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M If eVGNING BULLCTIN Vase · Queen Victoria's jubileo, and tho attitude nf the German Embassy in...

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f M , Best tldverli&iigMedium. f ! The Oldest S Vase If voil Don't Read the Bulletin eVGNING BULLCTIN Evening Paper Published you Donl (crlLL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands. It Readies ALL the Teople. I Subscription 75c. a month. tOIOMOMOIOMtMIHIOIIIHHMM 'ow0artttooooMto Vol. IV. No. 6G3. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1897. PBIflBt ClNTB, THE EVENING BULLETIN. Pabllahed every day except Sunday at 210 King Btteet, Honolulu, H. I. SUBSCRIPTION IIATES. Per Month, anywhere in the Ha- - walian Islands 3 75 Per Year. 8 00 Per Tear, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign Countries 13 00 Payable Invariably In Advanoe. Telephone 266. P. O. Box 89. A. V. GEAR, Manager. That Tired Feeling AND GENERAL DEBILITY. Tho causo Is poor, thin blood, resulting in deficient vitality. To overcomo this, tho blood needs to bo enriched nnd vitalized, and for this thero is no raedlclno in tho world equal to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The cures it lias worked, tho men, wo. men and children it ha3 restored to health, aro countless in number. One such cxperienco is related by Mr. Robert Goodfellow, Mitcham, South Australia, as follows: "I have used AYER'S Sarsaparilla in my family for years, and would not bo without it. I used to stiller with boils and skin eruptions, attended with great lassitude and Seiieral debility. In fact, I was so 1 I could not attend to my bus- iness. Being advised to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla I did so, and I am happy to say that the medicine restored mo to perfect health. I havo slnco used Ayer's Sarsaparilla for my children, in various complaints, and it has always proved effective. I can safely recommend it to sufferers as The Best Blood Purifier BiWAnu nf fmltattont. The ntmn Ayer Baraaparlllit ! prominent on tbo wrapper and blown In tbe glMt of each bottlo. AVER'S PILLS, IN SMALL, GLASS THIALS. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Agents for the Republic of Hawaii. fl. W. midon? .... A.RE .... Closing Oat .... THEIR .... Large gtoclr; of Qoods Wholesale and Ketail. K&. Tho attention of Teachers and other visitors is specially drawn to this favorablo oppor- tunity. Von Holt Bloiik, King Street, David Dayton, Real Estate Broker. 0jy. Merchant Street. FOR SALE. 12 Chinese Uruulto Hitching Fonts; $5 each. 1 Surrey In flno order; price $200. House uud Lot, 75x165 ft., on No, 71 Young streot; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchen dining-room- , oto. Lot on Witdor avenue 100x300 ft,, fenced; price $2100, TO LET. Honse iu Rnbflln Tane; dining-room- , kitchen, Whrooui, curriugo house and stftliU'H; lurtro rani, FRANCIS DUNN, Architect and Superintendent 5. Ofiice: 305 Fort street, Sprockols' Block, Room 5. LATEST FOREIGN NEWS VOIUIIIMBI.E NCIILMK TO BALK HMITISII I.niMt'KIAlilS.n. Klcknedi Mnkea Merloni Havoc Anion lie Hinuih Troop In Cab. UNITED STATE. Nicbojas O. Croede, the discov- erer of the wonderful Colorado mining camp, which is known from ond to end of the world by bis nnme, died at Los Angeles, Gal., July 12, from an overdose of morphine. It may have been that it was accidental, for he was ac- customed to use the drng for neuralgia. Uroede prospected for ten years, living on bacon and beans when, by a lucky Btrike of silver ho became a millionaire. The coal Btriko may come to aibitratiou, according to present signs. The Governor of West Virginia has got ready for trouble. Several labor organizations have offered aid to tho strikers. Miners in Illinois have joined the strike. Striker in Ohio wrecked a string of coal cars, and $5000 reward is offered for tho detection of the perpetrators. Niuotytwo percent of humidity in tbe air, with the temporatuie at 90 degrees, was attended with eight Heaths and 21 prostrations from heat in Now York on July 12. A cool brepze from tho sea in the evening brought soma re- lief, but physicians said many people, who were of weak consti- tutions, would never recover from the effects of tbe heat. Lightning struck tho New York State military camp at Peekskill on July 12, taking the Young Men's Christian Association toutB as its object. Corporal J. J. Mo- - Ltonalu; jompany.A Twenty, second Regiment, was killed and half a dozen others, were rendered unconscious. The same evening Edwin J. Botts and wife were killed at Delphi, N. Y., by light- ning. Senator la bum G. Harris of Tennessee died at Washington. The Senate and House both took adjournments over a day out of respect to his memory. A sailboat carrying fivo young persons was capsized on the 12th mst. in the middle of Eagle lake, Intl., resulting in tho drowning of Georgia Coulter, daughtor of Pro fessor Coulter of the University of Chicago, and Bertha Yarnell, daughter of Edward F. Yarnell of Fort Wayne, Ind. Detroit, July 12. George V. N. Lothrop, ex Minister to Russia, died at Detroit on tho 12th inst. Ho was stricken with heat pros- tration a week previous and had been in a comatoso condition ever Biuco. One of his daughters is Baroness Heune of St. Peters- burg. Collis P. Huntington has pre- sented to tho University of Cali- fornia a priceless collection of books and manuscripts about Cal- ifornia. Judge N. Greene Curtis, a pio- neer lawyer of California, has died at Sacramonto aged 71 years. Colonel Charles F. Crocker iB seriously ill in San Frnnoisco. Captain Merry of San Francis- co, tho Nicaragua canal champion, will bo appointed Minister to Nicaragua. Tho taiiff couforouco worked four hours on Sunday. Major Z. E. Pangborn, tho veteran newspnper editor of Jer- sey City, is offered the position of Minister to Bolivia. Major Pang born will be remomuered as the 4th of July orator in Honolulu last year. Ed. Tlin ANNEXATION THEATY. In a forocusl of this week's work in the Senate, telegraphed from Washington to the Ghroni-clo- , tho following occurs: "The friends of the Hawaiian annexation treaty on the Foreign Relations Committee) also hopo to bo authorized to report a ratifica- tion resolution at their meeting next Wednesday, means certain that bat it is by no tho committee will bo able to reach an agreo- - merit bo soon." EtTRnPK. The Fronoh Ministry had a close call for defeat on the 13tb, nnd was liable to be thrown on the direct taxation bill the next day. A Paris correspondent says, "The downfall of the Ministry on the eve of Prcsidont Fnuro's visit to St. Petersburg would bo most unfortunate." The St. Petersburg Novoe Vre-my- a predicts that a British imper- ial customs union might lead to the downfall of the Empire. It Bays that without au ally her great fleet;, would be powerless against the combined'stro'ngth'of-Europe- . The statement of the Bank of Spnin bIiowh a note circulation of 130,000,000 pesetas in excess of the authorized issue. Captain Cei, an Italian officer, has invented a rifle from which eighty shots a minute may be fired without reinbving the weapon from the shoulder. Tests of the new arm are being made by the Government. Einil Arton, convicted of brib- ery iu connection with the Paua-m- a canal scandals, has made sen- sational revelations. The Bou-langi- sts offered him 1,000,000 franr for a document, the miking public of which would havo re- sulted iu the' overthrow of the Loubet Ministry. M.tLoubet, he said, had also tried to obtain cer- tain documents from him. II SCHEME. Berlin, July 10. The main business of serious import to be transacted during Emperor Wil- liam's visit to tho Czir will be the formation of n distinct under- standing between Riissin niidG-r-intni- y iu reg.ird to fr.mkly unti-Drit- ish policy in tho Orient, or- - pecinlly iu connection with Japan and China, and in the event of possible complications arising from the critical situation inlndiu. Emperor William will pledge himself to automatically support Russian interests in that part of the world, a policy which in tho muin is approved by Prince Ho-honlo- hc, tho Imperial Chuncellor, und which, it is hnpod, will fur- ther isolate Great Britain, Russia on hor part is to promiso tho weight of hor influonco in favor of Germany in tho evont of aunoxition plans in Samoa and elsewhere maturing. Tho Em- peror hopes, notwithstanding tho natural curiosity of France, grow- ing out of this programme, that an euteute with tho Frenoh and tho public in most casoa will also bo possible. It is owing to this ouispnuon anti - uritisu pro- gramme, tho outlines of which wore sketched at the mot ting bo- - twoon Emperor William and the Czar at Dresluu iu 1890, thut his majesty s it bost to show a great doul of resorvo iu regurd to Queen Victoria's jubileo, and tho attitude nf the German Embassy in London during tho festival rus duo to tho sumo cause. vi mors iTr.iiN. The steamship Empress of Japan has ruade the pnsBago from Victoria to Yokohama, deducting the difference in time, in ton days three hours forty-fo- ur miuutes, an averago speed of 17. JU knots an hour. This is the best time ever made across the Pacific in either direction. The Dominion Cabinet bus de cided to put the alien Inhnr law in force in Manitoba, tho Northwest Territories and ttritish Columbia at onco so as ti protect Canadian workmen ofjainst those coming from the United Sates. A report prepared by Armonian notables and bishops on the situa- tion iuArmenia has been forward- ed with great difficulty to Franco. It shows that the 'Turks are prac- tising all sorts of cruelty but vory quietly. United States Consul Boll at Sydnoy, Now South Wales, reports to tho Stato Department that the CVmffnuerf on .',ih Vmjt. JAPAN STILL INSISTENT STRoxn iNri.iTn.iici s iron annex MOM .IT W.VHH1NIITUV. Pnbltfl Opinion Fxrllrd Over Siup'el-- 4 Hehrmrn nfttpnln nnd Jnpno) Again-- ! United Ninte. Washington, July 10. Mr. Hoebi, tho Japanese Minister, late this afternoon sput to Secretary Sherman his reply to thenote of the Secretary of State, written in answerto Japan's original note of protest against the Hawaiian an- nexation treaty. Tho note of tho Minister answors in detail tho contentious of tho Secretary of Stutc, aud at some lungth p'.a'ior&tcs tho posi (ion taken by Jnpxn against the treaty. The note was sent after full communication with tin Japa uese home Government. It doubt- less will ho transmitted to tho Seuate Committee on Foreiun Relations with the other corres poudeuce. t At the Jupanosn Leantion here it h said that the Japanese news papers who-i- comment was quot- ed in the dispatcher uont from Sun Francisco yesterday, and all of which npoki) either iu a con- temptuous tone of the United States or abounded in criticism of the position of the Japanese Gov-ilum- out toward Hawaii, bolong to the Opposition press iu Japan, and that tho soutiment they ex- press must not be taken as tho sentiment of tho Japauodo Govern- ment. No quotations from the otlieial organs were given. New Xork, July 10. A Herald dinpHtoh from Washington says: Strong influences are at work to expedite the ratification of the Hawaiian annexation treaty, llio additional protest of tbe Japanese Govornraeut, filed iu the State Department today coupled with reoent news from Hawaii that the Hawaiians feared that Japan might do something to cir- cumvent the annexation movement, is being made tho most of by the advocates of tho treaty. Thoy aro bringing the strongest kind of pressure upon the Senate to se- cure tho ratification of tbe treaty during the preeont session. One of the arguments being used to urge tho act is that Spain and Japan aro formiug some secret coalition to ombarrass tbo United States in both its Hawai ian and Cuban policy. A well-defin- ed suspicion oxists in tho minds of many Senators and diplomats hero that some under- standing has recently boon reach- ed between Japan and Spain regarding theso two questions. Some of thoso who are in favor of precipitate action upon tho Hawaiian treaty exproBS tho be lief that unloss tho Suuato ratifies the treaty at once tho administra- tion will find such serious compli- cations in tho Pacific when the time comes for a vigorous stand on the Cuban question, that it will bo greatly hampered in car- rying out any naval demonstra- tions that might result from tho representations of Minister Wood- ford. In other words they boliovo that Spain and Japan have reached an understanding whoroby tho former will maintain a bold frout in ro-g- ard to Cuba while tl)Q lattor will precipitate some coup do etat in regard to Hawaii, with the ulti- mate object in viow of dolaying action by the Uuitod otates in ro -- gard to both questions. Friends of Cuba and Hawaii in- sist that tho best way to prevent the execution of tho purposes of au alliauce would be a prompt ratification of tuollawanan treaty. Madrid, July 8. La Voz do Guipuzcoa of St. Sebastiau repro- duces tho text of Japan's protest to the Uuitod States against the annexation of Hawaii, und urges the population to give an enthu- siastic farewell to tho Japaneso Embassador iu ordor to "demons- trate Spanish sympathy with a people which will not tolerate Liiiiiiliutii'iis and is able tocopoin prido with tho Yuukeeq, who nro the eternal enemies of Spain." stark ,nn STRIPS. To B Holttrd ! Honolulu Iu ' of lalcrrtrenee. NwTork, July 12. The Her- ald's Washington correspondent says: It was not until after tho receipt of tho lost mail advices from Hawaii that the officials here considered it necessary to issue any special instructions to the American Minister and naval commander at Hawaii and regard- ing the course., to be pursued in tbe ovent of trouble. These advices were of such a nature aa to cause, a conference between tho State and Navy de- partment officials, which has re- sulted in instructions which con- template the landing of marines and tbo hoisting of tbe American flag over the Government build- ings iu Honolulu on the first signs of interference by any foreign nation. While believing that tbo reports concerning possible aggression by Jap in wero unnecessarily alarm- ing, tbo authorities have consider- ed it prudent tdihave the Americ- an authorities in Hawaii clothed with all necessary authority to act promptly and forcibly if occasion should arise. They do not now believo that Japan, knowing tho positive purpose of the United States to annex the islands, will go beyond a little diplomatic bluster to prevent the consumma- tion of that polioy. Rear Admiral Beardslee will be given sufficient force to carry oat any programme events may force upon him. Chicago, July 12. A special dispatch from Washington to the Times Herald says: The admin istratinn has taken steps to keep its grip on Hawaii. Any aggres- sive interference on the part of Japan will result in the landing of marines and tbe hoisting of the American flag with or without the ratification ot ine pending an- nexation treaty. The -- administration, "realising that some crisis might arise while the treaty 'still hangs fire in the Senato, has taken Bteps to be pre pared tor any emergency. Roar-Admi- ral Bearclsleo will have, when the next steamer ar- rives in Honolulu, instructions giving him power to act at the first sign of aggression on the part of Japan or trouble of any kind with which the local authori- ties aro not able to cope. Rear-Admi- ral Bcardsleo will bo givon sufficient force to carry out tho program mo that events may forco upon him. It is definitely settled that tho battleship Oregon now on routo to San Frunoisco from Seattle will be dispatcbod to Hawaii as soon as she can bo pre- pared for tho voyage. This will oive Admiral Boardsleo threo ves sels tho Oregon, Philadelphia and Marion. Japan has at present but one vessel in tho harbor at Honolulu, the cruisor Nnniwa. She has an-oth- cruiser at San Francisco awaiting orders which may take her to the Hawaiian Islands. HAWAIIAN COMIC OPEKA. Pruilurlion ot Two OHlllnriilii I'rcaenlad In New York. Now York, July 12.-- Hawaii was triumphantly annoxod to- night in Madison square Gardou, when "Cuptaiu Cook," as pectacu lar opera, was produced. The work is the produat of two Californians. Noali Brandt com- posed the music and Sandi W. Forman wrote tbo libretto. Much of the music was good aud the libretto wbb clear. On tho whole, "Captain Cook" is an acceptable midsummer inversion, lux iuoou Lil with her staff was presont. A telegram received at San Francisco by Sands Forman from Noah Brandt said: "Success. Company did well. Pcblio Queen Lil was thero." On accouut of doparturo, the Curnituro for throe rooma for light house keeping, aud n good paying lmsiucbs will bo sold cheap. Apply to Madame Yule, at No. fit Auuauu 6irooi, hucuiiu liouso below thu Eagle Houso. kmm-M- , m tfto&WJiifM isAAVm- - MS W - . '4kMfllkU6K h4V Jl ,. m. vkmriMx . THE BATTLESHIP ORFGON OKDRRFD HXBKTO KF.LU'VE tiii: riiLnrr.pniA. Unttrd Ntulm (tuTfrninntt Will Take Mo Chance Over in Hellloote Alllllida uf Jibhu. Washington, D. C, July 12. Recognizing the gravity of Japan's attitude oti the H'nVaiinn anuexa-- 1 tion question the iidininihtration has decided to send the big battle-shi- p Oregon to Honolulu to re- lieve tho cruiser Philadelphia and the old corvette Marion, both of which need renovation. Orders were issued ut tho Navjr Depart- ment today for tho Marion to re- turn homo at once, and instruc- tions will go to Honolulu by Bteamer, leaving San Francisco on July 17. The Philadelphia is in unserviceable condition in consequence of long anchoring in somitropical waters, and thereforo ' it is necessary to got hor back to the United Stutos. The Philadel- phia will remain at Honolulu, howovcr, until tho Oregon arrives and perhaps longer. It had been intended for some time td'send the cruisor Baltimore to Hawaii, but thu repairs requir- ed Avill take longer than first esti- mated, and tho probabilities are that she will not be ready for sea Borvico until October. But this uucxpocted postponement of her assignment to the islands has served a good purpose in allowing the .Navy Department to send tho Oregon, ono of the most formida- ble ships in the service; without giving Japan an opportunity for construing the act into a display of unfriendliness on our part. II is not customary to send battle- ships to foreign ports, and the Oregon has never made no long n voyage as that from San Francis- co to Honolulu. Her longest trip from San Franoisco was down the coast to Acapulco, Mexico, 1800 miles, and the voyaoo deraonotvat. ed the excellence of her sea-goi-ng qualities. While Japan cannot consistent- ly object to tho disposition of our naval vessels, it has been not an uncommon occurrence in diploma- cy for one nation to construe tho presenco of a warship or an un- usual display of naval strength by another nation at a port iu which both have vital interests as an act to bo viewed with concern, nnd in- formation to thut effect has been frequently convoyed to the Gov- ernment of tho offondiug country. If Japan should seud a like inti- mation to tho Government it would be met by the explanation that the Oregou is tho only vessel available. The Oregon is so far superior to the Japanese cruiser Naniwa at Honolulu that com- parison is out of tbe question. Ihe administration is taking Japan seriously in her stand con- cerning Hawaiian annexation. Minister Hoshi's frank statement to Sherman that his Government protested against the annexation of Hawaii by the United States because "the maintenance of tho status quo of Hawaii is essential to tho good understanding of powers which have interests in tho Paoifio" has boon viewed with more concern by tho President aud his Cabinet than othor points of objections, as indicating the rumored purpose of Japan to se- cure some sort of control of thu islands. Japan insists that sho dons not Bcek to otnbauass tho Uuittd States, but tho administration io taking no chauceB. Tho intention to send the largest available vessel shows that this Government pro- poses to be prepared for omor-gonc- ies pendiug tho settlement of tho Japanese claims against Ha- waii aud tho ratification uf the annexation treaty. How Jnpnu will mow tho assignment of the Oregon to Hawaiian wutcro re- mains to be seen, but it is certniu that if othor vcbsoIs aro sent to augmonttbo Naniwa thu United States will rospoud in n vigorous tnanncr that will lolvo no doubt as to the determined pili j it the United States that other nowurrf I timet beep their hands oil lia.ivJi, A liiaai'irw r M i .0 i " ifL4 t'pll "lJ '1 A r ' aV &
Page 1: M If eVGNING BULLCTIN Vase · Queen Victoria's jubileo, and tho attitude nf the German Embassy in London during tho festival rus duo to tho sumo cause. vimors iTr.iiN. The steamship



, Best tldverli&iigMedium. f ! The Oldest S Vase

If voil Don't Read the Bulletin eVGNING BULLCTIN Evening Paper Publishedyou Donl (crlLL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands.It Readies ALL the Teople. I Subscription 75c. a month.


