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Mission Budget _ 2017

Mission Budget _2017

Mission Budget 2017

Approved by Central Charity Boardon 24 April 2018

Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

IndexLetter from the Chairman 4

The Fondazione Cariplo: who we are and what we do 62.1 The Fondazione Cariplo Mission 6

2.2 The Fondazione Cariplo Context 11

2.3 The Fondazione Cariplo, between innovation and tradition 15

2.4 Governance and Group Hierarchy 16

Operation Areas in 2017 18

Inter-sector Plans 204.1 AttivAree 20

4.2 The Cariplo Factory 22

4.3 Cariplo Social Innovation 24

4.4 Lacittà intorno 26

The Environment 28

Arts and Culture 44

Scientific Research and Technological Transference 60

Personal Services Sector 78

Community Foundations 989.1 Actions by Community Foundations in 2017 98

Trends in Earmarking 10210.1 Action Trends during 2017 102

Asset Management and Budget Outlines 10611.1 Our Approach to Investments 106

11.2 Market Trends 106

11.3 Portfolio Management and Value 109

11.4 Budget Outlines 113

Note on Methods 116







Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


Dear Readers,

when you draw up a budget, you always have to look at the things you have done in the past. And this is all right and proper. You have to understand where you are, and how you got there. These latest figures are something we can be proud of, because they show how well we have managed all the assets and resources necessary for us to continue doing our job and to improve the quality and quantity of projects we help. For this, I have to thank everybody working with such enthusiasm at the Foundation on such a vitally important job. I shall never tire of singing these people's praises, most of them young, because without them we would never be able to work with the thousands of non-profit making organisations, companies in the public sector, and universities who do everything they can day after day for the good of society.

However, we also have to look towards the future.

Even today, there are thousands of children in Milan who haven't enough to eat, and there are millions of people throughout Italy who cannot afford a proper education or a decent culture. I always remember the young people who have no jobs, and those who have lost out through desperation, do not study, or can't find meaningful employment. I think of all those families looking for somewhere decent to live, on the edges of society, and who have so much to offer in terms of relationships, and not simply infrastructures.I also think of all those people who want to put their spirit of enterprise and their skills to good

use in innovation and scientific research.

Let us not forget culture. The year 2018 is the European Year of Cultural Heritage, and this reminds me of everything we have done to enhance our heritage, and how much we still have to do. Our commitment will never wear out, because heritage is not simply statues and paintings. It is a living, moving thing, made of individual men and women, children and pensioners, who must always feel they have an active part to play as citizens, and something they can actively take from the world of culture.

I think of all those people living at the edge of society: it is only a living community which can keep them connected to life and to culture in its deepest sense. I always think of the elderly.

There will always be more and more of them, or rather more and more of us. But there is no reason to be afraid. Society and scientific research, when they have been understood properly as a part of social policy, are capable of giving great dignity to the elderly, and even of making proper use of them. The elderly – as is true for absolutely everyone – are a great resource. If we were to see this as a problem we would no longer be able to see the future or the past properly, and we would be trapped in our daily lives, unable to see the elderly in their proper light.



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

I shall never tire of singing the praises of everyone working for the Foundation, most of them young, because without them we would never be able to work with the thousands of non-profit making organisations, companies in the public sector, and universities who do everything they can day after day for the good of society.

Education and good citizenship are the key to safeguarding our environmental heritage. We have to look after our home, the environment where we live, and the communities which depend upon its great riches. The environment is not just a resource. It can become protection, refuge, and safety. It is the sign of our resilience as a community, and it shows us our identity and how we need to build new relationships. It gives life to our social fabric, and makes the place where we live so much richer. I often remember what our Foundation has done over the years, and the challenges which await us. I shall always be proud of what we have done and what we intend to do in the immediate future.

I hope you enjoy reading this paper.Giuseppe Guzzetti


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


For more than twenty-five years, the Fondazione Cariplo has been committed to supporting and innovating social development projects in the field of arts and culture, the environment, welfare, and scientific research. More than one thousand projects are achieved every year thanks to non-repayable schemes via tenders, special local and institutional awards and grants.The Cariplo Charitable Foundation has always been a resource for communities, helping local organisations to work towards the public good, giving particular attention to innovation and related concepts. In recent years the Foundation has taken on an even more important task, not just setting up resources but also strategic support and investment impact help.This has been a truly courageous step, and it means even more commitment and responsibility for us. In 2016, twenty-five years after our foundation, we at the Fondazione Cariplo launched four inter-sector programmes to bring together the main values in our charity work: innovation, looking after the underprivileged, and providing youth opportunities and welfare for all. By analysing the programmes and synergies which may arise from work with other bodies, committed to solving the same problems, the Foundation has begun a consideration making considerations at international level about the need to understand what we do in terms of SDGs or Sustainable Development Goals. Indeed, looking at SDGs allows us to assess the contribution made by the Foundation beyond the confines of our own local action, bringing together skills and points of view so that we can all find the best way to meet global challenges and design new programmes for the future which can generate results which go "beyond Gross National Product," i.e. which do not limit impact assessments to mere quantitative growth.

There are seventeen objectives, all of them very important for our work at the Foundation.Let us point out what some of these are: putting an end to poverty; putting an end to hunger, reaching food safety, improving nutrition, and encouraging sustainable agriculture; ensuring health and well-being for everyone, whatever their age; providing fair, inclusive, quality education and learning opportunities for everyone; ensuring gender equality and emancipating all women; boosting long-term, inclusive, sustainable economic growth, full, productive employment, and decent work for everyone; setting up a resilient infrastructure, and promoting innovation and fair, responsible, and sustainable industrialisation; making all cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, and enduring; taking all urgent measures to fight global warming and its consequences; protecting, restoring, and encouraging sustainable use for the world's ecosystem, providing sustainable management for forests, fighting desertification, stopping and reversing the Earth's degradation, and stopping the loss of biological diversity.



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Generally speaking, and at different degrees, the many projects followed by the Foundation pursue these development, social inclusion, and innovation targets. To be more specific, some of these initiatives are more closely in line with our SDGs.For example, QuBì is the agreement signed by us for everyone bringing life to the city of Milan, whether they are a large company or an individual citizen, to solve the problem of food poverty among children and in their families. Even the project carried out at national level (the National Fund for Fighting Shortcomings in Youth Education), undertaken with other banking Foundations and the central government to make up for educational shortcomings among children and adolescents, and projects designed to create employment opportunities for the young and for those at the edges of society (such as the Green Jobs Project, Cariplo Factory, and NEETwork) show full compliance with these Sustainable Development Goals.

We also do a lot of work in scientific research, especially by helping young researchers, and every year the Foundation makes an important contribution to the so-called life sciences, for example helping studies into ageing and those mechanisms which characterise old age, or material science and industrial biotechnology, especially as regards the re-use of discarded materials and the circular economy.

SDGs - Sustainable Development Goalshttps://sustainabledevelopment.un.org


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Our commitment can also be seen in the food processing industry, where many banking Foundations are involved, through tenders which over the years have become a datum point at Italian level.

Projects concerning culture are also assessed by the Foundation as an instrument for personal growth and enrichment. Funder35 looks at the theatre as an employment opportunity for youth, and LAIV brings musical and theatrical laboratories to upper schools. This is something we have been doing for more than ten years now. Finally, by means of our inter-sector project LaCittàIntorno, culture has become an instrument to regenerate the most outlying areas of a city, and to strengthen relationships and identity of places and communities.

In environmental terms, the Foundation takes great care with looking after biodiversity, ecological corridors, and water; this we do by helping agriculture and energy savings, to promote a new culture based on sustainability.The cooperation which we at the Foundation have established with universities, research centres, and local institutions, is particularly important. For example, the Lombardy Regional Junta added six million to the fourteen million euros which the Foundation sets aside for what we call important emblematic projects, and every year pays out large sums of money in tenders to various sectors of scientific research, sport, and disability aid. With Milan Commune several projects are underway to upgrade several outlying districts, food policy, and the areas made available, to launch our Cariplo Factory Project, as well as restoration work on Milan Castle and the Trotter Park.

The scale and number of the Projects we have undertaken means that it is difficult to list all the various component parts of them. However, the purpose of these figures is to show what we have been doing in the Foundation as part of our strategy, under a series of schemes which need to widen gradually. The Foundation wishes our charity work to become more and more effective and to meet all the various tasks our various Departments have set us.


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Attivaree 20 • •Cariplo Factory 22 • • •Cariplo Social Innovation 24 •LaCittàIntorno 26 •GreenJobs 31 •Virtuous Areas 33 •Natural Capital 35 •Brezza2 - cycle tracks connectedto the wind 36 •European Project Co-financing 37

Resilient Communities 38 • •Laiv – Live Interpretational Art Workshop 47 •Cultural Heritage for Development 48 •Heritage in Danger 49 •Sustainable Culture 51 •IC - Cultural Innovation 52 • •Funder 35 Project 54 • • •Cultural Participation 55 • •Research and Ageing 65 •Integrated Research into Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy 66 • • • •Joint Notification of increased Attractiveness and Competition between Candidate Researchers into ERC Instruments

67 •

Special research into hydro-geological instability 69 •Biomedical research involving young researchers 70 • •Medical researchers 71 • • •AGER - Food processing and research 72 • •Caption - Evaluation of cap 2015-2020 and taking action 73 •Rehabilitation Area 74 •Community welfare and social innovation 81 •Council housing for the fragile 83

Fund to fight against youth education poverty 84 • •Giving energy 86 •QuBì - The fight against youth poverty 87 • •NEETwork Project 88 • •Never alone for a different tomorrow 89 • •Foundations for Africa, Burkina Faso 91 • • • • • •Innovation for Development 92 • •

Payment instruments

Subject Page


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Attivaree 20 • • • • •Cariplo Factory 22 •Cariplo Social Innovation 24 •LaCittàIntorno 26 • •GreenJobs 31 • •Virtuous Areas 33 • •Natural Capital 35 • • • •Brezza2 - cycle tracks connected to the wind 36 • •European Project Co-financing 37 • • •Resilient Communities 38 • • •Laiv - Live Interpretational Art Workshop 47

Cultural Heritage for Development 48 • •Heritage in Danger 49 • •Sustainable Culture 51 • •IC - Cultural Innovation 52 •Funder 35 Project 54 • •Cultural Participation 55 • • • •Research and Ageing 65 •Integrated Research into Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy 66 • • •Joint Notification of increased Attractiveness and Competition between Candidate Researchers into ERC Instruments

67 •

Special research into hydro-geological instability 69 • • •Biomedical research involving young researchers 70

Medical researchers 71 •AGER - Food processing and research 72 • • •Caption - Evaluation of cap 2015-2020 and taking action 73 • • •Rehabilitation Area 74 • •Community welfare and social innovation 81 • • •Council housing for the fragile 83 •Fund to fight against youth education poverty 84 •Giving energy 86 •QuBì - The fight against youth poverty 87 •NEETwork Project 88

Never alone for a different tomorrow 89 • •Foundations for Africa, Burkina Faso 91 • • •Innovation for Development 92 •

Payment instruments

Subject Page


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


With all its differences, the Foundation reference area may be considered to all effects and purposes a pilot. The driving force behind its economic fabric, especially the level of social infrastructure and the frequency with which new needs emerge and their solutions are suggested, are the ideal ground for the Foundation's charitable work. They are all a context which cannot escape the various dynamics for attributing resources to social intervention. Charitable Foundations and organisations in the third sector, therefore, must set themselves the target of intervening and making policy as efficiently as possible to meet the challenges and needs of society.To this end, the planning of interventions by various Departments in the Foundation is helped by our Observations and Assessment Department, via careful analysis and examination of the various problems, and by planning the various interventions needed to change things. Given that the efficacy of an intervention or policy cannot be taken for granted, after an intervention the Department makes a further assessment working in strict cooperation with other departments in the Foundation.These actions produce a considerable amount of knowledge about different areas, which is to the benefit not only of the Foundation. In particular, during 2017 two important research actions were completed, and they saw the publication of two Foundation Notebooks: Green Jobs (Notebook 25) and House Rich, Cash Poor (Notebook 26). To these must be added the research done to complete the QuBì Project.

Green jobs1

Environmental problems have become one of the most heated questions in science in recent years, and therefore in regional, national, and international politics. Increasing worries about problems arising out of environmental sustainability have in fact brought about considerable changes in manufacturing processes, often due to special laws. In turn, the need to reorganise manufacturing processes has brought about changes in the need for certain professionals and certain skills involved in environmental sustainability, which are generally known as "Green Jobs."

1 Full details of this initiative are given on page 31.


193.400 201.400212.600 226.600






02016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Fig. 1 - Forecast for Green Jobs in Italy (2016-2020) | Source: Clas Group, "The development of Green Jobs, Observatory Notebook n°. 25."


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


Home owned Home rented Life tenancy or free loan










0%1987 1995 20041984 1991 2000 20081983 1989 1998 20061986 1993 2002 2010 2012

Fig. 2 - Elderly families (householder above 60) with type of tenure | Source: Beltrametti, "House rich cash poor, Observatory Notebook n°. 26."

Research brings about evolution to the amount and quality characteristics of these new professional profiles. Between 2016 and 2020, the need for Green Jobs is estimated to have risen by approximately 23%. Going on the basis of forecasts for this type of employment, research considers several types change for young students at various levels of study, and their various study needs.

House Rich, Cash PoorThe need to make wealth more liquid - completely or partially - through the houses where we live is greater now than in the past, for several reasons. Pensions are less generous, the average lifespan is longer, and the risk of not being self-sufficient is greater. There are more elderly people without children, and it is increasingly harder for young people to find employment: this means that increasing numbers of pensioners are trying to do without pensions so they have something to hand over to their young relatives. There are more and more poor families in wage terms who remain rich in property terms.All these reasons suggest much potential for development in those instruments used to make people's accumulated property liquid although they will continue to live there for the rest of their lives. This is important from a social and macroeconomic point of view, especially for the final impact it will all have on the welfare of the elderly, on inheritance problems, on solidarity between the generations, on the fight against poverty, and on the quality of life in modern towns. In Italy, approximately 1.4 million elderly families have a low income and own fairly costly property. Additionally, 21% of elderly families living in their own homes have very few if any savings, and more than a third of them live in a property worth more than 200.000 euros.This Notebook shows us a picture of the property situation amongst the elderly in Italy, analyses the various instruments available for making part of these riches liquid, examines the various international situations, and theorises the various possible solutions which the Foundation or other bodies could apply.


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

2 Full details of this initiative are given on page 87

QuBì 2

As part of its preparatory research work under the QuBì Project, the Observatory has analysed the situation of absolute poverty in Milan, pointing out those parts of town where most people have applied to the Local Authority for public assistance. By analysing the 2016 income figures for those who have received assistance, the picture of poverty in Milan becomes very clear. Approximately 90% of families with children received at least one payment because they were considered to be in absolute poverty. In detail, the average income for a family comprising at least one parent and at least one child was approximately 4.800 euros per annum gross, whereas the poverty threshold calculated by the Italian statistics authority for this type of family is 12.800 euros per annum.The difference of 8.000 euros per annum means that something important has to be done without (food, healthcare, or something like that). The situation changes very little for families with two adults and two children, where the average gap rises to 8.100 euros per annum.

Non-profit in ItalyIn terms of the network of non-profit organisations and bodies which the Fondazione Cariplo deals with every day, figures were published by the Observatory in late 2017 for the permanent census of non-profit-making institutions. These figures show a rise at national and regional level in the number of active non-profit-making institutions (336.275, 52.667 of which were in Lombardy) and the number of people they employ.

The strength of the Third Sector is its number of volunteers. In Italy these are 5.528.760, of which 1.009.795 are in Lombardy. Staff at non-profit-making institutions are 788.126 in Italy, with 179.956 in Lombardy.With regard to Lombardy, the average number of volunteers per non-profit-making institution is 19,2, which must be compared with staff numbers of 3,4 per institution. In terms of their legal status, non-profit-making institutions employing staff tend to be cooperatives, whereas those with volunteers tend to be associations.

Percentage change % 2011-2015

Italy Lombardy

Non-profit-making institutions 11,6 14,1

Employees 15,8 8,5

Volunteers 16,2 24,1

Fig. 3 - Recent changes in the non-profit-making sector | Source: Observatory calculations upon basis of Statistics Authority (2017)

Fig. 4 - Break-down of personnel by main sector (average figures by institution) | Source: Observatory calculations upon basis of Statistics Authority (2017)



60 40

























0 20 40 60

Culture, sport, and recreation

Medical teaching and research

Social work and civil protection

Assistenza sociale e protezione civile


Economic development and social cohesion

Rights protection and politics

Charity and voluntary work

International cooperation and solidarity


Trades unions and sector representation

Other types


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

The opinions of Foundation stakeholdersOur Feedback Project, set up in 2010 to consider the hundreds of bodies requiring contributions, continues to give extremely satisfactory results year after year. Let us now consider several opinions and suggestions. These bodies, whether or not they receive finance from us, tell us whether they are happy or not with the contributions we make (in terms of the quality of our help, what problems they may have with filling in our forms, how easy our website is to navigate around, and how helpful the information we provide about tenders is) and whether they consider the selection process useful (accessibility, transparency, equity, promptness, and what explanations we give if we turn them down). All these bodies also give us information about the payments process (how monies were paid, what assistance was given with accounting, and how easy to understand our various forms have been). Those who have received assistance from others also make a comparison at quality level of the different services provided.Over the years, this level of satisfaction has become better and better in our case, even when such has not happened with others. This considerations is generally made by all sorts of bodies (whether or not they have received money) dealing with the Foundation.

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017












Selection replies Receipt replies Selection process Receipt process

Fig. 5 - Trends in satisfaction levels for bodies | Source: Foundation Observatory feedback (2010-2017).

Trying out innovative social policies: introduction manualwww.fondazionecariplo.it/it/strategia/osservatorio/quaderni/sperimentare-politiche-sociali-innovative-quaderno-n-19.html

Developments in Green Jobs: scenario for quality and quantity developments, and suggested changes to training www.fondazionecariplo.it/static/upload/qua/0000/qua_25-greenjobs_web3.pdf

House Rich, Cash Poor: how to turn one's home into cashwww.fondazionecariplo.it/static/upload/hou/house-rich-cash-poor.pdf


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


The Foundation carries out its work in two separate areas, fully in line with company tradition. Our first charity work goes back to 1816, when the Central Charity Board was founded, and in the 200 years since then a large part of our profits have been ploughed back into benefits and culture. As the heirs and custodians to this great tradition, we at the Fondazione Cariplo have been one of the main supporters of the Voluntary Sector and culture in our area. Our second main plank is innovation. As well as working in another two sectors - scientific research and environmental protection - we are

constantly reinterpreting tradition in the light of innovation, and we regularly bring in new projects and action lines to let us find innovative solutions for community needs. We have therefore specialised in managing new types of innovation to involve companies, academia, and the recipients of innovation within the community, as well as the public sector and voluntary sector. This we do by guaranteeing reliability and efficacy in the following of general interest by the Foundation.

In 2018 we shall complete three important workshops we opened in 2017 to improve how we deal with companies outside the Foundation: the IT workshop, which will allow us to streamline bureaucracy and administration; our headquarters renovation workshop, to allow us more space for meetings and workplace flexibility; our in-house procedures workshop, redesigned so that our

interlocutors can have quicker feedback during the various stages of work.

Finally, during 2017 a new image of the Foundation was set out. This we considered as more representative of our vocation as a meeting place for creativity, where we host projects designed to strengthen the fabric of society and to improve all aspects of daily life in communities, up to and including problems with great impact upon the processes of change and sustainability.To represent this vocation, we chose the set square and compasses. These are simple symbols used by children and by great architects, and we have made them into a monogram to represent the initials of the Fondazione Cariplo.

Work on designing this new image of the Foundation involved more than 120 people from inside and outside the company, to build up a mosaic of perceptions and suggestions to help people understand how the Foundation is seen by its interlocutors. The listening pathway was summarised and sent to young creatives who used it alongside the Politecnico di Milano University in Milan and the InArea Company to design a new image of the Foundation by synthesising those ideas we consider best able to transmit our most important values.As well as this monogram and the motto Tute servare munifice donare, which sets out our mission, we have also put the year 1816, when our Central Charity Board was founded. This year is particularly important because it shows that, throughout history, charity was never a secondary role to credit. This is especially the case when one considers that the Cassa di Risparmio delle Province Lombarde was only founded in 1823.



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


The Central Charity Board is our governing body; it sets out strategic guidelines for our charity work and for our asset investments.The members of the Central Charity Board are the following: Giuseppe Guzzetti, Mariella Enoc, Carlo Maria Sangalli, Giovanna Alquati, Maurizio Ambrosini, Mario Anghinoni, Giovanni Battista Armelloni, Francesca Basilico, Cesare Cadeo, Adriana Calogero Pavin, Renato Cerioli, Marco Antonio Dell’Acqua, Ugo Dozzio Cagnoni, Alberto Fontana, Elio Fontana, Giovanni Fosti, Andrea Flumiani, Giorgio Gaspari, Giovanni Iudica*, Vera Kupper Staub , Mauro Magatti, Alberto Mantovani, Maria Caterina Marazzini, Andrea Mascetti, Rodolfo Masto, Maria Grazia Mattei, Remigio Moratti, Carlo Maria Mozzanica, Mario Romano Negri, Giovanni Peli, Paola Pessina, Marco Pierotti; Riccardo Angelo Previtali, Renzo Rebecchi, Don Gino Rigoldi, Enrico Rossi, Sergio Silvotti, Carla Torselli, Carlo Vimercati, Francesca Zanetta.




