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Managing and Scaling Puppet - PuppetConf 2014

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Managing and Scaling Puppet - Miguel Zuniga, Symantec
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Managing and Scaling Puppet
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Managing and Scaling Puppet

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Who is this guy?

Name: Miguel ZunigaJob: Computer guy @ SymantecPast: Ebay, Paypal, EA, Rackspace and many morePuppet user since: 0.22 mostly 0.24Not much of a social network user but just in case:@mikezuniga+MiguelZuniga

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● Puppet and Puppetmaster● Scaling with a web cluster● Less load more cache● SCM and puppet● Multi datacenter● Masterless and the cloud● Moving forward● Questions?

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Puppet and Puppetmaster

Puppet:● Client - Server (with puppetmaster)● Client Only (puppet apply)● Applies changes to nodes

Puppetmaster (Puppet server)● CA authority● Runs functions● Keeps tracks of nodes● Store data (facters)

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Puppet and Puppetmaster

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Puppet and Puppetmaster

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Scaling with a web cluster

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Scaling with web cluster

Pros● You can scale if you have money● Simple configuration, almost drag and drop● Puppet CA to rule them all

Cons● More complexity● If not SSL termination in use you need to

share certs across all puppetmasters● More clients = more load = more money

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Scaling with web cluster

Usual setupApache + Passenger for puppetmastersHaproxy or Physical LB

Nginx + Passenger for puppetmastersApache reverse proxy + mod_ssl for LB

Nginx + Passenger for puppetmastersNginx loadbalancing + ssl for LB

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Less load more cache

Puppet with passenger works as a Rack web application

Almost all web applications can benefit from having a caching layer

Will it work?

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Less load more cacheserver { listen 8140 ssl; server_name puppet <%= @puppet_server %>; ssl_certificate /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/<%= @puppet_server %>.pem; ssl_certificate_key /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/<%= @puppet_server %>.pem; ssl_crl /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem; ssl_client_certificate /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem; ssl_ciphers SSLv2:-LOW:-EXPORT:RC4+RSA; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; ssl_verify_client optional; ssl_verify_depth 1; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:128m; ssl_session_timeout 5m; access_log /var/log/nginx-puppet_access.log headerlog; error_log /var/log/nginx-puppet_error.log; location ~* /certificate.*? { proxy_pass http://puppetca; }

location ~* /node/ { return 404; } location / { proxy_pass http://puppetmaster; proxy_cache one; proxy_cache_methods GET POST; proxy_cache_valid 200 7d; } }

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Less load more cache

Note: Puppet > 3 use nginx with POST cache

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SCM and Puppet

Use any SCM to keep track of your changes.The less environments you have, the better.Make logical decisions on classes.Categorize your clients by roles.Use requires instead of includes.Virtual resources are always fun.Manage dependencies.

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Multi Data Center

Distribute the cache servers as endpointsUse the SCM to replicate codeOne central source of code and CAUse foreman, cobbler, razor... to generate your node configurations.Define downtime windows to pull new changes from SCMConfigure a class specifically to clear the cache for that downtime windowRemember standardization is your friend

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Masterless and the Cloud

Create a bootstrap script which loads the basic needs of your environment through puppet apply.Connect your clients to the puppet master at the end of bootstrapMaintain certs through query the cloud or cmdb.If certs are really a problem generate one cert for all (not recommended).

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Moving Forward

● Search function○ Do queries against a CMDB, PuppetDB, Ldap

Nodes, Foreman, X, Y, Z

● Dynamic configurations○ Based on the result modify catalogs through

variables which could allow nodes to change them selves.

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Use cases of search

● Discover new nodes● Semi-orchestrate● Create dynamic configurations● Notification based on dynamic resources

Example: Let know HAproxy that a new node is ready to be added.

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Thank you