Vol. IV. No. 6G3. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1897. PBIflBt ClNTB,


Pabllahed every day except Sunday at210 King Btteet, Honolulu, H. I.


Per Month, anywhere in the Ha- -

walian Islands 3 75Per Year. 8 00Per Tear, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Mexico 1000Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign

Countries 13 00Payable Invariably In Advanoe.

Telephone 266. P. O. Box 89.

A. V. GEAR, Manager.

That Tired FeelingAND

GENERAL DEBILITY.Tho causo Is poor, thin blood,

resulting in deficient vitality. Toovercomo this, tho blood needs to boenriched nnd vitalized, and for thisthero is no raedlclno in tho worldequal to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Thecures it lias worked, tho men, wo.men and children it ha3 restored tohealth, aro countless in number. Onesuch cxperienco is related by Mr.Robert Goodfellow, Mitcham, SouthAustralia, as follows: "I have used

AYER'SSarsaparillain my family for years, and wouldnot bo without it. I used to stillerwith boils and skin eruptions,attended with great lassitude andSeiieral debility. In fact, I was so

1 I could not attend to my bus-iness. Being advised to try Ayer'sSarsaparilla I did so, and I am happyto say that the medicine restored moto perfect health. I havo slnco usedAyer's Sarsaparilla for my children,in various complaints, and it hasalways proved effective. I can safelyrecommend it to sufferers as

The Best Blood PurifierBiWAnu nf fmltattont. The ntmn Ayer

Baraaparlllit ! prominent on tbo wrapperand blown In tbe glMt of each bottlo.


Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Agents for the Republic of Hawaii.

fl. W. midon?.... A.RE ....

Closing Oat.... THEIR ....

Large gtoclr; of Qoods

Wholesale and Ketail.

K&. Tho attention of Teachersand other visitors is speciallydrawn to this favorablo oppor-tunity.

Von Holt Bloiik, King Street,

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

0jy. Merchant Street.

FOR SALE.12 Chinese Uruulto Hitching Fonts; $5

each.1 Surrey In flno order; price $200.House uud Lot, 75x165 ft., on No, 71

Young streot; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchendining-room- , oto.

Lot on Witdor avenue 100x300 ft,, fenced;price $2100,

TO LET.Honse iu Rnbflln Tane; dining-room- ,

kitchen, Whrooui, curriugo house andstftliU'H; lurtro rani,


Architect and Superintendent

5. Ofiice: 305 Fort street,Sprockols' Block, Room 5.



Klcknedi Mnkea Merloni Havoc Anionlie Hinuih Troop

In Cab.

UNITED STATE.Nicbojas O. Croede, the discov-

erer of the wonderful Coloradomining camp, which is knownfrom ond to end of the world bybis nnme, died at Los Angeles,Gal., July 12, from an overdose ofmorphine. It may have been thatit was accidental, for he was ac-

customed to use the drng forneuralgia. Uroede prospectedfor ten years, living on bacon andbeans when, by a lucky Btrike ofsilver ho became a millionaire.

The coal Btriko may come toaibitratiou, according to presentsigns. The Governor of WestVirginia has got ready for trouble.Several labor organizations haveoffered aid to tho strikers. Minersin Illinois have joined the strike.Striker in Ohio wrecked a stringof coal cars, and $5000 reward isoffered for tho detection of theperpetrators.

Niuotytwo percent of humidityin tbe air, with the temporatuie at90 degrees, was attended witheight Heaths and 21 prostrationsfrom heat in Now York on July12. A cool brepze from tho seain the evening brought soma re-

lief, but physicians said manypeople, who were of weak consti-tutions, would never recover fromthe effects of tbe heat.

Lightning struck tho New YorkState military camp at Peekskillon July 12, taking the YoungMen's Christian Association toutBas its object. Corporal J. J. Mo- -Ltonalu; jompany.A Twenty,second Regiment, was killed andhalf a dozen others, were renderedunconscious. The same eveningEdwin J. Botts and wife werekilled at Delphi, N. Y., by light-ning.

Senator la bum G. Harris ofTennessee died at Washington.The Senate and House both tookadjournments over a day out ofrespect to his memory.

A sailboat carrying fivo youngpersons was capsized on the 12thmst. in the middle of Eagle lake,Intl., resulting in tho drowning ofGeorgia Coulter, daughtor of Professor Coulter of the Universityof Chicago, and Bertha Yarnell,daughter of Edward F. Yarnellof Fort Wayne, Ind.

Detroit, July 12. George V. N.Lothrop, ex Minister to Russia,died at Detroit on tho 12th inst.Ho was stricken with heat pros-tration a week previous and hadbeen in a comatoso condition everBiuco. One of his daughters isBaroness Heune of St. Peters-burg.

Collis P. Huntington has pre-sented to tho University of Cali-fornia a priceless collection ofbooks and manuscripts about Cal-ifornia.

Judge N. Greene Curtis, a pio-neer lawyer of California, has diedat Sacramonto aged 71 years.

Colonel Charles F. Crocker iB

seriously ill in San Frnnoisco.Captain Merry of San Francis-

co, tho Nicaragua canal champion,will bo appointed Minister toNicaragua.

Tho taiiff couforouco workedfour hours on Sunday.

Major Z. E. Pangborn, thoveteran newspnper editor of Jer-sey City, is offered the position ofMinister to Bolivia. Major Pangborn will be remomuered as the4th of July orator in Honolululast year. Ed.


In a forocusl of this week'swork in the Senate, telegraphedfrom Washington to the Ghroni-clo- ,

tho following occurs:"The friends of the Hawaiian

annexation treaty on the ForeignRelations Committee) also hopo tobo authorized to report a ratifica-tion resolution at their meeting

next Wednesday,means certain that

bat it is by notho committee

will bo able to reach an agreo- -merit bo soon."


The Fronoh Ministry had aclose call for defeat on the 13tb,nnd was liable to be thrown onthe direct taxation bill the nextday. A Paris correspondent says,"The downfall of the Ministry onthe eve of Prcsidont Fnuro's visitto St. Petersburg would bo mostunfortunate."

The St. Petersburg Novoe Vre-my- a

predicts that a British imper-ial customs union might lead tothe downfall of the Empire. ItBays that without au ally hergreat fleet;, would be powerlessagainst the combined'stro'ngth'of-Europe- .

The statement of the Bank ofSpnin bIiowh a note circulation of130,000,000 pesetas in excess ofthe authorized issue.

Captain Cei, an Italian officer,has invented a rifle from whicheighty shots a minute may be firedwithout reinbving the weaponfrom the shoulder. Tests of thenew arm are being made by theGovernment.

Einil Arton, convicted of brib-ery iu connection with the Paua-m- a

canal scandals, has made sen-sational revelations. The Bou-langi- sts

offered him 1,000,000franr for a document, the mikingpublic of which would havo re-

sulted iu the' overthrow of theLoubet Ministry. M.tLoubet, hesaid, had also tried to obtain cer-tain documents from him.


Berlin, July 10. The mainbusiness of serious import to betransacted during Emperor Wil-liam's visit to tho Czir will bethe formation of n distinct under-standing between Riissin niidG-r-intni- y

iu reg.ird to fr.mkly unti-Drit- ish

policy in tho Orient, or- -pecinlly iu connection with Japanand China, and in the event ofpossible complications arisingfrom the critical situation inlndiu.Emperor William will pledgehimself to automatically supportRussian interests in that part ofthe world, a policy which in thomuin is approved by Prince Ho-honlo- hc,

tho Imperial Chuncellor,und which, it is hnpod, will fur-ther isolate Great Britain,

Russia on hor part is to promisotho weight of hor influonco infavor of Germany in tho evont ofaunoxition plans in Samoa andelsewhere maturing. Tho Em-peror hopes, notwithstanding thonatural curiosity of France, grow-ing out of this programme, thatan euteute with tho Frenoh andtho public in most casoa will alsobo possible. It is owing to thisouispnuon anti - uritisu pro-gramme, tho outlines of whichwore sketched at the mot ting bo- -twoon Emperor William and theCzar at Dresluu iu 1890, thut hismajesty s it bost to show agreat doul of resorvo iu regurd toQueen Victoria's jubileo, and thoattitude nf the German Embassyin London during tho festival rusduo to tho sumo cause.

vi mors iTr.iiN.The steamship Empress of

Japan has ruade the pnsBago fromVictoria to Yokohama, deductingthe difference in time, in ton daysthree hours forty-fo- ur miuutes,an averago speed of 17. JU knots anhour. This is the best time evermade across the Pacific in eitherdirection.

The Dominion Cabinet bus decided to put the alien Inhnr law inforce in Manitoba, tho NorthwestTerritories and ttritish Columbiaat onco so as ti protect Canadianworkmen ofjainst those comingfrom the United Sates.

A report prepared by Armoniannotables and bishops on the situa-tion iuArmenia has been forward-ed with great difficulty to Franco.It shows that the 'Turks are prac-tising all sorts of cruelty but voryquietly.

United States Consul Boll atSydnoy, Now South Wales, reportsto tho Stato Department that the

CVmffnuerf on .',ih Vmjt.


STRoxn iNri.iTn.iici s iron annexMOM .IT W.VHH1NIITUV.

Pnbltfl Opinion Fxrllrd Over Siup'el-- 4

Hehrmrn nfttpnln nnd Jnpno)Again-- ! United Ninte.

Washington, July 10. Mr.Hoebi, tho Japanese Minister, latethis afternoon sput to SecretarySherman his reply to thenote ofthe Secretary of State, written inanswerto Japan's original note ofprotest against the Hawaiian an-nexation treaty.

Tho note of tho Ministeranswors in detail tho contentiousof tho Secretary of Stutc, aud atsome lungth p'.a'ior&tcs tho posi(ion taken by Jnpxn against thetreaty. The note was sent afterfull communication with tin Japauese home Government. It doubt-less will ho transmitted to thoSeuate Committee on ForeiunRelations with the other correspoudeuce.t At the Jupanosn Leantion here

it h said that the Japanese newspapers who-i- comment was quot-ed in the dispatcher uont fromSun Francisco yesterday, and allof which npoki) either iu a con-temptuous tone of the UnitedStates or abounded in criticism ofthe position of the Japanese Gov-ilum- out

toward Hawaii, bolongto the Opposition press iu Japan,and that tho soutiment they ex-

press must not be taken as thosentiment of tho Japauodo Govern-ment. No quotations from theotlieial organs were given.

New Xork, July 10. A HeralddinpHtoh from Washington says:Strong influences are at work toexpedite the ratification of theHawaiian annexation treaty, llioadditional protest of tbe JapaneseGovornraeut, filed iu the StateDepartment today coupled withreoent news from Hawaiithat the Hawaiians feared thatJapan might do something to cir-

cumvent the annexation movement,is being made tho most of by theadvocates of tho treaty. Thoy arobringing the strongest kind ofpressure upon the Senate to se-

cure tho ratification of tbe treatyduring the preeont session.

One of the arguments beingused to urge tho act is that Spainand Japan aro formiug somesecret coalition to ombarrass tboUnited States in both its Hawaiian and Cuban policy. A well-defin- ed

suspicion oxists in thominds of many Senators anddiplomats hero that some under-standing has recently boon reach-ed between Japan and Spainregarding theso two questions.

Some of thoso who are in favorof precipitate action upon thoHawaiian treaty exproBS tho belief that unloss tho Suuato ratifiesthe treaty at once tho administra-tion will find such serious compli-cations in tho Pacific when thetime comes for a vigorous standon the Cuban question, that itwill bo greatly hampered in car-

rying out any naval demonstra-tions that might result from thorepresentations of Minister Wood-ford.

In other words they boliovo thatSpain and Japan have reached anunderstanding whoroby tho formerwill maintain a bold frout in ro-g- ard

to Cuba while tl)Q lattor willprecipitate some coup do etat inregard to Hawaii, with the ulti-mate object in viow of dolayingaction by the Uuitod otates in ro --

gard to both questions.Friends of Cuba and Hawaii in-

sist that tho best way to preventthe execution of tho purposes ofau alliauce would be a promptratification of tuollawanan treaty.

Madrid, July 8. La Voz doGuipuzcoa of St. Sebastiau repro-duces tho text of Japan's protestto the Uuitod States against theannexation of Hawaii, und urgesthe population to give an enthu-siastic farewell to tho JapanesoEmbassador iu ordor to "demons-trate Spanish sympathy with apeople which will not tolerateLiiiiiiliutii'iis and is able tocopoinprido with tho Yuukeeq, who nrothe eternal enemies of Spain."

stark ,nn STRIPS.

To B Holttrd ! Honolulu Iu' of lalcrrtrenee.

NwTork, July 12. The Her-ald's Washington correspondentsays: It was not until after thoreceipt of tho lost mail advicesfrom Hawaii that the officialshere considered it necessary toissue any special instructions tothe American Minister and navalcommander at Hawaii and regard-ing the course., to be pursued intbe ovent of trouble.

These advices were of such anature aa to cause,a conferencebetween tho State and Navy de-partment officials, which has re-sulted in instructions which con-template the landing of marinesand tbo hoisting of tbe Americanflag over the Government build-ings iu Honolulu on the firstsigns of interference by anyforeign nation.

While believing that tbo reportsconcerning possible aggression byJap in wero unnecessarily alarm-ing, tbo authorities have consider-ed it prudent tdihave the Americ-an authorities in Hawaii clothedwith all necessary authority to actpromptly and forcibly if occasionshould arise. They do not nowbelievo that Japan, knowing thopositive purpose of the UnitedStates to annex the islands, willgo beyond a little diplomaticbluster to prevent the consumma-tion of that polioy. Rear AdmiralBeardslee will be given sufficientforce to carry oat any programmeevents may force upon him.

Chicago, July 12. A specialdispatch from Washington to theTimes Herald says: The administratinn has taken steps to keepits grip on Hawaii. Any aggres-sive interference on the part ofJapan will result in the landingof marines and tbe hoisting of theAmerican flag with or without theratification ot ine pending an-nexation treaty.

The -- administration, "realisingthat some crisis might arise whilethe treaty 'still hangs fire in theSenato, has taken Bteps to be prepared tor any emergency.

Roar-Admi- ral Bearclsleo willhave, when the next steamer ar-rives in Honolulu, instructionsgiving him power to act at thefirst sign of aggression on thepart of Japan or trouble of anykind with which the local authori-ties aro not able to cope.

Rear-Admi- ral Bcardsleo will bogivon sufficient force to carry outtho program mo that events mayforco upon him. It is definitelysettled that tho battleship Oregonnow on routo to San Frunoiscofrom Seattle will be dispatcbod toHawaii as soon as she can bo pre-pared for tho voyage. This willoive Admiral Boardsleo threo vessels tho Oregon, Philadelphiaand Marion.

Japan has at present but onevessel in tho harbor at Honolulu,the cruisor Nnniwa. She has an-oth-

cruiser at San Franciscoawaiting orders which may takeher to the Hawaiian Islands.


Pruilurlion ot Two OHlllnriiliiI'rcaenlad In New York.

