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M fEE Tho Trial of the Sclavs for the Uur PARLOR...

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THE HOST TO ITS VOL. XIX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MAY 16,1880. NO. 24 LAKE HOPATCONG rOU81iEr LCTK a,,j MfEE : ^niETX, P0IX&B3 £A0H. fUBtVSEEO O o n i Q i a 10 LETI TBK BpiXAKI MB ffEgg. WILL DUILD OtJTTAaES FbR ISH TO . : . M.SM, ASDJJPBABD8I OTflSB LOTS Poll BILE IjjoU THinrY D0LL4C8 PI» TOOHT FOOT 111 TWO 11DNDBE0 fBBT DEEI'. ..- •'•'•. 1: ;v;-^ Am.TTa .: / \ V.'-C'V/.'-.V-.. 1 ..'.•:,'»< WA«p 6HITD, «w» '•; .-r-v.* ego s t o u BI, Hratri, N, tHlTIIS AND BAB (S?Tmia SALOON, ^ ' 1 A ' i H1S0N iffl) BD1LDEB, " aosirtofi Ukea ud ttiUriki. fnrntibrd, BIODS tnd brick work, nlutcriug aadjobbio promptly ftUsadfld to. Olden Ion »t my offlo on Euex Bli.nMr (kinl Bull, irill nulTi prompt IUBIIUM,." .;-.; . : ; OOOBBB, PMIALU - Cil ¥f T - fc l t T E l ? A MH 0 T 1 L DOTLDIHO, »SD 8PMIALUT IN THE THEATH1BT ;:'v- Cil ¥f T - fc ^TAT TWmiqga' * ^•;''':ii'ifioiiu*f;AT LAW, •':•':• VAITMAni SouonoB u ; CHIVOBHT. i OCriCf IS OAKBK HUH.UIHO, , lUNWiOTDBXB AKD DSALKB IK STOVES, ,.^-.. ...^.Vir^.BAMrir.a,'-.•... y 4 ,r ... •nWarrea aii.iliUoorto "Eroorj'« Cafe. 1 Stilting, Balr^ (Jailing Mid Stiampuolog, Iddfus^a Catena. Hair Gutting ft.pMUl mm M«W wa»«r IEOH MIMKO OO. DEfllRABLK JTAKMlilO AHP T W B B ~ L> HD P TWBBB' IN lull ol I aorei ud upward., arid uveral goodballdinilcnliPonOnn.il.J. Iddrui : •-•;-;.% L.O.BIKBWIBTH, Bw'r, OM0IT0B ANDKA8TBB IN OBANOKBI, din Md i.Wlilguil » m to irnol ii •MM ordenfar Triri, Stirabi, Tl.», *o., c Hardy Bulbs anU Plants. ••••••••"••.Jl«'frJS"'''- i i-'"'^ 1 - u t n noeM;i« TpJIpa/ilinclBtBa, au., afaaaaoiM'-ll&atla'Btaiilj,''VaHa. Bangiv •alkali, k o , « , » or Ulsd, l.r the parln Iku ^taV?n»rd valk Vf .11 Uaaaa.. DltlMimral '"-• Piintor; DeooMtbr, Qnilner. ... . tfaj,,j fljm.JIn.JUA.WfcW oio bj uldlog.'• :,o,i Minn BSHDEB- ;«BEp3 In; balk. •! thV .. lUUloeiTQoadij »nbnemgtb«ne«indlMu lo« >uf«i tor.Udla.tlllaM ind Ontldien, • n 5 . Mill «lid «lti.oUra itook of Dry Ooodi ^ ta vblali •• eoaWlned tfa« fiewMt r»bilei.. Tbe kUMil t! Ul hk l t l m f CHIPMAH'S TONIC, ^iSrcr»BS: : >*; : . »: it t>. l.w«tmKk«torfc llord.rlbja.il «III nio.lt. jnompl.tl »^>'i,'^:{jjki;#te;S^-i- tf •!'" •' ftAi' v «rfr"piiifi^. : :"A plfiiint*T«Wco'c»Yn'a j .„ kfm»..jr> to :" SJAB It. TBOTIDIAM. ,. ,.. r ., --artklattjVlrmX. CRESCENT SARSAPARILU 1OO DOSES 5QCENTS. WHY YOU SHOUjLD TAKE If ft: Saudn wojjlre m.ll.o, Oonl, Kldn»j dl»So, i Hkln d i u u e t , ela., looom int Birup.tllk. Brad;onr : aV Why. therefore, irlll 50a oontluiu lar,« II or Him loo. lor otbar nakn or BaninrTli ™ K?."'"S?.?* 1 !? 1 . «*«o£«"f Kb j ' NOW ONSALE AT •'• iob't Klllgdrei Priigjist, Doyer. H. fi. Snyder, Grocer, Chester. >am,Htnoe>Co.iPortOnm. 25 RXTGr PARLOR SUITES, . . : 7V Eegnlor prfoe, «100j radaooa to $75. . ••;., 26 RUG PARLOR SUITES, ;•'•.;•;, Eegnhr prios, $7B;;reduoed lo tGO. 85 SILK FLUSH PARLOR SUITES, ; Begalsr prioo, $7fi i redqceJ Jo t60. . , ! . 35 SILK PLUSH PARLOR SUITES, Bognlar prico, $50; rednotd lo f37.C0. 25 ANTIQUE OAK BEDROOM SUITES, Eognlarprioa.iBOjreduood lo$37.60. 25 ANTIQUE OAK BEDROOM SUITES, Begniar prioe,$iOj «auoea to $27.60. Few more loft of theGreat, Bargain Antique Oak 1 Bedroom BnltBs, »22.5O. : SiB.BENNETT, TEC. Oonki urn Bran I101 Booms, l i n e ; : .-•• :•; :••.•;;-" •oi;' Sheet LeaaVy: ;; ;•• •:;./>;Lea^iPipe;.' ;.;• •. "• : / Pumps, Ac. S ;THE GORTOH MRPETS, BIEST QUALITY. Several pieoes of Tapestry Brussels OarpetSi egiilar prioe, per yard,''85o'. r ; reduoed to 66d. Several piebes of All-wool, Ingrain Carpets, •egulaf prioe 75c; reduoed to 65o. Iwish to call the attention of buyers to my arge line of Baby Carriages, Refrigerators, Bedding, Rattaa and Piazza Chairs and other easonable goods at extremely low prides; IHSnBB TODB PaOPESTT illUidiig'Xtropuui *Ai A Lbtur promptly adjusted and JMUji'li' ESTATE FOR SALE. ; ' ; ; •.'•••• HODBEroB»E»ii ••••'.;:' Okolos baltding lota aad fami oneaaj temu. - HOUSE FOBSENT OB SJLE with all «tod«ra'inpra"BaBta. Oeatrallj " ';. -." loiaUdin Darar, . - . ' MODS; to loaa 011 bond and mortcaga. \r. :.'yy:\oihux\',-' : ,f-'\-[ JPP. THEDANK, DOVER. Blickwell St., Dover, M. J, DYER andC1EASEB. Strict .mutton jlY.n toouitom wort. Rig! colorodfr» for'outomtn. H«« pot •!««>• on hand»tthotowMtouli prlcM. MlwoikdoiioMtholhorUatpotilblonstloi •fid utltfaotlon guiranUod. Cflntlomon'i Olothlnj d>»d, olmned >id premd. U 0 iadlot'ilmicoodi. :Aeall iiio»elt«l. SHIRT M»riUFAqTURER8, MBI'S FURNISHERS, UUWKBI AMD BUT STOCK UUtt IUt* FITS CURED • Bolllo »f ' M o M n rrto. r IA1I1TPHT- HUUB.- l IA DOOM of • « en.roonu onBniiex it»et.' ' L. D. BOHWABZ. •DOlfZE.'H. J. THOS; JOHNSON. ul«li> ' i, lulili, ij'ii^fejeiJtai'isiJs.iiH 1 * SPECIAL SALE ' ••'• " -op- PARLOR SUITES! I will give a large Rug •with every Parlor Suite, sold for one month only, commencing Monday, April 28th, 1890. THE LOW PRICES OF GROCERIES L. LEHIVIAN'S NEW STORE, SUSSEX ST.,!Opp. Central Railroad Depot, DOVER, N. J. EXTRA SPECIALS. (CREDIT GitEtr IF DESIRED.) KVEBY IXOOS. IB1BPH0NK 580. .'BOOBSDEUVIXZDmisOFCHAHOITOiihtpAHTOFiiasiTATM.' AMOS H. TAN HORN, .•Y«-W^~ vzm^M wuuxnoranTH umVEMI. WLi» W A L S D T OABI% maitLT "if* * Mt ™" 1 *" tsr>on™-.0\WASKIKOTOH, ».B.ELI»I,£, J HE m JERSEY. «3G:^' < cvja.n.s2: AND CLOTHING » cpmplela a NEW-STOCK; FOR gl,^.p-r_...-'Bg' ? 55mi:iii.-is'. TOO DOLLARS , A: PAIROFF IBTJIIT'S BHOEiS! Wo bare discovered these goods are too high priced, and the quan- tity required to male » complete assortment in all widths, makes il unprofitable tobaodlo them. If yon find yonr size in tbe following list, ourloss of $2 a pair will be your gain: WE HAVE LABIEB' BKBIFBENOH KID OPEEA BUTTON . ' II WlDIU-4 FAUl SJjaPAlU 8; I PAIR 8|l 1 PAIR4; 1PAIBB|. 0 " . 8 t ».8j fl •• S|; 3 " Gi 2 " Ci; 1 •' 0. D • ' . 1 '.•!, 21i 1 " n i l "1|| 1 •• Oil " 5. a ••on I •• o. ; ATWA PAIR; FOKMEB PBICB IB. WOMEN'S.FEEHOH KID FOINTKD TOE BUTTON. . BWiuin-IP«I13[l riinUli 8 I'lIlHi 1PAIE »; 1TAIB0. . ~ 0 " I "j-'JIU " S| 1 " t|. B .'• ...1 ",I||J •• till"" *|8 "- «|. AT »a|A PAIB; F0KMEB PBIOE $5. .•~Y. ',.•;. BEICrlii DONOOLA OPEHA BUTTON. B WIOTB -2 eilU ?K[ 2 PAIB 6 t I 1FAIB e. 0 WIDTH—I PAIB 3| [ 9 PAIR B. D: « • • l ' . « Slt« . " • S | i 1 . " 0 . * * ' ; FOEMEB PBIOE $6.25. A* SrEAIT OOATDOUBLE SOLE BUTTON, II Wwin -S PAJB 2|: J PAIB o| j 1 PAIU 0. OWim-1 PAII11| • J l'illl 6. D " : l : .''; si, s •• sj f j <• s, AT » » A PAIB j REDUCED FB0M»». JL WHILE WE HAVE YOUB SIZE. HEAGAN&Co. | .tt|ff.lB; ti'l J. P Stickle, the cosnst,! mafgnod by tbec*ort tor tbedefenae offered no ob JeoUon and tbe priaonora were aet to tbs bar. Both were joung looking men and appeand la tbeli afalrt aluvet, one wearing a llannel eblriofdaik biae aid th* other a Sums] ehirt.of red and onam-sttipea, Tbey were aot Tioions looking and w o n in air or perfect ompemro. The drawing or the jarora was pooeedsd with and the following ware islaotedt amnel B. IlsrrtaoD, Philip S. Kazan, Ab»m reeland. Voorheea Pitrson, Samuel Gilbert. '. Engana Tharp, Weiley D. Hopping, Charles CfasBberUn, Force Spenoer, Dartd WfelMkead, William E. Youaga, Samuel E. Urmmi, The fallowing- wers challenged by a«J"«naei Jas. Wstt, John A. Pritta, Alfred iKInntn, Wm. J. I*ek, John V. Welso, . d T. Bmltb, tfeter Mowary, Wm. A. Waer, Edward P. MillBT, Goo, A. Tta*mp*on, Wm. J. ~srt»r, L»wla 0. Darroogm, Cbac. II, JS'gtas. The flute ahallaDged Wm. Omraon, Wblt- (1(1 Hoaglaud and Walaon Jouei, J. Warren Holetnan, Pater M»bc*t Chu, gden and Thai. BostttrgoiwI were oslled, but sroabisnt. Tbe drawing and awiailog of (be Jury oo- opled I(M than half an boot. Nsarly all were man fram 35 to SOyuari of aga and a 7ery good looking body, Ia opening for tha Bute ProHoutot Catier ictloed the charge agtinet the deftndanti, EXTflA;Srai)IAIi8. leatOresmChBew:,.,';'^'^; lie. lb. • City floloena..;>.,..; . . . w Bo. lb. ..a,.-., .... ,,..; Bo, box ..A,-, ...... ; tm. " lte*tUslLartwii.;'?n : :r7(C"lU4.bi.SB»; toinau ;;.,^, y .... : v .;.;i8o. can, %oaoa 2Do. 3ngar Gib. box Hominy. 0 lb*. Rolled O»IB . CoraBtnrob , L*rgeOlaiiMoritat Soda Onoktrs .,,., Ilcat8*rup Qbo<I M o l a i u * , . . : . , . . NewOeaoi New Green l'ea* , 8lb.Box81arDb....... Good CookiDC B.lilna. UabbUt'afiaap.,,. UeitCarranu Ueitl'arhlihFrcoea.. Beit Oirolloa itlw HoraeBatJUk..,...,,. Dried. ApilM ... qiDgerBaspa.......... ponnda of Sttuidard h f d Ho, 6o, paokaie. . *!. .*".'.*. .'.'.*.*.',' .*.* b*o. tbl , to. bar, 4bar* 16o. lo fair, 4 bun 16a ..7o.lb.Blbi. 300. 4]b20 ^ g ^ p to oaoli purchaser of one pound of any of i^ IN THE COUNTY, OPP. CENTBiL B. B. DEPOT, isr. T. PrlBcl»mlVrsArekoaiifl^HrosdSt.anddSOrBBigel-l.fNewarbi! BrBBANCH BTOttEiBUstsIIT.N.J. - ; V"-"." ••'•'*-,''."."..'... ' . • ' ' ;; ; TORIA for IrifantB and Children. '••'MM I B (Mrun Cornier, 1» IUU KM A CLOTHING HOUSE PGSSESSilO THOHOUQH KNOWLEDGE, AMPLE FACILITIES, IiABGE BXPEEIENOE. ABUNDANT CAPITAL, HONEST CONVICTIONS, tlie GMT to stnui] by them, onn bo ol EEAL SEEVI0B to v:;:;' ;> '•• "HptOTHINa BUTERS. -•There are S01EB PEOPLE, onii NOT a few oitter, ••:! who. believe W£*poBsoas the qualifications hero zuen- ; tioned.;,.And,^ieir*nnmboriDcrca8os aa tho yoare pass We hold most of onr old. trade, and constantly attract ; new- -Wliat enables'ng 16 do this 1 Well, the fivo reqni- - -fiiWs'.pffiacoeea/iaentioueil above |iuL u&in upuuitionto constODtly oifer a trade-attracting article in Clothing. ;VTalldngof trade^attractore brings vividly boforo ns onr ' -;liii«Jof lleny-iltWool'Bnainosa Haito at HO. Wo'll gonronteo that <12, and even $15 is being paid out daily . 'for Sntta of nO;bett^r material and not as well made. We tliink if yon'H look at them you'll agroewithne, and we ; : know, that if ybn're needing a Snit abont thin prico you'll ^b'V : '^i^ MCGREGOR & Go. $ i BROAD St., ITEWARK, N. J. 0AHPE1CTKB ••! HIIU1EU, :.;.•..;> •»pptB,«;j.">',V; • ••• j /^TnlUjnfiliDoTarfjnnborOon \J jHBjr'fmill. OontrtaliUkm, kndpluu, neeUMtloaiuS tnktarUlioiAnrrkliidfar. JlfctrttorbiUalojn. nboliioipielilljr " >:'ynai!*BocUm<}. GOLEMAN TWO GRADES OF CRIME Tho Trial of the Sclavs for the Uur der at Hlbernia. 'OHE OONVIOrED OF MUEDEBI THE BEOOHD DEGREE AND THE OTHEE OP ASSAULT AHD BATTEEY. THE EVIDENCE AHD PBOOEEDINGS. In the llorrli County Coart* on Uanilu a JR« lUfils prMldlnj, we* bagan the oaae •a Stato n. Fatal Koraloaeakl and Taboli Ilarteek, Indicted for t i n morder lMor*kyatUlbenla, It was a and tbs many eTiefuua of spring 111e ywliere uppsrent conttaated *trongl< witb tb« dealh-llke aolemnlty or trying humsn btiO(?«(ortboIr)l»#« Wlllard W. Cutler ut om Xfotfalng wu elloled toabow that Vatiatofak; bad aoythipg to do with Ihfa light. HatiaMt- f.ky Lad boon drlnkioi, but tho wI toe** coo'<" •ot teU what •« bU aonditloo. WI aald he drank aliUle whlikff, but drank. He thought Koraleacki aodMurtecl were drank, bnt tbe flnt appeared to drunker than tbe otbtr. liecouldnot whether Baitaok bit Uatiaaofikyoa tbob< orontbeahiinldtr. HW DLJODT waa tbe next wltneia. Ha apoke a dlfferont dialect and flydo Thomp- aan, of Bockaway. wa* aworn aa interpertei He lived OD tbe 7th of April ID tbe flnt boai of tbe row. He aaw Uatlaaofeky> He o»ra tAtbsboarder'e bonae abbot balf put tbret lie boarded with tha Waabkoa. Wltne' beard anoiae and went to lee tfbat waa goini oil. Matlaaofaky waa in tho bonae up-ataic* on tbn lad. Ut next aaw Hatlaaofikj near ili» tb*Btjr whan B»rt«ck wu running to btm, about So'clock- Ilarhiolc bad the ID bla hand. Whao Bartsck WM rnoQlog h< mraed Matiaiofaky and wlen tie got olow t him he lilt him. WLen ho (Int tried bit Uatiaioraliy be got behind another man, whi gut away, and tbo aeeond time be trlel be bit bin on tba bead with tbo BIBTO. Hatlasofakj [ell to the ground. The slate wu broken by ;bo blow. .Darteck tbso vact tatho h and Kovaioiak! o»me np and itrark him on the bead witb a beer bottle. Tht» bottle fell <Dtol hlaband nui be sot another bottle and ilt bin again! witneao doea nob know wber«i mt tba battle waa broken ID email pli Tell ont of bia banda. When Matiaeofaky 'aiblt with tbe boltlube wu lying on thi ;ronnd like diad. He waa put op In a aitting poaltlon, and when tbsy oarrlod blm to tfai looae he kind of helped Utm*U witb ons Toot. He knew that tbe two att&UaoU :aiiuofaky qnarraled witb hlat abont a year before an tbe bill, (Objeoted to and ruled int) He nersr beard any threat* mod. OB iroM examlnHlon he laid howent ibere bo beard <jnarrt>;iag. Uatlaaotiky 'aa not quite tobef, nor yet drank. MOKD1T iTTBBlOO*. The erou examlaatlon of BUbnt waa re- ismed, bnt eliolKiI liUle of InUnaL He beard a noiae In the next honae, thonjht then waa a BgUt tliev-e, but did not eee It. ,bat of haTlng killed aUUaaotiky onthe 7(h lay of April last, at Hlbernla. and called ttn lentlon of tha Jury lo a diagram of the naea In tberow wheretbe o>oeued fasarded. Ie notieed thlt the deoeasad had been away a christening on tha bill; that ID hla icnoe tbe defendant* bad an alUrostlon rlth brolber-lnlaw ot the deoeaatd and ithera In tbehonae. Tte il*o«Msd ntamed •boat B o'olook, snd wu sttsuked near tbe by tbedefendant., oaa «f whom atraok jimwito n alore, and llie other best blta with' twobeer bo'tlaa. He ion allowed tbat theman wu deftnaeiess id halpteaa after tha flrit blow waa itrook. JU. O. BAits, COEOIEB, waa theflratwit- He Ttewed the boJy of Uatlaaobky OD 8th ol April, lying; In the s t e m * houae. Te ordered an antopay V/ Drs. Ximsdea and He asw-a part of a ooal BleTe, wbieb ht> thought Justice Poat showed blia at the Identified the large pole handle and part of theoBalaleTaabowri bin.] erou examination aild the body lay j ut Inifdethadonr, between tue^aiore and tb* ' idow f he thought It l»y npoa a boardon iwoebaln. TKere'wenSSorSppeopielfllhe roam—all men except OBO WOUBD. All were Bnngarlaos except thorn who went thtre witb ' W(to*M locked it theface and bead. .e notloed abraise OB Ike bead baok of the r, be thoagbt on tbe left side. He did not •utaeltolaaelyi -HAsaw a.BurkoD th* lonhead, wbleh looked uIf the akinhad been kowkedeffand »;eut 'aomewhare ipnndtrtheaoM. , ;." \ . . Siktru P, PUBSOV, eiTllenginMr, toitlflrf niTlng made the dlagnun abewn of tka iiiaea .from aotnal aorrey, and deiarlbed iam and their »nrronadlag*. Mr. Fiobter ent ant with him, shewed Urn th* laj ol tho ;rcnnd,and the spot wkeA stood _. .„ tins ot th* fracas, wbleli ba txarkAd with a ems; also, marked with a OHM* another it, whlao oosld bosun plainly troa vhara i flrat crau'wu narkod; Tbe eiosaez* iwlnatlon related entirely to tto altuaUon of be houau andtheir aummndlagt. Ftonthe loor of tha second boost to Crosa No. a (nn. jdentoodtobetbeplsoeirberatbesttaektDok 'ace) Is kbout 29 feet. When Mr. Fiohter .UflrreJ him "a?os No, 2 bo walked itrstgbt to to abow him where the fraeai ooeurted, 'h«» la t. pump batwten the rear of the itone ho'itd sad the teoeniBnt lionsss, but anld&ot tell.If tp*t So. 2 eonld be a«en tfaiannaop, Ibe diiUnoe from eross No, H) cross Mo. a I* 69 feet. The tenesaent ooi* sat back from tbe road 00feet. : Qi&niBL POST teatilled that be we*a Jua* » oi tba Pesee at HUMCBU and bla offlc* la tfaeatorooftbefiiehardBBeaDh Company, about 400 jrarda louthatat of the teHtnent loaae. He Identified tto part* of tbs eoal BloTSahoRt). He oonld tot toll who broaghtj •• totbBofi.ee. AcompUlntwa* tMdetobiUa. croa* examination he aald tb* oonplalat 'a* undo by Joseph Mllln.k. He went up berotba body was. It wa* on a bed np- taira wbea he flrat saw It abont a quarter ef j mnon tba noming cf April Sib. Tbar* ras aome bed olotblng orar It. Whea he rent upwith tbe ooroberpe thought, hutw** itanre, that the body was down stair* li bonexthoose. When be arreaUd the tire* men he tbonght they were npitalrs In the "ilrdbODle. JMKTH KTIOKI ws* tli* next witness and ig able to ipeak SOIBTOBIO only, Mr. M, •UJIBOTIU, of Boonton va* appointed Inter- perttr, and tbo eTldenee was Uken through In). On the7th of April wltnsisssld he w u bia bonse at Hibernta, la tha 'bleb wu fat away fnm'tbe other honaw. 'e'knew Uatlasolaky. He was at tbe home ' a th* UatlMoMr lived (Waao&kt i) In tha afternoon of that d»y, batw*an and4 o'clock. JFlratanw Hatlaaorky that Iterooon on tho spot onljlde wb'sre he waa Wed, Wltneu wu Btandlns at tbe ooraer ! the shanty, andtheplaoewa* by tbe earner) :'the sbaatj. Ha abowett the plsoe oo tfai i*p when ba atood aai where the killing place. HedldoottaewhatHaUaaoftkr raadolog[ he was only standing tbeia then. * iraleaeckt, Barteok sad Blaneok were ilk wu sot drunk. BarU Irjttoek titUMbfak^ Cut with tbe i KoraleMeki followad. Witness t out from a window. In orosa examlnatloa tbe lefeoee eridently tried to bring out the Ibeory that tbe killing w u bat the ooatlnn*- in oi a rot* inelde, bat did not elicit ranob «Tld>Qoe to tbat tffeet Wltoeaa aatd tbst lont an hour after the affray KoTslB**«ki and Ullluak wore quarrellnf and Koraloa- eokl said ho " woold giTe bim more." Jomr STAHICK gate hJa tMUmony throngb itnrpreter LuJanoTit*. He said he kitw [atluofakl, Ssrteek and KoyslMMkl. He llred in the house with tbe two UUer, Ue iw Hatluofabl ID the tnornbg oa the top of ie hill at ohrlat»DlD*;. Ha aaw him again tfter he w u hurt, bat not before, Hstiuo- ftkl w u laying onUldo on tho grood when he >w him, and Kora'caeoki w u by him with a .ottlB In hla band, hitting bin on tbe head [e cannot remember whether he hit him ice, twice or three time*. Did not hear the ijund ns& asj anything. Bartetk waa re- ' to the home with the slere lo his mnd> II* did not bear any of tbe men lay lythinganddld not know why Eoraleseekl afatlasorskl. On crow usmloatfon wit- is saiu he boarded at tbs house kept ky Strteck and Kaoolka. There wuno drink- Kla the hoaaa In themorning bnt there wu one or two o'olook inthe afternoon. On inday evening all the bcardere were drink- ing bear.. Both theuaallanUand th* wltnw* were drinking aft«r dinner on tbe day er tho ;illlig> Awagon o*mo along witb beer and tie? got four oi five box*t of boer—34 bottlo* a box. It w u all drank bnt one box. He did not aae anywhiskey. Bat-tookand d were not drankatflnt, but wer* quite drank at 4 oi 5 0'oloek. Wltnau triad get KoTaleseaki np-*t*irs, bat be would not go; Thare wen battles thrown tbroofb -ie window about fi o'eloek. Barteek and :oTal*»*ekl war* la the bonn'thsu. The wltt- l»w and aub wen all broken, lathe flnt .use. Witnauwulnthehonaeontbebod- Illosk threw; tie bottlsa tbraigh the' nd*w. Vben tha window brek* Bsttwik m ontj thinks be want after Milsaeok and iat Eoralueckl followed th*nv_ Ha *aw flarteok take the sieve from along aid* the house ai heraa oat. Ulllaak was m irotbeMn-lair of MattHofaky: •PHEjr OaUTBX knew Hatluortki andaaw whoa he w u burton April 7th. Witaew nked sUtiuofikl, if he could stand on hi* leg, Md he replied that be W H hurt bad all ler. Wltoau helped bring him la theh«U»* id alept in tho bed with Hat, Jos. IUnko«e Iw slept with them. Witneai alept with hln the sltht after be w u hart. Hatluslakl did i apeak alter being breagbt iathe bom*. woke npabout tall put 6 In tha morning id found be w u dead. Oa SKMB exaalna in be aald tbat UaUateoftkt was not draak at afternooa; neither wa*fcnaob«p. He runt very drunk not atopldly drank. - JOBBPH BIBKOBT teatllled thatbeaieptwith latiaaofakl tbe night ba died. When witn«a it in he till, blm to More a little on, sa be ud so.room to I** XatUwUkl moyad * tie on, but did not apeak. In the morning notlwd that he looked blaek around hla •oath and foaod blm eold aad dead. J. EDWAXD FtanTBB, WDB olerks In Stloki* I'Oo'aatore, teiUfledthatbewassttheitote tfa* aiieraoon ol the 7th of April aad aaw I affray from the bask of the Btor*. Tho I w called him pat to ate the racket H* ir three nea mining ont, On* of the men itaked upaooal *I*Te and hit Hatia*9faU oi*r the bead and shoelders. Hepalled It inck.to girr tbe aeoond blow when the slere lew off and bandt* came down op hiv. Then adTsne»d snd atraok hi*, with the battle snd he fell like * baUoek, The bottle .rokeand he hit blm In the faoa with the iBok, whleh remained la his hand. He went the man and found himInsensible./ Then • a s oame out aad got hla. ina altting roatnr*. Then s woman came out and trt*4 get blm In bnt did not, and stfaera earns iat to help him. It looked a* It hla leg wu broken. Wilaeis ideubfled Barteok as the i who hit blm witb tbe eie>e and K»fal- esaokl aa tbe men whoneed, the hottl*. Uatlawfakl. when bit, threw u>hla hande u to ward ofT theblow. On oroM examln*. ;Ion witaeu aald there were a number of men ,bont, hnt none Terr near battbe three who pnrautd MaUuaraky. Allseened tobemor- if In the urn* direetlon. He w u not p**l- but be thought HatlMofaky oame out ol tbBbenuJuat ahead of tbe three mea who paratud bias, ' Belore the affair beasw a man imlojt fmai tbe hooae, toward HaUsaofsky.i bottles. He *rteck had the tleve IDbl* band bnt It wu, throath the ,tbroken. Be euned Matissolikj-ud h>t[ mwltb the alflT.*onea or twice or three met, Tbe onrae was si if to **y a gnat dU- MBpaot to bis mother. After he hit him, Darteck retained to tht bons*. He o*nnot tellezHtly where be bit him. Hatiuotsky rellto the s-round the moment ba vn» bit. Dartfck carried the ooal SUT* sway In hla •isod. After the blew witness notload the IIBTB was broken, Hatluolilcy said nothing •b(n hit and did sot defend himself, bnt be fell down; pat Us hands sloag aide lUhead. Eorale«eekl came right np snd hit llatiuofehr 1* tbo head while b*w«*ljlng on jibe ground. lie than pieVed np •> aeeoad. bottle bnt ft broke, hot he wall notttUnow it wu broke. After the bottle broke Kors* leseit ^retarnod to the hans*. Wbtn the oand bottle broko KoTSleseekl was only a op tram Hatiasohky. He did not say auy> tbloBwhan be attack bla. Then thewltDes* lilted HsUssoriky op and talked to bin, fant[ he did Dot any anything, Another mm aid woman came to his auUtuoe, Uatlasofsky wold not w*>lk. B e i r u t away and did not aee bow tbo; sot him ia tho housa. H* fait BO bad tbat ba went away. WIta»unnUi»da woaad abCTA tbeejebrow* tutdld notiee any blood. H* beard aext nonlng he w u dead snd saw him lying down auira In the aeoond benss. .On orou eunlnaUon wltneu said be boarded on the hill. It w u a holiday aid the men WSNnot working. BaaawBeraohak and KoTs1e*«ekIflshtlBc in front ofswoud iBitse. Dartcek was thare, bntwaa net doing Janjlhlng. Tie appearuce of the naa was tbst tb*j wera drunk, but ho ooald ,-»t tell tew drank, H*uwUil!a*ktbMwlngboU'ea »Athe Oral home. wio> tbea nw a«t«j, battle* broke the window nC *tzl *si to, a box three or four times aad gat ,1M. He threw eight or ten bottle* iaih the window or tbe flrat honee, and Immediately alttrward tbene men emerged from the house Ha tnonght th* tfaeeaaou wa*on*oftBe men woo emerged from th* hooaw, bnt waa aot sare. Qe did not think the SIBTO anowa In Coart waa theilere used, btotuus the ether alere seamed tsgo off tbe haaidle. Tho •trlklog with them\tjt, did not seem to haTe offeot aad be theught Barteek pfeked np a aboral sad triad to get In a blaw, but tb* other man wu too qnink for him. HI* attention was diverted one* oi twloe aad tention w netblng might hare happened between I wu aura tb* man waa knocked down wlih bottla and wu not atraek white dowa. Staneek «earned to benrgbag tbo other, on. The t»o detendtsU aid fitaaiekwere nndtr tbe lofinaaos or liqaor at tie time of toe fllbt—not *e they would ataffer; they ware pretty ilrely aaaquick and uemed to know wbat tbey were aboat. Taey were drinking from Friday till Uondaj. Uatiaaofaky didn't appear to be mnoh vndirtbauflnenee ofUqo*r,llatall. On Monday they itopped the Bwatoa beau w a g n , and they nn- Iouled ilxteen boxei of beer* The man w l o anloadeel Ue beer told him so. Tbii wu oiderodBtrlckea out by the Court aa bear* *'iy- Re-dlreot—It wai not tbe dteeued who threw the bottla thrush the window. : atioDULHitLOKUaaldheatoiid near Mr. Plobtorat tbe tin* aad law the two mea hitting him, bat oonldn't tell whleh wed the alere and whioh the bottle, •Jtbbngb he vu •Ore the prisoner* iron th* twomen who bit aim. The men who got bit wu standing atUi and detng nothing. Sonuoftham ware at it Mora theaffrsj oceamd, tbrowlag bottlei at each other. MB, rian™ir*oaJI*d. WltaatawMahawi Apart of tllT* bj Maju*l foriafasn ud tbsnght It w u tbeale™. Thla wu attuhed to tbe other part abown bytheState and found to beepatteftheaaisieaUre. Dm. B. C. LuwaDEK t«itia»d to baring ledesbo avtopay, with Dr. riagge. Pound some external braise* on forehead aod elbuw. •fad* an inolalon In aoalp aad round a blood olot aboot thealie ol the-palm ot tba hand He tbaa deaarlbsd afreanrfl ot ttit akail aad blood oloU found on tha brain- The rett el tbe orgksa were abont nonnal. The injnry that oaaaod the IraeUre wu OB the right eld* u d wae caused by aom* blaat instrument. In liia opinion tbe fraotaTsortbeaknlleaaaed the dottb. Nothing wu fonod tobe the matter *tfalaleg. Tho fraotore waa so ax- tonaire tbat it wsnid be like!/1* psnlyu Alt :he lower part of tbe body, I T ) partionlarlj tbe right aide. Tbe doctor prodttMd tba . iknll oi tUa dead man aod abewed tbe frae. •ret alao the yleeeB of/rMtored boao taken . ot Ul. F. W. F u o u a teatlfled ta baring nude tbe snUipay witk Or. Lameo'en, whase taitl* mony ha oornboraUd. Tha brniaea oa the forehead might here been made b/ some i inatrament. or by falling and dragg- ing on the bard ground. Tba fraetnre f o u d * u anffleient to caoae death, aid* fn AIS p l l n doath WM dai to tbii fttwtnr*, whioh b* believed Uhnra been made by tome bloat iiuane&L Ue bolioTod moba fraetnre fonld bare bean meda by a beer botUt, aid person reeeviog It would eoon beoone na- SDaolon*. TlTEflDAT MO1KUIO. J. B. FlCiraiE, recalled br the Court, **Id , the blow with tho bottle WM struck by ta* right band, and eipl*lo«* how it alroak *a be right aide of tho bead. Jo»pn UiLnrur, a brotharin-law of tb* murdered msn, unified that oa th* Jib of .prillaathe wu with Mallawfeky. la Us) afternoon wltneu waa borne and Matlatofakf ounedown'romtbe topof thebill t* tbe ho&se wboro both boarded, batwaen one and Ibree o'eloek. Ue aawKovalesook! in hi* urn honr*. Hewaa drunk, bnt not vary irnok. Matiuofaky HI qtttt* drank too. ' did not see any trouble btttreen tkeai, bnt heard aom« thing. Hedid Dot aee Matiasolaky "* bait, Iiet **7 bin lajiag toward tb* atyafUrb* WM hoct, UQ4 saw Bsrteek aod Xovaiwaohy ninalax away from him* Ie aaw Matfasefaky *h*ttljr afto? wu brought la tbe house, and be wu still allv*. "•hoy were drinking beer In the bans* when Itneu boarded," about 8 o'oloek. 1U wen Irioklni; they got tbe b*er from Iha beer rsKOB. He did not know how many boxos iey got. Witoeu dented en erou ecaailna^ Ion bariig a flgbt witb anyttody, bAoaan -ery thing wu nice Inalde, He u w Koral*. aeckl and Beeracbsk rlgbtiog oatalde. Both rere'drunk, but not rerymueb. Tbe witaew Imitted throwing bottle* In HaxtMk'l isae. He threw two or tferee. He took leertobak and auotlier man Inside, ao th*y ihoatd not fight. Tbey wanted to-eosie la *i* boose where witness w u andfight.Wit- aeia was pnlleit fa Barteok'* house, and rblpped by two otber Hungarians, one of ias told blm he woald sot UT*. HO WU [raid ther would kill bin and wu tryug to away, Staneek wu hitting him with a tick ol wood. Witness got hold of e eoffM ntaid wu defending himself. They took io coffee pot ont ef kl* bands and threw It him a* he ran away.. When ho n*wlv*& a blow from the eotfee pet be took two br. iree bott<M and threw tham through tie rlndow. Ue then got in hU o v a bonae.. He, Id not know how soon after tbatMeUasoiiky it hurt. Whan Matiaaofsky was brought In said to wltne**, " Brother-in-law, 1 got loagb," and aald nothing nor*. Oa re- Iraot v i t s e u said be did not kaow wkar* tatluofaky was whUe he waa flchtlng 1B the .sthoos*. He uw blood ea KoralMeckl'B rorebesdwben hewuflgbtiagwlthBMrMhak lUlde, and he aaw » wound n*xt autniDg iKoral*Beeki'*fonbe*d| ath* plawwhan! ar* ia new a w r. At It *'el«*k that ajghl ovalWMkl ran after ta* Witaau aai waat*4 light bin. Be wai then>cry draak. QBOKOB HDU. taatlBed togoiag to th* hmm itwcan'o and 7 Seat aiornlag, with TBMM Mt. The body lay ap-atair* on t i e bed. 1)». PtAQOB,' recalled, look tbe akall ol [Ufky and akowed where the blow that - sauted tha fracture wMitraekV Th*tro*fc»at depreMioawu in tbe outer;'.- H* *kew*4 Mat nxteat of the fracton ud uld sothlag eovld done to win a man lnjnnd In that SMMW. in oroa* exaaluatlon h* eaid the blow waa tosoftka head, poulbly a little back el he aalddleasd abowed Ike akall to the JMJ> [a eoatd sot bar* told la what Dosittea ko wai in whaa he noalred tb* bl*w. FATUOK MoQLTafx teafflhl tbat oa tb* 7th "April, bcte-een ibree and four,VolMk, ha sat to th* pump between the t*******t and Stiokle-a store. He anw a aun golag toward be ooner with aa armfall of bottles. Be ,MO hack, ynllid off hi* t on abirt, got another arm full of bottle* aid flnd tkaaa "iraagh thewindow* Tsea be raa away sad ie or two mea earn* ont aad fcaoofcsd Wai ~ n, bnt he cot np and went into hudsor. man who got killed wu ever sear the ibmty. One of the three mea oattida got hold ot him. AnotbarosmeapaaulgiT*) Uai blow- with it eoal SIBTA, thaa th* b**d flaw ~ Then ib* fallow with th* soltia cam* B» hlthlaa over th* head wtta tk« bottle, Ie MoloVt Ml whether he bit hist a**** A eno*. B* fell down aid la* BUMwiU piece ef tbs battle ta bla bald kit hiss la .be month with It.' Hs tfcoigbt /o*a Btaa**k ru the oaa wao held the aua, bat as eawtd lot tell th* otbarav JQs tfaaught the thnoaua rho pnraaad the mau who threw th* battle* were th* u me o au who attukst the •*• who wa* killed. . The BtaU reittd. .. :. Joaira MitrtAK, r#c*U*df said WIM ha 'M raBning to his boo**, alter ianwiag ta* bottles, Andtaw Kapolka attaoked klaa. Tfaare w e n u o n bnt he eoald ut *e* whether i*7 attsoked him. Kapolka then waet la awn honae. . , ; jcru Dow wu tbe flnt w t t a m tar Uw - ifanoe. Oa the7thof £prila*Mvtsanw, between 4 and 6 o'eloek. H* aaw tasai Oghf- *-igj aoinetimea 19, maybe 90, or suet*. He twthem throw beer aettlu andranwith a*I*Teandooff*epOt. Ther »U Heated to bewgagsdlatheflght. He dli a*l ee*> la* hnrt.^ Heals* u w t h e n throw at****, itrike with theaa, or anything ta*r eotld E*t bold of. He aaw blood on ooii« a i*o4 nanyoftbam. Onerouexamtaatioakeaald ie saw them hauling » aiaa oat ef tb* nnt I w r u d bitting him wltb a r»flM pot. Tien they tbrew bottle*. ihMB|h the wiadair. ""hi wu all be «ald ***, KITOLKA saw Baiteek oa April tb, nearly all day ia thshouM whleh wltaea* and Barteek kepta* a boarding Boaa*. far. leek wudrinUflgqulMMUethat day ;ba was lotao Tary drank. Be saw aftliiak throw •otUe* In tb* window, breaking s u b aad all. There were flro or six. In Ibe roen at thai Ima, laeloding hlaueJi; aad all Udtsaas- lfea to avoid th* bettle*. JCajbe bar bottles wen thrown in- Aboat So'auvk he ihlnk* they bought aboat foir box** ot bear, rhlob tbey drank all tuteept oa* bax. Then' fenrteaa there) to Briak It, Thij dJca't toy eny whiskey. Oa eroe* eaamlaatioa witneu aald h* did aot know why MUlaak' tbnwthebotUHthnnghtaBwiadow. TUy d a quarrel np-etalr. bat b* did not u*v It Millnak wa* In wltaMa's haaM tbat aA*r- looa. Heraa in ais boa** while they war* jnarrtllng and w u abt then long, beeaas* wlttwa told >thsm they n u t go eutaldl* if iey wanted to fight. Wltnsu west *ot alone situ If Ulnak, and teldblm not to break any more windows, aa bs would bare to I»r •tk Tinbu, on* of tb* difesdeats, wai called. He said bo wu 39 jean old, Is married and fasi * wtfa'ia the eld ( i try, ' udeBAeh*rayearagoIutN»r*me«r. IS* tarn* lo Hlbemt* last July, He ltred la hi* iwBhonseonthe7tk of April-tbeUaJdlng boue kept byhimself aad Espellta, Taar ke*t li bmrdera, Only two wen Wwtklag that day, It b*bjg Eaatar at»ud*y. Wltaesa 1 : did not drink eaten week* btfoi* Bstmriaj Bigot, whan BOdrank bear, Saturday they diuk one keg aad oa Snnd.y U*y drmnkOM keg. WlUeudnaksoth day* aad HAmtt driak anjtUng ull Monday no*n, Tksy bought **Tea boxes *f beer and itnak Intha aftunora. Haaaw tw»..ol tha an a nar* wblakay; tbtaks thsjr had two aaart*t a* •liars that EoTslasaeU W on* botll*. Thswitneudraacbearealyt talukaaeaasi
Page 1: M fEE Tho Trial of the Sclavs for the Uur PARLOR SUITES!test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-05-16.pdf · the host to its vol. xix. dover, morris county, new