7Degree | A-levels






1Degree | A-levels


The Board of Directors is in charge of day-to-day running at the Foundation.The members of the Board of Directors are the following: Giuseppe Guzzetti, Mariella Enoc, Carlo Maria Sangalli, Catia Bastioli, Paola Bignardi, Sonia Maria Margherita Cantoni, Christian Chizzoli, Gian Luigi Costanzo, Arnoldo Mosca Mondadori.



-Degree | A-levels


The Board of Auditors is the regulatory body. Marco Valente, Giovanni Frattini, Damiano Zazzeron.



-Degree | A-levels


The Chairman, Giuseppe Guzzetti, has legal responsibility for and chairs the Central Charity Board and the Board of Directors.



-Degree | A-levels


The Managing Director, Sergio Urbani, is in charge of company administration and staff, and performs the functions delegated to him by the Board of Directors.



31Degree | A-levels


The four Charity areas, Environment, Art and Culture, Scientific Research and Technological Transference, and Personal Services** help the various departments in detailing and managing charity instruments, and select initiatives sent in from outside.


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo



2Degree | A-levels





2Degree | A-levels




3Degree | A-levels





1Degree | A-levels





-Degree | A-levels




1Degree | A-levels





3Degree | A-levels



The Legal Department provides legal support to all departments and the whole Foundation, ensures in-house procedures are properly applied, and is in charge of all secretarial departments.

The Payment Management Department follows the implementation and accounting processes for finance initiatives, before any payments can be made.

The Communications and Out-of-house Dealings Department*** encourages Foundation activity through communications channels and deals with all communications towards the outside, including those at international level.

The Administration Department**** is in charge of all administrative procedures, including those regarding personnel and IT services.

The Observatory and Assessment Department performs scenario and feasibility analyses on behalf of the Charity Departments, and assesses the initiatives we finance.

The Finance Department is in charge of direct and indirect asset management. It assesses investment proposals, sends them to the various Departments, and ensures that they are implemented.

The Secretariat and General Services Department assists the various Parts and Departments in the Foundation with an administrative and executive function.

* in office since 20 February 2018** In detail: Environment Department - - men 3, women 4 (education 7 degrees/A-levels), Art and Culture Department - men 2, women 8 (education 10 degrees/A-levels), Scientific Research and Technological Transference Department - men 2, women 8 (education 10 degrees/A-levels), Personal Services Department - men 2, women 11 (education 13 degrees/A-levels).*** In detail: Communications and Outside Relations Department - men 2, women 2 (education 4 degrees/A-levels), International Relations Section - woman 1 (education 1 degree/A-levels).**** In detail: Administration Department - men 2, women 3 (education 4 degrees/A-levels, 1 A levels), Personnel and Organisation Section - man 1 (education 1 degree/A-levels), Information & Tech. Comms. Section - men 3 (education 2 degrees/A-levels, 1 other).

Fig. 6 - Distribution of personnel at the Fondazione Cariplo, by gender and qualification


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo













BERGAMO43 contributions | € 6.067.200

BRESCIA49 contributions | € 7.196.060

COMO58 contributions | € 6.185.324

CREMONA17 contributions | € 1.494.900


22 contributions | € 6.202.000


7 contributions | € 2.757.000

MILANO567 contributions | € 52.559.776

MONZA E BRIANZA33 contributions | € 3.297.950

MANTOVA17 contributions | € 3.389.000


57 contributions | € 15.345.779

SONDRIO10 contributions | € 1.207.000

paid anddeliberated1.095.251.861

eurospaid and deliberated126Subtotal:

In-house projects and other Fondazione Cariplo initiatives38 contributions | € 34.265.566

OVERSEAS10 contributions | € 603.000

VARESE23 contributions | € 4.982.961

NOVARA24 contributions | € 1.526.000

VERBANO-CUSIO-OSSOLA9 contributions | € 1.885.000

OTHER AREAS (PIEMONTE)24 contributions | € 1.544.839

OTHER AREAS125 contributions | € 10.008.072

EnvironmentArts and CultureScientific Research and Technological TransferencePersonal ServicesCommunity Foundations and other grant-making bodies


2017Classification of contributions according to Foundation scheme set out by the Central Charity Board

millions of euros






total contributions deliberated1.133Distribution of local*

contributions paid by the Fondazione Cariplo


paid and deliberated160

* Initiative* for sector purposes, considered at its centre3 Sum including large, emblematic payments - 4 Amount inclusive of emblematic payment above 2,050,000 euros deliberated in favour of the Fondazione Parco Tecnologico Padano - 5 Amount inclusive of large, emblematic payments

Fig. 7 - Distribution of local contributions paid by the Fondazione Cariplo

Fig. 8 - Classification of contributions according to Foundation scheme set out by the Central Charity Board


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

In 2017 the Fondazione Cariplo deliberated 1.133 payments to a total of 160.517.426,26 euros, including the amounts deliberated in previous years as set-asides to increase projects financed in 2017 (4.849.291,93 euros). Net of these values, total charity payments amount to 155.668.134,33 euros. Furthermore, these payments were also assigned by the use of sums found under co-financing, to a total of 2.205.000,00 euros.6

The attribution of contributions occurred in line with the specifications of the Board of Directors in its annual Budgeting Forecast Document, approved by the Central Charity Board. For all finance payments deliberated, the Foundation availed itself of the resources destined to specific payment instruments (to a total of 120.632.028,22 euros) implemented during the year by revocations, set-asides, and other resources necessary for additional eventualities, to a total of 39.885.398,04 euros.

Please note that distribution between the various payment categories is an important part of Tenders (27% in terms of number of contributions and 26% in terms of quantity deliberated), alongside internal Foundation projects and inter-sector plans covering resources equal to approximately twelve million euros. The subdivision of these contributions by area confirms the prevalence of interventions localised within the Lombard Counties of Novara and Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, with a rising trend in recent years. In 2017 the Foundation began making international payments, assigning fourteen contributions to a total of 1.075.200 euros.

2017 2016

n. millions of euros n. millions

of euros

Tenders7 308 42,47 431 61,37

Projects 26 7,22 30 8,51

Inter-sector Plans 25 11,96 15 8,15

Other Charity Department Instruments 9 23,85 18 27,01

Community Foundation Project 16 1,02 15 1,82

Institutional Payments 19 11,37 18 12,37

Actions in line with PDA 30 1,84 32 1,74

PDA Research and Assessment 2 0,20 8 0,43

Transfers to Community Foundations 15 14,48 15 14,55

Out-of-tender Payments 316 22,34 300 21,80

Emblematic Payments* 12 16,05 9 14,00

Emblematic County Payments 64 6,44 50 5,35

Assets 291 1,26 269 1,17

Total 1.133 160,52 1.210 178,28

Fig. 9 - Distribution of payments, by type of instrument

* Includes a contribution of 2.050.000 euros to the Fondazione Parco Tecnologico Padano6 These co-finance schemes were made available by the Foundations as part of the tender “fUNDER35”7 Also includes refereeing

A list of the 1.133 contributions deliberated during 2017 can be seen at:http://www.fondazionecariplo.it/it/la-fondazione/dati-di-bilancio/rapporto-annuale-bilancio-di-missione.html


Four crosswise projects with great impact.


CHARITY CHALLENGE | To increase the attraction of in-house departments via experimentation, by 2019, using a model with a view of sustainability and which encourages integrated innovations in the environmental, social, cultural scientific, and economic field, and the creation of broad, multi-sector collaboration networks.

STRATEGY | ATTIV•AREE promotes sustainable local development in two parts of Lombardy via two projects:“Oltrepò(Bio)diverso” - together with the Foundation for Developing the Oltrepò Pavese Area, this project invests in biodiversity and gives a new role to agriculture and the countryside as areas


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where scientific research can be carried out by the public and private sectors, universities, and local associations. Among the measures implemented in 2017, let us mention renovation work at the Open Innovation Centre at Penicina near Brallo di Pregola. These were the earliest training and orientation courses for companies launched by Paviasviluppo, the Italian Touring Club and Avanzi, and saw the launch of Maggiordomo Rurale, a series of services for resident families and pensioners to make private life, work, and travel easier to handle.

“Valli Resilienti” - the mountain community in Valle Trompia and the one in Valle Sabbia, together with the “Valli” and “Laghi” cooperatives, are committed to developing local environmental, cultural, and social resources in the area, making it a more attractive area in living terms. In 2017 work began on planning Greenway (a cycle path connecting the valleys around Brescia with the city), mapping the local cultural heritage, upgrading farming land at Rebecco, and specifying the local shops and home delivery services to be provided for the local community.

ATTIV•AREE has signed important partnerships with Airbnb and the Giffoni Film Festival. Airbnb has identified Borgo Valsabbino di Lavenone for involvement in the “Valli resilienti” programme of “Italian Villages.” Cooperation with the Giffoni Film Festival entails the involvement of more than 150 youths from Oltrepò Pavese and 150 from the valleys around Brescia in making short films about local beauties and hidden treasures. Among the various projects we should like to point out the second year of Campus ReStartAlp in partnership with the Garrone Foundation to launch new companies around the Alps and widen out this strategy. During the ten weeks of Campus, thirteen aspiring entrepreneurs developed their ideas for companies providing for the alpine supply chain.

SUMMARY DATA | In 2017 a website was launched for ATTIV•AREE, with a blog section to document its development, show the people involved, promote the area, and publish interviews about this subject.The social networks dedicated to ATTIV•AREE aim at raising awareness about the project. Their Facebook page has received a total of 3.344 likes, and their Instagram profile received 2.420 followers in less than six months. Specific monitoring and assessment of these initiatives will allow us to understand how far ATTIV•AREE is reaching its targets.The main assessment criterion will be the attractiveness of the area in dwelling, economic, and social terms. To this end, certain variables will be analysed. These will be mostly institutional, including: resident population and demographic indicators, company mortality especially as regards those managed by people under thirty-five, local incomes and taxes, market quotations and property sales figures, tourist arrivals and annual visits.A comparison will be made between the figures for two local areas and the most similar towns in Lombardy classified as "Internal Areas" under our national strategy.


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Oltrepò Biodiverso had an extremely ambitious impact on Oltrepò Pavese in 2016, a distant corner of the Apennines. It is my impression that this project is changing things in the Oltrepò area: we are seeing more and more people becoming involved, and they are working more and more as a team. This goes from tourism to farming, from the schools involved in the Giffoni Experience to organising local narration, not to mention the many

environmental initiatives such as the Butterfly Park.Another point of strength is the clear and efficient working method used to make these initiatives last a long time rather than being a mere declaration of intent. Thus we shall see this fragile area marching in step with modern times and life becoming better for those who live and work there.The same cooperative spirit is behind Valli Resilienti, another part of ATTIV•AREE, an attempt at renewing local identity in Val Sabbia and Val Trompia.

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_boatti

Giorgio BoattiJournalist and author


CHARITY CHALLENGE | To become the main Open Innovation pole in Italy for the creation of new employment opportunities for youth, creating at least 10.000 new jobs by 2019, thanks to cooperation between the main players in digital, cultural, and social innovation.

STRATEGY | Helped by an integrated, cross-curricular team, Cariplo Factory are working on many different types of innovation to spread out the culture of enterprise and to create jobs for the young.Thanks to a bilateral cooperation with Corporations, SMIs, sector associations, policy makers, and institutional players, the Factory is setting up training and development courses for students, new companies, and sector operators. On the one hand these training courses with all the experience they offer are preparing youth to work in the new digital professions and speeding up the arrival of new types of specialism in the world of work.

For further detailshttp://attivaree.fondazionecariplo.it/it/index.html | https://www.facebook.com/AttivAreeFondazioneCariplo/https://www.instagram.com/attivaree/ | http://www.attivaree-oltrepobiodiverso.it/http://www.attivaree-valliresilienti.it/it/index.html | https://www.restartalp.it/http://www.la7.it/tagada/video/inventarsi-un-lavoro-il-maggiordomo-rurale-04-12-2017-228907http://www.raiplay.it/video/2017/10/Aspettando-Geo---Geo-c75996ad-6e8c-49b2-a74b-c631cabb79c0.html



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Bringing in this new knowledge occurs when partners in the project meet during lectures, workshops, and hackathons covering digital innovation, new technology and other key sectors of Italian Produce: tourism, food and agriculture, and fashion and design.

SUMMARY DATES | During its first eighteen months, the Cariplo Factory has made the following results:• launch and consolidation of the team and launch of the growITup, in cooperation with Microsoft Italy,

to connect large companies and up-and-coming start-ups. With Alpitour, Generali Insurance, and CNH Industrial, growITup has selected the best Italian start-ups in tourism, healthcare, and food processing;

• launch of the Digital Academy in Palermo, in cooperation with Fastweb: training started for 1,300 young people in Digital Marketing, Digital Fashion, Robotics, UX, 3-D Printing, and Virtual Reality;

• launch of the second version of NextEnergy, in cooperation with Terna;• launch of the third edition of BioUpper, in cooperation with Novartis (and IBM);• launch of a Venture Capital fund dedicated to start-ups under growITup, with a view to gathering

200 million euros;• launch of new open/social innovation platforms: IMPRESSIONlab, B Heroes (with TV format),

and Get it!;• organising the first version of Milan Digital Week; • launch of the Talenti Inauditi (professional reintegration) programme and Summer Camp

(to provide digital skills);• preparation of a new Innovation Hub space;

To assess the effects of these various training courses on their participants, the professional careers of the students will be monitored along with the inter-personal dynamics of their careers and the skills they show with regard to the various initiatives they have taken part in.To this end, the most suitable methods will be identified in terms of their impact and the effects they have upon training courses. Candidates completing a course will be compared with those who have dropped out before starting, even though they were considered suitable.

People involved

Courses provided

BioUpperRound tables in Milan, Rome, and Naples to decide upon participation and detailing the four areas of interest in this call, involving IBM as a new partner

Youths trained

More than





Job opportunities6.150


125Structured courses


Digital Academy


750 job opportunities500 start-ups examined

20 start-ups active

4 deals closed

Italian acceleratornetwork10 start-ups being accelerated in CallforIdeas

5 start-ups being engaged in CallforGrowth



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In recent years I have been teaching and researching at a university in Colombia.I came back to Italy to try and find a new job, but I realise my whole professional identity has changed. I took part in Talenti Inauditi, a programme involving the Cariplo Factory and Piano C, which gave me access to some very useful professional instruments.

After I had mapped my talents, I found the thread which let me understood my skills by looking at all possible adjacent areas to widen my research into new professional areas. This helped me to understand certain market demands better, so I could be more flexible and dynamic. Additionally, the strong sense of synergy I found in the work group, with its collective sense of ingeniousness, became the means by which both of us could change.

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_bruno

Oriana BrunoSociologist

For further details http://www.cariplofactory.it | http://www.growitup.it | http://www.fastwebdigital.academy | http://www.bioupper.comhttp://www.nextenergyprogram.it | http://www.milanodigitalweek.com | http://getit.cariplofactory.it/http://impressionlab.cariplofactory.it/


THE CHARITY CHALLENGE | To implement by il 2019 a finance market for socially-oriented initiatives, thus strengthening the demand for financial resources by the traditional Voluntary Sector and the ecosystem of social enterprise, as well as the supply of resources by potential investors in these projects. This should provide appraisal of the potential for innovating in and developing the sector.

STRATEGY | The Italian ecosystem is currently undergoing development, and systemic backup must be detailed for how innovation and operations are to be strengthened. The Fondazione Cariplo has therefore structured and integral approach to providing Capacity Building instruments (Target 1) and patient capital instruments (Target 2) to help with social innovation in Italy. Such a strategy has two sides, and it involves strengthening organisations in the Voluntary Sector by offering accompanying programmes and strengthening organisation, especially by concentrating on "key" areas in this process (economic sustainability, skills, digital technology, generational turnover, internationalisation, and so on) and the organisation of a special body: the Giordano dell’Amore Social Venture Foundation.

Target 1: helping and strengthening the Voluntary Sector to bring about social, cultural, environmental, and economically sustainable innovation by an inter-sector charity programme of Capacity Building which aims at growth and sustainability in the various forms of social enterprise as seen in the Voluntary Sector.



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Target 2: making available "patient capital" to help the social finance/impact investment sector by acquiring direct, useful skills for evolving the Foundation's investment policy and the broader sector of institutional investors.


Deliberated in 2017

3,34million euros For the years 2016 - 2018

10 million euros Finance available for the inter-sector programme


Our cooperation with the Foundation began in 2010 when the first Italian Fund was set up to invest in micro-finance at international level. An initial allocation was made to the Foundation of 70 million euros, which was one of the largest investment vehicles of its kind anywhere in the world. Looking back at what we achieved, we can now say with

pride that we were able to help more than 3,5 million small entrepreneurs in more than fifty countries, more than 70% of whom were women, and more than 50% of whom lived in the countryside. Our experience has shown that we can bring together good economic returns with strong social impact, and this can be repeated in other developed countries. In Italy this sector is expanding well, and the Giordano Dell’Amore Social Venture Foundation will be extremely important in creating an investments market to help social companies and the Voluntary Sector in our country.

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_fracassi

Rodolfo Fracassi Managing Director,Main Street Partners

The instruments currently being prepared are as follows:• Publication of the tender for Capacity Building projects in the Voluntary Sector:

empowerment of skills, change of leadership and internationalisation;• Cariplo Social Innovation Lab e-learning platform, a distance learning course about sustainability;• Get IT! Service platform, to move forwards with enterprise and social innovation;• Completion of feasibility study to design initiatives to build up skills and widen out digital technology;• Launch activities by the Giordano Dell’Amore Social Venture Foundation, which arose out of the

restructuring of two former Foundations (Opere Sociali Foundation and Giordano dell’Amore Foundation), which will use its own assets to provide patient capital to groups with a social vocation according to the principles of impact investing.

The outcome of these plans will be assessed using the most suitable methods. For the "Capacity Building" tender and the "Get IT!" platform, it will be seen whether an assessment can be made of the effects on certain variable results such as annual budget figures, personnel numbers, the type of income provided, and other factors. The work group will comprise thirteen people with different skills, both charitable and financial.During 2017, an on-going comparison was made between several Italian institutional operators (including Compagnia di San Paolo, Nesta, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Accenture, Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile, Intesa Sanpaolo, Banca Prossima, Banca Etica, and Finlombarda). Several meetings were held to introduce international institutions such as the European Investment Bank (BEI), the European Investments Fund (FEI), the Eurpoean Foundation Centre (EFC), the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA), and the Gulbenkian Foundation.


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CHARITY CHALLENGE | Testing by 2019 an interventions model to encourage activity in the community and to strengthen its bonds and its identity as a mainstay for regeneration processes at the forefront of urban life. There needs to be a strong community if we are to return to urban life.


STRATEGY | Lacittàintorno is a plan for returning to urban living to improve the quality of life around the outskirts of large cities. At the Foundation we have interpreted this concept in line with the interpretation given by Amartya Kumar Sen, who won the Nobel Economics Prize in 1998. He associates it with the possibility of living the life one wants and living according to the measurements of well-being of citizens of developing countries. This is achieved by promoting firm opportunities which every citizen has in their own life, however rich or poor they may be.In Lacittàintorno, the Foundation aims at suggesting a policy model for politicians, private citizens, business and manufacturing firms, and citizens. In this way solutions can be found for the needs of a local community, which will generate opportunities for all people provided we understand what needs to be done. This we have already seen at the Milan Polytechnic, one of our partners. This model developed in Milan has since been applied to other towns where the Foundation has branches. In particular, as well as Milan City we have identified the Adriano-Via Padova area and Corvetto-Chiaravalle as pilot regions. In these areas, where there are many critical factors, there are also many associations, cooperatives, and informal groups we can dialogue with to widen development opportunities in the various communities and make them more attractive in a city context with new artistic and cultural projects, as meeting places, and subjects for further discussion.The linchpin of this model are the so-called community points (which we will now refer to as “.com”), where people may meet, use services, take part in cultural, meeting, and training activities with a view to finding work and becoming more active as citizens. Food is the main weapon in this arsenal. Community points, which are terminals of the Milan Food Policy programme, will host various activities, from restaurants specialising in products from the short supply chain, to transformation (bakeries, patisseries, dairies, artisan ice-cream shops, etcetera), from production (market gardens)

For further detailsCapacity Building tender for the Voluntary Sector: http://bit.ly/CSI_BandoCariplo Social Innovation Hub e-learning platform: http://socialinnovationlab.fondazionecariplo.it GetIt platform: https://getit.cariplofactory.it Giordano dell’Amore Social Venture Foundation: http://www.fondazionesocialventuregda.it/


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to sales of local produce, from setting up food purchasing groups to salvaging excess foodstuffs, from cuisine courses to consciousness raising about good, sustainable foodstuffs.

SUMMARY DATA | Pilot areas will also be involved in the following important activities: • Adopt a street: helping local businesses to start up, so as to create new companies

and encourage good neighbourliness;• Common places: changing unproductive and abandoned land into shared market gardens

to involve local people;• Close to home: a series of cultural events for different sorts of people (jazz concerts, light art,

reading marathons, and cotton workshops) to involve them in the creation of works of art;• Other towns: encouraging moments of reflection on the challenges of generating and recreating

sustainable life in towns;• Elementary, my child: involving primary school children in these two areas in discovering their area

and improving their quality of life.