Now York, July 12.-- Hawaiiwas triumphantly annoxod to-

night in Madison square Gardou,when "Cuptaiu Cook," as pectacular opera, was produced.

The work is the produat of twoCalifornians. Noali Brandt com-posed the music and Sandi W.Forman wrote tbo libretto. Muchof the music was good aud thelibretto wbb clear. On tho whole,"Captain Cook" is an acceptablemidsummer inversion, lux iuoouLil with her staff was presont.

A telegram received at SanFrancisco by Sands Forman fromNoah Brandt said: "Success.Company did well. Pcblio

Queen Lil was thero."

On accouut of doparturo, theCurnituro for throe rooma forlight house keeping, aud n goodpaying lmsiucbs will bo soldcheap. Apply to Madame Yule,at No. fit Auuauu 6irooi, hucuiiuliouso below thu Eagle Houso.

kmm-M- , m tfto&WJiifM isAAVm- - MS W - . '4kMfllkU6K h4V Jl ,. m. vkmriMx .


OKDRRFD HXBKTO KF.LU'VE tiii:riiLnrr.pniA.

Unttrd Ntulm (tuTfrninntt Will TakeMo Chance Over in Hellloote

Alllllida uf Jibhu.

Washington, D. C, July 12.Recognizing the gravity of Japan'sattitude oti the H'nVaiinn anuexa-- 1

tion question the iidininihtrationhas decided to send the big battle-shi- p

Oregon to Honolulu to re-lieve tho cruiser Philadelphia andthe old corvette Marion, both ofwhich need renovation. Orderswere issued ut tho Navjr Depart-ment today for tho Marion to re-

turn homo at once, and instruc-tions will go to Honolulu byBteamer, leaving San Francisco onJuly 17. The Philadelphia is in

unserviceable condition inconsequence of long anchoring insomitropical waters, and thereforo '

it is necessary to got hor back tothe United Stutos. The Philadel-phia will remain at Honolulu,howovcr, until tho Oregon arrivesand perhaps longer.

It had been intended for sometime td'send the cruisor Baltimoreto Hawaii, but thu repairs requir-ed Avill take longer than first esti-mated, and tho probabilities arethat she will not be ready for seaBorvico until October. But thisuucxpocted postponement of herassignment to the islands hasserved a good purpose in allowingthe .Navy Department to send thoOregon, ono of the most formida-ble ships in the service; withoutgiving Japan an opportunity forconstruing the act into a displayof unfriendliness on our part. IIis not customary to send battle-ships to foreign ports, and theOregon has never made no long nvoyage as that from San Francis-co to Honolulu. Her longest tripfrom San Franoisco was down thecoast to Acapulco, Mexico, 1800miles, and the voyaoo deraonotvat.ed the excellence of her sea-goi-ng

qualities.While Japan cannot consistent-

ly object to tho disposition of ournaval vessels, it has been not anuncommon occurrence in diploma-cy for one nation to construe thopresenco of a warship or an un-usual display of naval strength byanother nation at a port iu whichboth have vital interests as an actto bo viewed with concern, nnd in-

formation to thut effect has beenfrequently convoyed to the Gov-ernment of tho offondiug country.If Japan should seud a like inti-mation to tho Government itwould be met by the explanationthat the Oregou is tho only vesselavailable. The Oregon is so farsuperior to the Japanese cruiserNaniwa at Honolulu that com-parison is out of tbe question.

Ihe administration is takingJapan seriously in her stand con-cerning Hawaiian annexation.Minister Hoshi's frank statementto Sherman that his Governmentprotested against the annexationof Hawaii by the United Statesbecause "the maintenance of thostatus quo of Hawaii is essentialto tho good understanding ofpowers which have interests intho Paoifio" has boon viewed withmore concern by tho Presidentaud his Cabinet than othor pointsof objections, as indicating therumored purpose of Japan to se-

cure some sort of control of thuislands.

Japan insists that sho dons notBcek to otnbauass tho UuittdStates, but tho administration iotaking no chauceB. Tho intentionto send the largest available vesselshows that this Government pro-poses to be prepared for omor-gonc- ies

pendiug tho settlement oftho Japanese claims against Ha-waii aud tho ratification uf theannexation treaty. How Jnpnuwill mow tho assignment of theOregon to Hawaiian wutcro re-mains to be seen, but it is certniuthat if othor vcbsoIs aro sent toaugmonttbo Naniwa thu UnitedStates will rospoud in n vigoroustnanncr that will lolvo no doubtas to the determined pili j it theUnited States that other nowurrf

I timet beep their hands oil lia.ivJi,

A liiaai'irw r



.0 i"





r' aV


Page 2: M If eVGNING BULLCTIN Vase · Queen Victoria's jubileo, and tho attitude nf the German Embassy in London during tho festival rus duo to tho sumo cause. vimors iTr.iiN. The steamship

hmhhbih ' mm m w m m -- - - m

IF" 2jmmmmmtmmmmkMmmmmmmimwmmmmmmamMn,wmmmmAmvtnnmJLmmmt'i"wtmmmtmiw


The Manufacturing Harness Co.Telephone 228.

THIS CUT.Kepresents One of Our Own idLand-mad- e

OA.KRIA.aiD KCAKISTiiSS.JP A comnleto an'ortment of Ladles and Gents Hand etamped Belts,

sizes; Leggings and u complete assortment of everything pertaining to ourline.

t&t A complete uscortmeut of lUolug Equipment!'.'Special We keep in Htook uud


Special SummerNotes for Our

Out-of-to- wn

jIBbs,.. rqLi Uelo.

COUNTRY ORDERS.These receive our most care

ful attention at all times, butnow the warm weatlier is up-

on us, our facilities for theprompt shipment of fush gro-

ceries our careful packingwill explain why we increase

year by year this class oftrade. Please note (by a com-

parison of quality with anyprice list in your vicinity) ourextremely moderate prices. Wemaintain uniform high-grad- e


CAMPING- - ESTIMATES.We shall bo pleased to make

up estimates for any numberof our patrons who may pur-pose taking a cottage by thesea, or camping. If you willstate how many in tho partyand number of days or weeksfor your outing, we will quoteon anything from the bathsoap in tho morning to thoafter dinner cigar. Whereveryou may bo rusticating wocan servo you with tho sameattention as if you were athome in tho city. We servoyou tho your round it's ourbusiness.

Lewis & Co.,Ill FORT STREET.

13?" TELEPHONE 240.

CREOLE"Will Stand the Season

....AT THK....

CLUB STABLES.Season, - $25.00To Insure, - $35 00




PAIR OP SPECTACLESTho bent place In town to ),rot them to

mlt all MlglilH and pockets Id at

I--I. G . BIAET'S101 Tort Btiuct.



P. O. Box 322.

sell only Ol'Il OWN Manufacture.

& Coughlin.

r w v7sttz&MJJmO.o?

-f ft Ei "a- ? SVo o

5 o 3-- a.

!I ttnaS5 B

C car a

n o B a

u? 5 To T? ::. I


UnderwritersCOMPOSED OF

London and Lancashire FireInsurance Company ofLiverpool, England,

(Stock Compan, Incorporated 18(11.)


Norwalk Fire Insurance Com-pany of Norwalk, Con-

necticut.(Stock Company, Incorporated I85U )

A policy written bv the abovecompany In doubly necure. an It renre--souta two of the lurget Fire InsuranceuompiiiiiLM iiaoit m it.

The Hawaiian Safe Doposit &Investmont Company,

Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.OH Fort Btrt ... Honolulu

THE - BOAS - TONIce Cream Parlors,

ilotcl aud Union Street.

"Log Cabin" and "Salt Water" Taffy


Ilostoti Coeonnnt Cuke,Original French Hon,

Ice Cream, Iced Sodas,Mies' KootUcer,

Demlana Lemonade,Etc., Etc., Etc.

G. MILLER, Manager.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Slanngor of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

01 the United States for the HawaiianInlands.

Orrwi Merchant atrwit, Honolnln.

The Kvening Bulletin, 75 cents

per wonth.

JW)J "


iMtrnicTN ANi.i.AMi:m?f waii.

(Iprmuii Opinion 'I'll t Jntnn amiNinln Will Nido Willi Kllulitnd.

Dorliu, Qonuiuiy, July 1. ThoHamburger Nachrichteu, Bis-marok- 's

organ, baa published arenitirksiblo nrtiolo uudor thocaption "America in Europe,"which is being quoted throughoutGermany.

It is known the subject is occupying much of Emperor "Williurn's attention, tho INuohrichtcndeclares, nnd that the lenders ofEuropean opinion "view thegrowth of these ginut states withpardonable alarm. They introduce an unwonted element intoEuropcnn politic, where new andBtrauuo interests are making themselves felt.

"These powers are still behindEuropean states in btrcugth ofwar aud strongth of culture, butthore aro important factors whichseem to promiso them supremacyin tho future."

The article, discussing the an-nexation of Hawaii, concludes:"McKinloy is anstatesman, after the fashion ofBlaiuo."

It declares Germany's interestswill bo affected by tho annexationof Hawaii. It agrees with theincoming Minister on the para-mount necessity for naval defensehere, but says that it is Englandagainst whom the growth of theUnited States would operate mostdangerously. The writer thinksthe conflict of the future will bebetween tho United States on theouo hand aud Spain, Japan andEngland on the other.

Jones Oh, what a very charming baby!I have always taken such an interest invery young children. How old is it?

Mother (with pride) Only just 11weeks.

Jones Really! A and is it youryoungest? Brooklyn Life.

Ilia Only Hope.

Jewolor I cau't let you have anotherengagement rinir. 3Ir. Upton, ion owemo for three already.

Hardy Upton You a better let 11m

have this ono too. If this goes, I'll bnh'a position to pay for tho others in a fewmonths, Puck.

It Amused Hint.

ii mmgf

Mrs. S. Well, here wo nro in anotherboarding 1ioum We aro regular Arabs.

Mr. S. Yes, folding Bebouins. Life.m

IliiKUlm and l'huelona,Gus Sohuman bocs to inform

tho public that ho has on hand afino now line of Surreys, Buggies,runntons,Itoad Wagons and (Jans;Doublo and Singlo Buggy, Ex-press and Ilaok Harness raadospecially for the Hawaiian trado.These goods aro now on exhibi-tion at tho Club Stables.

Wo don't oxpect you to give ustho proforonco if what wo havo tosoil is inferior or our prices high-er than our rivals, but whou woolTor a superior article for lossnionoy, you do yoursolf n wrongby not looking into tho rnattor.Call anil sea our samples ofportrait work. King Uroa., 110Hotel Btrcot.


The goods promised by tho"Australia" and "Aorangt"have arrived, more tlian enoughseparate articles to fill fourcolumns or more of any news-

paper. Some of the goods arestaple, others are luxuries suchas one needs for day or nightluncheon; these aro EpicurounBrands.

Lunch goods, comprisingPato do Fois Gras, Bon AcordSausages, Oxford and Cam-

bridge Sausages, PreservedBloater, Albert Sardines,Truflled Pates of Partridges,Plover, Woodcock, Snipe andQuail.

Such a varied assortmenthas never been offered by anydealers in Honolulu. But wehavo others.

Curried Brawns, Fried Pil-chard and the Genuino Epicu-rean Oysters, Shrimps in To-

matoes, Beans, Lobster andother delicacies.

Boston Baked Benns, RoastMutton, Kits of Tongues andSounds, Sardines in Mustard,Boneless Surdities, GermanLentils, Pickled Eels in Jelly.Anchovy Essence, BrownBread, ITuckins' Soups, Pep-per and Tabasco Sauce.

These goods are tho bestquality ever imported to Hono-lulu. Our prices have neverbeen met in goods of the sameclass.


Queen. Street.

Club Jtables,FORT STREET,

Telephone 477


Breaking HorsesA SPECIALTY.

Finest Turnouts in City.Hacks Always on IIand

Telephono 310.

Wagonettes and Surries'With Careful Drivers always on



REOPENED.Eagle -- :- House


The EAor.i: Housi: is the Coolestaud most Handsomely FumUhed intho City.French-Ameri- can Cooking

with an excellent arrangement ofthe Menu. . .

EDWARD A. KOSTA,033-lr- a Proprietor.


Dry and Extra Dry Wine

in pints and quarts, Just to handin excellent condition, direct fromFREMINET A: FILH. For ealeat low rates hy . . .

GONSALVES & CO.,U3U-lu- i Quu'U Strict.

Canadian-Australia- n Steamship line

Stcameni of. the above Lino runnlnir in oonnootion with the

CANADIAN PACIFIC BAIL WAYBetween Vancouver, B. 0., and Bydncy, N. 8. W, and colling at Victoria, B. 0.

Honolulu and Suva (Fiji),


On or about tho dotes below stated, viz.:

From Hyilncy nuil Him ft, fur Victoria nmlVancouver. Ii. C.I

SttnrMIOWEnA" Jnly24Strar "AOHANQI" August 0Stmr " WARRIMOO" September 3

Through Tleketn ixHiiotl from Honolulu to OuiiikIu,United States ami Europe.

FKKiant AND rABSENOEH agents:

D. MoNiooil, Montreal, Canada.KonEiiT Keimi, WinuipoR, Cnunda.

M. M. 8iKnN, Ban Francisco, Cal.O. MoLi. BnowN, Vancouver, B. C.

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.The Fino PassonRor Steamers This Will Arrivo and

Leave Fort Hereunder.

Prom San Fi'anoisco:


connection with nbovo steamers, Agontsprepared issue, intending pusseugors, coupon through

tickets by any railroad from Snu Francisco, all points thoUnited States, and from Now York any steamship lino allEuropean ports.

For further particulars apply

"Wm. G. IrwinGeneral Agents

W: G; Irwin & Co.Limited.

Agents forWestern Sugnr Refinery of

Fruueisco,BnUlwiu Locomotive Works of Phil- -

delphln, 1'fcun.. U. S. A.Xewell Universal Mill (National

Cane Shredder), New York, S. A.N.Ohlandt .t Co's Chemical Fertilizers.Alex Ciosa it Souh, hih grade til- -

izers Cuua CoilVo.Heeds Steam 1'ipo Covering

AlsoOffer for Sale

Parnfflne Paint Go's P PalutsPapers; Lucol Liubeod

boiled.Indurlno. (a cold water in white

colors.Filter Prebs Cloths, Comont, Lime

Dticks.607-t- f

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(uuriBn).

Wm. Irwin, President and ManagerOlanB Spreckels, ... Vioe-Presid-

UuJard, - Hocrotary treasurerThoo. 0. Porter, Auditor

Sugar FactorsCommission Agents.





Contractor and Builder.

Offices Stores fittedEstimates on


VST OUlce Shop: Fort street,Bdjolnlnu WrlKlit'a CarrlaRO Shop.




From Victoria Vancouver, II. tanil 8jlnyl

Stmr"MIOWEHA" August 16

Stmr "AOKANQI" August 31

Stmr "WA1UUMOO" September 23

of Lino atThis as


In the sailing of tho thoaro to

to inby to

Co. San


foifor anil

&B nndand oils, raw

andpal at)



W. M. anu




and up andlvcn

and No. 010W. W.

ami C,Suva


t3jr For Freight and Passogo and allOoneral Information, apply to

THEO. H. DfAVIES' & CO.', ViAgents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

For San Franoisco:



& Co., Limited,Oceanic S. S. Co.


TIME TABLE.0. L. WIGHT, Pres. S. B. KOBE, Seo.

Copt. J. A. KING, PortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will loave Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching atLntmina, Jlaalnca liny and M.ikenn thosame day; Mahukona, Knwnihao and Laapohoehoe tho following day, arriving atllilo tho same ovcuing.


Tuesduy. . . .July 20 I Tuesday. . . .July 27Friday July 30 Friday Aug. 6Tnei.day...Aug. 10 j Tuesday... Aug. 17

Friday Aug. 20 Friday. . . . .Aug. 27

lteturning, will leave Hilo at 1 o'clockp. h., touching at Laupahuehoe, Mahn.koua and Kawaihae same day; Makonn,Mialuea Hay and Lahaina the followingday; arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsof 'luosday and Fridays.

Will call at Pohoiki, Pnna.5ffTNo Freight will he received after

ii noon on uay oi sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON. Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at Sr.u.itouching at Kahului, Hana, IiamoaandKipahulu, Mani. Jtctnrning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will coll at Nun, Kaupo, on second tripof each month.

WTNo Freight will be received afteip. m. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right tomake changes in the time of departure andarrival of its Bteamers without notice andit will not ho responsible for any constquonoes arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the Landings torecolve their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has been landed.

Live Stook only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsible

for Money or Valuables of passengersunless placed in tho caro of Pursers.

Passengers are requested to purchasetickets before embarking. Thoso failing todo so will be subject to an additionalohargo of twenty-liv- e per oent.


PLUMBEE,Hotel 8t.. noar Fort. Tel. 8C2.


No. 45 Queen Street.

Export Appra.Bomont of RealEatato aud Furniture.

a.- ,tf&0 .,:.Jto&3il '. .' h ; iwa'

Page 3: M If eVGNING BULLCTIN Vase · Queen Victoria's jubileo, and tho attitude nf the German Embassy in London during tho festival rus duo to tho sumo cause. vimors iTr.iiN. The steamship


w New Goods mttttt


Fine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cfine Crepe Shirts Any Style!

Cheapest in


Cues 8rnB-s- . Wm. 0. Ibwik.


San FranoAB"t Tns Nevada Bank orBan Francisco.