r O U 8 1 i E r L C T K a , , j M f E E

: ^niETX, P0IX&B3 £A0H.fUBtVSEEO O o n i Q i a 1 0 LET I

TBK BpiXAKI M B ffEgg.



111 TWO 11DNDBE0 fBBT DEEI'...- •'•'•. 1 : ; v ; - ^ A m . T T a • .: / \

V.'-C'V/.'-.V-..1..'.•:,'»< WA«p 6HITD,«w» '•; .-r-v.* ego s t o u BI, Hratri, N,


^ ' 1 A ' i

H1S0N iff l) BD1LDEB,

" aosirtofi Ukea u d ttiUriki. fnrntibrd,BIODS tnd brick work, nlutcriug aadjobbiopromptly ftUsadfld to. Olden Ion »t my offloon Euex Bli.nMr (kinl B u l l , irill nulTiprompt IUBIIUM, ." . ; - . ; . :


PMIALU- Cil ¥fT-fc

l t T E l ? A M H0T1L DOTLDIHO,

» S D 8PMIALUT IN THE THEATH1BT;:'v- Cil ¥fT-fc^TAT TWmiqga' *

^•;''':ii'ifioiiu*f;AT LAW, •':•':•





,. -.. ...^.Vir^.BAMrir.a,'-.•... y 4,r ...•nWarrea aii.iliUoorto "Eroorj'« Cafe.1Stilting, Balr^ (Jailing Mid Stiampuolog,Iddfus^a Catena. Hair Gutting ft.pMUl

m m M«W wa»«r IEOH MIMKO OO.


IN lull ol I aorei u d upward., arid uveralgoodballdinilcnliPonOnn.il.J. Iddrui

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Hardy Bulbs anU Plants.• • • • • • • • " • • . J l « ' f r J S " ' ' ' - i i - ' " ' ^ 1 -

u t n noeM;i« TpJIpa/ilinclBtBa, au.,

afaaaaoiM'-ll&atla'Btaiilj,''VaHa. Bangiv•alkali, k o , « , » or Ulsd, l.r the parlnIku taV?n»rd valk Vf .11 Uaaaa..

DltlMimral '"-•

Piintor; DeooMtbr, Qnilner.

. . . . tfaj,,j fljm.JIn.JUA.WfcW

oio b j uldlog.'•

:,o,i Minn BSHDEB-;«BEp3 In; balk. •! thV

.. lUUloeiTQoadij »nbnemgtb«ne« indlMulo« >uf«i t o r . U d l a . t l l l a M ind Ontldien,• n 5 . Mi l l «lid «lti.oUra itook of Dry Ooodi

^ ta vblali •• eoaWlned tfa« fiewMt r»bilei.. Tbek U M i l t ! U l hk l t l m f

CHIPMAH'S TONIC,^iSrcr»BS:: >*; :

. »: i t t>. l.w«tmKk«torfcllord.rlbja.il «III nio.lt. jnompl.tl»^>'i,'^:{jjki;#te;S^-i- tf •!'" •' ftAi'

v «rfr"piiifi .::"A plfiiint*T«Wco'c»Yn'a j

.„ kfm»..jr> to :"S J A B It. TBOTIDIAM.

,. ,.. r ., --artklattjVlrmX.



WHY YOU SHOUjLD TAKE I fft: Saudn wojjlre

m. l l . o , Oonl, Kldn»j d l»S o ,i Hkln diuuet , ela., looomint Birup.tllk. Brad ;onr

: aV Why. therefore, irlll 50a oontluiu la r,«II or Him loo. lor otbar nakn or BaninrTli™ K?."'"S?.?*1!?1. «*«o£«"f K b

j ' NOW ON SALE AT •'•

iob't Klllgdrei Priigjist, Doyer.H. fi. Snyder, Grocer, Chester.>am,Htnoe>Co.iPortOnm.

25 RXTGr PARLOR SUITES,. . : 7 V Eegnlor prfoe, « 1 0 0 j radaooa to $75. . ••;.,

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85 SILK FLUSH PARLOR SUITES, ;Begalsr prioo, $7fi i redqceJ Jo t60. . , ! .

35 SILK PLUSH PARLOR SUITES,Bognlar prico, $50; rednotd lo f37.C0.

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25 ANTIQUE OAK BEDROOM SUITES,Begniar prioe,$iOj «auoea to $27.60.

Few more loft of the Great, Bargain Antique Oak1 Bedroom BnltBs, »22.5O. :


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with all «tod«ra'inpra"BaBta. Oeatrallj" ';. -." loiaUdin Darar, . - . '

MODS; to loaa 011 bond and mortcaga.

\r. :.'yy:\oihux\',-': ,f-'\-[JPP. THE DANK, DOVER.

Blickwell St., Dover, M. J,


Strict .mutton jlY.n to ouitom wort.Rig! colorod f r» for'outomtn. H«« 0 »pot •!««>• on hand»tthotowMtouli prlcM.MlwoikdoiioMtholhorUatpotilblonstloi•fid utltfaotlon guiranUod. Cflntlomon'iOlothlnj d>»d, olmned >id premd. U 0iadlot'ilmicoodi. :Aeall iiio»elt«l.




FITS CURED• Bolllo »f ' M o M n rrto. W«


H U U B . -l

IA DOOM of • « en.roonu on Bniiex i t»e t . '' L. D. BOHWABZ.

•DOlfZE.'H. J .

THOS; JOHNSON.ul«li> '

i, lulili,


SPECIAL SALE' ••'• " -op-

PARLOR SUITES!I will give a large Rug •with every Parlor

Suite, sold for one month only, commencingMonday, April 28th, 1890.


SUSSEX ST.,!Opp. Central Railroad Depot, DOVER, N. J.






.•Y«-W^ ~

vzm^Mwuuxno ran TH um VEMI.

WLi» W A L S D T OABI% maitLT"if* *Mt™"1*"

t s r > o n ™ - . 0 \ W A S K I K O T O H ,» .B.ELI»I,£, J H E m J E R S E Y .


AND CLOTHING» cpmplela a




IBTJIIT'S BHOEiS!Wo bare discovered these goods are too high priced, and the quan-

tity required to male » complete assortment in all widths, makes ilunprofitable to baodlo them. If yon find yonr size in tbe followinglist, our loss of $2 a pair will be your gain:


0 " . 8 t » . 8 j fl •• S | ; 3 " Gi 2 " Ci; 1 •' 0 .D • ' . 1 '.•!, 21i 1 " n i l " 1 | | 1 •• O i l " 5 .

a • • o n I •• o.


WOMEN'S.FEEHOH KID FOINTKD TOE BUTTON.. BWiuin-IP«I13[ l ri inUli 8 I'lIlHi 1 PAIE »; 1 TAIB 0.. ~ 0 " I "j-'JIU " S| 1 " t|.

B .'• . . .1 " , I | | J •• t i l l " " * | 8 "- «|.



',.•;. BEICrlii DONOOLA OPEHA BUTTON.B WIOTB - 2 eilU ?K[ 2 PAIB 6 t I 1 FAIB e. 0 WIDTH—I PAIB 3 | [ 9 PAIR B.D : « • • l ' . « S l t « . " • S | i 1 . " 0.

* * ' ; FOEMEB PBIOE $6.25.A*

SrEAIT OOATDOUBLE SOLE BUTTON,II Wwin -S PAJB 2 | : J PAIB o| j 1 PAIU 0. O W i m - 1 PAII11| • J l ' i l l l 6.D " : l : . ' ' ; s i , s •• sj f j <• s,




ti'l J. P Stickle, the cosnst,! mafgnodby tbe c*ort tor tbe defenae offered no obJeoUon and tbe priaonora were aet to tbs bar.Both were joung looking men and appeandla tbeli afalrt aluvet, one wearing a llanneleblriofdaik biae aid th* other a Sums]ehirt.of red and onam-sttipea, Tbey wereaot Tioions looking and w o n in air or perfectompemro.The drawing or the jarora was pooeedsd

with and the following ware islaotedtamnel B. IlsrrtaoD, Philip S. Kazan, Ab»mreeland. Voorheea Pitrson, Samuel Gilbert.'. Engana Tharp, Weiley D. Hopping,

Charles CfasBberUn, Force Spenoer, DartdWfelMkead, William E. Youaga, Samuel E.Urmmi,

The fallowing- wers challenged bya«J"«naei Jas. Wstt, John A. Pritta, Alfred

iKInntn, Wm. J. I*ek, John V. Welso,. d T. Bmltb, tfeter Mowary, Wm. A. Waer,

Edward P. MillBT, Goo, A. Tta*mp*on, Wm. J.~srt»r, L»wla 0 . Darroogm, Cbac. II, JS'gtas.

The flute ahallaDged Wm. Omraon, Wblt-(1(1 Hoaglaud and Walaon Jouei,J. Warren Holetnan, Pater M»bc*t Chu,gden and Thai. BostttrgoiwI were oslled, butsroabisnt.Tbe drawing and awiailog of (be Jury oo-opled I (M than half an boot. Nsarly all

were man fram 35 to SO yuari of aga and a7ery good looking body,

Ia opening for tha Bute ProHoutot Catierictloed the charge agtinet the deftndanti,

EXTflA;Srai)IAIi8.leatOresmChBew:,.,';'^'^; l ie . lb.

• City floloena..;>.,..; . . . w Bo. lb.. . a , . - . , . . . . , , . . ; Bo, box. .A , - , . . . . . . ; tm. "

lte*tUslLartwii .; '?n ::r7(C"lU4.bi.SB»;toinau ;;.,^, y . . . . : v . ; . ; i 8 o . can, % oaoa 2Do.


Gib. box Hominy.0 lb*. Rolled O»IB .CoraBtnrob ,L*rgeOlaiiMoritatSoda Onoktrs . , , . ,Ilcat8*rupQbo<I Mola iu* , . . : . , . .NewOeaoiNew Green l'ea* ,8lb .Box81arDb. . . . . . .Good CookiDC B.l i lna.UabbUt'afiaap.,,.UeitCarranuUeitl 'arhlihFrcoea. .Beit Oirolloa it lwHoraeBatJUk. . , . . . , , .Dried. ApilM . . .qiDgerBaspa . . . . . . . . . .

ponnda of Sttuidardh f d


6o, paokaie.

. *!. .*".'.*. .'.'.*.*.',' .*.* b*o. tbl

, to. bar, 4 bar* 16o.lo fair, 4 bun 16a. .7o . lb .Blb i . 300.

4 ] b 2 0

^ g ^ pto oaoli purchaser of one pound of any of



isr. T.P r l B c l » m l V r s A r e k o a i i f l ^ H r o s d S t . a n d d S O r B B i g e l - l . f N e w a r b i !

BrBBANCH BTOttEiBUstsIIT.N.J. -; V"-"." ••'•'*-,''."."..'... ' . • ' ' ; ; ;

TORIAfor IrifantB and Children.

'••'MM I B (Mrun Cornier, 1» IUU K M



tlie GMT to stnui]bythem, onn bo ol EEAL SEEVI0B tov: ; : ; ' ;> '•• "HptOTHINa BUTERS.

- • T h e r e are S01EB PEOPLE, onii NOT a few oitter,

••:! who. believe W£* poBsoas the qualifications hero zuen-

• ; tioned.;,.And,^ieir*nnmboriDcrca8os aa tho yoare pass

We hold most of onr old. trade, and constantly attract

; new- -Wliat enables'ng 16 do this 1 Well, the fivo reqni-

- -fiiWs'.pffiacoeea/iaentioueil above |iuL u&in upuuitionto

constODtly oifer a trade-attracting article in Clothing.

;VTalldngof trade^attractore brings vividly boforo ns onr

' -;liii«Jof l leny-iltWool'Bnainosa Haito at HO. Wo'll

gonronteo that <12, and even $15 is being paid out daily

. 'for Sntta of nO;bett^r material and not as well made. We

tliink if yon'H look at them you'll agroewithne, and we;: know, that if ybn're needing a Snit abont thin prico you'll

^ b ' V : ' ^ i ^



0AHPE1CTKB • • ! H I I U 1 E U ,:.;.•..;> •»pptB,«; j .">' ,V; • •••

j/^TnlUjnfiliDoTarfjnnborOon\J jHBjr'fmill. OontrtaliUkm, kndpluu,neeUMtloaiuS tnktarUlioiAnrrkliidfar.JlfctrttorbiUalojn. nboliioipielilljr

" >:'ynai!*BocUm<}.


TWO GRADES OF CRIMETho Trial of the Sclavs for the Uur

der at Hlbernia.




In the llorrli County Coart* on Uanilua JR« lUfils prMldln j , we* bagan the oaae•a Stato n. Fatal Koraloaeakl and Taboli

Ilarteek, Indicted for t in morderlMor*kyatUlbenla, It was aand tbs many eTiefuua of spring 111eywliere uppsrent conttaated *trongl<

witb tb« dealh-llke aolemnlty or trying humsnbtiO(?«(ortboIr)l»#«

Wlllard W. Cutler ut om

Xfotfalng w u elloled toabow that Vatiatofak;bad aoythipg to do with Ihfa light. HatiaMt-f.ky Lad boon drlnkioi, but tho w I toe** coo'<"•ot teU what • « bU aonditloo. WIaald he drank a liUle whlikff, butdrank. He thought Koraleacki aodMurteclwere drank, bnt tbe flnt appeared to b«drunker than tbe otbtr. l ie could notwhether Baitaok bit Uatiaaofikyoa tbob<orontbeahiinldtr.

H W DLJODT waa tbe next wltneia.Ha apoke a dlfferont dialect and flydo Thomp-aan, of Bockaway. wa* aworn aa interperteiHe lived OD tbe 7th of April ID tbe flnt boaiof tbe row. He aaw Uatlaaofeky> He o»ratAtbsboarder'e bonae abbot balf p u t tbretl ie boarded with tha Waabkoa. Wltne'beard a noiae and went to lee tfbat waa goinioil. Matlaaofaky waa in tho bonae up-ataic*on tbn lad. Ut next aaw Hatlaaofikj nearili» tb*B tjr whan B»rt«ck w u running tobtm, about S o'clock- Ilarhiolc bad theID bla hand. Whao Bartsck WM rnoQlog h<mraed Matiaiofaky and wlen tie got olow t

him he lilt him. WLen ho (Int tried t» bitUatiaioraliy be got behind another man, whigut away, and tbo aeeond time be trlel be bitbin on tba bead with tbo BIBTO. Hatlasofakj[ell to the ground. The slate w u broken by;bo blow. .Darteck tbso vact ta tho h

and Kovaioiak! o»me np and itrark him onthe bead witb a beer bottle. Tht» bottle fell<Dtol hla band nui be sot another bottle andilt bin again! witneao doea nob know wber«imt tba battle waa broken ID email pli

Tell ont of bia banda. When Matiaeofaky'aiblt with tbe bolt lube w u lying on thi

;ronnd like diad. He waa put op In a aittingpoaltlon, and when tbsy oarrlod blm to tfailooae he kind of helped Utm*U witb onsToot. He knew that tbe two att&UaoU

:aiiuofaky qnarraled witb hlat abont a yearbefore an tbe bill, (Objeoted to and ruledint) He nersr beard any threat* mod. O BiroM examlnHlon he laid ho went ibere

bo beard <jnarrt>;iag. Uatlaaotiky'aa not quite tobef, nor yet drank.

MOKD1T iTTBBlOO*.The erou examlaatlon of BUbnt waa re-

ismed, bnt eliolKiI liUle of InUnaL Hebeard a noiae In the next honae, thonjhtthen waa a BgUt tliev-e, but did not eee It.

,bat of haTlng killed aUUaaotiky on the 7(hlay of April last, at Hlbernla. and called ttn

lentlon of tha Jury lo a diagram of thenaea In tberow wheretbe o>oeued fasarded.

Ie notieed thlt the deoeasad had been away• a christening on tha bill; that ID hla

icnoe tbe defendant* bad an alUrostlonrlth brolber-lnlaw ot the deoeaatd andithera In tbe honae. Tte il*o«Msd ntamed•boat B o'olook, snd w u sttsuked near tbe

by tbe defendant., oaa «f whom atraokjimwito n alore, and llie other best blta

with' two beer bo'tlaa. Heion allowed tbat the man w u deftnaeiessid halpteaa after tha flrit blow waa itrook.JU. O. BAits, COEOIEB, waa the flrat wit-

He Ttewed the boJy of Uatlaaobky ODu« 8th ol April, lying; In the s t e m * houae.Te ordered an antopay V/ Drs. Ximsdea and

He asw-a part of a ooal BleTe, wbiebht> thought Justice Poat showed blia at the

Identified the large polehandle and part of theoBalaleTaabowri bin.]

erou examination aild the body lay j u tInifdethadonr, between tue^aiore and tb*

' idow f he thought It l»y npoa a board oniwoebaln. TKere'wenSSorSppeopielfllheroam—all men except OBO WOUBD. All wereBnngarlaos except thorn who went thtre witb' W(to*M locked i t the face and bead.

.e notloed a braise OB Ike bead baok of ther, be thoagbt on tbe left side. He did not•utaeltolaaelyi - H A saw a.BurkoD th*

lonhead, wbleh looked u If the akinhad beenkowkedeffand »;eut 'aomewhareipnndtrtheaoM. , ;." \ . .

S iktru P, PUBSOV, eiTllenginMr, toitlflrfniTlng made the dlagnun abewn of tka

iiiaea .from aotnal aorrey, and deiarlbediam and their »nrronadlag*. Mr. Fiobterent ant with him, shewed Urn th* la j ol tho

;rcnnd,and the spot wkeA h« stood _. . „tins ot th* fracas, wbleli ba txarkAd with ae m s ; also, marked with a OHM* another

it, whlao oosld bosun p l a i n l y t r o a vharai flrat c r a u ' w u narkod; Tbe eiosaez*

iwlnatlon related entirely to t to altuaUon ofbe houau and their aummndlagt. Ftontheloor of tha second boost to Crosa No. a (nn.

jdentoodtobetbeplsoeirberatbesttaektDok'ace) Is kbout 29 feet. When Mr. Fiohter

.UflrreJ him "a?os No, 2 bo walked itrstgbt toto abow him where the fraeai ooeurted,

'h«» la t. pump batwten the rear of theitone ho'itd sad the teoeniBnt lionsss, butanld&ot tell.If tp*t So. 2 eonld be a«en

tfaiannaop, Ibe diiUnoe from eross No,H) cross Mo. a I* 69 feet. The tenesaentooi* sat back from tbe road 00 feet. :Qi&niBL POST teatilled that be we* a Jua*» oi tba Pesee at HUMCBU and bla offlc* latfaeatorooftbefiiehardBBeaDh Company,

about 400 jrarda louthatat of the teHtnentloaae. He Identified tto part* of tbs eoal

BloTSahoRt). He oonld tot toll who broaghtj•• totbBofi.ee. AcompUlntwa* tMdetobiUa.

croa* examination he aald tb* oonplalat'a* undo by Joseph Mllln.k. He went upberotba body was. It wa* on a bed np-taira wbea he flrat saw It abont a quarter ef jm n o n tba noming cf April Sib. Tbar*ras aome bed olotblng orar It. Whea herent up with tbe ooroberpe thought, hutw**itanre, that the body was down stair* li

bonexthoose. When be arreaUd the tire*men he tbonght they were npitalrs In the"ilrdbODle.

JMKTH KTIOKI ws* tli* next witness andig able to ipeak SOIBTOBIO only, Mr. M,

•UJIBOTIU, of Boonton va* appointed Inter-perttr, and tbo eTldenee was Uken through

In). On the 7th of April wltnsisssld he w u

bia bonse at Hibernta, la tha'bleb w u fat away fnm'tbe other honaw.'e'knew Uatlasolaky. He was at tbe home' a th* UatlMoMr lived (Waao&kt

i) In tha afternoon of that d»y, batw*anand4 o'clock. JFlratanw Hatlaaorky thatIterooon on tho spot onljlde wb'sre he waaWed, Wltneu w u Btandlns at tbe ooraer! the shanty, andtheplaoewa* by tbe earner):'the sbaatj. Ha abowett the plsoe oo tfaii*p when ba atood aai where the killing

place. HedldoottaewhatHaUaaoftkrraadolog[ he was only standing tbeia then.* iraleaeckt, Barteok sad Blaneok were

i lk w u sot drunk. BarUIrjttoek titUMbfak^ Cut with tbei KoraleMeki followad. Witness

t out

from a window. In orosa examlnatloa tbelefeoee eridently tried to bring out theIbeory that tbe killing w u bat the ooatlnn*-

in oi a rot* inelde, bat did not elicit ranob«Tld>Qoe to tbat tffeet Wltoeaa aatd tbst

lont an hour after the affray KoTslB**«kiand Ullluak wore quarrellnf and Koraloa-eokl said ho " woold giTe bim more."

Jomr STAHICK gate hJa tMUmony throngbitnrpreter LuJanoTit*. He said he k i t w[atluofakl, Ssrteek and KoyslMMkl. He

llred in the house with tbe two UUer, Ueiw Hatluofabl ID the tnornbg oa the top ofie hill at • ohrlat»DlD*;. Ha aaw him again

tfter he w u hurt, bat not before, Hst iuo-ftkl w u laying onUldo on tho grood when he

>w him, and Kora'caeoki w u by him with a.ottlB In hla band, hitting bin on tbe head[e cannot remember whether he hit himice, twice or three time*. Did not hear theijund ns& asj anything. Bartetk waa re-

' to the home with the slere lo hismnd> II* did not bear any of tbe men laylythinganddld not know why Eoraleseekl

afatlasorskl. On crow usmloatfon wit-is saiu he boarded at tbs house kept ky

Strteck and Kaoolka. There w u no drink-K la the hoaaa In the morning bnt there w uone or two o'olook in the afternoon. On

inday evening all the bcardere were drink-ing bear.. Both the uaallanUand th* wltnw*were drinking aft«r dinner on tbe day er tho;illlig> • A wagon o*mo along witb beer and

t ie? got four oi five box*t of boer—34 bottlo*a box. It w u all drank bnt one box. He

did not aae any whiskey. Bat-took andd were not drankatflnt, but wer*

quite drank at 4 oi 5 0'oloek. Wltnau triadget KoTaleseaki np-*t*irs, bat be would

not go; Thare wen battles thrown tbroofb-ie window about fi o'eloek. Barteek and:oTal*»*ekl war* la the bonn'thsu. The wltt-

l»w and a u b w e n all broken, la the flnt.use. Witnauwulnthehonaeontbebod-Illosk threw; t i e bottlsa tbraigh the'nd*w. Vben tha window brek* Bsttwik

m ontj thinks be want after Milsaeok andiat Eoralueckl followed th*nv_ Ha *aw

flarteok take the sieve from along aid*the house ai he raa oat. Ulllaak was m

irotbeMn-lair of MattHofaky:

•PHEjr OaUTBX knew Hatluortki and aawwhoa he w u burton April 7th. Witaew

nked sUtiuofikl, if he could stand on hi*leg, Md he replied that be W H hurt bad all

ler. Wltoau helped bring him la the h«U»*id alept in tho bed with Hat, Jos. IUnko«eIw slept with them. Witneai alept with h ln

the s l tht after be w u hart. Hatluslakl didi apeak alter being breagbt ia the bom*.woke np about tal l p u t 6 In tha morning

id found be w u dead. Oa SKMB exaalnain be aald tbat UaUateoftkt was not draakat afternooa; neither wa* fcn aob«p. He

runt very drunk • not atopldly drank. -JOBBPH BIBKOBT teatllled thatbeaieptwithlatiaaofakl tbe night ba died. When witn«ait in he till, blm to More a little on, sa be

ud so .room to I** XatUwUkl moyad *tie on, but did not apeak. In the morningnotlwd that he looked blaek around hla

•oath and foaod blm eold aad dead.J. EDWAXD FtanTBB, WDB olerks In Stloki*I'Oo'aatore, teiUfledthatbewassttheitote

tfa* aiieraoon ol the 7th of April aad aawI affray from the bask of the Btor*. ThoI w called him pat to ate the racket H*ir three n e a mining ont, On* of the men

itaked up a ooal *I*Te and hit Hatia*9faUoi*r the bead and shoelders. He palled Itinck.to girr tbe aeoond blow when the slerelew off and bandt* came down op hiv . Then

adTsne»d snd atraok hi*, with thebattle snd he fell like * baUoek, The bottle.rokeand he hit blm In the faoa with theiBok, whleh remained la his hand. He went

the man and found him Insensible./ Then• a s oame out aad got hla. in a altting

roatnr*. Then s woman came out and trt*4get blm In bnt did not, and stfaera earns

iat to help him. It looked a* It hla leg w ubroken. Wilaeis ideubfled Barteok as the

i who hit blm witb tbe eie>e and K»fal-esaokl aa tbe men who need, the hottl*.Uatlawfakl. when bit, threw u> hla hande u

to ward ofT the blow. On oroM examln*.;Ion witaeu aald there were a number of men,bont, hnt none Terr near battbe three whopnrautd MaUuaraky. Allseened tobemor-if In the urn* direetlon. He w u not p**l-

but be thought HatlMofaky oame out oltbBbenuJuat ahead of tbe three mea whoparatud bias, ' Belore the affair be asw a man

imlojt fmai tbe hooae, toward HaUsaofsky.i bottles. He*rteck had the tleve ID bl* band bnt It w u , throath the,tbroken. Be euned Matissolikj-ud h>t[mwltb the alflT.*onea or twice or threemet, Tbe onrae was si if to **y a gnat dU-

MBpaot to bis mother. After he hit him,Darteck retained to tht bons*. He o*nnottellezHtly where be bit him. Hatiuotskyrellto the s-round the moment ba vn» bit.Dartfck carried the ooal S U T * sway In hla•isod. After the blew witness notload theIIBTB was broken, Hatluolilcy said nothing•b(n hit and did sot defend himself, bnt* » be fell down; pat Us hands sloag aidelUhead. Eorale«eekl came right np snd hit

llatiuofehr 1* tbo head while b*w«*ljlng onjibe ground. l i e than pieVed np •> aeeoad.bottle bnt ft broke, hot he w a l l not ttU nowit w u broke. After the bottle broke Kors*leseit ^retarnod to the hans*. Wbtn the

oand bottle broko KoTSleseekl was only aop tram Hatiasohky. He did not say auy>

tbloBwhan be attack bla. Then thewltDes*lilted HsUssoriky op and talked to bin, fant[he did Dot any anything, Another mm aidwoman came to his a u U t u o e , Uatlasofskywold not w*>lk. B e i r u t away and did notaee bow tbo; sot him ia tho housa. H* faitBO bad tbat ba went away. WIta»unnUi»dawoaad abCTA tbeejebrow* tutdld notiee anyblood. H* beard aext n o n l n g he w u deadsnd saw him lying down auira In the aeoondbenss. .On orou eunlnaUon wltneu saidbe boarded on the hill. I t w u a holiday a idthe men W S N not working. BaaawBeraohakand KoTs1e*«ekIflshtlBc in front ofswoudiBitse. Dartcek was thare, bntwaa net doing

Janjlhlng. T i e appearuce of the naa wastbst tb*j wera drunk, but ho ooald ,-»t telltew drank, H*uwUil!a*ktbMwlngboU'ea

»A the Oral home. wio> tbea n w a«t«j,battle* broke the window nC *tzl *si

to, a box three or four times aad gat,1M. He threw eight or ten bottle*iaih the window or tbe flrat honee, and

Immediately alttrward tbene men emergedfrom the house Ha tnonght th* tfaeeaaouwa*on*oftBe men woo emerged from th*hooaw, bnt waa aot sare. Qe did not thinkthe SIBTO anowa In Coart waa the ilere used,btotuus the ether alere seamed t s g o off tbehaaidle. Tho •trlklog with the m\tjt, did notseem to haTe offeot aad be theught Barteekpfeked np a aboral sad triad to get In a blaw,but tb* other man w u too qnink for him. HI*attention was diverted one* oi twloe aadtention w

netblng might hare happened betweenI w u aura tb* man waa knocked down wlihbottla and w u not atraek white dowa.