An important part of this project is assessing how people consider their well-being and their quality of life in these areas compared with the rest of town and neighbouring towns. Such an assessment, almost counterintuitive, will take into consideration the size of the areas compared with other parts of town with roughly the same characteristics.Furthermore an assessment model is currently being drawn up for the social impact of the various Community Points, with a view to assess how effective they are at giving back life to a part of town.

For further detailsFair and Sustainable Well-being - UrBes Report, 2015http://www.istat.it/it/archivio/153995 | http://www.thehighline.org/visit | http://www.wildlondon.org.uk

Community Hub: http://mycommunity.org.uk/resources/community-hubs


Francesca Cognetti Associate Professor DASTU, Milan Polytechnic

At DATSU, the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies at Milan Polytechnic, we are currently carrying out research as part of LaCittàIntorno, a challenging new programme which will affect city suburbs. Modern suburbs are complicated places and need to be examined closely. They need to be examined by many people so that we can understand them properly in planning, anthropological, and statistical terms.

Only a truly cross-curricular group can hope to achieve this. Our research is complete, total, and localised, because every suburb is different and the differences can only be understood if we understand the people who live and work there every day. We aim to understand these things in terms of actions and policies by identifying "local sparks," i.e. those projects which this plan will assess sometime in the future, and on-going talks with the Fondazione Cariplo. Once we have understood these things, we shall have to go back to these areas both as shared assets of the Foundation and as people who have taken part in our research.

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_cognetti

EnvironmentPromoting green lifestyles.

Contributions deliberated by payment instrument

2017 2016N. euros N. euros

Tenders and projects 34 9.358.608 54 8.012.000

Inter-sector plans 3 4.375.000 4 1.875.000

Actions in line with PDA 5 440.500 5 320.500

PDA Research and Assessment - - - -

Institutional Payments - - - -

Local payments 9 562.000 3 206.000

Emblematic 6 2.893.000 6 3.045.000

Aid 31 130.500 - -

Other 5 1.255.000 6 114.000

Other Instruments in Area 5 695.000 3 425.000

Total 98 19.736.608 81 13.997.500

Fig. 10 - Distribution of payments, by type of instrument- Environment


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The fight against global warming can also be seen in the help given to local government in terms of energy efficiency in

buildings and public lighting.


Local communities committed to harnessing skills and knowledge to react to extreme or sudden natural disasters (climatic change, soil erosion,

or geological instability).


In the next five years we shall see more than a million new jobs which will have to become greener and more efficient.

In 2017, we at the Foundation increased our commitment to the environment, and all the money we had set aside for tenders was used up. Our contributions to Environmental Financing amounted to 19.736.608 euros, an increase of 41% of 2016. The number of interventions also increased (up by 21%, almost a hundredfold), as did the average payment amount (up by 17%, more than 200.000 euros).These variations were mainly due to payments into the ATTIV•AREE inter-sector project and the instruments used in this area (tenders and projects). Out-of-tender environmental payments also increased, whereas emblematic payments decreased very slightly. However, both instruments allowed us to contribute to broader projects such as Greenway Voghera – Varzi (in the Salice Terme - Varzi stretch) in Pavia County, and the cycle path along the River Adda in Lecco County.During 2017 we published a new tender for natural capital protection, where we re-examine the assessment mechanisms for ecosystem services using special feasibility studies. Our efforts at increasing energy efficiency continued, as did those for increasing community resilience, for extending cycle paths and for spreading green skills in secondary schools.


moving around a town smartly, and northern European-style cycle tourism: bicycle transport via long-distance cycle paths, with all its benefits for health,

the environment, and the local economy.


Preserving natural areas and ecosystem services to fight against the loss of biodiversity and encourage ecological connections.

Special areas dealt with under projects:


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Our advocacy for revising the Common Agricultural Policy, considering its implications in terms of its environmental and health impact and its consequences upon small farms, received special attention during the campaign #Cambiamo Agricoltura undertaken by the Italian Birdlife International Association and a network of environmental and farming organisations from around the world, continued raising consciousness among people and institutions. In October 2017 we organised a workshop in Brussels with the European Policy Centre and the European Foundation Centre for politicians and European organisations to encourage them to implement special measures to make agriculture more alert to local care. Traditionally these aspects are very close to local projects such as Agriseed for young farmers in the upper Valle D'Ossola, and have almost reached completion. As well as support from expert agronomists in acquiring economic and management skills, Crodo, a local Agrarian Institute has renewed its commitment to the purchase of machinery and equipment for small farms. New projects have taken advantage of the ecological approach of non-profit-making

environmental organisations and academia, such as "Opera18" and "Riso Resiliente", launched by the Association Semi Rurali which designs seed mixes better able to meet the conditions of global warming.

The Environmental Department portal, launched in 2017 to make transparent, efficient information more widely available about the projects we finance, provides an overview of the environmental work we do. This portal brings together all the databanks for energy, biodiversity, ecology, environmental education, and sustainable and resilient community work carried out by the Foundation, as well as local care and open spaces, and covers 2.117 projects to a total of 90 million euros paid out between 2004 and 2017. Launched on 5 December 2017, World Soil Day, this portal was

mentioned in 160 different newspaper articles and the site was visited 18.000 times in its first 60 days.

During 2017, two main communications events were held:• the Forum for Resilience (24 February 2017), to present the projects supported by the Resilient

Communities tender and other good practices throughout Italy;• the annual stage of the VENTO Cycle Tour held in Cremona (7 June 2017) to bring about the cycle

track VENice-TUrin (a Milan Polytechnic project supported by the Foundation) in the presence of the Minister for Infrastructures, Graziano Delrio.

These instruments provided by our Environment Department show the close connection between sustainable development subjects and the Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations Organisation, especially Goal 15 (to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss). Goal 4 (Fair, quality, and inclusive education, and learning opportunities for all), Goal 11 (Promoting more resilient and sustainable cities and communities), Goal 13 (Fighting climate change), and Goal 17 (Strengthening partnerships for sustainable development, especially by partnerships between public and private companies and civil society) also inspired this Department.

For further detailshttp://ambiente.fondazionecariplo.it/it/index.html | http://www.osservatorioresilienza.it/http://www.fondazionecariplo.it/it/strategia/osservatorio/quaderni/resilienza-tra-territorio-e-comunita-quaderno-n-21.htmlhttp://www.progetto.vento.polimi.it/bicitour2017.html



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


CHARITY CHALLENGE | For the second year running, Green Jobs aims at increasing "green" youth employment and providing environmental skills for the non-profit-making sector, thus bringing together demand and supply for qualified staff in the environment field.

STRATEGY | IThis project develops along four action lines , designed for grammar school pupils in Lombardy, and also involves teachers and non-profit-making bodies.The first action line concerns training for green jobs in line with Milanese Association Città dei Mestieri and the Association Greenin’People. With this synergy, we were able to provide an input into green jobs and working and training opportunities by collecting testimonials from companies and talking to several employment psychologists.The second initiative entailed organising a training course for green entrepreneurs with forty hours of lectures given by an outside trainer, fourteen of which involved the setting up of a small company.The course ended on 18 May 2017 with the Green Jobs Fair. Students presented fifty-eight small green companies designed during the course to a jury of experts (university lecturers, entrepreneurs, start-up managers, and "business angels"). The "Best Green Jobs Company" award was given to students from Paolo Carcano Grammar School in Como for their "Step Ap," an app which lets people earn virtual currency by walking, and this can then be converted into bonuses or other prizes offered by local businesses. Pupils from the Galilei School in Caravaggio created the "Golden Sweets" start-up which manufactures polenta-based chocolates. IllumiGreen, set up by a group of pupils from Lodi, uses old cooking oil to make household products such as "Chand'huile," a completely natural candle (with soya wax, natural essences, and old cooking oil).Thirdly, an alternating school/work pilot project was launched for a protocol shared between the Lombardy Local Education Authority and the Confederation of Italian Industry in Milan, Monza, and Brianza.Finally, the fourth initiative envisaged eight meetings to discuss the circular economy. Taking part were environmental associations, university lecturers, grammar school teachers, public sector employees, international experts (including Ken Webster from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Françoise Bonnet, Secretary of the Circular Europe Network, Michael Braungart, and Bo Hjälmefjord), and company representatives (including, among others, Alessandro Canovai from Revet, Danilo Bonato from Remedia, and Giovanni Corbetta from Ecopneus).During 2017 the third stage of the project on green enterprise was begun. This widened inclusion from grammar schools to technical and professional colleges in Lombardy, and laid the path for future geographical expansion. During the school year 2018/2019 this will continue in eight different regions throughout Italy, involving ACRI and Banking Foundations including the Turin Savings Bank, the Padua and Rovigo Savings Bank, the Teramo County Savings Bank Foundation, the Pistoia and Pescia Savings Bank, the Perugia Savings Bank Foundation, the Salerno Savings Bank Foundation, and the La Spezia Savings Bank Foundation.



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


Grammar schools taking part

Classes taking part

Green JobsProject

Pupils taking part

Individual green job interviews

Companies taking part

Green business ideas sent to schools


172 3.883 1.323 66



Economy Pathway


People took part at least once



For further detailshttp://www.fondazionecariplo.it/it/progetti/ambiente/green-jobs/green-jobs.htmlhttp://school.inventolab.com/greenjobs | http://www.cittadeimestieri.it/green-jobs/http://www.jaitalia.org/proposte-didattiche/green-jobs/


Ilaria Foresti Pupil at the Maffeo Vegio School in Lodi

My class took part in Green Jobs 2017 to look for a solution for a problem. This was pollution caused by used cooking oil when it is not properly disposed of as required by law. To raise awareness about this problem, we created IllumiGreen, a company for pupils, and designed Chand’huile, a perfumed candle made of used oil and natural materials from all over Italy. Green Jobs was very useful to my class,

and it made us think about what we would like to do when we grow up. Personally, I realised that I want to do a degree in communications, but many of my classmates realised they wanted to study economics, natural science, or law. This project helped us understand what the world outside school is like when you're not sitting behind a desk all day. We had to give up on our usual ways of thinking and our usual subjects, and we realised that there are many different ways and means of building a future for yourself.

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_foresti

Projects deliberated3 481.000E

Contributions deliberated


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Giulia Detomati MD, InVento Lab

InVento Lab is the first B Corp in Italy to deal with environmental sustainability, especially providing a new type of education for grammar school pupils.Working with the Foundation let us widen out the impact of these projects and to involve more people and to make our digital instruments more and more up-to-date. Green Jobs is a project with many strong points. On the one hand, opening the project up to the rest of Italy allows us pupils

to listen creatively to those environmental problems which most deeply affect us. On the other, our school opens up and we can pass something on to the countryside around us. Last but not least, Green Jobs allows us to realise something important: we can have a very positive effect on the life of our community. In fact we saw and understood a lot of the environmental problems in the countryside around us, and were able to think up creative and useful solutions for our future. In this way a lot of new companies can be launched to deal with important problems such as air and water pollution, wasted resources, and the circular economy.

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_detomati


Miriam Cresta MD, Junior Achievement Italia

Under Green Jobs, Junior Achievement promoted business education. In 2017 we concentrated upon the most outlying parts of Lombardy outside the main towns, involving 1,400 pupils from different types of schools where practical experience is not a very common factor.

One of the most positive things about Green Jobs was introducing business education as an integral part of school studies, with a view to giving pupils those crosswise skills which will become strategic when we begin to look for work. Developing a business mentality means being creative and innovative while trying to solve problems, and gives a greater sense of security when looking for work.

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_cresta


CHARITY CHALLENGE | Contributing to a reduction in carbon monoxide emissions by upgrading energy use in public buildings.

STRATEGY | Virtuous Areas wishes to help reduce carbon monoxide emissions by upgrading energy use in public buildings, public lighting, and the premises of private, non-profit-making organisations. The beneficiaries of this project - companies in the public sector and non-profit-making organisations - have been selected via a call for interest published every year.The first year, which closed in January 2017, twenty-one public-sector companies took part. Fifteen of these availed themselves of the Technical Assistance service provided by a team of expert



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

consultants directly selected by the Foundation. Among the services provided, the energy use at the premises is analysed, an investment plan is detailed, legal assistance is given with drawing up tenders and contracts, and help is given with managing public tenders. This will all be completed in the next two years when an Energy Performance Contract is stipulated in compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 102/14 for the various bodies taking part and the Energy Service Companies (ESCos), who will then implement the various works using their own or third-party capital (Third-party Financing). Thanks to these methods, the energy upgrade will cost the beneficiaries nothing and the investment made by third parties will be paid back every month over the period of validity of the contract. For the public sector, this will be via a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) via tender.To deal with such complicated work, we at the Foundation have been helped by a Technical/Scientific Committee to supervise all the work, who also provide us with any special information if the situation becomes critical. During summer 2018, energy diagnoses are expected to be completed and the tenders and investment plans are expected to be drafted. When this has been done, full and complete information will be available about carbon footprint figures and energy and other savings, as well as any investments which may be produced.Among the public services involved, Greater Milan Council has undertaken to provide an energy upgrade plan for something like 150 grammar schools. A group of six councils in Mantua County has decided to upgrade some community premises - such as school buildings, town halls, libraries, and sports centres.The planning architecture for these Virtual Areas is the result of energy sustainability work began in 2006, with tenders for the energy auditing of public buildings, which published Action Plans for Local Sustainable Energy and which made the Fondazione Cariplo one of the most active non-profit-making private companies to be in favour of eco-aware lifestyles and energy use.


No payments required by the public sector

Buildings upgraded by 2020

million euros could be invested

Tonnes of CO2

could be eliminated

300 50


are schools

of these


Virtuous Area Project

Projects deliberated3 1.400.000E


For further details


Contributions deliberated


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


CHARITY CHALLENGE | Ecological connections and ecosystem services to protect biodiversity.

STRATEGY | The tender, when it came out in 2017, immediately began promoting ecosystem functions in the Natura 2000 network and in the most important natural areas for local biodiversity. The tender aimed at large-scale projects to promote protection for natural capital and the preparation of studies for assessing ecosystem services for which payment was required.In 2014, the Ecopay-connect Project in the Oglio Sud Regional Park, as part of its Ecological Connections tender, had already implemented an ecosystem service to help with shared planning for innovative instruments to finance environmental restructuring, thanks to a marriage between conservation interests in the Park, the needs of poplar growers, and certified local poplar transformation companies in the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).By means of this tender, five of the thirteen applicants received financing. Thanks to these initiatives, we envisage the areas where forestry work is to be done in the next 3-4 years being 330.900 square metres, 56.400 square metres of replanting, 42.720 square metres of wetland being upgraded, and protected habitats amounting to 177.150 square metres.



Results expected

Natural Capital Tender Projects


529 13 3.500.000E

Contributions deliberatedProjects received and accepted for assessment

42.720 m2

177.150 m2

Wetland to be upgraded

Habitat to be protected

56.400 m2


Land to be submitted for forestry work

330.900 m2

125Classes to be involved in

awareness campaigns


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

CHARITY CHALLENGE | Encouraging sustainable use of land by building long-distance cycle paths.

STRATEGY | The tender, published towards the end of 2016, entails help with financing feasibility studies made in 2014 as part of the tender "BREZZA1 - Cycle paths connected to the WIND.”The bodies involved in the nine studies completed their designs for a cycle path as part of the previous stages of the tender, and a new one was published. Procedure is envisaged the preparation of a concept note with help from staff at the Fondazione Cariplo after special meetings to examine which parts of the project could be financed.Four projects were therefore selected in three Counties, eight Councils, seven non-profit-making bodies, seven parks, and one mountain community. While the projects are being drawn up, many public and private stakeholders will be involved to launch new companies and bring employment benefits to the area. The “Ciclovia dell'Oglio,” presented by the local action group Valle Camonica Val di Scalve, envisages a series of work being carried out on infrastructures in Pisogne, Piadena, and Ostiano councils, and other work being completed to promote use of the Oglio Cycle Path by families, students, and international tourists (road signs, courses at schools, information about the Cycle Path, a service charter, and monitoring).




ResultsFigures from Brezza 1 feasibility studies

Cycle path planned/assessed

non-profit-making public and private companies involved

More than

of overlapping paths identified under the Regional Cycling

Mobility can plan

2.562,68 km 1.400 km50


Brezza 2 Cycle paths connected to the wind


Projects deliberated

Pre-projects 47 4 995.000E

Contributions deliberated

projects received and accepted for assessment


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


CHARITY CHALLENGE | This initiative wishes to stimulate local non-profit-making bodies to seek European financing for areas in line with the Foundation's environmental strategy.

STRATEGY | Since 2011, the Foundation has been supporting medium- and large-scale projects under various European projects, such as Life, Interreg, and Alpine Space. After analysis is made of the various proposals and technical meetings with applicants, those considered the best in terms of biodiversity, ecological connections, global warming, resilience, sustainable transport, energy efficiency, and food planning are selected and co-financed.Local non-profit-making organisations are encouraged to enter into partnerships to apply for European financing, and training courses are provided such as those on “LIFE - Clima,” the most important part of which are Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Change Mitigation, and Climate Governance and Information, with participation by approximately forty private and public firms in the Voluntary Sector.Concerning projects in 2017, mention must be made of “Choo-na!” (approved by the European Commission in 2017 with a contribution of approximately € 0,5 million), “Life drylands,” “Life falkon,” and “Life encomium” (currently being assessed by the European Commission, the results expected to be announced by the end of summer 2018). These projects will allow environmental protection work to be developed with the involvement of young volunteers, and concrete work to be done on habitat protection for protected species, and environmental conflict cases to be settled out of court.




European Project Co-financing Tender Projects


45 4 690.000E

Contributions deliberated

Projects accepted for assessment

public/private companies involved including parks, counties, councils, universities, and research centres

More than

Contributions deliberated


Total cost of four projects7.699.070k


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


CHARITY CHALLENGE | Helping local communities to apply resilient measures for critical environmental situations.

STRATEGY | The tender, published for its fourth and last time in 2017, helps with initiatives to deal with critical environmental situations in the most vulnerable communities.Aimed at private non-profit-making environmental companies in partnership with other local firms, this tender allowed local initiatives to be implemented for the health and well-being of communities, and an assessment to be made of local environmental resources and sustainable manufacturing.This initiative taken by the Foundation helped to spread the idea of resilience, and to influence personal lifestyles, whereas the database of the Observatory for Practices of Resilience (OPR) site, with help from Milan Polytechnic, registered the projects to be financed under this tender and the best resilience practices throughout Italy. Most of the fifty-four projects receiving financing between 2014 and 2017 had

environmental and socio-economic spin-offs as a result of local demands. Among the projects financed in 2017, the initiative undertaken by the social cooperative Ecofficine in Rebbio, an area on the southern outskirts of Como, is an attempt at increasing community resilience in terms of soil use, the poor quality of the air, and the degradation and abandonment of farming land. These conditions are often seen on the outskirts of cities where property rights need to be protected. In the future, this project will upgrade much abandoned farming land, encourage better land protection, and implement certain initiatives in favour of the local community.


Resilient Communities


Projects deliberated

Projects received

1442 32 1.400.000E

Contributions deliberatedProjects accepted for assessment



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


21 projects paid

Local manufacturers involved in projects

Schools involved in teaching

People informed about project


Consciousness-raising events organised about resilience

of land upgraded

of land mapped



20162017 214hectares


IIn four years of cover for all the Foundation area, especially Milan, Monza, and Brescia Counties, 21 associations, 5 foundations, 15 social cooperatives, and 1 local action group have been financed. From the 21 projects awarded payment between 2016 and 2017, some interesting facts emerged about how actions were to be implemented, such as:

14 projects financed

Cover for all Foundation area, especially Milan, Monza, and Brescia Counties4 years

of tenders


Local food pro-duction/processing


Ecological improvements

Local action group

Climate change











2015 2016 201720142017







Social cooperatives

Upgrading of deteriorated urban areas

Total cost

Contribution necessary

Contribution offered

Details of the fifty-four projects financed between 2014 and 2017, by year

Year Number Total cost Contribution necessary Contribution offered

2014 12 1.887.581,83 € 1.066.789,20 € 1.000.000,00 €

2015 14 2.621.167,25 € 1.436.232,94 € 1.400.000,00 €

2016 14 2.492.205,49 € 1.450.424,62 € 1.400.000,00 €

2017 14 2.496.183,47 € 1.437.886,00 € 1.400.000,00 €

For further detailshttp://www.fondazionecariplo.it/it/strategia/osservatorio/quaderni/resilienza-tra-territorio-e-comunita-quaderno-n-21.htmlhttp://www.osservatorioresilienza.it/


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


Actions in line with our Environment Department plans


Project:The ACRA Foundation

With contributions of €80.000, the Foundation has helped the first annual Farming Ecology Observatory, a new thing in Italy which brings together bodies such as the ACRA Foundation (in charge of the project), Milan University, Milan Council, Legambiente, Mani Tese, Food Law, rural districts DAVO, DINAMO, DAM (the Italian Association of Environmental Surgeons), ISDE Italia, Ispra JSC, and the Lombardy Regional Junta (Town Planning Main Office, land protection). Farming ecology is becoming the new scientific paradigm to deal with farming sustainability challenges and to help plan and manage modern farming systems. This means products are grown and distributed in line with direct contact between producers and consumers via fair and healthy networks of good, ecological products.

Contribution: 80.000 €


Project:Our farms, our food, our environment. A campaign for sustainable agriculture policies in the European Union.