8an FbjSCO Tho Nevada Bank of San

London6 Union Bank cf London, Ltd.Nbw Exchange National

Ban.Cn,010icrchantd National Bank.pARis .uptolr National d'Eacompt da

P"' ,jjculis uanttiHono,a,n Yokohama Ilongkonjr ft

gDil nankin? Corporation.Stir 5NU AWD Australia Bank ol New

z?Vancouver Bank of BritishVI

general Bankiig and Elite Business

rjJ ueceivea. L,oans xnauo on Ap- -iyUiuiuuii.iui uiiu Aiukiia

itucd. Bills of Exchange bongbtand

OIons Pkomptlt Accounted For.""

Established 1858

sxaiocSc co-banker- s.

insnet a General BankingExchange Business,mimercial and Traveler'sors of Credit issued, avail-i- n

all the principal citiesio world.

ie . . .

awaiian ElectricCompany,

I Cor. Alftkea ft Halekauwila Bts.

Hbb a large assortment of

Jhandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates given for house wir-n- g

and Electrical plants.

Marine Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,82-t- d Manager.

Building Lots!At WAIK1K1 on car lino and on PA

LAMA KO.VD near FertilizingPlant

Those Lota are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near the city andother Properties for sale.

BRUCE, WAKING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

312 Fort Htreot, near King.Tbxbphone Ii07. P. O. Box 821.

W. C ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

REALESTATERT We will lluy or Boll Real Estato in

all portsI ol tno group.OT Wo will Sell Properties ou lloason- -

able Commissions

OFFICE, 10 West King Street

Consolidated Soda Water Co., L'd

Corner Allen & Fort Stt., Honolulu.


A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.New Loyo'h HuildltiR, Fort BUuet.


w udi




the City. f

Nuuanu & 2 Hotel Streets.

Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Look at Our Bargain ListFine Straw Hats, 25c. up.Crepe Pajamas, $1 a suit.Colored Bosom Shirts, 65c.Ladies Kimonos, $1 up.Gents Sox, 4 pairs for 25c.Paper Napkins, 30c. a 100.Ladies Leather Purses, 25c.Silk Embroidered Pillow

Covers, 75c. a piece.

IWAKAMI,Robinson Block, Hotel Btreet.

Tje Yokohama Specie BankLIMITED.

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Dp Capital Yen 7,600,000BeeerreFund Yen 6,4,600


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobo, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking andBusiness.

Agency Yokohama Spetio BankMew Republic Building, in Kins St, Hosolnla.

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to (tRDBB of thvery best materials and in the verylatest style. ,

A. Perfect FitGhiaranteed



Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty



NEW STORE.Imported Dry Goods, English, American

and Chinese.

Dress Making a Specialty.Low Prices to suit the times.

By Come in and see our New Stock andStoru.

Wing Hing LoyNuuanu near Hotel street, opposite W. W.



I3P This Arm was formerly kuown as"Shun Loy," Fort street.

Just ReceivedCrockery nud Ivorywuro,Embroidered Fans,Shawls, doroous,Wicker and Stoamar Ohnirs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nuuanu Btreet, Honolulu,

TOM CHUNG KEE,213 Nuuanu Btreet.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order. I use tho bestmaterial. Goods warranted towear well. 11-3-


A.ttornev at Law14 Roahumann Street.

TubvUano No. C32. 403 6m

BOBIRT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMerchant Stroot, Honolulu, H. I,

Over Hawaiian Nowh Company'sBook Btoro. my 18,

Just Like Gold Coin.

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood the testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystandB at the head of the listamong tho medicines that areso essential to keep at hand intho home.

It is not a now fanglo remedynor do the proprietors layclaim to any wonderful rovclation of the ingredients that en-

ter into tho manufacture ofthis ever popular remedy.

it is pcncctly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use. !

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-- 1

tery, Colds, and nil painful i

affections, a few doses will cer-tainly givo relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein the house.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

955" The new 35c. size con-tains over double tho quantityof the 25c. size.

Holiister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sola Agents for the Islands

Commencements WillSoon Be Coming Off

Graduating classes wantclass photos made Lowerclasses ought to havetliftii, too. We want todo all the college workthis year. Our posingand grouping are not surpassed anywhere.We know our prices areas low as tho finest workis worth.

J.J.WILLIAMS'Art Studio,

Fort Street, Honolulu.

Whoro do I get my clothes made? Youaro the tenth man that has aked the ques-tion, At J. 1. ltodriguett o( couiho, and mydress suits especially pleaho mo vorymuch,

J. P. Rodrigues,Fort street.

HAVING ESTABLISHED A MODERNplant for hulling, polishing and assortingcoffeo, we are prepared to buy and cleancoffeo iu tho parchment.


CofTee IApply to



Jfaintoi,Paper Hanger and DecoratorIsland Orders attended to with dlsrpatou.

All wotk carefully and promptly execu ted,

XV Oiwow Smith arriMt, with SamuelKaholookulaui Pun, llosideucei l'alama.


,. .,ii rur iiinnniiminrfMft

WANT1 MO It II !'l(lllrl.N( Ml..s.

I'mcIIIc ,(( X.it lo no I,, II l tlic)lrrc) of Jiitn.

Now York, N. Y., July 4. TheHorald's Washington apodal says:Secretary Long will recommendto Congress at its next sessionthnt authority he given for theconstruction of additional battle-Bhip- s

and torpedo boats. Someof the former typo of ships willundoubtedly be contracted forwith Pacific Coast firtnB. Depart-ment ofliuials eny that at letmt livebattleships should bo iiMtigut:d totho Pacific station in addition tothe cruisers and gunboats alreadythere.

The administration will prob-ably award a contract for one ofthe thirty-kno- t tutpedo lioitts, bidsfor which were received pomedays ago, to a Pacific Count firm.Commuuilor O'Neil, Chief of theBureau of Ordnance; Chief NavalConstructor Hichboiu Hud Enginoor in Ohiof Melville were iuconsultation today over the bids.It looks I1B thnUf'll tllfltr rariimmondutions would bo favorable toEastern linns entirely, but the department will probably decide togive a Weetorn firm a contract forone vessel at least.

Army and navy officem saythat, with the naval foice on thtPacific Coast and in Ahiatiu watersand the coast defenses alreadycompleted, thy country wouldhave no difficulty in defeatingJapan should she forciblj contentour rights to annex Hawaii.

Quirk Work.


iMajor Barrett Japan says sho pro-pos-

to demolish China.His Wife (woarlly) Sho ought to

employ onr parlor mold.

Their TrrMur.

k in , iiM9sl(Pi clisSk

M$ IBesBMWfl&V -- .

Old Gottcrof So you really love ouidanghter?

Charley Van New I do.Old G otterof Very well, you may have

her. But don't take herfrom lis too boon,my boy not too soon from her old fa-

ther and mother. Not beforo tomorrowPromise mo that. Puck.

The finest of broakfast sausagesaro to bo had at tho Central MeatMarkot on Nuuanu avenue. Tele-phone 104.

.MeohanioB1 Home, comer Hoteland Nuuimu strrets, lodging byday, week or month, TormB: 26and 60 conts per night. $1, and

1 25 uer week.

City Carriage Co., "J. S, And-rad-

muuiiger. If you want a

hack with good horso and care-ful driver ring np Tolephouo 113,corner of Port and Merchantstreets. Haok at all hours.

If you are interested in the sub-ject of enlarged portraits, it wouldbo worth your while to boo theBatnplcB at King Rros. at pricesraugiug from $5.00 to $10.00frames and all. They can't bo beat.

If you contemplate ordering aportrait oulargouieut wo invitoyour attoutiou to tho superiorwork wo offer and would ask acomparison of prices and workmanship ucloro placing yourordor. lving isros., iiolol street."

Singers lead tho world. Over13,000,000 madu uud sold. High-est awardB at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excollonco ofronstruction, regularity of motion,easo of motion, groat speed, adjustability, durability, oaso ofloam in g and couvouiouno of

1J. 1'orgorBon, ncont,101 Uothel streets.




Curry Powder as made by us is prepared after the OriginalRecipe from the Purest Ingredients.


BtirUrV,. T527 Fort Street,



Tlao. H .Divvies Co,,n.za:z,x,33D.


Commission Agents 1

Dry Goods,Hardware and

Groceries.KI'MONK -


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.New Goods Beoeived by Every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe,

rHlESlJ OaLIKOKNIA PBODUOK BT KVE11Y BTEAMEliall Orders lalthfnlly attended to and Ooods Delivered to any

Vartof thaOity FBEE.

UuLND.OaoBma BouoRui, BAsaiaovioir UoAmurwiMtittrr opbheb roBT and kino arrBirr- -





On Wednesday, July 28, 1897,at 12 o'clock noon, at the frontentrance of tho Executive Build-ing, Honolulu, will bo sold atPublic Auction, tho HawaiianHotel Promises at Honolulu.

Thcso prcmisoB nro centrallylocated in tho city, in tho controof tho block bounded by and withoutranco drives from Hotel,Richards, Beretania and Alnkeastroots, aud tho grounds containan area of 1 7-- 10 acres.

Tho Buildings consist of thoHotel proper of two stories andbasement; built of brick and con-cret- o

with broad voraudas at frontand roar of each story.

Tho Main Building covors anaroa of 10,800 sq. feet with Lanaior wing addition on ono sido,40x21 foot, aud wooden odditiouon opposite wiug for Kitchen,00x18 feet.

Thoro aro also Four Cottageson tho premises with ample pro-vision for bath rooms and closets.

Ino Main Building contains aspaciouB Parlor, Public and Pri-vat- o

Dining Booms, Largo Bil-liard Hall and Bar Boom, andForty Slooping rooms. Tho Cottages contain about twonty addi-tional sleeping rooms.

A water tank with capacity of10,000 gallons is placed on atowor at an elovation suiUcieut togivo a good wator preBSuro iueocoud story of tho Main Build-ing. This tank is supplied froman Artesian woll ou adjoiuingpromises, owned by Dr. J. S. Mo-Gr- ow.

Tho buildings nnd grounds arothoroughly lighted with ElectricLight.

lMans of tho Buildings andgrovmdB can bo soon nt tho officoof tho Minister of tho lntorinr.

Term of Salo aro Cash inUuitcd States Gold coin.

" mmr sH


r &



corner Hotel.

-- . M

Upsot price: $60,000.00.In caso there is no bidder to

purchase the property at the aboveupset price, a loaso of tho samowill immediately bo offered forsalo ot an upsot price of ayear for a period of thirty yearsunder tho conditions set out haAct 7, Laws of 189G and moreparticularly of Sections 2 and 4 ofsaid Act which reads as follows:

"Soction 2. Every such leasoshall contain a covenant on thepart of tho lessee that ho shall,during tho first four years of theterm of tho lease, causo to boorectcd upon tho loused promisesa firo proof building of Brick,Stono or Motnl, in a workmanlikemanner, satisfactory to tho Min-ister of tho Interior at not lossthan a stated cost; andkeep tho samo suitably in-sured at not less than two-thir- ds

of its valuo for tho benofitof the lessor; and shall keep thebuilding in good ropair duringtho remainder of the torm of lease,reasonablo nso and woar thereofonly excepted; and in case ofdumago or destruction of suchbuilding.by firo, shall make goodsuch loss or damago by tho neces-sary repairs or reconstruction orolso Burrendor tho insuranuo to tholosBor.

"Section 4. Every bucIi leaseshall also contain acovenaut on thepart of tho lessor, that upon thorequest in writing by the losseoorhis representatives, beforo tho ex-

piration thereof, tho promises withtho improyomouU, shall, if all oftho conditions to bo performed bytho losseo have been satisfactorilyperformed, bo put up at auctionfor a loaso for n torm of not ove:twouty years; unless said premisesshall bo required for public uses,of which tho lossoo snail receiveat least one your's notice. Suchauction sale ahull bo hold notmoro than six months nor lessthan ono month beforo tho expira-tion of said term."

The cost of building to boerected in accordance with Seo-tio- n

2 aH abovo quotod, is placedat $50,000.

J. A. KINO.Minister of tho Iutorior.

Intorior Ollico, Murch 27, 1S97,

M $4t.V for m ,i m& miM: B .i'WKifcfcwWS '.





Page 4: M If eVGNING BULLCTIN Vase · Queen Victoria's jubileo, and tho attitude nf the German Embassy in London during tho festival rus duo to tho sumo cause. vimors iTr.iiN. The steamship




51 Eieir Bulletii),


TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1807.


Pnrrrngers nnl nffii'on of tlioAustrtilia say there uns talk inSau Fruneisro just boforo thoBtonmci left that Hnwuiiiiu nnuox-iiti- ou

was to come lip in tho Senate tlmt afternoon. Lettor&

by sovernl load firms con-

firm this. Ono of thesu whichthoJJiLLETiN Las been permittedto see roads as follows:

Sinco tho enclosure wbb writtenwe Imvo private dtepntcboB fromWashington to the effect thatSeuntor Morgan will cull up hisbill for tho annexation of Hawaiiiu the Senate this afternoon(Tuesday, July 13) without wait-ing for tho Comintttoe on ForeignRelations to make a roport on thetreaty, it being apparently hisobject to press the bill to a votothis session if possible in case thetreaty should fail to receivo thorequisite- majority. Wo are stilldoubtful if annexation will bo ac-

complished before the regularsession, but in viw of tho presentsituation at Washington tho un-

expected may happeu and by nextmail wo may have some startlingnuub for ou.

Important dispatches wero re-

ceived both by United States Minister Sowall and Admiral Beards--lee. They wore evidently expected,for both officials came into townfor tlioir mail and after glancingover it at the consulate went off tothe flagship, whore they held aconference lasting over two hours.

Tho Government received nolate dispatches, its Inst lettersfrom Minister Hatch being datedJuly 7. Since then nothing hadbeen received. , ,"

,.Mr. Theo. F.Jbansiug is to becongratulated upon his elevationto tho Cabinet, even though hehas only accepted office tempora-rily iu an emergency. He is oneof those citizens who will not hesi-

tate to sacrifice private interestsfor tho good of tho public whena call comes. Tho Constitutionallows n Minister ad interim to beappointed when a member of thoCabinet absents himself from thecapital.Tho substitute can, however,onl act for sixty days. MinisterDnnim'a absence having extendedover tlmt time, and no detiuitestutoment regarding his returnhuvng beon rocoived by today'smail, President Dolo wont for Mr.Limning uud ofl'med him theposition. Mr. D.imnn's resigna-tion whs on file to be accepted insuch a contingency.

Events would indicate that theHawaiian public have to be keptin the dark about matters affect-ing their interests until all therebt of the world has beon dulyinformed thereon. It is only with-

in tho past few days that the faot ofthis Government's having offeredto submit its controversy withJapan to arbitration has beon ad-

mitted by any member of theGovernment excepting in strictestconfidence. Now tho mail showsthat tho information was given totho public of Japan whonevor itwas received by tho Governmentof that country, and tho public ofthe United Stales ami tho worldworo apprised of the interestingcircumstance about ten days ago.This sort of thing does not savorof government by the peoplo.

Aunoxatiou was quite livo whonthe msil left the shoros of Amer-

ica. It bids fair to bo a living factbefoio uuothei mail arrives.

There is plenty of room in thoharbor for tho Oregon accordingto Captain Kiug and otherauthorities. Tho basin that wasdredgod out for the Olympia stillremains and the wator is doepor'alongside the Philadelphia thananywhoro in tho harbor. ThoOregon does not draw over 27 feetami being ptovided with twinserous can tutu louud iu her ownlength.

pnfwpy ,wpj f

JUg" "T WTW vwff?W T


.r. --"lata IfyVWMr'kMVtam1. Trnr roui,ui m.mn.

Continued from ( I'agc,

long drought iu Australia willprooably be much worso on sheepthan that of 1895, when more than9,000,000 were lost through thatcause alouo. Somo estimatespredict the loss of half tho sheepand conservative estimates placetho loss at 25,000,000.


Ureal Rrllnlit mitl Pimirn OITrr

United AlilnNow York, July 12.-- Tho

Journal's Washington correspon-dent wires that Franco nnd GreatBritain havo invited the UnitedStates to join them in tho com- -plotion of tho Panama canal. Itis estimated that the canal can becompleted for $100,000,000.

Nathan Appleton of Boston,who has represented the interestsof the Panama Canal Company intho United States ever sinco thopalmy days of Do Lossops' ex-travagances and the gross corrup-tion of the canal ring in Paris,called upon President McKiuleytoday iu company with SecretaryLong, who acted as his introducer,if not his indorser. .

It is not understood that Applo-to- n

has done moro yet thau pres-ent a brief argument agoiust thefeasibility of the Nicaragua cannl,and to show the benefit whichwould come to tho United Statesby having huge contracts for con-

struction work thrown into thehands of American contractors.

i UK Kisriu.v aumniiK.

Xolr frntu Ibe I'uwom Kuibuttudorla be MrCHlltnl.

Constantinople, July 12. Fol-

lowing is tho toxt of tho collectivenote of tho powers to Turkey:

"The great powers have adoptedtho project of strategical rectifica-tion as it has been worked out bythe military attaches and commu-nicated to tho Sublimo Porte. Inconsequence, they have agreed toassuro tho Ottoman Governmentthat they have arrived at a firmdetermination to put an end to thoobstruction, the only effect ofwhich is the prevention of theconclusion of peace eminently in

Berlin, July 12. Tho Tago-blat- t's

Constantinople correspon-dent says that tho British andFrench EmbaBBadors to Turkeyare about to be recalled owing tothoir Governments beuig diosatis-fie- d

with thoir conduct in connec-tion with the peace negotiations.

