';"rL — !$, -lgod @^ sf] pklgod -!_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_ cf=a= @)&&÷@)&* sf] t]>f] q}dfl;s k|ltj]bg != ljQLo ljj/0f M s_ cf=a= @)&&÷)&* sf] t]>f] q}dfl;s cjlwsf] jf;nft tyf gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fa lstfa ldlt @)&*÷)!÷!@ ut]sf] sf/f]af/ b}lgsdf k|sflzt ul/g] 5 . v_ pQm jf;nftsf] cfwf/df sDkgLsf] k|d'v ljQLo cg'kft lgDgfg';f/ 5 . k|ltz]o/ cfDbfgL -jflif{s_ 4.87 k|ltz]o/ s'n ;DktLsf] d"No 191.47 k|ltz]o/ g]6jy{ 103.84 d"No cfDbfgL cg'kft -jflif{s_ 43.57 t/ntf cg'kft 0.13 @= Joj;flos ljZn]if0f M pQm t]>f] q}dfl;s cjlwdf ;+:yfsf] df}Hbft, cfDbfgL / t/ntfdf pNn]vlgo kl/jt{g 5}g . sDkgLsf] Joj;flos of]hgf cg'?k g} sfo{x? x'b}5g\ . lgs6 eljiodf ;+:yfn] gofF phf{sf cfof]hgf lgdf{0f ug{] k"j{ tof/L eO/x]sf] 5 . #= sfg'gL sf/jfxL ;DaGwL ljj/0f M o; q}dfl;sdf ;+:yfn] s;} lj?4 / s;}n] ;+:yf lj?4 ;fy} ;+:yfks / ;~rfns lj?4 s'g} d'4f dfldnf k/]÷u/]sf] 5}g . $= ;+:yfsf] z]o/ sf/f]jf/ ;DaGwL ljj/0f M lwtf]kq ahf/df ;+:yfsf] z]o/ sf/f]af/ lgodfg';f/ ;fdfGo k|s[ltaf6} ePsf] 5 . o; q}dfl;s cjlwdf ;+:yfsf] z]o/sf] clwstd, Go"gtd clGtd d"No, sf/f]af/ ePsf] s'n lbg tyf sf/f]af/ ;+Vof :6s PS;r]Gh ln= sf] j]j;fO{6 cg';f/ M clwstd d"No ?= 220 clGtd d"No ?= 212 Go"gtd d"No ?= 158 sf/f]af/ lbg 59 %= ;d:of tyf r'gf}tL M ;+:yfn] axg ug{' k/]sf] ;d:ofdf ljB't ljqmL d"No ;dfof]hgf x'g g;Sg' xf] . ljB't ljqmL d"No ;do ;dodf a[l4 x'Fbf klg ;fgf vfn] ljB't cfof]hgfsf] d"No ;dfxLt x'g g;Sg' o; If]qsf] r'gf}tL ag]sf] 5 . cfOkg{] ;d:of / r'gf}tL ;dfwfgsf pkfox? af/] ;~rfns ;ldltn] ;do ;dodf ;ldIff ul/ /0fgLlt agfO{ ;f] sf] lg/fs/0f ug{ vf]h]sf] 5 . ^= ;+:yfut ;'zf;g M ;+:yfut ;'zf;gsf nflu Joj:yfkgn] sd{rf/L j[l4 ljsf;, cfjZos sfo{sIf / ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ;d'lrt Joj:yf sfo{sf nflu plrt aftfj/0f tof/ ug{] u/]sf] 5 . &= ;To, tYotf ;DaGwdf sfo{sf/L k|d'vsf] pb\3f]if0f M cfhsf ldlt;Dd o; k|ltj]bgdf pNn]lvt hfgsf/L tyf ljj/0fx?sf] z'4tf ;DaGwdf d JolQmut ?kdf pQ/bfloTj lnG5' . ;fy} d of] pb\3f]if ub{5', ls d}n] hfg] a'em];Dd o; k|ltj]bgdf pNn]lvt ljj/0fx? ;To, tYo / k"0f{ 5g\ / nufgLstf{x? ;"—;"lrt lg0f{o lng cfjZos s'g} ljj/0f, ;"rgf tyf hfgsf/Lx? n'sfPsf] 5}g .
Page 1: lwtf]kq btf { tyf lgisfzg lgodfjnL @)& -cg ';rL ...