This project, supported by LIPU and a chain of firms within #cambiamoagricoltura (WWF, FAI, AIAB, FederBio, Legambiente, ISDE, Pro natura, etc.), aims at involving the general public in bringing about substantial changes to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) by means of a widespread information campaign. In particular, it is designed to spread knowledge of how this Policy affects environmental health and quality, biodiversity, food quality, social welfare in rural areas, and land maintenance. January 2018 in Milan saw the conference "Farming cities. A collective effort for healthy, fair, and sustainable farming."

Contribution: 160.000 €

In this section we show several of the projects financed as "other payments."


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Milan University

Project:Bees and the Environment: multi-stress analysis of risk factors and operating suggestions - Pro.Ape (Stage 2).

This project, promoted by DEFENS at Milan University, considers the chronic disappearance of bees, one of the most serious environmental problems imaginable. This pollinating insect has a fundamental role in the survival of natural and anthropic ecosystems, and is vitally important in the human food chain. This initiative, strongly desired by bee-keeping associations all over Lombardy, intends to study the chronic joint effect of various stresses upon bees, especially as it affects this Region. In addition to its environmental benefits, this project will also see economic benefits. The health of bees is at the bottom of a manufacturing sector which involves many young farmers, for whom mapping dangers, suitable bee-keeping sites, and procedures for treating parasitosis (especially Varroa mites) could mean a turn-around in a sector which for many years has been difficult, frustrating, and loss-making.

Contribution: 78.500 €

Rural Seeds Network

Project:Resilient rice, starting with seeds to adapt them to global warming, to increase resilience in farms and to produce better food.

The most widespread methods used when cultivating rice, such as having perfectly flat fields and growing it in the dry, compromise the ecological function of paddy fields. This has extremely negative environmental effects upon biodiversity. Additionally, the sector is currently fighting against weeds and it is extremely costly if biological or biodynamic methods are to be used.This project, promoted by the Rete Semi Rurali (Rural Seeds Network) aims at modernising rice farming in Italy and thus contributing towards rice varieties which are better adapted to local contexts and which will help move us forwards towards a more ecological type of farming. Rice farming using sustainable methods is absolutely vital in keeping the environment wet and in providing ecosystem services. Furthermore, at a social level, the skill of rural populations in selecting seeds helps farmers meet the latest market requirements more dynamically and deal better with new diseases and insects.

Contribution: 102.000 €


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Milan County Territorials

Milan Bicocca University Law Department

Project:Ecore@ti: from citizens to institutions, instruments for complete environmental protection.

This project aims at providing greater environmental protection in Milan County via cooperation between the Law Department at Bicocca University in Milan, Legambiente in Lombardy, and many other institutions, bodies, and associations. The purpose of this project is to give citizens more power in preventing environmental crime, in line with the requirements of current enacted environmental law (Law N° 68/2015, which implements European Directive 2008/99/EC). Current law requires a modern, efficient system to be set up to protect the environment and to bring about dialogue and cooperation between the various people and bodies involved (experts, the security forces, the police, public bodies, health bodies, collective interests, and citizens) to guarantee the prevention (and if possible elimination) of certain environmental crimes.

Contribution: 60.000 €

Segantini Park Association

Project:Milano Smart park

The Segantini Park Association, in cooperation with the Opera in Fiore Cooperative, Bicocca University in Milan, and the Amici dei Centri di Incontro Association for Alzheimer's Disease in Milan, wishes to implement a series of measures to make life more enjoyable in that park. The park covers an area of 90.000 square metres and is where the Istituto Sieroterapico used to be, just south of the Basin between the Grande Waterway and the Pavese Waterway.

Contribution: 85.000 €


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Main emblematics

Lecco County

Project:Implementation, adaptation, and development of the cycle track along the Adda River: branching and connection to places of interest. Brezza sull'Adda Project

The purpose of this project is to implement, adapt, and develop the cycle track along the Adda River including all the branches to connect it to the main places of interest nearby, in line with the feasibility study financed by the Fondazione Cariplo as part of its Brezza tender, and to implement the most important activities identified in Lecco County. The main part of this project will be completion of the Adda cycle track between Lecco and Paderno d'Adda, including the ring around Lake Garlate. The project, presented by Lecco County in partnership with the Councils of Lecco, Vercurago, Calolziocorte, Garlate, the Lario River Basin Authority, and the Adda North park, involves the completion of certain stretches of cycle track and footpaths, the setting up of certain services, maintenance work on damaged sections, and the erection of road signs and other street furniture..

Contribution: 700.000 €

and CultureArtsCultural assets, the arts, and young enterprise.

Contributions deliberated by payment instrument

2017 2016N. euros N. euros

Tenders and projects 174 14.527.000 174 23.235.000

Inter-sector Plans 7 460.000 1 1.875.000

Actions in line with PDA 7 410.000 9 470.000

PDA Research and Assessment - - 2 14.000

Institutional Payments 10 5.990.000 10 6.090.000

Local Payments 79 3.394.200 78 3.090.000

Emblematic 38 10.000.000 19 7.355.600

Aid 172 733.900 269 1.174.521

Other Payments 59 5.417.247 43 3.267.184

Other Instruments in Area 2 460.000 4 850.000

Total 548 41.392.347 609 47.421.305

Fig. 11 - Distribution of payments, by type of instrument, Arts and Culture


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

and CultureArts


Betting upon young creativity and on developing fertility

for innovation.


Investment in Culture as a strategic factor for economic

and social development.


Encouragement to adopt more sustainable management models by cultural institutions.


Promoting active participation by citizens in the cultural life.

Special areas dealt with under projects:

In the past ten years, public resources destined for culture have increasingly shrunk at national and local level. Only in recent years has a slight increase been seen, but only at ministerial level: the cultural budget at local level is still very badly off.To help operators in this sector to fight against the difficulties encountered due to budget shrinkage, we at the Fondazione Cariplo have launched an ambitious assistance programme to deal with four separate areas, each of them with complementary and synergistic targets, to deal with our cultural heritage and with the arts and culture in general: • supporting investment in culture as a strategic factor in local development and promoting

improvements in culture and architecture in terms not of individual items but also and especially the connection between these and their overall context;

• encouraging institutions to implement sustainable management models, thus promoting the spread of a “culture of management culture;”

• expressing the need for cultural demand which aims at innovative enjoyment quality factors in sharing and participating, because we believe that this will leverage better supply;

• iinvesting in young creativity and in developing fertile contexts for innovation, because we believe that the new generations are capable of imagining, implementing, and spreading methods, services, and products capable of bringing about systemic change in the way we make and live culture, and this will see the arrival of sustainable changes which can be repeated in a broader context.


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

In terms of the payment instruments used by us in 2017, the launch of our tender Cultural Assets in Danger was the latest means by which the Foundation tried to find a reply to the need for asset policy change and to promote culture conservation plans for important architectural sites. Indeed, among our more important strategies, we at the Fondazione Cariplo decided that conservation plans must be part of an overall cultural management strategy, as we have already seen in our Cultural Districts Asset plan. This approach is also covered by the latest Lombardy Regional Culture By-Law (Regional By-Law 25/2016), and is dealt with in the Public Contracts Code (Legislative Decree N° 50/2016). The recent earthquakes and the widespread geological instability in Italy

have shown the need for a preventive multi-hazard approach which takes into account the many different vulnerability and danger factors seen in this country. Our latest Cultural Assets in Danger tender, therefore, will bring about an approach based upon diagnoses to provide for structural safety and the reduction of vulnerability in buildings, raising awareness about various planned conservation projects and the widening of a culture of prevention. Unfortunately this has often been neglected and undervalued.

In terms of figures, 2017 saw a fall of 13% in the contributions deliberated in overall terms against the previous year. Other items were more or less stable, and this fall can meanly be explained by deliberations for 2018 in two tenders and one project:• in terms of the Cultural Assets for Development tender, a more long-term assessment had to be made

because many more applications were made. This means that deliberations will have to be put off until next year;

• for the Cultural Assets in Danger tender, because of the new payment instrument now being used final deliberations were expected in early 2018; for the 2017 iC-innovazioneCulturale tender published in autumn, deliberations are expected to be made by mid-2018.

The amounts under our Arts and Culture section remained in line with 2016, or approximately 26%

of the amounts deliberated by the Fondazione Cariplo. The value of average contributions remained more

or less the same as last year, around 76.000 euros (against 78.000 euros in 2016). This figure, lower than

the Fondazione Cariplo average for last year, can be explained by the payment instruments used for new

local situations, especially young businesses, who asked for much less money than older companies.

General ceilings were also lower than before.

These actions contributed to implementation of our SDGs, especially in terms of Goal 4 (providing fair,

inclusive, quality education and learning opportunities for everyone), Goal 5 (reaching gender equality

to empower women and girls), Goal 8 (providing incentives for long-term, inclusive, and sustainable

economic growth, full and productive employment, and a proper job for everyone),

Goal 9 (building resilient infrastructures and encouraging innovation and fair, responsible, and sustainable

industrialisation), Goal 10 (reducing inequality inside and between countries), Goal 11 (making cities

and towns inclusive, safe, long-lasting, and sustainable), Goal 12 (guaranteeing sustainable models

for manufacturing and consuming), and Goal 17 (strengthening the methods for implementing

and renewing the world partnership for sustainable development).

For further detailshttp://www.fondazionecariplo.it/it/bandi/index.htmlhttp://arteecultura.fondazionecariplo.it/



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo



CHARITY CHALLENGE | Live arts go to school.

STRATEGY | The LAIV Project, which was completed in 2017, promoted music and theatre workshops in secondary schools to help develop these skills and others. The teaching model used in schools was based upon co-planning between teachers, musicians, and actors (with special importance given to training adolescents) as part of a partnership agreement between schools and operators.Among the other skills applicable to schools in this network were the following: • teacher training, with a view to spreading good practices in preparing workshops and innovating

teaching practices by using active methods; • the LAIV Action Festival, held during May every year to allow workshops to perform their acts; • the storytelling platform http://arteecultura.fondazionecariplo.it where Project Work is narrated

by children and the main players.

More than 50% of laboratories are still in existence, and will they continue to develop their acts until the three years of support come to an end. For school year 2017-2018, under an agreement with the Local Education Authority, a project has been started to continue with ten projects to show their effects upon children's education and to see how this format can be used in a school-work situation. The results of these experiments will be published in a final report (and possibly suggested for re-use) during spring 2018.


hours of training provided (50-60 hours per school)

Work Projects for the area, managed in cooperation with pupils.



Cultural and creative businesses

Theatricals and musicians






540 Years of the Festival

days of performance, workshops, and presentations

Theatre and music workshops implemented

(60% as studies) 10years'work

conclusion of Laiv ActionProject




Beneficiaries Partners



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Tenders for a total investment of:

for the preparation and organisation of the Festival

4 2,7million k

3,8million k

Overall Investment


6,5million k


We took part in LAIV for three years, and you can still see its effects on our school: we still do theatre and our workshops are still based upon what we learnt during LAIV. The strong points of this Project are based around taking part. Pupils found it very helpful to take part in a performance, and the music and choir were important for the theatre.

Everyone came along to LAIV, and every single pupil had to come to terms with the differences between individuals. For us teachers, working as a team was a great opportunity, and working as a community helped us to learn loads of new skills. The whole thing had a very positive effect on our school. We still do theatre, even though it is different now: when teachers suggest a new theatre project, hardly anyone ever objects.

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_barbanotti

Carla Barbanotti teacher of Italian, history, and geography at Caravaggio School

For further detailshttp://www.fondazionecariplo.it/it/news/ambiente/territori-virtuosi.html


CHARITY CHALLENGE | Assets on display and in action!

STRATEGY | Under our policy for architectural reclamation, this tender selects projects which entail structural work on property and planning cultural and non-cultural actions and services to guarantee economic sustainability.The tender assists two- and three-year projects involving property owners or trustees, and applications are considered in three separate ways: integration with the local area, bringing a property back into use, and management choices. Complete tasks are given priority with a view to launching new businesses in a short time and finding the best initiatives at management level.



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


CHARITY CHALLENGE | “Take proper care of your monuments, and you will not need to restore them.” John Ruskin - The Seven Lamps of Architecture (1849).

STRATEGY | The opening in 2008 of a "Conservation Programme" allowed our Arts and Culture Department to show how conservation is an unavoidable part of asset management, and to bring organisations together in medium and long-term planning for asset optimisation. The tenders published between 2008 and 2016 tended towards good asset conservation practices by identifying priorities and planning maintenance work. Mapping of all properties is currently underway, and a "Foundation Report" will be produced to list the strategic choices and results so that this approach can be used by the various bodies involved, and visibility be given to local actions. Preventive, planned conservation is still a long-term choice compared with the possible economic advantages in the mid- to long-term. After the earthquakes and geological instability events in 2017, we at the Foundation have decided to launch a new tender for "Cultural Assets in Danger," dedicated to making our cultural heritage safe. This choice is an attempt at making people aware of the fragility of buildings in our area and concentrating people's attention on the importance of inter-institutional and civic cooperation to deal with the hazards faced by our artistic heritage.

The main hurdles to be overcome are the difficulties encountered in medium and long-term planning, and the low importance given to sustainability. The Fondazione Cariplo wishes to give more importance to these aspects, which are unavoidable if we do not want to waste precious financial resources.The projects we help are connected to various services compatible with local contexts (accommodation, reception, crafts, education, and so on) which can enrich a cultural context in the medium and long term and use our architectural heritage to its best advantage


for six projects

destined for forty applications received during 2017 (awarded, in early 2018, to the most worthy projects).

Budget 2017






Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


• During the ten years dedicated to planned conservation, the Foundation has supported 113 projects with approximately 16 million euros. In particular, the owners and trustees of properties have been able to make an accurate diagnosis of their buildings and to plan structural improvements to improve general safety levels.

• In the period 2008-2012, analysed by the “Foundation Notebook” currently being drawn up, the Fondazione Cariplo has supported 65 accounting projects in 89 local properties

Types of properties (2008-2012)






Planned conservation

supported by the Foundation

throughout the support area




supported by the Foundation






16 Contributions paid by the gap foundation

million k


Churches Palaces


BasilicasTown centres

Archaeological finds Oratories



Museum houseHouse



Localisation of properties (2008-2012)Purpose of Conservation

Civil buildingReligious buildingFortificationArchaeological site

15.000,00 k

2.837.500,00 k

Contribution (amount)

Fig. 12: Localisation of premises where work was done (2008-2012)

Fig. 13: Types of building financed (2008-2012).

31 25Applications received

Projects accepted for assessment


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


CHARITY CHALLENGE | The culture of managing our culture.

STRATEGY | The “Sustainable Culture” tender is a response to the urgent need to convince cultural operators to take a managerial approach which will give them business/taxation autonomy.This tender is aimed at firms which have clear economic sustainability and good management targets, as well as being quality firms who offer something original and who have implemented good employment policies. Sustainable Culture helps long-term projects designed by non-profit-making organisations which aim at multi-dimensional, sociocultural, and business/taxation sustainability in a sector which is remarkable for its lack of efficacious public policy. The projects we support encourage cultural organisations to renew their company hierarchy (e.g. by encouraging generational turnover and implementing cooperation with other companies), the services they provide, and their relationship with the general public in order to become even more successful. Those actions which concern setting up and developing international relationships and the participation in networks and in most training show a strong upwards trend.



2007 2017

Contributions deliberated


Training is provided to selected bodies, using methods and suggestions for sustainable development for their activities.


People involved


since during

43,7million k

Among the projects supported:

concern developing new companies85,7%

have seen the development of new management and hierarchy instruments42,9%

have developed new forms of communication and promotion71,4%

have developed international relationships 78,6%


Projects deliberated


2126 23 22 3.970.000E

Contributions deliberatedProjects accepted for admittance to Stage 2

Projects accepted for assessment


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


Castello di Padernello, in a hamlet of 76 people in the furthest outreaches of Brescia County, was a decayed castle to be recovered in a joint operation involving the public and private sectors. In 2008 they applied for one of our Cultural Systems tenders, and this allowed them to start nine different projects including theatre, cuisine, and cinema. Everything had to be renewed and reused, but voluntary work is never enough

on its own and our Sustainable Culture tender helped everyone pass from their initial idea to a completed job. There were three areas of operation, good management (involving a change in company hierarchy to younger people), new communications, and a series of initiatives to bring in a wider public. How was this possible? By dreaming! This is how great ideas take off, even in small castles. By flexing one's muscles. By using one's skills, passion, and far-sightedness. This is how you build your future. In 3-5 years Padernello will be throbbing with life and young people will be at its centre in all the new companies and shops.

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_pedroni

Domenico Pedroni Chairman, Castellodi Padernello Foundation


CHARITY CHALLENGE | Cultural innovation means improving the way we live culture.

STRATEGY | Innovating in the world of culture means working on the improvement process in particular sectors or with certain types of people, passing our methods and practices on to them.The most important target is making a concrete bid to generate sustainable change, which can be repeated on a wider scale throughout culture and society.This project, now in its third year, aims at helping enterprise in a consistent and organic cultural world, helping creative cultural firms to become sustainable, and making innovative services more widely available so that culture can be more easily produced and enjoyed. The project works with humanist entrepreneurs who can create and spread sustainable goods and services, repeatable and capable of causing cultural impact.

The project can be broken down into three separate stages, i.e.

• STAGE 1: brainstorming tender

• STAGE 2: period of accompaniment for selected applicants and presentation to the public

• STAGE 3: creating a non-profit-making company and helping it make its first 100.000 euros



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Projects deliberated

Projects accepted for admittance to Stage 2


1630254 21 16 1.099.000E

Contributions deliberatedProjects received

Projects accepted for assessment


New start-ups Ideas received

3rd year (2016-2017) Contributions paid

Contributions paid

16 1.283


1.099.000 k3.449.000k

For further detailshttp://arteecultura.fondazionecariplo.it/?fltr=innovazione-culturalehttp://www.fondazionecariplo.it/it/progetti/arte/innovazione-culturale/index.html










Archivi e biblioteche

Arti visive






Spettacolo dal vivo





Under 30

Under 40

Under 50

Over 50

Under 30

Under 40

Under 50

Over 50



Archives and libraries

Visual arts

Publishing Other




Live arts

Age of participants Reference cluster of proposals




Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


CHARITY CHALLENGE | A growing cultural company.


STRATEGY | The status of young cultural companies is characterised by a profound structural-operating fragility and by their dependence upon public and private financiers. Actually the existence of these organisations is usually connected to project financing, and this is rarely sufficient to set off processes capable of guaranteeing company independence.Launched as part of the activities of the Italian Communist Party Cultural Committee, Funder35 is a system initiative. Now at the end of its second year (2015-2017), with the participation of eighteen foundations under the guide of the Fondazione Cariplo, this initiative covers almost the whole of Italy.The Project publishes an annual tender to select the best young companies in the cultural field who are to receive economic assistance, usually for three years. The tender incorporates a series of accompanying actions/instruments to help consolidate the companies selected, including:• dedicated assistance/consultancy;• a special seminar/workshop training course;• a practice community;• a web portal and a series of social instruments;• a system of special access to banking services;• a crowd funding platform.

The success of this initiative, which in six years has given life to a very busy group of more than 250 cultural companies which are worthy of being followed, has encouraged other supporting foundations to consider extending the Project for a further three years (2018-2020), and extending the activities provided. The organisations selected in previous years may dialogue, share good practices, and receive consultancy advice and updates from experts in many different areas (e.g. tax returns, Voluntary Sector reforms, fund raising, and accountability). Such actions may be given as residential seminars and training meetings, including over the internet, thanks to the creation of an online instrument designed to meet the needs of the whole community.


169 135 62 1.965.000E535.000E

Contributions from other financiers

Contributions deliberated

Projects received

Projects accepted for assessment

Projects deliberated


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


Projects received682

Projects financed223Since

Contributions deliberated

10.400.000 k


Cultural events

Radio transmission




Local development

Tourism/cultural assets



Sectors for intervention in projects selected during 2017

Over a period of three years, the young cultural organisations selected may develop and consolidate their organisational, management, and entrepreneurial skills with a view to dealing with the market and strengthening and diversifying their supply, thus reaching greater financial independence.

For further detailswww.funder35.it


CHARITY CHALLENGE | Culture for everyone!

STRATEGY | Fewer Italians take part in the cultural life than the European average. For this reason, cultural organisations have to put the public back in the middle of things, widening culture out, diversifying it, and making the public more loyal.


Eventi culturali





Sviluppo territoriale

Turismo/Beni culturali












Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

This tender operates in the field of cultural activities to help projects bringing culture into communities (audience development and audience engagement), i.e. those spaces dedicated to the public enjoyment and/or production of culture such as museums, archives, libraries, archaeological sites, historical buildings, opera houses, theatres, concert halls, cinemas, and cultural centres.These initiatives usually last between one and three years, and must cover at least two areas among planning, production, distribution, promotion, and enjoyment of arts and culture so that they can become non-profit-making cultural organisations of a private or public nature. They may operate in partnership to encourage collaboration, to extend skills and innovation in the processes required to bring in the public.Assessment criteria for applications include the following: the level of public awareness, the clarity with which spectators are identified and the means necessary to reach them, the function of monitoring instruments during and after cultural events, the quality of the cultural contents made available, the interdisciplinary nature of a partnership, and how innovative an initiative is.Special consideration is given to events which encourage cultural voluntary work and which make use of new technologies and social media, provided they are used inclusively; access must always be given to cultural proposals made by those who have no digital skills. Since public resources to finance the arts and culture are shrinking, and fewer and fewer people are going to see them, the projects we support via this tender must offer local culture in the medium term, help local citizens to become aware of cultural initiatives, promote cooperation between institutions, and contribute to the economic sustainability of organisations and the places where culture goes on display.