It is stated that Emperor Wil-lia- u,

who is now on a Northlandtour, kept tho telegraph wires botweeu Norway and Berlin occupied with otlioial dispatches dur-

ing the whole of Sunday night.Theso dispatches, it is supposed,wero iu lefereuce to Eastern af-


Ml HA.

All Iniureriit I.cmUr lilllcd-D- r.IlprnniKlox Slulil.

Havana, July 12. Reports fromSancti Spiritus confirm tho mmorthat General Queutin Banderas,who commanded the insurgents inthe engagement on July 5 at Pa-

paya Heights, was killed duringthe fighting.

Uaptain-uener- ai weyier, wuoleft Sancti Spiritus in tho lattorpart of last week with the Astur-l- as

battalion, surprised a camp ofthe insurgonts near Jarucoa and asharp engagement took place.Among tho killed was tho well-kno- wn

Dr. Hernandez.Now York, July 11. A dispatch

to tho Herald from Havana Bays:Major General Pedeio Diaz hasassumed command of tho insur-go- ut

forces in Pinar del Bio provinco. Tho rebel army of thoprovince is being thoroughlyreorganized and put iu good trimto co oporato with tho oastoruarmy if the lattor succeeds inroaching Havana province. ThoSpaniards have destroyed a num-ber of small forts because theycannot spare men to garrisonthem.

An engagement took placo thisweek near Artemisa, in which thoSpaniards lost heavily. Over100 sick and. wounded men havobeen sent on to Havana.

In Matanzas town thore aroover 5000 coucentrados, of whichover fifty die every day. TheSpanish troops havo beon orderednot to oat mnugoos, but thoydisoboy tho ordor because they


linve unfiling clso for food. Mangodint aggravates foor. During tholast leu days over oUU Houllnrswere taken to the hospital

Hie Spanish mail steamermi! Havana yesterday carri ed i

1000 sick soldiers, many of whomwill die on the wayhotne. Eleventhousand stck soldiers havo beonsent to Spain since January 1.

Havana, July 11. Reportspresented to tho authorities byEnrique Gomez, Governor ofTrinadad, say that tho lebclsthere are in a serious positionowing to tho great scarcity ofsupplies of ull kinds.

ll ((iirrn Lmtr MnlilnKtii.Washington, July 10. Ex- -

Quouu Liliuokalaui, who has beenstopping iu Washington duringtho past winter and spring, leftthis morning with her secretaryfor New York. No informationwas vouchsafed to the people attho hotel where she stopped, andthey know nothing about herfuture movomonts.

F.dwaid Cant, tho popularsteamer engine! r, leaves by theAlameda on Thursday for a visitto tho Old Country.

Jlmely Jope5fitly 20, 1S97.

"In time of peace preparefor war" is an excellent adage,and one which the UnitedStates evidently believed inwhen the new navy was built.We in Hawaii have especialreason to be thankful that intimes of peace such a magni-ficent specimen of marine ar-

chitecture as the battleshipOregon was made ready forsuch emergencies as the pres-ent, and should take the lessonto heart, not alone in nationalaffairs but in those of thehousehold. Suppose the Japa-nese fleet should blockade Ho-

nolulu, for instance, we shouldsoon find ourselves run-

ning short of lots of littlehousehold necessaries otherthan provisions.

This week we have one ofour windows filled with an as-

sortment of articles necessaryin every kitchen. Buy themtoday while you have a chance.Among them may be enumer-ated chopping bowls, all sizesand shapes, egg beaters, lemonsqueezers, chopping knives inseveral varieties, nutmeggraters, gem ice shavers, but-ter moulds, fruit pickers.rollingpins and bread boards.

Another useful novelty isthe family butter case whichjust holds one roll; the buttercan be cut off as needed with-out moving it from the case.

See that your kitchen issupplied with all these requi-sites before the war breaksout.

THEHawaiian Hardware Co



Opposite Spreokels' Bank

Just Received




Beaver Saloon,II. J. Nolte, Proprietor.

oon-:- u


Temporary Receipt Postal R wingsllinU, ilutwl November IStli, 1890, tor$00 00. Account lis Book No. 0017.

btil 3t

SBJwpwmp P fWiiiHBWI!BBrtlliPp''PtP ""Ipw fp''"' 5nUPPIBr Wr ' SKjm HFlr t



m &

Broke His Own

Mr. Silva

the in 1:05

thethe best ever

NOTE. Tho ROADSTER is made on the same model astho Racer, only it is more substantial and built expressly to stand usage on heavy roads.

2-$- The prices of thpse Wheels ore within tho reach of nil, and are eithercash or on tho installment plan.

2 In our Supply wo keep a full line of parts for this make of wheelthereby doing away with the necessity of sending to the factory.

jtff- i- Our Repairingdelicate of repairing.

Wheels rented by





Doing half-mil- e flat.

Pronounces REMINGTONRacing Wheel

brought here.




Department is equipped

the day or

Oycle & Manufacturing Co.,


STREET..Agents for the

Ax, Pick,Etc ,

Per "IOLANI"From New York:

Feed Cutters,

Shovels, Axes,


hour, week.




Scales, Waste, .

Benzine, Axles,Mattocks, Pumps,

Wrapping Paper,Hinges, Lawn Mowers,

Blocks, Washboards,Candles, Steel,

Pitch, Turpentine,Wheelbarrows, Oars,

Paper Bags, Axle Grease,Plumbago, Glue,

Shoo Blacking,

And many other articles that wo have a steady demandfor, and which wo oflbr to you at very low prices.

E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd.Corner Port and King Streets.

Universal Stoves $ Ranges!The Hest and the Cheapest I

Dandy Cook, No. 7, 4- -7 inch Holes, Oven 15x17. Pi ico S 8 00Westeuk, No. 7, 4- -7 inch Holes, Oven 1G 4x17. " 15 00Pkizb Ranoe, No. 7-- 18, 0- -7 inch Holefl, Oven 18x18 inches.

Price 23 00Welcome Range, No. 7-- 18, 0- -7 inch Holos, Oven 18x18 inches.

Price 27 00ArroLLO Ranoe, No. 7-- 18, 0- -7 inch Holos, Ovon 18x18 inches.

Prico 30 00Sutekb Univehsal Ranoe, No. 7-- 18, 0- -7 inch Holos, Ovon

18x18. Price 35 00


Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd1


to do tho most intricate and



Golden RuleBazaar,

No. 316 Fort Street.

Hawaiian Guitirs.Taro-patc- h Guitars, Uku-


Hawaiian Sheet Music.Island Photographic Views.Books and Stationery.Typewriter Supplies.Office Stationery.Musical Instruments.Sewing Machines.Etc., Etc., Etc.

Prices Iways lygltf

Independence Park Pavilion

A.t --A.uction.I will sell at publlo sale on SEP-

TEMBER 29, 1807, If not toouer dis-posed of at private sale, alt of theBuildings known as "IndependencePark Pavilion." If bo desired by in-tending purchasers the lurge Dining-roo-

muy be bold separately from theMain Building. Also, ut the sumotime and place 12 doz. Folding Chairs,Tables, Wushataii.lg, Water Pipes,etc. Term: $100 or under, oosh:over $100,tcash or 90 days with goodupproved notes drawiug 8 percent in-terest. The above buildings and ma-terials to be removed within 30 daysfrom date of vale. The premises willat all times bo open for inspection.

657-l- J. N. WRIGHT.

To Be Opened.

THURSDAY, July 15, at the Sailor'sHome, tho Rostaurant will reopenwith a Free Diuner served in fl rat-cla- ss

style. Meals, single, 25o; tickets,$4.50. Open from 5 a. in. to 7 p m.

OHUNGI HEK,C57 1 m Proprietor.





Page 5: M If eVGNING BULLCTIN Vase · Queen Victoria's jubileo, and tho attitude nf the German Embassy in London during tho festival rus duo to tho sumo cause. vimors iTr.iiN. The steamship


Curry Combs, 10c. to '20c. atHturrievnnt'a.

T. 1 Lnnpinfz linn boon appointod MiniHtar of I'lnnnco.

Arrests todny woro two Olilnesofor chofn mid ono drunk.

Dr. 13urcoBB litis romoved hisofflco to 602 Boretania street.

Judgo do In Vprguo is off toMaui ou tliiH cvouiu'H Btoniner.

It is reported that the Concordwill nccompany the Oregon toHonolulu.

Sugar has qono up to 3jj cents,an nuvnnco ol J ot n cent sincelast roport.

The S. 0. Alien vgot away forthe Coast this afternoon with sixpassengers.

William G. Irwin has had arelapse and is duugorously ill inSan Francisco.

Manacor Wells of the WnilukuSugar Company leaves for homeon the Claudine.

0. B. Dwight has received thecontract for the Makawno home-Bten- d

road at $3995.

Fresh frozon oysters on ico bytho Australia, sorved in any styleat the Beaver lunch rooms.

The Kinau got away shortlyafter 10 o'clock with a big passen-ger list and the Coast mails.

J. F. Giesta was fiaod $5 todayby Judgo Wilcox under the lawrelating to common nuisances.

Dan llcnear, champion 100 yds.runner of the United States, ar-rived on the Australia this morn-ing.

Oduar Unua, manager of theKipahulu Sugar Company, isbooked to leave on the Claudinetonight.

Heihei, the native bus driverarrested for failuro to comply withhack regulations, had his casenolle pros.'d today.

The largest supply of bicyclesundries in the city is at the Paci-fic Cycle & Manufacturing Co.,Love building, Fort street. '

Nelson, Dan and Martha arethe names of three drunks whowere fined the usual amount byJudge Wilcox this morning.

Tho battleship Oregon shouldbring the next news from thoUnited Statoa. The Moana ontho 29th is the next mail steamer.

The Kinau took away sevenvolcano tourists, including LarsAndersen and wife, who havo en-

gaged Captain Clarke's cabin forthe trip.

Justice Frear and Messrs. Ro-

berts, Smith and Wood comprisea party who will bo landed atMolokui this evening from theClaudine.

L. A. Thurston, writing fromSt. Lou'ib ou May 9, says ho isstaying over there a day on hisway to the TrauB - MississippiCongress.

A fresh consignment of thecelebrated Enterprise Beer andfresh oysters for cocktails receiv-ed por Australia by tho Merchants'Exchange.

John Ouderkirk has been award-ed tho contracts for laying thefoundations of tho now warehousesfor Brewer & Co. and T. H.Davies & Co.

Senator H. F. Baldwin andfamily and Harry Baldwin andbrido and a party of friends allleave for Maui this ovoning bythe Claudine.

Chew l'in, arrested on a chargeof assault and battery on April 8,whose case has been hanging firesince, was discharged today byJudge Wilcox.

Typewriters for salo and rontand expert repair work done bytho Hawaiiau Cyolo & Manufact-uring Co., 312 Fort stroet, oppo-site Lowers & Cooke's.

E. O. Maofarlano had been suf-fering from a sevoro cold in SanFrancisco, and though improvedwas unable to take the Australiafor homo. He is expected in theMoana.

Tho case of C. Walker and W."Wood, the Philadelphia sailorsaccused of nearly killing a Japa-nese somo weeks ago, was broughtup in the police court today butagain postponed until the 29th.

Glaus Sprockols hns bought an-

other piece of proporty on Marketstreet, San Francisco, botweonThird aud Fourth stroots. It hasn frontngo of 25 and a depth of100 feet, and it is understood theprice iB about $3500 a frout foot,


I'ltCUIINLNr HA U All A.N S Hoiiai i: iti;TiiiiM:i irno-- i ahihm.

I'r-'lde- ut Wight l'lfP Orderlor New Meaner nit J a me

Melnernjr Talki.


It was just about 7 o'clock thismorning whon tho Australia

' rounded Diamond Hoad aud byI tho time Waikiki residents gotdown town she was at tho wharf.Among her possengors wero:

Dr. Herbert, who has returnedfrom a hurried trip to San Fran-cisco whither he went to attend apatient on the trip up.

Alnx. Gnrvio, tho popular youngScotchman aud former leadingspirit in the local Thistle Club.

'Mr. Garvie will be remembered asat one time in Bishop & Co.'s bankand later as bookkeeper at Malta-we- li

plantation. Mr .Garvie iB nowestablished in business in Londonas a commission merchant aud hisbusiness here ia to securo con-signments of island coffee audother products.

D. L. Naono, speaker of thelower house of the Hawaiian Leg-islature, who ia returning from thegreat .Christian Endeavor Con-vention in San Francisco, towhich he was one of tho dologutesfrom Hawaii.

0. F. Peterson, a brotherof the only Bert, and ArthurWilder, two law students fromYule College home for a vaca-tion. Mr. wilder has just dis-tinguished himself by toking a850 cash prize for all round excel-lence in his studies.

Mrs. Theodore Hoffmau, wifeof the manager of the HawaiianElectric Light Works.

Mrs. L. F. Alvarez, wife of thephysician who will shortly leaveto represent Hawaii at the BerlinLeprosy couleroucu.

It. D. Walbridge, who returnsfrom a visit to the Stated in theinterest of a uew sugar plantationon tho island of Lauui.

The Misses M. and B. Hundley,daughters of S. H.Hundley of theMukeo Sugar Company at Kealia,Kauai.

W. 0. Peacock, head of the well-know- n

firm of wholesale liquormerchants of this oity, who is onone of his periodical businesstrips.

J. D. Mclnerny, who has beento tho Coast to attend the weddingof his frioud James Campbell andiiioideutally purchase a fowuovolties in gents furnishing goods forthe firm of which he is a member.Mr. Mclueruy says the excite-incu- t

over Hawaii in the Eastwas becoming intense. In NewYork, Boston and other citiescrowds stood about the bulletinboards of newspaper offices eager-ly devouring the latest soraps ofintelligence from Hawaii andJapan. The interference of Japanin the annexation matter was theone thing needed to make it go, isMr. Mclnerny's opinion fromwhat he hoard on his travels.

C. L. Wicht, prcsidout of thoWilder Steamship Company, whoreturns from a visit to San Fran-oisc-

whero he went to order anow steamer to replace the Like-lik- e.

Mr. Wight was delayedsometime by the uncertainty ofthe reciprocity treaty and thetariff on BUgar. As soon as thatwas sottlcd be lost no time iuplacing an order for a new steamerwith the Union Iron Works. Thonew vessel will be built on thesame Hucb as tho Heleno, withsuch improvements bb have sug-gested themselves since the He-lon- e

was put in commission.

The U. S. S. Boston arrived atKobe on July 9.

Company D minstrels will havoa mooting this evening.

There is no dance at tho Hawai-ian hotol this evouing.

Mr. and Mrs. T. It. Walker willentertain a number of frionds thisevening.

Tho battalion drill nnder com-mand of Major McCarthy was asuccess last evening.

Thero will bo an importantmooting of Excelsior Lodge No. 1,I. O. O. F., this evening.

Wruy Taylor, Registrar of Elec-tions, is making preparations forthogenoral election in September.

.The Hawaiian Hardwnro Com-pany callB attoution to a numberof useful littlo artiolos for thekitchou today.




&AKlK3POWDERAbsolutely Warm.


Pour Supreme mid One Circuit CourtAnother III Torre Salt Propped,

James A. Thompson, seconddeputy clork, has filed a bond in$1500 as commissioner to sell landunder foreclosure in Clans Spreck-el- s

& Co. et al. vs. Kia Nahaoleluaand wife. T. B. Murray and Gio-vanni A. Long are his sureties.

Lizzie Quhm Froboeso by herattorney, William A. Hcnshall.has filed a discontinuance of herdivorce suit against O. Froboese.

J. Q. Wood and Lyle A.Dickoy,attorneys for plaintiff, havo filed abrief in Kelii Kokua vs. Hutch-inson Sugar Plantation Co., a for-eign corporation.

Tho Supremo Court today filedfour decisions na follows:

Maria K. Harbottle and Wil-liam Harbottlo hnr husband vs.T. W. Rawlins. Before JusticesFroar and Whiting aad CircuitJudgo Carter. Unanimouslydecided in favor of thedefendant: "Decree dismissing abill iu equity to sot aside a deed,ou tho grounds of undue influenceaud misrepresentation, affirmed."Justice Frear writes tho decision.Magoon & Ediugs for plaintiffs;Robortaon for defendant.

Ruta Paaluhi vs. Keliibalaoleet al. Ejectment. Boforo thocame judgos as tho foregoing case.Decision written by Justice Frearunanimously sustaining judgmentof Circuit Court for plaintiff forone third of tho estate and $30damages. The case turned on theconstruction of a will. Robert-so- n

for plaintiff; O. Brown andMagoon fc Ediugs for defendants.

rnpnlani vs. G. Houghtailing.Before Justices Frear and Whit-ing and A. G. M.Robortson of theBar. Uniiuiiuous decision writ-ten by Justice Frear, over-rulin-g

tho exceptions of defendant to therefusal of the Circuit Court to al-

low defendant's couusol to show,on u of the plain-tiff, that the plaintiff hod receivedcertain benefits from the defend-ant. Two othor exceptions alsoover-rule- Magoon & Edingsfor plaintiff; Oreighton for

John F. Oolburn v. O. W.Spifz. Btforo Justicoe Froar andAVhiting and S. M. Bullou of thoBar. Unanimous decision, writ-to- n

by Justico Froar, over-ruli- ng

oxcoptioiis of plitintfl' to the vor-do- t

ia the Circuit Court, basedon certain rulings of the trialj idgo. Cioightou for plaintiff;Robortaon for defendant.

