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Making changes to your curricula - gmc-uk.org · Pilots for new assessments or curriculum changes,...

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Making changes to your curricula A guide and application form for those developing postgraduate curricula

Making changes to your curricula A guide and application form for those developing postgraduate curricula

Quality assurance of curricula

We have a statutory function to set and review the standards for medical education and

training. This includes the standards for specialty curricula and assessments.

This document describes our process for the prospective approval of new or amended

curricula and assessments and the plans for their implementation. The process makes sure

curricula and assessments have been developed in a robust way and meet our standards,

Excellence by design: standards for postgraduate curricula.

Once curricula are implemented, we also have a responsibility to monitor their delivery,

including the environments in which doctors are trained. Our Quality Assurance

Framework describes our different quality assurance functions and how they interact.

Making changes to curricula and programmes of assessment

Changes to curricula and programmes of assessment must be prospectively approved by

the GMC.

This form is for use by curriculum development organisations when making submissions

for us to approve:

a new curriculum or assessment (including high stakes college exams)

changes to an existing approved curriculum or assessment

changes to criteria for entry to training

It includes supporting guidance that clearly explains what should be given as evidence

that a curriculum or assessment meets our standards.

You don’t need our prospective approval for the following changes:

Guidance outside of the curriculum, such as advice on how simulation training can

be used or user guides for workplace-based assessments, as long as the guidance

does not alter the way the curriculum is interpreted.

Changes to exam regulations, including currency of exams and permitted numbers

of attempts, provided this meets our stated position.

Pilots for new assessments or curriculum changes, as long as they are carried out

alongside existing assessments, trainees have the option to take part and the

results do not contribute to outcomes or progression.


Changes to person specifications, provided they match the approved training

pathway in the curriculum.

You do need prospective approval to make an administrative change to a curriculum,

however this does not require any consultation or evidence provided it meets the specified

criteria. Please use the administrative change form for these applications.

How we will assess your application

We will assess your application against our standards, Excellence by design: standards for

postgraduate curricula.

There are two stages for approving a new curriculum or assessment or proposals to

change an existing curriculum or assessment, however, your application may not need to

be submitted through both stages.

Stage one: Strategic support

Your curriculum purpose statement will need to be evaluated by the GMC’s Curriculum

Oversight Group (COG) if your application is for any of the following:

a new curriculum

a change to the curriculum’s purpose statement

addition or removal of one or more high level outcomes of the curriculum


This group has the same make up as the Medical Education UK Reference Group and has

representation from organisations responsible for UK medical workforce planning and

education, such as NHS Employers, NHS Scotland, Wales Deanery, the Northern Ireland

Medical and Dental Training Agency and the Departments of Health. It meets numerous

times throughout the year.

The group will tell us if the curriculum high level outcomes have the full support of the

four countries of the UK and align with strategic workforce needs. Curriculum development

should not proceed until we have confirmed that the COG endorse the proposal.

Changes that do not fall into the categories above may not need COG endorsement and

can proceed directly to stage two, curriculum approval. Please contact us if you are not

sure if your curriculum needs COG endorsement.

Please note that this form is for stage two, curriculum approval only.

Stage two: Curriculum approval

When you have developed your curriculum and consulted on the changes with your

stakeholders (such as trainees and trainers), you need to apply to us for full approval

using this form.


We will send your application to the Curriculum Advisory Group (CAG), which is a GMC-run

advisory group made up of medical educationalists, including consultant, lay, and trainee

representatives, and psychometricians. They meet throughout the year according to our

published schedule and make recommendations to us about whether curricula meet our


After you submit your application, the CAG will complete an initial review and provide

feedback within five weeks. You will have three weeks to provide any further evidence or

clarification before the application is discussed at the CAG meeting and a formal

recommendation is made to the GMC’s Assistant Registrar. The Assistant Registrar will

make the final decision and will issue a decision letter within three weeks of the meeting.

Feasibility subcommittee of the Curriculum Oversight Group

If your proposal has any impact on resources (such as funding) we will also send it to a

subcommittee of the COG made up of postgraduate deans representing each country of

the UK, as well as the lead dean for the specialty. They will confirm whether or not the

curriculum is feasible and deliverable. This will happen simultaneously with the evaluation

by the Curriculum Advisory Group, described above and their recommendation will be

considered by the GMC’s Assistant Registrar.

