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Mariwan hama saeed international approaches against global warming

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Biol119 International Approaches against Global Warming Prepared by: Mariwan Saeed Rostam Student no. : 139678 Faculty: Civil Engineering Fall Semester 2015-2016 Abstract: This writing is going to be about international approaches against global warming. The causes and the effects of global warming are also mentioned in this text. The main idea of this writing is to be aware of what happens to our environment, and what we need to as the future generation of our planet Earth. We also need to know what is happening globally to prevent global
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International Approaches against Global WarmingPrepared by: Mariwan Saeed Rostam

Student no. : 139678Faculty: Civil Engineering

Fall Semester2015-2016


This writing is going to be about international approaches against global warming. The

causes and the effects of global warming are also mentioned in this text. The main idea of this

writing is to be aware of what happens to our environment, and what we need to as the future

generation of our planet Earth. We also need to know what is happening globally to prevent

global warming.


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Humans have been polluting our Earth from the beginning of our creation. Since 1800 humans

have polluted our atmosphere by releasing different kind of toxic gases to our environment.

Those gases include notably carbon dioxide, methane, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which

absorb the radiation of the Earth that can lead warming to the surface of our planet. At the

molecular level, the most potent gasses are CFCs in the greenhouse house, but still carbon

dioxide CO2 is the most dangerous gas that is released every day by different ways. Those ways

that carbon dioxide is released are very simple daily methods that we do. Burning something is

one method of releasing carbon dioxide. The great factories in different places in the world that

produce different kinds of products, for every category in our life are polluting our atmosphere

or in other word they poison the air that we breath, by releasing a big amount of carbon dioxide

to the air. Beside our air the rivers, lakes and every other water sources are also polluted by

putting the trashes and toxic wastes in those sources. The most dangerous factories that have

big side effects on our environment are those that produce chemicals and also atomic fields are

very dangerous since they throw the most kind of toxic waste into our water sources like river

and lakes, beside that they also release a big amount of carbon dioxide to our air. Specialized

scientist are concerned and also worry about these changes in our atmosphere, and they

suggest that under these conditions that happens to our planet the Earth's surface will get

warmer day by day on average, in higher latitudes the temperature is going to increase higher

than any other locations. Because of the increase in the temperature the ice mountains in north

and south poles are melting, this makes rise the sea level, which in result this may eliminate

some islands and countries. This makes the average global precipitation to increase. Many

agreements have been done like the one in Rio De Janeiro 1992 on a Framework Convention on

Climate Change (FCCC) and another one that was done in 1997 at Kyoto which was on a

protocol that committed Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC). Three of the

agreements that have been done in history on global warming has not yet come to force, because

of political issues around the globe and between the countries. Also, in 2015 countries around

the world made an agreement which is known as the most successful agreement every made on

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global warming, named COP21. All the countries around the world have attended the meetings

and the conferences that took place in Paris, France. The most important thing was that most of

the presidents of big countries like the US, Russia, Germany, France, China, and many other

countries spoke in the meetings and promised the world to do their best in order to safe our

mother planet Earth. The last agreement gave a big hope to scientist and organization that work

on that issue which is the most dangerous and most complimented issue around the globe.

Main Text:

In these days in our life, there are many things that people can not handle or in other

words can not control them self by no doing those things. Those things include, using

equipments that are made ith some materials like beds that are made from wood. Where does

the wood come from? Everybody knows that its comes from some companies that take down

trees in order to get advantages from it. This makes the concern of global warming more and

more because the need of people around the world are increasing which in this case means

taking down more and more trees. This is why many scientists and organizations locally and

internationally are creating awareness's and workshops in order to educate people in different

places in the world about global warming and climate change, so that every single human on

the planet can know in what danger we are in the moment. From 1992 after the international

committee have agreed at Rio, Brazil about the prevention of climate change and global

warming, the local and international organizations and also the governments around the world

have done a good job but that was not enough because they did not know how the issue is

going to increase and how we all are going to be effected. Until 2015, scientist and people

around the globe have tried their best in order to let the international committee know about

the sudden increase of climate change and global warming because of all of those factories and

machines that release the carbon dioxide that poison our air which makes the increase of the

temperature and the rise of sea level. In 2015 all the countries, local and international

organizations, and scientist met at Paris, France in order to an agreement about this big issue

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that makes the existence of humans in danger. The meeting took about a week and most of the

countries presidents have spoken in there and suggested there ideas in order to take a big and

successful step to prevent the increase climate change in our planet Earth. Every ones

suggestions were listened and documented about the issue, and in the end they all have agreed

about the issue. They all have agreed that we have to stop and prevent the climate change, or

its better to say we all need to cure our sick planet. According to the agreement, the atomic

fields needs to be reduced, there has to better quality control to all the companies that make

business and harm our environment. This agreement is known as the most successful and the

biggest agreement that has been ever done in humans history about climate change which is a

big approaches to control global warming. Because now every country on the planet are doing

and trying their best to prevent climate change because of the agreement that has been



In conclusion, all of the issues that was mentioned about climate change and all the

agreements that have been from the past until now, are the aproches the failure the success

and the knowlage of human beings, this make it easier for us to understand that because all of

the things that happned and is happening to us is because of our slef we conclude that we all

can fix it since it was done by our self. Making a problem is very easy, but solving it is hard.

Sometimes you need the help of someone to solve a problem because you know that the

thinking of two people for solving a problem is better than doing it only by yourself. This a good

example for the situation that human beings are in. we all have done the disaster to our planet

Earth, and we have messed up everything. We have taken down the trees of Amazon, released a

big amount of carbon dioxide to our environment, raised the sea levels and many other things

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that made our planet Earth sick. Since we have done it, we can also solve it, we can do it by

uniting and doing everything that we suggest and say. Nothing will change by just saying it. The

agreements are good agreements on the meetings and the conferences, but it will be better if

all what was said and suggest till be done by action not only by saying it. The planet was made

in order to serve humans, in order to live on it, the planet Earth or our mother planet is made to

give us what we want and what we need. But in order to get what we need does not mean we

have to destroy it. No, we need respect it if we want to continue life and the existent and a

better life for the next generation we have to respect it and we need to work for it in order to

have healthy planet and get our needs from it.


Anderson, Kym, and Richard Blackhurst, eds., The Greening of World Trade Issues, London:

Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992.

Commonwealth of Australia, Global Climate Change: Economic dimensions of a cooperative

international policy response beyond 2000, Canberra, 1995.

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Burroughs, William James, Does the Weather Really Matter? The Social Implications of Climate

Change. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1997.

Dean, Andrew, and Peter Hoeller, eds., The Costs of Cutting Carbon Emissions, Paris: OECD, 1993.

Rayner, Steve, and Elizabeth L. Malone, eds., Human Choice and Climate Change. Four volumes.

Columbus, OH: Battelle Press, 1998.

Thompson, Starley L., and David Pollard, "Greenland and Antactic Mass Balances for Present and

Doubled Atmospheric CO2 from the GENESIS Version-2 Global Climate Model," Journal of Climate,

10(Mary 1997), 871-900.
