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Motivation and empowerment

Date post: 14-Apr-2017
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Motivation and Empowerment
Page 1: Motivation and empowerment

Motivation and Empowerment

Page 2: Motivation and empowerment

ايه؟ هتعمل باللين، معاك

Page 3: Motivation and empowerment

• 30 years from now a newspaper article is written about each of you.

• What would you like to be said about you?

• It should be the craziest ambition you can think of!

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Exercise • Find 4 synonyms for the word

“Power”• In pairs >> groups of 4 >> groups of


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What’s empowerment?

“It’s when an individual or group help another individual or group to get power.”

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Whom can we empower?

• Our colleagues • Our fellow members in IFMSA/IADS or any

student organizations• People from our community • Disadvantaged groups• Our team!• Our patients

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Why empower?

• I’m not the source of all great ideas• It Frees Me Up To Work on Bigger

Things• It Makes Me Attractive To Work/Work

For• It's More Fun

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Why not empower?• Fear

• Empowered member’s error = costly error• Consistency

• More than one empowered member, may lead to lack of consistency

• Laziness• Too lazy to empower!• As empowerment needs good training, clear

guidelines and continuous monitoring

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Definition of motivation

“Motivation addresses the degree to which you want to or are willing to complete the work necessary for you to reach your own goals”

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory

• Needs are categorized from lower to higher

• Individual satisfy lower needs before higher needs

• Satisfied needs will no longer motivate• Motivating a person depends on knowing

at what level that person is on the hierarchy.

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Maslow’s Definition of a Self-actualized Person

• Mentally intact

• Satisfied in basic needs

• Creative

• Motivated by values

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Stand up please!

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Motivated Vs Motivator

Or External motivation

Vs Internal motivation

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What about a new experience?