Staneek «earned to be nrgbag tbo other, on.The t»o detendtsU a id fitaaiekwere nndtrtbe lofinaaos or liqaor at t i e time of toefllbt—not *e they would ataffer; they warepretty ilrely aaa quick and uemed to knowwbat tbey were aboat. Taey were drinkingfrom Friday till Uondaj. Uatiaaofakydidn't appear to be mnoh vndirtbauflneneeofUqo*r,llatall . On Monday they itoppedthe Bwatoa beau w a g n , and they nn-Iouled ilxteen boxei of beer* The man w l oanloadeel U e beer told him so. Tbii w uoiderodBtrlckea out by the Court aa bear**'iy- Re-dlreot—It wai not tbe dteeued whothrew the bottla t h r u s h the window. :

atioDULHitLOKUaaldheatoiid near Mr.Plobtorat tbe t in* aad law the two meahitting him, bat oonldn't tell whleh w e d thealere and whioh the bottle, •Jtbbngb he v u•Ore the prisoner* iron th* two men who bitaim. The men who got bit w u standing atUiand detng nothing. Sonuoftham ware a t i tMora the affrsj oceamd, tbrowlag bottleiat each other.

M B , rian™ir*oaJI*d. WltaatawMahawiApart of tllT* b j Maju*l for i a f a s n u d

tbsnght It w u tbe ale™. Thla w u attuhedto tbe other part abown by the State andfound to beepatteftheaaisieaUre.

Dm. B. C. LuwaDEK t«itia»d to baringledesbo avtopay, with Dr. riagge. Pound

some external braise* on forehead aod elbuw.•fad* an inolalon In aoalp aad round a bloodolot aboot the alie ol the-palm ot tba handHe tbaa deaarlbsd afreanrfl ot ttit akail aadblood oloU found on tha brain- The rett e ltbe orgksa were abont nonnal. The injnrythat oaaaod the IraeUre w u OB the right eld*u d wae caused by aom* blaat instrument.In liia opinion tbe fraotaTsortbeaknlleaaaedthe dottb. Nothing w u fonod to be thematter *t fala leg. Tho fraotore waa so ax-tonaire tbat it wsnid be l ike!/1* p s n l y u Alt:he lower part of tbe body, I T ) partionlarljtbe right aide. Tbe doctor prodttMd tba .iknll oi tUa dead man aod abewed tbe frae.

•ret alao the yleeeB of/rMtored boao taken .ot

Ul . F. W. F u o u a teatlfled ta baring nudetbe snUipay witk Or. Lameo'en, whase taitl*mony ha oornboraUd. Tha brniaea oa theforehead might here been made b / some

i inatrament. or by falling and dragg-ing on the bard ground. Tba fraetnre f o u d* u anffleient to caoae death, aid* fn AISp l l n doath WM dai to tbii fttwtnr*, whioh

b* believed U hnra been made by tome bloatiiuane&L Ue bolioTod mob a fraetnrefonld bare bean meda by a beer botUt, a idperson reeeviog It would eoon beoone na-


J. B. FlCiraiE, recalled br the Court, **Id ,the blow with tho bottle WM struck by ta*right band, and eipl*lo«* how it alroak *abe right aide of tho bead.J o » p n UiLnrur, a brotharin-law of tb*

murdered msn, unified that oa th* Jib of.prillaathe w u with Mallawfeky. l a Us)

afternoon wltneu waa borne and Matlatofakfounedown'romtbe top of the bill t* tbeho&se wboro both boarded, batwaen one andIbree o'eloek. Ue aaw Kovalesook! in hi*urn honr*. He waa drunk, bnt not varyirnok. Matiuofaky H I qtttt* drank too.' did not see any trouble btttreen tkeai, bnt

heard aom« thing. He did Dot aee Matiasolaky"* bait, Iiet **7 b in lajiag toward tb*

atyafUrb* W M hoct, UQ4 saw Bsrteekaod Xovaiwaohy ninalax away from him*Ie aaw Matfasefaky *h*ttljr afto? L« w u

brought la tbe house, and be w u still allv*."•hoy were drinking beer In the bans* when

Itneu boarded," about 8 o'oloek. 1U wenIrioklni; they got tbe b*er from Iha beerrsKOB. He did not know how many boxosiey got. Witoeu dented en erou ecaailna^

Ion bariig a flgbt witb anyttody, bAoaan-ery thing w u nice Inalde, He u w Koral*.

aeckl and Beeracbsk rlgbtiog oatalde. Bothrere'drunk, but not rerymueb. Tbe witaewImitted throwing bottle* In HaxtMk'lisae. He threw two or tferee. He took

leertobak and auotlier man Inside, ao th*yihoatd not fight. Tbey wanted to-eosie la* i* boose where witness w u and fight. Wit-

aeia was pnlleit fa Barteok'* house, andrblpped by two otber Hungarians, one of

ias told blm he woald sot UT*. HO W U[raid ther would kill bin and w u tryug to

away, Staneek w u hitting him with atick ol wood. Witness got hold of e eoffMntaid w u defending himself. They tookio coffee pot ont ef kl* bands and threw Ithim a* he ran away.. When ho n*wlv*&a blow from the eotfee pet be took two br.iree bott<M and threw tham through t i erlndow. Ue then got in hU o v a bonae.. He,Id not know how soon after tbatMeUasoiikyit hurt. Whan Matiaaofsky was brought In

said to wltne**, " Brother-in-law, 1 gotloagb," and aald nothing nor*. Oa re-Iraot v i t s e u said be did not kaow wkar*tatluofaky was whUe he waa flchtlng 1B the.sthoos*. He u w blood ea KoralMeckl'B

rorebesdwben hewuflgbtiagwlthBMrMhaklUlde, and he aaw » wound n*xt autniDgiKoral*Beeki'*fonbe*d|ath* p lawwhan!ar* ia new a w r . At It *'el«*k that ajghlovalWMkl ran after ta* Witaau a a i waat*4light bin. Be wai then>cry draak.

QBOKOB H D U . taatlBed togoiag to th* hmmitwcan'o and 7 Seat aiornlag, with T B M MMt. The body lay ap-atair* on t i e bed.1)». PtAQOB,' recalled, look tbe akall ol

[ U f k y and akowed where the blow that -sauted tha fracture wMitraekV Th*tro*fc»atdepreMioawu in tbe outer;'.- H* *kew*4 Matnxteat of the fracton u d u l d sothlag eovld

done to win a man lnjnnd In that S M M W .in oroa* exaaluatlon h* eaid the blow waa

tosoftka head, poulbly a little back e lhe aalddleasd abowed Ike akall to the JMJ>[a eoatd sot bar* told la what Dosittea ko

wai in whaa he noalred tb* bl*w.FATUOK MoQLTafx teafflhl tbat oa tb* 7th"April, bcte-een ibree and four,VolMk, hasat to th* pump between the t*******t and

Stiokle-a store. He anw a aun golag towardbe ooner with aa arm fall of bottles. Be

,MO hack, ynllid off hi* t o n abirt, gotanother arm full of bottle* a i d flnd tkaaa"iraagh the window* Tsea be raa away sadie or two mea earn* ont aad fcaoofcsd Wai ~

n, bnt he cot np and went into hudsor.man who got killed w u ever sear the

ibmty. One of the three mea oattida gothold ot him. AnotbarosmeapaaulgiT*) Uai

blow- with it eoal SIBTA, thaa th* b**d flaw~ Then ib* fallow with th* soltia cam* B»

hlthlaa over th* head wtta tk« bottle,I e MoloVt M l whether he bit hist a****

A eno*. B* fell down a id la* BUM wiUpiece ef tbs battle ta bla bald kit hiss la

.be month with It.' Hs tfcoigbt /o*a Btaa**kru the oaa wao held the aua, bat as eawtdlot tell th* otbarav JQs tfaaught the t h n o a u arho pnraaad the mau who threw th* battle*

were th* u m e o a u who a t t u k s t the •*• whowa* killed. .

The BtaU reittd. .. :.Joaira MitrtAK, r#c*U*df said W I M ha'M raBning to his boo**, alter i a n w i a g ta*

bottles, Andtaw Kapolka attaoked klaa.Tfaare w e n u o n bnt he eoald u t *e* whether

i*7 attsoked him. Kapolka then waet laawn honae. . , ;

j c r u Dow w u tbe flnt w t t a m tar Uw -ifanoe. Oa the7thof £ p r i l a * M v t s a n w ,

between 4 and 6 o'eloek. H* aaw tasai Oghf-*-igj aoinetimea 19, maybe 90, or suet*. He

twthem throw beer aett lu and ran witha*I*Teandooff*epOt. Ther »U Heated to

bewgagsdlatheflght. He d l i a*l ee*> la*hnrt.^ Heals* u w t h e n throw at****,itrike with theaa, or anything ta*r eotld

E*t bold of. He aaw blood on ooii« a i*o4nanyoftbam. Onerouexamtaatioakeaaldie saw them hauling » aiaa oat ef tb* n n tI w r u d bitting him wltb a r»flM pot. T ien

they tbrew bottle*. ihMB|h the wiadair.""hi wu all be «ald ***,

KITOLKA saw Baiteek oa Apriltb, nearly all day ia thshouM whleh wltaea*

and Barteek kepta* a boarding Boaa*. far.leek wudrinUflgqulMMUethat day ;ba waslotao Tary drank. Be saw aftliiak throw•otUe* In tb* window, breaking sub aad all.

There were flro or six. In Ibe roen at thaiIma, laeloding hlaueJi; aad all Ud tsaas-lfea to avoid th* bettle*. JCajbe bar

bottles wen thrown in- Aboat S o'auvk heihlnk* they bought aboat foir box** ot bear,rhlob tbey drank all tuteept oa* bax. Then'

fenrteaa there) to Briak It, Thij dJca'ttoy eny whiskey. Oa eroe* eaamlaatioa

witneu aald h* did aot know why MUlaak'tbnwthebotUHthnnghtaBwiadow. TUy

d a quarrel np-etalr. bat b* did not u*v ItMillnak wa* In wltaMa's haaM tbat aA*r-looa. He raa in ais boa** while they war*jnarrtllng and wu abt then long, beeaas*wlttwa told >thsm they n u t go eutaldl* if

iey wanted to fight. Wltnsu west *otalone situ If Ulnak, and teldblm not to breakany more windows, aa bs would bare to I»r• t k

Tinbu, on* of tb* difesdeats,wai called. He said bo wu 39 jean old, Ismarried and fasi * wtfa'ia the eld ( i try, 'udeBAeh*rayearagoIutN»r*me«r. IS*tarn* lo Hlbemt* last July, He ltred la hi*iwBhonseonthe7tk of April-tbeUaJdlng

boue kept by himself aad Espellta, Taarke*t l i bmrdera, Only two wen Wwtklagthat day, It b*bjg Eaatar at»ud*y. Wltaesa1:did not drink eaten week* btfoi* BstmriajBigot, whan BO drank bear, Saturday theydiuk one keg aad oa Snnd.y U*y drmnk OMkeg. WlUeudnaksoth day* aad HAmttdriak anjtUng ull Monday no*n, Tksybought **Tea boxes *f beer and itnak In thaaftunora. Ha aaw tw»..ol tha an a nar*wblakay; tbtaks thsjr had two aaart*t a*

•liars that EoTslasaeU W on* botll*.Thswitneudraacbearealyt talukaaeaasi

Page 2: M fEE Tho Trial of the Sclavs for the Uur PARLOR SUITES!test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-05-16.pdf · the host to its vol. xix. dover, morris county, new

THEThe Dover Printing Company


Dttoocr e by t



Tlie finil meftlDR ol tbe old Uuard of Free-holders t u held on Tuesday. All tbe town-•liijn were rfipr^ectid but Cbrnt-r. TUadtik former); ocL-uplfld IJY Ur. Child., Utnljdeieised, wai' lnped In mouruiuH and a poo

l I

I'robitilUucUr. *»p«*' g»B l»w ami rartfora •««!! tn It* U>"pUoo a oitfx*!! of tlibe beard i tl

It&Q ADD WHIP.uiOi-tioic of tl.it i n r Com

ho graelfcUd as a I

*rknl bv nn rsliililtinuno •'blp rul«n»T«rbe-i-f Dornr. In tint flritplane WM r«f<i«i>d to

that i>»rUtn»<H to lii> In.


Tb» On

p" In


Waoden luMps over W-ldniWflJoo MiB«, Jfilaraou, ooit fcltru-Hrlibt, PUrsoD, Olll.

On Prid i II haChatham. Coujm. Ue—Taufi.Katohcr.Uurkc.

llrldjjeut Il-oi>le.di>, MeatlliftD., co.t <C0O.i>u,oa,Ui>.—Lturwic*, Ilarle. Frost.

> tbe Sprit.*: Vullny road, Mar.ii. co»t (GOO.otumi it.se-Hu ike, Too,., Kulvbnr, Law

tertata Wben JUreUtJ KPl'oy ute-l to usbeard tfarouicb eono«el Reao-dtr Smttti dloU-totlallj announced tout Ui«y didn't winl tahear ftnj KtgattientB and bjr B «triol partyvote tbe haanns wiia Jfcifii. The polite ap-plication ilid not bi»>l tlieie men to agreewltb Mar.bal K IIe.v i it would only hsve ae-twriled li'm 11>« ritflit oTuo Atueriimo clttttato be heard. So mtin «v«r »skeJ lh»t prirl-1-gn of • It-|iulillean Counoil nod m»t wltbT filial, l! v l ' botU cowardly and foreignto tlio ipiritof American itnUluCion* to ra-lats bitn. More tbun tbat U WM HO Irjuetloeto »n o'd roUlcr, who RBVH year* of Rood utr-Tice lo pDrpelDa.te Indivlilu*! tiulitt la b»oonnfy. WliHe Mr. Htulth, who ltd themotetnant to J<t»y biro thia tlgM, « • • C-JJJ-Ing tbo comfoftB of houii In ttie bour* oi tbenation'* peril, Marshal Kcll.y » • • hriilsgo»'d loaUt ibe Irout .t «1H • tuantb, and ae-iloi;tlnRLloo»*!f ao wolltb*. h« « M made Iheaabj-ct of> grnoral ttjor, i«o-.l b j hi* Bri«-atfler General, proBt.uaui.iK hlui tba m<Mt•ottlloilj nan in bla brigade. To deny him *rlKtit tob* beard w*aan itja*lire toblto Ha, tit ion—ao ioiu't to «DO of ih* nation'*veteran*.

Tbn application of tt o p»rty whip WM alee

n-jut of Court lloum and Ja.ll pre-muted nuppieoirctarj repir( etulngihat in

tbepirt of tbn jail formerly aaed far womenlourateeloalta bail been titled up with bathe,

perfect vttt.letlon, mat logy iniuirefor tbe aafo and

bealtta'tilcoaiJntnieni ofpriiooera. TtaeCom-alao Rivto moon atudy to tbe Im-

provement ol the main jail, and had vliltedill* at Kllrtbetti, 1'aiurson. Camden and

Tr«oton,and f#and tUnt ilie Byctem ot lloardaoirlpg (or prlaantra by employing a Warden(aa ia done br Uolon, Fusaio and Hmei

w u much bitter than entimtinjtbtro to the 8b«rlU'and paying blm for board'ing tbem, botb In a reduotloo In tbo ooit ofketplog and alto aecuring better diiuipliIllberevereanttabl.) «ell* prisoner* ahcbe eoDflncd In fiem except from one-hair toone hour dull j . Tbeeomm.ttee ncomaendedthatarcMinnHndatlcD In natfe to the sewHoard that aa approprialion benewjul loooutain 40 ro'U for ot»lrt, 8 forlemalciS with inptrate qoartfri foroffeadtrj and detained wltnwwa, thiwhich would b» about flO.OOO The law n-

tbe eeuaialion of tke di(Tsr»at «ta«*tu

it t l

mhown >ablic ad bmoil nti«ea iblaC-uucll.

woilh pzpmrlnic. in<| jlnccd e irrj lime tbowblli uf ttie leader was crsilcd. Uan ufthem. Councilman Si-armp. din ihnocliileiilj•eoood II wotlan which be thoutbt wiae, batwbeu Kerurder J»inUb n<|ncit*d biw 10 witt-drow it, ha did tu la u spirit ot mrrkoea* and•ubicrrience (bat uiait uiea ut iode|i«ade(>tobaraour would hn»B declined to esalbitUs K M elected m u I'roblfaltionltt, indopen-d«ut or to T poiil loal paUri bat be showed tbowe^kaeuof apanlaanof 'be humblest aottwhen lie bi>ard the crick ol thft leader's whip.We lire not blaik^uardiiiK individual* I bw » j bare beoa blackj{aurded

j , wKbooarae puna and eplibets- We•>» aiatlDft facto tliit tbe people ta»j judgelortUointelTCi.

at'iBrafld TBTT imltrp applied sad tff« t i«ty .tom ol lb« CouQoil, wlieuj)fnnltsioD ta liiiu inn !winner to Ibe Street Coni

worfc m»j b<i proparll d b bt

tnotunca iraa that Itai been tbeu itpplloatirule, tn Thlt'p, ttut ter tbeir dir

j- [>oor lloua*. UitlUUteapectlveij. f-minlUee—Oi

like, li-icker, Stukej.DoUcrt at Uat\rr, V.uwnoo. ComtnLtteeUbawbera, 8Utk*j, U^ekar, GUI.

toe—Slii'toj, CbinaUon, Bicker.Tba Director vjipolst-d /.» CommiUee OB

'ermnuent Imp tot ciueut »t tbe Court Uonie,leairB. ail), L»wrriiuc(Brl(ht, Unrke,TanU,fanoe and Backer.

Bills were ordered paid ai lotlow*; Ap-rarod hi FiDaQ. CO IS m it l«e, rJfiGJfi Fite-iQlilere' lerTicca, KHid; ^rldgee, W2XH; Cbil

dren'B llumo aopolle*, CSC 71'.

pof pritoDBra w u »!>• read. Tk* rCi u a.doptrd.


M *f tatp

d Aadil Oinsi' . l** «*t+ al

j ptlon, and tbe beuntr and sj>uimni;j of ttaabide tiena tbrongbont Ibe town be ma*D<Ulned. When an upplloftiion win mido UrPeDDimai nored the Qtoal relerenoB, butMr. Smitb applied tba whip \>s eipr«Mlog tbiwlib that that Lbe «(jaest bo giMtiUd BB£ hitfollower! rotfld with read; servility to gracttbotfixneitwilbouKmjreslrlollop* wbsteTer.

A OatbetlDg of to* Foicsa.' OnThnridaj, th* 8;h loot., Ur. Cjrn» Q.Force, of Corn flollov, fn ltoxborj townghlp,oompleUd bU itStb j e i r aud tt.titc& apno ibeW>',b, aeenilogl; with * fnlr proippct of enjoy-ing man/ returns of bla natal daj. Time la*dcftlttogantlynilb him tliitaaltangflrwouldguBistwin'y )tajt eboit of hi*»j£«. F o r aDumbBr of jenta (be nDitieroua deaceadanlsof thl* pntriatch bavn bocored bta bifthdajbjr » Rtneral catttrlBg ot ebliilrcn, (traod-children and grdttRrandcbltdres, under tbehome rod wlitr* lin aud his fiood wifealwayikaro a je<»d we'eome far all tbeir frlonda, 11

• peelilly ibeir awn kiodnd. Ufoa thia oo<oaskn tier* vere prctoat lltM. Ca'.lerlaeHM>lDK(Ur. i V c ' s aiilnr), her son Josepband jraodiou Joatpb. Jr., Mr. andHra JohnO. Jukaon, .MM. U. K. Alpnnjtli with hsr IOBand daughter, Ford, and Jkfarj; Prot. LooliU. Force, lilt. Eugene. Puroo, with her chil-dren, Jttnle, tDult and Clara.; Hra. Wm.BpriK. fund-daughter, K, V. VVclle with bisKranddanubter, U«»i« Oill^n, wbo ia a treatI rand child of Ur. and Mrs. Force. I l j reuooof m e r e Itlnem ia tome ol tbe fatniliet quiteasambtrof tbcae wlio bare alwtya b«en In»tt*mlanceher*!ofore woreubaent tbii yi0n#, a beloTed tr*nJ dungbter, Jennie Jack-loD.wentto her lom bntna but a lew d«y<

J»inee,anQ Ibe ((olio* that her plioe w u Ta- cant seemed to partadu all preaiat and anb-due tho wild marriment whfeb aiaaUjr obar-KBUrliea tlieae |itras»at home calhtringi.

Each am waa tally al>!« for duly when thetable, which /airly groaned under tbe weightof good tilings, w u In re*dlnew and thetempling Tlandi withstood * fearful enalsuKBt

d br all the Forces. Thn attack wt i welt

Tbe r'ltu-tpfrt ofttor l ! f j ia* . Tfc«miiei bj l u l i r C

QUO. to which w«e **ldt4 ik* V*U*«« trimlast jfar.IT.S2ia a i iwired from e*l»o.f etd muerial, turn pradnt*nnd fioM»nd«wit,p»*li>rs,iaakiB|; • totaloHUMStil?. From thlt thi ra baa bwnpendMl (110.577 <K), laaTioffB balanoe In tbebanila ot tl c rolleelor olflKO IW. All eontraolihare l> tea cloitd up and all bllla acalnit th<COUD'V paid ricept a few anja.lt luila. tbe an mof which will not eiewd tbe lialaaoe'oD band.

re aii' no noU'i or other rli'.lgitlona oat-ataadlnK eud 10 moi nj due tbe Oounly DK>coptaemitll nmonot lorH'inaod oonLa.

TbDcommitttepreaeotoleatlmitoa for theexpensea of tlie ooming joar, and reoomuend-»d that $130,00(1 be ralaed for conttj purpoaea,to btt approprUtud aafollom:ConrtEipemCf. Ill 000" rtHuoaeaad Jail,

uauuutlmproTeraeDtof d*.Poor Home ,FeiwBDcnt i»>V^Chlidrea'a Hone

iboldtn and UlHcora' Salaries 0,000Coron-riind I'oBtHorUnn - BOOLnoiiejr 10.0UOKlvolltw, , 1,910SlatiouBr; 1,000AdurtlalQK and 1'rlotlng 1.300HDperlnteodeDtof Uoboola 1,500Inoldenula and Deflelenoies 3.700Surplus EavenutInterratBnd T

w i weltplannud, simulUaeoua, and brkT«lj«xuoat«d,bat Uie Forces were iniufliolent to esbaattthe »npplr, and ao, heavily lades with cap-tured bocty, tbej withdrew in food ordtr;and nndot cover of approsoblng ninbt lougbitheir hom«a with tbe hope t U t the old bornemay long remain a glad maeting pliaa oHth day ofeaoh reonrnng Hiy,

9130,000To which aboald be added Ihe attexpendedbalanoe (torn laat jrur. Tbe report WM re-oelied.

On motion of Ur DtokerltwaiUwolTed, Tbit the Horria Board of Fne-

holdftra tike ifae opportunity of expreaalngIta appreciation of tbe uniform oonrteay, flrm

>nd aliilitj ahono bjr Ita Director la pre-H over tho bioatlnga of the Uoard, and In

all hla aeanoiallona with 1U membora we roilthat Direotor Kins lia* at all lltac* ln-oora lo tba InUreala of the canntjr, and ooa-

gratalate him upon hla aaocesatnl adminla-tratloD.

Mr.Klog britrty returned Ihanka lor thaexproialoQ of good will. On motion of HiStaikej i twu

llraolTFd, That the thaoka of tha Board b*extendeu to tbe COUDBBI, Clerk and Collaotoefor the uniform eonrttajr an<l kindaeaa abowibj tbem tba put fear.

Ur. Saloon responded and apoke of tbeetoeptlonallj elUoient manner In which thebnalaeae of tbe board had been tranauUd,and alao referred to tlio harmonj and goodfeelinj that prevailed among the tnembera.

Oo motion of Mr. Borko It waiR«lolT«d, That the Ihanka or thli Board,

oa baball of theOoanty. bs estensel tjeaohmemtora ai hate not been nturnei ai

t Houkuw.jU

r th

food pmlr ofwaa on the roa4 near the upper Dtoit\a%, thebone he wm rirlTiof btnatsu rrlfhtoard bjr atrain aad, turning qulak'j, averthtow thebuggy. Tbo Dot-tor, Uiiokiue thtt animalQiiRhi beeotue UDtuauiKtiab'o. bad aligbied•ad * M wulklng by Vm i>li!u of tbo hois".II»-l b(> breu In tba vlihle doubtlia* be would

Q. H. Sl*phen» oacuplaa tUs Hallpnlpit at both aervlocs an Handar.

Jin. Stepbeoa eotertalncd tbe IMIICS UU-ilooarj Booletj of tlie PrcnbjUriau obnrob,

rOBT M0BE1S.Tbe Order of Itiilwuf OoDilD'itore tre bold-

DKlhefr annual COQT*DUQB at Roohiitcr at Ir DBTM ol Ib « M. &. E. 1)1 r.

i Tnjior PITIBIOD.wo. baa none lo

Eoct u a delegate Iron lloBrother llas*b>«. of tbta t

Oar xenUI phjslnlan. Dr. Miller, delight*

at tbn par i TburadtT of last week.

The T V. O. A P'aao Fond.Pr»-»lctn1j acknowledged

V. Wolfe MMCaah B'J

ToUl 922133The total sum of fOO Is needed and tho JiR*

knows a man who thready to contribute |.ri.•mono' vb*uld t>o rained at once.

The attaint l.ii*lt«,of Colorado. 8priB|a!nitiiatuBOf Max 31. i .v* KmHt Ueauv tnaBiad« a »frj tirh Btnki ia a proiDeat onSet iK ttaaatalB, Silvn Glne* . Kro«»t Ii aare41u<i U aar Coadcctor Com* Ueiui j .

Ii waa [U<a oat oa JIajr S i thai ateura.C & 4 ; M S > . wt D«i*r, aid Hoc.re, «f UorrU-t >*« w««U addrma the W. U T. O. IB Clatk'eU»ll. Sluh«»<», OB that 8and«j aitirnT W t A t k o f the •»»ih»t dwr«id othera«<ih*UBOMia«ai«liaiM. TacallarDOoa wm«*r? *t«iBBT; t t .y did not come bat UrnUitsree , taf BtiEtcpe, l id tho moetlng andB»ad« • T t n intf r»»llej[ addr* «a. On the lUlt>Mr. Cbainiao dldeem™, bit Sir. Vmtrailer,nf Dover, came In ulaoe or Mr. Moore.SK'phoD Tbotipftun win laador and n n i Ibe8cr.|.tar>. W. 11 llailt-y altered jJ-n^er.

Kr«okU'K«»l a>ld 11 ba did o«i kill aojrbody wilb hla abot jun hn iosrod aatao ot thnAtleotowu peoplo (jift y b xlly anyhow—and

acareblm tojon might ai woll kill N

of tbe Fresuyierian Ohorcb oftanoope i i y tbey aro going to bold a etraw-

d l l t l I th l toope

berry andon Tburaday

d 13.


nd Friday et lecturenings, J

i .mun-ition of

O n . MeCttcltitt Again Difaatad.Ueo, McL'raekeo, of Duver, who bat been

git en for a«vera.l yeira tbe aoiemn promlaeiof the Deooeratlo leadera. that he ahonld beelected Conn'j Collector Ihe ne i t jear, widefeated for tbe third time oa Wedaeadajr.and CODDIJ ColUctorlloagland watra eleotedfor two jcara men, making the onttaual termof BOUU jeara. The worat ofItatl latbesetv(ralijr sooredited report that Freeholder Pie r-•Dn.ofhieown Uwmblp, waa ia a msaanrenapoaalble for hla daleat It ia eaid that Mr.Fltnoa could • * « elected Mr, JIoCnskeLbjr tran*fertlsg itremth to Mr. Baiki for Di-rector, bnt decided to all ok te Ut, Klof atthe aipeoao ol Ur. MoUrackea,; who haa toilednDceaainglj at e ter j election to aionto Ur.Pieraon'amcoeaa, There la alao "blood onthe o w n "in ceitiin Dtmoeratla qoartBrabteaoie Jfr. K I D | waa choaen Director tilerrunning indeptidettly agalnat taa MjuUrnomineeofhla paru in Itoibarjr towmhlp.However, It la not oar ijairrel and we ntbereDJojr hearloc ibs band (i ay. Bot perhapsMr. MoOraoken will learn what tfae En* haaUna; BIOOA made plain, tbat all tbej«»t of theDsmocraUodlaudolph are oontlnrnllj turf.floed to promote lb» anetoia of Ueura. Pierion and Gillen. Ichia been aofovjtaraaDdwUlbetltltbejatopthe game ot these [en-tltmen, who never aeonre anything for any-bodj bat Uemaelrca.

bera of tbe new Beard, la appreolaltheir serylroa.

Tha Board thon adjsarned •ma DIITUI n w Biaso,

The new Board, net on Wednesday raorn-ng, and waa called to irJeraud aererally

aubsdrlbed to and took tba oath of ofilee beforsCleikBTaten.

Nomlnftttona for Director were sailed forand Ur. Buika named W. K. King, wbo waaeleoted without opposiUei. Mr. King laidtnatlu tiklnstbs obmr again lie knew thedntles and naponiibilltiu ol the office andwou!<t endearor to fill It to the but of falaability.

On motion of Mr. Barks the lalarle* of thev.rlsni ogictra of tha Board wars fixed atfollow:—Clerk (inoludinjr, asrvioe renderedto Commlttwi) |32B; Oointy Colleotor, 91,000,Connie), 1160.

For Contty Oollector, Uablon Qoagiaad,Sr., at Itsckawaj, wte nomlcited and eUoledwithout opposition.

On notion of Mr. Toala tbe amoait of theConntyOolleotor'sBond waaflxed MIIM.O..Comraitteee were appointed aa follows;On ltaiet-Mwsra, Kntober, Uanoa and

Qnmfs.On Co. Collector'. Bond-Heun. Gill,

Buddand llrichtOn Appropriatlon»-Mea»r»,'Diike, Tnnis

and Backer.The Uoard convened at 3 P. M. pnnnant to

adjournment. .The Comcaittet oa Kales report*!, n

dl that the rnlea governing thedd f

On Tcoiday nrenlriR, tho nub It rained likealt poaaeaied, thesocliil of tba Yoaag Paople'eBooietyofCbriatUn Eadeavor of the i'wibr-toiUnUbnrob.of Htanbop^, wee held at tbekomeorura. Monavit, ThoughItnlwed tbePreside tt, Miaa Ella Q. Slaokhonae. wbo ia1*IPR lo tako H long aad well deaerred Taoa->lon thfa Snmmer, Miaa M»j ttciiptare, Ibc

Vies Prtildent, fl.led thu ohair admirably,TLey bad lot* of fno in their aeoflritpbyUtmia and HIM fioriptora gat the prln«~-spal ID leaf fun from b'lorida—fsi beiog '.htsb<-at*cbniftr. I notice aaioni; tboie p m s a tMiaa Nellie and Miaa Edith Knight, Mill' le Woodruff, Mra. Addle St.cibouie,Mlaa Nellie and (Jlarii, Mlu Arena Wllli,Uueie , Hair; Ulaacli, Eimer King, FrankKins and Oieaaaer, .