Completing this form

This form asks questions around the broad areas of the requirements of Excellence by

design: standards for postgraduate curricula. It is important that you answer all relevant

questions, however you may not need to complete every section if it does not apply to

your proposal. To help you, we have colour coded each section: Mandatory sections that

must be completed for all changes are blue; assessment changes are dark purple; and

curriculum changes are lilac.

We’ve provided guidance for each question explaining the evidence or narrative that we

expect to see. This is available by clicking on ‘Click for help’ next to each question. To

close the guidance, click on ‘Click for help’ again. To open hyperlinks within the guidance,

hold down the Ctrl key and click on the link.

For reference, we have also identified which requirements of the standards each question

relates to. Holding your mouse cursor over each requirement will display the full wording

of that requirement. Many of the questions cover more than one requirement.

You can attach supporting documents to the service request in GMC Connect if you like,

but please ensure their purpose is clear and reference to them in the form below.


Submitting your application

Once you have completed this form and gathered the supporting evidence, you should

submit it using a request in GMC Connect, our secure portal. Please contact us at

[email protected] if you need to set up a GMC Connect account. You will need access to

the Royal College/Faculty - Education user group to be able to submit applications for

curricula or assessment changes.

It is important that you complete this form in full and include all relevant supporting

documentation. If anything is missing we won’t be able to start evaluating your

application, which may mean that it will need to be submitted to a later CAG meeting.

Below is the request view in GMC Connect:

There are two different request types to choose from in GMC Connect when making a

change to a curriculum or assessment:

New curriculum: You should use this request type when you are submitting a new

curriculum for approval, for example when a new specialty is introduced.

CAG submission: You should use this request type should be used when you are

submitting a request for a change to an existing GMC approved curriculum or assessment.

Please note that applications for new dual CCT pairings, training pathway pilots (run

through training) and admin changes follow different processes and require different

application forms. Please make sure that you select the correct request type and submit

the relevant form and supporting documents.

If you have already opened a request to submit your application to the Curriculum Oversight Group for strategic support (stage one), please attach this form and any


supporting documents to the same request by clicking ‘View Documents’ and then ‘Add Document’. If you did not need strategic support from the COG, please open a new request by clicking ‘Add Request’ and use it to share all documents relating to the proposal with us. We will use the same request to share documents with you, such as feedback from the CAG and the decision letter. Please write a very brief description of the application under ‘Details’ and include the name of specialty, such as ‘General surgery curriculum approval application’.

For further help

We are happy to support you at any point in your curriculum development process and

may be able to provide useful data, for example around trainee progression or


You can get in touch with us by emailing [email protected] or by calling us on 0161 240



Section 1: Contact details

Details about the curriculum development organisation

Name of organisation

Specialty or sub-specialty

(list all the specialties

affected if the change

affects multiple curricula)

Main contact details


Job title


Telephone number

Email address

Section 2: Description of proposed changes

Which component(s) will the change(s) apply to? (Please tick all that apply)

A core or shared curriculum (eg core medical training (CMT), training

interface group fellowship (TIGs))

The specialty / sub-specialty curriculum

A College/Faculty high stakes exam (eg MRCP, a KBA)

Workplace-based or other assessment


Please provide a brief description of each proposed change

Number of trainees affected by proposed changes

I have included either:

a) a copy of the curriculum with tracked changes showing where

amendments have been made, or

b) where too many amendments have been made for a tracked changes

document to be clear, a document that shows the changes between the

old curriculum and the new.


If the specialty is approved to be paired with another specialty as a dual CCT, please tick to confirm that you have attached a mapping document showing any impact on the shared outcomes and indicative duration of the dual programme.

Describe the impact of delivering the

proposed curriculum or assessment on

current resources.