This quarter ending As at Chaitra 31st,


This quarter ending As at Poush 29th,


Corresponding Previous Quarter ending Chaitra

30 th, 2076 A. Sources of Fund 1 Capital and Reserve Fund - Share Capital 585,558,000 585,558,000 531,118,400 Reserve Fund 22,467,170 20,423,598 60,461,953 Share Premium 2 Loan Fund 277,479,811 277,787,688 363,689,061 Total Sources of Fund (1+2) 885,504,980 883,769,287 955,269,414 B. Application of Fund 1 Fixed Assets PPE (Butwal Solar Project) 716,784,074 714,804,352 639,162,111 PPE (Ridi Khola Project) 473,143,769 472,569,767 420,827,818 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (68,752,285) (61,693,034) 1,046,984 Net Block 1,121,175,557 1,125,681,085 1,058,942,945 2 Investment (At Cost) 140,315,800 140,315,800 140,315,800 3 Current Assets Receivable 24,512,723 22,204,343 13,342,241 Advances, Prepaid, Loans and Deposits 33,274,294 24,991,941 59,815,013 Cash and Bank 66,555 21,587 196,283 Total Current Asset 57,853,573 47,217,871 73,353,536 4 Current Liabilities and Provisions Current Liabilities & Other Payable 274,354,290 267,884,161 297,344,468 Short Term Borrowing 159,485,660 161,561,309 19,998,400 Total Current Liabilities 433,839,950 429,445,469 317,342,868 5 Net Current Assets (375,986,377) (382,227,599) (243,989,332) Total Application of Fund (1+2+5) 885,504,980 883,769,287 955,269,414

Profit & Loss Account (For the Quarter ending 31st Chaitra, 2077)


This quarter ending As at Chaitra 31st,


This quarter ending As at Poush 29th,


Corresponding Previous Quarter ending Chaitra

30 th, 2076 A Income Income from Power Sales (Ridikhola) 42,873,561 30,922,825 39,955,093 Income from Power Sales (Butwal Solar) 37,260,688 15,748,764 Investment and Other Income 469,047 Interest Income - - Total Income 80,134,248 46,671,589 40,424,140 B Direct Expenses - - Royalty Against Generation 857,271 618,257 979,102 Royalty Against Installed Capacity 180,000 120,000 Total Direct Expenses 1,037,271 738,257 979,102 C Gross Income (A-B) 79,096,977 45,933,332 39,445,038 D Operating Expenses Administrative Expenses (Ridi Khola) 5,156,064 2,467,772 2,573,931 Late COD Fine Expenses 6,647,999 1,662,000 - Project Expenses (Ridikhola) 6,212,529 2,052,941 2,889,371 Project Expenses (Butwal solar) 4,331,149 2,164,990 Total Operating Expenses 22,347,741 8,347,703 5,463,303 E Non-Operating Expenses Interest expenses - Butwal Solar Loan 18,591,916 9,899,314 - Interest expenses - Ridi Khola

Overdraft1,540,514 872,625 2,028,615

Depreciation 11,757,267 4,544,350 1,046,984 Bonus - Total Non-Operating Expenses 31,889,698 15,316,289 3,075,599 Profit (Loss) before Tax (C-D-E) 24,859,538 22,269,341 30,906,137 Less: Provision for Income Tax 3,434,889 2,888,262 Profit (Loss) after Income Tax 21,424,650 19,381,078 30,906,137 Profit for Appropriation 21,424,650 19,381,078 30,906,137 Less: Provision for Corporate Social


Less : Stock Dividend - 27,883,700 Less: Cash Dividend - Add: Reserve & Surplus from previous year 1,042,520 30,320,405 29,555,816 Less : Cash Dividend - - - Less:Cash for dividend Tax - 1,394,185 - Total 22,467,170 20,423,598 60,461,953 Note:- The figures are regrouped and rearranged where necessaryThe Unaudited Financial figure are subject to change from external auditors and Regulatory Authority.

