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Mediai Friday News Round-Up - W/E Dec 4, 2015

Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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Media News: Weekly Round Up Stay up to date with all the week’s news & views by joining over 2,350 who subscribe to MediaScope’s Friday morning newsleBer… Each Friday MediaScope produces a weekly news roundup for the Media i network which is broadcast in over 50 media agencies & major publishers…

Media  News:  Weekly  Round  Up  

Stay  up  to  date  with  all  the  week’s  news  &  views  by  joining  over    2,350  who  subscribe  to  MediaScope’s  Friday  morning  newsleBer…  

Each  Friday  MediaScope  produces  a  weekly  news  round-­‐up  for  the  

Media  i  network  which  is  broadcast  in  over  50  media  

agencies  &  major  publishers…  

Media  News:  Weekly  Round  Up  

Stay  up  to  date  with  all  the  week’s  news  &  views  by  joining  over    2,350  who  subscribe  to  MediaScope’s  Friday  morning  newsleBer…  




 Market  moves  this  week…      

-­‐  Industry  OrganisaDon  –  AIMIA  –  goes  into  liquidaDon    -­‐  Match  Media  wins  Kinky  Boots  account    -­‐  Daimler/Mercedes  Benz  stays  with  FoundaDon  

Media  News:  Weekly  Round  Up  

Stay  up  to  date  with  all  the  week’s  news  &  views  by  joining  over    2,350  who  subscribe  to  MediaScope’s  Friday  morning  newsleBer…  




 People  moves  this  week…        

-­‐  Cummins  &  Partners  appoints  Rebecca  Bezzina  as  its  new  Managing  Director  while  James  Greet  joins  as  Chief  Media  Officer    

-­‐  Olia  Krivtchoun  moves  to  Match  Media  as    Head  of  InnovaDon  


Media  News:  Weekly  Round  Up  

Stay  up  to  date  with  all  the  week’s  news  &  views  by  joining  over    2,350  who  subscribe  to  MediaScope’s  Friday  morning  newsleBer…  




 People  moves  this  week…        

 -­‐  MediaCom  promotes  Andrew  LiUlewood  to  ‘Head  of  Knowledge  of  North  America’  based  in  NYC  -­‐  with    Juan  Franco  moving  to  MarkeDng  AnalyDcs  for  Aust    -­‐  The  Dentsu  Aegis  Network  launches  Dentsu  Mitchell  in  Perth  to  be  lead  by  Adrian  Roeling  &  Michelle  Testa  