2014 - 2017Projects financed137

2014 2015 2016 2017


13.300.000 kContributions deliberated

Number of projects

Contribution in millions of euros


30 344,6




Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


Institutional Payments

La Scala Theatre Foundation, Milan

Project:Support for institutional activities during 2017

Support, as Permanent Founder, of actions in 2017 at La Scala Theatre, as: opera, ballet, concerts, and other initiatives at the Theatre and elsewhere.

Contribution: 3.200.000 €

Giuseppe Verdi Symphony Orchestra and Choir Foundation, Milan

Project:Institutional action in the performing arts sector during the 2017 concert season

Support during 2017 to the Giuseppe Verdi Orchestra and Choir in Milan. Every year a series of concerts is held for traditional symphony and chamber music and other original, innovative works, to involve as many different types of public as possible.

Contribution: 900.000 €

Piccolo Teatro Foundation, Milan

Project:Support for theatre work

Support for institutional action and the 2017 theatre season at the Piccolo Teatro in Milan. Thanks to support from the Fondazione Cariplo, in recent years the Piccolo teatro in Milan has continued to develop its own productions and to host other companies, thus increasing and diversifying the number of performances available to the public.

Contribution: 800.000 €

In this section we show several of the projects financed as "other payments."


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Inter-sector actions to be decided

La Triennale Foundation, Milan

Project:La Terra Inquieta

“La Terra Inquieta” is a project for displaying the La Triennale Foundation in Milan in partnership with the Nicola Trussardi Foundation. With works by more than forty artists from all of the world (including Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, The Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey), this exhibition speaks volumes about the socio-political and cultural instability of these modern times and the momentous changes leaving their mark on world geography and contemporary history. This event took place between 28 April and 20 August 2017, and more than 30.000 visitors came. It was designed with a view to conduct the public towards a deeper and broader understanding of the condition of migrants in today's world.

Contribution: 100.000 €

Actions in line with our Arts and Culture Department plans

Italian Opera and Concerts Association - Aslico

Project:Ettore Majorana. A Story of Infinite Disappearances

This project, which supports the Italian Opera and Concerts Association Aslico at the top of the "Lombardy Opera" programme, entails the performance of an opera which won the international "Opera Oggi" prize at theatres in Como, Bergamo, Cremona, and Pavia. The opera, entitled "Ettore Majorana. A Story of Infinite Disappearances," was performed at some of the most prestigious opera houses in Lombardy. The main purpose of this project is to plan talks and lectures to bring more people to opera performances, even modern opera, especially those under 30.

Contribution: 100.000 €


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

County Emblematic

Pescherie di Giulio Romano Foundation

Project:For the Rio bene comune Project. Town centre upgrade.

This project, presented by a group of partner companies and important institutions and bodies in the Mantua area, intends to start upgrading buildings at the Pescherie di Giulio Romano from the portico and the river banks. Work is to improve access to the historic Pescherie di Giulio Romano buildings by citizens and tourists, and will also upgrade certain cultural aspects of the building complex.

Contribution: 100.000 €

Milan County Territorials

Teatri X Association, Milan

Project:Invito a Teatro 2017-2018

A networking project to bring together the Milan theatres taking part in the “Invito a Teatro” circuit. The purpose of this network is to widen its user base by involving as large and mixed a public as possible, and to create opportunities for cooperation between local companies having the same purpose.

Contribution: 50.000 €

ResearchScientificScientific, technological, and start-up innovation.

Contributions deliberated by payment instrument

2017 2016N. euros N. euros

Tenders and projects 73 16.743.014 86 17.261.212

Inter-sector Plans 8 3.373.900 7 2.021.000

Actions in line with PDA 9 491.800 8 406.965

PDA Research and Assessment - - 3 60.885

Institutional Payments 2 924.500 2 924.500

Local Payments 4 202.700 7 339.000

Emblematic 4 3.250.000 2 2.170.000

Aid 13 63.500 - -Other Payments 6 543.585 9 1.777.560

Other Instruments in Area 1 122.564 2 480.184

Total 120 25.715.563 126 25.441.307

Fig. 17 - Distribution of payments, by type of instrument, scientific research and technological transference


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo



To improve the health of pensioners.


To re-examine cycles of manufacturing, transforming, and disposal

of biological resources.


To improve the professional status of researchers.


To prevent geological instability in the farming sector, to make farms more sustainable, to provide food safety, and make products

more competitive.


To improve inclusion of fragile people

In 2017, our Scientific Research Department continued helping research, technological transference, and promoting innovation, going on as it has always done.Among the instruments used, one of the most important was tenders and projects which allowed us to finance competitive research by skilled, cross-curricular teams of researchers, which gave many important spin-offs. It must be pointed out that the figures given are only a partial indication of the effort involved and the work done. Actually, for three tenders funds of two million euros were used from set-asides in previous years. Looking at other payments, in 2017 emblematic payouts increased, as did contributions assigned using other methods, and this allowed us to deal with new difficulties and to obtain indispensable information about how Foundation activity could be more efficaciously directed.

As usual, projects were selected by merit for financing with contributions from independent international experts. This allowed us to introduce elements of comparison with situations of an extremely high international profile during the assessment process, thus guaranteeing its utmost strictness, impartiality, and the complete absence of any conflicts of interests. In 2017, for these purposes, we recruited more than 150 experts from some of the most renowned research centres in Europe, America, and Asia.The reports made by these experts were then forwarded to other research centres: this had the double purpose of giving good professional motivations for the decision, and provided ways of improving the planning process.

Special areas dealt with under projects:


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

IAdditionally, as in previous years, we took great care in publishing all these results for a very wide public, and asked the researchers to draw up a communications programme in line with the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation set out in their projects. In 2017 many initiatives began and were completed in partnership with outside strategic partners of the Foundation, whom we work with for innovation and for developing shared projects. It is worthwhile reminding our readers at this point about our integrated research tender on industrial biotechnologies and the bioeconomy, launched in partnership with Innovhub SSI (Stazioni Sperimentali per l’Industria), the reconfirmation of the Joint Notice with Lombardy Regional Junta concerning increased competitiveness among researchers in Lombardy and the two tenders for medical research training covered by the agreement with the Regional Foundation for Biomedical Research.These initiatives are in addition to many other partnership actions concerning the farming industry, which have seen the Fondazione Cariplo working alongside other Italian banking foundations (AGER Project), institutions in the public sector such as Milan City Council (coupled Policy Project) and international foundations (Thought for Food Project and activities undertaken with the Global Alliance for the Future of Food). In this context of cooperation, the Foundation has undertaken work

with many spin-offs to supply the virtuous cycle of basic research and application, in line with our current payments strategy. In particular, in the field of biomedics, two tenders covered by the Cooperation Agreement with the Regional Foundation for Biomedical Research will shortly bring about complete training courses for medical researchers and thus stimulate cross-wise approaches to medicine and other mechanisms to transfer the results of experimental research from the laboratory to patients. In the same way, cooperation between the Fondazione Cariplo and Innovhub SSI has brought about product and process innovation in the field of bioeconomics, and has made the system more competitive. Finally, as part of our AGER Project, we have launched a tender to harness the scientific results from certain research

programmes previously financed, and to bring about their application.In line with the outlines of our Long-term Forecasting Plans Document for 2013-2018, we have encouraged the adoption of many cross-curricular and trans-curricular approaches so that some of the more complicated areas can be understood better. This idea can be seen in the work we have started on improving the health of pensioners. Our initiatives have placed the pensioner at the centre of much research work, in line with the guidelines set out by our Central Charity Board. The importance we give to people can be seen in the way we promote initiatives to help researchers in their careers, especially younger researchers, so that overall research can become more dynamic and competitive. As part of this programme, we wish to encourage biomedical medics to apply for our joint work with Lombardy Regional Junta.As can be understood from what we have said so far, the work done by our Scientific Research Department will see the implementation of our SDGs, especially Goal 9, covering research work, the promotion of technological skills in industries in many countries, and a substantial increase in the number of people working in research and development.

For further detailshttp://ricercascientifica.fondazionecariplo.it/



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

The research projects we have financed have given rise to significant results, published in internationally-renowned scientific journals. This must be stressed because of their importance and authoritativeness under the panorama of international scientific production. During 2017, on the basis of processing by Clarivate Analytics of the Web of Science database, an incredible 676 articles thanking the Fondazione Cariplo were published.

These include:

• 209 published in Open Access mode;

• 7 cited as “Highly Cited in Field,” i.e. those belonging to the top 1% of most quoted articles during 2017 in their macro-sector;

• 1 included in the list of “Hot Papers in Field,” i.e. concerning a recent publication quoted very frequently in other new documents in the same field.

Main achievements of tenders in our Research Department

Projects financed between 2001 and 2015

International recruitment

of young researchers

Environmental research8

Medical Research

Advanced Materials Research

Biomedical Research,

Young Researchers

Research into Ageing


Industrial Biotechnology


Projects9 32 23 291 157 21 12 13 549

Contributions (in thousands of euros)10 9.914 6.224 69.420 31.079 5.225 3.961 3.676 129.498

Costs (in thousands of euros)11 15.494 9.180 173.305 60.447 5.247 4.044 3.813 271.530

Peer-reviewed publications 280 56 1.635 1.347 22 14 28 3.382

Attendance at scientific conferences 392 163 1.633 1.784 39 14 62 4.087

Popularising actions 35 29 310 133 10 2 29 548

Products to be patented 1 - 28 18 2 - 16 65

Researchers inserted (ETP)12 125 37 503 320 2 5 9 1.002

Partners involved 38 31 455 260 13 15 14 826

Fig. 18 - Summary of the results from research we have financed | Source: Ren.de.re. results and results of our projects published since 2007

8 The term Environmental Research is to be understood as dealing with Nanoparticles and Pollution Tenders, and managing water resources9 Data taken from completed or intermediate reports10 Data taken from completed or intermediate reports11 Data taken from completed or intermediate reports12 Information not given in intermediate reports


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Magazine Documents Impact Factor

Nature 1 40,1

Nature Reviews Immunology 1 39,9

Nature Materials 1 39,7

Science 2 37,2

Immunity 1 22,8

Nature Immunology 3 21,5

Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 1 20,7

Nature Reviews Neurology 2 20,3

European Heart Journal 1 20,2

Advanced Materials 2 19,8

Circulation 1 19,3

Cell Metabolism 2 18,2

Advanced Energy Materials 2 16,7

Cell Host & Microbe 1 14,9

Acs Nano 3 13,9

Journal Of The American Chemical Society 2 13,9

Molecular Psychiatry 1 13,2

Blood 5 13,2

Nano Letters 2 12,7

Journal Of Hepatology 2 12,5

The following table shows the list of the twenty most important magazines which published articles about research projects financed by the Fondazione Cariplo. For every magazine, the impact factor is given, i.e. an index of its scientific authority and reliability.

Fig. 19 - list of the twenty most important magazines which published articles about research projects financed by the Fondazione Cariplo


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


CHARITY CHALLENGE | To improve the health of pensioners.

STRATEGY | Ageing is a phenomenon which is as important as it is widespread in society. Until 2050, the average age of the world population is expected to rise significantly. In Italy it is estimated that over-65s will go from 20% to 30% of the population, and over-80s will

double from their current 6% to more than 13%. However although many people will live longer, many doubts remain about what changes we will see to our future health situation.As Ban-Ki Moon, Secretary General of the UN has stressed, "the social and economic consequences of this phenomenon are very important and go beyond the individual pensioner or their family, because they affect society and the community more than ever before." We at the Fondazione Cariplo consider that the time has come to deal with ageing using a global approach, supporting cross-cultural research which can bring together many different subjects and skills. This is why in 2017 we published two tenders to deal with the problem from a medical and social point of view. In particular, our "Biomedical research into illnesses related to ageing" supported projects in favour of active cooperation between basic and clinical research groups. Integrating their various skills allowed them to develop innovative experiments to study the biological, genetic, microbiological, and metabolic mechanisms which cause so many illnesses among the elderly. Acting in this field will be extremely important to mitigate its effects, such as having to go to hospital frequently, suffering therapeutic complications, the loss of self-sufficiency, and a higher death rate.Society needs to develop better healthcare and to consider all the various cultural, social, and other factors which characterise old age. In view of the changes we can see in families and in new social and economic structures, we at the Fondazione Cariplo published our 2017 tender "Social Research into Ageing: People, Places, and Relationships," which supported projects for studying trends in ageing processes and those relationships in society or between friends and relatives which are most commonly seen in the elderly. These projects, with their cross-curricular approach, investigated the various opportunities connected to insertion into a particular urban or rural context with regard to the typical lifestyle of the elderly, RSAs, and the Voluntary Sector.Both tenders have rewarded those projects which brought together scientific merit and proper training for young students and graduates involved in popularising scientific culture among the wider public, in agreement with the Research and Responsible Innovation principles of the European Commission.



Contributions deliberated

Projects received


112 84 10 27Contributions deliberated by FC.

International experts engaged to assess projects

Projects accepted for assessment



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Highlights Areas of most important study in medical research:cognitive decay, metabolic syndrome, muscular wastage.

Areas of most important study in social research:social inclusion, mobility, and policies for pensioners.

CHARITY CHALLENGE | Fondazione Cariplo and Innovhub SSI, working together to improve the management of renewable biological resources.

STRATEGY | World population growth, the rapid depletion of natural resources, our dependence upon non-renewable resources for energy production, and the various human causes affecting the environment mean that it is necessary to think up new manufacturing and development models which are radically different. To deal with this important global challenge, we at the Fondazione Cariplo published our tender "Integrated Research into Industrial Biotechnologies and the Bioeconomy"



Contributions deliberated

Projects received


29 27 10 34Contributions deliberated by FC

International experts engaged to assess projects

Projects accepted for assessment



Lanzuolo CNR researcher at INGM

I am a researcher in the Institute of Cellular Biology and Neurobiology at the National Research Centre (CNR). Two years ago I came to an agreement with my Institution and moved to the Italian Institute of Molecular Genetics in Milan, where they offered me a job. I was to work in close contact with a series of medics. I took part in the "Biomedical Research into

Diseases Connected with Ageing" project, to work on muscles and muscle dysfunction. In particular this project studies sarcopaenia, the loss of muscle mass in the elderly. The long-term purpose of this project is to find objective parameters to describe muscle loss in elderly patients to help doctors make a proper diagnosis.The strength of this project lies in the synergy between biologists like me and medics from Humanitas, which helps us find which molecular mechanisms give rise to sarcopaenia and which can slow down muscle loss.

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_lanzuolo


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo



in 2017, in partnership with Innovhub Stazioni Sperimentali per l’Industria. Projects were financed to improve manufacturing processes and to assess new biological products in those sectors where the environmental hazards are particularly severe. Particular importance was given to changing processes from conventional to biological so that the use of renewable natural resources could be optimised, and manufacturing waste could be harnessed in line with the principles of the circular economy. The tender entailed the involvement of at least one research centre and one company. The selection process rewarded the most innovative initiatives having a clear impact upon integrated manufacturing processes, thus helping competitiveness throughout the entire manufacturing system. By reorganising manufacturing, transformation, recycling, and waste disposal processes in line with the paradigms of bioeconomics and the circular economy, innovation comes about as do economic growth and new employment opportunities, thus guaranteeing environmental sustainability. SUMMARY FIGURES

CHARITY CHALLENGE | Fondazione Cariplo and Lombardy Regional Junta, together to increase attractiveness in the Lombard research system and competitiveness between researchers.

STRATEGY | As part of the Cooperation Agreement signed in 2015, the Fondazione Cariplo and Lombardy Regional Junta have undertaken to finance projects to:

• attract international or Italian researchers who have already received ERC (European Research Council) financing in Lombardy;

• help harness personnel in the research system in Lombardy by helping up-and-coming researchers applying for ERC funding.

Areas of most important studyeco-sustainable process development, waste assessment, and bio-catalysis

Reference commodity sectorspaper, cardboard, and paste; fuels; oils, fats, and textiles

Contributions deliberated

Projects received

30 28 10 27of which 2.049.876 euros seuros from Fondazione Cariplo funds and 649.474 euros from Innovhub SSI funds

International experts engaged to assess projects

Projects accepted for assessment



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

With regard to the first goal, thanks to the 2017 tender three researchers have decided to come and work in Lombardy on research, and have received good financing. These are Simone Alioli, previously at CERN in Geneva and now at Bicocca University in Milan, Paola Saccomandi from the Institut de Chirurgie Guidée in Strasbourg and now at the Politecnico di Milano in Milan, and David Stuckler from Oxford University and now at Bocconi University in Milan.With regard to the second goal, support was given in 2017 to 10 promising Lombard research applicants for ERC financing via curricular initiatives (overseas work experience, attendance at conferences, and publication of scientific articles) and other forms of support to make initial results from their research projects more competitive. This approach in 2017 was seen to be highly effective. Indeed, three beneficiaries of this type of assistance in previous years were awarded special European financing.



I was awarded a starting grant from the European Research Council, in partnership with Lombardy Regional Junta, in the field of theoretical physics. Since November 2017 I have been doing research in Italy, at Bicocca University in Milan.My return to Italy was possible thanks also to contributions paid by the Fondazione Cariplo, which allowed me to widen

out my study base from pure theory to more practical experimentation. This let me see the results of my simulations more directly in terms of the experimental results which I used to measure at CERN in Geneva. From a personal point of view, the contribution paid by the Fondazione Cariplo radically changed my career, as I was able to return to Italy after nine years of research overseas (the US, Germany, and Switzerland). Most of all, I was able to go back to the University where I graduated and did my Ph.D. My university career thus became very stable, and I took full advantage of all my previous experience.The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_alioli

Simone Alioli Associate Professor,Bicocca University in Milan

Contributions deliberated

Contributions deliberated

Projects received

Projects received









Projects accepted for assessment

Projects accepted for assessment


of which 434.734,20 euros' worth of contributions deliberated by the Fondazione Cariplo


of which 694.066,80 euros' worth of contributions deliberated by the Fondazione Cariplo


3 10Researchers strengthened

Researchers attracted

3 Sectors of intervention

• Physical Sciences and Engineering• Life Sciences• Social Sciences and Humanities


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

CHARITY CHALLENGE | Forecasting, preventing, and mitigating hazards.



STRATEGY | In Italy we have many problems with hydro-geological instability, where highly critical areas cover almost 10% of the total land surface. Extreme weather conditions caused by global warming and irrational land management have given rise to many landslides and floods, which are becoming more and more frequent. This is extremely dangerous for all of us. With these problems in mind, this tender - now in its second year - considered projects for modelling the prevention and mitigation of hydro-geological hazards to pass local information on to local government. Predictive models will also be required for extreme weather conditions and to map out those areas in danger of drought, so that people will be better informed about what is happening.



Contributions deliberated

International experts engaged to assess projects

Projects received

8 923 21 1.497.200E

Contributions deliberated by the Fondazione Cariplo

Projects accepted for assessment

Areas of intervention:monitoring, quantitative analysis, hazard prevention


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

STRATEGY | The "brain drain" is a phenomenon we know only too well in Italy. Scarce resources, low turnover, and the unreliability of career paths force young researchers to look for work overseas. This tender offers young researchers working in the field of those

molecular mechanisms which give rise to human disease the chance to complete a project under their own responsibility and to pave the way towards an independent career. When choosing which projects to finance, we gave particular attention to the best leaders among young scientific managers and the potential career benefits they could achieve by managing their own projects. We also assessed innovation, the quality of their methodological approaches, and any spin-offs that knowledge might give. As well as helping general research in the bio-medical field, the project we financed will also allow young scientists to do research under their own responsibility.


CHARITY CHALLENGE | Supporting young researchers in their careers, to stop the "brain drain."




Contributions deliberated

International experts engaged to assess projects

Projects received



45186 69 4.211.562E

Contributions deliberated by the Fondazione Cariplo

Projects accepted for assessment

areas of most important study:infective and cardiovascular diseases, and cancer


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


CHARITY CHALLENGE | Supporting training and professional courses for young medics.

STRATEGY | As part of the Cooperation Agreement with the Regional Foundation for Bio-medical Research (FRRB) which we signed in 2015, there are two tenders, “Training and Starting a Career for Medical Researchers,” and “Invitation Procedure Reserved for Partnerships in Receipt of Awards under the Tender for Harnessing Bio-medical Research as Promoted by the FRRB in 2015.”Both these initiatives begin by assuming that research into and the awareness of disease mechanisms must improve prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. This means that we need to encourage young medics to carry out research so that the results they obtain in the laboratory can be transferred to patients.In the first tender, we selected four projects to launch, and provided training courses to consolidate research and provide employment for researchers. The invitation procedure, on the other hand, let us finance research and training for brilliant young doctors involved in projects financed by the FRRB.


Medical researchers closed

Medical researchers open

Contributions deliberated

Contributions deliberated

International experts engaged to assess projects

International experts engaged to assess projects

Projects received

Projects received











Contributions deliberated by the Fondazione Cariplo

Contributions deliberated by the Fondazione Cariplo

Projects accepted for assessment

Projects accepted for assessment


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


CHARITY CHALLENGE | Improving competitivity for food products produced in Italy via research projects to increase economic and environmental sustainability in farms.