lwtf]kq btf{ tyf lgisfzg lgodfjnL @)&# -cg';"rL — !$, -lgod @^ sf] pklgod -!_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

cf=a= @)&&÷@)&* sf] t]>f] q}dfl;s k|ltj]bg

!= ljQLo ljj/0f Ms_ cf=a= @)&&÷)&* sf] t]>f] q}dfl;s cjlwsf] jf;nft tyf gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fa lstfa ldlt

@)&*÷)!÷!@ ut]sf] sf/f]af/ b}lgsdf k|sflzt ul/g] 5 .v_ pQm jf;nftsf] cfwf/df sDkgLsf] k|d'v ljQLo cg'kft lgDgfg';f/ 5 .

k|ltz]o/ cfDbfgL -jflif{s_ 4.87 k|ltz]o/ s'n ;DktLsf] d"No 191.47

k|ltz]o/ g]6jy{ 103.84 d"No cfDbfgL cg'kft -jflif{s_ 43.57

t/ntf cg'kft 0.13 @= Joj;flos ljZn]if0f M pQm t]>f] q}dfl;s cjlwdf ;+:yfsf] df}Hbft, cfDbfgL / t/ntfdf pNn]vlgo kl/jt{g 5}g . sDkgLsf]

Joj;flos of]hgf cg'?k g} sfo{x? x'b}5g\ . lgs6 eljiodf ;+:yfn] gofF phf{sf cfof]hgf lgdf{0f ug{] k"j{ tof/L eO/x]sf] 5 .

#= sfg'gL sf/jfxL ;DaGwL ljj/0f M o; q}dfl;sdf ;+:yfn] s;} lj?4 / s;}n] ;+:yf lj?4 ;fy} ;+:yfks / ;~rfns lj?4 s'g} d'4f dfldnf

k/]÷u/]sf] 5}g . $= ;+:yfsf] z]o/ sf/f]jf/ ;DaGwL ljj/0f M lwtf]kq ahf/df ;+:yfsf] z]o/ sf/f]af/ lgodfg';f/ ;fdfGo k|s[ltaf6} ePsf] 5 . o; q}dfl;s cjlwdf

;+:yfsf] z]o/sf] clwstd, Go"gtd clGtd d"No, sf/f]af/ ePsf] s'n lbg tyf sf/f]af/ ;+Vof :6s PS;r]Gh ln= sf] j]j;fO{6 cg';f/ M

clwstd d"No ?= 220 clGtd d"No ?= 212

Go"gtd d"No ?= 158 sf/f]af/ lbg 59 %= ;d:of tyf r'gf}tL M ;+:yfn] axg ug{' k/]sf] ;d:ofdf ljB't ljqmL d"No ;dfof]hgf x'g g;Sg' xf] . ljB't ljqmL d"No ;do ;dodf

a[l4 x'Fbf klg ;fgf vfn] ljB't cfof]hgfsf] d"No ;dfxLt x'g g;Sg' o; If]qsf] r'gf}tL ag]sf] 5 . cfOkg{] ;d:of / r'gf}tL ;dfwfgsf pkfox? af/] ;~rfns ;ldltn] ;do ;dodf ;ldIff ul/ /0fgLlt agfO{ ;f] sf] lg/fs/0f ug{ vf]h]sf] 5 .

^= ;+:yfut ;'zf;g M ;+:yfut ;'zf;gsf nflu Joj:yfkgn] sd{rf/L j[l4 ljsf;, cfjZos sfo{sIf / ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ;d'lrt

Joj:yf sfo{sf nflu plrt aftfj/0f tof/ ug{] u/]sf] 5 .&= ;To, tYotf ;DaGwdf sfo{sf/L k|d'vsf] pb\3f]if0f M cfhsf ldlt;Dd o; k|ltj]bgdf pNn]lvt hfgsf/L tyf ljj/0fx?sf] z'4tf ;DaGwdf d JolQmut ?kdf

pQ/bfloTj lnG5' . ;fy} d of] pb\3f]if ub{5', ls d}n] hfg] a'em];Dd o; k|ltj]bgdf pNn]lvt ljj/0fx? ;To, tYo / k"0f{ 5g\ / nufgLstf{x? ;"—;"lrt lg0f{o lng cfjZos s'g} ljj/0f, ;"rgf tyf hfgsf/Lx? n'sfPsf] 5}g .