Judgo Carter has rui dored adecision in favor of tho plaintiffou the bill to sot aside a dood,brought by Eliz.i Richard againstGeorjjo S. Houghtailing. Kinney& Ballon for plaintiff; Croightonfor respondent.

HALIIWIN-Sniri- l.

Weddluir Ceremony nd ReceptionI.1 Kiciiliig.

The marriage of H. A. Baldwinof Maui to Miss Ethel Smith,daughter of the Attorney-Gener- al,

took place at the family residencelast evening at 8 o'clock iu thepresence of members of tho familyonly, Rav. D. P. Birnio oih-ciatin- g.

Miss Madeline Hartwoll wasmaid of honor, aud tho brideB-mni- ds

wore Miss Jones, MissBaldwin aud Miss Smith. Thogroom had for his best man Wil-liam Baldwiu. The house wasbeautifully decorated for tho oc-

casion.After tho ceremony a reception

took place which was attendedonly by intimato frionds of thofamily and the members of theCabinet and their wives. ThoGovernment band was on hand tofurnish music for tho oveuiug.

Theo. F. Lansing took tho oathof oflico as Minister of Finaucoboforo Henry Smith, Ulerk of thoJudiciary, this morning.


No more shrugging of tho shoulderswhon requested to take a tloae ofCantor Oil. Dr. Cummins TastelessCastor Oil has dispensed with all

expressions oounected withtaking Castor OH.


Many new and apparently success-ful preparations to take the place ofOitstor Oil have boon put on themarket, but since the discovery of away to perfeotly disguise the taste ofOil It has won back vast numbers ofpeople to Its uso, who would and couldnot bo induced to abandon Its useagain.


The finest quality of Castor OU thatoan be obtained Is used In the manu-facture' of Dr. Cummins TastelessCastor Oil.

Tho dote la exactly the same asCastor Oil and' Children will take Itreadily.

Every dose effective and no seriousafter effects.

1ST Price 25 cento a bottle.

Hollister Drug Co.,Sole Agents.



Omoii 208 Merohant street, OampbellBlock rear of 3, O. Cartel's office, P. O,Boz338


i All

Corded andFancy Tartan



Teachers, Attention!

Special Bargains This WeekBig Reduction in

Ladifs' Shirt Waists,Our stock of elegant Shirt Waists at reduced prices; thy

are without exception tho finest ovur brought to Honolulu.

Ladies' Whito Sailor Mats, 5c.Trimmed with Ribbons, regulnr price 75c. and $1.00.

Ladies' "White Vests, loc.Extra quality, fully worth 25c.

Ladies' H'ine 131m ok JEIoso, 2oo.Or $2.50 por dozon, guaranteed absolutely stainless.

Ladies' Tan and "Whito Hose,in Plain, Drop Stitch and Open Work.



RRjSacaB?,BEiaiViBiRS-fiM- r

.uwiwsr-- s

520 Fort Street.


Crqceb eo- r-


ntp.r can



The Honolulu Sanitarium1082 King Street.

A Qatet, Homelike Flaoe, where TrainedNurses, Massage, "Swedish Movement,"Baths. Electricitv and Physical Trainingmar be obtained.

P. 8. KELLOQG, M. D.,Telephone 639. Superintendent.


Fancy Ribbons

Fine Dress Goods

Latest Styles from Europe.

Figured Piques,

Shot and Figured Mohairs,

Crepons, Black and Colored


- . .

theso Goods aro all New and Up-to-dat- e.

flOTHlNS BUT- -"


;feeHflUHBlP- -kmONCE USED




Notice of Removal.

Humphrey Mao'lnnnl', Attor-neys and Counsellors, lmv remoredtheir law chambers from 113Kah-man- u

street to the Damon Building,corner King; and Bethel streets.

660-l- w

Evening Bulletin 76c per month.

., i





i . v- : V

l, Ml,


. . .




Zephyrs, Etc.,


"K7". TOiOJD.i&JrcPSi: "

fiiTh'tSiViif a., 'tjm..feM.. hftimtri Jfft'lWHhr Tffr - te. 4c.-tt- , rMi JtaMi MMfct- -. v ttJlmr




Page 6: M If eVGNING BULLCTIN Vase · Queen Victoria's jubileo, and tho attitude nf the German Embassy in London during tho festival rus duo to tho sumo cause. vimors iTr.iiN. The steamship



iv .


U-- '


. r


naValuablo Business Projiorly on

Nuuanu struct, bringing ft good


Sevoral Lots nenr Punchbowl

and at Mtikiki, tlio Olioicest Kosi-deno- o

Property in the city. A

porfoct view from Diamond Head

to Ewa, Honolulu and Harbor.

" Four Houses .ind Lots on Punch-

bowl streot, only fivo minutes

walk from tho Post Office

We also have Comfortable

Houses for sale on easy terms si-

tuated on the following streets;

Lunulilo, Kinau, Kukui, Hus-Bing- er,

Berotania, Young, Vic-

toria, Green, Thurston Avenue,

Panahon, Liliha and Nuuanu.

Building Lots in all parts of the

oity on the instalment plan.

Several well established Lodg-

ing Houses.

Ooffoo Lands on Hawaii and a

Pineapple Punch with lime and

other fruit trees noar Honolulu,


& CO.,

210 King Street.

Cruyon and Water Colors



From $5 no up. Samples to bo aeonat ray Studio, 22 Bretaniu Street.


C01 3 in



Cor. Fort rml Quoon Htreflts, Bonolnlu.


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers ot

European and American Dry Gocd3

1'ort and Queen Btrcets.


Dealers in Lnmbor and Coaland Biildiug MntorinlH of oilkinds.

Queon Htroot, Honolulu,



Nuw IncAletl nt Fort nml llcrctanlnHliet, Waring Block.

Now prepared to do

Photographic WorkIII tho Latent Styles.

Cabinets, $1.50 Per Half Dozen

and upward.

Enlarged PortraitsIN


Neatly framed from $5 00 upward.

RT A complete Hno of FrameMouldings at reasonable prices.

Sittings for Enlargement

Are given FREE.

17 Oue neat Mantel Frame givenaway with each dozn Cabinets.

B. Lichfig,Waring Block, Fort and Beietanla

Street. 650 tf

Tommy K. Nathaniel,

Office: Kalawao, Mnlokal, H. I.

Abstract and BusinessOffice Agency,

Having been entrusted from bUBl-ne- m

men all over tin Islands for theP'it yearn, I am preptrwl to mkoAbstracts of Titles or Deeds In a mostthorough, accurate and complete manner, and to negotiate salon or leases oflands belonging to tlioto who are roaiding at the Settlement on short notlco. 633-- 3 m

Election of Officers.

At the Annual Meeting of the Boardof Directors of tho Plunder Bulldinu& Loan Association of Hawaii, Lt'd,held last evenluit, the following Ofll

ci-r- a were elected to serve for the en-suing year:

President T F. LaniimrVice President 8. B RoseSecretary A V GearTreasurer J. L McLean

Tho above with J. G Rotbwell,A. W. Keeob, Henry Smith, J. DHolt aad O. B. Gray constitute theBoard of Directors.

The Auditors elected at the AnnualMeeting of the Stockholder toserve for oue year aro V. H. Sim",E. W. Peterson, Geo. W. Farr.

A. V. GEAR,Secretary.

Honolulu, July 13, 1807 057-l-

Dandruff Killer!A New and Thoroughly Efficient Des-tr-oj

trior all

Dandruff in the Head.Guaranteed to due tlic Sculp o( nil Skin D-

isease. 1'ut up In olu hIzj bottle only.

Criterion Berber Shop,PACHECO&FiRN ANDES, Prop.

Fort St., Opp 1'anlln.un Stables.

City Feed StoreL. H. DEE & CO.,

Beretaula fc l'unelilowl Streets.

Al Hay, Grain and FeedOf oil Kinds.

Fine New Zealand PotatoesAlways ou Unud.

Sorghum Seed, Alfalfa Seed,Hock Salt, Eto , Eto.

Telephone 031.

Dairymen's Association.

Tho Dairymen's Associationis now prepared to furnish to

tho public tho finest of Milk,Cream, Butter and Buttermilkat their Now Milk Depot, Lin-

coln Block, King street.655-t- f

S, J. MtCDOHALI), X 9. lILMrilllKTl.


A ttorneys $ Counsellors.

Ofllci: Unburn! Uitliel t. im'Stalrs).


Japan nml Ititnrnnllii.Wo nre glnd (o bo ahlu to nit

nottiico that more Mas n nliulilerror in tho notification (datingthat the Japntieno Governmenthad declared Hhanuhai an infectedport. The intention being onlyto nunouueo that vbbbbIb arrivingfrom Shanghai would be BUbjootedto medical inspection,

The aotual wording of the tele-gram from H. M.'s Ministor,.,To-ki- o,

to Consul Qonejal Uannon.is "Medical inspection enforced:from June G against vossols fromFormoaa, Shanghai and other Chi-iiph- o

ports to the South."Wo givo tho Japancso Govoru-me- nt

tho benefit of tho doubt,while at tho samo time protestingagainst (ho annoyance to whichoorumorco is from time to timesubjected by tho innate habitB ofovor-regulat- ion to which Japanhas recently becomo a victim.When the nations of Europe aregradually waking up to tho in-

utility of quarantine as a meansof defence, it is depressing to findthe old theories being revived inan exaggerated form by a nationso professedly advanced as Japan.

Shanghai Mercury.. i o i

The Doctor's Art.

Bly I don't see why tho doctor ha"! tocoiuo here twice a day. He leaves medi-cine, on his first visit, doosn't he?

Mrs. Illy Yes, hut ho has to comeagain In tho afternoon to leavo nn anti-dot- o

for the medicine ho left in the morn-ing. Puck.


3Hbs Lapham Now that you are soinfluential, I want you to help mo getinto society.

Miss Penstock Vou wouldn't like itYou are a home body. Why, you wouldbo bored to death.

Miss Lapham I know it, my dear,but I want to have the privilege of beingbored. Brooklyn Life.

BY l'OLICB AT CALLAO.Inquiry here confirms the s'ory com-

ing from Lima to the effect that theState Department has lodged a

with the United States chargeof legation at Lima for the release ofthe mute, of tho American bark "UncleJohn." lie vis ashore on December19 last at Callao, and was arrested be-

cause of his constant demand for "Rai-

nier Beer." On tap or in bottles at theCilterion Saloon.

PlinolniM nuil Ituciclm.

If you are in need of a vehicleof any description, inspeot thostock of G Schumnn nt tho ClubStabli'H. IIo keeps on hand a fulllino of phaetons, surreys, buggips,road wagons, nnd Frnzier roadcarts.

Don't bo porsuaded to accoptwhat is not really good in en-larged portraits, just bceaiiBo youhave givon nn order for one.King Jiros. will givo you some-thing iuGnitoly better and cheap-o- r

Hum you can uet anywhere oIboin town.

I I'd unu Ihiug to inka au oidorfor n poi trait and quite auothorto fill it BntiRfuctorily. King Bros'partinitn Imvp always been knownto give Ralisfaction and now thatthoy havo reduced their prices solow, nn extra inducement ih offor-c- d.

Seo what thoy havo boforoyou invest.

Our work id better i.nd ourprices aro lower for enlargedportrait work than anyone olso'a.Wo are not making lutioli at it,but don't let that worry you. Ifyou have anything ir this lino toho dono soo our samples first,nnd you won't rogrot it. KingBros., 110 Hotel stroet.

J. S. WalkerlAtrmi

xm - vimxnAND.


Dealer inr

Real Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Has for Sale and Lease on

Liberal Terms.


1. Lnrgn Lot, Mukiki stieft, fenced, 228feet fronUge.

2. Lot on Kinau street between Alapaland Kaplolani Btrects 140 feet frontage,

3. Lot ou Luualilo street between Alapaland Uaekfeld streets

4. 3 large Lots on Prospect street.6. House and Lot on Qreen street be-

tween Kaplohuil and Victoria.6. The Building known asThomas'BIook,

2 stories and embracing S (rented) storeson leased ground.

7. Lot corner of Kinau and rilkoi streets.8. Itice Land at Waikano, Koolau.9. Lot on corner of Heuln and Keean-mok- u

streets between residence of W. A.Vowen and lot of W. M. GlfTnrri, havingfrontage on Benin street 260 feet.

10. Lots 6 and 7 with House, Kalis,Walkiki road.

11. Half Acre Lot in Hilo Town.


1. 3JCottage j on Queen street near Punch-bowl street.

2 3 Cottages at Old Waiklkl.3. Store and Dwelling, corner Wyllie

and Nuuanu, ready for occupancy.4. Lot corner Merchant and Richards


Properties Managed, Collec-tor, of Rents, Loans Nego-tiated uiid Advances made onRo il Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckels Block. Honolulu.P.O.Box. 339. Ti 1.331.

John Nott,Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 King Street.


WHAT?My $10.00 Bath Tubs, lined with best

quality, No. 10 zinc, 0 in. Pino, Chain andPlug, with wood rim all complete. Otherdeafen are dnmfounded, nnd resort to allmanner of Tricks and Excuses.

Be not deceived, thebo Bath Tubs havibeon sold for $11 nulll I reduced the price.

I am pictured to do all work in my Hueand guarantee satisfaction: Estimates tar-nished.

If yon ant a good Job cheap for Cash,ring tip Telephone 844, and I am yoaimam

JAB. NOTT Jn,Tins-mit- A Plumber


Carriage ManufactoryC13 to C21 "on Sutwk

AND ltEl'AIItEn.

SlucMinginAH Its Branches.

W. W. WMuilT, Proprietor.(Successor to O. West)

AMERICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Uenhaut and Klclwtlt Bti.


W Carriage!, Surreys ami Hacks at allhours. TELEl'IIO.N'E i'M.


"0f m

iwmmmmBubbles or Medals.

net Mrwparilln." When you think of It how contradic-tory that term Is. For there can be only one best In anything onebest larsaparilU, as thete Is one highest mountain, one longestrivcr.one deepest ocean. And that best sarsaparllla la ? , , , ,There's the rub I You can measure mountain height and oceandepth.but how test aarsaparlllaf You could If you were chemists.But then do you need to test U? The World's Fair Committeetested It, and thoroughly. They went behind the label on thebottle. What did this sarsaparllla test result In I Every makeof sarsaparllla shut out of the Fair, except Aycr's. So It wasthat Ayer'a was the only sarsaparllla admitted to the World'sFair. The committee found It the best. They had no room foranything that was not the best. And as the best, Ayer's Sarsa-parllla received the medal and awards due its merits. Rememberthe word " best " Is a bubble any breath can blow but there aropins to prick such bubbles. Those others arc blowing more"best sarsapatllla" bubbles since the World's Fair pricked theold ones. True, but Ayer's Sarsaparllla has the medal. Thepin that scratches the medal proves it gold. The pin that pricksthe bubble proves It wind. Wc point to medals, not bubbles,when we Bay: The best sarsaparllla Is Aycr's.



Hollister Drug Co., Agents.


HOLLISTER & CO.From tho Factories of

Ia Intimidad,La .Kspanola,La African a,Henry Clay & ."Bock fe Co.

Corner Fort & Merchant Sts.Since We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the 'Best.

Just Opened Up anInvoice of . . .

SctiLLiiq'3 Best Tesconsisting: of

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Qito theuia trial. Money back if you don't like them. Also, just received

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hams, Crackers and Calces,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc

ChaSa Hustace,212 King street, next to the Arlington.

Main Office Telephone No. 83. P. O. Box No. 222 Branch Offico Telephone No. 83S.

Oahu Lumber and Building Co., L'd.Lumber Horchaata, Contractors & Builders.


Doors, Sashos, Paints, Oils, Builders' Hardwaro, Wall Pnpors andMatting, Eto. Manufacture All Kinds of Moulding.

Main Office. Le!o, King street. Branch Office and Planing Mill, corner Klug andBethel streets. Lumber Yards, Loleo and Lot noar It. It. Depot. Private track connect-ing with O. B. &L. Co. It. B. runs through our yards to It. It. wharf and any part ofEwa and Waiauae stations. 433-- tf


r- -: AT THE:- -,

Cif Furniture Store(Corner of Fort and BeratanU streets.)




WILLIAMS, (Manager)Undertaker and Erabalmer

Bulletin, 75c. Per Month

Page 7: M If eVGNING BULLCTIN Vase · Queen Victoria's jubileo, and tho attitude nf the German Embassy in London during tho festival rus duo to tho sumo cause. vimors iTr.iiN. The steamship

"' 'W p

I TwfMfT 'J801EYMN1NG IlOliliKTlN, JULY 20, 1807.






ro tut cntK or MiutH or

Horw, Cattls, Sheep, Deft, 8wfM, and PaaHry.AWO

The Marvelous Hair Ressedy which prevents


O. "W- - IMCIEsKILj.A.STZB.Sole Agent, Honolulu.

XZT Neat pamphlet free en application. V. O. liox 292, Telephone 28.

IHnoltuj, April 21, 1S,II r. 0. W. Mactahlas'e: It affords me pleasure to recommend, to any one whose hah

la fallinc out, the ue of Dl!. PUTTIE'S II UROIL. My hair ru coming oat at sucka rate as led me to Ulioro that I would soon become bald. After using theoil tor fire uekthis ceased entirely; nono whatever in now falling out. I consider it the bent and onlyworthy remedy for this trouble no recommend it as a stimulant to new crowth.