STRATEGY | The project was launched in 2007 with cooperation between thirteen Banking Foundations, and aims at encouraging research in the food processing industry.During its first year, sixteen projects were financed as key sections of Italian food processing, cereals, fruit and vegetables, vine, and pig farming. During its second year in 2014, the initiative supported five projects in the olive oil and fish farming sectors.Finally, in 2017, we published tenders for mountain farming and for milk and cheese products. The selection of projects is expected to end in early 2018.In 2017 we also published a tender for harnessing the scientific results of sixteen research projects, financed during the first year by AGER to apply the results to the manufacturing industry, e.g. by harnessing vineyard by-products, adopting more efficient farming techniques, and improving pig farming and the disposal of pig effluent.



AGER 1 results harnessing

Projects deliberated

Projects received

515 15 479.849,00E

Projects accepted for assessment

109.069,68Eeuros contributions deliberated by the Fondazione Cariplo

of which




Projects financed during the first year Cereals, fruit and vegetables, vine, and pig farming

Assessment and technological transference pathways supported

Projects in the olive oil and fish farming sectors

Projects under assessment

as part of the mountain and milk/cheese farming




Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


CHARITY CHALLENGE | Participation in debate about revising the Common Agricultural Policy.


STRATEGY | Caption is an initiative promoted in collaboration with the Agropolis Fondation, to support research to define the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2020. The project will evaluate the economic and environmental effects of the current CAP, and suggest innovative solutions for future planning.


For further detailshttp://www.progettoager.it/

DESP partnersMilan University and LAMETA-INRA 1. assessing economic and environmental

effects of instruments on current CAP

2. assessing effects on small farms


2 actions


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


CHARITY CHALLENGE | For the health and social inclusion of people with permanent, temporary, or age-related disabilities.

STRATEGY | By adopting an integrated and cross-curricular approach, the project aims at the health and inclusion of the disabled.The project can be broken down into three initiatives, viz.:

• INCOGNITO a multi-centre research programme which aims at finding innovative solutions for rehabilitating the arms (the project also envisages co-financing by the Carigest Foundation);

• HEAD, an innovative study of cognitive extension via the mental participation of patients;

• CREW, a participation project to develop innovative tecnological solutions for the health of disabled people.



innovative cross-curricular research programmes

Business Plans for technological solutions for rehabilitation and disability

2 6


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


Other Payments


Project:Covering the expenses borne for our 2017 programme

AriSLA ((Fondazione Italiana di Ricerca per la Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica) came into life thanks to the contribution of its four founders, AISLA Onlus, the Fondazione Cariplo, the Telethon Foundation, the Vialli Foundation, and Mauro per la Ricerca e lo Sport. Their institutional articles of association identify scientific research as the only way they can effectively attack amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the causes of which are still unknown and for which there is no cure.The contribution made this year allowed the AriSLA Foundation to increase the resources set aside for research, and an investment of more than 11.4 million euros has been made since 2009, helping 68 projects and 260 researchers throughout Italy.

Contribution: 400.000 €

Milan County Territorials

Need Institute Foundation


The Memory project has been presented by the Need Institute, a Foundation which aims at promoting scientific research in the field of healthcare and rehabilitation for patients affected by nerve diseases. The initiative wishes to detail the protocols to facilitate the identification of those who risk developing these diseases, making available quick tests to be carried out in places with ease of access, such as certain hospitals and surgeries in the Milan area. The study has been designed to allow the method and its plans to be carried into many different situations, and this makes it extremely important. Another asset it has is the importance given to including elderly patients throughout the whole project, and the communications it provides.

Contribution: 51.900 €

In this section we show several of the projects financed as "other payments."


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Actions in line with our Scientific Research Department plans

Bicocca University in Milan Project:IBIS - Innovative technologies for health and scholastic inclusion

IBIS was presented at Bicocca University in Milan in cooperation with the Sacred Heart University in Milan, the Besta Institute and the Medea Institute. It entails the involvement of several schools (the Istituti Einaudi in Lodi and Pacioli di Crema, and the Salesian School in Sesto San Giovanni) and two associations working in the field of nervous disturbances, the Associazione Italiana Dislessia and the Associazione Disprassia & Famiglie. This initiative aims at assessing the impact of innovative, multi-media teaching about health upon inclusion and scholastic results for vulnerable students with learning disabilities. Its impact is expected to be very broad, because of the involvement of different school situations and some important Lombard research centres, and because of the assistance provided by associations which will allow families to be involved: these are the main players in helping children to learn at school.

Contribution: 170.000 €

GAFF - Global Alliance for the Future of FoodProject:Health Impacts of Food Systems – Phase II (for the 2017 activities of the “Health Impacts” initiative)

The Global Alliance for the Future of Food (GAFF) is a coalition of 25 charitable associations, including the Fondazione Cariplo which, even though they operate in different geographical areas and different fields (from health to agriculture, and from food to promoting local communities), understand the urgency of acting together at a global level to promote healthy, fair, resilient, inclusive, and diversified food processing, thanks to the involvement of many different stakeholders. GAFF works at three separate levels, viz.: 1. producing new knowledge and supporting the scientific proof available to bring about change

at global level; 2. facilitating dialogue between stakeholders and the understanding the various demands involved

in changes to the food processing system; 3. promoting actions at local and global level to bring about transformative changes. Understanding the complexity which underlies food processing systems, GAFF promote a systemic vision and work to understand and influence the various social, economic, and ecological drivers behind current food systems. This they do by working on three main areas, human health and community well-being, farm ecology, and understanding the true cost of food. Support by the Foundation has concentrated mainly on the first area of interest, with contributions to research work carried out to show the positive and negative signs in food systems in terms of human health, and to suggest possible corrective measures. An early report on the negative signs was published in 2017 with cooperation from the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food), and a second study will be carried out in 2018 upon positive examples of how a sustainable system can have positive effects on our health.

Contribution: 23.000 €


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


UniverLecco Project:Empatia@Lecco

The Empatia@Lecco project is the third capital in an emblematic action by the Fondazione Cariplo in the Lecco area upon rehabilitation, with special attention being given to disabilities caused by congenital diseases or those acquired by the nervous system. After the introduction of new technologies (Hint@Lecco project) and the development of a patient backup ecosystem for rehabilitation (Spider@Lecco project), the focus is now upon empowering people to improve their environment and their independence. The project supported by the Fondazione Cariplo in 2017 envisages a development plan for scientific and clinical research discoveries in line with international standards, which will allow an objective assessment to be made of the impact of new technologies upon patient empowerment. The workshopness of this project is guaranteed by a consolidated partnership with good skills in the field of rehabilitation, with the additional bonus that it will engage new clinical partners capable of facilitating the diffusion of these results at systemic level.

Contribution: 1.000.000 €

Institutional Payments

ISMU Foundation - Multiethnic Initiatives and Studies

Project:Covering the expenses borne for our 2017 programme

ISMU was launched in 1991, on the initiative of the Fondazione Cariplo, with a view to promoting research and documentation, information, and training about certain aspects connected to the multiethnic and multicultural transformation of our society.During 2017, in line with our mission and thanks to contributions paid by the Fondazione Cariplo, the ISMU Foundation took certain measures to help integration, especially those affecting asylum for refugees, anti-discrimination measures, minors and youths, health, welfare, and multilingualism. These initiatives were carried out in partnership with central and local government institutions, and with the Voluntary Sector. Contribution: 750.000 €

Services PersonalWelfare, council housing, and much more besides.

Contributions deliberated by payment instrument

2017 2016N. euros N. euros

Tenders and projects 53 9.040.000 147 21.376.100

Inter-sector Plans 7 3.755.500 3 2.375.000

Actions in line with PDA 9 500.000 10 545.000

PDA Research and Assessment 2 203.175 3 356.080

Institutional Payments 6 2.770.000 5 1.670.000

Local Payments 83 3.168.900 78 3.013.000

Emblematic 28 6.344.324 31 6.705.115

Aid 75 336.970 - -Other Payments 69 5.253.900 74 9.981.600

Other Instruments in Area 1 22.572.840 9 25.254.295

Total 333 53.945.609 360 71.276.190

Fig. 20 - Distribution of payments, by type of instrument - Personal services


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Services Personal



Support for new local welfare systems capable of involving the community and responding

better to the needs of people and families.


The fight against poverty, especially in families with children, by implementing systemic responses at local level which can deal with the needs of those who are in serious

difficulty, understand immediately who the most vulnerable people are,

and help them back into society.


Growth pathways for youths, especially as they turn adult and begin to look for work, with much attention given to those

at greatest disadvantage.


A response to the housing needs of the most vulnerable people by offering more homes and maximising economic access.


Help for emerging economies to develop by involving local and Italian communities, including the diaspora.

In 2017, the amount of contributions in the personal services sector was 53.945.609 euros (24% down on 2016). This fall is mainly due to the carrying forward to 2018 of the deliberation for contributions covering the fourth year of our Welfare in Azione tender. In accordance with to the experience we had during the first three years, we decided to make more time available to organisations for special planning. In this way, their feasibility studies could be more detailed and immediately implemented.In 2017, in line with previous years, the Fondazione Cariplo implemented an intervention strategy in our Personal Services Department, considering that we absolutely must reconfirm the cohesive value of welfare as a factor for growth in our economic and social system. Indeed, in concrete terms it is important that people in the public and private sectors rethink the current system and give more importance to vulnerable people, making the economic, social, and infrastructural resources available and thus investing in the creation and maintenance of neighbourly protection networks by re-weaving old social bonds.The intervention which shows this approach to its best is our Welfare in Azione tender, now in its fourth year, which supports and directs local players towards trying out generative, community welfare.The instruments for fighting against poverty which we have implemented in the last year, Doniamo Energia and QuBì, the recipe against child poverty, go in this same general direction and encourage local public and private players to plan actions from a promotional point of view by detecting situations of economic vulnerability in an active way and strengthening personal independence and active participation in the social life of poor people, especially families with children.

Special areas dealt with under projects:


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

On the subject of protection for minors, as well as taking part again in the Italian Fund for the Fight against Educational Poverty in Children, the Fondazione Cariplo is still committed to the Never Alone Project, which wishes to guarantee a decent future to immigrant children in Italy, thanks to a trans-national commitment at European level.Many of the tools being used are the same as those in previous years, in terms of both housing solutions (Council Housing Tender for vulnerable people), and youth employment for those in a situation of disadvantage (NEETwork Project).The Foundation's commitment to international cooperation development has continued. During 2017, we saw the fourth year of the Fondazioni for Africa - Burkina Faso Project, and pilot action under

the Innovazione per lo sviluppo Project was begun. These actions will lead to a new payment instrument to support low-cost solutions and virtuous technological innovation processes as a way of finding proper solutions for those persistent problems which affect the poorer parts of society, by leveraging new alliances with the private sector, academia, the world of innovators, and start-ups.In terms of intervention methods, we must point out another aspect which has marked most of the instruments used by our Personal Services Department, planning in partnership with other financiers. The fight against poverty, the protection of minors, and international cooperation have all been undertaken in cooperation with other financiers and companies.The actions implemented by our Personal Services Department

are all an attempt at reaching our SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Particular mention must be made of our commitment to the fight against poverty: 1 - putting an end to all forms of poverty throughout the world, 2 - putting an end to hunger, reaching food safety, improving nutrition, and promoting sustainable farming, and 3 - lowering inequality in and between countries. Another intention covers training and education, our number 4, giving fair, quality, inclusive education and learning opportunities to everyone.


For further detailshttp://www.fondazionecariplo.it/it/strategia/settori-di-intervento/servizi/index.html


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

CHARITY CHALLENGE | The peaceful revolution in local welfare: trying out instrumentsand social innovation processes, and citizen participation in improving community problem solutions.



STRATEGIA | Our “Welfare di comunità e innovazione sociale” tender, now in its fourth year, helps local areas to change their perspective and build up welfare by understanding local needs.The Tender seeks experiments which aim at promoting service, model, and process innovations to meet the needs of society less as assistance and more as promotion, less as an emergency and more as prevention, widening its field of application out to involve other players, first and foremost citizens and companies, in finding ways of responding. At the Foundation, we support local networks via special pathways and discussions, with a view to finalising and creating public/non-profit-making/profit-making co-planning systems to involve the local community right from the very outset of planning. Actually, these methods help the networks when defining feasibility studies in terms of shared planning, thus providing a shared language, a shared understanding of problems, and a joint commitment to work towards the same targets, as well as fund raising by looking for and sharing current and future local resources.The tri-annual completion of projects also entails help with raising funds and monitoring, in addition to setting up practical communities for each tender.The purpose of this is to create "thinking spaces" to help networks to think about completion, to help understand errors, and to help local institutions to build a system of cross-wise assessments so that the lessons learnt can be understood and spread further.The tender in 2017 was our first opportunity to give back to the public all the results we gathered during the first two years. A lecture “Ma come gira questo welfare” was held before more than 500 people at the Elfo Puccini theatre on 22 September, to talk about local areas considered the various changes made in terms of innovation, bringing out community resources, governance, and new challenges. In particular, projects being financed saw new methods for understanding needs coming into existence, along with co-design of services involving citizens, and help for families and beneficiaries.These projects are designed to help the so-called "grey areas" of vulnerability not covered by services (of the 10.620 people covered by projects, 80% are unknown to the welfare services) which helps with un-coded needs requiring a re-positioning of conventional social security operatives and the birth of new types of assistants (including, among many others, finance teachers). New forms of public/private governance are coming to life thanks to externalisation and delegation, and we are starting to see new forms of co-planning open to new social players with an active role in re-designing local welfare responses.


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

2017Ideas received in stage 1

(call for ideas)

Ideas selected for stage 2 (definizione studi di fattibilità)


SUMMARY FIGURESCommunity activation is also seen with fund raising, with over 1,5 million euros gathered and 2,5 million euros set aside for goods and services during the first two years of this tender. The Fondazione Cariplo is greatly committed to community welfare, with more than 30 million euros' worth of contributions deliberated during the three years of this tender. Commitment has also been seen in public/private networks, which have co-financed projects to the tune of more than 37 million euros, to a total of 67 million euros for this great challenge.


Elisa D'Anza Director, Sbrighes! project

Applying for this tender allowed us in SBRIGHES! to have a new view of the welfare system in our area, and we could form a whole series of alliances right from the get-go. Companies were able to see a social innovation programme capable of involving citizens in the co-production of services and non-traditional welfare companies in shared responsibility

to help youth and family employment in the Tirano area where they are on the margins of society, and where there is great depopulation and social isolation. Fund raising also tells us about the commitment of this community to this project. From economic instruments to social participation instruments we grew in skilling terms, and the impact of the project on our area was thus much wider

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_anza

For further detailshttp://welfareinazione.fondazionecariplo.it/http://www.fondazionecariplo.it/it/news/servizi/il-welfare-di-fondazione-cariplo-gira.html


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


Giovanni Raulli Chairman, Oikos Consortium

The Oikos Consortium has brought together three separate cooperatives and, with help from the Foundation, has set up the Greco Solidale Project to renovate

a building in the Greco area for an innovative start-up in council housing. There are currently nine disabled people living in this building, five adults with social difficulties, and a Roma family. The special thing about this project is changing the needs of one person into resources which help somebody else.

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_raulli

CHARITY CHALLENGE | Meeting the housing needs of the vulnerable, guaranteeing them services and relationships, and accompanying them towards greater independence.

2017Projects financed

230 90


Beds covered by plans


Contributions deliberated

4.000.000 E

3 dedicated to temporary accommodation

3 for mixed solutions4 for the disabled

4 special lodgings for the elderly

10 to provide accommodation for adults or vulnerable families

STRATEGY | This tender encourages non-profit-making firms to increase their capacity to respond to the housing needs of vulnerable people because of their social condition, disability, age, temporary problems, and income. The purpose is to provide a better condition and give them greater independence, thus maximising their economic access to housing solutions. Our contribution at the Fondazione Cariplo is to help new services to start up in property and management terms, i.e. to train volunteers and professionals to help people receiving assistance and put them on the network of current services. Thus the ability to harness local resources in good neighbourliness terms is rewarded on the public and private networks, taking advantage of unused or underused housing assets. We give particular attention to upgrading energy systems in houses. At the Foundation we also take advantage of an arrangement we currently have with Banca Prossima to use the Terzo Valore Platform, thus providing an incentive for raising funds from gifts and loans.





Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

For further detailswww.housing-sociale.it | www.fhs.it

CHARITY CHALLENGE | An alliance between the public and private sectors to fight youth education poverty in Italy.



STRATEGY | IThis fund was set up in 2016 after an agreement between the Banking Foundation and the government in Rome, with the purpose of helping special actions designed to remove those economic, social, and cultural barriers which stop proper education being given to children. The Fund is paid into by Foundations, who take advantage of certain tax benefits given to them according to the amounts they pay.The payment of resources by tender has been entrusted to the Con i Bambini company, and strategic choices are made by a special Committee whose members are from Banking Foundations, central government, and the Voluntary Sector.During 2017, 62,2 million euros' worth of contributions were deliberated for payment to the Prima Infanzia Tender (for children 0-6 years of age), and two new instruments were implemented:


Etruska Badiali Beneficiary of the project

Since I moved house, my life has improved in terms of independence and employment. I can do any job I want, anything an average girl would do every day. My life is fulfilled, and I know that if I need something I can go and talk to the teachers.

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_raulli


Sharon Giuliani Beneficiary of the project

I am eighteen and come from a community for minors. In Greco I am learning what it means to become independent thanks to the help the teachers give me, who are helping me to find work and to cook and do all the other stuff I didn't know how to do. In a years time I expect to have a flatmate and the job. I hope I will grow up and I hope I'll be happy.

The complete interview: http://bit.ly/bil18itw_raulli


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

For further detailshttp://www.conibambini.org/

the Nuove Generazioni Tender for children between 5 and 14, with 60 million euros, and "Co-financing Initiatives," an experiment designed to draw in additional resources by promoting co-financing initiatives with private financiers. The result everyone expects is an overall national strategy to fight against education poverty with long-term effects, which will be seen in the first local initiatives involving these tenders. National policy will then be based upon the results of an initial impact assessment, which any projects selected will have to include right from their initial application.


Prima infanzia Tender in 2 stages

Total set-aside Fondazione Cariplo

Total Fund amount

Foundations contributing

22.572.840 E

120million E


Ideas received in stage 1



Ideas received in stage 2


Projects multi-regional



21 on multi-regional lists

107 Regional projects list A


Adolescenza Tender in 2 stages

Ideas received in stage 1


Ideas received in stage 2


Projects multi-regional

206 Regional projects list A

54 Inter-regional projects list B


on regional lists

Multi-regional projects list B

Projects28,1 million E

34,1 million E

Contributions deliberated


for multi-regional lists

for regional lists

Projects financed80


14 on multi-regional lists

on regional lists


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

CHARITY CHALLENGE | Giving energy to families with difficulties. An alliance with the Banco dell’Energia to identify and help vulnerable people.

STRATEGY | This tender is one of the many methods used to fight poverty, especially among those vulnerable people who may have lost a job or a family member, or who are suffering from a disease. The tender, which comes out of cooperation with A2A and the Banco dell'Energia, supports projects which identify and help families which have fallen into a situation of economic vulnerability so that they do not fall into poverty. The idea is to take them out of a situation of need. The indirect purpose of the tender is to identify models to provide help as soon as possible and to find efficient pathways to get people back to normal. There is also a monitoring scheme applicable throughout the project.


Local distribution for these 15 projects: 4 in Milan city, 4 in Milan County (Baranzate, Cassano d’Adda, Cernusco sul Naviglio, and Sesto San Giovanni). 1 in Pavia, 1 in Crema, 1 in Cremona, 1 in Varese, 2 in Brescia and County, and one covering the whole of Lombardy. There are 189 organisations involved and they expect to help 2.500 people using a made-to-measure scheme including economic assistance and paths out of need. Overall beneficiaries, considering applicable families and individuals provided with assistance, will be approximately 6.000.




Contributions deliberatedApplications received and passed on for assessment


3662 15 1.000.000E

Contributions deliberated by other financiers

Projects deliberated

Total cost

2million E

3,4million EProjects selected

organisations involved

People supported

Beneficiaries overall



2.500 6.000

Contribution paid by Fondazione Cariplo and Banco Energia

Local distribution for projects



sul naviglioSesto SanGiovanni

Pavia Crema

Lombardy Region



Brescia County


Milan x 4


Fig. 21


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

For further detailshttps://www.bancodellenergia.it/index.html

CHARITY CHALLENGE | The city of Milan comes to an agreement to fight poverty among youths and their families.

STRATEGY | Towards the end of 2016, coming up to its twenty-fifth anniversary, the Fondazione Cariplo launched an important challenge: detailing a three-year programme of 25 million euros to fight youth poverty throughout Milan.During 2017, the program took concrete form thanks to the commitment of the Vismara Foundation, Intesa Sanpaolo, and the Milan Fair Foundation, who made available a total of 20,3 million euros (12, 5, and 3,3 million respectively).The remaining resources (4,7 million euros) will be raised using a fund raising scheme to involve companies and private citizens. The Programme was brought to life thanks to cooperation between the Council and certain Voluntary Sector bodies such as the Archdiocesan Charity Fund, the Banco Alimentare, and the Pellegrini Foundation. The purpose of this intervention is to bring together companies, institutions, public and private sector bodies, and citizens to implement coordinated actions which will fight against poverty over time among families with children.


• Thanks to an analysis carried out by the Fondazione Cariplo Observatory and Payment Assessment Department, working alongside Milan City Council, a concrete image was produced for the first time of people living in poverty in Milan city and who are helped financially by the institutions. This analysis showed that there were 9.433 families with at least one child (to a total of 19.703) who in 2016 received economic assistance, equal to approximately one child in ten. The next step will be seeing how many poor families with children do not receive public assistance, and are therefore in even greater danger. Going from estimates to real figures will give us more elements to assess poverty in Milan, so that we can direct our resources much better.