Union Lodie No. 331, I. O. O. V. will be•atltnted at Newton, Bnaaex oootty, on Ibe

27th IDBL, in tbe evento* Eight membera orOIHsLcdio, No.41,oi Stanbope baTd with-drawn b j card to take their p h e t i n»Qbaitor membera of the new lodge whichbeglaa with 70 or 80 mambert and lot) of Roodmaterial for more. Brother* of tbe myiUo tie Ihcreia the right band of Jellowih.p, May-on apicad and flooriah like a j o u n j bay tree I

Plain tender Wood hull Bird baa been Toiyatok for a few daya bat fi reporUd aomebelttrattblawritliit. O '

. Tfas CabluH held IU regular WMtlnj at theresidence of fior. 3. P. ApploUm Tuesday

mlng. Snbjcct, Argentina, Unguay aadParajtday. H I M Cum Hammond read aneasajlntbe anoint,! and modern blttory ofeach country nnd Ur. Ualiey Hammond oneon eemmerce and inaunlaoturea and InternaldoTelopneLts.

In my Jut wrek's lt«ma I noted tbe call ofmeeting by tbe Bev. Thire, Carter, of tbereabjteriftn Cunrob, for last TbUMJay

evening, to ask bis 'ooogregatlon to unite wltbhfea In a*klo,( tbe Preabytery to dlseolve biopaatornt relatloD*. Tbe Boating wsa bold at8 o'clock and was very largely attended.Her, Dr, Erdman, of Uorrtaton, aeted aaModerator andapoke feallngly ponoerniDg theobject of tk« meeting, after whloh Ur. Carterarose and read a paper, giving aalila tfiiaonfor calling the melting, thai since bis returnfrom bis reeent tbroo mouths vaaatloo, be hadbeen Informed that part of hla oongre|uUondealred a change of pwtora and lo ha badcalled thia meeting to ask tbnt t i e r wouldunite with him In asking the Prcibylsry to•ever tho pastoral relation.- When tb* votewaa Ukeo (which waa done by riling) that

At Uitt medllnz a ohruk for |G7 was reoaivedfrom Hiss Delia SiUey, toe proeeeda of theebarmlnK muaioal aoiree gifea at her bomoaahorttlmeolaoe.

1 venture to make a alight correction InPlandera' lt*rn« of la»t week by oayluft tbe

iey waa civen to the Indies towards tbecarpet fund, And not to the genera) fond. A.committee of three, Urs. Obamuatlaln, lira.A. H. Hartley and i l n . Hobert Uurtley.wtaappointed to porabue tbe oarpet for tbe newflburcb, anil an Toeidaj, accoaiptnled t\T tbepresident of tho enclely, Mr. Jio. Doaria|[.hflj went to New York for that purpose,Tha Oirl.1 MUIIOD Iltod are preparing for"Bkia"of icecream,itrawberrlesand fancy

articlea, to Uka piaoe, (D V ) II*y 28'b. InIbe afternoon and flveclng:. Tbe proceeds toMiiet in lurnlahlng tha pulpit ol the almostomp'eted obnrali.lira Thoa. Ssverelgn aud dauguUr. Mlsa

Draoo, bare been spending afawdtya a t E i sIon and I'dlllipibiUff.

Betidra the tutor, Ur. Da*, tbe Uluea Qsr-trnda SoTerelgn and Miud IIUIFIBIII attendedtbe eonventioo held in tke U>k*r OperaUouie, Dover, on Frldiy of last week.

liev. Ur. boitiani), of tbe Coogr^at!onalCbuich of Cbesler, and Deacon Cumer, nfCLester, were in village for a short time

ra. O. U. Btfpbcna apenta fawduraweek at tba borne ot her rather, at Anan<!

U the Her. Mr. Btepbepa waa abeeot inthe Interval orhfaatinrah.

Tbu HOD. W. tU, Force, of Newark, apest afew boariat tbe "Foroe Ilomeatead," on fday of thia wrak.

He*. Mr. Kibrrt 1R IlodlEg touch iport InllablDg in tbe w»t*r§ about our Tillage. Beit tbe gucit of Knv. Mr. Bloat, and fioda tbetlrof Flandura r.alte ioTlgoratlug «nd tbeleh e a . j Tlotlni(.

Rir . D E Frambai and Joo. VlmnUrnoanght about flftaen or twenty poo nil* of (libat Bodd's Like, on Tataday ol this week,

Mr, Henry Miller la Impi-orlne; bia alreadyattractive dwelling, by a ftrib coat of paint

BOCKAWAY.Tha Uorria Pialoa band gheerei. na up t u i

Saturday nxbt hi giving ui M few •oleotionnUD their ioatrnnnnt*. .

U% Job m o v d in one of tbe tenementbou*rt of Mr. Jibn HUrkle. Ha intend awerkioc for Mr. ii, K fillckls,

Ur. H. D. Kilofaell bai a tin wedd<ng on rlo bfa booie latt nlfbt, B» fnr w w e canto»r tbey bad a good time.

Tho ladlta Aid Society will give un enUr-Uiouunt tonight. Ber. t»"ied Bloom, otDffver, will leoturo and give itefeOBOoplo

iewaottoknvaiB. Bubjnot, "Tbe Pilgrim'*I'rngrfaa." .

Tbe SloRHoraor tbla place will ptnjWIliKhupe'a nlae, of Dover, on DaeoraMon Uaj .

Mr. Wilt Mattex bai >e<t Mr. Brann andbaa gone to work in New Yotk

Specimen Oaata.8 . H. Clifford, Nt!wCaBaul,WiB.,w»i troubled

ffitb nBuralffi* and tboomatlim, tila'atomiohrrh* diaordercd, bia livor waa alTcoted to analarming degree, ispetUe tell away, and be

terribly reduced in fleab aDd ntreiiRtb.TUrce bolllei or ftleotrio Bitten cured ulrn.

Btiitird fiuepbcri), HarrltbarR, 111., bid arnnnlDg lore on bit leg of elgbt yuarn1 ElandJDR. Uicd thi co boltlfih of Elictrlo Bitternand acren boiei or Ilnoklea'a Arnloi BIITP, mdlila loft ii toond and well. Jobn Bpaakor.Oattwba/O., hid Die Urgo fevor eorei ou hlalep;* dootoraotld be iras Incurklila, One boitloEleclile JUtten aud one box Ducklt'D1* Arnica(J»1TO cured blm entirely. Bold at llobort

lllsore'i drug alorr, Dover, aad 1'. V, leu-bine' drag itore, Obiter, H. J,

. ECBT1C.Mr. and Mr*. S. Q. I t (k» have ratal

ram tbeir vlait In N«w York oity.M M . WoitblmrlOD. Idles Worth log ton

MloeLogue, of K«nvll, weio tbe gnesti ofMra Joho Lowe lott Sunday.

l i t* Joha Clouteia improving nicely, andtbe duotor tbtoka wlta good care abe willloon be able to be around again "

Mn. Uani'y AHmljriod BU.I Ules Alton-)n.Hd ivro tit UojtfXcove gf ttlog their oi t a j a

Mr, and U x . Olinr]'««' A. »*V«r and MUaMary Baker spent laat Friday in Morri.tn-n.

J l tu Lillian Ktotblogbam baa been quiteill, bnt la now Improvlag.

Mr.Biohard Chaplinbaehad anawexpretawagon bai It for tueuse ol tbe Hotel Brcslinfor tbe oammg •eiina.

Mr, Albert TiU»Dd party of frlenda ipsntUatTbtirtday at IIopBtoonf>>

Mr. John Ley ton and family, arDrakeavllte,hare moved Into tha boaeo lately vaoated byMr. Grant BtralL

Ur. J. B. Salmon, o U e n s y City, ipent laitSunday with bla parenr " - ' " -". Salmon.

Mra l i m y Miller, we ara aorry to iay Unoi m y batter i t tb.li wrllinjt, and it laIboogbt it will be noccuary to anpntate her

The Hotel Br«al<n "ll loe Book." are nowat for 1BU0, aad Ihe ltreailn will open tbe

S5lbcfJvae.Mr. John Q. Oldoer and patty are atopplng

it tbe Arlington Hotel.Usv. Jamea H. Brady, or Netcong, will

celebrate Mui In tbo Cbapil nf "Oar Ladyof thBLBke/'atilopaicong, at 7.30 A. H. on



BARGAINS IN SHOES.120 paira Child's Grab Tipped button Shoes, Heel and Spring

Heel, sizes 84 to MJJ, at

100 pairs Misses' Grain Tipped Button Sboes, Bizes 11 to % ai 95o.

100 pairs Ladies' Fine Bongola Button Shoes, Box Toe and


When evaryilitng elurfli Demedy carei.






(Nextlo Pardee & Otark'a.)

PIANO FOR SALE.» piano Iswoet toi

I. Will bL „ „IUK0 Of

. II. AUBOTT,(21-Sir v) Doror, N. I.

Youno Irian WantedOne wbo It eomol at flcur*i tuJ \*

lo work, about lli feats nf BRU. Hand i1 tiff own bandwrihng to

Furnished House to Let.For ihoBnmroorifatoD.orlonHer. On Fiir-

tlaw Are., la dellfjlitful locailon, nod niculyrurnlRUed, Alio.aKoodfiiidirnRrowlnB. Pus-»»lon given on or after tlio Ontof June.

. Apptr to• ' . . ' . T • JOHN A. LYON,

Dftokwill atreot, BOVBB, N. J,Opp. re s t offlco. lw p

Ho*rse Wanted.Tha iDbsarilflr deiirei to pnrcbuo a


H) thiOf th

Taa Slk Vtmtiy Coapany,The tnanacer of the Opera Hontebaa done

well In Buonrlnf the scrvlos ol the eelrbratadBlk Comedy Comedy, ten In number, for aUnited onpnemfat, Thta oompaay laposed of Urat olaia artists, ealong vbam a nfonid tba nsmeo of Ucaara. Oil moon, Bttaiall,FhllllpaandBnxk, fromtlepriBOipdoomodvoompaBlea ol Nev Yotk oity. This eonpaayoomnsta nawlth A repattilre of eifbtoen d|».tinet oomadita, t>/ vblob tbey ebanio thtir• r l b l i l

oldBoard bs adopted for tha tavernuent of tfaeprruBt Uoard. ant It waa aa ordered.

Toe Committed on Co. Coltnetor'a' bondpnaented tha aBtna and mid th«y e«nB,daredtbe anretleB anfflilant It vaa Blgaed byUa'aton Uoaitand, Abran Kaofman, EdwardFoi Md H.O. Unrab. Tb* report of theCommittee wae received and tha bead ap-proved or.

Tba CommlttM on Approprlatoaa praaeatedthe eatimaUaofthe old Board and reeom-manded their adoption, «< (ollowa:—Court Etptnaea...'.ConrtHoaaeaadJail.. .Permanent Iopro* etueot of do . . . . . .-.'40 000Poor Honee „ 6,600Permantat In prove meat of do 1 500Children*Home . ' . „ . „ . . . . . . , 4 500FrehoIdera'andOfflMn'SatitrlM 5000Coranera and Poit Uonem*


nlgbflj, tho benefit,land prodaelDE tbrse ptaya alghtly. Aa eaoh

•ember of the eompanjr la an artiat, tbey will•aah In.r. dace apeolaitlea daring tlie play*,each aa eonfe, denote, tnaileal aeu.eto. ThUperfarmaoea U ol tbaaame order tbat la nowhavi»( eneh a ran la New Voik eliy h j ib*eelabraled VokeaPamlljp at Daly's BroadwayThaatw. Popular prieea will p m i l l andthoeo wlabbf to be wall enUrUlned ahcoldaaoure ata'Jat oata.

SUtloBeryAetml.lDa-.ndPflntlDKSaperiDtandant ot Soboola -lDoideatalawdDeaeleaaiMSarplna BeTanne ,lotemtandDlaeoanti '. 'CountjBrldjeB... , 2

•ISO 000A motion t» oanear in the r#Mmm«ndaUon

wai made, Mr. Plaraon aakad for a aeDaratevote upon tha appropriation faranewjal l aett waa a very important nutter, and all the

Xra wera not In favar ef it. , Mr. Burkeatropgly advocated tha maklni of tha appro-priation u d Hr. Plireon oppoaed i t

Tbe vots oa tho appropriation waa Ukaandtlbdaradaarriad. ThBayM Bad noea were

A, KrUtdty I v a a tA larfa «aisb«r of the relatives of Kr, E. H.

Owes, el llroekalda, from Newark, Kearney,HorristewB, Meadham and Dudd's Lake,•MtathlarealdesnlMt Ba turd ay aad gars

. hlM a moat «gre«abl* aad coupIeU surprisein haaorof bisClUbirthday,»nd alter oojsj- jl u i a neat bonntifnl repast of good tfalngafor tha InneraomaBBbstaaUaleTlden

Mr. Carter bj retained, aa paator . . ._..oinrob, the whole eoDgreKalton aroae, abowrins an earnoat duire and thtlr heartfelt wl'hthat he oontiooe ae thalr faithful pa*tor aahe haa boon dnrtoe; bla 17 yrara ol labor Inthia plaoe. Mr. Oart«r thanked bia congre-gation In a few t JOO ting remarka for thadealra they naaireated. that be aboald aUUitay with tnem, and hoped that tha aataeChriaHan spirit tbat h u followed then alltbeee yeara wontd •till be wltb thorn.

Mr, Wllaon Crane, mother of oar oldeetoltliena, died at hla reiiMeeea on Friday laat.Tho foneral waa hold from hla law borne onMonday.

Tbo Kpworth L*aKDB ef the HetbodlatOburoh will hold their annlverearyexerelaeaia the ohnroh at 730 Snnd»y evenlog next.

I bare before me a olrontar of tha MorrisCoaoty Cbrlatlan Endeavor Union, whichholds ill annual May coDventlon in tbla placeonthe80thofMay,(DeoaratlODDi.r.) Therewill be an all day aeaaloo, eommonolsg ia t ieneloru OLareb in the moinlng, tbe afternoonmesUaa; In tbe t'raeby terlan UtiBpel, and the- tentog meeting in tbe ctaureb.

The lloooton poit oOIca reoorda the numberol lettera and poaUl o«rda aent ont last weekat 28081 aome 410 pieoee ol aetond olaaa matter, bealde tkatanfftbateomeaundertbeheidor third and forth olau, The nnmber olpieoee waa 3,353 and tbe weight 11B poDnda.

Next Sunday tbe eoagregattOD ol Ibe Prea-y U i i u Chnrah will ol*ot fonr oew-eldert.

toflll vaoandca,and at tfae aame tlmo willdecide by their vote wtother they ahull beelected for life, aa baa been lbs cnetow, oradopt the rotary ayitam, electing tben"iltanttelyeretjjear. '

The new ohapelof the above obnreh iaabout completed and will probably be openedfor aervloea, Sunday Hey 25tb,

Mr. H, C. Jenklna has brokan groand for a»W retldenoe ia tfae Park. Ur. Jamea Ctark

ol Horriatowa baa tb* o on tract


OKBlUir TALLSTMrs, L Kloe has a bUck lily In full liloara,

sonsldered very handaoins, besidesrblcblibeing Bitr*ra»lv o3A.

Friends from Jariej Oity have been nuk-ing an extended vlilt with Ur. and Aim. J. VStryker. , - .

There were many plotting featurea In theparade at Ihe Centennial la Esatoa l ist week,and we nolieed one that drew forth treat applansv, which wae a goat In tbe ranka ol tbeOdd Sallows dlvl.loo. • . /

A. T, SwarU nod father oangbt n ODD otringor Bsb one day laat work at flndd'n I,a%6.

GhanoettaF HeUIII. uf Jersey City; h u ap-point** Hollo* uy W. finat iroslvcr of thaWashington shoe frctory, WuhtogtOD. W. J.

Mrs. Apgar died at tbe rraldance sf bardaughter, Mrs, tlllift N.IKhboar. In this Til-lage, on Tuesday, Funeral will be beld fromtbu lato: residence on Friday. IntermantnearFatrmbnnt. ' ' '

Mr. Uaae Dorland anil family-, of Oeorgla,have ratDraed to Cheater. MIM frrtderiefca,of South Orangr.U tha guest of HIsaKleefor the preseiit wctk, .

By beln'f nUinfonned, we made a mlttakela announcing; tbe camel of tfae paieona wbowill debate at the next meetlug of the uewebunb leacae, on tho SOth InaL W< afaoaldhave *tld that Ur. J. L- Qp,n)»«r and J. BBiitter were on tha lUnoiUTa aide, whileMr. F . L. a i d a 6 . Olekereon will have thenegative elde at the qaeetlea, "Beeelved thateight honra ah all oaoatUnfe a day'a Ubor."

S e r . 0. B. Snyder' holda the relm over afloe' new trotter which fas bought In Newarkon Friday la.t

Mr. D»Tld Qlaaa mat with a aerioaa nwl-daat on We4aeaday e?enlag while driving oatbe road batw««n the depot and Mt.T.bor,Bla bone took fright at tha mall train, throw-

" " into the Aitch aod alaioat de-bnjty . Mr Olau held on to

IngHr.Q'aaatnoliahlig the

yd for and naaitad aa feltowa

Ueura. Banker, Tnala, Btfrke,B i h L

BtMtcem. Manyi d d h

Mtem. Many, pleasant aoenories w i n revived u d the oc-casion will b* long renembatei by all prea-

. g at.Word baa been received from Ur. B . P.

Wilder wha waa anaonsMd to be at the Prta-hyterian Chnrab on Sunday next that be baibeen obliged to oaa» l all eKgagemants on ac-e-no t «f bla health. Ho will net ba here aaCEJ>eet(d,tberet«n,iiBt!Utaoaielater period.It Is a var/ gteat dliappolBtB<B% bat sannotbe helped. The Union Servlee of tbeFlratH.E. and Preabjtetlan Churekea will be held,however, on Snnday evening la the Pnabjrte-i lanChnrehaadHsr.JIr.Dsywil l preach,

hojsaiUwn|tIower |Zl tbe Hardwaie Storef a | I I B l & Blgn oi tbe Tadloek.

Dover, N J .

t gUte l •trie* «t tti IlOaT XlA a

A j e e -. Orluea.

Brifht. LawHaaa, Btaikay, Obrvmb.r. aad0111. Moe*—Vewn. Bndd, Vroat, Banee,Fiaraon and Xutefaeiv

On awiion, tbe aa» of (130,000 waa orderedrataed for eonaty U E

It waa reenlvad that the Sheriff be allowedSS eeati eaah per day for board ef prlsoaerafor the balance sf hit tera., and at tha rata of1700 per y»ar for Janitorial aanleee aad USforitraw for Ihe balanae of hla tern.

The CetlMtar WM aathorited to adWee11.000 to the Sharlffta pay witnaaeee' faee.

Tbe Director and CatUotor wwreanthnriae4to algn BOtea in aatiolpatlBa ot tazea aot toeseeed 175,00a

Tbe aaae saaera WBM anthorlB«d to pabllahthe Coanty Collaotar'a rtport Mlaityaar andat the l U t oompanaaUon.

Tbe Directorappaiaud thefotlowlsgSUai-h g ComBittee i

FinaaoeaudAadit—Bnrke.TnoU, Baeker.Court Bonas u d Jail—Olll, lAwrenee,

BrighLPoorHnaae-Pletton, Kotehaf, Btarkej. .Luaej—Badd, Iltnon, Orimee. ; • .

and HtasBlUaeeaa—Cbaaibera,

ApplIeaUon btlng made b j tbe rreahelderaol tha nspactlTa towaaklpa tha fellowingBridge Coaaritteee ware appolntad:

Voot bridge aver Koekeway river, Bocka-vay. Ooaisnittea~aiU, Pienes , Urigkt aadDanker.

Bridge at Kanghrightvllt*, Waablagton,eost|2,S0a. Committee— Haaee, Bodd, frott,Lavrue*,' Plttaon, 0111.

there in ! however and thna prevented theborae from letting away from blm.

Tba Uorria Plalae Cornet Band aeranadedfir. Barry Wellbank on Saturday evening

• * * - • • • - - • - , : • . . - . . - • • • •

Mre. niram Cieeo died Terjenddenly atjar late realdanfta in t h * town aa VrUay•veDlnKsfheaitdUeate. fihawufaoriedoBTneaday, . ••' • . -^

Mra O. B. D iekmen went U Newark onWedneeday ot thta week t i attend tba woddlof of Mlet Annie Conn, a aleoa.

eetingof theSundayBahoal Boardoi_ . „ eTealng.Mr. J. L. OanlRerwaa aa*aBiatenaty re-aloeted S ape rl a tend en I for tha

ainlog year. .The Danvllla B tl C will oreaa bau wltl

the ML Hope olob, at ML Dope on tha 3ttlInat, at S P. M. filghttr and Uhkereen wllbe the battery for the Denvllle boja. ThiU t Hopaotab will a laonwt the Daovllle'eat Danville on Deoom'laa D a j , UBJ SOtb, at

"*qaary.H Of what political falta fa theeditor of tbe Monlatawn Eiealiijr, EspreaetAay one having tha dealre4 lafortaatton willeonter a favor by letting tha people la taceeeond Aaaamhly dlatrlst 1Ib ^

Charles UeCnrty, Jr., waa alishUy bnrt onFriday night laat bv iallloi fr«ta % Uddar fora dfaunoaot About IS f eeL Tbe beja aronnd'be mlafa ought t i be a little more s i r slut.

Joarpb JHurtiD baa remorfd from Ibe Allennine to one of tbo oompiny booera ni Teabo.Mra. Joha Tbomaa waa taken very at ok

Some of oar men her* f[«t vo>y dry a'tevHtnrdtT Blsbta aud on flnndMj morale.,

tbey poll out for Ihe Bcnreataalnon. I t ia aabame we cai.net gat a atop put to lr. Thereare eone that nao a new kbroasaa cai to earrytl otr lhaida, lu order t i bilndfuld the penpls,and then Invite tbeir f.l-mi* in t* takBaglntaof lainonade. I wooU a*y lo tbrea pfople,"ba anreyonr ains will find you out"

Onr tjalnlatar csnld natooenpy tha pulpit onSunday laat on a ocean t oralckn»e«.

BTUTHOPZ. ,There wai a tranalent fellow In town on

WcdoBiday e>f tbla w»ek, uhibltlnK anao.mal e f a oroaa apeol'a, r*»enibllni a ett,doc and rabbit eombfaed U« did bot a s k *- fortune from ab owing It here, "-' ' , - • r

John B. Parker ie re-cooliog one aide of blabuilding. .• Tha new ahoe abap oa tba Croat lot ieflntehecl » d te being painted. . Sir. Bartronalready occnplf i It.

O. Obardavoyne hka a aUb'a fall of finehonea, noti when heridea out he Uksathedutt fiom no one. Oil la a Teteran aoraemtoof old Bueeexand h u the beat knowledge ofa horae no doakt of any one In tbla plaoe.

Sotueof Ur. Edwerde family are apjouralngat their Oottkge OB the Booth aide of LikenopateBng. MAMI

Money Found.A rum of money on tbe street, wbioh Ihe

owner maj recover at THE IHQB FBA OFFICE,by provlnft piopprly nnil pajltiR for ttilnad-l o r t i i s m o B t I n

Common Sense stylos

72 pairs Ladies' Fine DongoU, Button Shoes, with Patent

Leather Tips . . . .

100 pairs YouttiB* A Gulf Looe Shona ".

80 " Boys' " " " " top eote

CO " Men's « " " - " " "






1.25" " Oxfordties,

120 " " Fite Calf Lace Shpes 2.00

These aro all uew goods and are worth 25 per cent, more than above

prices. We have the largest ntgck of


Wool! Wool!Samn«l Bwaeihaner, of Iropli, will ho m thi.

rool pnrohulng bcsinoBi iftaln this yosr, andoipecttallr rennnts all lite old cuatonera not

. Operators Wantedby Itoisvear Bto*., MorHitswn, N. JH mann*fiotaten ofFinUloon«,Oronlfi, eto, steadyemyToTman^ and gpwl wafica. lw p

TAKE NOTICE... ' 'HoiBIB OOMMIMt PLIAI.'. . • . ; - • May Term, I B * .

Tho term appeal! will bo taken np fnr trial onWedneiday, tbe Slat dtv of May next, and tboWednesday, tbeBIsi dav oT Msoanrt ippeils on Tfanridar. tbenext at OJ o'clockoanrt ippeils on Tnext at OJ o'clock.


py next, and3U day ol Hay

ock.Bt OxDEn or TUB CODBT.

1 ' I 1 t t 0 T r


Estate of John Boob, dee'd,P0BSUANT to the order ot Ibe Barros*l«

ol tbe Oouoty nf Morris, msde on thetenth day of MAY A. D. one tbou-und eight hundred and ninety, notice Ishereby given to all persons baring olsJmiaialnit tbe estate of John Boob, late orthe County of Morns, deceased, lo preset!tUa»mo,underoathoremrroBtJoo,totbosub.•criber.OD or before the tenth dayoffehra.arr next, being nine; muntba from the dateof laid order { and any creditor neglectingtobrlngin and exhibit bia or her claim, enderoathorsrBrmation,wUhlntbetimesor " "will bfl forever barred of his or hertborefbr atraiaat the Executrix.

Pcrnpton FUlni. <2llO»j

for Ladies, Miaaoo and 01iildreu..Htin, Boys and TontbBj t^ut >ve have

ever aliovn, and at prices lower than ever before.




Finest Creamery Butter, Ferris & Co's

Hams and Boneless Bacon.

ond overything to bo found in a first-class GEooEnt STORE at lowest

prices for reliable goods..


Ladies' 5-Button Kid Gloves 59c, per pair.

« 8- • - . " length, Mousquetare

Suede Gloves, - - • 75c. per pair.

Ladies' Swiss Hibbed Vests, 15c. each.

DEESS GINGHAMS!We have placed on sale a handsome line

of Dress Ginghams, in all the newest stylesand colorings, plaids and stripes, regular12J»- goods at




AT OOi), F E B YARD! EEDCTOISDTKOM 76o.' 76o.' 90c.' $1.10• 1.25' 1.351 1.451 1.G0



12 inoh, $5.50. 14 inch, $6.00.





n> cnuerlimited,r ftotioB

The national colon naw float hl |h In •«>-abate oar publle school bolldtng. A ahortt<ne aco at tba ansgettion or their preoepior,the aobolata nade volootary oootrlbatlonitawardi l u pnrobtH, io which Utf wer.%lded by friend a of tbe eetiool. The materialwaa prooared nad tba fl»g made by tboyoonglaa-Iasoltbaaeheol. Tho length la'eix featand width proportionate. Through tfaeoourtwy of Mr. A. C. tterry *, forlj twit poleWla aelented from hla woodland, and^taoedin position i a front of the acbool aouee.where tbe flaK can be tcoi for a lonX dlatanee

a tba

/Mr. Joe. Harris « M Initnotot at tinaloy-DC«tuilutHonitjArenli>c. Dr. Btoddtrd

WM abMDt »u-odln([ tka dfdiwUIsD uttl e «if tbo "F«ddlaHeaarAlnCbur«b.Dr. Adilt » e t wltb quit* aa.uoldeiit ait

long atBM. Hla ho»a beoamia filfhlaaod,OTBituralaic tha cart and tbrowlQg tfaa dootorOB hU f»M whloh w u MnaldenblT hraliedand eat. B e ia »bla to go Iili ronndi and * •at* KUdbt »aeap«d aariaH iojnrr

Uosdaj , HarlDtb, the icaood uniTuaarftfa d d l U l h " L Us a j , HarlDtb, the icaood uniTuaar

oftfao dadloaUon ol, the "Linoat U a a m a lChap«t/«ti]trortlaUa«r?l(Mi wil lbe beld Int h f c k f t o d t Addwill bB Bud* by RBT Dr H»yd. ,and Dr. If agir, of Dover. Ira D . Sankay will

i t aad fnrniah the tlnglag. A

Wo a n »erj 1Orrj to a i j that Mn. Johi[uiw la no baiter. . .U M U I John n « la, while » U , | U ( t b M W i l

atrnak ID th« «/• , wfaloh ia qolU i t re.I am b ippj to aar thera ia bn» n t t r m a .

ar be loBibi to thaK«BTll Carnat l l » d ,wblah laproirualBsrapidly

Muter Jobn Piamatcat, of Keovll, h uMB rerjr 111 for O T « a w u k , but la alowlj«OTeriD|[. . 'Mr B«r« haa ranUd hla houaa fumlihod

Tha tananta will ao^a In thia mpatb

FOR SALE ITBO feathur bed*. <wo fotther boliter*. and

two pftlr plllowi, good, for 15o. per ponnd.Old itjlo Uiok hair doth aola and'htll a

doEcnclmlra. ; •: ...Bet new rnlbor nioanted l»»rnen, collar aod

liameRt IQUIUIO ror two-itat cmi ige , » t rnice and clieiptSS. .

Lot aeuoocd blokory, three-apring wvsoiOPOQbnitgy ID. , , . v . - • ,

WASIKO-Boma nlc» briqht rja itraw. : ;.

A. JUDSOIV COE,AnoUonecr and Bet! BtUt» Agent, Bergsn St.,

Sale of F«il Estate.iThe iQbaonbfr. Aaininialritor, ke.. wllb the

Willannaiedof wliUwn H.Btaelilion»,(/r.),decea»«ahwlll rxpoae for etle at pnblio rendneat th W n i Hnao Hotel, atSo-<th Blan-

A J Wttl pro-tba

ecea»«ahwlll rxpoae for etle aat the Wanaion Hunao Hotel,I ll J N t AI ope. no* callrd Neteon^ k J . Wltlman pro-prietor, to tfae townihlpor Mount Olive, in the

mniyoi Morrli i M State of Maw Jertey.oi

Joiaph Tregcnia aid Ulia EilnHleveiiLrere joined In matrimonj on W«itneedayevening Accept onr eoDgrntnUUona, Jo*.

We understand .bat W E Uaeevear haapunbaaed the bouae and Ut he HTM on fremIr Jerc-lnbWe extend oar felloltabOBa le> Her, Dr.

Lama and bride, who were naiieri In wedlockIn-day—TbnrtdftT. KoaciDrR

Tba people of onr plaoe ware quite exolUdtbe Dtber d«jt over wbat might bare pro reda eorloua rnaawaft Aa It wm the honea wona bopped fatfora aa/ duaace waa done.

A mber, of people wan ID town Ironnidale, farinjrla« wltb ihtia a u u t o

ba triad before Anil W l f rDanaiu, from the Uie irotU, n a u beea

Deit, A. D . 1890. between the honra or ISo'clock noon and.ft o'clock In the atiemoon.that Is to tar at 8 o'clock (n tbe afternoon ol•aid day, all that' derttlu tract of.land and)rcmlaea, allDtte In the lownihtp of-UonntJiiTo, in tbe oonnty.ot Morrla aad Stale ofMewJeney. Boalnnlncat UiBaoatfaBaat cor-ner of thefioraan Githolle Obnreh lot In HaalhlUnhope; and TnnnlDg tboUea" (l | eoolh two

degreea thirty miDiitet eaat along the land oftbe.Hnaconotoanii'Xnn.Woika, nlnetj-fonrleot to a earner witbte sixty feet o! tht earnerof HtryPifewi'a lorin aama l.nei tbence{2aoatli eiftbty-Mven degree* thirty mlnttei weetODD bnndied and fifty feet to a corner) ibono*3) north two rftiuea thirty minntca weat

etgLkfln feet ta a oaner In tlio Hue of a Inlconveyed lo Lydla Ann Atl«}ck; tbenoa (4juurtb liny eicbi degree* Oltj mlonie* e u l onebnndred andeixly-alne feet alDna Ibe ion titalila of the fioman Oatbolln Charon lot to Hie

- sotuiains •bonl 8.400




. (Eight Pieoes,)

WITH 22x28 ;







SANITARY tokSteam,

Hot Water,

Hot Air,Heating

Please write to us and we willtcome andsee youan &give you an estimate:




Adirlnlflritor, Ao , Wra H taekbolwe, <Jr

Uonulon. N J-., Ma?l!kb>, 1800, 10.8


CREAM OF PRUNES1Irtutlvc, made from tbeneiCombined with a few

A Torv Flouint Irtnica of Prsaii Prnnei



medicinal•iill. . _

put up in the

repcrted L B X I X ( lOS.

The apttit of fraternity * u naallHMd oaMonday, vbeo adale^>ttv^ sf IS neaben olP l l o Ooaadl, No. S3, Order of Oboun

rteodai of Boiler, N. J., viaithi Darar a* iheBMti of Belief Connoll, No.21. ,"IQ tba ereat tbejr aUsnded tbe raseliniof U U Oeaaell

at tbeli TOsma and partfoipaifrd Ifl- tae InlUi-toiy eerenbnlu wllb tho BOW ; K*utlialpataphtnklla with wbieh Belief Conneil ba.been proTldlni itaelC A f«cj pltatint aad

j y b l s ersalbg T H ipent logetber, and i tlaso the ineata lafl, SeariDg1* Botel« wherethej hU b u s »U)Kabiad, veil; pltaaed with

tern ft1"CREAM DEOPS,

taking It a vary v*!Bable preparationFOU INVANIS AND OBILDKEK,niuting tho food and IUgnlatloj tin



IT IS A POWERFUL REMEDYB o o i T i p i i ;sons sroiuos,

OO1IV0L3IOH8,L O S 3 O F 8 H K P ,



ROBERT KIUGORF, Druggist,Dons, N. 3,


m 22d, 23d, 24th,•apporled by ten wull known cumodlsia cro-

damnR throe distinct pla^i mgblly.