605 tf Yourstruly, J.B.DANIELS.

H. HACKFELD & CO.-- Importers and


Plantation Supplies.

H. HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort Street



O.J.Wai&bb ... Masaoee.



Naw Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry


Fresh Salmon


Mefoopolilian IfB&t Co.

Telephone 45.

RING UP 104!ThB ilfll"

For Your ChoiceOrders

The finest

Refrigerated .--. Meal?

Always on Hand. Orderpromptly and carefully attended to. . .

HERBERT GARES,Sole Proprietor.

Fresli GroceriesBy Each Steamer.

Table .. DelicaciesA specialty at

VOELLER i CO.'S,26 Beretania Street, Waring Hact.


3?ainter,Paper Hanging 4 DectratiM

Neatly dome. All work promptly and care-fully attended to. Telephone olC Hemdeure, Kuakini strwit. 2S-u-


Telepboas SiS '.. ZlnjSt j


Dealers in- -

A.V.GEAR&C0.,02ce 210 KIet Street.


Qeneial Business .agents

loans SecotJate aad CoQectSossItaie.

Stocks Bought and SoldBoats Audited aad Aeocls Ad jsited.

Effls Bsaiht pni JTetssTJlscanatsH. .

Hrs and Life Iognfancs gsq0

Commissioner of Deeds


State of California.

Hariss lists ;c3ax:o3 isil cocxc&Muoaeda CoirniwtorwTcrf Psait for tie atate of Cal-ifornia. I u iax?am

To flTnh-e-T vd cvtiy nil In.

Te tile xai certify ific&siw z&l iwCi- -sIU.

To tatcaxd certify tbe iz.Jlaljnin.t orproof o! powers arioiary, rsoetxses,transfers. pxxU, dtedls or Mio tsitranetttsor record.

A. V. GEAR,Tdej&oxieZSiS. 2M Ear Street

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

July, 1SS7, fHSI7tiS5.

Mosey LoanM cm Aiwjuri Seeixrirj.A Savirtqi Bask tor MoeliJj- - lVfouss.HonHw CaH oa tbe JfeeslJy InauEsusl

Has.Fifteenth Stsaescd Stori bow crc.

Tor fnrtiT putatitL--s ipfiy to

A. Y. GEAR, Secretary.

OSoelitmrs. 13-1J- 9P. 3TJ--tf

J. S. WALKER,Gpttit. Acest rax Hawacax IiU-vcn- i.

EotJ laETTrr.f Centaury.Aliunde Ascm-in- n Ces-us- y.

Ocnrpitrj.Sun Lie At,Ezrw-j- nt Cwltosj gC f.t-t- .i

paij.Sootfiti Vz5fn ad Xiicol


am II 5rcwct.t0 KiA, Ibms&r. B. L


515 A 517 rErl St., HoftJlcTt:lejlsr 22 P.O. Bex i70

Thr Amrrlrttn Nrjrt.Tim iypkwl Mirrtt litinnt Hrtlvtv nt a

l.rtvr limno in n inula wnoli or in enrtw 1 1 li n litindlo of rnt, s fi Iiir mn mill

tsiwrii! (tilMren nml lw " villiA lauillord who innylmxt' Mt.iil lilmfrom tlrctitntinn by ndvntioiiii provlalona ntAl dry good only ro Ioiir im thecapHre rf th limit illrtHlm. Lnndown-r- r

lioliao rmilt ititti llnalirlnl millby uioitcaciiiK their property hmcnoarlr nUvny ln drncjrM Into thfllonphbyihotlTorl to liolpllidr iirproo

tmt of it Thn crop nindo by the nvcrnj-- o

trpro f.irnuT I subject to many rout inRMicic bcilI' thoj of tho vrathcr.tie doc not to Imvu bin fidd ntthe tnot critical rcaaon if plcinuro culltMm. "UiK mcctinpn" lie nppr cun rt(it, and the; taVr place dnrmir the im-

portant nsricnltoral nionthaof July andAugust, first at ouo church and then ntanother.

After tbo mule have bevn vorkiiiRhard all tho viL in this bufy eaouthey are often driren from 10 to 15mile on Snndaya, carryinK xtorou loadsof men, women and children, longbright ribbon flying cut from tho hcadaof the female member of tho family,wIjo--o hair ba been tightly plaited nndbound vrlth cords daring tho week inorder to produce a holiday MMieatiou inan ample psyche knot at tho buck and abubellikp ronndneM in front. Theyappear in fancy waist and biff sleeves,and resale themselves and their friuudwith a dinner of fried chicken, cakaand watermelons after tho meeting,rajr lying pood enough to wear, hoecakeaiil bos-o- n bcin? good enongh toeat, dur-ing the week. Like his African nncetor?i,tbe American negro is miserable with-out jollifications and feaatlnga. If hecan hare them, he will do a hard job ofwork between times. Francis AlbertDoohtIaLippincotfa.

A Stiamefal Accident.

-- rriA?'


ttIf 4 T I '1

Dolly Aw, Coolly, me deak fellah,what can be tbe mattab?

Cholly (in dire conf oiion) Ob, Dolly,call a cab quick! I'm mortified nearlyto dt.ith. Tbe ferrule came oS my canewi;kt here in this public thoroughfare!


itwlAWB fit

Justice (severely) Kow could yon. nr,be jo mean as to swindle people that putconfidence in too?

Prisoner Well, jadg", ni make itworth something to yer if yonll tell mekow to work them as don't. Life.

m m

Jfwre Kea.oaa."Why people come long distances

to bay nt the Palama Grocery.Reason No. 1 Because one cus-tomer tells another how muchthey saved by dealing at this liveand ' lv fstaHisbmest. Flea-s- on

No. 2 Because the savingfrom their grocery bill helps themto ib tbeir honse rent. If yondon't believe what our customerssay, just give us a call and be con-

vince. Habbt Cassok,Palama Grocery, Opposite Bail-ia- y

Dep.it.Tel. 755, every time. Goods de-


Nicely furnished rooms at thePopular House, 151 Fort street,from 81X0 per week up.

Sharkey will defeat Mahpr ifhe drinks the new O. P. S. Whis-key that is just put on the marketat the Anchor Saloon. Also,Half-and-H-alf and Seattle JJeer.

Before giving your order for aportrait, see what King Bros,have to show in crayon enlarge-ments and judge for yourselfwhether they can give you thebest value for your money ornot.

Kroeger Pianossweetest in tone,Jas.YT. Bergstrom, sole agent, cashor installments. "Warerooms atG. West's, Masonic Temple. Of-

fice at Thrum's Book Store. Tun-ing and repairing. t& Tele-phone 517.

Vkes yoc have a portrait enUrged see that you get yourtaotey's worth. King Bros, haveralrxecd pricv to 85X0, Sfl.50,37.53 aad 310X0 for work th&tthey gsvrat to be Srstelass.Tny isvite eocsp&risen.


Hagey !..siitui:e

llONui.CI.l , II 1

For the Treatment of Alcoholic, Opinio,

Morphine, Cocoaiue and other

Kiudrcd Diseases.

136 Beretania Street, betweei Emma anil M

Prirate carriage entrance on lane, Emmastreet, opposite Chinese Episcopal Church.

Separate Cottage for medical advice andtreatment.

One hundred and sixty-thre- e peraonihare beea successfully treated from Not-emb- er,

1896, to May 30, 1S97.

Satisfactory arrangements made for pa-tients from the Itlands or from abroad.

Patients under treatment have free useof the Social Club Parlors.

DIRECTORS:-Me- x. Young, President;VT. U. Castle, Vice President; j. A.Uaroon,Treasurer; A. Y. Gear, Secretary; U.S.Scrimgeour, Auditor.

For fcither information, apply to

HOBT. SWAN SCEIMGEOCB,Telephone 706. Manager, Pro Tern.



Blouse Sets.Hat Pins,





4 XJ s cOhia. Algeroba and Pins Rrerooti

Cut and SjJit (ready for tbe Storf).Abo.



At Lowest Prices, delivered to any part cdthe City.


HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Street.

jfetoaiian Fertilizing

COIIPANTIs prepared to fnrniah

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 1S96.

In Quantities to SuitOrders saudtod lor a Jstcre d.

tiieij.A. T. COOKX, Xxsebc


General Business AgentWill attend to Conveyancing in

all its Brandies, Collectingand all Business Matters

of trust.

All Business entrusted to lumwill receive Prompt and CarefulAttention. Office:

A New ADStract Office.

As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in tbe Abstract Business, Iesq prepared to mate Alsir&cts ofTitle in a most UiorongL, micnrtteand complete manner, imd onabort notice.

F. W. Maexsxzt.Is W. O. SnitL--s Offioe, 313

Ted Street. 215-t-f



LUMBER,ULilca-ex- s


Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


473 Fort Street, TelepboceSQ,



NEW EliGLAXD HUTOAL LIFE Ilt--sohakce Ca 0? Boston.

jEtija Fire I:csorasce CojiPAirr

0? HAH7F0?.a


Qdms itrtst. HcwnCalr. HX

AGENTS FORHiTtiin JtcrirtTTaM cun;m),Oaiagm ;anrCanias, llciotnizii Scx CMxgKrr. VrulaaBSBtgCulmmi.WjategSttpgCiiiuiiiim. stuS&cTCaxn;mx, .HBVTa fcnc& Cantp3r, Kt-a-

Ma K iiirfti, tUaCcr Lcuc Sua rouuesfatckt&-AjfexC- K 8.3nctiB Bdnr CnicT9itucrs.

gaannmnf)avm im lrtLMiiata.nrz or crrxxxiz

P C Jones. PrwaSfsJi Gorg H Eobertsoo,Haifsr;EPKiojvTmkiRr asd Sc--ra3j;ucA. w rAOta. AxcjrjCXCoofce,a a w cjner, wtrsctan.

Beaver Saloon.H. J. XOLTE. rrofrietor

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeXT JXL. EOCXX.


Cigars and Tobacco4X.VMTS OS ZA3TX.


Peff Day f lfPer 5Vtl 100

Zy TTa- - t

TfreBertcg Aenirvi.tt Beat Sltci--tScxi sad tix- - roti Meal o this City


King Si. oeir Tlvocus SquareHome-Mad- e BREAD,

Cakes : astf : PtesXS Served Fresfc Every Day.

H. F. SIXGER,TelepnoDe ST2. Sole Prop'r.

Ovstex" Cocktails


The Elite Ice Cream Parltrs



'31x IbtuHC mijiaiuif. aaJEjce.ouuae sjoxatsBunucj.

R($ Estatei&t

For Salts1 TweStorr on NiDina ttrret.1 U4 .d Manatee llttl. Irrt.

eemtsairdlnc as eieetknt view uflbe iltraad harbor.

3 Ut v llaeKteld atreet, SOrloO.I A Cbvi'Y ReMnre on I.nnllln iimitrlDcall modern Improvement.a roar ii.atea ana ixlon rnnrbkovl

1rv'. all txbt.ti at a taontLlv nyll nt iiiV.TMtirly Uit'Xtrlun runeLUiwl ttrec.uMLaki'lljo( Zilltrl rutiuluit to the drillcreaodt er armorT. lth a fronlage on iimior 1 or a more comer ine ermral lora.

tint) v(llr ;t ,ertr mike It mivl available.(A Kmc centrally located,coctatotnc it roooa. Ixt 129x200 It. TwoMaaH eettacr en the lot bringing in goodrrt.nl.

T A Cosmeitocj ReaMcccc on Hatalnrertrrtt.atteJ llb all modern conveniences. Or

"in trade ?e al arbsn rujftrty.?. A UesteaBd Lot nn Tonne street.9 Hove and Lot corner Victoria and

Berttaaia treet, opposite Thomas fquara.bo rwaitaiBt f room.

W Hn.Bnd Lnf on Toarr street nartfce madence cl tn li. Mr Hyde. LotIWiIM. Hoax contains eizbt rooms.

II Pearl Citv Projwrty.12 DeslraMe Tract of Coffee Land on H.

13 A nuMt Deirable Home on Thuntonavenae. Luge grounds and beautiful flower garden; Louse tarnished throughout ishardwood with all tatest improvementsExcellent view of the city and oum, iad

m wnicn cannot be cut off.It I Larce Lot and Commodious DweJ

ling on Green Street, commanding an aaotntrscUil view of the city and harbor. Ntchoicer residence is to be had in the cityeven, by the mout Ctxtidious.

1 A new uone ot seven rooms wuaelectric Ilihta throoghoat, bath, patent WCterruitv quarters aad stables. Onebtoekfrom car line at Patuhou.

K-- Oni v tot those Lots left near Kamch-a-

Beaa school.n Two Bosses and Lots on LUIha street.IS A Home and Lot on AULea trr-- t.t A Eeaatifal Balldln? Lot at Kalihi,

UijxIOU. cleared, fcaicd and it atcr Lid oa. ,SO A Gently Sloping Lot on Thurston

avenue, IlOxl-- J, having a fronuse on Greenstreet of IU5 feet, and commanding a bird's-ey- e

view of the city jnd harbor.SI Decant Beach Property at WalklkL'iiUoaie and Lot on Peterson Lane, u.

Hoose contains S rorn. Lot 73x110Hoax of 'J ro"m, fitted wttt

all mo.!rn conveniences Lot 125x110gltaatedatPaUca.

3t Vacant Lot on tVsIktKl Road, 100x119.23 Uoase- and Lot on Nuoinu street.

tloue contains tUcht farnUbed rooms.Verr conveniently located near the basmeeacenter ot the city.

as ilesant Keildecce at Pnnanou. uonstof ? rooms with all modern conveniences.Lot Ioox2oo, nicely planted with fruit aadornamental trees.

2712 Suits of Furniture complete andthe rental of the most desirable and cen-trally located Lodging House in the city.

23 Pineapple Banco 25,000 fruibaejpLxnU, 00 lime trees, SO Avocado peastrees, peach trees and Alfalfa crop. TwoDwellings, born, etc. An Al investment.

23-- A Lodiln.? Home on Fort street con-stati-

of twenty furnished room., aUocca- -fieu. oy louvers. A. DirRila or the nc&tperson.

30 Ilonse and Lot. corner Wltder avrnnand ECewalo street, beantlfal croanJj, weBlaid oat, an excellent view of the mountain.The tot Is I0O feet front on Wilder avenue aya depth of 130 feet on ncwalo street Housecontain Uht room and outbulMIm- -.

31 Hoose and Lot. sitnxte a few feet 08Km; street, jttit opposite Llllha street.

NoncE-Ca- n XrotUte Loans on anvJthe above property for pnrcbaer desiringsame at from M to TJ per cent of the Talue.

A. V. GEAR k CO.,H0 Kin.r street.

LUXURIES.- -For the Equine Tnble in theway of all kinds First Glass

HAT, GRAIN 0 FEEDAre on Bale by the


Real Estate Transactions.

Subscribers are famished with from fireto six lint cer week, giving an anearaterecord of all deeds, mortptTeti, leases, re-leases, powers of attorney, etc., etc., whichart pLced on reco.J.

Subscription Price, 2.00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,210 King St, Honolulu.


Mercantile Agency210 King street.

a Specialty

Tim nr j.mhiIE! a AST szcaxu srasxT

Tbe celebrated EnterpriseBker on Draught and inBottles. .



2ib5 Qwr street, Honolulu, H. I,

Page 8: M If eVGNING BULLCTIN Vase · Queen Victoria's jubileo, and tho attitude nf the German Embassy in London during tho festival rus duo to tho sumo cause. vimors iTr.iiN. The steamship

1 '



?&.V A

wilt i5kp a vtcii"ON ALL



Mor First PrizesWere Won


Three Different Riders Three Different

livo H'h'st mid SecondOut of Uio ix Mnti'ios. !

KiT For Strength, Easo and Durability the Stkrlinqlias no equal.

Household Supply DepartmentCASTLE & COOKE. Ltd.

r. 0(110x450


Nrew and

Second-han- d

0- - Sold Choif? Highest Cush Prici- - pi l for Second-han- d Furniture

at the I X L, corner King and Nuuanu streets.

By Authority.Irrigation Notice.

Holders of water privileges, ortho-- e

paying water rules, are hereby tiotlfled Hint the hmiri for Irrigation ptirposet are fmm 6 to 8 o'clock a. m amifrom 4 to 6 o'clock i. tr.

IT. Holder of water privileges onthe slopes of Punchhowl ai'ove Oreetistreet, ami In Nuuatiu Valley ubovi.School street are hereby notified thatthey will not be restricted to the lrrlgatlon hours of 6 to 8 a. m. ami 4 to 6p. m., but will be allowed to lnigutewhenever cutticieut wateris available,provided Unit, thy do not uo the wnter for Irrigation purposes for mon- -

tliau four hour In evnrj Uentj-foi- n.

ANDREW BROWN,Sunt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved: J. A. KlNO, .Minister ot

luterior.Honolulu, H. I., Juue 17, 1S97.

677-- tf

J. J.SlirXITAN, t. ItUO CUT.President. Seo'T.


in tho City, with Competent and Care-f- ul


Gentle Stills Horses for Lailes aci Q:nl!cm

Always on huud.

Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.

TeLEi'iiosn: Uaw'n Hotel Htables 32.Pantheon Stnblea 34.

Election of Officers.