• Two territorial hubs have been provided by the Banco Alimentare, and it is now possible to collect and distribute food to poorer families.

• The Archdiocesan Charity Commission also opened its first Solidarity Shop in Milan.




Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Familieswith at least one

underage child


9.433living in families where at least one member is receiving Social Security

Local distribution of children in receipt of public assistance as part of the fight against poverty




Minors (total)

Fig. 22: Local distribution of children in receipt of public assistance as part of the fight against poverty


CHARITY CHALLENGE | Finding and helping the 1,000 most vulnerable neets,via traineeships provided by a non-profit-making firm in Lombardy.


STRATEGY | This project is based upon an agreement with the Voluntary Sector in Lombardy which, when properly supported, will provide training courses for people between 18 and 24 years of age. They must have completed at least middle school, be unemployed, and not have worked for at least three years. They must not be registered with Garanzia Giovani and have no professional qualifications. NEETwork leverages the overall structure of Garanzia Giovani in Lombardy. Project partners are the Adecco Foundation, the Mestieri Lombardia Consortium, and the Istituto Toniolo. Found using innovative methods (including social networks such as face book), neets are contacted by employment agencies, helped by psychologists, and sent for training courses lasting 4-6 months.


Training posts made available by

Non-profit-making companies in Lombardy

520 +250

More than 11.500CVs from different sources examined

41.000Neets contacted

Among these youths, many drop out of the project because they are vulnerable, but many have seen their courses extended



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

CHARITY CHALLENGE | Unaccompanied foreign minors are a growing phenomenon in Italy and Europe. It is no longer an emergency, but something needs to be done all the same.

NEVER ALONE FOR A DIFFERENT TOMORROWReception and accompaniment for unaccompanied foreign minors and youths reaching Italy alone


Youths have shown interest in the project

1.500 >1.700Youths contacted via facebook

Courses started in December 2017190Experience considered positive for participants and for companies

For further detailswww.neetwork.eu | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7DUZGaf0vAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLsvWCoNN3Q

STRATEGY | Following the intentions of the European Programme for Integration and Migration, the Fondazione Cariplo, the Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione CON IL SUD, Enel Cuore, the Cassa di Risparmio di Torino Foundation, the Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo Foundation, the Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo Foundation, the Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation, and the Vismara Foundation have decided to work together to guarantee a better future for young foreigners arriving alone in Italy and to build a new, more receptive culture.Aiming to implement new forms of reception and integration for minors with full respect for their rights, in 2016 the Foundations launched a Tender for eight projects to be implemented throughout Italy. These projects came into force in April 2017, and they accompany minors and young adults as they try to set up a project for life in Italy, with a view to directing them towards social, employment, and housing independence. These projects will cover the following four areas:

• accompanying them towards independence when they become adults;

• improving and extending foster care;

• widening and expanding the system of voluntary guardianship;

• reception for girls.


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

The following will also be provided:

• Italian language courses, indispensable for those who wish to insert themselves into Italian society;

• careers guidance activities with local entrepreneurs and businesses;

• innovative programmes to encourage inclusion in the housing system;

• special training courses for teachers and courses for Italian citizens.










Projects financed

Italian Regions

Foundations co-finance

Bodies involved

non-profit-making and local, public sector organisations

Foreign youngsters accompanied by these projects

Youths involved throughout Italy

Youths involved in the scheme for housing independence

Operators trained in this field

Participants in training and Italian language courses



Assistance provided by Italian Foundations

Resources made available

Results expected

88Youths accompanied towards work experience

For further detailswww.minoristranieri-neveralone.it


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

CHARITY CHALLENGE AND STRATEGY | With the purpose of guaranteeing food rights to 60,000 people in Burkina Faso and improving systems cooperation between Burkina Faso and Italy, this project involves NGOs, research centres and migrant associations along different axes throughout Italy, aiming at development and sustainability in farming and beekeeping, micro-finance, and social entrepreneurship.

FOUNDATIONS FOR AFRICA, BURKINA FASOPartnership for sustainable development between Italy and Burkina Faso



• Storage for 9.120 bags of about 100 kilos each of cereals for 1.776 producers (869 of whom are women) in safe warehouses built or reinstated under the project, and the provision of credit to 1.495 producers (647 of whom are women) to a value of more than 115,000 euros, mostly used to raise income levels (credits paid back at 100%).

• Improved financial inclusion for farmer beneficiaries (multiplier effect greater than 85.000 euros, used for guarantee, rotation, and start-up funds).

• Building capacity for twenty-seven associations of Burkinabe emigrants, in terms of governance and intervention capacity.

• Greater quantities of products by production chain: honey (+62% production, +400% transformation, +100% consumption, and +75% sales); soya (+79% production, +5% yield, and +295% transformation); rice (+5% production, +11% yield, and +75% transformation); horticulture (+80% production of onions and +59% production of tomatoes).

For further detailswww.fondazioniforafrica.org


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

CHARITY CHALLENGE | A pathway for promoting technological innovation from the bottom up, to find new solutions to the most persistent problems affecting poor people in developing countries.


STRATEGY | IThis project is the consequence of a series of reflections made by the Fondazione Cariplo and the Compagnia di San Paolo, with participation by the CRT Foundation.In 2016 several pilot experiments were implemented:

1. Digital manufacture - in Burkina Faso, the place selected for experimentation:

• the prototype for a small-scale parboiled rice dryer was completed in July 2017; after two tests, a large-scale prototype was manufactured;

• the online platform VOTOMOBILE was implemented to help the honey farm in Diapaga, to inform small producers living in disadvantaged rural areas market trends in honey products.

2. Open innovation (including the re-use of existing technology):

• design on the COOPEN platform is at an advanced stage in finding technological solutions by interactions between the main players in international cooperation and technological innovators;

• the ICT for Social Good Prize was launched, to bring out local realities in the South of the world where they have dealt with social problems in their local area using digital

technologies creatively.

3. Development and Training data - improving interactions between players in the main ecosystem:

• an event was held in Italy on technological innovation for the world of international cooperation/migration, with Techsoup Italia: OPEN DAYS 2017 (6-7 November, BASE Milan);

• the second year of a Navigation Boot Camp (Civitavecchia-Barcelona) was held on Social Enterprise & Migration, with social entrepreneurs in the field of migration (1-4 July 2017).


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Technical partners during the pilot stage: ACRA, with young Burkinabe makers from Ouagalab, Wemake Association and Officine Innesto; Politecnico Foundation, CISV (NGO 2.0 project) with the Opes Foundation, the Institute for Scientific Interchange (ISI) Foundation, and Techsoup Italia.During 2018, based upon the results of the various pilots, a second stage of the project will be started and the measures decided for on-going training for organisers and operators will be uploaded.


For further detailshttp://www.fondazionecariplo.it/it/progetti/servizi/innovazione-per-lo-sviluppo.htmlhttps://www.facebook.com/innovazionesviluppo/ | https://www.opendaysinnovazione.it/http://ictforsocialgood.org/





Projects Participants Participants

connected in streaming

Facebook users

Users interactingwith the


event Facebook page


Social entrepreneurs

Knowledge advisors


Participants from different backgrounds

Workshop leaders

countries around the world

prizes for ICT for Social Good

ICT for Social Good

Twitter Trending Topics Italia more than

Innovative projects/products

put on display

Boat Camp 2017Innovation Open Days

Prizes for ICT for Children assigned by FondazioneMission Bambini


Technical partners

Themed focuses

Banking Foundations



378 700










to find innovative answers to problems in

developing countries


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


Actions in line with our Personal Services Department plans

SocialTechno Impresa Sociale Srl

Project:Fondazione Cariplo Digital EDU 2017-18. Non-profit-making knowledge, skills, and abilities that believe in digital transformation

Fondazione Cariplo Digital EDU 2017-18-18 is a training and capacity-building programme as part of the Techsoup platform, based upon the needs of non-profit-making organisations who wish to start digital transformation. The programme comprises six workshops in each of the cities involved (Brescia, Monza, and Varese) and twelve webinars with some of the most important digital transformers in Italy, to see their experience in reaching impact targets. This will all close with a final public event at the Cariplo Factory. The program also entails the completion of a special e-learning platform for students to give them access to the materials and contents discussed during the course.

Contribution: 60.000 €

Telefono Donna Association

Project:Close to you, vicino a te

This project aims at combating gender violence by helping women who work in the building trade. Courses will be provided for people living in the five ALER areas selected by ALER in Milan, with one meeting a month for ten months. The course intends to strengthen bonds between blocks of flats to improve group resources and encourage self-help initiatives from the "bottom up" for women being mistreated. Open meetings will be held in every district to take care of common areas in blocks of flats or to do creative work.A facilitator will be with tenants throughout the course.

Contribution: 30.000 €

In this section we show several of the projects financed as "other payments."


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

County Emblematic

Koinè social cooperative(Partners: Lavorare Insieme social cooperative, R.I.B.E.S. social cooperative, Catholic Workers' Association in Bergamo County, Mestieri Lombardia social cooperative)

Project:Work: an instrument for social cohesion and personal development

This project entails starting assembly work to bring vulnerable and disabled people into the world of work and to provide support and help for them (information desk, personal services, training courses). The project has been specially designed for young, disabled people who have finished school or professional training courses, adults with disabilities who have sufficient skills to go to work, and adults with disabilities who would find it difficult to go to work and for whom work experience might be an opportunity to take away their feelings of isolation. During the project's two years, this partnership hopes to provide: • 40 workshop opportunities for the disabled; • 10 temporary jobs (traineeships) for the disadvantaged and 2 full-time employment opportunities;

employment for at least 2 disadvantaged people who have completed a training ship (activity 2);• 50 accesses to the counter;• 25 people supported;• 3 information events.

Contribution: 100.000 €

Milan County Territorials

Abilità Association

Project:L’abilità 4

This project covers transfer into Spazio Gioco, managed for many years now by the Association, of children with disabilities, to increase the services available and increase the number of children helped.The new premises will see the number of play rooms increasing from 4 to 7, thus taking the number of children from 50 to 80 (up 60%) and the number of families from 48 to 78. It will also be possible to prepare special rooms for autistic children, to fit out a flexible space for free play in the presence of an educator, to organise special workshops for children without disabilities (siblings, classmates, and friends) to provide them with social help, to prepare a multi-sensory room with help from the Politecnico di Milano University in Milan for the health of children with complicated disabilities, to prepare room for parent training so that parents with the help of an operator can see their children playing.

Contribution: 80.000 €


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Main emblematics

Archdiocesan Charity Fund

Project:Casa della Carità in Lecco

This project entails building of the "Casa della Carità" in Lecco, by renovation work on the Blessed Paul VI Centre. This work will allow the rationalisation of the local services which already exist (especially the Centro di Ascolto in the Deanery Charity Foundation), a canteen for the poor, a shower service, and a cloakroom) and the additional provision of a dormitory/shelter with 36 beds for people in difficulty at the edges of society, a solidarity shop for the distribution of foodstuffs, two flats for evicted families and meeting places for operators, volunteers and youth groups, and a doctor's surgery.

Beneficiary estimates:

• Listening centre: 1.200 accesses;

• Canteen: 10.000 meals provided;

• Shop: 1.000 bags available;

• Showers: 800 accesses;

• Night dormitory: 150 beneficiaries per annum;

• Flats: 8 families per annum.

Contribution: 1.000.000 €

Institutional Payments

Minoprio Foundation

Project:Support for work in 2017

The Minoprio Foundation is to be found in an old park, farm, and nature area owned by Lombardy Region which, as well as the park, provides a Training Centre and an Employment Centre.

Contribution: 600.000 €


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Institutional Payments

Casa della Carità Angelo Abriani Foundation

Project:Support for work in 2017

The Casa della Carità Angelo Abriani Foundation helps vulnerable people among those it sees every day. The Foundation helps hundreds of homeless people every day. It offers showers and cloakroom facilities to many more people, as well as a listening ear, medical services, legal advice, and employment services. For the elderly, the homeless, people with mental health problems or living alone, the Casa provides help throughout the city of Milan.

Contribution: 400.000 €

Banco Alimentare Foundation

Project:Support for work in 2017

The Banco Alimentare Foundation collects excess food and passes it on for free to charitable organisations who then give it to people in difficulty. It coordinates 21 local organisations who work all over Italy.

Contribution: 150.000 €

Istituto Sacra Famiglia Foundation

Project:New Rehabilitation Centre: spatial and functional reorganisation of Cesare Boscone premises

The Holy Family Institute Foundation provides special assistance for people with mental and physical disabilities and for pensioners who are no longer self-sufficient.Every day they provide help to more than 2.000 people with home care, doctors, and nurses, at their various premises in Lombardy, Piedmont, and Liguria.In 2017 the Foundation contribution was destined to renovation work at the new Cesare Boscone Centre.

Contribution: 1.100.000 €

Foundations CommunityLocal Charity.





total assets261

of money transfers were paid by Fondazione Cariplo when the challenge was accepted

collected locally

Community Foundations

15Counties in the Fondazione Cariplo area


13 Total assets for 2016 were 259,9 million euros, and not 264 million as stated in our previous Budget. This was due to imprecision in some of the figures provided by the Community Foundations


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


Summary figures

NOVARAFondazione della Comunità del Novarese ONLUS Total Assets:€ 22.574.588 Payments made:€ 1.433.836 Donations received:€ 606.566

PAVIAFondazione Comunitaria della Provincia di Pavia ONLUS Total Assets:€ 16.331.102 Payments made:€ 1.298.586 Donations received:€ 145.377

SONDRIOFondazione Pro Valtellina OnlusTotal Assets:€ 15.816.205 Payments made:€ 1.023.279 Donations received:€ 302.236


Fondazione Comunitariadel Ticino Olona ONLUSTotal Assets:€ 10.818.953Payments made:€ 505.000Donations received:€ 157.302

VARESEFondazione Comunitariadel Varesotto ONLUS Total Assets:€ 18.874.504 Payments made:€ 1.981.321 Donations received:€ 194.610

VCOFondazione Comunitariadel Verbano Cusio OssolaTotal Assets:€ 15.681.313 Payments made:€ 699.988 Donations received:€ 295.621

MANTUAFondazione della Comunità Mantovana ONLUS Total Assets:€ 16.513.558 Payments made:€ 1.161.018 Donations received:€ 88.574

MONZA BRIANZAFondazione della Comunità di Monza e Brianza ONLUS Total Assets:€ 17.654.878 Payments made:€ 3.681.740 Donations received:€ 1.292.379


Fondazione Comunitaria Nord Milano Total Assets:€ 14.000.816 Payments made:€ 759.743 Donations received:€ 292.368

14 / 15 The Foundations affected are: Milan North and Ticino Olona. Overall assets for these Foundations are held in the "Asset Payment Fund" in the "Challenge Provision Fund," set aside by the Fondazione Cariplo and other assets directly acquired by the Community Foundation

BERGAMOFondazione della Comunità Bergamasca ONLUS Total Assets: € 20.432.412 Payments made: € 2.508.200 Donations received: € 1.721.721

COMOFondazione Provinciale della Comunità Comasca ONLUS Total Assets:€ 20.120.654 Payments made:€ 2.111.126 Donations received:€ 908.016

CREMONAFondazione Comunitaria della Provincia di Cremona ONLUS Total Assets:€ 15.968.264 Payments made:€ 949.034 Donations received:€ 159.360

LECCOFondazione Comunitariadel Lecchese Onlus Total Assets:€ 18.075.518 Payments made:€ 2.329.417 Donations received:€ 1.612.106

LODIFondazione Comunitaria della Provincia di Lodi ONLUS Total Assets:€ 18.390.490 Payments made:€ 1.270.228 Donations received:€ 435.684

BRESCIAFondazione della Comunità Bresciana ONLUS Total Assets:€ 20.497.720 Payments made:€ 3.615.831 Donations received:€ 4.383.701














Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


In a situation where public resources are falling and social needs are rising, Committee Foundations are aiming at the creation of additional and subsidiary assets, and building up networks of citizens and public and private bodies to help initiatives, social innovation, culture, and artistic and environmental heritage protection so that everyone can become responsible for the common good and help with it.

The Fondazione Cariplo has brought to life fifteen Community Foundations throughout its local area. Thirteen of these are county based, and two cover parts of Greater Milan, the North (Milan North Foundation) and the West (Ticino Olona Foundation). These fifteen bodies were set up to meet certain challenges: to collect asset donations worth approximately 5 million euros in the next ten years, they will be given another 10 million euros by the Foundation to increase their assets.

During 2017, the project was extended to an area which was previously uncovered, the City of Milan and the fifty-six Councils to the Southwest, Southeast, and Adda Martesana in Greater Milan. For this new Community Foundation, a special committee was set up comprising twenty-four people from different sectors of society and public and private firms, all guarantors for the initiative in which they firmly believe. The sponsors, with help from the main administration at the Fondazione Cariplo, launched a participation and mobilisation scheme in the area to draw up a strategic plan and a set of articles of association which will be sent for approval by the Board of Directors at the Fondazione Cariplo in early 2018.

The Fondazione Cariplo pays these Community Foundations a total of 14 million euros every year to promote tenders or to help with projects which are often co-financed or supported by firms and people in their area. It also pays local contributions every year to a total of 6,5 million euros together with the Community Foundations, and assigns a further 7 million euros for specially important initiatives (never less than a million euros) to two different counties every year.The Fondazione Cariplo and the fifteen Community Foundations have committed to a long-term commitment to improving and strengthening the system with its various capacity-building programmes and shared projects. Coordination has been undertaken for these payments and for fund raising and heritage services by means of system for bequests and other development and perfection initiatives. Institutional communications have been opened which entail the organisation of social and cultural events (charity festivals and four exhibitions, the "art gate open"), and cooperation has been improved for other Fondazione Cariplo projects, especially our “Welfare di Comunità e Innovazione Sociale” Tender, which saw the preparation of instruments, skills, and reports, which saw the collection of approximately 1,7 million euros in funds, in addition to the harnessing of goods and services donated to the tune of more than 2,5 million euros. Results are monitored every year by the Community Foundations system, and a challenge is sent out to the two Foundations who have still not reached their annual asset target (Milan North Foundation and Ticino Olona Foundation).


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

For further detailswww.fondazionecariplo.it/it/progetti/fondazioni-di-comunita/ | www.fondazionidicomunita.org | www.fondprovlecco.org www.fondazione-comasca.it | www.fondazione.mantova.it | www.fondazionenovarese.it | www.fondazionebergamo.it www.fondazionemonzabrianza.org | www.fondazioneprovcremona.it | www.fondazionevaresotto.it www.fondazionebresciana.org | www.fondazionepv.it | www.provaltellina.org | www.fondazionelodi.org www.fondazioneticinoolona.it | www.fondazionevco.it | www.fondazionenordmilano.org.

16 The figures used refer to the final balance for the years 2012 to 2016, and to the initial budget for 201717 The term "payment" is to be understood as applicable to the amount deliberated for all payment instruments

Arts and Culture612 projects

Environment51 projects

Personal Services956 projects

Projects financed in 2017, by Department






For tenders2016-2017

Comparison 2016-201716

Worth of payments 17

Worth of donations

Destined for projectsDestined for assets












Average payment

Average donation

Projects supported




More in assets

More in payments

More in average donation

More in average payment

+1,8 million E

+56 E

+1,1 million E

+438 E



Average size of money payments by Fondazione Cariplo (minus percentage destined to cover management costs) on total payments





Projects financed

Tenders published

68%Tenders with donations to co-finance projects

14,7 millions €set aside* for tenders

The term "set aside" means the

amount budgeted for tenders

2017 for dummies


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo



The activities undertaken by us at the Fondazione Cariplo are an expression of needs which cannot be broken down to one single sector. For this reason, although our offices can be broken down into four separate Departments, the payment instruments used provide very complete solutions which show the many various connections between them.


n. Millions € n. Millions €

ENVIRONMENT 98 19,74 81 14,00

- Specific Department interventions 62 19,28 64 9,57

- Interventions with strong environmental relevance in other Departments 36 0,46 17 4,43

ARTS AND CULTURE 548 41,39 609 47,42

- Specific Department interventions 532 40,04 586 44,59

- Interventions with strong arts & culture relevance in other Departments 16 1,35 23 2,84


- Specific Department interventions 107 25,65 107 22,10

- Interventions with strong scientific relevance in other Departments 13 0,06 19 3,34

PERSONAL SERVICES 333 53,95 360 71,28

- Specific Department interventions 236 52,36 145 52,48

- Interventions with strong social relevance in other Departments 97 1,58 215 18,80


Total 1.133 160,52 1.210 178,28

Classification of contributions according to Foundation scheme set out by the Central Charity Board


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Money payments made by us at the Foundation in 2017 to beneficiaries, in addition to disbursements for expenses arising out of our projects, amounted to 19.633.684.91 euros.In particular, concerning payments with operating costs, 2.565 requests for payment to a total of 187.529.335,82 euros were dealt with; it must be pointed out that this figure does not include the payments ordered at the end of 2016 to be debited in 2017 (3,3 M euros).

Details on period of payments

The figures for 2017 show discontinuity in monetary terms against 2016 (up 38.903.029,71 euros), due to the effect of delayed payments to the "Fund for Fighting Shortcomings in Youth Education" (46.273.335 euros).When analysis is made of the payment instruments for the various types of payment, and analysis can be made of the various pre-payments used to facilitate support for the various tender finances.