1 H " A SIDB BPUTnjto Fiani

1 W •' A BtJUPiHE FOP 1LT,




ACM16SI0N*. - - 15c.ui2Bo.EBSBETED SEATS - - - 555,

HOW OK 84I,B AT E I L L 0 0 I U 9 .



AGOKLCo.Stolon banJu

FKAZEE, CUNNET & Co.Central Dry Goods Store,

No. 683 BROAD St.Between Weit puk and Cld«r Sli.V

Summer Dress Fabrics!Irenta u d Aoerfau Onill!.i,.

Eaateh tad Amonun Qingbtmi,

lUh md American poling PUnnd.. Fuw

l and Ton, tlma,

Hemlock and gprcce LnmberWhite and Yellow Fine. '

Norlh Carolina and Norway Pine':» Oak-Chestnut and Biiach, ,1 ~1:

Wne Cypress and Californiad d S h t a ; 1 ; ?

Best Lime and HdsendBle Cement?

">_>, • '' iSOTDK ;.,,• ' -* ':

i lndaoneaituae or Wool xutam Droii fton

W M to til 53 to bo foncd In the cMy.

S U B O n i l U PAN0Y O00DS.

ifiinl Lnsor 1>AIUSOLS and UMBMLLAB,

Poa rr and Trefoutse K d Qlovei,

il'-K, LldLK AND CO 17OS BO3IKhT,

Gammer Hetino Undorwttrt

SKIT U o i u a UnDriWEjujj

hteci, Tflmmlngs and Kmbroldarioa.


Adaihant Plaster, for Wallop ,:.: . .•.•.•f.,«Mairble Dnst and Shore Sand, - :

: K ;pJM*erlng Hair and land Plaster,B«a Brid FireBrlck^nireClaj,

' Fertilizers toCrockers

Slate,B P o i n t s , • •••,"-

d and Oils,. " - -"Glass In all sizec, . ' ^ " ' - ' .;i sKnS Shot Jtor Potato Bngs, "•> : :; Seasoned Cord Wood, •---' ,

; ^ l e h i g h , Scranton "and >:^^-: Bltnmtnp'ng Coal. - .

Page 3: M fEE Tho Trial of the Sclavs for the Uur PARLOR SUITES!test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-05-16.pdf · the host to its vol. xix. dover, morris county, new

THEFriday. May 16,1890.

at to. Foit Dales at Dorar, If. J,

X1OO.&.X1 N B W B .

KW&& 70RIBQI.Baartlie PaiUtwa U-ai(hLLooal nadlug natter on lau pin*.N«t talaytar, Sam. BWlbar j«ar.Alfred Sully will aala far Karape Uila


The W, O. T. U. »MU at Un. U

. Afftwantb*ae,feara of waiting 81d. won'twioldtfceM.rT.hal'.ibataii. , ;

-" ,- AUtMalekrooitera tbia week are tmfordtMVpolaUduatildktM, •

•" . A^itf *al will U held ia fit. Bsrasrd'sHalJ,

'';: Co), JJ»>1« ta» wrtn«(d to »#wtwk aad0«W*/liMp?etfrBWaawo«n.v

^1^; BaCTh atlckta,3o( ProipftiV atieei, U.-' apeadlnj; a few week* in Newiik. / ."-". •.

. Aboal t» f i a n W oaf .V already tak«n np:i-:ttc.|r^wiper(,liod»»tJJt..Tftlwr.: - : V

MM will U Mlebraled »t ' « Charles':{(»ii]fcb/ilBrd|tow|B, Baaday, aVlOiSO. ;,-.; •\\~."- Woeneomwiled to1condense all eones->- oeadeero'l^aVwBapttera thie i w k . ...

Oar Wend fbul-jBawlby doesn't aeim to. • J»n mcoh lack In gstting • (Herkiklp.WO A pension htB^bMa grutM Mta, 8US*B,'.-> finltbt et Bioen'lnjjijivla, a soldier'! widow.' : I | * M * big htwtj for » V spoils a i i theM Jn«V>r.of>o dl&ppolntei la lonuuBrabie./ - In two houre PiblDf at Or«n Fond Philip._AillwB«u«tit (HI perch welgblog9l poaodi.J'V. A atnbet'i uonbal rcMptlon will beglrenv' i i tha V- M.C. A. rooms te-marraw evening.

u..Dr.JebpL. yoDn.i.wpH kiownpbjolol.b•"'.At Ctftlt**, *3U4 ait HOBOKT at tbtiRe «f 7ft.. K.T, i>r, Q. W. Liojd, cf BrtnobrUle, willV4iUf«* the Memorial Day oration atHoek*-f ' t ; 5 B V ' ' ' ! v . - . - - i . ' i - - . - I . . » • . ' : ' , . ; . " , > . • - . ; . ; • • '

: • • Jokn Hone,' ef Xoniatown, t u bun elected,' VluFrMldentOl theVaw Talk Block Es.V e n a n g e . ' ^ ,;:• ••••'•/,, ' "; • . ' ' .-•.. •• •-

;:, : The Uteb In ttoSltwt Conv-atlonablp la a.palnfrtoneV Itlt • eaaeof »on» 'fnldof

^jjt i f tM-A- -.'•i;';k-'";•.-»•'•••. ">• ' / ••'•,.:i.>-/:- ,-;.,: Jerome cu(ht tii bare hii plctnr* taken to'• MO bow be would IIITS looked with brass•"[.bnitoiii.".--;-''•'_:"^ [ ;"'. • ; / ? - • - "-' .-''»>'- "r -:', .;A Mt, piifV a i n o u r 80 j*nr» old baa com-

. ! m f s « d ptutitdiDgk lo ©V*.» it diToree Inm

'.' ""• Talk abont Wi le*) I flueb * dlipTay v i a- ; »orar s*en IB DIM or fata | l « C'sonsll Mondsy;' « < • « » ) « . ( • • V • . . : / - ; • • , ' . . . : . - . ' . . ^ • •;" : . • • • • . • ,

' Tto cat *ti>p HJU »'»« innd*otne'j ito»];, nUed by' ttit t*jwtW« ot Mr. Taioidg» *





Tb» court room w u diDiely erowded onr*4awd»y Bornior wbta thu CM* of thett* asiloat J. BiTTey Col«, for the murderfata wife la Heidbftic tovnablp. on tlta Slit

1 JuQitjr ijut, ttat morti. In t i t Kiltarywort B.»By]»ajai>«oiBtJrt, and the (natut' itenat In the awn psrTftdtd th* thrsof .*

When Dole v«t ast to the b u in ImvAilt *nd netvonit bat than * M aboot him

udeartiaf«»r« u«nU«m«n. Ha v uof wedlain height, with lUrk fcalr,

j pka wat probably. tb« moat gentlemanly'«p*

.Has; piUosarthftt arac nniwand to tb6rta fit nnn)«r la the fonrta «f Hint*

/ a U t t b a t . ^ v )>>_: . }Mr. H.arackeo bal bad anntber tnotllal

:-'iliaitratlox; of -tbe/Talae of tleniooratlo'prpn | e i ;^ ; / ' ; ' ;;• '^ ; ; ;

:;'.•'.^Poal Bollowa7W. lluothaa beaoappoiaUd.; Teeelrer ioV;,tbe'defuaet .Woabln(lon Bbae~o»wiajajrry,.iV

:*;V..---,.v' -.• • •."•..,•.•'• :*;:E4w'Hd HtatlHa ana fleo., Oioae oangbt

-' orer 100 picker*! In Split Bock In ODO duri t t i i i o i i ; ; " ; - : ' • •'':; : . - ,T l i i« iew P.i I ^ A W.t l inn table n e i t MOD-• d(tyi will.; Contain lOTOrAl aew tralm a n d a• . n n u b o r e f oben iea . ' : . . • ' ;

: . , •.; -' ••' . .

• W . ware n i a b l e to pobllab • o n e o'foar lete* eouma«|Ba ;tlo»etbfti aaob a.praaawlltnot oc>' ear.axaJe'TeVaooB. -' . ... ,• ••

r'/CeiDp'lnl'P'Bleifwotlpn lut Wlday ereB-^BlwaBkTfsrj.fieeaffair, bot vant'of apace:.preTentepartlfl»JarB..-V'••'• . '. '• : ' ' ;.'-^belfaaorlelDayeerTteeiwllI be bftid tn; Bait»t;Ppera' HOBae, laaaedlateljr afttr tie

r;'iiratei*aradtoixaUd;-;--'-''V'";''' ;:'

Wolts, W o . J. 1-etk, Win. 7, Cirt.r, Ua-Uluk, t t u e Y n K t w , Jobn BUthut,"d Baagland. J M . E, B. Btltci, Ljoaaa

Kle*,WiJtwH, UMvisai., Edwwd P. MV"'rank WePhertoa. ; . . i'.i " .- _ '•

b j the aeionne—GBO. 8. Tbotnp-Pttsr Mower;, Lowla 0 . ' Bnrrongba,DD Jonw, JoHaDarn. AUndatcSlni

TokD W. BicbartH; Hlobolaa D. Kaaonae.br tbe Bute—Wm Comaon,

Fioob S.Ctrej. Jab'P, Woodbsil, Jobs Caak.JCxcnud—B, P. fiaudanoB, Wm A. WfMr,Abient-J.WKrreiiOoIeniiti. •The drawlnc of tbt Jory owopied oalj fif-

teen mluntet, ' . •; • ;, ' • -.PKieootor Cailtr, ID opening, laid the de-

la i t iaehirged with ktllistt U« wife. AaateX, Cole, and outlined what tbe Stati propoaed

ahew, Darius tbe mtulotUe v»tteutat«Cols Mt wilh bla *ytn partly dowDcait and

fateilo«ktii}jvB*d twltefclBi hUb»odi iftsr oatJlniDH wb»t he upeoted topndu«» la t i i d n n be wnolndod with tbe

it that the But J, if It ibould. pnrefaetawanld olalm a TertJok of. nmrd«r lo

lantdegno.. . , . - ,•tltrou. Tt; FIKHROX taititltd la baTlofids a diagram ot tba fnUrlar i.rrai)geniaiittbi Cola botue, htta hstua] anrrey, and

dwwlbed tba varlom xoomn lo tba bntameitt

DK, JOHH -H. U'B«II . IU, at Koniitown,illfletl to.baVlox nado an aiitopiyon tbe

bodjof Aante&. ColeVautitod by Or, BUiW i d bfxij.riflld, Anomlsi-ct o

d l inb»(ij. OD tbefotebBhd were found tnai

tontniloM, below tbe hair and above toe ejre->roiTi regolof In form, and about two inobea

lonS and un bob and a half wide Tbe leltnod two oheeki w«re bisekened. Thewaa broken. Oo the •tiouldera, armi

and fareanai, were Mttnelooi-. On tb« hip*1 knee* aod extendlig to the aokUi were

-oonda and eantoiIoDi, On Ue upper po^6 ot the b»ck wen alx Urge oontoaloni,itber tennd Id ihape, aid would aTeratear «r five lnahea ooo way and three or fourahti the other way. A blow ol the a»tl|ht eatta« the mark* on the back. Theami on th« aboaUara«et«taaerata4 wotudaoot tbe depth of th« tklo, and wen longit

-VOa aiid aliar'peat ifeedaj theBlxb: Bridie~ epd BeckaWav mall' at fae Dorer poat «lllae.;: w i l l e l o e e ' » t > l B « \ « l . • : : : • ; . '„•-•"•••:.'

•,•;"' MajM'WCrte • wee >o eleolol, wltb th» en.llreDemooraWtiBlot, at Ibe atorrUUwn

i r t i j i U H i i / ;;;'

; g yigH h«f • b«n produced by an Initmuentrt iharp. Tbey vare too wid« to bare btendobj tbe flpgnr nalTa. Tteyoould hare

an uada by tbe brol»n laotero B«OITD. Thege coutmigp on the hip WM Irngnlar Inapi/aod ooald tare been canted by »»ine-

Ix laobeaonoiTayaBd parbapa three Inobeaman tha other. On tbo upper part of I he

igh WM a dlimond abaped bratw, thrta or'anr inehca one waj and Jour or tire (be other.,' WM probably oatUMt bj aomathtiif with

d d B ld t t l l l U thp j

nandedge. Bo coald oat tollk b t Jd ld

rtirjareiefiUijo^Hiiniiapf y , } / : , ;;.;,:- . I ta la i t itoclilei o! Orn. Pooni wltkk l k b l l d t b ' i i d

Itla >.i« llr. Tbaa.: J. Allao '.baa eliaed a-''• o.atra.1 tolalld > rallroojlla Peru aad will

iiiaj ©I tncee..btttaiVta»..^^r;'f?(;^

f r t r . a c y5 tewllijfoSa fpaaalete ea«B|alaIBocKloara^i|rt«^eid!>f»aeabpldare •:•(•;; WC;:

^^T.WiBMiiaadBrpwi u d HB,o( Hor: f.Uwa.aallforKeraK on tie'ink-art » r; «idlIre.Jcaafbr«ikootbe«lta. :•„ 'HabartT.FMK, cf aUrrl.l.W., baib«aa

a l . i . . r » j ; l k a QoVe'r-aelMe.ffrat.Wrl.bt d«ea.a.d.

r-;Tt.at.i."««»>to J«. 8. litlltk'a, lalalj^ weepled aaa' amf ;BatkeV )a; telBf.aloelf

»«M i t ail ajr, Mallck illl oooapj It,;.Tbe B«l»»are a«d Buoad Breok Silltoad

»»ar»e]eet«a iu Dlnetoia lio]«dl»i Hetare.Oee.ltl.lerfaaade',H.B.aeh,ori)o..r.

,(rnM>t»«Bitm*«fttiB| ib«;;,a»i«pt artba piiwaei* fnM the egnatf JftC;•'^;;.n'e^wMi»;*iaoiiii"'i)BeM 'to '»artai> oni-j- «SBtb>rtbai*piraili>od the ntmt new**

. ;i Ai~titloBla.eal»I«talat.a bin for tber«l.aa« at O.Win 8U»artfto« BUtt til.on.H > i i l l l > jaar'aad'alarea.Wontli'a ie

^•Ir.' Waj. Ikoaia.. ot K.wark. will oiece Hi'BMUeoee;BaVtrftTetttiUSaoiiaar:wllb ble,BMUeoee;BaV.trftTetttiUSaoiiaar:w/.«Uj, l« tbal .p. of.l«pro,ln, bla . l l .Vjwait^wj'j:? t.;;-i •-'?';••; y:s ;•;••••• •':•; ,:• I

?.^: fl'at^ ta alitlibioa fueral oeeatiovVbat' wb>aItooioato (altlaialiwaeOco"Wblt"

i» a«bleaffIk»old Ueek. Kladerborolt>it.; ,^r , io>»oggjg^: : ; ; ; .•'.Si;';.'-i'.'i\. K.V;;. f KV elaeialBt Re>Balb wilt W tbeiaat oaaoo

a_ tarlar aljpa of D,..r'.HIl l l f c l

.SBP»:tbaii iaj£ ;!;&;^::;A;ii . i ; : . : ,iioaaaIo«Dai waa obaai<ea jo 81. Joba'a

, V Ck«r«« «« 'aHcla l ettiloaa lait oreelet.. K«r.' O, M. OaHiUao, of, Senark, pioiohed

•i^nixuiknMffSV'.Vi;;:?;: J'J'-s'••.•'.';•.•"•-Tie iiatk la eaaoaaoed at Eaatn of Hre.

.Muy^/wlaowof HenrjHediee, farni.rlj'{.'•t>PbeBlar.K'aid'at'.'>arilpptni: tl.'ltiaa

0 ;i''jeMieateoa of afr^H; O.

^ r d t ' f Frleoet«Bl.Tlltc B a t o r

U lo laa ;rffttalos •l.tlT"Me Tlt*WB / ' ; ' ; ' ' ' / / ' '

., .„.. > Zack t n m»de eitMiiTe li- r' prm#»it*i to th* I*tk» View BOBM at Uka

•B.piUMg.aBd Kr. H. L. Cook'aaew r«l-

I)aW,bayalb|w e l k r i i m v l ^ i p > t tVelaae tlalr

->airree'at#.lia'itke''e»ealHr,''bat'lack ef .reelj PM»««ta j W a i U . 1 . t r a u ' ";: •'•• '••-<-•"

'•'"( •-Thq («& «nW'afVbMa;'ef, atUl wttterMat oat froa tka ItoTuixMt eOoa ia the m


/Kilfndiillj.Jef 'Boieoiaj.' aienjitaiBi, baa!? tltad of faaoy nttle aad will dlspoea of We

; >«d ol Jan., ee.a. > Oe la eiruil.f oi .»- e.tawir. i » l . („ u , bra*B.lu of h.reaJ B l l ik b f - « l O l

tbe>krf VoUd | I , U j"::/ asBou'ee tbelrlatentloB of dolaf eo -aaoibe:'•:': jwrSs-'\.'^0^Ly\; - '••••':,,' ' '. "|-" ; vr .

^Akol i l l l i i i iewa. iraew.1 l»t Bataria,.toJr.r.Betler, otUaooooo lalua, Hk.Uo.

'i"^pai0Hi''!ita4''taloat^Ueaneea to Bernard T.r ' Jobaaoa, otMUe Hill aid Xirjartt Becan of

. .' U*,:mort(U«i-ro^.'ld.-rTalVinit0B t'iblp, Wia laJdoot lut EUUraj. It will

i Jrom^flotkiowm to;:Haeatt!!o«;»al»illea.,: „..,,•.-. .... . . - - .

' Pap^wereeerredlut.eekln aaolit;: T»e»u £.• Q | l^ , lormu'.J u«h»t ot tb.

^:^ia?«fc.B^>«*i.i^» ,** »i" *|r^

l(>'i*- *?

,utUeh* •8d lide bo*rda. In a

j r*ip«otl

Hatrtf sade no etjsotioni toopesfng tbft(tank the awDnd timo. I ukiA Urn '

• the plaoa he thrtw busk, and ha aald ItWM an old n t , 1 uk«4 bin t,a lat na ae»

id he aafd It didn't amount to uytblng.UionADD BiflBWT, wlo lived i n r H u » >

Colo In JannaiT, ttatlBed tofokf thqra towork In tto morning about B o'cloek. W«had dlnnar, got tba wagon rudr. Add wantU OhMter. - lira. Cola tlien bat an a ealloo

. WB got bom* fN-mOhMUr about 10o'oloekor balf^Mt Ube b»d ebangad berclothe*, wltneai tbonght- Hho bad on a dtukW4i.it, lint did not HOUOB wbat kind ofaUrt.Sbo bad on no hood that aTMing, Wo dra?*' tbe Uco. WtuBM told be* ttej drars to•habern. Cold woaS to the door, tried' it andfound It look«d. Tban be IWRMI to klik anditaat, tUa doom.: I toU him to give *

in tirno toJ*t blwio1aad b«t«1<l »(go to h 1. Eft wtBtlitck to tb« bMB, wl

•aid "l'lltwwlijon.d—-njon." Tbenbt W3I.V U Vat hotuft.:. •*«. Cole cams dand Mkod blm " to come np and qolet Hnre.""tien bB came down and airnek fcla wlta In;bataead or bmit. Hlietban (Hr«#np Iland a and wksd bin noi tobttb«r. Dole etax*

gered down, ffltnci* tbon detailed haw ColaWed to fight him at tbe bua and on the w*jto tbe ho'nie. Tbe/ aet In the baaenent, inthe diufng room. VVboa tbey wera abont toiet down to thfl table ha began to onraa tbetelephone nen, asd knoaked a kalfe tad fork«ffthelitbla.' Tben to tbraaUned to "knockthe derll" oat of wltaeaa. St*% b« ettd hewbnldiboot wltaeaa mid lUrtednp-ataira. Olawife atartod to itop blm and he threititned to

knock h—1 oat of htt." Wita«i thantold hew h* threw Colo down, bow. hia wlfoL>HlfUd him and he let bin up. Cola thoughtth> wltoeii wu Eanry Tiger. Then Cole

Ic at blm agatn and bit tbe pattlt of thedoor. Tben «ltneai started to go borne and

go np-atalra and play on tlo piano far blm.nd wltnui* to danoe.'. Tben be want bwk In

tbekltefaen and wanted to tight wl tn eta again.Titan to triad.to trtat wltnuato wbtikej,bnt ba nfuiad and got bla ooat and bat andwent tome, lie did not aee any broken lan-tern oi bntt«r traj tbera tbat night aod tbeDoor e»ined to ba all oleared up. Oa orowr

imtloa bo a aid tbaj went f> Cbiatw forcoil and Inmber. At Mr. JMVB tbey bottgbt

half gallon of wbltkej In two botU'ialdfaewaDUditt«pntoadrl«dapplea. At

hotel near tbft D , L. & W. depot, Ghea-tor, bo did not «o Cole drink anything. Ue-lora teaahlnt Odoalec depot tbey drank•em the botllea. It waa about 1 o'olwkrken they got to Ct.et.ter depot. ''•nt to aee Fred Jetiklna In tbe towni 0ar-ftywesttotbe baicl wbllbKltsui w n t to[r. Jenkina' baBie, Next they went to tboiKiaKokdamiBtopped at tbo hot*, tben.

Ttej atajeil theto abont halt an boar; didlotlcnow how many drioki Uarfey had there.'

Bank Fonjtberbds bime with them fromii Koidj. Harrej drove. Tt» wtvi feollsg

Ireuj welt bqt did noh hw to bB fcelpnd tnin wagou. Fot*jtt)B name M tut u Ktvlitoa*iwn, bat they •»* no one «JM there, l ietld Hirfoy and For.jtho were talking about

•omethlnK or otber.bat he did not bear tbeword*. He beard Cole.till ForaithV-ho

jnldn't get in the wagoa. While' witnftunnt to a itore ha mppoaed Cole and For-itba <jn*r»Ud.' B w w waa feeling pntly

w«U tben. They • topped In Mend ham In frontif hotel, wUoU waa oloiud. Bete Hatie badwt wordi with Ed. Varrdl. Harya atiini-

Aid and fell, down and Wltieia and Vantlllilted dim In tbo wagon. Han/a got into a

j row at llendfaara.'.'Si wu about aadrank M a man gcU at tbit timo. Barro[Q, ont ol-tbe wagon at ala honK by holding

tbo wfaeat... Wit new «bowed how Hat«jr•M good baoiored and agly by turns All tho• / from Kalataatoiro. He or 1*4 wblto *it-

neia waa holding blm ou tbo fiwr In the bonao.alia tried to throw aomenaulla in tbo .•e. He would getdown and oonld barflj^up, ' Bo waa ID A condition of maadlin

i r o n k e n n B M , • • • ' • ' . • ' . • . - - . . . • ' • . ; - • • • • ' • ' • ;

r the.ken botUr Ud!» wonld bare earned it.

'hnt btttUei a&'tha lejttu npand dan».'barttn waaralaednj.. A dull inmnmeat

nU » o » 1W *Eh« ,»atki on tk* *m» pndtks*i(BtaIwer* all MntBthni—ronad ot

nenl; miH.' Th> eontnatona on • the wriaklooked M U aotnt foro* hid bM& uwd to hold

>• wriat - Tbo broken noaa waa drif en fromIgbtto l*ft | tfaooght the akin ww not bmkiB.

ib^lrtwtniUgbtinatebM.lhe~ woaada ware raeaat.* Tfcay; naxt r«-

»bod tea atalp and>neath^he aaalp'and,tfca b«ne on tbaVrigktialds wen fannd•MeBtiavuatioaa of blood aad two o* the

rlgbt aide—above tbo «ar and infnwt andlehlsdWear, w-uing toward tbe top of tbi

art.1 lhf*B oc font tnoltcf leag. Onaaa'.tepihe head ww ofrenlar and abont tbealio of»<4«Kt»T «f ft dollar. "Aft .ejaty dtakoylngeaaall blood |ei«el« and leKlng theeapa wonlA n i n tbnoJTlip It* alnll onp they foood a* tbe loft

iideol the brain Bler^ebloodn1oktli«twoBid" i »food alitdaancer They alaofonad two

mlltr o!«ta on UntrlRbt aide of tbo brainliwten the brain nnfl iknll; Tfafio bloodita wtro owned by a Iweritlon ofa lwg«

lood TUtel oo the top of the b*ad. Tbitlao-iratloh WM benoith u d a llttlo bealcd theanlsiloB fonnd on the top «1 tbe b«ad. An'jury HeeWed oa tbe hud wtmld oaDie tbaiptnreof tkla VUMU ThrraVaano fraetnnthstkoll.: Tbehdartandlitm and other

.iaa» were.fooni b«aUhy." Th«t wai notgnaof aloohollnlbo itomaob. Inhlioplfl'

•nttedl Colo took!t «i . f l« drlnki out ol the bftltl*, md

Irank at the.UroM.Soada. -Wltneaa waeKbit tb*t algbt.' Wb«n wiUtwlrifc th*home tbat night Colo waa quid, knew bin,flDtild walk aid talked fumiUr. ' . He no-lief d when be got hino that it wu •

eart H w u s : Aa wllaaaa vtu gobigalong the »a<l oest moralag, ttbaat 7 9Q Colecalled to blm tbat ble 'Wfe w«» djiaj. Ha

t I tb« w«mu Vaa >*k** and coV

tb» ei ^tbo brain,' f a*»«4 by tbe iaMratlen or tbla

iiood TMWV 1 beagbt a y*ni>» with anab anInjnry could live bnt a abort tlm». The ilna

aald Tai?. bat b« thought would not extenddays. ' Where th« oo«Bpre<il-.i. waa «0 0»-"

tenalre It wonld oiow paraiyala In a fewa *t faitbo't, and be ttonght that • p«-

on a'ter nweWng »a -irjuryof, ibla klodrauld not have tbe powen of loflnnimlon ••II,; Be thought tba blowe wen (rfllotarj by1 batfument heavy andiplt The broken•tter bowl waii ebowo, Bni be did ont thinktalgbt lawbe**1 ctiied hy tfc »va U wontdit tbe foalp. He tbortgbt loneiblnft aotter.an wood womld D»H« awb••won-ad. Sam*

J the (pjarieiou tha b«d might ha»e beenmelred by • tM, bit be fton|bt m\M of

'ilbeywt.reeowatWoa. An ordinarydown woald not ha« o»ni»a tnmn.rM bJ f lhl klBd

ronM np;b««pr«TeoM dtath- CoHldoraliiitrldanoewMelielted reeputla* the raptured

' ,P, .whlBti oaaied the blood. sloU *odd e a t h . - , ' . ' : ' " " / ' , • • • • : . • : ' • ' . ^ • ' - \ i C . : - . ' : : • •

DB. JoiW 8. BiiaiB, of Hondbaw, taatlHadto waTfatf «*» ««• Cote t\ 9 oPalMit, on th a

* Ingof tbe Slab ThebodT T«'«» **'id fi-wr In tb» b»U. on thebuk, petfeetly

.tralgbt.dd ooTMod wlrt a ib>o, or qnlltgi u BD riotblng

d atookloga

e body «eeptd

thm i u BD riotbg y phoea usd atookloga. He h»d bor oonT#yed

KflVwaiVoidand:*]iabBfipnlaelaaa.': Bo-.aailnai nnlU-rte d)ed,,be(irean 8 « MI'elaek In tho a(tonioon. Be .u«i*t«d Dr.

- uanaooitrabaraUdion her anna looked

The»orMloniOBthoto>»Miiil|btbaTa'earned by dragging • porwo np itilri. Hotbonghtthat If tbo Wownppn the head hadba«B aide by thB bfoken batter bowl there

1 h«e been » « « external erldetoa of„, • .BM'aftha woDide and Btrufom n tbe

. toiT mlitht h n i b«B V*M hy tbU Inrtn-« « t a » a t h 8 broken lantern.'On am ox-

the j ; . . .\ O 0 M w i * * « • C. H i « o teaUfleft to tlew-t » tb* body n d examining thepremtfi.T t a W »«««4 tob. l-Wrerfer. ;BeS i t «». e l ^ * UP *H.>. Jab-tH. a-kod ta# del«da-t wher. waa tbe olotb.t « h U wlfahad ontbenlghl before and fcsi o e d l i a ' t *»ow. ' I»Ur».to!d wib.ee.U * 1d tth H,ftl

Ugettham,.- H,ftl.l toabrf-wo

pS d W He «Uareww(aidke

ta tb«yoa..

»k, anfh

bKitbeelotb. i .g ,wht6brfpb*T XbJ terribly Killed « d ahreddrt gar-

U pwwnted a iiuto\ appwiano*, H*ifl* a badly torn; Bood,Iwbloh

^ H U d WSailidentifle* a bay ; ,Sly bwdedW« '«*' ^T* HenoUoad WoodM « T ' ( S wWgerator In the kltohen, oaS S 5 the d«r to tbel.lt ct tbe iWr« SiefinUoorand on the wall orboariJ ^ b i ^ rane*!*** llk-efl

At., nettoed a «maU apot od ^ Water bad .been

b t f- g k ^ M p p;bwkislaiwo in the

id'th bkMbui

"wipid'ipiftwi'lt.;; Hi

i^ilSftVtiMV.'.;:'Polo wai) tronad1 ^ b , > drlrkli-a tkin.ht.ir—

won f«nnd on tbe 18th oi Fabnury. All'apenonu, ptopertrwaatbOB adrertlm

/oraale. Wituern brought Uurtty to lowion tba lat day of February, Haeafd hedldn'iknow.what they wint>>i] him for; that hadidn't know bow ahe got hurt unleae aba Uda flt. Be aaid ba had tome run that nlfand that bli wife dmnk a pint of It and ron

*»« hid a fitWM Entoira related that bo waa at Cole'.

booae tbe day hl> wile died, about 8 o'clock.Ha law MM. Cola ljlng on ber bmefc.ln tbinppar ball with ber bead toward tbe door.Bfat t u Daoonealona. I aaked Oola bow tblifaappentd and be a«JA to didn't know uai**»'ill wife had a at and fell down aUtn. A<rltsew atwted eat Cole toilowtfl blm n d

aald bo »nd bla wife bed bad a *arful ttbeaifta>btfftie. A*bepBaiod tbrongbhltebaoJ &e noticed milk and broken glaea ontb* floor, 4 a srsn examtaalioa wltneaa aald

' ' bad Mut /or him. Ho waa wa'nd.sanoiu, wringing bl* faaada aad a»j-'

Ing, <' Oh, dear, ob, dear," - '* a, EWLT K. YAWOIE, a afater of Hra.

Cole, laid ibo want to ibo benie the after-noon alter Hra. Cole'a death. Sbe found Ibebo«d ibown In tto ttore ID tbe dining roomBhe did aot know of Colo, threatening tnwile, ezoept wbat abe bad lo'd tier. (TheProaeoBtor ikld ba propowd to abow that itWM Colo'a onetom to nis TioUno» toward bli

ltbla a low moo tba of thla oeovtrnnee. Thedefence objected Bad, tho Pfoieonter waa

erroltd.) WitneWBaw a pwt ot ft drawerj lying oo * ot.ir In the kllohec. Witnaae

Mked " WUt b u happ«etd t e n V ni Co!*aald ho didn't know.

UUBT H. Twsa tckttfled he IWtiilibboor to Hole nine yean. He wai at tbolow oo Viiday siUniMn and told of aeelie

the bloed loarki before described, and tbeilopdy finger prlnta on tbo wall. Tbe carpet

WM wet In front of the atoro, and -a l«wtoweta wltn Wo<ia mntt on thorn laj on atable. He Id«nt[fl*d tbo tawela ihown. Hebeard Colo one night tbreatennd to ahoot her fthat waa tho nigbt hn bad ber locked ont ofIlia botue and ahot bat of.tbe window at berII* had beard him often ahtulng hi* wile Intbe laat two yeatt. He bad be»n over'tbere' ialf a dosen tlmea—perbapa uore—but uerttrwent there noleie toot for. When Cola badbeea drinking ie )ud often heard blm ea.1Iber bad namea aad tbraitsn to bang ber ontbe bead, and one time be did out b*r betvdpan with a eboe, Ba denied It and iald beweald bang, ber> the bead If eh» didn'ttlit up."* Them WM ao mnoU of It that be

couldn't tell b*!t of tt. On «o»a*xai».n»-loo witneaa aald Ooleiraialwaye In )I<isorrb«a tbuo dtalnrbanpea OGenrred) tbat theywed quietly and peaceably wbsn be was>bor. f.aaianptfunber wltneta aaw Colebaling bla wife around tbehonaaandoallliig

btr to prodnoa btraeir. Bo WM drank. . <,Mm. FBAJICM EWIOHS leoalltdt Knew

Mrs. Colt? liart a wltlta

Jxzi BAJrirOJV I.Ted a quarUP of » i»UeCole. BawColaane' hlawifeaboatnoou

nt to Cheater. Mrs, Colethe day fcaH wu

Vaa ->*k** and coV-•went In, ap,w tb«*' h ^ T:k In .tno ball,' »oi had potitog •» >>aV

etooklnga and oilppont i Ton mlnnua laMrwltneai aame buk with Mr,'Emnonii. B«-mina aiked kin. whatwM the tnalMr with hiewilt.'•'-. Cole aalo ho » went io Gbtator yeater-lay ud'wbek be eane baok bla-wife pllebedIgbt with aW andhehad twaafand hldaelf.»VltBchlBW the broken,batter ladle on tbe

flwr io tho kltehoB. Tben leaned to bemilk Bid wet on the klleben flwr. Ue bad

ivor known Colo to oae tbnata towarda bli

.wUfc1;-:*; •;.; -•'•• • - ' - • - . - • • • • • t * . ti-j: v - - • / • " • ; -

_IB4. FuvoaallTed atottt a

; Bb

»M tratlflid that ikeTed atottt a qntiWaf it»«» ( » « t h e Colal»o«; Bbe aaw Hra. Cole abont the kit oh en

door oit'TbiiTadaj '».l»rnoi>ii.' lira Ctriaa.pVi to l>a well «Bd»ll right. Wai at tbalal'Mle after* o'oiock: on Friday •orn-W.ot Jo thebaiemont kltoben. Cole

Damo 1. lie klUKn. I itini "jti Analeick i:C;'a«; aat<i-" Ye», I tbjak' ebVa dyiag.;cme"aid'let her." - H»ledaa np In the hallber* ahe <3j1'"witn berhead toward, thetor. Wowked bin what waa tbo B>»lt-r,;ad hi twtd be didn't know. Ho thought abtimet kaT» been tiJclngauuethlns Jootiueiit unccmiolDui etate(

; He>t»Id ifae V M that>ay when ko fOBnd-her.v Ha aald no bad

Uetn W Oh**Wr u « whem a* caWa baektttyad a terrible flgbt~tie wonttbey ever bad

- in tb« kitcbta. WiUtw* Botited ib» h*«no fliolblog on ni be i»id he did not knowwhere they wen. In looking through theWttbn »to found what looked like aheap ofnia. Th*y were eloibei, bnt were torn and/«ry nueh wet Wltneifwentto the kltobento oake a fire and Cole followed bar.-lie

i We bad • wrrlblft tine lut alibt Ofionraal had to do. eotvethlsg lo defend my-•elf." She nolleed tha broken lantern on tbeloor, and uw a towel, on a email table thatnd Wood OB It,thatloeked likeflsgermarka.