Required for all changes

Referring to requirement 2.3

Click for help

My curriculum is mapped to Good medical practice and the Generic professional

capabilities framework. (Requirement 3.3)


Section 3: How your curriculum meets the GMC’s standards

1. Explain how the curriculum,

assessment or change was developed,

including your consultation with key


Required for all changes

Referring to requirements 2.1 and 2.5

Click for help


2. Describe the educational

approaches, learning opportunities

and breadth of experience necessary

to meet the outcomes of the


Required for curriculum changes

Referring to requirements 3.2 and 3.4

Click for help

3. Describe the responsibilities,

capabilities and expected levels of

performance of trainers.

Required for curriculum changes

Referring to requirement 3.5

Click for help


4. Explain how learners will receive

meaningful and timely feedback.

Required for curriculum changes

Referring to requirement 3.6

Click for help

5. Describe the rationale for the choice

of assessment and its role within the

wider programme of assessment.

Required for assessment changes

Referring to requirements 4.1a, 4.1b,

4.1h and 4.3

Click for help


6. Describe how the assessment has

been piloted or validated.

Required for assessment changes

Referring to requirement 4.1c

Click for help

7. All assessments are

blueprinted to the learning

outcomes within the


Required for all changes

Tick to


Referring to requirements 4.1d and


Click for help


8. Describe the standard setting

methodology for the assessment.

Required for summative assessment


Referring to requirements 4.1f

Click for help

9. Describe how examiners will be

trained and calibrated to ensure that

they assess to agreed standards. This

should include comment on equality

and diversity training.

Required for assessment changes

Referring to requirements 4.1g, 4.10,

4.11, 4.12 and 4.13

Click for help


10. How will poor performance be

managed safely and fairly?

Required for assessment changes

Referring to requirement 4.2

Click for help

11. Describe how you will monitor the

assessment and identify any issues or

future improvements.

Required for assessment changes

Referring to requirement 4.5

Click for help


12. How will you publish information

about the assessment, for example

pass rates (in addition to sharing

exam data annually with the GMC)?

Required for summative assessment


Referring to requirements 4.6 and 4.7

Click for help

13. How will feedback from the

assessment be provided to trainees?

Required for assessment changes

Referring to requirement 4.8

Click for help


14. Please describe the role and

responsibilities of


Required for assessment changes

Referring to requirement 4.9

Click for help

15. Implementation plan

Required for all changes

Referring to requirements 2.4 and 5.1

Click for help

Transition arrangements

Stage of






Deadline for


Impact of transfer

(eg will trainees

need to take new

assessment or

learn new


Support available

for trainees and



Less than

full time

Out of


Timeline for implementation

Task/milestone Responsible Target date

Communication plan

Target group Method Date



Relevant external bodies


16. Describe how you will monitor the

curriculum and identify any issues or

future improvements.

Required for curriculum changes

Referring to requirement 5.2

Click for help

17. Equality and diversity analysis

Required for all changes

Referring to requirements 2.6, 4.4 and


Click for help

Assessing the impact

Assessing the impact

Will the change affect stakeholders or interest groups that share protected


Will some groups be affected more than others?



What evidence do you have to support this (data, research or other information)?

In developing the change, have you consulted or involved anyone who shares

protected characteristics?

Identifying potential discrimination

Will the change lead to differential access, experience or outcomes for people who

share protected characteristics?


Does the change have a legitimate aim?

Is the change a proportionate way of achieving that legitimate aim?

Can differential access, experiences and outcomes be objectively justified?

Are there any other equality, diversity or fairness issues that arise from the

proposed change?


Action planning and monitoring

What steps will you take to minimise differential access, experiences and


What steps will you take to remove any unlawful discrimination?

How will you monitor and review the impact of the change on people who share

protected characteristics post implementation?


Email: [email protected]: www.gmc-uk.orgTelephone: 0161 240 8324General Medical Council, 3 Hardman Street, Manchester M3 3AW

Textphone: please dial the prefix 18001 then 0161 923 6602 to use the Text Relay service

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This information can be made available in alternative formatsor languages. To request an alternative format, please call us on 0161 923 6602 or email us at [email protected].

Published May 2017

© 2017 General Medical Council

The text of this document may be reproduced free of charge in any format

or medium providing it is reproduced accurately and not in a misleading context.

The material must be acknowledged as GMC copyright and the document

title specified.

The GMC is a charity registered in England and Wales (1089278)

and Scotland (SC037750)

Code: GMC/MCCAS/0517