Classification of contributions according to diagram released by ACRI

SECTOR2017 2016

n. Millions € n. Millions €

ENVIRONMENT 56 14,42 66 9,75

ARTS AND CULTURE 652 40,44 592 44,75

SOCIAL HELP 103 10,61 147 52,17



TEACHING 38 29,24 41 4,75


LOCAL DEVELOPMENT 66 17,02 61 15,57

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 116 23,24 130 23,50

HEALTH 14 2,13 10 1,05



Total 1.133 160,52 1.210 178,28

PERIOD OF PAYMENTSFigures for 2017 Figures for 2016

n. Millions € n. Millions €

Before 2007 5 0,7 9 4,4

From 2007 to year of balance (not included) 2.217 141,2 1.980 123,8

Year of balance 343 45,6 373 20,4

Total 2.565 187,5 2.362 148,6


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Finally, it must be stated that for certain joint tenders and initiatives co-financed by other Foundations and outside public and private bodies, we at the Fondazione Cariplo are Group Leaders and give preliminary orders for payments to be made on our own IT platform. In 2017, this action permitted the companies in question to make total payments of 5,9 million euros to our various beneficiaries.

According to the payment instrument used, different preliminary procedures are envisaged to examine and approve applications to redefine a project, according to the following criteria:

a) for projects financed as part of a tender covered by the Disciplinary Procedure, various measures are envisaged according to the monetary amounts to be paid or the number of months applicable, which beneficiaries may manage in accordance with acquiescence mechanisms;

b) requests for redefinition which entail important changes to monetary amounts or which may affect shares or a partnership may only be approved by the Managing Director or the Board of Directors of the Foundation, according to the amounts involved.

Payments analysis

PAYMENTSFigures for 2017 Figures for 2016

n. Millions € n. Millions €

Pre-payments for TENDERS 240 13,0 179 9,2

Total payments for TENDERS 1.041 57,0 1.095 68,0

Payments for all instruments 2.565 187,5 2.362 148,6


Total2017 CO-FINANCIERS Fondazione

CariploTotal 2016

Millions € n. Millions € Applicable to n. Millions € Millions €

FUNDER35 1,61 100 0,81 Banking Foundations (9) 100 0,81 1,33

Joint notification ERC 0,94 9 0,57 Lombardy Region 19 0,38 0,23

AGER 1,66 8 0,97 Banking Foundations (9) 8 0,69 3,03

NUTRIRE IL PIANETA 1,73 19 1,12 Lombardy Region and Milan City Council 19 0,62 1,98

BURKINA FASO 0,68 18 0,44 Banking Foundations (24) and ACRI18 18 0,25 1,27

SPORT Tender 1,75 45 0,95 Lombardy Region 41 0,80 0,48

DONIAMO ENERGIA Tender 0,08 - - Banco dell'Energia 2 0,08 -

NEVER ALONE Tender 1,40 9 1,08 Banking Foundations (6) and "Enel nel Cuore" 9 0,32 -

Total 9,86 208 5,93 216 3,93 8,32

18 22 FOB are solely represented by Acri


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

In 2017 the Foundation decided to revoke 3.644.133,42 euros from the payment of 144 balances. The cancellation of these payments was to guarantee compliance with the principle of co-financing, as well as the proper attribution of expenses to projects financed by the Fondazione Cariplo.As required by current enacted law covering the presentation of projects, requests for admission are also verified after a contribution has been formally assigned. In particular, projects may be partially cancelled if they have only been partially completed or if the beneficiary has only had to meet part of the expenses initially budgeted. Total cancellation, on the other hand, is applicable when none of the project has been completed.


Complete cancellation

Partial cancellationTotal2016Prev. rules Discipline

n. euros n. euros n. euros n. euros n. euros

Tenders 109 2,52 30 1,01 - - 79 1,50 127 4,91

FC projects 17 0,25 8 0,04 9 0,22 - - 30 0,18

Other Department-coordinated instruments 5 0,07 1 - 4 0,07 - - 13 1,22

Emblematic payments 4 0,22 1 0,1 3 0,12 - - 14 4,61

Other out-of-tender actions 8 0,59 3 0,03 5 0,56 - - 17 1,51

Assets 1 - - - 1 - - - 21 0,06

Total 144 3,65 43 1,18 22 0,97 79 1,50 222 12,48


made during year

FORMAL REDEFINITION RE-DEF included in payment


RE-DEF managed independently as preliminaryApproval, MD Approval, BoD

2017 681 197 16 45 423

2016 604 185 21 40 358

Once again in 2017 the Foundation organised training initiatives for beneficiaries about procedures concerning payments and accounting. In particular, the 28 courses were frequented by 787 participants (in line with the figures for 2016), including individual partners implementing financed projects. Assessment work as part of payment procedures was significant, with new forms being used and a rise in figures. There were ninety-seven certificates issued by external professionals for projects "paid" in 2017. This type of certification made the declarations issued by beneficiaries more reliable for accounting procedures, and this gave the Foundation greater insurance. In monetary terms, these certificates are connected to contribution payment operations of 12,7 million euros (against 14 million in 2016), 6,8% of total payments during 2017. Among the projects paid in 2017 are many which were assessed (to the tune of approximately six million euros) , although the Fondazione Cariplo does not yet physically have all these certificates.

Summary of the quantities in operations


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo



Asset management at the Foundation is our way of providing a time scale for our profits, as well as increasing the value of our assets after payment, due to changes in the inflation rate.To avoid non-compliance with our institutional work, and to reduce the risk of investing in business models which are not sustainable over time, for many years we at the Foundation have applied social and environmental responsibility criteria when managing our assets, to limit our investment in issuing banks which do not comply with the main international conventions on human rights, the environment, or corruption, or which are involved in the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction or which sell

bonds issued by states guilty of serious violations of human rights. In line with the Foundation's requirements in terms of social and environmental responsibility, managers delegated to the Quaestio Capital Management SGR SpA platform are permitted to use two different approaches: to apply their own social responsibility criteria once they have been assessed by Quaestio, or alternatively to use a watchlist provided by Quaestio.19On average, 70% of managers use this watchlist.As at 31 December 2017, the watchlist provided by Quaestio to delegated managers lists 11 international issuers involved in serious human rights violations and 117 corporate issuers who have infringed one or more social responsibility criteria which we at the Foundation and the managers share. They are companies involved in the

manufacture of so-called controversial weapons (anti-personnel mines, cluster bombs, atomic, biological, or chemical weapons) or in serious violations of the principles adopted under the UN Global Compact, which cover international human rights conventions, workers' rights, biodiversity, the environment, and corruption.


For the first time since the banking crisis in 2008, all countries in the OECD saw a year of growth in 2017. Additionally, almost all emerging countries saw an increase in their GDP during 2017. With such a favourable situation overall company profits have risen by approximately 18,0%, and share prices have risen significantly. World inflation levels have remained moderate everywhere, and the spectre of deflation has disappeared. The central banks of the main economies are at different stages of the economic cycle the Central Bank of America has raised its rates at the end of the period of quantitative easing, and has begun

19 The watchlist is produced every three months by Etica Sgr for corporate issuers, and by “Freedom House” for international issuers.



Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

the opposite process of lowering budgets. The European Central Bank has adjusted its share purchasing programme, which should come to an end in late 2018 with the first rate rises expected in 2019, whereas the Central Bank of Japan does not expect monetary policy to change before late 2019.

In 2017 credit markets began benefiting from the upturn in the global economy, the consequence of which is that default issue failures are now much lower. Credit spread on high-risk bonds (those which perform better, the so-called “high yield” bonds) as against gilts, which is among the lowest it has ever been, has fallen even further.

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov





Emerging markets



















75Data source: Bloomberg

Stock market trends, 2017

USA - S&P 500 Index - last prz Italy - FTSE MIB Index - Ultimo prz Japan - Nikkei 225 - last prz

Europe - EURO STOXX 50 - last prz UK - FTSE 100 Index - last prz Emerging markets - MSCI Emerging Markets Index - last prz

Fig. 24 - Performance trends for 2017 on main world share markets (navy, United States: SPX Index; orange, Europe: SXSE Index; grey, Italy: FTSEMIB Index; yellow, UK: UKX Index; royal blue, Japan: NKY Index), together with a performance index for emerging markets (green, Emerging Markets: MXEF Index). All indices have been normalised to a figure of 100, as at 31 December 2016.


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Credit Spread Europe

Credit Spread USA







Data source: Bloomberg

Credit spread on corporate bonds

Credit Spread USA - BarCap US Corp HY YTW - 10 Years' Spread - last prz

Credit Spread Europe - Credit Suisse Lip Western European HY Eur Overall Benchmark Spread - last prz

Fig. 25 - Trends over the past 10 years in high-yield corporate bonds, in America (dark blue - GSCI BARC Indes) and Europe (light blue - LHYETOBS Index)

As forecast, sovereign debt has given lower return on yields than other types of investment with greater risk and, very often, especially for gilts from developed countries, has given negative yields. Only in several emerging countries has the improvement in bond markets and the reduction of credit spread allowed gilt-edged securities to give interesting results.Improvements in the world economy have seen the prices of raw materials rise, thus confirming that the trend seen last year has reversed after five years of significant corrections.

Raw materials and stock exchanges

Raw Materials - S&P GSCI Index Spot CME - last prz Stock exchanges - MSCI ACWI Index - last prz

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 20170











Data source: Bloomberg

Raw materials

World stock exchanges

Fig. 26 - Comparison between trends in an index for a basket of raw materials (dark blue, Raw Materials: SPGSCI Index) and a world share index (orange, World: MXWD Index)


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

As at 31 December 2017, the exchange value of the Foundation's investments in Quamvis SIF Fund One was 5,168 billion euros, or 65,8% of total Foundation assets.

Quamvis SIF Fund One is managed by Quaestio Capital Management SGR S.p.A., a subsidiary of Quaestio Holding SA, a firm based in Luxembourg but fiscally domiciled in Italy according to its Articles of Association. The Foundation owns 27,65% of its shares.

During 2017, yield from Quamvis SIF Fund One, minus commission but including tax dues, was up by 6.64% and this helped Foundation shares rise due to a “net re-assessment of non-frozen financial instruments” to the tune of 178,62 million euros. This performance by Quamvis SIF Fund One exceeded the reference benchmark of 1,71 percentage points, a very significant result due mainly to the positive contribution by Quaestio to management and to selecting platform managers.


As at 31 December 2017, total Fondazione Cariplo assets amounted to 7,853 billion euros20 and were invested in the following financial instruments:

20 If we consider not the face value but the market value of the shares, the total estimate for the end of 2017 goes from 7,853 billion euros to 8.200 billion euros. The face value at market rates for total Foundation assets has therefore written by 534 Mm euros since 2016 (7,665 billion euros), after considering all payments, expenses, and taxes for 2017.

Closed-end funds


Other assets

Share ownership

Portfolio composition by asset type

Fondi chiusi

Altri assets

Partecipazioni azionarie

Quamvis Sca Sicav-Fis Fund One Class C




7%Other shares

Intesa San Paolo spa

Fig. 27Makeup of the Fondazione Cariplo portfolio, by financial instrument.


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

QUAMVIS SCA SICAV-FIS FUND ONE CLASS CComparison of yield on QUAMVIS and return on BENCHMARK SIF - 2017 (T° 31/12/2016 - gross yield)


































































Data source: Quaestio Capital

Fig. 28 - Trends in performance by Quamvis SIF Fund One (red) and by own benchmark for 2017 (blue).

Fig. 29 - Distribution of gross dividends for 2017, by share

Gross dividends 2017


6.800.0006.121.979 799.353 423.276















In May 2017, the Foundation Board of Directors voted to sell some of its shares in Quamvis SIF Fund One, reducing its ownership from 34% to 17,5%. This was to consolidate some of the profits and until then by Quamvis SIF Fund One, much better than originally forecast, and it reduced investment hazards. As at 31 December 2017, the face value of the Foundation shares portfolio was 2,330 billion euros, or 29,7% of total assets. During 2017, the shares portfolio also gave good dividends compared with 2016 of 166,26 million euros. The freezing in late 2016 of Intesa Sanpaolo SpA and the investment of this capital in the Bank of Italy, another of Fondazione Cariplo's assets, gave - as everyone had expected - benefits from better dividends. The impact of market volatility was thus lowered for the Foundation.


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Fig. 30 - Intesa Sanpaolo SpA market rate trends (blue, ISP IM Equity) against the world stock exchange index (orange, World: MXWD Index) in 2017

If we look now at the performance of long-term finance, between 1998 and 2017 Fondazione Cariplo's net asset figures at market rates have gone from 6,18 billion euros to 7,24 billion euros. In approximately twenty years net assets at market rates have thus increased by 1,06 billion euros, after payments, running costs, and taxation. Over the same time period, the gap foundation has destined 3,5 billion euros to institutional actions, equal to an annual average of approximately 183 million euros.

The high rate of diversity between our assets, and proper compliance with our prudential investment rules, have meant that the Foundation's assets are properly protected and have even increased in value after payments (although slightly less than the Italian inflation rate).

Our current financial situation, where all our investments are graded very highly, and where we have an unusually low level of volatility (although this will inevitably change when the central banks return to more "normal" monetary policies), suggest we should adopt a relatively cautious investment policy, even though our payment stabilisation fund - not enormous compared to our overall assets - is in fairly good health.

In 2017, net yield rates at market prices for Foundation assets were 7,86%. This positive result, as well as the Quamvis SIF Fund One contribution, benefited from an appreciation in the Intesa Sanpaolo SpA share price, from cashed dividends, and capital gains on several closed-end funds, especially the F2i fund. The payment's stabilisation fund therefore rose from its 111,9 million euros in late 2016 to 224,9 million euros in late 2017.

Intesa Sanpaolo spa and world stock exchange index - 2017

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA - last prz (right-hand side)

40 2














Data source: Bloomberg

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA

World stock exchanges

Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu Lug Ago Set Ott Nov

Stock exchanges - MSCI ACWI Index - last prz (left-hand side)


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

American stock market and volatility

Volatility - VIX Index (R1) last prz (left-hand side)

0 2














Data source: Bloomberg


US stock exchanges

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

American stock market - SP500 (R2) last prz (right-hand side)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Size of payments stabilisation fund










Fig. 31 - For the US, stock market trends (orange, United States: SPX Index) and its volatility (blue, VIX Index)

Fig. 32 - Size of Foundation payments stabilisation fund, 2000-2017


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Assets status


PROFITS 31.12.2017 31.12.2016 Var. %

1) Fixed and intangible assets 26.123.199 23.730.385 10,08

a) property 22.000.272 21.203.536 3,76

- including: usable property 22.000.272 21.203.536 3,76

b) artistic items 2.268.342 2.268.342 -

c) usable chattels 1.101.034 184.194 498

d) other goods 753.551 74.313 914

2) Financial investments 2.322.454.972 2.177.489.841 6,66

a) other shares: 2.307.905.014 6,94

- including majority shares 62.410.000 62.410.000 -

b) debt bonds 14.549.958 19.408.076 (25,0)

3) Unfrozen financial instruments 5.437.236.925 5.339.728.495 1,83

a) financial instuments entrusted to individual asset management - 5.116.482.980 (100)

b) listed financial instruments: 2.323.477 - -

including: capital shares 2.323.477 - -

c) Unlisted financial instruments: 5.434.913.448 223.245.515 2.335

including: capital shares 21.563.711 2.100.612 927

including parts of collective savings investment departments 5.413.349.737 221.144.903 2.348

4) Credits 16.318.501 42.087.036 (61,2)

of which: to mature by following year 12.249.589 26.127.979 (53,1)

5) Cash 19.709.715 1.207.936 1.532

6) Accruals and payables 277.587 87.262 218

Total assets 7.822.120.899 7.584.330.955 3,14


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Assets status

LOSSES 31.12.2017 31.12.2016 Var. %

1) Net assets 6.956.153.706 6.819.829.264 2,00

a) Endowment fund 3.394.641.811 3.394.641.811 -

b) Reserve per Section 7 Law N° 218/1990 1.643.044.722 1.643.044.722 -

c) appreciation reserve for transfer sales 232.311.577 232.311.577 -

d) real asset value safeguard fund 99.115.782 99.115.782 -

e) compulsory reserve per Section 8C, Legislative Decree N°. 153/99 878.549.883 811.883.739 8,21

f) assets integrity reserve 632.915.052 632.915.052 -

g) donation reserve 1.181.007 1.181.007 -

h) transfer re-assessment reserve 74.393.872 74.393.872 -

i) deficit carried forward - (38.731.681) (100)

l) remaining surplus/deficit - (30.926.617) (100)

2) Funds for institutional activities 320.484.545 193.632.494 65,51

a) payments stabilisation fund 224.989.748 111.877.916 101

b) payments funds for significant Departments: 59.786.338 46.611.779 28,26

of which: institutional activities fund 58.446.631 45.282.983 29,07

of which: Community Foundations set-up fund 970.429 847.995 14,4

of which: Community Foundations contribution fund 369.278 480.801 (23,2)

d) other funds: 35.708.459 35.142.799 1,61

of which: Southern Foundation allocation fund 34.406.811 34.406.811 -

of which: others 1.301.648 735.988 76,9

3) Hazards and dues fund 140.392.782 122.850.568 14,3

4) Employee end-of-contract bonus fund 2.409.244 2.153.736 11,86

5) Payments deliberated 386.226.875 425.836.559 (9,30)

a) in significant Departments 386.226.875 425.836.559 (9,30)

6) Voluntary work fund 9.255.936 7.141.648 29,61

7) Debts 7.187.808 12.882.634 (44,2)

of which: due by following year 7.187.808 12.882.634 (44,2)

8) Accrued and payable losses 10.003 4.052 147

Total losses 7.822.120.899 7.584.330.955 3,14


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo

Profit and loss account

2017 2016 Var. %

1) Profits from individual assets managed 108.961.372 151.895.987 (28,3)

2) Dividends and assimilated earnings 166.255.475 20.676.171 704

b) from shares other than those in instrumental companies 160.133.496 18.352.185 773

c) from unfrozen financial instruments 6.121.979 2.323.986 163

3) Assimilated interests and proceeds 171.921 128.828 33

a) from long-term investments 145.354 32.499 347

b) from unfrozen financial instruments 26.567 96.329 (72)

c) from credits and cash - - -

4) Net re-appraisal/devaluation of unfrozen financial instruments 120.867.361 (653.613) (18.592)

5) Result of negotiation in unfrozen financial instruments 73.446.550 (196.440.563) (137)

6) Net re-appraisal/devaluation of unfrozen financial instruments (150.679) (2.269) 6.541

7) Other proceeds 12.206.735 6.034.220 102

8) Charges (13.420.770) (13.463.528) (0,32)

a) fees and refunds, statutory body expenses (2.127.755) (2.020.883) 5,29

b) staff (6.072.909) (5.417.643) 12,10

c) consultancy and contractor fees (591.804) (618.130) (4,26)

d) for asset management services (218.788) (1.284.561) (82,97)

e) annuities (1.203.404) (856.295) 40,54

f) set-asides (691.972) (691.972) (0,00)

g) other expenses (2.514.138) (2.574.044) (2,33)

9) Special proceeds 3.239.742 89.724 3.511

of which: capital gains from transfersfrom long-term investments 1.726.128 - N.A.

10) Special charges (29.401) (25.001.556) (99,9)

11) Taxes (68.559.289) 25.809.982 (366)

Operating surplus 402.989.017 (30.926.617) (1.403)

12) Cover for previous deficits (69.658.298) - N.A.

13) Set-aside to compulsory reserve per Section 8C, Legislative Decree N° 153/1999 (66.666.144) - N.A.

14) Payments deliberated during year (105.946.258) - N.A.

a) in significant Departments (105.946.258) - -

15) Set-asides to sole fund for voluntary work per Section 62, Subsection 3D, Legislative Decree N°. 117/2017

(8.888.819) - N.A.

16) Set-asides to funds for institutional activities (151.829.498) - N.A.

a) to payments stabilisation fund (113.111.832) - -

b) to payment funds for significant Departments: - to institutional activities payment fund (37.917.672) - N.A.

d) to other funds (799.994) - N.A.

17) Set-aside to asset integrity reserve - - -

Remaining surplus / deficit - (30.926.617) (100)


Mission Budget_2017Fondazione Cariplo


This Mission Budget covers the work done by the Fondazione Cariplo in 2017.The main purpose of this document is to provide the information required by current enacted law covering banking foundations, Section 9 of Legislative Decree N°. 153/1999, and its subsequent Application Act dated 19 April 2001. The measures currently being applied by the Ministry also require that these foundations illustrate the "social measures they wish to achieve and the operations they have achieved, setting out which results they have obtained among the various categories of people."

To this end, talks were held with some of the most important people at the Foundation before the Mission Budget was drawn up. In accordance with all the information received, a draft Mission Budget was prepared to make the information available in as simple and interesting a way possible for the reader; this document also contains internet links for the subjects in question so that anyone who wishes to do so can read further about these matters.

The Fondazione Cariplo, in line with the 2030 international agenda which incorporates the seventeen SDGs or Sustainable Development Goals, is happy to explain its contributions in full. To this end, where possible, the various logos used to represent the goals which the Foundation wishes to reach have been set out for each different payment instrument.

ThanksThis document has been prepared thanks to

the efficient and careful cooperation of all Departments at the Fondazione Cariplo

Published byFondazione Cariplo

For further informationFondazione Cariplo

Via Daniele Manin 2320121 Milan

Tel. 02 [email protected]


Graphics and creative designMix Comunicazione


Fondazione CariploVia Daniele Manin 23

20121 Milan







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