Bbo left the olottiee when ike fannd them,'hete 111 Bnderdlothlng with them,' Tbaotboi the Coroner bad there tbtamoraiBg

i ltdJt

e gotiie*). .Oiiflto*e»jMniln»tl«)B

wtdM^ntdbe.ae'en tbat parr'e/ had been•JtinUog. tat hevwasn't tlnnk tiieaA.B1-"afterwaid aaw blood narfca «n Iba nfrigiilor and tke docn ot tbe ktlehea u « dtolvgrom and drop* ot blood on the Utehea floor,MB. BiwoK n catted i \ Oole;wa» vtWhk*

drank or aob'ec wben l o oalled lim | beweaeii to. 1*» what might be called'turncr«y, He dldVt appear.'.to' kaow wbat.be,WM doing; Wltnm-.tbOBgbt be acted ae If

• W M a * * * * B I • • * * ! * • * n " 1 * * . • " •.'.''•'-•'"•' '''•• LV

CtUMLUBtLL told »f-going to tbO'CpiojuOate la the warning. Went tn the kiUheoand noticed lota of milk OB the floor, broken

ia and wbat looked UkaibBajof tagt.glBuSaw Mra. Cole

g-,"! artedSaw Mra. Cole tltlie luii l i .MKi*. ,! arted

Colewba.twMtbBBblUrflt.bU.vlft »ad b*•aid be diaa'tknow. After tk»t h« told oi

BD4 bla wife bailsftittTitbU figbt In tb*nfacB. H« laid they foagbt fearful, bat

gave BO reaaon wby tbey foogbt. On eroa*Aiamlnatlon he' aid. ColtV eoudllloa WtW,ttboataaltalwayawaa wbsn be #•« getting

reif i'draok. AUtha 8»a ware,ont Mtoptjno ID the dlmfng zoom atite dbwtt'.atalra.Bit , BICBAID BABBITT -waa at the' Coleaee tha day after Ut*. Cole died, betweeB

J « 4 U . HholoundapIecebrolotblBg whilol f>

the Jurybi


(the Jury ;W«^eir p >g»»Bt baited the i t m ' u i d uother P1M« •(nBdergarment la *ha olothae btwket. SbeaaVawblte faood nbhb. MrtuTawgu frasdbehind tbe dinlag room itoTtv' (The hood,

bl&B w » bitraftd, waaabowa u d WentiJStfl.]L M O I L Enuni tbe brolberoJ lire. Cole,

aaia ha llted at Cbelter. HoaawbUdater•bov'tBoonsfthe day aba died. Bke lay Intba bed. H« wast down italn Mondaymorning. Da aaw the blotdaaika dceoribadbefo«/:, HeJoBBd eoV«Iot*lng under the«ttrpat in the lower kiteben. Ha etepped on'ihoflngofa laaUrn Under,the eajp*t. H«!TiiUe4tha«srpatBp; andifotud tBeriagatid.a pieoe of tba arii'tud ehonlder ol the juidiu>•bitt. H« eivw tbal'bntlw • taaj iuia ladltunder the ateop. way leading toitke bww

V ^ l t k 4 C U : h tw . . O B V ^ j i :the n a t l e r ' o ' Annie' and1, he' aald. hi

b b « > a «Vdiaut «»»w, tb*t » * » « M > «•BinethiBg.•-•' Do told haw ha upbraided C0T1for what he' bad doia, ujjing Urn tad a-twayiaaed her Ilia • dog.: Ho wrong ai* BU4B aad•aid, "db.dBar, ob;dear,wha% ebaljlftoi?

CoaaxABW VtuALodU waa at the'coleBouo after al^'OoU:dt>a and foasd; ibebntter tray and two towelt*.i: The tbwela w i nfound in * b»dlewUbBbeeta..table olotbaUd other tbbgt la m bundle. He fdentiBodtbebloW-atalncdtowela by narka bo madeitttbe'tlriio.- Se'fbaud'theVuttetteayia;ar

lirifie .tM? Tb, tny and tflw

'ito, «od thought be ottuild eta* iihl l h

u np toTh

moniing wbcJiJ Woke up on the tiwr, or on~ can't Ml whloh. I west oal

doortlittlonsebowtbufimfu. l i i w t t e\loth»ainA tbongbt thnri mnili h*»ien-ible r*rk»t, hot It did not oeam

how (t bsppened. One bpttle et; wbfekay wwtinder tbe aeat of tbft wAgoo nntouobed, andthe other atood ou a tibia witb tbont om

iniU- IwomUwdbawnt-nothome. 'went ba«k to *be boue, went npitaim aoc

wife on ttw iloor. He rten -wedfor neigbbon and aant for doctor. I waa an

_ and barA'? kn*w my own mind. X donot remesibVr tailing anybody bow u>r wife:ot hart, or tbat we bad a p}Uibed battle.lo not remember tbat webad a pitched bi tt!

or bow her nfctttiM got off. I aaw tbe bnttertray and ladle pn tbe door,' bnt do not know

tbey got tbere, I pattboololblngln tbekbweoM Itifclo&and hla wife tild ne

It wonld ba better for tne or loaethfnjt ltk«tbat I waa exalted and did not berdlyknow what I did.

Oo oroM-ttiaailDitlon witnou iald bi badno llqoor abont tte binse for a moatb beforethfa. When I atarted away for ChiWM aober. H* got tho firat drink at Mr.I*etk'»; it WM apple wuuk*y. On ttu

Chester he and Babblit tuh took twodriokl. B«hbftt did not drink it Lwlt'.,

«Ireatid tbe crowd at Cheiler depotand drank n e wlilnkey. Ai tht CbesnUt«] he took two drinka pt rye wbUkey and.Hlska Babbitt t ok one. At tb* UhnterOroM Bokde bottl be took a drink or ryewhiskey n d Brtblit taak a driok. Whan,b»y,afuttrifremtbBrehethinkat.e«ndl)afa.jHtnndyoiojtlHiSBton tb) front aaat of MEW*goD,batb not itiro about Babbitt. Haoould not remombnr mneh a^opt the rideiftar tbat. Be Nmenbrrad talking about

ttlepiionri.attir leaving the emu roads.

iu H*tit mtown he tlaea not know,on my liaek at t\ymgbt me to. He oonld not

law whether if waa in hla own houia c-here tbat BtUtltt had him on bla b*ellie flrat thing-f bo reoolleotcd aeelng wa

olotke* laying aronnd ih* dining rootn, onaide or nwUrtfmh tba tablo Tbey werewife'a ind^were'.fcatlewd aronodtln

r. H« did lift go into the kltebeu till be

Ibo pieceIOWH Uaputoitutttliotid. Onet»« blutid

ia tha bed tick of thu bed tiihitaiu thail o r n i a g . • • « . - - . ; . • , - •

AMH SAHTOX io-oalled:' Conllnott^U tb*j>oaltlo& of lira. Cole'a h-id, but her feet wor*atralght oat, aloogilde tbo newel poal of tb*

i t a i t * . • - ' , • : . » • • . • . . . . . - . • •

ThoState reated. ,Senator Geo. T, WerU itld the deCoaoeOBld be tbat they knew, nothing of tbia

affair, u d If dot» it wat dont In a tUte ofIrnoken unonDioloDJOMi, ; ,

UvKiOQ, % brotber-ta law ol Harreyiole, told of being called orer that morning.[tinay waa trying <to build a lira. Da took

witaeaaop-atalri where tba body ww'andaaked witneeato foe. bla wlle'» face, It w «eold. Butty waa all asitraic • Mr. a heat •

aa very wrotn'y when thtre and madethreata to Sar*ey. Qeoonld notttll whethar

bed kad bean alept In ih» night before,for tbe olotbee bid been taken dff to pntorer" Cote. He kad ieen tbe broken batter

lying In .tbo baU way.': On orooiexam[nation vitneea aald Cole eatd they bad bad

fearfn) time •nd be wlihod he kUw whol a d b e e n t h e r e . < ; • ••_ • . " " • ' . " • ' . • . , . ' : •

CQLBI •.brotberof th»'priaoatr.aald tie got to Ilartej'a boBw about noon,

itlh hU wlto.': Baw llBTioy In tb« wafioniiuo. I Biked blm wbat tbo tronblo waadLetWdtuuton'tknow. UouemeAtoborynerTou and locked M it he not been

driBUag. ila heart torn waa elothea arouBd,bnttook no botle* ot tiim. 1 told Hureythat It looked bad to bar* aach clothe* lying»r*BBd, that i t looked u If tbey had had ntine, aad adrlaed Qariey to put thorn away.He mated to d o u bsoaow ha aald It weald

ik Mir he did it, and be kniw BOtblagaboittllVOa. siaae-esawIaatloa'hB'uid hedid k»t MO tkoblothiBg.bBt tiiiard torBeloth!

>«.w>i ljiBg>boaUt! lie did not know tli»' awaj-tUliheCorutiMfiaad

UKM*T Voitrrni tMtlud to mo»tlog Har-ajCoUat'thft CraMBoade hotel»l7ln tb%realnK. Heaeked Oo.)a If be wold rid* with

him. titla d.dl»ftt appear to be tnnob draattthen, H* »Uri«d wilh Hawey.^When tbey

•' Wby didn't joa look f«r 3out wife," a».dhe rroapontor. Inatead of going eui to th<1MB t» l«t>kat jfUT boiaot V.'Tbe iritowe oould not caplt.il. Ho bida't

thkttboagi>t)liudlyVDnw«'liatboTTm doing.It WMHoteuitoD)BryiD*»huwife'iotothlDx'oaUerc abaat. He wentoui to Uvbi ._

•we wbothor B*l'lj]it iru tbere, bBoauie hewas going to Korkiarhls. tbat day. He wont

it alio to iea about bla tsam, wagon und lum-

,bere( then went 10 tbe barnlfaiwtlielnmbeiin (ttinil examined iba wagon to tee If the

were ou It it, Tney wire nil tberelUbimi would pitHhou awaj

wft ciaiotv buaio but he dldu't tbat tight.He put tbo blaabote tufitj. When be vt>nt

k l t b h

a Uola aaaliyleil.wltb bin.IrUBradblmoffblawagon and aaid'heeoaldiokhimand all the Ponythaa faa"kudatw>twa,- lie WM pretty dmnk b j tbla tliuo.

viik.'.vOolBtrdid notfet'oirtbe fragooiand It waa all ,t*lk.V Bo did < oot "think Uab-

Itt WM aadar'tba loaaeooe otilo.apr at AIL•".HM.MMioaloca'lUdi Said bo invotbo

JWBla to Ooaiuble Lorea. He waa poattUaJBO of t bam WM B towel bB give Mr. -Wood-toff; OM o&dehaiMr.. lie wl^ltwdontting tbepieties i.woj',li;caaa:tci,5ia IiAltl'-'SliwjUwo&ld $ttw* aad MtcuVe bit ib»»u. \ ;)i \

UOBWT UiBSirr ran tho mlllnt RalatoortownlMt J»nQkty. it wai abjQtlt) o'oloek

sight*wh» J beard a row and going (othedooratWthrM m«n,"and knew. ;«omeoatwaa lntoxioatad.*, • He fliod^tfao; time: beeauoio looked at tbe eloejk. Ono ef ttu <ctn wBa•arylood, bat be did'Wot know'»t the time

E D V U D VJMMU. totd :thai tkb slgbt b«-Tare Ura, Cole'a death b* aair Harrey aU>ut100 jtvda from tb« MtndUm hotels;; H«»ey

ou bla wagija. bollrrlng.' Qo wanted tol d i ff tb goD. Ho WM

n tbo .wagon';BAMtt l

gjasd &oi off

rerj drank, and weW i t i d t * ' t i

j , p gWitBoii dt*'Mt iea bin fell •• BiAMtt teatl-led 1B tha moralng. Wltoeu and Uw Wood-iBbelped blm in the wagon. .TToodrolTgo.itbewaftOB and held Cole oa tbe eeat for

abont 200 yarda, > \ "i flJ tIK)BD tiitifled to hearing Btr-

re> Cole In M-sadbam that nlgbt,'nearly ep.poilte the hotel. He droyped'tbo bed roomwindow t« h«r what wu» going on andreoogoited'Cole'e « l c * Thli WM aboothairpMt t*n o'clock. He heard tho boya tellCole to get on the wacon, Jle thooght fromCole'a TolM.be w u nnder tbo ioflaenw of

t l B o r , ' • '?.•• .• .••• . ' ' , ' • ' •:•. 7;

' .: -

v ' - " ••'•'' '•;.':"

'-•:•'•• • L - T i n i B B D A T M 0 O l » 0 .

Dwplte tbe falling ralo then WM t largeBtteadavoe, aad the lady apeatatsra crowdedtbe gallery to oTerflawiag.' Oole ttlll bad theamedowneMtandiiBrToaitppcnranoeoftbe'l

jteTlotti d*y, and It .WM'. apparent to \heOMOBI cbeeiTor that be nalliied tbo •Itnatlpna?dj;;:.V>vi'f'..";:\v-?;.l.- ;/;.VV •"V^7.VooBnBi, HoDotOiL teaUfled to aMlng

Col* in MenibiMn oa the nlgnt ol the mnrder,ind tutlfled to' the oiroanitanoea noted by

_itber wrtaeiwa. V Coleatther got offer fell offthe wagon. HB waa »ery drunk and wastedto 8g» Tamil. PamUud-WiMd'nrpleked him ap and pat him In the wejion.;•'«

j tiled flrat to Cole; t<iat Coleeklledhlni * a*mLand wld hB ccQld lick him. Tbe Ria ofwllnue'a explanation waa that Cole did notaay, anythingUll Fawell.aoeeeteihta;. Wit.oeea WM a tandred yardi awiy.

n •'.:• •'• I H B FBUWWnB'B Broi l

J; Bwnrnr Cot* WM pot on tbettwd.' H*at Brat coBld hardly ipeak.: I im about fortyand Bl'wllB'a ago wa»»bonti35. Wo Had betsmanlad 10 yean tbla Hay.; We bad lived ootbeBrcokt.de ftnn BBoat 13 yf«»,.-ijB tba80tb of January we were at home ia tbs niora-lbg.: Babtttt eame there atwnt 9 o'otook.We west to CheiterlB the afternoon/ Wowent tbe hark roadU.Hr. Leek'a. I wastedto get a little whiikiy and attt'o dp mj, ippte account with Br. Ls*k, who la'a dliUller.We left there abont 4 o'aloek. Until then ."had^Bo.bad anythlBJit to drink that day. "fbt a laif iallon tben In two bottlaa,; Wewent la Cbuter depot. Bf>l*orereMbiu tberow* took aoonplaofdripia along tbe road. Atthe'. CbeaUr depot; I had one •, drink aal. aMIW. Walwent to Choitox. »illagtj getthue ftboBt .0 o'clock and WM then abont

, onekot>: Toot ens drink tt Cbnter. hotel.WenttftChMtsrCroaaEoadiandVoppad at

botat.-. 1 tbiak H a d two flrinki and a

_ ,r . t ti.6 Croei Bbada hotel. I bada drinkbut ol tbt bottl* » f the d-jpit Voreytbawant with n» to RiJjfuntown,, I thlnfc«o«UV l Wbttbu Fonyth* get off afc

'I d rt l l l 1 d H«oUV y gBalatoJJtowii3;'.I do -art rusollecl-1think I renember ratublsg Hsudbtua tbatBlgkiV*tllil might, ba«B aome illgbt-neol

^ l A t ^ a i t ! b l bI o o ^ : ^ j {OTbeliigpVt in tke "Wagoa at Hendham,

U t i 1 ^ t h d ^ b k ig y , , j i

B <?I BaiWtt thwwing » * on the floor!> l i i t a * » a pUUulWt " D 1

Whether BabblSt got the llnea iro bit

It ftout a> y«ar age In HoTetaber.inotksr time iaw the bonae la * b*d aonilWon and aae looked M If elie bad been drink-

ig. Oarrejr WM IB bed; he bad had thewoeni lid BUppoaed.Hixvtr COLB Meaited; Held be wonibber booU tbe day he went to Cbetter,TJBUUBI, SUimi reonllol. . B « ditt no.

know bla ilater wai In the babltof drinkingiod nerer aaw ber adder tbe inUnenoo ofliqoar.

BIOIUKD HinoUT a»ld Mra Cole bad aotbeea drinlting tbat night aod be nsrer a»w"iBr nidf r tbe InfloHoe of liquor.

Aur,i BJKTOI aaid Mra Cole WM not nodetbelnfiaetoo et llqoor the da.jr before. Be

aav ber more or leia enry day for IS monthiaad nevet aaw her under tht Influent* of

qaor,Hut Euuo» bad 1U-.4 sear Kra. Dole

ilnco a child. Sbo WM eober tbu day before.s seinr knew bar npdet tbp, loflaenco of

Iqoor, ne»er*»w Lor take a drink and novorno11(iil.tB)iot)1,bnr. .Mm YAwoBft. bcraUtor. teitlLtod that abo

did not know her eiatorwM la tbe bablt of,Irlnklng.aad sever knew bar to ia undfirtb*iQneaee'of liquor. One Sunday, wkoa abiMalok. Butfejtold borabehtdbeen driolc-ig. Stotuliod Dr. Tijor abontU andhoiaidie didn't know.

HBHUT H. TIOBB tAitiaoi tli at ho iaw Hn,o!o DBfJorjho loflaencD of liquor two yau-i

no, wlon Dr. Btlger wu tho-o. Oa anaLboiOOCMIOD, tbruo joariormoru ago, bothoogtitbo WM under tho kflnonic of lliiaor, bat didiet know. Rn llvfli aatofia tbe wa;ord tho only two eocniiona bp kmetra.U«.8noBn Untied thatbo flntboird of

Ura. Cot«'i drinkingTo did not rcaolleot tb

Cltl contend that Iro

pear* Itieb on pTOTioUo

ie noticed ttte tra/i und tbo water lulled ceflaot, l it ta* tbe lantern tbeie] wa!<t aay whether it wat I& the dining room ortchwi.' Theawmtup atklti, looked la the

bed loom, and bin wife WH I not there. ThenitlOEtketl on tbo'itain andionnd her laylflghire, and t'led lo route ber up. Then be

waiitout, caff Banton pMilng and called htmf, and told him ho* wantod help. Ha eilot ikty what 1m told Ura Eainom about theiffitt. ehoaikedblmhbuut it and be toldlet* tbere muat bare been a terrible time. Sbe,ked him II hla'wife WM »(tk, but he don'ticolliet wli*t haaald. Be dida't recollect

anybody aeking him >ow her clothing gottorn oft", or what lie told him.! He anppoeedio«e;ol the clothing WM aeattend in the

loing rouin' and aptue fa tbo kltabea, bat heFM «o exelubio ho oomty net tell wba» thearia of otatblng ftms, He eaw the whlekeja the table whaa be U«t',w«k» UP aad dtaiiV.little to Haiti till nerre* bifura be weat out>tba uitia. HB.ultl not ren»u>\>tr bartngmj lonTeraaUDn aboutboir hla wife gotbarcithKr. He»B|ii;;. He Sid out lememoer roll-ig blm bli wile pltobed Into. him,' althoughn .Digbt. UihloQ and hli wife Wld him thBt

ie bad Wttfr^gather up the olothlug and put,away, vilepnt them away/ all he saw, In a

irnok lathe tkird atory.; He remembered theConner coming there OB Salnrday. tba daythorhla wife died, bathe did cot wmember(elliog him tbnt lie did not kaow where tbeelothiog wae or taat hU*wif« bad a 6.and felldo WE. lie dlJ'ae. reaaembar; what ko toldLionel Sheet), tThere were to man j oaml&iInaodontliiid he>M too Uniblr e«lt«d)«ftttaatUrv^«'MBieBiliHed.'.Co«ji\ibU!^re4brf»|iiilhlmtoHorri»to-n, but didn'tnmtBbet tellUf bimtitti'hUrWlft drank' a

»p!i.to(ffbttkej.-,ad'rel| dowi,.bnth._bt~hMa: done a*.* Belnc Mked baaalddid not ktrow, that bla'w'ie^dia'ak aay

Unu Tawgor M tbat lady UU it, Hte leeol-loetlon WM tbat Mr, Yawg«r told him that ih<

d It wu too ttofi Ibat Ura Colo did drink,iielotod tboer.doneo.


it on proTlpBB ocoatlom tbia dofeDt nitvdo tbrom igBliittt bia wlfoj that hfaindltiou tb!a night wae not mob aa to tnakoIm Ineipoulllo) tbat bo WM aigurodat blaif o booauio Ibo did not opea tho door f thatB bad a atruggto with ble wire and lite wife

becoiue unooniotoai; tbat bo dragied thibgdy np ittlra aod laid It lo Ibo ball, that bladrunkeBDOuiwM not inch at toiodaco thecrime to murder in tbo loooad dojroo, andibatUDdcralliboerldencu producud tbo d<QDdact •hoold to odoTlolcid ot murdes ia theintdojtrno. •Hjattor Watts, la ap&alng, BMA H BTOT *tddur ouu than tbla had erer ooonnol Ialottla County buoDald notiooatl it. In all

tho olrouraitaneoi and Iu leiull* Itwai tho*Tor brovght boloio

;ho Morni County Courti. Ho at looglb'lottoithftt a\, homicide is not marder- Ifmrdor U noozplaiticd and not aooonotoil for

tbo law will non permit it to be nmrdor la tbont degtoo. He lUrtod with tbe propositionikt no man otn bolluve that Harrey Cole, Inli sober, lenalblo mind woate oontoaipkt*,moh less eomtu't, this orimo. If ho did it atII, It waa committed whoa Llarciwn WM la.

rend control. The brataltty of tho clronm.tanoei aho w that It WM dono by ODD who did

out know what ha WM doing, Tbo throatait to by only ona wittttia

and tbot. wliua defsndaot WM nndoi tbo

»f tlw wblakeythath i h did

What Irmaiplrb '

y pthm night ho did not know, be'eaOM ba .WMIn aueb a terrible ,atat*. The/diiatraoged' l l l i log and terrible afate of the J»on« didn'lia l t e nay woadermeat about Ha wife Ull'be

oame back from the t a n , !,Tlie,Froaa6ntore«k*4 y<n why'h* t t t UBabbitt b*du'»k h M timeI

Ibe did*1* CTCBa

knowwhM timeIt •ria.'^Tiievnly ft»ptnn«tion' could gUowin that k* tbaagU.lt matt be

renyoloeir. . ir bo-liada't fouad'fala wifejuredtbat t»onilag>« eiid, tewou-d M.jredly hare gono to work. ••'; '• \ •••','

ithe hoate, be ibloki, between half pait 8 and& o'clock. De law. th*oloUilti» )%ivg aranedtfae«tUdmitdeBomeui|g<utloBa'*boat It toNr.-Menngh about haU-fks) throe o'olook laibaBrUrDO0n,])ut.tbli.WM rnJed oat Tbaiffeotof aloobol oa tbe aervana ayttia li tbat'iprodBoea bompleteorparilalpiraliili ef therain, and of tbe>HMinlar ayilem M wall

WitneMhadtt**t*d.O»le »tof«*»loiiftUj foeIlia', three or .feajr: ttiaee, *ad It hadl«tg.eidetetin»,tt»tsea».- Us would

fait Colo a psriodio 'ra*iter^ tba'n a.olironioIrinker.'Tbe eOectofliqaof on Dole w u tbatIt tbade hlB,;wlld, ntrfo'ti* and'eioilable,indoac6ortw.ee be-tfi4;ioen..bim when beiru nnooDBoloat) of wbat ba wai doing.: Thii'monriog he wai BerfOBS "and r*it.eu ,and bethonnbtthat fe« did cot reallistbs poiltIonhe was In.' On oroia (namlnatlDB wltnria di(oribed tho difference Vot*eon a obronla andperiodical ^drlukar^Colo'woald. haVe bli•prMi 'ot dais end tua wou.14 SOfor moathi,perhipi, with not aaylawldenou'of tt ColebM bod two oc three tlUtki of deliriam tremeni/and wltbln a year he haa bada verytneteatiBek. In tokia etMB'.bi> thtujlit todrinking that lotnoiBCtioii.'BiJaht not be'dli-imbed and yet tba'tnlai,i* oomp\»t*ly dii'tnrb«d. ;;Thea followed • ftraat deal of; tsatl-mony anont tbe'effeeU pt liquor upon the*'nervona and phyaleal lyatfma Wh»n he •(-tended Cole In bii lait atlnok lie, wonld aay

ie bad paralyela of tHTbraln.- When h. flntaw Colo that morniag be WM look'n'g for hla

bottle of wbltkey and ieunied tnoro Intent "oaBoding It than anything elae.'- Farther usll-mony WM ellolted M.ihow th.t paralTa(a la a

gmponentpartafdrRafcennffu;:' -."'! .Tbe'deftnoe ««ted.^.v^V^.^-V ':'^'--KioniiD"" " ' ' ' ' " * — ' • • - - -

tbat hes.lratloBiw)taeu ad„ js.lratoBiw)taeu adnltUd tbaI owed Cole a day'i^ortc-, fro- **>m tie remben notbiag about fittarniDg next day,altbangbWeouldBotaweirpoaltlrely. : :

;; • Ffoaeoutor Cutltr broeibt np the qnMtlonaboittbe aimliiiono! CTldence reipscllDgpreVionaastiof Tiolen6ey.twoyeari ajo, onthe part of Cole, teadltog to abow oiotin, bnttke Oeutt thought »,Ty;uot permluable o it h o ground of remotoniai, •/?::.•'•..••;'••.'':''••'

Co«o««i HAKOT, reoaltidt.TkiW bow, hiaakedColabbw hla'Vife rtoelved tbtws (aj C l i ibS'dld't V Tbj r i tCole aald ha b*d.» good deal of troub'o wilh

' ^ 4 V l bibd >dvdeal of (rouble to keep her from it. He«ikedbow abn girt bart and Oo1» aaia abemuitbiVefallea down eUira. [Bo Mked If falling dot*atit^n would tear tbe Blbibtn'g.frW bli wife

d C l i d b t b V h d £t fp>torn tbem olT. Colo told blm ba a'ame froiCheekraboothalf-pMtUft'HoCritaslinittto him tbat ba MW kla'wtlo butafterwardaald he dlfin'l know If bo'aaw her. - Cole toldwltneuhaaiepton Iho'lonngo. Ho laid hehad bii eietctu oa axeep^ h.i ifaoei. : . ; .

BenatorWerUaald tha exam I o«t .on ol thelaat witneaa oompetlfld Ura to prote a mttlttthat it had been bli;«arjy and'effort^ « -elude from it'.B trial.' Ht xtulled Dr. Stigarand Mlced what wenvMre. Cple'e haUta w

mpitin wka made aerant days after tho joekaa.' ne aald no bmoea of aloohaVwire dl*.eoreted in.the ttomafli:', Be thought It wonldnat hara'btaB d.it»y^«d;then;ibeo»aie:oi8T«por«tton and nbmrplien.- The vltniMBalilhe onoe aair liln. Colo completely under thrInflr.«n«ofllqaor,ao~draak tbat abaeeBldnolgetont;of har.ehaJr.vODlo'el thatiima ba*1

dellrinm tretneni. ThaPm*eont«a»ltedUiIf h»<yd oot know :that Cole loreed her Wdrink tka%u>r, bnt & aald hi did not.' H<n*r*» iawhw.nadaflh* l*flaenoabnt tbU« « , and te tivd b^allialrpbjmleUn «TQC

WK MBK»OB did ooo knsw Unf Mra. Colewaa In the habit of drinking and fierer aawber drinking. • '.

HAIILOK ttoL» ennld not ay fbat. Barrey'iwifa WM m tlm habit of drinking, bat be badaaen ber wbsn he thought aba had been drink-ng. lie tbousht ae from h*r u U g u va.irom amelliDtr whlakfy abont ber percon,

stb Mt.. Y»wg<unatlon witti

lined, The niimbf* asd elimrMter ol* thiwannda and bra (MI and other Alreuuetaaee

i«* at,Dd«d to which way ba ooi»idai«d tidetenainlog Intent The qnMtloo wh«tb>*the defendant wa* at lb*t time able to formth* HptolUo Intant to take life WM nuta'dered, and tbe w»ya \>j whioli It la io b*delerailnod. Tbo law dou aot reoogolcciDoradle drnnkennHa u an ezoaee for In-lanity, whfoh nuit arloefrota dleaaaa.

defenee la Mtabllabed lhat tbe oontJItfen otmind Ibrougfa druokenneaa la H pn»<

trat«d that It la not reiponilble, It It pot adafenM tbat will jollify ttiialtlit, bat may

tbo otTeoBa to murder to tbe aeeonddegree- Tbe tundiUoa of Colet mind WM.hen oomidered oriUaally, aad tit determSoLii be ohargsd thorn lo proceed otvaUauly avddiiUogulab between proatraUon of manttlfMOlttes and a mere exolved wndltioa.

The jarj won( oot at 3:50 o'clock, bat thi•brong si people lemainod in thi Court room

to await the return of tbe jar/.Dailog the whole of tke trial"

;be greateit serrouanei*, ibowa by IDOM-aant twltoblog and fnabllug of hia hand*,aod wbtn rumored to bit oell daring adjonn-rasntawonld Invariably fcreikdowi.. What'lOSBffereddarluK tae two days of thU trial

i ait bate been In Itwlf a Mrrible ponisboientto a man of faia temperament The efideooeeif bis infftrlng wen Tory narked alter tbe[ary went out.

TAfter deliberating abont an honr and aturter, tbejury retarned into Court a iittfi

liter 5 o'clock with Ihelr rerdlat. Whea thayire polled rnd Cole wai called upon to faeeBin he waa terribly ami ted, and the n«t-

roBi agltitioa horn of h!a aorpriia WM eo[Mat that tie treinlil«d to ba eonld hudty

i»n Welie announced that" weled Ilia defuaaut snllty of mm&vt In tbi

id degree," wbereupon tbe long Unionrnder whlab. Cole bad been it inning gave

' ItbafurfBEtrJiaalationof'Tbaiiknkv&k Inte hla aeat. Tbo general

ipinloa la ttaL Oole, Uio all wlfo boaters, Iaaa arrant coward, and that tbe possibility ofbeing bungforfafa brotal orime redaood binto.a osndltlon of ubiolnto tartoro be ooald

it eouoeal, miking bts punishment alr«adycat. Uai>y utliafoibothad be bom o#a-:\ed of murder Iu tbp llr.t degrcu, and bNSn

ecntoaoed tt tho nitraae penalty of tbo law,'e would beio died of fright and certoaa:rror befsid ttoiuntonoo oonld l>e carried

Into effect.