At tho Annual Meeting nf the M.ikaha ('nflVi- - Co , Ij'iI , held SiuiHa.. ,July 17, tbe following Ollliiert wereelected for tho turning yeai:W H. Hooch.... Pie'idontF. B. MeS'ocket . Vii v J'lemilelllJa. A Low .. . TrmsmvrJ. 8. W.lker. .. . . . .amimiarvW. G. Ashley... Auditor

Tho ubovo Olllcera constitute thoBoard of Directors.

J. S WALKER,f icroinrv.

Honolulu, July 10, lb97. dtW-t- tt

Partner Wanted.

For one ol the lurgeit and bust.paying Lodging and Boarding House')in the city. Thin in u rare opport-

unity lor anyone wi-hl- to tuveinKlllull UUldial Addrerd "No MM, '

Evening Bulletin. GOI-S- t

Eooms To Lot.

Builablo for two small families, Inpeimruto bulltllng; each pirtlally fur-nished if icittirnl. Iii'iulre of

N. F. BURGESS,617-t- f 139 Miller utreet.

Sub-oi'lb- it for ibeEvKma Bul-letin 7 oonto per unnth.

Saturday on the





TrtrrnosK 478,

Corner KIdr and Nun-an- nL, tilt.

H'irwt-clus- s

Of AllFurniture Kinds

for Cash tea

Buyers ofOffice StationeryExamine ourStaple and Fancy Novelties

foforepurc,asjg elsewhere.

Absolutely Lowest TricCS

. and Largest Assortment.I . . .

OpCCial Agency Of the

Office Specially Mn'j'l'g Co.,

Manufacturers of the

Shannon Filing Cabinets

and up-to-d-

Office Filing Devices.

Also, Safety Document Files.

Our Patent Flat Opening

Blank Books,

Best in the Market.

Remember weare the

money savers for you .

Wall, Nichols Co

iiiwaii ix mm:.

Xiiroy Daiiim, an it III AlK-nilnii- Inlie Jiililloo lruceluii.

lion. S. II. Damon, Minmter ofFinance, has tho Bulletin'sthauks for a copy of the DailyTelegraph of Juuo 22. It con-tuiii- B

the order of the royal pro-cession on that day. Mr. Damon,as "Envoy Extraordinary of thoHawaiian 'Islands," was namedamong the envoys, riding bctv.Ocntho "foreign naval aad militarynlticjiea" nnd the "carringo procession." His only comrades weroGeneral Pancovici, lioutnamauEuvoy Extraordinary and Minist- -r rieniptitpntiary, and His Vxcellency Min Young Hwau,Spocinl Ambassador of Corf a.

Among the "suitei, pqnr !.

and gentlemen in attendance, rid-ing in threes," wero Captain Hon.H. Napier and Mnjor Curtis P.lanken, in attendance on t!e Envov of tho Hnwaiiau IslaiuU.

Thorn wero probably few in llmjiroceHsiou who could discount thellnwniinn Envoy and his aide inhoruemunship.

.$f" '

KVifNiNo jmiftJwfiiNj Ctlifv UJiT7t

"Tiif pRtRhNT iiPBBisn i win iiwn i'i iiiv

hll AMI It KINAtl 1AHIA IM'1

I.OAU !' Vll.l'ANOl1,

tUfKiniT Nnrtu In llniln-l!- .

lllttiMill llrrcnn utirt II. I. J. M,

Hlfrl rtMf-lll- tir Kami,

Tho big ship Honnoko in in thotrem.

Tho bark Uospor is diBchnrgiug at tho Mail wharf.

July 19 at 2:15 a m tho Aus-tralia passed stuamor China 380miles from Honolulu.

Tomorrow, high tide large 10:40am;high tide small 7:45 p m; lowtide largo 2:16 am; low tide email4:45 p tn.

Tho steamer Claudino with theBaldwin bridal party on boardand a few passengers for othorMaui ports left thence this after-noon.

Tho atcamor Kilauca IIou arrived in at an early hour thismorning with 4250 bags of sugarfrom Laupahoehoe plantation and59 head of cattle from HaleakalaRanch.

"Shanks" Moasman, who is thewaterfront oraclo on such matters,says that if the Healanis will onlypractise the Cornwell strokethey're snroof beating the Myrtlesnext September.

Tho bark S O Allen with 19.924bags sugar weighing 2,332, IliOpounds and valued at $08,400 leftfor Spreckels' Refinery this after-noon. The Cowan family andtwo others were passengers.

The U S battleship Oregon andHUM cruiser Hiyei will occu-py naval row about the end of thisweek. The U S Oregon left Semttie about the 10th and the Hiyeileft San Francisco on the 9th iust.

Tho steamer Einau delayed herdeparture on account of the ar-rival of the liner Australia untilhalf past ten o'clock this morning.Tho Larz Anderson par'y tookfour state rooms for the Volcanoand there was a big list of passen-gp- rs

for Hilo and wny ports.The Oceanic liner Australia

docked at the Company's wharf at8 o'clock this morning with thefollowing memoranda from ParserMcCombe: Left San FranciscoJuly 13, 1897, at 2 p m with 39cabin and 30 steerage passengers,50 bags mail. Experienced, thefirst two days, strong to moderateN W winds. Thence to port,moderate to light tradps, cloudyand rainy. Arrived July 20 at 8a m.


From San Francisco, per OSSAustralia, July 20 Mrs L F Al-varez, Miss A Arnold. A MAtherton, Rev A J Bell.'T H Benton, U K Beuzeraaker, J Beuz-make- r,

Mrs Joseph Brobnnt nudchild, Mi's Netlio L Cnmpbell, WG Cooke. Mrs H E Cnoko. Mm ADunn nud two chililrtm. "Mir J !

Donavan, Miss M Hundley, MipsJennie Eastman, D A Fox, E AGardner, Alex Garvie, Dr Her-bert, Mrs Theo Hiffman, MJacobs, Wra Louisson, J D Mc-Ine-

D L Naone, W C Pea-cock, C F Peterson. FrancisSlan-kv- , Mrs M E Smith andchild, R D Walbridce, C L Wight,A A Wilder, WaUon Wyman,Miss B Hundley, Miss M F Rowe,J Li White, and 30 in Bteerage.


For Rit'uai, per stmr JrnR,July 19 Mrs Tul.let, Mrs McVeigh.

For Maui and Hawaii, per 6tmrKiiiau, July 20 Volcano: MrWullis aud wife, G Pullutz, Dr ES Warner, H Y Willman. LarzAnderson and wife. "Way porU:Judge Frear, M Roberts, V

Smith, A B Wood, Mary Nailiroa.M--- Liko, Urotlipr A'froHaud Thomas, C B Dwicht, T RKoj worthy Bro Chitilm, BioMathiari, Y Kawaguchi, JMasuda,Bro Mnk, W R Castl. MisbSobey, F W Thrum, Akaha, YMovee, Mrs H Meek and child.Miss E M Harmon, 'Mrs C HMarrell, MiS IWIiumi- - AJroMead, Judge Dd La Vergne, M CMoti- - Smith, Mrs Euina Camp-I'M- l

M'?"? Mart' a Af ,t SrY,;t! , JN Bell, wife and daughter, MissM Nape, Arch Kaana, H S Hsge-ru- p,

MrsCapt Freeman and chil-dit- u,

MibB Lizzie Dickou, MrsNakniua,J'd L Wagconor Hmlwife. Miss Kolley, M--- 8 f'ha9 SLewie, Miss Moku, JuoF Silva,J K Farlo', Maslr , GeoMead and wife, Miss E Caatle,

Mr.,?AjLimHiii wmmnun fi Mand nlti.

For Mmi Fmttriwn, Mr hk N V

Allen. July UO --Amy 0wi"IiImsIii Oownii, Wm Oowam, OlianOowiiti, H 1 Pylo. Harry llfiff-man- ,

For Maul, ptr sdnr Oluudinc,July 20-- 11 l Baldwin nnd fami-ly, and the Harry Baldwin bridalparty, Mrs 0 It Damon, III Decker,W O Bookwith, Mrs Mist, Mrs

vd and daughter, 0 B Wells,G Y Leotig, Win Savidge, MissBnrloy, Grnco Colburn, FatherFruiieiB, O Vuna.



TVESliAT.July 20.

0 8 8 Autroll, Houdlrttc, from San Frau-clco- .

Stmr Kllauro lion, Wclr, from !ort onIUwatl.

iim'h, ,;Hn

Tuesiiat, July 20.

Stmr Clamllnc. Cnmeron, for jxirte onMaul, at S i in

tftnir Klnau. CIui'ku fur Jtanl and Ha-

waii.Stmr Kaala, Molier, for Kahukn and

Punaluu.Stmr Xocan, IVtcrron. for Latialna,

nnd Kukulbaclr, nt 12 noon.ftmr Kfjuliou. Tuompon, for Nawlll- -111 and Hanamaulu.Stmr W (! Hall, tiaglund. for Kawlllolli.

Koloa, Kittle, Hana-l- MaKawclt, Wal-tnc-

Kekmlia and Nllliau, at 5 p intrnr J A Cummins, Seailc, from Oabn

rmrtd.AmbkSC Allen, Jobnuon,' for Stn Fran-



Ter 3 C Allen 1DJJ4 ba auar. 2fi$!.lMvalue fis'.lC ', by Dark t Co Ltd,

; Brewer .t Co Ltd. Cattle fc Cooke.


Ex tmr Kilaui IIou 1351 bair Laupa-liorl-

raet, i9 brad cattle HaleakalaItaucli.


Hun!! .tluat lie Auurxcd WlltiunlIlln) If Juu r-rl- t.

The New York Herald of July12 has as editorial, of which thfollowing are extracts:

''If Japuu persists in Ler pre-sumptuous attitude toward tbeUuited States, Hawaii must beannexed without delay in order totake it out of tbe realm of dis-pute. The policy of the UnitedStates has ulways been that noforeign power shall control theSandwich islands, and every Government of Europe recognizes thejustice of this policy. Does Japan now mean to claim the islandsfor Mongolian civilization?

"If we've got toiiybt somebody,why not fiht Japan if she insistsupon it and places herself in thewrooc? Does Japan bumptiouslyimagine that because she gaveChina a good drubbing she canhck all creatiou? Japan's portswore opened to civilization by theUnited States Navy. If Japaninsists on fighting us she --willlearn that the same key will serveto lock her up. The Sandwichinlxnds were won for "Westerncivilization by Americans nnd

be held for Americancommercial interests in the .Pacifie.

"Jopon ought to inowihnt-ih- e

United States Navy --will put Tip avery different kind of fight fromthat which China gave iier. Ifvlie should have any doubt aboutit and attack Hawaii our Uavywill be heard from, giving Japanan object lesson.'"

Loudon, July 12. The ZBerlincorrespondent of the Daily 21ailsays: The Japanese Minister hereassures me that the idea of adop-tion by Japan of offensive mea-sures ugaiu6t the American annex-ation of Hawaii is absurd.

i.ivixy itinniNM.

One Contrarlnr Cnitnri To Joinin One I)ay.

Bide lor the construction of,afor Brewer v Co were

as follows:Luras Bros f8TniArthur Harrison 743aF.Redwnrd 7120Frod Harrison G994J. Oud-jrkir- ... C97U

For building a inundation andconcrete iloor Jnr T.H. Drtvios.A:Cu.'s nun vrurohoube tho bulbwere:Lishman S2130Lucas Bros. . 1950A. Harrison . 1030Fred Harrison 1K54

J. Uuderkiik isriJldth contracts ware awardsd io

J. Oudorkirk.

i iiirioiiiiifiivi:iiNiiivi'HiNiMisHilWAII'V'l,KoroAl,


Htntf liimicM 'ARlnl tlittwf5

tlx,'Mn Mkrd la 1mrrr llw II.

Now York, Juno 11.- - TheHerald's Washington 'disimtcksays: Hawaii has offered tore-fc- r

to arbitration tbe immigrationquestion, but tho Tokio Gvern-muu- t

has so far ignored tho proposition. The offer was made inthe reply sent by Hawaiian Min-

ister of Foreign Affairs Coojer ioJapanese Minister Shimainwra'silast note reiterating the deuttMitlu

of his Government that Hnwiirecognise the principle of mone-

tary liability.The Hawaiian authorities do

not expect that Japan will .Hr)fptarbitration. In fact, before Min-ister Sbitnamura began Jiii cor-respondence --with Cooper an re-gard to the matter, be deaiarthat his Government v,oulu Jirutcouseut to arbitration At timttime neither be aor his Go,erninent had an v idea that the strongarm of tbe United States wuWsoon be thrown around Hawaii,and it was because of this arjimrance, State Department officials

that Japan nssumed ucfc scommanding tone in iier oiegetiutious.

The Japanese Minister in liihlast correspondence with llie Hawaiian Government lnwKii-furthe- r

explauutionfi wilb trulto certuin details uonneotod enethtbe immigration t'ouUoi'ertt, onwhich lie iiolds 111 "tbe IDoteaa- -tboritiesiiHve committed ra'idttinn-- iul oCeuseb jigams: iuo Jjusanjnent,

Gu.pex, in Tuply., ctui-iu- itthe principle of .monetary lia

bihty and insists ihatahe --JapuOieno Government iOoult --want ttn

et ut the Teal jnexiisioT iliroiontroversj1, otherwise it twnnldjip-guien- cu

on lbeprupu&iUan lu JrtSoitbe jnatterio arliitratum.

In --view of onpr?rti 7eitra1e3yrefubul .to ca pU rt. jdemand,'aTea deiilioIiDt"Ttaslbeiug'takeu .bvili&-- iitateJJeiHraaneut asiolhe ojextanoveoiliiuatGovernment.

ItislhegcnerclimpressiBnaiowthatlheanatter --will lie laid lielnrethe Sta'eDHparinientaudji-fitran-demand nnadempondhis'Govexn- -jnent toaeetbat-Japanlsxibtsi-

n 4

the matter are allowed.Tbe general expectation in Ad-

ministration circlesislhat-wliefhe- r

'the Senate ratifies ilieannexation--treaty-or Sails tthis 'Govexxtmentlwill Lave :lo settlelheimxaigiartcmi

, question with .Jnpan.

TVadded IXMt CNtcul.

A linn3snmp.nn3;pojinlaricrjnjje'were united in ibe diolylbondsibyHhv J jJ Ziloiii'tjataha'Ghxifit-ia- n

iclmrch, --nt .B'SiO .lust oitirki.The n1"11 ware 3fc.tCharlesU.jilooro'uud !MittE"MnrjA Snllivaii. ZELeit)Etann7WB'H.Hice Jind ibe IiridesmnidB avcreIley IBellain33rene Beri2,iwoIEt- -

:tle,gifls. 'ZEbe. bride vascnnclnst- -ed io .the .altar ljj Mt. lell jfi 3L-Inil- a.

ZEborevere aio imitationsbut .a large gronp ail Iriendsof rthe Jiappy xonple rwexeion Jiand :to witness ttbe icsre-jnon- y.

lEhere'vasanoreaiceibcre.'.titan in thejirnoxn&nianls aicme,jis:thexouple 2oundont umareiiruig J

xrom one church. ?I1t. mud lz&.jiloorcleft-aniheHinu-

u HoriKcijala. Theoom js ji anaabinist--wbo is;greatly Jiked iby Jiis mcguninbinees, nvbile iiis tirade asoiiuretty buattle jjirl, --duu"iiter xilZlr. Tiiomas Siiliivn .dl iiistxigr. !:

Jtut 4iac pilouThe New Tori 33erald.irwLiab

sent.31x.ZN ordlioil ioilawaiiiliireti 4

3'earsUigO.to fipjnan r. t-.- t t 711

oiow --stronnlv in 3bvot jR tihe'treaty. Japan1 --wild pretention 1

JJUVe WTOUgilt till- - jliolicv.jmd ibeviiid nir rto nrin

n .ltttgeraneasureHiititinrf m "TliA Kunnfn itsn imu T

counted-npo- n --at ilie iimelErfisi- -2crt3IcKiuleylB jilan anade itself 1

Inown "Under ordinary tfnrtniw- -

iween m!Irefi JjUawaiian jrejiubliciana anuexauon, onare may tbe I

nnmitmfi.-tmisj- ilwi. I

w,., S..,. M.JUnion or letting ILsuj fotonn

j Asiatic jpower, goU Awumujs jI uaniioid nut one. bau I'xonauMt j1 Chronicle. Jl





'!Ice. Hvmeh.ian iBim'"aniQMCE PLAXT CMWS.and ?tlirmpfllif

ffJepn--PpMHw nM3kVflHfw'an 'CftBTHte

Jicaini; iuiis



Zkx&e friybtimilfl dM II it'll JH Hllillll1lp.ali

&vlauimc gtM m mm

nil ininwraiaimHi


r"i ii C giiiinHWPff-aii- ir

Sizes: flT.n&pzlfi-us:- ,



--",4Zg- -..Jtariit.!. - r I r

B.- -:



T twnnmr- - o in. . .JoieetaiwjL itnrwirer agc

lS&ST Tl"'-

jJuid,irargnBftrt.BMiKjrrtrt,taei. a mitt U i4uawBC

icmami suuu, duut ,ii-- , Jtaas"

thus cpntax tUm mniwpj afJM1HT mjiuitmyajr TtniiMi

Uto M .'saa1itaUUU4U Jaa, Mawaai

wiH&eiMiiiimiuaMi " BatfataAlBtt .aateaaaT


. .Jk