B of llqttc ' Uu noit procoojod toilibortvto jbo. argumoat that Colu'i reuon

d C 'j

WM inotpttblu of farming the Intent n«co*.easy t* e&iittUiiM tnnnitr la tbo fink degree,and rorlewed tbe oTldeco« to eilablUh U. In:»Ubll»tln| » tbeory fot tbe mjriUry or tbatlight, ba did nut belleva belloro tbo ololhea

ire tor J Irani >lis. Cole'a poittoa tbat nljlit.»-tailored that ibo had dlarobedfor the

light, tiiat they bad a quarrel or flgbt. andit to prevent bli wite from* calling In tho

leighljora bo In a drunken fram/ destroyedibe ciotbea and threw tbe hood in tbo atove.

the lnjurjea ooourred, or wb»t lustra*menu were naed. la not ol auoh importance tu

btJW? the act WM that «f a dollberate orpnmetlllatad latentlou.tQ kllU It HarveyVole had any intent fo kill his wile he would

tvogQuenliaa. HtaitbU fiwblon. TheClaim that Cola made etrlata bbntradiotoiy

i di k

Tail GesimiUm.Iu announcing hta Commltteei OD Monday

>r<uing Ma/or Uennutt aciM tu an eottrtlyMitoront spirit from (bat exbililted by thehide bound uattiuuauip ot tbft oppulUos.•J* appointed a rinasoe Committee of triedtud can.(tfjun. buiiuvuu.ua v> Iwk altjor tb«\nztm intmoti «r tbe tupujora, and U*nI tbe »ppo»lilon » mejoiljy of oreiy olaoiigtumittee, The Street Cotnniitt«e be gsve

te them entirely. In yean put the Itepublfleu* bave auuiied entire control 01 tills, aadlopnblloan buMlueu wen hare given their[me daily to a careful lnipoction of blotk, knowing iU prognu every day, u dbowing multa of whloh tbey are now Justlyircnd. It wilt now be sees whether aleaira.learlog, Heddeneud. fflloox will dcrota u

muob ol their tfaao and attention to this werktheir Hepabllutvn predioaaon faava. -Tha

Dublin witl eipeot It of them, far they coveted;he posseulon of thia Job, and tboaW ataadIp to tha full meaenn of raponilbility.Taoy pnopta who ho,ve paid taita fur ...»rorktng of the itreeta bavo the right to » -

t th.*(r «wo to b« locked alter. Tho B<-iblioaas were pledged to a o»plotloa ote work ot uaoMUmlaltig until ail abould be

oared for, and tboae intoreeted baro arigbElo export It of tlielr opponent*, who barethought,thoy oould dolt bott«i. We aball

ynext Morning wsarding tke deatti

hia wile, waa «et by tba OOUBMI with theafaowUl that bia n iu lUn was'aUU such'aataie of dnskenieM "M to pwoludfl reaion-bl.explaaatten; aad *aoh ai to.aake him

MaanUtila.:; Tbey ware driven to aatab-llab tha fact tbrf'thia.*tnu: had' a drinkinghabit becBBM oi'tkeevldenM brongbtla; atthe tail OB« at thU oaaii by the Bute. Tha

;et that tha olotfcu aad broken artlolM weraII left In subtle view ahnwa tke ooadltlou of

B u r e y C o l e ' e t o i n d . •.-•• .• • 'v

. > ' " .:*'*• ' ' ." '" . ! •"- • '

meat that W M « aiMterly effait tatafe hlailient f » u the extreme penalty ef tbe law.

'THtWiIHT ATTIBMOOIt.'•;- ..--I 'Proteoatar Ontler began' bla *r»B«tnt by:

iigtog the Jarors to fearlwely parfem theirloty.- The deleaoe tbat a nan oanid be sane|oit before eommittloga.deed, in§a»« at thatirie, and aane a tnoaient afMr, hat been done

with, and tbe popular dt.li.in>e turn iuHorrlaooiuty b that • man oaa g«tta aaeh

drackenly uooonieionaviadltlon ai aot tyntponalbUi, • U«d b i i d

d tb* fact tt*t rjol«B ntponalbUi, U« aottd tb* fact tt*t rjol«ntidsot bM« in tidrankea eoadttlon for twmeUna betoM tkla dwd-that f01 a. month b e

thla'dayhq had."mot droakety thing,s Is BO dcnbtlBthie OMO that Huroy

Cole inflicted the injurloa upon tbia wonau'torn which aha diott.' Vor aomeyeari be badrr»quontiy: thraitjoad aud bMtou her. ' ItWM bli habit faabituallr in tbe nut twoyean to treat tbe woman In thla way. 'fhere

evidence tbat on' two oeeutona at least beHe

loaw.wlen drinking nougk to makethreat aad to pat it In eiscnVloc. The Vnu»utor'theu eombatted at Isnitb the theorybbat Cola WM t>o drnok to be capable-offorming Intfltt claiming from the testimony

t Ie hud not dranV enousb tbat any toirodue* aiieh • ataU, and showing Iron hla

BoUooa tbat be wae oooiolone of other thing*,•van until after his arrival borne, where beknew enough to go to. the door and knockTor adnlttBnee. Then be showed how all tbeBabacqnent aotiooi while Babbitt <•bowed the III will Col* bete hi* wife.-Thenho pwoseiad to show tbat wbat oocutredthat night WM ouoagh U» make blm uorrantbe next morning, Tha latent Is to be judgedtrem wha. ,toak "pUao ther«. AU tbe dla-lutbtuoe wtiedawu »iiin\ howdid ber body'fit ap-iUtrat Tb* dfletoca'i teaUnony

tat aftir tba blow on the brain WM atrncko i u an»tl»j to iBOTtj. Bla

tbat iba had a flt and fell.down stairs w udlaendiuid; uA the ibeory WM anppntw)

iat Haryej Cole, after Isjoribg bis wife, badd»g|ed ber body np-ltalr*. The damagingnature of h\t admtuloni that they bada terrible Dgbl WM dwelt-opon strongly, and bliadnlMion tbat.IMhla,bad,not brippeoM bewould bars gone oil and dag post betes. HiiIOBIBI of knowledge M to where tbe clothe*wf ro. wae also brought oat with force.. Inoonoltulpa be Bgatn MtaalUd tho theory thatCole was ID an Issenaibla oondiilon an! Intilstad upon « verdiat of msrd«r in tin tintdegree. -The nature of.ths icjorieaehowedthat tbiti wai ' " '" "' ' 'a ahatoe t their natate andextent:afaowed that ahe bad bwn il(«r»lly

, , ,Tbe ebfrge of Jadgo tfagle abpwed flrat thi

nina.1 kpplidBtlan of rbe rulea of law to eacheBWdeanlogtbegndeaofhomloideandtheaatura of a reMonable doubt. They shoulddetermine whether tk».death, vt Annis B.Cole WM a criminal homloltlo. Th(» WM BIdefence la thla eaae that thi* .homicide waiInitiUible,' He'reviewed tb* cause of deathIron the tutimony of the medical authari-tie*. In.their opinion tbe rupture ol thslntti, wblab eaui*<t dsatb, w u daa'torioIrnee OB , the skull, of wbleb there were 1aumhot of evldenoei. AU the muny otbtibodily Injuries asd the andlty ol bor bodyautt ba taken iato eonaidenUoa, togbtbewith the brakes Implement!. In det«rminfn|wbrtbwtbla wa» tbe rtwaU of » fall otmerauldenb Ula contradictory •tateuepti mmbatakenintoDonilderBtion. IffranalUbeseoircumitinoM It » ooveluded that tbia resultta not doe to aeddaflt, then It Uaeriulnihomlcido, Oole'a statement* the next morn*Ing mmt be takao into oonalderatlon In de*termlning bis ooodlUoa, aad also tbe dlipoal.

f t h l t h i p k t h J l, p

g. -pruskann(««,thflJutlgtig t ••> &•> axooM for crime. One whi

pnU Into hie month what ateala away hlibrAlna U not entitled to shield btaaalf fromthe legal ooBMqanoei of 3>1* aeti. BaealledatMation tothafwtthat aothbtg waaihown.IB the eoadltlon of tba defendant t« ladloatethat thara « u an alUeknpon blm that ntgU.An inteat to take life need aet'exlat for awtaat ef time, Ttw7 wQitdeUmiu w twthwt> i ' t * iU feia waa la taia IiM «

only to do bodily harm; and be abowed UnfnferanoM by wliiuh letont may bo diter

i d Th b d l t l* th



TAB Big flwedo Afua la TrontHl.Cbas Flood, tbe big tiwedemintr.wkowM

reeently nleued from SUte prison alterBerring a terra for aa attempt to kill bit wUe,' again In limbo, end It la oet his laalt that

murder is not laid at hU dooi. BU wiltigtla went U Mr* witb bin at Port Oraai

iu lu t Saaday Pttiiek King, har ftvthar,iiird Flood beatlBgher. Heat oBeeraakedo tha BOOM with a inn, whan Viood attackedilm with ahatebet. kittlni hli f.ther-la-Uw

a the ana and oatuiog bin to drop tbem, As'.It lUaok Ihe gronsd the gan

'•at off BO otoee to Mr*, flood that It Mt bar.proa on fire,; Flood. tkeB hit King eev.B*S on ths head with a katohet, infllo

aih in; the fenbud. A aoa of Mr*.Bhslflor flrud off a plitol andlrigbMnad Flood

that he deaisted. Oon.ubl. Henry Olaa-i weat ta the aoaaa and fooad the old MM

'atriok King MI goard witb kia »a«, aai tae»1OM1 ttreaaing dowa hlofaM, >, flood, whos a deeperate rofflaa, did not kBnw tbe w i -

aUble till tha Baadenfla were alipped ea blw.Tbe eoniUhU kept.Uat 1* tke traweeve*1

;ht end ea Monday weraliig Jn.llo. JohaOook ooaanUted Uta to tba emuty jail.


their counters the largest and most com-lete line of Men's. Boys' and Children's

Spring Suits, comprising all the latestityles in cut and desirable patterns that

the market affords. (No store in NorthernSew Jersey can show a larger stock orne tbat is better assorted.) Our Hat stock

,s also complete, which includes the p»pu>ar Derby and Crush Hats, and all theovelties in Soft Hats.


~ TkehmtOIdlury.Wm, Cock, a joaoi nua el this plaoe, at-apUd to board a freight train at (he Dover

depot laat Monday Homing while tataxl.oaud. luteftd ol waiting for the oabooee kairiedtojompla the •pen door of a b » ear,lie got Us elbows on the floor of the ear andould get BU farther, ilia bodj b ^ a n t niRlug btMk and forta Badai* the «ar a&d atlaat be lost kia held and fell eenaa tbe trackunder the oar. Mr. Staeinan; who tiktts canof (tie grate* atthn Wanen atre*t CMM.ag,happened to aee him fall and triad to pall' 1m oat Before h« oonll do aD tba wbeela

I over the front pait of Conk'a fMtnnd.wt> or tlitM ol fate toaa bad to b« tunpntattd.lad It BO* been for tba prompt MUon of Hr.Itoatiaan; be would veer llkolj have bean


, lMta«.tt«T*>.YMr. " 'la spito of all nmonitranoeB onr Deuo-

r.tlQ Beard of. Fxeehwldere h U dedded toia[Id»MO.0OOJellthle joar and will imiu tbe people the enormous tax. levj of >130(rKO, ft is the general ooDViatlos tbat onr jailraoilitlta, taatjoUy iutpnved at %n\t out.'are raraheca the average apd tbat Ihe tax-payers ihaatd aavfl btwn* g\*«B % m t fromextra expenditure for a fow joira at Jetwt.

, Tbe talldlng or»« Ii all rlgbt, g«stl»eo, batwhen tbe big tax bill* oone round nut fall

tipM.Ub.t jon can delude tha peoplewith alllj atorios aboat tbe tariff being • tax

attBurlal Day at laxbur.neeUng will ba held at.Young's nail,

SueoMnaaa, on Monday evening, May. 10th,to make arrangement* for ihe proper obtwrv-anooof Manorial day tnBiKbarj «s4 MountOlive townships. ThU meeting li calledunder th* aualeeaot tb« Mewswlal Aaaatl-•tlon whioh laeladu »11 who feel «n i n U fa dolj honorlsg OOT noble dead. It U prob-

able that a new prognun will be eoggeaUd.and Itia dMlnUa tba* all tbe friendaUpne-

Mr, Fred, l int , tbe wall known proprietor)f the Lake ilopatoong HOUH. on the Baatwxtilde of tbe Lake, died ba Tutaday. Hefomotly kept tha botol at 8oocMnnt!», aadWM widelj know* aiaeourteoniand.eapabl*hotel aanag&r, and a pleaunt genUaman aawell. He had made a great many frieuda inthta vlolaltr. HU fouerat UkM plaaa thlaafternoon. /- " ..•

ierrel ffim Eight.H .« a matter ol gratlfiekUon lo all

alUsene that tha ao-ealled Bapablleaau elected to an atAn on tba-Bapanilean

ticket this aoriog, and, who .crawled ta ikedirk to get the offiea ol Harifc.il freaa aDoao-eratlo Council, did not anee^d. OM alwaysreep«cta an oatepokeo opponent, bat hM only

itompt tn m sneak In bis own hooaahold,

. ':~ Haniage lolls. '' . -la Wadneadaj erenlag. Haj lith, two ef

tbe^nng p«eplo of Ulna Bill, JoMth Tn-genaa and Mlta B. A. .Stephaas, wera trtadahappy by the lndlaaolnbla Uo. Sorroudedby nanaroua frieuda, antd dnloetaoanda.'aadaae woald anppoee' the iabUaat wmgtataJtlona ol half the Tillage, a very aodal aTinliWMSpeat. AoappifatBEBtotaen. -.

pof Granite TeapoU^aBd Teakettle* at I01prto«s. Also a lew more el tboH large oheaiHaageB.lPlamb.Bf, Booflng and alljocblnfatD.S. Aliens

Buyaa good fltotbu wriagarat 8. H. Barry8c. Go's Hardware Store, fllgn of the Fadloek,

bays as Iron Axle Kxprtwa Wagoa at BurrSi. Oo'a Batdwve Star*, Daver, H. J.

7 , « . -TMUmB, Agot , 0Mtn«, *, ',





3tSJX XJtlL.Gr OtEUEl' S .



Dover, Bi. J.



Lawn MO-WOTS, Hydrant Hose,Refrigerators, Ioe Cream Freezers,Corn Planters, Cultivators,Hammocks, Fishing Tackle,Boat Oars, Window Boreen Cloth,Door and Window Soreens Complete,Boys' Velocipedes, BuokbDards.Goat Buggies and Kxpiess Wagons.



-t- -:- - ; - - > -> -t- ••*- < - -•'• •<• •>




Colored Faille flress SiJis••'. V " AT 98o. PER TABD. . .




<- -:- -> • ; - - s •}••• • > . . } . * .

Page 4: M fEE Tho Trial of the Sclavs for the Uur PARLOR SUITES!test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-05-16.pdf · the host to its vol. xix. dover, morris county, new

barn drunk qi ' t i some; then ha went to•notharlcmtienaildrBuk mor«s beer, »nd trotquite drink. Wbilo in tb* otter heu»e tbejr

i ,« His fleht ftmt did ont en bark, but m-tnnlie I tt tlif Bfigbl>nr'# huoae drinking. He»lt \rwn I went. nlnoo ta hi« borne Wftnra*

TbBU beaod tf>riici>»l. cwimOown *Ulra tohis own homo aed t ^ n >tvw KnTiriMwV.lvlen on a bfd- K'.ar.eik want'd to carrykora'c ' i -H op ettlra, |.pt he did not want to ,go and *•<* •lURrroliUK- WltufU would crtIrf l i e w fiajlit. Htanonk wont a p - i L t r i t iobaaee bis iblrt Kov..le.o<ki w» . qiit*.drunk Bferiohfck cinj« don-o •nil aa*> witbtbrai «t tbo tablr. Tben K«valaaecki and

putlbeuu l.>th out or tba hniiBft. Then wit

Milirutt in bia own hoiuw. When tie arrivedb ick ILC tb»t moment t U bottle* I "i«n to firtn tb« window. H« w u a.i drutk he coaidnot tell bow many bottle* wrra liitawn aadHiked wliit It meant. Kruoi tbea witness•all, fan don't know how he viect out. ot baith« l lok ttie sift"- He doesn't retnsraberuolo( out at all. or whether hs took aoytalngin bis liacde. If lliey should hanghim lo-dajh# roultl not remetnbi l*. Ha ri numberednotbinR aaUui tbe iliht with Mi.t'ksof«V,T. lit)known KoTaliNtsefc. waadinnk tbat »lt«rnoon.

Karalfseck. waa drimk because ho wanted to<|iarr«1 wit'i people. Us wabttd to ijaorrelwill) SWnnck und [iatmubBk. At that timewl'DCri) c'uimed t»n vaa not rtrf drunk bin-•elf. Wltneaa tbtmght be rouit bave drankfifty or more «!••«» of boer, Crnaa uxamlna-tion failed to MTITO anitljlliE IP the mind oftbe witoi'ti and be sti ted tbat bo did not > MHotli.iolfklth>t d«r. lit. Drat knew of blatoning bur iM 11 o*c.Qt>i ^ u n t g U , Ua andHutlaiofsky bad no t-oubto before tttat duy.

JUBVSt.KoviLHtrcKt. the oth^r defendant,

t dandbi* wi lo t i io the old coantry. Heb*tbe«n In Ibis ooun'rr lab-iut tbreo y e a nHid winstHi lnrnl* abauttvto months, l i ecame to A mere* wilb Mallasof'ky. Whilepiuiiog tliMugli froai'ii MatUa My jumpedfrom a train and «>n t*k«n to llreireo Wit.Ham t >ld how tbej' litvd been keeping holidaysand dr.nkla* Wilneasdraiik both whlakejauil boar Monday ntornlnx ami uttemoou,im-got Tery drunk, and did not know wbstha wig dalntf.. l ie did not remember any-tbinjt that V M tt°'uR on Monday [ifternoon,cor bow MittMol tVf got burt. Witaeaa aodba \iars itAvayi on Rootl Wins On c r o u e s -amlriation Ibo p-oaeentor traood UD by tbewltoisa bla ftotloni Qptouoou. Whan thebeer wagon nnlr«d a liule altar noon ho andn ooinrada each bought a quart of whlakej,wont up ataira Bud drauk itvialli?, tbon oaO3eIIOWD BUin uml d n i k b p e r wilb tbe othermm. Here be got m y dtuiik and knew no-ttiitigas towbst b*|ipeaad. Nutbiug couldr«frffh bla mpmory, Tbe first thi nK fan ro-inr>ni<;nd H.t*rHi»t WM wlua tbe volioeinaucame KBd arrested him, IladUl knan tben'tbat UatiBiofakf was dead. Matinofskj hasa wife l a tbe old coautrj.

The «J>f«ao« rested.J . K FIOHTBB, recalled Ly tba Stale, said

tbe ilehnilenU *rbeo tbey attacked Hatia-

be thnuglit bnt what thej knew whit theyvera do.Dj. They leoined to be perfaotlrawataof what tliej were ilolop, und nonitliem »U|!g*r*d. fiMneck eetmed aa tniiottJietteii ID tbo tight «e«a,njof tbn othera.l ie w u the icaJsr of tbe crowd •» they caraeout of fba hoatft lie did not see him do anya-riklrar.

•lift lived ia tbe (uconil lionse, the WaaobkiIIUSP, and Mati««oUky boarded with HerBOB kiBW I l a i t c k mil K.ova!eaenkl. Sbiaaw tbnu h tfan aiUrnoon, bnt conld not •**whelhrr lb»j wsrAdiunk or not; tb«jr weiODtt'dn nnil aha In thsbouto. Shu did uotatliaitttk In lior houa* ibitt •floriiofn.

WAUUKU I'OUltIT, hniljlDQ Ol thO taat Wlotaa, tratltied tbat about half put two In tbeafternoon tba tvo prlioneta wen*, drunk, bntnot la »*«T- Hu't'ik was in bin bouae, butdid not do aojlLlDR. Saw Kuntkeeokl at 11o'clock tbat night and he wa* very drunk:,lie wanted lo hit wUoi>ai witb a glass lie badID hi . hand. He thought KoTaleMrti couldatnnd. .

CtiRisTOrniB K I L U T saw tbe n•traek Uat iuo lak; witb the atei-e nid bottle.

- All wtm«d ID b6ti»6»t the InttnracB of drink,bat natao tDUchso Moot la know wbattbejwer« Ooine.

1 • PATitox UcQbrrnt, ricalled, did not thinktbe HUD who picked op tbt OUTB wai drank;bo tBudled ths *l<m too band/. The nanwbo pleked np tbn buttle did I taa l lva i j aatni iD wbo ner«t bit I a drink.

rscuRT atood only about two

all theVn«l(tit v f p

TbB report ol tbo Jniljtee of the reoent ohar-Ur eltoUon CTM prei«i>ted,rraj and aeerpted.

TbU WM it'l tho builoeii umallj traua-ut«il at iba Coal meeting, but th« liiaipldlj

iinortnt (BiaUl known aa Ueoorder Uarrltwauled to air hin vlewi about aometbiDK lb>KBA ban tatd about hi* dam rrpnrt. ThiMajor choked biro and knid bim M oat aorder until tbeconniel decided wtutherotheibaa is MB onutd b« trauiiatited u' this flaftlmerlin?. The ooumol gare «s his onlaiaithat Ihers « U nothing to urevxLt It ami

l d eay ho had reported,l d h h

ato thujntj at 1Q:2O o'


the oa«e wenti

B in at 11H0 o'olo<k iinred tlio (otlowin

1 Wound ParveJ Karaloaecki (tullty of tnardf raecond df>£t(e. and Tarbo'n llaitcrkof nmiult MIIII hailory," InUTpreler

LijiaoviU inlcrpmtrd it M tbe prlsoimra.

era rcmcTed to V\t\r eallH.

to aen wbo could iirodaon tbe brut mi pi of tbe8Utc, and furoiih tbu bmtdepirliiliouaol tbe

IIo.iEDt, of Uooclm, a tncmVier oT tlie feifctt>l IiJncattoD, cfT»red In conoertlni


Tbi did C>oon Ho i » J «ToniQK »t 8 o'clock, with

ldueiobfra pieaeuti ] .who w«i ill. T

,except Alderuia.iihe tninuwi of the

pntulted to ahow that be

o tuple tail Lia woik and reportedTbo nilDntbad uevei pto tbe proper aithoiitlea and bad never been

port, wlisrenpon tbe h*ti-br*lned obnp tieredap, ticcUBtd Mr. Ponnlii .u ol thinking him•ell aiiiart, aoil •bowed what a little |tewl«r-ptated autocrat ba would be 11 ho could, bytbrealeiiBg Air. I'tnulmau tbiU be) wouldattdod to him at the n » t election. WhenUr. 1'eaelma.B peniated In oalllpg for bliicuuil Lt! *t««Jluoted in hi* cootaaion and•ubnlritil by Hyiii|{ he wou'd report to tboUounetl with "new blood In it." The. nooialto pie ton Lad et-rtad to report sotuetblnaand endicjt by Bhowlog he bad nothing toreport

Tbo old OOUDOII tbau •JJ.mrnod a m i

TUB oewlj albttou lttd F d D

i ol Mt UounoU—tteootder Ford D, 8mitb, Atdermna WmPollard, and Com i L. 11. HeddeiNathan U Wfloox were »wibe retlrio* CJotk.Tna roll wa# called and nil the members

were found to be present except AldermanVreBlBniI.

WbitQeld 11. (111 ton and John S Qlbaonwere nominated tor Oletk and the former wa»oleoted by • rote ol B to li.

e JIoUr»okea w u elented. Treasurerwithout opposition.

BT when tbo.They wer

Th l ly

drank. Thir o

ytwo men itmr k MBU*-drank,'but not virj

l lt«nd •U*i«bt b e e u ujr rin Irom the ho

JoMH BTAHICX teatlded thkt both men unit,drank bat Doatd walk around.

Proircoior Cut'or ••Id tbs flute claimed litbii evidence tbitvn iiuack w « m»dn on ittin wio w-inot * P « t y W any to el MJ tbatday—Uata> perfectly inuoaentm»n wt i i«tupon by Ibsio wbo bait a. jradge »f alnat tbibanwla which bs Hred." l i e was istnpoawith wtapomtodln B way that ihow«d mil-lea and prenediUtion. Tbi re was pteroedltatlon from the line Iho eaal (lere and tbebtttlo wero picked ap, and tbaftlu'* wouldohim nrerdlot of mnrdar in tbe UrBt degree.

KT. VraaUnd tlaimtd tbat there w u no- premeditation shown upon which there contd

be*. ««rtllotot Bsntdtt (a tb« Umt degiw. Her sauld tLcre U m vorJiui oi ruurier lo tbe

HDond iegnt, bcoatie* tbia was dons In tbofantof pntBloD, iad there *M no lolBntlsnfcido him any lipdilj baruj, beotnM In laotIhli man WM itmok ulaUkaniy. He. Vre»-

. t n d then went oo to dalumte tbeee polnufronatandpoiateof I»wli»aTBrj»l>leia»n«er,and chimed there w u nothing fo the «T1-deaoeorthlaeuBtOBhowIolent. H«lnaUkdthat if there WM t n j Terdlot ia thU c»ie Itcould not b*or a blfher dicree tban-man-•Uasbbr.

Ur. Stickle thea pn>Hed»d to niTlew the«Tid»M in a W»T to BaUbtlih tbe polntarabed In then»gntn*ntof bit «pll*oj(oe. Hew u n o l m n , bnt It WM ponible that the»d*r«nd*nt» mlgbt bare infllnted tbolnjarlw '

> wikh named the crime, bat i n h o j did IDthey did it nod«r » mlSBiiprehBDBlon modwere » t fnllty. He dwelt loos upon tbepoInU tbftt there w«u no motive, tbit tiedeath wiB an aeeldent» f w u t b e defend-arata wcie aonoeniedr that defendanui werenot In •oondltlon to commit aorimi fiway to makfi tbtiD mponilbi*, thai theywere •JtWTattd by mn uaanlt en the bonuythtn than lived, that Ibeyeaai* oot to difend t b t h o p j e , u d l ( th«jdtd m»k» %a »vtack, did ao under * miiapprsfaemloDi efoalufwith «D tpp«k) forfall conaideratlin for thusnnfortaiiBte men wbo are Btrangon in a•truf* land, and who in h!i oplnloi

l ly of notblnit mor* thaaalnplob


iearlui, lioUdou, Wlloox,[i*tt)ln-LV-nntmiti,HiD.lt,I*ijllani,

ere and tialarlea-Ueddan, Wllooi,Searing,

Polioa—Vreeland. Pollard, Hedden.Lloenae—rollard, tieariDg, Smllb.Ordinance-Smith, Wiloox, Oarrell.A petition from U a. Vawklrk fnr permU.Ion to put a nigbt lamp ia front of tifs (table

was (ranted.A petition from C. Van Slaroom, for per-isaiDO to trim trees in front of bis bonaei Gold etreot win tooied to be relerredto

it Oamxlunt, W on raotlou of HooordorSmith was i r

10, wblob IBdone properlj.

ited wl'hont tbe uaaat refer-lade to tee tbat the work Is

t}oc<.ntain*dalfr i.ei

it best, (8 tor ibeat.

At tho ooUet 1.

ecood b'et uid »3lcr third

*Uted ttiat woii of

iniipt and df*orlptiou(. And Indeed tt lookedTbe entire ofagH waa placarded will

maps, many of whiub would baio done creditt i**pert draDBhumnn, and j e t nil woio tha

[k o{ eohoil papita. X {.mi* w».aj tttt«r«»t-lag descriptions aoconpanjiue mapo wereread by teaohm aud pupi'a, tbe wbolo abawIDR tbat tbo oompelition had retu'tid

. creut deal of i-raeaieh and woikthroughout tbo aoboola of ibe county

»BR ibe tnor» imiBedUttlj >or«l ol tHewdeBoription^ were ttaaio of put>lls oCenter drove, Port Oram mil HltrtroliacbooU and • moat oclque draoription ofDoTer by little AUtk. Il'.pnett. On'y % veryamall part of all tbe deAorlptlana oou'tl bi

placed for want of room. Tbo tradings wereinUrapeiaed with siDgloK md reuiirke.

Dr. MeRloeiplained tbe State law regsrdloftba ftitabll.buient of Industrial aoboola, sbow-loc;tUfcHh«6Ule wootd coDVtibaU tit.lt thtamount ntccesarj to tbrlr estn^llnlimoiit urnmelnUtinanco to a certain extent.

Ex-Mayor Uoluiea made a very p'tnaantalk upon tbe bfnFlit brouphtto tbe tuassniby loduaii'iil rohouls, trLk-U lui-n the boyitraitoa, go (bat tl u/ wilt imt ol ncoounity tio

tboa Eaveaoauetorlltitit Hilcice to tbo obil-(tri't about tUr> fuiuiuiluu ol uhafauler In cunneollon with educatloo, unU about tinDccaasilj of loculcatlnfi old faahloactimotbuda of beneatj, puenUl rrRnril, d r .

At thecoocluaion of Hie eieroUes tlieoom-m It tee selected to make tbe award of tbi

( s - k e » . W. H. l'lokalar. Her. h'nd.

bed an ftiuaded t i t t Ufoo tbtit htod». Tb*jtberglore deUrmlncil to tt-ki tbo map!deeoripMDni, which tliej will ejamlne oare-

r nod annouaoe tbo result whoa they

Ctfjlag lb.» a i m * Law*.The ZlsUery IftWa of New Jerioj «rj being

•etatdeUanoe by uuaorapplaua naraoni wbonot »»tlifl«d to enjoy tbe sport afforded

by the I ' ju i io river with roil and reel, bul:t!it In the unlawful practice of dr*xgin|i t lverwith ceti . In Cbalham lownahlp,

through which the Pa iu lo flowe, there l i goodHilling for eels Bcdoatlhb, and oarpiseitlrnocaogbt below Chatham. Of late iftveral

ablji wltb Urgo i\lrtcg» of fiib, »ud ot

fiiblng reported it to be pxcxillent. i t is iitorioui fact that tbeso ill'clt aportstusnil>a M jiraotioe of dngglng nets acrois

river, and In that w»y very often succee•ktng rloli hauls.

p p yAD iDVitKllon from UoDAvit IVat, a . A. it.,j the obterutnoe of Uiooratloa

A rtqnost for tho IB bod; for an appro-priation of wo. to aid tbemln'derrsying'tbeexpenses of Decoration Day, WM Rrantedafter lleoarder Bmitb bad been satiifled tnnttt had toon th* o**toa foi »ot»ft j ewa . .

ijaett ttam Ur. R. L Cook and heirs oftbe ttiachman eatate to tun th* llnei of iheirr«ncita ou the South »ldo of DUckwdl atrastto tha lioaa of the fences nearest the street,

as granUdJnatlae O. U. a»K<reported two cues , with

i lK p

tines imposed to tho amount Alter anafgnuent l i ' Ileerrder Smith, wu» had beenooantel for David Olua la the e « » when hi

aa fined $10. tbe koionnt of tbe line waa rednoed ts ta.

.Uarabal KellBj'a report for April shovedtwo arrwu aad Ones Imposed to ths amountof 113. .Accepted. . .

e!eDtlon for Marshal eaiuo op. kPonniman made a point of order tbat we iready tad m Ititribal, and moved toanspBtbo rule* tbat Marshal Killry nigbt be beardtbromh his connsp], Ur. I'ltnej. KsoorderSmith atjoeted and aald tbnj did not want l<hear M J argataenta from lawyera, and tb*notion to enspend the rntsa wai rtJMted bya vote 015 to 8, ProblliltlonlBt CoonoiinanJeariDK nzaln Totlnjt with tbe Ctjmoerati.'

Jfimfis Unllocd Jan. P. Kclie/ircro noml->ated lor M a n h m ^ d Dell was electad b j nmte of 5 U> 3, •

<lw. OhrytlM w u uanloattu for 9irt,t%Comtntuioser, without opposition, l o t bis•lection was defeated h» a -wale at G to 8, Ho.

ntth hayit>|t aspreaaed tbe wlab tb^ttho e-.cot.on be defeated, nvd OonnollraanBearlDE wheeling into lino with the olberDemoeraU.

Resordei Smith than asoverl tbat Quo.Cbrystatl baaanUnnad as 8 tree t Oomnitsaiotiar

itll tbo Coanell takce fottber aotlon In thamatter. Carried by tbe >»mt> Tote, it beloicUDderitood that tha msiotUy had taxm nn-ablu to determine between the olalma of Chaa.

HnnBon, M V. B. Burinc sed othera for

More Foils Buumenti .The Patterion Oaardian BOJB: Dr. n . 0.

Ian la, Uelcal Dlrfotor of tbe Morris Plain*DBana ABJIUID, >aja ibut tbe atateDnenta

ntado by Auguet llergtnaun, ot P«t«raon, witbegard to tbat luatitntion ata all falie. Ac-

cording to tho doctor Ur. Dergmann was notwell when be loft the asylum and IB not wellnow, and oreiltmoe should not be given to bisaaserttutu caaaotalag matters tbete, Attctbis dlanUrge batb ho and hla wife wrotefriendly letters to Dr. Ilsrrle and «xpresiodthenselTei pkiund witb tbe trosttueot reoelvad l.ybim at tbe inylotn, whiob curedbin of a aorlonamalady,

Oot woll aVnd iitaF woll Dnt tiow shnlt wn Hoit?

Littou my friond, an<l ttip atoret Til toll,Tlioagh, lor t lut mutter,!lien-'* noicoret toll ,

AB inaar a. min nndtrsUndi very mi l .If yonYo low-iplrltod, filuomy, ilopreiied,l< DOthiog tu .oa gaoJ and our nlihta bi

no reit.If jour atotnicli is fool and yoar moatb nei

much ioilier,And BO croil juu becumo tbat tboy oall jon a

''gi owlet,"Do aaro tbat tbo trouble ti du,a to jonr li'And tba bload la aa ulugnUU aa uoitiattmot a




tit officiencT*HOISTING ICNGINK8, duplex

and rercrsable.PUHPUXU BKUINISS. atroi

and economical.BJVISH PDMPS, double

linsle.UEAHLNGund tVUl.L.iSYS.IaKe

and atuall.Hear; and Light CaitingB la Iron, Brua,

and Phosphor Bronze, Forginga of tverj da-laripUoDi BOULtllrf.Uonit-DUl, tabular iQdaprlgbt.

The Equipment of IronMines a specialty.



Insurance and RealEstate Business

at the OLD AND RELIABLE AQKN07,anwill also Inoludt

Civil and Mining JBngineering,

Snrvoyfufrftnatnapi>lng. The handling of»ll

OPFIOE-.Nitloas! Union Hunk Ilaildlng,H. T. HmTB. OK*). E. jRif KIMB

BBN. P. 0RANEbens lcavo to sn-

oo to themsuy..Bilors or the IOUKE m that ho c»n getthem P1AN09 andUI1GAN8 or the Tol'lotting mikos atprises (bat will enr-iirtau them. O«okerlirulhore, Bieluway,Uaslolon and Eatoy

Bfcomca wtioo It'a fllltd uith all nunneatnlT. .

Clear it ont and tbe currant rno« etnoollilyenottsb.

fioto thndrCR iloro attdROt abol l loof Dr.»i«06'a Qoldiio Meittoal DlBuoTorj, Vio (jveat

blood purlflur and llrcr Intfgorutor, ft U a•ore our« for (lie low ipirlU and Reoornl do*prasiloo a nun foeU wlion bia liver U iiiBotiiotnd Lla blood Imparn. Thin remndj malioB a

m m well. •

for Counsel cam ne i t . Ur.tiBnIoaWd Jas. Q. Nelfhbonr sodl i t ConneUman Saarlnc Heo

Keeorder Smith aald he thonght thisought not to prevail, and asked Pronlbltlso-fat Councilman Boarlng to withdraw bis BBO-

idtotbesonlatt loD. Mr Bearing promptlyand UMkly obeyc4 tbe dietau from ibeleader of the Damocratlo mijority and noConssel was elected. - . '1 Oao. E Jenkina WM i\> elected Snrreyoiwithout nppoalllon.

It«norderSml[btben moved tbat it bo ex-pressed u t h a nAaaio.tao.r theCoancU tbat

service* of Kelley a* Ha:psnaed with.

ihal be dls-

Fnaetntar Cnttsrinbla a n o m e t t ahowadtbat Matlssortky waa in good fatald whenatntekdown by these dsrsndanti, wbo da DO!deny tbo crime, bat •Imply etyy f ioy know•othlnc atrsnl it beetnw thfj- w a n t i o d r o a kt i n m o n b e r . Ha showed .b i t tbs deeraeefl,altBODKn be had been drinking, waa not In.tjxicatod, that ha did not take part in nay of Itb* affrtjs; tbat all the pnelous flghtingaoeoarred in tbabooan « b w s bta u f a i l a n ullT«4i U r t MftUaUofsfcT W M Btrltkoa dawiand Burdited b j tbea* two men while hiW M doing nothlDB. railewfng ths avldennoanfally to •sUblUh thsaf faett. He thaiwent en to doMeoatrats lbs Uttnt or tha me aMBbowii by their actlona ia aaearinfweapoDB,u d their running at bin u d earring him,particular i t r e u W a g laid upoo the war ••whiah atll tfaa wlti s eornibsrated aanlt• t b t r u t o t h e mamier^r the killing. Hi>xtoepr«ew»ded to sbew tbat drnnkWneai w i »

- ao aienas, and that lbs aoUou ot the** de-feotlauuelearly Indicate tbat they waie netaodruokas t o b s b e m l t olreawn.or memory.

- He showfd tba clear premsdiUtiaD ot tbe(rluoera and Insisted apon m verdict of mar

- dor fatbsflrat degree.' '• _ ' WKDXIIDAT KOMlrntO. ' '

Vpn ths stsaembliBf; of the Court JoilgtMe«ls began bis charge ta tbe Jorj. It wa .

' one of those dear u d t H s t n f a l itlenmoeafor whieh be fa Justly noted, and t o which n o

d l i n « u do jaalUJS. A(t*rj ? U ( t *«amtsUaI«n of tti« crime thsvarloaagnulHof |aesdeldai were alsarly deflaad aad lbs aatnro•f (be proof neoBssarywas andywd. Thanoaail ft «!«•• u d eanrol review ol tbt evi-

U B a*M «ad ita sWrisin In thei Tha rt.aplla.Uon. ol ihs

«BM arisiag Tram tfao faat th»t than wex. twodef*tuUats, b«th«fwl)osB might b«oonflsUdmtoaa grmde of urine, or •eptuiUlf Qlf at ba«firleted of different grades cl ttita*. w udwelt npaBBsdwcpIilasdi alu whai'oaastl-t i l t* maliea aid prsmstHUttoB. VeloBtatjdrnakeaoMs,ba fiharged, b no I U O N CUT p»I- •JlatiAafororima. Tcan was oartfiiSy «kowa

,tb«Iiw bearings tbat ahonldinflMn(« tooJ U h i l i l l

Tbe Uajor expressed tho opinion that thatnotloa wai not ID order, another having lieonclBotad Marshal. II broncbt before the elec-tion H would havabeen In order.

Hr.Pennlmanuksd to hear from Counsel,bnt Booordcr Bmitb Informed hint Mut they!

did not want to bear any argument," Haappealed from the Mayor's n l ingand waa atn-Ulm»d.aJtet which hisresointlon.waspaMSd,Couaoiiman Searingdoivg bU will U both In.atineea.

laaae Hanae, Aiasssor, and II. L. Danbatn/Colleotor, wero elected wlthont oppositlsn.

The amonnt of tbe Treaitree* bond w ufind at «10,00O.

The fill lowing bills wore ordered paid: Jaa.I \ K « H . T . * M ; Wm. King, 110; Payroll forA>ril, f208B7; election b a n ] , *ai; DovarPrlntinf Co^ (1070. .

An ordinance providing far tbe alterationoftnaeoatntrlyllnflOfBlacicwelUtrMt, westof Urn railroad traolc, W M passed.

The matter of aalarlra was rsf^rred to themnittUM on Offlosrs aaa Salaries and the

lt dj

Ths jfnlplt and the Btsge.ROT. V. M.eiiroot, Tastor tTni<cd llrelbron

Olinrob, Btuo jUoand, B»n,, tijt t "1 feel itmy datj to toll what wonderi Dr. King's NowDiaoorory bai daoo lor me. My Innga wotoindly ilisottcil, anO my pirlebluaor* lliuufjbteoUId live ootjr a ftw.weckr. I took flre bot-

lies of Dr, Slug's New Discover; and am soundaad well, Riinjntt SO ponndi in weight."

Artlinr Lore, Htmaer h<*Y»'i Fanny Folk ttOombluaUon, writesi < After atliowfi^U tfUl

I otmvfDcIaff evldenee, I am confident Dr.ig'a Hew DiBCOTerr f,r consumption, boata

'em all, and ourei when eTGryttilng else Tills,Tbe grcaleat kindness-1 can do my m m r tbon-

id friendi la to u n o IDrm to try I t" Free.1 liot:Ua at ltobeif Kl!l«oro*« Drnn Biore,

llOTor, and P. S . JOB kins' DtUR fitoro, Cbea-ter.M.J. BegolnraiiseaCOo. a u d f i .

Esiey, Plorllno oud Ohlosuo Oottairo Grpa»«.As thesu geoaa are wull rinoan sll over theworld they nnpd an com me lit

s thesu geoaa are wull rinworld they nnpd an com me lit

Peter'- KIILICB bt aUnia i l M-inle, UaslaBookB and Bboet Muslo at liberal dUcountt.

Wilts to his for piroulaia and net a «oofllinoD Upo mea>uro anil botQtlfu) csrda free.

Store at Wm. A, JarkuooV UfiUutantDlaokwull street, Dover, N. J,


"ITothlrg Euc:e:da Like EUCCCES1





infao'ured hr View, B idcr & Pierce Mao-ornotunoK Co., 8y:acu«c, N. V.

QTEC1ALLY d lor naiuilDR private_ 'i'6iilencec In city or country, butdu, dab

h,:niti, storci. BCUOOIU. Ujeeirce, BpHrimcnttmuiof, faotorJeB, builoeii blooliB and public


for circulars. Kat'(jimnntcod. Lirjjeit BlMrnin the Stale. UorreipODilenc

li-sfno. ItoHults



Qener-J Agent fgr Central and H wtbtm N<Jersey.


Trarelinit Saloima



Headquarters at Paterson.





A water uneqtiatedfor brilliancyand purity, , .";' • * :

Thfamom waters of Saratogaand the dpoUinarris outdonejbv bar,table or carbqnafiiip purposes, Pro-naunc&lhy phyttidan& ioamtain greatmedical prqperliiifor kidney troubleand general debility.

We shall add lo our many brandsqft?t£inoit celebrated Lagers in themarket th fiochester Bohemian BderUna ttoaon, a car load leijuj on (heroad now for Dover which tmUeoonbe ready for sampling. We don* tdance " fcondjiddte1' lo any one, butare Sound the'qialiiy of our goodsihall ndfet them lake Ike lead. '.\ -



D . tbat asioriiuerit, BurTlceab'.a quailand low prlcua can glTe. Bcluw tre Itio mouU]£•/ofTeiiug.:

1st—SI for Seventy-five Centi,M*o'a f»Bcy tmnuod night sblrl*. white i

brolderjt, mid coined odtto boioiua. irimipoekei, collur and oulTi, doubla slltobaa yulu ipockal, fslUd stum*.

2d-SI.50for NlnotY-olght Cents,lion's fin* French (lujnol stHpd outing alii

felled saatni, yoknd, faced Bieovu, allk itltcl],iMcbols, front oolUr band anil 3-pir collar istllchsd, button tolei anil pearl button a,

3d-75c. for Fifty Cents*DOTS' wblta UDlaundored watals with linen i

.At band, (far apjarate o>llart,) a plait back itui* trout, fjwW Bleevea, Uuuu oullar and ibaada, toHui aaaioa.

4th-Z5o. for Seventeen Cents. ..Fiat allk ttrlpc four ID hand tic*, cntlto now!

roraprinp wear, nlcuact aMarlmant, newptlUiHe.: wortb Uo.

5th—95o. for Seventy-nine Centi.jt'ltit color Inaino Uua Uundored wnlil

nlaitvd back and tuck tronti, baai qaalll; BcodiTBo.; worth 03o.

6th-25o, for Nineteen Cents.1.600 boy.' nock Bcarfs. attln lined, bandiatnno or color*, far school and dross woar, 1*

wortU 250.7 t h - 5 O c , for Tti.rty.n.ne Contc

Boys' nayr blue cloth cadet paps, sold cord ,baltonfiuiU. lio*Yjpp«L trout, J'Jc; worlb 5W.

8th—3Oo- for Twenty.three Centi._. DO Jloj-i' wofit botri, largo ulisjA bandsoi

paitcras, I.RIIU and dnht, plat a* anil check!, •-rca, i c , a3o.; worth Wo,

9th-25o, for Seventeen Centi.Han and Jjoja Fongoo and Satm Windsor Ties»bt* and drftba. AUo crcaui urouiaU vatlii utb dark polka dot, fTnii. •ufl pUln •ilk wiui

. net, cardinalaudnar/.lTc.; woftU'JJc.MSlt OUIiklW FHA.KU.

... itt iijKkluit a niioedld rfitpkf of t i n . _.ntMku wfl- Suds, T(«iv*f. IVi*. atvwsv1. X)t;iOootlB, Upbolsl*rl(i, Baby Carrlaues, ami llojeiuiblug, Uo nit ialj l i cotne or wrlto to tl»m>ark Bee,U(»o for ncedf oranr kind, l t -'

LS.FLAUT&Co71B, 717, & 719 Broad St.,

NEWAI1K, K. j .

Wfcsm Baby m a sask, w* fat* tar OMarta,Wlam aba » . a CWH, At otsd ft- Cartcria,W t U b k

Watchmaker and Jeweler,BlMJiwell Strset, :

•f ' . :SoViB8,u.j;: :- ': .••••; '•

Hcaciaiiartflra . for D l a a t a n d a .

• ,-;•.•:•-•' : OPVXCJLL ODODP.

Alia Bfall line otArt NI.TCI-le», Carliiiad Iiory, Bora!

W«lccMer,hc Ttailaxcitandn«tt ^»lnjpl»le>^Ho»tineutcrcir offarcd-iu' Oarer. Pricuo B * l i « o o < n - i o w ; ; ' ~ : s y ••;•••• ••_


S3 &*2 SHOES L^B.' • 1 . 7 8 SHOE FOIt MIB8BS.

A Co.,DUVEU, A. J.


e u d ratail dealers and tottlers

8oU agents forErpcai and La^er Beer, supplied tn dhy

mtUj mUu tc a oar load. .


Baeklsa'a Arniea Balvs,The beat salvo In the world tot Onis, Borer*

Srnlsos, Ulcers, Salt Bhonm, Jtoim floret•letter, Ohtppod. Hands, OhilbUlni, Oorni,'snd all Bkln Ertptlons, acd poilt lnlr oareiPilBS/DrnopiyrBqairsa. It Is |[tursnt*6d tolive perfeel satUfaetion, or money rafandtx!.Fries U MDts per box. For sal* b j BobClllXQtti.

. PentelMi Hffieu ef Tobteeo.' "Dr. Flint's Bemcdy IB the onlv snUdoto

sgalnit tha Influence ot tobaceo wbich thesmoker or ehewer of the weed has, and Itintmld bo liken regoUrly to prennt the heartfroni boconlDg dlseaa a. Descriptive ttcitisiwitheseh bottle. AU1I dtn«Klitstori(ldroiiMsok DrnK Co., N. Y. Fur sate at EobertKll!(tore'aOotDorTJni(j Btnre, Hover.

WILOOX & BEBRT,(STtoouaa&i » K. v. B .


AOrtatCiyforh u been KOIOK np from the fir v a p o dmsnyvtara. Bnt tha cry IB not for pals, haj-gara, deblDUted women. The pushing west*a n men are not anxious for beauty, bnt (herneed lie*Hhv wives. Agrcat cry for health IiOOBllDaUly(BtDf[tipf>otnUioDUDdBorvrometi,Yonnff aad old. all o n r tha aarth. Oonntlossremedies huei appeared In1 answer. A f«whare ncMedtd, tod none bold a higher pucethan Pr. PicrM*BF*TQriUPraaortpUon,i>iai»core for aU tlioae poooUkr ' weaknesses" anddiitresslag ailments ptoalUr to tbe i » .

lak Tost Ttinit Abntt It.or distraiataK oooRd caa b* smed. We

know It beoaaao Heron's Balsam within theI past few years b u eared «o many oonxbi andcoldi In tali community. Hi rcmirkable salsh u been won entirely by Its genuine merit.Ask same frUnd who has Used it what batblnlui>lK.Mnp*B Salsan. Tlioro Is no tnrfl-eias so pare, sane so dTsctlve, Lwge bottlesBOo. B,od • ! . « st ill d i U

FlaiiB,Bpeoill3attouB for bol<dla», contrsot*tken andmatoriala fornlsliod.


A t t e n d e d t o .

VefanlibnnU«UaialBtaribjgoodaeobutt 'ndpntonBlatArooribj.goodaeobuitot.

SaekBia' Bbeattint Paper alwara on hand.Offlos andahop Oor. of £Uavell and Bar-

[so •treetiu - -. . .9. B. Wnoox- A. B. B o a

Kotmtbstanding our prices are alyroyp foiuid as JovMi l i e lotreat,yet w« propose to make a QEBEEIL SurimraB in pripe» throdnbontonr enhre Btook.:* Mflny greatbai^ainswill ba foanaisnoH.aB petbapswere never beard of in X>orer before, : We give no figures iere, Hat aviflit to onr store will oonvinoe: MJ one the way our goods are markedthat we ore anrpasged.-by Lnone.-.;~I)o.iiot be snrpriBe^T.at .onr l o*prices. We mean business and we njiall sell goodB at reputably lowp r i c e s . .. "• • '•• .••; • , • - . . ; ; . . . . .• ";•,•,:• ' • v . ' V \ - : . ' • • : •

;' ' • : $ ' ' ' ~ ~ ! - ' X . - ' " - - ~ - \

PET GOODS, 0ABPET8, OIL OH)TH8, ' f^jX'' /vBOOTS Airo:SHOiE»,OKpOKEI^ j f e t ; : .

' • ' . . • ' • . ••.•.• . : ' • Q E 0 0 E M E 8 , r j R O T I S I O H S , t o . | <feo.

• ; TOiBB OFFEIIKD AT i o O S BOTTOM ' t C £ J " V


ra gnanita, all cut jooj, to b,[>ar« %*& to a]ra antln aatlafartOB.


Clulira» Cry ftr It.XI» oMa wVil U I B ft mtdidnavl lh pleasure,

voana.y'knowthatHls not lit anywavoffan-B l n t o t h B U i t e . OhUdrsnIlkoBambarf[FiRB;and II I* no longe* neceswry to diagnit themwitb castor oil. Tteoty-flre M O M . Dose oneFT*. At ill d r a n l i i f . Mack Drat Oo,, N. T.For r i l l by Bobert Efflgore, Dover

I t . nnUa a u a x BMIara. '•••':. Vn l llutraM alnaJals and ta TraoVD

Jororalar««hl»iac.DBlcaloiilaau>ji>(iiie|61«jkarj,aaTaujiVal!.T,U.J. •






A house and one acre of ground oi* WoeHill. Uonae conlalca 7 large moms, goodi\\\vt, sood «<iMra ol water, H U T In tbe* M, narua tuid oifaur antbuiIdlDiia,plant

nit . Uawii<Ui . t tMdhMa.alai<)n>oju m i apply to Ur. John II. atarraj

.._.k.rrili..&lWer. now Co., Hontaot, or tH » . Daly, on the premlaea. 33-lmp


;. . -•'•••:•-• . / . -• - D E A L E R S ( j i i . ; v . • • • • • - , ' • .

-:- liTJItCBER O F

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.BRACKET AND SCROLL SAWlND DONE TO OHDER.

COIL WOO AND BOILDINCalwayi en hand. Daring lately cnotei % large Coal Trsatla witb OQTOHD _

and s eapadtyofonBbiu,diT4Mure,wecLuaDpplveueiiatas^jM

«DRY AND SCREENEDF«H JM A* »irlnr to >avl tt»1f ew» itm\ e » k»a


DR. EDWARD'S COUGH SYRUPIbt no .1 inctci.riil me.1iclnc In t u . forO

lu.iay ftmllf, I And It so eicelleut retaetfjh r l b j a l » » o < II is r™ominend.a lo o o w . -» . » . Vidllttbunag,' tUll l .n, H. J,» """"• " I can clieorlnliy nnlto l]i rcoDmrnntillna

ft. EJ«.rt.' T.r, fellX Oha'rrr, °™ » , ! E!Uongh fijrtip, E. an iJTMttva remfdj for pul.

'—T IH« ate. i lucnUte td SD perccnl.

&.Y 11 111, ,AtTixtoaai

ix Hiw Tom, foot of Libertj St.. North rlT«r.E V E ' UP TBAIH8

Ji i Oiieslmt " 8.10 830tfthtudOroensXrsntouNowwk.....KllltbctbBoundBrookO l b B i

10007^1 10.006.05 10.108.IB 10.63

„ B.31 lft.65itUddlcTaUoy.... V.a ll.bOHerman Valley.. . 8.83 11.07Uerman Valley.. . 8. . 7Naaghrifiat B.US 11.11DarfUy." 8.4d 11.15F l a n d o n B 4 D 1110

8.168tBt.86COD 7.40

fi.17 ( 0 1 0

« . B B « oai1

C.SHo n«06 . « ! l 9 4J0.40 £ UG1B.C8* 8 67

Gorman Valley .....It. T.DO 8.3,", 11.101.16 S.iBOfcMWrFnriisoo 7.*38.i5Jl.aoi.S8 O.tfOheiv.-<r 7.178.B0 ll.254.S0 7.01

BnnoAt.i O»Lr-Geraian Valloy d;49 *. M.,Obesler Furn»oe OZt t. U.\ Chostfir 7:00 p. ~


DookawsyDOTSFPort OramHopiteong Juno...Eeuii l~ ' l i te . . . .Oar/aFlanden •..••• —Bartloy 7.HNau|brlKbt 7.10Gorman Valley 7.21Middle Valley 7.81Voruoy 7,88Oallfon 7.89— h Bridge ArrlTe 7.68_ nd Brook 8.WE i l f a b e t h . . . . . . . . . . 8.67Newark 9 .«Trenten 9.94r-Fniladelplili.-setbsadQraen B-™aittiAOfiettuntBtiNewifork 9M

DOWN T&UNB.k.n, P .M. IM. F . X .8.8S I.fS 8.23 6.(5B.48 1.40 i.&OB.UB.47 1.4S 9,85 fl.60 p.H661 l.tO e.OS 6.MC.r.O 1.S7 S.ffi fl.M (G 08CGI) 8.4641,12 |G.U7.o* 8fiae.i7>;" "7.Ctt 6X0 6.33 H

4.01 fl S8g

t.U e,4SKfll3(,1Hfl,G9^C.E(]i.93 7.03P6.604.S0 7.WS7.08

G.iOB.16ft ,45 8,1,8G 12 6.330.41 0.S7

A, It, A. H. A. K. *. K. P.K.oUBiter Ltjave7.0B 8,10 1O.« 8.60 8.96Olienler Fnnisoa 7.10 8.1U0.6I 8JJI fl.80aormanVaUc;..Ar.7.20 8.!ft U-09 4.06 6.40

•Blna isaTe Uoyer for Mtnnlalnk and Lateutoong e.Mr J.. K.; 1.40, and 6.54 r. H.alt station, to Osden at 6.4S X. U.[ 1.40 p.M.

-jnveyaiiws can lie proonted at GermanVAIIOT to and from Sohooley'a Uonntatn f atflauders to and from lludd'a Lake.

I Train leaving Kookaway at 3:33 r. M.. eon-neota lor Long Branch, Ocean OTOT«, &.o.


- " •» ™* *M" Vp.'SSSmS;Oan, Paea. Agant.



M O E B I S T O W N ,




Seed! ana Fertilizer*, :

OAii'JJi» &1X1J O\J*i

I, HouaUeplK Oood.

AsentfotHorHauia ibe fdjotatngOonnllei of


Acne lUrrow, Wood CnltlTOlore, Wai.l«r A. Wool Moirer.. Kwper. anilDlrclfrei HorM Bak«h amarleaa i l a jToddets, l o i e r and Tread Horse Pow-ers, • • :

.nit ill orll^lau 9un VacMDtrr.

J. P. 0BAT0N, Gen'l *gt




Fire, Lightning or Tornadoes.InprotH]tioc;on'r bonea and buelDeaa HIB

AmerioaD capital and home enterprise.Stock loaurcil agalnit llRhtnlog atijwbere,

and BRaioat lire in an? prirate barna orBlableainNewJerae;.

SPECIAL— Ail- roldenoea Imnrtd a npbolographed. Yon get a l'soToonarn ofjour re.Idenoo FltEK.


Ononp,, PonTBlna, Vlzwa USD

Mason and Himllri.Organs,BEAL ESTATE AQBIPV.

Ordira IJJ mail will reculie earUul attention.Apniizsa Box 136, II00KIWAT1V, J.



Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters,

)npl*i BUam and Hot Wat«r Heatars. Thej,re made ol wrought bollBr iron, have oop-C nass, and (laltn superiority In tho iol-

l&f[ polnta I GreM economy la fuel I Blm-pHoitj of eonitrnellon I No anacoesalbleJoint* I No Ions flats or beating BBrhoo rtlffl-<mlt to k w p oleao I Ewy to uwaajt, [ Hocoal to lit} to the ton OF a large magas.BeC f t j t ; , J * * ' -


PRICE OF BEEF:Forterlioqsi Steak, 10c.

SHEEIFFB SAIB.jir — — — • — - -

MONDAY, l i e 30tL day of VLAXnoit, A. D, 1800, between Hit tibora of IS vimd i o'olpnk P. 11., tbat la to u ; A S«"lo?kin tbeafiMDoon of wld day, til the lollowin?duieribtd tract or parcel oriind anil Diemiatfriiwtfi ijmg J»ud baiDK In tbe totrnanip 3.Mount Olive, ln-tli* (Jonnty.of Mo-ria *nkStale ot How Jeiao.- bn .u /aSa bonndcd «tollowgi detailing at * *taQ6 fa the nuSdisorfilne Brook nudTiuiD>nB.lb«)i»(l)nor^ii2ty-iwD dsflret's east two cbaitu anil lir.v-ilne llnkf) to fonrth line of tbe tract con-mtd to Jdilab Used by Wtlliata t. Biewartbnd wilf, bj asofl fliufl Vim UjHei!] d , .or MBIOIJ in tbo year eight con bandied andflfiy-BOTen; Ihenoe (Sj tlona uld Hni'tiotthtblrly mlun.o* w«Jdt.- hiatlwo /obiloi -anilclslity-t<ro UtikBtoaBtonecomr.ri thence iaipuril/. fiitynlco ' and a L.ir fl,Vr«s eiat• Ptclj-ouo chama and eigbM linti v> a cbcatnnt trco [ tlieaoa U j pailij Rlopg l. iba* «oattitwodegieeuwcat nlofetlen oLtlAand tventrfire iiok- And croulnn »ald U())n TiEookt tuanatbernonieri Oiunod (0) adnib flfo^lx d«.Rt<ei WIJB. two eb»ltJ» and iotty.ieven hok*to a ooruorf ibenoe (C) fonlblmeaty^Igut- -ec« we« four obuiu tuid lartv-flve Inks.. . «ori!BrlnaaJdaintBFWk:.he%wtSon lliti BamoitlirnaedoiniUiBitalillllnijBrooki lie aertxA eonraei tind dlstanoci tlwrnor to

i of btRUjning, co- if land be the lame taow o

Bjhdeod dated tba 111D,187a. . ,

Dated April 31st, 1890..

be the Hurae land cob»*j«a tb tfa.OolemMlpy John^Bjed, J

; idmialstrator'a Sa^iof Land.ID oombllanoe Mth an orderuf t i e Orphan'.

Coartoftbo Coanlr of Horrli. Bnartoft dat.Uarob 10.16S0, tbe annierlhir, Adoiln1;tr> toot Ulbartoa ftaaton, deeeaaad, will tell at pnu-IU ..none a> tbe non.e, on i l » u i n l m h '

, ' . ? ''If S?0

BA.TOBDAY, tbo Slit dar'or U TigOQ.uetKeeathh

at a poim in tho Unth Una of thVwlToie"distant about foortaea «huna ftom • Vhttuenwrnent iberaot, and « D * thinoe( l ) loaThflltj-tbrea dPgreoi t a l l two cbafoi and urBntrulna links to a aUkAf tbenca (3) .Qqtb lllrtTdeareoB weqt IOTBO obalni sjptf ulnHtpki to 1stake; thenoa (aiBOUthflUy-tlirOirdfBree»cailonoohslcandseTenTyTloVi u. a i T . k s ,ttienoo (4J soatb twenlj'leren degrees andthirty tulDUWi west ona oniln and tweniv flra

Uook*wsy >°ropike | n » d j,Jhenaa :t!e} gonihuuuaaiaj i.uiuf i»o puBU i uicnge -tO) I0BIneiRbtr-oiie dtamaandtolrty.mintitw ireiifonrcfaalnaandllltyllnki to n etakei Iheooe(0) north tblrtoen dearo*a and thirty mlnotoi«aat four, obalna and fisty-soten ^nki, to »ato&ei thence (?) uorlU'. tblrty-obe dfgroeseast io?ea chains aod lhlrty>tUne llnka lo tbeplace of beitlDDiOK.MnialBfog three acres andfilty-OTe bundredtoa of an -Mn o( land, mpr»othu, being iho tamo oonteVoa to ipMpK, , . , ^ . r . , - t ^ jBj^ „. . . ; . ..J-.^ *. • •On^ntytV>«;«?oepltDB

ptled MircL lg. 18VQ,

Notice of Settlement.NOIIM la bireb tlren that tha aoeonala or

be <uliicrliiMi, Eieenton of stjph«n Dlik.raon, docta.fd, MM ba audited ind ilaltd- - - - - - andtoportedfortettlimenl


Bib Boast,


12k.All otbir enU In prep.rtlon

i l . o ariOCEIlIES at areatl; r.doe.d price..Ol*e me a call and to ounTlneed of the,

bargalna awaltlog JOB.

J, Wesley Sammis,Wo. i, Briot Block, Dover.

L. H. IVES & Co.

i l l kipdi of riamfalog, BooQug and ShoetIron Work satiafMlorr executed. In utock at

"tlmoiStoi - - » • • • -

Ololhs, Oarpfts, etc.Out, Ljmpi, FalntD, Cnnvt'.llnLbcrDaakrl.

md (jera1

Dili. PaJroank'a Scales,IJaaknlOhala Famni.


Family and Medicinal Purpose*.





Notica olHotlceiabprabjitlvrntbat tho aeeooni, ol

the mbacrlher, EXESDMI of Vllil.m Muienlidooeaaod, will be aaui|al and staled by tk .Hnrrogate, and rfiporteu for aBttlomonl to 111,Orpaana' Court o f Ibe ConntT olltorrll, o ialoodutbo aennlb darof Jnl;nait,

Datod April latb. ieto." A JDO3OB HSBTENIB,

S3 0 ' H.o»»llHO«n,H.J.



Material for Fancy Work!A BABSAIK IK

6-BOTTON KID GLOVES,-.•4/t.tt'offft.




Brandies from « ota. to M.OO.K i O e i . o t f U k ' n d ' ?r0ID 4 0 o t » - 1 ° 11.60.^All whliklea and winsi from KM to Iff pc

J brandlM from il.15 to (13 p*r gallon.

PEOIAL KENTIOH-Bvery article --'1 a y pkoe Ji Rtiiruiteod. ai ' '

will eenilnoe j o n tbat I aell Honor,n an; vhofoaaleatore is the State.



Spring and Summer Hqtsfor (tadlu, KUta, and Cbilaren,


t>nd um« of tlwm tn OOMI, .{kai fc»« H**« w.. -•iRblsan yun,aa* tkawaam* sitr ••Iker aM.'ae •• -««xl aa mi," .all ttnk n r f t i M U J M ( Urtpwaaotedi. AbnalsHMttHrltiMor'HSsrlyMT sinlB Hacks tlMowoeiialtr»a lo«faf,ira.o-•SM17, to thonuada fcrirkoK^Ithan anavert/ 'whewllltMUfr te:iH tMrll^TbenahupltiMb^.oamfnlly fllladat abool ta« *h# Maacbvwiia'ji

traetlon of th* tMtb.' i.fw»Jai»M antlTMtMlo* >iMIWl»w»i;\ . - i -^dl^l^^t1 i s»w;^ i; i '*"^



4 co fa eiteaded to tLe

• ' (Hearlj O^p, q«Blral I t ' B '


• ... .', .,..;: y . »«itim_iK.vTf.;,v^*'-.-""

Ho. 1 NprthaBJptonTCquiitjf, fa;;

Allabiea etmlantlr,on iaoa:. Itaofa'pnl oi;

AUi W0BK OIl»BAST£«)j:iV:iMin

. .a.11 !>. b a m H > "BTBToa»»«;ji i .»«wilhoil i .r.M"i>VSi(,Ml. If4 iauaiDoT.r.smaMrtljroar.^4;. ;

T»auuw:.^.Daar Blj.vlf tae,lu.*«f•alabf anjbe»;afltaa«>tera»Mee,:f:a* '

"'"""• IHRfe?'vBiTidAnaii''':::

. JldHBTBadtt. ;

iMssex Street Bikery, Dover,

(UTILT oomr/nD BT o c a t R n i )

on afONDAI, APBlti Mlh'aia'wlll Ittp. atall tlmea ton u d tnab itooU 01 f .


WHEAT, l I l i S D OIIAtUW, •



lUtnata laiaaud aulariala fnmlabd lor:.••..•" »0U4liwaB,=::aiiBiliiW8?-;y; • • ; . • v b a i k a i u n r i a i W i i f o n j i f •,'•• ••".

Beardtloy Olot«n Sealtn Breai-

Oidora for Oal»ltCflnfcctloncrv. o t o / l n p -plloil tod tlGli*ereu at abort notice, w e rfl*Bro irnl'v .ollclt a trial at tee hapdaoflbepoiple ot Borer, and will do onr'nlnwil l o .nppljtbijn lotbelrpompteteaat^aetlon.


ID, f,Tl!PB«Sa •

o» r a « [ 1* *• •*

New Jersey Suslneir Collets,

rbaa opened with Ineraared snaabera, ahovfoff

•ooe, before eterj anllable aeat» ooranlSdOonraein Eoalons etodlee, Ihnnband,I»<

vrltloft,aendanao0:Orawin|t. ~ i ^. Tbe H. 1. state Pair (ianted.Uill Oolka



. ; B 9 T l p E l •; :••.;Mottoala'hirebj fit-an tbat all puwina »

farblddaa tranaaalag M* mj pn~* '

" " " " " " ^ i i B D i A i !



Next to Bowden's Heat Market, Bussex StivDoyer.

Blank Booka, BUUoujrj ID all rtjle. andh*O. l iujo . , BMIO BtrlngB, Bdilg«,.'•Blrli™ Briae». aid all part, for tba, ato. ^ r l l l o g Papm in KiMeaa — •

alnaa, Baaon, Baai, Btron, Lalbji Bruanin, t>m»Blbratod Tory maiinraalnn, Bnbber Btainn, aoy Und no: vans at tba lbwala filoaa. A'fnhIlia otLowU^ Uljrarj. HmnoUnra iSpt. a ipeobvUjr. • 1:keep Ua .^(OBlitbiind, ot

' . • • " ' • . • . ' ; ' • . • * ••••' ' ' . : . - • ' • . • > ; * • * • • • • • > ' : , ' • • • . " • . ' ; • • • : . ' • • j ' < ^ ; ^ v ! ; " j i - ; . i ; •

•ad many utialaitoil I c^tut mraUcm, to ,oa4 uiltelna

Car. Sussex and Blackwell Sts,.Ulli«.bUln. hi, r«p»«Uc.» for liitpl: - - : Mdoompl.taitook.of


PROVISIONS. ortnattattnde,: alao

Piil8bury'8 Best,Viola and

Most Beautiful Brands

: of Flour,


Watches, Clocks, Jewelry.Al.o UDI1CAI. IHBTEUamiTfil



rOVEB. U.I n BUnka of all Moja, Faobta i l all npalra tor'tba Ualo | Otdlara.

Ur. Tlolla BWaja^Boira, Kara, Tanj . . Pesa, PcodU, loVotaJji Fena of all COMPLEXION


Csrpsnter and Builder,




S- il CERJgSMREi*:


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